In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [2]:
%autoreload 2
In [3]:
from text2topics import reports
from text2topics import utilities
from text2topics import clean
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import collections
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
wordlist_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/word-lists"
wordlists = ["2016-12-07-SDA-last-names.txt",
In [6]:
spelling_dictionary = utilities.create_spelling_dictionary(wordlist_dir, wordlists)
In [7]:
title = "GH"
In [8]:
base_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/{}/".format(title)
In [9]:
cycle = 'baseline'
In [10]:
stats = reports.overview_report(join(base_dir, cycle), spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/baseline Average verified rate: 0.937820099911431 Average of error rates: 0.06425506673257539 Total token count: 2285224
In [11]:
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( stats )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 100 )
[('-', 4029), ("'", 2999), ('ñ', 2726), ('e', 2495), ('m', 2108), ('w', 1965), ('¥', 1750), ('t', 1544), ('r', 1535), (')', 1342), ('re-', 1261), ('d', 1107), ('f', 1100), ('con-', 1076), ('in-', 1058), ('g', 1037), ('n', 975), ('be-', 911), ('tion', 907), ('de-', 656), ('oo', 613), ('x', 591), ('com-', 526), ('(', 520), ('ment', 495), ('ex-', 487), ('th', 420), ('en-', 420), ('mis-', 371), ('dis-', 364), ('_', 359), ('un-', 320), ('pro-', 299), ('ple', 283), ('ers', 277), ('ac-', 272), ('im-', 267), ('ence', 266), ('per-', 264), ('tions', 261), ('peo-', 258), ('pre-', 256), ('/', 255), ('at-', 252), ('ad-', 228), ('ga', 222), ('co', 213), ('*', 209), ('to-', 206), ('sab-', 204), ('meet-', 204), ("'the", 202), ('ful', 197), ('ly', 197), ('col-', 190), ('ments', 187), ('an-', 186), ('ber', 185), ('the-', 181), ('al-', 178), ('for-', 168), ('ap-', 166), ('sionary', 164), ('k', 159), ("the'", 157), ('ance', 156), ('u', 155), ('mem-', 151), ('-the', 148), ('--', 146), ('them-', 145), ('mes-', 144), ('ference', 139), ('ored', 138), ('ern', 137), ('south-', 137), ('io', 135), ('with-', 132), ('ary', 132), ('build-', 131), ('work-', 130), ('pp', 129), ('oak-', 128), ('chil-', 127), ('inter-', 126), ('or-', 126), ('ã', 125), ('dren', 124), ('some-', 122), ("''", 122), ('so-', 121), ('mission-', 121), ('sub-', 120), ('bers', 117), ('confer-', 117), ('ent', 115), ('ceived', 115), ('can-', 114), ('sup-', 113), ('self-', 112), ("'of", 111), ('fol-', 111), ('ser-', 110), ('z', 109), ('thot', 107), ('ex', 107), ('pa', 106), ('hun-', 104), ('es-', 102), ('pres-', 101), ('teach-', 101)]
Check Special Character Use¶
In [12]:
[('ñ', 2726), ('¥', 1750), (')', 1342), ('(', 520), ('_', 359), ('/', 255), ('*', 209), ('ã', 125), ('ñthe', 90), ('%', 81), ('`', 80), ('=', 75), ('ñselected', 67), (']', 63), ('**', 52), ('+', 52), ('(continued', 47), ('tennã', 46), ('¥¥', 46), ('ô', 44), ('ña', 41), ('[the', 39), ('(the', 38), ('(see', 38), ('¡', 37), ('[', 37), ('(gen', 36), ('(verse', 34), ('\\', 34), ('(concluded', 32), ('(entered', 32), ('ñmrs', 31), ('ñsingle', 30), ('•', 30), ('(rom', 30), ('(rev', 30), ('(a)', 29), ('(heb', 29), ('(b)', 28), ('(i', 28), ('(john', 27), ('ñin', 26), ('_the', 26), ('(matt', 25), ('i)', 25), ('(isa', 24), ('(acts', 23), ('ñand', 23), ('ñed', 23), ('(and', 22), ('#', 22), ('ñanon', 22), ('¥¥¥', 22), ('—', 21), ('(c)', 21), ('¥the', 21), ("t('", 21), ("('", 20), ('ñthat', 20), ('the_', 20), ('(for', 19), ('the¥', 18), ('(ex', 16), ('ñj', 16), ('ñc', 16), ('ñto', 16), ('-¥', 15), ('ñsel', 15), ('\ufeff', 15), ('¥and', 15), ('(in', 15), ('(ps', 15), ('š', 14), ('ñbut', 14), ('ñi', 14), ('ñf', 14), ('(dan', 13), ('father]', 13), ('(d)', 13), ('(gal', 13), ('(colored)', 13), ('(luke', 13), ('(i)', 13), ('ó', 12), ("'¥", 12), ('``', 12), ('(not', 12), ('%iv', 12), ('ñwe', 12), ('ö', 11), ('ñr', 11), ('~', 11), ('and_', 11), ('[or', 11), ('a_', 11), ('^', 11), ('a/a', 11), ('ñnot', 11), ('(a', 11), ('✓', 11), ('ñthis', 10), ('(our', 10), ('of_', 10), ('`the', 10), ('name)', 10), ('(that', 10), ('(to', 10), ('[margin', 10), ('(eph', 10), ('ñid', 9), ('[christ]', 9), ('ñhe', 9), ("¥'", 9), ('¥of', 9), ('¥-', 9), ('ñno', 9), ('(verses', 9), ('-_', 9), ('(new', 9), ('o)', 9), ('et*', 8), ("nt('", 8), ('to)', 8), ('ñchristian', 8), ('(per', 8), ('(white)', 8), ('ñwho', 8), ('(p', 8), ('¥in', 8), ('ñg', 8), ('(signed)', 8), ('a¥', 8), ('ñs', 8), ('(e)', 8), ('ñit', 8), ("ñ'", 8), ('(which', 8), ('(f)', 8), ('_to', 8), ('ñfor', 8), ('(g)', 8), ('(as', 7), ('to¥', 7), ('ñall', 7), ('it)', 7), ('to_', 7), ('(margin', 7), ('in¥', 7), ('people)', 7), ('++', 7), ('ñdr', 7), ('(r', 7), ('(or', 7), ('(this', 7), ('***', 7), ('ñfrom', 7), ("ñyouth's", 7), ('ñmilitary', 6), ("`'", 6), ('*¥*', 6), ('`and', 6), ('[was]', 6), ('of¥', 6), ('ñl', 6), ('in_', 6), ('*if', 6), ('(h)', 6), ('*ir', 6), ('ñw', 6), ('itñ', 6), ("'`", 6), ('ñjames', 6), ('ñby', 6), ('[from', 6), ('(vs', 6), ('*the', 6), ('years)', 6), ("/'", 6), ('(model', 6), ('for_', 6), ('i/', 6), ('(compare', 6), ('_-', 6), ('}', 6), (")'", 6), ('t)', 6), ('_i', 6), ('(christ)', 6), ('>', 6), ('(job', 6), ('ñrev', 6), ('publish=', 6), ('(eze', 6), ('and¥', 5), ("')", 5), ('¥a', 5), ('`by', 5), ('%m', 5), ('(phil', 5), ('a%', 5), ("'ñ", 5), ('(no', 5), ('is¥', 5), ('ñwhat', 5), ('¥i', 5), ('margin)', 5), ('with_', 5), ('who_', 5), ('(num', 5), ('(jer', 5), ('¥that', 5), ('south=', 5), ('(by', 5), ('ò', 5), ('the=', 5), ('(mark', 5), ('{', 5), ('(ado', 5), ('[this', 5), ('ii)', 5), ('//', 5), ('ñhow', 5), ('i¡', 5), ("father's]", 5), ('was¥', 5), ('¥¥¥¥', 5), ('ñ`', 5), ('be_', 5), ('(jno', 5), ('work)', 5), ('__', 5), ('(r)', 5), ('[of', 5), ('****', 5), ('ñthey', 5), ('ñis', 5), ('¥-¥', 5), ('_and', 5), ('ñjohn', 5), ('[moses]', 5), ('(he', 5), ('ñpatriarchs', 5), ('ñour', 5), ('ñe', 5), ('ñyes', 4), ('part)', 4), ('(col', 4), ('(with', 4), ('adapted]', 4), ('christ]', 4), ('children)', 4), ('¥at', 4), ('(now', 4), ('()', 4), ('`it', 4), ('ñlowell', 4), ('(from', 4), ('have¥', 4), ('(london)', 4), ('(margin)', 4), ('(n', 4), ('[margin]', 4), ('the]', 4), ('ñt', 4), ('#abbath', 4), ('ñof', 4), ('<', 4), ('(-', 4), ('¥with', 4), ('`with', 4), ('ñso', 4), ('/the', 4), ('/he', 4), ('_of', 4), ('continued)', 4), ('#ince', 4), ('godñ', 4), ('sabbath=school', 4), ('¤', 4), ('(ii)', 4), ('it_', 4), ("[christ's]", 4), ('ñpresent', 4), ('(continued)', 4), ('ñhis', 4), ('ñnew', 4), ('-(', 4), ('fuelñone', 4), ('(about', 4), ('are_', 4), ('[had]', 4), ('iñ', 4), ('¥we', 4), ('margin]', 4), ('allñ', 4), ('have_', 4), ('[self-denial]', 4), ('(patented)', 4), ('_people', 4), ('[in', 4), ('ñas', 4), ('at¥', 4), ('(personal', 4), ('`do', 4), ('/or', 4), ('io)', 4), ('_a', 4), ('ñdied', 4), ('re=', 4), ('ñgood', 4), ('`i', 4), ('(an', 4), ('¥to', 4), ('timeñ', 4), ('ñd', 4), ('been_', 4), ('the`', 4), ('ñwar', 3), ('them)', 3), ('al/', 3), ('we¥', 3), ('`we', 3), ('us_', 3), ('saidñ', 3), ('flyñshuttle', 3), ('ñthere', 3), ('`if', 3), ('(w', 3), ("'`i", 3), ('ñb', 3), ("ñram's", 3), ('the/', 3), ('ñmargaret', 3), ('ãof', 3), ('ñeditor', 3), ('ñella', 3), ("qt('", 3), ('_that', 3), ('be¥', 3), ('students_', 3), ('_give', 3), ('¥m', 3), ('¥it', 3), ('_this', 3), ('_herald', 3), ('(roman', 3), ('life)', 3), ('[gr', 3), ('all_', 3), ('£', 3), ('(widow', 3), ('(because', 3), ('*ip', 3), ("ñ''", 3), ('[a', 3), ('(where', 3), ('(chap', 3), ('*from', 3), ('of_the', 3), ('godã', 3), ('ñeven', 3), ('ñelizabeth', 3), ('(e', 3), ('con=', 3), ('(commissions', 3), ('ñbefore', 3), ('ñexchange', 3), ('once—lest', 3), ('-`', 3), ('aveã', 3), ('eight)', 3), ('`those', 3), ('york)', 3), ('*as', 3), ('ñiowa', 3), ('ñsunday-school', 3), ('(incorporated)', 3), ('(dent', 3), ('¥s', 3), ('`god', 3), ('[to', 3), ('[living]', 3), ('law]', 3), ('we_', 3), ('good)', 3), ('lord_', 3), ('for¥', 3), ('`some', 3), ('ñphillips', 3), ('(ala', 3), ('ñwas', 3), ('sunday=school', 3), ('god]', 3), ('_is', 3), ('[compare', 3), ('(midget', 3), ('i_', 3), ('()cob', 3), ('ñjust', 3), ('¥its', 3), ('%if', 3), ('tooñ', 3), ('month)', 3), ('(sold)', 3), ('f)', 3), ('(my', 3), ('oneñ', 3), ('ñhenry', 3), ('¥be', 3), ('ñedward', 3), (')¥', 3), ('wool)', 3), ('-*', 3), ('(james', 3), ('`have', 3), ('¥¥¥¥¥', 3), ('a¡', 3), ('(io)', 3), ('(to)', 3), ('`)', 3), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 3), ('ñadapted', 3), ('work_', 3), ('¥%', 3), ('ñrobert', 3), ('¥on', 3), ('so_', 3), ('(trait)', 3), ('(zech', 3), ('ñreview', 3), ('south)', 3), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥', 3), ('_coming', 3), ('edition)', 3), ('ñsunday', 3), ('ñbible', 3), ('_our', 3), ('ñan', 3), ('knowñ', 3), ('is_', 3), ('û', 3), ('ñits', 3), ('`¥', 3), ('-)', 3), ('ñlondon', 3), ('ñoh', 3), ('_but', 3), ('andñ', 3), ('¦', 3), ('ñh', 3), ('s¥', 3), ('are¥', 3), ('ñm', 3), ('that_', 3), ('_they', 3), ('ñthese', 3), ("'*", 3), ('¥had', 3), ('¥for', 3), ('concluded)', 3), ('`what', 3), ('stã', 3), ('[adapte', 3), ('(mass', 2), ('_them', 2), ('(eternal', 2), ('(on', 2), ('¥from', 2), ('cents)', 2), ('_build', 2), ('¥your', 2), ('giveñ', 2), ('black)', 2), ('ñamos', 2), ('¥any', 2), ('ñgospel', 2), ('/e', 2), ('time)', 2), ('notñ', 2), ('weeks)', 2), ('volcanic)', 2), ('ñsydney', 2), ('*•', 2), ('[marginal', 2), ('toñ', 2), ('meñ', 2), ('))', 2), ('hourñthen', 2), ('ñchicago', 2), ('¥our', 2), ('lord)', 2), ('ñillustrated', 2), ('•=', 2), ('<>', 2), ('_r', 2), ('¥as', 2), ('ñsecretary', 2), ("'¥'", 2), ('¥-of', 2), ('neverñforever', 2), ('donations*', 2), ('beñ', 2), ('[ex', 2), ('andã', 2), ('(may', 2), ('[adapted]', 2), ('cheat)', 2), ('¥out', 2), ('ñspurgeon', 2), ('(sunday)', 2), ('(revelation', 2), ('(f', 2), ('ãbe', 2), ('agesñthe', 2), ("(satan's)", 2), ('recipes)', 2), ('friendñ', 2), ('first¥', 2), ('`so', 2), ('this_', 2), ('ñlittle', 2), ('spirit]', 2), ('(sept', 2), ('eyes_', 2), ('(conclusion', 2), ('grave]', 2), ('ñsin', 2), ('¥an', 2), ('ñmen', 2), ('ti*', 2), ('oneñand', 2), ('stampsñcost', 2), ('*p', 2), ('smilingñjust', 2), ('(australia)', 2), ('ñwhen', 2), ('(there', 2), ('-¥¥-¥', 2), ('right)', 2), ('mostñthe', 2), ('*-', 2), ('all¥', 2), ('(same', 2), ('foreverñnever', 2), ('ñsir', 2), ('[about', 2), ("'`god", 2), ('ñlesson', 2), ('workersñsowers', 2), ('(altho', 2), ('givenñ', 2), ('ñian', 2), ('¥was', 2), ('##', 2), ('i*', 2), ('¥-did', 2), ('_church', 2), ('¥lord', 2), ('no/', 2), ('of*', 2), ('us¥', 2), ('ñsun-', 2), ('in)', 2), (')s', 2), ('ñshe', 2), ('ãã', 2), ('ñbooker', 2), ('ñenclosed', 2), ('_moody', 2), ('ñthen', 2), ('ñlet', 2), ('living)', 2), ('strachan_', 2), ('ñduring', 2), ('ñunderclothing', 2), ('%is', 2), ('peopleñ', 2), ('ãschool', 2), ('¥one', 2), ('but_', 2), ('y_', 2), ('ñn', 2), ('father)', 2), ('%i', 2), ('_school', 2), ('ñwhich', 2), ('i%', 2), ('dead)', 2), ('[bonds', 2), ('\\\\', 2), ('isñ', 2), ('_some', 2), ('(tenn', 2), ('ñgeo', 2), ('_how', 2), ('my_', 2), ('this¥', 2), ('(mrs', 2), ('grade)', 2), ('ãthey', 2), ('com_', 2), ('%ft', 2), ('(being', 2), ('know_', 2), ('as¥', 2), ('¥z', 2), ('(mal', 2), ('mis=', 2), ('_we', 2), ('•i', 2), ('ñmore', 2), ('moat)', 2), ('*for', 2), ('(paul)', 2), ('¥this', 2), ('ñmary', 2), ('_are', 2), ('a*', 2), ('(only', 2), ('company)', 2), ('a\\', 2), ('/-', 2), ('_world', 2), ('✓v', 2), ('¥¥=', 2), ('(judges', 2), ('¥ti', 2), ('r)', 2), ('k)', 2), ('ñprof', 2), ('ñwell', 2), ('`for', 2), ('view)', 2), ('ñare', 2), ('no=', 2), ('sin)', 2), ('literatureñand', 2), ('ñinstead', 2), ('preaching_', 2), ('_bible', 2), ('ñgod', 2), ('who¥', 2), ('wantedñ', 2), ('(aug', 2), ('(cut', 2), ('(concluded)', 2), ('serviceñ', 2), ('ñu', 2), ('`there', 2), ('todayñ', 2), ('`in', 2), ('ñor', 2), ('¥you', 2), (')te', 2), ('/a', 2), ('¥can', 2), ('no¥', 2), ('_god', 2), ('ñbishop', 2), ("`world's", 2), (')a', 2), ('`you', 2), ('*and', 2), ('¥their', 2), ('thou_', 2), ('(teachers', 2), ('angels)', 2), ('¥down', 2), ('_will', 2), ('ñdonation', 2), ('ñhave', 2), ('*physical', 2), ('several_', 2), ('teachers)', 2), ('heaven]', 2), ('ñliberty', 2), ('homesñ', 2), ('ãthe', 2), ('(pp', 2), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 2), ('¥saying', 2), ('s¥o', 2), ("(god's)", 2), ('`thy', 2), ('ñsigns', 2), ('[seven', 2), ('\\v', 2), ('by_', 2), ('completeness]', 2), ('[i', 2), ('ñif', 2), ('word]', 2), ('_quarter', 2), ('¨', 2), ('their¥', 2), ('good_', 2), ('¥united', 2), ('-=', 2), ('ñthose', 2), ('¥do', 2), ('■', 2), ('(chapter', 2), ('debt—', 2), ('`testimonies', 2), ('school)', 2), ('(do', 2), ('¥t', 2), ('showsñthat', 2), ('t()', 2), ('de=', 2), ('been¥', 2), ('(red', 2), ('by_the', 2), ('church_', 2), ('come_', 2), ('(death)', 2), ('\\the', 2), ('sayñand', 2), ('ñmay', 2), ('¥began', 2), ('(hot', 2), ('(love)', 2), ('`of', 2), ('(may)', 2), ('(below', 2), ("[god's]", 2), ('(though', 2), ('(but', 2), ('lie)', 2), ('ç', 2), ('earth]', 2), ('_sabbath', 2), ('*front', 2), ('ôif', 2), ('(eccl', 2), ('ñthomas', 2), ('(class', 2), ('_he', 2), ('o=', 2), ('t)to', 2), ('(word', 2), ('right_', 2), (')-', 2), ('ñnone', 2), ('nc)', 2), ('fact)', 2), ('lawñthe', 2), ('/l', 2), ('coã', 2), ('ãthat', 2), ('do_', 2), ('`_`', 2), ('(ohio)', 2), ('_have', 2), ('ãi', 2), ('=-', 2), ('city)', 2), ('ñbaptist', 2), ('_colored', 2), ('ñservice', 2), ('does_', 2), ('(elder', 2), ('ñeverything', 2), ('¥tennessee', 2), ('day]', 2), ('¥p', 2), ('i=', 2), ('*--', 2), ('(formerly', 2), ('`that', 2), ('`hough', 2), ('*to', 2), ('_many', 2), ('[prom', 2), ('[transgression', 2), ('(myself)', 2), ('ñthree', 2), ('him_', 2), ('nict)t', 2), ('@', 2), ('ñyou', 2), ('o(', 2), ('è', 2), ('(ro)', 2), ('(who', 2), ('_poor', 2), ('camp=meeting', 2), ('t¥', 2), ('own_', 2), ('ñstandard', 2), ('(s', 2), ('¥e', 2), ('yearsñ', 2), ('`twas', 2), ('membershipñ', 2), ('(glory)', 2), ('people_', 2), ('our¥', 2), ('(care', 2), ('_several', 2), ('(t)', 2), ('ñwith', 2), ('`this', 2), ('ñwhere', 2), ('was_', 2), ('the__', 2), ('doñ', 2), ('ñlucy', 2), ('on)', 2), ('(some', 2), ('¡i', 2), ('`be', 2), ('fensesñwill', 2), ('(when', 2), ('e¥¥', 2), ('ii()', 2), ('`inasmuch', 2), ('(january', 2), ('*ere', 2), ('ñarranged', 2), ('[colored', 2), ('(lie', 2), ('¥all', 2), ('catholic)', 2), ('++why', 2), ("clt('", 2), ('(tune', 2), ('man¥', 2), ('(zrato', 2), ('thoughtñ', 2), ('neededñworkers', 2), ('water)', 2), ('being¥', 2), ('¥¥s', 2), ('his¥', 2), ('*ill', 2), ('ñgo', 2), ('r>', 2), ('ñindependent', 2), ('ñsuch', 2), ('(two', 2), ('`to', 2), ('ñhealth', 2), ('itñthat', 2), ('(she', 2), ('¡us', 2), ('(t', 2), ('newñ', 2), ('of=', 2), ('_ñ', 2), ('`colored', 2), ('(one', 2), ('re¥', 2), ('ñamerican', 2), ('¥--', 2), ('mortgages]', 2), ('(prov', 2), ('thingñ', 2), ('bodyñ', 2), ('¥did', 2), ('acres)', 2), ('_it', 2), ('deathñeternal', 2), ('k**', 2), ('fundñ', 2), ('a}', 2), ('which_', 2), ('bible)', 2), ('confer=', 2), ('#abbatii', 2), ('-**', 2), ('m/', 2), ('has_', 2), ('igor)', 2), ('ñunited', 2), ('\\to', 2), ('%pi', 2), ('which¥', 2), ('artñ', 2), ('sin_', 2), ('ñtestimony', 2), ('[were]', 2), ('¥if', 2), ('his=', 2), ('co/porter', 2), ('this*', 2), ('w¥', 2), ('herald¥', 2), ('_by', 2), ('he]', 2), ('will_', 2), ('courage_', 2), ('see_', 2), ('he_', 2), ('¥=', 2), ('_reading', 2), ('[we', 2), ('_new', 2), ('not_', 2), ('(boston)', 2), ('[through', 2), ('[abraham]', 2), ('*¥', 2), ('¥every', 2), ('#puclor', 1), ('/there', 1), ('ofb_e_itig', 1), ('iisene=', 1), ('%oakwood', 1), ('¥effort', 1), ('*preaching', 1), ('_no', 1), ('talk¥', 1), ('¥¥ip', 1), ('ñcalcium', 1), ('canvass=', 1), ('`e', 1), ('tw¡girls', 1), ('godñno', 1), ('knowledgeñdemands', 1), ('i¥', 1), ('mmegmmmmrnm%nmnmmn', 1), ('christñthe', 1), ('ñfaithful', 1), ('which/', 1), ('_horses', 1), ('oracleñthat', 1), ('ifñmy', 1), ('gent)', 1), ('griã', 1), ('aaa)', 1), ('[god]', 1), ('(roman)', 1), ('`tr', 1), ('(divinity)', 1), ('hairñperhaps', 1), ('`give', 1), ('_meetings', 1), ('clitif*ceecipecifliz', 1), ("c)t('", 1), ('r•e', 1), ('ñ-', 1), ('ñclearly', 1), ('of+', 1), ("'ñreally", 1), ('i\\nntr', 1), ('`practical', 1), ('t--)', 1), ('¥houston', 1), ('(leorgia', 1), ('i}', 1), ('work-¥', 1), ('ñphiladelphia', 1), ('noñthat', 1), ('attendance_of', 1), ('¥god', 1), ('*small', 1), ('ings`', 1), ('july_', 1), ('/arms', 1), ('*loo', 1), ("_angel's", 1), ('sometimeñand', 1), ('ageñ', 1), ('dieñfor', 1), ('¥oc-', 1), ('idea/', 1), ("''/v", 1), ('calmness¥', 1), ('frivt¡kn', 1), ('ñeach', 1), ('iilliiiii(', 1), ('=ice', 1), ('(like', 1), ('tradeñhis', 1), ("with¥'", 1), ('tt)', 1), ('defeatñwreckage', 1), ('hear)', 1), ('¥viry', 1), ('temporal]', 1), ('people]', 1), ("'i%", 1), ('animalsñtigers', 1), ('sometimesña', 1), ('ñmarie', 1), ('usñ', 1), ('ñfarm', 1), ('agencies¥', 1), ('imprisonmentñfor', 1), ("''tipecet*ecesitictcicsice", 1), ("`'sneaking", 1), ('evans-`', 1), ('difficulties)', 1), ('(praise', 1), ('was¥evidently', 1), ('ñhomi-', 1), ('mounts_', 1), ('/eternity', 1), ('farmñnow', 1), ...]
Correction 1 -- Normalize Characters¶
In [13]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "baseline"
cycle = "correction1"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
# Substitute for all other dashes
content = re.sub(r"—-—–‑", r"-", content)
# Substitute formatted apostrophe
content = re.sub(r"’", r"'", content)
# Replace all special characters with a space (as these tend to occur at the end of lines)
content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s,.!?$:;\-&\'\"]", r" ", content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
Check Correction 1¶
In [14]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction1 Average verified rate: 0.9442694976452395 Average of error rates: 0.057778546712802775 Total token count: 2278788
In [15]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 4194), ("'", 3209), ('e', 2551), ('m', 2132), ('w', 1985), ('t', 1634), ('r', 1596), ('re-', 1264), ('f', 1151), ('d', 1134), ('con-', 1077), ('g', 1066), ('in-', 1059), ('n', 998), ('be-', 913), ('tion', 910), ('de-', 656), ('oo', 614), ('x', 598), ('com-', 528), ('ment', 497), ('ex-', 487), ('th', 423), ('en-', 422), ('mis-', 372), ('dis-', 364), ('un-', 321), ('pro-', 299), ('ple', 285), ('ers', 279), ('ac-', 272), ('im-', 267), ('ence', 266), ('per-', 264), ('tions', 261), ('peo-', 258), ('pre-', 256), ('at-', 252), ('ad-', 228), ('ga', 222), ('co', 219), ('to-', 206), ('sab-', 204), ('meet-', 204), ("'the", 202), ('ly', 199), ('ful', 197), ('col-', 191), ('ments', 188), ('an-', 186)]
Correction 2 -- Fix Line Endings¶
In [16]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction1"
cycle = "correction2"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
content = re.sub(r"(\w+)(\-\s{1,})([a-z]+)", r"\1\3", content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
Check Correction 2¶
In [17]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction2 Average verified rate: 0.9667102022955556 Average of error rates: 0.035403855659911034 Total token count: 2239545
In [18]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 4147), ("'", 3209), ('e', 2543), ('m', 2129), ('w', 1984), ('t', 1628), ('r', 1591), ('f', 1151), ('d', 1132), ('g', 1065), ('n', 991), ('oo', 613), ('x', 596), ('th', 423), ('ga', 220), ('co', 214), ("'the", 202), ('k', 174), ('--', 169), ('u', 163), ("the'", 160), ('-the', 148), ('io', 143), ("''", 131), ('pp', 130), ('ex', 129), ('z', 113), ("'of", 111), ('thot', 107), ('pa', 106), ('jno', 98), ('ky', 97), ('wm', 94), ("'and", 89), ('-to', 87), ('va', 84), ("an'", 83), ('tion', 82), ('ro', 81), ('ma', 76), ("'to", 76), ('al', 75), ("'a", 75), ("to'", 75), ("'tis", 74), ('-and', 74), ('-of', 72), ('altho', 71), ('con-', 69), ('mt', 68)]
Correction 3 -- Remove extra dashes¶
In [19]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction2"
cycle = "correction3"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
for token in tokens:
if token[0] is "-":
replacements.append((token, token[1:]))
elif token[-1] is "-":
replacements.append((token, token[:-1]))
if len(replacements) > 0:
print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
GH18980501-V01-01-page11.txt: [('-', '')] GH18980501-V01-01-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('---', '--')] GH18980501-V01-01-page2.txt: [('pur-', 'pur'), ('-', '')] GH18980501-V01-01-page4.txt: [('minis-', 'minis'), ('-', ''), ('so.-', 'so.'), ('-', ''), ('"-', '"'), ('-the', 'the')] GH18980501-V01-01-page5.txt: [('admi-', 'admi'), ('rapid-', 'rapid')] GH18980501-V01-01-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('phos-', 'phos'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH18980501-V01-01-page8.txt: [('-', '')] GH18980501-V01-01-page9.txt: [('large-', 'large')] GH18980701-V01-02-page1.txt: [('practi-', 'practi'), ('con-', 'con')] GH18980701-V01-02-page10.txt: [('HER-', 'HER'), ('Smith-', 'Smith'), ('HER-', 'HER')] GH18980701-V01-02-page2.txt: [('heaven-', 'heaven')] GH18980701-V01-02-page3.txt: [('practi-', 'practi')] GH18980701-V01-02-page4.txt: [('heaven-', 'heaven')] GH18980701-V01-02-page6.txt: [('right-', 'right'), ('"MORN-', '"MORN')] GH18980701-V01-02-page7.txt: [('ses-', 'ses'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Halla-', 'Halla')] GH18980701-V01-02-page8.txt: [('pro-', 'pro')] GH18980801-V01-03-page4.txt: [('enlight-', 'enlight')] GH18980801-V01-03-page5.txt: [('--', '-')] GH18980801-V01-03-page6.txt: [('ve-', 've'), ('part-', 'part')] GH18980801-V01-03-page7.txt: [('mer-', 'mer'), ('over-', 'over')] GH18980801-V01-03-page8.txt: [('blishing-', 'blishing'), ('-have', 'have'), ('Har-', 'Har'), ('-', '')] GH18980901-V01-04-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('effect-', 'effect')] GH18980901-V01-04-page3.txt: [('-', '')] GH18980901-V01-04-page4.txt: [('sat-', 'sat'), ('rais-', 'rais')] GH18980901-V01-04-page5.txt: [('mil-', 'mil')] GH18980901-V01-04-page7.txt: [('JUNI-', 'JUNI'), ('HER-', 'HER'), ('elic-', 'elic'), ('Klon-', 'Klon'), ('-', ''), ('manu-', 'manu')] GH18980901-V01-04-page8.txt: [('Annum-', 'Annum'), ('-', ''), ('HER-', 'HER'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH18981201-V01-05-page10.txt: [('es-', 'es'), ('offi-', 'offi')] GH18981201-V01-05-page11.txt: [('-', ''), ('-.', '.'), ('-GOSPEL', 'GOSPEL'), ('old-', 'old')] GH18981201-V01-05-page12.txt: [('re-', 're')] GH18981201-V01-05-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-St.', 'St.')] GH18981201-V01-05-page6.txt: [('Did-', 'Did'), ('hand.-', 'hand.')] GH18981201-V01-05-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-not', 'not')] GH18981201-V01-05-page9.txt: [('-r', 'r')] GH18990101-V01-06-page2.txt: [('-', '')] GH18990101-V01-06-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ("'-", "'")] GH18990101-V01-06-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('Gos-', 'Gos'), ('morn-', 'morn'), ('teach-', 'teach')] GH18990101-V01-06-page5.txt: [('instruct-', 'instruct')] GH18990101-V01-06-page6.txt: [('Wendell-', 'Wendell')] GH18990101-V01-06-page8.txt: [('nat-', 'nat'), ('-', '')] GH18990201-V01-07-page1.txt: [('our-', 'our'), ('ut-', 'ut')] GH18990201-V01-07-page2.txt: [('THANKS-', 'THANKS')] 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'm')] GH18991001-V01-11-page3.txt: [('-fere', 'fere'), ('-Shall', 'Shall'), ('-', '')] GH18991001-V01-11-page6.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('Halla-', 'Halla')] GH18991001-V01-11-page7.txt: [('al-', 'al'), ('-t', 't')] GH18991001-V01-11-page9.txt: [('-To', 'To'), ('-', ''), ('enter-', 'enter')] GH18991201-V01-12-page1.txt: [('hun-', 'hun')] GH18991201-V01-12-page10.txt: [('-e', 'e')] GH18991201-V01-12-page11.txt: [('Gos-', 'Gos'), ('Self-', 'Self')] GH18991201-V01-12-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('GOS-', 'GOS')] GH18991201-V01-12-page18.txt: [('diewilder-', 'diewilder'), ('-', ''), ('yea-', 'yea'), ('By-', 'By'), ('-and', 'and')] GH18991201-V01-12-page3.txt: [('-Co', 'Co'), ('---', '--')] GH18991201-V01-12-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('So-', 'So')] GH18991201-V01-12-page5.txt: [('-', '')] GH18991201-V01-12-page6.txt: [('repre-', 'repre')] GH18991201-V01-12-page8.txt: [('-----', '----'), ('Lam-', 'Lam')] GH19000101-V02-01-page1.txt: [('-', '')] GH19000101-V02-01-page2.txt: [("channel's-", "channel's"), 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[('Stitch-', 'Stitch')] GH19000701-V02-07-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH19000701-V02-07-page20.txt: [('---RAK', '--RAK'), ('Peo----', 'Peo---')] GH19000701-V02-07-page22.txt: [('-', ''), ('THOUS-', 'THOUS')] GH19000701-V02-07-page3.txt: [('X-', 'X'), ('-X-', 'X-'), ('-X-X-', 'X-X-'), ('-X-ififiC-', 'X-ififiC-'), ('-X-', 'X-'), ('-X-', 'X-'), ('A-', 'A'), ('-X.', 'X.')] GH19000701-V02-07-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('ro-', 'ro'), ('-', '')] GH19000701-V02-07-page5.txt: [('responsi-', 'responsi'), ('tal-', 'tal'), ('neg-', 'neg'), ('be-', 'be'), ('Infi-', 'Infi'), ('re-', 're'), ('mission-', 'mission'), ('South-', 'South')] GH19000701-V02-07-page6.txt: [('re-', 're'), ('-October', 'October'), ('school-', 'school')] GH19000701-V02-07-page7.txt: [('in-', 'in')] GH19000701-V02-07-page8.txt: [('as-', 'as')] GH19000701-V02-07-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('ac-', 'ac')] GH19000801-V02-08-page2.txt: [('-others.', 'others.'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH19000801-V02-08-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH19000801-V02-08-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('under-', 'under'), ('under-', 'under')] GH19000801-V02-08-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH19000801-V02-08-page8.txt: [('Sam-', 'Sam'), ('-', '')] GH19000901-V02-09-page1.txt: [('pur-', 'pur')] GH19000901-V02-09-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-world.', 'world.'), ('foolish-', 'foolish'), ('-them', 'them'), ('involving-', 'involving')] GH19000901-V02-09-page4.txt: [('-in', 'in'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-held', 'held')] GH19000901-V02-09-page5.txt: [('-GOSPEL', 'GOSPEL')] GH19000901-V02-09-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('peo-', 'peo'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('terri-', 'terri')] GH19000901-V02-09-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('My-', 'My'), ('char-', 'char'), ('-', ''), ('-I', 'I'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('E-', 'E'), ('---.--', '--.--'), ('-', '')] GH19000901-V02-09-page8.txt: [('rug--', 'rug-')] GH19001001-V02-10-page5.txt: [('break-', 'break')] GH19001001-V02-10-page6.txt: [('facili-', 'facili')] GH19001001-V02-10-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-In', 'In')] GH19001101-V02-11-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-consider', 'consider')] GH19001101-V02-11-page2.txt: [('-to', 'to'), ('-under', 'under'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', '')] GH19001101-V02-11-page3.txt: [('-besystem', 'besystem'), ('low-', 'low'), ('re-', 're')] GH19001101-V02-11-page4.txt: [('un-', 'un'), ('-new', 'new'), ('-', ''), ('school-', 'school'), ('sa-', 'sa'), ('-is', 'is'), ('-', '')] GH19001101-V02-11-page5.txt: [('-and', 'and'), ('for-', 'for')] GH19001101-V02-11-page6.txt: [('-always', 'always'), ('-', ''), ('-with', 'with')] GH19001101-V02-11-page7.txt: [('EX-', 'EX'), ('-', ''), ('-and', 'and')] GH19001101-V02-11-page8.txt: [('Connell.-', 'Connell.')] GH19001201-V02-12-page1.txt: [('-', '')] GH19001201-V02-12-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), 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('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('invigorates.-', 'invigorates.'), ('-', ''), ('-is', 'is'), ('-a', 'a'), ('-', ''), ('Jesus-', 'Jesus'), ('-leaves', 'leaves')] GH19130401-V09-04-page5.txt: [('-in', 'in'), ('or-', 'or'), ('-', ''), ('sum-', 'sum'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('stead-', 'stead')] GH19130401-V09-04-page6.txt: [('the-', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-a', 'a'), ('-.', '.'), ('-he', 'he'), ('-On', 'On'), ('from-', 'from'), ('-hold', 'hold')] GH19130401-V09-04-page7.txt: [('May-', 'May'), ('-door', 'door')] GH19130401-V09-04-page8.txt: [('GOSPEL-', 'GOSPEL'), ('Gospel-', 'Gospel'), ('-', ''), ('"Praimine-', '"Praimine'), ('-', ''), ('-of', 'of'), ('-Brother', 'Brother'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-society', 'society'), ('-are', 'are'), ('FOOT-', 'FOOT'), ('-a', 'a'), ('-no', 'no'), ('-', ''), ('-Scott', 'Scott'), ('-such', 'such'), ('Wit-', 'Wit'), ('-', ''), ('by-', 'by'), ('-', '')] GH19130501-V09-05-page1.txt: [('REVELA-', 'REVELA'), ('-have', 'have'), ('-were', 'were'), ('theinsti-', 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''), ('-', ''), ('-of', 'of'), ('-', ''), ('atr-', 'atr'), ('super-', 'super'), ('-felloWing', 'felloWing'), ('-', ''), ('-Ky', 'Ky'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('rats-', 'rats'), ('-iprivilege', 'iprivilege'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-do', 'do'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('open-', 'open')] GH19150601-V11-06-page1.txt: [('--milmoM', '-milmoM'), ('work-', 'work'), ('-', ''), ('-last', 'last'), ('-in', 'in'), ('-by', 'by'), ('-own', 'own'), ('-fill', 'fill'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH19150601-V11-06-page2.txt: [('My-', 'My'), ('down-', 'down'), ('-this', 'this'), ('-', ''), ('ear-', 'ear'), ('his--', 'his-'), ('ask.-', 'ask.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-this', 'this'), ('-', ''), ('-be', 'be'), ('-', ''), ('-A', 'A'), ('-and', 'and'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('but-', 'but'), ('-', ''), ('-his', 'his'), ('-to', 'to')] GH19150601-V11-06-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-She', 'She'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Note--', 'Note-'), ('-clouds', 'clouds'), ('-', '')] GH19150601-V11-06-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-but', 'but'), ('-', ''), ('-from', 'from'), ('-themselves', 'themselves'), ('-they', 'they'), ('carefully.-', 'carefully.'), ('-earth', 'earth'), ('-How', 'How'), ('-service', 'service'), ('that-', 'that'), ('-', ''), ('supposedly-', 'supposedly'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('infidel-', 'infidel')] GH19150601-V11-06-page5.txt: [('presi-', 'presi'), ('Sabbath-keep-', 'Sabbath-keep'), ('-er', 'er'), ('-the', 'the'), ('fain-', 'fain'), ('-', ''), ('-hasten', 'hasten')] GH19150601-V11-06-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Jesuit', 'Jesuit'), ('privi-', 'privi'), ('M.-', 'M.'), ('-', ''), ('-quarter', 'quarter'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Not', 'Not'), ('-will', 'will'), ('-what', 'what'), ('-were.', 'were.'), ('-lust', 'lust'), ('-and', 'and'), ('life-', 'life'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-too.', 'too.'), ('-', ''), ('-We', 'We'), ('-written', 'written'), ('-received', 'received'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Anibtint', 'Anibtint'), ('en--', 'en-'), ('-I', 'I'), ('-', '')] GH19150601-V11-06-page7.txt: [('-for', 'for'), ('-', ''), ('-must', 'must'), ('-', ''), ('-never', 'never'), ('-', ''), ('-milk', 'milk'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-has', 'has'), ('-to', 'to'), ('pow-', 'pow'), ('-for', 'for'), ('-', ''), ('-have', 'have'), ('-', ''), ('-a', 'a'), ('-', ''), ('make-', 'make'), ('-', ''), ('-help', 'help'), ('-of', 'of')] GH19150601-V11-06-page8.txt: [('-announced', 'announced'), ('now-', 'now'), ('-', ''), ('July.-', 'July.'), ('-are', 'are'), ('-', ''), ('Prof.-', 'Prof.'), ('San-', 'San'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-V.', 'V.'), ('-', ''), ('m.-', 'm.'), ('-', ''), ('J.-', 'J.')] GH19150701-V11-07-page1.txt: [('--', '-'), ('-spent', 'spent'), ('-The-', 'The-'), ('contin-', 'contin'), ('-tie-their', 'tie-their'), ('of-', 'of'), ('Miss-', 'Miss'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('build-', 'build'), ('-conducted', 'conducted'), ('-resolutions', 'resolutions'), ('-lot', 'lot'), ('re-', 're'), ('-turn', 'turn'), ('.-', '.'), ('meet-', 'meet'), ('busi-', 'busi'), ('-', ''), ('-bap-', 'bap-'), ('-were', 'were'), ('-The', 'The'), ('-like', 'like'), ('-richest', 'richest'), ('-', ''), ('GOSPEL-', 'GOSPEL'), ('pray-', 'pray'), ('-to', 'to')] GH19150701-V11-07-page10.txt: [('at-', 'at'), ('-', ''), ('-by', 'by'), ('-', ''), ('-to', 'to'), ('offering-', 'offering'), ('-forward', 'forward')] GH19150701-V11-07-page2.txt: [('-church', 'church'), ('arerejoicing.-', 'arerejoicing.'), ('-respond', 'respond'), ('arequite-', 'arequite'), ('-This', 'This'), ('mes-', 'mes'), ('-', ''), ('to-', 'to'), ('-', ''), ('-helped', 'helped'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-have', 'have'), ('-', ''), ('-We', 'We'), ('-', ''), ('-he', 'he'), ('-', ''), ('sonic-', 'sonic'), ('Fort-', 'Fort'), ('-for', 'for'), ('peo-', 'peo'), ('-', ''), ('Gen.-', 'Gen.'), ('-which', 'which'), ('-', ''), ('-conversion', 'conversion'), 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('-never', 'never'), ('-remembered', 'remembered'), ('-and', 'and'), ('-to', 'to'), ('-smiles', 'smiles'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('---Margaret.', '--Margaret.')] GH19201201-V14-12-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('an-', 'an')] GH19201201-V14-12-page5.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] GH19201201-V14-12-page6.txt: [('the-', 'the')] GH19201201-V14-12-page7.txt: [('-our', 'our'), ('-experiences', 'experiences'), ('-evident', 'evident'), ('-education', 'education')] GH19201201-V14-12-page8.txt: [('DIVI-', 'DIVI'), ('-', ''), ('-collegeView', 'collegeView'), ('that-', 'that'), ('-has', 'has'), ('-', '')]
Check Correction 3¶
In [20]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction3 Average verified rate: 0.9718482863796035 Average of error rates: 0.030168067226890763 Total token count: 2241249
In [21]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3326), ('e', 2582), ('m', 2151), ('w', 1994), ('t', 1667), ('r', 1620), ('f', 1168), ('d', 1144), ('g', 1083), ('n', 1010), ('x', 619), ('oo', 614), ('th', 434), ('co', 295), ('ga', 221), ("'the", 204), ('k', 180), ('u', 169), ('ex', 167), ("the'", 165), ('re', 153), ('io', 148), ("''", 136), ('pp', 130), ('z', 121), ('pa', 113), ("'of", 111), ('thot', 107), ('ky', 98), ('jno', 98), ('wm', 94), ("'and", 90), ('tion', 86), ('al', 85), ('ro', 85), ('va', 85), ("an'", 84), ('ma', 80), ("'to", 77), ("'a", 75), ("to'", 75), ("'tis", 75), ('altho', 72), ('mc', 72), ('ti', 72), ('mt', 69), ("'s", 68), ('brot', 65), ('zo', 64), ('maynor', 61)]
Correction 4 -- Remove extra quotation marks¶
In [22]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction3"
cycle = "correction4"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
corrections = []
for token in tokens:
token_list = list(token)
last_char = token_list[-1]
if last_char is "'":
if len(token) > 3:
if token_list[-2] is 's' or 'S':
corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
elif token[0] is "'":
if len(token) > 2:
corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
if len(corrections) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, corrections))
for correction in corrections:
content = clean.replace_pair(correction, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
Check Correction 4¶
In [23]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction4 Average verified rate: 0.9734787400661291 Average of error rates: 0.02856351952545725 Total token count: 2241070
In [24]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3130), ('e', 2595), ('m', 2154), ('w', 1994), ('t', 1675), ('r', 1628), ('f', 1175), ('d', 1147), ('g', 1085), ('n', 1015), ('x', 620), ('oo', 614), ('th', 436), ('co', 297), ('ga', 222), ('k', 179), ('u', 169), ('ex', 168), ('re', 166), ("the'", 161), ('io', 149), ('pp', 130), ('z', 121), ("''", 120), ('pa', 112), ('thot', 108), ('ky', 99), ('jno', 98), ('wm', 95), ('tion', 87), ('ro', 86), ('al', 85), ('va', 85), ("an'", 83), ('ma', 80), ("to'", 75), ("'a", 74), ('altho', 74), ('ti', 74), ('mc', 72), ('mt', 69), ("'s", 67), ('brot', 65), ('zo', 64), ('em', 62), ('maynor', 61), ('ft', 61), ('ip', 61), ('es', 58), ("and'", 58)]
Correction 5 -- Rejoin Burst Words¶
In [25]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction4"
cycle = "correction5"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
pattern = re.compile("(\s(\w{1,2}\s){5,})")
replacements = []
clean.check_splits(pattern, spelling_dictionary, content, replacements)
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
Check Correction 5¶
In [26]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction5 Average verified rate: 0.9734260605463078 Average of error rates: 0.028585269401878402 Total token count: 2241557
In [27]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3130), ('e', 2589), ('m', 2152), ('w', 1992), ('t', 1674), ('r', 1625), ('f', 1175), ('d', 1142), ('g', 1085), ('n', 1012), ('x', 620), ('oo', 614), ('th', 436), ('co', 297), ('ga', 222), ('k', 179), ('ex', 168), ('re', 168), ('u', 164), ("the'", 161), ('io', 149), ('pp', 130), ('z', 121), ("''", 120), ('pa', 112), ('thot', 108), ('ky', 99), ('jno', 98), ('wm', 95), ('tion', 87), ('ro', 86), ('va', 85), ('al', 84), ("an'", 83), ('ma', 80), ("to'", 75), ("'a", 74), ('altho', 74), ('ti', 74), ('mc', 72), ('mt', 69), ('uthern', 67), ("'s", 67), ('brot', 65), ('zo', 64), ('em', 62), ('maynor', 61), ('ft', 61), ('ip', 61), ('es', 58)]
Correction 6 -- Rejoin Split Words¶
In [28]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction5"
cycle = "correction6"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)
replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=True)
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
Check Correction 6¶
In [29]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction6 Average verified rate: 0.9738946440103669 Average of error rates: 0.028095402867029166 Total token count: 2240613
Review Remaining Errors¶
In [30]:
[('GH19171201-V11-12-page7.txt', 0.551), ('GH19171201-V11-12-page6.txt', 0.499), ('GH19001201-V02-12-page7.txt', 0.482), ('GH19171201-V11-12-page2.txt', 0.438), ('GH19191001-V13-10-page1.txt', 0.317), ('GH19171201-V11-12-page3.txt', 0.294), ('GH19191001-V13-10-page9.txt', 0.273), ('GH19190901-V13-09-page1.txt', 0.258), ('GH19011201-V03-12-page14.txt', 0.252), ('GH19000601-V02-06-page23.txt', 0.252), ('GH19160501-V10-05-page2.txt', 0.225), ('GH19200101-V14-01-page1.txt', 0.224), ('GH19000601-V02-06-page24.txt', 0.206)]
In [31]:
doc_keys = [x[0] for x in reports.docs_with_high_error_rate(summary) if x[1] > 0.225]
In [32]:
# utilities.open_original_docs(doc_keys, directories['cycle'])
There was a scanning error with V11-12 such that the pages are overlapping.
In [33]:
reports.long_errors(errors_summary, min_length=15)
(['memfifty-thousand', "strachan'slecture", 'estabscholarship', 'church-superstition', 'hundredchristian', "surrendet'edfully", "limited'knowledge", 'nmmmeommimmmmmmwmn', "ellarik'westrfeacho's", 'onetwenty-eighth', 'uncomfortstrength', 'thousand-and-one', 'eaeciallyhedfied', 'oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'unnmmunomamommonmmnnum', 'uncharacteristics', 'arisingtherefrom', 'nine-hundred-acre', "bo'pleakkithilkfithg", 'tent-caterpillars', 'cccccccccccticccctt', "gregationtic'itineficwnift", 'iitiliiiiiiiiittilimiiiiiiiiiiii', 'jwitinljuliinliimit', 'non-profit-sharing', 'theserecommendations', 'qubgtiiailliwoftenotisited', 'ogligrsatiaarniqxjg', 'isaiahprophesied', 'religio-political', 'imilipftilimmommnralmfter', 'iiimminirelsofte', 'manufacturingtowns', 'well-ascertained', 'inmkesimaliimmemm', 'sisterannabutletrh', 'circumstantiatial', 'inwmiimminonvomm', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil', 'wilikalkakalkalal', 'humanhhiissttory', 'hadmiligtspzottuntty', 'smififfnmliiimium', "frortiletir'olvir", 'faiththoroughfares', 'alkikalcilcakattik', 'blessedexperiences', 'selfgratification', 'lopmminaisiminpmnimnifee', 'illiglioliervetilcianevetif', 'warnick-crichlow', 'ltimmisisisininixisi', 'msmosnmmommmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm', 'righteousness-builders', 'pbweffromlielife', 'odatinaitglailoblia', 'restewinglairhatlhasapedirabirelsd', 'unpleasantnesses', 'theoretibuilding', 'internationalsabbath', "stiangest'leaders", 'ofpconiseitheccloser', 'neeeneenextgemmemvm', 'furtheremphasized', 'responsibilityjesting', 'threeleibworkers', 'instantanmessage', 'yitaternentuaaker', 'ghteousnessfound', 'shadillivelforemera', 'iittiombialifithe', 'mmeimlmnmmariimmninemmnmmnm', "l'illgeclaptarirtit", 'iriofilarmihrwilikrattigels', 'southernmissionarysociety', 'nfrikipailurkdryjirrpthi', 'theeurekafly-shuttleloom', 'large-heartedness', 'constantlycoming', 'ereforeturnyourselves', 'itisarevelationof', 'miltritiliiiiiiimm', 'establishedfirms', 'editorialcontributors', 'ftlaialfaliasnye', "gospel''ministry", 'trans-continental', 'nammmmmmmmmmmmimmmmummmuummmmmmmummummommmammn', "cold'applications", 'particularsabout', 'instidormitories', "y'eamiticnidtvutlat", 'erijefillialffiyilkfttychooses', 'self-righteousness', 'wricuillieffeinxeiftnis', "appoilltrneiit'was", 'qadvertliselthetikeetings', 'over-sqeamishness', 'tegfincdnielklknilsthieisttiellie', 'foundation-stone', 'absolutelynecessary', 'whohavenotbeenbaptized', 'thetninistration', 'missionarysecretaries', 'hundred-twenty-five', 'aampaaaiisaaniaaaava', 'fellow-passengers', 're-establishment', 'heraldsubscribers', 'unostentatiously', 'wefeelthatinsteadoftreatingthis', 'makingresolutions', "will-o'-the-wisp", 'ailainetenikeketta', 'super-calendered', 'fromtheself-denialboxes', 'peficotitccticcmetificept', 'rtijithreiviatral', 'vagmaceecteeceeted', 'ootordsabbathschool', "misrepresent'gcd's", 'nvasitimfaithfal', 'sinfully-neglected', 'schoobconvention', 'itlienariielittirnglo', 'nightandwassohighlypleasedthathe', 'heroofititheioevelith', 'naikinglandsditable', 'peopleinterested', 'fatherrsiididoextri', 'wiiiiiiiiimiliiiiiiimillomittiiiiiimt', 'thepiztutitlifitiorct', 'thimiimmiiiinoimmigiu', 'himselfsomewhere', 'anaholyvedrafoosaticarjf', 'livesubscriptions', 'spanish-speaking', 'growingchrysanthemums', 'attemptingimpossible', 'iiiitoliadditienaliask', 'indiscriminateiy', 'tring-a-ling-ling', 'toinsureinsertioninthecurrentissue', 'countaccommodations', 'bulletin-supplement', 'vesioiiiiitifiefic', "persecutiont'against", 'lfanialbozestributors', "cannibal'archipelagoes", 'scoldunderstanding', 'disobediencewith', 'whole-heartedness', 'novemvestigation', 'onlyoccasionally', 'thirteen-year-old', 'minrileilitioimmiion', 'responsibitities', 'regularprovision', 'equipmissionaries', 'aaaawaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj', 'governor-general', 'sixteen-year-old', "regulailsrlfehi'doof", 'accotriplishment', "superintending'a", "fiviiiehis''ibertwetstilielina", 'self-preservation', 'frfteengituileisialternilf', 'messethgershastened', 'tommtummumummimmouttmitillmil', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'aliolfitherctoitalk', 'goodthertnometer', 'evidentlythought', 'maryflorencemckelvy', 'aoinstlemphopdvig', "exeellentl'advant", 'character-forming', 'wlvkhzireklaiickhi', 'necesnotsayawordaboutit', 'discerningopspirits', 'yearwehopetohavetimedormitories', 'zhureadersofgospel', "kffigfige'ticommonplace", 'perennialflowers', 'ipromisetousethisoutfitinsecuring', 'foreigncountries', 'mliiiiiillilliiiiiiii', 'beingconstructed', 'accomrighteousness', 'tkigibodeivjaithayaiiii', 'isalkilcarcalkik', "more-generons'since", 'tifacichiliatiut', 'spanish-americans', 'hermanmborinukscman', 'instrumenmalaria', 'professsalvation', 'self-assertiveness', 'undoubtdemanding', 'accomplishticket', "gazette'suggests", "taandl'faiaffrfhe", 'juliwijitiiliviasin', 'self-distrustful', 'specialdonations', 'eleprivelierself', "flr'w'ip'if'ir'if'ifnfwf", 'twentieth-century', 'rainedconsiderable', 'mnnrlrlrtflrtflrlllrlrll', 'variousinstitution', 'seatteredsabbath', 'mniiimipinimmimmenifts', "christian's-hope", 'ajiloutbaticbdarkiieisotolfhern', "transgressionofgod's", 'representativeclass', 'armagedchurch-members', "wairlrv'irvvrnorvarir", 'student-colporteurs', 'iiieniemnemeseemeeffleg', 'wkiikalcatkikalkalc', 'ingatheringpapers', 'succesafullystudent', 'wimmemisftraftwwwes', "hel'fitlfilledthe", 'unhealtlifulness', 'dasilypavillithe', 'heart-expression', 'imiltionomininpopimpommipos', 'thronewherepower', 'splemlitlbweivin', 'correspondeducation', 'mmimmmffommmmmmmmmmmmmmy', 'preparations-for', 'theeauseytheoateritif', 'one-six-hundredth', 'wamsmareareaerposftammimiom', "notrclosegoinpanienship'", 'mmarmmeeinrimtiimmmmeoenenm', 'kensansierftslik', 'lookwhereyouaregoing', 'wiiiwthwoaolidstiteaokingd', 'overappreciation', 'tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'itliiiituralryfibeleng', 'mnimmmmegmmeessinewarmenem', 'naturallypossess', 'conferenceofficers', 'dicstlikistiliwi', 'ccimcpccccmcipoilk', 'skillrelentanditi', 'eseeeeetesameeceeett', "rifidencetlieyib'vet", 'earkawasoifiebtuaip', 'iiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllll', "tariumnurses'class", 'sejethecrandtithaa', 'crowningevidence', 'likavatelatifpre', "enifi'adlunkreiuttie", 'iliftemisiminoloolninumin', 'icipoieectliitiovcsit', 'straight-forward', 'katkalkilltalkiiikitatcalt', 'siesvammeemenuneemmia', 'refreshassociation', 'worrithilependedrittpory', "to'carryfdfwgril", 'wheretnclidoilbtato', 'inimmumiiiimmiroommum', 'dlooprivilegeptailithig', 'offendedbitrbizeptiatildr', 'uunuuuniuuuuinuunnnw', 'essqliittilsktgiilliliebityseg', "importanee'within", 'lbrilividalbrilk', 'authoricigarette', 'spoolmhnuntnilesi', 'lisoabkosairlint', 'eliiildrenupfbilirael', 'missionaryvoluttteers', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim', 'numberolonegtiasjdn', 'religo-political', 'isnomorehelpless', 'ofignigsiercclii', 'self-gratification', 'refitaraamaawiwivw', 'beeriiiriotoyedoiii', 'desirably-located', 'biltbinerelyirre', 'alwerftiftiftmnamminimmob', "needthoughtfulwelcome'the", 'daughters-in-law', 'eiracrisoolsammo', 'transfiguriition', 'mimtummunteuumnimomiumumnummunamtlimmilmottiumemrtmetommommionaintemmtioniteseontemlmmemmulammummultimumme', 'churchprinciples', 'self-sufficiency', 'iilagiggigliggggiggagggagezlviaghtiggaggilriatt', 'willjbeareceived', 'pseudo-courtships', 'carolinameetings', 'remsammallimpairmirii', 'oxiaisiorioefferfoil', 'boulder-coloupon', 'wisconstreskrtell', 'tiinieptfetrkiikle', 'ggiggtggialliget', 'comethupoutofthemidstofthepit', "christiait's'hearte", 'ewerimeammmleinkommmwewm', "affliction'shall", 'self-examination', 'welliestablished', 'smmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmm', 'itagliirreiltlfor', 'ommtuatitumummitttouttimmutstiomitnitsminimonsummommimm', 'philosospiritual', 'herivootirdtifytheiti', 'anticipategreater', 'mmeummmmmmmiimmemmmnmmke', 'characterbuilding', 'sornethinghigher', 'aminiemminimmoviin', 'theirconversation', 'acceptablelaborers', 'ljbearivipatipnitlyie', 'emsnmoemmemnmmmmemmmefommm', 'westmichconference', "'nriimitiimilattmmtam", 'electric-psychology', 'righteouspressed', 'bettimenardriison', 'geetireviiititty', 'discouragemerits', 'nashvilleheadquarters', "righteoustress'and", "women'smissionary", 'pleasure-seeking', "inirtathe'nuesult", 'nineteen-eighteen', 'tofthefarmlookinviting', 'gkokalfratkakawa', 'literarytraining', 'mmnumeamtintarommtimnmwtim', 'nipetyrsixperlod', 'tatstliqmviosurely', 'seventhprincipalship', 'thelliolusgffizelatiort', 'accomplishrhents', 'spanisivamerican', 'little-struggling', 'subscriptionsgiven', "thesccrripiptutr'es", 'tviotlirokiklithe', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitliiii', 'immwrisiftimmermige', 'ifposworkersastheygoforth', 'british-japanese', 'notdoingthineown', 'timbersittrothiotricate', 'abbieviatingwords', 'dixiehealthtomco', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainaaaaaaaawa', 'murphyintroduced', 'offemirwinjvsluoalklottleyeabis', "showing'impatience", 'iiimmiiiimminiftimp', 'three-centerpoled', "workingofsatan'spowerto", 'modemeeeceepetecc', 'mcmmmamnmumnommummmummmmwmmmumum', 'ourrighteousness', 'dreadful-looking', 'ommishopoolrykom', 'willetwiseninifeland', 'mmmmmmrymmimmummmmmummmmmmtmmmururmimemernamomayeelpmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmullummmmwmmmmmomttttttmmmumttttttttttttttttt', 'ggiggitgigglaggg', 'multi-millionaire', 'possibildertaking', 'leaclistrkigickipdm', 'confereverywhere', 'ammiragiommlimmiman', "distinguish'that", "pointed'discussions", 'usiessrwartiewswttew', 'stick-to-it-ive-ness', 'twenty-cent-a-week', 'murfreesdevoting', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'wilticresultotheirnsible', 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmosimmrimmmrommmm', 'eogeosaaawmoantoo', 'glycerophosphates', 'influehtiahpeopjet', 'enshroudefffitivpmelpillaknif', 'underthemechanicalleader', 'understandiligohis', 'consciencesmitten', 'heavenstrengthened', "mfootf'tllswill'", 'encoitragenieoof', 'pleasant-weather', 'nimmotteirummairu', 'poverty-stricken', 'mpologliminlinaldllim', 'becaugeofindustries', 'sufficientamount', 'andimprisonments', 'firesideaccounting', 'tifiefietkiticticccccmccect', "ottestimmer's''cain", 'elementdominates', 'sanitaryconditions', 'maamaaaamaaaameameaaa', 'church-and-state', 'normaldepartrnent', 'opportuntroubled', 'agrowinginterest', 'stepheninspiration', 'whialidrernaintli', 'csicccecccccrt-csicoicccce', 'timetcctoctimett', 'jesuschristmakeththeewhole', 'contractingunless', 'definitelysupport', 'mmmmmmmesommmmmmem', 'church-membership', 'immmegmmeemmmeqmmnwmm', 'theatlantabuildingfund', 'csawhatareyougoodfor', 'llllllllllllllllllllllll', 'limirsokawroworw', "donotforgetusin'", 'esierniammieseoreesee', "the'discontinuance", 'wfelasterofitheillordiiwhielkyb', 'flasliartvfitinianity', 'well-disciplined', 'recognizingtheir', 'conductbelievers', 'severalinteresting', 'establishtenance', 'elgriatigwitgegagov', 'offeringtomision', 'shrunken-cheeked', 'toiffaasslothatyloilyitheman', 'ting-a-ling-ling', 'whiftlfitheiliordewollid', 'diplomaticarelations', 'neammmmmmmolmmosmmmm', 'llllillllllllliillllllllillllllllllllllll', "ankon'ffieiriefe", 'pittsbiggtiacwirle', 'self-renunciation', 'occipmectiefitifit', 'istrictrsurrounded', 'cheapeningmethods', 'rciriglictitionlhd', 'religrepresented', 'tworrilifialieisatretllsotif', 'jailextelitlihtt', 'mmliiiiiimmilliiiiilililli', 'iiiiiimilummirlimmulomm', 'currentliterature', "benefits'received", 'newyorkcityistheonlyonein', 'wdlanimaiiinfionninoininivivoli', 'buildingenterprises', "uagaingethe'sser", 'disinclinationtoeffort', 'electrotherapists', 'passtgilopplzirtu', "soinewhat'arouiedthe", 'sisters--because', 'churchmembership', 'picture-galleries', 'frrlifilimiinifill', 'iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinn', 'enthhsiastically', 'panama-california', 'isimseeseeresmffiffia', "oleakilltarliew'", "treatmerit'rooms", 'onytheofliteentlilday', "unternpereil'mortar", 'fromthfself-denialboxes', 'lieopourechiponyou', 'lessonsbaasseedd', 'training-centers', 'individualoworks', 'rimagalmmisixteeliwitm', 'bread-and-buttery', "professor'beardsley", 'tiittleikithakild', 'mimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'cattalkikikalkilk', 'litheyligatheredt', 'mmmmmmunlimmmmmmmmmmmmmm', 'emmininiimimmomim', 'hallkwerkillkusbailikw', 'long-entertained', 'righteousunfavorable', 'counterenlightehed', 'christinsonohymnal', 'thentheyalsowhicharefallenasleepin', 'six-thousand-pound', 'ftioraftwiavoierwiluirdimempameam', 'commandment-keeping', 'bettefgovernment', 'ecesitictcicsice', 'weather-boarding', 'publishednonyhly', 'aompoismitarmsifireaminiiesil', 'offenseninpalswg', 'yourselfdesirable', 'ideiilwalgaciughty', 'lopinionninniinimm', 'wairkommirrwainra', 'spanish-american', 'cbloredipeoplein', 'rrommommiodwimilrimit', 'three-horsepower', 'othersweremoregifted', 'self-forgetfulness', 'ouropportunities', 'vgiarammullhgearellrellmmillimmmiirall', 'injurious-effects', 'ummimilimmiiiiii', 'fileekdigtribireiern', 'thesedisintegrating', "titielciumedly'l", "vvviapowtitietieeree'ver", 'secondclassmatteratthepostofficeat', 'ojimmimmmmmmmmni', 'sabbath-breaking', 'encouragthoughtful', 'wlieleeetigtiegationaof', 'especiallypointed', 'illimullimmilinn', "valuablel'gospel", 'flatteringthemselves', "hact'diedtbreach", 'danielwilcoxandwite', 'illillitrallilta', 'alaska-yukon-pacific', 'perpetualpovenant', 'spiritualcondition', 'italcatarcaticaft', 'righteousscarcely', "the'begintringofthe", 'ceccccsiscecticccecceieg', 'thoroughly-equipped', 'ristassaaiwwwwmo', 'combinedagencies', 'living-connection'], 15)
Correction 7 -- Remove Long Errors¶
In [35]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction7"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "i|I"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "a|A"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "m|M"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "l|L"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "g|G"))
replacements = [item for sublist in replacements for item in sublist]
if len(replacements) > 0:
print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
GH18990801-V01-10-page8.txt: [('AAAAWAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ', ' ')] GH18991001-V01-11-page21.txt: [('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINAAAAAAAAWA', ' ')] GH19000701-V02-07-page13.txt: [('iilagiggigliggggiggagggAgEzLviAghtiggaggilriAtt', ' '), ('ggiggTggiAlligEt', ' '), ('ggiggItgigglaggg', ' ')] GH19010801-V03-08-page7.txt: [('IMMOIMOMMIIMMW', ' ')] GH19021022-V04-41-page6.txt: [('Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.', ' ')] GH19021112-V04-44-page5.txt: [('aa.aalaFvaaasasap.', ' ')] GH19021224-V04-50-page6.txt: [('AisaaaaaaalaaaS', ' ')] GH19140601-V10-06-page1.txt: [('AAMPAAAIISAANIAAAAVA', ' ')] GH19140801-V10-08-page1.txt: [('VgiarammullhgearellrellmmillImmmiirall', ' '), ('VgiarammullhgearellrellmmillImmmiirall', ' ')] GH19151201-V11-12-page1.txt: [('IIMIMPAIIPIII', ' ')] GH19160101-V10-01-page1.txt: [('ammiragiommlimmiman', ' ')] GH19160101-V10-01-page3.txt: [('rra.IIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllll', ' '), ('llllllllllllllllllllllll', ' '), ('llllillllllllliillllllllillllllllllllllll', ' ')] GH19160301-V10-03-page1.txt: [('MliiiiiillilliiIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIiiliiimiN', ' ')] GH19160701-V10-07-page1.txt: [('.....mmliiiiiIMMIlliiiiilililli', ' ')] GH19160801-V10-08-page1.txt: [('ummimilimmiiiiii.mmm.M', ' ')] GH19161101-V10-11-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIINI', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl', ' '), ('IINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINN', ' '), ('iitiliiIIIIIIIttilimiiiiIIIIiiii', ' ')] GH19161101-V10-11-page2.txt: [('tommtummumummimmouttmitillmil', ' ')] GH19161101-V10-11-page4.txt: [('iiiiiimilummirlimmulomm', ' '), ('iinillainlill.nilliMI', ' ')] GH19161201-V10-12-page1.txt: [('Wiiiiiiiiimiliiiiiiimillomittiiiiiimt', ' ')] GH19170501-V11-05-page5.txt: [('mmmmmmunlimmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmrymmimmummmmmummmmmmTMMMURURMIMEMERNAMOMAYEElpmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmullummmmwmmmmmomttttttmmmumttttttttttttttttt', ' ')] GH19170701-V11-07-page6.txt: [('MMEUMMMMMMMIIMMEMMMNMMke', ' '), ('MMEIMLMNMMariIMMNINEMMNMMNM', ' ')] GH19170901-V11-09-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM', ' ')] GH19171101-V11-11-page1.txt: [('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', ' ')] GH19180101-V12-01-page1.txt: [('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', ' ')] GH19180301-V12-03-page3.txt: [('illillitrallilta', ' ')] GH19180801-V12-08-page1.txt: [('MMaRMMEEinriMTiiMMMMEOENENM', ' '), ('EMSNMOEMMEMNMMMMEMMMEFOMMM', ' ')] GH19180901-V12-09-page1.txt: [('MIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlIIII', ' ')] GH19180901-V12-09-page9.txt: [('.IIIIIII.IlltIIIII', ' '), ('tIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')] GH19181101-V12-11-page1.txt: [('msmosNmmommmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm', ' '), ('MMMMMMMESOMMMMMMEM', ' ')] GH19181201-V12-12-page1.txt: [('SMMMMEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEMMMMMMMMMMMMMM', ' '), ('OJIMMiMMMMMMMMNI', ' ')] GH19190701-V13-07-page1.txt: [('IMMMEgMMEEMMMEqMMnWMM', ' ')] GH19190901-V13-09-page1.txt: [('MAAMAAAAMAAAAMEAMEAAA', ' ')] GH19200101-V14-01-page1.txt: [('nEammmmmmmolmmosmmmm', ' '), ('NMMMEOMMIMMMMMMWMN', ' ')] GH19200201-V14-02-page1.txt: [('MMIMMMFFOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY', ' ')] GH19200601-V14-06,07-page10.txt: [('INIMMUMIIIIMMIROOMMUM', ' ')] GH19200601-V14-06,07-page11.txt: [('mmmurmomm...m.mmmomm.m.mcmmmamnmumnommummmummmmwmmmumum.m.m.nammmmmmmmmmmmimmmmummmuummmmmmmummummommmammn', ' ')] GH19200601-V14-06,07-page4.txt: [('ommtuatitumummitttouttimmutstiomitnitsminimonsummommimm.unnmmunomamommonmmnnum.mmennto....mitulmnill.', ' '), ('mimtummunteuumnimomiumumnummunamtlimmilmottiumemrtmetommommionaintemmtioniteseontemlmmemmulammummultImummE', ' ')] GH19201101-V14-11-page1.txt: [('MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOSIMMRIMMMROMMMM', ' ')]
In [38]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction7 Average verified rate: 0.9739255171625807 Average of error rates: 0.02803905091448344 Total token count: 2240543
In [39]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3130), ('e', 2578), ('m', 2131), ('w', 1979), ('t', 1667), ('r', 1597), ('f', 1166), ('d', 1140), ('g', 1082), ('n', 1003), ('x', 620), ('oo', 585), ('th', 426), ('co', 279), ('ga', 221), ('k', 177), ('ex', 167), ('u', 163), ("the'", 161), ('io', 149), ('pp', 130), ("''", 120), ('z', 115), ('re', 114), ('pa', 110), ('thot', 108), ('ky', 99), ('jno', 98), ('wm', 95), ('ro', 85), ('va', 84), ("an'", 83), ('ma', 80), ('al', 77), ('tion', 75), ("to'", 75), ("'a", 74), ('altho', 74), ('mt', 69), ('ti', 69), ('brot', 65), ('zo', 64), ('maynor', 61), ('ft', 61), ('em', 58), ("and'", 58), ('ip', 58), ("oakwood's", 57), ('strother', 57), ('br', 57)]
Correction 8 -- Separate Squash Words¶
In [41]:
# %load shared_elements/
import pandas as pd
from math import log
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction8"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
verified_tokens = []
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
clean.get_approved_tokens(content, spelling_dictionary, verified_tokens)
tokens_with_freq = dict(collections.Counter(verified_tokens))
words = pd.DataFrame(list(tokens_with_freq.items()), columns=['token','freq'])
words_sorted = words.sort_values('freq', ascending=False)
words_sorted_short = words_sorted[words_sorted.freq > 2]
sorted_list_of_words = list(words_sorted_short['token'])
wordcost = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(sorted_list_of_words)))) for i,k in enumerate(sorted_list_of_words))
maxword = max(len(x) for x in sorted_list_of_words)
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = utilities.strip_punct(content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
for token in tokens:
if not token.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
if len(token) > 17:
if"[\-\-\'\"]", token):
split_string = clean.infer_spaces(token, wordcost, maxword)
list_split_string = split_string.split()
if clean.verify_split_string(list_split_string, spelling_dictionary):
replacements.append((token, split_string))
if len(replacements) > 0:
print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
GH18980501-V01-01-page12.txt: [('SOUTHERNMISSIONARYSOCIETY', 'SOUTHERN MISSIONARY SOCIETY')] GH18980701-V01-02-page2.txt: [('variousinstitution', 'various institution')] GH18990301-V01-08-page8.txt: [('correspondeducation', 'correspond education')] GH19000501-V02-05-page6.txt: [('Ipromisetousethisoutfitinsecuring', 'I promise to use this outfit in securing')] GH19000601-V02-06-page20.txt: [('buildingenterprises', 'building enterprises')] GH19000701-V02-07-page17.txt: [('FiresideAccounting', 'Fireside Accounting')] GH19000701-V02-07-page18.txt: [('subscriptionsgiven', 'subscriptions given')] GH19000701-V02-07-page4.txt: [('representativeclass', 'representative class')] GH19000801-V02-08-page4.txt: [('absolutelynecessary', 'absolutely necessary')] GH19001101-V02-11-page8.txt: [('Nashvilleheadquarters', 'Nashville headquarters')] GH19001201-V02-12-page6.txt: [('Heavenstrengthened', 'Heaven strengthened')] GH19010601-V03-06-page6.txt: [('CSaWHATAREYOUGOODFOR', 'C S a WHAT ARE YOU GOOD FOR')] GH19011201-V03-12-page14.txt: [('MaryFlorenceMcKelvy', 'Mary Florence M c K e l v y'), ('DanielWilcoxandwite', 'Daniel Wilcox and wit e')] GH19020108-V04-01-page3.txt: [('comethupoutofthemidstofthepit', 'cometh up out of the midst of the pit')] GH19020402-V04-13-page3.txt: [('JesusChristmakeththeewhole', 'Jesus Christ maketh thee whole'), ('Thentheyalsowhicharefallenasleepin', 'Then they also which are fallen asleep in')] GH19020514-V04-19-page8.txt: [('diplomaticarelations', 'diplomatic a relations')] GH19021210-V04-48-page5.txt: [('InternationalSabbath', 'International Sabbath')] GH19030114-V05-01-page1.txt: [('ereforeturnyourselves', 'ere fore turn yourselves')] GH19060401-V03-04-page2.txt: [('righteousunfavorable', 'righteous unfavorable')] GH19061201-V03-12-page3.txt: [('WestMichConference', 'West Mich Conference')] GH19070401-V04-04-page4.txt: [('THEATLANTABUILDINGFUND', 'THE ATLANTA BUILDING FUND')] GH19070801-V04-08-page3.txt: [('Wefeelthatinsteadoftreatingthis', 'We feel that instead of treating this')] GH19080301-V05-03-page4.txt: [('OotordSabbathSchool', 'O ot ord Sabbath School')] GH19110201-V07-02-page7.txt: [('NewYorkCityistheonlyonein', 'New York City is the only one in')] GH19110901-V07-09-page4.txt: [('rainedconsiderable', 'rained considerable')] GH19110901-V07-09-page6.txt: [('nightandwassohighlypleasedthathe', 'night and was so highly pleased that he')] GH19120801-V08-08-page1.txt: [('acceptablelaborers', 'acceptable laborers')] GH19121201-V08-12-page3.txt: [('severalinteresting', 'several interesting')] GH19130101-V09-01-page3.txt: [('manufacturingtowns', 'manufacturing towns')] GH19130501-V09-05-page2.txt: [('spiritualcondition', 'spiritual condition')] GH19130501-V09-05-page5.txt: [('ifposworkersastheygoforth', 'if pos workers as they go forth')] GH19130901-V09-09-page4.txt: [('attemptingimpossible', 'attempting impossible')] GH19131201-V09-12-page1.txt: [('conferenceofficers', 'conference officers')] GH19131201-V09-12-page2.txt: [('responsibilityjesting', 'responsibility jesting')] GH19150301-V11-03-page5.txt: [('flatteringthemselves', 'flattering themselves')] GH19150601-V11-06-page8.txt: [('blessedexperiences', 'blessed experiences')] GH19150701-V11-07-page7.txt: [('sanitaryconditions', 'sanitary conditions')] GH19151101-V11-11-page8.txt: [('EDITORIALCONTRIBUTORS', 'EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS')] GH19160401-V10-04-page5.txt: [('Lookwhereyouaregoing', 'Look where you are going')] GH19160501-V10-05-page6.txt: [('theserecommendations', 'these recommendations')] GH19160601-V10-06-page6.txt: [('whohavenotbeenbaptized', 'who have not been baptized')] GH19170301-V11-03-page8.txt: [('yearwehopetohavetimedormitories', 'year we hope to have time dormitories')] GH19170601-V11-06-page2.txt: [('Seventhprincipalship', 'Seventh principal ship')] GH19171201-V11-12-page2.txt: [('fatherrsiididoextri', 'fat h err s ii did o e x t r i')] GH19180201-V12-02-page7.txt: [('Stepheninspiration', 'Stephen inspiration')] GH19180601-V12-06-page2.txt: [('faiththoroughfares', 'faith thoroughfares')] GH19180801-V12-08-page2.txt: [('SisterAnnaButleTrh', 'Sister Anna But le T r h')] GH19181201-V12-12-page1.txt: [('countaccommodations', 'count accommodations')] GH19181201-V12-12-page2.txt: [('messethgershastened', 'mess eth gers hastened')] GH19190301-V13-03-page4.txt: [('secondclassmatteratthePostofficeat', 'second class matter at the Postoffice at'), ('Toinsureinsertioninthecurrentissue', 'To insure insertion in the current issue')] GH19190601-V13-06-page4.txt: [('Scoldunderstanding', 'S cold understanding')] GH19190701-V13-07-page3.txt: [('refreshassociation', 'refresh association')] GH19190701-V13-07-page6.txt: [('MissionarySecretaries', 'Missionary Secretaries')] GH19201101-V14-11-page3.txt: [('othersweremoregifted', 'others were more gifted')] GH19201101-V14-11-page7.txt: [('underthemechanicalleader', 'under the mechanical leader')]
In [44]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/GH/correction8 Average verified rate: 0.9739489404051832 Average of error rates: 0.02800889767671775 Total token count: 2240715
In [45]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3130), ('e', 2581), ('m', 2132), ('w', 1979), ('t', 1669), ('r', 1599), ('f', 1166), ('d', 1140), ('g', 1082), ('n', 1003), ('x', 621), ('oo', 585), ('th', 426), ('co', 279), ('ga', 221), ('k', 178), ('ex', 167), ('u', 163), ("the'", 161), ('io', 149), ('pp', 130), ("''", 120), ('z', 115), ('re', 114), ('pa', 110), ('thot', 108), ('ky', 99), ('jno', 98), ('wm', 95), ('ro', 85), ('va', 84), ("an'", 83), ('ma', 80), ('al', 77), ('tion', 75), ("to'", 75), ("'a", 74), ('altho', 74), ('mt', 69), ('ti', 69), ('brot', 65), ('zo', 64), ('maynor', 61), ('ft', 61), ('em', 58), ("and'", 58), ('ip', 58), ("oakwood's", 57), ('strother', 57), ('br', 57)]
In [ ]: