In [2]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [3]:
%autoreload 2
In [4]:
from text2topics import reports
from text2topics import utilities
from text2topics import clean
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import collections
In [5]:
%matplotlib inline
In [6]:
wordlist_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/word-lists"
wordlists = ["2016-12-07-SDA-last-names.txt",
In [7]:
spelling_dictionary = utilities.create_spelling_dictionary(wordlist_dir, wordlists)
In [8]:
title = "RH"
In [9]:
base_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/"
In [10]:
cycle = 'baseline'
In [11]:
stats = reports.overview_report(join(base_dir, cycle), spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/baseline Average verified rate: 0.9387787145442784 Average of error rates: 0.06615758854731078 Total token count: 53677197
In [12]:
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( stats )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 1000 )
[('-', 137800), ('ñ', 132460), ('w', 54610), ('e', 50924), ('m', 47445), ("'", 47033), (')', 37755), ('d', 36307), ('con-', 34731), ('re-', 34099), ('t', 31093), ('tion', 29338), ('r', 29058), ('g', 27133), ('¥', 26990), ('n', 25644), ('in-', 24804), ('f', 24740), ('be-', 20170), ('pm', 17848), ('(', 16843), ('de-', 16555), ('com-', 16064), ('ment', 13752), ('ex-', 13416), ('tions', 8992), ('ence', 8986), ('en-', 8968), ('dis-', 8820), ('ad-', 8051), ('--', 7781), ('un-', 7647), ('pro-', 7542), ('mis-', 7415), ('per-', 7293), ('ac-', 7280), ('pre-', 6982), ('th', 6748), ('ference', 6432), ('co', 6415), ('im-', 6398), ('ers', 6385), ('ple', 6236), ('peo-', 5804), ('an-', 5760), ('ap-', 5691), ('meet-', 5437), ('sab-', 5345), ('confer-', 5290), ('at-', 5249), ('k', 5183), ('*', 5019), ('/', 4870), ('ments', 4834), ('u', 4754), ('for-', 4702), (']', 4654), ('ñthe', 4577), ('al-', 4403), ('mes-', 4387), ('chris-', 4223), ('ful', 4124), ('ber', 4011), ('x', 3888), ('to-', 3816), ('fol-', 3778), ('ance', 3763), ('oo', 3757), ('sub-', 3718), ('ent', 3643), ('pres-', 3511), ('eral', 3491), ('inter-', 3446), ('chil-', 3433), ('sev-', 3405), ('dren', 3383), ("'the", 3349), ('-the', 3307), ('mem-', 3271), ('gen-', 3229), ('ex', 3187), ('na-', 3150), ('_', 3142), ('as-', 3055), ('sionary', 3047), ('ture', 3038), ('work-', 2990), ('hun-', 2942), ('can-', 2921), ('or-', 2907), ('tian', 2831), ('pa', 2818), ('pub-', 2712), ('ob-', 2705), ('wm', 2688), ('min-', 2685), ('coun-', 2650), ('num-', 2630), ('serv-', 2620), ('mo', 2597), ('em-', 2558), ('col-', 2542), ('them-', 2494), ('pur-', 2468), ('dred', 2462), ('thou-', 2450), ('bers', 2425), ('ar-', 2410), ('under-', 2386), ('ceived', 2334), ('tional', 2329), ('di-', 2324), ('mission-', 2308), ('with-', 2296), ('io', 2289), ('z', 2285), ('pp', 2243), ('some-', 2223), ('camp-', 2214), ('sun-', 2194), ('sup-', 2192), ('ters', 2191), ('seventh-', 2185), ('ã', 2158), ('bap-', 2140), ('ary', 2136), ('ning', 2126), ('ren', 2121), ('mc', 2120), ('par-', 2117), ('pa-', 2109), ('-*-', 2100), ('[vol', 2073), ('pos-', 2056), ('man-', 2008), ('breth-', 2005), ('ques-', 1968), ('sabbath-', 1963), ("the'", 1962), ('trans-', 1908), ('ous', 1868), ('ity', 1865), ('(see', 1853), ('experi-', 1846), ('id', 1837), ('prin-', 1830), ('es-', 1813), ('depart-', 1809), ('op-', 1807), ('suc-', 1792), ('him-', 1786), ("'of", 1776), ('there-', 1774), ('sions', 1770), ('accom-', 1753), ('out-', 1743), ('ef-', 1738), ('sur-', 1737), ('twenty-', 1723), ('dur-', 1719), ('every-', 1718), ('ical', 1704), ('govern-', 1700), ('char-', 1696), ('mt', 1691), ('of-', 1691), ('lan-', 1684), ('tive', 1679), ('%', 1670), ('ahd', 1669), ('sec-', 1659), ('gov-', 1640), ('over-', 1639), ('ña', 1605), ('edu-', 1604), ('cor-', 1568), ('ern', 1561), ('lieve', 1551), ('ciples', 1549), ('ma-', 1544), ('teach-', 1543), ('se-', 1536), ('sible', 1527), ('ences', 1524), ('so-', 1510), ('right-', 1505), ('va', 1504), ('re', 1500), ('lation', 1486), ('sented', 1485), ('command-', 1477), ('build-', 1475), ('bless-', 1472), ('terest', 1455), ('enth-day', 1446), ('lished', 1442), ('=', 1439), ('¥the', 1422), ('mittee', 1420), ('struction', 1420), ('[', 1419), ('---', 1416), ('stu-', 1413), ('neces-', 1410), ('ventist', 1396), ('self-', 1368), ('read-', 1364), ('tle', 1361), ('fa-', 1357), ('har-', 1353), ('ington', 1350), ('repre-', 1348), ('ure', 1340), ('dence', 1334), ('prom-', 1333), ('lege', 1321), ('la-', 1318), ('king-', 1316), ('wash-', 1315), ('ject', 1314), ('cer-', 1314), ('ble', 1312), ('cial', 1302), ('-died', 1296), ('-a', 1296), ('dif-', 1292), ('perience', 1291), ('al', 1289), ('rec-', 1288), ("'to", 1285), ('educa-', 1281), ('oc-', 1273), ('tures', 1272), ('car-', 1268), ('faith-', 1266), ('¡', 1262), ('prac-', 1258), ('knowl-', 1255), ('amer-', 1255), ('[the', 1247), ('evi-', 1246), ('is-', 1245), ('mar-', 1243), ('ceive', 1232), ('pany', 1230), ('cir-', 1223), ('eng-', 1223), ("'be", 1216), ('ish', 1214), ('mat-', 1214), ('hu-', 1209), ('estab-', 1203), ('au-', 1202), ('cially', 1193), ('oppor-', 1190), ('busi-', 1189), ('ventists', 1188), ('ernment', 1185), ('erty', 1181), ('¥¥', 1178), ('(the', 1178), ('tained', 1177), ('condi-', 1174), ('ger-', 1174), ('follow-', 1169), ('scrip-', 1167), ('lit-', 1166), ('advent-', 1166), ('eousness', 1163), ('move-', 1162), ('ga', 1159), ('ear-', 1158), ('ligious', 1157), ('impor-', 1156), ('ft', 1150), ('tered', 1147), ('cepted', 1143), ('nd', 1143), ('mani-', 1141), ('af-', 1140), ('mony', 1140), ('first-day', 1130), ('relig-', 1125), ('+', 1123), ('acter', 1122), ("'and", 1122), ('`', 1121), ('any-', 1119), ('ti', 1116), ('ered', 1115), ('ky', 1115), ('portant', 1114), ('tem-', 1109), ('attend-', 1106), ("'i", 1103), ('his-', 1099), ('partment', 1097), ('the-', 1088), ('how-', 1085), ('pel', 1082), ('cen-', 1078), ('ious', 1078), ('presi-', 1077), ("'a", 1073), ('fur-', 1069), ('state-', 1067), ('tized', 1064), ('our-', 1060), ('indi-', 1059), ("canvassers'", 1054), ('co-', 1047), ('testi-', 1045), ('ized', 1043), ('judg-', 1043), ('sary', 1041), ('sis-', 1032), ('proph-', 1032), ('espe-', 1028), ('__', 1026), ('encour-', 1026), ('asso-', 1021), ('insti-', 1021), ('ther', 1021), ('gos-', 1019), ('li', 1013), ('mo-', 1011), ('tant', 1011), ('do-', 1011), ('pros-', 1005), ('—', 1001)]
Review Special Character Use¶
In [13]:
[('ñ', 132460), (')', 37755), ('¥', 26990), ('(', 16843), ('*', 5019), ('/', 4870), (']', 4654), ('ñthe', 4577), ('_', 3142), ('ã', 2158), ('-*-', 2100), ('[vol', 2073), ('(see', 1853), ('%', 1670), ('ña', 1605), ('=', 1439), ('¥the', 1422), ('[', 1419), ('¡', 1262), ('[the', 1247), ('(the', 1178), ('¥¥', 1178), ('+', 1123), ('`', 1121), ('__', 1026), ('—', 1001), ('[entered', 982), ('(local)', 851), ('(to', 838), ('£', 826), ('(battle', 820), ('ô', 819), ('(not', 789), ('ñno', 729), ('(concluded', 723), ('\\', 688), ('ñit', 675), ('•', 660), ('___', 636), ('(a', 614), ('(a)', 613), ('ñps', 571), ('(rev', 570), ('¥of', 567), ('(b)', 550), ('(or', 531), ('(john', 514), ('(continued', 514), ('(concluded)', 498), ('ñin', 491), ('¥to', 466), ('(and', 459), ('ñwe', 455), ('*night', 448), ('(rom', 446), ('(matt', 445), ('<', 439), ('the¥', 428), ('¥and', 409), ('ñid', 408), ('¥¥¥', 404), ('(i', 401), ('(state)', 400), ('(i)', 397), ('*n', 393), ('(c)', 390), ('toñ', 383), ('-¥-', 368), ('ñand', 364), ('(colored)', 359), ('(for', 355), ('ñthat', 349), ('and¥', 347), ('(which', 345), ('ñi', 338), ('(in', 334), ('____', 332), ('(acts', 326), ('(verse', 325), ('(cal', 315), ('-+-', 315), ('(n', 311), ('station)', 310), ('**', 309), ('ñmal', 304), ('i)', 303), ('(poetry)', 296), ('(isa', 293), ('ñto', 293), ('(ps', 292), ('(mich', 291), ('(d', 290), ('*eastern', 286), ('(heb', 280), ('(as', 276), ('(luke', 271), ('¥¥¥¥', 269), ('[or', 268), ('ñdied', 268), ('(new', 267), ('(sabbath', 254), ('concluded)', 253), ('\ufeff', 252), ('(about', 247), ('(gen', 243), ('(d)', 242), ('year)', 236), ('margin]', 236), ('¥a', 234), ('ñat', 228), ('ñnot', 226), ('ñisa', 219), ('tion)', 217), ('(continued)', 215), ('*pacific', 215), ('(sanitarium', 214), ('(ohio)', 212), ('-¥', 210), ('in¥', 208), ('ñan', 207), ('ñthere', 206), ('to¥', 204), ('ó', 203), ('¥in', 200), ('(dan', 199), ('[christ]', 196), ('ñsince', 196), ('ñall', 194), ('(if', 193), ('(wis', 190), ('(eph', 189), ('¥that', 188), ('(of', 186), ('(e)', 185), ('[in', 184), ('(methodist)', 181), ('o)', 181), ('ñthis', 180), ('ñselected', 179), ('[all', 178), ('ñone', 178), ('(ex', 178), ('week)', 177), ('(baptist)', 174), ('}', 174), ('(one', 170), ('gallons)', 164), ('#', 163), ('`the', 162), ('-¥-¥', 160), ('(no', 157), ('ñby', 156), ('[of', 156), ('continued)', 155), ('*nebraska', 155), ('(south', 155), ('(this', 153), ('seventh¥day', 153), ('[that', 152), ('ñmrs', 151), ('(that', 150), ("¥'", 150), ('>', 149), ('*south', 149), ('_-', 149), ('ãã', 149), ('(england)', 149), ('^', 148), ('-_', 146), ("'¥", 144), ('ñas', 144), ('ñwhat', 144), ('[a', 143), ('ñhe', 142), ("'ñ", 141), ('(starts', 141), ('(reading', 140), ('¥-', 140), ('*west', 139), ('ñyes', 138), ('ñour', 138), ('¥be', 134), ('(gal', 133), ('¥is', 133), ('*north', 131), ('¥this', 131), ('ñreports', 131), ('it)', 128), ('(who', 128), ("*weste'n", 126), ('of¥', 125), ('¥n', 124), ('ñfor', 122), ('(sunday)', 122), ('(general)', 121), ('n\x8ee', 119), ('ñtheir', 119), ('[under', 119), ('{', 118), ('*news', 118), ('ñafter', 118), ('~', 118), ('africa)', 117), ('(pa', 116), ('_herald', 116), ('(with', 116), ('meeting)', 116), ('ñis', 115), ('*southern', 114), ('ñtwo', 114), ('[not', 113), ('[designed', 113), ('(read', 113), ('(b', 112), ('park)', 111), ('ñhow', 110), ('(on', 109), ('(iowa)', 109), ('(weekly', 109), ('*michigan', 107), ('is¥', 107), ('ñbecause', 107), ('ñif', 106), ('a¥', 106), ('(mark', 106), ('(southern)', 106), ('■', 105), ('ñon', 105), ('(australia)', 105), ('(two', 101), ('*new', 101), ('cents)', 101), ('*minnesota', 100), ('ñfrom', 100), ('(northern)', 100), ('(s', 100), ('(from', 99), ('(by', 99), ('*indiana', 99), ('[this', 98), ('(tenn', 98), ('(wash', 97), ('monthly)', 96), ('(entered', 96), ('(col', 95), ('(incorporated)', 95), ('(ill', 95), ('(chicago', 95), ('ñrev', 95), ('nat*', 93), ('(it', 93), ('(minn', 93), ('(except', 93), ('ñbut', 92), ('¥have', 92), ('<>', 92), ('ñjohn', 92), ('(mass', 92), ('(ind', 92), ('¤', 91), ('an¥d', 91), ('_review', 90), ('ñgeneral', 90), ('for¥', 90), ('ñpresident', 89), ('*jackson', 89), ('¥for', 88), ('ñwhen', 88), ('york)', 88), ('(verses', 88), ('(compare', 88), ('i¥', 86), ('¥by', 86), ('(r', 86), ('(h', 86), ('accepted)', 85), ('--¥-¥', 85), ('ñthese', 84), ('¥i', 84), ('(subscriptions', 84), ("'[vol", 84), ('¥¥¥¥¥', 84), ('ñdr', 83), ('[margin', 83), ('creek]', 83), ('(college', 83), ('-¥--', 83), ('(now', 83), ('ant)', 83), ('¥-¥', 82), ('a)', 82), ('(phil', 82), ('ñthey', 82), ('(previously', 81), ('(german)', 81), ('++', 81), ('(illustrated)', 80), ('(neb', 80), ('t)', 80), ('(f)', 80), ('¥god', 79), ('ñsel', 79), ('[god]', 79), ('[sunday]', 78), ('the_', 77), ('¥our', 77), ('ñjesus', 76), ('years)', 76), ('(page', 76), ('(at', 76), ('nichols)', 76), ('(we', 76), ('ñduring', 75), ('¥we', 75), ('***', 74), ('¥at', 74), ('¥it', 73), ('(presbyterian)', 73), ('copy)', 73), ('(oakland', 73), ('day)', 73), ('¥-¥-¥', 73), ('-_-', 73), ("'ô", 73), ('¥their', 72), ('*western', 72), ('ôô', 72), ('(jer', 72), ('*iowa', 72), ('¥are', 71), ('*a', 71), ('¥his', 71), ('with¥', 71), ('(london)', 71), ('(lev', 71), ('(catholic)', 71), ('ñnew', 71), ("')", 70), ('ñmark', 70), ('margin)', 70), ('¥as', 69), ('(kan', 69), ('(princeville', 69), ('//', 69), ('(chapter', 69), ('church)', 69), ('¥was', 69), ('(signs', 68), ('only)', 68), ('(all', 68), ('i/', 67), ('(including', 67), ('_the', 67), ('[and', 67), ('/a', 66), ('(he', 66), ('_advent', 66), ('(james', 66), ('(our', 66), ('-=', 66), ('this¥', 65), ('✓', 65), ('god]', 65), ('[italics', 65), ('ñpage', 65), ('be¥', 65), ('[special', 64), ('¥has', 64), ('(though', 63), ('(formerly', 63), ('(grandville', 63), ('¥church', 63), ("ñ'", 62), ("'`", 62), ('¥but', 62), ('*ohio', 62), ('c)', 62), ('(china)', 62), ('¥they', 62), ('(first', 61), ('ñthose', 61), ('[we', 61), ('ñof', 61), ('--_', 60), ('(st', 60), ('[signed]', 60), ('all)', 60), ('*northern', 60), ('ñelder', 60), ('(italics', 60), ('))', 60), ('m¥', 59), ('[to', 59), ('--¥-', 58), ('ii)', 58), ('(ore', 58), ("]'", 58), ('(tex', 58), ('was¥', 58), ('=-', 58), ('[voices', 57), ('as¥', 57), ('(colo', 57), ('times)', 57), ('(an', 57), ('(july', 57), ('(so', 57), ('god)', 57), ('(swedish)', 57), ('to)', 57), ('(con-', 56), ('(nee', 56), ('[margin]', 56), ('(chap', 56), ('(t', 56), ('[i', 55), ('(mo', 55), ('(india)', 55), ('ñj', 55), ('work)', 55), ('(detroit', 55), ('land)', 55), ('ñwhy', 55), ('father)', 55), ('}detroit', 55), ('(tasmania)', 54), (')-', 54), ('(prov', 54), ('(london', 54), ('(there', 54), ('_____', 54), ('time)', 54), ('*upper', 54), ('()', 54), ('(second', 54), ('(g)', 53), ('¥with', 53), ('world=wide', 53), ('¥all', 53), ('months)', 53), ('*daily', 53), ('ñjust', 53), ('ò', 53), ('dollars)', 53), ('ñwith', 52), ('o¥f', 52), ("`'", 52), ('jackson__', 52), ('ñattention', 52), ('<<', 52), ('church]', 52), ('law]', 52), ('-*', 51), ('ñabout', 51), ('¥been', 51), ('re¥', 51), ('(north', 51), ('our¥', 51), ('(lowry', 50), ('¥he', 50), ('biennial)', 50), ('/i', 50), ('ñwhich', 50), ('*illinois', 50), ('(r)', 50), ('*central', 50), ('[as', 50), ('¥there', 50), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥', 50), ('[by', 50), ('ñ`', 49), ('(signed)', 49), ('ñed', 49), ('(n\x8ee', 49), ('*georgia', 49), ('(num', 49), ('*arizona', 49), ('¥can', 49), ('ñgod', 49), ('them)', 48), ('¥christ', 48), ('*tennessee', 48), ('ñjuly', 48), ('(southern', 48), ('*-', 48), ('ñpassing', 48), ('catholic)', 48), ('(unincorporated)', 48), ('zealand)', 48), ('(jamaica)', 48), ('(returning)', 48), ('city)', 48), ('from¥', 48), ('(east', 48), ('(state', 48), ('*washington', 48), ('christ)', 48), ('(after', 47), ('*egypt', 47), ('(conference)', 47), ('christ]', 47), ('(job', 47), ('=¥', 47), ('ñmr', 47), ('(margin)', 47), ('(some', 47), ('*algeria', 47), ('*utah', 47), ('*wyoming', 46), ('(weekly)', 46), ('ñthree', 46), ('¥=', 46), ('*as', 46), ('t¥', 46), ('(three', 46), ('ñchrist', 46), ('¥work', 46), ("[christ's]", 46), ('`i', 46), ('(dent', 46), ('(may', 45), ('(cloth)', 45), ('ñsome', 45), ('-*--', 45), ('¨', 45), ('_of', 45), ('cent)', 45), ('ñh', 45), ('*vermont', 45), ('we¥', 45), ('¥who', 45), ('ñthen', 45), ('(danish)', 44), ('(conference', 44), ('\\\\', 44), ('(west', 44), ('truth)', 44), ('}mail', 44), ('ñm', 44), ('of_', 44), ('`and', 44), ('¥had', 44), ('their¥', 44), ('(t)', 44), ('(ezra', 44), ('~~', 43), ('ñonly', 43), ('vol_', 43), ('yard)', 43), ('_and', 43), ('(they', 43), ('(april', 43), ('*virginia', 43), ('version)', 43), ('„', 43), ('(old', 43), ('man)', 43), ('(white)', 43), ('(eastern)', 43), ('(south)', 43), ('(english)', 43), ('¥one', 43), ('*the', 43), ('(chairman)', 42), ('(southwestern)', 42), ('(june', 42), ('ñw', 42), ('<x>', 42), ('¥which', 42), ('ff¤', 42), ('i¥t', 42), ('are¥', 42), ('¥conference', 42), ('his¥', 42), ('¥on', 42), ('ñ]', 41), ('pages)', 41), ('*arkansas', 41), ('(north)', 41), ('/-', 41), ('days)', 41), ('ñyou', 41), ('conference)', 41), ('mick)', 41), ('(eze', 41), ('ññ', 41), ('****', 41), ('¥from', 41), ('*wisconsin', 41), ('ñwho', 41), ('[he', 40), (")'", 40), ("('", 40), ('andñ', 40), ('miles)', 40), ('()reek', 40), ('that¥', 40), ('(ontario)', 40), ('(c', 40), ('has¥', 40), ('¥them', 40), ('(christ)', 39), ('¦', 39), ('o¡', 39), ('t(', 39), ('*cumberland', 39), ('(mal', 39), ('(deceased)', 39), ('school)', 39), ('ñso', 39), ('creek_', 39), ('(indianapolis', 39), ('ñmy', 38), ('ñwill', 38), ('reading)', 38), ('one)', 38), ('*louisiana', 38), (')f', 38), ('(text-book', 38), ('*ny', 38), ('ñare', 38), ('(ridgeway', 38), ('(eccl', 38), ('i%', 37), ('[his', 37), ('[for', 37), ('(jacksonville', 37), ('(monthly', 37), ('america)', 37), ('have¥', 37), ('(but', 37), ('paper)', 37), ('ñjune', 37), ('s)', 37), ('ñmay', 37), ('i¥n', 37), ('list)', 37), ('[at', 37), ('[one', 37), ('ñ¥', 37), ('ñmary', 37), ('(roman', 37), ('(five', 37), ('(deut', 37), ('gold)', 37), ('ããã', 37), ('¥more', 37), ('¥or', 37), ('corporation)', 37), ('_missionary', 37), ('will¥', 37), ('¥will', 36), ('ñreview', 36), ('ñnotice', 36), ('ñmen', 36), ('th(', 36), ('¥many', 36), ('[jesus]', 36), ('*alberta', 36), ('(british)', 36), ('ñnothing', 36), ('*texas', 36), ('ñ*ñ', 36), ('¥two', 36), ('*california-nevada', 36), ('(lake', 36), ('ñen', 36), ('==', 36), ('_--', 36), ('(monthly)', 36), ('¥time', 36), ('ñhis', 36), ('followingñ', 35), ('}daily', 35), ('godñ', 35), ('been¥', 35), ('¥daily', 35), ('¥-¥-', 35), ('charter)', 35), ('father]', 35), ('r¥', 35), ('feet)', 35), ('(january', 35), ('*atlantic', 35), ('(ala', 35), ('and_', 35), ('\\v', 35), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 34), ('(kimball', 34), ('ñsimply', 34), ('--¥', 34), ('ñfive', 34), ('in_', 34), ('--*-', 34), ('law)', 34), ('-__', 34), ('[from', 34), ('(des', 34), ('(his', 34), ('me)', 34), ('(fig', 34), ('ñcertainly', 34), ('(mexican)', 34), ('life]', 34), ('ñaccording', 33), ('it¥', 33), ('[which', 33), ('/o', 33), ('ñchristian', 33), ('whiteñthe', 33), ('(secretary)', 33), ('pounds)', 33), ('an¥', 33), ('(washington', 33), ('(chicago)', 33), ('he¥', 33), ('¥e', 33), ('is)', 33), ('day]', 33), ('iñ', 33), ('(when', 33), ('(october', 33), ('him)', 33), ('which¥', 33), ('local)', 33), ('[brother', 32), ('+++', 32), ('=the', 32), ('¥may', 32), ('(saturday)', 32), ('o¥', 32), ('ñevery', 32), ('thatñ', 32), ('number)', 32), ('¥were', 32), ('ã-', 32), ('to_', 32), ('û', 32), ('*moto', 32), ('ñr', 32), ('r)', 32), ('ñwas', 32), ('ñfour', 32), ('_a', 32), ('on¥', 32), ('(only', 31), ('ñmore', 31), ('*sermon', 31), ('(reported', 31), ('(northern', 31), ('(vol', 31), ('ñwhile', 31), ('[when', 31), ('*ill', 31), ('life)', 31), ('(where', 31), ('¥people', 31), ('sabbath)', 31), ('(less', 31), ('i¡', 31), ('¥not', 31), ('ñe', 31), ('(m', 30), ('(both', 30), ('i(', 30), ('*preceded', 30), ('===', 30), ('caf\x8e', 30), ('sunday]', 30), ('or¥', 30), ('(congregationalist)', 30), ('money)', 30), ('¥f', 30), ('children)', 30), ('god¥', 30), ('ñn', 30), ('(mrs', 29), ('¡[vol', 29), ('_-_', 29), ('each)', 29), ('[on', 29), ('e¥', 29), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 29), ('(in-', 29), ('%)', 29), ('ñsunday', 29), ('(december', 29), ('(march', 29), ('*florida', 29), ('s¥', 29), ('us)', 29), ('white)', 28), ('who¥', 28), ('(zech', 28), ('adventist)', 28), ('t¥o', 28), ("[god's]", 28), ('io)', 28), ('******', 28), ('ñs', 28), ('(near', 28), ('here)', 28), ('`¥', 28), ("ô'", 28), ('w[vol', 28), ('¥m', 28), ('copies)', 28), ('con¥', 28), ('workñ', 28), ('(sabbath)', 28), ('¥an', 28), ('¥come', 28), ('*****', 28), ('of]', 28), ('e)', 28), ('-/', 28), ('(western)', 28), ('ñjames', 28), ('home)', 27), ('(w', 27), ('lifeñ', 27), ('(fremont', 27), ('(president)', 27), ('(yearly)', 27), ('ñeditorial', 27), ('(boulder', 27), ('(four', 27), ('(germany)', 27), ('-(', 27), ('springs)', 27), ('(gold)', 27), ('(titus', 27), ('ñdo', 27), ('ñanother', 27), ('(h)', 27), ('_mirror', 27), ('¥do', 27), ('[about', 27), ('-)', 27), ('more)', 27), ('ad=', 27), ('(these', 27), ('ñnone', 27), ('[see', 27), ('ñmost', 27), ('lord]', 27), ('*columbia', 27), ('ñwilliam', 27), ('(re-', 26), ('(paper)', 26), ('i*', 26), ('_to', 26), ('(commit', 26), ('(august', 26), ('(february', 26), ('¡)', 26), ('(denmark)', 26), ('ôc', 26), ('*notice-', 26), ('excepted)', 26), ("'(", 26), ('``', 26), ('(such', 26), ('states)', 26), ('ñlast', 26), ('(lid', 26), ('¥r', 26), ('him¥', 26), ('all¥', 26), ('ñwhere', 26), ('a_', 26), ('‘', 26), ('grove)', 26), ('(central', 26), ('`a', 26), ('islands)', 26), ('edition)', 26), ('ñ(', 26), ('ñnotes', 26), ('(fla', 25), ('-=-', 25), ('(mr', 25), ('son]', 25), ('water)', 25), ('ñsabbath', 25), ('`of', 25), ('(christian)', 25), ('ñset', 25), ('ñreligious', 25), ('n¥ot', 25), ('people)', 25), ('ñrussia', 25), ('¥three', 25), ('[now', 25), ('world)', 25), ('ñf', 25), ('(ann', 25), ('[v', 25), ('(father', 25), ('a*', 25), ('sunday)', 25), ('(kingston', 25), ('dollars]', 25), ('ff*', 25), ('(texas)', 25), ('(korea)', 25), ('¥those', 25), ('*ere', 25), ('ñbrother', 25), ('--+-', 25), ('±', 25), ('(£', 25), ('(calif', 25), ('whiteñ', 25), ('england)', 25), ('+++++', 25), ('(ii)', 24), ('-ñ', 24), ('(over', 24), ('¥day', 24), ('[applause', 24), ('*i', 24), ('ñibid', 24), ('ñgood', 24), ('*******', 24), ('[vor', 24), ('t/', 24), ('♦', 24), ('wife)', 24), ('(jude', 24), ('people]', 24), ('(brazil)', 24), ('(revised)', 24), ('••••', 24), ('(lay', 24), ('ñmany', 24), ('(taken', 24), ('(j', 24), ('[note', 24), ('right)', 24), ('¥every', 24), ('(church', 24), ('ñt', 24), ('`to', 24), ('(orlando', 24), ('¥truth', 24), ('++++', 24), ('=--', 24), ('cluded)', 24), ('(poem)', 24), ('(san', 24), ('ñnay', 24), ('ñhenry', 24), ('(daniel', 24), ('had¥', 24), ('ñbishop', 24), ('them¥', 24), ('l)', 24), ('¥him', 24), ('¥than', 24), ('¥children', 24), ('c¥', 24), ('[elder', 24), ('baptist)', 23), ('(september', 23), ('(vt', 23), ('¥ñ', 23), ('gin]', 23), ('*district', 23), ('(same', 23), ('[it', 23), ('version]', 23), ('ñking', 23), ('(dr', 23), ('numbers)', 23), ('ñfaith', 23), ('corporated)', 23), ('¥other', 23), (')e', 23), ('old)', 23), ('ours]', 23), ('********', 23), ('not)', 23), ('[voice', 23), ('-+', 23), ('¥*', 23), ('the*', 23), ('(november', 23), ('ñsix', 23), ('(revelation', 23), ('(mail', 23), ('ñlet', 23), ('///', 23), ('[those', 23), ('¥-¥--', 23), ('a/', 23), ('(eng-', 23), ('(newburg', 23), ('district)', 23), (')¥', 22), ...]
Correction 1 -- Normalize Characters¶
In [14]:
# %load shared_elements/normalize_characters.py
prev = "baseline"
cycle = "correction1"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
# Substitute for all other dashes
content = re.sub(r"—-—–‑", r"-", content)
# Substitute formatted apostrophe
content = re.sub(r"\’\’\‘\'\‛\´", r"'", content)
# Replace all special characters with a space (as these tend to occur at the end of lines)
content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s,.!?$:;\-&\'\"]", r" ", content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [15]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction1 Average verified rate: 0.9461722785030221 Average of error rates: 0.057882279130781956 Total token count: 53446587
In [16]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 147529), ('w', 54947), ('e', 52037), ("'", 49025), ('m', 47937), ('d', 37205), ('con-', 34828), ('re-', 34154), ('t', 32211), ('r', 29809), ('tion', 29599), ('g', 27460), ('n', 27234), ('f', 25313), ('in-', 24855), ('be-', 20210), ('pm', 17889), ('de-', 16583), ('com-', 16091), ('ment', 13782), ('ex-', 13438), ('ence', 9018), ('tions', 9016), ('en-', 8978), ('dis-', 8830), ('--', 8775), ('ad-', 8060), ('un-', 7672), ('pro-', 7561), ('mis-', 7432), ('per-', 7304), ('ac-', 7286), ('pre-', 6987), ('th', 6917), ('co', 6502), ('ference', 6443), ('im-', 6408), ('ers', 6407), ('ple', 6254), ('peo-', 5807), ('an-', 5780), ('ap-', 5705), ('meet-', 5439), ('sab-', 5356), ('k', 5320), ('confer-', 5297), ('at-', 5255), ('u', 4904), ('ments', 4848), ('for-', 4722)]
Correction 2 -- Correct Line Endings¶
In [17]:
# %load shared_elements/correct_line_endings.py
prev = "correction1"
cycle = "correction2"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
content = re.sub(r"(\w+)(\-\s{1,})([a-z]+)", r"\1\3", content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [18]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction2 Average verified rate: 0.972472947325256 Average of error rates: 0.03166380539553985 Total token count: 52464498
In [19]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 146749), ('w', 54932), ('e', 51741), ("'", 49025), ('m', 47873), ('d', 37097), ('t', 31847), ('r', 29703), ('g', 27289), ('n', 27093), ('f', 25198), ('pm', 17878), ('--', 8775), ('th', 6900), ('co', 6495), ('k', 5306), ('u', 4873), ('x', 4046), ('oo', 3787), ('ex', 3407), ("'the", 3372), ('-the', 3326), ('pa', 2982), ('wm', 2709), ('mo', 2698), ('z', 2421), ('io', 2358), ('id', 2289), ('pp', 2256), ('mc', 2162), ("the'", 1975), ('seventhday', 1968), ('tion', 1912), ("'of", 1780), ('mt', 1738), ('ahd', 1679), ('re-', 1676), ('re', 1625), ('---', 1585), ('va', 1548), ('al', 1427), ('-a', 1310), ('-died', 1297), ("'to", 1291), ("'be", 1217), ('ft', 1187), ('ga', 1180), ('nd', 1158), ("canvassers'", 1156), ('first-day', 1146)]
Correction 3 -- Remove Extra Dashes¶
In [21]:
# %load shared_elements/remove_extra_dashes.py
prev = "correction2"
cycle = "correction3"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
for token in tokens:
if token[0] is "-":
replacements.append((token, token[1:]))
elif token[-1] is "-":
replacements.append((token, token[:-1]))
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [22]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction3 Average verified rate: 0.9778837666964116 Average of error rates: 0.02588213654251982 Total token count: 52502973
In [23]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55116), ('e', 52328), ("'", 50167), ('m', 48056), ('d', 37263), ('t', 32642), ('r', 30301), ('g', 27462), ('n', 27354), ('f', 25445), ('pm', 17898), ('co', 8855), ('th', 7021), ('k', 5395), ('u', 4930), ('re', 4428), ('ex', 4236), ('x', 4197), ('oo', 3819), ("'the", 3383), ('pa', 3072), ('mo', 2739), ('wm', 2717), ('z', 2508), ('mc', 2501), ('io', 2447), ('id', 2368), ('pp', 2262), ("the'", 1985), ('seventhday', 1971), ('tion', 1920), ("'of", 1789), ('mt', 1752), ('ahd', 1680), ('al', 1600), ('va', 1563), ('-', 1498), ("'to", 1299), ('ti', 1227), ("'be", 1219), ('ft', 1216), ('nd', 1206), ('ga', 1184), ("canvassers'", 1163), ("'i", 1137), ("'and", 1133), ('ky', 1128), ('li', 1115), ("'a", 1099), ("''", 1092)]
Correction 4 -- Remove extra quotation marks¶
In [24]:
# %load shared_elements/replace_extra_quotation_marks.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction4"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
corrections = []
for token in tokens:
token_list = list(token)
last_char = token_list[-1]
if last_char is "'":
if len(token) > 1:
if token_list[-2] is 's' or 'S':
corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
elif token[0] is "'":
corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
if len(corrections) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, corrections))
for correction in corrections:
content = clean.replace_pair(correction, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [25]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction4 Average verified rate: 0.9790667555890971 Average of error rates: 0.0246023783722124 Total token count: 52504188
In [26]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55205), ('e', 52568), ('m', 48328), ("'", 45823), ('d', 37645), ('t', 34176), ('r', 30481), ('n', 27948), ('g', 27514), ('f', 25574), ('pm', 17908), ('co', 8869), ('th', 7056), ('k', 5415), ('u', 4948), ('re', 4602), ('ex', 4247), ('x', 4214), ('oo', 3826), ('pa', 3082), ('mo', 2743), ('wm', 2726), ('z', 2525), ('mc', 2504), ('io', 2452), ('id', 2388), ('pp', 2263), ('seventhday', 1973), ('tion', 1923), ("the'", 1923), ('mt', 1758), ('ahd', 1680), ('al', 1629), ('va', 1567), ('-', 1500), ('nd', 1303), ('ti', 1250), ('ft', 1227), ('ga', 1189), ("canvassers'", 1131), ('ky', 1130), ('li', 1129), ('q', 1081), ('ro', 1032), ('mal', 1005), ('ment', 1002), ('il', 987), ('sabbathschool', 926), ("''", 913), ('sabba', 894)]
Correction 5 -- Rejoin Burst Words¶
In [27]:
# %load shared_elements/rejoin_burst_words.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction5"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
pattern = re.compile("(\s(\w{1,2}\s){5,})")
replacements = []
clean.check_splits(pattern, spelling_dictionary, content, replacements)
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [28]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction5 Average verified rate: 0.9790644102898062 Average of error rates: 0.024605344208064796 Total token count: 52504468
In [29]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55193), ('e', 52502), ('m', 48329), ("'", 45826), ('d', 37653), ('t', 34137), ('r', 30443), ('n', 27923), ('g', 27507), ('f', 25566), ('pm', 17908), ('co', 8867), ('th', 7055), ('k', 5411), ('u', 4938), ('re', 4618), ('ex', 4247), ('x', 4213), ('oo', 3826), ('pa', 3082), ('mo', 2743), ('wm', 2726), ('z', 2525), ('mc', 2505), ('io', 2453), ('id', 2388), ('pp', 2263), ('seventhday', 1973), ('tion', 1923), ("the'", 1923), ('mt', 1758), ('ahd', 1680), ('al', 1627), ('va', 1567), ('-', 1500), ('nd', 1303), ('ti', 1249), ('ft', 1227), ('ga', 1189), ("canvassers'", 1131), ('ky', 1130), ('li', 1130), ('q', 1081), ('ro', 1031), ('mal', 1005), ('ment', 1002), ('il', 986), ('sabbathschool', 926), ("''", 913), ('sabba', 894)]
Correction 6 -- Rejoin Split Words¶
In [30]:
# %load shared_elements/rejoin_split_words.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction6"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)
replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=False)
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [31]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction6 Average verified rate: 0.9793888505911469 Average of error rates: 0.024266668567843496 Total token count: 52490765
In [32]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55171), ('e', 52111), ('m', 48561), ("'", 45826), ('d', 37570), ('t', 33920), ('r', 30344), ('n', 27801), ('g', 27472), ('f', 25542), ('pm', 17908), ('co', 6756), ('th', 6033), ('k', 5375), ('u', 4915), ('x', 4204), ('ex', 4129), ('oo', 3778), ('pa', 3046), ('wm', 2726), ('mo', 2657), ('z', 2522), ('re', 2502), ('io', 2452), ('id', 2359), ('pp', 2260), ('seventhday', 1973), ("the'", 1923), ('tion', 1767), ('mt', 1751), ('ahd', 1680), ('va', 1553), ('-', 1500), ('al', 1443), ('nd', 1293), ('ft', 1222), ('ga', 1183), ("canvassers'", 1131), ('ky', 1130), ('ti', 1092), ('q', 1081), ('li', 1011), ('mal', 1001), ('ro', 994), ('ment', 973), ('il', 949), ('sabbathschool', 926), ('mc', 915), ("''", 913), ('vt', 878)]
Correction 7 -- Rejoin Split Words II¶
In [33]:
# %load shared_elements/rejoin_split_words.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction7"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)
replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=True)
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [34]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction7 Average verified rate: 0.979517762639131 Average of error rates: 0.024111161809159874 Total token count: 52480546
In [35]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55018), ('e', 52036), ('m', 48413), ("'", 45820), ('d', 37504), ('t', 33748), ('r', 30226), ('n', 27752), ('g', 27415), ('f', 25466), ('pm', 17890), ('co', 6668), ('th', 5847), ('k', 5367), ('u', 4907), ('x', 4204), ('ex', 4124), ('oo', 3650), ('pa', 3045), ('wm', 2726), ('mo', 2650), ('z', 2505), ('io', 2447), ('id', 2307), ('pp', 2257), ('seventhday', 1973), ('re', 1927), ("the'", 1923), ('mt', 1750), ('tion', 1741), ('ahd', 1680), ('va', 1546), ('-', 1500), ('al', 1366), ('ft', 1205), ('ga', 1181), ('nd', 1153), ("canvassers'", 1131), ('ky', 1130), ('q', 1079), ('ti', 1056), ('mal', 995), ('ro', 981), ('li', 975), ('sabbathschool', 926), ('il', 924), ("''", 913), ('vt', 878), ('eze', 863), ('mc', 852)]
Review Remaining Errors¶
In [36]:
[('RH19091021-V86-42-page1.txt', 0.875), ('RH19050601-V82-22-page1.txt', 0.857), ('RH19061101-V83-44-page1.txt', 0.8), ('RH19140402-V91-14-page1.txt', 0.795), ('RH19140924-V91-40-page1.txt', 0.708), ('RH19060510-V83-19-page1.txt', 0.706), ('RH19140528-V91-22-page1.txt', 0.692), ('RH19140212-V91-07-page1.txt', 0.674), ('RH19050209-V82-06-page1.txt', 0.667), ('RH19140205-V91-06-page1.txt', 0.667), ('RH19160727-V93-37-page1.txt', 0.64), ('RH19140827-V91-36-page1.txt', 0.632), ('RH19160127-V93-05-page1.txt', 0.63), ('RH19140305-V91-10-page1.txt', 0.628), ('RH19031210-V80-49-page1.txt', 0.619), ('RH19160622-V93-31-page1.txt', 0.612), ('RH19110330-V88-13-page1.txt', 0.6), ('RH19021118-V79-46-page1.txt', 0.6), ('RH19080305-V85-10-page1.txt', 0.594), ('RH19140226-V91-09-page1.txt', 0.593), ('RH19021014-V79-41-page1.txt', 0.591), ('RH19140108-V91-02-page1.txt', 0.586), ('RH19131218-V90-51-page1.txt', 0.585), ('RH19131113-V90-46-page1.txt', 0.583), ('RH19190807-V96-32-page1.txt', 0.583), ('RH19150204-V92-06-page1.txt', 0.58), ('RH19140416-V91-16-page1.txt', 0.568), ('RH19131204-V90-49-page1.txt', 0.565), ('RH19140101-V91-01-page1.txt', 0.565), ('RH19140625-V91-26-page1.txt', 0.564), ('RH19120815-V89-33-page24.txt', 0.556), ('RH19140702-V91-27-page1.txt', 0.555), ('RH19140903-V91-37-page1.txt', 0.552), ('RH19130626-V90-26-page15.txt', 0.54), ('RH19140219-V91-08-page1.txt', 0.535), ('RH19150805-V92-38-page1.txt', 0.533), ('RH19140806-V91-32-page1.txt', 0.528), ('RH19131127-V90-48-page1.txt', 0.527), ('RH19160727-V93-37-page19.txt', 0.523), ('RH19150325-V92-15-page1.txt', 0.521), ('RH19170201-V94-05-page1.txt', 0.519), ('RH19131113-V90-46-page25.txt', 0.518), ('RH19140813-V91-33-page1.txt', 0.515), ('RH19140409-V91-15-page1.txt', 0.514), ('RH19151028-V92-53-page12.txt', 0.51), ('RH19110824-V88-34-page19.txt', 0.509), ('RH19140604-V91-23-page1.txt', 0.509), ('RH19140507-V91-19-page1.txt', 0.5), ('RH19140430-V91-18-page1.txt', 0.486), ('RH19071205-V84-49-page1.txt', 0.481), 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0.415), ('RH19150304-V92-11-page1.txt', 0.413), ('RH19111221-V88-51-page1.txt', 0.412), ('RH19141001-V91-41-page1.txt', 0.412), ('RH19090722-V86-29-page1.txt', 0.409), ('RH19160831-V93-43-page1.txt', 0.405), ('RH19140730-V91-31-page1.txt', 0.403), ('RH19140326-V91-13-page1.txt', 0.403), ('RH19130626-V90-26-page11.txt', 0.4), ('RH19060614-V83-24-page1.txt', 0.4), ('RH19110126-V88-04-page1.txt', 0.4), ('RH19170719-V94-29-page17.txt', 0.397), ('RH19141119-V91-49-page1.txt', 0.396), ('RH19140521-V91-21-page1.txt', 0.394), ('RH19130403-V90-14-page1.txt', 0.387), ('RH19131106-V90-45-page1.txt', 0.386), ('RH19101215-V87-50-page1.txt', 0.385), ('RH19170308-V94-10-page1.txt', 0.385), ('RH19140514-V91-20-page1.txt', 0.382), ('RH19191113-V96-46-page1.txt', 0.381), ('RH19150218-V92-09-page1.txt', 0.378), ('RH19131030-V90-44-page1.txt', 0.378), ('RH19131009-V90-41-page2.txt', 0.376), ('RH19090304-V86-09-page1.txt', 0.375), ('RH19160224-V93-10-page1.txt', 0.374), ('RH19020708-V79-27-page1.txt', 0.368), ('RH19190109-V96-02-page1.txt', 0.367), ('RH19131225-V90-52-page1.txt', 0.361), ('RH19120919-V89-38-page1.txt', 0.359), ('RH19140618-V91-25-page1.txt', 0.358), ('RH19141105-V91-46-page1.txt', 0.352), ('RH19100616-V87-24-page1.txt', 0.35), ('RH19170809-V94-32-page23.txt', 0.344), ('RH19190626-V96-26-page1.txt', 0.343), ('RH19140716-V91-29-page1.txt', 0.343), ('RH19140423-V91-17-page1.txt', 0.343), ('RH19200624-V97-26-page25.txt', 0.338), ('RH19190529-V96-22-page27.txt', 0.335), ('RH19191002-V96-40-page1.txt', 0.333), ('RH19190814-V96-33-page1.txt', 0.333), ('RH19040901-V81-35-page1.txt', 0.333), ('RH19060201-V83-05-page1.txt', 0.333), ('RH19030324-V80-12-page1.txt', 0.333), ('RH19161123-V93-58-page20.txt', 0.327), ('RH19170426-V94-17-page1.txt', 0.326), ('RH19040922-V81-38-page1.txt', 0.322), ('RH19201118-V97-47-page1.txt', 0.32), ('RH19151230-V92-64-page1.txt', 0.319), ('RH19020128-V79-04-page31.txt', 0.319), ('RH19130626-V90-26-page9.txt', 0.315), ('RH19020527-V79-21-page1.txt', 0.312), ('RH19021104-V79-44-page1.txt', 0.311), ('RH19180613-V95-24-page16.txt', 0.311), ('RH19070919-V84-38-page13.txt', 0.31), ('RH19101006-V87-40-page25.txt', 0.309), ('RH19201118-V97-47-page17.txt', 0.308), ('RH19190814-V96-33-page17.txt', 0.308), ('RH19140319-V91-12-page1.txt', 0.308), ('RH19150318-V92-14-page1.txt', 0.306), ('RH19141210-V91-52-page17.txt', 0.302), ('RH19040929-V81-39-page1.txt', 0.3), ('RH19151028-V92-53-page22.txt', 0.299), ('RH19050511-V82-19-page22.txt', 0.299), ('RH19150520-V92-25-page1.txt', 0.299), ('RH19040818-V81-33-page21.txt', 0.298), ('RH19080917-V85-38-page13.txt', 0.297), ('RH19050511-V82-19-page25.txt', 0.293), ('RH19190731-V96-31-page1.txt', 0.292), ('RH19101006-V87-40-page21.txt', 0.291), ('RH19031203-V80-48-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19080618-V85-25-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19031126-V80-47-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19031217-V80-50-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19091028-V86-43-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19070117-V84-03-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19070425-V84-17-page1.txt', 0.286), ('RH19020520-V79-20-page1.txt', 0.283), ('RH19160120-V93-04-page19.txt', 0.281), ('RH19201014-V97-42-page25.txt', 0.28), ('RH19190227-V96-09-page1.txt', 0.273), ('RH19091104-V86-44-page20.txt', 0.271), ('RH19040825-V81-34-page21.txt', 0.269), ('RH19140129-V91-05-page12.txt', 0.269), ('RH19130626-V90-26-page12.txt', 0.268), ('RH19030519-V80-20-page1.txt', 0.266), ('RH19070919-V84-38-page16.txt', 0.265), ('RH19110302-V88-09-page2.txt', 0.264), ('RH19160309-V93-13-page1.txt', 0.263), ('RH19130918-V90-38-page1.txt', 0.263), ('RH19031112-V80-45-page1.txt', 0.262), ('RH19051116-V82-46-page1.txt', 0.261), ('RH19001225-V77-52-page15.txt', 0.261), ('RH19050202-V82-05-page1.txt', 0.258), ('RH19190828-V96-35-page23.txt', 0.258), ('RH19160803-V93-38-page23.txt', 0.258), ('RH19031029-V80-43-page1.txt', 0.254), ('RH19171018-V94-42-page1.txt', 0.253), ('RH19040721-V81-29-page21.txt', 0.253), ('RH19190529-V96-22-page1.txt', 0.252), ('RH19050216-V82-07-page1.txt', 0.251), ('RH19040811-V81-32-page19.txt', 0.25), ('RH19040602-V81-22-page1.txt', 0.25), ('RH19090610-V86-23-page1.txt', 0.25), ('RH19021021-V79-42-page1.txt', 0.25), ('RH19030505-V80-18-page1.txt', 0.25), ('RH19030414-V80-15-page1.txt', 0.25), ('RH19061220-V83-51-page1.txt', 0.25), ('RH19180411-V95-15-page11.txt', 0.249), ('RH19150128-V92-05-page2.txt', 0.248), ('RH19190605-V96-23-page1.txt', 0.248), ('RH19151028-V92-53-page13.txt', 0.245), ('RH19180620-V95-25-page1.txt', 0.242), ('RH19170510-V94-19-page13.txt', 0.241), ('RH19050803-V82-31-page21.txt', 0.241), ('RH19070919-V84-38-page12.txt', 0.241), ('RH19180808-V95-32-page1.txt', 0.24), ('RH19101006-V87-40-page19.txt', 0.239), ('RH19031105-V80-44-page1.txt', 0.238), ('RH19160203-V93-06-page1.txt', 0.237), ('RH19110316-V88-11-page2.txt', 0.237), ('RH19140430-V91-18-page2.txt', 0.236), ('RH19141224-V91-54-page19.txt', 0.236), ('RH19090527-V86-21-page1.txt', 0.235), ('RH19151125-V92-58-page1.txt', 0.235), ('RH19050720-V82-29-page20.txt', 0.234), ('RH19100609-V87-23-page1.txt', 0.231), ('RH19050413-V82-15-page1.txt', 0.231), ('RH19090729-V86-30-page1.txt', 0.231), ('RH19160403-V93-17-page1.txt', 0.231), ('RH19040728-V81-30-page1.txt', 0.231), ('RH19050511-V82-19-page24.txt', 0.23), ('RH19141126-V91-50-page2.txt', 0.229), ('RH19141210-V91-52-page19.txt', 0.229), ('RH19130327-V90-13-page1.txt', 0.229), ('RH19200122-V97-04-page1.txt', 0.228), ('RH19040908-V81-36-page21.txt', 0.226), ('RH19160907-V93-44-page1.txt', 0.226), ('RH19160203-V93-06-page22.txt', 0.225), ('RH19041020-V81-42-page21.txt', 0.225), ('RH19040818-V81-33-page10.txt', 0.225), ('RH19040929-V81-39-page21.txt', 0.224), ('RH19161019-V93-52-page23.txt', 0.223), ('RH19110824-V88-34-page28.txt', 0.223), ('RH19021209-V79-49-page1.txt', 0.223), ('RH19040818-V81-33-page12.txt', 0.222), ('RH19080604-V85-23-page1.txt', 0.222), ('RH19090826-V86-34-page1.txt', 0.222), ('RH19060906-V83-36-page15.txt', 0.221), ('RH19050706-V82-27-page21.txt', 0.22), ('RH19010702-V78-27-page9.txt', 0.22), ('RH19150513-V92-24-page1.txt', 0.22), ('RH19160713-V93-35-page1.txt', 0.219), ('RH19130417-V90-16-page2.txt', 0.218), ('RH19200226-V97-09-page1.txt', 0.216), ('RH19010910-V78-37-page13.txt', 0.216), ('RH19101006-V87-40-page23.txt', 0.216), ('RH19041006-V81-40-page21.txt', 0.215), ('RH19130605-V90-23-page2.txt', 0.214), ('RH19080409-V85-15-page1.txt', 0.214), ('RH19050615-V82-24-page21.txt', 0.213), ('RH19031112-V80-45-page2.txt', 0.213), ('RH19170927-V94-39-page1.txt', 0.213), ('RH19150121-V92-04-page1.txt', 0.212), ('RH19130220-V90-08-page1.txt', 0.211), ('RH19140507-V91-19-page2.txt', 0.211), ('RH19170816-V94-33-page20.txt', 0.21), ('RH19130626-V90-26-page13.txt', 0.208), ('RH19050518-V82-20-page22.txt', 0.208), ('RH19191120-V96-47-page1.txt', 0.208), ('RH19171213-V94-50-page22.txt', 0.208), ('RH18991212-V76-50-page15.txt', 0.208), ('RH19030331-V80-13-page22.txt', 0.207), ('RH19130320-V90-12-page2.txt', 0.207), ('RH19050727-V82-30-page21.txt', 0.206), ('RH19010924-V78-39-page14.txt', 0.206), ('RH19011224-V78-52-page15.txt', 0.205), ('RH19150722-V92-36-page19.txt', 0.204), ('RH19050720-V82-29-page21.txt', 0.204), ('RH19170419-V94-16-page1.txt', 0.204), ('RH19010409-V78-15-page15.txt', 0.204), ('RH19041103-V81-44-page21.txt', 0.203), ('RH19151021-V92-52-page19.txt', 0.202), ('RH19160217-V93-09-page1.txt', 0.202), ('RH19181107-V95-45-page1.txt', 0.202), ('RH19060906-V83-36-page1.txt', 0.202), ('RH19180404-V95-14-page22.txt', 0.201), ('RH19130424-V90-17-page1.txt', 0.201)]
In [37]:
check_docs = ['RH19120815-V89-33-page24.txt', 'RH19130626-V90-26-page15.txt', 'RH19131113-V90-46-page25.txt',
'RH19131113-V90-46-page25.txt', 'RH19160727-V93-37-page19.txt', 'RH19151028-V92-53-page12.txt',
'RH19110824-V88-34-page19.txt', 'RH19110824-V88-34-page21.txt','RH19110824-V88-34-page23.txt',
In [38]:
# %load shared_elements/high_error_rates.py
# doc_keys = [x[0] for x in reports.docs_with_high_error_rate(summary) if x[1] > 0.2]
utilities.open_original_docs(check_docs, directories['cycle'])
Opened files: RH19120815-V89-33-page24.txt RH19130626-V90-26-page15.txt RH19131113-V90-46-page25.txt RH19131113-V90-46-page25.txt RH19160727-V93-37-page19.txt RH19151028-V92-53-page12.txt RH19110824-V88-34-page19.txt RH19110824-V88-34-page21.txt RH19110824-V88-34-page23.txt RH19130626-V90-26-page11.txt
Most of the errors are from the first page.
In [40]:
reports.long_errors(errors_summary, min_length=15)
(['iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'theworkinmississippi', 'iiirtharvirkeiie', 'presterdenominational', 'eimpsylopimmkpammimai', 'malaria-andinsect-infected', 'wwaolkrtehdasevoerdneorrs', 'uiluiluiluiluaul', 'palacesandcrownsanddominionandcamedown', 'heatparticularly', 'consideraeblmeans', 'downward-dragging', 'measjustification', 'faith-strengthening', 'lackcharacteristic', 'sevenhundred-foot', 'zonmommimombommomminomminuommomomeommim', 'loloodthirstiinear', 'isabbath-keepers', 'ultrafashionable', 'itqjrvwoilfiltili', 'friedensauzineeting', 'mercmmmononinnnwammniupnnioinnmmnnmrmmmvmmmmnmmnnmmmnnumnmmmmninninininiaxunnimrnoivm', 'nextquestionedhimaboutasfollois', 'friendswithusevenforsoshortatime', 'ilfeemiliandmeithatiagiv', 'somejustification', 'preferringrather', 'leviticalpriesthood', 'ningforitssupportandequipment', 'miiihniiiiiiimniiihnininin', 'containsthreethdusan', 'materializations', 'itiasatisfactory', 'rightdissipation', "conscientiously'", 'auriculo-ventricular', 'unprogressiveness', "iinels'itardniriit", 'faith-exercising', 'self-explanatory', 'self-sufficiency', 'inininininninininanins', 'sabbathobservers', "constabulatory's", 'inthenameofthelordicall', 'neepareeeemeneemehereeereireleve', 'andsubstantially', 'entertainment-hungry', 'mleeetteenftligieleteueille', 'ofapoplexyathishomeinalameda', 'emprermegggorammommereeeromemormezr', 'heaven-appointed', "lord'ssdefinition", 'forparticularsaddresswm', 'higglety-gigglety', 'organizalombined', 'waenddnetosodkay', 'distribueousness', 'self-revelations', 'thisstatesthesituation', 'publishillustrated', 'disestablishinent', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiin', 'temptaranorargue', 'uninimmomirmimmum', 'scandinavianpopulationin', 'hiscwolrktsacolflorw', 'riblimstmwainnekup', "andjesus'teachingsspurn", 'fiktirdrilielaii', 'armenianspeaking', 'mmirmarztramastm', 'welearnthatwhenweare', 'silver-purchasing', 'the-kingdom-of-heaven-is-at', 'telltgtehetiiitvins', 'reviewandheraldpub', 'andwithmanytears', 'crizinearnmparrniantapare', 'lllinoistonferenee', 'anti-prohibitionists', 'everaccumulating', 'two-hundred-pound', 'nondividend-paying', 'iniiiiiiiniiiinnini', 'seventhassociation', 'oimmumwmummunimmmwilmimiminiummilimmimmiliummummummummitifflummummummimmummummuimmliimmumintimmiiimilimmmmilimmoimmilimmilliminimilitililimilmuniumit', 'stlasysseerstiasia', 'ilifireiltaimplicated', 'free-will-offering', 'oluarfephuarvpeosfe', 'superdreadnaught', 'enrepresentatives', 'fifteen-cent-aweek', 'minummalommummeinimmomminimmunzinumlinglomonol', 'maliontednincommiummin', 'minisamciiimilimis', 'supremeeducational', 'nipaaliailaluilial', 'paphouhheodouehoumturyonwtopolos', 'speaking-trumpet', 'ullsortyarblereasure', 'rielf-sustaining', 'heaven-intrusted', 'unntalmuminttmaniruu', 'llllilllllllllllllllll', 'publishinghousesandbranches', 'self-congratulations', 'wimpappapppipappamvpipmapfwv', 'nineteen-year-old', 're-ienforcements', 'itisalsoexcellent', 'northhamptonshire', 'spider-to-the-fly', 'blood-corpuscles', 'knowingthatshecouldlivebutlit', 'estabperpetually', "ivillftl'illypintv", 'positionasengineer', 'mioniummemmouniminimmonsandoommonnummusionnommommuniiiummiiiiimmi', 'nationalmovement', 'mansion-mistress', "rome'splantoexcludeanti", 'stitivimmitivimitimmimwittitmitimiftwitimitymimmtwittmmittititivimmimmtviiimitymtiimiiimitivittiymmt', 'i-am-minding-my-own-business', 'withjiiiiotitonarp', 'fifty-thousand-dollar', 'ofalltrueeclucatiotiarid', 'projecthasbeenstartedinrometoerecton', 'commencingfridayevening', 'fromthescriptures', 'serious-thinking', "missionary'secretary", 'washingfacilities', 'taughtinconnectionwiththisbiographour', 'daughters-in-law', "superintendents'", 'disfellowshiping', 'ssianinasitidanallillamsna', 'rripreotrhtsretin', 'olisloonnilirriumpplemmpilt', 'eharvecoonurnehnedarty', 'anticonstituency', 'reslrardiaoisoted', 'charlottlesville', 'populatiorvcould', 'debasinginfluence', 'miiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'ricn-fu-nh-en-tien', 'mmemwmmmksmmmmwmrnmoammmmwamm', 'self-adjustlamation', 'momeoronommommom', 'thirty-by-fifty-foot', 'former-president', 'spanish-speaking', 'no-longer-slumbering', 'werenotdesignedtoteachthathewould', 'bank-of-exchange', 'perspiration-soaked', 'niimiciannewimigiviiimiiii', 'righteousnesabyfaith', 'antiexpansionist', 'malayo-polynesian', 'stretchpointment', 'fellow-protestants', 'thirty-eight-mile', 'negirreimmeizgraig', 'depfertrartincould', 'ten-centresentatives', 'sulistaneestwereadofone', 'aniimulimmuliiimmiliiiiiimaimiumulificiminiumiummumuinimimimmlimmiimmunininuminamilinimmitilimitilimitimiiimumimmumininimilmmlinummiliminimiiiiimmiimmiiiminumilimimmumnummiffig', 'ofaivognoiicegeiksoloiivovioovoiooigioiico', 'counter-revolutionary', 'eimmicaricarageramagrammeheemeemeeemeneene', 'armanifestations', 'instrutemperance', 'secretary-of-state', 'successfidaeries', 'yalecomrnamlowni', 'schoollessonsfortheremainderof', 'receivcharitable', 'whitestsepulcher', 'mpommomcommommmoorommommmocooomemommooommom', 'excellentinstructfon', 'andjesusansweringsaidunto', 'numberofteachers', 'iiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiviiii', 'effectiveprosecution', 'cunningly-worded', 'andencouragement', 'overcomiagthesorrution', 'healthy-looktrols', 'timiummoiniumnizionmiunnamominmillismilm', 'ommtimmitimummitimmitimiuminummitimmiumnitimmulimminitimiummutimiontitumimmitimmutiountimminimmtunimitimummiummuminimmitmliminumminimmilimuniiiiiimiiiiiiminimiimmumoe', 'character-forming', 'turquoise-roofed', 'miimiliiminiammaiimminminiiiiiimismimiimininum', 'destroyingagainst', 'five-thousand-dollar', 'the-contemporaneous', "later'scriptures", 'aaaamaaaaaamamaammaammammaarmaamammaammak', 'aswehadournewchurchwellon', 'tranararderatraced', 'tiresawgoneduerftuhlepgrnytis', 'osommummosumemormossomoossosounsuomummosounnutosonsomusonoomossoomosomose', 'leemememeeeeeeeeeemeeemeeeeeeeemeekiemee', 'reapethreceiveth', 'ijlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'two-hundred-and-fiftyman', 'northumberlandshire', 'well-intentioned', 'twenty-eight-page', 'ammumumuntitintutunumuumumittimmitiminsimiiiimmimmiummitimmutmlimitimmitimmitimmtmumumitimiliummimituuminummiminnutimiumminiummimmumnimunimminumniummiminiamiumulew', 'mismicamatanatillonsimumiliammonsimmignitimiligigamingsrmilinimilimmanaimaniammumansonmailisiilli', 'munummmmoiummuumniummi', 'worthieharrisholden', 'fivedollar-blackboard', 'reerioemzeimmumempreeremorimerommoglimegaierie', 'borrowerisservant', 'missionconstitute', 'energy-producing', 'earmagrameraurawaramiaraggarisagmalmommarcomm', 'sixteenthcentury', 'belongschoolhoitse', 'aulllaallllnuaanutnitalnataualttttuwtaftatnatlnnaanmataa', 'commandassumption', 'withtethmhecanvassingschoolatvilas', 'antiforeignearnsade', 'michigancentralnewcantileverbridgb', 'respectabilities', "confereace'field", 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', 'wouldithavebeenforprotestantismif', 'largecongregation', 'aziagegieliamereigagimaimaig', "elementary'grammar", 'miimiiiimmimmquinniffinturn', 'souland-body-destroying', 'preparetomeetthesabbathday', 'cardmanufacturing', 'oetrhweriwseisiempossible', 'fighting-machines', 'wortimpremanrawmaterial', 'energy-producers', 'condesscceennddss', 'niiinlaillitimilinnilliiiiitirall', 'liiiuiiiiiluointhointouttitaniutuutunutioutui', 'ruthiehowtomakeone', 'maxemizzonizuscmci', 'barotselandmission', 'swaddling-clothes', 'loeunnitorrinipp', 'andencourageitsadoptionbythetract', 'lyimprovetronize', 'christianeducationbmsnstuhe', 'watehmon-examiner', 'sickeningreports', 'riggaggizigammermemorozraroriommormemeoomezo', "vote'unanitnensly", 'denominationalaffairs', 'knimininimimmiim', 'princienterprise', 'august-to-october', 'intterressttiinngg', 'brethrenthroughout', 'religiousliberty', 'weregladdenedtas', 'court-inartfaled', "grertnan'minister", 'encetsntasecaocphy', 'socialimprovement', 'two-hundredfiftieth', 'languagespeaking', 'commamndedssmesistenegerrs', 'emieseimmimmensoiesmiumemn', 'whoeverpoirtially', 'government-ridden', 'minodationtpingoeswest', 'havethesalvationofgodinour', 'hutagainstkhristians', 'consciousvtessuf', 'stumblingbracelets', 'theresting-place', 'generous-hearted', 'forty-thousand-dollar', 'mullifilllimullimummi', 'onpoliticalworld', 'risinegeneration', 'theuperintendency', 'four-thousand-acre', 'thetithingsystem', 'mmerimiegiiwatailiiia', 'ministersendeavored', 'speaksofthesamefact', 'jewish-chriswife', 'isieemmemoimigibeinigitortggrakagegemeirionermimeitia', 'imartramosawasnewarefewmammagm', 'ex-congregational', 'thesadeffectthat', 'odrgeavnoitzieodnaml', 'algerian-morocco', 'notwislistanding', 'headquartogether', 'whispering-gallery', "school-teacher's", 'ex-postmaster-general', 'iiiiiimompkmiiiiimiumirmiiiimmi', "haverjust'eleeted", 'patriarchal-looking', 'rimmtunumoniniiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiitimummiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'mentioned-franco', 'divinelyappointed', 'saniinstitutions', "sabbath-believers'", 'lovincoompanionship', 'invaluablesource', 'separateaddresses', 'oniiimillilifilitillilt', "brotherilkinson's", 'nimilmnitimommilimmimimimimulti', 'estimatedvalueofbuildtt', 'preferencegiventoseventh', 'missionaryawmorkong', "aliatail'aliiiai", 'imitomcnimmoinewm', 'xxocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'whileheandhiswifewalked', 'countermarchings', 'forcehatsbehraed', 'ciertiecarpenter', "westerti'canadian", "speciat'alention", 'blessopportunities', 'jerepresentations', 'qualificainterested', 'wicked-deception', 'weit-heireememeehememeneememerneeneemerevemen', 'castellane-gould', 'santali-speakers', 'mimmiihminwiniimin', 'copiesofthereview', "threat'ning'o'er'my", "neo'nevykeonomeava", 'itreacsetothethoughtsandfeelings', 'thingsconsidered', 'swiftly-marching', 'imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'gesundheitspfleg', 'collectionbasket', 'let-the-other-fellow-stay-at-home', 'typedictionaries', 'semi-independence', 'swift-descending', 'mmmmmimmumwmammimm', 'isnotthelifemorethnameat', 'unpleasantnesses', 'faithforaboutthirty', 'brandenburgerstr', 'counter-influence', 'tomoomanmmtafflaanaommonnonunamananamommaaammmailmanammmmommlmimfflommmmlawaimanammionamonaanammmumuniananaammatonanonaunommaawromammi', 'superintendentsev', 'misrepresentatjons', 'untilheembracedpresenttruth', 'punching-through', 'christian-nation', 'spanishhealthpaper', "first'resolution", 'toministertothechurcsheinandnearthat', 'subscription-book', 'duringwhichtimeahouse', 'sanitainstitutions', 'nonimidorimommii', 'worst-ventilated', 'ininimmoonsiipimie', 'school-teaci-iers', "flomennoll'eamot", 'spiritually-minded', "millimuumuu'mini", 'self-distrusting', 'temporaryaccommodation', 'departsuperintendent', 'self-humiliation', 'territoryconstituting', 'self-condemnatory', 'degradingbondage', 'lieutenant-governors', 'tharourinfluence', 'iiiillimilliiiiiilliiiiilliviillellillillil', 'indifferpractical', 'easterncoloradoacademy', 'narrow-mindedness', 'one-thousand-dollar', 'sunday-sacredness', 'outdoor-sleeping', 'smsemcosmosmosermsmosivemsm', 'mommiminionnumumnifo', 'herediteindericies', "testimonial'sfrom", 'into-conversation', 'subscribersthree', 'mummulommuummummummummummummumummummunummummuummumumuummumummummumammumumm', 'committeerecommending', "specific'statement", 'hard-heartedness', 'ggtgeqmerogtfgreitetomegemmigi', 'greatempiresofprophecy', 'loudlyspokenintheirteuaresthaninword', "prioicill'crumbs", 'mmummumummmiiiimmipmmillimmilimmllimminimummimmummuntimitua', 'colporteur-wagon', 'churchof-england', 'ineimeeemmimeemmemememmemeeemmeeememeemememe', 'ginummonsmonammunfilommonommimmirr', 'oftheworkwasroutineandadministramonthorourlaborerswillsuffer', 'frieiribefrortife', 'compiled-rulings', 'ofwhatdenomination', 'overwhelmcommissioner', 'francismclellanwilcox', 'steaographically', 'tangibleevidence', 'crucifixion-fridays', 'cinalturompiouutymennuminn', 'teacher-evangelists', 'ofmakingtheirchildr', 'non-establishment', 'moommtammammammitmammmmommmiomomommomoommm', 'selectiveservice', 'disconexperienced', 'thirty-byfifty-foot', 'fonquier-tinville', 'tiiire-eirtsei-itirein', 'diffieultquestion', 'seventy-five-dollar', 'acknowledginghim', 'umfmmommuummmiommoullinvu', 'conseestablished', 'mysterioussources', 'eoneneorggrgegloglargmeig', 'prostratehimself', 'ilierillleocloills', 'sendyourpostaltothe', 'supercounterbalancing', 'kitittirtaiifotes', 'inninimmininiliiillnill', 'responsiiilities', 'messageofloveandmercy', 'lmnsmommorcomomomilmszo', 'orfeetlidaldiess', 'awfulconvulsionswherethe', 'fortyfive-minute', 'outpeurinfriettfitrorgoteame', 'dechristianizitig', 'posttribulationalism', 'acceptantinomians', 'testimony-meeting', 'emeemsmoemeensatzemmemmm', 'giosdhoefnotseeki', 'mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'printing-presses', 'perchedontwostic', 'loilimmilionoilionnowommoinommiliummunomoofininommaimmoon', 'kind-heartedness', "i'vrenttlioutliestii", 'two-hundred-gallon', 'everyonethatdefilethitshall', 'venerable-looking', 'moreanrmoreintelligent', 'governmentshould', 'soul-enshrouding', 'abundantlytention', 'soul-strengthening', 'arevitalizedbythelifeofgod', 'clotninekgrocerieldwooods', 'nummtiiiiiiiimilltilliti', 'abftaibihdefiukek', 'greatlyencourages', 'before-mentioned', 'between-medicine', "rr'epiesrnfative", 'withoutsuffering', 'unquenchableness', 'taxpanawonomannximmennvannwmtnna', 'iniflodsigividhdsv', 'immosoaloveoammosoro', 'tenimmilimantunimulantonfirumnoilmonnlomantnnom', 'kinorminrinommomegigngggeonomememonecmgaggagg', 'consciettiousness', 'selfsatisfaction', 'aftercontrivance', 'lonpfeltwantsupplied', 'ehavneantcsferheeolarrisuhitiiponto', 'jiaitriutitsaury', 'minneninianewinnini', 'triivhavirelresti', "sabbath-keeper's", 'loiterconsideration', 'mingsmimeiefseemermeemm', 'scandal-spreader', 'lliitbtelertyfriend', 'mittedtowatchthehour-glassofthecenturytill', 'influenza-pneumonia', 'circuit-attorney', 'conversionisdefinedtobeaturning', 'discipleargument', 'embossing-presses', 'anti-constitutional', 'yeinthelordforever', 'apsponsibilities', 'tagalog-speaking', 'straight-jacketed', 'iikiatillifielia', 'aquauttmaananmaa', 'iihmimmaiiammmiliamilmmuiiiiiiiimilualualiam', 'chicagobegrandtrunk', 'gramrepresenting', 'nomissonommplinaliffinhotrz', 'throughsuffering', 'transformagovern', 'neeenatierszmweessmanmementammeenton', 'brotherandsister', 'nialgminereecditimine', "thitili'careftit", 'instrunientalities', 'ammommommaamommagezalgamomammioammannamommai', 'minniinimmiwinimilliil', 'vethestudentsaknowledgeofcookery', 'prayerweremadebyelderr', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'anti-prohibition', 'andgodbathremembered', 'reitatiarietahitavt', 'heavenlyalessons', 'emememmieemoomrimomemermaggageomieraime', 'mailiiiiiimoigilioniilkillominglim', 'chrisenumeration', 'closingassociation', 'professionalists', 'continuallyincreasing', 'fcoormntaetniotsnaddressw', "when'approaching", 'hepointedouttomea', 'hiiiareafolainfore', 'cleauoredictions', 'whilebrotherjames', 'theminnesotacenferencechangepfappointmetit', 'uponyourselvesassafe', 'piously-inclined', 'generationof-vipers', "agvittoanc'irtrial", 'scrubbing-brushes', 'cminimiiiiviiiiiiiiitill', 'modernecessarily', 'eivilizatienturned', 'heavenly-treasures', 'commandmentkeeper', 'notwithscattered', 'iirilinnillovirmirtrip', 'sensation-seeker', 'itrhepaolrittelde', 'anpersonswhoshallbeguiltyof', 'convention-bound', 'general-in-chief', 'accominstructive', 'thebravestofthebrave', 'general-particular', 'kswhichranacrossa', 'milgiinrarilkmmwmmmnrinagmssommmmm', 'inumnitinimmiminiti', 'miiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitimiiiiiimflouiliumiummoomumoimmommummommilmilinummutimommummominomminimmomouninommunsuommulinumuimilifimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimomminimimiiiimiliiimm', 'adventseventy-two', 'counter-petition', 'followingotlicers', 'comptrollers-general', 'diedinsouthlancaster', 'incomprehenworldly', 'anti-imperialism', 'iiaaialtailiaillat', 'never-slackening', 'andofitaliansnearly', 'ancestor-worship', 'imfinorierinimmiceiezi', 'counterallegations', 'instrucommittees', 'memeinememmermormeteemeeormaimormneeramo', 'theedunufandthent', 'inimiiiiiiiiiiiminein', 'annsiesimentamminsimessinastramentsierta', 'hypocriticalwhile', "resolutionwas'adopted", 'heavenlyeanctuary', 'moneytransforming', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'peact-and-safety', 'aninvapstsnugbtomni', 'acquisitionunbalanced', "eviewing'ortheschool", 'poison-producing', 'centerroadstation', 'acalltorepenthiscompassionsfailnot', 'nyyirtimirtivimii', "christ'spresence", 'birbeck-robinson', 'mhummmmmummininnommifillifittifimmmiiinioniammimiemmeminmummmmmminnimmumumniiimniiinimimmminimmhummmwmininimehfll', 'arinuallannouncement', "ige'verlastinglife", 'iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiniiin', "with'sventy-seven", 'quartocentennial', 'thestioricalbanyan-tree', "attorney-general's", "ecxphreiscsoelaxp'irfelss'", 'iptrahcatiscallny', 'nittunanninononnalmanmunnow', 'thepowerthatjesushad', 'characterharmful', 'powder-magazines', "knowledgeor'oilr", 'responlibilities', 'mmonomkzkmikeozmimenemmommekhohiramoinek', 'miiiiiiiiiiiiciimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim', 'seenilileaructoery', 'sittituttuttilutttttt', 'tonfigreltetholl', 'counter-arguments', 'deutroacanonical', 'chamberlain-pasteur', 'specialiicontributors', 'watoniegrotklareoriwwwwwimmaavapakatimaquizoc', "spirit'i'deepest", 'auspicious-intimations', 'thinkonthesethings', 'temperaneeassocialion', 'impatientlsolong', "fffice'nixielinrch", 'asongimmemmememaggiromeizzoe', 'mfiiiiiiiiiiiivaiiiiiiiiibiliiti', 'particularnecessity', 'gthaerodnaekrland', 'repentprofitable', 'grandtrunkrailwaysystem', 'wonderfullessons', 'unproductiveness', 'nimonnonnuoinioinmononnumnunnnnuuimmomminnonnornmmonormennumnnammunnonmninnennumnisnammonnominunnnmmomitininiiiiiitininonoinuomommunitnimminntninimuitintiitiii', 'understaud-except', 'thegreatthreefoldmessage', 'forsixdollarsamonth', 'whohasabilitytoprepea', "precious'tkpgkieive", 'conspicuouslydifferent', 'one-hundredhorse-power', 'freethinkrailroads', 'subscripthemselves', "thereisnotuol'temple", 'justreceivedfromthesuccesscom', 'preachingfollowing', 'sunday-school-concert', 'medical-evangelistic', 'nimmeniiminimingin', 'aimillualillialli', 'palpablyexisting', 'clearlyapprehended', 'canton-i-iankow-peking', 'plipippopiiimiipm', 'commissioner-of-corporations', 'bemomentarilydisappointedatoutwardchanges', 'vice-investigation', 'schooloadvantages', 'thepacificunionconference', 'thenecessityofpractising', 'miontomonliquomt', 'five-million-dollar', 'thrashing-machine', 'thepreachingofthewordisameansbywhich', 'fourteen-year-old', 'ommnummumunitilommounion', 'watchman-examiner', 'conferenceetract', 'maogorowarottoocamcagamoraagamacatagmag', 'thelivingchurchisaworkingchurch', 'iinimmilmilminimilliiiimuilimi', 'inimilinalimeanct', 'infordenomination', 'polconsideration', 'baptistprinciples', 'twenty-four-mile', 'surroundhelplessness', 'responsibleposition', 'younotmaketheeffort', 'bgeugatheredoutlipm', 'sincissisinusisi', 'church-instituted', 'favorableopportunity', 'civibinstitution', 'fellow-believers', 'eirkrmartralmiaminctrawkwartrammarcardiermossgrartra', 'miliminnimilimionniiiilliiiiiitimilliiiiiitilinismillivitinommillimnimilliiiir', 'rorivvrilrenrria', 'british-canadian', 'er-firairtlie-taith', 'povertyproducing', 'imhumminrithommitioninimmuummonmoluilommithwillimummemoilimuntommundimmihmunimommoimummu', 'toionarpvolunteer', 'tiheildeetpuctligt', 'establishedvhave', 'secretary-of-war', 'kigentlneeptiblidl', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim', "consecrated'their", 'five-and-ten-cent', 'scotch-argentine', 'sixteenth-century', 'insurmountconquered', 'ever-accumulating', 'unscripturalness', 'retailvalueofbook', 'periodicalselling', "religious'dogmas", 'organcookingschools', 'tokwookovvvvvvviovv', 'thisworkthemselves', 'parochial-school', 'sabbath-breakers', "will-o'-the-wisps", 'rtamagmactiltmegamagnamectmagagammagoal', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillli', 'cylyexceptsunday', 'politicalcriminal', 'steamship-landing', 'publishingwompany', 'annualconference', 'hatrieeeivedaiidhe', 'dimmtiniummimmummmimmiumininiimmilimititnitimmmunimiummilimitiniiimumnimmiiimmiffilmmitimmimimmintimmminiiiimnimilimilmimitimmiliiiimmnimminimmumminnimmimmiminimminv', 'historicalstatement', "retrablic'esitabliehed", 'infantile-paralysis', 'taiotelireosftsofg', 'theseventhangelsounded', 'wildernesswanderings', 'tileniationaliieaut', 'steam-engineering', 'rypracticalworkers', 'butnotasthosewho', 'whattheybuiltupinthedaywouldbe', 'nblisitenfrwarnt', 'accomplishingits', 'theeuropeanoutlook', 'cross-questioning', 'tidonotknowwhocouldbetterinspireopen', '-wynberg-plumstead', 'maritimeconference', 'coenltrlisbuting', 'heavenlymindedness', 'irrevocabledecision', 'church-of-england', 'wpwasimarkirmsaturammumaramorarairaramsammia', 'interestingletter', 'transgressorialatio', 'followingfashion', 'shelookedthesemanyyearsw', 'loilletailatalligriallai', 'edueationatsystem', 'suspicious-looking', 'superintendentof', 'varldskatastrofen', 'camel-swallowers', 'sassisamminsimsumsacanammumaasaamacauth', 'five-to-ten-year-old', 'half-starvedlooking', 'trfillynnfinirrtvoi', 'thirteen-horsepower', 'theyccommodation', 'theardevevnitewandsabbathherald', 'publjspedquarterlybypacificpresspebuspidget', 'impossibilityfor', "l'arrondissement", 'erahrethaunailiznegs', 'perhapsmorefrequentlythcl', 'multi-millionaire', 'flumliminummiramiuminituimitimmoinimmumimimmuummulimmuimminummiumitilmmmiummummintimimmmpuumimitiminimilimminimimiumptimimuimimumpinummilmiimimilimminitiv', 'wreiscwiollimiiiniscatsitsio', 'trheeasognoctihdey', 'leavenicholseastward', 'self-contemplation', "whohadbeengrante'dfreepassage", 'ihisdesiresbeing', 'thewriterconductedthefuneral', 'sabbaththroughout', 'threat-demand-petition', 'misuncierstandin', 'five-eighths-inch', 'churchmembersihip', 'first-day-of-the-week', "grace'ssufficient", 'greysthesanctityofthedayareli', "blessingofgodonthemasthetsahros'hled", 'uueonatitutional', "healing'exhausted", 'demon-worshiping', 'movenniminnionimonimmimmiciiiiimomm', 'enapxhhnoaopokaioaopouniipo', "man'simmortality", 'gmlitilliminiiiii', 'limmensionumilimonommumenummilmemonsummourr', 'commandment-keeping', 'erzarraneeenneenneeneeemeeenneepse', 'visitingcompanies', 'mpsplimumillilliammillimmifirtirliwommi', "s'all'kitchencontainedalargestoveofearth", 'tempussumebantur', 'noeuvtleorokmfor', 'self-abnegationand', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirttlt', 'ddifferedfromher', 'nomimililliitimniiiinue', 'thisgeographical', 'vimiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiimiummin', 'pullmanvestibulebuffetsleeping', "german'conference", 'fromtheforegoingitisevidentthattheday', 'hundredanfiftycanvassersalreadyinattendance', 'ammmimumomommmuumnmimmmiunmiumpmnmuumnmmnnnmummmuoinounmmmmnwniommimmmmmulluomnunnhinmmmmmommomoouoimmmommmomllomomomuuomouuomommoomomuoinm', 'minionnommolourom', 'approtbutattonat', 'staricrsliohldet', "blvey'r's'egviotot", 'pliointmentsmarkeq', 'earammorkwarammumwmaramso', "faith'will'resalt", 'nineteenth-century', 'missionarycongresses', 'world-conversion', 'ncongressbausisdleiumbled', 'rmommommomorinmoomommommo', 'praise-ascending', 'scandinavian-american', 'ine-fundiamental', 'loughboroughandsanbornabout', 'iarrangementsshouldactuallybemadewith', 'cigarette-smoking', "soon'experiencea", 'stumbling-blocks', 'expresslimitedexpress', 'conservationisms', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'eararagrammirammerwastatmumamismerarammr', 'mienrareertrararmeneeenertaieamume', "infallibblity'of", 'wildercircumstances', 'emmmmmmmmmmmehmmmmmermmmmeemmmmmeemmmmmmmmm', 'enmdlliodearilrinrrs', 'designecdpfrorfithte', 'around-the-world', "shem'sgenealogyis", "deepening'consecration", 'thedoosingdoubtless', 'themselvesindependent', 'tecommendingstudents', 'counterplottings', 'lawofsinwhichisinmymembers', 'mmmmommenmmmmmnmmmmmm', 'thelandaiiiitorker', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmenonninumummiliimomiiiiiiiuiiii', 'laboringsuccessfully', 'beingspiritually', "s'uthwesternunioncont", 'milignignangogolumgm', 'mompinommonommen', 'dienerieelcmcdrimenerierimonimmerionmeoriemedmv', "special''mention", "and'clesperately", 'immoicionriviimuillialimilmululinommichimiwimpieuni', 'karageorgovitches', 'whole-heartedness', "stationedininister's", 'endeuterocanonical', "butasthelightofthethirdangel's", 'vilelketvivivibir', 'authoracknowledged', 'dense-toptiration', 'pride-tenderness', 'fivethousand-acre', 'andnottoanyindividual', 'wesleyanchurches', 'godhasannouncedthatthe', 'lookingoutoverthebay', 'whole-heartedhess', 'high-diddle-diddle', 'rovsaaaamowyvvvvvvvvw', 'onegbliniildayeedthins', 'constitutionalizing', 'tderitonstration', 'igekartrtglaragagirggariagraggiggaggrogegragrararfarasnel', 'vanenerwommemnnorwmpoms', 'conditionsprevail', 'long-established', 'eighteen-by-thirty-foot', 'self-regeneration', 'thisinclusdeinanespecialmannerministers', 'receivedrecently', 'clitierltrialtabltrin', 'sanitariuiribealth', 'ommomooommmmwmwm', 'imirmilimmenmeliememimemiermliemenekommerili', 'progressingrapidly', 'ofihmisinteirsitenrginfgor', 'traktatgesellschaft', 'southeastpersons', 'quasiinspiration', 'necesinspiration', 'butletusrememberthatgoodresolutionsaregood', 'hilomilollillilliolimillomiloilimponillimmulitilimili', 'provision-basket', 'givethemeaningof', 'hewilldestroyhimselfbywrong', 'disciplinarianof-sterner-stuff', 'hewastheaztalftaerdgatr', 'iniiiiiriiniallilliiiiii', 'miscomprehensionof', 'tonymahornywardsonddol', 'bethaousandtimes', 'vooyeintoalltheworld', 'eirgamiarmermarzaw', 'reresponsibility', 'commandment-keepers', 'aaaaravaaaaraomaaaao', "charlie'keconduct", 'deathistheiocgalconsequenceof', 'wennmmimmomormmomdmmemmon', 'political-minded', 'torpedoboat-destroyer', 'self-constituted', 'prommisrepresentation', 'forupsteelhealthwhenoutcirc', 'nrairtilantilitrairl', "nlytinvs'oiirberore", 'apnimmintimmutuitiontimminimmuniumilitinuminummimmuimormmummiummillimmummilmiumumumnummitimiummuntumtinsimmilittliumunimmitittiminiminumulmintimmummumnicimmiliir', 'steadily-increasing', 'easehadpreyeduponher', 'noroomforyouhere', "the'consideratioa", 'ninety-horsepower', 'sunday-enforcement', 'selfrenunciation', 'igionommennommonismommumminillusumailmmlimillooloomi', 'allmultitudinous', 'ibelieveintheiio', 'inarecentreportfromastateconwent', 'peace-pronouncing', 'candidatewithout', 'secretarytreasurership', 'scandalmongering', "of''sarvation'are'", 'ostfioinhatlifrers', "venezuel'aforthe", 'mandarinspeaking', 'allthe-year-round', 'anquetil-duperron', 'tremendousproportions', 'workerscooranbong', 'differentlydressed', 'non-performances', 'conclusuccession', 'shehadbeenconfinedtoherbedforthe', 'mtartargememoonin', 'fifteen-year-old', 'mmnanmilinnnemmnilmm', 'availedthemselves', 'theaceomplishment', 'un-scripturalness', 'theluffilletofprophecy', 'machine-finished', 'observegeligiously', 'governconsistency', 'correspondencesolicited', 'plinillillininitlimmimiiiiiiiiiii', 'practicallyneversucceeds', 'teacherpreachers', 'edwardkristianson', 'commencestupendous', "hewilldespise'thewisdom", 'mimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiimm', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'emistituconducted', 'damionngamenriffiocre', 'angelsarewaiting', 'fiveapprenticesto', 'explointemperance', 'acknowlinvitation', 'characterforming', 'ofrepresentatives', 'visitedastreetinonedayrecently', 'overshadowingtheme', 'ettnamunicahotis', 'ramalargaremaserammentwarawarafr', 'conventionopened', 'mmwmomomoziummimmmommmommmomm', 'keepingpeopleofgod', ...], 15)
Correction 8 -- Remove long error tokens¶
In [42]:
# %load shared_elements/remove-tokens-with-long-strings-of-characters.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction8"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "m|M"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "i|I"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "e|E"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "l|L"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "t|T"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "x|X"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "g|G"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "n|N"))
replacements = [item for sublist in replacements for item in sublist]
if len(replacements) > 0:
# print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [45]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction8 Average verified rate: 0.9795355128026426 Average of error rates: 0.02404351793760338 Total token count: 52479595
In [46]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55018), ('e', 52036), ('m', 48405), ("'", 45820), ('d', 37504), ('t', 33748), ('r', 30225), ('n', 27751), ('g', 27415), ('f', 25466), ('pm', 17890), ('co', 6668), ('th', 5847), ('k', 5366), ('u', 4907), ('x', 4205), ('ex', 4124), ('oo', 3650), ('pa', 3045), ('wm', 2726), ('mo', 2649), ('z', 2505), ('io', 2447), ('id', 2307), ('pp', 2257), ('seventhday', 1973), ('re', 1927), ("the'", 1923), ('mt', 1750), ('tion', 1741), ('ahd', 1680), ('va', 1546), ('-', 1500), ('al', 1366), ('ft', 1205), ('ga', 1181), ('nd', 1153), ("canvassers'", 1131), ('ky', 1130), ('q', 1079), ('ti', 1056), ('mal', 995), ('ro', 981), ('li', 975), ('sabbathschool', 926), ('il', 924), ("''", 913), ('vt', 878), ('eze', 863), ('mc', 852)]
Correction 9 -- Separate Squashed Words¶
In [48]:
# %load shared_elements/separate_squashed_words.py
import pandas as pd
from math import log
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction9"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
verified_tokens = []
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
clean.get_approved_tokens(content, spelling_dictionary, verified_tokens)
tokens_with_freq = dict(collections.Counter(verified_tokens))
words = pd.DataFrame(list(tokens_with_freq.items()), columns=['token','freq'])
words_sorted = words.sort_values('freq', ascending=False)
words_sorted_short = words_sorted[words_sorted.freq > 2]
sorted_list_of_words = list(words_sorted_short['token'])
wordcost = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(sorted_list_of_words)))) for i,k in enumerate(sorted_list_of_words))
maxword = max(len(x) for x in sorted_list_of_words)
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = utilities.strip_punct(content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
for token in tokens:
if not token.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
if len(token) > 17:
if re.search(r"[\-\-\'\"]", token):
split_string = clean.infer_spaces(token, wordcost, maxword)
list_split_string = split_string.split()
if clean.verify_split_string(list_split_string, spelling_dictionary):
replacements.append((token, split_string))
if len(replacements) > 0:
print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
RH18900107-V67-01-page14.txt: [('commandmentsantedated', 'commandments antedated')] RH18900107-V67-01-page2.txt: [('oftheresurrectionofthebody', 'of the resurrection of the body')] RH18900114-V67-02-page16.txt: [('disputantpreachers', 'disputant preachers')] RH18900114-V67-02-page8.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] RH18900121-V67-03-page1.txt: [('forbyvirtueoftheirfofcithey', 'for by virtue of their f o f c i t h e y')] RH18900204-V67-05-page1.txt: [('believingsinnerprospectsforeternitywhich', 'believing sinner prospects for eternity which')] RH18900204-V67-05-page6.txt: [('PROTESTANToMISSIONS', 'PROTESTANT o MISSIONS')] RH18900218-V67-07-page1.txt: [('WhenChristcametoourworld', 'When Christ came to our world'), ('spotlesslifeflashedlightupontheheartsofmen', 'spotless life flashed light upon the hearts of men')] RH18900218-V67-07-page2.txt: [('wouldholdhimresponsibleforthisopportunity', 'would hold him responsible for this opportunity'), ('hewouldgiveusrevealingsoflightfrom', 'he would give us revealings of light from'), ('yvithourihrainrhellerfSPIaBut', 'y v it hour i h rain r h e l l e r f S P I a B u t')] RH18900225-V67-08-page1.txt: [('tOSeeaSitYsatisfied', 'tO See a Sit Y satisfied')] RH18900225-V67-08-page12.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH18900304-V67-09-page15.txt: [('thathisfriendsandrelatives', 'that his friends and relatives')] RH18900325-V67-12-page1.txt: [('unchristiansinisman', 'unchristian sin is man')] RH18900401-V67-13-page2.txt: [('andeventoextolthewisdomoftheplan', 'and even to extol the wisdom of the plan')] RH18900408-V67-14-page1.txt: [('Tolaytheirallonanearthlyshrine', 'To lay their all on an earthly shrine'), ('terribleperplexity', 'terrible perplexity')] RH18900415-V67-15-page1.txt: [('alleWedtheeneinirtOdO', 'all eW ed the en e i n i r t O d O')] RH18900415-V67-15-page2.txt: [('butthosewhohaveknown', 'but those who have known')] RH18900429-V67-17-page1.txt: [('Waralidaffeiliiiown', 'War a lid a f f e i l i i i o w n'), ('etenemiesofChriststonedhimtodeath', 'et enemies of Christ stoned him to death'), ('ITWalibillirieerfotiiiiderAraildlieW', 'IT Wal i bill i rie er f o t i i i i d e r A r a i l d l i e W')] RH18900506-V67-18-page2.txt: [('andpracticableexemption', 'and practicable exemption')] RH18900513-V67-19-page1.txt: [('apostasiWilrbelheWiN', 'a post as i W i l r b e l h e W i N'), ('purifyinguntohimselfapeculiarpeople', 'purifying unto himself a peculiar people')] RH18900520-V67-20-page10.txt: [('Iremainedwiththemoneweek', 'I remained with them one week'), ('therecameanotherSabbath', 'there came another Sabbath')] RH18900520-V67-20-page15.txt: [('centsinpostagestamps', 'cents in postage stamps')] RH18900520-V67-20-page9.txt: [('antiprohibitionists', 'anti prohibitionists')] RH18900527-V67-21-page15.txt: [('LoughboroughandSanbornabout', 'Loughborough and Sanborn about'), ('FuneralsermonbyEld', 'Funeral sermon by Eld')] RH18900603-V67-22-page1.txt: [('andialenceronthoYShaVe', 'an dial enc er on tho Y S haVe')] RH18900610-V67-23-page15.txt: [('interruptedinCubabygreatfloodsresultingfromexcessive', 'interrupted in Cuba by great floods resulting from excessive')] RH18900617-V67-24-page15.txt: [('poundsofhoneyandwaxproduced', 'pounds of honey and wax produced'), ('unaittirotaisingly', 'una it tiro tai singly')] RH18900617-V67-24-page2.txt: [('oonineartwhilethelightonany', 'o o nine art while the light on any'), ('erdiTaralftellilhiiie', 'er di Tara l f t e l l i l h i i i e'), ('aliTtiirnrSiraIMiei', 'a l iT t i i r n r S i r a I M i e i'), ('willCantinnalligiOvv', 'will Cant inn all i g i O v v'), ('peisualeartIeicloOP', 'pe is u a l e a r t I e i c l o O P')] RH18900624-V67-25-page1.txt: [('caliTcToilieandIfeed', 'cal iT c Toi lie and I feed'), ('seenilileArUctoery', 'see nil ile Ar U c t o e r y')] RH18900624-V67-25-page15.txt: [('MICHIGANCENTRALNEWCANTILEVERBRIDGB', 'MICHIGAN CENTRAL NEW CANTILEVER B R I D G B')] RH18900701-V67-26-page1.txt: [('spirituallydiSeerned', 'spiritually di Seer ned')] RH18900715-V67-28-page2.txt: [('immortalityoriginate', 'immortality originate')] RH18900729-V67-30-page16.txt: [('SocietyProceedings', 'Society Proceedings')] RH18900805-V67-31-page6.txt: [('temporaryaccommodation', 'temporary accommodation')] RH18900902-V67-34-page1.txt: [('thatwhichbelongstoGod', 'that which belongs to God')] RH18900902-V67-34-page13.txt: [('northsubscriptions', 'north subscriptions')] RH18900909-V67-35-page11.txt: [('AndthebLordherchoicepreferred', 'And the b Lord her choice preferred')] RH18900923-V67-37-page2.txt: [('coinniandinentisohe', 'c o inn i and in en tis o he')] RH18900930-V67-38-page7.txt: [('manufacturingindustries', 'manufacturing industries')] RH18901007-V67-39-page13.txt: [('JaitakIraosirtiptirna', 'J ai tak Ira o sir tip t i r n a')] RH18901007-V67-39-page15.txt: [('toinducethemtoforegotheirintention', 'to induce them to forego their intention')] RH18901007-V67-39-page3.txt: [('isanabnormalstateof', 'is an abnormal state of')] RH18901007-V67-39-page4.txt: [('enlightenednations', 'enlightened nations')] RH18901007-V67-39-page7.txt: [('punishmentwhichimmediately', 'punishment which immediately')] RH18901007-V67-39-page9.txt: [('sadedisappointment', 'sade disappointment')] RH18901014-V67-40-page11.txt: [('authorizeddelegates', 'authorized delegates')] RH18901028-V67-42-page15.txt: [('andarrivedthereOct', 'and arrived there Oct')] RH18901104-V67-43-page1.txt: [('WithoutthegraceofChrist', 'Without the grace of Christ'), ('Christhasmadethewaybydying', 'Christ has made the way by dying'), ('imbibedthespiritoftheReformationaboutthe', 'imbibed the spirit of the Reformation about the'), ('fOrmangieoTaTijulr', 'fOr man gie oT aT i j u l r')] RH18901104-V67-43-page6.txt: [('disgustinglygluttonous', 'disgusting l y gluttonous')] RH18901125-V67-46-page3.txt: [('scoffinggeneration', 'scoffing generation')] RH18901223-V67-50-page15.txt: [('dearlittleRaywillliveagainandbloomwithimmortality', 'dear little Ray will live again and bloom with immortality')] RH18901223-V67-50-page17.txt: [('stubbornpersistency', 'stubborn persistency')] RH18910106-V68-01-page11.txt: [('TemperaneeAssocialion', 'Tempe ranee As social ion')] RH18910106-V68-01-page9.txt: [('postmillennialists', 'post millennial i sts')] RH18910120-V68-03-page10.txt: [('responsibilinounced', 'resp on sib i l i noun c ed')] RH18910127-V68-04-page15.txt: [('beuncompromisingly', 'be uncompromisingly')] RH18910210-V68-06-page5.txt: [('importanbarchmological', 'import an b arch m o l o g i c a l')] RH18910217-V68-07-page7.txt: [('Anpersonswhoshallbeguiltyof', 'An persons who shall be guilty of')] RH18910224-V68-08-page7.txt: [('sixtyfourthedition', 'sixty fourth edition')] RH18910303-V68-09-page8.txt: [('inseparableelement', 'inseparable element')] RH18910310-V68-10-page13.txt: [('erroneousteachings', 'erroneous teachings')] RH18910310-V68-10-page14.txt: [('husbariEdinanlaifs', 'hus bar i Ed in an la ifs')] RH18910310-V68-10-page16.txt: [('sessionoftheGeneralConference', 'session of the General Conference'), ('weregratefullyacknowledged', 'were gratefully acknowledged')] RH18910310-V68-10-page6.txt: [('werenotdesignedtoteachthathewould', 'were not designed to teach that he would'), ('numberhavealreadyenteredtheirchosen', 'number have already entered their chosen')] RH18910317-V68-11-page5.txt: [('OlserabinimpossibilitieS', 'O ls era bin im pos sib i l i tie S')] RH18910324-V68-12-page15.txt: [('commencingFridayevening', 'commencing Friday evening'), ('duringwhichtimeahouse', 'during which time a house')] RH18910324-V68-12-page6.txt: [('wepassedthroughaverysandycountry', 'we passed through a very sandy country')] RH18910407-V68-14-page3.txt: [('corisiderationsthe', 'cor i side rations the')] RH18910407-V68-14-page7.txt: [('platformrecognizing', 'platform recognizing')] RH18910421-V68-16-page15.txt: [('ExpressLimitedExpress', 'Express Limited Express')] RH18910428-V68-17-page13.txt: [('Tlibheralriibarnasriasnhsall', 'T l i b h e r a l r i i b a r n a s r i a s n h s a l l')] RH18910428-V68-17-page7.txt: [('beganexperimenting', 'began experimenting')] RH18910512-V68-19-page1.txt: [('AncientChristianitg', 'Ancient Christian it g'), ('Methspecifications', 'Meth specifications')] RH18910519-V68-20-page1.txt: [('faithuntilitlOiled', 'faith until it l Oiled')] RH18910519-V68-20-page15.txt: [('sympathizingfriends', 'sympathizing friends')] RH18910519-V68-20-page2.txt: [('andtheimfeelthatGodhasforgivenmysins', 'and the im feel that God has forgiven my sins'), ('Fromtheforegoingitisevidentthattheday', 'From the foregoing it is evident that the day')] RH18910616-V68-24-page15.txt: [('preciousSaviourheard', 'precious Saviour heard')] RH18910707-V68-27-page15.txt: [('Northernatiehigamalinnevet', 'Northern a tie hi gam a lin nev et')] RH18910721-V68-29-page15.txt: [('preachingfollowing', 'preaching following'), ('DISTRICTNUMBERTHREE', 'DISTRICT NUMBER THREE')] RH18910728-V68-30-page12.txt: [('Nominationsreported', 'Nominations reported')] RH18910804-V68-31-page15.txt: [('ConafterencewillbeheldinfcromnnAecutigonw', 'Con after enc ew ill beheld inf c rom n n A e c u t i g o n w')] RH18910804-V68-31-page5.txt: [('missionarycongresses', 'missionary congresses')] RH18910811-V68-32-page2.txt: [('individualstanding', 'individual standing')] RH18910825-V68-34-page11.txt: [('slaywmspiatsiavtraitor', 'slay w m s p i a t s i a v t r a i t o r')] RH18910901-V68-35-page10.txt: [('Religiousintelligencer', 'Religious in tell i gen c er')] RH18910915-V68-36-page11.txt: [('Thereportolthisyearshowed', 'The report o l this year showed')] RH18910915-V68-36-page14.txt: [('thedoosIngdoubtless', 'the do o s Ing doubtless')] RH18910915-V68-36-page15.txt: [('MaytheLordhastenthatgladday', 'May the Lord hasten that glad day')] RH18910922-V68-37-page11.txt: [('isproenssththeesbidattle', 'is pro ens st h thees bid att le'), ('inflpitsOCCaSionally', 'inf l pits O C C a Sion ally')] RH18910922-V68-37-page3.txt: [('wehavethefollowing', 'we have the following')] RH18910922-V68-37-page7.txt: [('ReforniAssociation', 'Ref or n i A s s o c i a t i o n')] RH18910929-V68-38-page15.txt: [('mostskillfultreatmentavailable', 'most skillful treatment available'), ('inthreedaysaccomplished', 'in three days accomplished')] RH18910929-V68-38-page3.txt: [('BVidegrocifinctOnies', 'B Vi deg roc if inc tO n i e s'), ('Whileatransgressorof', 'While a transgressor of')] RH18911006-V68-39-page16.txt: [('ofibhoicOSeleetions', 'o fib ho i c O S el e e t i o n s'), ('SaiiitariuMliedical', 'S a iii tar i u M l i e d i c a l')] RH18911006-V68-39-page4.txt: [('severalcollections', 'several collections')] RH18911006-V68-39-page5.txt: [('sensationalSecondAdventismandthatpatient', 'sensational Second Adventism and that patient'), ('eterribleeffectoftheconstitutionalevilthe', 'et er rib le effect of the constitutional evil the')] RH18911013-V68-40-page12.txt: [('leadingzpositionsInthis', 'leading z p o s i t i o n s I n t h i s'), ('beetcdenaOnstrittedithat', 'be etc den a On str it ted i that'), ('SanitariuiriBealth', 'San it ar i u i r i B e a l t h')] RH18911013-V68-40-page16.txt: [('tiiktissorrtiSabbath', 't i i k t i s s o r r t i S a b b a t h')] RH18911013-V68-40-page8.txt: [('hutagainstkhristians', 'hut against k h r i s t i a n s')] RH18911020-V68-41-page13.txt: [('MinisterialLicense', 'Ministerial License')] RH18911027-V68-42-page14.txt: [('Theeditorialmanagementofthepaperwillbeplaced', 'The editorial management of the paper will be placed'), ('labortheymayknowof', 'labor they may know of'), ('oranyinformationthatwillhel', 'or any information that will hel')] RH18911103-V68-43-page10.txt: [('joyandlhankfulness', 'joy and l hank fulness')] RH18911103-V68-43-page14.txt: [('TemperanceAssociation', 'Temperance Association')] RH18911103-V68-43-page16.txt: [('importanceattached', 'importance attached')] RH18911103-V68-43-page6.txt: [('underneathlextending', 'underneath l extending'), ('differentlydressed', 'differently dressed')] RH18911110-V68-44-page15.txt: [('whodeeplyfeelherloss', 'who deeply feel her loss')] RH18911117-V68-45-page16.txt: [('ministerialinstitute', 'ministerial institute')] RH18911124-V68-46-page12.txt: [('preachingfivetimes', 'preaching five times')] RH18911124-V68-46-page7.txt: [('climaticconditions', 'climatic conditions')] RH18911208-V68-48-page4.txt: [('Bonaparteperformed', 'Bonaparte performed')] RH18911215-V68-49-page15.txt: [('fromMidlandandvicinitytoFreeland', 'from Midland and vicinity to Freeland'), ('andasshewasnotabletoresistit', 'and as she was notable to resist it'), ('shefellavictimtothe', 'she fella victim to the')] RH18911215-V68-49-page9.txt: [('applyingtoourselves', 'applying to ourselves'), ('befittedtobecomeusefulmembersinourchurches', 'befitted to become useful members in our churches')] RH18911222-V68-50-page16.txt: [('MachinelNevertheless', 'Machine l Nevertheless')] RH18920105-V69-01-page11.txt: [('observegeligiously', 'observe gel i g i o u s l y')] RH18920105-V69-01-page14.txt: [('theScandinaviansstayedinthe', 'the Scandinavians stayed in the'), ('greatestrpppOsitiOn', 'gre ate str p p p O sit i On')] RH18920105-V69-01-page16.txt: [('DeveliipinetitDivOree', 'De vel ii pine tit Div O ree')] RH18920112-V69-02-page7.txt: [('amusingrecitations', 'amusing recitations')] RH18920119-V69-03-page13.txt: [('whileheandhiswifewalked', 'while he and his wife walked')] RH18920119-V69-03-page15.txt: [('gettingtobeanOldfashion', 'getting to be an Old fashion')] RH18920119-V69-03-page16.txt: [('aboutProtestantism', 'about Protestantism')] RH18920119-V69-03-page2.txt: [('threateningattitude', 'threatening attitude')] RH18920126-V69-04-page15.txt: [('tellingsomebodythatthemanwhowearsyourshoes', 'telling somebody that the man who wears your shoes'), ('agedthirteenmonths', 'aged thirteen months'), ('Thusanotherblossomhas', 'Thus another blossom has')] RH18920209-V69-06-page2.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH18920209-V69-06-page3.txt: [('multicellularbeings', 'multi cellular beings')] RH18920315-V69-11-page15.txt: [('relatingtotheprotectionofpatentsinallofthe', 'relating to the protection of patents in all of the'), ('BIOTThaLerloetateit', 'B I OT Tha L er lo et ate it')] RH18920322-V69-12-page12.txt: [('attentivecongregation', 'attentive congregation')] RH18920322-V69-12-page16.txt: [('OvershadowingTheme', 'Over shadowing The me')] RH18920426-V69-17-page13.txt: [('toreligiouslegislation', 'to religious legislation')] RH18920503-V69-18-page2.txt: [('statutesoftheLordare', 'statutes of the Lord are')] RH18920510-V69-19-page1.txt: [('oveainiaiipteamech', 'o v e a i n i a i i p t e a m e c h')] RH18920517-V69-20-page15.txt: [('indorsesresolutions', 'indorses resolutions'), ('theConstitutionoftheUnitedStates', 'the Constitution of the United States')] RH18920524-V69-21-page4.txt: [('mustbecarefullytested', 'must be carefully tested'), ('doesnotlightenaburdenof', 'does not lighten a burden of')] RH18920524-V69-21-page6.txt: [('wasalivequestionbothtooldandyoung', 'was alive question both to old and young'), ('proposedplanfortherigidenforcementofSun', 'proposed plan for the rigid enforcement of Sun')] RH18920531-V69-22-page15.txt: [('BetweenOmahaandSanFrancisco', 'Between Omaha and San Francisco'), ('BetweenOmahaandPortland', 'Between Omaha and Portland')] RH18920531-V69-22-page8.txt: [('religiousinstitution', 'religious institution')] RH18920531-V69-22-page9.txt: [('continuallyincreasing', 'continually increasing')] RH18920607-V69-23-page12.txt: [('lllinoistonferenee', 'l l lino is ton fe rene e')] RH18920614-V69-24-page15.txt: [('industrildexhibition', 'in du str i l de x h i b i t i o n')] RH18920719-V69-29-page2.txt: [('bediscouragedandloseyourfaith', 'be discouraged and lose your faith')] RH18920726-V69-30-page1.txt: [('shouldperfectanexperiencethatwouldbeofthe', 'should perfect an experience that would be of the'), ('mightunderstandthetruthforourtime', 'might understand the truth for our time'), ('explainIrisposition', 'explain Iris position'), ('aneverypareisiersjirau', 'an every pare is ier s j ir au')] RH18920726-V69-30-page7.txt: [('niorattesponsibility', 'n i o r a t t e s p o n s i b i l i t y')] RH18920802-V69-31-page13.txt: [('ExecutiveCommittee', 'Executive Committee')] RH18920802-V69-31-page16.txt: [('fromBrotherRobinson', 'from Brother Robinson')] RH18920809-V69-32-page10.txt: [('Ittetemsmoreconsistent', 'It tet ems more consistent')] RH18920809-V69-32-page9.txt: [('constantlyrepresented', 'constantly represented')] RH18920816-V69-33-page12.txt: [('subscriptionsobtained', 'subscriptions obtained')] RH18920830-V69-35-page1.txt: [('ConTenfingthImsiell', 'Con Ten fin g t h I m s i e l l')] RH18920830-V69-35-page15.txt: [('willbetreatedasamemberofthefamily', 'will be treated as a member of the family')] RH18920906-V69-36-page11.txt: [('deeperconmecration', 'deeper con me c ration'), ('ariiswortlifromabroad', 'ar i is wort l i from abroad')] RH18920913-V69-37-page15.txt: [('numberappearingintheissueofF', 'number appearing in the issue of F'), ('givinginterestingfacts', 'giving interesting facts')] RH18920913-V69-37-page8.txt: [('destitutecircumstances', 'destitute circumstances'), ('thegeneralresurrection', 'the general resurrection')] RH18920920-V69-38-page16.txt: [('constantlyincreasing', 'constantly increasing')] RH18920927-V69-39-page16.txt: [('embracedthristianity', 'embraced t h r i s t i a n i t y')] RH18920927-V69-39-page4.txt: [('committeeloinvestigate', 'committee lo investigate')] RH18921018-V69-41-page9.txt: [('foretellsgreatieVents', 'foretells gre a tie Vent s')] RH18921101-V69-43-page14.txt: [('wasfirstsuggestecl', 'was first suggest e c l')] RH18921101-V69-43-page2.txt: [('themselvesunreservedly', 'themselves unreservedly')] RH18921101-V69-43-page3.txt: [('theseventhangelsounded', 'the seventh angel sounded'), ('andthereweregreatvoices', 'and there were great voices')] RH18921115-V69-45-page8.txt: [('astonishingstatement', 'astonishing statement')] RH18921122-V69-46-page10.txt: [('theeverlastinggospel', 'the everlasting gospel')] RH18921122-V69-46-page13.txt: [('importancepertaining', 'importance pertaining')] RH18921220-V69-50-page17.txt: [('Aninterestingletter', 'An interesting letter')] RH18921220-V69-50-page18.txt: [('closingresolutions', 'closing resolutions')] RH18930103-V70-01-page9.txt: [('controllingelement', 'controlling element'), ('establishedthemselves', 'established themselves')] RH18930110-V70-02-page12.txt: [('noisydemonstrations', 'noisy demonstrations')] RH18930110-V70-02-page15.txt: [('THEEUROPEANOUTLOOK', 'THE EUROPEAN OUTLOOK')] RH18930124-V70-04-page13.txt: [('Inthinkingoverthetractworklately', 'In thinking over the tract work lately')] RH18930124-V70-04-page15.txt: [('projecthasbeenstartedinRometoerecton', 'project has been started in Rome to erect on'), ('andInstructorwillbe', 'and Instructor will be'), ('ArvlrioLknoCuIrtgEb', 'Ar v l rio L kn o C u I r t g E b')] RH18930124-V70-04-page16.txt: [('conseiencaichaining', 'cons e i e n c a i c h a i n i n g'), ('brethrenthroughout', 'brethren throughout')] RH18930131-V70-05-page11.txt: [('responsibleposition', 'responsible position')] RH18930131-V70-05-page13.txt: [('IlfeemiliandmeithatiagiV', 'I l fee mil i and me i that i a g i V')] RH18930131-V70-05-page2.txt: [('hosovershallconfessmebeforemen', 'hos over shall confess me before men'), ('Anotherrevolutionthe', 'Another revolution the')] RH18930131-V70-05-page9.txt: [('awfulconvulsionswherethe', 'awful convulsions where the')] RH18930207-V70-06-page12.txt: [('Itistruethereismuchoppositiontothetrut', 'It is true there is much opposition tot h et rut'), ('WeaskyoutocontinuetoliftyourprayerstoGod', 'We ask you to continue to lift your prayers to God'), ('beguntokeeptheSabbath', 'begun to keep the Sabbath')] RH18930207-V70-06-page14.txt: [('besireirtlielatlicalions', 'be sire ir t l i e l a t l i c a l i o n s')] RH18930207-V70-06-page16.txt: [('REVIEWwillbeprintedinSMALLCAPITALS', 'REVIEW will be printed in SMALL CAPITALS')] RH18930207-V70-06-page2.txt: [('Lordwouldraiseupotherswhowouldbetahithroneintheheavens', 'Lord would raise up others who would beta hi throne in the heavens'), ('Conservativetraditions', 'Conservative traditions')] RH18930207-V70-06-page4.txt: [('thosecommandmentsenforce', 'those commandments enforce')] RH18930221-V70-08-page13.txt: [('misapprehensionthat', 'misapprehension that')] RH18930228-V70-09-page14.txt: [('Thisinclusdeinanespecialmannerministers', 'This incl us de inane special manner ministers')] RH18930307-V70-10-page13.txt: [('blockingtherailroadtrainsandseriouslyimpeding', 'blocking the railroad trains and seriously impeding'), ('manexperiencedinfarming', 'man experienced in farming')] RH18930307-V70-10-page9.txt: [('ourbrethrenthroughout', 'our brethren throughout')] RH18930314-V70-11-page2.txt: [('Uponyourselvesassafe', 'Upon yourselves as safe')] RH18930321-V70-12-page12.txt: [('indefinitepostponement', 'indefinite postponement')] RH18930321-V70-12-page16.txt: [('hundredanfiftycanvassersalreadyinattendance', 'hundred an fifty canvassers already in attendance')] RH18930328-V70-13-page8.txt: [('dogmaticallyassert', 'dogmatically assert')] RH18930411-V70-15-page1.txt: [('hiiiareafOlainfore', 'h iii are a f O l a i n f o r e')] RH18930411-V70-15-page14.txt: [('withtheirtutureilives', 'with their tutu rei lives')] RH18930418-V70-16-page9.txt: [('TheChristianchurch', 'The Christian church')] RH18930425-V70-17-page7.txt: [('transconcentrating', 'trans concentrating')] RH18930530-V70-22-page10.txt: [('nottaobaleccomplish', 'not tao bale c comp lis h')] RH18930530-V70-22-page12.txt: [('interestinereiniiiiscencea', 'interest in ere in iii is cen c e a')] RH18930530-V70-22-page13.txt: [('vethestudentsaknowledgeofcookery', 'vet he students a knowledge of cookery'), ('Ifyoucannotaffordthis', 'If you cannot afford this')] RH18930613-V70-24-page14.txt: [('expressionebottomless', 'express ione bottomless')] RH18930613-V70-24-page16.txt: [('Limpaylvatiiiiprbe', 'Lim pay lv at iii i p r b e')] RH18930613-V70-24-page2.txt: [('stewardfOrtithfulness', 'steward fOr tit h fulness')] RH18930613-V70-24-page8.txt: [('andindtendentconsularservice', 'and ind ten dent consular service'), ('whichKingOsoccupytheearth', 'which King O s occupy the earth'), ('Godhasannouncedthatthe', 'God has announced that the'), ('hasaccesstotheFatherinourbehalf', 'has access to the Father in our behalf')] RH18930620-V70-25-page11.txt: [('gettethunderstanding', 'getteth understanding')] RH18930620-V70-25-page16.txt: [('ChristianStatesman', 'Christian Statesman')] RH18930627-V70-26-page15.txt: [('thankfullyreceived', 'thankfully received')] RH18930627-V70-26-page2.txt: [('fltisrepresehtation', 'flt is rep res e h t a t i o n')] RH18930627-V70-26-page4.txt: [('fAinireopOsAazoevr', 'f A i n i r e o p O s A a z o e v r')] RH18930704-V70-27-page16.txt: [('Gborkiaeiirisylvania', 'G b o r k i a e i i r i s y l v a n i a')] RH18930711-V70-28-page12.txt: [('ColumblaTonference', 'Colum b la Ton fer enc e')] RH18930711-V70-28-page15.txt: [('comwerespokenbyElderR', 'com were spoken by Elder R'), ('prayerweremadebyElderR', 'prayer were made by Elder R')] RH18930711-V70-28-page3.txt: [('contradietthernselves', 'contra diet the r n s e l v e s')] RH18930711-V70-28-page5.txt: [('righteousinterpret', 'righteous interpret')] RH18930912-V70-37-page13.txt: [('CorrespondiriPecretary', 'Correspond iri Pe c ret ar y')] RH18930912-V70-37-page3.txt: [('andGodbathremembered', 'and God bath remembered'), ('Someblissfulregionfaraway', 'Some blissful region faraway')] RH18930919-V70-38-page5.txt: [('governmentauthorized', 'government authorized')] RH18931003-V70-39-page16.txt: [('BIauTiAthnoaeodniii', 'B I au T i A t h n o a e o d n i i i')] RH18931003-V70-39-page2.txt: [('AnbgnlalwlAthredpiis', 'An b g n l a l w l A t h r e d p i i s')] RH18931003-V70-39-page5.txt: [('Lettherebelightsinthefirmament', 'Let there be lights in the firmament')] RH18931017-V70-41-page12.txt: [('resolutionswhichhadbeenreadattheprevious', 'resolutions which had been read at the previous'), ('Theaboveresolutionswereadopted', 'The above resolutions were adopted')] RH18931017-V70-41-page13.txt: [('previouelyprepared', 'prev i o uel y prepared')] RH18931017-V70-41-page16.txt: [('SiarininimortalitY', 'S i ar in in i mortal it Y')] RH18931024-V70-42-page10.txt: [('ordinancescelebrated', 'ordinances celebrated')] RH18931024-V70-42-page12.txt: [('anddidsobyconfessingtheirsins', 'and did so by confessing their sins'), ('thisworkthemselves', 'this work themselves'), ('andencourageitsadoptionbythetract', 'and encourage its adoption by the tract'), ('Duringthemeetingover', 'During the meeting over'), ('edandeachpersonnominated', 'ed and each person nominated')] RH18931024-V70-42-page13.txt: [('Scandinavianpopulationin', 'Scandinavian population in')] RH18931024-V70-42-page16.txt: [('temporaryPpearance', 'temporary P pea rance')] RH18931024-V70-42-page9.txt: [('erectingschoolhouses', 'erecting schoolhouses')] RH18931114-V70-45-page7.txt: [('therepresentatives', 'the representatives')] RH18931212-V70-49-page15.txt: [('Thefireswerestartedintheconfes', 'The fires were started in the con fe s')] RH18931212-V70-49-page2.txt: [('THEPOWERTHATJESUSHAD', 'THE POWER THAT JESUS HAD')] RH18931219-V70-50-page19.txt: [('Theyallforsookhimandfled', 'They all forsook him and fled'), ('WestVirginiatractsociety', 'West Virginia tract society')] RH18940116-V71-03-page13.txt: [('Sanetificationists', 'San et if i cation i sts')] RH18940123-V71-04-page11.txt: [('villainoussmelling', 'villainous smelling')] RH18940130-V71-05-page1.txt: [('theinhislienytations', 'the in his lien y tat ions')] RH18940206-V71-06-page12.txt: [('distributingreading', 'distributing reading')] RH18940213-V71-07-page1.txt: [('aTmostiMperceptibly', 'aT most iM perceptibly')] RH18940220-V71-08-page6.txt: [('electricalpsychology', 'electrical psychology')] RH18940306-V71-10-page15.txt: [('Nilesaccommodationtrain', 'Niles accommodation train')] RH18940320-V71-12-page15.txt: [('SurprisePartyandFamilyGathering', 'Surprise Party and Family Gathering')] RH18940320-V71-12-page16.txt: [('religiousconvictions', 'religious convictions')] RH18940327-V71-13-page4.txt: [('Fromthesestatementswelearnthatthepee', 'From these statements we learn that the pee')] RH18940410-V71-15-page2.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH18940424-V71-17-page15.txt: [('shortbusinessnoticeswillbeinsertedatone', 'short business notices will be inserted at one'), ('oftentheyheardhervoiceinprayerforthem', 'often they heard her voice in prayer for them'), ('Nilesaccommodationtraingoeswestat', 'Niles accommodation train goes west at')] RH18940522-V71-21-page1.txt: [('fergetiainettieSenf', 'fer get i a in et tie Sen f'), ('angelLLCIoeLamsent', 'angel L L C I o e L a m s e n t')] RH18940529-V71-22-page7.txt: [('exemptdisproportionateness', 'exempt disproportionate ness')] RH18940619-V71-25-page15.txt: [('leaveNicholseastward', 'leave Nichols eastward')] RH18940710-V71-28-page15.txt: [('closingassociation', 'closing association')] RH18940717-V71-29-page13.txt: [('rapidlyapproaching', 'rapidly approaching')] RH18940717-V71-29-page4.txt: [('disastrouSAonsequences', 'dis a str o uS A on sequences')] RH18940731-V71-31-page15.txt: [('accommodationtrain', 'accommodation train'), ('WayfreightsleaveNicholseastward', 'Way freights leave Nichols eastward')] RH18940814-V71-33-page1.txt: [('whilethesayingsofmenbecomeofmoreand', 'while the sayings of men become of more and')] RH18940904-V71-36-page1.txt: [('AIXIMIZOONIVreMProWa', 'A IX IM I ZOO N I V r e M P r o W a')] RH18940911-V71-37-page11.txt: [('KEEPINGLIVERYSTABLE', 'KEEPING L I VERY S TABLE')] RH18940918-V71-38-page9.txt: [('bemomentarilydisappointedatoutwardchanges', 'be momentarily disappointed at outward changes'), ('isstillitsappropriatenameand', 'is still its appropriate name and')] RH18941009-V71-40-page15.txt: [('Tohireafarmwithteamfurnished', 'To hire a farm with team furnished')] RH18941023-V71-42-page13.txt: [('ofthetentlaborandoftheadditionstoour', 'of the tent labor and of the additions to our'), ('ofwhatdenomination', 'of what denomination')] RH18941106-V71-44-page15.txt: [('tobenecessaryforustodWellonitsmeritsnow', 'to be necessary for us to dWell on its merits now')] RH18941225-V71-51-page18.txt: [('Letterpressprinting', 'Letter press printing')] RH18941225-V71-51-page19.txt: [('lIaliaetusletreeceaha', 'l I ali aet us let ree c e a h a')] RH18950108-V72-02-page14.txt: [('ecclesiasticallaws', 'ecclesiastical laws')] RH18950129-V72-05-page15.txt: [('imetrelliembranous', 'i met rel lie m b r a n o u s'), ('Shehadbeenconfinedtoherbedforthe', 'She had been confined to her bed for the')] RH18950324-V72-13-page1.txt: [('manifestedsympathy', 'manifested sympathy')] RH18950402-V72-14-page15.txt: [('DISTRICTNUMBEREIGHT', 'DISTRICT NUMBER EIGHT')] RH18950416-V72-16-page16.txt: [('oppositeldirection', 'opposite l direction')] RH18950423-V72-17-page6.txt: [('smallsonandheirhadbeensentinto', 'small son and heir had been sent into')] RH18950514-V72-20-page13.txt: [('satisfactoryletters', 'satisfactory letters')] RH18950521-V72-21-page5.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH18950528-V72-22-page15.txt: [('eighthyearofhisage', 'eighth year of his age')] RH18950625-V72-26-page15.txt: [('dailyexceptfhinday', 'daily except f h i n d a y')] RH18950806-V72-32-page7.txt: [('Helplfuthoughtsinmattersofeconomy', 'Help l fut h ought sin matters of economy'), ('shouldbetreatedassuch', 'should be treated as such')] RH18950813-V72-33-page1.txt: [('theWeightiermatiersorthelaw', 'the Weigh tier mat ier sort he law'), ('experiencethetransformingpowerofgraceupon', 'experience the transforming power of grace upon'), ('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH18950813-V72-33-page15.txt: [('CHICAGObeGRANDTRUNK', 'CHICAGO be GRAND TRUNK')] RH18950813-V72-33-page5.txt: [('selfstultification', 'self stultification')] RH18950827-V72-35-page15.txt: [('ditilyexceptSandar', 'di til y except S and ar')] RH18950903-V72-36-page3.txt: [('overridingroughshod', 'overriding roughshod')] RH18950910-V72-37-page15.txt: [('memberoftheMethodistChurchforfortyyears', 'member of the Methodist Church for forty years'), ('accommodationtrain', 'accommodation train')] RH18950910-V72-37-page2.txt: [('yoaimemalamenziammov', 'y o ai mem ala men z i a m m o v')] RH18950917-V72-38-page15.txt: [('wifeofLewisJorgensen', 'wife of Lewis Jorgensen')] RH18950924-V72-39-page8.txt: [('youbereadywithallfaithful', 'you be ready with all faithful')] RH18951001-V72-40-page15.txt: [('minodationtpingoeswest', 'min o dat i ont pin goes west')] RH18951015-V72-42-page15.txt: [('Knowingthatshecouldlivebutlit', 'Knowing that she could live but lit')] RH18951022-V72-43-page8.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] RH18951105-V72-45-page15.txt: [('CHICAGOScGRANDTRUNK', 'CHICAGO S c GRAND TRUNK')] RH18951112-V72-46-page15.txt: [('iDailyexceptSunday', 'i Daily except Sunday')] RH18951119-V72-47-page15.txt: [('isthatweareenteringthetimeof', 'is that we are entering the time of'), ('Butletusrememberthatgoodresolutionsaregood', 'But let us remember that good resolutions are good')] RH18951119-V72-47-page5.txt: [('LOVINCOOMPANIONSHIP', 'LO V IN COO M P A N I O N S H I P')] RH18951126-V72-48-page15.txt: [('mrnodatIontiaingoesweet', 'mr nod at I on tia in goes we et')] RH18951203-V72-49-page11.txt: [('friendswithusevenforsoshortatime', 'friends with us even for so short a time')] RH18951203-V72-49-page8.txt: [('InoticetheGreekChurch', 'I notice the Greek Church')] RH18960107-V73-01-page10.txt: [('raanifiestettiiasocial', 'r a a n i f i e s t e t t i i a s o c i a l')] RH18960107-V73-01-page15.txt: [('WetrustthatourseveralStatesocieties', 'We trust that our several State societies'), ('AmandaCordeliaMcCauley', 'Amanda Cor deli aM c C au ley'), ('welearnthatwhenweare', 'we learn that when we are')] RH18960107-V73-01-page2.txt: [('StLasysseerstiasia', 'St Las y s seers tia sia')] RH18960121-V73-03-page6.txt: [('taiotelireosftsofg', 'tai o tel ire o s f t s o f g')] RH18960121-V73-03-page8.txt: [('inanywayincarryingforwardandcompletin', 'in anyway in carrying forward and comp let in'), ('Itwasinthiswaywerode', 'It was in this way we rode'), ('conflictswithSataninsomeofhismanifold', 'conflicts with Satan in some of his manifold')] RH18960204-V73-05-page14.txt: [('carefulsconsideration', 'careful s consideration')] RH18960218-V73-07-page12.txt: [('imaponaimplemonind', 'i map on a imp lemon ind')] RH18960303-V73-09-page15.txt: [('withtethmhecanvassingschoolatVilas', 'with teth m h e c a n v a s s i n g s c h o o l a t V i l a s')] RH18960310-V73-10-page12.txt: [('aimalolevunilingana', 'aim a lo lev uni ling an a'), ('vakayalovinakatakaveivenakatitaka', 'v aka y a lo v in aka tak ave i vena kat it aka')] RH18960317-V73-11-page14.txt: [('partiallyrecovered', 'partially recovered')] RH18960317-V73-11-page15.txt: [('endearedhimtomanybesideshisownfamily', 'endeared him to many besides his own family')] RH18960324-V73-12-page5.txt: [('ioturdedaoyfthptaerasemeyy', 'i o turd ed a o y fth p t a e r a s e m e y y')] RH18960407-V73-14-page11.txt: [('sanitaryconditions', 'sanitary conditions')] RH18960407-V73-14-page15.txt: [('productionaverages', 'production averages')] RH18960428-V73-17-page6.txt: [('willbringapersonintoa', 'will bring a person into a'), ('feminineportionoftheirflocksastowhereto', 'feminine portion of their flocks as to where to')] RH18960512-V73-19-page1.txt: [('IMFINORIERINIMMICEIEZI', 'IM FIN OR IER I NIM MICE I E Z I')] RH18960512-V73-19-page15.txt: [('BlessedarethedeadwhichdieintheLordfromhenceforth', 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth'), ('easehadpreyeduponher', 'ease had preyed upon her'), ('untilhermindbecameaf', 'until her mind became a f')] RH18960512-V73-19-page4.txt: [('onlyrealizethelite', 'only realize the lite')] RH18960519-V73-20-page16.txt: [('Ordinancetrestored', 'Ordinance tres to red')] RH18960602-V73-22-page12.txt: [('presentthetruthsorecentlyfound', 'present the truth so recently found'), ('becomingacquaintedwithGod', 'becoming acquainted with God')] RH18960609-V73-23-page1.txt: [('idefrisddpraeyssaballel', 'i de fris d d p r a e y s s a b a l l e l')] RH18960609-V73-23-page6.txt: [('intelligentlooking', 'intelligent looking')] RH18960616-V73-24-page9.txt: [('consgiedreraration', 'cons gie dr era ration')] RH18960623-V73-25-page15.txt: [('accommodationtrain', 'accommodation train')] RH18960623-V73-25-page2.txt: [('standarchauthorities', 'stand arch authorities')] RH18960707-V73-27-page9.txt: [('Committeerecommending', 'Committee recommending')] RH18960804-V73-31-page16.txt: [('theREVIEWANDHERALD', 'the REVIEW AND HERALD')] RH18960818-V73-33-page14.txt: [('blessingstoIlyeicitmp', 'blessings to I lye i cit m p')] RH18960818-V73-33-page16.txt: [('Seelelegraphengesellschaft', 'See le le graph eng e s e l l s c h a f t')] RH18960818-V73-33-page20.txt: [('FOREIGNMISSIONSOFTHEPROTEENTCHORCIIE', 'FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE PRO TEE N T C H O R C I I E')] RH18960825-V73-34-page4.txt: [('trunkthroughtheparentstem', 'trunk through the parent stem'), ('andplacedhistrustinthatfaithful', 'and placed his trust in that faithful'), ('withearnestnessandldiety', 'with earnestness and l diet y')] RH18960908-V73-36-page1.txt: [('selfcongratulation', 'self congratulation')] RH18960908-V73-36-page5.txt: [('followingappropriate', 'following appropriate')] RH18960915-V73-37-page2.txt: [('yeintheLordforever', 'ye in the Lord forever')] RH18960929-V73-39-page10.txt: [('laboringsuccessfully', 'laboring successfully')] RH18961027-V73-43-page3.txt: [('resurrectionpositive', 'resurrection positive')] RH18961201-V73-48-page17.txt: [('theyarenotveryapttobecomebacksliders', 'they are not very apt to become backsliders')] RH18961208-V73-49-page15.txt: [('toreadandcirculatethistract', 'to read and circulate this tract')] RH18961215-V73-50-page18.txt: [('Presentationedition', 'Presentation edition')] RH18961222-V73-51-page15.txt: [('ChristintheOldTestament', 'Christ in the Old Testament'), ('KeepingnotaBibleDoctrine', 'Keeping not a Bible Doctrine')] RH18961229-V73-52-page15.txt: [('whichhaddonetheworkof', 'which had done the work of'), ('conventionwasaddressedbbyuilrF', 'convention was addressed b by u i l r F'), ('visitedastreetinonedayrecently', 'visited a street in one day recently')] RH18961229-V73-52-page6.txt: [('iftamMEMINEMINIONMIlli', 'if tam ME MINE MINI ON M I l l i')] RH18970105-V74-01-page16.txt: [('ConferenceBulletin', 'Conference Bulletin')] RH18970119-V74-03-page15.txt: [('Eachofthesebooksiscompleteinitself', 'Each of these books is complete in itself'), ('ChristintheOldTestament', 'Christ in the Old Testament'), ('RANDTRUNKRAILWAYSYSTEM', 'RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM')] RH18970119-V74-03-page2.txt: [('heavenlymindedness', 'heavenly mindedness')] RH18970209-V74-06-page12.txt: [('increesinganterest', 'inc ree sing ante rest')] RH18970216-V74-08-page13.txt: [('patriarchoftheAbyssinianChurchbcomeintosuchclose', 'patriarch of the Abyssinian Church b come into such close')] RH18970216-V74-08-page15.txt: [('WhoChangedtheSabbath', 'Who Changed the Sabbath')] RH18970302-V74-09-page12.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH18970302-V74-09-page8.txt: [('indescribableleeling', 'indescribable lee ling')] RH18970309-V74-10-page6.txt: [('ittothegloryofhistruth', 'it to the glory of his truth')] RH18970323-V74-12-page10.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] RH18970323-V74-12-page11.txt: [('postmillennialists', 'post millennial i sts')] RH18970413-V74-15-page15.txt: [('AhouseandlotnearMt', 'A house and lot near M t')] RH18970420-V74-16-page15.txt: [('ofapoplexyathishomeinAlameda', 'of apoplexy a this home in Alameda')] RH18970427-V74-17-page16.txt: [('HowtoStudytheChild', 'How to Study the Child')] RH18970504-V74-18-page8.txt: [('herchildandMissAshbury', 'her child and Miss Ash bury'), ('verylittlefermentationhadtaken', 'very little fermentation had taken')] RH18970511-V74-19-page11.txt: [('localitiesonlyaboutthirtymilesdistantfrom', 'localities only about thirty miles distant from'), ('OneoftheseisnowshutupinUru', 'One of these is now shut up in Ur u')] RH18970518-V74-20-page1.txt: [('drdeArldpreasysAlel', 'dr de Ar l d p r e a s y s A l e l')] RH18970615-V74-24-page15.txt: [('willalsoaskyouonething', 'will also ask you one thing')] RH18970629-V74-26-page1.txt: [('OnegbliNiiLdayeedthins', 'O neg b l iN ii L day e e d t h i n s')] RH18970706-V74-27-page15.txt: [('willalsoaskyouonething', 'will also ask you one thing')] RH18970713-V74-28-page15.txt: [('willalsoaskyouonething', 'will also ask you one thing')] RH18970720-V74-29-page11.txt: [('notwithstandgathering', 'not withstand gathering')] RH18970720-V74-29-page15.txt: [('willalsoaskyouonething', 'will also ask you one thing')] RH18970803-V74-31-page16.txt: [('speaksofthesamefact', 'speaks of the same fact'), ('Conversionisdefinedtobeaturning', 'Conversion is defined to be a turning')] RH18970831-V74-35-page1.txt: [('asismassorriamteases', 'as is mass orr i amt eases')] RH18970907-V74-36-page15.txt: [('foraspeedypreparationforteachinginourchurch', 'for a speedy preparation for teaching in our church'), ('thoroughlycommittedtomissionaryworkundera', 'thoroughly committed to missionary work under a')] RH18970921-V74-38-page15.txt: [('Ordersfortheseshouldbesentinat', 'Orders for these should be sent in at'), ('Extratoforeigncountries', 'Extra to foreign countries'), ('andhavinglongresidedinBattleCreek', 'and having long resided in Battle Creek')] RH18970928-V74-39-page9.txt: [('thathasbeenagreathelptousisthat', 'that has been a great help to us is that'), ('wevisitedmostofthechurchesin', 'we visited most of the churches in')] RH18971102-V74-44-page14.txt: [('betweenWinslowandCapeMay', 'between Winslow and Cape May')] RH18971102-V74-44-page15.txt: [('Creekchurchduringtherevivalnowinprogress', 'Creek church during the revival now in progress')] RH18971116-V74-46-page14.txt: [('THEMOUNTOFBLESSING', 'THE MOUNT OF BLESSING')] RH18971123-V74-47-page15.txt: [('iinstitimpossfionsunial', 'i inst it im poss f i o n s u n i a l')] RH18971123-V74-47-page16.txt: [('TIVITYYMYYMITITYMMVIIMYTIVTIMYYMYY', 'TIV I TY Y MY Y M I T I T Y M M V I I M Y T I V T I M Y Y M Y Y'), ('WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW', 'WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW W')] RH18971123-V74-47s1-page2.txt: [('PersonalQuestionsandAnswersinRegardtothe', 'Personal Questions and Answers in Regard to the')] RH18971130-V74-48-page15.txt: [('theRightsofthePeople', 'the Rights of the People')] RH18971207-V74-49s-page2.txt: [('WhynottaketheMedicalMissionary', 'Why not take the Medical Missionary'), ('ShejoinedtheSeventh', 'She joined the Seventh'), ('Pullmanvestibulebuffetsleeping', 'Pullman vestibule buffet sleeping')] RH18971228-V74-52-page3.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH18980104-V75-01-page12.txt: [('toministertothechurcsheinandnearthat', 'to minister to the chur c she in and near that')] RH18980201-V75-05-page15.txt: [('andheataresimplyformsof', 'and heat are simply forms of'), ('thewordisperispomenon', 'the word is per is p omen on'), ('Ifitcontainsalongvowel', 'If it contains along vowel'), ('ENAPXHHNOAOPOKAIOAOPOUNIIPO', 'EN A P X H H N O A O P O K A I O A O P O U N I I P O')] RH18980222-V75-08-page11.txt: [('Thisbrotherwasledtoseethetruthbyltie', 'This brother was led to see the truth by l tie'), ('drawthemselvesalmostintoaknotasthey', 'draw themselves almost into a knot as they')] RH18980222-V75-08-page2.txt: [('supersensitiveness', 'supersensitive ness'), ('Supersensitiveness', 'Super sensitiveness')] RH18980301-V75-09-page13.txt: [('Ourretsaweremadetorejoiceaswebeheld', 'Our ret s a were made to rejoice as we beheld')] RH18980301-V75-09-page15.txt: [('DivisionforSaginawandBayCity', 'Division for Saginaw and Bay City'), ('Therearemanythingsinsuchlessonsasthese', 'There are many things in such lessons as these'), ('totipthemwhilespinning', 'to tip them while spinning'), ('civayiyviLcrKwraemad', 'c iv a y i y vi L c r K w r a e m a d'), ('becausetheharderyoupull', 'because the harder you pull')] RH18980308-V75-10-page4.txt: [('constitutionmaking', 'constitution making')] RH18980329-V75-13-page14.txt: [('ANILLUSTRATEDWEEKLYMAGAZINE', 'AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY MAGAZINE')] RH18980412-V75-15-page3.txt: [('historicalstatement', 'historical statement')] RH18980426-V75-17-page15.txt: [('ReviewandberaldPublishingCo', 'Review and b er ald Publishing C o')] RH18980503-V75-18-page14.txt: [('startlingdevelopments', 'startling developments')] RH18980503-V75-18-page2.txt: [('necessarypreparation', 'necessary preparation')] RH18980503-V75-18-page4.txt: [('forceinconceivably', 'force inconceivably')] RH18980510-V75-19-page2.txt: [('upinthenurtureandadmonitionoftheLord', 'up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord'), ('thevirtueofJesusChrist', 'the virtue of Jesus Christ')] RH18980524-V75-21-page15.txt: [('ofchronicstrictureofthebowels', 'of chronic stricture of the bowels')] RH18980705-V75-27-page8.txt: [('supremeeducational', 'supreme educational')] RH18980726-V75-30-page2.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH18980816-V75-33-page14.txt: [('hundredyoungwomenwhohavehadexperiencein', 'hundred young women who have had experience in')] RH18980913-V75-37-page15.txt: [('INIflODSIGIVIDHdSV', 'IN If lO D S I G I V I D H d S V')] RH18981004-V75-40-page15.txt: [('GreatEmpiresofProphecy', 'Great Empires of Prophecy')] RH18981011-V75-41-page1.txt: [('Wewillanswerthisquestionby', 'We will answer this question by')] RH18981108-V75-45-page4.txt: [('commandmentbreaking', 'commandment breaking')] RH18981122-V75-47-page14.txt: [('Thisstatesthesituation', 'This states the situation'), ('andexplainsthedelay', 'and explains the delay')] RH18981122-V75-47-page6.txt: [('discriminapondering', 'disc rim in a pondering')] RH18981206-V75-49-page15.txt: [('subjectinwhichallareinterested', 'subject in which all are interested')] RH18981227-V75-52-page15.txt: [('justreceivedfromtheSuccessCom', 'just received from the Success Com'), ('GOODLITTLEMAGAZINE', 'GOOD LITTLE MAGAZINE')] RH18990117-V76-03-page15.txt: [('HowtheSabbathCametoMe', 'How the Sabbath Came to Me')] RH18990124-V76-04-page13.txt: [('inthewesternpartofthe', 'in the western part of the'), ('inacentrallocation', 'in a central location'), ('forsixdollarsamonth', 'for six dollars a month')] RH18990124-V76-04-page15.txt: [('Pullmanvestibulebuffetsleeping', 'Pullman vestibule buffet sleeping'), ('carstoNewYorkandPhiladelphia', 'cars to New York and Philadelphia')] RH18990214-V76-07-page15.txt: [('LehighValleyExpress', 'Lehigh Valley Express')] RH18990221-V76-08-page15.txt: [('andoChristianization', 'and o Christianization'), ('Erahrethaunailiznegs', 'Era h ret h au nail i z n e g s')] RH18990228-V76-09-page15.txt: [('caboaambratelethla', 'cab o a am brat el eth la')] RH18990307-V76-10-page15.txt: [('ParliamentaryPractise', 'Parliamentary Practise')] RH18990502-V76-18-page15.txt: [('OneRowLimaBeansonWireFence', 'One Row Lima Beans on Wire Fence')] RH18990523-V76-21-page6.txt: [('Duringtheperiodofinfancythemanifestations', 'During the period of infancy the manifestations')] RH18990530-V76-22-page14.txt: [('directionastowhentocome', 'direction as to when to come'), ('Wecanmakeroomforsome', 'We can make room for some'), ('expectedtoprovidethemselveswithbedding', 'expected to provide themselves with bedding'), ('dressingroominthesanitarium', 'dressing room in the sanitarium'), ('Mustbefirstclassin', 'Must be first class in')] RH18990606-V76-23-page7.txt: [('Ruthiehowtomakeone', 'Ruthie how to make one')] RH18990704-V76-27s-page4.txt: [('alluniteinsayingthatitisavery', 'all unite in saying that it is a very')] RH18990711-V76-28-page14.txt: [('GRANDTRUNKRAILWAYSYSTEM', 'GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM')] RH18990718-V76-29-page11.txt: [('apparinconveniences', 'app ar inconveniences')] RH18990718-V76-29-page14.txt: [('atthegeneralgatheringsthatwillbeheld', 'at the general gatherings that will beheld')] RH18990808-V76-32-page15.txt: [('TheLivingChurchisaWorkingChurch', 'The Living Church is a Working Church')] RH18990808-V76-32-page6.txt: [('Ashebowswithhisfamily', 'As he bows with his family')] RH18990815-V76-33-page6.txt: [('Theybothleftthesick', 'They both left the sick')] RH18990822-V76-34-page14.txt: [('BABluobofafhanelosy', 'B A B lu o b of a f h a n e l o s y')] RH18990919-V76-38-page15.txt: [('REVIEWANDHERALDlose', 'REVIEW AND HERALD lose')] RH18991010-V76-41-page10.txt: [('Leviticalpriesthood', 'Levitical priesthood')] RH18991010-V76-41-page15.txt: [('missionaryoreading', 'missionary o reading')] RH18991017-V76-42-page10.txt: [('ThedoingofthewillofGod', 'The doing of the will of God')] RH18991024-V76-43-page9.txt: [('acquisitionunbalanced', 'acquisition unbalanced')] RH18991031-V76-44-page14.txt: [('inconceivableinstitutions', 'inconceivable institutions')] RH18991031-V76-44-page15.txt: [('subscriptioneditionplatse', 'subscription edition plats e'), ('ThoughtsonRevelation', 'Thoughts on Revelation')] RH18991031-V76-44-page4.txt: [('counterattractions', 'counter attractions')] RH18991107-V76-45-page14.txt: [('Atameetingofthesecondchamberontheforeign', 'At a meeting of the second chamber on the foreign'), ('DiedinSouthLancaster', 'Died in South Lancaster')] RH18991114-V76-46-page19.txt: [('TRUNKRAILWAYSYSTEM', 'TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM'), ('Thereisnoneothercom', 'There is none other com'), ('AndJesusansweringsaidunto', 'And Jesus answering said unto')] RH18991114-V76-46-page8.txt: [('ecclesiaticopolitical', 'e c c l e s i a t i c o p o l i t i c a l')] RH18991121-V76-47-page15.txt: [('LonpfeltWantSupplied', 'Lon p felt Want Supplied')] RH18991128-V76-48-page10.txt: [('changesaccomplished', 'changes accomplished')] RH18991128-V76-48-page9.txt: [('astronomicaldiscoveries', 'astronomical discoveries')] RH18991205-V76-49-page10.txt: [('responsibilitywith', 'responsibility with')] RH18991205-V76-49-page2.txt: [('homesaftertheordreGodhasgiveninhis', 'homes after the or dr e G o d h a s g i v e n i n h i s'), ('Ithasbeenaffirmedbymanytheological', 'It has been affirmed by many theological'), ('wroughtbyapretender', 'wrought by a pretender'), ('therewillbeseenwith', 'there will be seen with')] RH18991212-V76-50-page1.txt: [('morewickedthanthefirst', 'more wicked than the first'), ('Intheirveryredantlyintotheeverlastingkingdomofour', 'In their very red ant l yin to the everlasting kingdom of our')] RH18991212-V76-50-page11.txt: [('lawofsinwhichisinmymembers', 'law of sin which is in my members')] RH18991219-V76-51-page11.txt: [('educationalinstitutions', 'educational institutions')] RH18991219-V76-51-page6.txt: [('sleepingapartments', 'sleeping apartments')] RH19000109-V77-02-page10.txt: [('righteousjudgments', 'righteous judgments')] RH19000109-V77-02-page8.txt: [('righteousnesabyfaith', 'righteous n e s a b y f a i t h')] RH19000130-V77-05-page15.txt: [('THEMISSIONARYREADING', 'THE MISSIONARY READING')] RH19000206-V77-06-page13.txt: [('dedicatoryservices', 'dedicatory services')] RH19000213-V77-07-page11.txt: [('WINCATAMINOZOWASSM', 'WIN CAT AM I NO Z O W A S S M')] RH19000213-V77-07-page15.txt: [('dayAdventistChurch', 'day Adventist Church'), ('eiVisAariSesesAars', 'e i V i s A a r i S e s e s A a r s')] RH19000220-V77-08-page15.txt: [('LETallsendingpublicationsformissionaryworkseethat', 'LET all sending publications for missionary work see that')] RH19000227-V77-09-page13.txt: [('attendanceincreasing', 'attendance increasing')] RH19000417-V77-16-page16.txt: [('enAeWtreAreAPPAPAAPAAPAWA', 'en A eW t r e A r e A P P A P A A P A A P A W A')] RH19000424-V77-17-page10.txt: [('itreacsetothethoughtsandfeelings', 'it rea c set o the thoughts and feelings')] RH19000501-V77-18-page4.txt: [('angeluntohisservantJohn', 'angel unto his servant John'), ('thatGodraisedthemupforinanswertothe', 'that God raised them up for in answer to the'), ('couldhardlycountthoseas', 'could hardly count those as')] RH19000605-V77-23-page1.txt: [('unconsecratedekements', 'unconsecrated eke men t s')] RH19000605-V77-23-page13.txt: [('Practicalgodliness', 'Practical godliness')] RH19000612-V77-24-page13.txt: [('ministersendeavored', 'ministers endeavored')] RH19000612-V77-24-page15.txt: [('NOVVVVVAAAAAAAANYVt', 'NOV V V V V A A A A A A A ANY V t'), ('PUBLISHEDQUARTERLYBYPACIFICPRESSP', 'PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY PACIFIC PRESS P'), ('rovsAAAAmowyvvvvvvvvw', 'r o v s A A A A m o w y v v v v v v v v w'), ('SchoolSuperintendentsandteachers', 'School Superintendents and teachers')] RH19000619-V77-25-page12.txt: [('colonyfoundedliarvard', 'colony founded liar v ard')] RH19000619-V77-25-page15.txt: [('PUBLJSPEDQUARTERLYBYPACIFICPRESSPEBUSPIDGEt', 'PUB L J S P ED QUARTERLY BY PACIFIC PRESS PE B US PI D G E t')] RH19000626-V77-26-page8.txt: [('contradistinguahed', 'contra dist in gu ah ed')] RH19000703-V77-27-page1.txt: [('InhislessonsChristsoughttoreachthe', 'In his lessons Christ sought to reach the'), ('Isnotthelifemorethnameat', 'Is not the l i fem or eth name at'), ('hewilldestroyhimselfbywrong', 'he will destroy himself by wrong')] RH19000703-V77-27-page15.txt: [('ilierillleocloills', 'i lie rill leo c lo ills'), ('INININININNINININANINS', 'IN IN IN IN INN IN IN I NAN INS')] RH19000710-V77-28-page13.txt: [('formallypromulgated', 'formally promulgated')] RH19000717-V77-29-page12.txt: [('sanitariumenterprise', 'sanitarium enterprise')] 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Vaal le lye Express')] RH19001002-V77-40-page15.txt: [('ItitianotatatelAmtlata', 'I titi a not at a tel Amt lat a')] RH19001009-V77-41-page14.txt: [('inpgacairctaigcelessp', 'in p g a c a i r c t a i g c e l e s s p')] RH19001023-V77-43-page15.txt: [('kAANVVVVVVVVIAAAAAAAAAANOAAAANYV', 'k A A N V V V V V V V V I A A A A A A A A A A N O A A A A N Y V'), ('proclaimthemessage', 'proclaim the message'), ('REVIEWANDHERALDPUBLISHINGCOMPANY', 'REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY'), ('Wecannotallgooutintothefieldtopreach', 'We cannot all go out into the field to preach')] RH19001106-V77-45-page5.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH19001113-V77-46-page9.txt: [('accomplisharsuddenly', 'accomplish ar suddenly')] RH19001120-V77-47-page12.txt: [('ColumbidUniversity', 'Colum bid University')] RH19001120-V77-47-page15.txt: [('BESTSTORIESFROMTHEBESTBOOK', 'BEST STORIES FROM THE BEST BOOK')] RH19001120-V77-47-page2.txt: [('whatitmeanstobeaChristian', 'what it means to be a Christian'), ('Deathistheiocgalconsequenceof', 'Death is the i o c gal consequence of')] RH19001204-V77-49-page1.txt: [('spiritualitriirtlio', 'spiritual it r i i r t l i o')] RH19010101-V78-01-page1.txt: [('canvassersshouldhaveimpresseduponthemthe', 'canvassers should have impressed upon them the')] RH19010101-V78-01-page13.txt: [('encouragingfeature', 'encouraging feature')] RH19010101-V78-01-page4.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19010108-V78-02-page14.txt: [('carryingpassengers', 'carrying passengers')] RH19010108-V78-02-page3.txt: [('irrevocabledecision', 'irrevocable decision')] RH19010115-V78-03-page1.txt: [('Thepreachingofthewordisameansbywhich', 'The preaching of the word is a means by which')] RH19010115-V78-03-page15.txt: [('publicationicontaining', 'publication i containing')] RH19010122-V78-04-page11.txt: [('instrUnientalities', 'instr Uni en tali ties')] RH19010129-V78-05-page13.txt: [('seenforseveralyears', 'seen for several years')] 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[('VigigielOCISigittia', 'Vi gig i el O C I Sig it tia')] RH19010423-V78-17-page10.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping'), ('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19010423-V78-17-page11.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping'), ('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19010423-V78-17-page15.txt: [('saleandaccornplish', 'sale and a c corn p lis h')] RH19010430-V78-18-page11.txt: [('thereestablishment', 'the reestablishment')] RH19010430-V78-18-page12.txt: [('defenselesscondition', 'defenseless condition')] RH19010430-V78-18-page15.txt: [('AAMOVVVVVVVVVYVVVI', 'A AM O V V V V V V V V V Y V V VI')] RH19010430-V78-18-page2.txt: [('righteousconvinced', 'righteous convinced')] RH19010514-V78-20-page15.txt: [('ssianinasitidanallillamsna', 's sian in as it i dan all ill am s n a')] RH19010521-V78-21-page14.txt: [('religiousinstitutions', 'religious institutions')] RH19010521-V78-21-page2.txt: [('successfuttnissionaries', 'success fut t n i s s i o n a r i e s')] RH19010604-V78-23-page15.txt: [('AAAAAwAoNAAAAAAAAA', 'A A A A A w A o N A A A A A A A A A')] RH19010611-V78-24-page6.txt: [('thousandfiverhundred', 'thousand fiver hundred')] RH19010625-V78-26-page16.txt: [('TheBravestoftheBrave', 'The Brave st of the Brave'), ('younotmaketheeffort', 'you not make the effort'), ('Sendyourpostaltothe', 'Send your postal to the'), ('EverestasSecretary', 'Everest as Secretary')] RH19010716-V78-29-page12.txt: [('andotherswerepresent', 'and others were present'), ('ofthisimportantbranch', 'of this important branch'), ('inawonderfuldegree', 'in a wonderful degree')] RH19010716-V78-29-page15.txt: [('rOAAPAAAAANVOAAAANNOVVVVIOVVVVVVVVVVONVVVVV', 'r O A A P A A A A A N V O A A A A N N O V V V V I O V V V V V V V V V V O N V V V V V')] RH19010723-V78-30-page2.txt: [('followingreflections', 'following reflections')] RH19010730-V78-31-page9.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH19010806-V78-32-page4.txt: [('accumulatingwealth', 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('AOVVIAAIWAIVVVVVVVIONAAANVIAA', 'A O V VIA A I W A I V V V V V V V I O N A A A N V I A A')] RH19011210-V78-50-page16.txt: [('LeadingEventsofWeekDec', 'Leading Events of Week Dec')] RH19011224-V78-52-page16.txt: [('NOWAirlArdArinesAo', 'NOW Air l Ard Ar ines A o')] RH19020107-V79-01-page4.txt: [('BATTLECREEKMISSIONARYSOCIETY', 'BATTLE CREEK MISSIONARY SOCIETY')] RH19020107-V79-01-page8.txt: [('insinuationdetrimental', 'insinuation detrimental')] RH19020128-V79-04-page15.txt: [('Sustainsandcheershislanguidbreast', 'Sustains and cheers his languid breast')] RH19020204-V79-05-page11.txt: [('arevitalizedbythelifeofGod', 'are vitalized by the life of God'), ('WenowhaveintheentireConferenceabout', 'We now have in the entire Conference about'), ('greatadvancementisbeingmade', 'great advancement is being made')] RH19020204-V79-05-page5.txt: [('magnificentlooking', 'magnificent looking')] RH19020218-V79-07-page15.txt: [('andastheworkofthecanvasseristobe', 'and as the work of the canvasser is 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[('theskinoverlyingthestomachandtothespine', 'the skin overlying the stomach and to the spine')] RH19020408-V79-14-page22.txt: [('notwithstandcaught', 'not withstand caught')] RH19020408-V79-14-page6.txt: [('coneeivObiyiliavebeeti', 'cone e i v O b i y i l i a v e b e e t i')] RH19020415-V79-15-page10.txt: [('faithintheobjecttowhichwearegiv', 'faith in the object to which we a reg iv')] RH19020415-V79-15-page19.txt: [('contemporanepassed', 'con temp or ane passed')] RH19020415-V79-15-page5.txt: [('unrighteousprinciples', 'unrighteous principles')] RH19020422-V79-16-page12.txt: [('indiscrerespondingly', 'in di scr ere s pond ing l y')] RH19020422-V79-16-page21.txt: [('insurmountconquered', 'in surmount conquered')] RH19020422-V79-16-page23.txt: [('housekeeperinafamilywhere', 'housekeeper in a family where')] RH19020422-V79-16-page8.txt: [('sisafalpszaLLsittLardoping', 'sis a f a l p s z a L L s i t t L a r d o p i n g')] RH19020429-V79-17-page10.txt: [('whatsorighteousness', 'what so righteousness')] RH19020429-V79-17-page18.txt: [('subscripthemselves', 'sub scrip themselves')] RH19020429-V79-17-page2.txt: [('Theprospectussellsfor', 'The prospectus sells for'), ('Specialreceiptbooksandreportblanks', 'Special receipt books and report blanks')] RH19020429-V79-17-page20.txt: [('Joshuatookthethemrepentancetotheacknowledging', 'Joshua took the them repentance to the acknowledging')] RH19020429-V79-17-page23.txt: [('theMethodistChurch', 'the Methodist Church')] RH19020506-V79-18-page23.txt: [('assemblytobeheldatBerrienSprings', 'assembly to beheld at Berrien Springs'), ('thereforecannotbereachedbyletter', 'therefore cannot be reached by letter'), ('thatnoticeofthisaction', 'that notice of this action'), ('gloriousresurrection', 'glorious resurrection')] RH19020506-V79-18-page24.txt: [('thepeopleoughttohavethebenefitof', 'the people ought to have the benefit of')] RH19020513-V79-19-page19.txt: [('receviingdonations', 'rec evi ing donations'), 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their responsibility'), ('thatwillsometimespreventthem', 'that will sometimes prevent them'), ('deliberinformation', 'de lib er information'), ('thisworheartilyaotses', 'this w o r h e a r t i l y a o t s e s')] RH19020729-V79-30-page8.txt: [('InthenameoftheLordIcall', 'In the name of the Lord I call'), ('tinderthelaWrOVIlliticiis', 'tinder the laW r O V I l l i t i c i i s'), ('rniTsTOriairSehOol', 'r n i T s T O r i a i r S e h O o l')] RH19020805-V79-31-page10.txt: [('absotransgressions', 'a b so transgressions')] RH19020812-V79-32-page2.txt: [('PATRIARCHSANDPROPHETS', 'PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS'), ('AULIALIWIWALUDIUMIIIIIIIAIWIA', 'AUL I ALI W I W A L U D I U M I I I I I I I A I W I A')] RH19020812-V79-32-page22.txt: [('announceoccasionally', 'announce occasionally')] RH19020812-V79-32-page23.txt: [('iPHERNUNIONCONFERENCE', 'i P HERN UNION CONFERENCE')] RH19020826-V79-34-page23.txt: [('fromherlungtroubles', 'from her lung troubles'), ('Heleavesadevotedwifeand', 'He leaves a devoted wife and'), ('causedfrombloodpoisoning', 'caused from blood poisoning')] RH19020902-V79-35-page2.txt: [('PeadgoPoeriference', 'Pe ad go P o eri fer enc e')] RH19020902-V79-35-page20.txt: [('denominationalistn', 'denomination a list n')] RH19020902-V79-35-page23.txt: [('Orderthroughtheregularchannels', 'Order through the regular channels'), ('atbeingpermittedtorest', 'at being permitted to rest')] RH19020902-V79-35-page7.txt: [('leftbwitheroadside', 'left b withe roadside')] RH19020909-V79-36-page23.txt: [('PreferencegiventoSeventh', 'Preference given to Seventh')] RH19020930-V79-39-page5.txt: [('spiritttallylilind', 'spirit t t a l l y l i l i n d')] RH19021007-V79-40-page23.txt: [('courseattheBattleCreekSanitarium', 'course at the Battle Creek Sanitarium')] RH19021014-V79-41-page23.txt: [('Positionasengineer', 'Position as engineer'), ('DiedathishomeinLansing', 'Died a this home in Lansing'), ('Gardentruckandfruit', 'Garden truck and fruit')] RH19021021-V79-42-page23.txt: [('TrainsonBattleCreekDivisiondepartat', 'Trains on Battle Creek Division depart at')] RH19021028-V79-43-page5.txt: [('politicoecclesiastical', 'politico ecclesiastical')] RH19021104-V79-44-page23.txt: [('HaammiltiolntoBnrid', 'H a am milt i o l n t o B n r i d')] RH19021104-V79-44-page8.txt: [('illelsensihilitics', 'ill els ens i hi l i tics')] RH19021111-V79-45-page20.txt: [('Webelievethatthisisthebeginning', 'We believe that this is the beginning'), ('lookingoutoverthebay', 'looking out over the bay')] RH19021118-V79-46-page8.txt: [('Andeverysinfogrevn', 'And every sin fog rev n')] RH19021125-V79-47-page23.txt: [('DiedatSaltLakeCity', 'Died at Salt Lake City'), ('iDailyexceptSunday', 'i Daily except Sunday')] RH19021216-V79-50-page23.txt: [('Hisconversionwasone', 'His conversion was one')] RH19021230-V79-52-page22.txt: [('followinginteresting', 'following interesting')] RH19021230-V79-52-page23.txt: [('BventspostagelopNIAGARA', 'B vents postage lop NIAGARA'), ('tenderlycaredforbyherdaughter', 'tenderly cared for by her daughter')] RH19021230-V79-52-page8.txt: [('acneedofmoreearnestwrestlingwithGod', 'a c need of more earnest wrestling with God')] RH19030210-V80-06-page10.txt: [('remarkmodification', 'remark modification')] RH19030210-V80-06-page7.txt: [('disestablishignorance', 'disestablish ignorance')] RH19030224-V80-08-page21.txt: [('fathermanufacturing', 'father manufacturing')] RH19030303-V80-09-page16.txt: [('havocareheldincheck', 'havoc are held in check')] RH19030324-V80-12-page20.txt: [('executivecommittee', 'executive committee')] RH19030331-V80-13-page10.txt: [('ministrapreviously', 'mini str a previously')] RH19030428-V80-17-page13.txt: [('establishyesterday', 'establish yesterday')] RH19030505-V80-18-page8.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19030512-V80-19-page16.txt: [('oftheworkwasroutineandadministramonthorourlaborerswillsuffer', 'of the work was routine and admin is tram on thor our laborers will suffer'), ('berecommendedforthepresi', 'be recommended for the pres i')] RH19030512-V80-19-page22.txt: [('ATLANTICUNIONCONFERENCE', 'ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE')] RH19030811-V80-32-page24.txt: [('antiforeignearnSade', 'anti foreign earn S a de')] RH19030820-V80-33-page15.txt: [('directlyoverlookingNiagaraFalls', 'directly overlooking Niagara Falls')] RH19030820-V80-33-page3.txt: [('wildercircumstances', 'wilder circumstances')] RH19030910-V80-36-page15.txt: [('centspostageforNIAGARA', 'cents postage for NIAGARA')] RH19031001-V80-39-page23.txt: [('childrenwereborntothisunion', 'children were born to this union')] RH19031001-V80-39-page4.txt: [('magistratelearneththis', 'magistrate learn eth this')] RH19031008-V80-40-page14.txt: [('atlithilifklimilufillialabliallivilahul', 'at lith i l if k l i m i l u f i l l i a l a b l i a l l i v i l a h u l')] RH19031008-V80-40-page4.txt: [('administrapentance', 'admin is trap en tan c e')] RH19031029-V80-43-page19.txt: [('establishincreased', 'establish increased')] RH19031029-V80-43-page22.txt: [('maintainsecretaryship', 'maintain secretaryship')] RH19031029-V80-43-page4.txt: [('misinterpretaother', 'misinterpret a other')] RH19031105-V80-44-page14.txt: [('butthiswillundoubtedly', 'but this will undoubtedly')] RH19031126-V80-47-page15.txt: [('acknowlnorthwesterly', 'a c know l northwesterly')] RH19031210-V80-49-page8.txt: [('thinkonthesethings', 'think on these things'), ('themselvesindependent', 'themselves independent')] RH19031224-V80-51-page23.txt: [('LisboustoinBesOsSeTeCoo', 'L is b o us to in Be sO s S e T e C o o')] RH19031224-V80-51-page7.txt: [('Interdenomiwriters', 'Inter denom i writers')] RH19040121-V81-03-page17.txt: [('whattheybuiltupinthedaywouldbe', 'what they built up in the day would be')] RH19040121-V81-03-page20.txt: [('Althoughsomearekeepingthe', 'Although some are keeping the')] RH19040128-V81-04-page12.txt: [('werenderimpurethreeIt', 'we render impure three It')] RH19040128-V81-04-page22.txt: [('Christianindustrial', 'Christian industrial')] RH19040204-V81-05-page24.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19040211-V81-06-page12.txt: [('speedydisappearance', 'speedy disappearance')] RH19040225-V81-08-page24.txt: [('EssentialKnowledge', 'Essential Knowledge')] RH19040303-V81-09-page12.txt: [('withrecordsofdaring', 'with records of daring')] RH19040317-V81-11-page23.txt: [('Correspondencesolicited', 'Correspondence solicited'), ('lafthepublishinghousemustfurnishgood', 'l aft he publishing house must furnish good'), ('HelovedtheLordandhiscause', 'He loved the Lord and his cause'), ('andotherrelativesarelefttomourn', 'and other relatives are left to mourn')] RH19040331-V81-13-page24.txt: [('belongschoolhoitse', 'belong school ho its e')] RH19040421-V81-16-page10.txt: [('multiplyacteristics', 'multiply act eris tics')] RH19040428-V81-17-page18.txt: [('subsequentactsofCongress', 'subsequent acts of Congress'), ('Corporationisformedaresuchasare', 'Corporation is formed are such as are')] RH19040505-V81-18-page18.txt: [('nowtheyintendtolocatetheirchirome', 'now they intend to locate their c h ir o me'), ('Sundayeveningmeeting', 'Sunday evening meeting'), ('THEfollowingletter', 'THE following letter')] RH19040519-V81-20-page20.txt: [('whichwasfollowedonSunday', 'which was followed on Sunday'), ('betteredoursituation', 'bettered our situation')] RH19040519-V81-20-page6.txt: [('unprecedentedmltiplication', 'unprecedented m l t i p l i c a t i o n')] RH19040602-V81-22-page10.txt: [('Manhoodmeansmastery', 'Manhood means mastery')] RH19040609-V81-23-page13.txt: [('freethinkrailroads', 'free think railroads')] RH19040609-V81-23-page18.txt: [('nextquestionedhimaboutasfolloIs', 'next questioned him about as foll o Is'), ('Ihaveentitledthebook', 'I have entitled the book'), ('OnthelastSabbathofthemeeting', 'On the last Sabbath of the meeting')] RH19040609-V81-23-page7.txt: [('Protestanthistorians', 'Protestant historians')] RH19040630-V81-26-page20.txt: [('oluArfephuarvpeosfe', 'o lu Ar fe p h u a r v p e o s f e')] RH19040714-V81-28-page24.txt: [('deceptivereasoning', 'deceptive reasoning')] RH19040804-V81-31-page22.txt: [('Sabbathadvertising', 'Sabbath advertising')] RH19040825-V81-34-page16.txt: [('TheworkinMississippi', 'The work in Mississippi')] RH19040901-V81-35-page6.txt: [('isfaithfulinthatwhichisleastisfaithful', 'is faithful in that which is least is faithful'), ('themtobesuccessfullaborersfor', 'them to be successful laborers for')] RH19040915-V81-37-page13.txt: [('Forlagsepeditionen', 'For lag sep edition en'), ('Forlagsepeditionen', 'For lag sep edition en')] RH19040915-V81-37-page22.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] RH19040922-V81-38-page16.txt: [('andfourdegreesFahrenheit', 'and four degrees Fahrenheit')] RH19040929-V81-39-page17.txt: [('surroundinocountry', 'surround in o country')] RH19040929-V81-39-page5.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary'), ('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary'), ('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] RH19041006-V81-40-page10.txt: [('melancholyevidence', 'melancholy evidence')] RH19041006-V81-40-page17.txt: [('Scandinavianspeaking', 'Scandinavian speaking')] RH19041006-V81-40-page23.txt: [('tiEstAIDPINTIVIENTS', 'tiE st AID P IN TIV I EN T S')] RH19041020-V81-42-page12.txt: [('greysthesanctityofthedayareli', 'grey s the sanctity of the day are l i')] RH19041020-V81-42-page17.txt: [('grantedunanimously', 'granted unanimously')] RH19041027-V81-43-page12.txt: [('andhowitwarmsandrevivesadi', 'and how it warms and revives a di')] RH19041027-V81-43-page20.txt: [('Sweepingawaytothenorth', 'Sweeping away to the north'), ('thousanddollarsshouldbepaidinfrom', 'thousand dollars should be paid in from')] RH19041103-V81-44-page2.txt: [('lioiKbriieglriiiKb', 'l i o i K b r i i e g l r i i i K b')] RH19041222-V81-51-page14.txt: [('resolutionwaspassed', 'resolution was passed')] RH19041229-V81-52-page18.txt: [('phariseeintroduced', 'p h ar i see introduced')] RH19041229-V81-52-page2.txt: [('Christianmartyrsandreformersonthe', 'Christian martyrs and reformers on the')] RH19041229-V81-52-page24.txt: [('forUPsteelHealthwhenoutcirc', 'for UP steel Health when out cir c'), ('AHorrorNewYeartoallourrouters', 'A Horror New Year to all our rout er s')] RH19050105-V82-01-page22.txt: [('instirrectiohagainst', 'in stir rect i oh against')] RH19050202-V82-05-page6.txt: [('colonialsiistemofgovernment', 'colonials ii stem of government')] RH19050209-V82-06-page20.txt: [('ourchurchestotheconsiderationofthis', 'our churches to the consideration of this'), ('effortthatwehaveexertedtostemthe', 'effort that we have exerted to stem the')] RH19050209-V82-06-page24.txt: [('slightesthesitancy', 'slightest hesitancy')] RH19050216-V82-07-page1.txt: [('ROPAPPAPPPAPAPAMMUNPAMPAMMIAM', 'R O P A P P A P P P A P A P A M M U N P A M P A M M I A M')] RH19050223-V82-08-page12.txt: [('constructiveenergies', 'constructive energies'), ('exceptindestroying', 'except in destroying'), ('butthechildwasnottoblame', 'but the child was not to blame')] RH19050302-V82-09-page12.txt: [('wouldlcobacktoAmerica', 'would l c o back to America')] RH19050302-V82-09-page18.txt: [('iningconAnsescoticoianwtioitwhntih', 'in ing con Ans e s c o t i c o i a n w t i o i t w h n t i h')] RH19050302-V82-09-page2.txt: [('fundamentaLprinciplcs', 'fund ament a L p r i n c i p l c s')] RH19050309-V82-10-page15.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19050309-V82-10-page20.txt: [('anumberofyouthandchildren', 'a number of youth and children'), ('Rapidprogresshasbeen', 'Rapid progress has been')] RH19050309-V82-10-page4.txt: [('continuallytiaoking', 'continually tia o king')] RH19050323-V82-12-page3.txt: [('ReviewandHeraldPublishingAssociation', 'Review and Herald Publishing Association')] RH19050330-V82-13-page3.txt: [('greatestsexperiences', 'greatest s experiences')] RH19050330-V82-13-page6.txt: [('wildernesswanderings', 'wilderness wanderings')] RH19050413-V82-15-page1.txt: [('WIMPAPPAPPPIPAPPAMVPIPMAPFWV', 'W I M P A P P A P P P I P A P P A M V P I P M A P F W V')] RH19050420-V82-16-page21.txt: [('divisionsofanysort', 'divisions of any sort')] RH19050504-V82-18-page2.txt: [('isprovingtobeoneofthebestaidsto', 'is proving to be one of the best aids to'), ('taughtinconnectionwiththisbiographour', 'taught in connection with this bio graph our')] RH19050511-V82-19-page22.txt: [('WesternVVashington', 'Western V V ash ing ton')] RH19050511-V82-19-page32.txt: [('receiptsanddisbursements', 'receipts and disbursements'), ('wasrichandgaveallforus', 'was rich and gave all for us')] RH19050511-V82-19-page9.txt: [('nineteentwentieths', 'nineteen twentieths')] RH19050518-V82-20-page10.txt: [('schoollcontroversy', 'school l controversy')] RH19050518-V82-20-page16.txt: [('Transcauopportunity', 'Trans c au opportunity')] RH19050518-V82-20-page7.txt: [('havstraightforward', 'ha v straightforward')] RH19050525-V82-21-page31.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19050608-V82-23-page13.txt: [('effectiveprosecution', 'effective prosecution')] RH19050615-V82-24-page11.txt: [('electrotherapeutic', 'electro therapeutic')] RH19050615-V82-24-page2.txt: [('TheMARVELofNATIONS', 'The MARVEL of NATIONS')] RH19050615-V82-24-page20.txt: [('encouraginginterviews', 'encouraging interviews'), ('ANewYorklaborlawprovidedthat', 'A New York labor law provided that'), ('stitutionatthefirstannualmeeting', 'st i tut ion at the first annual meeting')] RH19050615-V82-24-page24.txt: [('remarkableresponse', 'remarkable response')] RH19050803-V82-31-page11.txt: [('honorableretirement', 'honorable retirement')] RH19050810-V82-32-page18.txt: [('Hindustanispeaking', 'Hindustani speaking')] RH19050817-V82-33-page14.txt: [('Skodsborginstitution', 'Skodsborg institution')] RH19050824-V82-34-page3.txt: [('interchangemandment', 'inter chan gem and men t')] RH19050907-V82-36-page20.txt: [('conspicuouslydifferent', 'conspicuously different')] RH19050907-V82-36-page6.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary'), ('interparliamentary', 'inter parliamentary')] RH19051012-V82-41-page4.txt: [('misrepresentatjons', 'misrepresent at j on s')] RH19051116-V82-46-page24.txt: [('clearlyapprehended', 'clearly apprehended')] RH19051130-V82-48-page6.txt: [('investigativejudgment', 'investigative judgment')] RH19051214-V82-50-page17.txt: [('trainingpioneering', 'training pioneering')] RH19051221-V82-51-page18.txt: [('ofthepublishingwork', 'of the publishing work')] RH19051221-V82-51-page20.txt: [('resolutionsrecently', 'resolutions recently')] RH19060104-V83-01-page4.txt: [('pseudospiritualism', 'pseudo spiritualism')] RH19060104-V83-01-page8.txt: [('cherishedaspiritofcovetousness', 'cherished a spirit of covetousness')] RH19060104-V83-01-page9.txt: [('LealizedthaLtitethip', 'Le ali zed tha L tit et hip')] RH19060118-V83-03-page10.txt: [('endeuterocanonical', 'en deuterocanonical')] RH19060118-V83-03-page7.txt: [('foundatiaaincipleunderlyingthe', 'found a tia a inc i p le underlying the'), ('worldlinstitutions', 'world l institutions')] RH19060215-V83-07-page18.txt: [('overwhelmcommissioner', 'overwhelm commissioner')] RH19060301-V83-09-page13.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH19060301-V83-09-page20.txt: [('individuallrconscience', 'individual l r c o n s c i e n c e')] RH19060329-V83-13-page20.txt: [('organizaresponsible', 'organ i z a r e s p o n s i b l e')] RH19060426-V83-17-page7.txt: [('canvasserevangelist', 'canvasser evangelist')] RH19060510-V83-19-page1.txt: [('pecnpocipaileoliony', 'pec n p o c i p a i l e o l i o n y'), ('itattenolanteaamaxed', 'it at ten o l ante a am axed'), ('yrioanosiooeitaotxt', 'y rio a nos i o o e i t a o t x t'), ('BtpoffesiootAaniams', 'B t p o f f e s i o o t A a n i a m s'), ('iloollymaatcolitixs', 'i loo l l y m a a t c o l i t i x s')] RH19060705-V83-27-page12.txt: [('Europeaninstitutions', 'European institutions')] RH19060726-V83-30-page8.txt: [('Ihavehadnoclaimstomake', 'I have had no claims to make'), ('thenecessityofpractising', 'the necessity of practising'), ('aiiraesanctification', 'a ii rae sanctification')] RH19060726-V83-30-page9.txt: [('YeairaliiiPtiblrEinfiiiifik', 'Ye air a liii P t i b l r E i n f i i i i f i k')] RH19060802-V83-31-page6.txt: [('Constantinopolitans', 'Constant in o pol it ans')] RH19060809-V83-32-page23.txt: [('furtherparticulars', 'further particulars')] RH19060816-V83-33-page8.txt: [('toknowhtiesppeouprlpeose', 'to know h ties p pe o up r l p e o s e'), ('shallbeapeculiartreasureuntome', 'shall be a peculiar treasure unto me'), ('andsprinkleditonthepeople', 'and sprinkled it on the people')] RH19060830-V83-35-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren'), ('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19060906-V83-36-page13.txt: [('OfferingstoForeign', 'Offerings to Foreign')] RH19060906-V83-36-page14.txt: [('BritishVVestAtrica', 'British V Vest At rica'), ('BarotselandMission', 'B a rots eland Mission')] RH19060906-V83-36-page4.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] RH19061018-V83-42-page22.txt: [('constituthousandth', 'con st i tut ho us and t h')] RH19061025-V83-43-page14.txt: [('Portuguesespeaking', 'Portuguese speaking')] RH19061101-V83-44-page7.txt: [('hesavytyorlditjpyLof', 'hes a v y ty or l dit j p y L of')] RH19061101-V83-44-page8.txt: [('anddepartedintoasolitary', 'and departed into a solitary'), ('anddwellingindarkness', 'and dwelling in darkness')] RH19061108-V83-45-page8.txt: [('iiIaTiTiirfeTrerlo', 'iiI aT iT i ir fe T r e r l o')] RH19061122-V83-47-page15.txt: [('strongestinfluence', 'strongest influence')] RH19061129-V83-48-page8.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19061206-V83-49-page5.txt: [('constitutionalizing', 'constitutional i zing')] RH19061213-V83-50-page9.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19061220-V83-51-page19.txt: [('professionalexperience', 'professional experience')] RH19061220-V83-51-page23.txt: [('favorableopportunity', 'favorable opportunity')] RH19061220-V83-51-page4.txt: [('workdenominational', 'work denominational')] RH19061227-V83-52-page23.txt: [('hereinthecityanddistributedtothetrading', 'here in the city and distributed to the trading'), ('whotrustintheblessedhopeofthefirst', 'who trust in the blessed hope of the first')] RH19070103-V84-01-page24.txt: [('beautifullyprintdi', 'beautifully print di')] RH19070103-V84-01-page5.txt: [('superintendactually', 'superintend actually')] RH19070117-V84-03-page2.txt: [('denominationalaffairs', 'denominational affairs')] RH19070418-V84-16-page17.txt: [('andwhowouldbewillingtodo', 'and who would be willing to do')] RH19070425-V84-17-page24.txt: [('Theseplansmustsurelyappealto', 'These plans must surely appeal to')] RH19070509-V84-19-page9.txt: [('authoracknowledged', 'author acknowledged')] RH19070516-V84-20-page10.txt: [('counterdiStinction', 'counter di S tinct ion')] RH19070523-V84-21-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19070606-V84-23-page30.txt: [('conventistswillconveneinthecityofSioux', 'convent i sts will convene in the city of Sioux')] RH19070606-V84-23-page31.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19070725-V84-30-page2.txt: [('parreepabraetgionnecrasn', 'par ree p abr aet g i o n n e c r a s n')] RH19070808-V84-32-page23.txt: [('untilheembracedpresenttruth', 'until he embraced present truth')] RH19070822-V84-34-page20.txt: [('interparliamentary', 'inter parliamentary'), ('interparliamentary', 'inter parliamentary')] RH19070822-V84-34-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19070919-V84-38-page14.txt: [('LicensedMissionaries', 'Licensed Missionaries')] RH19070919-V84-38-page16.txt: [('LicensedMissionaries', 'Licensed Missionaries')] RH19071024-V84-43-page19.txt: [('everyinchoftheground', 'every inch of the ground'), ('memberoftheAtlanticUnionConferbegins', 'member of the Atlantic Union Confer begins')] RH19071031-V84-44-page22.txt: [('Publishillustrated', 'Publish illustrated')] RH19071031-V84-44-page8.txt: [('IliFireilTaimplicated', 'I l i Fire i l Tai m p l i c a t e d')] RH19080102-V85-01-page23.txt: [('consumpforcefulness', 'con sum p force fulness')] RH19080130-V85-05-page12.txt: [('communicacorrection', 'comm uni c a correction')] RH19080130-V85-05-page8.txt: [('wildernesswandering', 'wilderness wandering')] RH19080213-V85-07-page21.txt: [('HouseAinconstructing', 'House A in constructing'), ('sruonpdcaysocieties', 's ru on p d c a y s o c i e t i e s')] RH19080227-V85-09-page2.txt: [('TRHELIOGFIOFIUCSIALLIBOERGTYA', 'T R H E L I O G F I O F I U C S I A L L I B O E R G T Y A')] RH19080319-V85-12-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19080416-V85-16-page4.txt: [('meeknessrighteousness', 'meekness righteousness')] RH19080430-V85-18-page20.txt: [('keepingpeopleofGod', 'keeping people of God'), ('ySoanuintagrimumentraining', 'y So anu int agr i mum en training'), ('benefitoftheSeminarystudents', 'benefit of the Seminary students')] RH19080521-V85-21-page8.txt: [('transsubstantiation', 'trans substantiation')] RH19080625-V85-26-page11.txt: [('informaunderstands', 'inform a understands')] RH19080723-V85-30-page13.txt: [('publishmanufacturing', 'publish manufacturing')] RH19080806-V85-32-page30.txt: [('messageofloveandmercy', 'message of love and mercy')] RH19080806-V85-32-page8.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19080917-V85-38-page12.txt: [('LicensedMissionaries', 'Licensed Missionaries')] RH19080917-V85-38-page13.txt: [('TotalContributions', 'Total Contributions'), ('TotalContributions', 'Total Contributions')] RH19080917-V85-38-page15.txt: [('OfferingstoForeign', 'Offerings to Foreign'), ('TotalContributions', 'Total Contributions')] RH19080917-V85-38-page17.txt: [('TotalContributions', 'Total 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o set ha Ten courage')] RH19090211-V86-06-page22.txt: [('Bridgesatisfactory', 'Bridge satisfactory')] RH19090211-V86-06-page9.txt: [('withstandinghehadtakensideswiththe', 'withstanding he had taken sides with the'), ('ItwasthemMeercrycyfGod', 'It was them Me er cry c y f G o d')] RH19090225-V86-08-page21.txt: [('isnotadayinwhichworshipandthe', 'is not a day in which worship and the')] RH19090318-V86-11-page18.txt: [('Assistantsuperintendent', 'Assistant superintendent')] RH19090318-V86-11-page4.txt: [('psychotherapeutics', 'ps y c ho therapeutics')] RH19090401-V86-13-page15.txt: [('Thissamemanmetmeadayorso', 'This same man met me a day or so')] RH19090401-V86-13-page21.txt: [('communicaagitation', 'comm uni c a agitation')] RH19090401-V86-13-page28.txt: [('churchschoolchildren', 'church schoolchildren')] RH19090401-V86-13-page8.txt: [('daYSOrFaillThYstOr', 'daY S Or Fail l T h Y s t O r')] RH19090408-V86-14-page10.txt: [('conclusiveevidence', 'conclusive evidence')] RH19090506-V86-18-page30.txt: [('industrialacademic', 'industrial academic')] RH19090610-V86-23-page21.txt: [('LABORERSFORTHEFOREIGNPOPULATION', 'LABORERS FOR THE FOREIGN POPULATION'), ('SPANISHHEALTHPAPER', 'SPANISH HEALTH PAPER')] RH19090624-V86-25-page17.txt: [('byinsertingotherchoicehymnsandnumberoftheBulletincontainallthe', 'by inserting other choice hymns and number of the Bulletin contain all the')] RH19090624-V86-25-page8.txt: [('privateinstireason', 'private inst i reason')] RH19090708-V86-27-page2.txt: [('photoreproductions', 'photo reproductions')] RH19090715-V86-28-page2.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19090715-V86-28-page22.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19090812-V86-32-page15.txt: [('medicalevangelistic', 'medical evangelistic')] RH19090923-V86-38-page18.txt: [('intermediateschool', 'intermediate school')] RH19091007-V86-40-page18.txt: [('interflitiostuttaru', 'inter flit i o st utt a ru')] RH19091014-V86-41-page24.txt: [('representabuilding', 'represent a building')] RH19091202-V86-48-page23.txt: [('relatisicoionensks', 'rel at i sic o ion ens k s')] RH19091216-V86-50-page18.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH19091223-V86-51-page4.txt: [('dofilementimiplete', 'do file men tim i p let e'), ('worklArdeffletnOtt', 'work l Ard eff let nOt t')] RH19091230-V86-52-page19.txt: [('servdenominational', 'ser v denominational')] RH19100106-V87-01-page24.txt: [('andnottoanyindividual', 'and not to any individual')] RH19100113-V87-02-page16.txt: [('lieutenantgovernor', 'lieutenant governor')] RH19100203-V87-05-page19.txt: [('presterdenominational', 'p rester denominational')] RH19100217-V87-07-page10.txt: [('encouragingaddition', 'encouraging addition')] RH19100310-V87-10-page17.txt: [('MondayIhelpedhimstarthislist', 'Monday I helped him start his list'), ('INarecentreportfromaStateconwent', 'IN a recent report from a State con went')] RH19100310-V87-10-page4.txt: [('sanitainstitutions', 'san it a institutions')] RH19100317-V87-11-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19100324-V87-12-page18.txt: [('congressionalfavored', 'congressional favored')] RH19100407-V87-14-page19.txt: [('accomplisheddepend', 'accomplished depend')] RH19100407-V87-14-page21.txt: [('AssistantSecretary', 'Assistant Secretary')] RH19100512-V87-19-page8.txt: [('THERUSSIANPOLICEMAN', 'THE RUSSIAN POLICE MAN')] RH19100602-V87-22-page4.txt: [('understandexpecting', 'understand expecting')] RH19100609-V87-23-page7.txt: [('hearttransformation', 'heart transformation')] RH19100623-V87-25-page10.txt: [('Scandinavianspeaking', 'Scandinavian speaking')] RH19100630-V87-26-page19.txt: [('thereliefcampaignretogivereturnsonitsentiremembership', 'the relief campaign ret o give returns on its entire membership'), ('andtheCirculationofGospelLiterature', 'and the Circulation of Gospel Literature')] RH19100728-V87-30-page17.txt: [('consideramanufacturing', 'consider a manufacturing')] RH19100728-V87-30-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19100804-V87-31-page19.txt: [('AssistantSecretary', 'Assistant Secretary')] RH19100818-V87-33-page16.txt: [('aregladtobeabletoreportthatthe', 'are glad to be able to report that the')] RH19100908-V87-36-page15.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary'), ('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] RH19101006-V87-40-page24.txt: [('TotalTitheReceipts', 'Total Tithe Receipts'), ('LicensedMissionaries', 'Licensed Missionaries')] RH19101006-V87-40-page26.txt: [('ClearwaterIndustrialSchool', 'Clearwater Industrial School'), ('EasternColoradoAcademy', 'Eastern Colorado Academy'), ('HazelIndustrialAcademy', 'Hazel Industrial Academy')] RH19101020-V87-42-page15.txt: [('progressingrapidly', 'progressing rapidly')] RH19101103-V87-44-page30.txt: [('inthesemidarknessofthisbuilding', 'in the semidarkness of this building'), ('andofItaliansnearly', 'and of Italians nearly'), ('loadSoftwoOURFIRSTCOLPORTEUR', 'load S of two OUR FIRST COLPORTEUR')] RH19101124-V87-47-page15.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19101124-V87-47-page16.txt: [('practicalexperience', 'practical experience')] RH19101229-V87-52-page1.txt: [('XIIAJLIATACAIIIIAL', 'XII A J L I AT A C A III I A L')] RH19101229-V87-52-page3.txt: [('andtheLordshallanswer', 'and the Lord shall answer')] RH19110126-V88-04-page2.txt: [('fiNVNitrottaaVeant', 'fiN V Nit rot t a a V e a n t'), ('tostiMamoseaflanosfamme', 'to s tiM amo sea fla nos fam me')] RH19110209-V88-06-page9.txt: [('aVaslitursaismesamtaimerisr', 'a Vas lit ur s a is mes amt aim eris r')] RH19110302-V88-09-page1.txt: [('NorthwesternShristian', 'Northwestern S h r i s t i a n')] RH19110302-V88-09-page7.txt: [('intelligentlooking', 'intelligent looking')] RH19110323-V88-12-page14.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] RH19110406-V88-14-page10.txt: [('Hindustanispeaking', 'Hindustani speaking')] RH19110427-V88-17-page2.txt: [('ODEMEMOMMACCOONmod', 'ODE ME MOM MAC COON mod'), ('groecomewoommoologo', 'gro eco me woo m m o o l o g o')] RH19110504-V88-18-page11.txt: [('reconsecratedthemselves', 'reconsecrated themselves')] RH19110518-V88-20-page2.txt: [('MORESIMEANDEMenewomemememori', 'MORE S I MEAN DE Me new o me me mem or i')] RH19110525-V88-21-page2.txt: [('TOEIONDLIONOREMOLION', 'TOE ION DL ION OREM O LION'), ('RIONORMINEIONOMMIONOMM', 'RIO NOR MINE I O NOM M I O N O M M')] RH19110608-V88-23-page14.txt: [('medicalevangelists', 'medical evangelists')] RH19110622-V88-25-page10.txt: [('withspeedtoanotherrefuge', 'with speed to another refuge'), ('realmforhisownglorification', 'realm for his own glorification')] RH19110629-V88-26-page2.txt: [('MICITOMMOSIOLIONAMOLIMMICHERMLIOLIOLVLIONEMOLIM', 'MIC I TOM M O S I O L I O N A M O L I M M I C H E R M L I O L I O L V L I O N E M O L I M'), ('OLIOLIOLINLiceLTIORELIONDLIONOLIONOL', 'O L I O L I OLIN Lice L T I O R E L I O N D L I O N O L I O N O L')] RH19110727-V88-30-page1.txt: [('ONIZIAIATAILIAIIAL', 'ON I ZIA I AT A ILIA II A L')] RH19110803-V88-31-page1.txt: [('kllifkULLIALUAIWIP', 'k l l i f k U L L I A L U A I W I P')] RH19110803-V88-31-page24.txt: [('Friedensauzineeting', 'Friedensau zine et ing')] RH19110810-V88-32-page1.txt: [('NIPAALIAILALUILIAL', 'NIP A ALI A ILA LU ILIA L')] RH19110824-V88-34-page22.txt: [('LicensedMissionaries', 'Licensed Missionaries')] RH19110907-V88-36-page2.txt: [('TilENIATIONALIIEAUT', 'Til EN I AT ION ALI I EAU T')] RH19110914-V88-37-page21.txt: [('oursuccessfulmagazineagents', 'our successful magazine agents')] RH19110921-V88-38-page20.txt: [('PublishingDepartment', 'Publishing Department')] RH19111026-V88-43-page2.txt: [('PublishingAssociation', 'Publishing Association')] RH19111109-V88-45-page13.txt: [('centsperweekpermemberby', 'cents per week per member by')] RH19111116-V88-46-page1.txt: [('denilvilifivrinvIVU', 'de nil vil if iv r i n v I V U')] RH19111116-V88-46-page11.txt: [('supplyofbookstomeetthespecialneeds', 'supply of books to meet the special needs')] RH19111130-V88-48-page2.txt: [('FoomovEgoomasaaogaraamozoovosoLoonmaav', 'F o o m o v E g o o m a s a a o g a r a a m o z o o v o s o L o o n m a a v')] RH19111207-V88-49-page7.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] RH19111221-V88-51-page2.txt: [('Catholicpublicationsf', 'Catholic publications f')] RH19120104-V89-01-page2.txt: [('agaGolazonoravaavaa', 'aga Go la z o n o r a v a a v a a')] RH19120111-V89-02-page10.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19120111-V89-02-page2.txt: [('rammumErararawaraararamosammarknom', 'ram mum Er ara raw ara ar ara mos am mark nom')] RH19120111-V89-02-page4.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19120125-V89-04-page2.txt: [('irawayarkEarmsmamEratmomEN', 'ir away ark Ear ms mam Er at mom EN'), ('encetsntasecaocphy', 'enc et s n t a s e c a o c p h y')] RH19120229-V89-09-page8.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary 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i ir')] RH19120523-V89-21-page2.txt: [('ryolimitvIminilitImilmplii', 'r y o l i m i t v I m i n i l i t I m i l m p l i i'), ('MotherlesstInfants', 'Mother les st Infants')] RH19120530-V89-22-page2.txt: [('MotherlesstInfants', 'Mother les st Infants')] RH19120530-V89-22-page22.txt: [('Seventhassociation', 'Seventh association')] RH19120620-V89-25-page2.txt: [('TICINIMNIIMNIIIIINIS', 'TIC I NIM N I I M N I I I I I N I S')] RH19120627-V89-26-page2.txt: [('nUltnfliniOlnlilliNia', 'n U l t n f l i n i O l n l i l l i N i a')] RH19120627-V89-26-page6.txt: [('ratherrockysoilinthesesouthBrazilian', 'rather rocky soil in these south Brazilian')] RH19120704-V89-27-page24.txt: [('disappointgovernment', 'disappoint government')] RH19120725-V89-30-page2.txt: [('AletterfromRometotheNewYork', 'A letter from Rome to the New York'), ('revealstheplanofthePapacy', 'reveals the plan of the Papacy'), ('Whatthechurchhasdoneinthepastforothers', 'What the church has done in the past for others'), ('RomeandtheAmericanFlag', 'Rome and the American Flag'), ('canfurnishnamesandaddresses', 'can furnish names and addresses'), ('mitimmiliiilliilmimIllINI', 'm i t i m m i l i i i l l i i l m i m I l l I N I')] RH19120725-V89-30-page20.txt: [('hypochondriachyste', 'hypochondriac h y ste')] RH19120815-V89-33-page16.txt: [('LicensedMissionaries', 'Licensed Missionaries')] RH19120815-V89-33-page2.txt: [('nimmilmaliMillialliontatic', 'nim mil m a l i M i l l i a l l i o n t a t i c')] RH19120815-V89-33-page6.txt: [('correspondrepeated', 'correspond repeated')] RH19120815-V89-33-page9.txt: [('intelligentlooking', 'intelligent looking')] RH19120905-V89-36-page8.txt: [('lieutenantgovernor', 'lieutenant governor')] RH19120919-V89-38-page5.txt: [('ofalltrueeclucatioTiarid', 'of all true e c l u c a t i o T i a r i d'), ('Theresultisfailure', 'The result is failure'), ('thelossoftherewerenoidlemoments', 'the loss of there were no idle moments'), ('blessingsthattheyneedintheirstruggle', 'blessings that they need in their struggle'), ('andthebleedingsacagainst', 'and the bleeding sac against')] RH19121003-V89-40-page19.txt: [('aswehadournewchurchwellon', 'as we had our new church well on')] RH19121010-V89-41-page17.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19121010-V89-41-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19121024-V89-43-page16.txt: [('andgettingofconfidencesisoneofthe', 'and getting of confidences is one of the'), ('itvarieswiththedevelopmentofthe', 'it varies with the development of the'), ('ofmakingtheirchildr', 'of making their chi l dr')] RH19121031-V89-44-page11.txt: [('disturbingelements', 'disturbing elements')] RH19121114-V89-46-page2.txt: [('LLiitbtelertyFriend', 'L L i it b tel er ty Friend')] RH19121121-V89-47-page12.txt: [('intelligentlooking', 'intelligent looking')] RH19121212-V89-50-page22.txt: [('Thegreatthreefoldmessage', 'The great threefold message'), ('andheexpressedentiresubmissionto', 'and he expressed entire 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[('TherapeuticsChicago', 'Therapeutics Chicago')] RH19130703-V90-27-page1.txt: [('denilvirlirrinvilTU', 'de nil v ir lir r i n v i l T U')] RH19130703-V90-27-page2.txt: [('wanovaiwomogaraaisamoioaaromom', 'wan ova iwo m o g a r a a i s a m o i o a a r o m o m')] RH19130814-V90-33-page2.txt: [('ONiiimillilifilitillilt', 'ON iii mill i l if i lit i l lilt')] RH19130821-V90-34-page21.txt: [('organizaassociation', 'organ i z a a s s o c i a t i o n')] RH19130828-V90-35-page23.txt: [('romiximmarararmaragmazaro', 'rom ix im mar ar arm a rag m a z a r o')] RH19130904-V90-36-page2.txt: [('ErmaramagirivarraEramErampr', 'Er mar a magi riv ar raE ram Er amp r'), ('ErgredoTorarorammossosmarlammsmonmwszong', 'Er gre do Tor ar or am mos so s marl am ms mon m w s z o n g')] RH19130904-V90-36-page23.txt: [('IlatillilIAMMIIIIIIIRNMmiltIOrn', 'Ila till i l I AMMI III II IR N M m i l t I O r n')] RH19130918-V90-38-page2.txt: [('linlimiticummusall', 'lin limit i cum mus all'), ('maillimmoolingunialtninigunimpiglinamaniMISMINIMINICIIIIIIIM', 'mail lim moo ling uni alt n i n i g u n i m p i g l i n a m a n i M I S M I N I M I N I C I I I I I I I M'), ('nimmarlimmolimillmOimoilint', 'nim mar lim m o l i m i l l m O i m o i l i n t'), ('eyiligalinallianinillathmxpolunuolummit', 'e y i l i g a l i n a l l i a n i n i l l a t h m x p o l u n u o l u m m i t'), ('MMIliffaillIIIMININVINIMMI', 'M M I l i f f a i l l I I I M I N I N V I N I M M I'), ('MINIONMINIIIIINENIIIEORIMU', 'MINI ON MINI III IN EN III E O R I M U')] RH19130918-V90-38-page8.txt: [('alreadyoverburdened', 'already overburdened')] RH19130925-V90-39-page2.txt: [('copiesorderedatonetime', 'copies ordered at one time'), ('copiesorderedatone', 'copies ordered at one')] RH19131002-V90-40-page1.txt: [('NIZIALIATAILIMLIAli', 'N I Z I A L I A T A I L I M L I A l i')] RH19131002-V90-40-page23.txt: [('IdINIIMINNICIIIIIMIN', 'I dI N I I M I N N I C I I I I I M I N')] RH19131016-V90-42-page23.txt: [('nomissonommplinaliffinhotrZ', 'nom is so nom m p l i n a l i f f i n h o t r Z')] RH19131023-V90-43-page19.txt: [('followingleadtogreaterfaithfulnesson', 'following lead to greater faithfulness on'), ('practicallyneversucceeds', 'practically never succeeds')] RH19131023-V90-43-page2.txt: [('summusomononmemorermawmumannumannomsmeramonst', 'sum mus o mon on mem or er maw mum annum an no ms me ram on st')] RH19131023-V90-43-page23.txt: [('itimmilmumMilmattM', 'it im mil mum Mil matt M'), ('millmommiliusamormillp', 'mill mom mil i us amor mill p'), ('IneMMIIIIIMMICIIMIMIOninamina', 'In e M M I I I I I M M I C I I M I M I O n i n a m i n a')] RH19131030-V90-44-page2.txt: [('MINISAMCIIIMILIMIS', 'MINI SAM C III MIL IM IS'), ('MONMEMONOIMINNIIIIMEMMININUIPINIMMI', 'MON MEM ONO I MINN III I MEM MIN IN U I P I N I M M I')] RH19131030-V90-44-page23.txt: [('AIVANIASIINIOMINAIlltAillANIANIMIIINDA', 'A I VAN I AS I IN I O MINA Ill t A i l l A N I A N I M I I I N D A'), ('IIMIAMINAIMAIffigrAWAIMMIMINEIMIIIIIMACAMA', 'II MIA MIN AIM A If fig r A W A I M M I M I N E I M I I I I I M A C A M A'), ('OHARIAVAMillptAAIMINUMBIAMS', 'OH AR I AVA Mill p t A A I M I N U M B I A M S'), ('AIVAIIWINNANAMMILIAMIAAANNIIIIIAAimanWEIM', 'A IVA II WINN AN AMMI L I A MIA A ANN III II A Aim an WE IM'), ('AMIIIIMANIMAIAMIAAA', 'AM III I MANI MAI A MIA A A'), ('CINIMIMAIIMMIXAAAA', 'C IN I MIM A IIM MIX A A A A')] RH19131106-V90-45-page10.txt: [('investigastitutions', 'invest i gas tit u t i o n s')] RH19131106-V90-45-page2.txt: [('imartramosawasnewarefewmammagm', 'i mar tram o saw as new are few mam mag m')] RH19131106-V90-45-page23.txt: [('IMMOICIONRIVIIMUIllialiMilmululinOMMICHIMIWIMPIEUNI', 'IM M O I C I O N R I V I I M U I l l i a l i M i l m u l u l i n O M M I C H I M I W I M P I E U N I'), ('linalaNIMINIMIRMIUM', 'lina la NIM IN I MIR M I U M'), ('RIMMILIMMINCsininlitilio', 'RIM MIL IM MIN C sin in lit i l i o'), ('MalliMiliMplitillintli', 'Mall i Mil iM p lit ill int l i')] RH19131106-V90-45-page3.txt: [('everyonethatdefilethitshall', 'everyone that defileth it shall')] RH19131113-V90-46-page1.txt: [('onommummomilmoollinoomolIIe', 'o nom mum mom i l moo l lino o m o l I I e')] RH19131120-V90-47-page1.txt: [('filliiicifiligiiiinnumbotom', 'fill iii c if i l i g i i i i n n u m b o t o m'), ('Iiimmilmouoillionmis', 'I iim mil m o u o i l l i o n m i s')] RH19131120-V90-47-page20.txt: [('Departuniversities', 'Depart universities')] RH19131120-V90-47-page23.txt: [('MminuAlionininlialuilielliMMOIN', 'M m i n u A l i o n i n i n l i a l u i l i e l l i M M O I N')] RH19131127-V90-48-page1.txt: [('NOMIMIlilliITIMNIIIINUE', 'NO MIMI l ill iI TIM N I I I I N U E')] RH19131204-V90-49-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIINIIIIIII', 'III III IN III III III H III III II IN III III IN III III I'), ('mlllllllllllllllllllllll', 'm l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] RH19131211-V90-50-page1.txt: [('vIIIiciliiimuifihim', 'vI IIi c i lii im u i f i h i m')] RH19131211-V90-50-page18.txt: [('Encouragelndividual', 'Encourage l n d i v i d u a l')] RH19131218-V90-51-page2.txt: [('NANAAAAAAAAANNNAmAAAAAAAAAAAAA', 'NAN A A A A A A A A ANN N A m A A A A A A A A A A A A A')] RH19140122-V91-04-page1.txt: [('illiittililltouniir', 'ill i it til ill to uni ir')] RH19140122-V91-04-page2.txt: [('SENDYOURORDERSSTOOYORURNNI', 'SEND YOUR ORDERS S TOO Y OR UR N N I')] RH19140129-V91-05-page1.txt: [('outurarroweinimiliffiimmi', 'out ur arr owe in i mil if f i i m m i')] RH19140129-V91-05-page12.txt: [('MaritimeConference', 'Maritime Conference')] RH19140205-V91-06-page1.txt: [('limponsommolomfill', 'limp on som m o l o m f i l l')] RH19140226-V91-09-page4.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19140312-V91-11-page23.txt: [('maogorowarottoocamcagamoraagamacaTagmag', 'mao go row a rot too cam c a gam or a aga mac a Tag mag')] RH19140319-V91-12-page1.txt: [('Iiimilliliordionilimill', 'Iii mill i l i ord ion i lim ill')] RH19140402-V91-14-page1.txt: [('iirilinnillovirmirtrip', 'i iri lin nil lo v ir mir trip'), ('olisloonnilirriumpplemmpilt', 'o lis loon nil ir r i u m p p l e m m p i l t')] RH19140402-V91-14-page23.txt: [('inntliffliMmIllini', 'inn t l i f f l i M m I l l i n i')] RH19140402-V91-14-page8.txt: [('dissenconsequently', 'dis sen consequently')] RH19140416-V91-16-page4.txt: [('neighboringpastors', 'neighboring pastors')] RH19140423-V91-17-page23.txt: [('tranararderatraced', 'tran ar ard era traced')] RH19140507-V91-19-page1.txt: [('vonillinovvolonmaivivimmmuovvvvivi', 'von ill i nov vol on mai vi vim m m u o v v v v i v i')] RH19140507-V91-19-page20.txt: [('givesusatotalofover', 'gives us a total of over')] RH19140507-V91-19-page22.txt: [('MinnesotaConference', 'Minnesota Conference')] RH19140521-V91-21-page8.txt: [('shouldbeaddressedto', 'should be addressed to')] RH19140528-V91-22-page16.txt: [('MotherhoodlRecognized', 'Motherhood l Recognized')] RH19140528-V91-22-page7.txt: [('relatingtotheEditorial', 'relating to the Editorial'), ('andallmanuscriptssubmittedfor', 'and all manuscripts submitted for'), ('shouldbeaddressedtoEditorialDepartment', 'should be addressed to Editorial Department')] RH19140604-V91-23-page23.txt: [('ziossorsmommomoson', 'z i o s s o r s m o m m o m o s o n')] RH19140611-V91-24-page7.txt: [('wouldithavebeenforProtestantismif', 'would it have been for Protestantism if'), ('shouldbeaddressedtoEditorialDepartment', 'should be addressed to Editorial Department')] RH19140625-V91-26-page8.txt: [('shouldbeaddressedtoEditorialDepartment', 'should be addressed to Editorial Department')] RH19140702-V91-27-page7.txt: [('shouldbeaddressedto', 'should be addressed to')] RH19140716-V91-29-page1.txt: [('Imilloilmilimmiliiiii', 'I mill oil mil im mil iii ii'), ('MMIIIIMINIMINIMMIIIIIL', 'M M I I I I M I N I M I N I M M I I I I I L')] RH19140723-V91-30-page19.txt: [('churchdemonstration', 'church demonstration')] RH19140730-V91-31-page6.txt: [('andallmanuscriptssubmittedfor', 'and all manuscripts submitted for')] RH19140730-V91-31-page7.txt: [('weseefulfillingbehadanyconnectionorsympathywith', 'we see fulfilling be had any connection or sympathy with')] RH19140730-V91-31-page9.txt: [('confederatineprocess', 'con fed era tine process')] RH19140813-V91-33-page5.txt: [('Adventistscontinued', 'Adventists continued')] RH19140820-V91-34-page12.txt: [('counterattractions', 'counter attractions')] RH19140824-V91-35e-page1.txt: [('enipeitirAstisttia', 'en i pe it ir Asti st tia')] RH19140824-V91-35e-page4.txt: [('alacpLefoerfyocrnt', 'a lac p Le foe r f y o c r n t'), ('weeklypublications', 'weekly publications')] RH19140827-V91-36-page9.txt: [('homewithouOevenIknowing', 'ho mew i thou O even I knowing')] RH19140903-V91-37-page1.txt: [('HINIIIMElicilillIMMIINUIMMIN', 'H IN I IIM Eli c i l ill IM M I I N U I M M I N')] RH19140910-V91-38-page22.txt: [('ramAlargaremasErammEntwarawarafr', 'ram A l arg are mas Er am mE n t w a r a w a r a f r')] RH19140917-V91-39-page22.txt: [('Shewasafaithfulcompanion', 'She was a faithful companion')] RH19140924-V91-40-page1.txt: [('INIIIlNIMUuINIMIlulluul', 'IN III l NIM U u I N I M I l u l l u u l')] RH19141001-V91-41-page7.txt: [('manuscriptssubmitted', 'manuscripts submitted')] RH19141008-V91-42-page24.txt: [('enumeratingconditions', 'enumerating conditions')] RH19141022-V91-44-page5.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19141116-V91-48e-page2.txt: [('ChristendomitisnecessarythattheOttoaholycity', 'Christendom it is necessary that the Otto a holy city'), ('presentlyoutofexistence', 'presently out of existence')] RH19141203-V91-51-page17.txt: [('conferencecommittee', 'conference committee')] RH19141210-V91-52-page16.txt: [('TotalSabbathKeepers', 'Total Sabbath Keepers'), ('andPeriodicalCanvassers', 'and Periodical Canvassers'), ('TotalContributions', 'Total Contributions')] RH19141210-V91-52-page18.txt: [('PeriodicalCanvassers', 'Periodical Canvassers'), 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('MIRMINISIONOWNIMMIllimm', 'MIR MINI SION OWN IM M I l l i m m')] RH19141231-V91-55-page22.txt: [('unchristianinstitution', 'unchristian institution')] RH19141231-V91-55-page3.txt: [('samsumaromMIMIIMIIMM', 'sam sum a rom MIMI IM IIM M')] RH19150204-V92-06-page2.txt: [('yetdignifiedmagazineto', 'yet dignified magazine to')] RH19150208-V92-07e-page3.txt: [('palacesandcrownsanddominionandcamedown', 'palaces and crowns and dominion and came down'), ('Firstamongthewitnesses', 'First among the witnesses')] RH19150211-V92-08-page2.txt: [('DistrictofColumbia', 'District of Columbia')] RH19150218-V92-09-page2.txt: [('MINIMMUMAIIIMMINIMI', 'MINIM MUM A I IIM MINIM I')] RH19150225-V92-10-page15.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19150225-V92-10-page2.txt: [('iensasemwoomienomeSmi', 'i ens a sem woo mien o me S m i')] RH19150308-V92-12e-page2.txt: [('theluffilletofprophecy', 'the lu f f i l l e t o f p r o p h e c y')] RH19150308-V92-12e-page4.txt: [('GeneratObseruations', 'Genera tO b ser u a t i o n s')] RH19150311-V92-13-page23.txt: [('ERRIMORMEIRMIZEMMIZOMMENTiraiiiiiaViiiaraTa', 'ER RIM OR ME IR M I Z E M M I Z O M M E N T i r a i i i i i a V i i i a r a T a')] RH19150318-V92-14-page15.txt: [('LOOYEINTOALLTHEWORLD', 'LO O YE INTO ALL THE WORLD')] RH19150325-V92-15-page7.txt: [('shouldbeaddressedto', 'should be addressed to')] RH19150401-V92-16-page21.txt: [('Thewriterconductedthefuneral', 'The writer conducted the funeral'), ('spokewordsofconsoservice', 'spoke words of con so service')] RH19150401-V92-16-page23.txt: [('ONERIEVOMOMOOMEOOME', 'ON ERIE V O MOM O O ME O O ME')] RH19150408-V92-17-page5.txt: [('surroundhelplessness', 'surround helplessness')] RH19150408-V92-17-page8.txt: [('iNlbecoairresuteldictaotrdnitsorrela', 'iN l be c o air res ute l dicta ot r d n i t s o r r e l a'), ('aninVapstsnugbtomni', 'an in V a p st snug b tom n i'), ('takeinthepromulgationofthemessage', 'take in the promulgation of the message')] RH19150513-V92-24-page1.txt: [('fialrthatagailltiali', 'f i a l r t h a t a g a i l l t i a l i')] RH19150513-V92-24-page24.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19150513-V92-24-page6.txt: [('andallmanuscriptssubmittedfor', 'and all manuscripts submitted for')] RH19150520-V92-25-page24.txt: [('indisuperintendent', 'in di superintendent')] RH19150527-V92-26-page6.txt: [('shouldbeaddressedto', 'should be addressed to')] RH19150607-V92-28e-page3.txt: [('postnaillennialista', 'post nail len n i a l i s t a')] RH19150617-V92-30-page2.txt: [('Immosoaloveoammosoro', 'Im mos o a love o am mos oro')] RH19150617-V92-30-page7.txt: [('andallmanuscriptssubmittedforpublication', 'and all manuscripts submitted for publication'), ('shouldbeaddressedto', 'should be addressed to')] RH19150624-V92-31-page23.txt: [('greatgrandchildren', 'great grandchildren')] RH19150701-V92-32-page12.txt: [('Inheartsemenaszsahgeawoans', 'In heart semen as z s a h g e a w o a n s')] 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('givingheedtoseducingspirits', 'giving heed to seducing spirits')] RH19160914-V93-46-page21.txt: [('propheciesofJesusandtheirfulfilment', 'prophecies of Jesus and their fulfilment')] RH19160921-V93-47-page23.txt: [('andsecondcomingofChristhave', 'and second coming of Christ have')] RH19160921-V93-47-page24.txt: [('secretarytreasurership', 'secretary treasurership')] RH19160921-V93-47-page8.txt: [('furtherorganization', 'further organization')] RH19161019-V93-52-page11.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19161026-V93-53-page18.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19161026-V93-53-page7.txt: [('greatchurchestoday', 'great churches today'), ('ThelargeProtestant', 'The large Protestant')] RH19161102-V93-54-page12.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19161102-V93-54-page2.txt: [('thePacificUnionConference', 'the Pacific Union Conference'), ('willmakeitverydifficult', 'will make it very difficult')] RH19161109-V93-56-page22.txt: [('ISIMIEIMMOIMIBISBOX', 'I SIM I E I M M O I M I B I S B O X')] RH19161123-V93-58-page18.txt: [('publishinghousesandbranches', 'publishing houses and branches')] RH19161221-V93-63-page15.txt: [('Abriefsketchoftheentireworkbeing', 'A brief sketch of the entire work being')] RH19161221-V93-63-page23.txt: [('CHICHOSIMICICHIMIMOOMOuceMoleMo', 'CHI C HO SIM I C I C HIM I MOO M O u c e M o l e M o')] RH19161228-V93-64-page19.txt: [('increasmaintenance', 'inc rea s maintenance')] RH19170111-V94-02-page15.txt: [('meetingshadbeenplannedasalocal', 'meetings had been planned as a local')] RH19170125-V94-04-page12.txt: [('Wecannotallbeinone', 'We cannot all be in one'), ('placegeographically', 'place geographically'), ('sunderedpointsintheuttermost', 'sundered points in the uttermost'), ('withtreesgrowingononesideofit', 'with trees growing on one side of it')] RH19170215-V94-07-page22.txt: [('imisiontimainimintlisiisioninialiamainimilimisma', 'im is ion tim a in i mint lis ii sion in i ali amain i mil im ism a')] RH19170222-V94-08-page16.txt: [('VOOYEINTOALLTHEWORLD', 'V O O YE INTO ALL THE WORLD')] RH19170222-V94-08-page24.txt: [('notTakomaParkStation', 'not Takoma Park Station')] RH19170301-V94-09-page17.txt: [('publishcouragement', 'publish courage men t'), ('reportcharacterized', 'report characterized')] RH19170308-V94-10-page7.txt: [('inscripsuccessively', 'in scrip successively')] RH19170322-V94-12-page16.txt: [('LIDOYEINTOALLTHEWORLD', 'LID O YE INTO ALL THE WORLD')] RH19170329-V94-13-page3.txt: [('callousheartedness', 'callous hearted ness')] RH19170405-V94-14-page18.txt: [('POOYEINTOALLTHEWORLD', 'POO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD')] RH19170412-V94-15-page10.txt: [('Happisuperintendent', 'H app i superintendent')] RH19170412-V94-15-page11.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19170412-V94-15-page16.txt: [('inallChristianliving', 'in all Christian living')] RH19170412-V94-15-page4.txt: [('commencestupendous', 'commence stupendous')] RH19170419-V94-16-page24.txt: [('FRANCISMCLELLANWILCOX', 'FRANC ISM C L ELL AN WILCOX'), ('EDITORIALDEPARTMENT', 'EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT')] RH19170426-V94-17-page21.txt: [('firewhichwastoconsumetihebody', 'fire which was to con sum et i he body')] RH19170517-V94-20-page15.txt: [('infantileparalysis', 'infantile paralysis')] RH19170517-V94-20-page23.txt: [('IllsFORCEVIVIMENARE', 'Ills FORCE VI VI MEN ARE')] RH19170517-V94-20-page24.txt: [('SPECIALCONTRIBUTORS', 'SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS')] RH19170517-V94-20-page3.txt: [('atwaristhuspicturededitoriallyin', 'at war is thus pictured editorially in')] RH19170531-V94-22-page14.txt: [('absorbedinitspages', 'absorbed in its pages')] RH19170531-V94-22-page8.txt: [('VaccumwzommaciaramecccroniL', 'V a c cum w z o m m a c i a r a m e c c c r o n i L')] RH19170614-V94-24-page10.txt: [('givenforhisLsupport', 'given for his L support'), ('yisesairosnsairnicees', 'y is e s a i r o s n s a i r n i c e e s'), ('membeervsohnipgeloifsti', 'mem beer vs oh nip gel o if st i')] RH19170628-V94-26-page21.txt: [('Assistantsecretary', 'Assistant secretary')] RH19170726-V94-30-page21.txt: [('electrotherapeutic', 'electro therapeutic')] RH19170726-V94-30-page24.txt: [('manuscriptssubmitted', 'manuscripts submitted')] RH19170802-V94-31-page6.txt: [('thoushltadiligentlyconsider', 'thous h l tad i l i gently consider')] RH19170809-V94-32-page19.txt: [('Acalltorepenthiscompassionsfailnot', 'A call to repent his compassions fail not')] RH19171004-V94-40-page18.txt: [('thetreasurerofthesiiosnBoardtotell', 'the treasurer of the s ii o s n B o a r d t o t e l l')] RH19171018-V94-42-page1.txt: [('miliantlIPINIPANAMPIAINWPWINVAI', 'mil i ant l I PI NIP AN AMP I AIN W P W I N V A I'), ('illiiiffiliiiMiginigin', 'ill ii if f i l i i i M i g i n i g i n')] RH19171018-V94-42-page15.txt: [('mothersthattheygivethemselvestotheir', 'mothers that they give themselves to their')] RH19171101-V94-44-page11.txt: [('treatmentcouraging', 'treatment c our aging')] RH19171115-V94-46-page9.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] RH19171129-V94-48-page23.txt: [('inimultilinitilnillelialliffl', 'in i multi lin i til nil l eli all if f l'), ('NINIRSIMINCOMIIIIIICIMINOICANNOV', 'N I N I R S I M I N C O M I I I I I I C I M I N O I C A N N O V'), ('VINIIIIIMIMINNIIIIIMERMIE', 'V IN III IIM I MINN III II MER M I E')] RH19171213-V94-50-page22.txt: [('nunininumnimaninnimMllinNOINIIIIBEIM', 'nun in i num nim an in nim M l l i n N O I N I I I I B E I M')] RH19171220-V94-51-page23.txt: [('giiillighainlaluillii', 'g i i i l l i g h a i n l a l u i l l i i'), ('NOMILIMMIMININERIMMINglinlinIOWE', 'NOM I LIM MIMI NINE RIM MIN g l i n l i n I O W E'), ('ONWINRABilpyganillignigglIMINIMMig', 'ON WIN R A B i l p y g a n i l l i g n i g g l I M I N I M M i g')] RH19180110-V95-02-page15.txt: [('prommisrepresentation', 'prom misrepresentation')] RH19180110-V95-02-page2.txt: [('betstraightforward', 'bet straightforward')] RH19180110-V95-02-page22.txt: [('hasamuchhighernutritive', 'has a much higher nutritive'), ('shelookedthesemanyyearsW', 'she looked these many years W')] RH19180110-V95-02-page23.txt: [('MirforallolmamOMitImilllilir', 'Mir for all o l mam O M i t I m i l l l i l i r'), ('NOIMPICHNIIIIMIWINIIIMINIM', 'NO IMP I C H N I I I I M I W I N I I I M I N I M')] RH19180110-V95-02-page24.txt: [('SPECIALCONTRIBUTORS', 'SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS')] RH19180124-V95-04-page19.txt: [('ssuuffifciiceinecnyctyhitsbis', 's s u u f f i f c i i c e i n e c n y c t y h i t s b i s')] RH19180207-V95-06-page19.txt: [('thelandaiiiitOrker', 'the land a iii it Or k e r')] RH19180207-V95-06-page23.txt: [('symbolsmearingafterhecheck', 'symbol smearing after he check')] RH19180207-V95-06-page5.txt: [('coinmendaconditions', 'coin mend a conditions')] RH19180214-V95-07-page1.txt: [('commaamaammactssimssissusic', 'comma am a am mac t s s i m s s i s s u s i c'), ('Sassisamminsimsumsacanammumaasaamacauth', 'Sass is am min sim sums a can am mum a as a a mac auth')] RH19180214-V95-07-page7.txt: [('considerasubscription', 'consider a subscription')] RH19180228-V95-09-page12.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19180228-V95-09-page19.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19180228-V95-09-page8.txt: [('HasitbeenforgottenbySab', 'Has it been forgotten by Sab')] RH19180307-V95-10-page7.txt: [('fellthickastheflakesintheearlysnows', 'fell thick as the flakes in the early snows'), ('AnIntroductiontoAstronomy', 'An Introduction to Astronomy')] RH19180404-V95-14-page2.txt: [('antiprohibitionists', 'anti prohibitionists')] RH19180404-V95-14-page23.txt: [('WORTIMPREMANRAWMATERIAL', 'WORT IMP REM AN RAW MATERIAL')] RH19180411-V95-15-page1.txt: [('INUMNITINIMMIMINITI', 'I NUM NIT I NIM MIMI NIT I')] RH19180411-V95-15-page13.txt: [('untilhehasnotruesenseofhisstanding', 'until he has no true sense of his standing')] RH19180411-V95-15-page16.txt: [('misunderstandingly', 'misunderstanding l y')] RH19180418-V95-16-page24.txt: [('SPECIALCONTRIBUTORS', 'SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS'), ('EDITORIALDEPARTMENT', 'EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT')] RH19180509-V95-19-page1.txt: [('INNINIMMININiliiillnill', 'INN I NIM MINI Nil ii ill nil l')] RH19180509-V95-19-page20.txt: [('widespreadpractice', 'widespread practice')] RH19180509-V95-19-page22.txt: [('withjiiiiotitonarp', 'with j iii i ot it on arp')] RH19180516-V95-20-page1.txt: [('Puellinlilmillmatmomitimiiiimitimuniiimilamailimitiatm', 'P uel lin l i l mill mat mom it im iii imit im uni ii mila mai limit i atm')] RH19180613-V95-24-page10.txt: [('Sabbathcolporteurs', 'Sabbath colporteurs')] RH19180613-V95-24-page7.txt: [('VOIDOarallbuceMtinomilittcara', 'V O I DO ar all b u c e M t i n o m i l i t t c a r a')] RH19180620-V95-25-page10.txt: [('Whatisthetrueobjectoflife', 'What is the true object of life'), ('perhapsmorefrequentlythcl', 'perhaps more frequently t h c l'), ('shouldmentionthesellingofourpapers', 'should mention the selling of our papers')] RH19180620-V95-25-page23.txt: [('nationsdemandsthatatem', 'nations demands that ate m')] RH19180620-V95-25-page5.txt: [('duopcavetivezuczost', 'du o p cave tiv e z u c z o s t')] RH19180627-V95-26-page17.txt: [('educationthroughout', 'education throughout')] RH19180711-V95-28-page1.txt: [('IVICEOMMIllaIIITTE', 'I VICE O M M I l l a I I I T T E')] RH19180711-V95-28-page21.txt: [('ordinaryoccupations', 'ordinary occupations')] RH19180718-V95-29-page24.txt: [('electrotherapeutic', 'electro therapeutic')] RH19180725-V95-30-page1.txt: [('thelrepresentativesirom', 'the l representatives i rom')] RH19180801-V95-31-page13.txt: [('inconventhroughout', 'in con ven throughout')] RH19180801-V95-31-page2.txt: [('WORTHIEHARRISHOLDEN', 'WORT HIE HARRIS HOLDEN'), ('PreparetomeettheSabbathday', 'Prepare to meet the Sabbath day'), ('ischargedtocountries', 'is charged to countries')] RH19180808-V95-32-page24.txt: [('manuscriptstsubmitted', 'manuscript st submitted')] RH19180815-V95-33-page7.txt: [('interpresignificance', 'inter p resign if i can c e')] RH19180822-V95-34-page24.txt: [('SPECIALICONTRIBUTORS', 'SPECIAL I CONTRIBUTORS')] RH19180905-V95-36-page7.txt: [('sooncomingSaviourr', 'soon coming Saviour r')] RH19180912-V95-37-page19.txt: [('conferconsecration', 'confer consecration')] RH19180919-V95-38-page23.txt: [('MissionarySubscription', 'Missionary Subscription')] RH19181003-V95-40-page17.txt: [('countercombination', 'counter combination')] RH19181010-V95-41-page1.txt: [('mmillIIIIIMIlimillil', 'm m i l l I I I I I M I l i m i l l i l')] RH19181031-V95-44-page16.txt: [('EpIALCONTRIBUTORSi', 'E p I A L C O N T R I B U T O R S i')] RH19181128-V95-48-page12.txt: [('consciousfaithfully', 'conscious faithfully')] RH19181212-V95-50-page29.txt: [('miliornomMinomornitiMoonotiMiiiiMioniiiiOrniMitionOnioffilion', 'mil i or nom Min o morn it i Moo not iM iii iM ion iii i Or n i M i t i o n O n i o f f i l i o n')] RH19181226-V95-52-page16.txt: [('havethesalvationofGodinour', 'have the salvation of God in our')] RH19181226-V95-52-page5.txt: [('posttribulationalism', 'post tribulation a l ism')] RH19190102-V96-01-page22.txt: [('theirparticipation', 'their participation')] RH19190109-V96-02-page17.txt: [('MinmilllimilinmUummiumiimiiiinvp', 'Min mill lim i lin m U u m m i u m i i m i i i i n v p')] RH19190109-V96-02-page21.txt: [('oemsosmosoossesoemossovempo', 'o ems o s mos o o s s e s o e m o s s o v e m p o'), ('unculturedpersonwas', 'uncultured person was'), ('andmannersoftheworld', 'and manners of the world'), ('thatfosteregolaying', 'that foster ego laying')] RH19190109-V96-02-page31.txt: [('clitierltriAltabltriN', 'c lit ier l t r i A l t a b l t r i N')] RH19190123-V96-04-page24.txt: [('prophecienjelatingtn', 'prop he c i en j elating t n')] RH19190123-V96-04-page30.txt: [('transferringtroops', 'transferring troops')] RH19190123-V96-04-page31.txt: [('ritnitlbatestaittiarehricitri', 'rit nit l bate sta it tia r e h r i c i t r i')] RH19190130-V96-05-page30.txt: [('charactercontrasts', 'character contrasts')] RH19190213-V96-07-page28.txt: [('Iconsideredthemanyprob', 'I considered the many prob')] RH19190306-V96-10-page32.txt: [('SPECIALCONTRIBUTORS', 'SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS')] RH19190313-V96-11-page14.txt: [('MMIIIIMIMIMIIIIMIM', 'M M I I I I M I M I M I I I I M I M')] RH19190313-V96-11-page32.txt: [('reachingconsequences', 'reaching consequences')] RH19190327-V96-13-page29.txt: [('superintendentshows', 'superintendent shows')] RH19190327-V96-13-page4.txt: [('electricallycentrolled', 'electrically cent rolled')] RH19190403-V96-14-page6.txt: [('tremendousproportions', 'tremendous proportions')] RH19190417-V96-16-page7.txt: [('Affiliaeducational', 'A f f i l i a e d u c a t i o n a l')] RH19190612-V96-24-page17.txt: [('mitifilimiliilimimmummiliinilmh', 'm i t i f i l i m i l i i l i m i m m u m m i l i i n i l m h')] RH19190619-V96-25-page31.txt: [('IIIIIMMMIIIIIMIlit', 'III IIM M M I I I I I M I l i t')] RH19190703-V96-27-page12.txt: [('nummtiiiIIIIIMIlltilliti', 'num m t i i i I I I I I M I l l t i l l i t i')] RH19190710-V96-28-page16.txt: [('onfilloomimmilelmolitilmoilipoilliiiiirm', 'on fill o o mim mil elm o lit i l moil i p oil liii i ir m')] RH19190821-V96-34-page27.txt: [('sayabouttheworkouthereandtheexperiences', 'say about the work out here and the experiences')] RH19190828-V96-35-page27.txt: [('primaryintermediate', 'primary intermediate')] RH19190911-V96-37-page15.txt: [('altalallUaltatiallaala', 'alt ala l lU alt at i all a ala')] RH19191023-V96-43-page28.txt: [('Northumberlandshire', 'Northumberland shire')] RH19191106-V96-45-page30.txt: [('eimpsylopimMKPAMMIMAI', 'e i m p s y l o p i m M K P A M M I M A I')] RH19191127-V96-48-page31.txt: [('Maramaernealeileigeosamessavem', 'Mar am a erne a lei lei g e o s a m e s s a v e m')] RH19191127-V96-48-page32.txt: [('FRANCISMCLELLANWILCOX', 'FRANC ISM C L ELL AN WILCOX'), ('SPECIALCONTRIBUTORS', 'SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS'), ('articleswillbeusedasrapidlyasourFrace', 'articles will be used as rapidly as our Fra c e')] RH19191204-V96-49-page30.txt: [('areshrtoandnottoohot', 'are shr to and not too hot'), ('tostopthecravingforfood', 'to stop the craving for food')] RH19191211-V96-50-page20.txt: [('hintswillbegivenonall', 'hints will be given on all'), ('matterspertainingtothehomelife', 'matters pertaining to the home life')] RH19191218-V96-51-page10.txt: [('enMdlliodearilrinrrs', 'en Md l l i ode aril r i n r r s')] RH19191225-V96-52-page19.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19200108-V97-02-page15.txt: [('perfectlysatisfied', 'perfectly satisfied')] RH19200115-V97-03-page29.txt: [('Tractaatgenootschap', 'Tract a at gen o ot s chap')] RH19200122-V97-04-page12.txt: [('territoryconstituting', 'territory constituting')] RH19200122-V97-04-page3.txt: [('fIllItIlifiltlIMMIIIIMtilifitlf', 'f I l l I t I l i f i l t l I M M I I I I M t i l i f i t l f')] RH19200122-V97-04-page31.txt: [('MIIMMIIIIffillinsimmili', 'M I I M M I I I I f f i l l i n s i m m i l i')] RH19200226-V97-09-page28.txt: [('intermediateschool', 'intermediate school')] RH19200311-V97-11-page23.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19200325-V97-13-page24.txt: [('pRonswmarsALLPURrOSES', 'p Ron s w m a r s A L L P U R r O S E S')] RH19200429-V97-18-page17.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer'), ('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer'), ('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19200506-V97-19-page32.txt: [('secretarytreasurership', 'secretary treasurership')] RH19200513-V97-20-page15.txt: [('amemiaccinuicamili', 'a mem i acc in u i c a m i l i')] RH19200520-V97-21-page22.txt: [('expressionlessness', 'expressionless ness')] RH19200610-V97-24-page10.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19200617-V97-25-page32.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19200624-V97-26-page25.txt: [('thylightbreakforthasthemorning', 'thy light break forth as the morning'), ('uptheirsoulswillbeovercome', 'up their souls will be overcome')] RH19200624-V97-26-page30.txt: [('reitatiarietahitavt', 'rei tat i ar i eta hit a v t')] RH19200715-V97-29-page1.txt: [('MIMMIVOXIAVINIMRIK', 'MIM M I V O X I A V I N I M R I K'), ('VPJAVVVVJAPAVVISMNIAP', 'V P J A V V V V J A P A V V ISM N I A P')] RH19200722-V97-30-page32.txt: [('EDITORIALDEPARTMENT', 'EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT')] RH19200722-V97-30-page6.txt: [('postmillennialists', 'post millennial i sts')] RH19200722-V97-30-page9.txt: [('blessopportunities', 'bless opportunities')] RH19200729-V97-31-page8.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] RH19200805-V97-32-page15.txt: [('considerableperiods', 'considerable periods')] RH19200812-V97-33-page17.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19200812-V97-33-page3.txt: [('fierillriultsMaaraY', 'fie rill r i u l t s M a a r a Y')] RH19200819-V97-34-page16.txt: [('assmssesmessissuessesssessossinssOISSISISMISSISMISMISSISSIMMISMISSMS', 'ass mss e s m e s s i s s u e s s e s s s e s s o s s i n s s O I S S I S I S M I S S I S M I S M I S S I S S I M M I S M I S S M S')] RH19200826-V97-35-page11.txt: [('MINNENINIANEWINNINI', 'MINN EN IN I A NEW INN IN I')] RH19200916-V97-38-page14.txt: [('Mlialaralumaimaaniamailidgp', 'M l i a l a r a l u m a i m a a n i a m a i l i d g p')] RH19200916-V97-38-page32.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19200930-V97-40-page24.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19201014-V97-42-page11.txt: [('usossossamossossoossossoofflostn', 'us o s so s s a mos so s so o s so s so off lost n')] RH19201125-V97-48-page31.txt: [('ItrecarasrlviiailiTiitTeiclreitTehir', 'It rec ar as r l v i i a i l i T i i t T e i c l r e i t T e h i r')] RH19201125-V97-48-page32.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] RH19201202-V97-49-page23.txt: [('issmisommummussisisuss', 'is s m i s o m m u m m u s s i s i s u s s'), ('imtmisimisiilnimullissiMISSIM', 'im t m i s i m i s i i l n i m u l l i s s i M I S S I M'), ('iiimmussmsimssisssummssms', 'i iim muss ms i mss is s sum mss ms')]
In [51]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/RH1890-1920/correction9 Average verified rate: 0.9795403961953559 Average of error rates: 0.024002452518108713 Total token count: 52490166
In [52]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('w', 55086), ('e', 52265), ('m', 48749), ("'", 45820), ('d', 37544), ('t', 33957), ('r', 30396), ('n', 28027), ('g', 27471), ('f', 25539), ('pm', 17890), ('co', 6668), ('th', 5847), ('k', 5390), ('u', 4995), ('x', 4213), ('ex', 4124), ('oo', 3650), ('pa', 3045), ('wm', 2726), ('mo', 2649), ('z', 2529), ('io', 2447), ('id', 2307), ('pp', 2257), ('seventhday', 1973), ('re', 1927), ("the'", 1923), ('mt', 1750), ('tion', 1741), ('ahd', 1680), ('va', 1546), ('-', 1500), ('al', 1366), ('ft', 1205), ('ga', 1181), ('nd', 1153), ("canvassers'", 1131), ('ky', 1130), ('q', 1079), ('ti', 1056), ('mal', 995), ('ro', 981), ('li', 975), ('sabbathschool', 926), ('il', 924), ("''", 913), ('vt', 878), ('eze', 863), ('mc', 852)]
In [ ]: