In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [2]:
%autoreload 2
In [3]:
from text2topics import reports
from text2topics import utilities
from text2topics import clean
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import collections
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
wordlist_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/word-lists"
wordlists = ["2016-12-07-SDA-last-names.txt",
In [6]:
spelling_dictionary = utilities.create_spelling_dictionary(wordlist_dir, wordlists)
In [7]:
title = "ST"
In [8]:
base_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/{}/".format(title)
In [9]:
cycle = 'baseline'
In [10]:
stats = reports.overview_report(join(base_dir, cycle), spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/baseline Average verified rate: 0.9456481148200234 Average of error rates: 0.05545122187742437 Total token count: 36908545
In [11]:
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( stats )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 1000 )
[('-', 71819), (')', 39961), ('ñ', 36059), ('¥', 29487), ("'", 28740), ('(', 21095), ('e', 20821), ('re-', 19656), ('m', 18049), ('tion', 17964), ('con-', 17104), ('d', 16965), ('w', 16732), ('n', 15374), ('t', 14460), ('in-', 14383), ('be-', 13231), ('r', 10941), ('g', 10890), ('ñthe', 10869), ('de-', 10750), ('com-', 10356), ('ment', 8671), ('th', 8267), ('ex-', 7926), ('f', 7733), ('pp', 6853), ('un-', 5605), ('co', 5591), ('dis-', 5532), ('tions', 5111), ('per-', 4906), ('*', 4847), ('pro-', 4676), ('en-', 4617), ('ña', 4490), ('im-', 4097), ('pre-', 3949), ('u', 3879), ('ac-', 3742), ('ments', 3575), ('an-', 3420), ('sab-', 3238), ('_', 3099), ('x', 3056), (']', 3045), ('ex', 3028), ('ad-', 2997), ('ence', 2982), ('chris-', 2975), ('ap-', 2905), ('for-', 2485), ('ple', 2458), ('ful', 2375), ('sub-', 2304), ('al-', 2292), ('-the', 2280), ('to-', 2269), ('mo', 2212), ('ance', 2210), ('mis-', 2201), ("'the", 2170), ('ers', 2073), ('peo-', 1998), ('command-', 1985), ('na-', 1985), ('(continued', 1926), ('ob-', 1909), ('ł', 1901), ('/', 1875), ('at-', 1867), ('with-', 1848), ('wm', 1840), ('tian', 1824), ('fol-', 1809), ('--', 1798), ('ity', 1760), ('him-', 1711), ('š', 1668), ('right-', 1645), ('k', 1623), ('as-', 1611), ('ble', 1606), ('inter-', 1603), ('ture', 1601), ('ñit', 1596), ('them-', 1588), ('em-', 1545), ('[', 1519), ('sun-', 1517), ('ent', 1514), ('there-', 1495), ('under-', 1489), ('[the', 1475), ('di-', 1462), ('some-', 1454), ('trans-', 1439), ('copies)', 1437), ('chil-', 1436), ('dren', 1428), ('ques-', 1427), ('govern-', 1425), ('fifth-day', 1385), ('pres-', 1384), ('gen-', 1382), ('king-', 1353), ('ber', 1345), ('society-', 1307), ("the'", 1295), ('man-', 1290), ('eze', 1286), ('sup-', 1255), ('altho', 1240), ('or-', 1238), ('par-', 1235), ('pur-', 1232), ('over-', 1225), ('ous', 1219), ('eousness', 1188), ('es-', 1167), ('coun-', 1152), ('can-', 1136), ('%', 1132), ('mandments', 1125), ("of'", 1125), ('sev-', 1121), ('(see', 1121), ('šthe', 1113), ('thou-', 1111), ('meet-', 1106), ('char-', 1102), ('gov-', 1101), ('pos-', 1088), ('pa-', 1083), ('ets', 1081), ('cor-', 1064), ('ar-', 1063), ('z', 1044), ('pub-', 1037), ('cer-', 1034), ('(the', 1029), ('judg-', 1028), ('proph-', 1020), ('tive', 1017), ('ure', 1010), ('ñin', 1008), ('every-', 1005)]
Review Special Character Use¶
In [12]:
[(')', 39961), ('ñ', 36059), ('¥', 29487), ('(', 21095), ('ñthe', 10869), ('*', 4847), ('ña', 4490), ('_', 3099), (']', 3045), ('(continued', 1926), ('ł', 1901), ('/', 1875), ('š', 1668), ('ñit', 1596), ('[', 1519), ('[the', 1475), ('copies)', 1437), ('%', 1132), ('(see', 1121), ('šthe', 1113), ('(the', 1029), ('ñin', 1008), ('(john', 996), ('•', 945), ('`', 929), ('¥¥', 900), ('(rom', 799), ('ñselected', 774), ('ã', 753), ('ñsel', 736), ('(a', 732), ('(entered', 723), ('(rev', 685), ('ñan', 685), ('(for', 668), ('(matt', 665), ('(luke', 656), ('ñthere', 638), ('+', 632), ('ñrev', 621), ('numbers)', 621), ('(verse', 616), ('(to', 614), ('ñno', 548), ('(acts', 542), ('¡', 539), ('ñchristian', 530), ('=', 519), ('ñwe', 507), ('ñthat', 506), ('ñand', 490), ('(isa', 488), ('(ps', 487), ('ñat', 479), ('ša', 477), ('\\', 469), ('(b', 449), ('(concluded', 444), ('ñdr', 444), ('(heb', 441), ('**', 407), ('ñon', 407), ('(page', 406), ('ô', 406), ('(gen', 403), ('(and', 393), ('—', 388), ('(or', 387), ('ñall', 378), ('¥the', 375), ('£', 363), ('ñby', 353), ('(i', 347), ('(in', 342), ('(a)', 331), ('(lesson', 323), ('ñmrs', 312), ('ñto', 311), ('(ex', 305), ('(b)', 301), ('ñone', 299), ('ñjohn', 299), ('ñthis', 297), ('(mark', 295), ('(which', 295), ('the¥', 290), ('(as', 289), ('ñnot', 287), ('[or', 280), ('(matthew', 277), ('ñs', 270), ('ñ*ñ', 268), ('(eph', 261), ('[christ]', 259), ('(i)', 254), ('societyñbox', 252), ('ñhe', 245), ('ñwhat', 243), ('ñwhen', 242), ('(size', 238), ('ñtwo', 237), ('[a', 235), ('(c)', 235), ('ñj', 230), ('ñi', 229), ('¥¥¥', 229), ('(dan', 225), ('©', 223), ('-¥', 222), ('(saturday)', 220), ('ñbut', 215), ('ñis', 213), ('ñnew', 209), ('(not', 208), ('(gal', 207), ('¦', 204), ('ñbecause', 203), ('¥of', 198), ('ñfor', 197), ('~~', 195), ('[of', 194), ('ñdied', 191), ('(revelation', 190), ('[in', 189), ('ñhouse', 186), ('ññ', 184), ('ñas', 184), ('ñn', 182), ('(verses', 181), ('`the', 178), ('ñof', 177), ('ñyes', 176), ('ñfrom', 175), ('ñthey', 169), ('__', 168), ('ñid', 168), ('[from', 167), ('ñhow', 167), ('(r', 165), ('o)', 164), ('i)', 163), ('#', 160), ('ñchurch', 158), ('[margin', 157), ('ñour', 157), ('ñif', 154), ('[that', 154), ('¥and', 153), ('(from', 153), ('and¥', 143), ('\ufeff', 142), ('(chapter', 138), ('[for', 137), ('(margin', 136), ('ñsome', 134), ('(that', 134), ('šit', 133), ('ñbishop', 133), ('(illustrated)', 133), ('¥-', 131), ('(maps', 131), ('[sunday]', 131), ('ñduring', 130), ('ñmr', 129), ('(col', 127), ('ñt', 127), ("¥'", 125), ('[not', 125), ('(to)', 124), ('(james', 124), ('(chap', 122), ('ñthose', 122), ('christñthe', 120), ('*igns', 119), ('[by', 118), ('(jer', 118), ('(by', 117), ('~', 117), ('ñaccording', 115), ('ñelder', 115), ('bibleñthe', 113), ('to¥', 113), ('godñthe', 113), ('it)', 113), ('in¥', 112), ('(d)', 112), ('(if', 111), ('(-', 111), ('james)', 110), ('ñanon', 109), ('ñanother', 109), ('¥¥¥¥', 109), ('ñgeneral', 108), ('¥-¥', 108), ('¥to', 107), ('%x', 106), ('continued)', 106), ('šin', 106), ('(isaiah', 106), ('(king', 106), ('ñgod', 105), ('endorñthe', 104), ('the_', 103), ('of¥', 102), ('ñthree', 102), ('ñthese', 102), ('(v', 101), ('ó', 101), ("'¥", 101), ('(eze', 101), ('ñw', 100), ('sabbathñthe', 100), ('¤', 100), ('littleñthe', 99), ('***', 99), ('(romans', 99), ('ñsabbath', 99), ('ñplease', 99), ('ñwhy', 98), ('years)', 97), ('ñh', 97), ('ñphil', 97), ('ñdo', 96), ('[all', 96), ('ñwhich', 95), ('ñgreat', 95), ('¥a', 95), ('[god]', 95), ('(of', 95), ('>', 93), ('ñm', 91), ('(always', 91), ('šrev', 91), ('to)', 91), ('[this', 91), ('ñjesus', 91), ('only)', 91), ('*ñ', 90), ('societyñl', 90), ('ñthen', 90), ('(who', 90), ('ñp', 90), ('margin]', 89), ('¥in', 89), ('(lev', 89), ('*-', 89), ('ñpresident', 88), ('(t', 88), ('*¥', 88), ('ñwho', 88), ('}', 88), ('consideredñthe', 87), ('(he', 87), ('(phil', 87), ('*the', 86), ("ñgod's", 86), ('*ign', 86), ('ñprof', 86), ('(psalm', 86), ('ñnotes', 85), ('a¥', 85), ('(new', 85), ('ñmissionary', 85), ('(hebrews', 85), ('(about', 85), ('ñabout', 84), ('(genesis', 84), ('šthere', 84), ('ñe', 82), ('ñhis', 81), ('ñadvices', 81), ('preparation)', 81), ('margin)', 81), ('ñc', 81), ('ñindependent', 80), ('šselected', 80), ('day)', 80), ('deadñthe', 80), ('ñcontains', 80), ('father]', 79), ('<', 79), ('šdr', 79), ('ñjames', 79), ('ñsunday', 79), ('_the', 78), ('australiañecho', 77), ('ñjoseph', 77), ('(job', 76), ('dayñ', 76), ('ñnos', 76), ('[margin]', 76), ('testamentñthe', 75), ('(s', 75), ('societyñmrs', 74), ('(baptist)', 74), ('(spanish', 74), ('society)', 73), ('vermontñlizzie', 73), ('baptistsñthe', 73), ('[i', 73), ('law]', 73), ('^', 72), ('(so', 72), ('ñlast', 72), ('ñsan', 72), ('(daniel', 72), ('(e)', 72), ('i¥', 72), ('ñlondon', 72), ('switzerlandñimprimerie', 72), ('god)', 72), ('itñ', 71), ('law)', 71), ('ñare', 71), ('ñwith', 71), ('englandñthe', 70), ('ñset', 70), ('(deut', 70), ('england)', 70), ('ñst', 70), ('___', 69), ('ñd', 69), ('ñeccl', 69), ('(prov', 69), ('`fie', 69), ('text)', 68), ('šchristian', 68), ('ñgood', 68), ('day]', 67), ('(n', 67), ('(ii)', 67), ('ñmethodist', 67), ('ñjust', 67), ('šan', 67), ('(ibid', 67), ('ñf', 66), ('ñfive', 66), ('ñg', 66), ('(with', 66), ('/os', 66), ('societyñsouth', 66), ('ñ**ñ', 66), ('(r)', 65), ('(t)', 65), ('grave]', 65), ('(compare', 65), ('tennessee)', 65), ('ñlate', 65), ('ñuse', 65), ('adventñthe', 65), ('ñso', 64), ('ñfour', 64), ('agencyñpacific', 64), ('ñchrist', 64), ('(exodus', 64), ('ñreports', 64), ('week)', 63), ('church]', 63), ('••', 62), ('ñgeorge', 62), ('(tithe)', 62), ('dayñthe', 62), ('t)', 62), ('englandñn', 62), ('truthñthe', 62), ('ñafter', 61), ('`me', 61), ('ñevery', 61), ('(we', 61), ('societyñvilas', 61), ('negligently)', 61), ('ñsimply', 61), ('r)', 60), ('ñmary', 60), ('ñeld', 60), ('(sunday)', 60), ('(eastern', 60), ('¥i', 60), ('societyñj', 60), ('ñhenry', 60), ('immortalityñ', 60), ('ñseveral', 59), ('(this', 59), ('[to', 59), ('šsel', 59), ('ñcharles', 58), ('[as', 58), ('(eccl', 58), ('englandñmrs', 58), ('@', 58), ('ies)', 58), ('(cal', 58), ('ñten', 57), ('pacificñmrs', 57), ('ñmay', 57), ('ñsince', 57), ('ñr', 57), ('¥¥¥¥¥', 57), ('ñcloth', 57), ('is¥', 57), ('(an', 57), ('c)', 57), ('¥that', 56), ('addressñ', 56), ('ñdist', 56), ('ñwhile', 56), ('railroadñsamuel', 56), ('ñhistory', 56), ('god]', 56), ('ñover', 56), ('ñrecent', 56), ('ñjuly', 55), ('(poetry)', 55), ('(no', 55), ('thatñ', 55), ('¥is', 55), ('s)', 54), ('šorš', 54), ('(sabbath', 54), ('ñjudge', 54), ('ñwill', 54), ('englandñinternational', 54), ('ñgospel', 54), ('ñcor', 53), ('—the', 53), ('ñwas', 53), ('nevadañcal', 53), ('ñgovernor', 53), ('cents)', 53), ('christ]', 52), ('ñb', 52), ('ñsir', 52), ('ñorñ', 52), ('(catholic)', 52), ('societyñno', 52), ('(italics', 52), ('(x', 52), ('ñexchange', 52), ('ñyou', 51), ('ñlife', 51), ('ñwrite', 51), ('%c', 51), ('timeñcelestial', 51), ('°', 51), ('ñmatt', 50), ('church)', 50), ('(titus', 50), ('(christ)', 50), ('ñshe', 50), ('*iglu', 50), ('-_', 50), ('ñreligiousñsecular', 50), ('šwe', 49), ('ñbible', 49), ('godñ', 49), ('christñfundamental', 49), ('ñprofessor', 49), ('ñseven', 49), ('ñpage', 49), ('ñeven', 49), ('for¥', 49), ('šat', 49), ('version)', 49), ('šand', 49), ("[god's]", 49), ('ñgolden', 49), ('york)', 49), ('(now', 49), (')ñhouse', 49), ('ñspiritualism', 48), ('-*', 48), ('ñcalifornia', 48), ('ñor', 48), ('-#', 48), ('ñmen', 47), ('ñchicago', 47), ('(margin)', 47), ('(poetry)ñ', 47), ('(num', 47), ('ñmore', 47), ('ñl', 47), ('¥he', 47), ('ñpacific', 47), ('(it', 47), ('ñreligious', 46), ('ñbrother', 46), ('ñthomas', 46), ('himñ', 46), ('andñ', 46), ('¥it', 46), ('chinaña', 46), ('catholic)', 46), ('ñcertainly', 46), ('ñamerican', 46), ('ñonly', 46), ('ñbaptist', 46), ('()', 46), ('(dent', 46), ('islandñb', 46), ('societyñs', 46), ('ñgen', 46), ('ñmarch', 45), ('(at', 45), ('[and', 45), ('¥by', 45), ('ñex', 45), ('(roman', 45), ('germanyñinternational', 45), ('\\\\', 45), ('societyñnorth', 45), ('ñsecretary', 45), ('redemptionñthe', 45), ('____', 45), ('ñhave', 45), ('[literally', 45), ('son]', 44), ('timeñthe', 44), ('¥but', 44), ('islandñbernard', 44), ('(presbyterian)', 44), ('(mal', 44), ('christ)', 44), ("'ñ", 44), ('ñlet', 44), ('[jesus]', 44), ('them)', 44), ('%ions', 44), ('ñshowing', 43), ('(but', 43), ('ñsix', 43), ('šchurch', 43), ('ñmiss', 43), ('ñlord', 43), ('adventistsñthe', 43), ('¥we', 43), ('♦', 43), ('(poetry)ñthe', 43), ('(on', 42), (')ñthe', 42), ('lordñ', 42), ('michiganñmiss', 42), ('*********************************', 42), ('))', 42), ('(poem', 42), ('referencesñthe', 42), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 42), ('butñ', 42), ('[his', 42), ('ñmany', 42), ('(one', 42), ('****', 42), ('(notes)', 41), ('ò', 41), ('ñheavy', 41), ('//', 41), ('sabbathñ', 41), ("[christ's]", 41), ('ñwilliam', 41), ('{', 41), ('lawñthe', 41), ('¥be', 41), ('[at', 41), ("')", 41), ('ñnay', 41), ('ñfree', 41), ('(it)', 41), ('ñsays', 41), ('ñspurgeon', 41), ('testamentñ', 40), ('free)', 40), ('`i', 40), ('(bible', 40), ('_-', 40), ('ii)', 40), ('bñ', 40), ("ñ'", 40), ('societyña', 40), ('[note', 40), ('(mich', 40), ('ñnow', 40), ('ñwm', 40), ('ñcatholic', 40), ('(p', 40), ('ñpaul', 40), ('fifthšday', 40), ('¥which', 40), ('ñhon', 40), ('pages)', 40), ('one)', 40), ('ñsubscribers', 39), ('(though', 39), ('ñmatthew', 39), ('be)', 39), ('¥his', 39), ('millenniumñdeparting', 39), ('life]', 39), ('ñnearly', 39), ('(general)', 39), ('connecticut)', 38), ('ñaugust', 38), ('(southern)', 38), ('■', 38), ('ñhere', 38), ('ñdecember', 38), ('šs', 38), ('societyñt', 38), ('(post', 38), ('(all', 38), ('n¥', 38), ("ñyouth's", 38), ('ñapril', 38), ('christñ', 38), ('that¥', 38), ('columbiañu', 38), ('(april', 38), ('šdied', 38), ('ñreligionsñsecular', 37), ('fateñcan', 37), ('cityñthe', 37), ('reading)', 37), ('societyñnewburg', 37), ('i/', 37), ('ñgeo', 37), ('(northern)', 37), ('ñu', 37), ('wyomingñj', 37), ('ñbe', 37), ('ñprince', 37), ('his¥', 37), ('(ezra', 37), ('(jude', 36), ('[we', 36), ('ñany', 36), ('toñ', 36), ('ñwell', 36), ('ñadvance', 36), ('revisedñdefinite', 36), ('(rhode', 36), ('(verse)ñ', 36), ('ñsenator', 36), ('lifeñ', 36), ('(f)', 36), (')ñ', 36), ('¥as', 36), ('(ephesians', 36), ('¥for', 36), ('*n', 36), ('ñmargaret', 36), ('(lay', 36), ('page)', 36), ('(western', 36), ('ñcan', 36), ('ñboston', 35), ('(signed)', 35), ('benevolenceñthe', 35), ('[believing', 35), ('pacificñn', 35), ('ñamong', 35), ('ñherald', 35), ('ñrussia', 35), ('[which', 35), ('šthat', 35), ('**ñ', 35), ('(g)', 35), ('‚', 35), ('ñnews', 35), ('(including', 35), ('*a', 35), ('i*', 35), ('(mass', 35), ('ñluke', 35), ('be¥', 35), ('(ñ', 35), ('themñ', 35), ('and_', 35), ('(except', 35), ('(price', 35), ('(c', 35), ('(zech', 35), ('(greater)', 34), ('tennesseeñj', 34), ('(condensed', 34), ('societyñkeene', 34), ('ñmark', 34), ('lawsñspirit', 34), ('s\x8eance', 34), ('(sunday', 34), ('soul]', 34), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥', 34), ('ñbro', 34), ('is)', 34), ('ñhealth', 34), ('canadañint', 34), ('ñsuch', 34), ('ñwork', 34), ('[italics', 34), ('(incorporated)', 34), ('isñ', 34), ('ñcardinal', 33), ('ñah', 33), (')-', 33), ('societyñfayetteville', 33), ('(so)', 33), ('(mat-', 33), ('_and', 33), ('(life', 33), ("father's]", 33), ('questionñargument', 33), ('manñ', 33), ('(methodist)', 33), ('ñfire', 33), ('*gns', 33), ('_____', 33), ('manitobañw', 33), ('ñowing', 33), ('ñhad', 33), ('(micah', 33), ('(joel', 33), ('questionñspiritualism', 33), ('cñ', 33), ('ñfaith', 33), ('¥was', 33), ('time)', 33), ('ñed', 33), ('ñfirst', 33), ('abolishedñaddress', 33), ('ñdecline', 33), ('šmrs', 33), ('ñdean', 32), ('in_', 32), ('ishedñaddress', 32), ('sabbath]', 32), ('-)', 32), ('ñcongregationalist', 32), ('prophecyñthe', 32), ('(d', 32), ('ño', 32), ('delusionñin-', 32), ('excuseñwhich', 32), ('ñen', 32), ('ñmost', 32), ('youñ', 32), ('(california)', 32), ('a_', 32), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 32), ('itñthe', 32), ('ñrobert', 31), ('(lid', 31), ('symposium)', 31), ('him)', 31), ('(verse)ñthe', 31), ('[greek', 31), ('abolishedñthe', 31), ('wickedñscripture', 31), ('(j', 31), ('ñcholera', 31), ('ñremember', 31), ('ãã', 31), ('meñ', 31), ('called)', 31), ('commentsñthe', 31), ('ñreview', 31), ('iñ', 31), ('[sheol]', 31), ('societyñhattie', 30), ('[jehovah]', 30), ('ñarchbishop', 30), ('as¥', 30), ('_of', 30), ('ñella', 30), ('(march', 30), ('ñvarious', 30), ('earth]', 30), ('(turner', 30), ('societyñmilton', 30), ('societyñackersgaden', 30), ('street)', 30), ('it¥', 30), ('elihuñthe', 30), ('(state)', 30), ('thereforeš', 30), ('lazarusñargument', 30), ('j\\ts', 30), ('half)', 30), ('lawñ', 30), ('`to', 30), ('islandsñinternational', 30), ('ñnine', 30), ('ñwithout', 29), ('¥or', 29), ('ñlove', 29), ('¥not', 29), ('of_', 29), ('¥*', 29), ('ñchris-', 29), ('ñorigin', 29), ('(is)', 29), ('chariotsñthe', 29), ('*as', 29), ('baptistsñpresent', 29), ('šfrom', 29), ('šon', 29), ('(may', 29), ('millenniumñthe', 29), ('deathñ', 29), ('ñdispatches', 29), ('times)', 29), ('of]', 29), ('logueñbrief', 29), ('(id', 29), ("('", 29), ('ñarticle', 29), ('ñexaminer', 29), ('worldñ', 29), ('lifeñthe', 28), ('(january', 28), ('us)', 28), ('łthe', 28), ('ñnational', 28), ('year)', 28), ('`he', 28), ('r¥', 28), ('(less', 28), ('southern)', 28), ('io)', 28), ('ñ*', 28), ('canada)', 28), ('[he', 28), ('dayñseven', 28), ('šone', 28), ('ñfrank', 28), ('`and', 28), ('(two', 28), ('beñ', 28), ('t¥', 28), ('_ñ', 28), ('ñbook', 28), ('wayñ', 28), ('ñdavid', 28), ('ñengland', 28), ('inches)', 28), ('`mimeo', 28), ('ñeducation', 28), ('societyñc', 28), ('ñmy', 28), ('father)', 28), ('(what', 28), ('ñalexander', 28), ('africañinternational', 28), ('death]', 27), ('ñnothing', 27), ('timesñthe', 27), ('to_', 27), ('*illinois', 27), ('(san', 27), ('ñmuch', 27), ('franciscoñservices', 27), ('lord]', 27), ('he¥', 27), ('spirit]', 27), ('examinedñsabbath', 27), ('zealandñinternational', 27), ('(review', 27), ('worldñthe', 27), ('menñ', 27), ('oneñ', 27), ('ñjune', 27), ('što', 26), ('japanña', 26), ('virginiañamy', 26), ('¨', 26), ('ñcontinued', 26), ('ñnear', 26), ('ñbritish', 26), ("ñzion's", 26), ('ñunion', 26), ('¥are', 26), ('our¥', 26), ('sabbatonñinfidel', 26), ('ñnever', 26), ('(bible-reading)', 26), ('completeñlibrary', 26), ('norwayñeld', 26), ('ñcol', 26), ('[it', 26), ('[see', 26), ('wickedñscrip-', 26), ('societyñm', 26), ('``', 26), ('manñthe', 26), ('\\v', 26), ('ñits', 25), ('añ', 25), ('ñinternational', 25), ('(ezekiel', 25), ('(mr', 25), ('ñhas', 25), ('ñmission', 25), ('ñdec', 25), ('✓', 25), ('`if', 25), ('stateñj', 25), ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 25), ('(his', 25), ('_l', 25), ('oaklandñservices', 25), ('sabbatonñthe', 25), ('*e', 25), ('ñsamuel', 25), ('delusionñsamuel', 25), ('¥on', 25), ('(verse)', 25), ('(study', 25), ('not)', 25), ('(there', 25), ('šex', 25), ('ñboth', 25), ('šduring', 25), ('a)', 25), ('ñman', 25), ('societyñdixville', 25), ('ñeight', 24), ('zealandñedward', 24), ('¥god', 24), ('wickedñthe', 24), ('ñii', 24), ('(vol', 24), ('ç', 24), ('ñunited', 24), ('ñking', 24), ('(read', 24), ('ñenglish', 24), ('ñnovember', 24), ('*i', 24), ('„', 24), ('eli)', 24), ('wordñ', 24), ('do)', 24), ('(refined', 24), ('ñscientific', 24), ('switzerlandñb', 24), ('ñunder', 24), ('-(', 24), ('ñdaniel', 24), ('sinñ', 24), ('šthis', 24), ('ñbrethren', 24), ('columbiañmrs', 24), ('factsñthe', 24), ('covenantsñaddress', 24), ('ñtestimony', 24), ('edition)', 23), ('heartñ', 23), ('word)', 23), ('is_', 23), ('*ill', 23), ('ñfrances', 23), ('ñtwenty-five', 23), ('ñtheir', 23), ('powerñ', 23), ('thronesñthe', 23), ('australiañinternational', 23), ('sunday]', 23), ('±', 23), ('[on', 23), ('—a', 23), ('_i', 23), ('(book', 23), ('*sermon', 23), ('societyñfremont', 23), ('(thomas', 23), ('homeñ', 23), ('reason]', 23), ('ñdistrict', 23), ('islandsñl', 23), ('s¥', 23), ('(july', 23), ('ñthrough', 23), ('societyñmiss', 23), ('churchñthe', 23), ('e¥', 23), ("¡'", 23), ('grave)', 23), ('ñ*-', 23), ('(according', 23), ('`no', 23), ('are¥', 23), ('ñ¥', 23), ('-ñ', 23), ('[mar-', 23), ('societyñspringville', 22), ('/vs', 22), ('(state', 22), ('*of', 22), ('fateñ', 22), ('_*_', 22), ('štwo', 22), ('/x', 22), ('(dr', 22), ('t*', 22), ...]
Correction 1 -- Normalize Characters¶
In [13]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "baseline"
cycle = "correction1"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
# Substitute for all other dashes
content = re.sub(r"—-—–‑", r"-", content)
# Substitute formatted apostrophe
content = re.sub(r"\’\’\‘\'\‛\´", r"'", content)
# Replace all special characters with a space (as these tend to occur at the end of lines)
content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s,.!?$:;\-&\'\"]", r" ", content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [14]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction1 Average verified rate: 0.9549642739204225 Average of error rates: 0.045730168735453845 Total token count: 36801827
In [15]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 74435), ("'", 30070), ('e', 21612), ('re-', 19702), ('m', 18395), ('tion', 18077), ('d', 17384), ('w', 17149), ('con-', 17144), ('n', 16127), ('t', 15594), ('in-', 14457), ('be-', 13281), ('r', 11778), ('g', 11219), ('de-', 10768), ('com-', 10381), ('ment', 8721), ('th', 8395), ('f', 8179), ('ex-', 7949), ('pp', 6891), ('co', 5647), ('un-', 5627), ('dis-', 5541), ('tions', 5137), ('per-', 4928), ('pro-', 4693), ('en-', 4626), ('im-', 4106), ('u', 4030), ('pre-', 3954), ('ac-', 3748), ('ments', 3603), ('ex', 3435), ('an-', 3434), ('x', 3377), ('sab-', 3253), ('chris-', 3015), ('ence', 3014), ('ad-', 3004), ('ap-', 2910), ('for-', 2495), ('ple', 2466), ('ful', 2381), ('sub-', 2306), ('al-', 2304), ('-the', 2301), ('to-', 2280), ('ance', 2258)]
Correction 2 -- Connect Line Endings¶
In [16]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction2"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
content = re.sub(r"(\w+)(\-\s{1,})([a-z]+)", r"\1\3", content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [17]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction2 Average verified rate: 0.974700822761197 Average of error rates: 0.025303190457719164 Total token count: 36254262
In [18]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 73958), ("'", 30070), ('e', 21563), ('m', 18372), ('d', 17357), ('w', 17134), ('n', 16090), ('t', 15499), ('r', 11729), ('g', 11187), ('th', 8385), ('f', 8143), ('pp', 6879), ('co', 5639), ('u', 4024), ('ex', 3435), ('x', 3372), ('tion', 2391), ('-the', 2301), ('mo', 2241), ("'the", 2186), ('--', 2126), ('wm', 1940), ('k', 1754), ('eze', 1389), ('fifth-day', 1385), ("the'", 1308), ('society-', 1307), ('altho', 1272), ('ment', 1232), ('z', 1140), ("of'", 1130), ('wo', 989), ('pa', 984), ("'tis", 970), ('first-day', 941), ("'of", 913), ('q', 911), ('ti', 896), ("an'", 882), ('re-', 868), ('sel', 853), ('ets', 847), ("'and", 846), ('es', 843), ("'s", 779), ('con-', 774), ('al', 750), ('re', 714), ('va', 699)]
Correction 3 -- Remove extra dashes¶
In [19]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction2"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
for token in tokens:
if token[0] is "-":
replacements.append((token, token[1:]))
elif token[-1] is "-":
replacements.append((token, token[:-1]))
if len(replacements) > 0:
print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
ST18740604-V01-01-page1.txt: [('--that', '-that'), ('anti-', 'anti'), ('be-', 'be'), ('-as', 'as'), ('-damned', 'damned'), ('cut-', 'cut'), ('-voice', 'voice'), ('com-', 'com'), ('dis-', 'dis')] ST18740604-V01-01-page2.txt: [('--------', '-------'), ('-', ''), ('Christ.-', 'Christ.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-figurative', 'figurative'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740604-V01-01-page3.txt: [('know-', 'know'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('speci-', 'speci'), ('con-', 'con'), ('-reaching', 'reaching'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('then-', 'then'), ('testa-', 'testa'), ('ob-', 'ob'), ('-', ''), ('conver-', 'conver'), ('-', ''), ('king-', 'king'), ('en-', 'en'), ('affec-', 'affec'), ('translation-', 'translation')] ST18740604-V01-01-page4.txt: [('sac-', 'sac'), ('sup-', 'sup'), ('humili-', 'humili'), ('-', ''), ('minis-', 'minis')] ST18740604-V01-01-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-manner', 'manner'), ('In-', 'In'), ('sim-', 'sim'), ('month-', 'month'), ('-', ''), ('princi-', 'princi')] ST18740604-V01-01-page6.txt: [('w-', 'w'), ('fill-', 'fill'), ('-', ''), ('re-', 're'), ("'-", "'"), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-stood', 'stood'), ('-', '')] ST18740604-V01-01-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('THIRTY-', 'THIRTY'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Redeemer', 'Redeemer'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('ex-', 'ex'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740604-V01-01-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('Two-', 'Two'), ('Cali-', 'Cali'), ('---', '--'), ('Al-', 'Al'), ('in-', 'in'), ('Or-', 'Or'), ('Zit.-', 'Zit.'), ('-', ''), ('-se', 'se'), ('-', ''), ('-Littlejohn.', 'Littlejohn.'), ('COM-', 'COM'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740611-V01-02-page1.txt: [('-one', 'one'), ('-sickens', 'sickens'), ('-world', 'world')] ST18740611-V01-02-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ("'be-", "'be"), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('de-', 'de'), ('-', ''), ('tai-', 'tai'), ('-', ''), ('-power', 'power'), ('descen-', 'descen'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('repen-', 'repen'), ('andworld-', 'andworld')] ST18740611-V01-02-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('Spir-', 'Spir'), ('fashion-', 'fashion'), ('-entire', 'entire')] ST18740611-V01-02-page4.txt: [('-their', 'their'), ('Eli-', 'Eli'), ('-', ''), ('-elle', 'elle'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-The', 'The'), ('tempta-', 'tempta'), ('-', ''), ('re-', 're')] ST18740611-V01-02-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-given', 'given'), ('-', ''), ('eni-', 'eni'), ('do-', 'do'), ('-Christ', 'Christ'), ('become-', 'become'), ('-overcame', 'overcame'), ('him-', 'him'), ('-He', 'He'), ('-with', 'with'), ('-as', 'as'), ('-', ''), ('de-', 'de'), ('wor-', 'wor'), ('-God', 'God'), ('-succeed', 'succeed'), ('pow-', 'pow'), ('law.-', 'law.'), ('-warship', 'warship'), ('-', ''), ('super-', 'super'), ('-pious', 'pious'), ('-volumes', 'volumes'), ('trans-', 'trans'), ('andun-', 'andun'), ('fear-', 'fear'), ("-In'", "In'"), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-but', 'but'), ('-ww', 'ww'), ('-', '')] ST18740611-V01-02-page6.txt: [('return-', 'return'), ('keep-', 'keep'), ('-', ''), ('Heaven.-', 'Heaven.'), ('com-', 'com'), ('as-', 'as'), ('be.-', 'be.'), ('counten-', 'counten'), ('hu-', 'hu'), ("-Men's", "Men's"), ('read-', 'read'), ('read--', 'read-'), ('tent-', 'tent'), ('-', ''), ('the-', 'the'), ('to--', 'to-'), ('observ-', 'observ')] ST18740611-V01-02-page7.txt: [('sev-', 'sev'), ('un-', 'un'), ('-opening', 'opening'), ('-', ''), ('-for', 'for'), ('-', ''), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('differ-', 'differ'), ('-', ''), ('over-', 'over')] ST18740611-V01-02-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('N.-', 'N.'), ('Two-', 'Two'), ("-'", "'"), ('-', ''), ('righteous-', 'righteous'), ('Ter-', 'Ter'), ('cru-', 'cru'), ('Pic-', 'Pic'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Lidtlejohn.', 'Lidtlejohn.'), ('Prin-', 'Prin')] ST18740625-V01-03-page1.txt: [('ap-', 'ap'), ('-', ''), ('-which', 'which'), ('ly-', 'ly'), ('-words', 'words')] ST18740625-V01-03-page2.txt: [('--', '-'), ('-s', 's'), ('-first-advent..of...Jesiishrist.', 'first-advent..of...Jesiishrist.'), ('-heathen', 'heathen'), ('---', '--'), ('king-', 'king'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('----', '---'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-terrors', 'terrors'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('harmoni-', 'harmoni'), ('-be', 'be'), ('-which', 'which'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('writers-', 'writers')] ST18740625-V01-03-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-with', 'with'), ('them--', 'them-'), ('-', ''), ('-seed', 'seed'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-value', 'value'), ('-one', 'one'), ('-', ''), ('-sold', 'sold'), ('-', ''), ('-Judas', 'Judas'), ('-', ''), ('New-', 'New')] ST18740625-V01-03-page4.txt: [('ab-', 'ab'), ('judg-', 'judg'), ('are-', 'are'), ('betray-', 'betray'), ('-', ''), ('fath-', 'fath')] ST18740625-V01-03-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('splen-', 'splen'), ('-a', 'a'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('be-', 'be'), ('im-', 'im'), ('-He', 'He'), ('-VAN', 'VAN')] ST18740625-V01-03-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('regu-', 'regu'), ('advan-', 'advan'), ('privi--', 'privi-'), ('Austri--', 'Austri-'), ('-', ''), ('some-', 'some'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('at-', 'at'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740625-V01-03-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('street-', 'street'), ('-the', 'the'), ('Rus-', 'Rus'), ('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-and', 'and'), ('-Actuate', 'Actuate'), ('-mere', 'mere'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ("-'No", "'No"), ('-.verycareful', '.verycareful'), ('-', ''), ('-from', 'from')] ST18740625-V01-03-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-test', 'test'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Ses--', 'Ses-'), ('Dim-', 'Dim'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('pp.-', 'pp.'), ('-', ''), ('-who', 'who'), ('Tur-', 'Tur'), ('state-', 'state'), ('-', ''), ('cts.-', 'cts.'), ('between-', 'between'), ('N.-', 'N.'), ('Two--', 'Two-'), ('-', '')] ST18740709-V01-04-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-"And', '"And'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-entire', 'entire'), ('sinners-', 'sinners'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('metony-', 'metony'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('king-', 'king')] ST18740709-V01-04-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740709-V01-04-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('GEN-', 'GEN')] ST18740709-V01-04-page4.txt: [('gos-', 'gos'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Adam', 'Adam'), ('-', ''), ('-th-e-wilderness.-', 'th-e-wilderness.-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740709-V01-04-page5.txt: [('-exhaust', 'exhaust'), ('D.-', 'D.'), ('circum-', 'circum'), ('heav-', 'heav')] ST18740709-V01-04-page6.txt: [('CON-', 'CON'), ('-anything', 'anything'), ('-to', 'to'), ('asys-', 'asys'), ('prep-', 'prep'), ('-waters', 'waters'), ('enjoy-', 'enjoy'), ('neigh-', 'neigh'), ('TRAVELER.-', 'TRAVELER.'), ('or-', 'or'), ('posi-', 'posi')] ST18740709-V01-04-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-cloak', 'cloak'), ('crev-', 'crev'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-a', 'a'), ('Sab-', 'Sab')] ST18740709-V01-04-page8.txt: [('embrac-', 'embrac'), ('-Lord', 'Lord'), ('in-', 'in'), ('Amer-', 'Amer')] ST18740723-V01-05-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Ccele-', 'Ccele'), ('Anglo-', 'Anglo'), ('-', '')] ST18740723-V01-05-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('divid-', 'divid'), ('-The', 'The'), ('-', '')] ST18740723-V01-05-page3.txt: [('men-', 'men'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('mate-', 'mate'), ('anoth-', 'anoth'), ('-', ''), ('con-', 'con'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740723-V01-05-page4.txt: [('con-', 'con'), ('Post-', 'Post'), ('-first', 'first'), ('-', '')] ST18740723-V01-05-page5.txt: [('sin.-', 'sin.'), ('be-', 'be')] ST18740723-V01-05-page6.txt: [('-to', 'to'), ('-', ''), ('ungentle-', 'ungentle'), ('pro-', 'pro'), ('-"Does', '"Does')] ST18740723-V01-05-page7.txt: [('qual-', 'qual'), ('-friend', 'friend'), ('compen-', 'compen')] ST18740723-V01-05-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-I', 'I'), ('-', ''), ('estab-', 'estab'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-to', 'to')] ST18740813-V01-06-page1.txt: [('maid-', 'maid'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('appro-', 'appro'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Sah-', 'Sah'), ('everlast-', 'everlast'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('com-', 'com'), ('commemo-', 'commemo')] ST18740813-V01-06-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Heav-', 'Heav'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('heav-', 'heav')] ST18740813-V01-06-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-"But', '"But'), ('Pe-', 'Pe'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-describing', 'describing'), ('pro-', 'pro'), ('-the', 'the'), ('heart-', 'heart'), ('-', ''), ('Lord."-', 'Lord."')] ST18740813-V01-06-page4.txt: [('spirit-', 'spirit')] ST18740813-V01-06-page5.txt: [('dissipa-', 'dissipa'), ('cast-', 'cast'), ('com-', 'com'), ('-', ''), ('corres-', 'corres')] ST18740813-V01-06-page6.txt: [('-be', 'be'), ('namely-', 'namely'), ('-', ''), ('iniquity-', 'iniquity'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('spir-', 'spir'), ('-', '')] ST18740813-V01-06-page7.txt: [('allrighte-', 'allrighte'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('GEN-', 'GEN'), ('dis-', 'dis')] ST18740813-V01-06-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-other', 'other'), ('-', '')] ST18740917-V01-07-page1.txt: [('Re-', 'Re'), ('SAB-', 'SAB'), ('-should', 'should'), ('papa-', 'papa'), ('-', ''), ('-power', 'power')] ST18740917-V01-07-page2.txt: [('Whit-', 'Whit'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('the-', 'the'), ('sev--', 'sev-'), ('-Mason', 'Mason'), ('-Eon.', 'Eon.')] ST18740917-V01-07-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-judge', 'judge'), ('re-', 're')] ST18740917-V01-07-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740917-V01-07-page5.txt: [('ser-', 'ser'), ('fre-', 'fre')] ST18740917-V01-07-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740917-V01-07-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18740917-V01-07-page8.txt: [('our-', 'our'), ('-', '')] ST18741022-V01-08-page1.txt: [('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('a-', 'a'), ('along-', 'along'), ('glances-', 'glances'), ('them-', 'them'), ('her-', 'her'), ('idolatry-', 'idolatry'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Chronol-', 'Chronol'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('concern-', 'concern'), ('-', ''), ('command-', 'command'), ('--', '-'), ('sanctu-', 'sanctu')] ST18741022-V01-08-page2.txt: [('--', '-'), ('d--', 'd-'), ('-are', 'are'), ('-', ''), ('-These', 'These'), ('testa-', 'testa'), ('-angel', 'angel'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('open-', 'open'), ('-understood', 'understood'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18741022-V01-08-page3.txt: [('--.', '-.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-shall', 'shall'), ('-point', 'point'), ('teach-', 'teach'), ('recom-', 'recom'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Sec-', 'Sec'), ('-', '')] ST18741022-V01-08-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('per-', 'per')] ST18741022-V01-08-page5.txt: [('-United', 'United'), ('-Van', 'Van'), ('up-', 'up'), ('--', '-'), ('-so', 'so'), ('fulfill-', 'fulfill')] ST18741022-V01-08-page6.txt: [('-keep', 'keep'), ('burn-', 'burn'), ('-', ''), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('trans-', 'trans')] ST18741022-V01-08-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Mor-', 'Mor'), ("-White's", "White's"), ('-E.', 'E.'), ('--', '-'), ('--J.', '-J.')] ST18741022-V01-08-page8.txt: [('-Vol.', 'Vol.'), ('ffa-', 'ffa'), ('-Autobiography', 'Autobiography'), ('-cts', 'cts'), ('Christ--', 'Christ-'), ('resolu-', 'resolu'), ('-', ''), ('Pg-', 'Pg'), ('Smithhart-', 'Smithhart')] ST18741112-V01-09-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('INCREASING-', 'INCREASING'), ('glo-', 'glo'), ('com-', 'com'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('be-', 'be')] ST18741112-V01-09-page2.txt: [('of-', 'of'), ('-', '')] ST18741112-V01-09-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Eve-', 'Eve'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18741112-V01-09-page4.txt: [('-When', 'When'), ('-not', 'not'), ('-', ''), ('-sacrifice', 'sacrifice'), ('-example', 'example'), ('mat-', 'mat')] ST18741112-V01-09-page5.txt: [('inter-', 'inter'), ('-eating', 'eating'), ('pres-', 'pres'), ('-ent', 'ent'), ('cor-', 'cor'), ('organi-', 'organi'), ('-', ''), ('prodime-', 'prodime'), ('-Work', 'Work'), ('Confer-', 'Confer'), ('-', ''), ('ben-', 'ben')] ST18741112-V01-09-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Inci-', 'Inci')] ST18741112-V01-09-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('ex-', 'ex'), ('-AA', 'AA'), ('"gam-', '"gam'), ('compara-', 'compara'), ('Guate-', 'Guate')] ST18741112-V01-09-page8.txt: [('Tw.o-', 'Tw.o'), ('No.-', 'No.'), ('-', '')] ST18741203-V01-10-page1.txt: [('explained-', 'explained'), ('-', ''), ('-which', 'which'), ('movement--', 'movement-'), ('--yet', 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''), ('-Herald', 'Herald'), ('-', ''), ('unnat-', 'unnat')] ST18750325-V01-20-page4.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Throne', 'Throne'), ('-', ''), ('of-', 'of'), ('-', ''), ('-means', 'means'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('situa-', 'situa'), ('impor-', 'impor')] ST18750325-V01-20-page5.txt: [('-Let', 'Let'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('-', ''), ('-this', 'this'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-by', 'by'), ('-', ''), ('associ-', 'associ'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('from-', 'from'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('laws.-', 'laws.'), ('ob-', 'ob'), ('plain-', 'plain')] ST18750325-V01-20-page6.txt: [('faith-', 'faith'), ('NeW-', 'NeW'), ('-There', 'There'), ('-rejected', 'rejected'), ('the-', 'the'), ('--I', '-I'), ('-"', '"'), ('-consciously', 'consciously'), ('-What', 'What'), ('whisper-', 'whisper'), ('-', ''), ('---', '--'), ('impor-', 'impor'), ('-be', 'be'), ('glori-', 'glori'), ('-is', 'is'), ('Of-', 'Of'), 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('-of', 'of'), ('-the', 'the'), ('sacri-', 'sacri'), ('-What', 'What'), ('A.bra-', 'A.bra'), ("-God's", "God's"), ('min-', 'min'), ('can-', 'can'), ('-', ''), ('per-', 'per'), ('-', ''), ('-and', 'and'), ('-do', 'do'), ('-world.', 'world.'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18750401-V01-21-page3.txt: [('in-', 'in'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('sim-', 'sim'), ('Chris-', 'Chris'), ('neo-pla-', 'neo-pla'), ('per-', 'per'), ('-', ''), ('sight--', 'sight-'), ('-Which', 'Which'), ('blessed--', 'blessed-'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18750401-V01-21-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-while', 'while'), ('-', ''), ('-which', 'which'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('doc-', 'doc'), ('-Who', 'Who'), ('-', ''), ('-studied', 'studied')] ST18750401-V01-21-page5.txt: [('-Vol.', 'Vol.'), ('-No.', 'No.'), ('adhe-', 'adhe'), ('per-', 'per'), ('"non-resurrec-', '"non-resurrec'), ('command-', 'command')] ST18750401-V01-21-page6.txt: [('who-', 'who'), ('-', ''), ('-find.', 'find.'), ('in--', 'in-'), ('Sab-', 'Sab'), ('state-', 'state'), ('-witnesses', 'witnesses'), ('-', ''), ('-is', 'is'), ('-willing', 'willing'), ('appear-', 'appear')] ST18750401-V01-21-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('Mc-', 'Mc'), ('-', ''), ('MIL-', 'MIL'), ('-', ''), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-', ''), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-pounder.', 'pounder.'), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-', ''), ('-and', 'and'), ('So-', 'So'), ('-United', 'United'), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-ton', 'ton'), ('-pound', 'pound')] ST18750401-V01-21-page8.txt: [('-religion', 'religion'), ('---', '--'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--Matt.', '-Matt.'), ('-Eph.', 'Eph.'), ('-Isa.', 'Isa.'), ('-Rev.', 'Rev.'), ('-Ps.', 'Ps.'), ('-Heb.', 'Heb.'), ('-Isa.', 'Isa.'), ('-Matt.', 'Matt.'), ('-', ''), ('-John', 'John'), ('-John', 'John'), ('-Matt.', 'Matt.'), ('-Rev.', 'Rev.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Jer.', 'Jer.'), ('-John', 'John'), ('-John', 'John'), ('-Isa.', 'Isa.'), ('-', ''), ('-Matt.', 'Matt.'), ('-Isa.', 'Isa.'), ('-Early', 'Early'), ('-Titus', 'Titus'), ('-', ''), ('the-', 'the'), ('Two-', 'Two'), ('Rev.-', 'Rev.'), ('Covenants.-', 'Covenants.'), ('-Celestial', 'Celestial'), ('-The', 'The'), ('Little-', 'Little'), ('Day-', 'Day'), ('-', '')] ST18750408-V01-22-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-which', 'which'), ('-Where', 'Where'), ('-time', 'time'), ('harmony-', 'harmony'), ('per-', 'per'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-yourselves', 'yourselves')] ST18750408-V01-22-page2.txt: [('systeing.-', 'systeing.'), ('-', ''), ('-toward', 'toward'), ('-Matt.-', 'Matt.-'), ('-said', 'said'), ('pa-', 'pa'), ('-', ''), ('prophecy--', 'prophecy-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-keep', 'keep'), ('-', ''), ('wo-', 'wo'), ('-', ''), ('Is-', 'Is')] ST18750408-V01-22-page3.txt: [('-but', 'but'), ('-touch', 'touch'), ('-Of', 'Of'), ('-Bible', 'Bible'), ('-', ''), ('-a', 'a'), ('-hates', 'hates'), 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'antino'), ("'sinned--", "'sinned-"), ('-if', 'if'), ('-Christian', 'Christian'), ('digres-', 'digres'), ('-power', 'power'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-death', 'death'), ('-sins', 'sins'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18750415-V01-23-page2.txt: [('con--', 'con-'), ('per-', 'per'), ('-were', 'were'), ('-.', '.'), ('in-', 'in'), ('us-', 'us'), ('disap-', 'disap'), ('-', ''), ('-Sam.', 'Sam.'), ('-', ''), ('an-', 'an'), ('-can', 'can'), ('-wicked.', 'wicked.'), ('-"', '"'), ('-Webster.', 'Webster.'), ('-', ''), ('COM-', 'COM')] ST18750415-V01-23-page3.txt: [('hearts."-', 'hearts."'), ('-whether', 'whether'), ('-shall', 'shall'), ('de-', 'de'), ('he-', 'he'), ('-he', 'he'), ('-have', 'have'), ('-', ''), ('-Revelation', 'Revelation'), ('SMITH-', 'SMITH'), ('Temper-', 'Temper')] ST18750415-V01-23-page4.txt: [('period-', 'period'), ('pu-', 'pu'), ('-', ''), ('-appear', 'appear'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('es-', 'es'), ('-', ''), ('-of', 'of'), ('-eye', 'eye'), ('incorrupti-', 'incorrupti'), ('-must', 'must'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-praying', 'praying'), ('vis-', 'vis')] ST18750415-V01-23-page5.txt: [('-on', 'on'), ('there-', 'there'), ('endur-', 'endur')] ST18750415-V01-23-page6.txt: [('thereby-', 'thereby'), ('-to', 'to'), ('-tempta-', 'tempta-'), ('-ce', 'ce'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('honor-', 'honor'), ('dentthattheclaimsofthebeastaretobeen-', 'dentthattheclaimsofthebeastaretobeen'), ('-that', 'that'), ('-has', 'has'), ('cor-', 'cor'), ('-by', 'by'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-good', 'good'), ('abode.--', 'abode.-'), ('-that', 'that'), ('evi-', 'evi'), ('ven-', 'ven'), ('dis-', 'dis'), ("hu'-", "hu'"), ('-us', 'us'), ('loving-', 'loving')] ST18750415-V01-23-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-survivers.', 'survivers.'), ('-by', 'by'), ('con-', 'con'), ('-The', 'The'), ('-', ''), ('hu-', 'hu'), ('-of', 'of'), ('--', '-'), ('-Nearly', 'Nearly'), ('-Vigorous', 'Vigorous')] ST18750415-V01-23-page8.txt: [('i-', 'i'), ('--', '-'), ('play-', 'play'), ('addi-', 'addi'), ('Two-', 'Two'), ('the-', 'the'), ('Sab-', 'Sab'), ('-holds', 'holds'), ('-Many', 'Many')] ST18750422-V01-24-page1.txt: [('-has', 'has'), ('-God', 'God'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-day', 'day'), ('-', ''), ('Lord-', 'Lord'), ('as-', 'as'), ('-"doctrines.', '"doctrines.'), ('Ob-', 'Ob'), ('-Utah', 'Utah'), ('-', ''), ('-of', 'of'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('cannot--', 'cannot-'), ('-', ''), ('re-', 're'), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('-a', 'a'), ('Corn-', 'Corn'), ('-therefore', 'therefore'), ('-because', 'because'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('city.-', 'city.'), ('Mor-', 'Mor'), ('-', ''), ('-in', 'in'), ('suf-', 'suf'), ('-', ''), ('-and', 'and')] ST18750422-V01-24-page2.txt: [('-.', '.'), ('-', ''), ('-order', 'order'), ('-', ''), ('-of', 'of'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-very', 'very'), ('-Is', 'Is'), ('en-', 'en')] ST18750422-V01-24-page3.txt: [("SIGNS'-", "SIGNS'"), ('manifesta-', 'manifesta'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('in-', 'in'), ('-', ''), ('Tohn.-', 'Tohn.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Ellkhamees"-', 'Ellkhamees"'), ('-', ''), ('-your', 'your'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-then', 'then'), ('.un-', '.un'), ('-experience', 'experience'), ('corn-', 'corn'), ('-', ''), ('-us', 'us'), ('-Atfirst', 'Atfirst'), ('prophe-', 'prophe'), ('capa-', 'capa'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('AP-', 'AP'), ('apply.-', 'apply.'), ('-', '')] ST18750422-V01-24-page4.txt: [('-put', 'put'), ('-forty', 'forty'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Scrip-', 'Scrip'), ('-', ''), ('-text', 'text'), ('proph-', 'proph'), ('-if', 'if'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('ap-', 'ap'), ('non-', 'non'), ('-', ''), ('fFP-', 'fFP'), ('din-', 'din'), ('-here', 'here')] ST18750422-V01-24-page5.txt: [('better.-', 'better.'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-"To', '"To'), ('-', ''), ('be-', 'be'), ('"-', '"'), ('-', ''), ('-others', 'others'), ('worship-', 'worship'), ('-', '')] ST18750422-V01-24-page6.txt: [('estab-', 'estab'), ("-make'", "make'"), ('-', ''), ('-had', 'had'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--ithe.', '-ithe.'), ('-', ''), ('Ha-', 'Ha'), ('-', ''), ("-'", "'"), ('-with', 'with'), ('-the', 'the'), ('com-', 'com'), ('-', ''), ('Jesus-', 'Jesus'), ('-', ''), ('time.-', 'time.'), ('-which', 'which'), ('respect-', 'respect'), ('people-', 'people'), ('-these', 'these'), ('-of', 'of'), ('Wher-', 'Wher'), ('--Popular', '-Popular')] ST18750422-V01-24-page7.txt: [('deal-', 'deal'), ('THE--', 'THE-'), ('SIGNS-', 'SIGNS'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-thee."', 'thee."'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('eleva-', 'eleva'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('overlook-', 'overlook'), ('-', ''), ('determina-', 'determina'), ('-', '')] ST18750422-V01-24-page8.txt: [('CAI..-', 'CAI..'), ('-a', 'a'), ('assem-', 'assem'), ('Two-', 'Two'), ('-', ''), ('play-', 'play'), ('-Advent', 'Advent'), ('-delivered', 'delivered'), ('Associa-', 'Associa'), ('spec-', 'spec'), ('-Jesus', 'Jesus'), ('Skinn-', 'Skinn'), ('con-', 'con')] ST18750429-V01-25-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-in', 'in'), ('-', ''), 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'tears'), ('--tenderly', '-tenderly'), ('sing-', 'sing'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-were', 'were'), ('-careless', 'careless'), ('-glorified', 'glorified'), ('-try', 'try')] ST18750506-V01-26-page4.txt: [('mag-', 'mag'), ('-', ''), ('Oak-', 'Oak')] ST18750506-V01-26-page5.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('acknOwl-', 'acknOwl'), ('Sacra-', 'Sacra'), ('im-', 'im')] ST18750506-V01-26-page6.txt: [('pro-', 'pro'), ('-to', 'to'), ('publica-', 'publica'), ('-OF', 'OF'), ('-looked', 'looked')] ST18750506-V01-26-page7.txt: [('rills-', 'rills'), ('what-', 'what'), ('-ever', 'ever'), ('improve-', 'improve'), ('Den-', 'Den'), ('doc-', 'doc'), ('passen-', 'passen'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-A', 'A'), ('dan-', 'dan'), ('-La', 'La')] ST18750506-V01-26-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('expec-', 'expec'), ('mel-', 'mel'), ('Two-', 'Two'), ('Covenants.-', 'Covenants.'), ('--The', '-The'), ('de-', 'de'), ('-in.', 'in.'), ('-aft', 'aft'), ('a-', 'a')] ST18750513-V01-27-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-It', 'It'), 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('-precisely', 'precisely'), ('depreda-', 'depreda'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Which', 'Which'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-"', '"'), ("'withsack-", "'withsack"), ('-', ''), ('-inflict.', 'inflict.'), ('-What', 'What'), ("-been'", "been'"), ('-eye', 'eye'), ('-For', 'For'), ('-How', 'How'), ('appli-', 'appli')] ST18750527-V01-29-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('extermina-', 'extermina'), ('--L"', '-L"'), ('-would', 'would'), ("--'goes", "-'goes"), ('-his', 'his'), ('-jUstify', 'jUstify'), ('-Wealth', 'Wealth'), ('-rejoicing', 'rejoicing'), ('-', ''), ('deprecatedin-', 'deprecatedin'), ('Bi-', 'Bi'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('dis-', 'dis'), ('-Yield', 'Yield'), ('-', '')] ST18750527-V01-29-page4.txt: [('-for', 'for'), ('--', '-'), ('-VOICE', 'VOICE'), ('-', ''), ('-somewhat', 'somewhat'), ('-Why', 'Why'), ('-labor-saving', 'labor-saving'), ('-Parma', 'Parma'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('morn-', 'morn'), ('-', ''), ('sup-', 'sup'), ('-', ''), ('an-', 'an'), ('resur-', 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''), ('-Baron', 'Baron'), ('-The', 'The'), ('-The', 'The'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-MYtehell', 'MYtehell'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18800226-V06-08-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('"morn-', '"morn'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('mur-', 'mur'), ('-', ''), ('in-', 'in'), ('au-', 'au')] ST18800304-V06-09-page1.txt: [('foretell-', 'foretell'), ('remon-', 'remon'), ('re-', 're')] ST18800304-V06-09-page10.txt: [('pre-', 'pre'), ('pro-', 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''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ("-'", "'"), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Edition.-', 'Edition.'), ('Sabbath-', 'Sabbath'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Mis-', 'Mis'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-OR-', 'OR-'), ('Southampton-', 'Southampton'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', '')] ST18800527-V06-20-page2.txt: [('-no', 'no'), ('relig-', 'relig'), ('In-', 'In'), ('Conven-', 'Conven'), ('liber-', 'liber'), ('Divinity-', 'Divinity'), ('indica-', 'indica'), ('nec-', 'nec'), ('pau-', 'pau'), ('munifi-', 'munifi')] ST18800527-V06-20-page3.txt: [('-is', 'is'), ('dis-', 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''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-OR.-', 'OR.-'), ('Southampton-', 'Southampton'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18800708-V06-26-page2.txt: [('re-', 're'), ('-become', 'become'), ('rep-', 'rep'), ('aposta-', 'aposta'), ('-wrath', 'wrath'), ('-who', 'who'), ('profes-', 'profes'), ('cher-', 'cher'), ('Watch-', 'Watch'), ('weav-', 'weav')] ST18800708-V06-26-page3.txt: [('be-', 'be'), ('be-', 'be'), ('-', ''), ('skepti-', 'skepti'), ('doc-', 'doc'), ('find-', 'find'), ('discus-', 'discus'), ('com-', 'com')] ST18800708-V06-26-page4.txt: [('be--', 'be-'), ('declar-', 'declar'), ('reason-', 'reason'), ('-', ''), ('con-', 'con'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('per-', 'per')] 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''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Wash-', 'Wash'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Sabbath-', 'Sabbath'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-----', '----'), ('Mis-', 'Mis'), ('-on-', 'on-')] ST18800812-V06-30-page2.txt: [('flesh-', 'flesh'), ('appear-', 'appear'), ('-', '')] ST18800812-V06-30-page3.txt: [('sub-', 'sub'), ('othei-', 'othei'), ('num-', 'num'), ('-reasons', 'reasons'), ('-were', 'were'), ('con-', 'con')] ST18800812-V06-30-page4.txt: [('be-', 'be'), ('mascu-', 'mascu'), ('Cate-', 'Cate'), ('ren-', 'ren')] ST18800812-V06-30-page5.txt: [('--marked', '-marked'), ('-', ''), ('-od', 'od')] ST18800812-V06-30-page6.txt: [('sub-', 'sub'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('res-', 'res'), ('-hall', 'hall'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18800812-V06-30-page7.txt: [('Chris-', 'Chris'), ('-', ''), ('seven-', 'seven'), ('some-', 'some'), ('digesti-', 'digesti'), ('con-', 'con'), ('dyspep-', 'dyspep'), ('-', ''), ('intro-', 'intro')] ST18800812-V06-30-page8.txt: [('mission-', 'mission'), ('provi-', 'provi'), 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('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Edition.-', 'Edition.'), ('Sabbath-', 'Sabbath'), ('-----', '----'), ('-OR-', 'OR-'), ('States-', 'States'), ('Mis-', 'Mis'), ('Ravens-', 'Ravens'), ('tastes.-', 'tastes.'), ('-', '')] ST18801028-V06-40-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-chains', 'chains'), ('-dead', 'dead'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18801028-V06-40-page3.txt: [('fol-', 'fol'), ('regu-', 'regu'), ('-', ''), ('some-', 'some')] ST18801028-V06-40-page4.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('-', '')] ST18801028-V06-40-page5.txt: [('chil-', 'chil'), ('senti-', 'senti'), ('turn-', 'turn'), ('ex-', 'ex'), ('jew-', 'jew'), ('sprightli-', 'sprightli'), ('weer.-', 'weer.'), ('-have', 'have'), ('any-', 'any'), ('-Jehovah', 'Jehovah')] ST18801028-V06-40-page6.txt: 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''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-James', 'James'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('addi-', 'addi'), ('-----', '----'), ('-', ''), ('Ravens-', 'Ravens')] ST18801216-V06-47-page2.txt: [('com-', 'com'), ('denunci-', 'denunci'), ('theo-', 'theo'), ('-.ries', '.ries'), ('-words', 'words'), ('-tenets', 'tenets'), ('res-', 'res'), ('vis-', 'vis')] ST18801216-V06-47-page3.txt: [('-we', 'we'), ('lit-', 'lit'), ('vex-', 'vex'), ('re-', 're'), ('fid-', 'fid')] ST18801216-V06-47-page4.txt: [('-Because', 'Because'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('in-', 'in'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('bap-', 'bap'), ('regenera-', 'regenera')] ST18801216-V06-47-page5.txt: [('for-', 'for'), ('relation-', 'relation'), ('disapproba-', 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''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-u', 'u'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('self-', 'self'), ('re-', 're'), ('hun-', 'hun'), ('-San', 'San'), ('-Popular', 'Popular'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Ravens-', 'Ravens')] ST18810106-V07-01-page2.txt: [('right-', 'right'), ('him-', 'him'), ('re-', 're'), ('-This', 'This'), ('de-', 'de'), ('salva-', 'salva'), ('obe-', 'obe')] ST18810106-V07-01-page3.txt: [('above-', 'above'), ('ex-', 'ex'), ('rea-', 'rea'), ('rela-', 'rela'), ('two-', 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'may'), ('-', ''), ('Be-', 'Be'), ('apos-', 'apos'), ('-', ''), ('-.', '.'), ('-le', 'le'), ('Reve-', 'Reve'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('Fathth-', 'Fathth'), ('-Day', 'Day'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18830111-V09-06-page8.txt: [('P-', 'P'), ('i-', 'i'), ('de-', 'de'), ('the.--', 'the.-'), ('-they', 'they'), ('-', ''), ('rea-', 'rea'), ('deliber-', 'deliber'), ('.-', '.'), ('--.', '-.'), ('re-', 're'), ('some-', 'some'), ('-', ''), ('rest.-', 'rest.'), ('-W.', 'W.'), ('measweD-', 'measweD'), ('---', '--')] ST18830111-V09-06-page9.txt: [('-nay', 'nay'), ('te-', 'te'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-lily', 'lily'), ('-every', 'every'), ('smokint-', 'smokint'), ('-', ''), ('accom-', 'accom'), ('-would', 'would'), ('-', ''), ('-e', 'e'), ('z-', 'z')] ST18830111-V09-07-page1.txt: [('LEAN-', 'LEAN'), ('will-', 'will'), ('ago-', 'ago'), ('as-', 'as'), ('inno-', 'inno'), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('-tals', 'tals')] ST18830111-V09-07-page10.txt: [('it.-', 'it.'), ('-is', 'is'), ('-other', 'other'), ('differ-', 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('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-White', 'White'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-may', 'may'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('------', '-----'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-OR-', 'OR-')] ST18830510-V09-18-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('commandment-', 'commandment'), ('coin-', 'coin'), ('corn-', 'corn'), ('re-', 're'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18830510-V09-18-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('Gethsem-', 'Gethsem'), ('-wrongs', 'wrongs'), ('-word', 'word'), ('di-', 'di'), ('con-', 'con'), ('mak-', 'mak'), ('--', '-'), ('de-', 'de'), ('mem.-', 'mem.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('cring-', 'cring')] ST18830510-V09-18-page4.txt: [('-i', 'i'), ('Feb-', 'Feb'), ('-doctrine', 'doctrine'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('per--', 'per-'), ('ex-', 'ex'), ('there-', 'there'), ('-We', 'We'), ('-', ''), ('-what', 'what'), ('immor-', 'immor'), ('spir-', 'spir'), ('effeetu.-', 'effeetu.'), ('-bolding', 'bolding')] ST18830510-V09-18-page5.txt: [('TI-', 'TI'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('CE-', 'CE'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Tent', 'Tent')] ST18830510-V09-18-page6.txt: [('I-', 'I'), ('-Book.', 'Book.'), ('-and', 'and'), ('-it', 'it'), ('-a', 'a'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-seven', 'seven'), ('-', ''), ('-The', 'The'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-oil', 'oil'), ('-', '')] ST18830510-V09-18-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('TI-', 'TI'), ('-and', 'and'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-The', 'The'), ('-', ''), ('-God', 'God')] ST18830510-V09-18-page8.txt: [('-i', 'i'), ('-written', 'written'), ('ADVEN-', 'ADVEN'), ('-out', 'out'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('t-', 't')] ST18830510-V09-18-page9.txt: [('x-', 'x'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Elder', 'Elder'), ('-for', 'for'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the'), ('-for', 'for'), ('-ago', 'ago'), ('-', ''), ('-Vir-ginia', 'Vir-ginia'), ('-', '')] ST18830517-V09-19-page10.txt: [('-i', 'i'), ('-lifeless', 'lifeless'), ('-the', 'the'), 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''), ('-', ''), ('pro-', 'pro'), ('"un-', '"un'), ('-', ''), ('mani-', 'mani'), ('-', ''), ('-Aers', 'Aers'), ('-', '')] ST18850205-V11-06-page7.txt: [('appe-', 'appe'), ('cour-', 'cour')] ST18850205-V11-06-page8.txt: [('success-', 'success'), ('-', ''), ('es-', 'es')] ST18850205-V11-06-page9.txt: [('in-', 'in'), ('di-', 'di'), ('neces-', 'neces'), ('con-', 'con'), ('sa-', 'sa'), ('be-', 'be'), ('accord-', 'accord'), ('doc-', 'doc'), ('ad-', 'ad'), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('who-', 'who')] ST18850212-V11-07-page1.txt: [('pleas-', 'pleas'), ('Burden-', 'Burden'), ('ox--', 'ox-'), ('-spirit', 'spirit'), ('ever-', 'ever')] ST18850212-V11-07-page10.txt: [('dis-', 'dis'), ('argu-', 'argu'), ('inev-', 'inev')] ST18850212-V11-07-page11.txt: [('per-', 'per'), ('six-', 'six'), ('dis-', 'dis'), ('-', ''), ('sus-', 'sus'), ('favor-', 'favor'), ('com-', 'com'), ('-give', 'give')] ST18850212-V11-07-page12.txt: [('dis-', 'dis')] ST18850212-V11-07-page13.txt: [('---', '--'), ('con-', 'con'), ('occur-', 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'Sev'), ('Sabbath-', 'Sabbath')] ST18850312-V11-11-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-fallen', 'fallen'), ('commun-', 'commun')] ST18850312-V11-11-page3.txt: [('spe-', 'spe'), ('resur-', 'resur'), ('-', ''), ('meet-', 'meet')] ST18850312-V11-11-page4.txt: [('supersti-', 'supersti'), ('re-', 're'), ('re-', 're'), ('anti-Chris-', 'anti-Chris')] ST18850312-V11-11-page5.txt: [('every-dayrela-', 'every-dayrela'), ('opposi-', 'opposi'), ('in-', 'in'), ('sev-', 'sev'), ('ad-', 'ad'), ('af-', 'af'), ('be-', 'be'), ('Sab-', 'Sab')] ST18850312-V11-11-page6.txt: [('partak-', 'partak'), ('re-', 're'), ('ac-', 'ac'), ('im-', 'im'), ('Be-', 'Be'), ('re-', 're'), ('neglected.-', 'neglected.'), ('care-', 'care'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-natural', 'natural'), ('-', ''), ('-they', 'they')] ST18850312-V11-11-page7.txt: [('ascer-', 'ascer'), ('anx-', 'anx'), ('dis-', 'dis'), ('-him', 'him'), ('be-', 'be'), ('relish-', 'relish'), ('confi-', 'confi')] ST18850312-V11-11-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('your-', 'your'), 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''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Medo-', 'Medo'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18941203-V20-56-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('done."-', 'done."'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')] ST18941203-V20-56-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('as-', 'as'), ('-I.', 'I.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-life', 'life')] ST18941203-V20-56-page8.txt: [('-part', 'part'), ('Franco-', 'Franco'), ('-', '')] ST18941203-V20-56-page9.txt: [('what-', 'what'), ('-', ''), ('me-', 'me'), ('des-', 'des'), ('-me', 'me'), ('thou-', 'thou')] ST18941210-V20-57-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Ss.-', 'Ss.'), ('-See', 'See'), ('-', '')] ST18941210-V20-57-page10.txt: [('Dr.-', 'Dr.'), ('.-', '.'), ('--', '-'), ('-', '')] ST18941210-V20-57-page11.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('-in', 'in'), ('Soudan-', 'Soudan'), ('-used', 'used'), ('Mo-', 'Mo')] ST18941210-V20-57-page13.txt: [('-hundreds', 'hundreds'), ('-did', 'did'), 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'doc')]
In [20]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction2 Average verified rate: 0.9797662702149353 Average of error rates: 0.02031497284716835 Total token count: 36327163
In [21]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 30814), ('e', 22165), ('m', 18502), ('d', 17472), ('w', 17325), ('n', 16324), ('t', 16186), ('r', 12202), ('g', 11368), ('th', 8466), ('f', 8330), ('pp', 6901), ('co', 6464), ('ex', 4469), ('u', 4135), ('x', 3478), ('re', 3266), ('tion', 3090), ('mo', 2315), ("'the", 2190), ('wm', 1964), ('k', 1903), ('ment', 1704), ('eze', 1392), ("the'", 1325), ('z', 1311), ('altho', 1276), ('ti', 1170), ("of'", 1132), ('pa', 1089), ('wo', 1006), ('es', 988), ('al', 983), ("'tis", 973), ('sel', 954), ('q', 930), ("'of", 915), ("an'", 883), ('pre', 870), ('ets', 851), ("'and", 848), ('tions', 847), ("'s", 787), ('id', 725), ('va', 711), ("''", 710), ('op', 659), ('io', 652), ("'to", 648), ('ments', 644)]
Correction 4 -- Remove extra quotation marks¶
In [22]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction4"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
corrections = []
for token in tokens:
token_list = list(token)
last_char = token_list[-1]
if last_char is "'":
if len(token) > 1:
if token_list[-2] is 's' or 'S':
corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
elif token[0] is "'":
corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
if len(corrections) > 0:
print('{}: {}'.format(filename, corrections))
for correction in corrections:
content = clean.replace_pair(correction, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
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ST19201123-V47-46-page4.txt: [("'Verily", 'Verily'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'from", 'from'), ("'written", 'written'), ("'keep", 'keep'), ("'I", 'I')] ST19201123-V47-46-page5.txt: [("'Sow", 'Sow'), ("'Because", 'Because')] ST19201123-V47-46-page6.txt: [("'A", 'A'), ("'Let", 'Let')] ST19201123-V47-46-page7.txt: [("'to", 'to'), ("'they", 'they'), ("'I", 'I'), ("'walk", 'walk'), ("'I", 'I')] ST19201123-V47-46-page8.txt: [("'Bible", 'Bible')] ST19201130-V47-47-page10.txt: [("'I", 'I')] ST19201130-V47-47-page12.txt: [("'brown", 'brown'), ("'Peter", 'Peter'), ("'I", 'I'), ("'He", 'He'), ("'I", 'I'), ("'There's", 'Theres')] ST19201130-V47-47-page13.txt: [("'The", 'The')] ST19201130-V47-47-page14.txt: [("'em", 'em'), ("'em", 'em'), ("'em.", 'em.'), ("'Certainly", 'Certainly'), ("'em", 'em'), ("'em", 'em'), ("'em", 'em')] ST19201130-V47-47-page16.txt: [("'Woe", 'Woe'), ("'and", 'and')] ST19201130-V47-47-page8.txt: [("'national", 'national'), ("'national", 'national'), ("'By", 'By'), ("'Whether", 'Whether')] ST19201207-V47-48-page2.txt: [("'tis", 'tis'), ("'tis", 'tis')] ST19201207-V47-48-page5.txt: [("'The", 'The'), ("'at", 'at'), ("'Me", 'Me'), ("'then", 'then')] ST19201207-V47-48-page6.txt: [("'ROM", 'ROM'), ("'co", 'co')] ST19201207-V47-48-page8.txt: [("'that", 'that')] ST19201214-V47-49-page1.txt: [("'according", 'according'), ("'whose", 'whose')] ST19201214-V47-49-page10.txt: [("'Because", 'Because'), ("'Why", 'Why'), ("'Does", 'Does'), ("'It", 'It'), ("'my", 'my'), ("'No", 'No'), ("'ye", 'ye')] ST19201214-V47-49-page11.txt: [("'Wasn't", 'Wasnt'), ("'Certainly", 'Certainly'), ("'I", 'I'), ("'In", 'In'), ("'When", 'When'), ("'will", 'will'), ("'You", 'You'), ("'Take", 'Take')] ST19201214-V47-49-page12.txt: [("'Sanctify", 'Sanctify'), ("'What", 'What'), ("'Thy", 'Thy'), ("'new", 'new'), ("'new", 'new'), ("'Christian", 'Christian'), ("'new", 'new'), ("'We", 'We'), ("'Do", 'Do'), ("'We", 'We'), ("'You", 'You'), ("'We", 'We'), ("'How", 'How')] ST19201214-V47-49-page13.txt: [("'By", 'By'), ("'new", 'new'), ("'new", 'new')] ST19201214-V47-49-page3.txt: [("'soul", 'soul'), ("'NEATH", 'NEATH'), ("'Twill", 'Twill')] ST19201214-V47-49-page7.txt: [("'ley", 'ley')] ST19201214-V47-49-page8.txt: [("'Thy", 'Thy')] ST19201221-V47-50-page10.txt: [("'really", 'really')] ST19201221-V47-50-page13.txt: [("'Mr.", 'Mr.'), ("'It", 'It')] ST19201221-V47-50-page14.txt: [("'If", 'If'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'revealed", 'revealed'), ("'Ye", 'Ye'), ("'of", 'of')] ST19201221-V47-50-page3.txt: [("'We", 'We'), ("'did", 'did')] ST19201221-V47-50-page9.txt: [("'Have", 'Have')]
In [23]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction4 Average verified rate: 0.9807248104793586 Average of error rates: 0.019360308378588056 Total token count: 36329552
In [24]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 28887), ('e', 22320), ('m', 18561), ('d', 17540), ('w', 17363), ('t', 16487), ('n', 16448), ('r', 12280), ('g', 11387), ('th', 8483), ('f', 8399), ('pp', 6904), ('co', 6479), ('ex', 4472), ('u', 4137), ('x', 3485), ('re', 3308), ('tion', 3091), ('mo', 2317), ('wm', 1969), ('k', 1926), ('ment', 1704), ('eze', 1392), ('z', 1316), ("the'", 1295), ('altho', 1276), ('ti', 1178), ("of'", 1121), ('pa', 1095), ('wo', 1017), ('es', 995), ('al', 995), ('sel', 954), ('q', 933), ("an'", 878), ('pre', 871), ('ets', 853), ('tions', 848), ('id', 734), ('va', 711), ('op', 660), ('io', 654), ('ments', 644), ('un', 642), ("''", 633), ('mal', 593), ('ence', 589), ('ro', 581), ("if'", 564), ('aro', 554)]
Correction 5 -- Rejoin Burst Words¶
In [25]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction5"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
pattern = re.compile("(\s(\w{1,2}\s){5,})")
replacements = []
clean.check_splits(pattern, spelling_dictionary, content, replacements)
if len(replacements) > 0:
print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
ST18750304-V01-17-page4.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18750513-V01-27-page8.txt: [(' M y s t e r y ', 'Mystery')] ST18750617-V01-32-page4.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18750812-V01-40-page8.txt: [('\nW a n te d ', 'Wanted')] ST18750909-V01-44-page5.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18750909-V01-44-page6.txt: [('Go', 'Go')] ST18760127-V02-09-page7.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18780103-V04-01-page4.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18780124-V04-04-page5.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18780307-V04-10-page8.txt: [('\nN e v a d a ', 'Nevada')] ST18780425-V04-16-page5.txt: [('El', 'El'), ('Fe', 'Fe')] ST18780523-V04-20-page8.txt: [('\nR e c e i v e d ', 'Received')] ST18780711-V04-26-page2.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST18781031-V04-41-page8.txt: [(' S o c i e t y ', 'Society'), ('\nD e n m a r k ', 'Denmark')] ST18790206-V05-06-page8.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('It', 'It')] ST18790306-V05-10-page8.txt: [('\nA d d r e s s e s ', 'Addresses')] ST18790327-V05-13-page8.txt: [(' T u r k e y ', 'Turkey')] ST18790403-V05-14-page3.txt: [('\nS A B B A T O N ', 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E S ', 'PLATES')] ST18991129-V25-48,49-page12.txt: [(' f o r c e ', 'force')] ST18991220-V25-51-page14.txt: [('\nIN T E R N A T IO N A L ', 'INTERNATIONAL')] ST19000110-V26-01-page14.txt: [(' L IB R A R Y ', 'LIBRARY')] ST19000207-V26-06-page16.txt: [('Et', 'Et')] ST19000411-V26-15-page15.txt: [('Is', 'Is')] ST19000425-V26-17-page14.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19000620-V26-25-page14.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('It', 'It')] ST19000718-V26-29-page15.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('It', 'It')] ST19000801-V26-31-page15.txt: [('Le', 'Le')] ST19000808-V26-32-page8.txt: [('Is', 'Is')] ST19000822-V26-34-page15.txt: [('We', 'We')] ST19000829-V26-35-page8.txt: [('Do', 'Do')] ST19000919-V26-38-page1.txt: [(' z e al o u s ', 'zealous')] ST19000919-V26-38-page11.txt: [('Et', 'Et')] ST19001010-V26-41-page16.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19001031-V26-44-page5.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19001107-V26-45-page14.txt: [(' S E R I E S\n', 'SERIES')] ST19001114-V26-46-page5.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19001128-V26-48-page34.txt: [('It', 'It')] 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[('It', 'It')] ST19070116-V33-03-page16.txt: [(' AT T OR NE Y ', 'ATTORNEY')] ST19070227-V33-09-page2.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19070227-V33-09-page8.txt: [('He', 'He'), ('He', 'He')] ST19070807-V33-32-page15.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19071023-V33-43-page16.txt: [('In', 'In')] ST19071030-V33-44,45-page29.txt: [('Is', 'Is')] ST19080101-V34-01-page16.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19080122-V34-04-page12.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19080122-V34-04-page16.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19080212-V34-07-page15.txt: [('\nH E L P S ', 'HELPS')] ST19080311-V34-11-page15.txt: [('\nH E L P S\n', 'HELPS')] ST19080311-V34-11-page3.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19080325-V34-13-page14.txt: [('An', 'An')] ST19080520-V34-21-page10.txt: [(' t r u n k s ', 'trunks')] ST19080624-V34-26-page16.txt: [('At', 'At')] ST19080722-V34-30-page4.txt: [('Is', 'Is')] ST19081125-V35-17-page8.txt: [('On', 'On')] ST19090217-V36-07-page2.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19090428-V36-17-page3.txt: [(' F a t h e r ', 'Father')] ST19100118-V37-03-page15.txt: [(' p a s s a g e ', 'passage')] ST19100125-V37-04-page16.txt: [('We', 'We')] ST19100322-V37-12-page3.txt: [(' w o n d e r f u l ', 'wonderful')] ST19100614-V37-23-page13.txt: [('As', 'As')] ST19100726-V37-29-page15.txt: [(' C h r i s t i a n ', 'Christian')] ST19101004-V37-39-page11.txt: [(' F a i r b a n k s ', 'Fairbanks')] ST19101004-V37-39-page8.txt: [(' c o n f e r e n c e ', 'conference')] ST19101011-V37-40-page3.txt: [('To', 'To')] ST19101018-V37-41-page10.txt: [(' t o w a r d s ', 'towards')] ST19101025-V37-42-page16.txt: [('By', 'By')] ST19101213-V37-49-page3.txt: [(' b al e f u l ', 'baleful')] ST19101220-V37-50-page3.txt: [(' a b o v e ', 'above')] ST19110110-V38-02-page10.txt: [(' t w e n t y ', 'twenty')] ST19110110-V38-02-page7.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')] ST19110117-V38-03-page6.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19110117-V38-03-page9.txt: [('To', 'To')] ST19110124-V38-04-page16.txt: [('An', 'An')] ST19110321-V38-12-page8.txt: [(' b en e at h ', 'beneath'), (' e v e r y ', 'every')] ST19110411-V38-15-page11.txt: [(' s t r e s s ', 'stress')] ST19110411-V38-15-page7.txt: [('To', 'To')] ST19110530-V38-21-page10.txt: [(' C o l o n e l\n', 'Colonel'), (' e x t e n t ', 'extent')] ST19110620-V38-24-page14.txt: [(' t h o u s an d\n', 'thousand')] ST19110711-V38-27-page14.txt: [(' a g a i n ', 'again')] ST19110725-V38-29-page16.txt: [('Do', 'Do')] ST19110725-V38-29-page7.txt: [('Go', 'Go')] ST19110822-V38-33-page10.txt: [(' p a l a c e ', 'palace')] ST19111010-V38-40-page13.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19111024-V38-42-page7.txt: [('\nR I D E R\n', 'RIDER'), ('\nE A R T H\n', 'EARTH')] ST19111121-V38-46-page9.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19111212-V38-49-page5.txt: [('To', 'To')] ST19120206-V39-06-page16.txt: [(' g o v e r n m e n t ', 'government')] ST19120423-V39-17-page7.txt: [('Vi', 'Vi')] ST19120423-V39-17-page8.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('It', 'It'), ('Be', 'Be')] ST19120521-V39-20-page16.txt: [(' F r e e d o m ', 'Freedom')] ST19120604-V39-22-page4.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19120611-V39-23-page16.txt: [(' M a t th e w ', 'Matthew')] ST19120716-V39-27-page12.txt: [(' b et t e r ', 'better')] ST19120813-V39-31-page2.txt: [('We', 'We')] ST19120820-V39-32-page16.txt: [('Up', 'Up')] ST19120820-V39-32-page2.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19120903-V39-34-page16.txt: [('\nS h in in g ', 'Shining')] ST19120910-V39-35-page10.txt: [(' A s s e m b l y ', 'Assembly')] ST19120917-V39-36-page16.txt: [('On', 'On')] ST19121001-V39-38-page6.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19121015-V39-40-page14.txt: [(' m a k in g ', 'making')] ST19121022-V39-41-page10.txt: [('In', 'In')] ST19121029-V39-42-page14.txt: [(' m a k in g ', 'making')] ST19121126-V39-46-page16.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19121203-V39-47-page16.txt: [(' t h r o u g h ', 'through')] ST19121203-V39-47-page3.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19121217-V39-49-page15.txt: [('In', 'In')] ST19121217-V39-49-page16.txt: [('An', 'An')] ST19121217-V39-49-page6.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19130211-V40-06-page10.txt: [('On', 'On')] ST19130923-V40-37-page15.txt: [(' w o r k e r ', 'worker')] ST19130923-V40-37-page2.txt: [('We', 'We')] ST19131216-V40-48-page5.txt: [(' f r i e n d l y ', 'friendly')] ST19140120-V41-02-page1.txt: [('\nJA N U A R Y\n', 'JANUARY')] ST19140210-V41-05-page11.txt: [('\nS Y S T E M A T I C ', 'SYSTEMATIC')] ST19140224-V41-07-page13.txt: [(' f o u r t h ', 'fourth')] ST19140310-V41-09-page6.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('It', 'It'), ('Be', 'Be')] ST19140317-V41-10-page5.txt: [('Lo', 'Lo'), ('Ho', 'Ho')] ST19140331-V41-12-page4.txt: [(' t r u t h ', 'truth')] ST19140421-V41-15-page13.txt: [('By', 'By')] ST19140505-V41-17-page13.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19140623-V41-24-page11.txt: [('\nS Y S T E M A T IC ', 'SYSTEMATIC')] ST19140707-V41-26-page6.txt: [(' a r i s e ', 'arise')] ST19140728-V41-29-page1.txt: [('If', 'If')] ST19140728-V41-29-page10.txt: [(' Cr o w n e d ', 'Crowned')] ST19140811-V41-31-page6.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19140818-V41-32-page13.txt: [(' t h e i r ', 'their')] ST19141020-V41-41-page16.txt: [(' ch e r i sh ', 'cherish')] ST19141201-V41-47-page2.txt: [('As', 'As')] ST19160509-V43-19-page8.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19160620-V43-25-page4.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19161024-V43-42-page2.txt: [(' s p r e a d ', 'spread')] ST19161107-V43-44-page5.txt: [(' t r o u b l e ', 'trouble')] ST19180101-V45-01-page15.txt: [(' Sp e n c e ', 'Spence')] ST19180108-V45-02-page7.txt: [(' a g a in st ', 'against')] ST19180115-V45-03-page9.txt: [('\nh e a r t s ', 'hearts')] ST19180122-V45-04-page4.txt: [(' t h e s e ', 'these')] ST19180212-V45-07-page6.txt: [(' H e b r e w s ', 'Hebrews')] ST19180226-V45-09-page4.txt: [(' w o r d s ', 'words')] ST19180226-V45-09-page8.txt: [(' s o u t h ', 'south')] ST19180305-V45-10-page5.txt: [(' t h e r e\n', 'there')] ST19180319-V45-12-page2.txt: [(' T r an s f e r ', 'Transfer')] ST19180326-V45-13-page11.txt: [(' a v a s t ', 'avast')] ST19180326-V45-13-page3.txt: [(' w h i c h ', 'which')] ST19180402-V45-14-page15.txt: [(' s t r if e ', 'strife')] ST19180402-V45-14-page5.txt: [(' f u t u r e ', 'future')] ST19180409-V45-15-page13.txt: [(' s i le n c es ', 'silences')] ST19180409-V45-15-page14.txt: [(' w h i c h ', 'which')] ST19180430-V45-17-page9.txt: [(' F u l t on ', 'Fulton')] ST19180507-V45-18-page9.txt: [(' c h u r c h ', 'church')] ST19180514-V45-19-page1.txt: [('At', 'At'), ('Au', 'Au')] ST19180514-V45-19-page16.txt: [(' b r e a k ', 'break')] ST19180514-V45-19-page2.txt: [(' S a b b a t ', 'Sabbat')] ST19180528-V45-21-page14.txt: [(' h u n d r e d ', 'hundred')] ST19180716-V45-28-page5.txt: [(' t h e r e b y ', 'thereby')] ST19180820-V45-33-page7.txt: [(' pr o p h e t s ', 'prophets')] ST19190520-V46-20-page4.txt: [(' s tr a i gh t ', 'straight')] ST19190722-V46-28-page6.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19191021-V46-41-page6.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19200210-V47-06-page10.txt: [('He', 'He'), ('He', 'He')] ST19200217-V47-07-page15.txt: [(' f a m i l i a r ', 'familiar')] ST19200224-V47-08-page10.txt: [('It', 'It')] ST19200713-V47-27-page5.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19200720-V47-28-page3.txt: [('He', 'He'), ('He', 'He')] ST19200720-V47-28-page6.txt: [('He', 'He')] ST19201221-V47-50-page14.txt: [('It', 'It')]
In [26]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction5 Average verified rate: 0.9807326014525145 Average of error rates: 0.0193508048875097 Total token count: 36329139
In [27]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 28888), ('e', 22224), ('m', 18545), ('d', 17545), ('w', 17348), ('t', 16421), ('n', 16418), ('r', 12206), ('g', 11373), ('th', 8482), ('f', 8383), ('pp', 6904), ('co', 6479), ('ex', 4472), ('u', 4118), ('x', 3483), ('re', 3317), ('tion', 3091), ('mo', 2317), ('wm', 1969), ('k', 1915), ('ment', 1704), ('eze', 1392), ('z', 1315), ("the'", 1295), ('altho', 1276), ('ti', 1178), ("of'", 1121), ('pa', 1095), ('wo', 1017), ('es', 993), ('al', 993), ('sel', 954), ('q', 933), ("an'", 878), ('pre', 871), ('ets', 853), ('tions', 848), ('id', 734), ('va', 711), ('op', 660), ('io', 651), ('ments', 644), ('un', 642), ("''", 633), ('mal', 593), ('ence', 589), ('ro', 581), ("if'", 564), ('aro', 554)]
Correction 6 -- Rejoin Split Words¶
In [28]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction6"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)
replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=False)
if len(replacements) > 0:
print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
ST18740604-V01-01-page2.txt: [('Je', 'hosaphat')] ST18740604-V01-01-page8.txt: [('AL', 'A'), ('se', 'An')] ST18740611-V01-02-page1.txt: [('long-suffer', 'ing'), ('honestl', 'y')] ST18740611-V01-02-page3.txt: [('pre', 'millennial')] ST18740611-V01-02-page4.txt: [('th', 'an')] ST18740611-V01-02-page6.txt: [('Knowl', 'edge')] ST18740611-V01-02-page7.txt: [('co', 'worker'), ('ac', 'company')] ST18740611-V01-02-page8.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18740625-V01-03-page4.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18740625-V01-03-page6.txt: [('privi', 'leges'), ('Austri', 'an')] ST18740625-V01-03-page8.txt: [('th', 'in'), ('G.', '')] ST18740709-V01-04-page2.txt: [('re', 'cast')] ST18740709-V01-04-page4.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18740709-V01-04-page5.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18740709-V01-04-page8.txt: [('ma', 'in'), ('desir', 'able'), ('embrac', 'ing')] ST18740723-V01-05-page1.txt: [('Bu', 'rgundians'), ('stil', 'l')] ST18740723-V01-05-page2.txt: [('op', 'poseth'), ('demi', 'gods')] ST18740723-V01-05-page4.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18740723-V01-05-page8.txt: [('th', 'aw'), ('co', 'operate')] ST18740813-V01-06-page2.txt: [('pre', 'eminently')] ST18740813-V01-06-page3.txt: [('pre', 'eminence'), ('co', 'operate')] ST18740813-V01-06-page8.txt: [('pre', 'paying'), ('th', 'in')] ST18740917-V01-07-page2.txt: [('sev', 'enth')] ST18740917-V01-07-page8.txt: [('pre', 'paying'), ('th', 'in')] ST18741022-V01-08-page1.txt: [('re', 'establishment')] ST18741022-V01-08-page3.txt: [('th', 'at'), ('gos', 'pel')] ST18741022-V01-08-page5.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741022-V01-08-page7.txt: [('th', 'at'), ('co', 'operate')] ST18741022-V01-08-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741112-V01-09-page4.txt: [('accep', 'ting')] ST18741112-V01-09-page6.txt: [('mirt', 'h')] ST18741112-V01-09-page8.txt: [('Re', 'public'), ('re', 'asserting')] ST18741203-V01-10-page1.txt: [('fu', 'ture')] ST18741203-V01-10-page4.txt: [('re', 'adjust')] ST18741203-V01-10-page5.txt: [('conse', 'quently')] ST18741203-V01-10-page7.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741217-V01-11-page1.txt: [('re', 'read')] ST18741217-V01-11-page2.txt: [('pre', 'eminent')] ST18741217-V01-11-page3.txt: [('pre', 'eminently')] ST18741217-V01-11-page6.txt: [('ex', 'pires'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18741217-V01-11-page8.txt: [('Mc', 'Daniel'), ('Bab', 'cock')] ST18741231-V01-12-page2.txt: [('Heav', 'en')] ST18741231-V01-12-page3.txt: [('co', 'eval')] ST18741231-V01-12-page4.txt: [('re', 'organized')] ST18741231-V01-12-page6.txt: [('re', 'agents')] ST18741231-V01-12-page8.txt: [('Theo', 'L')] ST18750114-V01-13-page3.txt: [('hallo', 'wed')] ST18750114-V01-13-page5.txt: [('Al', 'a'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18750114-V01-13-page6.txt: [('immedi', 'ately'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18750128-V01-14-page1.txt: [('th', 'an')] ST18750128-V01-14-page3.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')] ST18750128-V01-14-page5.txt: [('direc', 'ted'), ('CA', 'NDID')] ST18750128-V01-14-page6.txt: [('kno', 'w'), ('co', 'operation'), ('ple', 'a')] ST18750128-V01-14-page7.txt: [('fa', 'ce')] 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('Mo', 'hammedanism'), ('Pa', 'ganism'), ('hea', 'then'), ('sanc', 'tification'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('conscien', 'tiously'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('distin', 'guished'), ('integ', 'rity'), ('re', 'ligious')] ST18820202-V08-05-page8.txt: [('educa', 'tion'), ('appar', 'ently'), ('cruci', 'fied'), ('obliga', 'tion'), ('sacri', 'fices'), ('qual', 'ities'), ('mis', 'sions'), ('re', 'garded'), ('ac', 'cident')] ST18820209-V08-06-page10.txt: [('dif', 'ferent')] ST18820209-V08-06-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('ment', 'on'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('FA', 'LSE'), ('unan', 'imous'), ('wor', 'ship')] ST18820209-V08-06-page2.txt: [('biogra', 'pher'), ('Medita', 'tion'), ('irrelev', 'ant'), ('ex', 'horter'), ('examin', 'ing'), ('ob', 'jections'), ('remarka', 'bly'), ('pre', 'dicted'), ('condem', 'nation'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('ac', 'knowledge')] ST18820209-V08-06-page5.txt: [('teachin', 'g')] ST18820209-V08-06-page6.txt: [('Un', 'til'), ('ex', 'presses'), ('Al', 'though'), ('uncir', 'cumcision'), ('consid', 'ering'), ('remem', 'brance'), ('natu', 'ral'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('Judaiz', 'ing'), ('ren', 'dered')] ST18820209-V08-06-page7.txt: [('brev', 'ity'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('vio', 'lence'), ('athe', 'ism'), ('wea', 'riness'), ('ob', 'served'), ('acknowl', 'edge'), ('sanctifi', 'cation'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18820209-V08-06-page8.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('fel', 'low'), ('pa', 'tience'), ('direc', 'tors'), ('em', 'ploys'), ('sug', 'gested'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('ver', 'dict'), ('oppor', 'tunity'), ('re', 'port')] ST18820216-V08-07-page1.txt: [('oppres', 'sive'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('ex', 'cited'), ('deca', 'logue'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('ob', 'ject'), ('strug', 'gling'), ('statu', 'tory'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('un', 'conditional'), ('examina', 'tion'), ('revolu', 'tion')] ST18820216-V08-07-page11.txt: [('indi', 'cates'), ('consti', 'tute'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('reviva', 'lists'), ('co', 'religionists'), ('swind', 'lers')] ST18820216-V08-07-page12.txt: [('posi', 'tive'), ('re', 'marks'), ('loca', 'tion'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('Healds', 'burg'), ('ascer', 'tain'), ('Ameri', 'cans'), ('po', 'sition'), ('responsi', 'ble'), ('becom', 'ing')] ST18820216-V08-07-page4.txt: [('misunder', 'standing'), ('ex', 'plains'), ('Sev', 'enty'), ('ful', 'fillment'), ('ab', 'ruptly'), ('ori', 'ginal'), ('Dic', 'tionary'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('sanc', 'tuary'), ('signifi', 'cation'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('ministra', 'tion'), ('Ga', 'briel'), ('re', 'corded')] ST18820216-V08-07-page5.txt: [('opin', 'ion'), ('Har', 'mony'), ('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('informa', 'tion'), ('igno', 'rant'), ('accom', 'plishment'), ('natur', 'ally'), ('eigh', 'teen'), ('re', 'pentance')] ST18820216-V08-07-page6.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('Janu', 'ary'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('enforc', 'ing'), ('arbi', 'trary'), ('nec', 'essity'), ('dif', 'ficulty'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('re', 'turned')] ST18820216-V08-07-page7.txt: [('ap', 'pear'), ('interposi', 'tion'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('oc', 'curred'), ('inspira', 'tion'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('provi', 'dence'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'markable')] ST18820216-V08-07-page9.txt: [("Don'", 't')] ST18820223-V08-08-page11.txt: [('GUI', 'DE')] ST18820223-V08-08-page12.txt: [('reli', 'gion'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('Congrega', 'tional'), ('arti', 'cles'), ('profi', 'table'), ('vig', 'orously'), ('Vindi', 'cation'), ('citi', 'zens'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18820223-V08-08-page2.txt: [('ex', 'tremely')] ST18820223-V08-08-page3.txt: [('infi', 'nitely'), ('ele', 'vating'), ('tem', 'per'), ('consequen', 'ces'), ('re', 'solved')] ST18820223-V08-08-page4.txt: [('Re', 'scripts'), ('empow', 'ered'), ('ev', 'idence'), ('Nehe', 'miah'), ('har', 'monize'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('declar', 'ing'), ('Arta', 'xerxes'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('restora', 'tion'), ('mis', 'fortune'), ('re', 'building')] ST18820223-V08-08-page5.txt: [('appar', 'ently'), ('es', 'caped'), ('blas', 'phemy'), ('ob', 'lation'), ('adver', 'saries'), ('pre', 'sumptuous'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('undis', 'mayed')] ST18820223-V08-08-page6.txt: [('foun', 'dations'), ('reli', 'gious'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('redemp', 'tion'), ('re', 'deemed')] ST18820223-V08-08-page7.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('condi', 'tions'), ('Cas', 'troville'), ('opportu', 'nity'), ('cele', 'bration'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('cer', 'tainty'), ('ob', 'ligation'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('advo', 'cates'), ('re', 'specting')] ST18820223-V08-08-page9.txt: [('Illi', 'nois'), ('compre', 'hend'), ('ap', 'point'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Relig', 'ious'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('pris', 'ons'), ('remun', 'eration'), ('readi', 'ness'), ('re', 'gard')] ST18820302-V08-09-page11.txt: [('al', 'lowed'), ('Constitu', 'tion'), ('Re', 'marks'), ('activ', 'ity'), ('th', 'at'), ('uncon', 'genial'), ('manu', 'facturers'), ('co', 'laborer'), ('ap', 'propriated')] ST18820302-V08-09-page12.txt: [('antici', 'pated'), ('vio', 'lating'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('curi', 'osity'), ('re', 'spect'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('resolu', 'tion'), ('significa', 'tion'), ('transla', 'tion')] ST18820302-V08-09-page2.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('expe', 'rience'), ('affec', 'tion'), ('ap', 'proach'), ('compara', 'tively'), ('indul', 'gence'), ('pa', 'rents'), ('Pente', 'cost'), ('infi', 'dels'), ('expla', 'nation'), ('sanc', 'tioned'), ('se', 'duced'), ('believ', 'ers'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('nu', 'merous'), ('re', 'turn'), ('oppo', 'sition')] ST18820302-V08-09-page3.txt: [('mathemat', 'ical'), ('ap', 'proaching'), ('ex', 'ecution'), ('patri', 'otic'), ('indigna', 'tion'), ('re', 'maining'), ('tempta', 'tion')] ST18820302-V08-09-page4.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('Alexan', 'drian'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('perfec', 'tion'), ('respon', 'sible'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('chronol', 'ogy'), ('awk', 'wardness'), ('termina', 'tion'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('re', 'sponsibility')] ST18820302-V08-09-page5.txt: [('nar', 'row'), ('al', 'ways'), ('cruci', 'fixion'), ('prac', 'tical'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('insid', 'ious'), ('senti', 'ment'), ('edu', 'cation'), ('ambi', 'tion')] ST18820302-V08-09-page6.txt: [('Sev', 'enth'), ('Independ', 'ent'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('ment', 'he'), ('affili', 'ate'), ('un', 'conscious'), ('endeav', 'ors')] ST18820302-V08-09-page7.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('individ', 'ual'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('disbe', 'lieve'), ('impossi', 'bility'), ('accusa', 'tion'), ('accumu', 'lated'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('ob', 'ligation'), ('recom', 'pensed'), ('inten', 'tions'), ('espec', 'ially'), ('unbe', 'lief'), ('re', 'ply'), ('ren', 'der')] ST18820302-V08-09-page9.txt: [('ex', 'penditure'), ('repre', 'sents'), ('ob', 'jection'), ('dic', 'tionary'), ('intemper', 'ate'), ('um', 'brella'), ('remem', 'bered'), ('edu', 'cational'), ('pre', 'fer'), ('denuncia', 'tion'), ('corres', 'pondent'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('re', 'straint'), ('recog', 'nition')] ST18820309-V08-10-page1.txt: [('condemna', 'tion'), ('consum', 'mate'), ('ex', 'press'), ('Nico', 'demus'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18820309-V08-10-page11.txt: [('objec', 'tion'), ('fu', 'ture'), ('ecclesi', 'a'), ('re', 'elected'), ('Congrega', 'tional'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('suc', 'cessor'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('ris', 'ing'), ('constitu', 'tional'), ('manu', 'facture'), ('pleuro', 'pneumonia')] ST18820309-V08-10-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('insti', 'tution'), ('re', 'sponsible'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('conse', 'cration'), ('founda', 'tion'), ('Healds', 'burg'), ('ex', 'hausted'), ('sepa', 'rate'), ('eventu', 'ally'), ('TH', 'u'), ('schol', 'ars')] ST18820309-V08-10-page3.txt: [('Al', 'mighty'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('pre', 'served'), ('un', 'converted')] ST18820309-V08-10-page6.txt: [('experi', 'ence'), ('expe', 'rience'), ('Sav', 'iour'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('Fortu', 'nately'), ('ob', 'servations'), ('injuri', 'ous'), ('humili', 'ating'), ('consequen', 'ces'), ('bene', 'fit')] ST18820309-V08-10-page7.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('Healds', 'burg'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('injur', 'ing'), ('ex', 'empt'), ('prepara', 'tion'), ('guaran', 'tee'), ('preju', 'dice'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('urg', 'ent'), ('instru', 'mentality'), ('pre', 'dominant')] ST18820309-V08-10-page8.txt: [('diffi', 'culties'), ('conscien', 'tious'), ('acknowl', 'edgment'), ('un', 'derstood'), ('re', 'sults')] ST18820316-V08-11-page11.txt: [('al', 'low'), ('vio', 'lent'), ('polyg', 'amous'), ('esti', 'mated'), ('ment', 'on'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('repudi', 'ated'), ('administra', 'tion'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('Har', 'rison'), ('Parlia', 'ment'), ('indiffer', 'ence'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('ap', 'pear'), ('coun', 'try')] ST18820316-V08-11-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('inhab', 'itants'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('remem', 'ber')] ST18820316-V08-11-page3.txt: [('sus', 'tain'), ('commun', 'ion'), ('untem', 'pered'), ('cer', 'tainty'), ('blas', 'phemy'), ('abol', 'ished'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('un', 'til'), ('commen', 'surate'), ('Nebu', 'chadnezzar'), ('re', 'solved'), ('Nebuchad', 'nezzar')] ST18820316-V08-11-page5.txt: [('regu', 'larity'), ('Presi', 'dent'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('ex', 'citement'), ('Al', 'pheus'), ('pa', 'tience'), ('convoca', 'tion'), ('excit', 'ing'), ('fi', 'd'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('impro', 'vised'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('pre', 'sumptively'), ('mis', 'directed')] ST18820316-V08-11-page6.txt: [('unde', 'sirable'), ('diffi', 'cult'), ('reli', 'gion'), ('compli', 'cations'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('obliga', 'tion'), ('Legis', 'lature'), ('unen', 'thusiastic'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('em', 'ployment'), ('ob', 'serve'), ('defin', 'itely'), ('elec', 'tion'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('un', 'avoidable'), ('asser', 'tion'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('re', 'sult'), ('ren', 'dered'), ('ac', 'complish')] ST18820316-V08-11-page7.txt: [('resurrec', 'tion'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('sanctifica', 'tion'), ('consti', 'tuted'), ('oth', 'ers'), ('respon', 'sible'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('notwithstand', 'ing'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18820323-V08-12-page10.txt: [('un', 'known'), ('deliber', 'ately'), ('exer', 'cise')] ST18820323-V08-12-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'newing'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('prepara', 'tions'), ('em', 'braces'), ('ob', 'jectionable'), ('RELATI', 'ON')] ST18820323-V08-12-page2.txt: [('wi', 'th')] ST18820323-V08-12-page3.txt: [('extrem', 'ities')] ST18820323-V08-12-page5.txt: [('aban', 'don'), ('ecclesias', 'tical'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('prepara', 'tion'), ('neglec', 'ted'), ('conscien', 'tiousness'), ('prac', 'tical'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('un', 'told'), ('schol', 'ars'), ('re', 'quire'), ('transla', 'tion')] ST18820323-V08-12-page6.txt: [('univer', 'sal'), ('ap', 'probation'), ('individ', 'ual'), ('frus', 'trate'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('provi', 'dence'), ('re', 'buked')] ST18820323-V08-12-page7.txt: [('sus', 'tain')] ST18820323-V08-12-page9.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('ex', 'tracts'), ('Tem', 'perance'), ('prohi', 'bition'), ('appre', 'ciate'), ('pa', 'pers'), ('tre', 'mens'), ('coun', 'try'), ('Janu', 'ary'), ('prohib', 'itory'), ('lec', 'ture'), ('sani', 'tary'), ('ef', 'fect')] ST18820330-V08-13-page10.txt: [('stran', 'ger'), ('sa', 'id'), ('nui', 'sances'), ('mur', 'derer')] ST18820330-V08-13-page11.txt: [('ma', 'jority')] ST18820330-V08-13-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('considera', 'ble'), ('re', 'act'), ('Conse', 'quently'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('th', 'at'), ('ex', 'treme'), ('preser', 'vation'), ('busi', 'ness')] ST18820330-V08-13-page2.txt: [('al', 'lowed'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('Pente', 'cost'), ('Bab', 'ylonians'), ('impa', 'tiently'), ('por', 'tion'), ('signif', 'icant'), ('em', 'barkation'), ('ob', 'vious'), ('grati', 'tude'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('invari', 'ably'), ('considera', 'tions'), ('re', 'garded')] ST18820330-V08-13-page5.txt: [('ap', 'plause'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('vis', 'ited'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('valu', 'able'), ('un', 'just'), ('dif', 'ficulty')] ST18820330-V08-13-page7.txt: [('da', 'y')] ST18820330-V08-13-page8.txt: [('ex', 'perience'), ('privi', 'leges'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('vis', 'ited'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('co', 'operate'), ('un', 'belief'), ('revela', 'tion'), ('op', 'position'), ('re', 'deemed'), ('peniten', 'tiary'), ('ful', 'filling')] ST18820403-V08-14-page11.txt: [('Re', 'marks'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('superin', 'tendent'), ('Soci', 'ety'), ('re', 'marks'), ('sel', 'fish'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('founda', 'tion'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('convic', 'tions'), ('culti', 'vated'), ('em', 'braced'), ('ap', 'proaching'), ('ac', 'quainted')] ST18820403-V08-14-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'issued'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('th', 'in'), ('ex', 'tent'), ('occu', 'pied'), ('Associa', 'tion')] ST18820403-V08-14-page2.txt: [('ex', 'tremely'), ('quan', 'tity'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('Naza', 'reth'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('pre', 'serve')] ST18820403-V08-14-page3.txt: [('sanct', 'uary'), ('worldli', 'ness'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('Sanct', 'uary'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18820403-V08-14-page5.txt: [('TH', 'A')] ST18820403-V08-14-page6.txt: [('munif', 'icent')] ST18820403-V08-14-page8.txt: [('compre', 'hend'), ('unscript', 'ural'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('unsuspect', 'ing'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('un', 'deceived'), ('heav', 'enly'), ('advo', 'cating'), ('institu', 'tion')] ST18820413-V08-15-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Na', 'tional'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'fused'), ('Socie', 'ties'), ('defi', 'nitely'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('arti', 'cle'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('busi', 'ness')] ST18820413-V08-15-page2.txt: [('convic', 'tion'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('Re', 'publicanism'), ('dia', 'bolic'), ('coun', 'try'), ('por', 'tion'), ('scru', 'ples'), ('influ', 'ential'), ('ostensi', 'bly'), ('ob', 'serve'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('declar', 'ing'), ('devot', 'ing'), ('describ', 'ing'), ('ful', 'filling')] ST18820413-V08-15-page3.txt: [('incapa', 'ble'), ('deliv', 'erance'), ('Re', 'vised'), ('ascer', 'tain'), ('tes', 'timony'), ('fu', 'nerals'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('Ex', 'actly'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('edu', 'cational'), ('un', 'thought'), ('immi', 'nent'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('condem', 'nation'), ('re', 'vealed')] ST18820413-V08-15-page5.txt: [('Je', 'sus'), ('Profes', 'sional'), ('requisi', 'tion'), ('occa', 'sion'), ('whatso', 'ever'), ('suc', 'ceeds'), ('re', 'moved')] ST18820413-V08-15-page6.txt: [('uncon', 'stitutional'), ('ex', 'tensively'), ('Mc', 'Farland'), ('erro', 'neous'), ('tes', 'tifying'), ('Immor', 'tality'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('un', 'constitutional'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('re', 'medial')] ST18820413-V08-15-page7.txt: [('Ma', 't'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('sanc', 'tification'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('un', 'settled'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'quired')] ST18820413-V08-15-page8.txt: [('th', 'read')] ST18820420-V08-16-page10.txt: [('tol', 'd')] ST18820420-V08-16-page11.txt: [('ordi', 'nance'), ('abol', 'ishing'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('observ', 'atory'), ('Defi', 'nite'), ('Phila', 'delphia'), ('circum', 'ference'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('recog', 'nize')] ST18820420-V08-16-page12.txt: [('opportu', 'nity'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('satis', 'fied'), ('organiz', 'ing'), ('re', 'spect'), ('defi', 'nitely'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('th', 'at'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('pa', 'per'), ('coun', 'ties'), ('responsi', 'ble')] ST18820420-V08-16-page3.txt: [('resolu', 'tions'), ('al', 'lows'), ('compen', 'sation'), ('indulg', 'ence'), ('Lub', 'bock'), ("Harper'", 's'), ('un', 'flinching'), ('impres', 'sion'), ('re', 'buker'), ('fami', 'lies')] ST18820420-V08-16-page5.txt: [('TI', 'm'), ('mis', 'word')] ST18820420-V08-16-page6.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18820420-V08-16-page7.txt: [('ma', 'jority'), ('mor', 'row'), ('popu', 'larly'), ('co', 'operate'), ('un', 'I'), ('pecul', 'iarities'), ('desir', 'able'), ('re', 'sults'), ('ac', 'cepted')] ST18820420-V08-16-page9.txt: [('Os', 'good'), ('coun', 'try'), ('Impor', 'tation'), ('ceme', 'teries')] ST18820427-V08-17-page10.txt: [('peo', 'ple'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('possi', 'bilities')] ST18820427-V08-17-page12.txt: [('tw', 'elve'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'building'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('instruc', 'tive'), ('Commenc', 'ing'), ('connec', 'tion')] ST18820427-V08-17-page2.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('mili', 'tary'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('transgres', 'sion'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('ig', 'norantly'), ('longi', 'tude'), ('gir', 'dle'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('re', 'garded')] ST18820427-V08-17-page3.txt: [('indi', 'cate'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('associa', 'tion'), ('popula', 'tion'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('pil', 'grims'), ('repu', 'tation'), ('inesti', 'mable'), ('ac', 'ceptableness')] ST18820427-V08-17-page4.txt: [('charac', 'teristic'), ('ex', 'traordinary'), ('Tibe', 'rius'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('administra', 'tion'), ('tri', 'umph'), ('intoxi', 'cated'), ('un', 'til'), ('endeav', 'ors'), ('expres', 'sions')] ST18820427-V08-17-page6.txt: [('ex', 'haust'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('indulg', 'ing'), ('intelli', 'gent'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('reasona', 'ble'), ('disap', 'pointments'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('argu', 'mentative'), ('Massachu', 'setts'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('presen', 'tation')] ST18820427-V08-17-page8.txt: [('ri', 'a')] ST18820504-V08-18-page11.txt: [('hurri', 'cane'), ('editi', 'on'), ('re', 'ported'), ('construc', 'tion'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('ex', 'ploded'), ('advan', 'tage'), ('sa', 'loons')] ST18820504-V08-18-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('pre', 'fixed'), ('Rav', 'ens'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('infal', 'libility'), ('TI', 'LE'), ('sover', 'eign'), ('ex', 'pressive'), ('promi', 'nent'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('arro', 'gance'), ('introduc', 'tion')] ST18820504-V08-18-page2.txt: [('ag', 'es')] ST18820504-V08-18-page6.txt: [('neces', 'sary'), ('sus', 'tain'), ('apos', 'tasy'), ('fami', 'lies'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('misap', 'plied'), ('manu', 'facturing'), ('ut', 'terly'), ('re', 'ceives'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18820518-V08-19-page10.txt: [('nar', 'ration'), ('ap', 'prenticed'), ('ex', 'communication'), ('sak', 'I'), ('cul', 'ture'), ('prac', 'tical'), ('se', 'cure'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('adver', 'sity'), ('re', 'late')] ST18820518-V08-19-page11.txt: [('sus', 'pended'), ('exami', 'nation'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('explor', 'ers'), ('ju', 't'), ('notwith', 'standing'), ('assas', 'sins'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('unrecog', 'nizable'), ('Mor', 'mon'), ('immigra', 'tion'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18820518-V08-19-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'turn'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('forma', 'tion'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('entan', 'glements'), ('unprinci', 'pled'), ('retribu', 'tion'), ('selec', 'tions')] ST18820518-V08-19-page4.txt: [('Mediter', 'ranean'), ('sedi', 'tious'), ('em', 'pire'), ('abom', 'inations'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('distin', 'guished'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('revolu', 'tion'), ('Nebu', 'chadnezzar'), ('re', 'stricted'), ('Constan', 'tinople'), ('sove', 'reignty')] ST18820518-V08-19-page5.txt: [('construc', 'tion'), ('notwith', 'standing'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('ele', 'vation'), ('hea', 'then'), ('suf', 'fered'), ('magis', 'trates'), ('pre', 'vail'), ('mis', 'apprehended'), ('estab', 'lishment')] ST18820518-V08-19-page6.txt: [('sensa', 'tion'), ('culti', 'vate'), ('vege', 'table'), ('ele', 'phant'), ('func', 'tions'), ('ani', 'mal'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('Dispensa', 'tion'), ('satis', 'fied'), ('iden', 'tifying'), ('redun', 'dant'), ('imma', 'terial'), ('re', 'marked')] ST18820518-V08-19-page7.txt: [('impos', 'sible'), ('culti', 'vation'), ('presenta', 'tion'), ('enlight', 'ening'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('congrega', 'tion'), ('co', 'operate'), ('un', 'fallen'), ('institu', 'tions'), ('re', 'ward')] ST18820518-V08-19-page8.txt: [('Al', 'I')] ST18820518-V08-19-page9.txt: [('argu', 'ment')] ST18820525-V08-20-page11.txt: [('sus', 'tained'), ('impris', 'onment'), ('re', 'ports'), ('ma', 'sons'), ('Carpen', 'ter'), ('sylla', 'bles'), ('leav', 'ing'), ('gener', 'ally'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('ex', 'ported'), ('accom', 'modate'), ('tele', 'phonic'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('envel', 'ope'), ('ver', 'dict'), ('fami', 'lies'), ('ac', 'quittal')] ST18820525-V08-20-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('Metropoli', 'tan'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('pu', 'rity'), ('mis', 'sionary')] ST18820525-V08-20-page3.txt: [('rejoic', 'ing'), ('coun', 'tenance'), ('inhab', 'itants'), ('swal', 'lowed')] ST18820525-V08-20-page8.txt: [('simplic', 'ity'), ('appreci', 'ate'), ('proprie', 'tor'), ('Ameri', 'can'), ('pre', 'vented'), ('un', 'changeable'), ('invita', 'tion'), ('re', 'alize'), ('tra', 'ditions'), ('acquir', 'ing')] ST18820525-V08-20-page9.txt: [('al', 'I'), ('ti', 'V')] ST18820601-V08-21-page11.txt: [('re', 'markable'), ('Tur', 'key'), ('Phila', 'delphia'), ('Constan', 'tinople'), ('lan', 'guages'), ('possibil', 'ity'), ('Khe', 'dive'), ('regu', 'larly'), ('sensa', 'tionalism'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('ulti', 'matum'), ('instru', 'mental')] ST18820601-V08-21-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('Roch', 'ester'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('indi', 'cate'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('popula', 'tion'), ('univer', 'sal'), ('instruc', 'tive'), ('preced', 'ing'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('connec', 'tion')] ST18820601-V08-21-page2.txt: [('obe', 'dience'), ('ex', 'acted'), ('acknowl', 'edged'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('oppo', 'sition')] ST18820601-V08-21-page5.txt: [('glori', 'fied'), ('vio', 'lence'), ('subordi', 'nate'), ('alabas', 'ter'), ('instruc', 'tions'), ('unaf', 'fected'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18820601-V08-21-page6.txt: [('trav', 'esties'), ('prin', 'cipal'), ('holi', 'ness'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('inspira', 'tion'), ('indicat', 'ing'), ('sancti', 'fied'), ('mis', 'taken'), ('re', 'vealed'), ('speci', 'men')] ST18820601-V08-21-page7.txt: [('manufactur', 'ing'), ('Pente', 'cost'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('sanctifica', 'tion'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('effi', 'ciency'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('prepar', 'ing'), ('pre', 'eminent')] ST18820601-V08-21-page8.txt: [('applica', 'tion'), ('har', 'mony'), ('sociabil', 'ity'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'form'), ('ac', 'quirement')] ST18820608-V08-22-page11.txt: [('consecra', 'tion'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('Roch', 'ester'), ('Vir', 'ginia'), ('re', 'plied'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('aggre', 'gate'), ('numer', 'als'), ('exhorta', 'tion')] ST18820608-V08-22-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('Califor', 'nia'), ('admir', 'able'), ('re', 'veals'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('arti', 'cles'), ('instruc', 'tive'), ('connec', 'tion')] ST18820608-V08-22-page2.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('dili', 'gently'), ('whis', 'per'), ('conflagra', 'tion'), ('ele', 'ments'), ('previ', 'ously'), ('recom', 'pensed'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('ment', 'on'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('heav', 'ens'), ('re', 'move'), ('ren', 'dered')] ST18820608-V08-22-page3.txt: [('Op', 'pression'), ('deliv', 'ered'), ('ex', 'istence'), ('tena', 'ciously'), ('stimu', 'lus'), ('ob', 'servers'), ('sympathiz', 'ing'), ('occa', 'sionally'), ('un', 'derstood'), ('ras', 'cally'), ('re', 'cast'), ('acci', 'dent')] ST18820608-V08-22-page5.txt: [('construc', 'tion'), ('Geth', 'semane'), ('lik', 'ened'), ('Al', 'though'), ('exhi', 'bition'), ('coun', 'tenance'), ('hu', 'manity'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('magnifi', 'cence'), ('physi', 'cal'), ('TI', 'C'), ('contin', 'ually'), ('lamenta', 'tions'), ('famil', 'iar'), ('obli', 'gations'), ('inan', 'imate'), ('humili', 'ation'), ('tri', 'umphal'), ('tem', 'pest'), ('acclama', 'tions'), ('un', 'able'), ('na', 'tions'), ('mis', 'sion'), ('re', 'ceived')] ST18820608-V08-22-page6.txt: [('expe', 'rience'), ('repre', 'sents'), ('Crea', 'tor'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('arti', 'cle'), ('propor', 'tion'), ('Janu', 'ary'), ('oc', 'curred'), ('spe', 'cific'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('un', 'wisely'), ('theolo', 'gians'), ('estab', 'lish'), ('expres', 'sion')] ST18820608-V08-22-page7.txt: [('allu', 'sion'), ('educa', 'tion'), ('ex', 'pressly'), ('adul', 'tery'), ('sanctifica', 'tion'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('sancti', 'fied'), ('oppor', 'tunity'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('mur', 'der'), ('re', 'garding'), ('ac', 'customed')] ST18820608-V08-22-page8.txt: [('Healds', 'burg'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('immu', 'nity'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('co', 'existent'), ('inat', 'tention'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18820615-V08-23-page1.txt: [('sor', 'row'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('har', 'assing'), ('dissatisfac', 'tion'), ('sa', 'cred'), ('satisfac', 'tion')] ST18820615-V08-23-page10.txt: [('TI', 'L')] ST18820615-V08-23-page11.txt: [('Virgini', 'A'), ('emphat', 'ically'), ('li', 'quors'), ('re', 'marks'), ('Declara', 'tion'), ('demol', 'ishing'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('subscrip', 'tions'), ('Engi', 'neers')] ST18820615-V08-23-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('nauseat', 'ing'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('determin', 'ing'), ('unappre', 'ciated'), ('superin', 'tendent'), ('re', 'sulted'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('ro', 'wels'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('Congrega', 'tional'), ('unan', 'imously'), ('appe', 'tite'), ('tremen', 'dous')] ST18820615-V08-23-page2.txt: [('opin', 'ions'), ('ap', 'pearance'), ('ex', 'pect'), ('domin', 'ion'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('fi', 'nally'), ('decom', 'posed'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('re', 'deemed'), ('volum', 'inous')] ST18820615-V08-23-page3.txt: [('courte', 'ously'), ('opportu', 'nity'), ('veloci', 'pede'), ('Janu', 'ary'), ('un', 'defined'), ('uncer', 'tainly'), ('re', 'peated')] ST18820615-V08-23-page4.txt: [('forti', 'fications'), ('appli', 'cation'), ('financi', 'ally'), ('em', 'barrass'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('atti', 'tude'), ('co', 'incidence'), ('Eu', 'rope'), ('weap', 'ons'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('op', 'pressive'), ('re', 'specting'), ('na', 'tions')] ST18820615-V08-23-page6.txt: [('ex', 'patiates'), ('presump', 'tion'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('facul', 'ties'), ('re', 'appears')] ST18820615-V08-23-page7.txt: [('deliv', 'erance'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('ap', 'proaching'), ('appli', 'cation'), ('stipu', 'lations'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('proba', 'tion'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('insig', 'nificant'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('pre', 'dictions'), ('un', 'feigned'), ('immi', 'nent'), ('exhorta', 'tions'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('ac', 'quaint'), ('decis', 'ions'), ('dissolu', 'tion')] ST18820615-V08-23-page8.txt: [('opportu', 'nities'), ('diffi', 'culty'), ('ex', 'plained'), ('crea', 'tion'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('inten', 'tion'), ('advan', 'tages'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('investi', 'gate'), ('Instruc', 'tors'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('eigh', 'teen'), ('accu', 'racy')] ST18820622-V08-24-page11.txt: [('Constitu', 'tion'), ('Novem', 'ber'), ('re', 'marks'), ('specul', 'ators'), ('benevo', 'lent'), ('Fu', 'neral'), ('Yel', 'lowstone'), ('quali', 'fied')] ST18820622-V08-24-page12.txt: [('tw', 'elve'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('re', 'covery'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('Medi', 'cal'), ('compa', 'nies'), ('consti', 'tution'), ('candi', 'dates'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('ac', 'commodation')] ST18820622-V08-24-page2.txt: [('charac', 'teristics'), ('incul', 'cated'), ('licen', 'tiousness'), ('har', 'vest'), ('guid', 'ance'), ('ini', 'quity'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('co', 'operation'), ('pre', 'sents'), ('re', 'maining'), ('expres', 'sion')] ST18820622-V08-24-page4.txt: [('Carpathi', 'ans'), ('re', 'establish')] ST18820622-V08-24-page5.txt: [('Jerusa', "lem's"), ('brin', 'g'), ('lamen', 'tation'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('sto', 'ries'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('unneces', 'sary'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('conta', 'gious'), ('na', 'ture'), ('mis', 'directed'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'peating')] ST18820622-V08-24-page6.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('appro', 'priating'), ('ceremo', 'nial'), ('emenda', 'tions'), ('authori', 'ties'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('ensam', 'ples'), ('insti', 'tution'), ('pre', 'sumption'), ('dif', 'ferences'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('Constan', 'tine'), ('re', 'quires'), ('ac', 'tion')] ST18820622-V08-24-page7.txt: [('immedi', 'ately'), ('Co', 'W'), ('facili', 'ties'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('ment', 'on'), ('moun', 'tains'), ('conse', 'cration'), ('desir', 'able'), ('propo', 'sitions')] ST18820622-V08-24-page8.txt: [('cre', 'dentials'), ('repre', 'sentation'), ('Scandinavi', 'ans'), ('separa', 'tion'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('M.', ''), ('subse', 'quent'), ('Nomina', 'tions'), ('urg', 'ing'), ('indubit', 'able'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('Athe', 'nians'), ('Secre', 'tary')] ST18820629-V08-25-page10.txt: [('nocke', 'd')] ST18820629-V08-25-page11.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('corre', 'spondent'), ('discov', 'ered')] ST18820629-V08-25-page12.txt: [('impos', 'sible'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('ri', 'to'), ('tribu', 'lation'), ('propo', 'sition'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('ap', 'pointed'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('Advo', 'cate')] ST18820629-V08-25-page2.txt: [('igno', 'rance'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('immut', 'ability'), ('whatso', 'ever'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18820629-V08-25-page3.txt: [('co', 'workers'), ('Bene', 'Berak')] ST18820629-V08-25-page4.txt: [('Th', 'at')] ST18820629-V08-25-page5.txt: [('Sav', 'iour'), ('immedi', 'ately'), ('immate', 'rial'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('cour', 'teous'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('morti', 'fication'), ('re', 'verse')] ST18820629-V08-25-page6.txt: [('ordi', 'nance'), ('significa', 'tion'), ('gra', 'tuitously'), ('Pedo', 'Baptist'), ('re', 'corded')] ST18820629-V08-25-page7.txt: [('Conse', 'quently'), ('intelli', 'gently'), ('affir', 'mation'), ('significa', 'tions'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('impres', 'sion'), ('conclud', 'ing')] ST18820629-V08-25-page8.txt: [('empow', 'ered'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('recom', 'mend'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('th', 'at'), ('substi', 'tute'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('ac', 'cordingly')] ST18820713-V08-26-page1.txt: [('neces', 'sary'), ('ex', 'planations'), ('es', 'tablished'), ('ingrati', 'tude')] ST18820713-V08-26-page10.txt: [('wor', "d's")] ST18820713-V08-26-page11.txt: [('immedi', 'ately'), ('fortifica', 'tions'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('revo', 'lutionary'), ('posi', 'tions'), ('eigh', 'teen'), ('re', 'ported'), ('Un', 'changed'), ('criti', 'cal'), ('aggre', 'gate'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('Indi', 'ana'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18820713-V08-26-page12.txt: [('impeni', 'tent'), ('Peo', "ple's"), ('asser', 'tion'), ('re', 'open'), ('sympa', 'thies'), ('pecu', 'liarity'), ('reasona', 'bleness'), ('cov', 'ered'), ('leav', 'ing'), ('unac', 'quainted'), ('accom', 'panied'), ('interrup', 'tion'), ('prohibi', 'tion'), ('ren', 'dered'), ('confi', 'dence'), ('Eu', 'rope'), ('Tren', 'ton')] ST18820713-V08-26-page2.txt: [('tes', 'timony'), ('har', 'mony'), ('sacri', 'fice'), ('disre', 'gard'), ('pre', 'vious'), ('ambi', 'tion'), ('transla', 'tion')] ST18820713-V08-26-page3.txt: [('bo', 'a'), ('sor', 'rowful'), ('rever', 'berate'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('strik', 'ing'), ('agreea', 'ble'), ('sanctu', 'ary'), ('preca', 'rious'), ('un', 'til'), ('unrea', 'sonable'), ('re', 'maineth')] ST18820713-V08-26-page6.txt: [('indi', 'cates'), ('submis', 'sion'), ('Dex', 'ter'), ('gradu', 'ally'), ('influ', 'ential'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('Merri', 'man'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('Ortho', 'dox')] ST18820713-V08-26-page7.txt: [('resolu', 'tion'), ('unconsti', 'tutionality'), ('cre', 'ator'), ('dili', 'gently'), ('adher', 'ence'), ('cus', 'tomary'), ('incor', 'porate'), ('inexpe', 'dient'), ('sanctifica', 'tion'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('sumptu', 'ary'), ('suc', 'ceeded'), ('syna', 'gogue'), ('expecta', 'tions')] ST18820713-V08-26-page8.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('har', 'mony'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('Wiscon', 'sin')] ST18820713-V08-26-page9.txt: [('Philoso', 'phies'), ('Re', 'serve'), ('cele', 'bration'), ('intoxica', 'ting'), ('Hav', 'ing'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('immi', 'gration'), ('wel', 'fare')] ST18820720-V08-27-page1.txt: [('wor', 'shipers'), ('confi', 'dence'), ('Jeho', 'vah'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('regula', 'tion'), ('instruc', 'tions'), ('denomin', 'ated'), ('estab', 'lished')] ST18820720-V08-27-page11.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('decom', 'position'), ('popu', 'lace'), ('sylla', 'bles'), ('Spir', 'itual'), ('convo', 'cation'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('descrip', 'tion'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18820720-V08-27-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('enlight', 'ened'), ('re', 'member'), ('partic', 'ular'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('incor', 'porate'), ('Congrega', 'tionalists'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('discov', 'ered'), ('restora', 'tion'), ('Cincin', 'nati')] ST18820720-V08-27-page2.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('objec', 'tion'), ('Theolog', 'ical'), ('inher', 'itance'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('virt', 'ually'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'turn')] ST18820720-V08-27-page3.txt: [('SA', 'ith')] ST18820720-V08-27-page6.txt: [('unin', 'spired'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('holi', 'ness'), ('proba', 'tioner'), ('unchange', 'able'), ('circum', 'stance'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('revela', 'tion'), ('revolu', 'tionize'), ('incarna', 'tion')] ST18820720-V08-27-page7.txt: [('ordi', 'nances'), ('apos', 'tle'), ('confirma', 'tion'), ('inspi', 'ration'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('cov', 'enant'), ('orna', 'ment'), ('satisfac', 'tion'), ('re', 'ward')] ST18820727-V08-28-page11.txt: [('presid', 'ing'), ('Septem', 'ber'), ('attor', 'neys'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('blasphe', 'mous'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('Episco', 'pal'), ('shav', 'ings'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('vis', 'its'), ('manu', 'factured'), ('liabil', 'ities'), ('Conven', 'tion')] ST18820727-V08-28-page12.txt: [('Agri', 'culture'), ('Commer', 'cial'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('meeti', 'ng'), ('Medi', 'cine'), ('Trai', 'n'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('indispens', 'able'), ('accom', 'panied'), ('preju', 'diced'), ('Superin', 'tendents'), ('incom', 'plete'), ('pa', 'per'), ('Pa', 'rental'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('Lancas', 'ter')] ST18820727-V08-28-page2.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('unself', 'ishly'), ('domin', 'ion'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('calam', 'ities'), ('pre', 'vent'), ('re', 'jected')] ST18820727-V08-28-page3.txt: [("Appleton'", 's')] ST18820727-V08-28-page5.txt: [('un', 'avoidable'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('corre', 'sponding'), ('ordina', 'rily'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('Jeru', 'salem')] ST18820727-V08-28-page6.txt: [('regu', 'larly'), ('ap', 'pealed'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('Re', 'corder'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('demonstra', 'tion'), ('recom', 'mended'), ('preju', 'dice'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('mis', 'representing')] ST18820727-V08-28-page7.txt: [('neces', 'sarily'), ('repre', 'sent'), ('appli', 'cation'), ('apos', 'tasy'), ('crea', 'tion'), ('har', 'monious'), ('grati', 'tude'), ('Ertzen', 'berger'), ('asser', 'tion'), ('perpetu', 'ated'), ('Fa', 'thers')] ST18820727-V08-28-page9.txt: [('ex', 'citement'), ('manufac', 'tory'), ('moder', 'ate'), ('intem', 'perance'), ('percepti', 'bly'), ('intemper', 'ance'), ('gratifi', 'cation'), ('commu', 'nicants'), ('pre', 'paring'), ('schol', 'ars'), ('re', 'ferred')] ST18820803-V08-29-page1.txt: [('ve', 'in')] ST18820803-V08-29-page11.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('assem', 'bled'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('excep', 'tion'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('devo', 'tion'), ('instruc', 'tive'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('connec', 'tion')] ST18820803-V08-29-page12.txt: [('Bos', 'ton'), ('impossi', 'ble'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('decep', 'tion'), ('re', 'cently'), ('aban', 'doned'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('educa', 'tors'), ('ex', 'plains'), ('docu', 'ments'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('co', 'operation'), ('acquir', 'ing'), ('Noth', 'ing'), ('inci', 'dent'), ('Conven', 'tion'), ('edu', 'cation')] ST18820803-V08-29-page2.txt: [('deliv', 'erance'), ('har', 'vest'), ('Ush', "er's"), ('posi', 'tion'), ('ascen', 'sion'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('partici', 'pate'), ('re', 'deemed')] ST18820803-V08-29-page3.txt: [('distin', 'guished'), ('re', 'joicing')] ST18820803-V08-29-page4.txt: [('demi', 'gods')] ST18820803-V08-29-page6.txt: [('afflic', 'tion'), ('reliabil', 'ity'), ('Pla', 'tonic'), ('appre', 'ciate'), ('scien', 'tifically'), ('mov', 'ing'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('predic', 'tion'), ('senti', 'ment'), ('promis', 'cuous'), ('insti', 'tutions'), ('conclu', 'sions')] ST18820803-V08-29-page7.txt: [('pre', 'cepts')] ST18820803-V08-29-page9.txt: [('ordi', 'nance'), ('beauti', 'ful'), ('intoxica', 'ting'), ('crav', 'ing'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('propa', 'ganda'), ('Bava', 'rian'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('re', 'markable')] ST18820810-V08-30-page1.txt: [('re', 'instate')] ST18820810-V08-30-page11.txt: [('provis', 'ions'), ('Pedo', 'Baptists'), ('re', 'sulted'), ('fel', 'low'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('un', 'consecrated'), ('immi', 'gration'), ('emi', 'nence'), ('ne', 'gotiate'), ('Ameri', 'can'), ('Egyp', 'tian'), ('commen', 'dation'), ('possi', 'ble')] ST18820810-V08-30-page12.txt: [('Re', 'publican'), ('poli', 'tics'), ('Republi', 'can'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('satis', 'faction'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('politi', 'cians'), ('conscien', 'tious'), ('diffi', 'cult'), ('ex', 'tract'), ('hea', 'thenish'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('Repub', 'lican'), ('princi', 'ple'), ('Univer', 'salists'), ('Sabba', 'tism')] ST18820810-V08-30-page2.txt: [('sor', 'row'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('posi', 'tive'), ('happi', 'ness')] ST18820810-V08-30-page3.txt: [('ne', 'ver'), ('ver', 'a')] ST18820810-V08-30-page4.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('ti', 'S'), ('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('confi', 'dence'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('figura', 'tive'), ('har', 'vest'), ('desig', 'nated'), ('signifi', 'cance'), ('assump', 'tion'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('counte', 'nance'), ('TH', 'E'), ('dispensa', 'tion'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('pre', 'posterous'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('coinci', 'dent')] ST18820810-V08-30-page5.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('apprecia', 'tion'), ('inflic', 'tion'), ('objec', 'tion'), ('ex', 'amined'), ('annihila', 'tion'), ('lamen', 'tation'), ('inten', 'sity'), ('decapita', 'tion'), ('conse', 'quently'), ('co', 'existent'), ('accu', 'rately'), ('re', 'lief')] ST18820810-V08-30-page6.txt: [('sys', 'tems'), ('peti', 'tion'), ('physi', 'cal'), ('Na', "ture's"), ('regula', 'tion'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('co', 'workers'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'mains')] ST18820810-V08-30-page7.txt: [('unprof', 'itableness'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('passa', 'ges'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('testi', 'fies'), ('pre', 'cepts'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('re', 'spect')] ST18820810-V08-30-page8.txt: [('Independen', 't'), ('mis', 'sionaries')] ST18820810-V08-30-page9.txt: [('sensa', 'tionalism'), ('vehe', 'mently'), ('manufact', 'ure'), ('citi', 'zens'), ('un', 'disputed'), ('deliber', 'ately'), ('re', 'ception')] ST18820817-V08-31-page1.txt: [('benev', 'olence')] ST18820817-V08-31-page10.txt: [('ex', 'claimed')] ST18820817-V08-31-page11.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('re', 'veals'), ('suf', 'fer'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('situa', 'tion'), ('reserva', 'tion')] ST18820817-V08-31-page12.txt: [('presid', 'ing'), ('ev', 'er'), ('voi', 'ces'), ('unani', 'mously'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('ap', 'pears'), ('embrac', 'ing'), ('pa', 'ges'), ('Conven', 'tion'), ('sa', 'cred'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('ac', 'commodate')] ST18820817-V08-31-page2.txt: [('mu', 'sic'), ('beauti', 'ful'), ('por', 'tion'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('expec', 'tation'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('ple', 'at')] ST18820817-V08-31-page3.txt: [('impurit', 'y')] ST18820817-V08-31-page4.txt: [('elo', 'quence'), ('incom', 'prehensible'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('circu', 'late'), ('vis', 'ible'), ('investi', 'gate'), ('requir', 'ing'), ('revela', 'tion'), ('op', 'posed')] ST18820817-V08-31-page6.txt: [('attri', 'butes'), ('exi', 't')] ST18820817-V08-31-page7.txt: [('tradi', 'tions'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('ex', 'plicitly'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('sanc', 'tification'), ('conscien', 'tiously'), ('TI', 'TI'), ('sancti', 'fication'), ('re', 'quiring')] ST18820817-V08-31-page9.txt: [('satura', 'ted'), ('ob', 'ject'), ('inves', 'tigations'), ('oppo', 'site')] ST18820824-V08-32-page11.txt: [('prin', 'ciples'), ('envi', 'ronment'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('inces', 'sant'), ('re', 'veals'), ('lov', 'ing'), ('admi', 'rable'), ('partic', 'ular'), ('insur', 'rection'), ('reso', 'lution'), ('suc', 'ceeded'), ('Secre', 'tary'), ('passen', 'ger'), ('Salva', 'tion'), ('propor', 'tions'), ('extrava', 'gance'), ('whis', 'pered'), ('Egyp', 'tian'), ('oppos', 'ing')] ST18820824-V08-32-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('spe', 'cific'), ('pre', 'fers'), ('re', 'mains'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('Repub', 'lican'), ('ac', 'tion')] ST18820824-V08-32-page2.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('beauti', 'ful'), ('intermin', 'gled'), ('chrys', 'oprasus'), ('suscept', 'ible'), ('ob', 'jector'), ('acknowl', 'edged'), ('chalced', 'ony'), ('metrop', 'olis'), ('chal', 'cedony'), ('re', 'stored')] ST18820824-V08-32-page4.txt: [('obli', 'gation')] ST18820824-V08-32-page5.txt: [('eti', 'quette'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('pre', 'dictions'), ('uncer', 'tainties'), ('re', 'ceive'), ('conclu', 'sion'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18820824-V08-32-page7.txt: [('defi', 'ciency'), ('inade', 'quate'), ('wor', 'shipers'), ('Re', 'treat'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('signifi', 'cance'), ('pre', 'vent')] ST18820824-V08-32-page8.txt: [('forni', 'cation'), ('extrem', 'ity'), ('leop', 'ard'), ('blasphe', 'mies'), ('repre', 'senting'), ('wer', 'e'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('Dres', 'den'), ('em', 'pire'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('struct', 'ure'), ('Ro', 'man'), ('serv', 'ice'), ('iden', 'tity'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('compari', 'son'), ('re', 'moved')] ST18820831-V08-33-page1.txt: [('Ambi', 'tious')] ST18820831-V08-33-page11.txt: [('inher', 'itor'), ('admis', 'sion'), ('satis', 'fied'), ('re', 'formed'), ('physi', 'cians'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('ex', 'tensive'), ('postmas', 'ter'), ('vicin', 'ity'), ('wor', 'ried'), ('devel', 'oping'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('enig', 'matical')] ST18820831-V08-33-page12.txt: [('anxi', 'ety'), ('qualifi', 'cation'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('conven', 'ient'), ('co', 'operation'), ('presen', 'tation'), ('Mor', 'rison')] ST18820831-V08-33-page3.txt: [('ordi', 'nances'), ('privi', 'lege'), ('surpris', 'ing'), ('plen', 'itude'), ('responsi', 'bilities'), ('ment', 'on'), ('unani', 'mously'), ('unneces', 'sary'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('re', 'sponsibilities')] ST18820831-V08-33-page5.txt: [('neces', 'sary'), ('ex', 'amining'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('prepara', 'tion'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('responsibil', 'ity'), ('discour', 'aged'), ('nec', 'essary'), ('re', 'veals')] ST18820831-V08-33-page6.txt: [('popu', 'larity'), ('appar', 'ent'), ('intelli', 'gent'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('observ', 'ing'), ('coun', 'try'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('investi', 'gation'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('toler', 'ated')] ST18820831-V08-33-page7.txt: [('mor', 'tal'), ('devel', 'oped'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('ortho', 'doxy'), ('pre', 'dicted'), ('mis', 'chievous'), ('ac', 'quainted'), ('numer', 'ous')] ST18820831-V08-33-page8.txt: [('al', 'lows'), ('repre', 'sented'), ('immedi', 'ately'), ('unin', 'tentional'), ('Babylo', 'nian'), ('inde', 'pendent'), ('coun', 'try'), ('combina', 'tion'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('composi', 'tion'), ('denomina', 'tions'), ('divis', 'ion')] ST18820831-V08-33-page9.txt: [('distribu', 'ting'), ('denomi', 'national'), ('Al', 'though'), ('Publica', 'tions'), ('coun', 'tries'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('th', 'emselves'), ('announc', 'ing'), ('dif', 'ficult'), ('denomina', 'tional'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'ward'), ('difficul', 'ties')] ST18820907-V08-34-page11.txt: [('pre', 'sented'), ('Constanti', 'nople'), ('construc', 'tion'), ('occu', 'pied'), ('institu', 'tions'), ('valua', 'bles'), ('hav', 'ing')] ST18820907-V08-34-page12.txt: [('tri', 'umph'), ('Califor', 'nia'), ('un', 'less'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('elec', 'tion'), ('circu', 'late')] ST18820907-V08-34-page13.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('incon', 'gruities'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('Re', 'publican'), ('poli', 'tics'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18820907-V08-34-page16.txt: [('abso', 'lutely'), ('conclu', 'sion'), ('ecclesias', 'tical'), ('restau', 'rants'), ('ex', 'pounder'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('citi', 'zens')] ST18820907-V08-34-page2.txt: [('corpo', 'real'), ('biogra', 'pher'), ('lan', 'guage'), ('conceiv', 'ing'), ('ap', 'pears'), ('ex', 'pressly'), ('argumen', 't'), ('exten', 'sively'), ('enthusi', 'asm'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('prophe', 'cies'), ('advan', 'tage'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('reflec', 'tions'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('pre', 'pare'), ('revolu', 'tions')] ST18820907-V08-34-page3.txt: [('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('repre', 'sent'), ('har', 'lots'), ('coun', 'try'), ('omnip', 'otence'), ('impen', 'itent'), ('re', 'spect'), ('soci', 'ety'), ('recog', 'nizes')] ST18820907-V08-34-page4.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('opportu', 'nity'), ('devel', 'opment'), ('informa', 'tion'), ('pecu', 'liarities'), ('nei', 'ther'), ('inhab', 'itants'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('selec', 'tion'), ('congrega', 'tion'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('un', 'flagging'), ('mis', 'takes'), ('re', 'turn'), ('possibili', 'ties')] ST18820907-V08-34-page5.txt: [('compre', 'hend'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('consum', 'mation'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('ex', 'traordinary'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('Shep', 'herd'), ('compan', 'ions'), ('pre', 'pare'), ('treacher', 'ously'), ('Unleav', 'ened'), ('re', 'ceive'), ('unmis', 'takable'), ('ac', 'curate')] ST18820907-V08-34-page6.txt: [('ex', 'perience'), ('Breth', 'ren'), ('assump', 'tion'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('occa', 'sion'), ('re', 'affirming')] ST18820907-V08-34-page8.txt: [('pre', 'served')] ST18820914-V08-35-page1.txt: [('justifi', 'cation'), ('Rebell', 'ion'), ('ap', 'pears'), ('pon', 'dered'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('re', 'proof')] ST18820914-V08-35-page12.txt: [('exces', 'sive'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('suc', 'cessor'), ('incorpor', 'ate'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('Circu', 'late')] ST18820914-V08-35-page14.txt: [('institutio', 'ns')] ST18820914-V08-35-page16.txt: [('compara', 'tive'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('Repub', 'licans')] ST18820914-V08-35-page2.txt: [('particu', 'lars'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('apos', 'tle'), ('pecu', 'liarly'), ('em', 'ployed'), ('curi', 'osity'), ('si', 'lence'), ('suc', 'cored')] ST18820914-V08-35-page4.txt: [('afflic', 'tion'), ('attri', 'bute'), ('pa', 'tience'), ('har', 'vest'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('benev', 'olence'), ('partak', 'ing'), ('predomi', 'nate'), ('Beelze', 'bub'), ('oppos', 'eth'), ('Ro', 'man'), ('despis', 'ers'), ('ini', 'quity'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('tri', 'umph'), ('tribu', 'lation'), ('serv', 'ant'), ('consequen', 'ces'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('un', 'thankful')] ST18820914-V08-35-page5.txt: [('indi', 'cate'), ('apos', 'tatize'), ('loveli', 'ness'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('virt', 'ues'), ('humilia', 'tion'), ('disci', 'ples')] ST18820914-V08-35-page7.txt: [('discrimina', 'tion'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('inconsist', 'ent'), ('commem', 'orate'), ('impossi', 'ble'), ('delibera', 'tions'), ('Conven', 'tion'), ('privi', 'leges'), ('rebell', 'ion'), ('independ', 'ently'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('ob', 'serve'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('co', 'operate'), ('pre', 'sent'), ('sancti', 'fied'), ('re', 'ligious'), ('na', 'tions')] ST18820914-V08-35-page8.txt: [('Noth', 'ing'), ('deliv', 'ered'), ('Moni', "tor's"), ('funda', 'mental'), ('ful', 'filled'), ('immedi', 'ate'), ('Ac', 'tivity'), ('observ', 'ers'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('procla', 'mation')] ST18820914-V08-35-page9.txt: [('experi', 'enced'), ('opportu', 'nity'), ('quar', 'ries'), ('ingen', 'ious'), ('vis', 'itors'), ('splen', 'did'), ('co', 'operate'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('persecu', 'tion')] ST18820921-V08-36-page11.txt: [('TH', 'is')] ST18820921-V08-36-page12.txt: [('sile', 'r'), ('OP', 'P'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('opposi', 'tion'), ('Heav', 'en'), ('pil', 'grim'), ('ti', 'e'), ('sor', 'row'), ('Ti', 'a'), ('ev', 'er'), ('Pu', 'ritanism'), ('wea', 'ry'), ('wel', 'come'), ('spir', 'it'), ('mu', 'sic'), ('fi', 'T'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18820921-V08-36-page2.txt: [('charac', 'terized'), ('deserv', 'ing'), ('trum', 'peted'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('impet', 'uous'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('consti', 'tutes'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('advo', 'cated'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('wil', 'lingness')] ST18820921-V08-36-page3.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('ex', 'ceedingly'), ('Congre', 'gationalist'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('agoniz', 'ing')] ST18820921-V08-36-page5.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('ex', 'cuse'), ('Bos', 'e'), ('fu', 'ture'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('schol', 'ars'), ('excom', 'munication'), ('indis', 'pensable')] ST18820921-V08-36-page6.txt: [('Presi', 'dents'), ('founda', 'tion'), ('sympa', 'thy'), ('direc', 'tion'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('hesi', 'tating'), ('Reposi', 'tory'), ('instrumen', 'tality'), ('unbe', 'lief'), ('oppo', 'nents')] ST18820921-V08-36-page7.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('conspicu', 'ous'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('opposi', 'tion'), ('Ro', 'manist'), ('ecclesi', 'astical')] ST18820921-V08-36-page8.txt: [('ap', 'pointed'), ('ex', 'pression'), ('em', 'powered'), ('sug', 'gest'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('posi', 'tions'), ('remem', 'brance'), ('re', 'ferred'), ('ac', 'count'), ('ful', 'filled')] ST18820921-V08-36-page9.txt: [('conversa', 'tion'), ('ap', 'proached'), ('ex', 'amine'), ('Incorpora', 'tion'), ('Agri', 'cultural'), ('Incor', 'poration'), ('unan', 'imously'), ('viv', 'idly'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('un', 'couth'), ('Califor', 'nia'), ('Incorpo', 'ration'), ('legisla', 'tion')] ST18820928-V08-37-page11.txt: [('Cuy', 'ahoga'), ('amus', 'ing'), ('Hol', 'landers'), ('re', 'duction'), ('trav', 'eling'), ('organi', 'zation'), ('Metho', 'dist'), ('decis', 'ion'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('Ne', 'braska'), ('griev', 'ance'), ('preser', 'vation'), ('figur', 'ative')] ST18820928-V08-37-page12.txt: [('preced', 'ing'), ('regu', 'lar'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18820928-V08-37-page2.txt: [('co', 'operation'), ("God'", 's'), ('re', 'Hob')] ST18820928-V08-37-page4.txt: [('irrever', 'ent'), ('ap', 'proved'), ('unprof', 'itably'), ('homilet', 'ical'), ('intelli', 'gence'), ('Phari', 'sees'), ('sacri', 'fice'), ('ele', 'ment'), ('Conven', 'tional'), ('taber', 'nacle'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('oppos', 'ing'), ('vis', 'ible'), ('sanctifi', 'cation'), ('conse', 'cration'), ('dispensa', 'tion'), ('sancti', 'fies'), ('captivat', 'ing'), ('dedica', 'tion'), ('re', 'deems'), ('scaf', 'folding')] ST18820928-V08-37-page6.txt: [('appro', 'val'), ('informa', 'tion'), ('Nebuchadrezz', 'ar'), ('pre', 'tend'), ('conclu', 'sions')] ST18820928-V08-37-page7.txt: [('substan', 'tially'), ('accompani', 'ments'), ('sincer', 'ity'), ('coun', 'try'), ('godli', 'ness'), ('un', 'godly'), ('op', 'posite'), ('re', 'vival')] ST18821005-V08-38-page1.txt: [('licen', 'tiousness'), ('giv', 'ing')] ST18821005-V08-38-page11.txt: [('Mc', 'Donald')] ST18821005-V08-38-page12.txt: [('Bos', 'ton'), ('poli', 'tician'), ('unschol', 'arly'), ('re', 'strain'), ('ex', 'amined'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('edu', 'cated')] ST18821005-V08-38-page3.txt: [('charac', 'ters'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('proba', 'ble'), ('inten', 'tion'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('circum', 'stance'), ('depre', 'dations'), ('condem', 'nation'), ('re', 'ferred')] ST18821005-V08-38-page4.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('al', 'leged'), ('Re', 'ports'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('contri', 'bution'), ('equiva', 'lent'), ('nega', 'tive'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('ver', 'sions'), ('estab', 'lish'), ('conclu', 'sion')] ST18821005-V08-38-page5.txt: [('misunder', 'stood'), ('al', 'ready'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('PA', 'ID'), ('oc', 'casion'), ('homeo', 'pathic'), ('declar', 'ing'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('narra', 'tive'), ('re', 'turned')] ST18821005-V08-38-page6.txt: [('opportu', 'nity'), ('unfortu', 'nately'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('Conven', 'tion'), ('diamet', 'rically'), ('advisa', 'bility'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('un', 'clean')] ST18821005-V08-38-page7.txt: [('unin', 'terrupted'), ('corre', 'sponds'), ('por', 'tion'), ('ob', 'servation'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('Mariola', 'try'), ('distin', 'guished'), ('oint', 'ments')] ST18821005-V08-38-page8.txt: [('inevita', 'ble')] ST18821019-V08-39-page11.txt: [('appli', 'cation'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('announc', 'ing'), ('pre', 'emption'), ('re', 'instated'), ('ani', 'mal'), ('percepti', 'ble'), ('th', 'ree'), ('discrimina', 'ting'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('Octo', 'ber'), ('frus', 'trated'), ('sepa', 'rate'), ('ob', 'served'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('Conven', 'tion')] ST18821019-V08-39-page12.txt: [('impossi', 'ble'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('surren', 'dered'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('arti', 'cle'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('Bre', 'men'), ('promi', 'nent'), ('peo', 'ple')] ST18821019-V08-39-page2.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('incom', 'prehensible'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('sanc', 'tity'), ('fa', 'vored'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('actu', 'ally'), ('esti', 'mated'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('pre', 'vent'), ('considera', 'tions'), ('anathe', 'matized'), ('re', 'gard'), ('Revela', 'tion')] ST18821019-V08-39-page3.txt: [('unintel', 'ligent'), ('uncom', 'mon'), ('creat', 'ure'), ('contin', 'ued'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('disap', 'pointment'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('acci', 'dent')] ST18821019-V08-39-page6.txt: [('festi', 'vals'), ('decla', 'ration'), ('particu', 'lar'), ('vari', 'ous'), ('creat', 'ure'), ('coun', 'sel'), ('mov', 'ing'), ('significa', 'tion'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('preju', 'dices'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('insti', 'tution'), ('ren', 'dering'), ('Inas', 'much')] ST18821019-V08-39-page7.txt: [('strin', 'gent'), ('har', 'mony'), ('cov', 'enant'), ('practi', 'cal'), ('co', 'partnership'), ('congre', 'gation'), ('re', 'garded'), ('supersti', 'tion')] ST18821019-V08-39-page9.txt: [('ap', 'pears'), ('qual', 'ifications'), ('hu', 'manity'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('Resolu', 'tions'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('unaccus', 'tomed'), ('Saun', 'ders'), ('po', 'liteness'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('Nomi', 'nating'), ('th', 'at'), ('dif', 'fuse'), ('re', 'marks'), ('happi', 'ness')] ST18821026-V08-40-page11.txt: [('Wil', 'liam'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('declar', 'ing'), ('Phila', 'delphia'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('ex', 'changes'), ('gradu', 'ated'), ('stran', 'ger'), ('ob', 'jected'), ('uncom', 'fortable')] ST18821026-V08-40-page12.txt: [('unavoida', 'bly'), ('satis', 'factory'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('op', 'posed'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('abun', 'dance'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('occa', 'sions'), ('ex', 'pect'), ('propor', 'tion'), ('relig', 'ious')] ST18821026-V08-40-page2.txt: [('vari', 'ous'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('se', 'cure'), ('suc', 'ceeding'), ('indis', 'tinct'), ('re', 'vealed')] ST18821026-V08-40-page3.txt: [('diffi', 'culties'), ('elo', 'quent'), ('independ', 'ence'), ('invigorat', 'ing'), ('divis', 'ions')] ST18821026-V08-40-page4.txt: [('Healds', 'burg'), ('Cus', 'ter'), ('impos', 'sible'), ('exe', 'cuted'), ('Re', 'ports'), ('coun', 'sel'), ('prac', 'tical'), ('dif', 'ferent')] ST18821026-V08-40-page5.txt: [('sylla', 'bles')] ST18821026-V08-40-page7.txt: [('repre', 'sentatives'), ('adher', 'ence'), ('indi', 'viduals'), ('desti', 'tution'), ('assem', 'bly'), ('mechan', 'ically')] ST18821026-V08-40-page8.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('Wil', 'lits'), ('Gon', 'zales'), ('commun', 'ion'), ('Morri', 'son'), ('re', 'sults'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('TU', 'E'), ('ex', 'tend'), ('grati', 'tude'), ('privi', 'leges'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('deliber', 'ations')] ST18821026-V08-40-page9.txt: [('corre', 'spond'), ('Cre', 'dentials'), ('quar', 'rels'), ('cul', 'tivation'), ('senti', 'ment'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('princi', 'pally'), ('re', 'i'), ('Loughbor', 'ough')] ST18821102-V08-41-page11.txt: [('ordi', 'nance'), ('unobjec', 'tionable'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('Constanti', 'nople'), ('re', 'tainers'), ('popula', 'tion'), ('sug', 'gests'), ('estab', 'lishment'), ('insignifi', 'cance'), ('ex', 'cite'), ('Salva', 'tionists'), ('nowa', 'days'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('facto', 'ries'), ('sa', 'cs'), ('satisfac', 'torily')] ST18821102-V08-41-page12.txt: [('OP', 'E'), ('rela', 'tion'), ('re', 'joice'), ('ti', 'T'), ('Infi', 'del'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('Edi', 'tion'), ('suf', 'fer'), ('Ie', 'r'), ('co', 'IL'), ('Je', 'sus'), ('subscrip', 'tions')] ST18821102-V08-41-page2.txt: [('ex', 'istence'), ('indulg', 'ing'), ('ani', 'mated'), ('godli', 'ness'), ('pre', 'dicted'), ('becom', 'ing')] ST18821102-V08-41-page4.txt: [('opin', 'ions'), ('suf', 'fering'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('abol', 'ish'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('pre', 'senting'), ('un', 'sound'), ('re', 'demption')] ST18821102-V08-41-page6.txt: [('ex', 'plicit'), ('fre', 'quent'), ('oc', 'curred'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('centu', 'ries'), ('whatso', 'ever'), ('quent', 'in'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('Apos', 'tolical')] ST18821102-V08-41-page7.txt: [('dispos', 'ing'), ('Inde', 'pendent'), ('denomi', 'nation'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('evangeli', 'cal'), ('obliga', 'tion'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('impre', 'catory'), ('attribut', 'ing'), ('discred', 'its'), ('re', 'lation'), ('Refor', 'mation')] ST18821102-V08-41-page8.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('incon', 'venience'), ('accus', 'tomed'), ('ful', 'filling'), ('calcu', 'lated'), ('har', 'moniously'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('corrup', 'tions'), ('re', 'sults')] ST18821109-V08-42-page1.txt: [('al', 't')] ST18821109-V08-42-page11.txt: [('pre', 'sented'), ('sylla', 'bles')] ST18821109-V08-42-page12.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('Re', 'public'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('educa', 'tion'), ('ob', 'served'), ('prohibi', 'tion'), ('Noth', 'ing'), ('enumer', 'ated'), ('Ches', 'ter')] ST18821109-V08-42-page2.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('sor', 'row'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('es', 'timation'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('sanctifi', 'cation'), ('insti', 'tuted'), ('un', 'worthy'), ('obstruc', 'tion'), ('mis', 'understood')] ST18821109-V08-42-page3.txt: [('partic', 'ularly'), ('resi', 'dence'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('suffi', 'ciently')] ST18821109-V08-42-page4.txt: [('Noth', 'ing'), ('iniq', 'uity'), ('ex', 'isted'), ('Re', 'pent'), ('occu', 'pied'), ('esti', 'mated'), ('Ro', 'man'), ('consolida', 'tion'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('divis', 'ions')] ST18821109-V08-42-page5.txt: [('nar', 'rative'), ('inno', 'cent'), ('ex', 'press'), ('domin', 'ions'), ('ori', 'gin'), ('transi', 'tion'), ('cul', 'minating'), ('Ro', 'man'), ('origi', 'nal'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('adminis', 'tration'), ('determin', 'ation'), ('notori', 'ety'), ('pre', 'liminary'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('accu', 'sation'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('na', 'tional')] ST18821109-V08-42-page6.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('cre', 'ated'), ('sus', 'ceptibility'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('modi', 'fied'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('explan', 'ation'), ('extinc', 'tion'), ('dissolu', 'tion')] ST18821109-V08-42-page7.txt: [('inci', 'dent'), ('ex', 'tremely'), ('coun', 'try'), ('suf', 'ficiently'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('Sabba', 'tarians'), ('Transyl', 'vania'), ('senti', 'ments'), ('Transylva', 'nia'), ('un', 'usually'), ('nu', 'merous'), ('describ', 'ing'), ('persecu', 'tion'), ('institu', 'tions'), ('re', 'main'), ('ac', 'tually')] ST18821109-V08-42-page8.txt: [('Noth', 'ing'), ('awak', 'ened'), ('uncon', 'secrated'), ('ra', 'tionalist'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('suffi', 'ciently'), ('ac', 'cept')] ST18821109-V08-42-page9.txt: [('wor', 'shiping'), ('prohi', 'bition'), ('intox', 'icating'), ('enfran', 'chising'), ('re', 'sponsible')] ST18821116-V08-43-page1.txt: [('commo', 'tion'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('elo', 'quence'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('attrac', 'tions'), ('moun', 'tain')] ST18821116-V08-43-page10.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('hir', 'ed'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('impa', 'tiently'), ('daugh', "ter's"), ('unex', 'pectedly'), ('ber', 'ries'), ('sar', 'castically'), ('tempta', 'tion')] ST18821116-V08-43-page11.txt: [('hypothe', 'sis'), ('proba', 'tion'), ('aggregat', 'ing'), ('re', 'fer'), ('theo', 'logical'), ('fron', 'tier'), ('suc', 'cumb'), ('un', 'til'), ('seri', 'ous'), ('fif', 'teen'), ('smok', 'ing'), ('infini', 'tum'), ('selec', 'tion'), ('Dar', 'winism')] ST18821116-V08-43-page12.txt: [('ene', 'mies'), ('Na', 'tion'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('incor', 'rect'), ('founda', 'tion'), ('ex', 'tract'), ('ap', 'peared')] ST18821116-V08-43-page4.txt: [('charac', 'teristics'), ('appreci', 'ated'), ('incor', 'ruptible'), ('hea', 'then'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('tem', 'poral'), ('corrup', 'tion'), ('na', 'tions')] ST18821116-V08-43-page5.txt: [('sylla', 'bles'), ('jeal', 'ousy'), ('instru', 'ment'), ('Si', 'mon'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18821116-V08-43-page6.txt: [('neces', 'sarily'), ('ab', 'surdly'), ('corre', 'sponds'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('necro', 'mancy'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('satis', 'fied'), ('consid', 'eration'), ('vin', 'dicate'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('re', 'port'), ('ac', 'complished'), ('oppo', 'sites')] ST18821116-V08-43-page7.txt: [('incon', 'sistent'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('Th', 'e'), ('primi', 'tive'), ('schis', 'matics'), ('numer', 'ous')] ST18821116-V08-43-page8.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('incon', 'venience'), ('devo', 'tions'), ('smok', 'ing'), ('inde', 'pendently'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('Peo', 'ple'), ('stran', 'gled'), ('litera', 'ture'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('mis', 'sionaries'), ('medi', 'tating'), ('tempta', 'tion'), ('recog', 'nized'), ('oppo', 'sition')] ST18821123-V08-44-page1.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('glori', 'fied'), ('ex', 'emplified'), ('cour', 'age'), ('oth', 'ers'), ('re', 'straint')] ST18821123-V08-44-page10.txt: [('glori', 'fied'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('pa', 'thetic'), ('TI', 'E'), ('unques', 'tioning'), ('matu', 'rity'), ('ment', 'or')] ST18821123-V08-44-page11.txt: [('Philadel', 'phia'), ('re', 'supply'), ('quan', 'tity'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('medi', 'cines'), ('huma', 'n'), ('ex', 'pose'), ('bi', 'centennial'), ('Congre', 'gational'), ('discov', 'ered'), ('Massachu', 'setts'), ('Mor', 'mons'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('se', 'verest')] ST18821123-V08-44-page12.txt: [('Moni', 'tor'), ('re', 'demption'), ('Metho', 'dists'), ('ob', 'served'), ('institu', 'tions'), ('misdirec', 'tion'), ('ap', 'pointment'), ('repub', 'lished'), ('unavoid', 'able'), ('accumula', 'tion')] ST18821123-V08-44-page2.txt: [('condi', 'tions'), ('ascer', 'tained'), ('strik', 'ing'), ('prin', 'cipalities'), ('Cre', 'ation'), ('monu', 'ment'), ('suf', 'fering'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('un', 'knowable'), ('sancti', 'fication'), ('re', 'demption'), ('expres', 'sion')] ST18821123-V08-44-page4.txt: [('Heze', 'kiah'), ('Catho', 'lics'), ('ex', 'pressed'), ('ful', 'fillment'), ('har', 'monizes'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('remem', 'brance'), ('si', 'lence'), ('un', 'derstood'), ('re', 'quest')] ST18821123-V08-44-page5.txt: [('TI', 'E')] ST18821123-V08-44-page6.txt: [('justifi', 'cation'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('represen', 'tation'), ('interposi', 'tion'), ('holi', 'ness'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('circumstan', 'ces'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18821123-V08-44-page7.txt: [('innumer', 'able'), ('prac', 'tices'), ('satis', 'factory')] ST18821123-V08-44-page8.txt: [('tr', 'iumphant'), ('disci', 'ple')] ST18821130-V08-45-page10.txt: [('opportu', 'nity'), ('judic', 'ious'), ('ap', 'proving'), ('ex', 'pressing'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('Pa', 'tience'), ('defini', 'tion'), ('ani', 'mated'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('mis', 'tress'), ('re', 'entered')] ST18821130-V08-45-page11.txt: [('skepti', 'cism'), ('Sul', "livan's"), ('oc', 'curred'), ('providen', 'tially'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('politi', 'cian'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('eulo', 'gized'), ('theo', 'logians'), ('suc', 'cessive'), ('imma', 'terial'), ('issu', 'ing'), ('cari', 'caturing'), ('em', 'bryo'), ('Mor', 'monism'), ('hav', 'ing')] ST18821130-V08-45-page12.txt: [('particu', 'lars'), ('emphat', 'ically'), ('celebra', 'tion'), ('famil', 'iarity'), ('suc', 'ceed'), ('chrono', 'logical'), ('civiliza', 'tion'), ('bi', 'centennial'), ('pecul', 'iarly'), ('ap', 'pointed'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('fi', 'nancially'), ('Jeru', 'salem')] ST18821130-V08-45-page2.txt: [('re', 'in')] ST18821130-V08-45-page3.txt: [('emi', 'grants'), ('conven', 'ient'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('Ro', 'manists'), ('ag', 'ricultural'), ('pre', 'lates'), ('Hol', 'land'), ('superin', 'tendent')] ST18821130-V08-45-page4.txt: [('neces', 'sities'), ('ap', 'pointed'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('cele', 'brated'), ('ab', 'sence'), ('limita', 'tions'), ('consecra', 'tion'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('counte', 'nanced'), ('remem', 'brance'), ('pre', 'cept'), ('re', 'straint'), ('Dia', 'logues')] ST18821130-V08-45-page5.txt: [('wh', 'it'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('ev', 'er'), ('hith', 'erto'), ('harmoni', 'ously'), ('explana', 'tion'), ('admira', 'tion'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('re', 'vealed'), ('Sanhe', 'drim')] ST18821130-V08-45-page6.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('denomi', 'nations'), ('indi', 'cated'), ('immedi', 'ate'), ('poli', 'tics'), ('recogni', 'zes'), ('contin', 'uous'), ('heark', 'ened'), ('prohibi', 'tion'), ('tem', 'porary'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'turns'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18821130-V08-45-page8.txt: [('charac', 'terizes'), ('digni', 'taries'), ('appar', 'ent'), ('devo', 'tion'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('pio', 'neers'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('rava', 'ges'), ('interpreta', 'tion'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('commu', 'nication'), ('propa', 'gate'), ('re', 'cent')] ST18821207-V08-46-page11.txt: [('re', 'duction'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('preci', 'pice'), ('perpendicu', 'lar'), ('manu', 'facture'), ('co', 'laborers')] ST18821207-V08-46-page12.txt: [('espe', 'cially'), ('em', 'ployed'), ('attrac', 'tions'), ('dif', 'ferent')] ST18821207-V08-46-page2.txt: [('celebra', 'tion'), ('ap', 'pointment'), ('disobedi', 'ence'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('em', 'pire'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('Indig', 'nant'), ('intim', 'idated'), ('Foras', 'much'), ('un', 'reasonable'), ('Pon', 'tifex'), ('re', 'fresh'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18821207-V08-46-page4.txt: [('RE', 'OPENING'), ('ex', 'tremely'), ('domin', 'ion'), ('vari', 'ety'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('hu', 'man'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('inviola', 'bly'), ('se', 'ductions'), ('Thessaloni', 'ans'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('re', 'fused'), ('possi', 'bly'), ('fas', 'cinations')] ST18821207-V08-46-page5.txt: [('appar', 'ently'), ('exe', 'cuted'), ('ab', 'sence'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('evange', 'lists'), ('op', 'pressed'), ('visita', 'tion'), ('ac', 'quainted'), ('ful', 'fillment')] ST18821207-V08-46-page6.txt: [('singl', 'e'), ('strongl', 'y')] ST18821207-V08-46-page7.txt: [('ma', 'jority'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('duplic', 'ity'), ('Legis', 'lature'), ('privi', 'leges'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('advo', 'cated'), ('re', 'ligion')] ST18821207-V08-46-page8.txt: [('charac', 'terizes'), ('Tyn', 'dale'), ('un', 'molested'), ('mis', 'sionaries')] ST18821207-V08-46-page9.txt: [('impu', 'nity'), ('prohi', 'bition'), ('smok', 'ing'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('traf', 'fic'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('re', 'flection')] ST18821214-V08-47-page10.txt: [('ma', 'de'), ('th', 'in')] ST18821214-V08-47-page11.txt: [('har', 'mony'), ('Sul', 'tan'), ('su', 'icide'), ('HEA', 'LDSBURG'), ('sylla', 'bles'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('sul', 'phur'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('acci', 'dentally'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('em', 'igrants'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('Mor', 'mons'), ('embez', 'zlements')] ST18821214-V08-47-page12.txt: [('lodg', 'ings'), ('satis', 'fied'), ('re', 'published'), ('offi', 'cials'), ('TI', 'E'), ('mis', 'taken'), ('uncon', 'ditional'), ('facili', 'ties')] ST18821214-V08-47-page2.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('justi', 'fied'), ('circum', 'cision'), ('tem', 'poral')] ST18821214-V08-47-page3.txt: [('inquisi', 'tion'), ('expen', 'sive'), ('believ', 'eth'), ('receiv', 'eth'), ('citi', 'zen'), ('re', 'lations'), ('supersti', 'tion')] ST18821214-V08-47-page4.txt: [('RE', 'OPENING')] ST18821214-V08-47-page6.txt: [('sor', 'row'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('ra', 'tional'), ('Re', 'venge'), ('indi', 'cate'), ('ach', 'or'), ('attri', 'butes'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('instan', 'ces'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('jeal', 'ousy'), ('pre', 'cept')] ST18821214-V08-47-page9.txt: [('noth', 'ing')] ST18821221-V08-48-page12.txt: [('re', 'published'), ('Guaran', 'tees'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('un', 'claimed'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('suf', 'fer'), ('Ameri', 'cans'), ('subscrib', 'ers'), ('transfigur', 'ation'), ('dif', 'ficult')] ST18821221-V08-48-page13.txt: [('Noth', 'ing'), ('publica', 'tion'), ('arti', 'cles')] ST18821221-V08-48-page14.txt: [('inten', 'tion'), ('sug', 'gestions'), ('Rol', "lin's"), ('BR', 'OWNSBERGER'), ('Ba', 'shan'), ('attrac', 'tions')] ST18821221-V08-48-page15.txt: [('dependen', 't')] ST18821221-V08-48-page16.txt: [('propri', 'ety'), ('Prescr', 'iption')] ST18821221-V08-48-page2.txt: [('ex', 'planation'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('accom', 'plishes'), ('conclu', 'sion'), ('ren', 'derings')] ST18821221-V08-48-page4.txt: [('RE', 'OPENING')] ST18821221-V08-48-page5.txt: [('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('cruci', 'fixion'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('accom', 'pany'), ('sug', 'gestions'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('disci', 'pline'), ('sugges', 'tions'), ('pre', 'cept'), ('un', 'derstand'), ('schol', 'ars'), ('imme', 'diately'), ('expres', 'sions')] ST18821221-V08-48-page6.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('Inde', 'pendent'), ('ap', 'pointed'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('Estab', 'lished'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('pre', 'vailed'), ('restora', 'tion'), ('ac', 'quainted'), ('recog', 'nized')] ST18821221-V08-48-page7.txt: [('ex', 'pressly'), ('consumma', 'tion'), ('af', 'firm'), ('prepara', 'tion'), ('authori', 'ties'), ('arti', 'san'), ('propor', 'tions'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('responsi', 'bilities'), ('influen', 'tial'), ('investiga', 'tion'), ('solici', 'tude'), ('ac', 'quaintance'), ('apprecia', 'ted')] ST18821221-V08-48-page8.txt: [('conversa', 'tion')] ST18830104-V09-01-page10.txt: [('obe', 'dience'), ('ex', 'periencing'), ('conscien', 'tiously'), ('Happi', 'ness'), ('ob', 'ject'), ('oth', 'ers'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('hearti', 'ness'), ('re', 'call'), ('wel', 'fare')] ST18830104-V09-01-page11.txt: [('Li', 'e'), ('ni', 't'), ('spe', 'c'), ('sylla', 'bles'), ('ay', 'in'), ('ut', 't'), ('se', 'at')] ST18830104-V09-01-page12.txt: [('misrep', 'resents'), ('direc', 'tion'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('re', 'spect'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('exer', 'cises'), ('SK', 'ETCHES')] ST18830104-V09-01-page2.txt: [('neces', 'sities'), ('individ', 'ually'), ('cele', 'brations'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('tink', 'ling'), ('Heav', 'enward'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('luS', 'ts'), ('abid', 'eth'), ('un', 'learned'), ('obvi', 'ous'), ('perni', 'cious'), ('inestima', 'ble'), ('charg', 'ing')] ST18830104-V09-01-page3.txt: [('Congrega', 'tional'), ('reac', 'tion'), ('splen', 'did'), ('diplo', 'mats'), ('natu', 'ral'), ('pre', 'eminence')] ST18830104-V09-01-page4.txt: [('incommu', 'nicable'), ('RE', 'OPENING'), ('ex', 'ecutioner'), ('Re', 'deemer'), ('direc', 'tions'), ('ec', 'clesiastical'), ('es', 'tablish'), ('blas', 'phemous'), ('calcula', 'tions'), ('strug', 'gle'), ('Ro', 'manists'), ('encour', 'agement'), ('especi', 'ally'), ('un', 'der'), ('refut', 'ing'), ('propo', 'sitions'), ('cel', 'ibacy'), ('re', 'sponds'), ('demi', 'gods')] ST18830104-V09-01-page8.txt: [('progres', 'sive'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('vari', 'ous'), ('Insti', 'tutes'), ('organiza', 'tion'), ('th', 'erefore'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18830104-V09-01-page9.txt: [('ex', 'ercises'), ('indi', 'cate'), ('smok', 'ing'), ('recom', 'mended'), ('identi', 'fied'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('congre', 'gation'), ('re', 'plied')] ST18830111-V09-02-page10.txt: [('ex', 'pedition'), ('vege', 'tables'), ('TI', 'P'), ('discov', 'ering'), ('gener', 'ation'), ('pre', 'ferred'), ('extrava', 'gance'), ('re', 'main')] ST18830111-V09-02-page11.txt: [('illumin', 'ate'), ('ma', 'ter'), ('politi', 'cal'), ('ex', 'tended'), ('intoler', 'ance')] ST18830111-V09-02-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('oc', 'casion'), ('pil', 'grims'), ('congre', 'gations'), ('pre', 'mium'), ('re', 'quested'), ('DA', 'Y'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('ob', 'served'), ('privi', 'lege')] ST18830111-V09-02-page3.txt: [('charac', 'ter'), ('condemna', 'tion'), ('lan', 'guishing'), ('ex', 'ceedingly'), ('promot', 'ing'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('inef', 'ficient'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('co', 'extensive'), ('instru', 'ments'), ('th', 'e'), ('un', 'derstood'), ('Sa', 't'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'member')] ST18830111-V09-02-page4.txt: [('re', 'visit')] ST18830111-V09-02-page5.txt: [('ex', 'istence'), ('informa', 'tion'), ('mo', 'mentum'), ('indig', 'nation'), ('exhila', 'rant'), ('posthu', 'mous'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('denomina', 'tion'), ('re', 'sults')] ST18830111-V09-02-page6.txt: [('ex', 'ceptional'), ('apos', 'tolic'), ('incom', 'patible'), ('aggre', 'gate'), ('Pente', 'cost'), ('contradic', 'tion'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('Bi', 'ble'), ('unsatisfac', 'tory'), ('plenti', 'tude'), ('nec', 'essarily'), ('re', 'port')] ST18830111-V09-02-page7.txt: [('consum', 'mation'), ('ex', 'piring'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('blas', 'phemers'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('iden', 'tified'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('re', 'establishment')] ST18830111-V09-02-page8.txt: [('al', 'I'), ('TI', 'E')] ST18830111-V09-02-page9.txt: [('co', 'operation'), ('un', 'acquainted'), ('re', 'quired')] ST18830111-V09-03-page1.txt: [('br', 'ought')] ST18830111-V09-03-page10.txt: [('fre', 'quent'), ('sai', 'd'), ('neglec', 'ted'), ('proph', 'esying')] ST18830111-V09-03-page11.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('exten', 'sively'), ('sylla', 'bles'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('ascer', 'tained'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('manu', 'factories'), ('ren', 'dered'), ('possi', 'bility')] ST18830111-V09-03-page12.txt: [('offi', 'cers'), ('oth', 'ers'), ('strug', 'gles'), ('unavoid', 'able'), ('eccle', 'siastical'), ('pre', 'mium'), ('representa', 'tives'), ('re', 'ceiving')] ST18830111-V09-03-page2.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('awak', 'ened'), ('popu', 'lar'), ('dy', 'ing'), ('propor', 'tion'), ('popula', 'tion'), ('circu', 'lated'), ('argu', 'mentatively'), ('sover', 'eignty'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('irrelig', 'ion'), ('gratifi', 'cation'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('re', 'mind'), ('manifes', 'tation'), ('expres', 'sion')] ST18830111-V09-03-page3.txt: [('ap', 'points'), ('Al', 'bany'), ('infi', 'del'), ('displeas', 'ure'), ('tri', 'bunal'), ('ejacu', 'lated'), ('pre', 'cious'), ('re', 'plied'), ('Dela', 'ware')] ST18830111-V09-03-page4.txt: [('wor', 'thies'), ('tes', 'timony'), ('infal', 'libility'), ('Ori', 'ental'), ('purga', 'tory'), ('Independ', 'ent'), ('blas', 'phemy'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('pre', 'dominance'), ('swal', 'lowed'), ('soci', 'eties')] ST18830111-V09-03-page5.txt: [('ex', 'pression'), ('unflinch', 'ingly'), ('abun', 'dance'), ('enlight', 'ened'), ('th', 'a'), ('pre', 'cisely'), ('un', 'interrupted'), ('dif', 'ference')] ST18830111-V09-03-page6.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('mu', 'sical'), ('attri', 'bute'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('stom', 'ach'), ('un', 'less'), ('unwar', 'rantable'), ('ac', 'tivity'), ('philoso', 'phizing')] ST18830111-V09-03-page7.txt: [('taberna', 'cle'), ('sanct', 'uary'), ('bab', 'blings'), ('tes', 'tament'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('suf', 'ficiently'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('remem', 'bered'), ('pre', 'sent')] ST18830111-V09-03-page8.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('distribu', 'tion'), ('experi', 'enced'), ('Lan', 'caster'), ('expe', 'rience'), ('trav', 'eler'), ('ex', 'pressive'), ('Ne', 'braska'), ('em', 'ployment'), ('depos', 'ited'), ('co', 'operation'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('periodi', 'cals'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('finan', 'cial'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('denomina', 'tional'), ('re', 'serve')] ST18830111-V09-03-page9.txt: [('diffi', 'culties'), ('Reso', 'lution'), ('ex', 'pressed'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('devel', 'oping'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('ob', 'jections'), ('unnec', 'essary'), ('unani', 'mous'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('nec', 'essary'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('re', 'quest')] ST18830111-V09-04-page1.txt: [('expe', 'dient'), ('ful', 'fill'), ('edifica', 'tion'), ('unhappi', 'ness'), ('injunc', 'tions'), ('mur', 'der')] ST18830111-V09-04-page10.txt: [('accommo', 'dations'), ('unex', 'pected'), ('circum', 'stances')] ST18830111-V09-04-page11.txt: [('cus', 'tom'), ('oc', 'curred'), ('Philadel', 'phia'), ('exten', 'sion'), ('Em', 'pire'), ('suc', 'ceeded'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('diffi', 'culties'), ('ex', 'pedition'), ('Sev', 'eral'), ('recom', 'mends'), ('co', 'ors'), ('griev', 'ance'), ('individ', 'ual'), ('ded', 'icating'), ('Egyp', 'tian'), ('citi', 'zen')] ST18830111-V09-04-page12.txt: [('pre', 'mium'), ('acci', 'dents'), ('apprecia', 'tion'), ('ex', 'isted'), ('circu', 'lation'), ('imme', 'diately'), ('resolu', 'tion'), ('killE', 'd'), ('Trib', 'une')] ST18830111-V09-04-page2.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('delu', 'sion'), ('visibil', 'ity'), ('obser', 'vation'), ('ex', 'pects'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('salv', 'e'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('unmistaka', 'bly'), ('encour', 'age'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('reiter', 'ated'), ('re', 'deemed'), ('unmis', 'takable')] ST18830111-V09-04-page3.txt: [('th', 'y')] ST18830111-V09-04-page4.txt: [('ex', 'cuse'), ('anot', 'her'), ('Re', 'viewer'), ('impeni', 'tent'), ('expia', 'tion'), ('infi', 'nite'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('se', 'verity'), ('satis', 'faction'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('consid', 'eration'), ('pre', 'viously'), ('Es', 'sential'), ('re', 'sult'), ('ac', 'tion')] ST18830111-V09-04-page5.txt: [('ex', 'hausted'), ('Pha', 'raoh'), ('od', 'is')] ST18830111-V09-04-page6.txt: [('immor', 'tality'), ('pre', 'term'), ('nec', 'essarily')] ST18830111-V09-04-page7.txt: [('Sev', 'enth'), ('exami', 'nation'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('investiga', 'tive'), ('tem', 'ple'), ('gener', 'ation'), ('pre', 'viously'), ('un', 'just'), ('inves', 'tigation'), ('Jeru', 'salem')] ST18830111-V09-04-page8.txt: [('ex', 'amples'), ('accom', 'plishing'), ('undoubt', 'edly'), ('Mis', 'sion'), ('sug', 'gested'), ('Scandi', 'navian'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('id', 'a'), ('advo', 'cated'), ('re', 'markable'), ('recog', 'nized'), ('oppo', 'sition')] ST18830111-V09-04-page9.txt: [('consid', 'erable')] ST18830111-V09-05-page10.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('sympa', 'thize'), ('amus', 'ing'), ('neverthe', 'less'), ('sug', 'gestion'), ('instru', 'ment'), ('un', 'musically'), ('re', 'ceiving')] ST18830111-V09-05-page11.txt: [('runa', 'way'), ('incor', 'porated'), ('procla', 'mation'), ('excommu', 'nication'), ('consump', 'tion'), ('attrac', 'tions'), ('na', 'tive')] ST18830111-V09-05-page12.txt: [('pre', 'mium'), ('re', 'quested'), ('circu', 'lation')] ST18830111-V09-05-page2.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('accompa', 'nied'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('crimi', 'nality'), ('vari', 'ous'), ('coun', 'sels'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('sug', 'gest'), ('gra', 'dations'), ('trai', 'torous'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('ortho', 'doxy'), ('oppor', 'tunity'), ('re', 'flection')] ST18830111-V09-05-page3.txt: [('al', 'lowed'), ('ex', 'cellent'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('ob', 'vious'), ('suc', 'cessfully'), ('na', 'tion'), ('mis', 'take'), ('re', 'peat'), ('catas', 'trophe')] ST18830111-V09-05-page4.txt: [('corpo', 'rate'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('ex', 'position'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('antago', 'nism'), ('sacri', 'lege'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('ig', 'norance'), ('believ', 'ing'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('peo', 'ples'), ('re', 'generated')] ST18830111-V09-05-page5.txt: [('ex', 'plain'), ('appli', 'cable'), ('Al', 'though'), ('servil', 'ity'), ('disar', 'ranging'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('em', 'ployer'), ('fortu', 'nately'), ('wa', 's'), ('exhor', 'tation'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('re', 'mained'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18830111-V09-05-page6.txt: [('unfortu', 'nately'), ('apos', 'tasy'), ('fre', 'quency'), ('em', 'phatically'), ('Tes', 'tament'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('encour', 'agement'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('re', 'elected')] ST18830111-V09-05-page8.txt: [('accom', 'plishes'), ('disap', 'pointed'), ('un', 'til'), ('re', 'plied')] ST18830111-V09-05-page9.txt: [('servi', 'tude'), ('volun', 'tarily'), ('Bos', 'ton'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('abun', 'dantly'), ('dreari', 'ness'), ('indig', 'nant'), ('atmos', 'phere'), ('plac', 'ing'), ('Massachu', 'setts'), ('unsus', 'picious'), ('contem', 'plates'), ('re', 'pealed')] ST18830111-V09-06-page10.txt: [('Wil', 'kins'), ('TI', 'a'), ('ment', 'he')] ST18830111-V09-06-page11.txt: [('ti', 'the')] ST18830111-V09-06-page12.txt: [('Satur', 'day'), ('re', 'quested'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('phe', 'nomenal'), ('inun', 'dated')] ST18830111-V09-06-page3.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('ab', 'struse'), ('Em', 'peror'), ('inde', 'pendent'), ('nei', 'ther'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('ay', 'Nor'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('un', 'usual'), ('re', 'buke')] ST18830111-V09-06-page4.txt: [('descrip', 'tion'), ('exe', 'cutioners'), ('har', 'vest'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('gloomi', 'ness'), ('re', 'ception')] ST18830111-V09-06-page6.txt: [('tradi', 'tions'), ('sus', 'taining'), ('ex', 'pressed'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('fre', 'quently'), ('observa', 'tion'), ('atten', 'tive'), ('estima', 'tion'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('prepar', 'ing'), ('denomina', 'tions'), ('re', 'corded'), ('tra', 'dition'), ('ac', 'knowledge')] ST18830111-V09-06-page7.txt: [('concl', 'ude'), ('Britan', 'nica')] ST18830111-V09-06-page8.txt: [('demol', 'ishing')] ST18830111-V09-06-page9.txt: [('ex', 'istence'), ('adja', 'cent'), ('defini', 'tion'), ('disre', 'garded'), ('prohib', 'itory'), ('regula', 'tions'), ('manufact', 'uring'), ('toler', 'ated'), ('re', 'ceiving')] ST18830111-V09-07-page1.txt: [('profes', 's'), ('quak', 'e')] ST18830111-V09-07-page11.txt: [('vio', 'lence'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('Ma', 'ny'), ('suf', 'frage'), ('em', 'ployment'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('disar', 'range'), ('attrac', 'tions'), ('Revolu', 'tionary')] ST18830111-V09-07-page12.txt: [('appli', 'cable'), ('pre', 'mium'), ('op', 'portunity'), ('re', 'opening'), ('Metho', 'dist'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('Fa', 'ther'), ('ut', 'tered'), ('Dic', 'tionary'), ('sanc', 'tum'), ('prac', 'tices')] ST18830111-V09-07-page3.txt: [('obe', 'dience'), ('Re', 'corder'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('Gl', 'and'), ('su', 'preme'), ('sprink', 'ling'), ('consid', 'eration'), ('suc', 'ceeded'), ('prepar', 'ing'), ('na', 'tions'), ('re', 'quires'), ('recog', 'nized')] ST18830111-V09-07-page4.txt: [('fre', 'quently'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('conver', 'sant'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('Theo', 'logical'), ('preced', 'ing')] ST18830111-V09-07-page5.txt: [('ti', 'e'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('har', 'mony'), ('corrobora', 'tive'), ('sylla', 'bles'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('contin', 'ued'), ('Massachu', 'setts'), ('prepar', 'ing'), ('un', 'a'), ('ful', 'filled')] ST18830111-V09-07-page7.txt: [('sev', 'erally'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('remem', 'ber'), ('whatso', 'ever'), ('pre', 'eminent'), ('re', 'mained'), ('distinc', 'tion')] ST18830111-V09-07-page9.txt: [('larg', 'est'), ('wor', 'shipers'), ('ex', 'cessive'), ('lowli', 'est'), ('af', 'fluence'), ('restau', 'rant'), ('spe', 'cial'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('manufact', 'ure'), ('proprie', 'tors'), ('intoxi', 'cating'), ('Bu', 'reau'), ('un', 'broken'), ('re', 'entered')] ST18830111-V09-08-page1.txt: [('fre', 'i')] ST18830111-V09-08-page11.txt: [('pre', 'vailed'), ('re', 'lentless'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('suc', 'cessor'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('propor', 'tion'), ('em', 'peror'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('Trib', 'une')] ST18830111-V09-08-page12.txt: [('Agri', 'cultural'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('emphat', 'ically'), ('re', 'ceiving'), ('delib', 'erately'), ('unfortu', 'nate'), ('sympa', 'thize'), ('headquar', 'ters'), ('famil', 'iarity'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('chrono', 'logical'), ('civiliza', 'tion'), ('educa', 'tion'), ('influ', 'ences'), ('Jeru', 'salem')] ST18830111-V09-08-page2.txt: [('proposi', 'tion'), ('infal', 'lible'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('famil', 'iar'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('ac', 'cepts')] ST18830111-V09-08-page3.txt: [('ex', 'pected'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('Hom', 'iletic'), ('Wes', 'ley'), ('plia', 'bility'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('encour', 'aging'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('co', 'operation'), ('Associa', 'tion'), ('re', 'cently')] ST18830111-V09-08-page4.txt: [('founda', 'tions'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('ex', 'tract'), ('coun', 'tenanced'), ('recogni', 'tions'), ('pri', 'vate'), ('discov', 'ering'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('co', 'operation'), ('pre', 'vent'), ('Napo', 'leonic'), ('ac', 'cepted'), ('recog', 'nizes'), ('na', 'tional')] ST18830111-V09-08-page5.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('repre', 'sented'), ('qual', 'ities'), ('hu', 'man'), ('chro', 'nologists'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('assump', 'tion'), ('Arta', 'xerxes'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('un', 'paid'), ('Mal', 'achi'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'turned'), ('prodi', 'gality')] ST18830111-V09-08-page7.txt: [('enumer', 'ation'), ('ratifica', 'tion'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('th', 'reader'), ('unbe', 'lief')] ST18830111-V09-08-page8.txt: [('mis', 'sions')] ST18830222-V08-08-page1.txt: [('fre', 'i')] ST18830222-V08-08-page11.txt: [('pre', 'vailed'), ('re', 'lentless'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('suc', 'cessor'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('propor', 'tion'), ('em', 'peror'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('Trib', 'une')] ST18830222-V08-08-page12.txt: [('Agri', 'cultural'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('emphat', 'ically'), ('re', 'ceiving'), ('delib', 'erately'), ('unfortu', 'nate'), ('sympa', 'thize'), ('headquar', 'ters'), ('famil', 'iarity'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('chrono', 'logical'), ('civiliza', 'tion'), ('educa', 'tion'), ('influ', 'ences'), ('Jeru', 'salem')] ST18830222-V08-08-page2.txt: [('proposi', 'tion'), ('infal', 'lible'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('famil', 'iar'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('ac', 'cepts')] ST18830222-V08-08-page3.txt: [('ex', 'pected'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('Hom', 'iletic'), ('Wes', 'ley'), ('plia', 'bility'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('encour', 'aging'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('co', 'operation'), ('Associa', 'tion'), ('re', 'cently')] ST18830222-V08-08-page4.txt: [('founda', 'tions'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('ex', 'tract'), ('coun', 'tenanced'), ('recogni', 'tions'), ('pri', 'vate'), ('discov', 'ering'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('co', 'operation'), ('pre', 'vent'), ('Napo', 'leonic'), ('ac', 'cepted'), ('recog', 'nizes'), ('na', 'tional')] ST18830222-V08-08-page5.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('repre', 'sented'), ('qual', 'ities'), ('hu', 'man'), ('chro', 'nologists'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('declara', 'tion'), ('assump', 'tion'), ('Arta', 'xerxes'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('un', 'paid'), ('Mal', 'achi'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'turned'), ('prodi', 'gality')] ST18830222-V08-08-page7.txt: [('enumer', 'ation'), ('ratifica', 'tion'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('th', 'reader'), ('unbe', 'lief')] ST18830222-V08-08-page8.txt: [('mis', 'sions')] ST18830301-V09-09-page1.txt: [('ex', 'perienced'), ('ordi', 'nance'), ('jeal', 'ous'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('un', 'derstood'), ('re', 'joiceth'), ('ac', 'cordance')] ST18830301-V09-09-page10.txt: [('ex', 'claimed'), ('disconso', 'lately'), ('nowa', 'days'), ('un', 'wavering')] ST18830301-V09-09-page11.txt: [('Re', 'view'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('Legis', 'lature'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('lan', 'guages'), ('Tes', 'taments'), ('distrib', 'uting'), ('appre', 'hended'), ('prac', 'tically')] ST18830301-V09-09-page12.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('experi', 'enced'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('ade', 'quate'), ('beauti', 'ful'), ('ab', 'sence')] ST18830301-V09-09-page2.txt: [('interroga', 'tion'), ('Je', 'horam'), ('Sav', 'iour'), ('melodi', 'ous'), ('ab', 'horred'), ('succes', 'sively'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('Bi', 'ble'), ('Na', 'than'), ('preten', 'sions'), ('Steph', 'ens'), ('arith', 'metic')] ST18830301-V09-09-page3.txt: [('contro', 'versy')] ST18830301-V09-09-page4.txt: [('ex', 'ceedingly'), ('af', 'firmed'), ('Thes', 'salonica'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('satisfac', 'tory'), ('ung', 'odly'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('persecu', 'tions')] ST18830301-V09-09-page5.txt: [('Bi', 'ELD'), ('famil', 'iarity')] ST18830301-V09-09-page6.txt: [('uncon', 'ditional'), ('mu', 't'), ('individ', 'ual'), ('objec', 'tion'), ('ex', 'ists'), ('Burge', 'son'), ('navi', 'gators'), ('Ex', 'amining'), ('un', 'sound'), ('Eter', 'nal'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'gard'), ('misappre', 'hension')] ST18830301-V09-09-page7.txt: [('trav', 'els'), ('corre', 'spondent'), ('Pa', 'cific'), ('Peo', 'ple'), ('abol', 'ished'), ('cov', 'enant'), ('ment', 'or'), ('consid', 'eration'), ('suc', 'ceeded')] ST18830301-V09-09-page8.txt: [('atten', 'tion'), ('dispo', 'sition'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('na', 'tions'), ('unbe', 'lievers'), ('re', 'jection')] ST18830301-V09-09-page9.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('Re', 'member'), ('legaliza', 'tion'), ('patho', 'logical'), ('aberra', 'tion'), ('es', 'caped'), ('degra', 'dation'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('dissi', 'pation'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('unfre', 'quently'), ('intoxi', 'cants'), ('pre', 'vails'), ('irresist', 'ible'), ('considera', 'tion'), ('imme', 'diately'), ('na', 'tion')] ST18830308-V09-10-page1.txt: [('opin', 'ion'), ('disso', 'lute'), ('conven', 'ient'), ('stim', 'ulating'), ('ob', 'tain'), ('sensibil', 'ities'), ('frivoli', 'ties'), ('intemper', 'ance'), ('pre', 'vailed'), ('Sa', 'lome'), ('exhorta', 'tions'), ('re', 'vengeful'), ('ac', 'quainted')] ST18830308-V09-10-page10.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('impa', 'tiently'), ('em', 'phasis'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('effi', 'ciency'), ('un', 'derstand')] ST18830308-V09-10-page11.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('Connecti', 'cut'), ('unin', 'jured'), ('Ver', 'mont'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('re', 'quired'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('cele', 'brated'), ('coun', 'try'), ('determina', 'tion'), ('intoxi', 'cants'), ('peni', 'tentiary')] ST18830308-V09-10-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'quest'), ('founda', 'tion'), ('lan', 'guage'), ('ex', 'ercises'), ('ob', 'served'), ('co', 'operate'), ('ap', 'propriation'), ('provi', 'dence'), ('schol', 'ars'), ('possi', 'ble')] ST18830308-V09-10-page2.txt: [('Sav', 'iour'), ('aw', 'ful'), ('sympa', 'thy'), ('merci', 'ful'), ('redemp', 'tion'), ('Cer', 'tainly'), ('re', 'proofs')] ST18830308-V09-10-page3.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('ordi', 'nance'), ('commem', 'orating'), ('wher', 'ever'), ('Pedo', 'baptists'), ('impres', 'sions'), ('oppor', 'tunities'), ('ef', 'fect'), ('re', 'quired')] ST18830308-V09-10-page4.txt: [('conjunc', 'tion'), ('auc', 'tion'), ('es', 'tablished'), ('Janu', 'ary'), ('Ro', 'man'), ('lec', 'ture'), ('edu', 'cated'), ('pre', 'paratory'), ('re', 'ligion')] ST18830308-V09-10-page5.txt: [('confi', 'dence'), ('friv', 'olous'), ('squan', 'dered'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('co', 'operation'), ('senti', 'ment'), ('execu', 'tion'), ('pre', 'vious'), ('un', 'corruptness'), ('re', 'pent')] ST18830308-V09-10-page7.txt: [('diffi', 'cult'), ('ab', 'surdities'), ('ces', 'sation')] ST18830308-V09-10-page8.txt: [('pesti', 'lence'), ('interpre', 'tation'), ('wi', 'I'), ('includ', 'ing'), ('stum', 'bling'), ('Af', 'flictions'), ('chast', 'eneth'), ('tribu', 'lation'), ('un', 'dergo'), ('re', 'ligion'), ('tempta', 'tions'), ('happi', 'ness')] ST18830315-V09-11-page1.txt: [('al', 'g')] ST18830315-V09-11-page10.txt: [('Mor', "ton's"), ('skele', 'ton'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('sus', 'pected'), ('Alexan', "der's"), ('Insub', 'ordination'), ('sepa', 'rated'), ('TI', 'L'), ('ge', 'nius'), ('discov', 'ered'), ('abso', 'lutely'), ('testi', 'fied'), ('Mal', 'com'), ('deliber', 'ately'), ('nec', 'essary'), ('re', 'sign')] ST18830315-V09-11-page11.txt: [('al', 'lowed'), ('sus', 'pended'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('oc', 'casioned'), ('tem', 'pered'), ('POli', 'tics'), ('assas', 'sin'), ('conspir', 'acy'), ('parapher', 'nalia'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('Eu', 'rope'), ('dif', 'fer')] ST18830315-V09-11-page12.txt: [('anx', 'iously'), ('tri', 'umph'), ('tru', 'ly'), ('ev', 'e'), ('prais', 'es'), ('PP', 'r'), ('forev', 'er'), ('ob', 'jection'), ('sto', 'ry'), ('responsi', 'ble'), ('consid', 'ered')] ST18830315-V09-11-page3.txt: [('cun', 'ningly'), ('perpet', 'uating'), ('ob', 'server'), ('unnec', 'essary'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('re', 'spect'), ('expres', 'sions')] ST18830315-V09-11-page4.txt: [('resi', 'dence'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('partak', 'ers'), ('transpar', 'encies'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('suc', 'cess')] ST18830315-V09-11-page5.txt: [('foun', 'dation'), ('diffi', 'cult'), ('educa', 'tion'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('qualifi', 'cations'), ('mushr', 'oom'), ('adver', 'sary'), ('Testi', 'mony')] ST18830315-V09-11-page8.txt: [('ex', 'tremities'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('un', 'warranted'), ('unim', 'portant')] ST18830315-V09-11-page9.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('indebt', 'edness'), ('unfavora', 'ble'), ('Al', 'though'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('disposi', 'tion'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('adminis', 'ter'), ('ac', 'knowledge')] ST18830322-V09-12-page11.txt: [('immedi', 'ately'), ('restric', 'tions'), ('daugh', 'ters'), ('appa', 'ratus'), ('itiner', 'ant'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('Congre', 'gational'), ('unani', 'mously')] ST18830322-V09-12-page12.txt: [('inse', 'curity'), ('Philadel', 'phia'), ('explo', 'sion'), ('Independ', 'ence'), ('politi', 'cal'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('un', 'pleasant'), ('Ne', 'braska'), ('permis', 'sion'), ('dif', 'ferent')] ST18830322-V09-12-page2.txt: [('acquis', 'itiveness'), ('communi', 'cate'), ('coun', 'selor'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('independ', 'ently'), ('advan', 'tages'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('peni', 'tential'), ('considera', 'tions'), ('luxu', 'rious'), ('mur', 'der'), ('re', 'buke'), ('fami', 'lies')] ST18830322-V09-12-page4.txt: [('addin', 'g')] ST18830322-V09-12-page5.txt: [('Explan', 'atory'), ('ra', 'pidity'), ('disobe', 'dient'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('Mis', 'taking'), ('cov', 'ering'), ('ob', 'serving'), ('oc', 'currence'), ('smoth', 'ered'), ('Legisla', 'ture'), ('exer', 'cise'), ('re', 'gret')] ST18830322-V09-12-page6.txt: [('justifi', 'cation'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('diffi', 'culty'), ('substra', 'tum'), ('ab', 'solutely'), ('distinc', 'tions'), ('CORRESPON', 'DING'), ('justifica', 'tion'), ('pre', 'diction'), ('re', 'ferred'), ('dissolu', 'tion')] ST18830322-V09-12-page7.txt: [('crea', 'tion'), ('ceremo', 'nial'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('Interna', 'tional')] ST18830322-V09-12-page8.txt: [('RE', 'MEMBER'), ('ex', 'pressly'), ('Remem', 'ber'), ('accom', 'plishing'), ('oc', 'curred'), ('iod', 'in'), ('conse', 'crate'), ('consecu', 'tive'), ('suspen', 'sion'), ('pre', 'tended'), ('provi', 'dence'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18830322-V09-12-page9.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('Constitu', 'tion'), ('ignor', 'ance'), ('Quicks', 'burg'), ('manufactur', 'ing'), ('materi', 'ally'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('por', 'tion'), ('cour', 'age'), ('consti', 'tutional'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('circu', 'lating'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('occa', 'sion'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('manufact', 'ure'), ('co', 'workers'), ('ef', 'fected'), ('Vir', 'ginia'), ('wel', 'come'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830329-V09-13-page1.txt: [('apos', 'tle'), ('patri', 'archs'), ('dispen', 'sations'), ('depre', 'ciated'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('Timo', 'thy')] ST18830329-V09-13-page10.txt: [('charac', 'ters'), ('al', 'ways'), ('ma', 'chinery'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('patri', 'archal'), ('instruc', 'tive'), ('ap', 'prentice'), ('edu', 'cated'), ("ha'", 's'), ('un', 'skillful'), ('excep', 'tions'), ('ac', 'cepted')] ST18830329-V09-13-page11.txt: [('elo', 'quence'), ('su', 'perstition'), ('ma', 'rauding'), ('defi', 'nite'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('Chatta', 'nooga'), ('wel', 'come'), ('increas', 'ing'), ('legisla', 'tion'), ('ap', 'plication'), ('coun', 'try'), ('va', 'rious')] ST18830329-V09-13-page12.txt: [('denomi', 'nation'), ('sacri', 'fice'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('Daven', 'port'), ('re', 'vive'), ('Mc', 'Allister'), ('th', 'or'), ('Healds', 'burg'), ('em', 'ployed'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('edu', 'cation')] ST18830329-V09-13-page2.txt: [('crea', 'tion'), ('Pa', 'ul'), ('Breth', 'ren'), ('rebell', 'ious'), ('fa', 'vorite'), ('emphat', 'ically'), ('ig', 'norance'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('Tes', 'tament'), ('ment', 'on'), ('remis', 'sion'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('re', 'ject')] ST18830329-V09-13-page3.txt: [('Bearin', 'g'), ('natur', 'ally')] ST18830329-V09-13-page4.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('delib', 'erately'), ('ap', 'parel'), ('ex', 'pressed'), ('ful', 'fillment'), ('imi', 'tated'), ('coun', 'sel'), ('sanc', 'tification'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('pre', 'ceded'), ('Fa', "ther's"), ('re', 'membered')] ST18830329-V09-13-page5.txt: [('opin', 'ions'), ('al', 'ways'), ('delib', 'erate'), ('sus', 'tains'), ('Sav', 'iour'), ('Ro', 'man'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('citi', 'zens'), ('mis', 'erable')] ST18830329-V09-13-page6.txt: [('justi', 'fied'), ('po', 'sition'), ('believ', 'e'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('subjec', 'tion')] ST18830329-V09-13-page7.txt: [('inno', 'cently'), ('fellowsold', 'ier'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('iden', 'tical'), ('re', 'lations')] ST18830329-V09-13-page8.txt: [('confi', 'dence'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('encour', 'aged'), ('co', 'operate'), ('bene', 'fited'), ('re', 'pentance')] ST18830329-V09-13-page9.txt: [('discourag', 'ing'), ('habita', 'tion'), ('anni', 'hilation'), ('pecu', 'niary'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('hy', 'pocrisy'), ('Vaca', 'ville'), ('sa', 'loon'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('urg', 'ing'), ('mi', 'nors'), ('si', 'lently'), ('un', 'just'), ('endeav', 'oring'), ('re', 'turn')] ST18830405-V09-14-page1.txt: [('limita', 'tion'), ('sepa', 'rate'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('Ev', 'ery'), ('heav', 'enly'), ('bewil', 'dering'), ('re', 'venged')] ST18830405-V09-14-page10.txt: [('ti', 'the'), ('id', 'a')] ST18830405-V09-14-page11.txt: [('obe', 'dience'), ('pre', 'vent'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('trav', 'elers'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('syl', 'lable'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('ef', 'forts'), ('Sev', 'eral'), ('accom', 'modation'), ('Ex', 'periments'), ('demorali', 'zation')] ST18830405-V09-14-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'written'), ('rais', 'ing'), ('heav', 'ens'), ('ab', 'surd'), ('quar', 'terly'), ('busi', 'ness')] ST18830405-V09-14-page2.txt: [('univers', 'ally'), ('mor', 'tar'), ('divi', 'nation'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('Eze', 'kiel'), ('pa', 'pacy'), ('expira', 'tion'), ('em', 'phatically'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('dif', 'ferent')] ST18830405-V09-14-page4.txt: [('Th', 'y')] ST18830405-V09-14-page6.txt: [('incon', 'sistency'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('criti', 'cised'), ('cus', 'tom'), ('coun', 'selor'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('un', 'constitutional'), ('oppor', 'tunity'), ('op', 'portunities'), ('ac', 'ceptable')] ST18830405-V09-14-page7.txt: [('condemna', 'tion'), ('Je', 'rusalem'), ('igno', 'rant'), ('re', 'pentance')] ST18830405-V09-14-page8.txt: [('convic', 'tions'), ('sanc', 'tioned'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('consti', 'tuted'), ('satisfac', 'torily'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('dispensa', 'tion'), ('re', 'reading'), ('ac', 'complishment')] ST18830405-V09-14-page9.txt: [('ex', 'pected'), ('Bohe', 'mian'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('un', 'manageable'), ('unusu', 'ally'), ('re', 'ceived')] ST18830412-V09-15-page1.txt: [('digni', 'ties'), ('manifesta', 'tions'), ('investiga', 'ted'), ('th', 'e'), ('un', 'righteousness'), ('veri', 'est'), ('re', 'vealed'), ('beguil', 'ing')] ST18830412-V09-15-page10.txt: [('obe', 'dient'), ('ex', 'cusable'), ('excit', 'edly'), ('ea', 'gerly'), ('re', 'member')] ST18830412-V09-15-page11.txt: [('destruc', 'tion'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('pre', 'tty'), ('Ari', 'zona'), ('Pennsyl', 'vania'), ('impu', 'dence'), ('Sebas', 'topol'), ('por', 'tion'), ('ap', 'proving'), ('equi', 'valent'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830412-V09-15-page12.txt: [('Mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('arti', 'cles'), ('wel', 'fare'), ('expla', 'nation'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('indis', 'pensable'), ('ap', 'propriate'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('dif', 'ficulty')] ST18830412-V09-15-page3.txt: [('notwith', 'standing'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('compen', 'dium'), ('direc', 'ted'), ('cun', 'ning'), ('em', 'phatically'), ('fa', 'miliar'), ('scof', 'fers'), ('se', 'ducers'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('serv', 'ing'), ('senti', 'mental'), ('un', 'thankful'), ('mis', 'conduct'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'sponsible'), ('ful', 'filled')] ST18830412-V09-15-page4.txt: [('Noth', 'ing'), ('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('af', 'ter'), ('Em', 'maus'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('ob', 'served'), ('assem', 'bled'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('re', 'ferred')] ST18830412-V09-15-page5.txt: [('ap', 'plicable'), ('cus', 'tomary'), ('Pente', 'cost'), ('imagina', 'tion'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('suc', 'cessfully'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'fute')] ST18830412-V09-15-page6.txt: [('foun', 'dation'), ('naturali', 'zatiOn'), ('vio', 'lation'), ('vindi', 'cated'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('reasona', 'bleness'), ('vis', 'ion'), ('juris', 'diction'), ('occa', 'sion'), ('co', 'operate'), ('commu', 'nity'), ('proclama', 'tion'), ('rela', 'tions'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('re', 'vealed')] ST18830412-V09-15-page7.txt: [('compen', 'sation'), ('ex', 'plicit'), ('crea', 'ted'), ('inven', 'tions'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('recogni', 'tion'), ('ob', 'ligation'), ('origi', 'nal'), ('practi', 'cable'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('tem', 'ple'), ('heav', 'ens'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'ligious')] ST18830412-V09-15-page8.txt: [('regu', 'larly'), ('al', 'though'), ('Notwithstand', 'ing'), ('appre', 'ciated'), ('Peta', 'luma'), ('oper', 'ation'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('co', 'oper'), ('Interna', 'tional'), ('Swe', 'den'), ('becom', 'ing'), ('re', 'ceived')] ST18830412-V09-15-page9.txt: [('nar', 'rative'), ('al', 'cohol'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('defi', 'ance'), ('resus', 'citating'), ('consis', 'tent'), ('perdi', 'tion'), ('effi', 'cacy'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('senti', 'ment'), ('un', 'limited'), ('re', 'form')] ST18830419-V09-16-page10.txt: [('Ma', 'rian'), ('Oc', 'casionally'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('ob', 'servant'), ('ut', 'most'), ('nerv', 'ous'), ('re', 'appeared')] ST18830419-V09-16-page11.txt: [('figh', 'tings')] ST18830419-V09-16-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('Spe', 'cial'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('busi', 'ness')] ST18830419-V09-16-page2.txt: [('regulat', 'ing'), ('spe', 'cific'), ('pre', 'cepts'), ('consci', 'entious'), ('dif', 'ficulty'), ('mis', 'leading'), ('ren', 'dered')] ST18830419-V09-16-page3.txt: [('ap', 'pointed'), ('crea', 'tion'), ('separa', 'tion'), ('tes', 'tify'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('unfail', 'ing'), ('ob', 'served'), ('regen', 'erated'), ('un', 'scriptural'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('recog', 'nized')] ST18830419-V09-16-page4.txt: [('ment', 'or')] ST18830419-V09-16-page5.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('ex', 'clusion'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('preser', 'vation'), ('indiscrim', 'inate'), ('co', 'workers'), ('re', 'quired'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830419-V09-16-page6.txt: [('afflic', 'tion'), ('measur', 'ing'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('repre', 'sentation'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('encour', 'ages'), ('pre', 'vent'), ('un', 'faithfulness'), ('restora', 'tion'), ('re', 'building')] ST18830419-V09-16-page7.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('circula', 'tion'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('Fre', 'mont'), ('nec', 'essary'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'built')] ST18830419-V09-16-page8.txt: [('ex', 'actly'), ('incen', 'tive'), ('guid', 'ance'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('co', 'operate'), ('embar', 'rassment'), ('oppor', 'tunity'), ('mis', 'eries'), ('ac', 'knowledge'), ('unim', 'portant')] ST18830426-V09-17-page1.txt: [('al', 'g')] ST18830426-V09-17-page10.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('discrimina', 'tion'), ('imi', 'tative'), ('consid', 'erations'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'sponded'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830426-V09-17-page11.txt: [('nar', 'rative'), ('direc', 'tions'), ('Ca', 'L'), ('Mis', 'sissippi'), ('acknowl', 'edges'), ('re', 'solved'), ('popu', 'lation'), ('promis', 'ing'), ('un', 'der'), ('recom', 'mended'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('repu', 'diated'), ('perpetu', 'ity'), ('confirma', 'tion'), ('se', 'Verity')] ST18830426-V09-17-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('circu', 'late')] ST18830426-V09-17-page2.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('exter', 'minated'), ('ex', 'isted'), ('har', 'monious'), ('sp', 'iritual'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('patri', 'archs'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('dispen', 'sation'), ('congrega', 'tions'), ('conse', 'quently'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('pre', 'cept'), ('re', 'deemed')] ST18830426-V09-17-page3.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('deca', 'dence'), ('ceremo', 'nies'), ('mo', 'ments'), ('Mo', 'saic'), ('Pa', 'ganism'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('TI', 'V'), ('fa', 'miliar'), ('grati', 'fied'), ('discov', 'ered'), ('Ob', 'server'), ('re', 'formatory')] ST18830426-V09-17-page4.txt: [('provoca', 'tion'), ('supern', 'atural'), ('apol', 'ogy'), ('glori', 'ous'), ('conven', 'ience'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('prepara', 'tion'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('op', 'pose'), ('re', 'garded')] ST18830426-V09-17-page5.txt: [('knowl', 'edge'), ('re', 'turn'), ('ex', 'tended'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('remem', 'ber')] ST18830426-V09-17-page6.txt: [('deliv', 'ered'), ('justifi', 'cation'), ('destruc', 'tion'), ('benev', 'olent'), ('privi', 'leges'), ('responsi', 'bility'), ('encourag', 'ing'), ('se', 'cure'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('abso', 'lute'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('serv', 'ant'), ('bene', 'factor'), ('ut', 'tered'), ('abus', 'ing'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'lation')] ST18830426-V09-17-page7.txt: [('econo', 'mize'), ('suf', 'fer'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('occa', 'sions'), ('stom', 'ach'), ('re', 'formers')] ST18830426-V09-17-page8.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('Al', 'mighty'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('pris', 'oner'), ('ses', 'sion'), ('vis', 'ited'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('decep', 'tive'), ('correspon', 'dence'), ('re', 'spective'), ('possi', 'ble'), ('imme', 'diately')] ST18830426-V09-17-page9.txt: [('conven', 'tion'), ('submis', 'sion'), ('pecun', 'iary'), ('produc', 'tions'), ('Republi', 'can'), ('benefi', 'cent'), ('unan', 'imously'), ('tele', 'phone'), ('posi', 'tive'), ('distrib', 'uted'), ('pov', 'erty'), ('un', 'opened'), ('princi', 'ple'), ('Soci', 'ety'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('re', 'cording')] ST18830510-V09-18-page1.txt: [('Je', 'rusalem'), ('enthu', 'siasm'), ('insur', 'rection'), ('benev', 'olence'), ('boun', 'teously'), ('discov', 'ered'), ('satis', 'factorily'), ('ambi', 'tious'), ('re', 'tirement'), ('mul', 'titudes')] ST18830510-V09-18-page10.txt: [("Bushnell'", 's')] ST18830510-V09-18-page11.txt: [('particu', 'larly'), ('sprink', 'ling'), ('re', 'solved'), ('instrumen', 'tal'), ('seri', 'ously'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('propor', 'tion'), ('em', 'ployed'), ('celebr', 'ated'), ('increas', 'ing'), ('Joa', 'quin'), ('na', 'tive')] ST18830510-V09-18-page12.txt: [('al', 'lowed'), ('qualifi', 'cation'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('un', 'common'), ('inves', 'tigations'), ('ex', 'position'), ('ne', 'cessitating'), ('ob', 'tain'), ('ses', 'sion'), ('conver', 'sant'), ('Advo', 'cate'), ('ac', 'commodation')] ST18830510-V09-18-page3.txt: [('ti', 'S')] ST18830510-V09-18-page5.txt: [('chrono', 'logical'), ('civiliza', 'tion'), ('commenta', 'tors'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('justi', 'fied'), ('consti', 'tutional'), ('emphat', 'ically'), ('famil', 'iarity'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('av', 'erage'), ('senti', 'ment'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('tempta', 'tion')] ST18830510-V09-18-page6.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('unac', 'quainted'), ('promi', 'nent'), ('signifi', 'cation'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('indif', 'ference'), ('re', 'freshing')] ST18830510-V09-18-page7.txt: [('charac', 'terized'), ('decla', 'ration'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('vaca', 'tion'), ('particu', 'lar'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('tes', 'timony'), ('har', 'mony'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('decora', 'tion'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('famil', 'iar'), ('tem', 'ple'), ('Eu', 'rope'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('un', 'fortunately'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'ports')] ST18830510-V09-18-page8.txt: [('ti', 'P'), ('confi', 'dence'), ('ex', 'pended'), ('Al', 'ready'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('ADVEN', 'TISTS'), ('un', 'der'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('fif', 'teen'), ('Loughbor', 'ough')] ST18830510-V09-18-page9.txt: [('Vir', 'ginia'), ('re', 'commend'), ('Reso', 'lutions'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('co', 'operation'), ('Associa', 'tion'), ('imme', 'diately'), ('ensu', 'ing'), ('denomina', 'tional')] ST18830517-V09-19-page11.txt: [('mendi', 'cants'), ('cus', 'tody'), ('Presbyte', 'rian'), ('oc', 'currences'), ('pre', 'paring'), ('re', 'venge'), ('incor', 'porated'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('th', 'a'), ('visita', 'tion'), ('ex', 'ceptions'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('ob', 'servances'), ('imme', 'diately')] ST18830517-V09-19-page12.txt: [('cer', 'tificate'), ('M.', ''), ('insti', 'tution'), ('Interna', 'tional'), ('ple', 'as'), ('Ne', 'braska'), ('ses', 'sion'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('Frem', 'ont'), ('Associa', 'tion')] ST18830517-V09-19-page2.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('uncon', 'scious'), ('applica', 'tion'), ('Gow', 'er'), ('Scien', 'tists'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('suf', 'fered'), ('interpreta', 'tion'), ('phe', 'nomena'), ('inten', 'tionally'), ('thirte', 'en'), ('theo', 'logical'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('pre', 'pares'), ('natur', 'ally'), ('op', 'ponents'), ('ac', 'tive')] ST18830517-V09-19-page3.txt: [('simulta', 'neously'), ('lan', 'guage'), ('Nebuchadnez', 'zar'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('Sev', 'eral'), ('inscrip', 'tions'), ('suscepti', 'bility'), ('convul', 'sive'), ('cov', 'enant'), ('uninter', 'esting'), ('Belshaz', 'zar'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('co', 'operate'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('ef', 'fect'), ('shar', 'ing')] ST18830517-V09-19-page4.txt: [('wor', 'ship'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('athe', 'ist'), ('quan', 'tity'), ('Cyno', 'sure'), ('monu', 'ments'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('signifi', 'cance'), ('se', 'cures'), ('re', 'deemed')] ST18830517-V09-19-page5.txt: [('particu', 'larly'), ('apos', 'tle'), ('admira', 'tion'), ('scien', 'tists'), ('unbeliev', 'ing'), ('physi', 'cally'), ('cul', 'tivate'), ('cof', 'fers'), ('advan', 'tage'), ('appe', 'tites'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('oppor', 'tunities')] ST18830517-V09-19-page6.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('decla', 'rations'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('deca', 'logue'), ('misapprehen', 'sion'), ('Natur', 'ally'), ('ob', 'ject'), ('injunc', 'tion'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('il', 'lustration'), ('ascen', 'sion'), ('mis', 'chief'), ('re', 'gard')] ST18830517-V09-19-page8.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('fre', 'quent'), ('defini', 'tion'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('presi', 'dent'), ('Hea', 'ley'), ('pre', 'pare')] ST18830517-V09-19-page9.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('offi', 'cers'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('investi', 'gators'), ('Kel', "logg's"), ('co', 'operate'), ('re', 'visers')] ST18830524-V09-20-page1.txt: [('sp', 'oke')] ST18830524-V09-20-page11.txt: [('Represen', 'tatives'), ('skepti', 'cal'), ('re', 'ports'), ('accus', 'tomed'), ('repre', 'sent'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('philoso', 'pher'), ('Agricult', 'ural'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('demol', 'ished'), ('tele', 'graph'), ('depu', 'tation')] ST18830524-V09-20-page12.txt: [('Califor', 'nia'), ('op', 'pose'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('Interna', 'tional'), ('Ne', 'braska'), ('ses', 'sion'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('weap', 'ons'), ('pa', 'per'), ('sanc', 'tion')] ST18830524-V09-20-page2.txt: [('Jeh', 'ovah')] ST18830524-V09-20-page3.txt: [('conversa', 'tions'), ('popu', 'larity'), ('sus', 'taining'), ('ex', 'ample'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('contin', 'ually'), ('acknowl', 'edge'), ('tri', 'une'), ('gos', 'pel')] ST18830524-V09-20-page4.txt: [('festi', 'vals'), ('particu', 'lar'), ('ap', 'propriate'), ('Crea', 'tor'), ('Re', 'demption'), ('cele', 'brating'), ('crea', 'tion'), ('Oc', 'curred'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('accumu', 'lated'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('Decla', 'ration'), ('redemp', 'tion'), ('cel', 'ebrated'), ('re', 'quired')] ST18830524-V09-20-page5.txt: [('tradi', 'tions'), ('lan', 'guage'), ('coun', 'tries'), ('Septua', 'gint'), ('remem', 'bered'), ('pre', 'eminence'), ('un', 'checked'), ('re', 'lief'), ('Sanhe', 'drin')] ST18830524-V09-20-page6.txt: [('MA', 'Y')] ST18830524-V09-20-page7.txt: [('al', 'ternative'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('Tes', 'tament'), ('continu', 'ally'), ('arbi', 'trary'), ('pre', 'scribed'), ('mis', 'sionaries'), ('re', 'But')] ST18830524-V09-20-page8.txt: [('deliv', 'ery'), ('cre', 'ated'), ('habita', 'tions'), ('tes', 'timony'), ('ele', 'vates'), ('merci', 'ful'), ('por', 'tion'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('rul', 'ing'), ('se', 'cured'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('adver', 'tised'), ('co', 'workers'), ('pre', 'vious'), ('sav', 'ages'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('Wednes', 'day'), ('re', 'establish')] ST18830524-V09-20-page9.txt: [('Li', 't'), ('vari', 'ous')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page10.txt: [('notwith', 'standing'), ('ap', 'pearance'), ('pota', 'toes'), ('remem', 'ber'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('un', 'pleasant'), ('syca', 'mores'), ('becom', 'ing')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page11.txt: [('Wil', 'lamette'), ('FORET', 'OLD'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('Presby', 'terians'), ('th', 'a'), ('Br', 'Eve'), ('COUN', "TRY'S"), ('ex', 'tempore'), ('uneasi', 'ness'), ('demonstra', 'tion')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page12.txt: [('destruc', 'tion'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('exe', 'cution'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('Interna', 'tional'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('arrang', 'ing'), ('ob', 'tain'), ('ses', 'sion')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page3.txt: [('incon', 'sistencies'), ('wor', 'thy'), ('ex', 'more'), ('re', 'moved')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page4.txt: [('ex', 'plicable'), ('Ver', 'ily'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('expostula', 'tions'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('Hamp', 'ton'), ('symp', 'toms'), ('believ', 'eth'), ('abso', 'lute'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('condem', 'nation')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page5.txt: [('uncon', 'sciously'), ('nonen', 'tity'), ('ap', 'preciated'), ('ex', 'press'), ('prais', 'ing'), ('mechan', 'ical'), ('Unfort', 'unately'), ('gener', 'ation'), ('impres', 'sions'), ('indel', 'ibly'), ('medi', 'tate'), ('persecu', 'tors'), ('re', 'stored')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page6.txt: [('ima', 'ge'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('messen', 'ger'), ('ele', 'vated'), ('transgres', 'sion'), ('cov', 'ers'), ('jeal', 'ous'), ('th', 'ey'), ('rende', 'r'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('mis', 'sion')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page7.txt: [('knowledg', 'e'), ('re', 'cross')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page8.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('conversa', 'tion'), ('indi', 'viduals'), ('Bruns', 'wick'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('neverthe', 'less'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('practi', 'cal'), ('suc', 'cessful'), ('pre', 'pares'), ('invita', 'tion'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'turned')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page9.txt: [('ex', 'pect'), ('intelli', 'gent'), ('deprav', 'ity'), ('qual', 'ities'), ('proba', 'bly'), ('hu', 'man'), ('enlight', 'ened'), ('sien', 'a'), ('aggrava', 'tion'), ('cul', 'prit'), ('assem', 'blage'), ('orna', 'mental'), ('manufact', 'uring'), ('commu', 'nity'), ('quaran', 'tine'), ('provi', 'dence'), ('repe', 'nt'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'formed')] ST18830607-V09-22-page10.txt: [('ment', 'he'), ('th', 'e')] ST18830607-V09-22-page12.txt: [('appli', 'cation'), ('Re', 'publicans'), ('pre', 'existent'), ('conclu', 'sion'), ('ex', 'tended'), ('modifi', 'cation'), ('invalu', 'able'), ('theologi', 'cal'), ('immor', 'tal'), ('modifica', 'tions'), ('possi', 'ble')] ST18830607-V09-22-page2.txt: [('propen', 'sities'), ('lan', 'guage'), ('sus', 'tainer'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('ex', 'tinction'), ('vio', 'lation'), ('af', 'ter'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('disre', 'garded'), ('administra', 'tion'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('abomina', 'tions'), ('un', 'less'), ('alle', 'giance'), ('natur', 'ally'), ('re', 'marks'), ('possi', 'ble')] ST18830607-V09-22-page4.txt: [('disor', 'der'), ('ren', 'der')] ST18830607-V09-22-page5.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('expe', 'rience'), ('compen', 'sate'), ('associa', 'tions'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('Sama', 'ria'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('uninhab', 'ited'), ('convo', 'cations'), ('assump', 'tion'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('sprink', 'ling'), ('distin', 'guished'), ('persecu', 'tion'), ('re', 'semblance')] ST18830607-V09-22-page6.txt: [('tradi', 'tions'), ('ex', 'plosive'), ('repre', 'sentatives'), ('trum', 'pet'), ('gl', 'ycerine'), ('unprece', 'dented'), ('compla', 'cently'), ('prophe', 'cies'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('regula', 'ting'), ('tem', 'ple'), ('immigra', 'tion'), ('un', 'wavering'), ('monopo', 'lies'), ('na', 'tions'), ('fo', 'r')] ST18830607-V09-22-page7.txt: [('sus', 'tains'), ('denomi', 'nation'), ('ex', 'pect'), ('pa', 'per'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('qual', 'ity'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('si', 'lent')] ST18830607-V09-22-page8.txt: [('decla', 'rations'), ('ex', 'penses'), ('emi', 'grating'), ('organi', 'zation'), ('har', 'vest'), ('por', 'tion'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('TI', 'LE'), ('advan', 'tage'), ('streng', 'th'), ('Sabba', 'th'), ('co', 'operate'), ('un', 'derstand'), ('commen', 'cement'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('op', 'portunities'), ('re', 'alize')] ST18830607-V09-22-page9.txt: [('ma', 'jority'), ('mor', 'tification'), ('dimin', 'ished'), ('insan', 'ity'), ('af', 'fected'), ('holi', 'day'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('Indianap', 'olis'), ('disposi', 'tion'), ('sa', 'loon'), ('respecta', 'ble'), ('prohibi', 'tion'), ('practica', 'ble'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('enforc', 'e'), ('ef', 'fects'), ('acci', 'dents')] ST18830614-V09-23-page1.txt: [('re', 'read')] ST18830614-V09-23-page10.txt: [('Ca', 'pt')] ST18830614-V09-23-page11.txt: [('Presbyte', 'rian'), ('ironcl', 'ads'), ('satis', 'fied'), ('Califor', 'nia'), ('appar', 'ently'), ('organiza', 'tion'), ('reviv', 'alist'), ('harmoniz', 'ing'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('benev', 'olence'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('vicin', 'ity'), ('Catho', 'lic'), ('wo', 'man'), ('econom', 'ically'), ('dif', 'ferent')] ST18830614-V09-23-page12.txt: [('hom', 'age'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('re', 'marks'), ('Mc', 'Henry'), ('infi', 'delity'), ('Ameri', 'can'), ('possibili', 'ties'), ('dili', 'gence'), ('cele', 'bration'), ('ig', 'nore'), ('cli', 'mate')] ST18830614-V09-23-page13.txt: [('chrono', 'logiCal'), ('immedi', 'ately'), ('sanct', 'uary'), ('M.', ''), ('cov', 'enant'), ('sanctu', 'ary'), ('oc', 'currence'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('IVI', 'E'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('heav', 'enly'), ('mis', 'take')] ST18830614-V09-23-page14.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('pa', 'tients'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('presi', 'dent'), ('sylv', 'ania'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('denomina', 'tion'), ('re', 'ceived')] ST18830614-V09-23-page2.txt: [('ap', 'pearance'), ('domin', 'ion'), ('endan', 'gered'), ('extrav', 'agance'), ('inde', 'pendent'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('degen', 'erate'), ('interces', 'sor'), ('satisfac', 'tory'), ('advan', 'tages'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('evo', 'lution'), ('un', 'der'), ('sav', 'age'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('ac', 'ceptance')] ST18830614-V09-23-page3.txt: [('fulmi', 'nated'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('Napo', 'leon'), ('expecta', 'tions'), ('re', 'turns')] ST18830614-V09-23-page4.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18830614-V09-23-page5.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('cheq', 'uered'), ('ex', 'claim'), ('enthusi', 'asm'), ('ceremo', 'nials'), ('Direc', 'tions'), ('blas', 'phemy'), ('M.', ''), ('taber', 'nacle'), ('whatso', 'ever'), ('solem', 'nity'), ('re', 'quest')] ST18830614-V09-23-page6.txt: [('observ', 'ance'), ('unno', 'ticed'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('considera', 'tion'), ('Fa', 'ther'), ('ac', 'cused')] ST18830614-V09-23-page7.txt: [('admon', 'ition'), ('ap', 'preciate'), ('hu', 'miliation'), ('preju', 'dice'), ('appe', 'tite'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('serv', 'ant'), ('absti', 'nence'), ('un', 'dertake'), ('na', 'ture'), ('re', 'fers'), ('ac', 'complish'), ('ful', 'filled')] ST18830614-V09-23-page8.txt: [('insignif', 'icant'), ('ra', 'e'), ('Breth', 'ren'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('em', 'braced'), ('preju', 'dice'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('revela', 'tion')] ST18830614-V09-23-page9.txt: [('ex', 'claims'), ('cus', 'toms'), ('crimi', 'nals'), ('intelli', 'gent'), ('compos', 'ing'), ('sel', "ler's"), ('approv', 'ing'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('co', 'operation'), ('propa', 'gated'), ('immi', 'grants'), ('heav', 'ier'), ('re', 'marked')] ST18830621-V09-24-page11.txt: [('re', 'ceived'), ('inhab', 'itants'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('Sa', 'voy'), ('Hugue', 'not'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('Ex', 'aminer'), ('wa', 'ter'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('theologi', 'cal'), ('victori', 'ous'), ('citi', 'zens'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('mur', 'der')] ST18830621-V09-24-page12.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('theolog', 'ical'), ('classi', 'cal'), ('pre', 'vails'), ('asser', 'tion'), ('re', 'ligious'), ('Jeho', 'vah'), ('indi', 'cating'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('un', 'claimed'), ('ex', 'press'), ('Ameri', 'can'), ('increas', 'ing')] ST18830621-V09-24-page3.txt: [('implica', 'tion'), ('Balti', 'more'), ('decla', 'ration'), ('ordi', 'nary'), ('ab', 'solution'), ('sensi', 'tive'), ('formu', 'las'), ('interro', 'gated'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('phra', 'ses'), ('pri', 'vate'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('ob', 'servation'), ('consti', 'tutional'), ('se', 'cure'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('apprehen', 'sion'), ('un', 'successful'), ('oppor', 'tunity'), ('na', 'tional'), ('cler', 'gyman'), ('re', 'form'), ('ac', 'knowledge')] ST18830621-V09-24-page4.txt: [('opportu', 'nities'), ('unre', 'pentant'), ('ap', 'pearing'), ('ex', 'horting'), ('af', 'fliction'), ('mak', 'est'), ('tele', 'graphs'), ('recom', 'pensed'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('contem', 'porary'), ('re', 'sponsible'), ('ren', 'dered'), ('edi', 'torial')] ST18830621-V09-24-page5.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('appar', 'ently'), ('asso', 'ciates'), ('impor', 'tant'), ('serv', 'ice'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('syna', 'gogues'), ('ac', 'cord'), ('oppo', 'site')] ST18830621-V09-24-page6.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('ex', 'presses'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('es', 'tablishing'), ('ob', 'jection'), ('comprehen', 'sion'), ('wher', 'ever'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('ef', 'fort'), ('re', 'moved'), ('legisla', 'tures'), ('philoso', 'phers')] ST18830621-V09-24-page7.txt: [('Mor', 'mons'), ('uncon', 'sciously'), ('ex', 'plained'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('suppos', 'ing'), ('mo', 'lest'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('rela', 'tive'), ('re', 'ply')] ST18830621-V09-24-page8.txt: [('deliv', 'ering'), ('condi', 'tions'), ('Macedo', 'nia'), ('trav', 'eler'), ('ex', 'tend'), ('apos', 'tle'), ('ico', 'nium'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('inunda', 'tions'), ('Ged', 'aliah'), ('se', 'lected'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('pre', 'arrangement'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('mis', 'sion'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'belled'), ('Nebuchad', 'nezzar')] ST18830621-V09-24-page9.txt: [('ex', 'pression'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('pa', 'per'), ('Ch', 'i'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('excla', 'mation'), ('un', 'til'), ('surren', 'dered')] ST18830628-V09-25-page1.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('ex', 'hibit'), ('obsti', 'nately'), ('authori', 'ties'), ('hu', 'man'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('indigna', 'tion'), ('oc', 'cupied'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('examina', 'tion'), ('persecu', 'tion'), ('re', 'jected')] ST18830628-V09-25-page10.txt: [('ther', 'mometer'), ('TH', 'E'), ('un', 'noticed'), ('Po', 'dunk')] ST18830628-V09-25-page11.txt: [('ex', 'pressions')] ST18830628-V09-25-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('inconven', 'ience'), ('pre', 'ferred'), ('GE', 'O'), ('affil', 'iate'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('un', 'paralleled'), ('unexpect', 'edly'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('senti', 'mental'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('ortho', 'dox'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('ac', 'complish')] ST18830628-V09-25-page2.txt: [('Je', 'sus'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('un', 'fruitful')] ST18830628-V09-25-page3.txt: [('Mor', 'mon'), ('criti', 'cism'), ('bi', 'ographies'), ('vindi', 'cation'), ('pa', 'gans'), ('Mo', 'hammedanism'), ('nebu', 'lous'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('benefi', 'cent'), ('pri', 'mogeniture'), ('manu', 'factured'), ('aspi', 'rations'), ('pre', 'ceded'), ('un', 'fathomable'), ('mis', 'statements'), ('adapta', 'tion'), ('re', 'search'), ('ac', 'complish')] ST18830628-V09-25-page4.txt: [('civiliza', 'tion'), ('appli', 'cations'), ('Al', 'mighty'), ('respOnsi', 'ble'), ('politi', 'cal'), ('em', 'ploy'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('virt', 'ues'), ('arith', 'metic'), ('conta', 'gious'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('Ev', 'ery'), ('disas', 'trous'), ('re', 'spected')] ST18830628-V09-25-page5.txt: [('apos', 'tles'), ('conten', 'tion'), ('resi', 'dence'), ('es', 'cape'), ('pri', 'mary'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('pre', 'mium'), ('syna', 'gogues'), ('regenera', 'ted'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'lated')] ST18830628-V09-25-page6.txt: [('agricult', 'ure'), ('charac', 'ter'), ('sus', 'tain'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('Ostro', 'goths'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('arti', 'cle'), ('occupa', 'tion'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('un', 'derstand'), ('re', 'ligious')] ST18830628-V09-25-page7.txt: [('polythe', 'ism'), ('ordi', 'nance'), ('cus', 'toms'), ('sanc', 'tity'), ('astrolog', 'ical'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('em', 'peror'), ('hier', 'archy'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('vis', 'ible'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('Byzan', 'tium'), ('mis', 'fortunes'), ('re', 'store'), ('ac', 'cept')] ST18830628-V09-25-page8.txt: [('afflic', 'tion'), ('funda', 'mental'), ('benevo', 'lence'), ('unsuc', 'cessful'), ('pov', 'erty'), ('re', 'sponded'), ('Thessa', 'lonica'), ('testimo', 'nies')] ST18830628-V09-25-page9.txt: [('re', 'ported'), ('tempta', 'tions'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('Healds', 'burg'), ('neces', 'sities'), ('Vo', 'ted'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('Ta', 'R'), ('Resolu', 'tions'), ('si', 'Ta')] ST18830712-V09-26-page10.txt: [('id', 'a')] ST18830712-V09-26-page11.txt: [('WORL', 'D')] ST18830712-V09-26-page12.txt: [('popu', 'lar'), ('specu', 'latiVe'), ('un', 'der'), ('cler', 'gymen'), ('Har', 'per'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('ut', 'termost'), ('Assem', 'bly'), ('se', 'cure'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830712-V09-26-page3.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('inade', 'quate'), ('af', 'ter'), ('demonstra', 'tion'), ('conver', 'sation'), ('adminis', 'tration'), ('un', 'belief'), ('innumera', 'ble'), ('re', 'ferred'), ('tra', 'ditions')] ST18830712-V09-26-page4.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('sor', 'row'), ('ex', 'ist'), ('indi', 'cator'), ('communi', 'cate'), ('af', 'flicted'), ('unscru', 'pulous'), ('vari', 'ous'), ('civili', 'zation'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('em', 'pire'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('elec', 'tric'), ('pre', 'eminent'), ('un', 'der'), ('na', 'val'), ('re', 'ceive'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18830712-V09-26-page5.txt: [('al', 'lowed'), ('vio', 'late'), ('leni', 'ency'), ('proba', 'tion'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('ani', 'mals'), ('responsi', 'bility'), ('th', 'e'), ('congre', 'gation'), ('un', 'less'), ('mis', 'apprehension'), ('re', 'peat')] ST18830712-V09-26-page6.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('Blakes', 'lee'), ('lan', 'guage'), ('shab', 'bath'), ('wor', 'shiped'), ('Shab', 'bath'), ('intelli', 'gent'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('adjec', 'tive'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('Bi', 'ble'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('lexico', 'graphical'), ('ob', 'served'), ('Worces', 'ter'), ('co', 'n'), ('un', 'Christian'), ('ef', 'fect'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'gard'), ('ren', 'dering'), ('ac', 'c')] ST18830712-V09-26-page7.txt: [('fi', 'rst'), ('pre', 'cede'), ('re', 'mains')] ST18830712-V09-26-page8.txt: [('exten', 'sively'), ('appro', 'priate'), ('secre', 'tary'), ('em', 'braced'), ('naviga', 'tion'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('Interna', 'tional'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('Sa', 'linas'), ('discon', 'tinue'), ('ef', 'fort'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('ac', 'quaintances')] ST18830712-V09-26-page9.txt: [('ex', 'press'), ('Spir', 'itUalism'), ('Resolu', 'tions'), ('M.', ''), ('preju', 'dices'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('exer', 'cises')] ST18830719-V09-27-page10.txt: [("Youth'", 's')] ST18830719-V09-27-page11.txt: [('re', 'garded'), ('Un', 'ion'), ('Commis', 'sioner'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('Illi', 'nois'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('eXperi', 'ence'), ('Hunga', 'rian'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830719-V09-27-page12.txt: [('Tur', 'key'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('ex', 'ceedingly'), ('Elo', 'him'), ('em', 'bracing'), ('stran', 'ger'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18830719-V09-27-page3.txt: [('ex', 'pression'), ('infi', 'del'), ('exal', 'tation'), ('ob', 'serving'), ('signifi', 'cantly'), ('endur', 'eth'), ('re', 'opened')] ST18830719-V09-27-page4.txt: [('ev', 'ery'), ('Satur', 'day'), ('ob', 'serving'), ('bulle', 'tin'), ('re', 'ferred')] ST18830719-V09-27-page5.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('funda', 'mental'), ('infi', 'del'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('co', 'operation'), ('muti', 'lations'), ('re', 'moved')] ST18830719-V09-27-page6.txt: [('antici', 'pate'), ('ap', 'points'), ('fel', 'low'), ('ab', 'sent'), ('quan', 'tity'), ('compensa', 'tion'), ('hav', 'ing')] ST18830719-V09-27-page7.txt: [('co', 'operating')] ST18830719-V09-27-page8.txt: [('bru', 'in')] ST18830719-V09-27-page9.txt: [('resolu', 'tion'), ('particu', 'larly'), ('indi', 'viduals'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('Pa', 'cific'), ('creden', 'tials'), ('hu', 'man'), ('se', 'cure'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('co', 'operate'), ('Sa', 'tan'), ('re', 'gard'), ('excep', 'tion')] ST18830726-V09-28-page1.txt: [('wor', 'thy'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('hereaf', 'ter'), ('es', 'cape'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('Omnipo', 'tence'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('tem', 'pest'), ('weap', 'ons'), ('na', 'tion')] ST18830726-V09-28-page10.txt: [('splin', 'ters'), ('omi', 'nous'), ('un', 'able'), ('exhaus', 'tion')] ST18830726-V09-28-page11.txt: [('sus', 'pended'), ('re', 'ports'), ('Jop', 'lin'), ('Circum', 'cision'), ('Presby', 'terian'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('th', 'at'), ('Testi', 'mony'), ('introduc', 'tion')] ST18830726-V09-28-page12.txt: [('oth', 'ers'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('abomina', 'tions'), ('Congrega', 'tional'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('ordina', 'tion'), ('ob', 'served'), ('co', 'laborers')] ST18830726-V09-28-page2.txt: [('charac', 'teristic'), ('al', 'ways'), ('conversa', 'tion'), ('ex', 'pectation'), ('mo', 'tive'), ('spir', 'itual'), ('privi', 'lege'), ('opposi', 'tion'), ('exhila', 'rating'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('un', 'der'), ('ef', 'fects'), ('exhorta', 'tion'), ('expan', 'sion'), ('expecta', 'tion')] ST18830726-V09-28-page4.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('Je', 'sus'), ('sus', 'tained'), ('Sav', "iour's"), ('Crea', "tor's"), ('Conse', 'quently'), ('Chil', "dren's"), ('reputa', 'tion'), ('appre', 'hensions'), ("Lord'", 's'), ('sepa', 'rated'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('patri', 'archal'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('ut', 'tering'), ('sancti', 'fied'), ('inevit', 'able'), ('re', 'stored'), ('ac', 'knowledged')] ST18830726-V09-28-page5.txt: [('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('exe', 'cution'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('serv', 'ice'), ('distin', 'guish'), ('commen', 'tators'), ('re', 'ligious'), ('ac', 'quaintance')] ST18830726-V09-28-page6.txt: [('ap', 'pointed'), ('ex', 'positions'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('tes', 'timony'), ('consecra', 'tion'), ('Phari', 'sees'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('arti', 'cles'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('re', 'ligion'), ('ren', 'dered')] ST18830726-V09-28-page7.txt: [('ex', 'perience'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('re', 'people')] ST18830726-V09-28-page8.txt: [('opportu', 'nity'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('vicin', 'ity'), ('bene', 'fited'), ('re', 'visit'), ('ac', 'complish'), ('Secre', 'tary')] ST18830726-V09-28-page9.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('sla', 'very'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('infi', 'nitely'), ('recom', 'mend'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('vicin', 'ity'), ('impropri', 'ety'), ('adminis', 'ter'), ('natur', 'ally'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('persecu', 'tion'), ('re', 'sorting'), ('ac', 'knowledged'), ('perver', 'sion')] ST18830802-V09-29-page1.txt: [('neces', 'sity'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('corre', 'spond'), ('jeal', 'ousies'), ('dif', 'ferences')] ST18830802-V09-29-page2.txt: [('accom', 'plish'), ('cov', 'etousness'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('considera', 'tions'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'freshing'), ('ren', 'in'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830802-V09-29-page3.txt: [('appre', 'ciation'), ('OP', 'E'), ('Publi', 'cations'), ('conscien', 'tiously'), ('se', 'cured'), ('consid', 'ered')] ST18830802-V09-29-page4.txt: [('wor', 'shiped'), ('denomi', 'nation'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('exten', 'sion'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('organiza', 'tions'), ('suf', 'fering'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('tremb', 'ling'), ('fa', 'thers'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('Fa', 'ther')] ST18830809-V09-30-page1.txt: [('educa', 'tion'), ('Re', 'former'), ('intelli', 'gence'), ('sanc', 'tion'), ('em', 'pire'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('supe', 'rior'), ('decep', 'tions'), ('mis', 'led'), ('inso', 'lent'), ('re', 'proof')] ST18830809-V09-30-page10.txt: [('Ma', 'sons'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('pre', 'viously')] ST18830809-V09-30-page11.txt: [('Bos', 'ton'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('comforta', 'ble'), ('Ti', 'E'), ('th', 'e'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('un', 'usual'), ('ob', 'served'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('Chol', 'era'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('ac', 'cordingly')] ST18830809-V09-30-page12.txt: [('oc', 'casion'), ('impor', 'tance'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('refor', 'mation'), ('pre', 'paring'), ('volun', 'tary'), ('ple', 'as'), ('peo', 'ple')] ST18830809-V09-30-page2.txt: [('irrev', 'erent'), ('indi', 'cates'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('coun', 'tenance'), ('Mussul', 'man'), ('ig', 'norant'), ('Phar', 'isee'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('eviscera', 'tion'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('auda', 'cious'), ('re', 'tention')] ST18830809-V09-30-page3.txt: [('Mis', 'sissippi'), ('TI', 'V'), ('contin', 'ued'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('presump', 'tuous'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('TE', 'E'), ('blasphem', 'ers'), ('accu', 'rate'), ('hypoc', 'risy'), ('re', 'ward'), ('ren', 'dering'), ('manifes', 'tations')] ST18830809-V09-30-page4.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18830809-V09-30-page5.txt: [('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('proph', 'ecies'), ('Hav', 'ing'), ('th', 'at'), ('syna', 'gogue'), ('re', 'cipients'), ('ac', 'cepted'), ('recog', 'nized')] ST18830809-V09-30-page6.txt: [('mo', 'tive'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('CathOli', 'cism'), ('ob', 'ject'), ('indig', 'nation'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('dif', 'ficulty'), ('re', 'semblance')] ST18830809-V09-30-page8.txt: [('deliv', 'erance'), ('Ja', 'cob'), ('coun', 'tries'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('distrib', 'uted'), ('ef', 'fect'), ('re', 'main')] ST18830809-V09-30-page9.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18830816-V09-31-page1.txt: [('forebod', 'ings'), ('Re', 'former'), ('harmoni', 'ously'), ('em', "peror's"), ('recan', 'tation'), ('tri', 'umph'), ('counte', 'nance'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('contem', 'plation'), ('re', 'ported')] ST18830816-V09-31-page11.txt: [('Re', 'formed'), ('Bos', 'ton'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('annexa', 'tion'), ('re', 'turn'), ('un', 'usual'), ('Salva', 'tion'), ('perfec', 'tion'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('co', 'operation'), ('connec', 'tion')] ST18830816-V09-31-page12.txt: [('Re', 'form'), ('Sanita', 'rium'), ('ev', 'ery'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('prepa', 'ration'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('co', 'oper'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('consid', 'erations')] ST18830816-V09-31-page2.txt: [('un', 'biblical')] ST18830816-V09-31-page3.txt: [('Je', "sus'"), ('associ', 'ate'), ('influ', 'ences'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('fOrti', 'tude')] ST18830816-V09-31-page4.txt: [('al', 'lowable'), ('delib', 'eration'), ('discrim', 'ination'), ('sus', 'pend'), ('ex', 'act'), ('exe', 'cuted'), ('incom', 'plete'), ('har', 'mony'), ('oper', 'ations'), ('monu', 'ment'), ('accom', 'modating'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('su', 'preme'), ('gravi', 'tation'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('pre', 'sent'), ('deso', 'lations'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('revela', 'tion')] ST18830816-V09-31-page5.txt: [('ex', 'amination'), ('intelli', 'gently'), ('direc', 'tion'), ('cov', 'ering'), ('acknowl', 'edge'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('tribu', 'lation'), ('th', 'e'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('re', 'sults'), ('ac', 'knowledged')] ST18830816-V09-31-page6.txt: [('ap', 'pointment'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('repre', 'sent'), ('ev', 'ery'), ('ele', 'vated'), ('suf', 'fered'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('consti', 'tutional'), ('struct', 'ure'), ('suc', 'cessful'), ('un', 'just'), ('pecul', 'iarity'), ('persecu', 'tion'), ('re', 'ligious')] ST18830816-V09-31-page7.txt: [('ap', 'propriated'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('ob', 'serve'), ('fraudu', 'lent'), ('abso', 'lute'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('hav', 'e'), ('Eu', 'sebius'), ('un', 'noticed'), ('surren', 'dered'), ('tra', 'dition')] ST18830816-V09-31-page8.txt: [('wh', 'o')] ST18830816-V09-31-page9.txt: [('inno', 'cent'), ('sanct', 'uary'), ('associ', 'ations'), ('suppli', 'cating'), ('Piedmon', 'tese'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('preci', 'pice'), ('re', 'joice')] ST18830823-V09-32-page10.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('exter', 'nal'), ('ma', 'sonry'), ('obser', 'vation'), ('ex', 'tremely'), ('scien', 'tific'), ('oper', 'ation'), ('acknowl', 'edged'), ('fortu', 'nately'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('re', 'turned')] ST18830823-V09-32-page11.txt: [('poli', 'tician'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('posi', 'tions'), ('re', 'leased'), ('Pennsyl', 'vania'), ('ti', 'A'), ('situ', 'ation'), ('YO', 'UNG'), ('confi', 'dently'), ('situa', 'tions'), ('connec', 'tion'), ('ver', 'sion')] ST18830823-V09-32-page12.txt: [('cus', 'toms'), ("Clarke'", 's'), ('Ver', 'sion'), ('M.', ''), ('representa', 'tive'), ('re', 'ports'), ('Har', 'per'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('lI', 'THE')] ST18830823-V09-32-page4.txt: [('al', 'leged'), ('vio', 'lation'), ('anoma', 'lies'), ('preva', 'lence'), ('suf', 'fers'), ('es', 'tablished'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('filthi', 'ness'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('se', 'verely'), ('accounta', 'bility'), ('vin', 'dicated'), ('un', 'reasonableness'), ('dif', 'ference'), ('acci', 'dentally'), ('ac', 'knowledge')] ST18830823-V09-32-page6.txt: [('ce', 'menting'), ('exter', 'nal'), ('forma', 'tion'), ('materiali', 'zation'), ('deca', 'logue'), ('Pa', 'pists'), ('Bi', 'ble'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('satisfac', 'tory'), ('un', 'der'), ('ef', 'fected'), ('denomina', 'tions'), ('ac', 'cordingly')] ST18830823-V09-32-page7.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('blasphe', 'mous'), ('Cus', 'tom'), ('devel', 'opment'), ('Bi', 'ble'), ('abun', 'dance'), ('acknowl', 'edge'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('occa', 'sion'), ('Spiri', 't'), ('Fa', 'thers'), ('re', 'quiring'), ('ac', 'complished')] ST18830823-V09-32-page8.txt: [('skel', 'etons'), ('inqui', 'sition'), ('idola', 'try'), ('perpen', 'dicular'), ('convoca', 'tions'), ('por', 'tion'), ('convo', 'cations'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('tri', 'umphed'), ('pre', 'viously'), ('wid', 'ows'), ('becom', 'ing'), ('re', 'quired')] ST18830823-V09-32-page9.txt: [('fel', 'low'), ('ex', 'tends'), ('ev', 'ery'), ('indi', 'rectly'), ('spi', 'der'), ('infi', 'nite'), ('ele', 'vated'), ('unconstitu', 'tional'), ('gratifica', 'tion'), ('remem', 'ber'), ('suc', 'cessfully'), ('princi', 'ple'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('institu', 'tions'), ('dishev', 'eled'), ('re', 'member')] ST18830830-V09-33-page10.txt: [('uncon', 'verted'), ('decoc', 'tion'), ('ex', 'pressed'), ('intelli', 'gence'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('va', 'grants'), ('mis', 'sion'), ('re', 'covered')] ST18830830-V09-33-page11.txt: [('desti', 'tute'), ('M.', ''), ('Zum', 'brota'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('evac', 'uation'), ('re', 'written'), ('commu', 'nicants'), ('ex', 'pended'), ('humil', 'iating'), ('YO', 'UNG'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('ap', 'peal'), ('coun', 'try'), ('indif', 'ference')] ST18830830-V09-33-page12.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('al', 'ready'), ('Re', 'formed'), ('M.', ''), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('re', 'opened'), ('edi', 'tion'), ('arti', 'cle'), ('cultiva', 'ted'), ('condi', 'tion'), ('ap', 'pears'), ('Tem', 'perance'), ('ver', 'sion'), ('possi', 'ble')] ST18830830-V09-33-page3.txt: [('interpre', 'tation'), ('Jerusa', 'lem'), ('ordi', 'nances'), ('beauti', 'ful'), ('cele', 'brate'), ('obliga', 'tory'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('mak', 'eth'), ('pri', 'vate'), ('ob', 'servation'), ('Tes', 'tament'), ('tribu', 'lation'), ('un', 'godly'), ('re', 'membered')] ST18830830-V09-33-page4.txt: [('ma', 'chinists'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('adul', 'tery'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('compe', 'tent'), ('ment', 'on'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('conse', 'quences'), ('humili', 'ating'), ('pre', 'vail'), ('re', 'sponsibility')] ST18830830-V09-33-page5.txt: [('condi', 'tions'), ('ex', 'ceedingly'), ('exe', 'crable'), ('strik', 'ers'), ('tes', 'timonies'), ('Wes', 'leyan'), ('contro', 'versy'), ('un', 'feigned'), ('re', 'solved')] ST18830830-V09-33-page6.txt: [('charac', 'ter'), ('ex', 'plicit'), ('deca', 'logue'), ('Jeho', 'vah'), ('ordi', 'narily'), ('sanc', 'tifying'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('jeal', 'ousy'), ('hom', 'age'), ('pre', 'dicted'), ('mis', 'take'), ('ac', 'cept'), ('na', 'tions')] ST18830830-V09-33-page7.txt: [('al', 'Ways'), ('ful', 'filled'), ('pa', 'tience'), ('oth', 'ers'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('pre', 'tense')] ST18830830-V09-33-page8.txt: [('Healds', 'burg'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('Re', 'formers'), ('calcu', 'lations'), ('coun', 'try'), ('suf', 'ficiency'), ('cour', 'ageous'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('grea', 'ter'), ('abom', 'inable'), ('adminis', 'tered'), ('re', 'sponded')] ST18830830-V09-33-page9.txt: [('ti', 'U'), ('Re', 'formers'), ('sys', 'tem'), ('Zwin', 'gle'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('diabol', 'ical'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('dif', 'ferences'), ('Refor', 'mation')] ST18830906-V09-34-page1.txt: [('th', 'rough')] ST18830906-V09-34-page10.txt: [('ap', 'paratus'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('asso', 'ciated'), ('reluc', 'tantly'), ('Suppres', 'sion'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('quiv', 'ering'), ('urg', 'ing'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('trem', 'ulous'), ('excur', 'sions'), ('re', 'established')] ST18830906-V09-34-page11.txt: [('cer', 'tainly'), ('Tele', 'graph'), ('disap', 'peared'), ('esti', 'mated'), ('tri', 'fling'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('rup', 'ture'), ('sev', 'enteen'), ('indig', 'nantly'), ('un', 'explored'), ('thermom', 'eter'), ('occu', 'pied'), ('syndi', 'cate'), ('recre', 'ation'), ('Atlan', 'tic'), ('quar', 'rel'), ('calam', 'ities')] ST18830906-V09-34-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('pre', 'venting'), ('ev', 'ery'), ('conse', 'cration'), ('suf', 'fering'), ('ob', 'ject'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('polyga', 'mist'), ('Pa', 'cific'), ('se', 'cure'), ('ver', 'sion')] ST18830906-V09-34-page4.txt: [('prepos', 'terous'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('sus', 'pended'), ('vindi', 'cates'), ('prin', 'ciple'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('tyran', 'nical'), ('acknowl', 'edge'), ('su', 'perabundance'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('depre', 'cated'), ('substi', 'tute'), ('condem', 'nation'), ('re', 'ceiving'), ('distinc', 'tion')] ST18830906-V09-34-page5.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('repre', 'sented'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('collu', 'sion'), ('af', 'fords'), ('accom', 'panied'), ('damag', 'ing'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('dic', 'tate'), ('shep', 'herds'), ('re', 'ceiving'), ('ac', 'cepted')] ST18830906-V09-34-page6.txt: [('lov', 'ing'), ('ap', 'pearing'), ('sanc', 'tity'), ('se', 'curity'), ('dispen', 'sations'), ('scrupu', 'lously'), ('knowl', 'edge'), ('restora', 'tion'), ('na', 'tions'), ('Fa', 'ther'), ('re', 'proof')] ST18830906-V09-34-page8.txt: [('secur', 'ing'), ('religi', 'osity'), ('ex', 'actly'), ('Bi', 'ble'), ('es', 'tablished'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('estima', 'tion'), ('relig', 'iosity'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('practi', 'cal'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('pre', 'pare'), ('discre', 'tion'), ('satu', 'rated'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18830906-V09-34-page9.txt: [('al', 'though'), ('ex', 'posing'), ('tes', 'timonies'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('circulat', 'ing'), ('disap', 'pointed'), ('vis', 'iting'), ('suc', 'ceeded'), ('un', 'usually'), ('re', 'spects')] ST18830920-V09-35-page1.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('communi', 'cating'), ('af', 'fection'), ('elec', 'tors'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('re', 'peated')] ST18830920-V09-35-page10.txt: [('promulgat', 'ing'), ('Sav', 'iour'), ('ap', 'pear'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('em', 'ployments'), ('fa', 'ther'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('schol', 'arly'), ('exer', 'tions'), ('remunera', 'tive'), ('re', 'marked'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18830920-V09-35-page11.txt: [('reli', 'gion'), ('indigna', 'tion'), ('re', 'lease'), ('munifi', 'cent'), ('exten', 'sive'), ('Pre', 'vention'), ('th', 'e'), ('Har', 'rington'), ('Parlia', 'ment'), ('Bulga', 'ria'), ('Copen', 'hagen'), ('Pa', 'cific'), ('Mediterra', 'nean')] ST18830920-V09-35-page12.txt: [('Southamp', 'ton'), ('re', 'opening'), ('suffi', 'cient'), ('educa', 'tional'), ('produc', 'ing'), ('circula', 'tion'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('convoca', 'tions'), ('subscrib', 'ers')] ST18830920-V09-35-page2.txt: [('SI', 'G'), ('aw', 'ful'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('organi', 'zations'), ('reser', 'vation'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('rejoic', 'ing'), ('Phari', 'sees'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('accom', 'panying'), ('ob', 'servation'), ('ig', 'nored'), ('IA', 'SI'), ('pre', 'determined'), ('inves', 'tigation'), ('nec', 'essary'), ('op', 'position'), ('re', 'ject'), ('imme', 'diately'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18830920-V09-35-page3.txt: [('Jeho', 'vah'), ('heavi', 'est'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('influ', 'ence'), ('su', 'perior'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('practi', 'cally'), ('conse', 'cration'), ('co', 'ntinually'), ('un', 'feigned'), ('pecul', 'iar')] ST18830920-V09-35-page4.txt: [('invali', 'date'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('objec', 'tion'), ('vio', 'lated'), ('prerog', 'ative'), ('indul', 'gence'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('transgres', 'sions'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('disre', 'gard'), ('docu', 'ment'), ('appe', 'tites'), ('satis', 'faction'), ('ut', 'terly'), ('re', 'laxed'), ('ac', 'knowledged')] ST18830920-V09-35-page5.txt: [('trav', 'eled'), ('ex', 'pect'), ('inscrip', 'tion'), ('Epi', 'cureans'), ('Naz', 'areth'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('Bere', 'ans'), ('compro', 'mise'), ('diamet', 'rically'), ('disre', 'spect'), ('legiti', 'mate'), ('Tes', 'tament'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('readi', 'ness'), ('Athe', 'nians')] ST18830920-V09-35-page6.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('Melchiz', 'edek'), ('inadmissi', 'ble'), ('ex', 'isted'), ('Sev', 'enth'), ('cardi', 'nal'), ('impoSsi', 'ble'), ('phra', 'seology'), ('fa', 'ther'), ('sa', 'cred'), ('po', 'sitions'), ('ment', 'or'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('dispensa', 'tion'), ('pre', 'tensions'), ('un', 'til'), ('Sa', 'n'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('deficien', 'cies'), ('re', 'maineth'), ('possi', 'ble')] ST18830920-V09-35-page7.txt: [('cre', 'ation'), ('Da', 'vid'), ('ex', 'alted'), ('Abro', 'gation'), ('humil', 'ity'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('suf', 'fer'), ('Hav', 'ing'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('pre', 'cept'), ('mur', 'mur'), ('re', 'flect'), ('tempta', 'tions'), ('ac', 'countability')] ST18830920-V09-35-page8.txt: [('pa', 'triarchs'), ('proph', 'ets'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('mis', 'sionary')] ST18830920-V09-35-page9.txt: [('Edding', 'ton'), ('subju', 'gation'), ('inebri', 'ates'), ('Associ', 'ation'), ('Citi', 'zen'), ('reso', 'lution'), ('un', 'licensed'), ('ef', 'fort'), ('op', 'ponents')] ST18830927-V09-36-page1.txt: [('indulg', 'ing'), ('Medi', 'ator'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('heav', 'enly'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18830927-V09-36-page10.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('obliga', 'tion'), ('pon', 'dered'), ('occu', 'pants'), ('re', 'plied')] ST18830927-V09-36-page11.txt: [('Ari', 'zona'), ('re', 'duced'), ('vicissi', 'tudes'), ('emi', 'grated'), ('Publi', 'cation'), ('uneasi', 'ness'), ('co', 'operation'), ('resolu', 'tion'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('Minneapo', 'lis'), ('crea', 'ture'), ('impa', 'tient'), ('Protes', 'tant'), ('busi', 'ness')] ST18830927-V09-36-page12.txt: [('incon', 'sistencies'), ('Metho', 'dists'), ('observ', 'anCe'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('un', 'pleasant'), ('medi', 'cinal'), ('evangeli', 'cal'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('prepa', 'ration'), ('repu', 'tation'), ('coun', 'trymen')] ST18830927-V09-36-page2.txt: [('Assyri', 'ans'), ('Sav', 'iour'), ('ex', 'ecute'), ('ded', 'ication'), ('corre', 'sponding'), ('Ca', 'naan'), ('fu', 'ture'), ('genea', 'logical'), ('responsi', 'ble'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('Phila', 'delphus'), ('serv', 'ice'), ('suc', 'ceeded'), ('na', 'tion'), ('re', 'cover')] ST18830927-V09-36-page3.txt: [('pesti', 'lences'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('wor', 'shipers'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('adul', 'terer'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('un', 'der')] ST18830927-V09-36-page4.txt: [('attri', 'butes'), ('appre', 'ciate'), ('sev', 'eral'), ('pre', 'eminence')] ST18830927-V09-36-page5.txt: [('construc', 'tion'), ('Presi', 'dent'), ('exis', 'tence'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('omis', 'sion'), ('atten', 'tion'), ('tu', 'mults'), ('sug', 'gested'), ('reci', 'tation'), ('circum', 'stance'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('syna', 'gogue'), ('re', 'main'), ('Thessa', 'lonica'), ('possi', 'ble'), ('apprecia', 'ted')] ST18830927-V09-36-page7.txt: [('ex', 'citement'), ('ev', 'ery'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('fa', 'ther'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('Instruc', 'tions'), ('un', 'godly'), ('mur', 'der'), ('op', 'eration'), ('re', 'ceived')] ST18830927-V09-36-page8.txt: [('Brownsber', 'ger'), ('pre', 'vious'), ('re', 'solutions'), ('repre', 'sentatives'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('ef', 'fort'), ('invita', 'tion'), ('Secre', 'tary'), ('neces', 'sary'), ('ne', 'cessity'), ('Sut', 'ter'), ('Instruc', 'tion'), ('resolu', 'tion'), ('prac', 'ticable'), ('ac', 'companied')] ST18831004-V09-37-page12.txt: [('re', 'sult'), ('accommo', 'dation'), ('Al', 'ready'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('af', 'ter')] ST18831004-V09-37-page2.txt: [('re', 'proof')] ST18831004-V09-37-page3.txt: [('dili', 'gently'), ('Breth', 'ren'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('gra', 'ciously'), ('ade', 'quate'), ('ini', 'quities'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('conse', 'quence'), ('serv', 'ice'), ('re', 'quires')] ST18831004-V09-37-page4.txt: [('Justifi', 'cation'), ('obe', 'dient'), ('imperfec', 'tions'), ('holi', 'ness'), ('omis', 'sion'), ('declara', 'tions'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('conver', 'sion'), ('misap', 'prehension'), ('perpe', 'tuity'), ('re', 'mission')] ST18831004-V09-37-page5.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('ex', 'pounded'), ('ab', 'horred'), ('divina', 'tion'), ('Chrysos', 'tom'), ('cer', 'tainly'), ('Notwith', 'standing'), ('Pris', 'cilla'), ('prac', 'tice'), ('oppos', 'ers'), ('Commen', 'tary'), ('unneces', 'sarily'), ('Ob', 'jection'), ('un', 'just'), ('na', 'ture'), ('ac', 'knowledged')] ST18831004-V09-37-page6.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('Ja', 'red'), ('diffi', 'culty'), ('Da', 'vid'), ('Melchis', 'edek'), ('duplic', 'ity'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('degen', 'erated'), ('Na', 'hor'), ('ob', 'scure'), ('se', 'vere'), ('circu', 'lated'), ('adver', 'tised'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('pre', 'ceded'), ('un', 'truth'), ('Sa', 'lem'), ('ves', 'sels')] ST18831004-V09-37-page7.txt: [('popu', 'larity'), ('ev', 'ery'), ('pa', 'per'), ('Septua', 'gint'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('significa', 'tion'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('un', 'der'), ('Cer', 'tainly'), ('representa', 'tive'), ('re', 'maining'), ('ren', 'dered'), ('sabba', 'ton')] ST18831004-V09-37-page8.txt: [('ap', 'prove'), ('publi', 'cations'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('sug', 'gestions'), ('un', 'belief'), ('re', 'ceive'), ('increas', 'ing')] ST18831004-V09-37-page9.txt: [('wo', 'man'), ('ordi', 'nance'), ('Philadel', 'phia'), ('op', 'portunity'), ('re', 'solved')] ST18831011-V09-38-page10.txt: [('ma', 'ligned'), ('deceiv', 'ing'), ('injur', 'ing'), ('recommenda', 'tion'), ('em', 'broidery'), ('sepul', 'cher'), ('se', 'rious'), ('un', 'happy'), ('insen', 'sible'), ('re', 'moved'), ('apothe', "cary's")] ST18831011-V09-38-page11.txt: [('al', 'leging'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('depre', 'cate'), ('re', 'mark'), ('inhabi', 'tants'), ('unneces', 'sary'), ('suc', 'cessful'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('Direc', 'tors'), ('preva', 'lent'), ('lep', 'rosy'), ('distrib', 'uted'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('materi', 'ally'), ('mur', 'der')] ST18831011-V09-38-page12.txt: [('inten', 'tion'), ('re', 'gard'), ('misrepre', 'senting'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('compan', 'ionship'), ('Co', 'W'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('Massachu', 'setts'), ('co', 'oper'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('satisfac', 'tion')] ST18831011-V09-38-page3.txt: [('repre', 'sents'), ('qualifi', 'cations'), ('vo', 'taries'), ('interces', 'sory'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('encour', 'aged'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('redemp', 'tion'), ('mis', 'takes'), ('imagi', 'nation')] ST18831011-V09-38-page4.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('defi', 'nitions'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('perfec', 'tionists'), ('na', 'ture'), ('re', 'stored')] ST18831011-V09-38-page5.txt: [('afflic', 'tions'), ('individ', 'ual'), ('ex', 'tent'), ('apos', 'tles'), ('Thes', 'salonians'), ('appreci', 'ated'), ('Thucyd', 'ides'), ('salva', 'tion'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('distin', 'guished'), ('ut', 'most'), ('Timo', 'theus'), ('asser', 'tions'), ('mis', 'led'), ('re', 'peated'), ('difficul', 'ties'), ('na', 'tive')] ST18831011-V09-38-page6.txt: [('opportu', 'nity'), ('regener', 'ation'), ('impos', 'sible'), ('denomi', 'nations'), ('objec', 'tion'), ('ex', 'cepted'), ('Ca', 'naan'), ('Baptiz', 'ing'), ('privi', 'lege'), ('comprehen', 'sion'), ('presump', 'tion'), ('disci', 'pline'), ('bene', 'fit'), ('sav', 'ing'), ('denomina', 'tions'), ('inconceiv', 'able'), ('ac', 'count')] ST18831011-V09-38-page7.txt: [('nar', 'row'), ('al', 'low'), ('ti', 'me'), ('ex', 'ecute'), ('Re', 'deemer'), ('tes', 'timony'), ('inde', 'structible'), ('Mo', 'ses'), ('perpen', 'dicular'), ('Scep', 'ter'), ('declara', 'tiOn'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('pre', 'cisely'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('oppo', 'sition')] ST18831011-V09-38-page8.txt: [('secur', 'ing'), ('corre', 'spondence'), ('es', 'pecially'), ('Na', 'varre'), ('fa', 'vorable'), ('dispo', 'sitions'), ('espe', 'cially'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('bene', 'ficial'), ('gener', 'ally'), ('pre', 'ceded'), ('re', 'fused')] ST18831011-V09-38-page9.txt: [('ex', 'pense'), ('organi', 'zation'), ('sacri', 'fice'), ('perpet', 'uated'), ('ob', 'stacle'), ('conti', 'nent'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('si', 'lently'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('scho', 'lastic'), ('re', 'joice')] ST18831018-V09-39-page1.txt: [('ap', 'parent'), ('apos', "tle's"), ('coun', 'terfeit'), ('ob', 'taining'), ('agi', 'tated'), ('un', 'certain'), ('mur', 'dered'), ('re', 'vive'), ('oppo', 'sition')] ST18831018-V09-39-page10.txt: [('prac', 'tice'), ('indif', 'ferent'), ('re', 'marks')] ST18831018-V09-39-page11.txt: [('ni', 'hilism'), ('re', 'cently'), ('ti', 'e'), ('physi', 'cians'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('suc', 'cess'), ('vig', 'orous'), ('accom', 'panied'), ('newspa', 'pers'), ('TH', 'E')] ST18831018-V09-39-page12.txt: [('disap', 'pointed'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('theo', 'ries'), ('advan', 'tages'), ('co', 'oper'), ('recre', 'ation'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('ac', 'quainted')] ST18831018-V09-39-page2.txt: [('univer', 'sally'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('repre', 'sents'), ('cus', 'tom'), ('crea', 'tive'), ('Ver', 'ily'), ('instru', 'ment'), ('lotter', 'ies'), ('il', 'e'), ('un', 'known'), ('anythin', 'g'), ('re', 'ply')] ST18831018-V09-39-page3.txt: [('accus', 'tomed'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('persever', 'ing'), ('abol', 'ished'), ('Inj', 'uries'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('th', 'e')] ST18831018-V09-39-page4.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('suf', 'ficient'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('immu', 'table'), ('Tes', 'tament'), ('ment', 'or'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('re', 'marks'), ('expres', 'sions')] ST18831018-V09-39-page5.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('ma', 'son'), ('wor', 'ship'), ('Thes', 'salonians'), ('es', 'sentially'), ('Fortu', 'nately'), ('acquisi', 'tion'), ('un', 'derstand'), ('schol', 'ars'), ('dif', 'ferent'), ('wel', 'fare'), ('imme', 'diately'), ('expres', 'sion')] ST18831018-V09-39-page6.txt: [('afflic', 'tion'), ('repre', 'sentative'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('scrupu', 'lously')] ST18831018-V09-39-page7.txt: [('quent', 'in')] ST18831018-V09-39-page8.txt: [('childr', 'en')] ST18831018-V09-39-page9.txt: [('enor', 'mous'), ('ra', 'tionalism'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('ob', 'serves'), ('sul', 'phuric'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('consid', 'ered'), ('continu', 'ing')] ST18831025-V09-40-page1.txt: [('unwill', 'ing'), ('co', 'operation'), ('re', 'thought')] ST18831025-V09-40-page10.txt: [('TI', 'P'), ('LITT', 'LE')] ST18831025-V09-40-page11.txt: [('Moun', 'tain'), ('re', 'deemed'), ('Pennsyl', 'Vania'), ('compell', 'ing'), ('physi', 'cians'), ('cy', 'clone'), ('circum', 'stance'), ('Caven', 'dish'), ('disestab', 'lishment'), ('ob', 'jected'), ('Fi', 'nally'), ('cruci', 'fix'), ('ag', 'gressive'), ('pla', 'cate')] ST18831025-V09-40-page12.txt: [('Institu', 'tion'), ('Ander', 'son'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('intelli', 'gence'), ('accommoda', 'tions'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('Secre', 'tary'), ('educa', 'tion'), ('ex', 'act'), ('es', 'tablishment'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('co', 'oper'), ('regu', 'lar'), ('coun', 'try'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('abund', 'ant'), ('contribu', 'tions')] ST18831025-V09-40-page2.txt: [('al', 'ter'), ('ap', 'plying'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('ordi', 'nance'), ('stig', 'matize'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('sedi', 'tion'), ('demol', 'ished'), ('proceede', 'd'), ('obli', 'gation'), ('sov', 'ereign'), ('un', 'broken'), ('rela', 'tion'), ('restora', 'tion'), ('extrava', 'gances'), ('estab', 'lished'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('re', 'ligious'), ('Refor', 'mation')] ST18831025-V09-40-page3.txt: [('ex', 'press'), ('subdu', 'ing'), ('volu', 'bility'), ('es', 'teemed'), ('TI', 'TI'), ('unfail', 'ing'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('na', 'ture'), ('arrogat', 'ing'), ('mis', 'erably'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18831025-V09-40-page4.txt: [('regu', 'lar'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('ascer', 'tained'), ('Univer', 'salists'), ('ab', 'sence'), ('sensi', 'bilities'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('incor', 'porated'), ('reve', 'lation'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('tem', 'poral'), ('un', 'certainty'), ('dif', 'ficulty'), ('re', 'morse'), ('ren', 'dered')] ST18831025-V09-40-page5.txt: [('Thessalo', 'nians'), ('ex', 'tinction'), ('indulg', 'ences'), ('em', 'inence'), ('Proph', 'ecies'), ('indig', 'nation'), ('origi', 'nate'), ('tem', 'ple'), ('pre', 'sided'), ('ple', 'at'), ('Pon', 'tiff'), ('retal', 'iation'), ('considera', 'tions'), ('eter', 'nity'), ('nec', 'essarily'), ('cathe', 'dral'), ('re', 'ward'), ('ac', 'complished'), ('expres', 'sions')] ST18831025-V09-40-page6.txt: [('ap', 'plied'), ('indi', 'vidual'), ('cruci', 'fixion'), ('sanct', 'uary'), ('calcu', 'lated'), ('hu', 'man'), ('sev', 'enth'), ('Arta', 'xerxes'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('co', 'laborer'), ('un', 'derstand'), ('nec', 'essary')] ST18831025-V09-40-page7.txt: [('condi', 'tion'), ('ap', 'pear'), ('ex', 'tent'), ('ded', 'icating'), ('proba', 'tion'), ('dedi', 'cating'), ('pre', 'pared'), ('un', 'cleanness'), ('re', 'semblance')] ST18831025-V09-40-page8.txt: [('licen', 'tiates'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('fel', 'low'), ('ex', 'tent'), ('publi', 'cation'), ('igno', 'rant'), ('creat', 'ures'), ('disre', 'gard'), ('advan', 'tages'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('disci', 'ples'), ('ef', 'fect'), ('exer', 'cised'), ('increas', 'ing')] ST18831101-V09-41-page1.txt: [('sus', 'tained'), ('enno', 'bled'), ('ex', 'cited'), ('vio', 'lently'), ('Re', 'formers'), ('degrada', 'tion'), ('circula', 'tion'), ('argu', 'ments'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('fanati', 'cism'), ('un', 'derstanding'), ('Fa', 'thers'), ('op', 'posers'), ('re', 'ceived'), ('transla', 'tion')] ST18831101-V09-41-page10.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('ap', 'oplexy'), ('Ro', 'mans'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('awk', 'ward'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('discour', 'aged'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'calling')] ST18831101-V09-41-page11.txt: [('promot', 'ers'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('Califor', 'nia'), ('re', 'porters'), ('ma', 'terial'), ('exten', 'sively'), ('agri', 'culture'), ('imple', 'ments'), ('th', 'or'), ('excava', 'tions'), ('credi', 'tors'), ('suf', 'ferers'), ('ob', 'tained'), ('investi', 'gating'), ('sa', 'ys'), ('se', 'cured'), ('nota', 'ble'), ('peni', 'tentiary'), ('speci', 'men')] ST18831101-V09-41-page12.txt: [('reli', 'gion'), ('cus', 'tom'), ('recommen', 'dation'), ('partic', 'ulars'), ('intelli', 'gence'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('logi', 'cal'), ('Ea', 't'), ('co', 'oper'), ('justi', 'fication'), ('publica', 'tions')] ST18831101-V09-41-page2.txt: [('pa', 'tient'), ('decid', 'edly'), ('har', 'mony'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('ame', 'nable'), ('incompati', 'ble'), ('ig', 'norant'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('pre', 'vention'), ('un', 'flagging'), ('mis', 'sionaries')] ST18831101-V09-41-page3.txt: [('serv', 'ants'), ('accus', 'tomed'), ('orthog', 'raphy'), ('suppli', 'cation'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('trib', 'ulation'), ('bab', 'bling')] ST18831101-V09-41-page4.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('defi', 'nition'), ('impos', 'sible'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('har', 'monize'), ('suf', 'fered'), ('everlast', 'ing'), ('ment', 'or'), ('misap', 'prehension'), ('un', 'changeable'), ('eter', 'nal'), ('dif', 'ficulty')] ST18831101-V09-41-page5.txt: [('Thessalo', 'nian'), ('ex', 'cellent'), ('accom', 'plish'), ('sanc', 'tification'), ('prophe', 'cies'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('necessa', 'rily'), ('prophesyin', 'gs'), ('re', 'prove')] ST18831101-V09-41-page6.txt: [('pre', 'eminently'), ('op', 'posed'), ('ri', 'se'), ('ef', 'forts'), ('ex', 'planation'), ('Introduc', 'tion'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('ob', 'served'), ('effi', 'ciency'), ('assum', 'ing'), ('pa', 'pers'), ('coun', 'tries')] ST18831101-V09-41-page7.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('ma', 'terial'), ('Cin', 'cinnati'), ('Alexan', 'der'), ('Philis', 'tines'), ('convers', 'ing'), ('prin', 'cipal'), ('Mediter', 'ranean'), ('relig', 'ious'), ('recom', 'pense'), ('unconstitu', 'tional'), ('offens', 'ive'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('instruc', 'tion'), ('toler', 'ation'), ('Jeru', 'salem'), ('re', 'main'), ('Dispensa', 'tion')] ST18831101-V09-41-page8.txt: [('Je', 'sus'), ('wo', 'rd'), ('vere', 'in'), ('creat', 'ure'), ('occu', 'pied'), ('Mediterra', 'nean'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('tri', 'bunal'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('gos', 'pel')] ST18831101-V09-41-page9.txt: [('Constitu', 'tion'), ('incon', 'venience'), ('coun', 'try'), ('sev', 'enty'), ('produc', 'tions'), ('ordina', 'tion'), ('expen', 'diture'), ('occa', 'sioned'), ('depre', 'cated'), ('pre', 'vious'), ('princi', 'ples'), ('imme', 'diate')] ST18831108-V09-42-page1.txt: [('resurrec', 'tion'), ('OA', 'KLAND'), ('immu', 'tability'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('swal', 'lowed'), ('heav', 'ens'), ('mur', 'derers'), ('re', 'mainder'), ('possi', 'bility'), ('ac', 'quainted')] ST18831108-V09-42-page10.txt: [('wor', 'k'), ('ex', 'pected'), ('cus', 'tom'), ('un', 'tidy'), ('re', 'form')] ST18831108-V09-42-page11.txt: [('al', 'most'), ('re', 'marks'), ('authorita', 'tively'), ('leav', 'ing'), ('estab', 'lishing'), ('wo', 'men'), ('confi', 'dence'), ('ab', 'sconded')] ST18831108-V09-42-page12.txt: [('suppres', 'sion'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('notic', 'ing'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('co', 'oper'), ('Mor', 'mons'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('patri', 'archs'), ('remem', 'ber')] ST18831108-V09-42-page2.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('manag', 'ing'), ('blas', 'pheming'), ('proph', 'ecy'), ('ob', 'servance'), ('oth', 'ers'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('senti', 'nels'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('dif', 'ficult'), ('re', 'port')] ST18831108-V09-42-page3.txt: [('confi', 'dence'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('ex', 'alteth'), ('dili', 'gently'), ('af', 'ter'), ('igno', 'rance'), ('invi', 'tation'), ('cour', 'age'), ('untu', 'tored'), ('testi', 'mony'), ('TH', 'EA'), ('ambi', 'tion'), ('op', 'pressions'), ('re', 'demption'), ('na', 'tion')] ST18831108-V09-42-page4.txt: [('re', 'solution')] ST18831108-V09-42-page5.txt: [('al', 'lotted'), ('ordi', 'nances'), ('immedi', 'ate'), ('af', 'ter'), ('demonstra', 'tion'), ('sanc', 'tified'), ('surpris', 'ing'), ('Ce', 'phas'), ('effi', 'cient'), ('unwar', 'ranted'), ('necessi', 'ties')] ST18831108-V09-42-page6.txt: [('aban', 'doned'), ('inac', 'curacy'), ('nec', 'essary')] ST18831108-V09-42-page7.txt: [('miracu', 'lous'), ('diso', 'bedience'), ('Zecha', 'riah'), ('Macca', 'beus')] ST18831108-V09-42-page8.txt: [('Willit', 's')] ST18831108-V09-42-page9.txt: [('incalcu', 'lable'), ('ex', 'hausted'), ('por', 'tion'), ('su', 'gar'), ('Corre', 'spondence'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('tem', 'perance'), ('metrop', 'olis'), ('un', 'answered'), ('happi', 'ness')] ST18831115-V09-43-page1.txt: [('OA', 'KLAND')] ST18831115-V09-43-page10.txt: [('anec', 'dote'), ('ap', 'peared'), ('exclama', 'tion'), ('un', 'faithful'), ('re', 'turned')] ST18831115-V09-43-page11.txt: [('Ber', 'lin'), ('acknowl', 'edged'), ('re', 'established'), ('conse', 'quent'), ('sav', 'ings'), ('ex', 'ploded'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('confirma', 'tion'), ('devot', 'ing')] ST18831115-V09-43-page2.txt: [('Re', 'ward'), ('af', 'fectionate'), ('Zeruia', 'h'), ('illustra', 'tion'), ('ly', 'ing')] ST18831115-V09-43-page3.txt: [('deliv', 'ered'), ('Ja', 'ws'), ('Corinthi', 'ans'), ('serv', 'ants'), ('representa', 'tives'), ('nec', 'essary'), ('re', 'suscitate'), ('speci', 'men')] ST18831115-V09-43-page4.txt: [('ap', 'pear'), ('pa', 'tiently'), ('usur', 'pation'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('acknowl', 'edged'), ('instruc', 'tions'), ('Su', 'preme'), ('edu', 'cation'), ('invin', 'cible'), ('un', 'changed'), ('alle', 'giance'), ('re', 'gards'), ('transfor', 'mation')] ST18831115-V09-43-page5.txt: [('incor', 'porate'), ('tal', 'ents'), ('concep', 'tion'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('argu', 'ment'), ('gos', 'pel'), ('re', 'mission'), ('ac', 'knowledged')] ST18831115-V09-43-page6.txt: [('ex', 'tracts'), ('observ', 'ing'), ('arti', 'cle'), ('ob', 'servances'), ('pl', 'ace'), ('un', 'leavened'), ('institu', 'tion'), ('ac', 'cording')] ST18831115-V09-43-page7.txt: [('chrono', 'logical'), ('al', 'ready'), ('ex', 'plained'), ('holi', 'day'), ('ob', 'serve'), ('unex', 'pectedly'), ('un', 'important'), ('advo', 'cating'), ('re', 'echoed'), ('distinc', 'tions')] ST18831115-V09-43-page8.txt: [('compara', 'tive'), ('inconsist', 'ent'), ('evolu', 'tion'), ('acknowl', 'edged'), ('oc', 'curred'), ('ge', 'ology'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('re', 'demption'), ('ful', 'fillment')] ST18831115-V09-43-page9.txt: [('TH', 'EA')] ST18831122-V09-44-page10.txt: [('shinin', 'g')] ST18831122-V09-44-page11.txt: [('rela', 'tions'), ('discon', 'tinued'), ('re', 'cently'), ('Absolu', 'tion'), ('shak', 'ing'), ('estab', 'lishing'), ('ex', 'clamation'), ('recom', 'mend'), ('Bok', 'hara'), ('ap', 'pointee')] ST18831122-V09-44-page12.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('pre', 'judgment'), ('Un', 'a'), ('oper', 'ative'), ('proclama', 'tion'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('co', 'oper'), ('publica', 'tions'), ('speci', 'men')] ST18831122-V09-44-page2.txt: [('experi', 'ence'), ('ap', 'pear'), ('ex', 'tended'), ('ra', 'tional'), ('ordi', 'nances'), ('cele', 'brating'), ('mo', 'ment'), ('se', 'cret'), ('consci', 'entious'), ('revela', 'tion'), ('re', 'gard')] ST18831122-V09-44-page3.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('indiffer', 'ent'), ('compli', 'mentary'), ('ap', 'pear'), ('recipro', 'cate'), ('situa', 'tion'), ('sanct', 'uary'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('un', 'derstand'), ('re', 'ceiver')] ST18831122-V09-44-page4.txt: [('vica', 'rious'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('ex', 'cept'), ('sacri', 'fice'), ('signifi', 'cant'), ('immu', 'table'), ('theo', 'logical'), ('bene', 'fits'), ('transac', 'tions'), ('pre', 'scribed'), ('re', 'spect')] ST18831122-V09-44-page5.txt: [('expe', 'riences'), ('restric', 'tion'), ('apos', 'tle'), ('resurrec', 'tion'), ('tolerat', 'ing'), ('noth', 'ing'), ('abu', 'sive'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('circum', 'cision'), ('suc', 'ceeding'), ('un', 'just'), ('re', 'sponsible')] ST18831122-V09-44-page6.txt: [('sus', 'tain'), ('appre', 'ciated'), ('ca', 'n'), ('grati', 'fying'), ('re', 'view')] ST18831122-V09-44-page7.txt: [('betra', 'yeth'), ('peculia', 'rly')] ST18831122-V09-44-page8.txt: [('mor', 'ally'), ('experi', 'ence'), ('unre', 'pentant'), ('ap', 'plied'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('coun', 'cils'), ('contro', 'verted'), ('trai', 'tor')] ST18831122-V09-44-page9.txt: [('IG', 'N'), ('re', 'opened')] ST18831129-V09-45-page1.txt: [('diffi', 'culty'), ('manifesta', 'tion'), ('restor', 'ing'), ('Nehe', "miah's"), ('imple', 'ments'), ('transgres', 'sions'), ('prej', 'udices'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('posi', 'tion'), ('tem', 'ple'), ('apprehen', 'sion'), ('endeav', 'ored'), ('ac', 'cording'), ('fo', 'r')] ST18831129-V09-45-page10.txt: [('Thanksgiv', 'ing'), ('deliv', 'ered'), ('ap', 'ple'), ('af', 'ter'), ('mo', 'lasses'), ('bak', 'ing'), ('percepti', 'bly'), ('hav', 'ing'), ('re', 'ceive')] ST18831129-V09-45-page11.txt: [('cre', 'ated'), ('Moun', 'tain'), ('re', 'moving'), ('sel', 'dom'), ('ex', 'pressed'), ('em', 'ployment'), ('elec', 'tion'), ('introduc', 'tion')] ST18831129-V09-45-page12.txt: [('Re', 'vised'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('acknowl', 'edge'), ('astro', 'nomical'), ('Vir', 'ginia'), ('re', 'spects'), ('mis', 'taken'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('co', 'operation'), ('solu', 'tion'), ('speci', 'men')] ST18831129-V09-45-page2.txt: [('al', 'ready'), ('unpol', 'ished'), ('insti', 'tute'), ('igno', 'rant'), ('corre', 'spond'), ('Ne', 'hemiah'), ('es', 'teem'), ('wa', 's'), ("Woman'", 's'), ('ruf', 'fles'), ('se', 'cure'), ('contribu', 'tions'), ('si', 'lence')] ST18831129-V09-45-page3.txt: [('prosecu', 'tion'), ('ex', 'isting'), ('relig', 'ion'), ('serv', 'ile'), ('luxu', 'ries'), ('re', 'ligious'), ('ac', 'knowledge')] ST18831129-V09-45-page4.txt: [('vica', 'rious'), ('obe', 'dience'), ('vindi', 'cate'), ('transgres', 'sions'), ('Burge', 'on'), ('substitu', 'tionary'), ('famil', 'iar'), ('un', 'bending'), ('re', 'turn')] ST18831129-V09-45-page5.txt: [('regu', 'lar'), ('al', 'though'), ('univer', 'salist'), ('ex', 'amination'), ('breth', 'ren'), ('immor', 'tality'), ('resur', 'rection'), ('necessa', 'rily'), ('pre', 'vious'), ('ple', 'as'), ('wid', "ow's"), ('perver', 'sion')] ST18831129-V09-45-page6.txt: [('founda', 'tion'), ('deca', 'logue'), ('Octo', 'ber'), ('Conse', 'crate'), ('af', 'fectionate'), ('arti', 'cles'), ('symp', 'toms'), ('G.', ''), ('pre', 'eminently'), ('op', 'posed'), ('re', 'appearance')] ST18831129-V09-45-page8.txt: [('Healds', 'burg'), ('inci', 'dent'), ('ex', 'perience'), ('Orien', 'tal'), ('sepa', 'rate'), ('concep', 'tion'), ('po', 'litical'), ('practi', 'cal'), ('pre', 'existent'), ('Hol', 'land'), ('ameliora', 'tion'), ('ambi', 'tious'), ('re', 'establish')] ST18831129-V09-45-page9.txt: [('ti', 'gers'), ('chil', 'dren'), ('repre', 'sented'), ('ele', 'ment'), ('vegeta', 'ble'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('gener', 'ation'), ('un', 'noticed'), ('re', 'cently')] ST18831206-V09-46-page1.txt: [('confi', 'dence'), ('protec', 'tion'), ('Co', 'operation'), ('Sanbal', 'lat'), ('ene', 'mies'), ('accom', 'plished'), ('cour', 'age'), ('blas', 'phemed'), ('independ', 'ent'), ('em', 'ploy'), ('occu', 'pied'), ('illu', 'minated'), ('kno', 'W'), ('co', 'operation'), ('remem', 'ber'), ('cau', 'tion'), ('deso', 'lation')] ST18831206-V09-46-page10.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('Al', 'ready'), ('sys', 'tematizing'), ('Alic', 'e'), ('cun', 'ning'), ('orna', 'ment'), ('Maga', 'zine'), ('eter', 'nally'), ('mis', 'erable'), ('re', 'main')] ST18831206-V09-46-page11.txt: [('Wil', 'lard'), ('ma', 'terializing'), ('Legis', 'lature'), ('ex', 'plorer'), ('prohib', 'ited'), ('busi', 'ness'), ('Cleve', 'land'), ('interna', 'tional'), ('thirt', 'y')] ST18831206-V09-46-page12.txt: [('re', 'publication'), ('Patri', 'archal'), ('tra', 'dition'), ('ex', 'pect'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('pa', 'per'), ('possi', 'ble'), ('ac', 'cepted')] ST18831206-V09-46-page3.txt: [('chil', 'dren'), ('obedi', 'ence'), ('possi', 'bility'), ('revela', 'tion'), ('becom', 'ing'), ('Fa', 'ther'), ('excep', 'tions')] ST18831206-V09-46-page4.txt: [('foun', 'dations'), ('ex', 'hibits'), ('prin', 'ciples'), ('suf', 'ferings'), ('cov', 'ering'), ('ob', 'jects'), ('gi', 'gantic'), ('pierc', 'ing'), ('splen', 'dor'), ('immeas', 'urably'), ('equi', 'table'), ('ut', 'terly'), ('re', 'vealed'), ('oppo', 'site')] ST18831206-V09-46-page5.txt: [('notwith', 'standing'), ('affec', 'tions'), ('Al', 'though'), ('ab', 'stain'), ('separa', 'tion'), ('proba', 'bly'), ('includ', 'ing'), ('mak', 'ing'), ('respon', 'sibility'), ('adVis', 'able'), ('peo', 'ple'), ('profes', 'sion'), ('circum', 'stances'), ('un', 'der'), ('unbe', 'lieving'), ('cel', 'ibacy'), ('re', 'liability'), ('ac', 'complished')] ST18831206-V09-46-page6.txt: [('lan', 'guage'), ('blasphe', 'mous'), ('Sav', 'iour'), ('deca', 'logue'), ('Metho', 'dist'), ('holi', 'ness'), ('omis', 'sion'), ('inhab', 'itants'), ('re', 'instated'), ('ac', 'cusation')] ST18831206-V09-46-page7.txt: [('ma', 'jority'), ('justi', 'fied'), ('unscrupu', 'lous'), ('mo', 'tives'), ('circumcis', 'ion'), ('un', 'less'), ('sancti', 'fied')] ST18831206-V09-46-page8.txt: [('conversa', 'tion'), ('individ', 'uals'), ('por', 'tions'), ('un', 'less'), ('re', 'quired')] ST18831206-V09-46-page9.txt: [('Presi', 'dent'), ('Mis', 'sionary'), ('disci', 'pline'), ('pre', 'siding'), ('considera', 'tion'), ('re', 'ferred'), ('Scandina', 'vian'), ('substan', 'tially'), ('mis', 'sions'), ('neces', 'sity'), ('expe', 'rience'), ('imme', 'diate'), ('commenc', 'ing'), ('denomina', 'tional')] ST18831213-V09-47-page1.txt: [('ene', 'mies')] ST18831213-V09-47-page11.txt: [('mysteri', 'ous'), ('pre', 'vented'), ('re', 'ported'), ('legis', 'lation'), ('mo', 'nopoly'), ('expul', 'sion'), ('eman', 'cipated'), ('Pa', 'cific')] ST18831213-V09-47-page12.txt: [('Mis', 'sionary'), ('Southamp', 'ton'), ('insti', 'tutions'), ('es', 'tablished'), ('gra', 'tuitously'), ('infor', 'mation'), ('Breth', 'ren'), ('quar', 'terly')] ST18831213-V09-47-page2.txt: [('expendi', 'tures'), ('glori', 'fied'), ('crip', 'pleS'), ('coun', 'sel'), ('preju', 'dice'), ('hallelu', 'jah'), ('unneces', 'sary'), ('th', 'e'), ('mis', 'sionary'), ('re', 'member'), ('ac', 'complish')] ST18831213-V09-47-page3.txt: [('ex', 'ile'), ('commen', 'ting')] ST18831213-V09-47-page4.txt: [('ex', 'press'), ('pecu', 'liarity'), ('ment', 'on'), ('unnec', 'essary'), ('godli', 'ness'), ('pre', 'existent')] ST18831213-V09-47-page5.txt: [('discour', 'aged'), ('dili', 'gently'), ('compara', 'tive'), ('Abra', 'ham'), ('treasur', 'ing'), ('assump', 'tion'), ('consola', 'tion'), ('Pedo', 'baptists'), ('tribu', 'lation'), ('pre', 'existent'), ('discre', 'tion'), ('ac', 'complishment')] ST18831213-V09-47-page6.txt: [('Jeho', 'vah'), ('observ', 'ance'), ('ment', 'on')] ST18831213-V09-47-page7.txt: [('proposi', 'tion'), ('repre', 'sents'), ('Re', 'form'), ('sanct', 'uary'), ('coun', 'try'), ('poli', 'tics'), 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'e')] ST18870120-V13-03-page15.txt: [('Mal', 'E')] ST18870120-V13-03-page3.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18870120-V13-03-page4.txt: [('li', 'i'), ("E'", 'S')] ST18870203-V13-05-page12.txt: [('re', 'read')] ST18870203-V13-05-page13.txt: [('pre', 'eminent')] ST18870203-V13-05-page15.txt: [('pre', 'paid')] ST18870203-V13-05-page5.txt: [('Tir', 'E'), ('pre', 'existing')] ST18870203-V13-05-page9.txt: [('experi', 'ence')] ST18870210-V13-06-page10.txt: [('re', 'establishment')] ST18870210-V13-06-page11.txt: [('ti', 'C')] ST18870210-V13-06-page14.txt: [('pleuro', 'pneumonia')] ST18870210-V13-06-page5.txt: [('supe', 'rior'), ("E'", 'S')] ST18870224-V13-08-page10.txt: [('pa', 's')] ST18870224-V13-08-page12.txt: [('pa', 'pen'), ('allo', 'wed')] ST18870224-V13-08-page14.txt: [('equipp', 'ed'), ('OP', 'T')] ST18870224-V13-08-page15.txt: [('pre', 'paid'), ('co', 'n'), ('TE', 'T')] ST18870224-V13-08-page16.txt: [('Yo', 'Semite')] ST18870224-V13-08-page8.txt: [('TI', 'ES'), ('pre', 'eminently')] 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'TIFICATION')] ST18880406-V14-14-page16.txt: [('ma', 'jority')] ST18880406-V14-14-page3.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')] ST18880406-V14-14-page6.txt: [('HAR', 'LOTS')] ST18880420-V14-16-page1.txt: [('ac', 'quainted')] ST18880420-V14-16-page14.txt: [('Cleve', 'Land')] ST18880420-V14-16-page15.txt: [('TI', 'ES'), ('SANC', 'TIFICATION')] ST18880420-V14-16-page5.txt: [('dif', 'ferent')] ST18880420-V14-16-page9.txt: [("TILL'", 'S'), ("ATE'", 'S')] ST18880824-V14-33-page10.txt: [('re', 'cd')] ST18880824-V14-33-page13.txt: [('co', 'partnership')] ST18880824-V14-33-page14.txt: [('re', 'file'), ('ra', 'N')] ST18880824-V14-33-page15.txt: [('Yo', 'Semite'), ('IC', 'Y'), ('YO', 'SEMITE')] ST18880824-V14-33-page16.txt: [('ap', 'e'), ('ry', 'e')] ST18880824-V14-33-page3.txt: [('ch', 'a'), ('Mo', 'e'), ('hu', 'mility'), ('Su', 'ch'), ('th', 'e')] ST18880824-V14-33-page5.txt: [('TI', 'ES')] ST18880831-V14-34-page12.txt: [('ay', 'nor')] ST18880831-V14-34-page13.txt: [('beca', 'use')] 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'CAN')] ST18890211-V15-06-page16.txt: [('oc', 'cupants'), ('Praye', 'r')] ST18890218-V15-07-page13.txt: [('hav', 'ing')] ST18890218-V15-07-page15.txt: [('Mc', 'Donald')] ST18890218-V15-07-page8.txt: [('UN', 'BELIEF')] ST18890225-V15-08-page15.txt: [('Thermo', 'Electric'), ("ALE'", 'S')] ST18890225-V15-08-page16.txt: [('th', 'a')] ST18890225-V15-08-page3.txt: [("E'", 'S')] ST18890225-V15-08-page5.txt: [('extermi', 'nated')] ST18890225-V15-08-page8.txt: [('pre', 'eminently')] ST18890304-V15-09-page11.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')] ST18890304-V15-09-page15.txt: [('AMERI', 'CAN'), ('OL', 'DEN')] ST18890304-V15-09-page2.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890311-V15-10-page1.txt: [('gi', 'e')] ST18890311-V15-10-page13.txt: [('COUN', 'TRY')] ST18890311-V15-10-page14.txt: [('agreemen', 'ts')] ST18890311-V15-10-page15.txt: [('RE', 'CEIPTS')] ST18890311-V15-10-page16.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890311-V15-10-page2.txt: [('co', 'laborers')] ST18890311-V15-10-page7.txt: [('Worces', 'ter')] 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'ys')] ST18890408-V15-14-page4.txt: [('INCEN', 'TIVE'), ('Gl', 'T')] ST18890408-V15-14-page5.txt: [("E'", 'S')] ST18890408-V15-14-page9.txt: [('Thessalon', 'ian'), ('circum', 'cision')] ST18890415-V15-15-page1.txt: [('re', 'Ward')] ST18890415-V15-15-page13.txt: [("E'", 'S')] ST18890415-V15-15-page14.txt: [('re', 'modeling'), ('Healds', 'burg')] ST18890415-V15-15-page15.txt: [('Yo', 'Semite')] ST18890415-V15-15-page16.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890415-V15-15-page3.txt: [('sh', 'ould'), ('th', 'e'), ('determ', 'inedly')] ST18890415-V15-15-page4.txt: [('opposi', 'tion')] ST18890415-V15-15-page6.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')] ST18890415-V15-15-page9.txt: [('od', 'our')] ST18890422-V15-16-page10.txt: [('ja', 'w')] ST18890422-V15-16-page16.txt: [('SI', 'G'), ('Yo', 'Semite')] ST18890422-V15-16-page4.txt: [('re', 'established')] ST18890422-V15-16-page6.txt: [('sh', 'all')] ST18890422-V15-16-page9.txt: [('TI', 'P')] ST18890506-V15-17-page12.txt: [('TI', 'E')] ST18890506-V15-17-page15.txt: [('SE', 'WING')] ST18890506-V15-17-page7.txt: [('INSTITU', 'TIONS'), ('pre', 'eminence')] ST18890506-V15-17-page8.txt: [('Kibroth', 'hattaavah'), ("E'", 'S')] ST18890506-V15-17-page9.txt: [('Kibroth', 'hattaavah'), ('KIBROTH', 'HATTAAVAH')] ST18890513-V15-18-page11.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890513-V15-18-page12.txt: [('SI', 'r')] ST18890513-V15-18-page13.txt: [('TI', 'ES')] ST18890513-V15-18-page14.txt: [('cerebro', 'spinal')] ST18890513-V15-18-page16.txt: [('ASSO', 'CIATION')] ST18890513-V15-18-page3.txt: [('pre', 'text')] ST18890513-V15-18-page4.txt: [('sh', 'out')] ST18890520-V15-19-page13.txt: [('kI', 'T')] ST18890520-V15-19-page14.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18890520-V15-19-page15.txt: [('Ge', 'o')] ST18890520-V15-19-page2.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18890520-V15-19-page3.txt: [('SEL', 'F'), ('TI', 'LTS')] ST18890520-V15-19-page6.txt: [('bi', 'monthly')] ST18890527-V15-20-page11.txt: [('re', 'fused')] ST18890527-V15-20-page13.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890527-V15-20-page15.txt: [('re', 'ligious')] ST18890527-V15-20-page7.txt: [('co', 'operate'), ('si', 'C')] ST18890603-V15-21-page14.txt: [('cerebro', 'spinal')] ST18890603-V15-21-page15.txt: [('ic', 'E')] ST18890603-V15-21-page16.txt: [('ti', 'a')] ST18890603-V15-21-page2.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18890603-V15-21-page8.txt: [('TI', 'LES')] ST18890603-V15-21-page9.txt: [('beginni', 'ng')] ST18890610-V15-22-page15.txt: [('GA', 'LEN'), ('JOA', 'QUIN'), ('Yo', 'SEMITE')] ST18890610-V15-22-page16.txt: [('TI', 'ES')] ST18890610-V15-22-page6.txt: [('havi', 'ng')] ST18890610-V15-22-page7.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890617-V15-23-page14.txt: [('EDU', 'CATIONAL'), ('Fr', 'Ei'), ('re', 'subscribe')] ST18890617-V15-23-page15.txt: [('IL', 'A')] ST18890617-V15-23-page6.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890624-V15-24-page16.txt: [('Virg', 'inia')] ST18890624-V15-24-page7.txt: [('anni', 'versary')] ST18890701-V15-25-page11.txt: [('ASSO', 'CIATION')] ST18890701-V15-25-page14.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890701-V15-25-page16.txt: [('SI', 'G')] ST18890701-V15-25-page7.txt: [('JEGAR', 'SAHADUTHA'), ('Jegar', 'sahadutha')] ST18890701-V15-25-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890701-V15-25-page9.txt: [('Ti', 'T')] ST18890708-V15-26-page13.txt: [('Tien', 'Tsin'), ('pleuro', 'pneumonia')] ST18890708-V15-26-page14.txt: [('TI', 'ES'), ('co', 'operation')] ST18890708-V15-26-page15.txt: [('Sundhedsbladet', 'A')] ST18890708-V15-26-page16.txt: [('Virg', 'inia'), ('th', 'or')] ST18890708-V15-26-page6.txt: [("E'", 'S'), ('fo', 'olish')] ST18890715-V15-27-page1.txt: [('co', 'workers')] ST18890715-V15-27-page10.txt: [('peo', 'ple')] ST18890715-V15-27-page12.txt: [('TI', 'E')] ST18890715-V15-27-page15.txt: [('occ', 'upy')] ST18890715-V15-27-page16.txt: [('Se', 'pt')] ST18890715-V15-27-page6.txt: [('re', 'creation')] ST18890715-V15-27-page7.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890722-V15-28-page10.txt: [('co', 'laborer')] ST18890722-V15-28-page14.txt: [('re', 'adopted')] ST18890722-V15-28-page3.txt: [('bre', 'eds')] ST18890722-V15-28-page5.txt: [('TI', 'M')] ST18890722-V15-28-page8.txt: [('demi', 'gods')] ST18890729-V15-29-page11.txt: [("E'", 'S')] ST18890729-V15-29-page14.txt: [('TI', 'ES')] ST18890729-V15-29-page15.txt: [('Yo', 'SEMITE'), ('JOA', 'QUIN')] ST18890729-V15-29-page4.txt: [('INSPI', 'RATION')] ST18890729-V15-29-page6.txt: [('Gi', 'TS')] ST18890729-V15-29-page8.txt: [('co', 'operation'), ('th', 'a')] ST18890729-V15-29-page9.txt: [('co', 'laborers')] ST18890805-V15-30-page1.txt: [('gi', 'e')] ST18890805-V15-30-page10.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890805-V15-30-page14.txt: [('Wyom', 'ing'), ('OLE', 'S')] ST18890805-V15-30-page15.txt: [('GA', 'LEN'), ('JOA', 'QUIN'), ('Yo', 'Semite')] ST18890805-V15-30-page16.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18890805-V15-30-page4.txt: [('OP', 'ES')] ST18890805-V15-30-page7.txt: [('pou', 'ring')] ST18890805-V15-30-page8.txt: [('TS', 'P')] ST18890812-V15-31-page11.txt: [('re', 'district')] ST18890812-V15-31-page14.txt: [('dy', 'ke')] ST18890812-V15-31-page2.txt: [("TIE'", 'S')] 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[('na', 'Y')] ST18940212-V20-15-page16.txt: [('re', 'Solution')] ST18940212-V20-15-page2.txt: [('ex', 'hibition')] ST18940212-V20-15-page4.txt: [('har', 'monize'), ('CO', 'OPERATION')] ST18940212-V20-15-page5.txt: [('breth', 'ren')] ST18940212-V20-15-page7.txt: [('ex', 'act'), ('Tennes', 'see')] ST18940219-V20-16-page10.txt: [('illustra', 'tive')] ST18940219-V20-16-page13.txt: [('RELIG', 'IONS')] ST18940219-V20-16-page15.txt: [('commun', 'ion')] ST18940219-V20-16-page16.txt: [('WI', 'thout')] ST18940219-V20-16-page3.txt: [('perili', 'ng')] ST18940219-V20-16-page9.txt: [('ch', 'eckrein'), ('tabl', 'e')] ST18940226-V20-17-page11.txt: [('re', 'set'), ('thei', 'r')] ST18940226-V20-17-page12.txt: [('fa', 'Mily')] ST18940226-V20-17-page15.txt: [('Soo', 'Chow'), ('th', 'rough')] ST18940226-V20-17-page16.txt: [('arrangemen', 't')] ST18940226-V20-17-page7.txt: [('wa', 's')] ST18940226-V20-17-page9.txt: [('bri', 'm')] ST18940305-V20-18-page1.txt: [('Margi', 'n')] ST18940305-V20-18-page10.txt: 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'joice')] ST19000926-V26-39-page14.txt: [('G.', '')] ST19000926-V26-39-page5.txt: [('li', 't')] ST19000926-V26-39-page6.txt: [('ti', 'THE')] ST19001003-V26-40-page1.txt: [('ab', 'sorbing'), ('co', 'laborers'), ('th', 'e')] ST19001003-V26-40-page7.txt: [('gener', 'al')] ST19001003-V26-40-page8.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST19001010-V26-41-page10.txt: [('ap', 'pear'), ('ex', 'amples')] ST19001010-V26-41-page11.txt: [('co', 'laborer'), ('Succe', 'ss')] ST19001010-V26-41-page14.txt: [('TH', 'AN')] ST19001010-V26-41-page15.txt: [('al', 'ways'), ('INCUBA', 'TOR')] ST19001010-V26-41-page3.txt: [('co', 'operating')] ST19001017-V26-42-page13.txt: [('subscrip', 'tions')] ST19001017-V26-42-page3.txt: [('AL', 'i'), ('EX', 'CEPT')] ST19001024-V26-43-page1.txt: [('Je', 'wish')] ST19001024-V26-43-page13.txt: [('co', 'laborers')] ST19001024-V26-43-page14.txt: [('EM', 'BER')] ST19001024-V26-43-page15.txt: [('subscrip', 'tions')] ST19001031-V26-44-page1.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST19001031-V26-44-page10.txt: 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'e')] ST19161003-V43-39,40-page31.txt: [('re', 'turn')] ST19161003-V43-39,40-page32.txt: [('MEE', 'TINGS')] ST19161003-V43-39,40-page35.txt: [('ti', 'e')] ST19161003-V43-39,40-page7.txt: [('li', 'I'), ('PERSECU', 'TION')] ST19161017-V43-41-page12.txt: [('Su', 'ffer')] ST19161017-V43-41-page5.txt: [('suf', 'fered')] ST19161024-V43-42-page1.txt: [('PO', 'MP'), ('PA', 'p'), ('RA', 'PS')] ST19161031-V43-43-page1.txt: [('re', 'creation')] ST19161031-V43-43-page12.txt: [('re', 'creation')] ST19161031-V43-43-page14.txt: [('pa', 'P')] ST19161031-V43-43-page16.txt: [('langu', 'age')] ST19161031-V43-43-page2.txt: [('popu', 'lation')] ST19161107-V43-44-page11.txt: [('hea', 'rt')] ST19161107-V43-44-page9.txt: [('complet', 'ed')] ST19161205-V43-48-page12.txt: [('Illi', 'nois'), ('FU', 'TURE')] ST19161205-V43-48-page13.txt: [('Asso', 'ciation'), ('Mediterra', 'nean'), ('re', 'corded')] ST19161205-V43-48-page8.txt: [('pre', 'dicted')] ST19161212-V43-49-page15.txt: [('headin', 'g')] 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ST19190729-V46-29-page10.txt: [('al', 'to')] ST19190729-V46-29-page12.txt: [('ta', 'rs')] ST19190729-V46-29-page14.txt: [('APOCA', 'LYPSE')] ST19190729-V46-29-page6.txt: [('TH', 'E')] ST19190805-V46-30-page7.txt: [('FUL', 'FILLMENT')] ST19190812-V46-31-page16.txt: [('reig', 'neth')] ST19190812-V46-31-page8.txt: [('pre', 'vious')] ST19190819-V46-32-page12.txt: [('ea', 'st')] ST19190826-V46-33-page2.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')] ST19190916-V46-36-page16.txt: [('Publishin', 'g')] ST19190916-V46-36-page4.txt: [('na', 'tional')] ST19190923-V46-37-page3.txt: [('OD', 'is')] ST19190923-V46-37-page4.txt: [('UN', 'MISTAKABLE')] ST19190930-V46-38-page12.txt: [('durin', 'g')] ST19191007-V46-39-page12.txt: [('ea', 't')] ST19191007-V46-39-page13.txt: [("Mankind'", 's')] ST19191014-V46-40-page15.txt: [('Co', 'operation')] ST19191014-V46-40-page9.txt: [('Bonif', 'ace')] ST19191021-V46-41-page16.txt: [('ga', 'n')] ST19191021-V46-41-page2.txt: [('WI', 'S')] ST19191028-V46-42-page15.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')] ST19191028-V46-42-page2.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')] ST19191028-V46-42-page5.txt: [('fl', 'a')] ST19191028-V46-42-page9.txt: [('pre', 'war')] ST19191104-V46-43-page12.txt: [('re', 'quired')] ST19191104-V46-43-page7.txt: [('emphasiz', 'ing')] ST19191111-V46-44-page11.txt: [('ju', 'st')] ST19191111-V46-44-page3.txt: [('re', 'creation')] ST19191118-V46-45-page1.txt: [('pre', 'war')] ST19191118-V46-45-page10.txt: [('Ne', 'braska')] ST19191118-V46-45-page15.txt: [('Mc', 'Gill')] ST19191118-V46-45-page2.txt: [('pictu', 're'), ('re', 'scinding')] ST19191118-V46-45-page3.txt: [('re', 'ceive')] ST19191125-V46-46-page14.txt: [('re', 'created')] ST19191125-V46-46-page8.txt: [('re', 'creating')] ST19191202-V46-47-page11.txt: [('Indo', 'China')] ST19191202-V46-47-page6.txt: [('ti', 'The')] ST19191216-V46-49-page11.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')] ST19191223-V46-50-page2.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')] ST19200106-V47-01-page13.txt: [('un', 'Christlike')] ST19200106-V47-01-page8.txt: [('Li', 'I'), ('li', 'e'), ('ti', 'ti'), ('th', 'e')] ST19200106-V47-01-page9.txt: [('ti', 'e'), ('ern', 'A'), ('RI', 'G')] ST19200113-V47-02-page2.txt: [('re', 'creates')] ST19200120-V47-03-page1.txt: [('sufferin', 'g')] ST19200127-V47-04-page14.txt: [('sm', 'oking')] ST19200127-V47-04-page2.txt: [('transporta', 'tion')] ST19200203-V47-05-page13.txt: [('lodg', 'ing'), ('pleasu', 're')] ST19200203-V47-05-page5.txt: [('es', 'tablishes')] ST19200203-V47-05-page8.txt: [('pre', 'war')] ST19200210-V47-06-page2.txt: [('li', 'I')] ST19200210-V47-06-page3.txt: [('INCAR', 'NATION'), ('IrIt', 'is')] ST19200217-V47-07-page16.txt: [('pre', 'war')] ST19200217-V47-07-page3.txt: [('te', 'a'), ('advan', 'tage'), ('se', 'red')] ST19200224-V47-08-page2.txt: [('Bri', 'tain'), ('Reve', 'lation')] ST19200224-V47-08-page5.txt: [('Shu', 'A')] ST19200302-V47-09-page11.txt: [('un', 'godly')] ST19200302-V47-09-page15.txt: [('re', 'creation')] ST19200302-V47-09-page5.txt: [('Shu', 'A')] ST19200302-V47-09-page6.txt: [('Shu', 'A')] ST19200316-V47-11-page12.txt: [('se', 'well')] ST19200316-V47-11-page13.txt: [('Ch', 'in')] ST19200323-V47-12-page15.txt: [('pre', 'diction')] ST19200323-V47-12-page7.txt: [('wi', 't')] ST19200323-V47-12-page8.txt: [('hypothese', 's')] ST19200330-V47-13-page11.txt: [('instru', 'ments')] ST19200330-V47-13-page16.txt: [('gos', "pel's")] ST19200330-V47-13-page5.txt: [('Unfore', 'seen'), ('fu', 'ture')] ST19200330-V47-13-page8.txt: [('thet', 'is')] ST19200406-V47-14-page9.txt: [('MI', 'MI'), ('TS', 'P')] ST19200413-V47-15-page11.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST19200427-V47-17-page11.txt: [('re', 'I')] ST19200427-V47-17-page3.txt: [('Tiglath', 'Pileser'), ('th', 'e')] ST19200504-V47-18-page14.txt: [('Cau', 'casian')] ST19200504-V47-18-page15.txt: [('theres', 'a')] ST19200511-V47-19-page5.txt: [('intoxicati', 'ng')] ST19200511-V47-19-page7.txt: [('lif', 'e'), ('te', 'r')] ST19200518-V47-20-page13.txt: [('musi', 'AL'), ('Li', 'As'), ('mornin', 'g')] ST19200518-V47-20-page4.txt: [('UNPARDON', 'ABLE')] ST19200518-V47-20-page6.txt: [('coverin', 'g')] ST19200525-V47-21-page15.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')] ST19200608-V47-23-page13.txt: [('Po', 'or')] ST19200615-V47-24-page6.txt: [('ma', 'de')] ST19200622-V47-25-page4.txt: [('RE', 'PENTANCE')] ST19200706-V47-26-page8.txt: [('ef', 'fect')] ST19200713-V47-27-page7.txt: [('habitu', 's')] ST19200713-V47-27-page8.txt: [('passin', 'g')] ST19200720-V47-28-page4.txt: [('sh', 'in')] ST19200720-V47-28-page8.txt: [('pre', 'war')] ST19200727-V47-29-page16.txt: [('G.', '')] ST19200803-V47-30-page6.txt: [('MU', 'CH')] ST19200803-V47-30-page8.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakian')] ST19200817-V47-32-page2.txt: [('af', 'fected')] ST19200824-V47-33-page11.txt: [('re', 'ceive')] ST19200824-V47-33-page4.txt: [('re', 'created')] ST19200824-V47-33-page6.txt: [('li', 'the')] ST19200824-V47-33-page8.txt: [('pre', 'Judgment')] ST19200831-V47-34-page4.txt: [('Indo', 'China')] ST19200831-V47-34-page7.txt: [('pre', 'judgment')] 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In [29]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction6 Average verified rate: 0.9813248784202824 Average of error rates: 0.01883397982932506 Total token count: 36314034
In [30]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 28888), ('e', 21984), ('m', 18624), ('d', 17477), ('w', 17329), ('n', 16330), ('t', 16275), ('r', 12148), ('g', 11324), ('f', 8369), ('th', 8148), ('pp', 6902), ('co', 5693), ('ex', 4176), ('u', 4106), ('x', 3480), ('tion', 2372), ('mo', 2269), ('wm', 1970), ('re', 1911), ('k', 1907), ('ment', 1611), ('eze', 1391), ('z', 1312), ("the'", 1295), ('altho', 1276), ("of'", 1121), ('ti', 1042), ('pa', 1032), ('wo', 985), ('sel', 935), ('q', 933), ('es', 907), ("an'", 878), ('ets', 852), ('al', 773), ('id', 713), ('va', 701), ('tions', 673), ('io', 643), ("''", 633), ('op', 620), ('ments', 614), ('mal', 577), ("if'", 564), ('aro', 554), ('ro', 554), ('ence', 540), ("and'", 534), ('oo', 526)]
Correction 7 -- Rejoin Split Words II¶
In [31]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction7"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)
replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=False)
if len(replacements) > 0:
print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
ST18740611-V01-02-page7.txt: [('ac', 'company')] ST18740625-V01-03-page8.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18740709-V01-04-page2.txt: [('re', 'constituted')] ST18740709-V01-04-page5.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18740709-V01-04-page8.txt: [('desir', 'able'), ('embrac', 'ing')] ST18740723-V01-05-page1.txt: [('stil', 'l')] ST18740723-V01-05-page8.txt: [('th', 'aw')] ST18741022-V01-08-page3.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741022-V01-08-page5.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741022-V01-08-page7.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741022-V01-08-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741203-V01-10-page5.txt: [('conse', 'quently')] ST18741203-V01-10-page7.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18741217-V01-11-page6.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18741217-V01-11-page8.txt: [('Mc', 'Intyre')] ST18741231-V01-12-page2.txt: [('Heav', 'en')] ST18750128-V01-14-page1.txt: [('th', 'an')] ST18750128-V01-14-page5.txt: [('direc', 'ted')] ST18750128-V01-14-page7.txt: [('fa', 'ce')] ST18750225-V01-16-page5.txt: [('menta', 'l')] ST18750225-V01-16-page8.txt: [('M.', ''), ('th', 'at')] ST18750311-V01-18-page2.txt: [('fa', 'ce')] ST18750311-V01-18-page3.txt: [('whatev', 'er')] ST18750318-V01-19-page6.txt: [('bere', 'ft')] ST18750325-V01-20-page1.txt: [('Adven', 't')] ST18750325-V01-20-page2.txt: [('spok', 'e')] ST18750325-V01-20-page5.txt: [('dea', 'th')] ST18750325-V01-20-page6.txt: [('th', 'ey'), ('Giv', 'e')] ST18750325-V01-20-page8.txt: [('re', 'mains')] ST18750401-V01-21-page2.txt: [('sacri', 'fice'), ('posi', 'tion')] ST18750401-V01-21-page3.txt: [('pla', 'tonic')] ST18750408-V01-22-page2.txt: [('breth', 'ren')] ST18750408-V01-22-page7.txt: [('inh', 'aling')] ST18750415-V01-23-page3.txt: [('ta', 'ken')] ST18750415-V01-23-page7.txt: [('cylindr', 'ical')] ST18750415-V01-23-page8.txt: [('GA', 'L')] ST18750422-V01-24-page3.txt: [('mis', 'take')] ST18750429-V01-25-page1.txt: [('twelv', 'e')] ST18750429-V01-25-page7.txt: [('Co', 'at')] ST18750506-V01-26-page1.txt: [('re', 'echo')] ST18750506-V01-26-page3.txt: [('re', 'inforces')] ST18750506-V01-26-page5.txt: [('acknOwl', 'edged')] ST18750506-V01-26-page6.txt: [('publica', 'tions')] ST18750513-V01-27-page1.txt: [('Th', 'e')] ST18750513-V01-27-page2.txt: [('Th', 'at')] ST18750513-V01-27-page7.txt: [('Emper', 'or')] ST18750520-V01-28-page7.txt: [('ac', 'tually')] ST18750527-V01-29-page2.txt: [('pre', 'cept'), ('deso', 'late')] ST18750527-V01-29-page4.txt: [('ment', 'he')] ST18750527-V01-29-page7.txt: [('stri', 'ke')] ST18750527-V01-29-page8.txt: [('Sa', 'bbaton')] ST18750603-V01-30-page1.txt: [('igno', 'rant')] ST18750603-V01-30-page2.txt: [('fornica', 'tion')] ST18750603-V01-30-page4.txt: [('institu', 'tion')] ST18750603-V01-30-page6.txt: [('ac', 'tion')] ST18750603-V01-30-page7.txt: [('uncondition', 'al')] ST18750603-V01-30-page8.txt: [('applica', 'tion')] ST18750610-V01-31-page1.txt: [('decalo', 'gue')] ST18750610-V01-31-page5.txt: [('Heav', 'en')] ST18750624-V01-33-page8.txt: [('Vindica', 'tion')] ST18750701-V01-34-page6.txt: [('oppo', 'nents')] ST18750701-V01-34-page8.txt: [('greenba', 'ck'), ('th', 'at'), ('Sa', 'n')] ST18750708-V01-35-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18750715-V01-36-page2.txt: [('Pa', 'u')] ST18750715-V01-36-page6.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18750812-V01-40-page6.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18750909-V01-44-page5.txt: [('comin', 'g'), ('ac', 'cordance')] ST18750909-V01-44-page6.txt: [('co', 'Co'), ('CO', 'o')] ST18750909-V01-44-page7.txt: [('immedi', 'ate')] ST18750909-V01-44-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18750916-V01-45-page6.txt: [('em', 'braced')] ST18750923-V01-46-page1.txt: [('pa', 'tient')] ST18750923-V01-46-page7.txt: [('ca', 'lamity')] ST18750923-V01-46-page8.txt: [('M.', ''), ('Ge', 'M')] ST18751007-V01-47-page6.txt: [('Uhl', 'and')] ST18751007-V01-47-page8.txt: [('McAl', 'lister')] ST18751021-V01-48-page5.txt: [('Th', 'e')] ST18760127-V02-09-page3.txt: [('pre', 'cepts')] ST18760127-V02-09-page4.txt: [('Ma', 'I')] ST18760127-V02-09-page7.txt: [('ea', 'sy')] ST18770419-V03-16-page2.txt: [('re', 'affirming')] ST18780110-V04-02-page6.txt: [('befor', 'e')] ST18780110-V04-02-page8.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18780117-V04-03-page2.txt: [('pre', 'conceived')] ST18780117-V04-03-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780124-V04-04-page5.txt: [('thousan', 'd')] ST18780124-V04-04-page8.txt: [('Mc', 'Alpin'), ('th', 'at'), ('Co', 'E'), ('co', 'to'), ('CO', 'O')] ST18780207-V04-06-page2.txt: [('pre', 'sented')] ST18780207-V04-06-page3.txt: [('tes', 't'), ('proph', 'ecy')] ST18780207-V04-06-page4.txt: [('re', 'baptism')] ST18780207-V04-06-page5.txt: [('pa', 'l')] ST18780207-V04-06-page6.txt: [('mov', 'ing')] ST18780214-V04-07-page1.txt: [('UN', 'profitable')] ST18780307-V04-10-page7.txt: [('wa', 's')] ST18780307-V04-10-page8.txt: [('th', 'a'), ('APPOINTM', 'ENTS')] ST18780314-V04-11-page7.txt: [('tellin', 'g')] ST18780314-V04-11-page8.txt: [('Re', 'demption')] ST18780321-V04-12-page2.txt: [('ba', 'th')] ST18780321-V04-12-page4.txt: [('provi', 'dence')] ST18780321-V04-12-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18780328-V04-13-page3.txt: [('bi', 'c')] ST18780328-V04-13-page8.txt: [('Associa', 'tion')] ST18780411-V04-14-page2.txt: [('Ma', 'I')] ST18780411-V04-14-page6.txt: [('re', 'turn')] ST18780411-V04-14-page7.txt: [('amoun', 'ted')] ST18780425-V04-16-page2.txt: [('re', 'pentance')] ST18780425-V04-16-page5.txt: [('co', 'CO'), ('CY', 'L'), ('CO', 'W'), ('se', 'as')] ST18780425-V04-16-page6.txt: [('un', 'satisfactory')] ST18780425-V04-16-page7.txt: [('broo', 'ks')] ST18780425-V04-16-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780502-V04-17-page1.txt: [('PHARI', 'SEES')] ST18780502-V04-17-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780509-V04-18-page3.txt: [('re', 'demption')] ST18780509-V04-18-page5.txt: [('fa', 'ce')] ST18780509-V04-18-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780516-V04-19-page3.txt: [('re', 'st')] ST18780516-V04-19-page8.txt: [('lan', 'guage')] ST18780523-V04-20-page4.txt: [('re', 'opening')] ST18780523-V04-20-page5.txt: [('prosp', 'erous')] ST18780530-V04-21-page4.txt: [('trinita', 'rian')] ST18780530-V04-21-page5.txt: [('wa', 'y')] ST18780530-V04-21-page7.txt: [('re', 'establishing'), ('offen', 'ces')] ST18780606-V04-22-page4.txt: [('re', 'establishing')] ST18780606-V04-22-page7.txt: [('re', 'Marks'), ('oppor', 'tunity')] ST18780613-V04-23-page1.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18780613-V04-23-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780627-V04-24-page1.txt: [('ex', 'actly')] ST18780627-V04-24-page3.txt: [('provoca', 'tions'), ('Sys', 'tem')] ST18780627-V04-24-page5.txt: [('compa', 'nion')] ST18780627-V04-24-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780704-V04-25-page3.txt: [('ex', 'cuses'), ('th', 'e')] ST18780711-V04-26-page1.txt: [('violat', 'ion')] ST18780711-V04-26-page3.txt: [('restora', 'tion')] ST18780711-V04-26-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780718-V04-27-page1.txt: [('re', 'peating')] ST18780718-V04-27-page2.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18780718-V04-27-page3.txt: [('espec', 'ially')] ST18780718-V04-27-page5.txt: [('eV', 'ent'), ('Cr', 'one'), ('ac', 'cepted')] ST18780725-V04-28-page3.txt: [('seduc', 'tions')] ST18780725-V04-28-page8.txt: [('co', 't'), ('CO', 'Co')] ST18780801-V04-29-page7.txt: [('nothin', 'g')] ST18780808-V04-30-page1.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18780808-V04-30-page3.txt: [('proph', 'ecy')] ST18780808-V04-30-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18780815-V04-31-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18780822-V04-32-page1.txt: [('ex', 'plain'), ('op', 'pressed')] ST18780822-V04-32-page7.txt: [('pre', 'carious')] ST18780822-V04-32-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18780829-V04-33-page5.txt: [('pre', 'existence'), ('advo', 'cate'), ('vir', 'tual')] ST18780829-V04-33-page8.txt: [('M.', ''), ('th', 'at')] ST18780912-V04-34-page5.txt: [('th', 'em'), ('sh', 'aves')] ST18780912-V04-34-page8.txt: [('VA', 'N')] ST18780919-V04-35-page1.txt: [('Ma', 'ster')] ST18781003-V04-37-page1.txt: [('repe', 'tition')] ST18781003-V04-37-page5.txt: [('intereste', 'd')] ST18781010-V04-38-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18781017-V04-39-page6.txt: [('unhesita', 'tingly')] ST18781024-V04-40-page4.txt: [('th', 'at'), ('ap', 'pointing')] ST18781024-V04-40-page5.txt: [('ac', 'count')] ST18781024-V04-40-page6.txt: [('hig', 'ht')] ST18781024-V04-40-page8.txt: [('M.', ''), ('Co', 't'), ('G.', ''), ('co', 'to'), ('CO', 'G')] ST18781031-V04-41-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18781107-V04-42-page2.txt: [('nota', 'ble')] ST18781107-V04-42-page8.txt: [('M.', ''), ('th', 'A')] ST18781114-V04-43-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18781121-V04-44-page1.txt: [('Sa', 'pphira')] ST18781121-V04-44-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18781128-V04-45-page7.txt: [('Shef', 'field')] ST18781128-V04-45-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18781212-V04-47-page2.txt: [('Pa', 'rthians')] ST18781212-V04-47-page6.txt: [('hea', 'ven')] ST18781219-V04-48-page2.txt: [('langu', 'age')] ST18781219-V04-48-page6.txt: [('th', 'a')] ST18781219-V04-48-page7.txt: [('hy', 'drants')] ST18790102-V05-01-page3.txt: [('Ti', 'the')] ST18790123-V05-04-page6.txt: [('ma', 'the')] ST18790123-V05-04-page8.txt: [('ri', 'ND'), ('co', 'O'), ('CO', 'b')] ST18790130-V05-05-page1.txt: [('neph', 'esh')] ST18790130-V05-05-page7.txt: [('follo', 'wing')] ST18790206-V05-06-page2.txt: [('re', 'quired')] ST18790206-V05-06-page3.txt: [('sa', 'Ving')] ST18790213-V05-07-page6.txt: [('wo', 'rd')] ST18790213-V05-07-page7.txt: [('prepar', 'ing')] ST18790220-V05-08-page8.txt: [('M.', ''), ('splen', 'did')] ST18790227-V05-09-page7.txt: [('sh', 'ocks')] ST18790306-V05-10-page5.txt: [('peo', 'ple')] ST18790306-V05-10-page7.txt: [('privi', 'lege')] ST18790313-V05-11-page1.txt: [('sh', 'eol')] ST18790313-V05-11-page2.txt: [('Ca', 'valry')] ST18790313-V05-11-page3.txt: [('pre', 'serve')] ST18790313-V05-11-page5.txt: [('Ti', 'l'), ('senti', 'ments')] ST18790320-V05-12-page5.txt: [('dw', 'ell')] ST18790320-V05-12-page7.txt: [('th', 'a')] ST18790327-V05-13-page7.txt: [('re', 'appearance')] ST18790424-V05-17-page8.txt: [('co', 'to'), ('CO', 'tO')] ST18790515-V05-20-page7.txt: [('suc', 'cess'), ('ba', 'ptized')] ST18790522-V05-21-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18790605-V05-22-page8.txt: [('mortali', 'ty')] ST18790612-V05-23-page5.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18790612-V05-23-page6.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18790612-V05-23-page8.txt: [('oo', 'H')] ST18790619-V05-24-page1.txt: [('supersti', 'tion')] ST18790619-V05-24-page4.txt: [('preven', 'tive')] ST18790626-V05-25-page4.txt: [('pre', 'existent')] ST18790626-V05-25-page8.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18790703-V05-26-page3.txt: [('tur', 'ned')] ST18790717-V05-27-page6.txt: [('Wa', 'shington')] ST18790717-V05-27-page8.txt: [('Re', 'applications')] ST18790724-V05-28-page8.txt: [('co', 'to'), ('po', 't'), ('fo', 'p')] ST18790731-V05-29-page2.txt: [('pre', 'existence')] ST18790731-V05-29-page5.txt: [('unchange', 'able')] ST18790731-V05-29-page7.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18790731-V05-29-page8.txt: [('co', 'la')] ST18790807-V05-30-page2.txt: [('Po', 'or')] ST18790807-V05-30-page3.txt: [('Fif', 'teen')] ST18790807-V05-30-page4.txt: [('da', 'y')] ST18790814-V05-31-page6.txt: [('grea', 't')] ST18790814-V05-31-page7.txt: [('re', 'ported')] ST18790814-V05-31-page8.txt: [('ori', 'gin'), ('abov', 'e')] ST18790821-V05-32-page5.txt: [('ab', 'e')] ST18790821-V05-32-page7.txt: [('ca', 'th')] ST18790821-V05-32-page8.txt: [('ce', 'n')] ST18790828-V05-33-page3.txt: [('wa', 's')] ST18790828-V05-33-page7.txt: [('hav', 'e')] ST18790828-V05-33-page8.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18790904-V05-34-page3.txt: [('deet', 'h')] ST18790904-V05-34-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18790911-V05-35-page2.txt: [('re', 'absorption')] ST18790911-V05-35-page4.txt: [('observa', 'nce')] ST18790911-V05-35-page8.txt: [('th', 'is')] ST18790918-V05-36-page6.txt: [('inclin', 'ations')] ST18790918-V05-36-page7.txt: [('ca', 'th')] ST18790918-V05-36-page8.txt: [('fo', 'r')] ST18791002-V05-37-page1.txt: [('co', 'operation')] ST18791002-V05-37-page5.txt: [('pre', 'eminently')] ST18791002-V05-37-page7.txt: [('th', 'a'), ('Parlia', 'ment')] ST18791002-V05-37-page8.txt: [('re', 'elected')] ST18791009-V05-38-page3.txt: [('sp', 'irit')] ST18791009-V05-38-page7.txt: [('re', 'marrying')] ST18791016-V05-39-page2.txt: [('cotempora', 'ry')] ST18791016-V05-39-page4.txt: [('simultaneou', 'sly')] ST18791016-V05-39-page7.txt: [('religi', 'ous')] ST18791023-V05-40-page2.txt: [('re', 'absOrbed')] ST18791030-V05-41-page4.txt: [('co', 'workers')] ST18791030-V05-41-page8.txt: [('si', 'n')] ST18791106-V05-42-page1.txt: [('denomina', 'tional')] ST18791113-V05-43-page1.txt: [('fo', 'r')] ST18791113-V05-43-page2.txt: [('ch', 'adds')] ST18791113-V05-43-page6.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18791113-V05-43-page8.txt: [('obligatio', 'n'), ('pa', 'rticularly')] ST18791120-V05-44-page2.txt: [('co', 'n')] ST18791120-V05-44-page3.txt: [('pre', 'sumption')] ST18791120-V05-44-page6.txt: [('ordi', 'nances'), ('M.', '')] ST18791120-V05-44-page8.txt: [('re', 'S')] ST18791127-V05-45-page1.txt: [('diffi', 'cult')] ST18791127-V05-45-page2.txt: [('re', 'dressed')] ST18791127-V05-45-page8.txt: [('gi', 'lt'), ('edg', 'es')] ST18791211-V05-47-page4.txt: [('na', 'tions')] ST18791211-V05-47-page8.txt: [('Patri', 'archal')] ST18791218-V05-48-page8.txt: [('Re', 'born')] ST18791218-V05-48-page9.txt: [('Califor', 'nia')] ST18800122-V06-03-page12.txt: [('wo', "ld's")] ST18800122-V06-03-page9.txt: [('ple', 'be')] ST18800129-V06-04-page6.txt: [('co', 'operating')] ST18800129-V06-04-page8.txt: [('th', 'a')] ST18800212-V06-06-page7.txt: [('reputa', 'tion')] ST18800212-V06-06-page8.txt: [('Garli', 'c')] ST18800219-V06-07-page8.txt: [('th', 'in')] ST18800226-V06-08-page7.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18800311-V06-10-page3.txt: [('ment', 'or')] ST18800325-V06-12-page1.txt: [('ab', 'ut')] ST18800325-V06-12-page4.txt: [('un', 'inviting')] ST18800401-V06-13-page8.txt: [('separa', 'te')] ST18800408-V06-14-page6.txt: [('cer', 'tain')] ST18800415-V06-15-page5.txt: [('ble', 'at')] ST18800415-V06-15-page8.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18800513-V06-18-page3.txt: [('Gr', 'in'), ('pre', 'eminent')] ST18800513-V06-18-page8.txt: [('ti', 'THE')] ST18800520-V06-19-page3.txt: [('relig', 'ion')] ST18800520-V06-19-page6.txt: [('Lor', 'd')] ST18800527-V06-20-page10.txt: [('Stran', 'ge')] 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'most'), ('Timo', 'thy')] ST18831011-V09-38-page7.txt: [('ob', 'tain'), ('re', 'corded')] ST18831011-V09-38-page8.txt: [('secur', 'ing'), ('pre', 'sented'), ('re', 'ligion')] ST18831011-V09-38-page9.txt: [('re', 'unite')] ST18831018-V09-39-page2.txt: [('il', 'e'), ('re', 'ward')] ST18831018-V09-39-page5.txt: [('es', 'sential')] ST18831018-V09-39-page8.txt: [('childr', 'en')] ST18831025-V09-40-page1.txt: [('re', 'form')] ST18831025-V09-40-page10.txt: [('TI', 'P')] ST18831025-V09-40-page12.txt: [('co', 'Operating')] ST18831025-V09-40-page2.txt: [('proceede', 'd'), ('re', 'ligion')] ST18831025-V09-40-page3.txt: [('TI', 'TI')] ST18831025-V09-40-page5.txt: [('re', 'gard')] ST18831025-V09-40-page6.txt: [('sev', 'enty')] ST18831025-V09-40-page7.txt: [('ap', 'pointed')] ST18831101-V09-41-page1.txt: [('re', 'sulted')] ST18831101-V09-41-page10.txt: [('re', 'cently')] ST18831101-V09-41-page11.txt: [('re', 'cently'), ('sa', 'ys'), ('se', 'verely')] ST18831101-V09-41-page12.txt: [('Ea', 't')] 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[('Coxe', 'D')] ST18860506-V12-17-page4.txt: [('re', 'enforcement')] ST18860513-V12-18-page15.txt: [('Heneag', 'e')] ST18860520-V12-19-page9.txt: [('co', 'to'), ('CO', 'CO')] ST18860610-V12-22-page15.txt: [('Coxe', 'D')] ST18860610-V12-22-page16.txt: [('elec', 'tion')] ST18860610-V12-22-page5.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18860701-V12-25-page13.txt: [('dren', 'the')] ST18860708-V12-26-page1.txt: [('CI', 'V')] ST18860708-V12-26-page11.txt: [('ac', 'companied')] ST18860708-V12-26-page15.txt: [('Coxe', 'D')] ST18860715-V12-27-page3.txt: [('TI', 'U')] ST18860715-V12-27-page6.txt: [('th', 'is')] ST18860722-V12-28-page6.txt: [('Ili', 'A')] ST18860805-V12-30-page10.txt: [('narra', 'tive')] ST18860812-V12-31-page3.txt: [('em', 'phatic')] ST18860819-V12-32-page1.txt: [('ch', 'aracter')] ST18860826-V12-33-page15.txt: [('re', 'binding')] ST18860826-V12-33-page7.txt: [('Capel', 'in'), ('co', 'operate')] ST18860902-V12-34-page12.txt: [('fo', 'od')] ST18860902-V12-34-page15.txt: [('WHER', 'EAS')] 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'surd')] ST18870324-V13-12-page13.txt: [('ide', 's'), ('wa', 'ter')] ST18870324-V13-12-page8.txt: [('re', 'enactment')] ST18870331-V13-13-page15.txt: [('th', 'ereat')] ST18870414-V13-14-page13.txt: [('Mo', 'st')] ST18870414-V13-14-page14.txt: [('re', 'ported')] ST18870616-V13-23-page11.txt: [('TI', 'ES'), ('forg', 'et')] ST18870616-V13-23-page3.txt: [('Ea', 'U')] ST18870616-V13-23-page6.txt: [('th', 'e')] ST18870623-V13-24-page3.txt: [('po', 'of')] ST18870707-V13-26-page9.txt: [('ren', 'O')] ST18870714-V13-27-page15.txt: [('TI', 'ES')] ST18870714-V13-27-page7.txt: [('re', 'people')] ST18870818-V13-32-page13.txt: [('re', 'senting')] ST18870825-V13-33-page11.txt: [('se', 'cure')] ST18870825-V13-33-page15.txt: [('denomina', 'tional')] ST18870825-V13-33-page2.txt: [('ut', 't')] ST18870825-V13-33-page5.txt: [('TI', 'S')] ST18871006-V13-39-page10.txt: [('Ch', 'urch')] ST18871006-V13-39-page9.txt: [('Presbyte', 'rian')] ST18871020-V13-40-page12.txt: [('re', 'fused')] 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'dience')] ST18880323-V14-12-page11.txt: [('fa', 'ith')] ST18880323-V14-12-page15.txt: [('al', 'ready')] ST18880323-V14-12-page3.txt: [('suppos', 'ed')] ST18880323-V14-12-page7.txt: [('oP', 'position')] ST18880323-V14-12-page9.txt: [('counte', 'nance')] ST18880330-V14-13-page14.txt: [('TI', 'S')] ST18880330-V14-13-page3.txt: [('glorifi', 'cation')] ST18880330-V14-13-page6.txt: [('th', 'y')] ST18880406-V14-14-page13.txt: [('TI', 'S')] ST18880406-V14-14-page14.txt: [('Bos', 'ton')] ST18880420-V14-16-page5.txt: [('dif', 'ferent')] ST18880824-V14-33-page14.txt: [('ra', 'N')] ST18880824-V14-33-page16.txt: [('ry', 'e')] ST18880824-V14-33-page3.txt: [('Mo', 'e')] ST18880824-V14-33-page5.txt: [('TI', 'ES')] ST18880831-V14-34-page12.txt: [('ay', 'nor')] ST18880831-V14-34-page14.txt: [('th', 'at')] ST18880914-V14-36-page2.txt: [('Belshazza', "r's")] ST18880914-V14-36-page6.txt: [('re', 'arranged')] ST18881019-V14-40-page3.txt: [('Bi', 'ble')] ST18881019-V14-40-page9.txt: [('TI', 'LES')] 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[('M.', '')] ST18890722-V15-28-page3.txt: [('bre', 'eds')] ST18890722-V15-28-page5.txt: [('TI', 'M')] ST18890729-V15-29-page15.txt: [('Yo', 'Semite')] ST18890729-V15-29-page8.txt: [('th', 'a')] ST18890805-V15-30-page4.txt: [('OP', 'ES')] ST18890812-V15-31-page4.txt: [('inhu', 'man')] ST18890812-V15-31-page7.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890812-V15-31-page9.txt: [('ag', 'e'), ('TE', 'T')] ST18890819-V15-32-page14.txt: [('aveng', 'e')] ST18890819-V15-32-page16.txt: [('CI', 't')] ST18890826-V15-33-page11.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890826-V15-33-page2.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18890826-V15-33-page3.txt: [('Cu', 'yler')] ST18890826-V15-33-page9.txt: [('li', 'r')] ST18890902-V15-34-page11.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890902-V15-34-page15.txt: [('Ne', 'ts')] ST18890902-V15-34-page16.txt: [('th', 'is')] ST18890909-V15-35-page7.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18890916-V15-36-page7.txt: [('TE', 'ES')] ST18890930-V15-38-page14.txt: [('Ci', 'V')] ST18891014-V15-39-page12.txt: [('al', 'can')] ST18891014-V15-39-page15.txt: [('Se', 'th'), ('th', 'e')] ST18891014-V15-39-page3.txt: [('TI', 'Er'), ('fil', 'ErS')] ST18891021-V15-40-page12.txt: [('Fr', 'T')] ST18891021-V15-40-page9.txt: [('Ci', 'V')] ST18891104-V15-42-page3.txt: [('pa', 'ssage')] ST18891111-V15-43-page5.txt: [('Zapp', 'a')] ST18891118-V15-44-page12.txt: [('yo', 'ur')] ST18891118-V15-44-page15.txt: [('MA', 'E')] ST18891125-V15-45-page1.txt: [('re', 'cent')] ST18891125-V15-45-page7.txt: [('co', 'operate')] ST18891202-V15-46-page11.txt: [('distrib', 'uted')] ST18891209-V15-47-page15.txt: [('po', 's')] ST18891216-V15-48-page7.txt: [('proph', 'ets')] ST18891223-V15-49-page15.txt: [('Se', 't')] ST18891223-V15-49-page2.txt: [('chil', 'dren')] ST18891230-V15-50-page4.txt: [('unfort', 'unate')] ST18900127-V16-04-page6.txt: [('na', 'tional')] ST18900217-V16-07-page6.txt: [('ment', 'or')] ST18900217-V16-07-page7.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18900303-V16-09-page11.txt: [('ti', 'C')] ST18900303-V16-09-page16.txt: [('hav', 'e')] ST18900310-V16-10-page7.txt: [('Li', 'the')] ST18900512-V16-18-page9.txt: [('M.', '')] ST18900609-V16-22-page11.txt: [('re', 'e')] ST18900609-V16-22-page4.txt: [('co', 'workers')] ST18900609-V16-22-page9.txt: [('travelin', 'g')] ST18900922-V16-37-page7.txt: [('th', 'o')] ST18920208-V18-14e-page4.txt: [('subscrip', 'tions')] ST18921107-V19-01-page4.txt: [('PRE', 'M')] ST18921121-V19-03-page8.txt: [('neces', 'sary')] ST18921128-V19-04-page12.txt: [('re', 'e')] ST18921205-V19-05-page14.txt: [('G.', '')] ST18921212-V19-06-page11.txt: [('nea', 'r')] ST18921219-V19-07-page10.txt: [('Voi', 'ce')] ST18921219-V19-07-page11.txt: [('nar', 'row')] ST18930116-V19-11-page15.txt: [('nati', 'on')] ST18930116-V19-11-page3.txt: [('se', 'a')] ST18930116-V19-11-page6.txt: [('stran', 'ger')] ST18930116-V19-11-page7.txt: [('inci', 'dents')] ST18930123-V19-12-page11.txt: [('re', 'sults')] ST18930123-V19-12-page14.txt: [('wi', 's')] ST18930123-V19-12-page5.txt: [('charac', 'ter')] ST18930206-V19-14-page11.txt: [('tem', 'perate')] 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'ation')] ST19120903-V39-34-page7.txt: [('wo', 'of')] ST19120903-V39-34-page9.txt: [('wo', 't')] ST19120910-V39-35-page10.txt: [('suprem', 'e')] ST19120924-V39-37-page16.txt: [('Re', 'vised')] ST19121001-V39-38-page11.txt: [('WI', 'ly')] ST19121022-V39-41-page15.txt: [('maga', 'zine')] ST19121217-V39-49-page16.txt: [('Fr', 'I')] ST19121224-V39-50-page16.txt: [('Argentin', 'e'), ('Consta', 'ntinople')] ST19121224-V39-50-page5.txt: [('wi', 't')] ST19130211-V40-06-page10.txt: [("W'", 'S')] ST19130218-V40-07-page13.txt: [('re', 'finery')] ST19130218-V40-07-page14.txt: [('thi', 's')] ST19130311-V40-10-page10.txt: [('ide', 's')] ST19130311-V40-10-page13.txt: [('indi', 'vidual')] ST19130311-V40-10-page15.txt: [('id', 'a'), ('Wor', 'd')] ST19130722-V40-28-page14.txt: [('Bo', 'on')] ST19130805-V40-30-page14.txt: [('wa', 'r')] ST19130819-V40-32-page7.txt: [('re', 'creating')] ST19130826-V40-33-page2.txt: [('ex', 'pressed'), ('Co', 'Co')] ST19130923-V40-37-page2.txt: [('re', 'create')] 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In [32]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction7 Average verified rate: 0.9813451332512316 Average of error rates: 0.01881734871993794 Total token count: 36313473
In [33]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 28888), ('e', 21981), ('m', 18624), ('d', 17477), ('w', 17329), ('n', 16330), ('t', 16273), ('r', 12147), ('g', 11323), ('f', 8369), ('th', 8144), ('pp', 6902), ('co', 5632), ('ex', 4129), ('u', 4106), ('x', 3480), ('tion', 2371), ('mo', 2269), ('wm', 1970), ('k', 1907), ('re', 1636), ('ment', 1611), ('eze', 1391), ('z', 1312), ("the'", 1295), ('altho', 1276), ("of'", 1121), ('ti', 1040), ('pa', 1030), ('wo', 985), ('sel', 935), ('q', 933), ('es', 906), ("an'", 878), ('ets', 852), ('al', 770), ('id', 713), ('va', 701), ('tions', 673), ('io', 643), ("''", 633), ('op', 618), ('ments', 614), ('mal', 577), ("if'", 564), ('aro', 554), ('ro', 553), ('ence', 540), ("and'", 534), ('oo', 525)]
Check Remaining Errors¶
In [34]:
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In [37]:
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'ST19000110-V26-02-page14.txt', 'ST19000627-V26-26-page15.txt','ST19000606-V26-23-page11.txt',
'ST18861230-V12-50-page15.txt', 'ST19120521-V39-20-page6.txt', 'ST19120813-V39-31-page15.txt'
In [38]:
# %load shared_elements/
# doc_keys = [x[0] for x in reports.docs_with_high_error_rate(summary) if x[1] > 0.4]
utilities.open_original_docs(check_docs, directories['cycle'])
Opened files: ST19031216-V29-50-page13.txt ST19080513-V34-20-page3.txt ST19000110-V26-01-page14.txt ST19000110-V26-02-page14.txt ST19000627-V26-26-page15.txt ST19000606-V26-23-page11.txt ST18861230-V12-50-page15.txt ST19120521-V39-20-page6.txt ST19120813-V39-31-page15.txt
Most of the high error docs are the title pages. The remaining have inset images, torn pages, and charts.
In [40]:
reports.long_errors(errors_summary, min_length=15)
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'observbelligerents', 'lieutenant-commander', 'premillenarianism', 'confederuprightness', 'weather-growling', 'mairainumuummomaimmiqmiccomuu', 'columbiaconference', "faithfnll'atorshipers", 'detioniiiiatious', 'sergeant-at-arms', 'christ-consisting', "thesettingupfothe'evrelastingkigndom", 'rapidlyapproaching', 'death-destroying', 'destructionbeing', 'intelligentreader', 'vecarneawraicedi', "publ'shing'aisoci", 'tribitredritifterierierrocrreiviartsitrest', 'givingofthetencommandments', 'pubsignification', 'prayer-answering', 'minisexperienced', 'prisoniassociation', 'dissecting-knife', 'drawing-room---stateroom', 'trans-mississippi', 'printing-presses', 'whosoeversinneth', 'irresponsiveness', 'realiovercharged', 'thoughttransference', 'pacificpressofficeisoneyearbehindthedemand', 'vawmanweeernerneeeeeemed', 'thesignsorthetimes', 'natural-immortality', 'cationofthisfactpaulsaystohisbrethren', 'lieutenant-governorship', 'lanimminiemmienimenammssmememeimienummiumnswawsizivar', 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'underappropriate', 'cross-questioning', 'perfectlyregulated', 'missionarymeeting', 'undertheinfluenceandpoweroftheministering', 'personificiition', 'bottleenlightened', 'adispatchfromottawa', 'divineauthorship', 'andstockintheconcern', 'churchfellowship', 'chorusalltogether', 'ritualselfishness', 'tradidiscussions', 'antvassuabpsrearmibiearins', 'tuuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'contemptuorderly', 'understandnecessary', 'steno-telegraphy', 'thoughtsforthecandid', 'dfsitieixvfifinbceilotevyve', "iiittiiirriitiiiivivirtiitie'driairreviii", 'writpresentation', 'whitecameonthegroundinthemorning', 'accommodationsas', 'molieistragatnea', 'eventuallycoming', 'nebuchadnezzarism', 'umummummanummilimmiliwimilintimm', 'heaven-breathing', 'decomposiwhether', 'self-stultifying', 'knickerbockerism', 'interprogressing', 'capernreamriantioch', 'renunciaproduced', 'self-gratifibeen', 'forfailinformation', 'commandblackened', 'hisdefenseinaclear', "proportionately''", 'gentlyentreating', 'smithvisibleball', "fellow-citizen's", 'disseminacontinued', 'self-commendation', 'accomplishmendable', 'kaleidopossessed', 'i-knowyou-will-all-agree', 'cen-john-tarsithis', 'temperangeebooks', 'wevywevewevewwwa', 'coarsethingseasilywasixedwdelicale', 'viivrimivievwcipvivai', 'handwritinhabitants', 'consistenttwhith', 'controvertylbetween', 'theprinciplseofreligionexact', 'lieutenant-governor', 'friffiliepilyikentlittopma', 'spiritmanifestation', 'characterconsistency', 'ontradistinction', 'eisieritilltirrnintrii', 'twenty-cent-a-week', 'moammvumummixvonwsmotmtp', 'non-immersionists', 'carefully-tested', 'foundainstruction', 'robin-red-breast', "carriage-maker's", 'theetodayshaltthoubewithmiinparadise', 'tligimpracticability', 'andcircumstances', 'transferringthere', 'suggestivptemperance', 'becomesineffably', 'commandmonumental', 'divinelycommissioned', 'sabbath-desecrating', 'commandmentgressor', 'thesanctuaryofthebible', 'andadesiretoteach', 'depicturesqueness', 'strengthdestroying', 'thrashing-machine', 'embracpresenting', 'salvaeffectiveness', 'atconscientiously', 'noisomepestilence', "gleigfig'imilkii", 'dyeadlypmoiesdoins', 'elletemtnebtitottpet', 'celebracelebrate', 'fellow-prisoners', 'sixteenth-century', 'chilinstitutions', "disuperintendent's", 'presentation-the', 'enlightenment--whatever', 'traditionsreceived', 'boastnominations', 'fnsaopfojstefeupsiavluelm', 'self-condemnation', 'director-general', "the'commandinents", 'glkoanivammovaitta', 'wacittriemminsmn', 'theadministration', 'viprtatixoytoyiry', 'commander-in-chief', 'conanaeolaserosand', 'disintersponsibilities', 'representadeemed', 'simple-heartedness', 'bruisedforouriniquities', 'inatrainandheardaremarkmade', 'dailyitpreventsdisease', 'theologico-scientific', "saurs'remarkable", 'immortal-soulism', "neighbors'embrace", 'billionaire-making', 'ptah-osiris-apis', 'anditscounterfeit', 'one-hundred-thousand-dollar', 'five-hundred-dollar', 'fmledrincositdriert', 'stubborn-hearted', 'christian-citizenship', 'heartlessapparent', 'temperancelecture', 'faintestrrudimental', 'transmigrationof-souls', 'professedlyiscientific', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'unobtrucommandments', 'intervenjudgment', 'convershortening', 'rendercontroversy', 'vitallyirriportant', 'rtlhiseletotalamountofmoneyincirculation', "a'vrw-vt-vivcwww", 'moderatelyfilled', 'selfagranclizement', 'pacificpresspublishingcompany', 'sivainusitisswissagnasteitstrunsintsunainsiteroomainagasse', 'theologfunctions', 'undenominatienal', 'iiiiiiiiitilllinlitil', 'theestablishment', 'congregationalbd', "etaledxtxhifii'siick", 'nazarethannounced', 'atmosmilk-and-water', 'christianschools', 'rendreunnecessary', 'mymymymmmymymymymy', 'lllllllllilllllllllllll', 'encourcandidates', 'individtialpentioned', 'creatorsoallclaim', 'commandreputation', 'widowsandorphans', 'forbotholdandnewsubscribers', "lutber'sreason-ing", 'salvagregational', "priffirrirrwbfif'", 'power-transmission', 'uponreceiptofprice', 'eakrakrakrakrakrakrateake', 'successcouraging', 'immortalconsequet', "pronouncement'on", 'di-isatisfaechildren', 'thelawofgodaschangedbythepapacy', 'observanceeither', 'seedsgoodgardeners', 'protestantrepublican', 'early-missionaries', 'thefalltermbeganaugust', 'servian-bulgarian', 'illffillimillniiiiili', 'slieflmlifillifiliimimmeipeiesipccce', 'originally-molten', 'disciplesafterthem', 'andmorestrikingstill', 'christianapostles', 'thingmustbedonetosavecivilization', 'self-aggrandizement', 'presentothroughout', 'pleasure-seekers', 'chureh-mnembership', 'gournay-sur-marne', 'manicompleteness', 'tiioughtlessness', 'fromtheirhomesandfromtheirhabits', 'seventh-part-oftime', 'vvallsallatiglerious', 'regenerassurance', 'keenhiscommandmentstandhis', "notwithstanding'", "judgment'unnecessary", 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini', "saviour'spromise", "supnertiendenls'", 'statesmanpresents', 'christreasonable', 'emmonwomonmenniunamemormonlowneuramloo', 'partiallyunderstood', 'whaoflrokfitnhgeasgeeso', 'evangelisticwork', 'wiiiiimumuntmiminigniniumummumiummurriumuiminimommiummiummumiummirminuimiiiiiiii', 'privilegederlinville', 'judiciousdicipline', 'suluislculilsuiisl', 'missionashallowness', 'intepreisotiengr', 'commandparallels', 'awerthograipheigh', 'monthlysubscribers', 'apipamimilimmilmimmix', 'spreadinnitiklibi', 'andundertheearth', 'statuvaltiathilis', 'milliiiiiiiikniiiiii', 'pwazgattheexairbaovnurreicee', 'introducrebellious', 'sunday-advo-cates', 'deliverspiritualism', 'meat-spice-andstimulant', "socialoutcastwhostoodwithinhailof'him", 'worsiiirraiiirseeniketimaas', 'comfortably-paid', 'objectionadiscovery', 'ever-accumulating', 'thesabbaticinstitutionineveryconceivable', 'non-essentialand', 't-e-l-e-g-r-a-p-h', 'ltheltenerations', 'thehopeofthegospel', 'conveniently-situated', "prvoripr'sprwipppt'wvi'vf", 'letterfromtherewasaweekontheway', 'followingprinted', "for'christianity", 'strengthmaterialism', "greatt'ontroversy", 'emcarnally-minded', 'knowledge-hunger', "asurepromisethatdavid'sthroneandkingdom", 'promisestothemse', 'quatterocentennial', 'therewasagoodaudienceonsunday', 'commandment-breaking', 'ongregationaliat', 'bartlettwasherelast', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'containingllessens', 'cultivation-efs-the', 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv', 'demonstrafliction', 'malaria-stricken', 'jeprayer-meeting', 'poorten-schwartz', 'inspector-general', 'itslibertytootherswouldbetothinkand', 'unacceptmurderer', 'paarmankmmanmwaramwmparimmammwawmwarwarammaramwmwarmamminvmmaparaampmwmfammanwpawa', 'self-multiplying', 'strikingoriginal', 'disheartoffering', 'industryarefallingoutandtellingoneachother', 'thepowerandtheglory', 'peremptorilyreflised', 'refusetoliftheartandvoiceingrate', "representatives'", 'accordambassador', 'andweshallbeconceitedtono', 'habit-of-spending', 'missionarykonvendons', 'hisacknowledgment', 'progressionalists', 'fatherobjectedtohergoing', 'chrisconsummation', 'earthquake-shock', 'strangedoctrines', 'mirminunwintnynummnimmnionzmninition', 'propordesecrated', 'eagerlyexpectant', 'sundayhistorically', 'prittuthnsitydocf', 'christianscientific', 'icannotsufficientlybewailthecondition', 'principalidepartment', 'willing-unwill-ing', 'self-contradiction', 'inheritconsideration', 'after-experience', 'toughest-looking', 'berzogencyclopedia', 'withsiipplementofnewestsacredsongs', 'franklinrichards', 'carefullybrefrained', 'self-gratifitree', 'hurriedlyprepared', "are'occasiopally", 'well-intentioned', 'lightning-blasted', 'professedly-protestant', 'christadelpltiars', 'personaltestimony', 'hininiimpininiiiho', 'humandesperation', 'devil-worshipers', ...], 15)
Correction 8 -- Remove long error tokens¶
In [44]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction7"
cycle = "correction8"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
replacements = []
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "i|I"))
replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "m|M"))
replacements = [item for sublist in replacements for item in sublist]
if len(replacements) > 0:
print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
ST18830906-V09-34-page2.txt: [('rwswirencooraresosssesamontamorammoomumErsmenwaveminnoniammaxmonmammannoamomeamo', ' '), ('mossureammevamenn.zovemosenaabiammannexaeuxammgmaugammemasomemmaatarawerrodormangussersamarsimarmeonscomp', ' ')] ST18961008-V22-40-page14.txt: [('yailiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiithiliiiitmilitintitiiintillit', ' ')] ST18961119-V22-46-page14.txt: [('SHIWIUMIIWISIIIIIIWIMIWOMMIIIMUIUMinh', ' ')] ST18961126-V22-47-page14.txt: [('---."\'OMMMMMUMNIMMIIIMMMMWWWWWIIMUM', ' ')] ST18971118-V23-45-page20.txt: [('ratirmrmiThrwrimmumuumwmwmgdmwrirmumnumrwwwwwmummommoirownianarromodurtmummerwmannuottromnuirmwommmwrolimmvory', ' '), ('FARAIPMAIVAIMPAAMINIAMMAMAIWIIMAMAIMANIAARMARIAPARINIAAMWMASIAMMAAMAISIAIMAANAMIUMIIMAPIAAAWAWAIWARAMAIARIAMAIRAMMARAAAWARAMAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', ' ')] ST18990105-V25-01-page22.txt: [('EIENIIIgigrunemmimmfinasdnaunimm', ' '), ('Mummonsammomm', ' ')] ST18990215-V25-07-page3.txt: 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('minmonummunimumnimonnomunDunummunanummunammunDamamontiv', ' ')] ST19040316-V30-11-page4.txt: [('MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIII', ' ')] ST19041102-V30-43-page9.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIImnnIHIIL', ' ')] ST19050419-V31-16-page15.txt: [('messimm.ammemm.', ' ')] ST19051101-V31-44-page2.txt: [('MtrtMnPMMMMMMMMNWMWMMAWRMMWA.MPMMM.MAMAMR.MW', ' '), ("RRMAWMMWARMMN'MMMWPNPM", ' ')] ST19051108-V31-45-page2.txt: [('AMMAMNYAMMMANYMMAMARNIAMMMWMARAWM', ' '), ('WAVAAMNYAMWAIWAMMAPMPAYMMAMMMMAPAPIAMMPAPAA', ' ')] ST19051115-V31-46-page2.txt: [('PAARMANkMMANMWARAMWMPARIMMAMMWAWMWARWARAMMARAMWMWARMAMMINVMMAPARAAMPMWMFAMMANWPAWA', ' ')] ST19060228-V32-09-page13.txt: [('immommussammill', ' ')] ST19070508-V33-19-page3.txt: [('EREEEREEERIIIIIIIIIIIIIEMER', ' ')] ST19100802-V37-30-page13.txt: [('EliallIMEMAIMEWVIIMIIIIIIIMIRVAVIAWOWNIMMIMIII.', ' ')] ST19110620-V38-24-page13.txt: [('Milliiiiiiiikniiiiii', ' '), ('rnmessrammiliommermsemm', ' ')] ST19111031-V38-43,44-page30.txt: [('IIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIII', ' 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('ithiliiiimiliwriniiiiimiiimilinnirtiiiiiiiiniltilittriiiiiiimiriiiiiiiiiimiiiininiiiiiiiiiminisag', ' '), ('ummimmilmminimitipmniiiiiiinimmillithimiliminamilmittitommoitimmiutinitiourniiiniiiitioiiiiiriiimmunimommtulatuanummiumnimmtilffilmiunomunrtmminmannmiimanuffirmwriimmummtintrimmitinummilitumminiuntotopilimininminimiummitinommiumuilimiurmummitimmumtitutimaruentam', ' '), ('Inumunthommommuumuummimmummummoninommiiiiiiiiiimummiumunimommilliiimmuunummountuummummumwt', ' '), ('ansmsanssisammistmuliansillummusisaimuswilinsouswiiiiitimarrmitimmismittistiiiimisiminiaisiriliiiiiiiiiismimasuarmaariiiiiiiirtririsiiiiiiiirimsiiiiiiiiantrilitiniiiiiiiiitisonliiiiiiiimairilimaiiiiiiiIrinatallillaliflillID', ' ')] ST19160111-V43-02-page1.txt: [('limplimmon"ronandignummomonsistoweemanemmen', ' ')] ST19160118-V43-03-page1.txt: [('Almaimulowsmsarlwaspemommennommimmilimakamossuriminatiommulo', ' ')] ST19160118-V43-03-page10.txt: [('nISIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIilitIlIMI', ' ')] ST19160502-V43-18-page1.txt: [('unonornatummurtn.r.olumninonemniminummomonm.......ormoinclommounnmninnemmunn', ' ')] ST19160502-V43-18-page13.txt: [('Ariiiiiimiiiiiiimiliilimuntimmummoimilmiumilmilliinummininummunimilinismuoinium', ' '), ('Ariiiiiimiiiiiiimiliilimuntimmummoimilmiumilmilliinummininummunimilinismuoinium', ' ')] ST19160509-V43-19-page3.txt: [('iiiitimmnimiiiiiiiiiiiiii', ' ')] ST19160509-V43-19-page6.txt: [('tuuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', ' '), ('Humusminitimiumunommumilitiumminimmintrmuirmunimunimimmiturimummutruumummilintimuit', ' ')] ST19160509-V43-19-page8.txt: [('aniumminimilimminiiiiimiiiimoomminimmirimiuninniuniumniniimmiiiiiiiiimimimiummitimmulinnio', ' '), ('aniumminimilimminiiiiimiiiimoomminimmirimiuninniuniumniniimmiiiiiiiiimimimiummitimmulinnio', ' ')] ST19160606-V43-24-page1.txt: [('noaclowliii..t.iiiiiiittIMMItinte..', ' ')] ST19160606-V43-24-page13.txt: [('MIIIIMIIIIIIIi', ' '), ('MInfatiluilluilliiiiiiiiiiiniimailunvia', ' '), ('MIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIM', ' ')] ST19160606-V43-24-page3.txt: [('IIIIIINIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIiilllllillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')] ST19160620-V43-25-page1.txt: [('IIIIMICIIIIIIMERM', ' ')] ST19160620-V43-25-page2.txt: [('Anneleartmmammmimanrimmrtmenturammiiiiiiiitinminuminimiiiiiiiaiminifinurintmatimumum', ' '), ('Anneleartmmammmimanrimmrtmenturammiiiiiiiitinminuminimiiiiiiiaiminifinurintmatimumum', ' ')] ST19160704-V43-26-page13.txt: [('misiiimiiiimummilmnitiuumminnimmaiiiiiiiininifilull', ' '), ('iMillIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImull', ' '), ('WillinilliminomiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilimilimMiiisialltliali', ' '), ('misiiimiiiimummilmnitiuumminnimmaiiiiiiiininifilull', ' '), ('umummummanummilimmiliwimilintimm.n..', ' '), ('mmonwiliimmiunimuitimmnummimmilummutimmimiminimittimimmuin....N.', ' ')] ST19160711-V43-27-page1.txt: [('RIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.M.', ' ')] ST19160711-V43-27-page9.txt: [('iiiiiiimitiiiim', ' ')] ST19160718-V43-28-page14.txt: [('gliwitunuminuitimminimitimmuniunninunowionutlimoinnunionirmlututiumnaumnuainiontatintimmiininwinmitiummumuttninmiltinitinninummuninimilintlimmiumniminnirimmominimittnotiiiiiiihmi', ' '), ('gliwitunuminuitimminimitimmuniunninunowionutlimoinnunionirmlututiumnaumnuainiontatintimmiininwinmitiummumuttninmiltinitinninummuninimilintlimmiumniminnirimmominimittnotiiiiiiihmi', ' ')] ST19160718-V43-28-page8.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIILt', ' '), ('milliiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitinniiiiiiiminiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimminiiiiiiiimir', ' '), ('urniiiiiiiniunitimilitinuniiiiinoniiiiitiiilniiiiiiiitlillIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilitIlill', ' ')] ST19160815-V43-32-page8.txt: [('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini', ' '), ('ifitiliffilffiffilliiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMififfilliniiiiill', ' '), ('MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')] ST19160822-V43-33-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')] ST19160822-V43-33-page10.txt: [('giummiiiiiiiimiliiilliiilliiillitiiiiiminimmintrititiannamoulhommtnitiiiiiiiiiiiiimmjiiiiimitiiiimino', ' '), ('tutimmittrummunginiumomiliiiiiiiiiimumiturinioniorminiiiimmuniuminimumorniminimownianolimoniimiumminiii', ' '), ('giummiiiiiiiimiliiilliiilliiillitiiiiiminimmintrititiannamoulhommtnitiiiiiiiiiiiiimmjiiiiimitiiiimino', ' '), ('tutimmittrummunginiumomiliiiiiiiiiimumiturinioniorminiiiimmuniuminimumorniminimownianolimoniimiumminiii', ' '), ('inimmoommintniniumnimminiiiimmuumminimulummilumntimiliummiumniumtimmonuming', ' ')] ST19160912-V43-36-page9.txt: [('milimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiminminituilimmucimuniiimuninniniumnitmumtuummimumitinimiiiin', ' '), ('mumniuminilimiulimuumilimiimiiiimmitiiiiiiimintimmounimmimiumuthimmumumummutunimommuniumuninu', ' '), ('miummunumummumuniummillinniiiiiiiiiimanimilliiiiiiimillioniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliumninniumuutimmiummumintiniiiiiiiiimuniumniumumumumithimmiiiiummiumumumiugumummummuumuummuniiiiin', ' '), ('mumniuminilimiulimuumilimiimiiiimmitiiiiiiimintimmounimmimiumuthimmumumummutunimommuniumuninu', ' '), ('miniumunummuumurninummirmiummuumimmionunummuninumunimmummulmitimituung', ' '), ('miummunumummumuniummillinniiiiiiiiiimanimilliiiiiiimillioniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliumninniumuutimmiummumintiniiiiiiiiimuniumniumumumumithimmiiiiummiumumumiugumummummuumuummuniiiiin', ' ')] ST19160919-V43-37-page9.txt: [('OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('iimmonnumummumumminummummirrirumumnolurmunitirrtumummiumuminuuttummmiumums', ' ')] ST19160926-V43-38-page9.txt: [('MIMMIMMMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM', ' ')] ST19161003-V43-39,40-page3.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllu', ' ')] ST19161003-V43-39,40-page34.txt: [('yliicainiiniinuni.', ' ')] ST19161017-V43-41-page14.txt: [('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', ' ')] ST19161017-V43-41-page4.txt: [('nwwwimmummummmmmmmmmmmmmmamommw', ' ')] ST19161017-V43-41-page9.txt: [('wiiiiimumuntmiminigniniumummumiummurriumuiminimommiummiummumiummirminuimiiiiiiii', ' '), ('wiiiiimumuntmiminigniniumummumiummurriumuiminimommiummiummumiummirminuimiiiiiiii', ' '), ('umummininiturimminumummimmiumuuramminurrirtirumutumnumummmminmmommninum', ' ')] ST19161107-V43-44-page1.txt: [('...MK.K..ft...M.N..V.RAAARARAWk...RAINRAMMRARARAINAAINININMMRAAAMMAARARAINAAINRARARAINAARARARARAINAARARA', ' ')] ST19161212-V43-49-page1.txt: [("nAMmM.M.MMM'AAMMABRAMNIMMMM.IVIMRAMMAAMMOOMMM.M.MARAMMMMMAARAM", ' ')] ST19180813-V45-32-page5.txt: [('iIIIIIIIIIISIINIIIIIIIJa', ' ')] ST19190211-V46-06-page12.txt: [('MMOLIIIIIIMICIII', ' '), ('VIIIIIVIIMIIIIIIIIIE', ' ')] ST19190211-V46-06-page16.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllll', ' '), ('EMMIIMINIMMINUMMMEENMEMMEHMEMENRIMUM', ' ')] ST19200127-V47-04-page9.txt: [('miliiillinviiiiiiiimmilliiiingiiimeiliiiiiiiiinnivoilisil', ' ')] ST19200504-V47-18-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')] ST19200817-V47-32-page5.txt: [('ginmilmmimilliliiilllillititliffilliiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiii', ' '), ('nilii.iiiiiii', ' ')] ST19200824-V47-33-page10.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')] ST19201221-V47-50-page12.txt: [('ismilisissusumnonsitsisISISIIIsminsultfillitISSUIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
In [47]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction8 Average verified rate: 0.9813510500615877 Average of error rates: 0.018805372381691235 Total token count: 36313251
In [48]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 28888), ('e', 21981), ('m', 18615), ('d', 17477), ('w', 17328), ('n', 16327), ('t', 16272), ('r', 12146), ('g', 11323), ('f', 8369), ('th', 8144), ('pp', 6902), ('co', 5632), ('ex', 4129), ('u', 4106), ('x', 3480), ('tion', 2371), ('mo', 2269), ('wm', 1970), ('k', 1906), ('re', 1636), ('ment', 1611), ('eze', 1391), ('z', 1312), ("the'", 1295), ('altho', 1276), ("of'", 1121), ('ti', 1040), ('pa', 1030), ('wo', 985), ('sel', 935), ('q', 933), ('es', 906), ("an'", 878), ('ets', 852), ('al', 770), ('id', 713), ('va', 701), ('tions', 673), ('io', 643), ("''", 633), ('op', 618), ('ments', 614), ('mal', 577), ("if'", 564), ('aro', 554), ('ro', 553), ('ence', 540), ("and'", 534), ('oo', 525)]
Correction 9 -- Separate Squashed Words¶
In [49]:
# %load shared_elements/
import pandas as pd
from math import log
prev = "correction8"
cycle = "correction9"
directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
verified_tokens = []
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
clean.get_approved_tokens(content, spelling_dictionary, verified_tokens)
tokens_with_freq = dict(collections.Counter(verified_tokens))
words = pd.DataFrame(list(tokens_with_freq.items()), columns=['token','freq'])
words_sorted = words.sort_values('freq', ascending=False)
words_sorted_short = words_sorted[words_sorted.freq > 2]
sorted_list_of_words = list(words_sorted_short['token'])
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))
for filename in corpus:
content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
text = utilities.strip_punct(content)
tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
wordcost = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(sorted_list_of_words)))) for i,k in enumerate(sorted_list_of_words))
maxword = max(len(x) for x in sorted_list_of_words)
replacements = []
for token in tokens:
if not token.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
if len(token) > 17:
if"[\-\-\'\"]", token):
split_string = clean.infer_spaces(token, wordcost, maxword)
list_split_string = split_string.split()
if clean.verify_split_string(list_split_string, spelling_dictionary):
replacements.append((token, split_string))
if len(replacements) > 0:
print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
for replacement in replacements:
content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
ST18740604-V01-01-page2.txt: [('falseinterpretations', 'false interpretations')] ST18740604-V01-01-page4.txt: [('miniswhentheyneededitmostinthesadcrisisoflast', 'minis when they needed it most in the sad crisis of last'), ('cluistprapcmeatoleadkisseryaittaiandit', 'c lu i st p rap c me a to lead kiss er y a it tai and it')] ST18740611-V01-02-page5.txt: [('deservedlycondemned', 'deservedly condemned')] ST18740625-V01-03-page6.txt: [('strictlytobusiness', 'strictly to business')] ST18740709-V01-04-page5.txt: [('SystematiAenevolence', 'System at i A en e v o l e n c e')] ST18740709-V01-04-page6.txt: [('thoughtrequirements', 'thought requirements')] ST18740709-V01-04-page8.txt: [('ofthecostandvalueofredemptionthrough', 'of the cost and value of redemption through'), ('Ourworkininstitutingand', 'Our work in instituting and')] ST18740723-V01-05-page2.txt: [('divinelycommissioned', 'divinely commissioned')] ST18740723-V01-05-page4.txt: [('subscriptionwhichmayhavebeen', 'subscription which may have been')] ST18740723-V01-05-page8.txt: [('oneshortmomentandreasontogether', 'one short moment and reason together')] ST18740813-V01-06-page7.txt: [('Beforethattimewordsandsentenceswereputt', 'Before that time words and sentences were putt')] ST18740917-V01-07-page6.txt: [('THEPROMISEMADETOABRAHAM', 'THE PROMISE MADE TO ABRAHAM')] ST18741022-V01-08-page2.txt: [('vestigationwilldetermine', 'vest i gat ion will determine')] ST18741231-V01-12-page8.txt: [('ChangedtheSabbathI', 'Changed the Sabbath I')] ST18750114-V01-13-page8.txt: [('swordswerebeingextensivelymetamorphosed', 'swords were being extensively metamorphosed')] ST18750128-V01-14-page8.txt: [('andheneverresteduntil', 'and he never rested until')] ST18750225-V01-16-page3.txt: [('differenceThetween', 'difference The tween')] ST18750311-V01-18-page3.txt: [('greatseatandnurseryofphilosophers', 'great seat and nursery of philosophers')] ST18750318-V01-19-page3.txt: [('importantoccasions', 'important occasions')] ST18750325-V01-20-page2.txt: [('Thesewereinastateof', 'These were in a state of'), ('Shallmeltwithferventt', 'Shall melt with fervent t'), ('reasonasitisopposedtotheeB', 'reason as it is opposed to thee B'), ('hundredthpartofthetimethatthe', 'hundredth part of the time that the')] ST18750325-V01-20-page6.txt: [('accomplishmendable', 'accomplish mendable')] ST18750401-V01-21-page4.txt: [('commandmentbreaker', 'commandment breaker')] ST18750408-V01-22-page2.txt: [('completeinstrument', 'complete instrument')] ST18750408-V01-22-page6.txt: [('iughsanetification', 'i ugh s a net if i cation')] ST18750408-V01-22-page8.txt: [('DAYADVENTISTPUBLISHING', 'DAY ADVENTIST PUBLISHING')] ST18750415-V01-23-page1.txt: [('reallyoccupiedagroundsimilartothatof', 'really occupied a ground similar to that of'), ('sinisnotimputedwhen', 'sin is not imputed when'), ('cationofthisfactPaulsaystohisbrethren', 'cation of this fact Paul says to his brethren'), ('entirelyoverthrown', 'entirely overthrown')] ST18750415-V01-23-page6.txt: [('dentthattheclaimsofthebeastaretobeen', 'dent that the claims of the beast are to been'), ('unworthytoreceiveit', 'unworthy to receive it')] ST18750422-V01-24-page2.txt: [('harvestistheendoftheworld', 'harvest is the end of the world')] ST18750422-V01-24-page3.txt: [('differterPretation', 'differ ter P ret at ion')] ST18750422-V01-24-page4.txt: [('whOlcarriPerceivelhe', 'whO l c arr i Perceive l he')] ST18750429-V01-25-page8.txt: [('SeventhetBsaptists', 'Seventh et B s apt i sts')] ST18750506-V01-26-page7.txt: [('accidentallydroppe', 'accidentally drop pe')] ST18750513-V01-27-page7.txt: [('Cdongregationalist', 'C dong reg at ion a list'), ('naturallyattracted', 'naturally attracted')] ST18750527-V01-29-page2.txt: [('transgresssiioonnss', 'transgress s ii o on n s s')] ST18750527-V01-29-page4.txt: [('theiocontemporries', 'the i o con temp or rie s')] ST18750527-V01-29-page6.txt: [('missionaryenterprise', 'missionary enterprise')] ST18750527-V01-29-page7.txt: [('TemperanceConference', 'Temperance Conference')] ST18750527-V01-29-page8.txt: [('erectingthepublishing', 'erecting the publishing')] ST18750610-V01-31-page5.txt: [('whicharethesubjectofdirectandunequivocal', 'which are the subject of direct and unequivocal'), ('Whitecameonthegroundinthemorning', 'White came on the ground in the morning'), ('willbetoexecutejudgm', 'will be to execute judg m')] ST18750624-V01-33-page7.txt: [('TheExaminerandChroniclesays', 'The Examiner and Chronicle says')] ST18750701-V01-34-page2.txt: [('Iwillopenyourgravesandcause', 'I will open your graves and cause')] ST18750715-V01-36-page6.txt: [('scoundrellyimpositions', 'scoundrel l y impositions')] ST18750715-V01-36-page8.txt: [('whichareworthyofrecord', 'which are worthy of record'), ('shineofcheerfulnessfall', 'shine of cheerfulness fall')] ST18750722-V01-37-page3.txt: [('inclijerbackground', 'incl i jer background')] ST18750722-V01-37-page8.txt: [('notlosttheleastdegreeofinterestwhichwe', 'not lost the least degree of interest which we'), ('namedinourbooklistcanobtainthemby', 'named in our book list can obtain them by')] ST18750729-V01-38-page1.txt: [('condemnatransgressor', 'condemn a transgressor')] ST18750812-V01-40-page8.txt: [('namedinourbooklistcanobtainthemby', 'named in our book list can obtain them by'), ('ScriptureReferences', 'Scripture References'), ('WhoChangedtheSabbath', 'Who Changed the Sabbath'), ('andshouldchoosethemaccordingto', 'and should choose them according to'), ('makethepeoplearepleasedtocallthefruitof', 'make the people are pleased to call the fruit of'), ('orwhetheritisexpectedthat', 'or whether it is expected that'), ('andeverySundayevening', 'and every Sunday evening')] ST18750819-V01-41-page7.txt: [('Congergationalists', 'Conger gat ion a lists')] ST18750819-V01-41-page8.txt: [('SpiritualismaSatanicDelusion', 'Spiritualism a Satanic Delusion')] ST18750826-V01-42-page6.txt: [('commencinstrumentalities', 'com men c instrumentalities')] ST18750902-V01-43-page4.txt: [('CCoorrreessppoondence', 'C C o orr ree s s p p o on den c e')] ST18750902-V01-43-page8.txt: [('whenitwillbeconsummated', 'when it will be consummated')] ST18751021-V01-48-page8.txt: [('NIATOaltsiilligping', 'N I A T O a l t s i i l l i g p i n g')] ST18760127-V02-09-page2.txt: [('righteousmessengers', 'righteous messengers')] ST18760127-V02-09-page3.txt: [('shanielessriemipsurp', 's han i el e s s r i e m i p s u r p')] ST18760127-V02-09-page5.txt: [('Christiancharacter', 'Christian character')] ST18780103-V04-01-page8.txt: [('OneHundredBibleFacts', 'One Hundred Bible Facts')] ST18780110-V04-02-page8.txt: [('isclearlytaughtinoneofhisownparables', 'is clearly taught in one of his own parables'), ('maintainuncompromisinglyits', 'maintain uncompromisingly its'), ('natedwiththeserpentaswefindhimsaying', 'nat ed with the serpent as we find him saying'), ('perfectionoftheTenCommandments', 'perfection of the Ten Commandments')] ST18780117-V04-03-page7.txt: [('Acensusofthesamecaracterwastaken', 'A census of the same car act er was taken'), ('withinsufficientroomforall', 'with insufficient room for all')] ST18780124-V04-04-page2.txt: [('establishedimmediately', 'established immediately')] ST18780124-V04-04-page7.txt: [('universityeducation', 'university education')] ST18780207-V04-06-page2.txt: [('hungerAetdiiitiritis', 'hunger Aet di i it ir it is')] ST18780214-V04-07-page3.txt: [('followecicunningly', 'fol lo we c i cunningly')] ST18780214-V04-07-page4.txt: [('perfectionoftheTenCommandments', 'perfection of the Ten Commandments')] ST18780221-V04-08-page2.txt: [('flatteringdivination', 'flattering divination')] ST18780307-V04-10-page8.txt: [('HisTemptationintheWilderness', 'His Temptation in the Wilderness'), ('HisSufferingsandCrucifixion', 'His Sufferings and Crucifixion')] ST18780411-V04-14-page8.txt: [('EldersLoughboroughandHealeygowiththis', 'Elders Loughborough and Healey go with this'), ('StateQuarterlyMeeting', 'State Quarterly Meeting'), ('withkeyofexplanations', 'with key of explanations'), ('OaklandduringtheannualmeetingofthePacific', 'Oakland during the annual meeting of the Pacific'), ('ThoughtsfortheCandid', 'Thoughts for the Candid')] ST18780418-V04-15-page8.txt: [('GodandthefaithofJesus', 'God and the faith of Jesus'), ('consideringthetimeoftheyearamongfarmers', 'considering the time of the year among farmers')] ST18780425-V04-16-page4.txt: [('commencemanifested', 'commence manifested')] ST18780502-V04-17-page8.txt: [('meetingstheeveningofApril', 'meetings the evening of April'), ('stickfastwheretheywereleftbythat', 'stick fast where they were left by that'), ('MeetingsatBattleCreek', 'Meetings at Battle Creek'), ('tohaveagoodmeeting', 'to have a good meeting'), ('forIamverilypersuaded', 'for I am verily persuaded'), ('Icannotsufficientlybewailthecondition', 'I cannot sufficiently bewail the condition')] ST18780516-V04-19-page1.txt: [('vvallsAllatIglerious', 'v v all s All at I g l e r i o u s')] ST18780516-V04-19-page6.txt: [('peopleshouldgoverntheirappetites', 'people should govern their appetites')] ST18780516-V04-19-page8.txt: [('theywilltelltheirstorytwice', 'they will tell their story twice'), ('GivingoftheTenCommandMents', 'Giving of the Ten Command Men t s')] ST18780523-V04-20-page8.txt: [('shouldbeatoncesupplied', 'should be at once supplied'), ('withamilitarycompanyasapart', 'with a military company as apart')] ST18780704-V04-25-page5.txt: [('andsolittleacquaintedwithhim', 'and so little acquainted with him'), ('dayisthedaywearetokeep', 'day is the day we are to keep')] ST18780704-V04-25-page8.txt: [('PacificPressOfficeisoneyearbehindthedemand', 'Pacific Press Office is one year behind the demand'), ('HisSufferingsandCrucifixion', 'His Sufferings and Crucifixion')] ST18780711-V04-26-page5.txt: [('followingunsolicited', 'following unsolicited')] ST18780711-V04-26-page7.txt: [('putridieraanatitina', 'putrid ier a an at it in a')] ST18780711-V04-26-page8.txt: [('provideduswithanotherhall', 'provided us with another hall'), ('GeologyandtheBible', 'Geology and the Bible')] ST18780725-V04-28-page1.txt: [('exectitionerststand', 'exec titi on erst stand')] ST18780725-V04-28-page4.txt: [('thereforeearnestly', 'therefore earnestly')] ST18780725-V04-28-page7.txt: [('fourteenthacentury', 'fourteenth a century'), ('animalfoodmustbeprejudicialtothe', 'animal food must be prejudicial to the'), ('calAllianceitwasstatedthatfourofthe', 'cal Alliance it was stated that four of the')] ST18780801-V04-29-page2.txt: [('SabbathAnstitution', 'Sabbath An st i tut ion')] ST18780801-V04-29-page8.txt: [('Licensesrecommended', 'Licenses recommended')] ST18780808-V04-30-page1.txt: [('forthextraordinary', 'forth extraordinary')] ST18780815-V04-31-page2.txt: [('theblessingfromthisday', 'the blessing from this day'), ('orthathehasunsanctifiedit', 'or that he has unsanctified it'), ('atterIhavingbeenregularlycalledtothisresponsi', 'at ter I having been regularly called to this res pons i')] ST18780822-V04-32-page8.txt: [('withthemaboutthekingdcmofGod', 'with them about the king d c m o f G o d'), ('TheHopeoftheGospel', 'The Hope of the Gospel')] ST18780829-V04-33-page8.txt: [('withtheblessingofGod', 'with the blessing of God'), ('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18780912-V04-34-page1.txt: [('numbersofouryearlygatherings', 'numbers of our yearly gatherings'), ('wearerehaveinthelastyearembracedpresenttruth', 'wear ere have in the last year embraced present truth')] ST18780912-V04-34-page5.txt: [('toEnglandvacalonipanied', 'to England v a cal on i pan i ed')] ST18780912-V04-34-page6.txt: [('properlyrepresented', 'properly represented'), ('accreditedcredentials', 'accredited credentials')] ST18780919-V04-35-page1.txt: [('despairingdisciples', 'despairing disciples')] ST18780926-V04-36-page7.txt: [('preventstheexcretory', 'prevents the excretory')] ST18780926-V04-36-page8.txt: [('CodeofTenCommandmentsnotRevised', 'Code of Ten Commandments not Revised')] ST18781003-V04-37-page3.txt: [('overwhelmingawidences', 'overwhelming a widen c e s')] ST18781003-V04-37-page6.txt: [('sanctificasleeping', 'san c t i f i c a s l e e p i n g')] ST18781003-V04-37-page7.txt: [('instantlyliffecleand', 'instantly l if fe cle and')] ST18781003-V04-37-page8.txt: [('andtheworkmenareengaged', 'and the workmen are engaged'), ('BrotherRiceiswithmeandrendersgood', 'Brother Rice is with me and renders good')] ST18781017-V04-39-page8.txt: [('TheTeachingsofPaul', 'The Teachings of Paul')] ST18781024-V04-40-page8.txt: [('Condensededitioninpaper', 'Condensed edition in paper'), ('Stavangerachapelwaskindlyofferedbythe', 'Sta v anger a chapel was kindly offered by the'), ('theirmeetingsinPiano', 'their meetings in Piano'), ('isextendingintothe', 'is extending into the'), ('WhichDaydoYoukeepandWhy', 'Which Day do You keep and Why'), ('TheThreeMessagesofRev', 'The Three Messages of Rev'), ('TheNebraskaConferencecontainsseventeen', 'The Nebraska Conference contains seventeen')] ST18781031-V04-41-page4.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] ST18781031-V04-41-page8.txt: [('meetingwascalledtoorderbythepresident', 'meeting was called to order by the president'), ('SchoolandPraiseserv', 'School and Praise ser v'), ('ninenamesattachedtoit', 'nine names attached to it'), ('Godisblessingourefforts', 'God is blessing our efforts'), ('Thesecondmeetingwasopenedwithprayer', 'The second meeting was opened with prayer'), ('thatthedifferencebetweenthemandirreligious', 'that the difference between them and irreligious'), ('ofthechurchisitssocialbrotherhoodanden', 'of the church is its social brotherhood and en'), ('ingandBeingwithChrist', 'ing and Being with Christ')] ST18781107-V04-42-page4.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] ST18781121-V04-44-page7.txt: [('constitutionbreaking', 'constitution breaking')] ST18781121-V04-44-page8.txt: [('peremptorilyreflised', 'peremptorily ref lis ed'), ('coflinwagcarriedtothefrontofthechurchby', 'c of lin wag carried to the front of the church by'), ('TheSanctuaryoftheBible', 'The Sanctuary of the Bible')] ST18781128-V04-45-page5.txt: [('meetingsawerelheld', 'meetings a were l held')] ST18781205-V04-46-page3.txt: [('forexhibitinghituself', 'for exhibiting hit us elf')] ST18781212-V04-47-page8.txt: [('IamanoldmanandIlove', 'I a man old man and I love')] ST18790206-V05-06-page2.txt: [('followingexcellent', 'following excellent')] ST18790206-V05-06-page6.txt: [('continuallyAbrought', 'continually A brought')] ST18790206-V05-06-page7.txt: [('saythatProtestantism', 'say that Protestantism')] ST18790213-V05-07-page2.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] ST18790220-V05-08-page7.txt: [('troubleexpressions', 'trouble expressions')] ST18790227-V05-09-page3.txt: [('Butthreecupsofstrongtea', 'But three cups of strong tea'), ('wecomplainoflownessofspirits', 'we complain of lowness of spirits'), ('cloakforevildeedsisnecessarilyanunbeliever', 'cloak for evil deeds is necessarily an unbeliever'), ('norevlaetiorfriendtovouchforhisstory', 'no rev la et i or friend to vouch for his story')] ST18790227-V05-09-page7.txt: [('demoladministration', 'dem o l administration')] ST18790306-V05-10-page5.txt: [('Spiritualknowledge', 'Spiritual knowledge')] ST18790320-V05-12-page4.txt: [('unrighteousunobserved', 'unrighteous unobserved')] ST18790327-V05-13-page3.txt: [('putfortheintervalfrom', 'put for the interval from')] ST18790410-V05-15-page7.txt: [('presentothroughout', 'present o throughout')] ST18790410-V05-15-page8.txt: [('andSundayeveningat', 'and Sunday evening at'), ('HisResurrectionandAscension', 'His Resurrection and Ascension')] ST18790417-V05-16-page1.txt: [('ilositivetestimony', 'i los it i vet est im on y')] ST18790424-V05-17-page8.txt: [('HisResurrectionandAscension', 'His Resurrection and Ascension')] ST18790501-V05-18-page4.txt: [('sanctprobabilities', 'san c t p r o b a b i l i t i e s')] ST18790605-V05-22-page8.txt: [('ofpoliticiansisfound', 'of politicians is found')] ST18790619-V05-24-page1.txt: [('enthusiasticshouting', 'enthusiastic shouting')] ST18790717-V05-27-page8.txt: [('Presbyterianularch', 'Presbyter i anu larch')] ST18790731-V05-29-page7.txt: [('forthediseasehurthisbrain', 'for the disease hurt his brain'), ('andAndrewswhichleadmanytothinkthe', 'and Andrews which lead many to think the'), ('linebbetweenNorthandSouthAmerica', 'line b between North and South America')] ST18790807-V05-30-page8.txt: [('werepresentatthecommencementFriday', 'were present at the commencement Friday'), ('totheendoftheChristianage', 'to the end of the Christian age')] ST18790814-V05-31-page3.txt: [('receivechassurance', 'receive c h assurance')] ST18790828-V05-33-page8.txt: [('forcibleexposition', 'forcible exposition')] ST18790911-V05-35-page8.txt: [('forcibleexposition', 'forcible exposition')] ST18790918-V05-36-page8.txt: [('PhilandeiDougherty', 'Phil an de i Dougherty')] ST18791016-V05-39-page7.txt: [('weatherwasfavorable', 'weather was favorable')] ST18791113-V05-43-page2.txt: [('CURIOUSsuperstition', 'CURIOUS superstition')] ST18791113-V05-43-page7.txt: [('seriouslycompromise', 'seriously compromise')] ST18791127-V05-45-page8.txt: [('TAlipeolsttbonlvirAE', 'T A l i p e o l s t t b o n l v i r A E')] ST18791211-V05-47-page6.txt: [('andnotthinkoftakingbaby', 'and not think of taking baby'), ('backthewordshewouldhaveuttered', 'back the words he would have uttered')] ST18791211-V05-47-page8.txt: [('sketchesofthelifeandpubliclaborsofthispioneerinthe', 'sketches of the life and public labors of this pioneer in the')] ST18791218-V05-48-page1.txt: [('andthepriestsbearrulebytheir', 'and the priests bear rule by their')] ST18800122-V06-03-page1.txt: [('InClubsoftenorover', 'In Clubs often or over'), ('Theyagreedtoaccept', 'They agreed to accept')] ST18800129-V06-04-page5.txt: [('consciencestricken', 'conscience stricken')] ST18800205-V06-05-page1.txt: [('andLeviarebrethren', 'and Levi are brethren'), ('instrumentsofcrueltyare', 'instruments of cruelty are'), ('thatbewouldgowiththem', 'that be would go with them')] ST18800205-V06-05-page4.txt: [('Thenletthemasearnestlycherishfeel', 'Then let them as earnestly cherish feel'), ('giventheimmensebetofmorethan', 'given the immense bet of more than'), ('thosewhowillreceiveitatthepresenttime', 'those who will receive it at the present time')] ST18800205-V06-05-page5.txt: [('disintersponsibilities', 'dis inter s p on sib i l i ties')] ST18800212-V06-06-page4.txt: [('qualificaprospects', 'qua l if i c a prospects')] ST18800212-V06-06-page9.txt: [('exhortadiscussions', 'exhort a discussions')] ST18800219-V06-07-page9.txt: [('THESIGNSOrTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS Or THE TIMES'), ('expressconsolations', 'express consolations')] ST18800415-V06-15-page8.txt: [('embarrassmentthrough', 'embarrassment through')] ST18800422-V06-16-page3.txt: [('delivunrighteousness', 'de liv unrighteousness')] ST18800506-V06-17-page7.txt: [('deliverspiritualism', 'deliver spiritualism')] ST18800506-V06-17-page9.txt: [('privilegederlinville', 'privilege der lin ville')] ST18800513-V06-18-page1.txt: [('commandfaithfulness', 'command faithfulness'), ('notwithstanddesired', 'not withstand desired')] ST18800513-V06-18-page11.txt: [('notwithstandrience', 'not with stan dr i enc e')] ST18800513-V06-18-page9.txt: [('interestthemselves', 'interest themselves')] ST18800527-V06-20-page1.txt: [('interpretamovements', 'interpret a movements')] ST18800527-V06-20-page2.txt: [('calculaadjudication', 'cal c u l a a d j u d i c a t i o n')] ST18800603-V06-21-page4.txt: [('inconsisprovisions', 'in cons is provisions')] ST18800603-V06-21-page6.txt: [('habitutransmission', 'hab i tut ran s mission')] ST18800610-V06-22-page11.txt: [('withexcellentnewwordsandmusic', 'with excellent new words and music')] ST18800617-V06-23-page11.txt: [('Onethousandfeetofsnowsheds', 'One thousand feet of snow sheds'), ('TheMoralityoftheSabbath', 'The Morality of the Sabbath')] ST18800617-V06-23-page3.txt: [('authoradministration', 'author administration')] ST18800617-V06-23-page5.txt: [('Sundayhistorically', 'Sunday historically')] ST18800624-V06-24-page11.txt: [('ChristandtheSabbath', 'Christ and the Sabbath'), ('ChristintheOldTestamentand', 'Christ in the Old Testament and')] ST18800624-V06-24-page3.txt: [('conductandpractice', 'conduct and practice')] ST18800624-V06-24-page7.txt: [('cleansconsequently', 'cleans consequently')] ST18800624-V06-24-page8.txt: [('meetingsaretocontinueinthetenttoaccommoastandtoobey', 'meetings are to continue in the tent to a c comm oast and to obey'), ('Bartlettwasherelast', 'Bartlett was here last')] ST18800701-V06-25-page12.txt: [('surrounddeclaration', 'surround declaration')] ST18800701-V06-25-page5.txt: [('intercomparatively', 'inter comparatively')] ST18800701-V06-25-page7.txt: [('susceptivestigation', 's us c e p t i v e s t i g a t i o n')] ST18800708-V06-26-page11.txt: [('InstitutionPounded', 'Institution Pounded'), ('PatientsSuccessfullyTreated', 'Patients Successfully Treated'), ('theSabbathintheNew', 'the Sabbath in the New')] ST18800715-V06-27-page3.txt: [('materspontaneously', 'mater spontaneously')] ST18800715-V06-27-page9.txt: [('ColumbiaConference', 'Columbia Conference')] ST18800722-V06-28-page3.txt: [('circumwhitewashing', 'cir cum whitewashing')] ST18800729-V06-29-page12.txt: [('istakenforweeklydistribution', 'is taken for weekly distribution')] ST18800729-V06-29-page4.txt: [('repenttransgression', 'repent transgression')] ST18800729-V06-29-page9.txt: [('installaccommodate', 'install accommodate')] ST18800812-V06-30-page7.txt: [('pretenemphatically', 'pret en emphatically')] ST18800812-V06-30-page9.txt: [('distinccontradiction', 'dist inc contradiction')] ST18800909-V06-34-page6.txt: [('correspondposition', 'correspond position')] ST18800916-V06-35-page1.txt: [('repentsympathizers', 'repent sympathizers')] ST18800916-V06-35-page11.txt: [('fiftiethanniversary', 'fiftieth anniversary')] ST18800916-V06-35-page5.txt: [('lightconsideration', 'light consideration')] ST18800930-V06-36-page4.txt: [('howdifferentisitnow', 'how different is it now'), ('Anewstyleofpreaching', 'Anew style of preaching'), ('somewillcomeascourtiers', 'some will come as courtiers')] ST18800930-V06-36-page9.txt: [('Nominationsreported', 'Nominations reported')] ST18801014-V06-38-page5.txt: [('youaremisistatakkeen', 'you a rem is i sta tak keen'), ('youhavenotbaptized', 'you have not baptized'), ('Irecentlycutfromapapersomeinterestingyearsofage', 'I recently cut from a paper some interesting years of age'), ('Letusputasideeveryhabitthat', 'Let us put aside every habit that'), ('statessuperintendent', 'states superintendent')] ST18801014-V06-38-page9.txt: [('suggestivPtemperance', 'suggest iv P temperance')] ST18801021-V06-39-page11.txt: [('plenipotentidisobliging', 'p len i potent i disobliging')] ST18801021-V06-39-page7.txt: [('commandunspeakable', 'command unspeakable')] ST18801028-V06-40-page9.txt: [('Publidenominations', 'Publ i denominations')] ST18801104-V06-41-page12.txt: [('ControvertyLbetween', 'Cont rover ty L between')] ST18801104-V06-41-page5.txt: [('disappointfollowing', 'disappoint following')] ST18801104-V06-41-page8.txt: [('NewSubscribersObtained', 'New Subscribers Obtained')] ST18801118-V06-43-page1.txt: [('conscientiousjourney', 'conscientious journey')] ST18801202-V06-45-page2.txt: [('HEALTHANDTEMPERANCEPUBLICATIONS', 'HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE PUBLICATIONS'), ('Presbyterianleolmerteali', 'Presbyterian leo l me rte ali')] ST18801202-V06-45-page3.txt: [('manifestaperfectly', 'manifest a perfectly')] ST18801209-V06-46-page11.txt: [('Accordingtothelatecensusof', 'According to the late census of'), ('landinMexicototheextentofhalfa', 'land in Mexico to the extent of half a'), ('Sendandgetforthema', 'Send and get for them a')] ST18801209-V06-46-page2.txt: [('voluntaryihumiliation', 'voluntary i humiliation')] ST18810106-V07-01-page5.txt: [('difficultransgressor', 'difficult ran s gre s s or')] ST18810113-V07-02-page11.txt: [('Terriadministration', 'Terri administration')] ST18810120-V07-03-page10.txt: [('unselfishnesspredominating', 'unselfishness predominating')] ST18810120-V07-03-page11.txt: [('shipsaretobefinishedandput', 'ships are to be finished and put'), ('PresbyterianIcohuertcah', 'Presbyterian I c o hue r t c a h')] ST18810120-V07-03-page2.txt: [('lessenUnderstanding', 'lessen Understanding')] ST18810120-V07-03-page3.txt: [('entertainourselves', 'entertain ourselves')] ST18810120-V07-03-page4.txt: [('likeidentification', 'like identification')] ST18810203-V07-05-page10.txt: [('andwillaskthemselves', 'and will ask themselves')] ST18810203-V07-05-page4.txt: [('equalscontemporaries', 'equals contemporaries')] ST18810203-V07-05-page8.txt: [('consciencestricken', 'conscience stricken')] ST18810210-V07-06-page2.txt: [('todresswithconscientious', 'to dress with conscientious'), ('weremanysaelprophetsatthetimeofNoah', 'were many s a el prophets at the time of Noah'), ('butthewordaionmaymeanboth', 'but the word a ion may mean both')] ST18810224-V07-08-page7.txt: [('administercrystalizing', 'administer crystal i zin g')] ST18810303-V07-09-page11.txt: [('remltedtothePresident', 'rem l ted to the President'), ('TheThirdMessageofRev', 'The Third Message of Rev')] ST18810303-V07-09-page5.txt: [('thesemenweresubjecttohisrefininginfluence', 'these men were subject to his refining influence')] ST18810310-V07-10-page10.txt: [('denominadifficulty', 'denom in a difficulty'), ('denominaassociation', 'denom in a association')] ST18810317-V07-11-page11.txt: [('assassinatedyesterdayafternoononhiswayfromaparadeto', 'assassinated yesterday afternoon on his way from a parade to'), ('clusivelythattheBibleaffordsnosupporttotheu', 'c l us iv ely that the Bible affords no support to the u')] ST18810324-V07-12-page12.txt: [('argumentsagainstintemperanceinallitsforms', 'arguments against intemperance in all its forms'), ('Thefollowingconstitute', 'The following constitute')] ST18810331-V07-13-page6.txt: [('Pennsylcommandments', 'Penn s y l commandments')] ST18810407-V07-14-page6.txt: [('commemoraaccording', 'com mem or a according')] ST18810421-V07-16-page11.txt: [('AWordfortheSabbath', 'A Word for the Sabbath'), ('orfalsetheoriesexpo', 'or false theories expo')] ST18810505-V07-17-page11.txt: [('TheScripturetestimonyon', 'The Scripture testimony on'), ('poxisepidemicinLondon', 'pox is epidemic in London')] ST18810505-V07-17-page4.txt: [('consciousbrainless', 'conscious brainless')] ST18810505-V07-17-page9.txt: [('congregastrengthen', 'cong reg a strengthen')] ST18810512-V07-18-page1.txt: [('Notwithstandcourse', 'Not withstand course')] ST18810512-V07-18-page7.txt: [('inflictimmortality', 'inflict immortality')] ST18810519-V07-19-page11.txt: [('RELIGIOUSPUBLICATIONS', 'RELIGIOUS PUBLICATIONS')] ST18810519-V07-19-page3.txt: [('enthurighteousness', 'en thu righteousness')] ST18810519-V07-19-page9.txt: [('entreatcaptivating', 'entreat captivating')] ST18810526-V07-20-page2.txt: [('professingtobeChristians', 'professing to be Christians'), ('dyeadlypmoiesdoins', 'dye a dl y p moi e s d o i n s')] ST18810526-V07-20-page3.txt: [('handwritinhabitants', 'hand writ inhabitants')] ST18810602-V07-21-page12.txt: [('PUBLISHEDINVINESIZESANDNOWREADYFORORDERS', 'PUBLISHED IN VINE SIZE SAND NOW READY FOR ORDERS')] ST18810602-V07-21-page9.txt: [('inexhaustlegalized', 'in exhaust legalized')] ST18810609-V07-22-page12.txt: [('Presbyterianleohnertcsh', 'Presbyterian le oh ner t c s h')] ST18810609-V07-22-page3.txt: [('opposientertainments', 'o p pos i entertainments')] ST18810609-V07-22-page5.txt: [('sandwichreverenced', 'sandwich reverenced'), ('respeetainattention', 'res pee tain attention')] ST18810609-V07-22-page8.txt: [('threatenattendance', 'threaten attendance')] ST18810609-V07-22-page9.txt: [('proportiondocument', 'proportion document')] ST18810616-V07-23-page4.txt: [('peaceablepossession', 'peaceable possession')] ST18810616-V07-23-page9.txt: [('attracillustrations', 'att r a c i l l u s t r a t i o n s')] ST18810630-V07-25-page12.txt: [('TherewasagoodaudienceonSunday', 'There was a good audience on Sunday'), ('MissionarySocietyofSeventh', 'Missionary Society of Seventh')] ST18810630-V07-25-page5.txt: [('righteousinterview', 'righteous interview')] ST18810714-V07-26-page11.txt: [('Doyouthinkyourchildrenwillloveyouless', 'Do you think your children will love you less'), ('TheactionoftheRegentsinelectingMr', 'The action of the Regents in electing Mr')] ST18810714-V07-26-page12.txt: [('Paganismwillrunriotinourfairlandifnotrestrained', 'Paganism will run riot in our fair land if not restrained')] ST18810804-V07-29-page12.txt: [('TEMPERANCEANDGOSPELSONGS', 'TEMPERANCE AND GOSPEL SONGS'), ('COMPANIONTOTHEREVISEDNEWTESTAMENT', 'COMPANION TO THE REVISED NEW TESTAMENT')] ST18810804-V07-29-page7.txt: [('renderaccomplished', 'render accomplished')] ST18810811-V07-30-page11.txt: [('TEMPERANCEANDGOSPELSONGS', 'TEMPERANCE AND GOSPEL SONGS')] ST18810811-V07-30-page4.txt: [('crossingeachotherat', 'crossing each other at'), ('whomthatkingdomcametoanend', 'whom that kingdom came to an end')] ST18810825-V07-32-page11.txt: [('COMPANIONTOTHEREVISEDNEWTESTAMENT', 'COMPANION TO THE REVISED NEW TESTAMENT'), ('TEMPERANCEANDGOSPELSONGS', 'TEMPERANCE AND GOSPEL SONGS')] ST18810901-V07-33-page11.txt: [('servantshavebeenpunctuallypaid', 'servants have been punctually paid'), ('Anothergratiexplanations', 'A not h erg rat i explanations'), ('ThesescenesrepresentSatanplaying', 'These scenes represent Satan playing')] ST18810901-V07-33-page5.txt: [('denivciendepteratohnw', 'den iv c i en dept era to h n w')] ST18810908-V07-34-page11.txt: [('COMPANIONTOTHEREVISEDNEWTESTAMENT', 'COMPANION TO THE REVISED NEW TESTAMENT')] ST18810908-V07-34-page12.txt: [('dishonoredgraveonaccountofwinedrinking', 'dishonored grave on account of wine drinking')] ST18810908-V07-34-page8.txt: [('imporsubstantially', 'imp or substantially')] ST18810915-V07-35-page11.txt: [('whohadpreviouslyplacedstonesandtimbersonthe', 'who had previously placed stones and timbers on the'), ('Abookofhymnsandtunes', 'A book of hymns and tunes')] ST18810915-V07-35-page12.txt: [('TEMPERANCEANDGOSPELSONGS', 'TEMPERANCE AND GOSPEL SONGS')] ST18810915-V07-35-page2.txt: [('discernestablished', 'discern established')] ST18811013-V07-39-page1.txt: [('rememberedthathehadbrokenhisvowasa', 'remembered that he had broken his vow as a'), ('forIhavebeenaNazariteuntoGodfrommy', 'for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my'), ('Imaybeavengedonthelihsitinesformytwo', 'I may be avenged on the l i h sit ines for my two')] ST18811013-V07-39-page10.txt: [('SONGSFORCLASSANDSCHOOL', 'SONGS FOR CLASS AND SCHOOL')] ST18811013-V07-39-page11.txt: [('Allnewsubscriberspayingtheabovepricewillreceivethe', 'All new subscribers paying the above price will receive the')] ST18811027-V07-40-page12.txt: [('TEMPERANCEANDGOSPELSONGS', 'TEMPERANCE AND GOSPEL SONGS')] ST18811027-V07-40-page3.txt: [('sanctificonsciousness', 'san c t i f i c o n s c i o u s n e s s')] ST18811103-V07-41-page2.txt: [('concernconsolations', 'concern consolations')] ST18811103-V07-41-page4.txt: [('eventandentombingthefallen', 'event and entomb ing the fallen'), ('bedenotedbythleplural', 'be denoted by t h l e p l u r a l'), ('concerningthatpower', 'concerning that power'), ('havetakenplacewithinafewyears', 'have taken place within a few years')] ST18811103-V07-41-page6.txt: [('concerninstructive', 'concern instructive'), ('CORRESPONDINGEDITORS', 'CORRESPONDING EDITORS')] ST18811110-V07-42-page8.txt: [('readingdistributing', 'reading distributing')] ST18811124-V07-44-page4.txt: [('andasurandthestarsitcasttothegroundwereJewish', 'and a sur and the stars it cast to the ground were Jewish')] ST18811201-V07-45-page2.txt: [('communiinteresting', 'comm uni interesting')] ST18811201-V07-45-page6.txt: [('prophinconceivable', 'prop h inconceivable')] ST18811208-V07-46-page1.txt: [('representashepherds', 'represent a shepherds')] ST18811208-V07-46-page12.txt: [('oftheUniversityofCalifornia', 'of the University of California')] ST18811215-V07-47-page3.txt: [('underappropriately', 'under appropriately')] ST18811215-V07-47-page7.txt: [('commandcommandments', 'command commandments')] ST18820119-V08-03-page6.txt: [('justificahortations', 'just if i c a hortation s')] ST18820126-V08-04-page4.txt: [('commandmentgressor', 'commandment gre s s or')] ST18820316-V08-11-page12.txt: [('ApocryphalScriptures', 'Apocryphal Scriptures')] ST18820420-V08-16-page5.txt: [('atsupremeresentative', 'at supreme resent a tiv e')] ST18820427-V08-17-page5.txt: [('anTvassuabpsrearmibiearins', 'an T v a s s u a b p s r e a r m i b i e a r i n s')] ST18820518-V08-19-page3.txt: [('assumptionkindness', 'assumption kindness')] ST18820601-V08-21-page11.txt: [('illustrationsexplanations', 'illustrations explanations')] ST18820713-V08-26-page4.txt: [('introducresurrection', 'intro du c resurrection'), ('interpromiscuously', 'inter promiscuously'), ('everlasttribulation', 'ever last tribulation')] ST18820713-V08-26-page5.txt: [('disarmingcarefully', 'disarming carefully'), ('conversacircumstances', 'con versa circumstances')] ST18821116-V08-43-page12.txt: [('CHRISTIANEXPERIENCE', 'CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE')] ST18821207-V08-46-page3.txt: [('circumstancesAmerican', 'circumstances American')] ST18830111-V09-04-page9.txt: [('missionaryoperations', 'missionary operations')] ST18830111-V09-05-page7.txt: [('thousandunderstand', 'thousand understand'), ('corrupdifficulties', 'c orr up difficulties')] ST18830111-V09-06-page8.txt: [('committedCalifornia', 'committed California')] ST18830111-V09-07-page2.txt: [('possibilstorturing', 'pos sib i ls torturing'), ('insignifiobjectors', 'in sign if i objectors'), ('selfishnesscensure', 'selfishness censure')] ST18830111-V09-08-page1.txt: [('introducrebellious', 'intro du c rebellious')] ST18830222-V08-08-page1.txt: [('introducrebellious', 'intro du c rebellious')] ST18830301-V09-09-page2.txt: [('INTHEBEGINNINGWASTHEWORDA', 'IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD A'), ('OUTHIMWASIVIADENOTONETHING', 'OUT HIM WAS I VIA DE NOT ONE THING')] ST18830301-V09-09-page5.txt: [('underestipartakers', 'under est i partakers')] ST18830308-V09-10-page4.txt: [('experiencedconversion', 'experienced conversion')] ST18830315-V09-11-page10.txt: [('discoveredfestively', 'discovered festive l y')] ST18830426-V09-17-page2.txt: [('KWSPECAMILiallablaw', 'K W S P E C A M I L i a l l a b l a w')] ST18830426-V09-17-page9.txt: [('emphaticallyrepudiated', 'emphatically repudiated')] ST18830524-V09-20-page11.txt: [('Coingregationalists', 'Coin gre gat ion a lists')] ST18830531-V09-1321-page8.txt: [('monthlysubscribers', 'monthly subscribers')] ST18830614-V09-23-page1.txt: [('instrumentalasleep', 'instrumental asleep')] ST18830628-V09-25-page10.txt: [('littleTostmistress', 'little To st mistress')] ST18830719-V09-27-page12.txt: [('lengthylintroductiQn', 'lengthy l intro duct i Q n')] ST18830823-V09-32-page2.txt: [('irreconcilableness', 'irreconcilable ness')] ST18830823-V09-32-page5.txt: [('promptuncultivated', 'prompt uncultivated')] ST18830920-V09-35-page11.txt: [('PrisOniAssoCiatiOn', 'P r i s O n i A s s o C i a t i O n')] ST18831004-V09-37-page1.txt: [('inunrighteousiiess', 'in unrighteous ii e s s')] ST18831004-V09-37-page11.txt: [('gratefullyacknowledged', 'gratefully acknowledged')] ST18831018-V09-39-page3.txt: [('Leviticalpriesthood', 'Levitical priesthood')] ST18831018-V09-39-page7.txt: [('discourageterribly', 'discourage terribly')] ST18831025-V09-40-page1.txt: [('bringGodtoproposed', 'bring God to proposed')] ST18831108-V09-42-page12.txt: [('InternatiOnaLTract', 'Inter nat i On a L Tract')] ST18831115-V09-43-page8.txt: [('Spiritualphilosophy', 'Spiritual philosophy')] ST18831122-V09-44-page11.txt: [('naturalizationpapers', 'naturalization papers')] ST18831129-V09-45-page11.txt: [('weddinginCurrituck', 'wedding in Cur rit u c k')] ST18831129-V09-45-page8.txt: [('ofeChristianityThere', 'o fe Christianity There')] ST18831206-V09-46-page5.txt: [('circumcircumstances', 'cir cum circumstances')] ST18831213-V09-47-page11.txt: [('Oblecconweamemanamensimaraimicramerautomakasmossoarowsstriav', 'O b le c con we a me man amens i mar aim i cram er au tom aka s mos so a rows st ria v')] ST18831220-V09-48-page11.txt: [('seriouslyobstructed', 'seriously obstructed')] ST18831220-V09-48-page13.txt: [('ofJewishaSociakLife', 'of Jewish a Soc i a k L i f e')] ST18840117-V10-03-page1.txt: [('Christbeforethemast', 'Christ before the mast')] ST18840117-V10-03-page13.txt: [('Theacademyopenedwithanunusualflush', 'The academy opened with an unusual flush'), ('TeachinganElephanttoObeyWritten', 'Teaching an Elephant to Obey Written'), ('THEARTorBEINGAGREEABLE', 'THE ART or BEING AGREE ABLE')] ST18840117-V10-03-page2.txt: [('followingrevelaton', 'following revel at on')] ST18840124-V10-04-page10.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840124-V10-04-page2.txt: [('referrighteousness', 'refer righteousness')] ST18840124-V10-04-page3.txt: [('disappointnaturally', 'disappoint naturally')] ST18840131-V10-05-page1.txt: [('characassociations', 'char a c associations')] ST18840131-V10-05-page8.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840207-V10-06-page16.txt: [('responsicongregated', 'res pons i congregated')] ST18840207-V10-06-page2.txt: [('spiritmanifestation', 'spirit manifestation'), ('matteipacknowledge', 'matte i p acknowledge')] ST18840207-V10-06-page8.txt: [('strengthmaterialism', 'strength materialism')] ST18840214-V10-07-page11.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] ST18840221-V10-08-page1.txt: [('Sabbathinstruction', 'Sabbath instruction')] ST18840221-V10-08-page8.txt: [('congrecommencement', 'con gre commencement')] ST18840228-V10-09-page12.txt: [('anerrandtotiheresidenceofthefamilyphysiare', 'an errand tot i he residence of the family phys i are')] ST18840313-V10-11-page1.txt: [('professedlyiscientific', 'professedly i scientific')] ST18840313-V10-11-page16.txt: [('InternationalTractandMissionarySociety', 'International Tract and Missionary Society')] ST18840313-V10-11-page8.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840327-V10-13-page16.txt: [('fromentirelynewtype', 'from entirely new type')] ST18840327-V10-13-page3.txt: [('Congreecclesiastical', 'Con gre ecclesiastical')] ST18840327-V10-13-page7.txt: [('dancdemonstrations', 'dan c demonstrations')] ST18840327-V10-13-page8.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840417-V10-16-page10.txt: [('Congregationlasting', 'Congregation lasting')] ST18840529-V10-21-page10.txt: [('denominapestilence', 'denom in a pestilence')] ST18840529-V10-21-page14.txt: [('containingllessens', 'containing l lessens')] ST18840529-V10-21-page15.txt: [('culpritpeinthainseleaswt', 'culprit pe in tha ins el e a s w t')] ST18840612-V10-23-page11.txt: [('notwithstandthings', 'not withstand things')] ST18840612-V10-23-page3.txt: [('Christianinfluence', 'Christian influence')] ST18840619-V10-24-page1.txt: [('overmultiplication', 'over multiplication')] ST18840619-V10-24-page14.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840619-V10-24-page15.txt: [('ScriptureReferences', 'Scripture References')] ST18840619-V10-24-page16.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840626-V10-25-page1.txt: [('flourishtransgressing', 'flourish transgressing')] ST18840626-V10-25-page16.txt: [('letterfromtherewasaweekontheway', 'letter from there was a week on the way'), ('thefieldlaborisbestowed', 'the field labor is bestowed'), ('itgoestoswellthegrand', 'it goes to swell the grand'), ('bywhichthepostageonnewspapersandperiodicals', 'by which the postage on newspapers and periodicals'), ('troublewillbeobviated', 'trouble will be obviated'), ('foronecentwillcarryan', 'for one cent will carry an')] ST18840626-V10-25-page3.txt: [('Samuelialtutherford', 'Samuel i a l tut her ford')] ST18840703-V10-26-page6.txt: [('manifestlyimplying', 'manifestly implying')] ST18840717-V10-27-page11.txt: [('MissionaryDepartment', 'Missionary Department')] ST18840717-V10-27-page2.txt: [('whenregardedbyitself', 'when regarded by itself'), ('itwouldhavefailedtoreceive', 'it would have failed to receive')] ST18840807-V10-30-page11.txt: [('additionalresolutions', 'additional resolutions')] ST18840807-V10-30-page14.txt: [('Sociioussurroundings', 'Soc ii o us surroundings')] ST18840807-V10-30-page8.txt: [('amendsophisticated', 'amend sophisticated')] ST18840814-V10-31-page14.txt: [('CALIFORNIACONFERENCE', 'CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE')] ST18840821-V10-32-page14.txt: [('invadrepresentation', 'inv ad representation')] ST18840821-V10-32-page8.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18840911-V10-35-page9.txt: [('EVANGELICALChristians', 'EVANGELICAL Christians')] ST18841002-V10-37-page10.txt: [('Itisarightonwhoserecognitionthereligiousobtheytakethistimetodotrading', 'It is aright on whose recognition the religious o b they take this time to do trading')] ST18841002-V10-37-page15.txt: [('IIIIIIRAOINGAPORTIONOFTUX', 'III II IRA O ING A PORTION OFT U X')] ST18841002-V10-37-page7.txt: [('undertakequivalent', 'under tak equivalent'), ('searchcommandments', 'search commandments')] ST18841002-V10-37-page9.txt: [('ecclesiasticoreasoning', 'ecclesiastic o reasoning')] ST18841009-V10-38-page12.txt: [('needaacremommendation', 'need a acre mom mend at ion')] ST18841009-V10-38-page13.txt: [('whasleparticularly', 'w h a s l e p a r t i c u l a r l y')] ST18841009-V10-38-page14.txt: [('unlessbyspecialarrangement', 'unless by special arrangement'), ('Whenpersonsreceivecopies', 'When persons receive copies')] ST18841016-V10-39-page13.txt: [('discovgeneralization', 'disc o v generalization')] ST18841016-V10-39-page15.txt: [('disseminacontinued', 'dis sem in a continued')] ST18841016-V10-39-page9.txt: [('arrangeconclusively', 'arrange conclusively')] ST18841023-V10-40-page10.txt: [('righteousencircled', 'righteous encircled')] ST18841030-V10-41-page16.txt: [('correspondvictories', 'correspond victories')] ST18841113-V10-43-page5.txt: [('degenrighteousness', 'de gen righteousness')] ST18841113-V10-43-page6.txt: [('understandscourged', 'understand scourged')] ST18841120-V10-44-page1.txt: [('straightresponsibilities', 'straight responsibilities')] ST18841120-V10-44-page17.txt: [('inationoftheclaimthatSundayisthetrueseventh', 'i nation of the claim that Sunday is the true seventh'), ('CoastStatesorTerritories', 'Coast States or Territories')] ST18841120-V10-44-page2.txt: [('usefulparticularly', 'useful particularly')] ST18841120-V10-44-page4.txt: [('phariunconsciously', 'p h ar i unconsciously')] ST18841127-V10-45-page14.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18841127-V10-45-page16.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] ST18841127-V10-45-page3.txt: [('disappointneedless', 'disappoint needless'), ('latelytranslatedbyR', 'lately translated by R'), ('arrangedmatlistisendless', 'arranged mat list is endless'), ('andweshallbeconceitedtono', 'and we shall be conceited to no')] ST18841204-V10-46-page12.txt: [('THOSEWHOTRESPASSAGAINSTUS', 'THO SEW HOT RES PASS AGAINST US'), ('FORTHINEISTHEKINGDOM', 'FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM'), ('THEPOWERANDTHEGLORY', 'THE POWER AND THE GLORY')] ST18841204-V10-46-page16.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18841204-V10-46-page7.txt: [('observtransgression', 'obs er v transgression')] ST18841211-V10-47-page15.txt: [('thatwhichgivesthetonetoeverypaper', 'that which gives the tone to every paper'), ('willcontainarticlesonreligioustopics', 'will contain articles on religious topics'), ('DepartmentoftheSIGNSismadeupwithgreatcare', 'Department of the SIGNS is made up with great care'), ('Currentnewsandinterestingfactsaregiven', 'Current news and interesting facts are given')] ST18850108-V11-02-page15.txt: [('chillicationstofurnis', 'chill i cations to furn is'), ('operativemissionsandbranchofficesonthe', 'operative missions and branch offices on the')] ST18850108-V11-02-page2.txt: [('themeasureofhishonor', 'the measure of his honor'), ('hundredothereuphonisms', 'hundred o there up hon isms'), ('todothewillofbrmimwhogavehimselfaran', 'to do the will of b r m i m w h o g a v e h i m s e l f a r a n')] ST18850108-V11-02-page7.txt: [('Butpatientsareguiltyofsinin', 'But patients are guilty of sin in')] ST18850129-V11-05-page16.txt: [('SeventhldayAdventist', 'Seventh l day Adventist')] ST18850205-V11-06-page15.txt: [('blowuptheBritisheusm', 'blow up the Brit is he us m'), ('ITcannotbetruthfullydeniedthatthereis', 'IT cannot be truthfully denied that there is')] ST18850205-V11-06-page16.txt: [('figureinequalities', 'figure inequalities')] ST18850205-V11-06-page7.txt: [('tligimpracticability', 't l i g i m p r a c t i c a b i l i t y')] ST18850212-V11-07-page2.txt: [('sanctistitutionally', 'san c tis tit u t i o n a l l y'), ('Schoonertransactions', 'Schooner transactions')] ST18850212-V11-07-page5.txt: [('principalidepartment', 'principal i department'), ('abunmanifestations', 'a bun manifestations')] ST18850305-V11-10-page1.txt: [('forbearsanctification', 'forbear sanctification')] ST18850305-V11-10-page12.txt: [('Thegreatwantofourtimesismen', 'The great want of our times is men'), ('andnotwithstandingallthegood', 'and notwithstanding all the good'), ('ingnightafternight', 'ing night after night')] ST18850305-V11-10-page15.txt: [('ingatthetopofhisvoice', 'ing at the top of his voice')] ST18850305-V11-10-page3.txt: [('examinadistinctive', 'exam in a distinctive'), ('toothinterpretation', 'tooth interpretation')] ST18850312-V11-11-page11.txt: [('rationalmissionary', 'rational missionary')] ST18850312-V11-11-page12.txt: [('theimageofitsnoblefather', 'the image of its noble father'), ('andtheagednarratorsobbde', 'and the aged narrator sob b de')] ST18850312-V11-11-page3.txt: [('commandunforgiving', 'command unforgiving')] ST18850319-V11-12-page15.txt: [('forthepurposeofelect', 'for the purpose of elect')] ST18850402-V11-14-page13.txt: [('Prohibirepresentative', 'Pro hi b i representative')] ST18850402-V11-14-page7.txt: [('superintendapplicable', 'superintend applicable')] ST18850416-V11-16-page15.txt: [('encouragementandinstructiontothedelineationofthestrugglemaintainedby', 'encouragement and instruction to the delineation of the struggle maintained by')] ST18850423-V11-17-page1.txt: [('andbadopenedbeforehisenraptured', 'and bad opened before his enraptured'), ('thefallenfoeoverworkinaspecialmannerto', 'the fallen foe overwork in a special manner to'), ('tenaciouslytotheideathattheblessingofrGod', 'tenaciously to the idea that the blessing of r G o d')] ST18850423-V11-17-page15.txt: [('impressferencewillholditsannualsessionfortheyear', 'impress fer enc ew ill hold its annual session for the year'), ('SHARESINHEALDSBURGCOLLEGE', 'SHARES IN HEALDSBURG COLLEGE')] ST18850423-V11-17-page2.txt: [('exclusivephilosopher', 'exclusive philosopher')] ST18850423-V11-17-page3.txt: [('Baptistwasamostprominentprophet', 'Baptist was a most prominent prophet'), ('holdupthetruthasitisinChrist', 'hold up the truth as it is in Christ')] ST18850507-V11-18-page8.txt: [('instituconversations', 'inst it u c o n v e r s a t i o n s')] ST18850514-V11-19-page15.txt: [('Comeandlearnhowtoworkfor', 'Come and learn how to work for'), ('acertificatebywhich', 'a certificate by which'), ('Whereverthistractisreadthereiscreatedastrongde', 'Wherever this tract is read there is created a strong de')] ST18850521-V11-20-page2.txt: [('misrepresentaliveth', 'misrepresent a liveth')] ST18850521-V11-20-page4.txt: [('chrotologiperposition', 'c h rot o log i per position')] ST18850528-V11-21-page1.txt: [('reasonunreasonable', 'reason unreasonable')] ST18850528-V11-21-page10.txt: [('transgresobedience', 'trans gre s obedience')] ST18850528-V11-21-page2.txt: [('Congregastructures', 'Cong reg a structures')] ST18850528-V11-21-page4.txt: [('intercalarepresent', 'inter cal are present')] ST18850611-V11-23-page5.txt: [('disappointscriptures', 'disappoint scriptures')] ST18850618-V11-24-page3.txt: [('condescencounteract', 'con des cen counteract')] ST18850625-V11-25-page15.txt: [('Sanctificatiollillikad', 'San c t i f i c a t i o l l i l l i k a d')] ST18850625-V11-25-page4.txt: [('demonstraextremely', 'demon str a extremely')] ST18850625-V11-25-page5.txt: [('salvaeffectiveness', 'sal v a effectiveness')] ST18850625-V11-25-page8.txt: [('observbelligerents', 'obs er v belligerents')] ST18850723-V11-28-page14.txt: [('organresponsibilities', 'organ responsibilities')] ST18850723-V11-28-page15.txt: [('alieningimmortality', 'alien ing immortality')] ST18850723-V11-28-page2.txt: [('denominadeposition', 'denom in a deposition')] ST18850723-V11-28-page8.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18850730-V11-29-page13.txt: [('consideraspiritual', 'consider a spiritual')] ST18850730-V11-29-page4.txt: [('astheattackwasmadeabout', 'as the attack was made about'), ('todisappearaltogether', 'to disappear altogether'), ('immodunderstanding', 'im mod understanding')] ST18850813-V11-31-page10.txt: [('Heidelrequirements', 'He i del requirements')] ST18850813-V11-31-page15.txt: [('thefirsttohavechainpumpsandartesion', 'the first to have chain pumps and a rte sion'), ('PersonsthusreceivingcopiesoftheSIENsarenotindebted', 'Persons thus receiving copies of the S I EN s are not indebted')] ST18850813-V11-31-page9.txt: [('commandtaskmasters', 'command taskmasters')] ST18850827-V11-33-page15.txt: [('thosewhowillremain', 'those who will remain'), ('Illinoiscampmeeting', 'Illinois campmeeting'), ('giventoofficersandteachersinregardtotheirwork', 'given to officers and teachers in regard to their work'), ('receivecopieswithoutorderingthem', 'receive copies without ordering them'), ('theyaresentbyother', 'they are sent by other')] ST18850827-V11-33-page16.txt: [('delightfullylocated', 'delightfully located')] ST18850827-V11-33-page7.txt: [('comparanevertheless', 'compar a nevertheless')] ST18850903-V11-34-page15.txt: [('Societywillbeheldinconnectionwith', 'Society will beheld in connection with'), ('FORCONDUCTINGTHEBUSINESSOFDELIBERATIVE', 'FOR CONDUCTING THE BUSINESS OF DELIBERATIVE')] ST18850903-V11-34-page16.txt: [('Sabbathinstruction', 'Sabbath instruction')] ST18850903-V11-34-page2.txt: [('characterisimpossible', 'character is impossible')] ST18850917-V11-36-page16.txt: [('Asnopaperwillbeprintednextweek', 'As no paper will be printed next week'), ('Conferauspiciously', 'Confer auspiciously')] ST18851001-V11-37-page16.txt: [('thatthatisimpossible', 'that that is impossible'), 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enc e')] ST18851210-V11-47-page4.txt: [('incessantlyhovered', 'incessantly hovered')] ST18851210-V11-47-page6.txt: [('Chrisproportionable', 'Chris proportion able')] ST18851217-V11-48-page1.txt: [('imresponsibilities', 'im responsibilities')] ST18851217-V11-48-page5.txt: [('acquaintpreconcerted', 'acquaint p recon cert ed')] ST18851217-V11-48-page8.txt: [('overshadallegiance', 'overs had allegiance')] ST18851224-V11-49-page13.txt: [('SecretaryInternational', 'Secretary International'), ('STOCKINHEALDSBURGCOLLEGE', 'STOCK IN HEALDSBURG COLLEGE')] ST18851224-V11-49-page15.txt: [('ToembapcecroaWncoerisnhitphe', 'Toe m b a p c e c r o a W n c o e r i s n h i t p h e')] ST18851224-V11-49-page3.txt: [('endeavorunchanging', 'endeavor unchanging')] ST18860114-V12-02-page3.txt: [('banquettheological', 'banquet theological')] ST18860114-V12-02-page6.txt: [('expectcomprehensible', 'expect comprehensible')] ST18860121-V12-03-page16.txt: [('UnitedStatesConstitutionasitis', 'United States Constitution as it is'), ('Parliamenblackguards', 'Par liam en black guards')] ST18860121-V12-03-page5.txt: [('justiceinvigorates', 'justice invigorates')] ST18860128-V12-04-page7.txt: [('righteousblaspheme', 'righteous blaspheme')] ST18860204-V12-05-page3.txt: [('eventualiconsecration', 'eventual i consecration')] ST18860211-V12-06-page12.txt: [('comfortainformation', 'comfort a information')] ST18860218-V12-07-page9.txt: [('Sabnotwithstanding', 'Sab notwithstanding')] ST18860225-V12-08-page13.txt: [('disinopportunities', 'dis in opportunities'), ('Congreconsiderable', 'Con gre considerable')] ST18860225-V12-08-page15.txt: [('Tinsisapamphletofonly', 'Tins is a pamphlet of only'), ('butItsvalueisnottobe', 'but Its value is not to be'), ('thattimeuntilthedayofherdeathremaineda', 'that time until the day of her death remained a'), ('HAVEyouseenthePacificHealthJournalandTemperance', 'HAVE you seen the Pacific Health Journal and Temperance')] ST18860304-V12-09-page13.txt: [('filterintellectual', 'filter intellectual')] ST18860311-V12-10-page15.txt: [('togetherwithmyexplanationofthem', 'together with my explanation of them')] ST18860318-V12-11-page16.txt: [('Watchimpossibility', 'Watch impossibility')] ST18860325-V12-12-page15.txt: [('THEregularannualmeetingofthesocietyAle', 'THE regular annual meeting of the society Ale')] ST18860325-V12-12-page7.txt: [('righteousperformance', 'righteous performance')] ST18860401-V12-13-page13.txt: [('opportunidiminishing', 'opp ort uni diminishing')] ST18860401-V12-13-page5.txt: [('signifidisagreeable', 'sign if i disagreeable')] ST18860401-V12-13-page6.txt: [('disciimpossibility', 'disc i impossibility')] ST18860415-V12-15-page1.txt: [('incomprehensiveness', 'in comprehensiveness')] ST18860415-V12-15-page10.txt: [('lookedregenerating', 'looked regenerating')] ST18860415-V12-15-page15.txt: [('butinthenatureoftheeventtotakeplace', 'but in the nature of the event to take place')] ST18860422-V12-16-page2.txt: [('resurrecdefections', 'res ur rec defections')] ST18860422-V12-16-page7.txt: [('handwritestablished', 'hand writ established')] ST18860506-V12-17-page5.txt: [('tobeverydevoutonSundya', 'to be very devout on Sun d y a'), ('InthelatterpartofthethirdcenturythefairlybulgesoutupontheotherdaysarounditI', 'In the latter part of the third century the fairly bulges out upon the other days around it I'), ('successillustrates', 'success illustrates')] ST18860513-V12-18-page16.txt: [('denominafashionable', 'denom in a fashionable'), ('singlesubscriptions', 'single subscriptions')] ST18860513-V12-18-page4.txt: [('converecclesiastical', 'con v er ecclesiastical')] ST18860520-V12-19-page1.txt: [('understandnecessary', 'understand necessary')] ST18860520-V12-19-page15.txt: [('Greatdistressstillprevailsamong', 'Great distress still prevails among'), ('andifbooksorderedbymailarenotreceived', 'and if books ordered by mail are not received')] ST18860520-V12-19-page5.txt: [('impossibiliherewith', 'im pos sib i l i herewith')] ST18860520-V12-19-page7.txt: [('materialproposition', 'material proposition')] ST18860520-V12-19-page9.txt: [('Periodicalsdistributed', 'Periodicals distributed'), ('interestofthecauseonthiscoast', 'interest of the cause on this coast')] ST18860527-V12-20-page2.txt: [('resurrecadmonishes', 'res ur rec admonishes'), ('itisabouttheaffairsofthislifeisalwaysloIced', 'it is about the affairs of this life is always lo Iced')] ST18860527-V12-20-page3.txt: [('righteousdifferent', 'righteous different')] ST18860527-V12-20-page5.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18860610-V12-22-page15.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18860610-V12-22-page6.txt: [('Sundayunmistakably', 'Sunday unmistakably')] ST18860610-V12-22-page7.txt: [('confederuprightness', 'con fed er uprightness')] ST18860617-V12-23-page11.txt: [('unsuccessoccasioned', 'u n s u c c e s s o c c a s i o n e d')] ST18860617-V12-23-page14.txt: [('circumpublications', 'cir cum publications')] ST18860617-V12-23-page6.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18860624-V12-24-page15.txt: [('GOODMomsisemphaticallyaFamilyJournal', 'GOOD Mom sis emphatically a Family Journal')] ST18860701-V12-25-page14.txt: [('objectionadiscovery', 'objection a discovery')] ST18860701-V12-25-page2.txt: [('hegivethwisdomuntothewise', 'he giveth wisdom unto the wise'), ('theseventhtothefirstdayoftheweekwas', 'the seventh to the first day of the week was'), ('Thereisscarcelyanythingwhichstrikes', 'There is scarcely anything which strikes')] ST18860701-V12-25-page3.txt: [('considsuperstition', 'con sid superstition')] ST18860722-V12-28-page7.txt: [('soverindispensable', 's over indispensable')] ST18860729-V12-29-page14.txt: [('AdispatchfromOttawa', 'A dispatch from Ottawa')] ST18860729-V12-29-page15.txt: [('andhistoricalresearch', 'and historical research'), ('theSabbaticinstitutionineveryconceivable', 'the Sabbatic institution in every conceivable')] 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[('groundrighteousness', 'ground righteousness')] ST18860902-V12-34-page12.txt: [('Likealeafonthecurrentcast', 'Like a leaf on the current cast'), ('complimentintheEast', 'compliment in the East')] ST18860902-V12-34-page15.txt: [('TheFallTermbeganAugust', 'The Fall Term began August'), ('judiciousdicipline', 'judicious di c i p line')] ST18860902-V12-34-page2.txt: [('manifestarelations', 'manifest a relations')] ST18860909-V12-35-page11.txt: [('righteousknowledge', 'righteous knowledge')] ST18860909-V12-35-page14.txt: [('Extraordinaryprecautions', 'Extraordinary precautions')] ST18860909-V12-35-page15.txt: [('receiptcertificate', 'receipt certificate'), ('DISTINCTIVEFEATURES', 'DISTINCTIVE FEATURES')] ST18860916-V12-36-page14.txt: [('revoluttiionnisist', 'rev o l utt ii on nisi st')] ST18860916-V12-36-page15.txt: [('THESIGNSOrTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS Or THE TIMES')] ST18860916-V12-36-page4.txt: [('Constanticomprehended', 'Constant i comprehended')] ST18860923-V12-37-page15.txt: [('pleasedtoanswerquestions', 'pleased to answer questions'), ('orgiveinstructionin', 'or give instruction in')] ST18860930-V12-38-page3.txt: [('Prevailcomplicated', 'Prevail complicated'), ('requireintelligibly', 'require intelligibly')] ST18860930-V12-38-page5.txt: [('accordunmistakably', 'accord unmistakably'), ('instrumenagreeable', 'inst ru men agreeable')] ST18861007-V12-39-page6.txt: [('Reformrighteousness', 'Reform righteousness')] ST18861021-V12-40-page14.txt: [('CoPgregatioutalist', 'C o P gre gat i out a list')] ST18861111-V12-43-page12.txt: [('perpendicliterature', 'per pen di c literature')] ST18861111-V12-43-page15.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18861118-V12-44-page15.txt: [('EACHVOLUMECONTAINS', 'EACH VOLUME CONTAINS')] ST18861125-V12-45-page13.txt: [('proscripinflammability', 'pro scrip in f l a m m a b i l i t y')] ST18861125-V12-45-page15.txt: [('FrenchMiraocgceofo', 'French Mir a o c g c e o f o'), ('PACIFICHEALTHJOURNA', 'PACIFIC HEALTH J OUR N A'), ('AddressallorderstoPACIFICPRESS', 'Address all orders to PACIFIC PRESS')] ST18861125-V12-45-page3.txt: [('generallysuspected', 'generally suspected')] ST18861202-V12-46-page16.txt: [('respectpestilences', 'respect pestilences')] ST18861202-V12-46-page4.txt: [('constantrebellions', 'constant rebellions')] ST18861202-V12-46-page5.txt: [('reprehendeclaration', 'reprehend e c l a r a t i o n'), ('transformadisregarded', 'transform a disregarded')] ST18861223-V12-49-page15.txt: [('ChristtheWayofLife', 'Christ the Way of Life')] ST18861223-V12-49-page3.txt: [('transfiguraprofessor', 'trans fig ur a professor'), ('influopportunities', 'in flu opportunities')] ST18861223-V12-49-page7.txt: [('considerauniversity', 'consider a university')] ST18861230-V12-50-page16.txt: [('Departmentsdevoted', 'Departments devoted')] ST18861230-V12-50-page5.txt: [('independintellectual', 'in depend intellectual')] ST18870120-V13-03-page1.txt: [('selfcongratulations', 'self congratulations')] ST18870120-V13-03-page4.txt: [('stillothersadevotionalmraeofmind', 'still others a devotional mr a e o f m i n d')] ST18870203-V13-05-page15.txt: [('RaeandScotchmerSts', 'Rae and Scotch mer Sts')] ST18870210-V13-06-page1.txt: [('felttheneedorfapyer', 'felt the need or f a p y e r'), ('YouneedtohumbleyourheartsbeforeGod', 'You need to humble your hearts before God')] ST18870210-V13-06-page9.txt: [('PrideauxalsoquotesaChaldeeparaphrasetothe', 'Prideaux also quotes a Chaldee paraphrase to the'), ('oisnthisfatherlyprovidenceandlove', 'o is nth is fatherly providence and love'), ('ingshouldspeedilyaccepttheBiblejustasitreads', 'ing should speedily accept the Bible just as it reads')] ST18870224-V13-08-page15.txt: [('PACEMONTHLYJOURNAL', 'PACE MONTHLY JOURNAL')] ST18870303-V13-09-page15.txt: [('THEMOSTSIICCESSFIIIMETHODS', 'THE MOST S II C C E S S F I I I M E T H O D S')] ST18870310-V13-10-page12.txt: [('sweetdispositioned', 'sweet disposition ed')] ST18870310-V13-10-page14.txt: [('evangelicarehurches', 'evangelic are hur c hes'), ('aseveryhousekeeper', 'as every housekeeper')] ST18870317-V13-11-page15.txt: [('ofpreservinghealth', 'of preserving health')] ST18870317-V13-11-page2.txt: [('gloriousiperfection', 'glorious i perfection')] ST18870317-V13-11-page3.txt: [('whohascometogriefthrough', 'who has come to grief through')] ST18870324-V13-12-page15.txt: [('uponreceiptofprice', 'upon receipt of price'), ('EMBRACINGacriticalexaminationoftheTemporalMillen', 'EMBRACING a critical examination of the Temporal Millen'), ('WHOCHANGEDTHESABBATH', 'WHO CHANGED THE SABBATH')] ST18870331-V13-13-page16.txt: [('willmemorializeCongress', 'will memorialize Congress')] ST18870331-V13-13-page3.txt: [('shedfortheremission', 'shed for the remission'), ('buthesoneotdoubtthathisstandardwhile', 'but he sone ot doubt that his standard while'), ('thoughnotdirectlyansweringthisqueson', 'though not directly answering this ques on')] ST18870616-V13-23-page14.txt: [('HEALTRisemphatically', 'HEAL T R i s e m p h a t i c a l l y')] ST18870623-V13-24-page15.txt: [('territorywhichtheywillpromisetoworkthor', 'territory which they will promise to work thor'), ('NationalReformandthe', 'National Reform and the')] ST18870623-V13-24-page7.txt: [('thereisnosuchthingasmoralityorimmorality', 'there is no such thing as morality or immorality'), ('isjustasfarestrangedfromthereal', 'is just as far estranged from the real')] ST18870707-V13-26-page5.txt: [('Christandthoulstabesaved', 'Christ and thou l sta be saved')] ST18870714-V13-27-page4.txt: [('notdependonmathematicalevidence', 'not depend on mathematical evidence'), ('shortofthatduanmentalskepticismwhich', 'short of that du an mental skepticism which')] ST18870818-V13-32-page2.txt: [('ourdependenceandourstrength', 'our dependence and our strength'), ('ItisinconsistentwiththeBibleaccountof', 'It is inconsistent with the Bible account of')] ST18870818-V13-32-page8.txt: [('SWITHGODANDTHEWORDWASGOD', 'S WITH GOD AND THE WORD WAS GOD'), ('THESAMEWASINTHEBEGINNINGWITHGOD', 'THE SAME WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD')] ST18870818-V13-32-page9.txt: [('VERILYISAYTOTHEETODAYWITHMETHOUSHALTBEIN', 'VERILY I SAY TO THEE TO DAY WITH ME THOU SHALT BE IN')] ST18870825-V13-33-page15.txt: [('Penaltyofigransgression', 'Penalty of i gran s gre s sion')] ST18870825-V13-33-page4.txt: [('seventeenthcentury', 'seventeenth century')] ST18871006-V13-39-page16.txt: [('singlesubscription', 'single subscription')] ST18871208-V13-47-page14.txt: [('Calabriardestroyed', 'Cal a briar destroyed'), ('Werchobistritzkivi', 'We r c h o b i s t r i t z k i v i')] ST18871208-V13-47-page5.txt: [('ministerastoolandleaveusforat', 'minister a stool and leave us for at'), ('Christcametokindleuponearth', 'Christ came to kindle upon earth')] ST18880106-V14-01-page16.txt: [('TwelfthandCastroISIS', 'Twelfth and Castro IS IS')] ST18880217-V14-07-page15.txt: [('TIMSABBATHQUESTION', 'TIM SABBATH QUESTION')] ST18880309-V14-10-page4.txt: [('followingreferences', 'following references')] ST18880323-V14-12-page6.txt: [('BerzogEncyclopedia', 'B er z o g E n c y c l o p e d i a')] ST18880824-V14-33-page15.txt: [('BBETCfriSlestrJiiii', 'B B ETC fri S le str J iii i'), ('Efolcionlybyieubsoription', 'E f o l c i o n l y b y i e u b s o r i p t i o n')] ST18880824-V14-33-page8.txt: [('signifiesintoxicated', 'signifies intoxicated')] ST18880831-V14-34-page15.txt: [('singlesubscription', 'single subscription')] ST18880831-V14-34-page16.txt: [('istheoneobjectoftheSIGNSOFme', 'is the one object of the SIGNS OF me'), ('andeditorofajournalcalledFreeThought', 'and editor of a journal called Free Thought')] ST18880831-V14-34-page2.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] ST18880831-V14-34-page3.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')] ST18881228-V14-50-page7.txt: [('nothingelsecanbedonethatwillbeeffective', 'nothing else can be done that will be effective')] ST18890114-V15-02-page7.txt: [('forefattieussindvxo', 'fore fat tie us s ind v x o')] ST18890204-V15-05-page10.txt: [('ffiallbathArffichropt', 'f f i a l l b a t h A r f f i c h r o p t')] ST18890304-V15-09-page16.txt: [('ElpPipsofflipaitup', 'El p Pips of flip a it up')] ST18890318-V15-11-page10.txt: [('ffiabbatlikffichoot', 'f f i a b b a t l i k f f i c h o o t')] ST18890408-V15-14-page11.txt: [('heiscastforthasabranch', 'he is cast forth as a branch')] ST18890422-V15-16-page16.txt: [('intheafternoonofsixdaysofthemeeting', 'in the afternoon of six days of the meeting')] ST18890513-V15-18-page15.txt: [('ViewsofNationalReform', 'Views of National Reform')] ST18890610-V15-22-page10.txt: [('ilPliPiressainisrsmis', 'i l P liP ire s sain is r s m i s')] ST18890624-V15-24-page15.txt: [('TITHESandOFFERINGS', 'TITHES and OFFERINGS')] ST18890715-V15-27-page15.txt: [('discussesReligious', 'discusses Religious')] ST18890805-V15-30-page15.txt: [('onewillpersistinkeepingSundaywhenitsownfriendsgive', 'one will persist in keeping Sunday when its own friends give'), ('accordingtotheverybestauthorities', 'according to the very best authorities'), ('Coverporitefjoligion', 'Cover p o rite f j o l i g i o n')] ST18890812-V15-31-page9.txt: [('ffiabbajthAvffiichroxi', 'f f i a b b a j t h A v f f i i c h r o x i')] ST18890826-V15-33-page5.txt: [('culturerespecially', 'cult ur er especially')] ST18890909-V15-35-page4.txt: [('Cardinalarchbishop', 'Cardinal archbishop')] ST18890923-V15-37-page11.txt: [('missionariesofIndia', 'missionaries of India'), ('Ishaltseesomething', 'I shalt see something')] ST18891104-V15-42-page15.txt: [('nowsuccessfullvused', 'now successful lv used')] ST18891118-V15-44-page15.txt: [('knowsuccessfullyMsed', 'know successfully Ms ed')] ST18891209-V15-47-page4.txt: [('carefullYbrefrained', 'care full Y b refrained')] ST18891216-V15-48-page15.txt: [('dogmaticallypropounding', 'dogmatically propound ing')] ST18891216-V15-48-page9.txt: [('jabbatliNffirlutoi', 'jab bat l iN f f i r l u t o i')] 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the Papacy')] ST18910511-V17-19-page7.txt: [('vigorouscondensation', 'vigorous condensation')] ST18920208-V18-14e-page5.txt: [('Tractioetcyofficers', 'Tract i o etc y officers'), ('ministersandotherleading', 'ministers and other leading'), ('payingquarterlyinadvance', 'paying quarterly in advance')] ST18921107-V19-01-page15.txt: [('ofreadingtogivetoour', 'of reading to give to our')] ST18921114-V19-02-page10.txt: [('butthemereefforttopee', 'but the mere effort to pee')] ST18921121-V19-03-page15.txt: [('OBSERVANCEBEENIPORCICD', 'OBSERVANCE BEEN I P OR C I C D')] ST18921205-V19-05-page12.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18921205-V19-05-page15.txt: [('OakleywillgotoAustralia', 'Oak ley will go to Australia'), ('willhaveaplaceamongtheattractionsateAdn', 'will have a place among the attractions ate Ad n'), ('alonewouldcostseveralmilliondollars', 'alone would cost several million dollars')] ST18921205-V19-05-page9.txt: [('constantdiscouragement', 'constant discouragement')] ST18921212-V19-06-page15.txt: [('CongregationSlists', 'Congregation S lists')] ST18921212-V19-06-page16.txt: [('sabbathbreakingandlawbreaking', 'sabbath breaking and lawbreaking'), ('Itslibertytootherswouldbetothinkand', 'Its liberty to others would be to think and'), ('butwasthedirectexpressionofthe', 'but was the direct expression of the'), ('TheQuestionSettled', 'The Question Settled')] ST18921226-V19-08-page10.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMIS', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIM IS')] ST18921226-V19-08-page15.txt: [('scientificimportance', 'scientific importance'), ('OBSERVANCEBEENFORCED', 'OBSERVANCE BE ENFORCED')] ST18921226-V19-08-page4.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18930102-V19-09-page2.txt: [('scripturaltopicsor', 'scriptural topics or')] ST18930109-V19-10-page10.txt: [('Ifearyourmotherhas', 'I fear your mother has')] ST18930116-V19-11-page14.txt: [('difficultiesamount', 'difficulties amount')] ST18930116-V19-11-page2.txt: [('accomplishedprevions', 'accomplished prev ions')] ST18930123-V19-12-page13.txt: [('Godisamoralgovernor', 'God is a moral governor')] ST18930123-V19-12-page9.txt: [('ecclesiastispheres', 'ecclesia st i spheres')] ST18930213-V19-15-page4.txt: [('experiencedbytheapostlesintheopeningof', 'experienced by the apostles in the opening of'), ('TheSpiritWhichShouldandWillAo', 'The Spirit Which Should and Will A o')] ST18930227-V19-17-page11.txt: [('fromtheirhomesandfromtheirhabits', 'from their homes and from their habits')] ST18930306-V19-18-page3.txt: [('deepersignificance', 'deeper significance')] ST18930306-V19-18-page8.txt: [('incornprehensibilities', 'in corn p r e h e n s i b i l i t i e s')] ST18930313-V19-19-page4.txt: [('measurelesscritical', 'measureless critical')] ST18930327-V19-21-page12.txt: [('promiscuouscharity', 'promiscuous charity')] ST18930327-V19-21-page14.txt: [('azimicTiVicivriomT', 'a z i m i c T i V i c i v r i o m T')] ST18930410-V19-23-page9.txt: [('herpersonification', 'her personification')] ST18930417-V19-24-page9.txt: [('abovediscouragements', 'above discouragements')] ST18930424-V19-25-page12.txt: [('greatestoppression', 'greatest oppression')] ST18930619-V19-32-page15.txt: [('actsasconductorandbrakeman', 'acts as conductor and brakeman')] ST18930626-V19-33-page2.txt: [('nationalhumiliation', 'national humiliation')] ST18930703-V19-34-page16.txt: [('religiourdenominations', 'religio ur denominations')] ST18930710-V19-35-page3.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18930731-V19-38-page4.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18930731-V19-38-page7.txt: [('heavenlymindedness', 'heavenly mindedness')] ST18930731-V19-38-page8.txt: [('gotobattleagainsteach', 'go to battle against each')] ST18930821-V19-41-page14.txt: [('InlotsofInelsemdsichmidIncte', 'In lots of In else md sic h mid Inc t e')] ST18930821-V19-41-page5.txt: [('constitutethebeauty', 'constitute the beauty')] ST18930828-V19-42-page10.txt: [('SongsforLittleOnes', 'Songs for Little Ones')] ST18930904-V19-43-page14.txt: [('peclalKindergartenMateriel', 'pe c la l Kindergarten Mater i el'), ('iwellaneourSiippltesleoCanandtwo', 'i well ane our S ii p p l t e s l e o C a n a n d t w o'), ('SoleAgentsforCalifornia', 'Sole Agents for California')] ST18930918-V19-45-page9.txt: [('COngregatianforrte', 'C Ong reg at ian for rte')] ST18930925-V19-46-page1.txt: [('manifestdistinction', 'manifest distinction')] ST18930925-V19-46-page7.txt: [('Thislifeisimparted', 'This life is imparted')] ST18931009-V19-48-page10.txt: [('Instantaneousfreedom', 'Instantaneous freedom')] ST18931009-V19-48-page2.txt: [('continuedpreaching', 'continued preaching')] ST18931009-V19-48-page5.txt: [('religicophilosophical', 'rel i g i c o p h i l o s o p h i c a l'), ('thoughtsconcerning', 'thoughts concerning')] ST18931016-V19-49-page15.txt: [('ColumbianExposition', 'Columbian Exposition')] ST18931016-V19-49-page6.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18931106-V20-01-page15.txt: [('laIihsatvheeablresatdsyelsloinldgnienavralylidtwfoothdoIuhsanvde', 'la Ii h sat v he e a b l r e s a t d s y e l s l o i n l d g n i e n a v r a l y l i d t w f o o t h d o I u h s a n v d e')] ST18931106-V20-01-page2.txt: [('inthedestinyofthisvastislandworld', 'in the destiny of this vast island world'), ('DIoSoCoOUpNiTSTOSCHOOLS', 'DI o So C o O Up N i T S T O S C H O O L S'), ('Sixecopierropersent', 'Six eco pier roper sent'), ('pageIllustratedWeeklyPaperforChildren', 'page Illustrated Weekly Paper for Children')] ST18931106-V20-01-page6.txt: [('followingstatements', 'following statements')] ST18931120-V20-03-page14.txt: [('Inviewofwhatisthisadmonitiongiven', 'In view of what is this admonition given')] ST18931120-V20-03-page5.txt: [('spiteofalltheboasted', 'spite of all the boasted')] ST18931120-V20-03-page7.txt: [('spirituallypresent', 'spiritually present')] ST18931204-V20-05-page6.txt: [('exercisingjudgment', 'exercising judgment')] 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('thereshallyeseehim', 'there shall ye see him')] ST18940319-V20-20-page4.txt: [('destruetivetempestsand', 'des true tiv et emp est sand')] ST18940402-V20-22-page10.txt: [('withouttheBibletheycometowno', 'without the Bible they come town o')] ST18940409-V20-23-page14.txt: [('PACIFICPRESSPUBLISHINGCO', 'PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING C O')] ST18940430-V20-26-page7.txt: [('generaldisquisition', 'general disquisition')] ST18940430-V20-26-page9.txt: [('wondrousbrilliance', 'wondrous brilliance')] ST18940528-V20-29-page11.txt: [('topervadethecompany', 'to pervade the company')] ST18940528-V20-29-page4.txt: [('authoritativelyforged', 'authoritatively forged')] ST18940604-V20-30-page11.txt: [('missionashallowness', 'mission a shallowness')] ST18940702-V20-34-page5.txt: [('highestdispleasure', 'highest displeasure')] ST18940709-V20-35-page8.txt: [('investigativejudgment', 'investigative judgment')] ST18940716-V20-36-page10.txt: [('liquortrafficgetsaboutone', 'liquor traffic gets about one'), ('boysakaestoffruitthathehadbrought', 'boys aka est of fruit that he had brought'), ('fatherobjectedtohergoing', 'father objected to her going')] ST18940723-V20-37-page6.txt: [('prohibitingunconditionally', 'prohibiting unconditionally')] ST18940806-V20-39-page13.txt: [('DISTRICTNUMBERFOUR', 'DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR')] ST18940806-V20-39-page14.txt: [('elelliflelteldkelak', 'el ell if le l tel d k e l a k')] ST18940820-V20-41-page16.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST18940903-V20-43-page15.txt: [('withreenforcements', 'with reenforcements')] ST18940903-V20-43-page5.txt: [('scripturalauthority', 'scriptural authority')] ST18940917-V20-45-page15.txt: [('simultaneouslywith', 'simultaneously with')] ST18940917-V20-45-page3.txt: [('traditionsreceived', 'traditions received')] ST18940917-V20-45-page6.txt: [('thoughtbetstoretaintheirhonorableand', 'thought bets to retain their honorable and')] ST18940924-V20-46-page9.txt: [('statementselicited', 'statements elicited')] 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[('AtlanticConference', 'Atlantic Conference')] ST18941217-V20-58-page14.txt: [('JesusLordoftheSabbath', 'Jesus Lord of the Sabbath'), ('healthfulandstrengtheningtotheintellectasthe', 'healthful and strengthening to the intellect as the')] ST18941224-V20-59-page12.txt: [('ExecutiveCommittee', 'Executive Committee')] ST18941224-V20-59-page6.txt: [('butwecannotseethelifewithin', 'but we cannot see the life within')] ST18950530-V21-21-page15.txt: [('threeyearsforyearspast', 'three years for years past')] ST18950530-V21-21-page3.txt: [('stirreditsinceslaverywas', 'stirred it since slavery was')] ST18960402-V22-14-page13.txt: [('Andwhenhecametohimself', 'And when he came to himself')] ST18960402-V22-14-page9.txt: [('commensuratelyextensive', 'commensurate l y extensive')] ST18961008-V22-40-page8.txt: [('OnhiswaytoAlbanyhedr', 'On his way to Albany he dr')] ST18961008-V22-40-page9.txt: [('theirpowertochange', 'their power to change')] ST18961022-V22-42-page1.txt: [('corrupijoblissleaay', 'cor ru pi jo bliss lea a y')] ST18961029-V22-43-page5.txt: [('NgSralltoGaiiPilil', 'N g S r a l l t o G a i i P i l i l')] ST18961112-V22-45-page6.txt: [('commandmentbreaker', 'commandment breaker')] ST18961119-V22-46-page11.txt: [('Nowtremblesonourlips', 'Now trembles on our lips')] ST18961126-V22-47-page14.txt: [('AOHOIHIMINIHOHIMMUMMIRMWMUMW', 'A OH O I HIM IN I HO HIM MUM MIR M W M U M W')] ST18961126-V22-47-page3.txt: [('EffectiveCorrector', 'Effective Corrector')] ST18961203-V22-48-page4.txt: [('IIlllfllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill', 'I Ill l f l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l'), ('lllllllllilllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l ill l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST18961217-V22-50-page9.txt: [('wagontotransportanidwhichcost', 'wagon to transport an i d w h i c h c o s t')] ST18961224-V22-51-page15.txt: [('Pronouncingfeature', 'Pronouncing feature'), ('Andwhenhehadgatheredallthe', 'And when he had gathered all the'), ('inesoonfeovthoefuHnailee', 'ines o on fe o v tho e f u H n a i l e e')] ST18961224-V22-51-page7.txt: [('everlastingburnings', 'everlasting burnings')] ST18970422-V23-16-page1.txt: [('thevenerabledayofthesun', 'the venerable day of the sun')] ST18970506-V23-18-page10.txt: [('Ineverfelttheleastmisgivings', 'I never felt the least misgivings')] ST18970506-V23-18-page12.txt: [('THEbrethreninHelena', 'THE brethren in Helena')] ST18970520-V23-20-page15.txt: [('PACIFICPRESSPUBLISHINGCO', 'PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING C O')] ST18970527-V23-21-page15.txt: [('Vestibuledtrainservice', 'Vestibuled train service')] ST18970527-V23-21-page16.txt: [('InternationalSabbath', 'International Sabbath')] ST18970527-V23-21-page8.txt: [('broughtthethirteenth', 'brought the thirteenth')] ST18970603-V23-22-page16.txt: [('misrepresentatives', 'misrepresent a tiv e s')] ST18970617-V23-23-page13.txt: [('andCuspiusisgovernorofJudea', 'and C us pi us is governor of Judea')] ST18970617-V23-23-page8.txt: [('rapidlyapproaching', 'rapidly approaching')] ST18970701-V23-25-page15.txt: [('yearlysubscriptions', 'yearly subscriptions')] ST18970715-V23-27-page10.txt: [('TOBACCOiBLINDNESSi', 'TOBACCO i BLINDNESS i')] ST18970715-V23-27-page13.txt: [('SECONDCOMINGOFCHRIST', 'SECOND COMING OF CHRIST')] ST18970729-V23-29-page15.txt: [('PACIFICPRESSPUBLISHINOCO', 'PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISH I NO C O')] ST18970729-V23-29-page9.txt: [('wasthesecondspeaker', 'was the second speaker'), ('atoeprotectthedayfromsuchusesaswill', 'a toe protect the day from such uses as will'), ('Endeavorerstothesedistrictsasmessengers', 'Endeavorers to these districts as messengers')] ST18970909-V23-35-page14.txt: [('oftileopTyLrligtiapreRdA', 'of tile o p Ty L r l i g t i a p r e R d A')] ST18970909-V23-35-page16.txt: [('Cliriittliatlianade', 'C lir i it t l i a t l i a n a d e'), ('HumanicionstitutiOns', 'Human i cion st i tut i On s'), ('beforeithechildren', 'before it he children')] ST18970923-V23-37-page14.txt: [('MESoniedyseuabrcarn', 'MES on i ed y s e u a b r c a r n')] ST18970923-V23-37-page15.txt: [('PACIFICPRESSPUBLISHINGCO', 'PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING C O')] ST18970923-V23-37-page5.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] ST18970930-V23-38-page14.txt: [('OUROFFERTheSIGNThSTHEPTI', 'OUR OFFER The SIGN T h S T H E P T I')] ST18971007-V23-39-page12.txt: [('troublinginecessary', 'troubling i necessary')] ST18971014-V23-40-page13.txt: [('heTestimonyofHistoryta', 'he Testimony of History t a')] ST18971014-V23-40-page16.txt: [('disciplesafterTHEM', 'disciples after THEM')] ST18971014-V23-40-page7.txt: [('speakethconcerning', 'speaketh concerning')] ST18971021-V23-41-page7.txt: [('enciuringhardships', 'enc i ur ing hardships')] ST18971028-V23-42-page9.txt: [('unprofessionalhands', 'unprofessional hands')] ST18971118-V23-45-page20.txt: [('prodereansuafcficoiehnhtlyof', 'prod ere ans u a f c f i c o i e h n h t l y o f')] 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S c o t i a')] ST18990105-V25-01-page4.txt: [('forgetfulorignorantof', 'forgetful or ignorant of')] ST18990118-V25-03-page9.txt: [('toonatigisielevegeo', 'to on at i g i s i e l e v e g e o')] ST18990125-V25-04-page7.txt: [('iierievilaWliiiirdifil', 'i ier i evi laW liii ir di f i l')] ST18990125-V25-04-page9.txt: [('exiAlifillkujoviAll', 'e x i A l i f i l l k u j o v i A l l'), ('wasthehandofthemanwithwhomweknelt', 'was the hand of the man with whom we knelt')] ST18990201-V25-05-page14.txt: [('whowillfallhereafterinthebattleswiththenatives', 'who will fall hereafter in the battles with the natives'), ('wererepeatedonthefollowingday', 'were repeated on the following day'), ('sButtheblessingislosttothee', 's But the blessing is lost to thee')] ST18990201-V25-05-page15.txt: [('viivrimivievwcipvivai', 'vii v rim i vie v w c i p v i v a i')] ST18990208-V25-06-page1.txt: [('tohfetherairltlhinlyg', 'to h fe the r a i r l t l h i n l y g')] ST18990208-V25-06-page6.txt: [('vitallyirriportant', 'vitally ir rip ort ant')] ST18990215-V25-07-page10.txt: [('missionarreStablishments', 'mission arr e S t a b l i s h m e n t s')] ST18990215-V25-07-page9.txt: [('rooliiiiihiotapoiontmolltimui', 'roo lii iii h iota poi ont m o l l t i m u i'), ('sissiguixfiessessessesene', 'sis s i gu ix fie s s esse s s e s e n e')] ST18990301-V25-09-page9.txt: [('sessitiontseassesse', 's e s s i t i o n t s e a s s e s s e')] ST18990308-V25-10-page9.txt: [('eseessasiplmerpsesseimpsas', 'e s e e s s a s i p l m e r p s e s s e i m p s a s')] ST18990322-V25-12-page15.txt: [('Anattractivecoverhasbeen', 'An attractive cover has been')] ST18990322-V25-12-page4.txt: [('fromthelawofsinanddeath', 'from the law of sin and death')] ST18990329-V25-13-page11.txt: [('ungovernableappetite', 'ungovernable appetite')] ST18990329-V25-13-page20.txt: [('alaalaitaalaalaist', 'ala ala it a ala alai st')] ST18990412-V25-15-page9.txt: [('ilillillafilliglill', 'i l ill ill a fill i g l i l l')] 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[('ifilWrilifeiitiTool', 'if i l W r i l i f e i i t i T o o l')] ST18990719-V25-29-page15.txt: [('SONGSHEAFisdividedintofourpaits', 'SONG SHEAF is divided into four p a its'), ('PACIFICPRESSPUBLISHINGCOMPANY', 'PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY'), ('ssssossissssssissass', 's s s so s sis s s s s sis sass')] ST18990719-V25-29-page4.txt: [('TheBiblerecordofNimrodisthat', 'The Bible record of Nimrod is that')] ST18990719-V25-29-page6.txt: [('selfrighteousnesses', 'self righteousnesses')] ST18990726-V25-30-page14.txt: [('AndIJohnsawtheholycity', 'And I John saw the holy city')] ST18990726-V25-30-page15.txt: [('UpperColumbiaTractSociety', 'Upper Columbia Tract Society'), ('andthereasonforitsdiscontinuance', 'and the reason for its discontinuance')] ST18990809-V25-32-page15.txt: [('Twonewyearlysubscriptionsandonerenewal', 'Two new yearly subscriptions and one renewal'), ('ktYliiViVisliWiliWW', 'k t Y l i i V i V i s l i W i l i W W')] ST18990809-V25-32-page8.txt: [('thoughttransference', 'thought transference')] ST18990816-V25-33-page13.txt: [('sauceisdesiredricherthebeatenyEo', 'sauce is desired richer the beaten y E o')] ST18990816-V25-33-page14.txt: [('HowdidJesusexplainthemattertothem', 'How did Jesus explain the matter to them'), ('theoldmenthathadseenthefirst', 'the old men that had seen the first')] ST18990823-V25-34-page10.txt: [('wouldbeindeedapleasurewe', 'would be indeed a pleasure we')] ST18990823-V25-34-page11.txt: [('tfilliWiWiiThVskitiiiiWiWtilANWffiffiWilitilisiNsWililliWIM', 't f i l l i W i W i i T h V s k i t i i i i W i W t i l A N W f f i f f i W i l i t i l i s i N s W i l i l l i W I M')] ST18990823-V25-34-page15.txt: [('elusivelytotheinterestsof', 'elusively to the interests of')] ST18990906-V25-36-page5.txt: [('politicoeconomical', 'politico economical')] ST18990913-V25-37-page16.txt: [('WWWWWWAWANANWAYWiliWil', 'WWW WWW A WAN AN WAY W i l i W i l')] ST18990913-V25-37-page9.txt: [('ARBITARBAITTRAITOION', 'AR BIT AR B A IT T R A I T O I O N')] 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'While sober an industrious workman')] ST18991215-V25-50-page8.txt: [('constantlyrecurring', 'constantly recurring')] ST18991220-V25-51-page14.txt: [('ScOolarsOipnunfgegak', 'S c O o lars O i p nun f g e g a k')] ST19000110-V26-02-page14.txt: [('MATTHREEKIJPiESSIC', 'MAT THREE K I J P i E S S I C'), ('thatforwhichweaspic', 'that for which we as pic'), ('keenHiscommandmentstandHis', 'keen His commandment stand His'), ('Fatherbathbestoweduponus', 'Father bath bestowed upon us'), ('thatdogmemocleaveuntoHim', 'that dog memo cleave unto Him')] ST19000110-V26-02-page15.txt: [('ispowerinavoicewhenitisgivingthemessageof', 'is power in a voice when it is giving the message of')] ST19000117-V26-03-page13.txt: [('intenselyinteresting', 'intensely interesting')] ST19000207-V26-06-page15.txt: [('ScientificIlmerican', 'Scientific I l mer i can')] ST19000207-V26-06-page16.txt: [('ThatTheyAllMayBeOne', 'That They All May Be One')] ST19000404-V26-14-page15.txt: [('NitiictsVANcIatWatctiga', 'Nit ii cts VAN c I at Wat c t i g a')] ST19000411-V26-15-page14.txt: [('demonstraconcerning', 'demon str a concerning')] ST19000411-V26-15-page15.txt: [('andthemoneyallsentinoneorder', 'and the money all sent in one order'), ('KarafifijOiirovrat', 'Kara f i f i j O i i r o v r a t')] ST19000411-V26-15-page16.txt: [('eternalpossibilities', 'eternal possibilities')] ST19000411-V26-15-page4.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] ST19000411-V26-15-page8.txt: [('Pratestantrepublican', 'Prat est ant republican'), ('Protestantrepublican', 'Protestant republican')] ST19000418-V26-16-page11.txt: [('yiyoyaxaXicbcnxiiiv', 'y i y o y ax a Xi c b c n x i i i v'), ('isiiiirialousziess', 'is iii iri a lo us z i e s s'), ('IbeCiimeIthoughtasachild', 'I be C ii me I thought as a child')] ST19000418-V26-16-page16.txt: [('SULUISLCULILSUIISL', 'S U L U I S L C U L I L S U I I S L')] ST19000418-V26-16-page5.txt: [('infinitelysplendid', 'infinitely splendid')] ST19000425-V26-17-page15.txt: [('pliklakiklaRklialiliNIMININIMAIRMAMPOOMMOS', 'p l i k l a k i k l a R k l i a l i l i N I M I N I N I M A I R M A M P O O M M O S')] ST19000606-V26-23-page11.txt: [('conanaeolaserosand', 'con a nae ola ser o sand')] ST19000606-V26-23-page15.txt: [('ifBlessingInSickness', 'if Blessing In Sickness'), ('EnOrnamenttothehome', 'En Ornament to the home')] ST19000606-V26-23-page4.txt: [('persecutingnations', 'persecuting nations')] ST19000606-V26-23-page9.txt: [('lieutenantgovernor', 'lieutenant governor')] ST19000613-V26-24-page1.txt: [('sacrificeoverlooking', 'sacrifice overlooking')] ST19000620-V26-25-page11.txt: [('BICLIIIIIIIMIWINIM', 'BIC L III III IM I WIN IM')] ST19000627-V26-26-page15.txt: [('Therearecertainprinciple', 'There are certain principle'), ('ormeseroloomisimsmie', 'or me ser o loom is im s m i e'), ('revealedinthewordofGod', 'revealed in the word of God'), ('NiltittleirfNislaw', 'Nil tittle ir f N i s l a w'), ('itieralalWePalOficaloowae', 'it ier ala l We Pal Of i c a loo w a e')] ST19000704-V26-27-page16.txt: [('PACIFICPRESSPublishers', 'PACIFIC PRESS Publishers')] ST19000704-V26-27-page20.txt: [('PUBLISHEDQUARTERLYHY', 'PUBLISHED QUARTERLY H Y')] ST19000718-V26-29-page16.txt: [('UnprofitableContention', 'Unprofitable Contention')] ST19000801-V26-31-page11.txt: [('STAMPSCollectionsBought', 'STAMPS Collections Bought')] ST19000822-V26-34-page15.txt: [('iPniteorsyootrwcUlu', 'i P nite or s y o ot r w c U l u')] ST19000829-V26-35-page13.txt: [('Thisistoconfirmourverbal', 'This is to confirm our verbal')] ST19000829-V26-35-page8.txt: [('misunderstandingps', 'misunderstanding ps'), ('andHeisthePrinceofPeace', 'and He is the Prince of Peace')] ST19000912-V26-37-page15.txt: [('ordergiventoyourSr', 'order given to your S r')] ST19000912-V26-37-page3.txt: [('commandinggeneralship', 'commanding generalship')] ST19000919-V26-38-page6.txt: [('Thefeetofsuchanonemayeverbe', 'The feet of such an one may ever be')] ST19000926-V26-39-page14.txt: [('gladofthisopportunitytogettheversesalready', 'glad of this opportunity to get the verses already'), ('ownquestionbyhealingtheman', 'own question by healing the man')] ST19000926-V26-39-page15.txt: [('accompanyingletter', 'accompanying letter')] ST19000926-V26-39-page5.txt: [('andofthosedivinegraces', 'and of those divine graces')] ST19001010-V26-41-page7.txt: [('antagonistiereligions', 'an tag on is tie religions')] ST19001031-V26-44-page10.txt: [('AliitOlSdialliallitikatiligalgiaaasillikilithil', 'Ali it O l S di all i all it i kat i l i gal gia a as ill i k i l i t h i l'), ('kgliitildlititigii', 'k g l i i t i l d l i t i t i g i i')] ST19001031-V26-44-page14.txt: [('tomeettheLordintheair', 'to meet the Lord in the air')] ST19001107-V26-45-page14.txt: [('AndtheAngeloftheLordcalleduntohimoutof', 'And the Angel of the Lord called unto him out of')] ST19001114-V26-46-page11.txt: [('anydesiredflexibility', 'any desired flexibility')] ST19001121-V26-47-page15.txt: [('subscriptionsorforclubs', 'subscriptions or for clubs'), ('mustbeaccompaniedbycash', 'must be accompanied by cash')] ST19001121-V26-47-page16.txt: [('osseasealsonstitris', 'o s sea seal sons tit r i s')] ST19001128-V26-48-page13.txt: [('conscienceoppressed', 'conscience oppressed')] ST19001219-V26-51-page16.txt: [('Sundayschoollessonstudiespraybeobtainedalmostany', 'Sunday school lesson studies pray be obtained almost any')] ST19001226-V26-52-page14.txt: [('illadSeolpchieiaty', 'ill ad S e o l p c h i e i a t y')] ST19020319-V28-12-page3.txt: [('lossfimpossibility', 'loss f i m p o s s i b i l i t y')] ST19020416-V28-16-page14.txt: [('sheetletdownfromheavenbyfourcorners', 'sheet let down from heaven by four corners')] ST19020625-V28-26-page2.txt: [('ResistancetoitglizIon', 'Resistance to it g l i z I o n')] ST19020709-V28-28-page11.txt: [('materialprosperity', 'material prosperity')] ST19020723-V28-30-page14.txt: [('andintoHiscourtswith', 'and into His courts with')] 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[('andtheprayeroffaithshallsavethesick', 'and the prayer of faith shall save the sick')] ST19040203-V30-05-page11.txt: [('unappreciativeness', 'unappreciative ness')] ST19040217-V30-07-page14.txt: [('estatearaiseroftaxes', 'estate a raiser of taxes')] ST19040309-V30-10-page4.txt: [('thissimumenstunsueem', 'this s i mum en stun sue e m')] ST19040316-V30-11-page4.txt: [('capitalisticsystem', 'capitalistic system')] ST19040323-V30-12-page9.txt: [('generallyrecognized', 'generally recognized')] ST19040420-V30-16-page8.txt: [('attendingsectarian', 'attending sectarian')] ST19040427-V30-17-page14.txt: [('Ifyouusethatchimney', 'If you use that chimney'), ('BywhatcommonpiincipledoestheLordillus', 'By what common pi inc i p le does the Lord illus'), ('Whatsongofpraiseisutteredbytheelders', 'What song of praise is uttered by the elders')] ST19040504-V30-18-page11.txt: [('Whilevisitingthisdarkanddrearyroom', 'While visiting this dark and dreary room'), ('manyoftheoldstandardsGpoelsongs', 'many of the old standards G p o e l s o n g s')] ST19040504-V30-18-page14.txt: [('SUGGESTIVEQUESTIONS', 'SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS')] ST19040518-V30-20-page16.txt: [('discouragingmarriage', 'discouraging marriage')] ST19040601-V30-22-page14.txt: [('overthewholelanduntiltheninthhour', 'over the whole land until the ninth hour'), ('orchildrenthatareconstantly', 'or children that are constantly')] ST19040601-V30-22-page6.txt: [('judgmentssorighteousasallthislaw', 'judgments so righteous as all this law'), ('andwhenJehovahshallstretchoutHis', 'and when Jehovah shall stretch out His')] ST19040824-V30-34-page13.txt: [('unusuallyiplitable', 'unusually i p lit able')] ST19041102-V30-43-page5.txt: [('selvesanauthorityhigherthanthatofman', 'selves an authority higher than that of man'), ('IHAVEformanyyearsmadeitapractisetoread', 'I HAVE for many years made it a practise to read')] ST19041109-V30-44-page16.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST19041116-V30-45-page12.txt: [('comprehensivetress', 'comprehensive tress')] ST19041116-V30-45-page17.txt: [('iceludeitssCaorncograonncoeioSinebs', 'i c elude its s C a or n c o g r a o n n c o e i o S i n e b s')] ST19041123-V30-46-page4.txt: [('imainaliniiiiirilM', 'i main a lin iii i iri l M')] ST19041123-V30-46-page8.txt: [('necessarytherefore', 'necessary therefore')] ST19050104-V31-01-page16.txt: [('estimatethefirtanciiillessdue', 'estimate the fir tan c iii l less due')] ST19050118-V31-03-page11.txt: [('engagedinthesportthisyear', 'engaged in the sport this year'), ('Sundaylawsexistiinnnearlyeverystatein', 'Sunday laws exist i inn nearly every state in'), ('hadcreatedidealsocialconditions', 'had created ideal social conditions')] ST19050118-V31-03-page13.txt: [('gardenerseverywhere', 'gardeners everywhere')] ST19050124-V31-04-page13.txt: [('TheOldReliableFirm', 'The Old Reliable Firm')] ST19050124-V31-04-page5.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] ST19050124-V31-04-page6.txt: [('fascinatinglywritten', 'fascinating l y written')] ST19050201-V31-05-page13.txt: [('largenaturalsleePingeYee', 'large natural s lee Ping e Y e e')] ST19050201-V31-05-page15.txt: [('CoarsethingseasilYwasixedWdelicale', 'Coarse thing sea sil Y was ix ed W d e l i c a l e'), ('floweringCarnation', 'flowering Car nation')] ST19050201-V31-05-page16.txt: [('naturallysuperstitious', 'naturally superstitious')] ST19050201-V31-05-page3.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')] ST19050201-V31-05-page6.txt: [('constantlyincreasing', 'constantly increasing')] ST19050208-V31-06-page3.txt: [('privilegethatisthusbroughttoeverychildof', 'privilege that is thus brought to every child of')] ST19050215-V31-07-page13.txt: [('IygoguerstreturnsT', 'I y go gu erst return sT')] ST19050215-V31-07-page15.txt: [('StandardDictionary', 'Standard Dictionary')] ST19050222-V31-08-page12.txt: [('sufficientlyincreased', 'sufficiently increased')] ST19050222-V31-08-page15.txt: [('yearlysubscription', 'yearly subscription')] ST19050301-V31-09-page15.txt: [('largenaturalsleeping', 'large natural sleeping'), ('floweringCarnation', 'flowering Car nation')] ST19050301-V31-09-page7.txt: [('widelydisseminated', 'widely disseminated')] ST19050308-V31-10-page16.txt: [('EnforcementNervous', 'Enforcement Nervous')] ST19050315-V31-11-page11.txt: [('inaccotrdoacnoncceiwith', 'in a c cot r d o a c n o n c c e i w i t h'), ('Iwanttointerestyoualittleinanew', 'I want to interest you a little in anew'), ('nameofhisvisitorwasDeath', 'name of his visitor was Death')] ST19050315-V31-11-page12.txt: [('Whatareyougoingtodothere', 'What are you going to do there')] ST19050315-V31-11-page15.txt: [('floweringCarnation', 'flowering Car nation')] ST19050405-V31-14-page13.txt: [('unconditionalsurrender', 'unconditional surrender')] ST19050412-V31-15-page13.txt: [('THEREDEEMERSHALECOMETOZION', 'THE REDEEMER S HALE COME TO ZION')] ST19050412-V31-15-page4.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] 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was'), ('WhereAbramsojournedhisaltarrose', 'Where Abram sojourned his altar rose')] ST19051101-V31-44-page13.txt: [('conferenceSabbathschool', 'conference Sabbath school')] ST19051122-V31-47-page10.txt: [('vitallysignificant', 'vitally significant')] ST19051206-V31-49-page15.txt: [('regeneratingdoctrines', 'regenerating doctrines')] ST19051220-V31-51-page9.txt: [('bruisedforouriniquities', 'bruised for our iniquities'), ('arenldatothneiruenachhanogtehable', 'ar en l dat ot h n e i r u e n a c h h a n o g t e h a b l e'), ('laynosuchburdenupon', 'lay no such burden upon'), ('distinctionbetweenthelawofritualism', 'distinction between the law of ritualism')] ST19051227-V31-52-page4.txt: [('endeavoredtosetforthinthetermsofGreekphilfophy', 'endeavored to set forth in the terms of Greek phil fop h y'), ('interdenominatioual', 'inter denom in at i o u a l')] ST19060110-V32-02-page13.txt: [('probablypatentable', 'probably patentable')] ST19060110-V32-02-page8.txt: [('intenselyinteresting', 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'In e u n s i l l i m a i l l m i l i l i'), ('issassaossissesagolall', 'is sass a o s sis s e s a g o l a l l')] ST19060509-V32-19-page14.txt: [('recentlydevastated', 'recently devastated')] ST19060523-V32-20-page16.txt: [('earthquakedevastated', 'earthquake devastated')] ST19060613-V32-23-page11.txt: [('pAINNYVVVVWWWWWWWW', 'p A INN Y V V V V WWW WWW W W'), ('AAAAAAAAAAAAWANtAAINAA', 'A A A A A A A A A A A A WAN t A A I N A A')] ST19060620-V32-24-page11.txt: [('IMPORTANTTOTRAVELERS', 'IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS')] ST19060620-V32-24-page6.txt: [('MroorlorirripflorWYMCVi', 'Mr o or l or ir rip flo r W Y M C V i')] ST19060627-V32-25-page16.txt: [('everlastingcharacter', 'everlasting character')] ST19060627-V32-25-page21.txt: [('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', 'A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A')] ST19060627-V32-25-page8.txt: [('containinghundreds', 'containing hundreds')] ST19060704-V32-26-page11.txt: [('AAsNAAAAAAAAAINAAAAAAWA', 'A As N A A A A A A A A A I N A A A A A A W A')] 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[('partntiiccuulalarrly', 'part n t i i c c u u l a l a r r l y')] ST19060905-V32-34-page6.txt: [('Vaticanpractically', 'Vatican practically')] ST19060905-V32-34-page9.txt: [('aooaeoaoatsoaacsoaaa', 'a o o a e o a o a t s o a a c s o a a a')] ST19060912-V32-35-page11.txt: [('forfailinformation', 'for fail information')] ST19060919-V32-36-page11.txt: [('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', 'A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A')] ST19060919-V32-36-page2.txt: [('llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19060926-V32-37-page2.txt: [('HININIIMPININIIIHO', 'H IN IN I IMP IN IN III HO')] ST19061010-V32-39-page2.txt: [('SOUTHERNCALIFORNIATRACTSOCIETY', 'SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRACT SOCIETY'), ('CALIFORNIATRACTSOCIETY', 'CALIFORNIA TRACT SOCIETY')] ST19061031-V32-42-page5.txt: [('thedemonsmadehimsay', 'the demons made him say')] ST19061031-V32-42-page7.txt: [('conunrighteousness', 'con unrighteousness'), ('theyspeaknotaccordingtothisWord', 'they speak not according to this Word'), ('itisjustifiedfreelybyHigs', 'it is justified freely by Hi g s')] ST19061107-V32-43-page11.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19061107-V32-43-page13.txt: [('imilitopilimatilrbl', 'i mil i to pi lima til r b l')] ST19061128-V32-46-page13.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19061128-V32-46-page16.txt: [('withoutAllitelessness', 'without A l lite less ness')] ST19061205-V32-47-page10.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19061205-V32-47-page14.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19070109-V33-02-page13.txt: [('glkoaNivammovaitTA', 'g l k o a N i v a m m o v a i t T A'), ('VVICIAMItatoWNIVela', 'V VIC I AM It a to W N I V e l a')] ST19070116-V33-03-page15.txt: [('ecclesiasticopolitical', 'ecclesiastic o political')] ST19070306-V33-10-page6.txt: [('ailhatialtlfralialasiii', 'ail hat i alt l fra l i alas iii')] ST19070327-V33-13-page6.txt: [('savingtheirfellowmen', 'saving their fellowmen')] ST19070403-V33-14-page11.txt: [('unconventionalized', 'unconventional i zed')] ST19070403-V33-14-page15.txt: [('Portlanerradesinaie', 'Port l an err a des in ai e')] ST19070403-V33-14-page6.txt: [('furtherSimportuned', 'further S importuned')] ST19070410-V33-15-page11.txt: [('soonmoveoutofthetenementhouseand', 'soon move out of the tenement house and'), ('IndividualCommunion', 'Individual Communion')] ST19070410-V33-15-page15.txt: [('intellectuallydreary', 'intellectually dreary')] ST19070508-V33-19-page10.txt: [('interparliamentary', 'inter parliamentary'), ('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] 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[('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] ST19071016-V33-42-page11.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] ST19071113-V33-46-page5.txt: [('Theinspirationmustpertainonlytothe', 'The inspiration must pertain only to the'), ('makeanewtranslation', 'make anew translation'), ('thatthebookwaswrittenbyoneinhisciroriginal', 'that the book was written by one in his cir original')] ST19071225-V33-52-page15.txt: [('Someofitsinterestingchaptersare', 'Some of its interesting chapters are'), ('nearlyallofthemnewandspeciallyen', 'nearly all of them new and specially en')] ST19080108-V34-02-page13.txt: [('peraelpiotasitions', 'per a el p iota sit ions')] ST19080115-V34-03-page11.txt: [('earthquakestricken', 'earthquake stricken')] ST19080304-V34-10-page11.txt: [('acknowledgedprotector', 'acknowledged protector')] ST19080318-V34-12-page14.txt: [('causesdegeneration', 'causes degeneration')] ST19080408-V34-15-page16.txt: [('Supersensitiveness', 'Super sensitiveness')] 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[('Witingingintiuctintitatintintrii', 'Wit ing ing in tiu c tint it at in tint r i i')] ST19081209-V35-19-page4.txt: [('requirementofthelawmustappealtothe', 'requirement of the law must appeal to the')] ST19081223-V35-21-page5.txt: [('PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP', 'P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P')] ST19090113-V36-02-page13.txt: [('PLPIIMILWIXIVIMOANN', 'P L PI I MIL W I X I V I M O A N N'), ('APIPAMIMILIMMILMIMMIX', 'A PIP A MIMI LIM MIL MIM MIX'), ('WILTAMIPVIAIIAtiMM', 'WILT AM I P VIA II At iM M'), ('ireliredriWirVirillasNliyo', 'ire lire dr i W i r V i r i l l a s N l i y o')] ST19090203-V36-05-page10.txt: [('insignificantlooking', 'insignificant looking')] ST19090203-V36-05-page7.txt: [('inatrainandheardaremarkmade', 'in a train and heard are mark made')] ST19090210-V36-06-page10.txt: [('lothershaveanddoreadLasSenates', 'l others have and do read Las Senates')] ST19090210-V36-06-page12.txt: [('universallyobserved', 'universally observed')] 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('whiletheywerelookingsteadfastlyinto', 'while they were looking steadfastly into')] ST19100802-V37-30-page13.txt: [('MONIMMeleelineeelIVEVIIVIEINUOVEMEMellMeellannellneelIVIII', 'MON IM Me lee line eel IV E V I I V I E I N U O V E M E M e l l M e e l l a n n e l l n e e l I V I I I')] ST19100816-V37-32-page12.txt: [('weirdeffulIirecocity', 'weird eff u l I i r e c o c i t y')] ST19100823-V37-33-page15.txt: [('NewfromCovertoCover', 'New from Cover to Cover')] ST19100823-V37-33-page5.txt: [('ItisputatrestwiththosewhoHissouluntodeath', 'It is put at rest with those who His soul unto death'), ('InbeholdingthecrossdeathofChrist', 'In beholding the cross death of Christ')] ST19100913-V37-36-page12.txt: [('heisajustmanandanholy', 'he is a just man and an holy'), ('doethmightymiracles', 'doeth mighty miracles')] ST19100920-V37-37-page8.txt: [('ifierilekevisiimoivimAposionOmiliselles', 'if ier i l eke v is ii moi vim A pos ion O mil is el les')] ST19101101-V37-43-page8.txt: [('BATTLECONTROVERSYPERSECUTORFORNICATOR', 'BATTLE CONTROVERSY PERSECUTOR FOR N I C A T O R')] ST19101108-V37-44-page11.txt: [('dictaeffectiveness', 'dicta effectiveness')] ST19101108-V37-44-page13.txt: [('nessagainstthyneighbor', 'ness against thy neighbor')] ST19101115-V37-45-page15.txt: [('allyearlysubscriptionsat', 'all yearly subscriptions at')] ST19101129-V37-47-page11.txt: [('irresponsibilities', 'ir responsibilities')] ST19101206-V37-48-page9.txt: [('characterconsistency', 'character consistency')] ST19101213-V37-49-page13.txt: [('interestwilderness', 'interest wilderness')] ST19101213-V37-49-page8.txt: [('andcanhavethemdisposed', 'and can have them disposed'), ('whethertheywillWALKINMYLAW', 'whether they will WALK IN MY LAW'), ('ethhishandfromdoinganyevil', 'eth his hand from doing any evil')] ST19101220-V37-50-page6.txt: [('forIhavenotnoduthyworksperness', 'for I have not no du thy works per ness')] ST19110221-V38-08-page12.txt: [('disagreeablenesses', 'disagreeable nesses')] 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sian stat tia s a as a lat as a ats s as ai w a i')] ST19110620-V38-24-page4.txt: [('THESIGNSOFTHETIMES', 'THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES')] ST19110620-V38-24-page8.txt: [('wordsfallfromthelipsofthosewhocompose', 'words fall from the lips of those who compose'), ('andmakeitHONORABLE', 'and make it HONORABLE')] ST19110627-V38-25-page10.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] ST19110627-V38-25-page11.txt: [('interparliamentary', 'inter parliamentary')] ST19110704-V38-26-page8.txt: [('muchwillbegainedbysubstitutingone', 'much will be gained by substituting one')] ST19110718-V38-28-page13.txt: [('QuestionsandAOSWell', 'Questions and A O S Well')] ST19110926-V38-38-page16.txt: [('earthquakeresistant', 'earthquake resistant')] ST19111010-V38-40-page13.txt: [('AnotherLineofProphecy', 'Another Line of Prophecy')] ST19111017-V38-41-page5.txt: [('HATdidJesusdowhenonearth', 'HAT did Jesus do when on earth')] ST19111031-V38-43,44-page30.txt: [('ContributionsforDistinctivelyMissionWork', 'Contributions for Distinct iv ely Mission Work')] ST19111212-V38-49-page14.txt: [('asupernaLturreaall', 'as up erna L t u r r e a a l l')] ST19111219-V38-50-page10.txt: [('businessoperations', 'business operations')] ST19111219-V38-50-page11.txt: [('Literatureintimates', 'Literature intimates')] ST19111219-V38-50-page16.txt: [('tothemasChristgave', 'to them as Christ gave'), ('InallprobabilityHewas', 'In all probability He was'), ('Onemankillsanother', 'One man kills another')] ST19120116-V39-03-page13.txt: [('Acompanyofsixfamiliesofnewconverts', 'A company of six families of new converts')] ST19120123-V39-04-page13.txt: [('workerwasseizedwiththeplague', 'worker was seized with the plague')] ST19120213-V39-07-page10.txt: [('PROBATIONAFTERDEATH', 'PROBATION AFTER DEATH')] ST19120213-V39-07-page13.txt: [('SEEDSGoodgardeners', 'SEEDS Good gardeners')] ST19120220-V39-08-page12.txt: [('foregoingscripture', 'foregoing scripture')] ST19120220-V39-08-page16.txt: [('PeacefromtheOffended', 'Peace from the Of fended'), ('iratVadeedshavebeenwrought', 'ir at V a deeds have been wrought'), ('Butregardingthisearth', 'But regarding this earth')] ST19120319-V39-12-page15.txt: [('EuropealTICservant', 'Europe a l TIC servant')] ST19120319-V39-12-page16.txt: [('whichthedepartmentcouldbeincontactatall', 'which the department could be in contact at all'), ('oftheMareIslandObservatory', 'of the Mare Island Observatory')] ST19120402-V39-14-page14.txt: [('lieutenantgoirernor', 'lieutenant go ir er nor')] ST19120423-V39-17-page13.txt: [('WILAIPAKTilAnkalMaltulMIMIMPIMIPIVI', 'W I L A I P A K T i l A n k a l M a l t u l M I M I M P I M I P I V I')] ST19120423-V39-17-page14.txt: [('MIlltNMILMILIMPALIntlINPVMPPAPVIIMPIPSentlIMMIMIllYMPPAPSptmos', 'M I l l t N M I L M I L I M P A L I n t l I N P V M P P A P V I I M P I P S e n t l I M M I M I l l Y M P P A P S p t m o s')] ST19120423-V39-17-page16.txt: [('wonderfulattraction', 'wonderful attraction'), ('marvelouslyeloquent', 'marvelously eloquent')] ST19120423-V39-17-page2.txt: [('waxoldasdothagarment', 'wax old as doth a garment')] ST19120430-V39-18-page10.txt: [('practicallyunknown', 'practically unknown')] ST19120430-V39-18-page13.txt: [('Orderofyourtractsocietyor', 'Order of your tract society or')] ST19120430-V39-18-page16.txt: [('passengeripossessed', 'passenger i possessed')] ST19120521-V39-20-page6.txt: [('attainedtoalimited', 'attained to a limited'), ('establishedincertaindefi', 'established in certain def i'), ('niteplacesforthemore', 'nite places for the more')] ST19120604-V39-22-page14.txt: [('mImilfillooleffilielmilli', 'm I m i l f i l l o o l e f f i l i e l m i l l i')] ST19120618-V39-24-page15.txt: [('IficortiaiiiitriatierretWiiifiruk', 'If i cor tia iii it ria tier ret W i i i f i r u k')] ST19120716-V39-27-page16.txt: [('organizationnumbering', 'organization numbering')] ST19120730-V39-29-page13.txt: [('sseuosseaesOeSesoesor', 's s e u o s s e a e s O e S e s o e s o r'), ('osonnaosoonisossoeosooso', 'o son n a o s o o n i s o s s o e o s o o s o')] ST19120903-V39-34-page16.txt: [('thatwearejustontheeveofgreaterdiscoveries', 'that we are just on the eve of greater discoveries')] ST19121001-V39-38-page14.txt: [('Breeanllyisgenierally', 'B ree an l l y is genie rally')] ST19121015-V39-40-page13.txt: [('GoodBooksfhoerHolidays', 'Good Books f h o e r H o l i d a y s')] ST19121029-V39-42-page14.txt: [('ConditionsinLawrence', 'Conditions in Lawrence')] ST19121105-V39-43-page14.txt: [('MINIreffempleffamisolfl', 'MIN Ir eff emp l eff ami sol f l')] ST19121112-V39-44-page4.txt: [('constitutionbreaking', 'constitution breaking')] ST19121112-V39-44-page8.txt: [('sittethuponthethrone', 'sitteth upon the throne')] ST19121126-V39-46-page8.txt: [('lofMEMORIADFCREATION', 'l of MEM OR I AD F C R E A T I O N')] ST19121126-V39-46-page9.txt: [('thatmadeitpossibleforourprayerstobe', 'that made it possible for our prayers to be'), ('Foreverythinggivethanks', 'For everything give thanks')] ST19121224-V39-50-page15.txt: [('centhigherinCanada', 'cent higher in Canada')] ST19130211-V40-06-page10.txt: [('Themapaboveshowsthesitesofthecathedrals', 'The map above shows the sites of the cathedrals'), ('andprincipalcollegesonly', 'and principal colleges only')] ST19130218-V40-07-page7.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')] ST19130311-V40-10-page12.txt: [('upasagreatstatesmanwould', 'up as a great statesman would')] ST19130429-V40-17-page15.txt: [('officetoindividuals', 'office to individuals')] ST19130708-V40-26-page15.txt: [('STANOMSColtirtIICARIPAN', 'STA NOM S Colt ir t I I C A R I P A N')] ST19130708-V40-26-page2.txt: [('theetodayshaltthoubewithMiinParadise', 'thee to day shalt thou be with M i i n P a r a d i s e')] ST19130722-V40-28-page4.txt: [('hiiiigingsalvation', 'hi iii gin g s a l v a t i o n')] ST19130805-V40-30-page11.txt: [('eventsinthegreatplanof', 'events in the great plan of')] ST19130805-V40-30-page7.txt: [('WearewillingtoleavetoGodalladjustalonebeforetheJudge', 'We are willing to leave to God all adjust alone before the Judge'), ('undertheinfluenceandpoweroftheministering', 'under the influence and power of the ministering')] ST19130826-V40-33-page15.txt: [('yearlysubscriptions', 'yearly subscriptions'), ('QuestionsandAnswers', 'Questions and Answers')] ST19130826-V40-33-page16.txt: [('politicaranibition', 'politic ara nib it ion')] ST19130930-V40-38-page11.txt: [('bioxydramidoarsenobenzol', 'b i ox y dr amid oars en o benzol')] ST19140120-V41-02-page11.txt: [('WPITAVAllittqAlliaJ', 'W P I T A V A l l i t t q A l l i a J')] ST19140203-V41-04-page13.txt: [('sparringexhibitions', 'sparring exhibitions')] ST19140217-V41-06-page14.txt: [('IIIIIIIIItIlllinlitil', 'III III II It Ill lin lit i l')] ST19140224-V41-07-page10.txt: [('Jamesdrawsanotherconclusionthatleavesanychangeor', 'James draws another conclusion that leaves any change or'), ('Andmorestrikingstill', 'And more striking still'), ('ifsuchcouldbethecase', 'if such could be the case')] ST19140303-V41-08-page15.txt: [('ScientificAmerican', 'Scientific American')] ST19140303-V41-08-page3.txt: [('hisdefenseinaclear', 'his defense in a clear')] ST19140310-V41-09-page9.txt: [('originallyestablished', 'originally established')] ST19140331-V41-12-page12.txt: [('riailaifieriWaiirlatrifeifil', 'ria i la if ier i W a i i r l a t r i f e i f i l')] ST19140414-V41-14-page12.txt: [('WORKWELLORGANIZEDINSOUTHERNEUROPE', 'WORK WELL ORGANIZED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE'), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII', 'III III III II IM III III III III')] ST19140421-V41-15-page14.txt: [('nervousetendencies', 'ner v ouse tendencies')] ST19140505-V41-17-page13.txt: [('Portuguesespeaking', 'Portuguese speaking')] ST19140609-V41-22-page14.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] ST19140630-V41-25-page2.txt: [('industrialproblems', 'industrial problems')] ST19140804-V41-30-page1.txt: [('millitoioirliiinmo', 'mill i to i o ir lii in m o')] ST19140811-V41-31-page13.txt: [('MONINNMINPNPAINAKIN', 'MON INN MIN P N P A I N A K I N')] ST19140818-V41-32-page1.txt: [('Interparliamentary', 'Inter parliamentary')] ST19140825-V41-33-page13.txt: [('commandmentoftheDecalogue', 'commandment of the Decalogue')] ST19140825-V41-33-page15.txt: [('WyomingTractSociety', 'Wyoming Tract Society')] ST19140908-V41-35-page1.txt: [('Hoillinomminonumintim', 'Ho ill i nom min o num in tim')] ST19140915-V41-36-page3.txt: [('WVpriiiiiiirtfooks', 'W V p r i i i i i i i r t f o o k s')] ST19141006-V41-39-page1.txt: [('lownimanniMININIIIABINIAteseminimmomma', 'l own i mann i MIN IN III A B IN I Ate sem in im mom m a')] ST19141020-V41-41-page11.txt: [('suchaSabbathastheLordhadwhen', 'such a Sabbath as the Lord had when')] ST19141020-V41-41-page4.txt: [('decisiveladvantage', 'decisive l advantage')] ST19141103-V41-43-page2.txt: [('whenConstantinoplefellintothe', 'when Constantinople fell into the')] ST19141201-V41-47-page1.txt: [('INUMINUIIIMINIIIMnillM', 'I NUM IN U I I I M I N I I I M n i l l M')] ST19141201-V41-47-page15.txt: [('atigewhioliodayosreason', 'at i g e w h i o l i o d a y o s r e a s o n')] ST19141208-V41-48-page1.txt: [('numimplimmumminlin', 'num imp lim mum min lin')] ST19141208-V41-48-page8.txt: [('ilimotitilitimoinim', 'i limo titi lit im o in im')] ST19151109-V42-44-page12.txt: [('foesshallbetheyofhisown', 'foes shall be they of his own')] ST19151109-V42-44-page15.txt: [('ArkansasTractSociety', 'Arkansas Tract Society'), ('ANDCARDINALGIBBONShave', 'AND CARDINAL GIBBONS have')] ST19160118-V43-03-page10.txt: [('Viiiiliinellillifiliala', 'Vi iii lii nell ill i filial a')] ST19160509-V43-19-page8.txt: [('Armagedpractically', 'Arm aged practically')] ST19160606-V43-24-page1.txt: [('inamounimolinutilnumoilninumoillimialamiliala', 'in amo uni m o l i n u t i l n u m o i l n i n u m o i l l i m i a l a m i l i a l a'), ('irmalliolatiViinimill', 'ir mall i o lat i Vi in i mill')] ST19160620-V43-25-page16.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] ST19160711-V43-27-page9.txt: [('CirculationManager', 'Circulation Manager')] ST19160801-V43-30-page10.txt: [('stirianalimittimsnwinnssitussissismesiationisteinzasionemonsussumnsisminntiiiisiiiimonsi', 'stir ian a limit tim s n w i n n s s i t u s s i s s i s m e s i a t i o n i s t e i n z a s i o n e m o n s u s s u m n s i s m i n n t i i i i s i i i i m o n s i')] ST19160808-V43-31-page9.txt: [('wiloomuutirsiwilinssissinniiiiminsummusissoilossisssummussuisinsusunisissimussaissisoss', 'w i l o o m u u t i r s i w i l i n s s i s s i n n i i i i m i n s u m m u s i s s o i l o s s i s s s u m m u s s u i s i n s u s u n i s i s s i m u s s a i s s i s o s s'), ('SSISIIMSISSISSIssissississmisstssissississuurnminusumssisunsissussusumussummiummuss', 'S S IS II MS IS S IS S Is sis sis sis s miss t s s i s s i s s i s s u u r n m i n u s u m s s i s u n s i s s u s s u s u m u s s u m m i u m m u s s')] ST19160919-V43-37-page9.txt: [('IIIilllllllllllllllllllll', 'III ill l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19161017-V43-41-page9.txt: [('EumuslISHISIIIIIII', 'E u m u s l I S H I S I I I I I I I')] ST19161024-V43-42-page1.txt: [('FIARMAPLINIPAIIINA', 'F I A R M A P L I N I P A I I I N A')] ST19161212-V43-49-page1.txt: [('WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWV', 'WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW W W V')] ST19161219-V43-50-page1.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19180108-V45-02-page3.txt: [('brightnessdisplayed', 'brightness displayed')] ST19180604-V45-22-page8.txt: [('strengthdestroying', 'strength destroying')] ST19180716-V45-28-page10.txt: [('memoryresurrecting', 'memory resurrecting')] ST19180813-V45-32-page5.txt: [('mumsonsminammunmill', 'mum sons min am mun mill')] ST19180924-V45-37-page5.txt: [('TimesforSeptuevmbvecr', 'Times for Sep tue v m b v e c r')] ST19181008-V45-39-page4.txt: [('postmillennialists', 'post millennial i sts')] ST19181022-V45-41-page12.txt: [('interdenominationalism', 'interdenominational ism')] ST19190121-V46-03-page10.txt: [('professinggodliness', 'professing godliness')] ST19190121-V46-03-page6.txt: [('Christianscientific', 'Christian scientific')] ST19190121-V46-03-page7.txt: [('mIstittiltillilliiiit', 'm I s t i t t i l t i l l i l l i i i i t')] ST19190218-V46-07-page1.txt: [('iimoniooloolummollimminiuminnisiimin', 'iim on i o o loo lum m o l l i m m i n i u m i n n i s i i m i n')] ST19190304-V46-09-page13.txt: [('llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19190415-V46-15-page3.txt: [('expprreessslylyffoorrbbiiddssccomparriing', 'exp p r r e e s s s l y l y f f o o r r b b i i d d s s c c o m p a r r i i n g')] ST19190708-V46-26-page4.txt: [('previousarrttiicclleess', 'previous arr t t i i c c l l e e s s')] ST19190909-V46-35-page8.txt: [('preachingpowerless', 'preaching powerless')] ST19190930-V46-38-page5.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')] ST19191007-V46-39-page11.txt: [('preparetomeetthyGod', 'prepare to meet thy God')] ST19191021-V46-41-page2.txt: [('riTroopsAreCalledI', 'r i T r o o p s A r e C a l l e d I')] ST19191028-V46-42-page13.txt: [('merelydemonstrated', 'merely demonstrated')] ST19191111-V46-44-page9.txt: [('postmillennialists', 'post millennial i sts')] ST19200106-V47-01-page8.txt: [('TIlillillifillIIIIrIMIIIIIft', 'TIl ill ill if ill III Ir IM III I If t'), ('Aeltassaassanwasaait', 'A el t a s s a a s s a n w a s a a i t')] ST19200203-V47-05-page1.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')] ST19200217-V47-07-page3.txt: [('ialitiatisswobtervance', 'i a lit i at is s w o b t e r v a n c e'), ('exquisiteadaptation', 'exquisite adaptation')] ST19200224-V47-08-page15.txt: [('Jesusdoctrinarians', 'Jesus do ctr in ar ian s')] ST19200323-V47-12-page10.txt: [('incomprehensibilities', 'in comp r e h e n s i b i l i t i e s')] ST19200601-V47-22-page4.txt: [('rWrylpilimirpillryr', 'r W r y l p i l i m i r p i l l r y r')] ST19200803-V47-30-page2.txt: [('Postmillennialists', 'Post millennial i sts')] ST19200810-V47-31-page13.txt: [('pouredoutuponallwho', 'poured out upon all who')] ST19200817-V47-32-page5.txt: [('illffilliMillniiiiili', 'ill f f i l l i M i l l n i i i i i l i')] ST19200928-V47-38-page1.txt: [('iteaBallguessianfouninipsismaimmr', 'i tea Ball guess ian fou n i n i p s i s m a i m m r')] ST19201102-V47-43-page1.txt: [('thingmustbedonetosavecivilization', 'thing must be done to save civilization')] ST19201221-V47-50-page12.txt: [('rtilliSiffilsissosollslill', 'r t i l l i S i f f i l s i s s o s o l l s l i l l')]
In [52]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/ST/correction9 Average verified rate: 0.9813660899271024 Average of error rates: 0.01879286268425136 Total token count: 36322865
In [53]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 28888), ('e', 22198), ('m', 18752), ('d', 17513), ('w', 17407), ('n', 16506), ('t', 16450), ('r', 12271), ('g', 11370), ('f', 8448), ('th', 8144), ('pp', 6902), ('co', 5632), ('u', 4190), ('ex', 4129), ('x', 3486), ('tion', 2371), ('mo', 2269), ('wm', 1970), ('k', 1939), ('re', 1636), ('ment', 1611), ('eze', 1391), ('z', 1319), ("the'", 1295), ('altho', 1276), ("of'", 1121), ('ti', 1040), ('pa', 1030), ('wo', 985), ('sel', 935), ('q', 935), ('es', 906), ("an'", 878), ('ets', 852), ('al', 770), ('id', 713), ('va', 701), ('tions', 673), ('io', 643), ("''", 633), ('op', 618), ('ments', 614), ('mal', 577), ("if'", 564), ('aro', 554), ('ro', 553), ('ence', 540), ("and'", 534), ('oo', 525)]
In [ ]: