The product of this notebook is a stopword list (for use with Mallet) that includes the most frequent and infrequent tokens across all of the documents in the study. By using probability to create the stopword list, I am able to exclude many of the OCR errors, as well as accommodate the particular vocabulary of the denomination.
In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
import gensim
from text2topics import preprocess
import logging
import json
import os
import sys
In [3]:
# %load ../shared_elements/logging.py
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35936086/
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Create STDERR handler
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
# ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# Create formatter and add it to the handler
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# Set STDERR handler as the only handler
logger.handlers = [handler]
In [4]:
initialCorpus = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-04-Final-Corpus.tar.gz"
dataDir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/"
# corpusDir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2018-02-CorpusSubSets/"
In [5]:
processed_corpus = preprocess.Lemma_Corpus(initialCorpus)
corpus_stream = (tokens for _,_,tokens in processed_corpus)
In [6]:
id2word = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(corpus_stream)
id2word.save_as_text(os.path.join(dataDir, '{}.txt'.format('finalCorpus_fullDictionary')),
root - INFO - extracting file #0: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page1.txt root - INFO - ['heavenly', 'visitor', 'home', 'god', 'dwells', 'personal', 'experience', 'editorial', 'greeting', 'retrospective', 'interim', 'prospective', 'new', 'ask', 'aid', 'new', 'departure', 'college', 'report', 'church_school_teachers', 'tne', 'educational', 'fund', 'note', 'comment', 'winter', 'announcement', 'cover', 'yaiqin', 'hool'] gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: []) root - INFO - extracting file #500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18990701-V01-07-page32.txt root - INFO - extracting file #1000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19000701-V02-07-page6.txt root - INFO - ['the_advocate', 'immutable', 'god', 'doe', 'thing', 'perfect', 'time', 'operation', 'law', 'instance', 'apple', 'fall', 'doe', 'fall', 'immutable', 'law', 'work', 'perfect', 'perfect', 'great_principle', 'work', 'know', 'god', 'work', 'law', 'continually', 'work', 'body', 'simply', 'illustration', 'working', 'god', 'heart', 'stop', 'second', 'god', 'beating', 'time', 'closer', 'look', 'working', 'law', 'human_body', 'greater', 'mystery', 'explanation', 'physiology', 'continual', 'deeper', 'profound', 'mystery', 'far', 'reach', 'end', 'working', 'law', 'spread', 'farther', 'farther', 'nearly', 'approach', 'god', 'greater', 'mystery', 'god', 'work', 'living', 'thing', 'god', 'principle', 'eveiy', 'individual', 'study', 'principle', 'attitude', 'assume', 'possible', 'operate', 'certain', 'way', 'possible', 'mighty', 'arm', 'work', 'place', 'need', 'attitude', 'god', 'supply', 'need', 'real', 'need', 'right', 'attitude', 'god', 'right', 'attitude', 'god', 'possible', 'god', 'wish', 'come', 'education', 'boy', 'girl', 'need', 'trained', 'opportunity', 'assuming', 'right', 'attitude', 'god', 'bringing', 'use', 'principle', 'subject', 'healing', 'undo', 'great', 'deal', 'mischief', 'great', 'deal', 'ofrestoring', 'church', 'school', 'board', 'elder', 'kaurle', 'wise_men', 'decide', 'erect', 'building', 'secure', 'service', 'competent', 'workman', 'involved', 'mechanic', 'required', 'bond', 'faithful', 'efficient', 'performance', 'contract', 'business', 'firm', 'employ', 'clerk', 'accountant', 'required', 'evidence', 'competency', 'human_life', 'endangered', 'disease', 'accident', 'sensible', 'man', 'employ', 'novice', 'counsel', 'treatment', 'particular', 'care', 'matter', 'reason', 'evident', 'important', 'involved', 'case', 'money', 'invested', 'second', 'human_life', 'balance', 'value', 'entrusted', 'hand', 'inexperienced', 'incompetent', 'person', 'men', 'temporal', 'thing', 'afford', 'trust', 'incompetent', 'afford', 'permit', 'school', 'board', 'thoroughly', 'fitted', 'duty', 'devolving', 'school', 'connected', 'eternal_interests', 'school', 'sense', 'distinctively', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'school', 'board', 'composed', 'wholly', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'school', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'school', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'converted', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'duty', 'connected', 'school', 'lead', 'student', 'christ', 'unconverted', 'people', 'school', 'board', 'composed', 'converted', 'seventliday', 'adventist', 'reason', 'evident'] root - INFO - extracting file #1500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19011101-V03-09-page28.txt root - INFO - extracting file #2000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19030101-V05-01-page17.txt root - INFO - ['time', 'people', 'egypt', 'time', 'fulfilled', 'day', 'brought', 'hard', 'bitter', 'year', 'bondage', 'prophecy', 'shining', 'light', 'dark_place', 'especially', 'darkness', 'grew', 'deeper', 'life', 'bitter', 'shone', 'brighter', 'light', 'ing', 'time', 'deliverance', 'near', 'learn', 'exact', 'fulfillment', 'prophecy', 'lesson', 'vii', 'february', 'giving', 'manna', 'stated', 'moses', 'deut', 'suffering', 'people', 'hunger', 'feeding', 'bread', 'knew', 'god', 'teaching', 'lived', 'word', 'proceeds', 'mouth', 'god', 'kept', 'alive', 'eating', 'hut', 'case', 'man', 'pride', 'tempted', 'think', 'life', 'realize', 'dependence', 'liie', 'giver', 'fresh', 'supply', 'life', 'frequent', 'interval', 'die', 'taught', 'life', 'food', 'eat', 'think', 'life', 'hunger', 'food', 'led', 'think', 'giver', 'bread', 'cause', 'nourish', 'iife', 'word', 'god', 'earth', 'bring', 'forth', 'food', 'food', 'mean', 'life', 'eat', 'daily_bread', 'feeding', 'word', 'god', 'know', 'god', 'let', 'israelite', 'hunger', 'gave', 'food', 'unusual', 'way', 'order', 'teach', 'lesson', 'god', 'commanded', 'cloud', 'rained', 'bread', 'heaven', 'com', 'pare', 'way', 'usually', 'feed', 'shown', 'isa', 'recalling', 'lesson', 'creation', 'bread', 'eat', 'rained', 'heaven', 'command', 'god', 'god', 'provided', 'bread', 'people', 'logo', 'gather', 'certain', 'rate', 'day', 'thread', 'day', 'day', 'thou', 'giv', 'gather', 'gather', 'food', 'self', 'shall', 'left', 'starve', 'son', 'unselfishness', 'thoughtful', 'care', 'taught', 'gathered', 'stay', 'tent', 'little', 'child', 'small', 'gather', 'mother', 'stay', 'care', 'aged', 'feeble', 'provided', 'gathered', 'gathered', 'little', 'lack', 'commenting', 'apostle', 'paul', 'showed', 'brought', 'cor', 'abundance', 'needed', 'supply', 'lacked', 'equality', 'compare', 'state', 'thing', 'early_church', 'spirit', 'god', 'controlled', 'redsea', 'divided', 'connect', 'lesson', 'god', 'led', 'israelite', 'pillar', 'cloud', 'trial', 'god', 'leading', 'following', 'long', 'wre', 'submit', 'guidance', 'meet', 'difficulty', 'danger', 'safe', 'way', 'led', 'israelite', 'midst', 'great', 'trouble', 'teach', 'special', 'lesson', 'help', 'life', 'long', 'clear', 'egyptian', 'destroyed', 'act', 'rebellion', 'blinded', 'hardness', 'heart', 'dared', 'pur', 'sue', 'israelite', 'farther', 'saw', 'god', 'opened', 'path', 'sea', 'god', 'path', 'people', 'need', 'longer', 'let', 'water', 'come', 'egyptian', 'fault', 'right', 'midst', 'sea', 'water', 'met', 'connect', 'lesson', 'creation', 'christ', 'object', 'lesson', 'teaching', 'divide', 'water', 'hold', 'hand', 'world', 'flowed', 'taught', 'invisible', 'thing', 'eternal', 'power', 'godhead', 'lesson', 'viii', 'february', 'giving', 'manna', 'special', 'point', 'hunger', 'teach', 'fed', 'word', 'god', 'bread', 'rained', 'heaven', 'gathering', 'god', 'equality', 'thing', 'common', 'suggestion', 'lesson', 'impressed', 'studying', 'the_advocate'] root - INFO - extracting file #2500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19040501-V06-05-page9.txt root - INFO - extracting file #3000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18890313-V04-08-page6.txt root - INFO - ['anierica', 'sentinel', 'section', 'addition', 'penalty', 'act', 'provided', 'remedy', 'hereinafter', 'specified', 'offense', 'described', 'act', 'fine', 'exceeding', 'recovered', 'common', 'suit', 'justice', 'peace', 'police', 'magistrate', 'commenced', 'summons', 'people', 'state', 'relation', 'person', 'complaint', 'offense', 'described', 'act', 'declared', 'nuisance', 'shall', 'duty', 'court', 'equity', 'state', 'proper', 'application', 'enjoin', 'prohibit', 'bond', 'shall', 'required', 'complainant', 'case', 'petition', 'injunction', 'filed', 'person', 'aggrieved', 'own_name', 'people', 'relation', 'section', 'endeavor', 'provide', 'remedy', 'instead', 'remedy', 'furnishes', 'unobstructed', 'liberty', 'desire', 'religious', 'zeal', 'harassing', 'desire', 'observe', 'sunday', 'strictly', 'puritan', 'neighbor', 'chapter', 'paragraph', 'illinois', 'statute', 'caption', 'injunction', 'read', 'case', 'injunction', 'enjoin', 'judgment', 'injunction', 'shall', 'issue', 'complainant', 'shall', 'bond', 'penalty', 'condition', 'security', 'required', 'court', 'judge', 'master', 'granting', 'ordering', 'injunction', 'provided', 'bond', 'need', 'required', 'good', 'cause', 'shown', 'court', 'judge', 'master', 'opinion', 'injunction', 'ought', 'granted', 'bond', 'provides', 'case', 'person', 'injunction', 'served', 'enjoined', 'cease', 'person', 'enjoining', 'shall', 'required', 'bond', 'cover', 'damage', 'defendant', 'case', 'injunction', 'prof', 'unjust', 'instance', 'man', 'building', 'house', 'neighbor', 'concludes', 'structure', 'prove', 'damage', 'injunction', 'issued', 'building', 'stopped', 'necessitate', 'stoppage', 'hand', 'building', 'connection', 'erection', 'cease', 'involve', 'big', 'expense', 'builder', 'cover', 'damage', 'accrued', 'case', 'injunction', 'prof', 'unjust', 'law', 'requires', 'complainant', 'shall', 'bond', 'bond', 'required', 'exposed', 'caprice', 'malice', 'unprincipled', 'person', 'annoy', 'asking', 'continuous', 'round', 'injunction', 'pretext', 'grievance', 'annoying', 'involve', 'expense', 'person', 'enjoined', 'statute', 'prevent', 'annoyance', 'injustice', 'provides', 'bond', 'given', 'case', 'couri', 'judge', 'master', 'opinion', 'injunction', 'ought', 'granted', 'bond', 'framer', 'sunday', 'claim', 'come', 'provision', 'statute', 'thinking', 'sunday', 'desecration', 'clear', 'offense', 'require', 'bond', 'clear', 'subject', 'framing', 'section', 'left', 'doubt', 'work', 'necessity', 'charity', 'way', 'work', 'enjoined', 'court', 'decision', 'worse', 'leave', 'law', 'loose', 'tell', 'mean', 'effrontery', 'presume', 'injunction', 'provided', 'law', 'obvious', 'palpably', 'clear', 'complainant', 'matter', 'aggrieved', 'pray', 'injunction', 'giving', 'bond', 'diversity', 'opinion', 'regard', 'work', 'necessity', 'charity', 'work', 'privilege', 'observe', 'sunday', 'respectable', 'class', 'christian', 'believe', 'keeping', 'sunday', 'observe', 'original', 'sabbath', 'saturday', 'outside', 'large_number', 'claim', 'privilege', 'skepticism', 'regard', 'religious', 'belief', 'consequently', 'conscience', 'sabbath', 'class', 'right', 'protection', 'civil_government', 'allowed', 'set', 'conscience', 'standard', 'compel', 'rest', 'come', 'passed', 'allow', 'narrowest', 'minded', 'zealot', 'land', 'harass', 'impunity', 'enthusiastic', 'neighbor', 'mark', 'person', 'aggrieved', 'file', 'petition', 'injunction', 'giving', 'bond', 'surprise', 'learn', 'easy', 'person', 'aggrieved', 'subject', 'prominent', 'clergyman', 'year', 'enlightened', 'nineteenth', 'century', 'outside', 'home', 'sanctuary', 'proper', 'recreation', 'sabbath', 'day', 'breath', 'puritan', 'waiting', 'such_laws', 'foregoing', 'furnish', 'unobstructed', 'opportunity', 'making', 'idea', 'desire', 'felt', 'sample', 'kind', 'legislation', 'asked', 'place', 'favor', 'sunday', 'fellow_citizens', 'let', 'ask', 'ready', 'accept', 'such_laws', 'subject', 'intolerance', 'religious', 'bigot', 'enlightened', 'day', 'clamoring', 'law', 'compel', 'pain', 'penalty', 'observance', 'religious', 'dogma', 'close', 'section', 'subject', 'provision', 'act', 'law', 'state', 'person', 'spend', 'sunday', 'orderly', 'peaceable', 'manner', 'deem', 'proper', 'person', 'shall', 'prosecuted', 'harassed', 'annoyed', 'color', 'act', 'sunday', 'prohibited', 'law', 'ordinance', 'nature', 'offensive', 'contrary', 'peace', 'good_order', 'society', 'section', 'privilege', 'advance', 'puritan', 'sabbath', 'prohibited', 'law', 'ordinance', 'section', 'unlawful', 'sunday', 'circulating', 'book', 'tract', 'paper', 'sale', 'medicine', 'delivery', 'milk', 'running', 'railroad', 'street_cars', 'work', 'necessity', 'charity', 'assured', 'law', 'initiatory', 'step', 'stricter', 'legislation', 'follow', 'later', 'section', 'soften', 'reality', 'blind', 'lead', 'narrow', 'confines', 'ideal', 'puritan', 'settled', 'regard', 'sunday', 'right', 'day', 'observe', 'sabbath', 'word', 'said', 'kingdom', 'world', 'forever', 'forbid', 'enforce', 'civil', 'enactment', 'religious_institution', 'history', 'religious_intolerance', 'coming', 'mind', 'ready', 'drawn', 'thing', 'great', 'clamor', 'present_time', 'civil_law', 'enforce', 'religious', 'belief', 'observance', 'arouse', 'american_citizen', 'feeling', 'security', 'cause', 'consider', 'ready', 'submit', 'intolerance', 'resultant', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'tait', 'congress', 'shall', 'law', 'respecting', 'establishment', 'religion', 'prohibiting', 'free', 'exercise', 'thereof', 'constitution', 'denver', 'republican', 'state', 'sunday', 'day', 'rest', 'power', 'fourth', 'july', 'legal', 'holiday', 'doe', 'state', 'treat', 'sunday', 'differently', 'fourth', 'july', 'compels', 'people', 'rest', 'sunday', 'want', 'leaf', 'free', 'fourth', 'july', 'anybody', 'exercise', 'power', 'case', 'difference', 'world', 'complains', 'sunday', 'legal', 'holiday', 'commemorates', 'connection', 'state', 'sunday', 'law', 'people', 'satisfied', 'want', 'holiday', 'fourth', 'july', 'let', 'somebody', 'introduce', 'congress', 'providing', 'everybody', 'celebrate', 'fourth', 'july', 'certain', 'way', 'work', 'protest', 'unjust', 'interference', 'people', 'right', 'honor', 'declaration', 'independence', 'act', 'principle', 'declaration', 'independence', 'forgotten', 'sunday', 'law', 'point', 'common', 'sunday', 'fourth', 'july', 'advocate', 'sunday', 'law', 'mention', 'national', 'holiday', 'precedent', 'sunday', 'legislation', 'emphatic', 'fact', 'feature', 'work', 'fain', 'attract', 'attention', 'rev', 'johnson', 'presbyterian', 'pastor', 'denver', 'spoke', 'sunday', 'february', 'sunday', 'closing', 'movement', 'discourse', 'said', 'distinguish', 'unskilled', 'laborer', 'sunday', 'saloon', 'employed', 'shoveler', 'digger', 'street', 'cent', 'lodging', 'good', 'week', 'day', 'spent', 'hard_work', 'men', 'room', 'sleep', 'cent', 'lodging', 'dreary', 'sunday', 'come', 'spend', 'day', 'trinity', 'hear', 'great', 'organ', 'church', 'denver', 'inviting', 'men', 'room', 'finely', 'furnished', 'home', 'like', 'such_men', 'door', 'open', 'saloon', 'door', 'true', 'fault', 'proof', 'christ', 'gave', 'christ', 'preached', 'gospel', 'poor', 'professed', 'follower', 'christ', 'pleading', 'civil_law', 'poor', 'unchristlike', 'position', 'professed', 'christian_workers', 'driven', 'want', 'state', 'people', 'ought', 'willing', 'commend', 'word', 'quoted', 'paper', 'catholic', 'american', 'essay', 'southey', 'colloquy', 'lord', 'macaulay', 'said', 'ark', 'god', 'taken', 'till', 'surrounded', 'arm', 'earthly', 'defender', 'captivity', 'sanctity', 'sufficient', 'vindicate', 'insult', 'lay', 'hostile', 'fiend', 'prostrate', 'threshold', 'temple', 'real', 'security', 'christianity', 'benevolent', 'morality', 'exquisite', 'adaptation', 'human_heart', 'facility', 'scheme', 'accommodates', 'capacity', 'human', 'intellect', 'consolation', 'brings', 'house', 'mourning', 'light', 'brightens', 'great', 'mystery', 'grave', 'bring', 'addition', 'dignity', 'strength', 'parcel', 'common_law'] root - INFO - extracting file #3500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18900529-V05-22-page8.txt root - INFO - extracting file #4000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18910903-V06-35-page1.txt root - INFO - ['viii', 'volume', 'moithi', 'ilijr', 'ynl', 'illivh', 'ira', 'equal', 'exact', 'justice', 'men', 'state', 'persuasion', 'religious', 'political', 'thomas', 'eferson', 'new', 'york', 'september', 'number', 'american', 'sentinel', 'requiring', 'acknowledge', 'rightful', 'ruler', 'nation', 'come', 'simply', 'fact', 'line', 'succession', 'william', 'fourth', 'died', 'line', 'trace', 'royal', 'lineage', 'william', 'conqueror', 'william', 'conqueror', 'norman', 'chief', 'led', 'force', 'england', 'established', 'power', 'chief', 'norman', 'norman', 'chief', 'line', 'clear', 'power', 'queen', 'victoria', 'sprung', 'people', 'line', 'house', 'rule', 'britain', 'represented', 'victoria', 'house', 'hanover', 'hanover', 'province', 'germany', 'house', 'hanover', 'england', 'queen', 'anne', 'died', 'line', 'succession', 'george', 'hanover', 'king', 'england', 'title', 'george', 'receive', 'princely', 'dignity', 'lineage', 'henry', 'lion', 'son', 'henry', 'proud', 'received', 'duchy', 'saxony', 'frederick', 'barbarossa', 'henry', 'lion', 'son', 'henry', 'proud', 'prince', 'house', 'guelph', 'suabia', 'father', 'house', 'guelph', 'prince', 'allemanni', 'invaded', 'roman_empire', 'established', 'power', 'southern', 'germany', 'origin', 'german', 'nation', 'empire', 'man', 'prince', 'savage', 'tribe', 'germany', 'line', 'royal', 'dignity', 'queen', 'victoria', 'spring', 'people', 'imperial', 'power', 'queen', 'victoria', 'reign', 'circumscribed', 'limited', 'people', 'related', 'seen', 'print', 'story', 'true', 'serve', 'illustrate', 'point', 'occasion', 'gladstone', 'prime', 'minister', 'head', 'house', 'common', 'took', 'certain', 'paper', 'queen', 'signed', 'exactly', 'approve', 'said', 'sign', 'gladstone', 'spoke', 'merit', 'act', 'queen', 'published', 'weekly', 'pacific', 'press', 'publishing', 'company', 'bond', 'new', 'yore', 'entered', 'new', 'york', 'post_office', 'second', 'class', 'matter', 'editor', 'alonzo', 'jones', 'associate', 'editor', 'bollman', 'wren', 'nearest', 'formula', 'human', 'conduct', 'teaching', 'jesus', 'declaration', 'independence', 'constitution', 'united', 'state', 'embodiment', 'near', 'principle', 'management', 'organized', 'society', 'liberal', 'principle', 'outgrowth', 'doctrine', 'taught', 'christ', 'national', 'political', 'joint', 'effort', 'liberal', 'christian', 'minister', 'philosophical', 'statesman', 'good', 'religion', 'humanity', 'everlasting', 'monument', 'ndble', 'men', 'effort', 'forth', 'vain', 'strange', 'professed', 'follower', 'christ', 'forget', 'line', 'defined', 'ordered', 'founder', 'religion', 'appeal', 'state', 'aid', 'fine', 'prison', 'spread', 'religious', 'truth', 'fact', 'prove', 'country', 'church', 'state', 'far', 'divorced', 'christianity', 'better', 'promising', 'footing', 'country', 'globe', 'charge', 'national', 'reformer', 'intention', 'follow', 'example', 'papacy', 'purpose', 'oppose', 'truth', 'god', 'usurping', 'prerogative', 'far', 'charge', 'zeal', 'god', 'law', 'according', 'knowledge', 'purpose', 'honor', 'god', 'nation', 'effect', 'proposed', 'amendment', 'govern', 'ment', 'place', 'god', 'substitute', 'divine', 'law', 'human', 'interpretation', 'law', 'destroy', 'allegiance', 'god', 'power', 'ordained', 'scripture', 'power', 'ordained', 'god', 'direct', 'miraculous', 'providential', 'jer', 'power', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'king', 'babylon', 'ordained', 'god', 'god', 'send', 'prophet', 'priest', 'anoint', 'king', 'send', 'heavenly', 'messenger', 'moses', 'gideon', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'king', 'son', 'father', 'king', 'father', 'king', 'babylonia', 'province', 'empire', 'assyria', 'medium', 'revolted', 'king', 'assyria', 'gave', 'nabopolassar', 'command', 'large', 'force', 'sent', 'babylonia', 'quell', 'revolt', 'led', 'force', 'medium', 'insurrection', 'nabopolassar', 'work', 'babylonia', 'king', 'assyria', 'rewarded', 'command', 'province', 'title', 'king', 'babylon', 'nabopolassar', 'received', 'power', 'king', 'assyria', 'king', 'assyria', 'received', 'power', 'father', 'asshurbanipal', 'asshurbanipal', 'received', 'father', 'esarhaddon', 'esarhaddon', 'received', 'father', 'sennacherib', 'sennacherib', 'father', 'sargon', 'sargon', 'received', 'troop', 'field', 'people', 'power', 'kingdom', 'babylon', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'king', 'son', 'son', 'son', 'simply', 'providential', 'sprung', 'ultimately', 'people', 'instance', 'queen', 'victoria', 'queen', 'great', 'britain'] root - INFO - extracting file #4500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18921201-V07-47-page6.txt root - INFO - extracting file #5000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18940301-V09-09-page8.txt root - INFO - ['vol', 'new', 'york', 'march', 'orleans', 'georgetown', 'college', 'district', 'columbia', 'served', 'confederate', 'army', 'licensed', 'practice', 'law', 'supreme_court', 'louisiana', 'december', 'elected', 'state', 'senator', 'appointed', 'associate', 'justice', 'supreme_court', 'louisiana', 'elected', 'united', 'state', 'senate', 'nomination', 'immediately', 'confirmed', 'fish', 'commission', 'state', 'heartily', 'indorsed', 'legislature', 'permitting', 'sunday', 'fishing', 'king', 'queen', 'richmond', 'suffolk', 'county', 'northwestern', 'chronicle', 'catholic', 'think', 'present', 'agitation', 'carried', 'secret', 'society', 'commonly', 'known', 'american', 'protective', 'association', 'affords', 'opportunity', 'catholic', 'prove', 'real', 'teaching', 'catholic', 'belief', 'real', 'fact', 'history', 'clear', 'misconception', 'popular', 'mind', 'let', 'fact', 'history', 'instead', 'suppressing', 'catholic', 'try', 'independent', 'repeatedly', 'invited', 'catholic', 'paper', 'attend', 'affair', 'let', 'thing', 'roman', 'volunteering', 'inside', 'information', 'american', 'hierarchy', 'issue', 'ult', 'venture', 'opinion', 'apostolic', 'delegate', 'satolli', 'nearly', 'concluded', 'period', 'supposed', 'service', 'country', 'required', 'receive', 'long', 'honor', 'cardinalate', 'recalled', 'editorial', 'pope', 'international', 'arbitrator', 'pope', 'selected', 'exert', 'authority', 'vested', 'virtue', 'assent', 'nation', 'nature', 'authority', 'civil', 'exercise', 'commit', 'papal_supremacy', 'ecclesiastical', 'doctrine', 'based', 'day', 'far', 'distant', 'nation', 'adopt', 'method', 'settling', 'difference', 'likely', 'dwell', 'earth', 'shall', 'worship', 'written', 'book', 'life', 'lamb', 'slain', 'foundation', 'world', 'attempt', 'albany', 'independent', 'legislate', 'away', 'indirectly', 'sunday', 'independent', 'doe', 'mean', 'period', 'twentyfour', 'hour', 'known', 'sunday', 'abolished', 'simply', 'legislature', 'contemplates', 'change', 'excise', 'law', 'sympathy', 'proposed', 'legislation', 'sorry', 'institution', 'dependent', 'new', 'york', 'legislature', 'existence', 'legislate', 'away', 'indirectly', 'sunday', 'independent', 'professes', 'believe', 'divine_institution', 'legislature', 'new', 'york', 'state', 'legislate', 'away', 'rev', 'sam', 'small', 'whilom', 'denouncer', 'sunday', 'paper', 'publishing', 'paper', 'oklahoma', 'issued', 'sunday', 'day', 'small', 'evidently', 'like', 'rest', 'sunday', 'law', 'advocate', 'want', 'law', 'fellow', 'doe', 'intend', 'shall', 'interfere', 'business', 'business', 'preaching', 'doe', 'mean', 'business', 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'delegate', 'baker', 'dozen', 'seat', 'presiding', 'officer', 'session', 'george', 'beaver', 'fall', 'penn', 'called', 'meeting', 'order', 'cause', 'depression', 'outcome', 'meet', 'hag', 'night', 'mass', 'meeting', 'held', 'tuesday', 'night', 'resolution', 'adopted', 'favor', 'sunday', 'closing', 'world', 'fair', 'resolution', 'defeated', 'attendance', 'claimed', 'principally', 'adventist', 'reason', 'gloom', 'pervaded', 'south', 'park', 'church', 'yesterday', 'committee', 'appointed', 'prepare', 'telegram', 'congress', 'reported', 'following', 'national', 'convention', 'american', 'sabbath', 'union', 'meeting', 'city', 'respectfully', 'request', 'congress', 'especially', 'committee', 'world', 'fair', 'action', 'taken', 'repeal', 'sunday', 'closing', 'law', 'mass', 'meeting', 'held', 'different_parts', 'city', 'night', 'protest', 'repeal', 'act', 'dishonorable', 'congress', 'nation', 'mandeville', 'foot', 'instant', 'read', 'mass', 'meeting', 'meeting', 'opposed', 'resolution', 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'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'united', 'state', 'million', 'shouted', 'afraid', 'million', 'havexhe', 'government', 'afraid', 'adventist', 'people', 'overwhelmingly', 'favor', 'work', 'american', 'sabbath', 'union', 'possible', 'porportion', 'sixteen', 'pack', 'meeting', 'defeat', 'resolution', 'representation', 'true', 'house', 'gallery', 'packed', 'people', 'inofavor', 'work', 'sunday', 'union', 'literally', 'impossible', 'opponent', 'massed', 'defeat', 'object', 'meeting', 'fact', 'demonstrated', 'bhat', 'mass', 'meeting', 'slimly', 'attended', 'people', 'largely', 'outvote', 'kill', 'resolution', 'defeat', 'object', 'meeting', 'demonstrates', 'claimof', 'overwhelming', 'majority', 'people', 'favor', 'sunday', 'closing', 'world', 'fair', 'downright', 'fraud', 'hurt', 'long', 'unmolested', 'uncontiadicted', 'misrepresentation', 'happy', 'incident', 'occurs', 'expose', 'fraud', 'claim', 'grind', 'qenerai', 'coefernn', 'ripaily'] root - INFO - extracting file #21500: 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'evans', 'secretary', 'treasurer', 'brown', 'corresponding', 'secretary', 'vesta', 'farnsworth', 'executive_committee', 'jones', 'evans', 'wilcox', 'brown', 'superintendent', 'dist', 'glenn', 'reeser', 'wilcox', 'hibbard', 'officer', 'international', 'tract', 'society', 'president', 'olsen', 'vice_president', 'haskell', 'secretary', 'treasurer', 'tait', 'executive', 'board', 'olsen', 'haskell', 'irwin', 'prescott', 'white', 'henry', 'tait', 'allen_moon', 'nicola', 'medical', 'missionary', 'benevolent', 'association', 'trustee', 'year', 'olsen', 'kellogg', 'haskell', 'henry', 'prescott', 'year', 'morrison', 'tyszkiewicz', 'white', 'coy', 'educational_society', 'board', 'director', 'smith', 'henry', 'tenney', 'kellogg', 'morrison', 'sisley', 'starr', 'publishing', 'association', 'board', 'director', 'henry', 'kellogg', 'prescott', 'smith', 'lindsay', 'sisley', 'starr', 'health', 'reform', 'institute', 'board', 'director', 'kellogg', 'hall', 'henry', 'murphy', 'lycurgus', 'coy', 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'winter_months', 'absorb', 'large_amount', 'surplus', 'heat', 'hot', 'wind', 'sweep', 'serving', 'state', 'refrigerator', 'michigan', 'naturally', 'delightful', 'salubrious', 'pleasant', 'locality', 'world', 'place', 'report', 'sanitarium', 'recently', 'established', 'boulder', 'colorado', 'rapidly', 'filling', 'patient', 'prospect', 'successful', 'future', 'encouraging', 'institution', 'sort', 'needed', 'colorado', 'heretofore', 'place', 'rocky', 'mountain', 'region', 'invalid', 'addition', 'excellent', 'climatic', 'advantage', 'benefit', 'resource', 'rational', 'medicine', 'battle', 'health', 'constantly', 'recommending', 'patient', 'colorado', 'know', 'place', 'receive', 'excellent', 'care', 'colorado', 'sanitarium', 'boulder', 'loper', 'report', 'sanitarium', 'college_view', 'neb', 'open', 'receive', 'patient', 'january', 'convenient', 'completely', 'equipped', 'bathroom', 'arranged', 'connection', 'new', 'institution', 'large', 'establishment', 'patient', 'able', 'receive', 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'asylum', 'alcohol', 'international', 'anti', 'alcohol', 'gress', 'report', 'british', 'medical', 'journal', 'congress', 'held', 'august', 'brussels', 'gather', 'following', 'statement', 'member', 'congress', 'motet', 'paris', 'academy', 'medicine', 'address', 'alcohol', 'family', 'working', 'class', 'pointed', 'fact', 'loss', 'exchequer', 'said', 'result', 'general', 'prevalence', 'temperance', 'principle', 'largely', 'imaginary', 'inasmuch', 'bulk', 'revenue', 'derived', 'sale', 'intoxicating', 'liquor', 'expended', 'state', 'discharge', 'burden', 'imposed', 'consequence', 'alcoholism', 'destree', 'dwelt', 'unfavorable', 'influence', 'alcohol', 'work', 'mind', 'body', 'boeck', 'related', 'experiment', 'student', 'went', 'alcohol', 'small', 'dos', 'tends', 'paralyze', 'higher', 'cerebral', 'center', 'roubinovitch', 'gave', 'account', 'systematic', 'effort', 'check', 'intemperance', 'teaching', 'school', 'experience', 'year', 'propaganda', 'kind', 'convinced', 'efficacy', 'whyte', 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'julia', 'savage', 'bridge', 'salmon', 'farrar', 'sarah', 'farrar', 'merrill', 'susie', 'osgood', 'hall', 'phebe', 'spear', 'sevey', 'wilson', 'hallock', 'sarah', 'campbell', 'martin', 'faith', 'hope', 'sermon', 'millennium', 'second', 'advent', 'kingdom', 'judgment', 'time', 'notuary', 'saving', 'faith', 'ready', 'soon', 'atonement', 'examination', 'remedial', 'light', 'nature', 'revelation', 'waggoner', 'nature', 'tendeney', 'liiodern', 'splrltuausm', 'waggoner', 'eta', 'bible', 'heaven', 'dissertation', 'evidence', 'christianity', 'ots', 'review', 'objeetlons', 'vision', 'dlseusslou', 'sabbath', 'question', 'elda', 'grant', 'cornell', 'eta', 'idnlstratlon', 'angel', 'origin', 'history', 'destiny', 'sat', 'canright', 'message', 'rev', 'uorned', 'beast', 'andrew', 'whleh', 'mortal', 'immortal', 'inquiry', 'present', 'constitution', 'future', 'condition', 'uriah_smith', 'resnrreetlon', 'oftbe', 'unjust', 'vindication', 'ttl', 'doctrine', 'waggoner', 'seventh', 'time', 'sermon', 'sabbatb', 'question', 'littlejohn', 'truth', 'nature', 'obligation', 'sabbath', 'fourth_commandment', 'waggoner', 'review', 'glltlllan', 'author', 'sab', 'bath', 'brown', 'vlndleatlon', 'orthe', 'true', 'sabbath', 'morton', 'date', 'seventy_weeks', 'dan', 'eipla', 'nation', 'commandment', 'restore', 'build', 'jerusalem', 'andrew', 'way', 'access', 'examine', 'paster', 'power', 'david', 'morgan', 'treat', 'paper', 'figure', 'vol', 'hovey', 'woodman', 'douglas', 'ume', 'number', 'debt', 'thomas', 'greer', 'cabeen', 'dungan', 'editor', 'new', 'york', 'observer', 'noticing', 'europe', 'relative', 'etrength', 'amber', 'burnham', 'isaac', 'cornell', 'staple', 'manchester', 'gaily', 'lightner', 'davy', 'speir', 'soule', 'horner', 'symonds', 'farrar', 'whitney', 'book', 'bent', 'mail', 'turney', 'loo', 'phinisey', 'hartsell', 'john', 'price', 'ertzenberger', 'cook', 'cherrington', 'moses', 'white', 'hosmer', 'tenney', 'rampton', 'ogden', 'bartholomew', 'kate', 'bixler', 'brackett', 'barker', 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'excuse', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'heavenly', 'meeting', 'feature', 'time', 'day', 'cha', 'prophetle', 'aud', 'law', 'god', 'size', 'preacher', 'varnished', 'mounted', 'chart', 'cloth', 'mail', 'key', 'roller', 'address', 'review', 'herald', 'battlb', 'creek', 'mioh', 'llu', 'ltvltw', 'tbrhs', 'ifpaidin', 'achance', 'lli', 'ooayear', 'paid', 'monther', 'rear', 'ordered', 'poor', 'year', 'whenorderedl', 'yfriendl', 'friend', 'lon', 'trial', 'rev', 'addrmi', 'rji', 'vili', 'herald', 'ftli', 'cun', 'mioa', 'according', 'recommendation', 'neral', 'michigan', 'conference', 'fund', 'received', 'church', 'wright', 'locke', 'lloo', 'leighton', 'uwe', 'health', 'tutute', 'douglas', 'green', 'nichols', 'freeman', 'nichols', 'richmond', 'bedew', 'poor', 'locke', 'trespa', 'olfering', 'fffn', 'ral', 'conference', 'fund', 'elmer', 'beceitled', 'account', 'andrew', 'haskell', 'hough', 'dollartt', 'geo', 'miacellaneom', 'hbowen', 'afriend', 'elmer', 'hrmn', 'book', 'book', 'hymn', 'monthly', 'meeting', 'church', 'charles', 'music', 'plain', 'morocco', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'church', 'mackford', 'followinf', 'lial', 'volume', 'money', 'paper', 'due_time', 'aoknowledged', 'immediate', 'cheever', 'raddue', 'fuller', 'andrew', 'eta', 'capma', 'samuel', 'lunt', 'james', 'boyers', 'institution', 'sharu', 'bsodation', 'jent', 'traets', 'immortality', 'brief', 'phebe', 'miner', 'douglas', 'jane', 'thought', 'immortality', 'thought', 'candid', 'dunlap', 'green', 'green', 'judson', 'dress', 'personality', 'god', 'sign', 'eliza', 'griffeth', 'nichols', 'freeman', 'nich', 'day', 'god', 'time', 'lost', 'old', 'new', 'style', 'austria', 'hungary', 'ols', 'charles', 'nichols', 'kellogg', 'law', 'truth', 'history', 'doctrine', 'immortality', 'jllatthew', 'exposition', 'chapter', 'james_white', 'john', 'appeal', 'baptist', 'seventh', 'day', 'bapists', 'restoration', 'bible_sabbath'] root - INFO - extracting file #101500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18730506-V41-21-page4.txt root - INFO - extracting file 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'knoxville', 'close', 'rochester', 'meeting', 'returned', 'grant', 'continued', 'meeting', 'jalapa', 'day', 'time', 'bro', 'sharp', 'came', 'carry', 'work', 'visit', 'church', 'late', 'letter', 'report', 'large', 'congregation', 'good_interest', 'embracing', 'truth', 'jalapa', 'went', 'marion', 'held', 'tent_meeting', 'summer', 'number', 'embraced', 'truth', 'preaching', 'jahipa', 'met', 'sabbath', 'occasionally', 'work', 'day', 'evening', 'taught', 'regard', 'organization', 'plan', 'subject', 'health', 'reform', 'visit', 'organized', 'church', 'member', 'year', 'donated', 'indiana', 'conference', 'according', 'appointment', 'visited', 'church', 'mechanicsburg', 'henry', 'dec', 'meeting', 'good', 'turnout', 'large', 'expected', 'church', 'wakened', 'subject', 'missionary_labor', 'mistaken', 'hold', 'matter', 'earnest', 'systematic_benevolence', 'increased', 'nearly', 'doubled', 'state', 'debt', 'society', 'introduced', 'church', 'nearly', 'subscribed', 'pay', 'debt', 'half', 'holding', 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'health', 'visit', 'church', 'present', 'importance', 'immediate', 'action', 'work', 'pledge', 'year', 'coming', 'year', 'duty', 'feel', 'hopeful', 'good_results', 'god', 'glory', 'salvation', 'precious_souls', 'desire', 'come', 'near', 'lord', 'work', 'brother', 'advancement', 'truth', 'place', 'address', 'sterling', 'rice', 'kansa', 'present', 'family', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'come', 'winter', 'thought', 'ought', 'meeting', 'school', 'house', 'mile', 'west', 'town', 'began', 'meeting', 'evening', 'closed', 'night', 'seventeen', 'signed', 'covenant', 'keckping', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'school', 'organized', 'attendance', 'thirty', 'council', 'grove', 'arrived', 'night', 'absence', 'nearly', 'month', 'moved', 'away', 'given', 'present_truth', 'ayers', 'iowa', 'peru', 'labored', 'peru', 'week', 'preached', 'time', 'good', 'time', 'close', 'door', 'room', 'lord', 'gave', 'good', 'liberty', 'speaking', 'word', 'new_ones', 'led', 'stand', 'truth', 'oth', 'month', 'october', 'passing', 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'wednesday', 'inciting', 'pillage', 'italian', 'ministry', 'resigned', 'prime', 'minister', 'depretis', 'form', 'cabinet', 'vatican', 'notifies', 'prussia', 'accept', 'latest', 'proposition', 'settlement', 'difference', 'workingman', 'congress', 'held', 'paris', 'sunday', 'night', 'broke', 'riot', 'man', 'stabbed', 'number', 'injured', 'strike', 'affecting', 'person', 'begun', 'monday', 'iron', 'work', 'bolckow', 'vaughn', 'middleborough', 'england', 'placard', 'posted', 'paris', 'calling', 'anarchist', 'assemble', 'pere', 'chaise', 'sunday', 'tomb', 'communist', 'box', 'bible', 'stopped', 'confiscated', 'bolivian', 'frontier', 'package', 'bear', 'proper', 'warrant', 'vatican', 'czar', 'entered', 'moscow', 'tuesday', 'great', 'state', 'proceeded', 'kremlin', 'greeting', 'people', 'route', 'enthusiastic', 'extreme', 'french', 'landed', 'sakalava', 'district', 'madagascar', 'captured', 'military', 'post', 'admiral', 'pierre', 'stated', 'command', 'road', 'waterway', 'capital', 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'brock', 'ellen', 'boyd', 'mary', 'hill', 'thank', 'offering', 'sister', 'rodney', 'pierce', 'elizabeth', 'stark', 'thank', 'offering', 'kinnie', 'wisconsin', 'sabbath', 'school_association', 'annual_meeting', 'wisconsin', 'state', 'sabbath', 'michigancity', 'school_association', 'held', 'connection', 'campmeeting', 'portage', 'june', 'hope', 'school', 'state', 'represented', 'delegate', 'expect', 'good', 'sabbath', 'school', 'hope', 'come', 'prepared', 'exercise', 'study', 'instructor', 'lesson', 'prepare', 'lesson', 'usual', 'use', 'progressive', 'series', 'bible_lessons', 'learn', 'lesson', 'follows', 'book', 'lesson', 'lesson', 'lesson', 'lesson', 'school', 'failed', 'report', 'hope', 'matter', 'attended', 'send', 'report', 'nellie', 'taylor', 'neillsville', 'clark', 'complete', 'report', 'standing', 'school', 'dep', 'chicago', 'gfic', 'goingeast', 'station', 'goingwest', 'lay', 'luaa', 'erni', 'pooalo', 'pea', 'exp', 'detroit', 'dep', 'jackson', 'battle', 'creek', 'kalamazoo', 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'destroy', 'property', 'frustrated', 'freeport', 'ill', 'tuesday', 'bookman', 'accidentally', 'dish', 'rat', 'poison', 'mix', 'flour', 'fry', 'chicken', 'dinner', 'family', 'seven', 'person', 'dangerously', 'ill', 'relieved', 'prompt', 'attendance', 'physician', 'fatal', 'result', 'expected', 'fanning', 'clay', 'county', 'texas', 'saturday', 'valentine', 'sanford', 'year', 'old', 'deliberately', 'assassinated', 'mother', 'later', 'assisted', 'father', 'searching', 'body', 'boy', 'confessed', 'crime', 'saying', 'determined', 'kill', 'father', 'sell', 'plantation', 'brigand', 'number', 'human', 'bone', 'tuesday', 'near', 'lincoln', 'ill', 'boy', 'explanation', 'companion', 'time', 'ago', 'took', 'bone', 'farm', 'called', 'abbott', 'place', 'occupied', 'john', 'haines', 'bore', 'bad', 'character', 'killed', 'quarrel', 'kansa', 'believed', 'haines', 'secretly', 'murdered', 'number', 'people', 'bone', 'remains', 'victim', 'madrid', 'dispatch', 'state', 'germany', 'object', 'thit', 'pope', 'decision', 'concerning', 'spanish', 'sovereignty', 'caroline', 'island', 'trial', 'editor', 'stead', 'pall', 'mall', 'gazette', 'tuesday', 'jury', 'returned', 'verdict', 'guilty', 'judge', 'sentenced', 'month', 'imprisonment', 'claimed', 'false', 'report', 'work', 'panama', 'canal', 'suspended', 'lack', 'fund', 'circulated', 'new', 'york', 'stock', 'exchange', 'monday', 'advice', 'calcutta', 'state', 'king', 'theebaw', 'ordered', 'englishman', 'burmah', 'exterminat', 'feared', 'european', 'mandalay', 'sire', 'massacred', 'wednesday', 'nov', 'balkan', 'conference', 'stantinople', 'agreed', 'basis', 'deliberation', 'sho', 'restoration', 'latus', 'quo', 'ante', 'roumelia', 'adopted', 'religious', 'thomas', 'tennant', 'methodist', 'minister', 'evansvill', 'arkansas', 'died', 'recently', 'age', 'year', 'probably', 'oldest', 'preacher', 'world', 'foulk', 'return', 'romish', 'priestho', 'anglican', 'church', 'received', 'recantation', 'fifty', 'romanists', 'england', 'theological', 'school', 'frankfort', 'germany', 'student', 'manifest', 'religious', 'zeal', 'going', 'tit', 'village', 'small', 'company', 'singing', 'praying', 'sometim', 'preaching', 'large', 'congregation', 'wesleyan', 'methodist', 'minister', 'london', 'vacri', 'pulpit', 'recent', 'sunday', 'order', 'preacher', 'opportunity', 'address', 'etgations', 'number', 'layman', 'discoursed', 'timated', 'presbyterian', 'synod', 'south', 'carolina', 'denined', 'action', 'director', 'columbia', 'inary', 'deposed', 'prof', 'woodrow', 'accepting', 'evolution', 'synod', 'virginia', 'action', 'tat', 'indicating', 'contrary', 'sentiment', 'national', 'bible', 'society', 'scotland', 'agreeil', 'join', 'british', 'foreign', 'bible', 'society', 'issuien', 'new_edition', 'chinese', 'new', 'testament', 'japan', 'point', 'kunten', 'moil', 'token', 'wide_circulation', 'chinese', 'literature', 'beginning', 'tell', 'china', 'rev', 'father', 'gibaud', 'sermon', 'notre', 'dame', 'church', 'montreal', 'oct', 'telling', 'people', 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'helper', 'church', 'holland', 'missionary', 'helper', 'additiou', 'new_church', 'organized', 'scandinavian', 'mission', 'iowa', 'wisconsin', 'minnesota', 'dakota', 'missionary', 'eighty', 'seven', 'church_member', 'church', 'baptism', 'bituarp', 'otticts', 'blessed', 'dead', 'die', 'lord', 'henceforth', 'allen', 'died', 'wright', 'mich', 'oct', 'noyce', 'child', 'frank', 'martha', 'allen', 'aged', 'week', 'day', 'word', 'comic', 'spoken', 'writer', 'afflicted', 'parent', 'friend', 'ered', 'home', 'lane', 'haole', 'died', 'memphis', 'mich', 'oct', 'alvin', 'son', 'byron', 'bertha', 'magic', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'sprightly', 'boy', 'sadly', 'missed', 'parent', 'row', 'hope', 'expect', 'soon', 'meet', 'hin', 'come', 'land', 'enemy', 'resurrectio', 'morning', 'albert', 'week', 'hottel', 'fell', 'asleep', 'quicksburg', 'shenandoah', 'nov', 'alice', 'tarquenia', 'hottel', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'embraced', 'sabbath', 'eighteen', 'month', 'year', 'baptized', 'writer', 'camp', 'meeting', 'respected', 'knew', 'faith', 'bear', 'ter', 'mony', 'follower', 'meek', 'lowly', 'jesus', 'worm', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'cor', 'henry', 'rife', 'aiiten', 'died', 'inflammation', 'stomach', 'bowel', 'knoxville', 'iowa', 'sept', 'frank', 'son', 'william', 'ella', 'anton', 'seventh', 'year', 'age', 'suffered', 'severely', 'sickness', 'week', 'affliction', 'lie', 'heavily', 'mother', 'thein'] root - INFO - extracting file #109500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18860629-V63-26-page14.txt root - INFO - extracting file #110000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18870215-V64-07-page14.txt root - INFO - ['review', 'ahd', 'herald', 'vol', 'illinois', 'indiana', 'ohio', 'michigan', 'rockford', 'elgin', 'illinois', 'cellar', 'submerged', 'factory', 'cornpelled', 'shut', 'flood', 'occasioned', 'rise', 'grand', 'river', 'mich', 'appears', 'cellar', 'grand', 'rapid', 'water', 'town', 'lyon', 'muir', 'opposite', 'river', 'water', 'stood', 'foot', 'deep', 'street', 'ohio', 'river', 'rosei', 'cincinnati', 'steamer', 'great_difficulty', 'gong', 'bridge', 'unwelcome', 'cyclone', 'appears', 'gotten', 'start', 'season', 'year', 'place', 'western', 'blizzard', 'ohio', 'town', 'wooster', 'louisville', 'state', 'visited', 'aerial', 'loonster', 'friday', 'morning', 'sustained', 'heavy', 'damage', 'life', 'lost', 'building', 'wrecked', 'place', 'inhabitant', 'panic', 'stricken', 'foreign', 'maspero', 'egyptologist', 'completely', 'cleared', 'away', 'old', 'sphinx', 'ghizeh', 'proposition', 'increase', 'presidential', 'term', 'year', 'exciting', 'mexico', 'triedomosti', 'moscow', 'compromise', 'possible', 'russia', 'austria', 'stanley', 'expedition', 'relief', 'emin', 'bey', 'comprise', 'men', 'including', 'eighty', 'black', 'count', 'lesseps', 'visit', 'isthmus', 'panama', 'voyage', 'said', 'compelled', 'business', 'complication', 'prussia', 'negotiating', 'loan', 'mark', 'ostensibly', 'cover', 'deficit', 'complete', 'certain', 'railway', 'krupp', 'received', 'large', 'order', 'field', 'gun', 'new', 'credit', 'meeting', 'oriental', 'congress', 'vienna', 'chaplain', 'british', 'embassy', 'produced', 'sun', 'dried', 'brick', 'babylonian', 'inscription', 'claimed', 'dated', 'time', 'abraham', 'left', 'chatdeer', 'land', 'canaan', 'recent', 'conference', 'scotch', 'liberal', 'aisociatam', 'resolution', 'adopted', 'declaring', 'favor', 'reform', 'land', 'law', 'favor', 'local', 'self', 'government', 'disestablishment', 'church', 'state', 'control', 'liquor_traffic', 'association', 'voted', 'confidence', 'gladstone', 'police', 'attempted', 'disperse', 'socialist', 'meeting', 'stettin', 'feb', 'failed', 'force', 'military', 'summoned', 'fixed', 'bayonet', 'drove', 'people', 'hall', 'people', 'wounded', 'bayonet', 'thrust', 'man', 'reported', 'killed', 'hall', 'completely', 'wrecked', 'magdeburg', 'socialist', 'arrested', 'charge', 'belonging', 'ill', 'preaching', 'character', 'inform', 'mind', 'heart', 'spiritual_nature', 'god', 'law', 'set', 'forth', 'clear', 'practical', 'light', 'obligation', 'presented', 'enforced', 'great', 'plainness', 'sabbath', 'afternoon', 'movement', 'congregation', 'response', 'desired', 'willing', 'seek', 'closer', 'connection', 'god', 'unanimous', 'minister', 'lay_members', 'given', 'service', 'christ', 'question', 'great_interest', 'importance', 'considered', 'embracing', 'mission', 'home', 'foreign', 'canvassing', 'work', 'city', 'mission', 'health', 'temperance_work', 'circulation', 'american', 'sentinel', 'brought', 'meeting', 'committee', 'resolution', 'subject', 'city', 'mission', 'recommended', 'training', 'school', 'worker', 'established', 'soon', 'practicable', 'connection', 'paul', 'mission', 'following', 'preamble', 'resolution', 'presented', 'committee', 'called', 'animated', 'discussion', 'referred', 'board', 'director', 'society', 'report', 'plan', 'action', 'believed', 'effort', 'legislature', 'state', 'present', 'session', 'repeal', 'clause', 'sunday', 'law', 'exempting', 'observe', 'seventh', 'day', 'resolved', 'mean', 'provided', 'person', 'selected', 'place', 'american', 'sentinel', 'marvel', 'nation', 'hand', 'member', 'legislature', 'editor', 'lawyer', 'state', 'soon', 'possible', 'board', 'recommended', 'bro', 'allen', 'moon', 'paul', 'procure', 'address', 'party', 'mentioned', 'resolution', 'spend', 'time', 'deemed', 'advisable', 'andresolution', 'submission', 'people', 'prohibitory', 'copy', 'sentinel', 'sent', 'term', 'month', 'expense', 'apportioned', 'district', 'pro', 'rata', 'general', 'expense', 'society', 'past', 'sabbath', 'school', 'received', 'consideration', 'time', 'limited', 'question', 'attention', 'importance', 'demends', 'feel', 'peter', 'mount', 'transfiguration', 'lord', 'good', 'curtis', 'appeal', 'church', 'ohio', 'brother', 'ohio', 'doubtless', 'interested', 'success', 'mission_work', 'state', 'worker', 'trying', 'disseminate', 'light', 'present_truth', 'possible', 'manner', 'facility', 'reaching', 'people', 'city', 'great', 'darkness', 'wholly', 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'entrance', 'gate', 'officer', 'member', 'vermont', 'tract', 'society', 'notice', 'late', 'number', 'review', 'state_agent', 'bro', 'bicknell', 'worker', 'canvassing', 'field', 'trust', 'meet', 'ready', 'response', 'church', 'vermont', 'spasmodic', 'effort', 'long', 'strong', 'united', 'pull', 'till', 'work', 'success', 'order', 'business', 'success', 'men', 'woman', 'devote', 'energy', 'faithfulness', 'required', 'trade', 'profession', 'want', 'men', 'stick', 'till', 'thoroughly', 'know', 'business', 'god', 'help', 'grand', 'success', 'connected', 'god', 'work', 'noble', 'god', 'blessing', 'rest', 'faithful', 'earnest', 'laborer', 'field', 'providence', 'open', 'great', 'jehovah', 'regard', 'peculiar', 'favor', 'servant', 'ready', 'lift', 'work', 'hardest', 'asking', 'help', 'needed', 'need', 'canvasser', 'vermont', 'worker', 'men', 'woman', 'support', 'selling', 'book', 'howard', 'crosby', 'lectured', 'temperance', 'thursday', 'night', 'student', 'theological', 'seminary', 'time', 'placing', 'priceless', 'treasure', 'present_truth', 'people', 'presented', 'importance', 'work', 'better', 'word', 'simply', 'urge', 'church', 'elder', 'director', 'tract_societies', 'short', 'penple', 'great', 'small', 'help', 'state_agent', 'possible_way', 'obtain', 'canvasser', 'field', 'address', 'family', 'cherry', 'indianapolis', 'ind', 'peebles', 'feb', 'vvvvwvy', 'tiro', 'week', 'ending', 'feb', 'domestic', 'decrease', 'public', 'debt', 'january', 'new', 'york', 'bank', 'hold', 'excess', 'legal', 'requirement', 'senator', 'ingalls', 'received', 'letter', 'cornmending', 'speech', 'canadian', 'fishery', 'question', 'circulation', 'standard', 'silver', 'dollar', 'steadily', 'decreasing', 'number', 'standing', 'strong', 'mormon', 'lobby', 'recently', 'left', 'salt_lake_city', 'washington', 'work', 'edmunds', 'tucker', 'car', 'load', 'beer', 'sent', 'keokuk', 'brewer', 'saoon', 'keeper', 'des_moines', 'seized', 'saturday', 'thorities', 'pennsylvania', 'house', 'wednesday', 'passed', 'joint', 'big', 'bear', 'bloodthirsty', 'actor', 'half', 'breed', 'war', 'canadian', 'northwest', 'pardoned', 'imprisonment', 'eighteenmonths', 'premier', 'mcdonald', 'amendment', 'use', 'campaign', 'argument', 'clothing', 'exchange', 'philadelphia', 'locked', 'cutter', 'numbering', 'monday', 'morning', 'probably', 'person', 'affected', 'lock', 'capital', 'punishment', 'commission', 'appointed', 'governor', 'new', 'york', 'report', 'favor', 'exterminating', 'murderer', 'electric', 'shock', 'owing', 'difference', 'opinion', 'superintendent', 'employee', 'south', 'boston', 'horse', 'railroad', 'struck', 'body', 'monday', 'account', 'compromise', 'reached', 'legislative', 'coil', 'gradually', 'tightening', 'mormon', 'monster', 'house', 'nevada', 'legislature', 'wednesday', 'adopted', 'resolution', 'disfranchising', 'mormon', 'state', 'crematorial', 'association', 'philadelphia', 'erect', 'largest', 'crematory', 'world', 'mile', 'germantown', 'junction', 'cost', 'completed', 'july', 'secretary', 'war', 'communication', 'congress', 'report', 'unorganized', 'militia', 'united', 'state', 'men', 'appears', 'arkansas', 'oregon', 'tennessee', 'mississippi', 'organized', 'force', 'negro', 'named', 'calvin', 'germany', 'near', 'greenville', 'discovered', 'free', 'man', 'working', 'brutal', 'master', 'heard', 'emancipation', 'proclamation', 'new', 'york', 'world', 'startling', 'fact', 'pension', 'list', 'united', 'state', 'current', 'year', 'amounting', 'represents', 'cent', 'public', 'debt', 'introduced', 'nebraska', 'legislature', 'providing', 'railroad', 'business', 'state', 'shall', 'january', 'year', 'issue', 'annual', 'pass', 'state', 'official', 'member', 'legislature', 'bomb', 'supposed', 'intended', 'assessination', 'great', 'singer', 'patti', 'exploded', 'prematurely', 'gallery', 'grand', 'opera', 'house', 'san_francisco', 'wednesday', 'evening', 'assassin', 'injured', 'lutheran', 'church', 'dwelling', 'greensburg', 'wrecked', 'friday', 'wind', 'presbyterian', 'church', 'wheeling', 'unroofed', 'mound', 'city', 'hotel', 'moundsville', 'partially', 'destroyed', 'recent', 'terrible', 'disaster', 'vermont', 'central', 'railroad', 'fifty', 'person', 'lost', 'life', 'revives', 'discussion', 'question', 'heating', 'railway', 'irs', 'stove', 'method', 'use', 'road', 'accident', 'probably', 'hasten', 'adoption', 'gal', 'society', 'movement', 'foot', 'provide', 'memorial', 'late', 'bishop', 'hannington', 'killed', 'eastern', 'africa', 'sunday', 'law', 'passed', 'louisiana', 'legislature', 'declared', 'constitutional', 'state', 'supreme_court', 'stated', 'pope', 'intends', 'special', 'brief', 'express', 'satisfaction', 'germany', 'effort', 'establish', 'good', 'relation', 'papal', 'persian', 'student', 'ordained', 'tuesday', 'night', 'drake', 'university', 'des_moines', 'immediately', 'return', 'teheran', 'charge', 'christian', 'mission', 'buddhist', 'archbishop', 'advises', 'people', 'burmah', 'resistance', 'accept', 'british', 'rule', 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'hoped', 'condemned', 'chicago', 'anarchist', 'pardoned', 'course', 'numerous', 'indictment', 'served', 'late', 'polygamous', 'mormon', 'salt_lake_city', 'maritial', 'phenomenon', 'queer', 'order', 'brought', 'light', 'day', 'man', 'brought', 'cornmissioner', 'mccoy', 'appeared', 'married', 'living', 'woman', 'solemnized', 'contract', 'deceased', 'female', 'form', 'ceremony', 'require', 'mormon', 'idea', 'run', 'saved', 'resurrection', 'help', 'build', 'eternal', 'kingdom', 'edmunds', 'law', 'construed', 'cover', 'post', 'mortem', 'polygamy', 'turned', 'loose', 'relief', 'rutgers', 'college', 'said', 'believe', 'pledge', 'created', 'great', 'sensation', 'remarking', 'man', 'afford', 'drink', 'claret', 'beefsteak', 'acid', 'refrained', 'wine', 'fool', 'jesse', 'arnot', 'livery', 'stable', 'louis', 'destroyed', 'wednesday', 'night', 'carriage', 'buggiestwo', 'ere', 'consumed', 'horse', 'burneddeath', 'number', 'fireman', 'caught', 'falling', 'wall', 'men', 'werefatally', 'injured', 'man', 'thought', 'buried', 'heruins', 'financial', 'loss', 'robably', 'extensive', 'flood', 'prevailed', 'past_week', 'telt', 'religious'] gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - adding document #110000 to Dictionary(730929 unique tokens: ['debatefor', 'surveyor', 'fotdi', 'timolives', 'tvye']...) root - INFO - extracting file #110500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18870920-V64-38-page3.txt root - INFO - extracting file #111000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18880501-V65-18-page14.txt root - INFO - ['chemical', 'paint', 'henry', 'woodson', 'lake', 'crossing', 'mass', 'burned', 'wednesday', 'night', 'loss', 'fully', 'insured', 'flour', 'output', 'minneapolis', 'minn', 'week', 'barrel', 'week', 'barrel', 'preceding', 'week', 'thursday', 'night', 'building', 'new', 'york', 'occupied', 'rosendorf', 'lesser', 'felix', 'klotz', 'caused', 'loss', 'aggregating', 'coal', 'train', 'reading', 'road', 'collided', 'thursday', 'morning', 'woodburn', 'station', 'seventy', 'car', 'wrecked', 'conductor', 'brakeman', 'killed', 'large', 'boarding', 'house', 'west', 'eighth', 'street', 'new', 'york', 'wednesday', 'morning', 'caused', 'panic', 'inmate', 'woman', 'servant', 'badly', 'burned', 'birnamwood', 'thursday', 'morning', 'lake', 'shore', 'western', 'freight', 'train', 'dashed', 'work', 'train', 'injuring', 'dozen', 'laborer', 'critical', 'condition', 'train', 'western', 'new', 'york', 'pennsylvania', 'road', 'ditched', 'near', 'olean', 'saturday', 'morning', 'resulting', 'death', 'person', 'injury', 'thirty', 'portion', 'delaware', 'iron', 'work', 'new', 'york', 'destroyed', 'ere', 'wednesday', 'night', 'causing', 'loss', 'fully', 'covered', 'insurance', 'fireman', 'badly', 'injured', 'hanging', 'occurred', 'different_parts', 'country', 'friday', 'fort', 'smith', 'ark', 'leonardtown', 'maryland', 'ono', 'orangeburg', 'anderson', 'accident', 'occurred', 'friday', 'burlington', 'missouri', 'railroad', 'near', 'alma', 'neb', 'express', 'train', 'precipitated', 'bridge', 'killing', 'man', 'injuring', 'lira', 'new', 'york', 'flat', 'midnight', 'tuesday', 'woman', 'burned', 'death', 'people', 'verely', 'burned', 'limb', 'broken', 'jumping', 'windos', 'pecuniary', 'loss', 'small', 'loss', 'manufacturing', 'winona', 'minn', 'recent', 'flood', 'estimated', 'minnesota', 'boom', 'company', 'lose', 'foot', 'log', 'valued', 'making', 'lose', 'lumbering', 'cyclone', 'struck', 'town', 'pratt', 'kau', 'late', 'thursdirj', 'afternoon', 'detifolishlug', 'house', 'william', 'feller', 'woe', 'fatally', 'injured', 'bruised', 'flying', 'timber', 'second', 'cyclone', 'town', 'experienced', 'season', 'ill', 'friday', 'toledo', 'peoria', 'western', 'rallwayiee', 'tied', 'unpaid', 'claim', 'damage', 'suiting', 'tfiroin', 'chatsworth', 'wreck', 'paying', 'leo', 'hartman', 'chicago', 'total', 'claim', 'paid', 'friday', 'evening', 'school', 'exhibition', 'progress', 'itushylvania', 'floor', 'suddenly', 'gave', 'way', 'precipitating', 'auditnee', 'person', 'floor', 'beneath', 'distance', 'foot', 'lady', 'killed', 'atiout', 'fifty', 'injured', 'probably', 'fatally', 'chester', 'ill', 'thursday', 'afternoon', 'destroyed', 'story', 'building', 'southern', 'illinois', 'penitentiary', 'oceunlby', 'western', 'boot', 'shoe', 'manufacturing', 'compan', 'loss', 'state', 'building', 'contractor', 'machinery', 'stock', 'committee', 'appointed', 'anti', 'administration', 'knight', 'labor', 'chicago', 'october', 'wednesday', 'night', 'issued', 'circular', 'order', 'declaring', 'membership', 'dwindled', 'powderly', 'special', 'fund', 'lecture', 'order', 'bankruptcy', 'calling', 'knight', 'join', 'opposition', 'winona', 'miss', 'saturday', 'caused', 'loss', 'recent', 'burning', 'tire', 'eau', 'claire', 'sash', 'door', 'company', 'manufactory', 'involved', 'loss', 'large', 'roller', 'waterloo', 'iowa', 'caught', 'worth', 'property', 'destroyed', 'delphi', 'red', 'building', 'valued', 'destroyed', 'tire', 'great', 'montezuma', 'irrigating', 'tunnel', 'colorado', 'completed', 'april', 'tunnel', 'mile', 'long', 'run', 'range', 'mountain', 'composing', 'rockies', 'fifty', 'mile', 'canal', 'convey', 'water', 'dolores', 'river', 'richest', 'agricultural', 'valley', 'colorado', 'acre', 'land', 'reclaimed', 'enterprise', 'tire', 'establishment', 'louisiana', 'furniture', 'collin', 'manufacturing', 'company', 'new', 'orleans', 'burned', 'thu', 'sday', 'loss', 'store', 'destro', 'new', 'madison', 'ohio', 'causing', 'loss', 'atlantic', 'machine', 'work', 'east', 'boston', 'mass', 'werelifurned', 'recently', 'involving', 'loss', 'fully', 'maur', 'workman', 'injured', 'falling', 'wall', 'born', 'expected', 'recover', 'vol', 'creased', 'armament', 'war', 'financial', 'credit', 'extend', 'indebtedness', 'total', 'annual', 'european', 'indebtedness', 'isabela', 'people', 'burdened', 'high', 'tax', 'cost', 'simply', 'prepared', 'international', 'conflict', 'europe', 'look', 'cost', 'actually', 'carry', 'leg', 'lord', 'war', 'human', 'redemption', 'universal', 'church', 'entire', 'foreign', 'field', 'including', 'men', 'woman', 'native', 'helper', 'considerable', 'laborer', 'expend', 'yearly', 'europe', 'time', 'soldier', 'spends', 'time', 'dollar', 'year', 'entire', 'church', 'christendom', 'muster', 'men', 'money', 'lord', 'war', 'age', 'ppointineuts', 'said', 'unto', 'world', 'preach', 'gospel', 'toe', 'creature', 'mark', 'tax', 'annual_session', 'iowa', 'conference', 'held', 'des_moines', 'connection', 'camp', 'meeting', 'june', 'confidently', 'expect', 'church', 'largely', 'represented', 'morrison', 'pre', 'tit', 'annual_session', 'iowa', 'tract', 'mission', 'ary', 'society', 'held', 'des_moines', 'connection', 'camp', 'meeting', 'june', 'brother', 'expo', 'present', 'instruction', 'mottithion', 'pres', 'providenor', 'permitting', 'quarterly', 'meetlog', 'dist', 'held', 'silver', 'hill', 'meeting', 'begin', 'friday', 'evening', 'leader', 'bro', 'cobb', 'appoint', 'like', 'sabbathschool', 'early', 'possible', 'better', 'llope', 'good_attendance', 'district', 'expected', 'eld', 'brown', 'pres', 'meeting', 'vildein', 'shall', 'attend', 'district', 'time', 'come', 'brother', 'let', 'seek', 'lord', 'sande', 'cal', 'celebrated', 'april', 'completion', 'sweet', 'water', 'dam', 'city', 'water', 'work', 'dam', 'oil', 'masonry', 'built', 'sweet', 'water', 'valley', 'order', 'orm', 'large', 'reservoir', 'purpose', 'water', 'lie', 'dry', 'sea', 'dam', 'ninety', 'foot', 'high', 'use', 'claimed', 'foot', 'highest', 'dotn', 'united', 'state', 'area', 'reservoir', 'storing', 'nerea', 'cost', 'dam', 'advent', 'review', 'mid', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'strangest', 'natural', 'phenomenon', 'country', 'scientist', 'failed', 'explain', 'said', 'unceasing', 'change', 'depth', 'lake', 'michigan', 'chicago', 'river', 'carefully', 'recorded', 'measurement', 'hight', 'surface', 'lake', 'daily', 'figure', 'reveal', 'remarkable', 'fact', 'surface', 'lake', 'gradually', 'rise', 'sink', 'alternately', 'period', 'greatest', 'altitude', 'lowest', 'depression', 'half', 'yeara', 'constituting', 'entire', 'cycle', 'seven', 'year', 'engineer', 'geologist', 'meteorologist', 'asked', 'explanation', 'phenomenon', 'vain', 'total', 'distance', 'highest', 'period', 'lowest', 'period', 'live', 'foot', 'making', 'question', 'problem', 'navigation', 'water', 'river', 'low', 'number', 'vessel', 'ore', 'stranded', 'mud', 'according', 'record', 'past', 'water', 'year', 'expected', 'lower', 'year', 'low', 'stage', 'water', 'seven', 'year', 'ago', 'size', 'vessel', 'load', 'increased', 'enormously', 'foreign', 'thousand', 'foreign', 'jew', 'odessa', 'received', 'notice', 'leave', 'place', 'week', 'resolution', 'adopted', 'toronto', 'city_council', 'monday', 'night', 'protesting', 'great', 'britain', 'practice', 'shipping', 'destitute', 'person', 'canada', 'british', 'house', 'common', 'wednesday', 'night', 'sir', 'john', 'macdonald', 'sir', 'charles', 'tupper', 'stated', 'confitieut', 'united', 'state', 'forced', 'compensate', 'canadian', 'damaged', 'seizure', 'sealer', 'sebring', 'sea', 'project', 'consideration', 'berlin', 'frankfort', 'vienna', 'capitalist', 'gigantic', 'canal', 'scheme', 'link', 'danube', 'neckar', 'elbe', 'oder', 'vistula', 'piercing', 'continent', 'miediterranean', 'black', 'sea', 'baltic', 'north', 'sea', 'recent', 'dispatch', 'constantinople', 'affray', 'occurred', 'turk', 'christian', 'khania', 'christian', 'killed', 'body', 'mutilated', 'turk', 'wounded', 'mussutmans', 'threatened', 'governor', 'christian', 'inhabitant', 'ring', 'leader', 'arrested', 'quiet', 'restored', 'steamer', 'city', 'new', 'york', 'arriving', 'sunday', 'san', 'francisco', 'cal', 'china', 'brings', 'earthquake', 'yunnan', 'prefect', 'lin', 'chi', 'hen', 'shill', 'ping', 'kien', 'shut', 'jointly', 'reported', 'governor', 'annan', 'follows', 'second', 'day', 'twelfth', 'month', 'year', 'till', 'day', 'year', 'shock', 'earthquake', 'accompanied', 'noise', 'like', 'thunder', 'yamens', 'city', 'shill', 'ping', 'kien', 'shut', 'knocked', 'split', 'temple', 'likewise', 'shih', 'ping', 'tenth', 'house', 'south', 'falling', 'half', 'east', 'northwest', 'thousand', 'cracked', 'bent', 'perpendicular', 'people', 'crushed', 'death', 'injured', 'tung', 'wang', 'crushed', 'death', 'wounded', 'nan', 'illang', 'dead', 'injured', 'mang', 'dead', 'injured', 'pelt', 'hang', 'killed', 'number', 'injured', 'piece', 'named', 'auburbs', 'town', 'suburba', 'people', 'killed', 'wounded', 'tenth', 'house', 'fallen', 'rest', 'cracked', 'leaning', 'kien', 'shut', 'city', 'seven', 'killed', 'wounded', 'northwest', 'suburb', 'house', 'overturned', 'people', 'killed', 'wounded', 'religious', 'rev', 'win', 'taylor', 'bishop', 'africa', 'returned', 'country', 'report', 'thirty', 'mission', 'started', 'missionary', 'men', 'woman', 'died', 'mission', 'self', 'supporting', 'wiloox', 'director', 'sunday', 'recommended', 'hammond', 'general_conference', 'methodist_church', 'day', 'fasting', 'prayer', 'entire', 'church', 'view', 'important_matters', 'demand', 'attention', 'approaching', 'general_conference', 'resolution', 'petitioning', 'general_conference', 'amendment', 'discipline', 'striking', 'certain', 'specification', 'sinful', 'amusement', 'arid', 'making', 'judicious', 'complete', 'catalogue', 'forbidden', 'diversion', 'adopted', 'monday', 'methodist', 'episcopal', 'minister', 'cincinnati', 'vote', 'sixteen', 'committee', 'select', 'place', 'annual', 'convention', 'german', 'baptist', 'united', 'state', 'decided', 'harrisonburg', 'convention', 'held', 'tuesday', 'whitsunday', 'person', 'denomination', 'repreaeuting', 'state', 'union', 'usually', 'attend', 'annual', 'gathering', 'lit', 'rev', 'monsignor', 'leon', 'bouland', 'prelate', 'roman_catholic_church', 'addressed', 'letter', 'pope', 'withdrawing', 'catholic', 'communion', 'subscribe', 'teaching', 'doctrine', 'proclaimed', 'vatican', 'council', 'admit', 'preteusiouo', 'ultrionontanism', 'claim', 'absolute', 'authority', 'scientific', 'philosophical', 'social', 'politlend', 'matter', 'religious', 'affair', 'missionary', 'review', 'draw', 'following', 'contrast', 'war', 'mission', 'regard', 'burn', 'expended', 'eac', 'christian_nations', 'earth', 'total', 'annual', 'expenditun', 'war', 'navy', 'department', 'leuropeani', 'government', 'said', 'reach', 'enormous', 'sum', 'government', 'aro', 'immensely', 'debt', 'political', 'situation', 'require', 'inr', 'bituarn', 'tiofirts', 'blessed', 'dead', 'die', 'lord', 'henceforth', 'rev', 'clarx', 'died', 'south', 'conway', 'april', 'reuel', 'clark', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'tiro', 'clark', 'faille', 'health', 'year', 'embraced', 'sabbath', 'truth', 'autumn', 'aleknose', 'somewhat', 'deranged', 'mind', 'clear', 'prayed', 'awl', 'whiling', 'laid', 'away', 'rest', 'jesus', 'ile', 'city', 'companion', 'ono', 'daughter', 'grandchild', 'mourn', 'loss', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'writer', 'ifowaaa', 'soutiiivort', 'diod', 'scarlet_fever', 'march', 'bangor', 'minn', 'freddie', 'son', 'norman', 'aimed', 'southwurth', 'tenth', 'year', 'lila', 'age', 'ile', 'good_boy', 'tried', 'sabbath', 'mother', 'sister', 'best', 'arid', 'read', 'hie', 'bible', 'great', 'deal', 'lay', 'away', 'sorrowful', 'heart', 'hope', 'rise', 'resurrection', 'jean', 'hope', 'meet', 'disease', 'obliged', 'bury', 'day', 'funeral', 'survives', 'held', 'kea', 'soimiwortil', 'gowsid', 'died', 'denver', 'mich', 'march', 'lung', 'fever', 'william', 'son', 'sylvester', 'marla', 'cowell', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'willie', 'joined', 'tire', 'liabhath', 'schoot', 'year', 'following', 'united', 'north', 'denver', 'church', 'faithful', 'bower', 'jesus', 'beloved', 'knew', 'year', 'age', 'backslid', 'retain', 'love', 'truth', 'expressing', 'sire', 'return', 'church', 'ida', 'sickness', 'penitent', 'trust', 'accepted', 'god', 'sermon', 'writer', 'job', 'melee', 'csaresrmt', 'vasauftesi', 'died', 'tubercular', 'consumption', 'toledo', 'ohio', 'match', 'home', 'son', 'vanauken', 'vanatiken', 'aged', 'fifty', 'year', 'attended', 'camp', 'meeting', 'baraboo', 'wll', 'heard', 'preaching', 'white', 'soon', 'member', 'lurch', 'mackford', 'home', 'battle', 'creek', 'year', 'earnest', 'missionary', 'worker', 'sho', 'affectionate', 'mother', 'loaf', 'rens', 'mourn', 'loss', 'spiritual_interests', 'manifested', 'tenderest', 'care', 'believe', 'sleep', 'jesus', 'hadohny', 'ibtemccoos', 'fell', 'asleep', 'near', 'alliance', 'box', 'butte', 'neb', 'april', 'emily', 'daughter', 'albert', 'arid', 'lilian', 'iledgecock', 'seed', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'disease', 'brain', 'fever', 'suffering', 'groat', 'short', 'duration', 'lay', 'dear', 'little', 'emily', 'away', 'blessed', 'hope', 'meeting', 'jesus', 'come', 'second', 'dear_children', 'taken', 'dread', 'enemy', 'death', 'rie', 'accepted', 'truth', 'oil', 'world', 'blessed', 'hope', 'jesus', 'coln', 'frig', 'ill', 'ransomed', 'iilaco', 'sickness', 'death', 'iikdoilink', 'bisal', 'perry', 'bbel', 'eon', 'george', 'sarah', 'sisal', 'killed', 'near', 'akron', 'ohio', 'april', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'time', 'death', 'acting', 'brakesman', 'new', 'york', 'pennsylvania', 'ohio', 'post', 'duty', 'met', 'death', 'suddenly', 'struck', 'railroad', 'bridge', 'train', 'passing', 'ile', 'baptized', 'june', 'burin', 'united', 'tine', 'waterford', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'called', 'mourn', 'mourn', 'net', 'eir', 'hope', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'job', 'large', 'sympathetic', 'congregation', 'foe', 'garkill', 'fell', 'asleep', 'april', 'mary', 'waken', 'wife', 'casket', 'daughter', 'eliza', 'lindsay', 'fifty', 'second', 'year', 'age', 'gaiikell', 'loath', 'illness', 'day', 'fall', 'sudden', 'moat', 'grief', 'large_circle', 'dear_friends', 'family', 'newfitne', 'church', 'entire', 'community', 'acquaintance', 'deprived', 'devoted', 'member', 'life', 'iii', 'inn', 'sacrillee', 'previous', 'cane', 'truth', 'gish', 'death', 'triumph', 'christian', 'hope', 'word', 'consolation', 'matt', 'spoken', 'large_congregation', 'assembled', 'funeral', 'munson', 'president'] root - INFO - extracting file #111500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18881211-V65-49-page3.txt root - INFO - extracting file #112000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18890723-V66-30-page14.txt root - INFO - ['advent', 'rev', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'vol', 'bring', 'forth', 'good_fruit', 'tree', 'bringeth', 'forth', 'good_fruit', 'hewn', 'cast', 'wherefore', 'fruit', 'shall', 'know', 'matt', 'david', 'saw', 'judgment', 'god', 'people', 'account', 'sin', 'david', 'spake_unto', 'lord', 'saw', 'angel', 'smote', 'people', 'said', 'sinned', 'wickedly', 'sheep', 'let', 'thine_hand', 'pray', 'thee', 'father', 'house', 'sam', 'response', 'god', 'repentance', 'gad', 'came', 'day', 'david', 'said', 'unto', 'rear', 'altar', 'unto', 'lord', 'threshing', 'floor', 'araunah', 'jebusite', 'verse', 'reception', 'david', 'meet', 'lie', 'went', 'sacrifice', 'araunah', 'looked', 'saw', 'king', 'servant', 'coming', 'araunah', 'went', 'bowed', 'king', 'face', 'ground', 'araunah', 'said', 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'estimated', 'farm', 'joshua', 'warfield', 'near', 'florence', 'saturday', 'horse', 'killed', 'men', 'stunned', 'stroke', 'lightning', 'loop', 'hole', 'discovered', 'sunday', 'closing', 'ordinance', 'kansa', 'city', 'permit', 'saloonists', 'door', 'open', 'stable', 'lowell', 'horse', 'railroad', 'lowell', 'mass', 'burned', 'wednesday', 'horse', 'car', 'loss', 'tate', 'wealthy', 'tennessee', 'bachelor', 'thursday', 'distributed', 'legged', 'armed', 'confederate', 'soldier', 'east', 'tennessee', 'contest', 'property', 'thomas', 'blythe', 'begun', 'san_francisco', 'cal', 'monday', 'brought', 'claimant', 'estate', 'valued', 'earthquake', 'shock', 'sufficient', 'severity', 'shake', 'dwelling', 'badly', 'frighten', 'inhabitant', 'reported', 'memphis', 'covington', 'tenn', 'friday', 'evening', 'insurance', 'men', 'endeavor', 'recover', 'specie', 'went', 'steamer', 'granada', 'wrecked', 'mile', 'south', 'manzanillo', 'june', 'messrs', 'anderson', 'london', 'signed', 'contract', 'build', 'fleet', 'steamer', 'new', 'atlantic', 'mail', 'service', 'steamer', 'travel', 'quebec', 'plymouth', 'day', 'performance', 'bristol', 'circus', 'milford', 'mass', 'tuesday', 'evening', 'tier', 'seat', 'fell', 'people', 'went', 'bruised', 'seriously', 'hurt', 'johnstown', 'committee', 'pittsburg', 'decided', 'wind', 'affair', 'leave', 'state', 'commission', 'charge', 'tuesday', 'committee', 'voted', 'fund', 'hand', 'distribution', 'commission', 'shortage', 'wheat', 'crop', 'dakota', 'bushel', 'county', 'total', 'failure', 'business', 'men', 'held', 'meeting', 'thursday', 'lakota', 'devise', 'mean', 'provide', 'needy', 'state', 'senator', 'creighton', 'convicted', 'jury', 'bribing', 'san_francisco', 'year', 'ago', 'escaped', 'sentence', 'pronounced', 'returned', 'monday', 'night', 'gave', 'having', 'worked', 'passage', 'australia', 'enact', 'license', 'law', 'reported', 'joint', 'special', 'session', 'rhode', 'island', 'legislature', 'providence', 'tuesday', 'sub', 'class', 'license', 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'dead', 'sailor', 'yellow_fever', 'ordered', 'grosse', 'isle', 'quarantine', 'specimen', 'paper', 'money', 'issued', 'siam', 'sent', 'secretary', 'state', 'washington', 'issue', 'sanctioned', 'king', 'thought', 'beneficial', 'country', 'london', 'daily_news', 'communication', 'english', 'american', 'government', 'resulted', 'understanding', 'avert', 'trouble', 'behring', 'sea', 'seal', 'fishing', 'season', 'violent', 'storm', 'accompanied', 'whirlwind', 'prevailed', 'austria', 'hungary', 'heavy', 'loss', 'life', 'property', 'reported', 'bridge', 'destroyed', 'railway', 'traffic', 'seriously', 'interrupted', 'american', 'recently', 'arrested', 'austrian', 'frontier', 'having', 'luggage', 'unmistakable', 'dynamite', 'bomb', 'investigation', 'proved', 'cocoa', 'nut', 'austrian', 'authority', 'seen', 'gladstone', 'said', 'considering', 'question', 'practicable', 'british', 'empire', 'piece', 'manner', 'separate', 'nationality', 'hold', 'crown', 'relation', 'similar', 'state', 'united', 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'qualification', 'prepare', 'independent', 'far', 'livelihood', 'concerned', 'spot', 'face', 'earth', 'sick', 'ability', 'minister', 'sick', 'afflicted', 'know', 'relieve', 'suffering', 'prevent', 'disease', 'death', 'sure', 'sufficient', 'pecuniary', 'return', 'provide', 'ample', 'support', 'making', 'certain', 'receiving', 'satisfactory', 'reward', 'gratitude', 'appreciation', 'labor', 'year', 'ago', 'manager', 'sanitarium', 'arranged', 'brief', 'course', 'training', 'designed', 'fit', 'young_man', 'woman', 'ability', 'experience', 'enter', 'field', 'lecturer', 'teacher', 'canvasser', 'issued', 'brother', 'different', 'conference', 'look', 'suitable', 'person', 'encourage', 'attend', 'school', 'responded', 'correspondence', 'dint', 'perseverance', 'having', 'charge', 'work', 'finally', 'succeeded', 'getting', 'class', 'large', 'warrant', 'expenditure', 'running', 'school', 'short', 'school', 'success', 'result', 'dozen', 'person', 'past', 'month', 'spending', 'large_share', 'time', 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'present', 'thursday', 'morning', 'organization', 'day', 'sabbath', 'work', 'started', 'canvasser', 'drill', 'instruction', 'work', 'commence', 'sunday', 'nov', 'hope', 'meet', 'canvasser', 'field', 'present', 'church', 'instruction', 'glad', 'brother', 'meeting', 'possible', 'attend', 'expect', 'engage', 'actively', 'work', 'present', 'pay', 'acquainted', 'familiar', 'work', 'lord', 'meeting', 'nov', 'interesting', 'held', 'state', 'fit', 'conference', 'meeting', 'brother', 'lay', 'aside', 'care', 'worldly', 'business', 'come', 'desire', 'possession', 'lord', 'bless', 'abundantly', 'read', 'sister', 'white', 'meeting', 'time', 'year', 'tell', 'labor', 'trust', 'special_efforts', 'present', 'account', 'elder', 'white', 'robinson', 'mile', 'lord', 'speak', 'samuel', 'think', 'calling', 'verse', 'think', 'verse', 'time', 'mistake', 'voice', 'god', 'eli', 'verse', 'direction', 'eli', 'finally', 'lord', 'called', 'fourth', 'time', 'samuel', 'verse', 'important', 'revelation', 'lord', 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'instrumentality', 'apparent', 'difficulty', 'trusting', 'lord', 'men', 'advantage', 'way', 'plan', 'frustrated', 'trouble', 'scarcely', 'pass', 'away', 'involved', 'tried', 'guard', 'point', 'danger', 'theabove', 'imaginary', 'sketch', 'thousand', 'day', 'battling', 'cloud', 'discouragement', 'sabeans', 'chaldean', 'visible', 'cause', 'job', 'affliction', 'supposed', 'human', 'agency', 'lira', 'god', 'consumed', 'flock', 'wind', 'swept', 'away', 'building', 'killed', 'son', 'saw', 'superhuman', 'power', 'work', 'great', 'humiliation', 'confession', 'saying', 'lord', 'gave', 'lord_hath', 'taken', 'away', 'job', 'needed', 'hand', 'god', 'feel', 'lot', 'joy', 'sorrow', 'concerning', 'control', 'nativity', 'time', 'birth', 'circumstance', 'whieh', 'began', 'life', 'left', 'choose', 'god', 'accepts', 'thing', 'considered', 'fully', 'promised', 'declared', 'things_work', 'good', 'love', 'rom', 'supposing', 'born', 'blind', 'maimed', 'poverty', 'good', 'god', 'turn', 'affliction', 'honor', 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'proportion', 'nutritive', 'element', 'aside', 'bread', 'grain', 'cooked', 'soft', 'valuable', 'important', 'food', 'wheat', 'subjected', 'great_variety', 'milling', 'process', 'pearled', 'crushed', 'cracked', 'rolled', 'properly', 'prepared', 'table', 'excel', 'lent', 'food', 'pearled', 'wheat', 'cracked', 'wheat', 'browned', 'cooking', 'prepared', 'food', 'different', 'wheat', 'original', 'state', 'corn', 'corn', 'valuable', 'cereal', 'lacking', 'gluten', 'reason', 'readily', 'light', 'bread', 'bread', 'producing', 'material', 'native', 'population', 'mexico', 'bread', 'wholly', 'corn', 'parch', 'corn', 'use', 'largely', 'method', 'heat', 'sand', 'hot', 'corn', 'kernel', 'pop'] root - INFO - extracting file #118500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18970629-V74-26s-page1.txt root - INFO - extracting file #119000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980104-V75-01-page19.txt root - INFO - ['number', 'christian', 'educator', 'issued', 'constantly', 'advocated', 'idea', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 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'institution', 'supposed', 'carry', 'chosen', 'worksomewhere', 'world', 'suppose', 'institution', 'wage', 'ask', 'board', 'borrow', 'money', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'pay', 'wage', 'support', 'thought', 'said', 'brother', 'hinder', 'having', 'wage', 'wage', 'want', 'simply', 'work', 'wage', 'want', 'borrow', 'money', 'ask', 'anybody', 'money', 'pay', 'wage', 'presence', 'committee', 'board', 'generally', 'evidence', 'key', 'ministry', 'turned', 'wrong_side', 'long', 'entirely', 'largely', 'practice', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'actually', 'principle', 'seriously', 'considered', 'work', 'reorganization', 'better', 'way', 'thank', 'lord', 'way', 'way', 'gospel', 'simply', 'preach', 'gospel', 'power', 'god', 'people', 'possession', 'power', 'god', 'wisdom', 'god', 'knowledge', 'god', 'man', 'man', 'power', 'way', 'world', 'strike', 'earth', 'bare', 'hand', 'begin', 'way', 'want', 'truly', 'christian', 'world', 'need', 'way', 'use', 'faculty', 'bare', 'hand', 'written', 'power', 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'young_people', 'work', 'local', 'church', 'best', 'enlist', 'energy', 'youth', 'service', 'problem', 'merit', 'study', 'youth', 'denomination', 'constitute', 'inexhaustible', 'gold', 'church', 'enemy', 'waiting', 'dash', 'steal', 'precious', 'nugget', 'speedily', 'mined', 'assayed', 'coined', 'currency', 'legal', 'tender', 'heaven', 'commerce', 'salvation', 'men', 'given', 'suggestive', 'program', 'january', 'general_articles', 'appear', 'paper', 'letter', 'conference_presidents', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'secretary', 'sent', 'direct', 'church', 'let', 'church', 'company', 'fail', 'observe', 'day', 'cooperate', 'cod', 'earnest', 'prayerful', 'effort', 'promise', 'isa', 'given', 'program', 'song', 'christ', 'song', 'page', 'new_edition', 'prayer', 'scripture', 'reading', 'joshua', 'song', 'christ', 'song', 'page', 'new_edition', 'paper', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'work', 'aid', 'supplying', 'worker', 'paper', 'value', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'work', 'conference', 'special', 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'preached', 'brother', 'white', 'loma', 'linda', 'cal', 'kate', 'drulard', 'sartorius', 'john', 'sartorius', 'born', 'lee', 'county', 'illinois', 'sept', 'died', 'sept', 'marshalltown', 'iowa', 'brother', 'sartorius', 'enlisted', 'fourth', 'illinois', 'infantry', 'outbreak', 'civil_war', 'served', 'year', 'embraced', 'angel', 'message', 'year', 'ago', 'preaching', 'elder', 'john', 'remained', 'faithful', 'end', 'poor_health', 'year', 'previous', 'death', 'bore', 'suffering', 'great', 'patience', 'wife', 'child', 'mourn', 'loss', 'husband', 'father', 'campbell', 'field', 'sept', 'union', 'born', 'child', 'son', 'survive', 'resident', 'home', 'township', 'past', 'year', 'believer', 'adventist', 'faith', 'seven', 'year', 'ago', 'remained', 'member', 'church', 'death', 'leaf', 'mourn', 'loss', 'wife', 'son', 'brother', 'sister', 'large_circle', 'friend', 'lamson', 'foggin', 'foggin', 'born', 'monroe', 'county', 'ohio', 'june', 'died', 'dropsy', 'home', 'reedsville', 'ohio', 'sept', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'year', 'married', 'france', 'goudy', 'echols', 'born', 'daughter', 'companion', 'accepted', 'angel', 'message', 'year', 'year', 'later', 'ordained', 'gospel_ministry', 'died', 'blessed', 'hope', 'coming', 'forth', 'resurrection', 'left', 'mourn', 'loss', 'wife', 'daughter', 'son', 'wife', 'stepson', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'peter', 'interfaith', 'ministry', 'elder', 'van', 'horn', 'nearly', 'seventeen', 'year', 'sister', 'taylor', 'faithful', 'muchloved', 'member', 'grandville', 'mich', 'church', 'fell', 'asleep', 'jesus', 'grandville', 'mich', 'aug', 'husband', 'child', 'brother', 'sister', 'survive', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'col', 'elder', 'hansen', 'assisted', 'writer', 'smith', 'kane', 'robinson', 'kane', 'born', 'fayette', 'iowa', 'july', 'died', 'sierra', 'madre', 'cal', 'aug', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'brother', 'robbie', 'known', 'friend', 'entire', 'life', 'example', 'believer', 'left', 'young_people', 'noble', 'example', 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'raney', 'born', 'tennessee', 'aug', 'died', 'junta', 'colo', 'sept', 'away', 'home', 'guthrie', 'okla', 'contracted', 'typhoid_fever', 'died', 'family', 'knew', 'sick', 'rent', 'cemetery', 'reedsville', 'age', 'joined', 'baptist', 'church', 'moved', 'oklahoma', 'heard', 'angel', 'message', 'accepted', 'firm_believer', 'faith', 'time', 'death', 'devoted', 'husband', 'loving', 'father', 'delight', 'talk', 'bible', 'subject', 'leaf', 'wife', 'daughter', 'son', 'mourn', 'loss', 'ohio', 'rosams', 'clunas', 'henry', 'clunas', 'born', 'haldimand', 'county', 'ontario', 'jan', 'died', 'near', 'detroit', 'minn', 'aug', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'clay', 'age', 'came', 'minnesota', 'settling', 'farm', 'near', 'detroit', 'resided', 'day', 'death', 'accepted', 'jesus', 'personal', 'saviour', 'year', 'ago', 'labor', 'elder', 'kuehl', 'baptized', 'united', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'unselfish', 'christian_life', 'leaf', 'stepmother', 'brother', 'sister', 'mourn', 'loss', 'prayer', 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'meet', 'resurspoken', 'elder', 'black', 'thess', 'post', 'office', 'washington', 'rection', 'morning', 'hanson', 'kathleen', 'black', 'act', 'congress', 'match', 'year', 'term', 'advance', 'month', 'month', 'extra', 'ostage', 'charged', 'couories', 'universal_postal', 'union', 'post', 'office', 'money', 'order', 'payable', 'tion', 'address', 'communication', 'draft', 'express', 'money', 'order', 'payable', 'review_and_herald_takoma', 'park_station', 'washington', 'entered', 'second', 'class_matter', 'august'] root - INFO - extracting file #135500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120229-V89-09-page19.txt root - INFO - extracting file #136000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120725-V89-30-page11.txt root - INFO - ['july', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'obedience', 'chas', 'sanborn', 'willing', 'obedient', 'shall', 'eat', 'good', 'land', 'isa', 'heart', 'longing', 'closer', 'god', 'nearer', 'saviour', 'walk', 'path', 'trod', 'weakness', 'simple', 'true', 'divinely', 'pure', 'strong', 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'lantern', 'walking', 'ahead', 'leaderboy', 'led', 'way', 'hour', 'wheel', 'attempt', 'avoid', 'falling', 'hole', 'dodged', 'wagon', 'pole', 'obliged', 'outspan', 'place', 'cart', 'caught', 'tree', 'win', 'bush', 'way', 'cut', 'tree', 'outspan', 'pull', 'backward', 'decided', 'quickest', 'way', 'cut', 'tree', 'pushed', 'clock', 'confronted', 'bush', 'impossible', 'pas', 'cut', 'road', 'convinced', 'lost', 'bush', 'way', 'camp', 'wait', 'daylight', 'big', 'dipper', 'southern', 'cross', 'rear', 'assured', 'north', 'south', 'pole', 'knew', 'whereabouts', 'knowing', 'lion', 'district', 'took', 'good_care', 'arrange', 'camp', 'compactly', 'possible', 'sent', 'native', 'boy', 'gather', 'dry', 'branch', 'wood', 'camp', 'time', 'life', 'realized', 'lie', 'sleep', 'bush', 'little', 'protection', 'campfire', 'trusting', 'angel', 'sentinel', 'guard', 'camp', 'weary', 'lost', 'committed', 'seeing', 'slumber', 'lay', 'slept', 'undisturbed', 'daybreak', 'soon', 'light', 'inspanned', 'changed', 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'fourteen', 'young_man', 'woman', 'large', 'crowd', 'native', 'attend', 'baptism', 'hindu', 'asia', 'thousand', 'hindu', 'german', 'british', 'east', 'peculiar', 'truth', 'profess', 'africa', 'hope', 'day', 'native', 'teacher', 'gendia', 'british', 'east', 'africa', 'night', 'lake', 'fair', 'wind', 'brought', 'island', 'rusinga', 'noon', 'january', 'called', 'chief', 'life', 'village', 'mile', 'inland', 'informed', 'chief', 'inhabitant', 'unanimously', 'agreed', 'open', 'mission_school', 'island', 'good', 'site', 'prominent', 'hill', 'chosen', 'station', 'easily', 'seen', 'steamer', 'pas', 'lake', 'rusinga', 'excellent', 'wind', 'hour', 'sail', 'gendia', 'storm', 'contrary', 'wind', 'came', 'anchor', 'night', 'near', 'destination', 'entered', 'kavirondo', 'bay', 'morning', 'enjoyed', 'interesting', 'sight', 'hippopotamus', 'popping', 'head', 'pay', 'penalty', 'life', 'extreme', 'curiosity', 'afternoon', 'native', 'enjoyed', 'great', 'feast', 'dividing', 'meat', 'monster', 'missionary', 'good_health', 'glad', 'hear', 'good_news', 'german', 'field', 'south', 'brother', 'carscallen', 'brother', 'thing', 'sabbath', 'evening', 'celebrated', 'ordinance', 'lord', 'came', 'near', 'spirit', 'time', 'short', 'social_meeting', 'meeting', 'held', 'early', 'sabbath', 'morning', 'able', 'present_year', 'double', 'good_meeting', 'sabbath', 'forenoon', 'brother', 'kotz', 'dail', 'remained', 'gendia', 'week', 'went', 'meet', 'appointment', 'governor', 'nairobi', 'arrived', 'january', 'hotel', 'growing', 'capital', 'crowded', 'difficulty', 'obtained', 'room', 'person', 'nairobi', 'thousand', 'foot', 'high', 'healthful', 'location', 'malaria', 'east', 'nairobi', 'large', 'game', 'reservation', 'west', 'million', 'kikuyus', 'people', 'considerable', 'building', 'going', 'substantial', 'shop', 'hotel', 'native', 'live', 'village', 'outside', 'town', 'limit', 'thousand', 'indian', 'goanese', 'chiefly', 'native', 'trading', 'seven', 'european', 'english', 'town', 'immediate', 'surroundings', 'excellency', 'received', 'kindly', 'interesting', 'conversation', 'thirty', 'minute', 'assured', 'mission', 'baptized', 'christian', 'offered', 'baptism', 'offered', 'baptism', 'meeting', 'total_membership', 'british', 'east', 'africa', 'church', 'mission_stations', 'kavirondos', 'promising', 'tribe', 'secured', 'number', 'bright', 'young_man', 'assist', 'english', 'missonaries', 'native', 'teacher', 'progressing', 'securing', 'literature', 'kavirondo', 'brother', 'carscallen', 'europe', 'expect', 'needed', 'book', 'printed', 'stay', 'let', 'remember', 'kavirondo', 'mission', 'prayer', 'greater', 'result', 'near_future', 'progress', 'work', 'hun', 'china', 'cottrell', 'year', 'ago', 'revolution', 'driven', 'foreign', 'worker', 'station', 'inland', 'china', 'refuge', 'shanghai', 'burden', 'mission_work', 'thrown', 'principally', 'shoulder', 'native', 'brother', 'sister', 'felt', 'great', 'concern', 'infant', 'church', 'left', 'earnest', 'petition', 'wafted', 'heavenward', 'god', 'tenderly', 'care', 'prayer', 'answered', 'war', 'brought', 'close', 'sooner', 'general_public', 'dared', 'hope', 'february', 'witnessed', 'little', 'band', 'scattering', 'respective', 'station', 'scarcely', 'single', 'instance', 'said', 'month', 'enforced', 'absence', 'work', 'retrograded', 'unraveled', 'hand', 'station', 'revealed', 'evidence', 'growth', 'native_workers', 'discouraged', 'new_believers', 'rejoicing', 'blessed', 'hope', 'greeted', 'new', 'place', 'calling', 'expected', 'cooperate', 'government', 'laid', 'special', 'stress', 'necessity', 'living', 'harmoniously', 'mission', 'preserving', 'native', 'characteristic', 'government', 'far', 'consistent', 'gospel', 'thought', 'near_future', 'way', 'open', 'receive', 'suitable', 'location', 'health', 'station', 'pushing', 'work', 'abyssinian', 'border', 'stated', 'matter', 'unsettled', 'present', 'impossible', 'locate', 'direction', 'invited', 'conversation', 'wife', 'stayed', 'hour', 'invited', 'tea', 'governor', 'able', 'visit', 'june', 'deep_interest', 'mission', 'endeavor', 'thirteenth', 'joined', 'brother', 'dail', 'kotz', 'good', 'fortune', 'secure', 'day', 'german', 'steamer', 'bombay', 'line', 'tanga', 'glad', 'outlook', 'bright', 'extending', 'work', 'british', 'east', 'africa', 'shall'] root - INFO - extracting file #137500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130925-V90-39-page8.txt root - INFO - extracting file #138000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140212-V91-07-page15.txt root - INFO - ['february', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'privilege', 'expounding', 'doctrine', 'print', 'granted', 'adventist', 'preacher', 'minister', 'refused', 'privilege', 'strenuous', 'demand', 'adventist', 'article', 'stop', 'attention', 'paid', 'complaint', 'article', 'continuing', 'effort', 'incident', 'connection', 'newspaper', 'effort', 'forth', 'brother', 'conference', 'fact', 'publication', 'article', 'man', 'wife', 'believer', 'angel', 'message', 'eventually', 'led', 'truth', 'minister', 'question', 'published', 'article', 'wichita', 'paper', 'brother', 'later', 'accepted', 'truth', 'read', 'home', 'place', 'thirty', 'forty_miles', 'wichita', 'began', 'correspondence', 'minister', 'stating', 'read', 'article', 'urged', 'clerical', 'brother', 'inform', 'series', 'meeting', 'held', 'wished', 'attend', 'short_time', 'canvasser', 'institute', 'held', 'minister', 'notified', 'inquiring', 'friend', 'attended', 'man', 'deeply', 'interested', 'program', 'rendered', 'eventually', 'accepted', 'message', 'wife', 'took', 'stand', 'newspaper', 'containing', 'report', 'preacher', 'brother', 'mean', 'introducing', 'truth', 'connection', 'evangelistic', 'endeavor', 'conference_president', 'said', 'man', 'living', 'sixteen', 'mile', 'city', 'tent_effort', 'held', 'interested', 'newspaper', 'report', 'drove', 'tent', 'purpose', 'purchasing', 'book', 'light', 'subject', 'man', 'interested', 'great_truths', 'teach', 'tell', 'want', 'purchase', 'book', 'giving', 'glorious', 'message', 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'carolina', 'total', 'southern', 'union', 'alabama', 'kentucky', 'louisiana', 'mississippi', 'tennessee', 'river', 'southern', 'union_mission', 'total', 'southwestern', 'union', 'arkansas', 'new', 'mexico', 'north', 'texas', 'oklahoma', 'south', 'texas', 'west', 'texas', 'total', 'western', 'canadian', 'union', 'alberta', 'british', 'columbia', 'manitoba', 'saskatchewan', 'total', 'union', 'atlantic', 'canadian', 'central', 'columbia', 'lake', 'northern', 'north', 'pacific', 'pacific', 'southeastern', 'southern', 'southwestern', 'western', 'canadian', 'miscellaneous', 'total', 'net', 'net', 'short', 'net', 'short', 'net', 'mission', 'appropriation', 'general_conference', 'north_american_division_conference', 'autumn', 'council', 'met', 'takoma', 'park', 'october', 'november', 'meeting', 'appropriation', 'foreign_fields', 'eastern', 'southern', 'conference', 'voted', 'condition', 'confronting', 'general_conference', 'reason', 'great_war', 'evident', 'fund', 'created', 'enable', 'treasury', 'meet', 'successfully', 'demand', 'reason', 'emergency', 'likely', 'arise', 'uncertain', 'troubled', 'time', 'live', 'extent', 'unusual', 'treasury', 'relieve', 'brother', 'europe', 'uncertain', 'probable', 'duration', 'war', 'thought', 'wisdom', 'set', 'aside', 'protect', 'mission_work', 'embarrassment', 'threaten', 'future', 'budget', 'adopted', 'coming', 'year', 'outlay', 'secured', 'entirely', 'offering', 'church', 'north', 'america', 'item', 'composing', 'budget', 'follows', 'asiatic', 'division', 'general', 'membership', 'summary', 'member', 'received', 'short', 'bahamas', 'mission', 'brazilian', 'union_conference', 'cuban', 'mission', 'guatemala', 'mission', 'hawaiian', 'mission', 'haitien', 'mission', 'india', 'union_mission', 'mexican', 'mission', 'porto', 'rican', 'mission', 'south', 'african', 'union', 'conf', 'south', 'american', 'union', 'conf', 'west', 'indian', 'union', 'conf', 'executive', 'department', 'educational', 'department', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'dept', 'medical_department', 'publishing', 'department', 'home', 'missionary', 'department', 'sabbath', 'school', 'department', 'harvest', 'ingathering', 'missionary', 'appointee', 'salary', 'general', 'laborer', 'general_conference', 'corp', 'emergency', 'fund', 'special', 'appropriation', 'sign', 'time', 'publish', 'ing', 'house', 'china', 'mission', 'training', 'school', 'east', 'china', 'mission', 'west', 'china', 'mission', 'central', 'china', 'mission', 'soiith', 'china', 'mission', 'japan', 'mission', 'korean', 'mission', 'philippine', 'mission', 'malay', 'mission', 'manchuria', 'mission'] root - INFO - extracting file #139500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19150415-V92-19-page17.txt root - INFO - extracting file #140000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19150902-V92-43-page20.txt root - INFO - ['government', 'henceforth', 'nsport', 'money', 'security', 'mail', 'relieving', 'express', 'company', 'annual', 'income', 'southwestern_union_conference', 'new', 'mexico', 'clovis', 'sept', 'south', 'texas', 'corpus', 'christi', 'local', 'sept', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'mississippi', 'jackson', 'white', 'sept', 'maine', 'conference_association', 'meeting', 'regular', 'annual_session', 'maine', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'camp_ground', 'foxcroft', 'maine', 'tuesday', 'aug', 'connection', 'maine', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'camp_meeting', 'meeting', 'vacancy', 'occurring', 'board', 'trustee', 'filled', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'homer', 'carr', 'president', 'willard', 'howe', 'clerk', 'new', 'mexico', 'conference_association', 'notice', 'given', 'meeting', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'conference_association', 'new', 'mexico', 'held', 'wednesday', 'sept', 'camp_ground', 'clovis', 'mex', 'elect', 'officer', 'transact', 'business', 'come', 'association', 'coberly', 'president', 'secretary', 'kansa', 'medical', 'missionary', 'benevolent', 'association', 'kansa', 'medical', 'missionary', 'benevolent', 'association', 'hold', 'regular', 'annual_meeting', 'connection', 'conference', 'emporium', 'kans', 'sept', 'elect', 'board', 'trustee', 'transact', 'business', 'deemed', 'necessary', 'meeting', 'held', 'september', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'conference', 'delegate', 'association', 'maclay', 'president', 'carson', 'secretary', 'kansa', 'conference_association', 'annual_meeting', 'kansa', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'conference_association', 'held', 'emporium', 'kans', 'purpose', 'meeting', 'elect', 'board', 'director', 'coining', 'year', 'transact', 'business', 'necessary', 'time', 'meeting', 'held', 'tuesday', 'sept', 'maclay', 'president', 'harris', 'secretary', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'book', 'society', 'west', 'virginia', 'fourth', 'annual_meeting', 'seventhday_adventist', 'book', 'society', 'called', 'convene', 'sept', 'camp_ground', 'weston', 'officer', 'ensuing', 'year', 'elected', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'society', 'new', 'york', 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'vol', 'information', 'write', 'branson', 'president', 'cumberland', 'conference', 'graysv', 'tenn', 'publication', 'wanted', 'following', 'named', 'persons_desire', 'late', 'clean', 'copy', 'publication', 'sent', 'postpaid', 'iuse', 'missionary', 'work', 'strode', 'enid', 'okla', 'robinson', 'box', 'claremont', 'elder', 'green', 'life', 'line', 'gospel', 'tent', 'west', 'palm', 'beach', 'fla', 'gillis', 'coppock', 'box', 'decatur', 'ind', 'sign', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'cook', 'box', 'harrison', 'ark', 'tract', 'seal', 'god', 'mark', 'beast', 'elihu', 'sabbath', 'wilbur', 'arabia', 'nebr', 'health', 'temperance', 'protestant', 'liberty', 'sign', 'instructor', 'little', 'friend', 'watchman', 'mississippi', 'conference_association', 'fifth', 'annual_session', 'mississippi', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'jackson', 'miss', 'connection', 'state_conference', 'camp_meeting', 'meeting', 'called', 'friday', 'sept', 'officer', 'elected', 'coming', 'year', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'duly', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'mississippi', 'conference', 'delegate', 'association', 'wiest', 'president', 'ben', 'marshall', 'secretary', 'lone', 'room_house', 'large', 'lot', 'blodks', 'church', 'good_condition', 'newly', 'pired', 'good', 'fruit', 'tree'] gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - adding document #140000 to Dictionary(892491 unique tokens: ['atrenalli', 'debatefor', 'surveyor', 'fotdi', 'timolives']...) root - INFO - extracting file #140500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160120-V93-04-page20.txt root - INFO - extracting file #141000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160608-V93-29-page20.txt root - INFO - ['the_advent_review_and_sabbath_herald_vol', 'archie', 'roosevelt', 'son', 'colonel', 'east', 'michigan', 'saginaw', 'june', 'july', 'louisa', 'hedrick', 'lock', 'box', 'smith', 'roosevelt', 'accepted', 'job', 'southern', 'illinois', 'martinsville', 'aug', 'ville', 'ark', 'sign', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'coming', 'summer', 'woolsorter', 'dol', 'west', 'michigan', 'lars', 'week', 'expects', 'graduated', 'indiana', 'aug', 'watchman', 'life', 'health', 'liberty', 'aug', 'sept', 'structor', 'little', 'friend', 'address', 'wanted', 'perry', 'kent', 'wash', 'anxious', 'secure', 'address', 'myrtle', 'kitchen', 'change', 'address', 'having', 'called', 'quebec', 'labor', 'mail', 'elder', 'passebois', 'addressed', 'gros', 'pin', 'quebec', 'canada', 'request', 'prayer', 'sister', 'new', 'york', 'asks', 'prayer', 'recovery', 'daughter', 'ill', 'sister', 'washington', 'writes', 'wish', 'ask', 'prayer', 'healing', 'tumor', 'complication', 'iowa', 'brother', 'passing', 'trying', 'circumstance', 'desire', 'prayer', 'remain', 'steadfast', 'truth', 'ask', 'prayer', 'mother', 'restoration', 'health', 'brother', 'grow', 'stronger', 'cured', 'catarrh', 'eye', 'trouble', 'request', 'kansa', 'sister', 'western', 'new', 'york', 'conference_association', 'annual_session', 'western', 'new', 'york', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'legal', 'corporation', 'held', 'connection', 'tenth', 'annual_session', 'western', 'new', 'york', 'conference', 'buffalo', 'camp_ground', 'humboldt', 'parkway', 'near', 'east', 'ferry', 'street', 'meeting', 'called', 'tuesday', 'june', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'conference', 'compose', 'constituency', 'associafrom', 'harvard', 'university', 'june', 'intends', 'learn', 'carpet', 'making', 'business', 'ground', 'experiment', 'single', 'gallon', 'gasoline', 'intelligently', 'furnish', 'power', 'milk', 'cow', 'mix', 'cubic', 'yard', 'concrete', 'bale', 'ton', 'hay', 'plow', 'fifth', 'acre', 'land', 'ton', 'truck', 'fourteen', 'mile', 'generate', 'electricity', 'light', 'farmhouse', 'thirty', 'hour', 'kansa', 'opening', 'state', 'wide', 'campaign', 'use', 'cigarette', 'boy', 'child', 'welfare', 'department', 'state', 'university', 'movement', 'prof', 'william', 'mckeever', 'lawrence', 'head', 'department', 'direct', 'charge', 'issued', 'anticigarette', 'bulletin', 'giving', 'method', 'campaign', 'panama', 'conference', 'christian_work', 'followed', 'regional', 'conference', 'different', 'strategic', 'point', 'latin', 'america', 'conference', 'held', 'lima', 'peru', 'shown', 'real', 'difficulty', 'country', 'opposition', 'roman_catholic_church', 'dense', 'ignorance', 'indian', 'seventy', 'cent', 'population', 'live', 'great', 'mountain', 'region', 'coast', 'inhabitant', 'inaccessible', 'mountain', 'valley', 'constituting', 'half', 'population', 'peru', 'scarcely', 'touched', 'roman', 'catholicism', 'wild', 'unexplored', 'region', 'inhabited', 'savage', 'camp_meeting', 'atlantic', 'union', 'conference', 'massachusetts', 'june', 'western', 'new', 'york', 'buffalo', 'june', 'eastern', 'new', 'york', 'oneida', 'june', 'july', 'southern', 'new', 'england', 'aug', 'northern', 'new', 'england', 'aug', 'sept', 'maine', 'aug', 'sept', 'central_union_conference', 'north', 'michigan', 'colorado', 'denver', 'missouri', 'nebraska', 'kansa', 'salina', 'wyoming', 'june', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug', 'sept', 'sept', 'oct', 'annual_session', 'illinois', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'joliet', 'ill', 'connection', 'state_conference', 'camp_meeting', 'purpose', 'meeting', 'election', 'regular', 'officer', 'board', 'trustee', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'conference', 'compose', 'constituency', 'association', 'legal', 'meeting', 'called', 'june', 'westworth', 'president', 'moon', 'secretary', 'east', 'michigan', 'conference_association', 'annual_session', 'east', 'michigan', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'connection', 'conference', 'camp_meeting', 'saginaw', 'june', 'july', 'meeting', 'officer', 'board', 'trustee', 'elected', 'ensuing', 'year', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'meeting', 'held', 'june', 'clark', 'president', 'tillie', 'barr', 'secretary', 'north', 'carolina', 'conference_association', 'notice', 'given', 'annual_meeting', 'constituency', 'north', 'carolina', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'camp_ground', 'statesville', 'tuesday', 'june', 'meeting', 'called', 'date', 'election', 'board', 'trustee', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'locken', 'president', 'cat', 'tcott', 'secretary', 'columbia', 'union', 'conference', 'chesapeake', 'rock', 'hall', 'june', 'eastern', 'pennsylvania', 'lebanon', 'june', 'july', 'new', 'jersey', 'trenton', 'july', 'aug', 'jennie', 'hand', 'ruthton', 'minn', 'watchman', 'little', 'friend', 'sign', 'ohio', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'pittsburgh', 'aug', 'aug', 'sept', 'west', 'virginia', 'aug', 'sept', 'eastern', 'canadian', 'union', 'conference', 'ontario', 'brantford', 'june', 'quebec', 'lennoxville', 'june', 'july', 'maritime', 'norton', 'new', 'brunswick', 'july', 'newfoundland', 'john', 'july', 'lake', 'union', 'conference', 'wisconsin', 'madison', 'june', 'north', 'michigan', 'escanaba', 'june', 'northern', 'illinois', 'joliet', 'june', 'ringgold', 'red', 'level', 'ala', 'sign', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'watchman', 'liberty', 'amy', 'reese', 'santa', 'mex', 'sign', 'watchman', 'bible', 'training', 'school', 'instructor', 'tract', 'little', 'box', 'whistler', 'ala', 'english', 'german', 'italian', 'jewish', 'periodical', 'continuous', 'supply', 'desired', 'anna', 'hall', 'garfield', 'ave', 'kansa', 'city', 'english', 'german', 'periodical', 'tract', 'language', 'aug', 'sept', 'north', 'pacific', 'union', 'conference', 'western', 'oregon', 'portland', 'june', 'montana', 'bozeman', 'june', 'western', 'washington', 'south', 'tacoma', 'aug', 'sept', 'northern', 'union', 'conference', 'minnesota', 'anoka', 'south', 'dakota', 'watertown', 'north', 'dakota', 'jamestown', 'june', 'june', 'june', 'pacific', 'union', 'conference', 'california', 'oakland', 'june', 'northern', 'california', 'oak', 'park', 'stockton', 'june', 'southern', 'california', 'san', 'fernando', 'june', 'northwestern', 'california', 'napa', 'july', 'southeastern', 'california', 'santiago', 'aug', 'inter', 'mountain', 'arizona', 'october', 'oct', 'southeastern', 'union', 'conference', 'cumberland', 'charleston', 'tenn', 'juneto', 'north', 'carolina', 'statesville', 'june', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'louisiana', 'july', 'mississippi', 'meridian', 'july', 'aug', 'mississippi', 'hattiesburg', 'colored', 'aug', 'sept', 'tennessee', 'river', 'nashville', 'aug', 'alabama', 'montgomery', 'aug', 'kentucky', 'bowling', 'green', 'aug', 'southwestern', 'union', 'conference', 'north', 'texas', 'july', 'western', 'canadian', 'union', 'conference', 'manitoba', 'minnedosa', 'june', 'saskatchewan', 'saskatoon', 'june', 'july', 'british', 'columbia', 'coast', 'district', 'nanaimo', 'july', 'british', 'columbia', 'okenagan', 'district', 'kelowna', 'aug', 'british', 'columbia', 'alberta', 'penoka', 'july', 'publication', 'wanted', 'person', 'named', 'desire', 'late', 'clean', 'copiei', 'publication', 'sent', 'postpaid', 'use', 'missionary_work', 'sending', 'publication', 'care', 'exercised', 'select', 'free', 'soil', 'disfigurement', 'credibly', 'informed', 'oppose', 'movement', 'truth', 'represents', 'answer', 'request', 'literature', 'sending', 'brother', 'sister', 'various_parts', 'country', 'tract', 'paper', 'representing', 'opposition', 'worker', 'careful', 'confound', 'literature', 'denominational_publications', 'unwittingly', 'agent', 'sending', 'matter', 'printed', 'cause', 'truth', 'joseph', 'clark', 'isit', 'sacramento', 'cal', 'miss', 'bertha', 'hamilton', 'burke', 'dak', 'paper', 'tract', 'downes', 'cornhill', 'london', 'england', 'tion', 'hartwell', 'president', 'belknap', 'clerk', 'illinois', 'conference_association'] root - INFO - extracting file #141500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19161026-V93-53-page23.txt root - INFO - extracting file #142000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170322-V94-12-page12.txt root - INFO - ['the_advent_review_and_sabbath_herald_vol', 'izations', 'practically', 'union_conference', 'local_conferences', 'territory', 'philippine', 'mission', 'embrace', 'island', 'philippine', 'group', 'total', 'area', 'island', 'thousand', 'square_mile', 'seventythree', 'million', 'acre', 'population', 'million', 'estimated', 'seven', 'thousand', 'uncivilized', 'ninety', 'language', 'spoken', 'nearly', 'million', 'people', 'year', 'labor', 'northern', 'luzon', 'brother', 'hay', 'worked', 'time', 'studying', 'ilocano', 'language', 'visited', 'people', 'conducted', 'family', 'bible', 'study', 'began', 'public_meetings', 'soon', 'manage', 'language', 'secured', 'translation', 'tract', 'soon', 'entering', 'field', 'little', 'year', 'ago', 'brought', 'following', 'staff', 'worker', 'ordained', 'minister', 'licensed', 'missionary', 'colporteurs', 'panayan', 'mission', 'island', 'panay', 'guimaras', 'island', 'negro', 'population', 'half', 'million', 'territory', 'size', 'state', 'new', 'jersey', 'field', 'known', 'panayan', 'mission', 'field', 'entered', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'march', 'brother', 'floyd', 'ashbaugh', 'began', 'canvassing', 'spanish', 'patriarch', 'prophet', 'group', 'panayan', 'worker', 'elder', 'adam', 'director', 'beginning', 'brother', 'leon', 'roda', 'native', 'llocano', 'joined', 'brother', 'hay', 'brother', 'roda', 'accepted', 'mesper', 'cent', 'population', 'beilongs', 'leading', 'tribe', 'group', 'reduces', 'principal', 'language', 'spoken', 'tribe', 'foreign', 'family', 'permanently', 'settled', 'field', 'engaged', 'evangelistic_work', 'educational_work', 'colporteur_work', 'managing', 'publishing', 'house', 'head', 'acting', 'secretary', 'treasurer', 'field', 'associated', 'foreign', 'worker', 'staff', 'seventy', 'native', 'worker', 'seven', 'evangelist', 'bible', 'worker', 'teacher', 'thirty', 'colporteurs', 'printer', 'office', 'worker', 'present', 'mission', 'established', 'different_parts', 'island', 'principal', 'southern', 'luzon', 'known', 'central', 'southern', 'luzon', 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'spent', 'chiefly', 'study', 'panayan', 'visayan', 'language', 'december', 'iloilo', 'church', 'organized', 'membership', 'increased', 'church', 'membership', 'orgoal', 'having', 'set', 'year', 'new', 'goal', 'set', 'fully', 'expect', 'reach', 'ganized', 'antique', 'island', 'negro', 'company', 'membership', 'unorganized', 'canvassing', 'work', 'far', 'moved', 'slowly', 'total', 'sale', 'october', 'september', 'amounting', 'prospect', 'encouraging', 'subscription', 'book', 'published', 'panayan', 'visayan', 'abridged', 'edition', 'elder', 'uriah_smith', 'thought', 'daniel', 'panayan', 'mission', 'compact', 'territory', 'embracing', 'general', 'province', 'iloilo', 'capiz', 'antique', 'negro', 'occidental', 'reason', 'hope', 'strong', 'work', 'day', 'woodward', 'daughter', 'mary', 'come', 'climate', 'trying', 'territory', 'lie', 'degree', 'equator', 'brother', 'sister', 'adam', 'considerably', 'worn', 'continuous', 'heat', 'overwork', 'good_courage', 'supplied', 'little', 'help', 'adequate', 'mean', 'getting', 'field', 'probably', 'able', 'health', 'strength', 'carry', 'forward', 'work', 'enthusiasm'] root - INFO - extracting file #142500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170809-V94-32-page9.txt root - INFO - extracting file #143000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19180103-V95-01-page5.txt root - INFO - ['january', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'piration', 'seven', 'year', 'period', 'set', 'submit', 'national', 'prohibition', 'amendin', 'joint', 'resolution', 'ment', 'people', 'approval', 'prohibition', 'sentiment', 'grown', 'great_need', 'legislagradually', 'recently', 'forward', 'tion', 'protect', 'evil', 'alcohol', 'native', 'race', 'africa', 'place', 'prohibition', 'guam', 'hawaii', 'philippine', 'passed', 'surely', 'stand', 'god', 'mal', 'ask', 'blessing', 'regard', 'sabbath', 'observance', 'tithe', 'paying', 'stern', 'duty', 'god', 'love', 'know', 'experience', 'temptation', 'neglect', 'paying', 'tithe', 'number', 'time', 'fell', 'duty', 'month', 'came', 'realize', 'lord', 'portion', 'paid', 'faithful', 'payment', 'tithe', 'soon', 'momentum', 'movement', 'greatly', 'accelerated', 'exigency', 'world_war', 'present', 'writing', 'dec', 'prohibition', 'force', 'following', 'state', 'ing', 'rebuke', 'civilization', 'money', 'received', 'constant', 'expresand', 'district', 'maine', 'virginia', 'west', 'virginia', 'north', 'carolina', 'georgia', 'alabama', 'mississippi', 'tennessee', 'arkansas', 'oklahoma', 'kansa', 'north', 'dakota', 'iowa', 'colorado', 'nebraska', 'idaho', 'oregon', 'washington', 'arizona', 'south', 'dakota', 'utah', 'district', 'columbia', 'allow', 'export', 'money', 'profit', 'brings', 'destruction', 'death', 'user', 'american', 'missionary', 'sent', 'country', 'persuade', 'people', 'drunkenness', 'wicked', 'habit', 'serve', 'lord', 'jesus', 'sion', 'gratitude', 'recognize', 'god', 'giver', 'good', 'pledged', 'care', 'faithfully', 'great', 'lesson', 'lord', 'want', 'learn', 'life', 'rid', 'entirely', 'selfishness', 'lord', 'steward', 'let', 'faithful', 'trust', 'placed', 'furthermore', 'prohibition', 'adopted', 'effect', 'alaska', 'jan', 'indiana', 'april', 'michigan', 'april', 'new', 'hampshire', 'monlustration', 'ment', 'faithful', 'tithe', 'obtana', 'dec', 'september', 'manufacture', 'distilled', 'liquor', 'ceased', 'united', 'state', 'presidential', 'decree', 'accordance', 'act', 'congress', 'beverage', 'purpose', 'time', 'war', 'doe', 'hinder', 'sale', 'liquor', 'wet', 'territory', 'liquor', 'year', 'supply', 'distilled', 'liquor', 'hand', 'july', 'shipping', 'alcoholic_beverage', 'interstate', 'commerce', 'dry', 'state', 'forbidden', 'act', 'congress', 'prohibition', 'canada', 'native', 'people', 'servance', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'province', 'british', 'columbia', 'prohibition', 'territory', 'october', 'province', 'canada', 'quebec', 'dry', 'province', 'quebec', 'hastened', 'come', 'cent', 'dry', 'having', 'dry', 'wet', 'municipality', 'prohibition', 'porto_rico', 'popular', 'vote', 'taken', 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'tithe', 'income', 'prospered', 'business', 'enabled', 'pay', 'considerable', 'indebtedness', 'decided', 'devote', 'lord', 'service', 'fourth', 'income', 'operating', 'wholesale', 'business', 'closing', 'sabbath', 'necessitated', 'considerable', 'loss', 'feel', 'lord', 'fulfilling', 'promise', 'word', 'interesting', 'letter', 'come', 'brother', 'living', 'large_cities', 'east', 'employ', 'large', 'railroad', 'tell', 'manner', 'lord', 'fulfilled', 'promise', 'began', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'salary', 'month', 'endeavoring', 'buy', 'home', 'pay', 'month', 'premium', 'life', 'insurance', 'policy', 'carrying', 'beneficial', 'organization', 'member', 'best', 'salary', 'case', 'nip', 'tuck', 'end', 'meet', 'know', 'blessing', 'pay'] root - INFO - extracting file #143500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19180530-V95-22-page23.txt root - INFO - extracting file #144000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19181031-V95-44-page5.txt root - INFO - ['october', 'advent', 'paul', 'urge', 'sanctified', 'word', 'god', 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'buckler', 'irdii', 'called', 'god', 'worshiped', 'thess', 'way', 'power', 'exalt', 'god', 'seeking', 'change', 'god', 'law', 'require', 'obedience', 'law', 'law', 'god', 'power', 'openly', 'proclaimed', 'change', 'law', 'god', 'papal_power', 'strange', 'sought', 'particular', 'change', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'commandment', 'way', 'depend', 'pointing', 'gave', 'commandment', 'authority', 'giving', 'author', 'law', 'removed', 'law', 'power', 'remove', 'exalt', 'author', 'papacy', 'catholic_church', 'sought', 'thought', 'change', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'memorial', 'god', 'creative_power', 'sign', 'people', 'given', 'know', 'lord', 'sanctify', 'eze', 'change', 'quotation', 'roman', 'catholic', 'writer', 'catechism', 'roman', 'catholic_church', 'point', 'question', 'prove', 'church', 'hath', 'power', 'command', 'feast', 'holy', 'day', 'answer', 'act', 'changing', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'protestant', 'allow', 'fondly', 'contradict', 'keeping', 'sunday', 'strictly', 'breaking', 'feast', 'day', 'commanded', 'church', 'abridgment', 'christian', 'doctrine', 'rev', 'henry', 'tuberville', 'douay', 'college', 'france', 'question', 'way', 'proving', 'church', 'power', 'institute', 'festival', 'precept', 'answer', 'such_power', 'modern', 'religionist', 'agree', 'substituted', 'observance', 'sunday', 'day', 'thb', 'week', 'observance', 'saturday', 'seventh', 'day', 'change', 'scriptural', 'authority', 'doctrinal', 'catechism', 'rev', 'stephen', 'keenan', 'catholic_church', 'infallible', 'authority', 'created', 'sunday', 'holy', 'day', 'place', 'sabbath', 'old', 'law', 'kansa', 'city', 'catholic', 'feb', 'catholic_church', 'virtue', 'divine', 'mission', 'changed', 'day', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'catholic', 'mirror', 'official', 'organ', 'cardinal', 'gibbon', 'sept', 'think', 'came', 'destroy', 'law', 'prophet', 'came', 'destroy', 'let', 'god', 'word', 'fulfil', 'verily', 'unto', 'spirit', 'whisper', 'opportunity', 'opened', 'shall', 'like', 'prophet', 'jeremiah', 'word', 'heart', 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'griggs', 'seventh', 'day', 'week', 'sabbath', 'bible', 'day', 'week', 'generally', 'observed', 'sabbath', 'christendom', 'professed', 'christian', 'observe', 'sabbath', 'designated', 'scripture', 'reason', 'offered', 'professed', 'christian', 'know', 'teaching', 'bible', 'custom', 'taken', 'granted', 'majority', 'right', 'settled', 'question', 'contrary', 'widely', 'discussed', 'question', 'religious_world', 'today', 'christ', 'way', 'change', 'sabbath', 'earth', 'scriptural', 'evidence', 'apostle', 'observe', 'teach', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'century', 'christ', 'came', 'earth', 'prophesied', 'magnify', 'law', 'honorable', 'isa', 'life', 'teaching', 'said'] root - INFO - extracting file #144500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19190306-V96-10-page16.txt root - INFO - extracting file #145000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19190619-V96-25-page5.txt root - INFO - ['june', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'conference', 'christian', 'fundamental', 'continued', 'page', 'fact', 'world', 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'doctrine', 'statement', 'conscious', 'eternal', 'punishment', 'wicked', 'believe', 'eternal', 'punishment', 'eternal', 'punishing', 'believe', 'punishment', 'god', 'inflicts', 'impenitent', 'eternal', 'believe', 'process', 'punishment', 'inflicted', 'eternal', 'word', 'believe', 'death', 'punishment', 'inflicted', 'finally', 'reject', 'christ', 'saviour', 'life', 'reward', 'bestowed', 'receive', 'death', 'impenitent', 'eternal', 'life', 'righteous', 'eternal', 'mean', 'death', 'penalty', 'inflicted', 'suffering', 'lake', 'eternal', 'man', 'punished', 'according', 'deed', 'body', 'doubtless', 'suffer', 'longer', 'case', 'satan', 'angel', 'suffering', 'continue', 'considerable', 'period', 'end', 'sin', 'sinner', 'effect', 'curse', 'banished', 'god', 'fair', 'universe', 'blot', 'stain', 'left', 'remind', 'angel', 'man', 'terrible', 'result', 'following', 'disobedience', 'rejected', 'sacrifice', 'christ', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'differ', 'teaching', 'philadelphia', 'conference', 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'john', 'behold', 'manner', 'day', 'sabbath', 'adduce', 'authority', 'enable', 'trick', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'support', 'sancaforesaid', 'clergyman', 'resorted', 'love', 'father', 'hath', 'bestowed', 'tity', 'surely', 'suggestive', 'case', 'lexicon', 'hebrew', 'greek', 'called', 'son', 'god', 'suggestive', 'let', 'baptist', 'read', 'english', 'word', 'sabbath', 'meandwelt', 'particularly', 'binding', 'claim', 'paragraph', 'ask', 'law', 'god', 'saw', 'greater', 'consistently', 'continue', 'day', 'ing', 'know', 'hebrew', 'manifested', 'police', 'notified', 'warrant', 'scripture', 'doctor', 'greek', 'prove', 'fact', 'smoking', 'talking', 'outthe', 'fact', 'year', 'christ', 'christian', 'began', 'adduce', 'fourth', 'commandsacred', 'historian', 'describing', 'crucifixion', 'tent', 'powerful', 'men', 'placed', 'ment', 'support', 'sunday', 'sanctity', 'suggestive', 'suggestive', 'knew', 'came', 'galilee', 'followed', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'eternal', 'obligation', 'determined', 'sunday', 'lord', 'sabbath', 'way', 'satisfy', 'people', 'wanted', 'loyal', 'god', 'believe', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'enjoined', 'observance', 'sunday', 'largely', 'succeeded', 'end', 'approach', 'light', 'hid', 'truth', 'fully', 'manifest', 'honest', 'heart', 'soon', 'individual', 'hold', 'faith', 'jesus', 'commandment', 'god', 'handling', 'word', 'deceitfully', 'beheld', 'sepulcher', 'body', 'laid', 'returned', 'prepared', 'spice', 'ointment', 'rested', 'sabbath', 'day', 'according', 'commandment', 'luke', 'christ', 'day', 'preparation', 'sabbath', 'drew', 'woman', 'guard', 'elder', 'canright', 'said', 'stood', 'like', 'marble', 'pillar', 'moment', 'looking', 'away', 'meeting', 'closed', 'people', 'leave', 'tent', 'lingered', 'loth', 'merchant', 'attended', 'meeting', 'infidel', 'spoken', 'came', 'commandment', 'old', 'testatogether', 'said', 'merchant', 'henceforth', 'door', 'place', 'business', 'shall', 'closed', 'ment', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'evening', 'sundown', 'inwhich', 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'impure', 'wish', 'remark', 'paul', 'language', 'discussing', 'moral', 'purity', 'replying', 'insisted', 'legal', 'distinction', 'clean', 'unclean', 'reference', 'meat', 'person', 'rite', 'declares', 'enlightened', 'christian', 'allsuch', 'distinction', 'valueless', 'concerning', 'drunkenness', 'adultery', 'offense', 'moral', 'purity', 'pure', 'thing', 'pure', 'text', 'applied', 'moral', 'purity', 'text', 'mind', 'unto', 'pure', 'thing', 'pure', 'unto', 'defiled', 'unbelieving', 'pure', 'mind', 'conscience', 'defiled', 'tit', 'pretended', 'spectator', 'ballet', 'performance', 'main', 'assembly', 'saint', 'lover', 'fun', 'pleasure', 'unbelieving', 'paul', 'exhibition', 'according', 'inspired', 'authority', 'pure', 'certainly', 'thing', 'pure', 'pure', 'rotten', 'egg', 'instance', 'impure', 'rotten', 'heart', 'rotten', 'life', 'known', 'impure', 'impure', 'tendency', 'pure', 'pure', 'far', 'scripture', 'encouraging', 'familiarity', 'such_things', 'voice', 'wisdom', 'enter', 'path', 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'form', 'piercing', 'glance', 'tremble', 'withhold', 'thy_hand', 'pitiless', 'strike', 'lest', 'die', 'thou', 'grave', 'care', 'brightness', 'gild', 'thy', 'brow', 'wilt', 'thou', 'bid', 'rest', 'awhile', 'let', 'joy', 'posse', 'heed', 'calmly', 'trembling', 'hand', 'press', 'lip', 'kiss', 'soft', 'bitterness', 'tearful', 'faint', 'yielding', 'trust', 'trusting', 'learn', 'dreaded', 'form', 'hide', 'god', 'grace', 'veiled', 'mystery', 'know', 'spirit', 'ministry', 'prove', 'patience', 'pain', 'god', 'peace', 'love', 'christian_world', 'capital', 'siam', 'siam', 'way', 'country', 'world', 'great', 'steamship', 'line', 'pacific', 'indian', 'ocean', 'stop', 'globe', 'trotter', 'visit', 'mile', 'regular', 'line', 'travel', 'world', 'great', 'siamese', 'peninsula', 'jut', 'east', 'coast', 'china', 'contains', 'half', 'dozen', 'different_countries', 'chief', 'burmah', 'siam', 'french', 'state', 'china', 'siam', 'lower', 'end', 'peninsula', 'bound', 'greater', 'mighty', 'body', 'water', 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'perplexing', 'problem', 'theology', 'morning', 'light', 'able', 'gain', 'reading', 'scripture', 'english', 'original', 'unable', 'escape', 'conclusion', 'stated', 'standing', 'presence', 'demonstrable', 'position', 'new_testament', 'scripture', 'face', 'throbbing', 'heart', 'thrilling', 'question', 'nature', 'ultimate', 'disaster', 'overtake', 'incorrigibly', 'sinful', 'soul', 'great_mass', 'christian_church', 'protestant', 'christian_church', 'century', 'believed', 'nature', 'ultimate', 'disaster', 'conscious', 'hopeless', 'unceasing', 'anguish', 'jesus', 'teach', 'bow', 'head', 'darkness', 'submit', 'knowing', 'lord', 'teach', 'error', 'doe', 'teach', 'lead', 'proposition', 'connection', 'nature', 'retribution', 'gradual', 'extinction', 'personality', 'inexorable', 'proof', 'retributive', 'force', 'inherent', 'sin', 'viewed', 'standpoint', 'doctrine', 'conditional', 'immortality', 'viewed', 'standpoint', 'doctrine', 'self', 'elimination', 'sin', 'sinner', 'immortality', 'according', 'view', 'doe', 'inhere', 'nature', 'fallen', 'man', 'world', 'order', 'win', 'achieve', 'free_gift', 'god', 'jesus_christ', 'looked', 'standpoint', 'man', 'sin', 'work', 'ultimate', 'degradation', 'deterioration', 'final', 'obliteration', 'universe', 'god', 'view', 'held', 'form', 'according', 'standpoint', 'view', 'taught', 'new_testament', 'scripture', 'ask', 'patience', 'moment', 'attempt', 'state', 'reason', 'conclusion', 'immediately', 'understand', 'attempting', 'morning', 'exegetical', 'defense', 'doctrine', 'stating', 'general', 'term', 'result', 'personal', 'study', 'matter', 'doctrine', 'natural_immortality', 'extra', 'biblical', 'purely', 'speculative', 'dogma', 'imported', 'platonic', 'philosophy', 'having', 'solid', 'exegetical', 'basis', 'turn', 'account', 'fall', 'man', 'man', 'sinned', 'partaking', 'tree', 'knowledge', 'good', 'evil', 'lord', 'said', 'lest', 'forth', 'hand', 'tree', 'life', 'live', 'forever', 'god', 'drove', 'garden', 'eden', 'set', 'flaming', 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'increased', 'member', 'begin', 'new_year', 'deeply', 'impressed', 'idea', 'order', 'know', 'whole_duty', 'strongly', 'fortify', 'bible', 'truth', 'able', 'stand', 'promise', 'god', 'precious', 'suffering', 'comfort', 'know', 'lord', 'loveth', 'chasteneth', 'blessed', 'assurance', 'end', 'hear', 'small', 'voice', 'whisper', 'bath', 'loved', 'everlasting', 'love', 'pleasure', 'know', 'sit', 'read', 'ninny', 'like', 'striving', 'knot', 'int', 'god', 'arn', 'race', 'destruction', 'come', 'trom', 'luck', 'knowledge', 'help', 'band', 'come', 'bringing', 'new', 'sheaf', 'great', 'harvest', 'time', 'seventy', 'life', 'lost', 'wreck', 'steamship', 'ginseii', 'mara', 'foundered', 'wei', 'hai', 'wei', 'november', 'november', 'sixteen', 'chinese', 'killed', 'railway', 'wreck', 'thirty', 'result', 'accident', 'german', 'near', 'hungshan', 'november', 'person', 'perished', 'entrance', 'port', 'valetta', 'island', 'malta', 'burning', 'british', 'steamship', 'sardinia', 'boiler', 'useless', 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'day', 'week', 'protestant', 'episcopal_church', 'declares', 'day', 'changed', 'seventh', 'day', 'meet', 'scriptural', 'direction', 'change', 'methodist', 'episcopal', 'theological', 'compendium', 'page', 'true', 'positive', 'command', 'infant_baptism', 'keeping', 'holy', 'day', 'week', 'albert', 'barnes', 'great', 'presbyterian', 'commentator', 'statement', 'precept', 'new_testament', 'charles', 'buck', 'theological', 'dictionary', 'edition', 'confessed', 'law', 'new_testament', 'concerning', 'day', 'sabbath', 'divine_institution', 'kept', 'holy', 'unto', 'lord', 'numerous', 'day', 'appointed', 'men', 'religious_service', 'binding', 'human', 'institution', 'sabbath', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'ushered', 'peculiar', 'emphasis', 'remember', 'thou', 'holy', 'sabbath', 'day', 'recorded', 'instance', 'sunday', 'observance', 'claim', 'considered', 'genuine', 'mentioned', 'jus', 'sabbath', 'changed', 'branson', 'fore', 'listen', 'historian', 'coleman', 'day', 'week', 'strictly', 'kept', 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'sell', 'street', 'meeting', 'cent', 'like', 'instructor', 'hand', 'everybody', 'sell', 'paper', 'book', 'sell', 'store', 'sorrow', 'sin', 'hideousness', 'fairest', 'thousand', 'altogether', 'lovely', 'let', 'berger', 'johnson', 'caleb', 'cobweb', 'black', 'list', 'parcel', 'post', 'parcel', 'post', 'parcel', 'post', 'parcel', 'post', 'remember', 'principal', 'content', 'contribution', 'page', 'work', 'immigrant', 'helpful', 'thought', 'life', 'christ', 'sweet', 'disposition', 'new', 'temperance', 'movement', 'quest', 'pearl', 'zeal', 'cause', 'god', 'ostrich', 'cooperation', 'alaska', 'liquor_traffic', 'scotland', 'similar', 'case', 'selection', 'graphic', 'immigration', 'grouping', 'mark', 'nobility', 'big', 'job', 'poetry', 'red', 'carnation', 'blessing', 'child', 'poetry', 'christlike', 'life'] root - INFO - extracting file #193500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19141027-V62-43-page6.txt root - INFO - extracting file #194000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19150525-V63-21-page6.txt root - INFO - ['the_youth', 'owen', 'son', 'sailed', 'away', 'orient', 'march', 'hall', 'little', 'child', 'fitch', 'mother', 'fitch', 'accompany', 'son', 'wife', 'porto', 'rico', 'rich', 'blessing', 'lord', 'rest', 'dear_friends', 'labor', 'extension', 'glorious', 'kingdom', 'world', 'happy', 'lot', 'share', 'soon', 'coming', 'harvest', 'home', 'instructor', 'company', 'elder', 'fitch', 'visited', 'section', 'saw', 'chinese', 'native', 'costume', 'thing', 'china', 'visited', 'temple', 'saw', 'idol', 'joss', 'method', 'worship', 'glitter', 'calculated', 'appeal', 'sens', 'noticing', 'pile', 'little', 'paper', 'half', 'inch', 'square', 'small', 'hole', 'piece', 'inquired', 'represented', 'use', 'informed', 'chinese', 'carried', 'grave', 'friend', 'deceased', 'drop', 'paper', 'way', 'believe', 'soul', 'departed', 'flight', 'happy', 'body', 'buried', 'procession', 'reach', 'burial', 'place', 'bury', 'dead', 'devil', 'retarded', 'progress', 'account', 'having', 'hole', 'paper', 'dropped', 'way', 'soul', 'hindrance', 'interruption', 'flight', 'land', 'glory', 'order', 'difficult', 'satan', 'possible', 'strew', 'paper', 'thickly', 'way', 'reveals', 'darkness', 'superstition', 'missionary', 'meet', 'heathen_lands', 'soul', 'lighted', 'wisdom', 'high', 'prayer', 'ernest', 'lloyd', 'lord', 'know', 'ask', 'thee', 'thou', 'knowest', 'need', 'cause', 'dost', 'earnest', 'heed', 'weak', 'erring', 'mind', 'dare', 'ask', 'cross', 'consolation', 'open', 'thee', 'heart', 'thou', 'grace', 'impart', 'grant', 'needed', 'gift', 'resignation', 'smite', 'thou', 'heal', 'depress', 'raise', 'accomplish', 'life', 'thy', 'purpose', 'pure', 'hidden', 'evil', 'deliver', 'bliss', 'bitterness', 'thou', 'cup', 'sustain', 'joy', 'trial', 'sure', 'thy', 'purpose', 'unknown', 'adored', 'shall', 'cristobal', 'canal', 'zone', 'lillian', 'connerly', 'world', 'lighted', 'globe', 'recent_visit', 'panama', 'pacific', 'exposition', 'san_francisco', 'thing', 'interested', 'mean', 'advancement', 'message', 'booth', 'building', 'mechanical', 'art', 'thing', 'booth', 'attracts', 'attention', 'large', 'globe', 'foot', 'diameter', 'slowly', 'revolving', 'placed', 'small', 'electriclight', 'bulb', 'different', 'color', 'showing', 'denominational_work', 'established', 'world', 'different', 'color', 'represent', 'different_lines', 'work', 'color', 'represents', 'publishing', 'work', 'publishing', 'house', 'mission', 'press', 'little', 'light', 'indicates', 'spot', 'extensively', 'publication', 'issued', 'color', 'repres', 'educational_work', 'college', 'academy', 'mission_schools', 'island', 'sea', 'shown', 'large', 'globe', 'color', 'represents', 'medical_missionary_work', 'medical', 'institution', 'treatment_rooms', 'home', 'foreign_lands', 'white', 'globe', 'represent', 'evangelical_work', 'thickly', 'dotted', 'america', 'island', 'sea', 'africa', 'china', 'heathen_lands', 'especially', 'impressive', 'lesson', 'recalled', 'work', 'started', 'year', 'ago', 'great', 'weakness', 'grown', 'encircle', 'earth', 'light', 'little', 'bulb', 'reach', 'globe', 'light', 'god', 'truth', 'shining', 'center', 'influence', 'world', 'reaching', 'center', 'truly', 'earth', 'lightened', 'message', 'booth', 'sample', 'literature', 'language', 'published', 'visitor', 'invited', 'stop', 'rest', 'read', 'learning', 'work', 'previously', 'known', 'little', 'charge', 'booth', 'secured', 'address', 'thousand', 'interested', 'person', 'reading_matter', 'sent', 'later', 'contrast', 'splendid', 'representation', 'light', 'world', 'great', 'darkness', 'heathenism', 'seen', 'chinese', 'quarter', 'san_francisco', 'men', 'benighted', 'lamp', 'life', 'deny', 'salvation', 'salvation', 'joyful', 'sound', 'proclaim', 'till', 'earth', 'remotest', 'nation', 'heard', 'messiah', 'ford', 'lord', 'library', 'book', 'library', 'quarrel', 'lord', 'library', 'said', 'rich', 'leather', 'bound', 'book', 'glass', 'door', 'money', 'master', 'lavished', 'care', 'glitter', 'shine', 'lord', 'library', 'urged', 'encyclopedia', 'dictionary', 'big', 'embody', 'substance', 'knowledge', 'urged', 'volume', 'belle', 'lettres', 'philosophy', 'lord', 'library', 'climax', 'human', 'thought', 'page', 'contain', 'profound', 'lofty', 'human', 'imaginings', 'hope', 'faith', 'pshaw', 'sneered', 'volume', 'science', 'dream', 'reality', 'come', 'fact', 'real', 'life', 'based', 'lord', 'library', 'wrong', 'cried', 'novel', 'lord', 'library', 'book', 'refreshment', 'charm', 'master', 'weary', 'doe', 'turn', 'work', 'come', 'delight', 'lord', 'library', 'dispute', 'height', 'speaking', 'suddenly', 'knew', 'mysterious', 'silence', 'fell', 'quiet', 'voice', 'came', 'book', 'table', 'center', 'room', 'worn', 'book', 'page', 'marked', 'place', 'wet', 'tear', 'gently', 'spoke', 'lord', 'shepherd', 'shall', 'want', 'come', 'unto', 'weary', 'heavy_laden', 'rest', 'said', 'word', 'uttered', 'library', 'night', 'book', 'knew', 'lord', 'library', 'spoken', 'iesop', 'jones', 'christian', 'endeavor', 'world'] root - INFO - extracting file #194500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19160104-V64-01-page1.txt root - INFO - extracting file #195000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19160801-V64-31-page1.txt root - INFO - ['the_youth', 'instructor', 'vol', 'lxiv', 'kugust', 'rock', 'pile', 'college', 'campus', 'union', 'college', 'college', 'view', 'nebraska'] root - INFO - extracting file #195500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19170306-V65-10-page1.txt root - INFO - extracting file #196000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19171009-V65-41-page1.txt root - INFO - ['the_youth', 'instructor', 'vol', 'lxv', 'october', 'open', 'fireplace', 'cheery', 'flame', 'eden'] root - INFO - extracting file #196500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19180514-V66-20-page11.txt root - INFO - extracting file #197000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19181217-V66-51-page15.txt root - INFO - ['december', 'youth', 'instructor', 'sabbath', 'school', 'xiii', 'review', 'december', 'lesson', 'scripture', 'exodus', 'joshua', 'memory', 'verse', 'review', 'memory', 'verse', 'quarter', 'time', 'encampment', 'israel', 'sinai', 'crossing', 'jordan', 'encampment', 'canaan', 'principal', 'place', 'sinai', 'wilderness', 'paran', 'kadesh', 'harnea', 'wilderness', 'hor', 'kadesh', 'edom', 'moab', 'pisgah', 'promised', 'land', 'principal', 'person', 'moses', 'aaron', 'child', 'israel', 'spy', 'korah', 'balak', 'balaam', 'rahab', 'joshua', 'way', 'saviour', 'lead', 'cheer', 'winding', 'path', 'tread', 'grace', 'trial', 'feed', 'living', 'bread', 'weary', 'step', 'fal', 'soul', 'athirst', 'gushing', 'rock', 'spring', 'joy', 'question', 'giving', 'law', 'exoduti', 'preparation', 'people', 'required', 'hear', 'law', 'given', 'sinai', 'precaution', 'taken', 'safety', 'people', 'appearance', 'mount', 'lord', 'came', 'repeat', 'commandment', 'golden', 'calf', 'exodus', 'moses', 'called', 'commune', 'god', 'long', 'mount', 'receive', 'god', 'took', 'place', 'camp', 'away', 'sin', 'punished', 'building', 'tabernacle', 'exodus', 'god', 'ask', 'child', 'israel', 'build', 'purpose', 'material', 'received', 'draw', 'diagram', 'showing', 'tabernacle', 'room', 'location', 'furniture', 'court', 'brazen', 'altar', 'laver', 'tabernacle', 'rested', 'ilow', 'cloud', 'appear', 'night', 'israelite', 'guided', 'journeying', 'way', 'canaan', 'number', 'people', 'gone', 'day', 'journey', 'wilderness', 'complain', 'desire', 'supplied', 'caused', 'great', 'plague', 'people', 'spy', 'number', 'child', 'israel', 'camped', 'kadeshbarnea', 'bow', 'men', 'sent', 'canaan', 'spy', 'thoroughly', 'search', 'land', 'bring', 'report', 'agree', 'point', 'differ', 'caleb', 'joshua', 'lack', 'faith', 'israel', 'obliged', 'rebellion', 'horah', 'dathan', 'abiram', 'number', 'caused', 'rebellion', 'break', 'camp', 'test', 'appointed', 'day', 'korah', 'sympathizer', 'destroyed', 'sin', 'moses', 'number', 'deuteronomy', 'necessity', 'failed', 'israel', 'year', 'came', 'border', 'canaan', 'people', 'command', 'lord', 'way', 'moses', 'sin', 'sentence', 'passed', 'death', 'aaron', 'place', 'brazen', 'serpent', 'number', 'people', 'journeyed', 'oft', 'repeated', 'complaint', 'permitted', 'come', 'saved', 'serpent', 'represent', 'balak', 'salaam', 'number', 'child', 'israel', 'came', 'near', 'moab', 'king', 'send', 'wish', 'salaam', 'balaam', 'hindered', 'desired', 'arrived', 'moab', 'bow', 'time', 'attempt', 'curse', 'israel', 'result', 'death', 'moses', 'deuteronomy', 'joshua', 'old', 'moses', 'end', 'forty_years', 'wandering', 'child', 'israel', 'encamped', 'view', 'given', 'moses', 'came', 'pas', 'lord', 'moses', 'death', 'chosen', 'successor', 'israel', 'crossing', 'jordan', 'joshua', 'death', 'moses', 'command', 'joshua', 'receive', 'passage', 'jordan', 'possible', 'memorial', 'event', 'set', 'israelite', 'camp', 'promised', 'land', 'memory', 'test', 'circumstance', 'following', 'quotation', 'spoken', 'let', 'posse', 'able', 'overcome', 'thou_shalt', 'pas', 'lest', 'come', 'thee', 'sword', 'unto_thee', 'thou', 'smitten', 'time', 'commandment', 'lord', 'good', 'bad', 'own_mind', 'let', 'sanctuary', 'dwell', 'break', 'golden', 'earring', 'bring', 'unto', 'return', 'lord', 'unto', 'thousand', 'israel', 'shall', 'flock', 'herd', 'slain', 'suffice', 'sight', 'grasshopper', 'seeing', 'congregation', 'holy', 'pray', 'unto', 'lord', 'away', 'serpent', 'eternal', 'god', 'thy', 'refuge', 'underneath', 'everlasting', 'arm', 'kindness', 'unto', 'father', 'house', 'true', 'token', 'memory', 'verse', 'quarter', 'obey', 'voice', 'covenant', 'shall', 'peculiar', 'treasure', 'unto', 'people', 'law', 'lord', 'perfect', 'converting', 'soul', 'thou_shalt', 'god', 'dwell', 'high', 'holy', 'place', 'contrite', 'humble', 'spirit', 'isa', 'trust', 'lord', 'good', 'shalt', 'thou', 'dwell', 'land', 'verily', 'thou_shalt', 'fed', 'god', 'rom', 'murmur', 'murmured', 'destroyed', 'destroyer', 'cor', 'slow', 'anger', 'better', 'mighty', 'ruleth', 'spirit', 'taketh', 'city', 'prov', 'look', 'unto', 'saved', 'end', 'earth', 'god', 'isa', 'double', 'minded', 'man', 'unstable', 'way', 'james', 'strong', 'good_courage', 'afraid', 'thou', 'dismayed', 'lord_thy', 'god', 'thee', 'whithersoever', 'thou', 'goest', 'joshua', 'power', 'belongeth', 'unto', 'god'] root - INFO - extracting file #197500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19190715-V67-28-page15.txt gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - built Dictionary(1099230 unique tokens: ['atrenalli', 'debatefor', 'surveyor', 'iiiiiiiiin', 'fotdi']...) from 197943 documents (total 101017762 corpus positions) gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - saving dictionary mapping to /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/finalCorpus_fullDictionary.txt smart_open.smart_open_lib - DEBUG - {'uri': '/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/finalCorpus_fullDictionary.txt', 'mode': 'wb', 'kw': {}} smart_open.smart_open_lib - DEBUG - encoding_wrapper: {'errors': 'strict', 'fileobj': <_io.BufferedWriter name='/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/finalCorpus_fullDictionary.txt'>, 'encoding': None, 'mode': 'wb'}
In [8]:
id2word.filter_extremes(no_below=20, no_above=0.6, keep_n=None)
id2word.save_as_text(os.path.join(dataDir, '{}.txt'.format('finalCorpus_filteredDictionary')),
gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - discarding 0 tokens: []... gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - keeping 55520 tokens which were in no less than 20 and no more than 118765 (=60.0%) documents gensim.corpora.dictionary - DEBUG - rebuilding dictionary, shrinking gaps gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - resulting dictionary: Dictionary(55520 unique tokens: ['widespreading', 'surveyor', 'vestibule', 'deci', 'elde']...) gensim.corpora.dictionary - INFO - saving dictionary mapping to /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/finalCorpus_filteredDictionary.txt smart_open.smart_open_lib - DEBUG - {'uri': '/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/finalCorpus_filteredDictionary.txt', 'mode': 'wb', 'kw': {}} smart_open.smart_open_lib - DEBUG - encoding_wrapper: {'errors': 'strict', 'fileobj': <_io.BufferedWriter name='/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/2018-02-CorpusPreProcessing/finalCorpus_filteredDictionary.txt'>, 'encoding': None, 'mode': 'wb'}
Reloading dictionaries from files. If corpus is already processed, set dataDir
and run from this point.
In [31]:
from text2topics import utilities
In [32]:
full_dictionary = utilities.extract_words_from_dictionary(os.path.join(dataDir, "finalCorpus_fullDictionary.txt"))
filtered_dictionary = utilities.extract_words_from_dictionary(os.path.join(dataDir, "finalCorpus_filteredDictionary.txt"))
In [33]:
filter_list = list(set(full_dictionary) - set(filtered_dictionary))
In [34]:
with open(os.path.join(dataDir, "finalCorpus_filterList.txt"), "w") as o:
for word in filter_list:
In [ ]: