Aggregated End-Times Topics

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Add some explaining text ....

In [2]:
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import cufflinks as cf

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
import os
import pandas as pd
from text2topics import models
In [5]:
data_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/data/"
output_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/site/files/interact/"
In [6]:
data = os.path.join(data_dir, "model_outputs", "target_300_10.18497.state.gz")
In [7]:
mallet_model = models.MalletModel(data)
In [8]:
df = mallet_model.model()
params = mallet_model.extract_params()
In [9]:
doc_topic = df.groupby(['#doc', 'topic'])['type'].count().reset_index(name="token_count")
In [10]:
#sanity check
models.pivot_smooth_norm(doc_topic, params[0], '#doc', 'topic', 'token_count')[:10]
topic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
0 0.000247 0.000077 0.000303 0.000252 0.000168 0.000858 0.000106 0.000355 0.000158 0.000083 ... 0.000093 0.000146 0.000120 0.000251 0.000099 0.008392 0.000134 0.000146 0.000133 0.000091
1 0.000279 0.000087 0.000343 0.000285 0.037680 0.010343 0.000120 0.000402 0.000178 0.000094 ... 0.000106 0.000165 0.000135 0.000284 0.000112 0.000121 0.000151 0.000165 0.000150 0.000103
2 0.000265 0.000082 0.000325 0.000269 0.000180 0.009792 0.000113 0.000381 0.159891 0.000089 ... 0.000100 0.000157 0.000128 0.000269 0.000106 0.000115 0.000143 0.000157 0.000142 0.000098
3 0.000293 0.000091 0.000360 0.000299 0.000200 0.001018 0.000125 0.000422 0.000187 0.000098 ... 0.000111 0.000173 0.000142 0.000298 0.000118 0.000127 0.000159 0.000174 0.000158 0.000109
4 0.000237 0.000074 0.055981 0.000242 0.000162 0.000824 0.000101 0.000341 0.000151 0.000080 ... 0.000090 0.000140 0.000115 0.008196 0.000095 0.000103 0.000128 0.000140 0.000128 0.000088
5 0.000253 0.000079 0.000311 0.000258 0.000173 0.000880 0.000108 0.000365 0.025651 0.000085 ... 0.000096 0.000150 0.000123 0.000257 0.000102 0.000110 0.000137 0.000150 0.000136 0.000094
6 0.000233 0.015735 0.000287 0.000238 0.000159 0.000811 0.000100 0.000336 0.000149 0.000078 ... 0.000088 0.000138 0.000113 0.000237 0.000094 0.000101 0.000126 0.000138 0.000126 0.000086
7 0.000210 0.000065 0.000258 0.000214 0.000143 0.000731 0.000090 0.007360 0.000134 0.000071 ... 0.000079 0.000125 0.000102 0.000214 0.077715 0.000091 0.000114 0.000125 0.000113 0.000078
8 0.000237 0.000074 0.000291 0.000242 0.000162 0.000824 0.000101 0.000341 0.000151 0.000080 ... 0.000090 0.000140 0.000115 0.000241 0.000095 0.000103 0.000128 0.000140 0.000128 0.000088
9 0.000218 0.000068 0.000268 0.000222 0.014780 0.000757 0.000093 0.000314 0.000139 0.000073 ... 0.000082 0.000129 0.000106 0.000221 0.000088 0.000095 0.000118 0.000129 0.000117 0.000081

10 rows × 250 columns

In [11]:
# Load metadata

metadata = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, "corpus_metadata", "meta.csv"), header=None).reset_index()
metadata.columns = ['doc_id', 'filename', 'citation', 'author', 
                    'periodical_name', 'volume', 'issue', 
                    'date', 'page', 'url','abrev']
metadata['date_formatted'] = pd.to_datetime(metadata['date'])
In [12]:
# Load Labels

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

# Load data from Google Doc
scope = ['']
secrets = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/dev/code/secrets/dissertation-881847769b13.json"
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(secrets, scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
dts ='Topic Labels').sheet1

labels = pd.DataFrame(dts.get_all_records())
In [13]:
denom_titles = ['RH', 'ST', 'ARAI', 'GCB', 'PTAR','TCOG']
denom = models.subset_by_titles(doc_topic, metadata, denom_titles, params[0])
In [14]:
prophecy_denom = models.generate_graph_data(denom, ['prophecy'], labels)
                              'Denominational Titles', 'Prophecy Topics',
In [15]:
esch_denom = models.generate_graph_data(denom, ['eschatology'], labels)
                              'Denominational Titles', 'Eschatology Topics', 
In [16]:
signs_denom = models.generate_graph_data(denom, ['signs_of_the_times'], labels)
                              'Denominational Titles', 'Signs of the Times Topics', 
In [17]:
church_denom = models.generate_graph_data(denom, ['church_and_state'], labels)
                              'Denominational Titles', 'Church and State Topics', 
In [18]:
endTimes_denom = models.generate_graph_data(denom, 
                                           ['prophecy', 'eschatology', 'signs_of_the_times', 'church_and_state'], 
                              'Denominational Titles', 'All End-Times Topics', 

Process full corpus (excluding YI)

In [19]:
# Full Corpus excludes 'YI' because of the spotty coverage and distinctive vocabulary
titles = metadata['abrev'].unique().tolist()

full_corpus = models.subset_by_titles(doc_topic, metadata, titles, params[0])
In [20]:
prophecy_full = models.generate_graph_data(full_corpus, ['prophecy'], labels)
                              'Full Corpus', 'Prophecy Topics',
In [21]:
esch_full = models.generate_graph_data(full_corpus, ['eschatology'], labels)
                              'Full Corpus', 'Eschatology Topics',
In [22]:
church_full = models.generate_graph_data(full_corpus, ['church_and_state'], labels)
                              'Full Corpus', 'Church and State Topics',
In [23]:
signs_full = models.generate_graph_data(full_corpus, ['signs_of_the_times'], labels)
                              'Full Corpus', 'Signs of the Times Topics',
In [24]:
endTimes_full = models.generate_graph_data(full_corpus, 
                                           ['prophecy', 'eschatology', 'signs_of_the_times', 'church_and_state'], 
                              'Full Corpus', 'All End-Times Topics', 

Experiment with using lable for all topics chart (too much detail with all the topics).

what data do I need?

  • aggregated topic prevalence for label
  • prep that for bar graph

Where is the data? - full_corpus (this has been normed on the year)

In [25]:
topic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
1849 0.000466 0.002586 0.001395 0.003516 0.010145 0.004582 0.001459 0.007097 0.000664 6.630487e-07 ... 0.000995 0.000532 0.000067 0.000334 7.931035e-07 8.578557e-07 0.000001 0.000001 0.000200 7.317510e-07
1850 0.000748 0.000168 0.017215 0.002281 0.017356 0.010193 0.004587 0.017163 0.001495 1.032088e-04 ... 0.004613 0.002564 0.001134 0.000954 5.169408e-05 6.459166e-05 0.000142 0.000155 0.000116 3.093819e-04
1851 0.000168 0.000088 0.012642 0.000423 0.008307 0.005930 0.003075 0.026111 0.001330 1.762721e-04 ... 0.007153 0.000326 0.000326 0.001410 1.586710e-04 1.773238e-05 0.000088 0.000308 0.000027 2.291364e-04
1852 0.000167 0.000035 0.005281 0.001515 0.007970 0.005372 0.001744 0.007477 0.002126 9.241767e-04 ... 0.001591 0.000167 0.000063 0.003620 4.934035e-04 2.093442e-05 0.000042 0.000160 0.000049 3.057964e-04
1853 0.000172 0.000177 0.004123 0.005804 0.014792 0.009618 0.004503 0.007720 0.002175 7.067793e-04 ... 0.016509 0.000535 0.000231 0.001767 6.800938e-05 1.269083e-04 0.000141 0.000068 0.000168 5.119791e-04
1854 0.000371 0.000064 0.006968 0.005771 0.014992 0.006641 0.002876 0.004330 0.001102 2.825367e-04 ... 0.011030 0.002079 0.000324 0.001863 4.447696e-05 1.333580e-04 0.000248 0.000070 0.000067 1.016099e-04
1855 0.000287 0.000017 0.005469 0.006721 0.016765 0.007997 0.001198 0.009276 0.002825 2.318219e-04 ... 0.007935 0.001065 0.000259 0.002367 1.380224e-04 3.869919e-05 0.001159 0.000215 0.000088 2.759737e-04
1856 0.000356 0.000066 0.005137 0.005642 0.016413 0.007067 0.006419 0.017270 0.003977 6.013867e-04 ... 0.013017 0.000106 0.000449 0.002120 1.030340e-04 5.652370e-05 0.000498 0.000116 0.000070 1.362549e-04
1857 0.000114 0.000129 0.006746 0.007267 0.013650 0.008857 0.003065 0.014193 0.007135 1.769910e-04 ... 0.005354 0.000633 0.000360 0.003278 2.103126e-05 8.402032e-05 0.000540 0.000144 0.000099 1.709955e-04
1858 0.000206 0.000049 0.007224 0.007572 0.017155 0.008963 0.001800 0.019248 0.003200 3.876865e-04 ... 0.003412 0.000194 0.000628 0.002729 1.169488e-04 1.507948e-04 0.001061 0.000366 0.000129 3.015439e-04

10 rows × 250 columns

In [26]:
def aggregate_on_topic_category(df, topic_list):
    data = df.unstack().reset_index(name='t_proportion')\
            .merge(labels, how='left', left_on="topic", right_on="mallet_topic_id")\
            [['topic', 'date_formatted', 't_proportion', 'topic_category', 'topic_label']]
    agg_data = data.groupby(['date_formatted', 'topic_category'])['t_proportion']\
    return agg_data[agg_data['topic_category'].isin(topic_list)]
In [27]:
import plotly.graph_objs as go

def generate_graph_data(df):
    # Compile into form for Plotly
    data = []
    for each in df['topic_category'].unique():
        filtered = df[df['topic_category'] == each]
        graph_obj = go.Bar(
            x = filtered['date_formatted'],
            y = filtered['agg_topic_proportion'],
            name = ''.join(filtered['topic_category'].unique())
    return data
In [28]:
agg_end_times = aggregate_on_topic_category(full_corpus,
In [29]:
date_formatted topic_category agg_topic_proportion
3 1849 church_and_state 0.002725
8 1849 eschatology 0.129428
21 1849 prophecy 0.003118
26 1849 signs_of_the_times 0.014663
36 1850 church_and_state 0.002488
In [30]:
                            'Full Corpus', 
                            'All End-Times Categories', 
In [31]:
denom_data = aggregate_on_topic_category(denom,
In [32]:
                            'Denominational Titles', 
                             'All End-Times Categories',
In [ ]: