
In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [2]:
%autoreload 2
In [3]:
from text2topics import reports
from text2topics import utilities
from text2topics import clean
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import collections
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
wordlist_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/word-lists"
wordlists = ["2016-12-07-SDA-last-names.txt", 
In [6]:
spelling_dictionary = utilities.create_spelling_dictionary(wordlist_dir, wordlists)
In [7]:
title = "YI"
In [8]:
base_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/{}/".format(title)


In [9]:
cycle = 'baseline'
In [10]:
stats = reports.overview_report(join(base_dir, cycle), spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/baseline

Average verified rate: 0.954840959632199

Average of error rates: 0.053144118987918855

Total token count: 22191127

In [11]:
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( stats )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 500 )
[('ñ', 59838),
 ('-', 45430),
 ("'", 26245),
 ('¥', 18681),
 ('e', 11544),
 ('m', 10449),
 ('d', 9608),
 (')', 9375),
 ('re-', 7994),
 ('in-', 6999),
 ('con-', 6855),
 ('t', 6773),
 ('w', 6692),
 ('tion', 6489),
 ('r', 6056),
 ('be-', 6020),
 ('n', 5009),
 ('f', 4486),
 ('com-', 4446),
 ('g', 4266),
 ('de-', 4027),
 ('ex-', 3826),
 ('ment', 3094),
 ('(', 2983),
 ('dis-', 2931),
 ('per-', 2446),
 ('un-', 2411),
 ('co', 2248),
 ('en-', 2248),
 ('¥¥', 2137),
 ('pro-', 2103),
 ('an-', 2018),
 ('tions', 1860),
 ('im-', 1724),
 ('some-', 1698),
 ('_', 1657),
 ('al-', 1654),
 ('*', 1645),
 ('--', 1636),
 ('/', 1632),
 ('ac-', 1626),
 ('mis-', 1621),
 ('ful', 1603),
 ('pre-', 1558),
 ('x', 1553),
 ('ap-', 1439),
 ('ers', 1438),
 ('to-', 1404),
 ('ple', 1351),
 ('io', 1327),
 ('for-', 1301),
 ('ex', 1254),
 ('k', 1237),
 ('peo-', 1227),
 ('ments', 1196),
 ('at-', 1121),
 ('ence', 1119),
 ('sab-', 1073),
 ('ad-', 1066),
 ('hun-', 1056),
 ('chil-', 1039),
 ('dren', 1024),
 ("'tis", 1008),
 ('u', 982),
 (']', 982),
 ('(poetry)', 974),
 ('structor', 953),
 ('thou-', 927),
 ('chris-', 924),
 ('ber', 917),
 ('th', 899),
 ('sub-', 896),
 ('ñthe', 863),
 ('fol-', 861),
 ('sur-', 846),
 ("an'", 838),
 ('dred', 831),
 ('with-', 825),
 ('ã', 823),
 ('=', 810),
 ('ance', 801),
 ('ture', 800),
 ('sabbath-', 786),
 ('inter-', 779),
 ('__', 778),
 ('ob-', 770),
 ('z', 763),
 ('-the', 752),
 ('(concluded', 743),
 ('minutes)', 732),
 ('under-', 729),
 ('him-', 724),
 ('(see', 714),
 ('coun-', 713),
 ('every-', 712),
 ('mt', 707),
 ('them-', 702),
 ('tle', 701),
 ('+', 692),
 ('sup-', 692),
 ('over-', 681),
 ('em-', 681),
 ('any-', 680),
 ('id', 672),
 ("'s", 663),
 ('gen-', 659),
 ('sionary', 652),
 ('ñselected', 650),
 ('tian', 638),
 ('par-', 628),
 ('na-', 625),
 ('char-', 616),
 ('as-', 612),
 ('suc-', 604),
 ('mem-', 602),
 ('ning', 598),
 ('man-', 590),
 ('pos-', 588),
 ("'t", 587),
 ('ar-', 575),
 ('pres-', 571),
 ('min-', 567),
 ('ous', 564),
 ('ent', 562),
 ('ble', 560),
 ('pp', 560),
 ('\\', 558),
 ('pur-', 556),
 ('lit-', 553),
 ('ma-', 553),
 ('serv-', 552),
 ('fa-', 549),
 ('num-', 547),
 ('ters', 544),
 ('wm', 544),
 ('mo-', 537),
 ('ques-', 537),
 ('won-', 530),
 ('eral', 521),
 ('pa-', 519),
 ('four-page', 519),
 ('sev-', 518),
 ("'the", 518),
 ('good-by', 517),
 ('can-', 516),
 ('car-', 516),
 ('%', 510),
 ('morn-', 509),
 ('read-', 509),
 ('di-', 506)]

Review Special Characters

In [12]:
[('ñ', 59838),
 ('¥', 18681),
 (')', 9375),
 ('(', 2983),
 ('¥¥', 2137),
 ('_', 1657),
 ('*', 1645),
 ('/', 1632),
 (']', 982),
 ('(poetry)', 974),
 ('ñthe', 863),
 ('ã', 823),
 ('=', 810),
 ('__', 778),
 ('(concluded', 743),
 ('minutes)', 732),
 ('(see', 714),
 ('+', 692),
 ('ñselected', 650),
 ('\\', 558),
 ('%', 510),
 ('¥¥¥', 480),
 ('—', 480),
 ('(the', 478),
 ('•', 436),
 ('`', 423),
 ('¡', 400),
 ('ña', 384),
 ('[the', 359),
 ('___', 336),
 ('(to', 323),
 ('(a', 306),
 ('(for', 304),
 ('ô', 290),
 ('(verse', 288),
 ('-¥', 285),
 ('¥the', 259),
 ('[', 255),
 ('¥¥¥¥', 247),
 ('(ten', 245),
 ('ñand', 213),
 ('(a)', 213),
 ('(five', 212),
 ('(b)', 212),
 ('ñsel', 210),
 ('ñs', 207),
 ('(or', 206),
 ('(may', 196),
 ('(fifteen', 194),
 ('ñno', 194),
 ('(march', 184),
 ('(december', 184),
 ('(august', 181),
 ('(i', 181),
 ('(july', 179),
 ('(january', 177),
 ('(june', 176),
 ('(november', 175),
 ('(concluded)', 175),
 ('¥-', 175),
 ('(april', 175),
 ('(september', 173),
 ('(october', 170),
 ('>', 168),
 ('ñthat', 163),
 ('(john', 156),
 ('¥-¥', 154),
 ('(starts', 151),
 ('(february', 148),
 ('(c)', 144),
 ('(i)', 139),
 ('(and', 136),
 ('(review', 136),
 ('o)', 134),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥', 133),
 ('\ufeff', 132),
 ('the¥', 130),
 ('week)', 130),
 ('ñi', 130),
 ('ñan', 126),
 ('(acts', 120),
 ('#', 118),
 ('(each', 117),
 ('<', 116),
 ('(matt', 114),
 ('¥to', 114),
 ('talk)', 111),
 ('i)', 111),
 ('ñmrs', 111),
 ('(as', 109),
 ('ó', 108),
 ("ñyouth's", 108),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥', 108),
 ('ñto', 108),
 ('and¥', 106),
 ('**', 106),
 ('(which', 105),
 ('(in', 103),
 ('paper)', 102),
 ('£', 97),
 ('(texts', 97),
 ('¥and', 96),
 ('(twenty', 93),
 ('ñit', 92),
 ('(gen', 90),
 ('(d)', 89),
 ('nichols)', 89),
 ('(not', 88),
 ('(fig', 88),
 ('copies)', 87),
 ('ñour', 87),
 ('^', 86),
 ('ñin', 85),
 ('(rev', 85),
 ('ñall', 83),
 ('(five-minute', 81),
 ('_-', 81),
 ('concluded)', 80),
 ('(rom', 80),
 ('yovti=', 79),
 ('edition)', 79),
 ("¥'", 79),
 ('a¥', 79),
 ('(continued', 78),
 ("'ñ", 77),
 ('(ps', 77),
 ('(lid', 77),
 ('ñchristian', 76),
 ('¤', 76),
 ('it)', 76),
 ('\\\\', 75),
 ('(verses', 75),
 ('in¥', 75),
 ('++', 74),
 ("'¥", 72),
 ('(about', 71),
 ('¥i', 70),
 ('____', 70),
 ('(ex', 70),
 ('ñst', 68),
 ('ñwhat', 67),
 ('ñone', 67),
 ('(it', 67),
 ('page)', 67),
 ('thirteen)', 66),
 ('ñlittle', 66),
 ('(heb', 64),
 ('//', 64),
 ('(luke', 64),
 ('`the', 64),
 ('~~', 63),
 ('address)', 63),
 ('ñnot', 63),
 ('¥of', 62),
 ("ñ'", 61),
 ('(pacific', 60),
 ("ñchild's", 60),
 ('ii)', 60),
 ('(if', 60),
 ('six)', 59),
 ('••', 59),
 ('¥a', 59),
 ('(isa', 58),
 ('~', 58),
 ('ñbut', 57),
 ('(e)', 56),
 ('-_', 56),
 ('eight)', 56),
 ('ñhe', 55),
 ('<>', 55),
 ('(he', 55),
 ('(one', 55),
 ('¥=', 54),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 54),
 ('i¥', 54),
 ('r)', 53),
 ('year)', 53),
 ('}', 53),
 ('ñjohn', 53),
 ('(dan', 53),
 ('(this', 52),
 ('(continued)', 51),
 ('to¥', 51),
 ('ñfor', 51),
 ('fifteen)', 50),
 ('[this', 49),
 ('¥he', 49),
 ('ñmary', 48),
 ('ãã', 48),
 ('cents)', 48),
 ('ñthis', 48),
 ('(entered', 48),
 ('andñ', 47),
 ('[all', 47),
 ('continued)', 47),
 ('four)', 47),
 ('yard)', 47),
 ('*st', 47),
 ('ñyoung', 46),
 ('fourteen)', 46),
 ('ñj', 46),
 ('ñas', 46),
 ('[a', 46),
 ('ñmargaret', 46),
 ('¥is', 46),
 ('ñhow', 46),
 ('(reading)', 45),
 ('¥in', 45),
 ('ñwe', 45),
 ('nine)', 44),
 ('ñthese', 43),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 43),
 ('of¥', 43),
 ('ñgeorge', 43),
 ('(recitation)', 42),
 ('(from', 42),
 ('eleven)', 42),
 ('(who', 40),
 ('(though', 40),
 ('addressñ', 40),
 ('ten)', 40),
 ('--¥', 40),
 ('/j', 40),
 ('ñdo', 40),
 ('[or', 39),
 ('(new', 39),
 ('ñid', 39),
 ('ñ`', 39),
 ('(mrs', 39),
 ('(that', 39),
 ('c)', 37),
 ('[note', 37),
 ('(gal', 37),
 ('ñgolden', 37),
 ('(with', 36),
 ('ñfrom', 36),
 ('for¥', 36),
 ('*-', 35),
 ('(so', 35),
 ('ñalice', 35),
 ("ñharper's", 35),
 ('(eight-minute', 35),
 ('white)', 35),
 ('thereforeñ', 35),
 ('*new', 34),
 ('[that', 33),
 ('draft)', 33),
 ('(money-order', 33),
 ('ñt', 33),
 ('(>', 33),
 ('¥page¥', 33),
 ('part)', 33),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 32),
 ('iñ', 32),
 ('ñm', 32),
 ('-=', 32),
 ('(ten-minute', 31),
 ('ñif', 31),
 ('[vaasa', 31),
 ('toñ', 31),
 ('(we', 31),
 ('a)', 31),
 ('t)', 31),
 ('twelve)', 31),
 ('seven)', 31),
 ('(by', 31),
 ('*e', 30),
 ('ñn', 30),
 ('five)', 30),
 ('(pronounced', 30),
 ('o¡', 30),
 ("(p'y)", 29),
 ('to)', 29),
 ('(eph', 29),
 ('[in', 29),
 ('ñe', 29),
 ('ñf', 29),
 ('ñyou', 29),
 ('(prov', 29),
 ('(let', 29),
 ('`i', 29),
 ('(mark', 29),
 ("ñchildren's", 29),
 ('margin)', 29),
 ('*west', 28),
 ('sixteen)', 28),
 ('i/', 28),
 ('ñso', 28),
 ('accepted)', 28),
 ('¥his', 28),
 ('ñhenry', 28),
 ('(three-minute', 28),
 ('ñrev', 28),
 ('-_-', 27),
 ('(first', 27),
 ('(r', 27),
 ('¥it', 27),
 ('ñdr', 27),
 ('(but', 27),
 ('¥that', 27),
 ('monthsñfor', 26),
 ('=-', 26),
 ('[of', 26),
 ('ñthey', 26),
 ('termsñin', 26),
 ('ñlongfellow', 26),
 ('ñjames', 26),
 ('ñsydney', 26),
 ('***', 26),
 ('years)', 26),
 ('(margin)', 26),
 ('(subscriptions', 26),
 ('bñ', 26),
 ('(of', 26),
 ('[for', 26),
 ('¥but', 25),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 25),
 ('*i', 25),
 ('ñexchange', 25),
 ('=¥', 25),
 ('one)', 25),
 ('(no', 25),
 ('(an', 25),
 ('ñwhen', 25),
 ('two)', 25),
 ('so)', 25),
 ('()', 25),
 ('zo)', 25),
 ('■', 25),
 ('ñwell-spring', 25),
 ('¥by', 24),
 ('¥as', 24),
 ('r¥', 24),
 ('¥was', 24),
 ('ñwhich', 24),
 ('-ã', 24),
 ('margin]', 24),
 ('ñyes', 24),
 ('moo)', 24),
 ('¥-¥¥¥¥¥-¥', 24),
 ('¥¥-¥', 24),
 ('©', 24),
 ('¥have', 24),
 ('instructor¥', 24),
 ('[christ]', 24),
 ('ñwide', 23),
 ('¥--', 23),
 ('(now', 23),
 ('ñh', 23),
 ('rñ', 23),
 ('name)', 23),
 ('t¥', 23),
 ('ñsunday', 23),
 ('(chap', 23),
 ('with¥', 22),
 ('(r)', 22),
 ('==', 22),
 ('ñshe', 22),
 ('(all', 22),
 ('si%', 22),
 ('ñnew', 22),
 ('is)', 22),
 ('¥*', 22),
 ('s¥', 22),
 ('ò', 22),
 ('time)', 22),
 ('¥be', 22),
 ('ñse-', 22),
 ('¥this', 22),
 ('ñelizabeth', 22),
 ('gazette)', 22),
 ('\\vhat', 21),
 ('/c', 21),
 ('(there', 21),
 ('ñcompanion', 21),
 ('ñwilliam', 21),
 ('ñthose', 21),
 ('*san', 21),
 ('-`', 21),
 ('ñat', 21),
 ('(page', 21),
 ('✓', 21),
 ('(they', 21),
 ('ñamos', 21),
 ('¥they', 21),
 ('(f)', 21),
 (')-', 21),
 ('e¥', 21),
 ('ñwho', 21),
 ('sñ', 21),
 ('iñi', 20),
 ('///', 20),
 ('*oakland', 20),
 ('(note', 20),
 ('day)', 20),
 ('(two', 20),
 ('(b', 20),
 ('‘', 20),
 ('when¥', 20),
 ('*east', 20),
 ('(t)', 20),
 ('¥her', 20),
 ('%airs', 20),
 ('from¥', 20),
 ('(lev', 20),
 ('ñ¥', 20),
 ('man)', 20),
 ('three)', 20),
 ('ñby', 20),
 ('¨', 20),
 ('ñof', 20),
 ('ñset', 20),
 ('ñjust', 19),
 ('dollars)', 19),
 ('\\i', 19),
 ('¥are', 19),
 ('*santa', 19),
 ('dayñ', 19),
 ('was¥', 19),
 ('¥t', 19),
 ('(num', 19),
 ('you¥', 19),
 ('`you', 19),
 ('(except', 19),
 ('/i', 19),
 ('{', 19),
 ('ñanna', 19),
 ('their¥', 19),
 ('ñemma', 19),
 ('butñ', 19),
 ('¥had', 18),
 ('(half', 18),
 ('ñgood', 18),
 ('[jesus]', 18),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 18),
 ('ñis', 18),
 ('±', 18),
 ('/a', 18),
 ('(white', 18),
 ('(including', 18),
 ('*mt', 18),
 ('himñ', 18),
 ('-¥-', 18),
 ('ñwill', 18),
 ('ñen', 18),
 ('(on', 18),
 ('¥-¥¥¥¥¥¥-¥', 18),
 ('(how', 18),
 ('*s', 18),
 ('-__', 18),
 ('it¥', 17),
 ('¥for', 17),
 ('ñoh', 17),
 ('ñcelia', 17),
 ('gñ', 17),
 ('them)', 17),
 ('(she', 17),
 ('(his', 17),
 ('is¥', 17),
 ("')", 17),
 ('itñ', 17),
 ('self=pronouncing', 17),
 ('*a', 17),
 ('(last', 17),
 ('c/cap', 17),
 ('++++', 17),
 ("'`", 17),
 ("¥¥children's¥", 17),
 ('(deut', 17),
 ('version)', 17),
 ('=i', 17),
 ('****', 17),
 ('[to', 17),
 ('¥¥=', 17),
 ('(tune', 17),
 ('))', 17),
 ('„', 17),
 ('(chapter', 17),
 ('miles)', 16),
 ('(jer', 16),
 ('ñl', 16),
 ('ñsome', 16),
 ('(compare', 16),
 ('(col', 16),
 ('(d', 16),
 ('(job', 16),
 ('o¥', 16),
 ('meñ', 16),
 ('io)', 16),
 ('(called', 16),
 ('ñafter', 16),
 ('ñfrank', 16),
 ('ñhelen', 16),
 ("ñ'tis", 16),
 ('(you', 16),
 ('feet)', 16),
 ('/-', 16),
 ('añ', 16),
 ('b)', 16),
 ('ã-', 16),
 ('m¥', 16),
 ('ñthere', 16),
 ('(lay', 16),
 ('`a', 16),
 ('(read', 15),
 ('howson)', 15),
 ('@', 15),
 ('(at', 15),
 ('days)', 15),
 ('price)', 15),
 ('(phil', 15),
 ('(ver', 15),
 ('/t', 15),
 ('ñw', 15),
 ('ñwith', 15),
 ('*the', 15),
 ('allñ', 15),
 ('(eze', 15),
 ('ar¥e', 15),
 ('¥c', 15),
 ('¥at', 15),
 ('_ã', 15),
 ('ñemily', 15),
 ('ñpansy', 15),
 ('be¥', 15),
 ('answered)', 15),
 ('ñamerican', 15),
 ('i=', 15),
 ('as¥', 15),
 ('ñanon', 15),
 ('pñ', 15),
 ('*little', 15),
 ('*north', 15),
 ('ñor', 15),
 ('after¥', 15),
 ('thatñ', 14),
 ('ñthen', 14),
 ('\\v', 14),
 ('(judges', 14),
 ('he¥', 14),
 ('-)', 14),
 ('[i', 14),
 ('ic)', 14),
 ('usñ', 14),
 ('(when', 14),
 ('beñ', 14),
 ('(these', 14),
 ('*eureka', 14),
 ('wayñ', 14),
 ('members)', 14),
 ('(m', 14),
 ('--_', 14),
 ('`and', 14),
 ('¤c', 14),
 ('*minneapolis', 14),
 ('ro)', 14),
 ('church)', 14),
 ('(my', 14),
 ('z)', 14),
 ('[mr', 14),
 ('i%', 14),
 ('¥`', 14),
 ('(price', 14),
 ('_--', 14),
 ('[as', 14),
 ('_____', 14),
 ('cent)', 14),
 ('ñsusan', 14),
 ('_i', 14),
 ('the_', 14),
 ('*cedar', 14),
 ('(some', 14),
 ('do/', 14),
 ('on¥', 14),
 ('(three', 14),
 ('ñpopular', 14),
 ('-*', 14),
 ('reading)', 14),
 ('-/', 14),
 ('ñ-', 14),
 ('¥s', 14),
 ('(g)', 13),
 ('hñ', 13),
 ('children)', 13),
 ('ñfirst', 13),
 ('[see', 13),
 ('ñadapted', 13),
 ('instructor)', 13),
 ('`no', 13),
 ('ñjulia', 13),
 ('ñonly', 13),
 ('_the', 13),
 ('û', 13),
 ('or¥', 13),
 (")'", 13),
 ('¥them', 13),
 ('ñkate', 13),
 ('_a', 13),
 ('¥/', 13),
 ('awayñ', 13),
 ('¥¥childrens¥', 13),
 ('god)', 13),
 ('/d', 13),
 ('old)', 13),
 ('¥ñ', 13),
 ('(mal', 13),
 ('(conybeare', 13),
 ('¥from', 13),
 ('[god]', 13),
 ('ñfrances', 13),
 ('[wears', 13),
 ('ñevery', 13),
 ('d)', 13),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 13),
 ('subjects¥', 13),
 ('young)', 13),
 ('ñinheritance', 13),
 ('who¥', 13),
 ('cñ', 13),
 ('¥e', 13),
 ('ñeben', 13),
 ('ñhis', 13),
 ('that¥', 13),
 ('fieldñthe', 13),
 ('ñlucy', 13),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 13),
 ('lifeñ', 13),
 ('not)', 13),
 ('ñmorning', 13),
 ('*chicago', 13),
 ('ñduties', 13),
 ('ñtwo', 12),
 ('*¥', 12),
 ('¥me', 12),
 ('ñannie', 12),
 ('[it', 12),
 ('_¥', 12),
 ('[not', 12),
 ('ñon', 12),
 ('[we', 12),
 ('him)', 12),
 ('which¥', 12),
 ('[verse', 12),
 ('[by', 12),
 ('(revised', 12),
 ('you)', 12),
 ('¥with', 12),
 ('[enter', 12),
 ('i¥n', 12),
 ('p¥', 12),
 ('(johnbrown', 12),
 ('(n', 12),
 ('ñmen', 12),
 ('_-_', 12),
 ('*richland', 12),
 ('ñp', 12),
 ('her)', 12),
 ('*akron', 12),
 ('youñ', 12),
 ('______', 12),
 ("¡'", 12),
 ('¥m', 12),
 ('oneñ', 12),
 ('-ñ', 12),
 ('water)', 12),
 ('ñr', 12),
 ('lo)', 12),
 ('¥which', 12),
 ('(here', 12),
 ('york)', 12),
 ('i¡', 12),
 ('[an', 12),
 ('¥-¥¥', 12),
 ('❑', 12),
 ('[one', 12),
 ('(conclusion', 12),
 ('*madison', 12),
 ('*milton', 12),
 ('knowñ', 12),
 ('had¥', 12),
 ('ñwas', 12),
 ('i*', 12),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 12),
 ('=mi', 12),
 ('ñeliza', 12),
 ('ñphoebe', 12),
 ('at¥', 11),
 ('ñc', 11),
 ('¥their', 11),
 ('******', 11),
 ('*so', 11),
 ('(h)', 11),
 ('¥all', 11),
 ('¥no', 11),
 ('*denver', 11),
 ('*spring', 11),
 ('them¥', 11),
 ('\\t', 11),
 (')i', 11),
 ('¥r', 11),
 ('ç', 11),
 ('ñlet', 11),
 ('ñed', 11),
 ('¥god', 11),
 ('*south', 11),
 ('(joshua', 11),
 ('`he', 11),
 ('---¥', 11),
 ('ñsuch', 11),
 ('ñnow', 11),
 ('his¥', 11),
 ('a¥nd', 11),
 ('hour)', 11),
 ('christ)', 11),
 ('ñpart', 11),
 ('♦', 11),
 ('*fremont', 11),
 ('¥not', 11),
 ("ñarthur's", 11),
 ('(new)', 11),
 ('ñbecause', 11),
 ('-%', 11),
 ('ñse/', 11),
 ('*family', 11),
 ('know)', 11),
 ('[and', 11),
 ('(even', 11),
 ('[about', 11),
 ('¥_', 11),
 ('m=', 11),
 ('(native', 11),
 ('t¥o', 11),
 ('¥or', 11),
 ('(`', 11),
 ('¥ô', 11),
 ('[every', 11),
 ('her¥', 11),
 ('*maple', 11),
 ('ñcharles', 11),
 ('¥one', 11),
 ('(cal', 11),
 ('ñwhere', 11),
 ('¥v', 11),
 ('*bloomington', 11),
 ('*white', 11),
 ('ñbaptist', 11),
 ('(river', 11),
 ('r/', 10),
 ('w)', 10),
 ('(card)', 10),
 ('¥we', 10),
 ('(v', 10),
 ('sayñ', 10),
 ('[margin]', 10),
 ('_---', 10),
 ('ñhome', 10),
 ('l¥', 10),
 ('¥on', 10),
 ('-_--', 10),
 ('(because', 10),
 ('been¥', 10),
 ('*waterford', 10),
 ('meeting)', 10),
 ('ñmatt', 10),
 ('ñsarah', 10),
 ('¥so', 10),
 ('*pine', 10),
 ('(eccl', 10),
 ('ñpresbyterian', 10),
 ('inches)', 10),
 ('%ate', 10),
 ('others)', 10),
 ('¥o', 10),
 ('vñ', 10),
 ('ñsabbath', 10),
 ('work=table', 10),
 ('/g', 10),
 ('¥there', 10),
 ('ñella', 10),
 ('(t', 10),
 ('ñwhy', 10),
 ('ñedward', 10),
 ('(like', 10),
 ('(california)', 10),
 ('saidñ', 10),
 ('(boards)', 10),
 ('(over', 10),
 ('+++', 10),
 ('too)', 10),
 ('(many', 10),
 ('(our', 10),
 ('-¥¥', 10),
 ('(st', 10),
 ('ñmyrtle', 10),
 ('`what', 10),
 ('ñlove', 10),
 ('(ezra', 10),
 ('called)', 10),
 ('(also', 10),
 ('ã_', 10),
 ('(her', 10),
 ('¥more', 10),
 ("'¡", 10),
 ('•••', 10),
 ('¥w', 10),
 ('(such', 10),
 ('be_', 10),
 ('[nom', 10),
 ('[he', 10),
 ('ñwell', 10),
 ('are¥', 10),
 ('ñmore', 10),
 ('(repeats', 10),
 ('of_', 10),
 ('(illustrated)', 10),
 ('(james', 10),
 ('ñrobert', 10),
 ('*union', 10),
 ('[at', 10),
 ('(missionary', 10),
 ('fromñ', 9),
 ('ñgeo', 9),
 ('money)', 9),
 (')f', 9),
 ('(six', 9),
 (')¥', 9),
 ('ñthough', 9),
 ('(both', 9),
 ('t=', 9),
 ('(ans', 9),
 ('r=', 9),
 ('ñsunday-school', 9),
 ("ñladies'", 9),
 ('ñnellie', 9),
 ('ñg', 9),
 ('*elk', 9),
 ('¤a', 9),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 9),
 ('-¥¥¥', 9),
 ('`do', 9),
 ('family)', 9),
 ('(is', 9),
 ('bible)', 9),
 ('\\-', 9),
 ('girl)', 9),
 ('ã¥', 9),
 ("/'", 9),
 ('dictionary)', 9),
 ('do)', 9),
 ('`this', 9),
 ('ñlondon', 9),
 ('*grand', 9),
 ('(what', 9),
 ('`if', 9),
 ('c/c', 9),
 ('*as', 9),
 ('*ft', 9),
 ('¥-¥¥¥¥¥¥¥-¥', 9),
 ('ññ', 9),
 ('*rochester', 9),
 ('ñmiss', 9),
 ('[here', 9),
 ('city)', 9),
 ('*springfield', 9),
 ('ñmay', 9),
 ('¥n', 9),
 ('againñ', 9),
 ('out)', 9),
 ('[which', 9),
 ('`yes', 9),
 ('i¥t', 9),
 ('this¥', 9),
 ('ñits', 9),
 ('ñminnie', 9),
 ('(x)', 9),
 ('*carson', 9),
 ('(dent', 9),
 ('ñwhittier', 9),
 ('it/', 9),
 ('(old', 9),
 ('number)', 9),
 ('treeñ', 9),
 ('(after', 9),
 ('*clyde', 9),
 ('*appleton', 9),
 ('an¥', 9),
 ('him¥', 9),
 ('ý', 9),
 ('here)', 9),
 ('work)', 9),
 ('ñthree', 9),
 ('[matt', 9),
 ('¥ñ¥', 9),
 ('`that', 9),
 ('eyesñ', 9),
 ('not¥', 9),
 ('(being', 9),
 ('ñjesus', 9),
 ('(h', 9),
 ('[rev', 9),
 ('was)', 9),
 ('ñkind', 9),
 ('life)', 9),
 ('ñrichard', 9),
 ('¥then', 9),
 ('there)', 9),
 ('*mason', 9),
 ('a_', 9),
 ('(formerly', 9),
 ('ñcongregationalist', 9),
 ('(-', 9),
 ('(where', 9),
 ('ñare', 9),
 ('*la', 9),
 ('=m', 9),
 ('(aged', 9),
 ('n)', 9),
 ('(under', 9),
 ('other¥', 9),
 ('me)', 8),
 ('us)', 8),
 ('¥through', 8),
 ('*raymond', 8),
 ('********', 8),
 ('fingersñno', 8),
 ('è', 8),
 ('we¥', 8),
 ('ñ_', 8),
 ('(zech', 8),
 ('¥can', 8),
 ('¥who', 8),
 ('thanks)', 8),
 ('ñbible', 8),
 ('*monroe', 8),
 ('(e', 8),
 ('(talk)', 8),
 ('s)', 8),
 ('*almond', 8),
 ('(z)', 8),
 ('[ex', 8),
 ('¥she', 8),
 ('*woodburn', 8),
 ('said)', 8),
 ('ñclara', 8),
 ('(meaning', 8),
 ('ñnixon', 8),
 ('%ars', 8),
 ('island)', 8),
 ('ñmy', 8),
 ('iã', 8),
 ('ñalways', 8),
 ('father)', 8),
 ('(s)', 8),
 ('two¥', 8),
 ('(sometimes', 8),
 ('ñharriet', 8),
 ('(luring', 8),
 ('(pages', 8),
 ('[these', 8),
 ('ñmarianne', 8),
 ('request)', 8),
 ('*buffalo', 8),
 ('*it', 8),
 ('*burke', 8),
 ('-(', 8),
 ('doñ', 8),
 ('¤attatft', 8),
 ('t/', 8),
 ('(s', 8),
 ('/r', 8),
 ('down¥', 8),
 ('land)', 8),
 ('d¡you', 8),
 ('*kansas', 8),
 ('¥has', 8),
 ('our¥', 8),
 ('(little', 8),
 ('ñwhile', 8),
 ('(since', 8),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥', 8),
 ('gold)', 8),
 ('ies)', 8),
 ('(literally', 8),
 ('c>', 8),
 ('e)', 8),
 ('(representing', 8),
 ('g)', 8),
 ('*marion', 8),
 ('/he', 8),
 ('`they', 8),
 ('rotherham)', 8),
 ('`how', 8),
 ('o/c', 8),
 ('boy)', 8),
 ('ñgood-bye', 8),
 ('(then', 8),
 ('then¥', 8),
 ('*ay', 8),
 ('ãa', 8),
 ('¥christ', 8),

Correction 1 -- Normalize Special Characters

In [14]:
# %load shared_elements/normalize_characters.py
prev = "baseline"
cycle = "correction1"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    # Substitute for all other dashes
    content = re.sub(r"—-—–‑", r"-", content)

    # Substitute formatted apostrophe
    content = re.sub(r"\’\’\‘\'\‛\´", r"'", content)
    # Replace all special characters with a space (as these tend to occur at the end of lines)
    content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s,.!?$:;\-&\'\"]", r" ", content)
    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [17]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction1

Average verified rate: 0.9621264210859254

Average of error rates: 0.04386494187371781

Total token count: 22090413

In [18]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 47905),
 ("'", 27001),
 ('e', 11949),
 ('m', 10700),
 ('d', 9847),
 ('re-', 8001),
 ('t', 7271),
 ('in-', 7007),
 ('con-', 6864),
 ('w', 6836),
 ('tion', 6504),
 ('r', 6501),
 ('be-', 6026),
 ('n', 5264),
 ('f', 4728),
 ('com-', 4454),
 ('g', 4401),
 ('de-', 4029),
 ('ex-', 3829),
 ('ment', 3103),
 ('dis-', 2933),
 ('per-', 2449),
 ('un-', 2414),
 ('co', 2285),
 ('en-', 2248),
 ('pro-', 2110),
 ('--', 2038),
 ('an-', 2019),
 ('tions', 1864),
 ('im-', 1724),
 ('some-', 1702),
 ('al-', 1657),
 ('x', 1641),
 ('ac-', 1628),
 ('mis-', 1622),
 ('ful', 1607),
 ('pre-', 1559),
 ('ers', 1446),
 ('ap-', 1441),
 ('to-', 1405),
 ('ple', 1355),
 ('io', 1354),
 ('ex', 1344),
 ('k', 1321),
 ('for-', 1303),
 ('peo-', 1227),
 ('ments', 1198),
 ('at-', 1123),
 ('ence', 1121),
 ('sab-', 1074)]

Correction 2 -- Fix Line Endings

In [20]:
# %load shared_elements/correct_line_endings.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction2"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    content = re.sub(r"(\w+)(\-\s{1,})([a-z]+)", r"\1\3", content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [23]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction2

Average verified rate: 0.979442301938595

Average of error rates: 0.026885115112833376

Total token count: 21818688

In [24]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 47700),
 ("'", 27001),
 ('e', 11926),
 ('m', 10681),
 ('d', 9828),
 ('t', 7225),
 ('w', 6830),
 ('r', 6466),
 ('n', 5251),
 ('f', 4707),
 ('g', 4390),
 ('co', 2281),
 ('--', 2038),
 ('x', 1640),
 ('io', 1354),
 ('ex', 1344),
 ('k', 1315),
 ("'tis", 1033),
 ('u', 1028),
 ('in-', 978),
 ('th', 931),
 ('structor', 893),
 ("an'", 847),
 ('z', 836),
 ('-the', 754),
 ('mt', 738),
 ('id', 722),
 ("'s", 679),
 ("'t", 607),
 ('sabbathschool', 595),
 ('---', 576),
 ('wm', 566),
 ('pp', 564),
 ("'the", 521),
 ('good-by', 519),
 ('four-page', 518),
 ('pa', 513),
 ('ro', 503),
 ('oo', 485),
 ('li', 484),
 ('ma', 455),
 ("'i", 453),
 ('q', 413),
 ("'em", 402),
 ('ti', 341),
 ("the'", 336),
 ('al', 334),
 ("'twas", 325),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('mo', 312)]

Correction 3 -- Remove Extra Dashes

In [26]:
# %load shared_elements/remove_extra_dashes.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction3"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    replacements = []
    for token in tokens:
        if token[0] is "-":
            replacements.append((token, token[1:]))
        elif token[-1] is "-":
            replacements.append((token, token[:-1]))
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
YI18520801-V01-01-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('Sab-', 'Sab')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page3.txt: [('twenty-', 'twenty')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page4.txt: [('writ-', 'writ'), ('as-', 'as')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('neigh-', 'neigh'), ('to-', 'to'), ('af-', 'af'), ('ground.-', 'ground.'), ('al-', 'al'), ('break-', 'break')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page6.txt: [('-', '')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page7.txt: [('re-', 're'), ('-', '')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page8.txt: [('--', '-'), ('TERMS-', 'TERMS')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page1.txt: [('-', '')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page2.txt: [('ourselves.-', 'ourselves.'), ('Sab-', 'Sab')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('JE-', 'JE'), ('-', '')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page4.txt: [('INSTRUC-', 'INSTRUC')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page5.txt: [('-beaysnl', 'beaysnl')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page6.txt: [('ten-', 'ten'), ('circu-', 'circu')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page7.txt: [('in-', 'in'), ('-', ''), ('-----', '----'), ('.--------', '.-------'), ('--', '-'), ('king-', 'king')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page8.txt: [('andJe-', 'andJe'), ('vain.--', 'vain.-'), ('appear-', 'appear'), ('Catho-', 'Catho'), ('re-', 're'), ('Mor-', 'Mor')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page2.txt: [('Luke-', 'Luke'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Luke-', 'Luke'), ('-', ''), ('Sab-', 'Sab')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page3.txt: [('-him.', 'him.'), ('re-', 're'), ('-', '')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page4.txt: [('dis-', 'dis'), ('-.', '.')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page5.txt: [('at-', 'at')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page7.txt: [('discouraged.-', 'discouraged.'), ('keen-', 'keen'), ('---------.......---.-------', '--------.......---.-------'), ('----...', '---...'), ('.--', '.-'), ('--..', '-..'), ('darken-', 'darken')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-Ws', 'Ws')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page1.txt: [('-It', 'It')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page2.txt: [('Sabbath-', 'Sabbath'), ('-low', 'low'), ('-or"', 'or"'), ('big-', 'big')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page3.txt: [('remem-', 'remem'), ('-', '')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('tem-', 'tem'), ('-', '')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-was', 'was'), ('-', '')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page8.txt: [('I-', 'I'), ('-mdan-', 'mdan-'), ('I-', 'I'), ('-Address', 'Address')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page1.txt: [('plant.-', 'plant.'), ('-', ''), ('contin-', 'contin')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('heads.-', 'heads.'), ('-', '')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page3.txt: [('care-', 'care')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page4.txt: [('blood-wash-', 'blood-wash'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Eng-', 'Eng')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page5.txt: [('------', '-----'), ('-----', '----'), ('-', '')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('com-', 'com')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page7.txt: [('Josh-', 'Josh'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('I-', 'I')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page8.txt: [('-How', 'How'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('reveal-', 'reveal'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page2.txt: [('-by', 'by'), ('-it', 'it')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page3.txt: [('-aur.--', 'aur.--'), ('--I', '-I')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page4.txt: [('Rev-', 'Rev'), ('eve-', 'eve'), ('--When', '-When')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page6.txt: [('moun-', 'moun'), ('-', '')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page7.txt: [('con-', 'con'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Bish-', 'Bish'), ('Hun-', 'Hun'), ('-being', 'being')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page8.txt: [('op-', 'op'), ('-', ''), ('how-', 'how')]
YI18530401-V01-07-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-little', 'little')]
YI18530401-V01-07-page2.txt: [('differ-', 'differ'), ('-', '')]
YI18530401-V01-07-page3.txt: [('al-', 'al'), ('-', '')]
YI18530401-V01-07-page4.txt: [('-hen', 'hen'), ('-', '')]
YI18530401-V01-07-page6.txt: [('cre-', 'cre')]
YI18530401-V01-07-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('Ostro-', 'Ostro'), ('-E', 'E')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page1.txt: [('"-', '"'), ('-', '')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page2.txt: [('-', '')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('con-', 'con')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('ev-', 'ev')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page6.txt: [('rea-', 'rea'), ('eat-', 'eat'), ('be-', 'be')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page1.txt: [('-rimmagy', 'rimmagy'), ('wa-', 'wa')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page2.txt: [('con-', 'con'), ('king-', 'king'), ('-', '')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page4.txt: [('hand-', 'hand')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page5.txt: [('-Row', 'Row'), ('---', '--'), ('blifht-', 'blifht'), ('righteous-', 'righteous')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page6.txt: [('pass-', 'pass'), ('In-', 'In'), ('-LI-', 'LI-')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page7.txt: [('--', '-'), ('indeed-', 'indeed'), ('-', ''), ('Jeru-', 'Jeru'), ('---Iiir', '--Iiir'), ('----', '---')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('Medo-', 'Medo')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page1.txt: [('-his', 'his'), ('"--', '"-')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page3.txt: [('repre-', 'repre')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page4.txt: [('beau-', 'beau'), ('sin-', 'sin'), ('Jo-', 'Jo'), ('ex-', 'ex'), ('sil-', 'sil'), ('ves-', 'ves'), ('-', '')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page5.txt: [('writ-', 'writ'), ('in-', 'in'), ('in-', 'in')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page8.txt: [('------', '-----'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page1.txt: [('e-', 'e'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page10.txt: [('sanctu-', 'sanctu')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page11.txt: [('par-', 'par'), ('lon-', 'lon'), ('rea-', 'rea')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page12.txt: [('-', '')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page13.txt: [('--', '-'), ('-', '')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page14.txt: [('be-', 'be'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('privi-', 'privi')]
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YI18530801-V01-11,12-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('wirgemouww-', 'wirgemouww')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page3.txt: [('grand-fa-', 'grand-fa'), ('-he', 'he'), ('self-', 'self')]
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YI18530801-V01-11,12-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('show-', 'show'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-by', 'by'), ('-', ''), ('Ex-', 'Ex')]
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YI18540101-V02-01-page3.txt: [('ser-', 'ser'), ('-', '')]
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YI18540101-V02-01-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
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YI18540301-V02-03-page1.txt: [('--', '-')]
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YI18540301-V02-03-page4.txt: [('consumma-', 'consumma')]
YI18540301-V02-03-page5.txt: [('Fa-', 'Fa'), ('ev-', 'ev'), ('heav-', 'heav'), ('heav-', 'heav'), ('plat-', 'plat')]
YI18540301-V02-03-page6.txt: [('---', '--'), ('pat-', 'pat'), ('sum-', 'sum')]
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('-', ''), ("'....-", "'...."), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('".\'-', '".\''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('.-', '.'), ('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('-.--', '.--'), ('r"-', 'r"'), ('-gg..e', 'gg..e'), ('--.', '-.'), ('T-', 'T'), ('.-', '.'), ('t.-', 't.'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('t-', 't'), ('..-', '..'), ('.-', '.'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('--r', '-r'), ('-.--', '.--'), ("'--", "'-"), ('--', '-'), ('----.', '---.'), ('..-', '..'), ('-', ''), ('....-', '....'), ('-..', '..'), ('-----', '----'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('f--', 'f-'), ('-', ''), ('----', '---'), ('---', '--'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--.--.------', '-.--.------'), ('--.', '-.'), ('-', ''), ('"-', '"'), ('-------r', '------r'), ('--n--', '-n--'), ('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('----', '---'), ('c--', 'c-'), ('---.', '--.'), ('---e.', '--e.'), ('-', ''), ('...-', '...'), ('.-', '.'), ('-', ''), ('-.', '.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('---', '--'), ('..E-', '..E'), ('W-....--', 'W-....-'), ('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('----', '---'), ('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('-', ''), ("----''", "---''"), ('..-', '..'), ('-', ''), ('----', '---'), ('---', '--'), ('--', '-'), ('----', '---'), ('-..--.-.', '..--.-.'), ('-.-', '.-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-..-', '..-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('----s.-----', '---s.-----'), ('-.-', '.-'), ('-', ''), ('.-..-', '.-..'), ('-', ''), ('---', '--'), ('---', '--'), ('-', ''), ('-..s', '..s'), ('-.', '.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-.-', '.-'), ('.--', '.-'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('--.--', '-.--'), ('---', '--'), ('----', '---'), ('--', '-'), ('-.ic', '.ic'), ('-', ''), ('----r....', '---r....'), ('-', ''), ('..-', '..'), ('ii-', 'ii'), ('--.-', '-.-'), ('-', ''), ('----', '---'), ('-', ''), ('-----.-.-', '----.-.-'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('...-', 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YI19191209-V67-49-page3.txt: [('dust-', 'dust')]
YI19191209-V67-49-page5.txt: [('canvas-', 'canvas'), ('-', '')]
YI19191209-V67-49-page9.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('desig-', 'desig')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page11.txt: [('No-', 'No')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('sane-', 'sane'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page15.txt: [('"-', '"'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page9.txt: [('rid-', 'rid')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('E-', 'E'), ('-E', 'E'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('-i', 'i'), ('-ii', 'ii'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page13.txt: [('--', '-'), ('-well', 'well')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-----', '----'), ('-', '')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page15.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('them."-', 'them."'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-"', '"'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page16.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-------', '------')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page3.txt: [('second-', 'second'), ('third-', 'third')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page4.txt: [('won-', 'won')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page5.txt: [('bless-', 'bless'), ('-Itongue', 'Itongue')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page7.txt: [('-themes', 'themes'), ('mon-', 'mon')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page11.txt: [('-', ''), ('-horsepower.', 'horsepower.')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('-made', 'made')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page14.txt: [('some-', 'some'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('eternity.\'"-', 'eternity.\'"'), ('Christ."-', 'Christ."'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Tear', 'Tear'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('---', '--')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page3.txt: [('any-', 'any')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page4.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page5.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page6.txt: [('lan-', 'lan')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page7.txt: [('in-', 'in')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page8.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('--', '-')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page9.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page11.txt: [('-were', 'were')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page12.txt: [('"--', '"-')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page14.txt: [('-ne', 'ne'), ('calendar.-', 'calendar.'), ('-do', 'do'), ('-', '')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page15.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-"', '"'), ('coming."-', 'coming."'), ('-', ''), ('particular."-', 'particular."'), ('acknowledged."-', 'acknowledged."'), ('-', ''), ('accepted."-', 'accepted."'), ('life."-', 'life."'), ('-Verses', 'Verses'), ('-', '')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page16.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-I', 'I')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page2.txt: [('-A', 'A'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Sixmonths-', 'Sixmonths'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page3.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page4.txt: [('-with', 'with')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page5.txt: [('.-', '.'), ('Cafriak-', 'Cafriak'), ('nds--', 'nds-'), ('---', '--'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page6.txt: [('per-', 'per')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page8.txt: [('-crippled', 'crippled'), ('enforc-', 'enforc')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page9.txt: [('in-', 'in')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page10.txt: [('-to', 'to')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('to-', 'to')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page13.txt: [('strength."-', 'strength."'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-"', '"'), ('-', ''), ('strangers."-', 'strangers."'), ('-', ''), ('observances."-', 'observances."'), ("'-", "'")]
YI19200113-V68-02-page14.txt: [('B-', 'B'), ('B-', 'B')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page8.txt: [('--', '-'), ('-the', 'the')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page10.txt: [('clan-', 'clan')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page11.txt: [('-and', 'and'), ('-same', 'same'), ('-did', 'did')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page12.txt: [('--', '-')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page3.txt: [('-', '')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page9.txt: [('Amer-', 'Amer'), ('Con-', 'Con')]
In [29]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction3

Average verified rate: 0.9837730872525339

Average of error rates: 0.022360211989970367

Total token count: 21830770

In [30]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 27430),
 ('e', 12202),
 ('m', 10781),
 ('d', 9888),
 ('t', 7541),
 ('w', 6909),
 ('r', 6790),
 ('n', 5365),
 ('f', 4829),
 ('g', 4448),
 ('co', 2574),
 ('x', 1704),
 ('ex', 1558),
 ('io', 1388),
 ('k', 1371),
 ('u', 1075),
 ("'tis", 1035),
 ('th', 957),
 ('id', 895),
 ('z', 894),
 ('structor', 891),
 ("an'", 848),
 ('mt', 744),
 ("'s", 682),
 ('re', 620),
 ("'t", 617),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('pp', 568),
 ('wm', 567),
 ('ro', 564),
 ('pa', 529),
 ("'the", 523),
 ('li', 514),
 ('oo', 493),
 ('ma', 476),
 ("'i", 455),
 ('-', 443),
 ('q', 426),
 ("'em", 402),
 ('al', 386),
 ('ti', 369),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ("the'", 336),
 ('mo', 331),
 ("'twas", 325),
 ('il', 325),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('ver', 295),
 ('sel', 293),
 ('si', 288)]

Correction 4 -- Remove Extra Quotation Marks

In [32]:
# %load shared_elements/remove_extra_quotation_marks.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction4"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    corrections = []
    for token in tokens:
        token_list = list(token)
        last_char = token_list[-1]

        if last_char is "'":
            if len(token) > 1:
                if token_list[-2] is 's' or 'S':
                    corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
        elif token[0] is "'":
            corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))   
    if len(corrections) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, corrections))

        for correction in corrections:
            content = clean.replace_pair(correction, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
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YI19191202-V67-48-page15.txt: [("'And", 'And')]
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YI19191202-V67-48-page9.txt: [("'And", 'And')]
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YI19191209-V67-49-page8.txt: [("'memory.", 'memory.')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page16.txt: [("'Tis", 'Tis')]
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YI19191216-V67-50-page9.txt: [("'Tis", 'Tis'), ("'Tis", 'Tis'), ("'Tis", 'Tis'), ("'Tis", 'Tis')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page10.txt: [("'em", 'em'), ("'em", 'em'), ("'em", 'em'), ("'Cause", 'Cause'), ("'Cause", 'Cause'), ("'cause", 'cause'), ("'t", 't'), ("'cause", 'cause')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page12.txt: [("'SI", 'SI')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page16.txt: [("'.", '.')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page2.txt: [("'British", 'British')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page13.txt: [("'the", 'the'), ("'and", 'and'), ("'MONTGOMERY.", 'MONTGOMERY.')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page16.txt: [("'it", 'it'), ("'can", 'can')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page6.txt: [("'three", 'three')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page13.txt: [("'twill", 'twill'), ("'grass", 'grass')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page14.txt: [("'best", 'best')]
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YI19200106-V68-01-page8.txt: [("'And", 'And')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page12.txt: [("'H'S", 'HS')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page11.txt: [("'grandmother", 'grandmother'), ("'because", 'because')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page4.txt: [("'he's", 'hes')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page5.txt: [("'had", 'had')]
In [35]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction4

Average verified rate: 0.9843602643090736

Average of error rates: 0.02168748575336221

Total token count: 21833681

In [36]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26244),
 ('e', 12288),
 ('m', 11081),
 ('d', 10155),
 ('t', 9298),
 ('w', 6932),
 ('r', 6862),
 ('n', 5779),
 ('f', 4859),
 ('g', 4461),
 ('co', 2581),
 ('x', 1707),
 ('ex', 1559),
 ('io', 1389),
 ('k', 1378),
 ('u', 1080),
 ('th', 961),
 ('id', 903),
 ('z', 900),
 ('structor', 893),
 ("an'", 828),
 ('re', 759),
 ('mt', 749),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('pp', 569),
 ('ro', 564),
 ('pa', 530),
 ('li', 517),
 ('oo', 508),
 ('ma', 480),
 ('em', 479),
 ('-', 444),
 ('q', 428),
 ('al', 388),
 ('ti', 371),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ('il', 333),
 ('mo', 331),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('ver', 295),
 ('sel', 293),
 ('si', 290),
 ('ft', 289),
 ('ne', 278),
 ('mi', 257),
 ('mc', 254),
 ('pt', 249),
 ('op', 245)]

Correction 5 -- Rejoin Burst Words

In [38]:
# %load shared_elements/rejoin_burst_words.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction5"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    pattern = re.compile("(\s(\w{1,2}\s){5,})")
    replacements = []
    clean.check_splits(pattern, spelling_dictionary, content, replacements)
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
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YI19100104-V58-01-page4.txt: [(' e m b e r ', 'ember')]
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YI19100222-V58-08-page3.txt: [(' e v e r y ', 'every')]
YI19100322-V58-12-page2.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19100329-V58-13-page2.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19100531-V58-22-page2.txt: [('Ir', 'Ir')]
YI19100913-V58-37-page2.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19100927-V58-39-page10.txt: [('If', 'If')]
YI19101108-V58-45-page8.txt: [('We', 'We')]
YI19101213-V58-50-page9.txt: [('At', 'At')]
YI19101227-V58-52-page2.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19110221-V59-08-page2.txt: [('In', 'In')]
YI19110418-V59-16-page7.txt: [('If', 'If')]
YI19110606-V59-23-page8.txt: [(' f i n es t ', 'finest')]
YI19111010-V59-41-page3.txt: [(' s qu a r e ', 'square')]
YI19111128-V59-48-page1.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19111128-V59-48-page2.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19111205-V59-49-page10.txt: [(' h a v i n g ', 'having')]
YI19111219-V59-51-page1.txt: [('Ot', 'Ot'), ('Of', 'Of'), ('Ot', 'Ot'), ('If', 'If'), ('If', 'If'), ('If', 'If')]
YI19120305-V60-10-page36.txt: [('El', 'El'), ('El', 'El')]
YI19120416-V60-16-page2.txt: [('In', 'In'), ('To', 'To')]
YI19120521-V60-21-page2.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('Is', 'Is'), ('If', 'If')]
YI19120604-V60-23-page16.txt: [('Of', 'Of')]
YI19120709-V60-28-page2.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19120730-V60-31-page15.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19121001-V60-40-page2.txt: [('If', 'If')]
YI19121105-V60-45-page9.txt: [(' t h r e e ', 'three')]
YI19121210-V60-50-page1.txt: [('Xi', 'Xi')]
YI19130211-V61-06-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii'), ('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19130218-V61-07-page1.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19130401-V61-13-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii'), ('Ii', 'Ii'), ('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19130408-V61-14-page2.txt: [('El', 'El')]
YI19130520-V61-20-page12.txt: [('If', 'If')]
YI19130603-V61-22-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19130819-V61-33-page13.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19130819-V61-33-page2.txt: [('El', 'El'), ('El', 'El')]
YI19130819-V61-33-page3.txt: [(' f am i l y ', 'family')]
YI19130909-V61-36-page2.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19130923-V61-38-page3.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19130930-V61-39-page2.txt: [('To', 'To'), ('To', 'To')]
YI19131014-V61-41-page4.txt: [(' Ch r i s t ', 'Christ')]
YI19131021-V61-42-page2.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19131202-V61-48-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19131230-V61-52-page10.txt: [(' y o u n g ', 'young')]
YI19140106-V62-01-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19140203-V62-05-page34.txt: [(' n i g h t ', 'night')]
YI19140217-V62-07-page13.txt: [('So', 'So')]
YI19140217-V62-07-page15.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19140303-V62-09-page13.txt: [('He', 'He')]
YI19140324-V62-12-page9.txt: [(' f e a t h e r ', 'feather')]
YI19140428-V62-17-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19140721-V62-29-page9.txt: [(' M I A M I ', 'MIAMI')]
YI19140728-V62-30-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii'), ('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19140728-V62-30-page9.txt: [('So', 'So')]
YI19140825-V62-34-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19140901-V62-35-page7.txt: [(' w h i c h ', 'which')]
YI19140915-V62-37-page1.txt: [('Be', 'Be')]
YI19141027-V62-43-page1.txt: [('Ii', 'Ii'), ('Ii', 'Ii'), ('Ii', 'Ii')]
YI19141215-V62-50-page1.txt: [('Ai', 'Ai')]
YI19141222-V62-51-page14.txt: [('Is', 'Is')]
YI19150119-V63-03-page12.txt: [(' w o u l d\n', 'would')]
YI19150126-V63-04-page9.txt: [(' e n d i n g ', 'ending')]
YI19150518-V63-20-page8.txt: [(' B e n c he s ', 'Benches')]
YI19150615-V63-24-page12.txt: [(' p r a i r i e ', 'prairie')]
YI19150629-V63-26-page2.txt: [('Is', 'Is')]
YI19150706-V63-27-page2.txt: [('St', 'St')]
YI19150824-V63-34-page7.txt: [(' a ga in s t\n', 'against'), (' s w u n g ', 'swung')]
YI19150928-V63-39-page2.txt: [('To', 'To')]
YI19151005-V63-40-page11.txt: [(' A n n e t t e\n', 'Annette')]
YI19151019-V63-42-page12.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19151019-V63-42-page4.txt: [('We', 'We')]
YI19151019-V63-42-page5.txt: [(' b r i n g s\n', 'brings')]
YI19160201-V64-05-page25.txt: [('Jo', 'Jo')]
YI19160229-V64-09-page7.txt: [('As', 'As'), ('As', 'As')]
YI19160314-V64-11-page13.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19160314-V64-11-page15.txt: [('\nA s s i s t a n t\n', 'Assistant')]
YI19160530-V64-22-page4.txt: [(' f o u n t a i n ', 'fountain')]
YI19160704-V64-27-page14.txt: [(' A s s i s t ', 'Assist')]
YI19160718-V64-29-page8.txt: [(' e r e c t ed\n', 'erected')]
YI19161031-V64-44-page10.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19161205-V64-49-page14.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19170116-V65-03-page5.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19170220-V65-08-page1.txt: [('At', 'At')]
YI19170227-V65-09-page2.txt: [('Is', 'Is'), ('Me', 'Me')]
YI19180205-V66-06-page7.txt: [('If', 'If')]
YI19180326-V66-13-page14.txt: [(' T A X P A Y E R\n', 'TAXPAYER'), ('Di', 'Di')]
YI19180409-V66-15-page2.txt: [('It', 'It')]
YI19180528-V66-22-page1.txt: [('In', 'In'), ('In', 'In'), ('In', 'In'), ('In', 'In'), ('In', 'In'), ('On', 'On'), ('En', 'En'), ('In', 'In'), ('En', 'En'), ('In', 'In'), ('In', 'In'), ('In', 'In'), ('On', 'On'), ('En', 'En'), ('In', 'In'), ('En', 'En'), ('On', 'On'), ('En', 'En'), ('On', 'On'), ('In', 'In')]
YI19180604-V66-23-page15.txt: [('Of', 'Of')]
YI19180702-V66-27-page13.txt: [('Go', 'Go')]
YI19180730-V66-31-page7.txt: [('It', 'It'), ('It', 'It')]
YI19181029-V66-44-page16.txt: [('Am', 'Am'), ('Be', 'Be')]
YI19190204-V67-05-page13.txt: [('If', 'If')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page4.txt: [('Oh', 'Oh')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page6.txt: [(' H e rm i t ', 'Hermit')]
YI19190422-V67-16-page16.txt: [('Ah', 'Ah')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page3.txt: [(' T A KO M A ', 'TAKOMA')]
YI19190916-V67-37-page8.txt: [('Is', 'Is'), ('It', 'It')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page3.txt: [(' h e a v y ', 'heavy')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page4.txt: [('\nf o u n d ', 'found')]
YI19191125-V67-47-page4.txt: [('Pi', 'Pi')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page3.txt: [('We', 'We')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page13.txt: [(' t h e i r ', 'their')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page6.txt: [(' A m er ic an ', 'American')]
In [41]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction5

Average verified rate: 0.9843625149574331

Average of error rates: 0.021682755869614774

Total token count: 21833626

In [42]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26244),
 ('e', 12240),
 ('m', 11076),
 ('d', 10141),
 ('t', 9270),
 ('w', 6927),
 ('r', 6831),
 ('n', 5752),
 ('f', 4850),
 ('g', 4451),
 ('co', 2581),
 ('x', 1706),
 ('ex', 1559),
 ('io', 1389),
 ('k', 1378),
 ('u', 1072),
 ('th', 961),
 ('id', 903),
 ('z', 900),
 ('structor', 893),
 ("an'", 829),
 ('re', 759),
 ('mt', 749),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('pp', 569),
 ('ro', 564),
 ('pa', 530),
 ('li', 518),
 ('oo', 508),
 ('ma', 480),
 ('em', 479),
 ('-', 444),
 ('q', 428),
 ('al', 388),
 ('ti', 370),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ('il', 333),
 ('mo', 331),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('ver', 295),
 ('sel', 293),
 ('si', 290),
 ('ft', 289),
 ('ne', 278),
 ('mi', 257),
 ('mc', 254),
 ('pt', 249),
 ('op', 245)]

Correction 6 -- Rejoin Split Words

In [44]:
# %load shared_elements/rejoin_split_words.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction6"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)

    replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=False)
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
YI18520801-V01-01-page8.txt: [('kr', 'a')]
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YI18550201-V03-02-page4.txt: [('INSTRUC', 'TOR')]
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YI18550801-V03-08-page6.txt: [('re', 'doubled')]
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YI18551001-V03-10-page6.txt: [('YO', "UTH'S"), ('Rejoi', 'ce')]
YI18590101-V07-01-page1.txt: [('Isra', 'el')]
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YI18590401-V07-04-page8.txt: [('il', 'a'), ('rp', 'S')]
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YI18601201-V08-12-page3.txt: [('commandmen', 't')]
YI18601201-V08-12-page4.txt: [('INSTRUC', 'TOR')]
YI18601201-V08-12-page5.txt: [('ti', 'e')]
YI18620201-V10-02-page2.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
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YI18620501-V10-05-page8.txt: [('pa', 'per')]
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YI18700901-V18-17-page7.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
YI18700901-V18-17-page8.txt: [("Don'", 't')]
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YI19190610-V67-23-page15.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page2.txt: [('un', 'Christian')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page4.txt: [('ti', 'to')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page6.txt: [('Ra', 'meses')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page10.txt: [('izR', 'I'), ('substant', 'ial')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page14.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page2.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
YI19190701-V67-26-page2.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')]
YI19190701-V67-26-page3.txt: [('TA', 'COMA')]
YI19190701-V67-26-page8.txt: [('M.', '')]
YI19190708-V67-27-page11.txt: [('Al', 'k')]
YI19190708-V67-27-page2.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia')]
YI19190715-V67-28-page3.txt: [('kno', 'w')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page11.txt: [("YOUTH'", 'S')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page16.txt: [('WH', 'ILE')]
YI19190729-V67-30-page15.txt: [('re', 'established')]
YI19190805-V67-31-page15.txt: [('cu', 'd'), ('TI', 'N')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page12.txt: [('Commis', 'sioner'), ('ta', 'd')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page2.txt: [('th', 'e')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page3.txt: [('Si', 'a')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page6.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia'), ('Jugo', 'Slav')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page7.txt: [('ti', 'e')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page14.txt: [('co', 'co'), ('li', 'i')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page3.txt: [('ti', 'The')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page7.txt: [('wh', 'o')]
YI19190902-V67-35-page15.txt: [('co', 'operation'), ('re', 'establishment')]
YI19190909-V67-36-page14.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
YI19190909-V67-36-page15.txt: [('re', 'established')]
YI19190909-V67-36-page16.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
YI19190909-V67-36-page7.txt: [('fu', 'ture')]
YI19190916-V67-37-page14.txt: [('re', 'established')]
YI19190916-V67-37-page7.txt: [('INSTRUC', 'TOR')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page1.txt: [('Li', 'r')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page14.txt: [('Na', 'me')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page17.txt: [('CIGA', 'RETTE')]
YI19190930-V67-39-page15.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
YI19190930-V67-39-page16.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
YI19191014-V67-41-page12.txt: [('dema', 'nded')]
YI19191014-V67-41-page16.txt: [('INSTRUC', 'TOR')]
YI19191021-V67-42-page15.txt: [('re', 'echoes')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page10.txt: [('ma', 'I')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page15.txt: [('co', 'operating')]
YI19191104-V67-44-page14.txt: [('Co', 'operate')]
YI19191104-V67-44-page7.txt: [('ber', 'a')]
YI19191209-V67-49-page15.txt: [('Mc', 'Kibbin')]
YI19191209-V67-49-page2.txt: [('BR', 'A'), ('AB', 'A'), ('ABRACADABR', 'A')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page9.txt: [('ac', 'complish')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page12.txt: [('MI', 'a')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page8.txt: [('habitu', 's')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page11.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page5.txt: [('co', 'operative')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page7.txt: [('opposi', 'tion')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page9.txt: [('Ph', 'ot')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page10.txt: [('giv', 'e')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page11.txt: [('AL', 'A')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page14.txt: [('re', 'enforcements')]
In [47]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction6

Average verified rate: 0.9845413854884776

Average of error rates: 0.021439309322999773

Total token count: 21830611

In [48]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26244),
 ('e', 12088),
 ('m', 11196),
 ('d', 10115),
 ('t', 9181),
 ('w', 6915),
 ('r', 6760),
 ('n', 5703),
 ('f', 4843),
 ('g', 4456),
 ('co', 2316),
 ('x', 1690),
 ('ex', 1541),
 ('io', 1388),
 ('k', 1372),
 ('u', 1070),
 ('z', 900),
 ('id', 896),
 ('structor', 893),
 ('th', 874),
 ("an'", 829),
 ('mt', 746),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('pp', 569),
 ('re', 531),
 ('pa', 514),
 ('ro', 512),
 ('oo', 507),
 ('em', 471),
 ('-', 444),
 ('li', 443),
 ('ma', 431),
 ('q', 427),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ('ti', 333),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('al', 326),
 ('il', 322),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('mo', 316),
 ('ver', 292),
 ('sel', 291),
 ('ft', 289),
 ('si', 259),
 ('ne', 259),
 ('pt', 249),
 ('ay', 231),
 ('zo', 227),
 ('mi', 220)]

Correction 7 -- Rejoin Split Words II

In [50]:
# %load shared_elements/rejoin_split_words.py
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction7"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)

    replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=True)
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
YI18520801-V01-01-page3.txt: [('M', 'oe'), ('m', 'ay')]
YI18520801-V01-01-page7.txt: [('to', 're')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page3.txt: [('he', 're')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page4.txt: [('so', 'ny')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page2.txt: [('a', 'IL')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page5.txt: [('lo', 're')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page8.txt: [('who', 'op')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page3.txt: [('J', 'od')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page2.txt: [('to', 're')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page8.txt: [('m', 'ite')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page11.txt: [('s', 'acrifice')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page14.txt: [('a', 'ble')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page16.txt: [('Be', 'asts'), ('Be', 'auties')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page3.txt: [('a', 'neNt')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page7.txt: [('hap', 'py')]
YI18540101-V02-01-page3.txt: [('an', 'il')]
YI18540101-V02-01-page8.txt: [('love', 'th')]
YI18540201-V02-02-page6.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18540301-V02-03-page6.txt: [('to', 'THER')]
YI18540501-V02-05-page1.txt: [('be', 'lieved')]
YI18540501-V02-05-page3.txt: [('minis', 'ters')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page6.txt: [('r', 'ived')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page8.txt: [('A', 'nn')]
YI18540701-V02-07-page7.txt: [('the', 'ca')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page6.txt: [('J', 'Ig')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page8.txt: [('s', 'hould'), ('Scriptur', 'es')]
YI18540901-V02-09-page4.txt: [('D', 'IBS')]
YI18541001-V02-10-page9.txt: [('be', 'Ta')]
YI18541101-V02-11-page2.txt: [('he', 're')]
YI18541201-V02-12-page5.txt: [('a', 're')]
YI18550101-V03-01-page1.txt: [('he', 're')]
YI18550101-V03-01-page5.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18550401-V03-04-page7.txt: [('to', 'te')]
YI18550501-V03-05-page8.txt: [('world', 'ly')]
YI18550601-V03-06-page7.txt: [('and', 're')]
YI18550701-V03-07-page1.txt: [('a', 'Mah')]
YI18550701-V03-07-page4.txt: [('sancti', 'fying')]
YI18550701-V03-07-page5.txt: [('Y', "OUTH'S")]
YI18550801-V03-08-page6.txt: [('C', 'OM')]
YI18550801-V03-08-page7.txt: [('w', 'ould')]
YI18550901-V03-09-page1.txt: [('to', 'Ss')]
YI18550901-V03-09-page7.txt: [('to', 're')]
YI18551001-V03-10-page10.txt: [('We', 'll')]
YI18551001-V03-10-page6.txt: [('En', 'vy')]
YI18590101-V07-01-page2.txt: [('NEW', 'FOUNDLAND')]
YI18590101-V07-01-page6.txt: [('HER', 'REN')]
YI18590301-V07-03-page4.txt: [('New', 'Foundland')]
YI18590401-V07-04-page8.txt: [('p', 'ie')]
YI18590501-V07-05-page4.txt: [('t', 'reasures')]
YI18590601-V07-06-page2.txt: [('Chil', 'dren')]
YI18590601-V07-06-page6.txt: [('R', 'eleased'), ('H', 'appy'), ('lo', 'rd'), ('E', 'ach'), ('S', 'oon'), ('T', 'eachers'), ('U', 'ntiring'), ('C', 'ome')]
YI18590701-V07-07-page6.txt: [('b', 'ow')]
YI18590701-V07-07-page7.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18591201-V07-12-page8.txt: [('New', 'Foundland')]
YI18600101-V08-01-page6.txt: [('g', 'un')]
YI18600101-V08-01-page8.txt: [('c', 'Wm')]
YI18600201-V08-02-page5.txt: [('B', 'eheld'), ('sever', 'al'), ('H', 'ence'), ('A', 'nd')]
YI18600201-V08-02-page8.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18600301-V08-03-page5.txt: [('or', 'th')]
YI18600401-V08-04-page7.txt: [('Instr', 'uctor')]
YI18600501-V08-05-page7.txt: [('lit', 'tle'), ('Gov', 'ERNOR')]
YI18600601-V08-06-page1.txt: [('S', 'tr'), ('c', 'AL')]
YI18600801-V08-08-page8.txt: [('D', 'uring'), ('W', 'ould'), ('S', 'atan'), ('F', 'aith'), ('I', 'nnocence'), ('N', 'ight'), ('V', 'ilest'), ('p', 'ure'), ('light', 'ly'), ('U', 'nto'), ('G', 'Oodness'), ('Z', 'ealous'), ('C', 'ome'), ('H', 'elp'), ('Q', 'uery')]
YI18600901-V08-09-page3.txt: [('w', 'eak')]
YI18600901-V08-09-page4.txt: [('SLO', 'GS')]
YI18601001-V08-10-page6.txt: [('for', 'th')]
YI18601101-V08-11-page5.txt: [('the', 're')]
YI18601201-V08-12-page4.txt: [('V', 'oid'), ('K', 'eep'), ('C', 'hildren'), ('G', 'rieve'), ('R', 'emember'), ('Z', 'ealously'), ('Q', 'uench'), ('F', 'ollow'), ('N', 'eglect'), ('A', 'bstain'), ('U', 'nderstand'), ('E', 'ndure'), ('J', 'udge'), ('Y', 'oung')]
YI18620201-V10-02-page7.txt: [('y', 'ield'), ('A', 'ttend'), ('U', 'se'), ('p', 'ay'), ('c', 'onsider')]
YI18620301-V10-03-page6.txt: [('Do', 'pa')]
YI18620401-V10-04-page1.txt: [('Law', 'rence')]
YI18620601-V10-06-page3.txt: [('her', 'ES')]
YI18620901-V10-09-page5.txt: [('chil', 'dren')]
YI18620901-V10-09-page7.txt: [('Who', 're')]
YI18700901-V18-17-page2.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('F', 'ather')]
YI18700901-V18-17-page5.txt: [('So', 'ke')]
YI18700901-V18-17-page8.txt: [('M', 'itchell')]
YI18701101-V18-21-page6.txt: [('su', 'ch')]
YI18710101-V19-01-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18710201-V19-03-page4.txt: [('c', 'Wm'), ('Y', 'es')]
YI18710215-V19-04-page2.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18710301-V19-05-page4.txt: [('c', 'Wm')]
YI18710315-V19-06-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('c', 'Abbie'), ('so', 'ma')]
YI18710401-V19-07-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18710415-V19-08-page1.txt: [('read', 'ers')]
YI18710415-V19-08-page4.txt: [('c', 'ID')]
YI18710501-V19-09-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18710515-V19-10-page4.txt: [('c', 'Wm')]
YI18710601-V19-11-page2.txt: [('and', 're')]
YI18710615-V19-12-page3.txt: [('D', "ON'T")]
YI18710615-V19-12-page4.txt: [('c', 'Wm')]
YI18710701-V19-13-page3.txt: [('gath', 'ered')]
YI18710701-V19-13-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18710715-V19-14-page4.txt: [('c', 'Wm'), ('INSTRUCT', 'ORS')]
YI18710801-V19-15-page4.txt: [('F', 'ARINA')]
YI18710915-V19-18-page2.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('i', 'nto')]
YI18711001-V19-19-page2.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18711001-V19-19-page4.txt: [('c', 'Wm'), ('A', 'br')]
YI18711201-V19-23-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('boo', 'hooed')]
YI18711215-V19-24-page1.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('and', 're')]
YI18711215-V19-24-page4.txt: [('B', 'ead'), ('Do', 'es'), ('We', 'll')]
YI18720101-V20-01-page3.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18720101-V20-01-page6.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18720101-V20-01-page8.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18720201-V20-02-page3.txt: [('O', 'ne')]
YI18720201-V20-02-page8.txt: [('c', 'Wm'), ('c', 'AB')]
YI18720301-V20-03-page1.txt: [('com', 'menced')]
YI18720301-V20-03-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18720301-V20-03-page7.txt: [('con', 'cealed')]
YI18720301-V20-03-page8.txt: [('c', 'Wm')]
YI18720401-V20-04-page8.txt: [('M', 'ATTIE'), ('c', 'Id'), ('ve', 'ry')]
YI18720501-V20-05-page5.txt: [('C', "HILDREN'S")]
YI18720501-V20-05-page6.txt: [('differ', 'ence')]
YI18720501-V20-05-page7.txt: [('Sa', 'lly')]
YI18720601-V20-06-page8.txt: [('S', 'Id'), ('Free', 'ly')]
YI18720701-V20-07-page8.txt: [('and', 're')]
YI18720801-V20-08-page8.txt: [('c', 'Oley')]
YI18720901-V20-09-page8.txt: [('c', 'Wm'), ('t', 'opi')]
YI18721001-V20-10-page8.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('S', 'Herrington')]
YI18721101-V20-11-page6.txt: [('can', 'es'), ('in', 'timate')]
YI18721101-V20-11-page7.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18721201-V20-12-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('to', 're')]
YI18721201-V20-12-page8.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790101-V27-01-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790108-V27-02-page3.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI18790115-V27-03-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790122-V27-04-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790129-V27-05-page3.txt: [('peo', 'ple')]
YI18790129-V27-05-page4.txt: [('Jehovah', 'Jireh'), ('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790205-V27-06-page4.txt: [('M', 'IC'), ('j', 'ust')]
YI18790212-V27-07-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI18790305-V27-10-page3.txt: [('cor', 'rupted'), ('I', 'ri')]
YI18790305-V27-10-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790312-V27-11-page3.txt: [('y', 'es'), ('No', 'rfolk'), ('No', 'rth'), ('tO', 'CO')]
YI18790319-V27-12-page2.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI18790416-V27-16-page3.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790416-V27-16-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790507-V27-18-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790514-V27-19-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790521-V27-20-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790528-V27-21-page1.txt: [('trans', 'ferred')]
YI18790528-V27-21-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790611-V27-23-page2.txt: [('a', 'bo')]
YI18790618-V27-24-page1.txt: [('W', 'eekly')]
YI18790618-V27-24-page4.txt: [('t', 'ie'), ('grate', 'ful'), ('a', 'bove'), ('P', 'ei')]
YI18790618-V27-24-page5.txt: [('Treas', 'urer')]
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YI18790625-V27-25-page1.txt: [('W', 'eekly')]
YI18790625-V27-25-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790702-V27-26-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI18790716-V27-28-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI18790723-V27-29-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790730-V27-30-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790806-V27-31-page2.txt: [('Chris', 'tian')]
YI18790806-V27-31-page3.txt: [('Phil', 'istines')]
YI18790806-V27-31-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790813-V27-32-page3.txt: [('Kadesh', 'barnea')]
YI18790813-V27-32-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790820-V27-33-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790827-V27-34-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18790903-V27-35-page2.txt: [('the', 'se')]
YI18790903-V27-35-page4.txt: [('glo', 'ry'), ('o', 'ver'), ('faith', 'ful'), ('bold', 'ly'), ('ar', 'mor'), ('bat', 'tle')]
YI18790903-V27-35-page6.txt: [('To', 'mpkins'), ('To', 'tals')]
YI18790903-V27-35-page7.txt: [('A', 'lway')]
YI18790910-V27-36-page4.txt: [('cent', 'uries')]
YI18790924-V27-38-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18791001-V27-39-page1.txt: [('you', 'th')]
YI18791022-V27-42-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('c', 'ay')]
YI18791029-V27-43-page2.txt: [('sub', 'stantial'), ('at', 'tentive')]
YI18791112-V27-45-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI18791119-V27-46-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18791126-V27-47-page4.txt: [('The', 'se')]
YI18791203-V27-48-page4.txt: [('v', 'ive'), ('ref', 'uge'), ('re', 'vere')]
YI18791203-V27-48-page7.txt: [('M', 'ES'), ('g', 'IA'), ('A', 'lway'), ('Du', 'ndee')]
YI18791203-V27-48-page8.txt: [('Afri', 'ca'), ('command', 'ments'), ('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('INSTR', 'UCTOR')]
YI18791210-V27-49-page2.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI18791210-V27-49-page4.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
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YI19180827-V66-35-page2.txt: [('experiment', 'al')]
YI19180827-V66-35-page3.txt: [('A', 'UGUST')]
YI19180903-V66-36-page10.txt: [('ta', 'ke')]
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YI19180903-V66-36-page2.txt: [('prac', 'tically')]
YI19180917-V66-38-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19180924-V66-39-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181001-V66-40-page14.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI19181001-V66-40-page2.txt: [('Gov', 'ernment')]
YI19181008-V66-41-page10.txt: [('A', 'Fros')]
YI19181008-V66-41-page13.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181015-V66-42-page10.txt: [('A', 'MERICAN')]
YI19181015-V66-42-page11.txt: [('k', 'Nt'), ('NO', 'CK'), ('A', 're')]
YI19181015-V66-42-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181022-V66-43-page8.txt: [('go', 'lden')]
YI19181022-V66-43-page9.txt: [('in', 'dicate')]
YI19181029-V66-44-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181029-V66-44-page16.txt: [('Be', 'lgian'), ('Be', 'lgium')]
YI19181029-V66-44-page3.txt: [('perplex', 'ity')]
YI19181029-V66-44-page6.txt: [('Ago', 'NE'), ('ev', 'ery')]
YI19181029-V66-44-page7.txt: [('East', 'ern')]
YI19181105-V66-45-page11.txt: [('HO', 'LM')]
YI19181112-V66-46-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181112-V66-46-page15.txt: [('Kadesh', 'barnea')]
YI19181112-V66-46-page5.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI19181119-V66-47-page16.txt: [('non', 'coms')]
YI19181119-V66-47-page7.txt: [('GU', 'IANA'), ('i', 'ri')]
YI19181126-V66-48-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181126-V66-48-page9.txt: [('A', 'CCORDING')]
YI19181203-V66-49-page12.txt: [('im', 'portant')]
YI19181203-V66-49-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181203-V66-49-page16.txt: [('A', 'CCORDING')]
YI19181203-V66-49-page3.txt: [('strug', 'gling')]
YI19181210-V66-50-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181210-V66-50-page2.txt: [('O', 'NE')]
YI19181217-V66-51-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181217-V66-51-page15.txt: [('Kadesh', 'barnea')]
YI19181224-V66-52-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE'), ('A', 'ssistant')]
YI19181231-V66-53-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19181231-V66-53-page7.txt: [('at', 'Ta')]
YI19190107-V67-01-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190114-V67-02-page12.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190114-V67-02-page15.txt: [('Not', 'es')]
YI19190128-V67-04-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190128-V67-04-page16.txt: [('V', "enezuela's")]
YI19190204-V67-05-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190211-V67-06-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190211-V67-06-page16.txt: [('Soci', 'eties')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page11.txt: [('o', 'Ne')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page17.txt: [('P', 'resbyterian')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page2.txt: [('A', 'ssociate')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page4.txt: [('C', 'arolina'), ('A', 'da'), ('CaR', 'olina'), ('MaI', 'ne'), ('NeB', 'raska'), ('M', 'exico')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page6.txt: [('in', 'teresting')]
YI19190225-V67-08-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190304-V67-09-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190304-V67-09-page16.txt: [('The', 'Ta')]
YI19190318-V67-11-page2.txt: [('Man', 'ta')]
YI19190325-V67-12-page12.txt: [('W', 'ITH')]
YI19190325-V67-12-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190325-V67-12-page6.txt: [('to', 'co')]
YI19190401-V67-13-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190401-V67-13-page15.txt: [('Ben', 'jamite')]
YI19190401-V67-13-page16.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR'), ('CONTR', 'IBUTION')]
YI19190401-V67-13-page3.txt: [('A', 'nalyze')]
YI19190408-V67-14-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190408-V67-14-page4.txt: [('a', 'li')]
YI19190408-V67-14-page5.txt: [('Kiang', 'si')]
YI19190415-V67-15-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190415-V67-15-page6.txt: [('in', 'spiration')]
YI19190422-V67-16-page12.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI19190422-V67-16-page13.txt: [('I', 'ri')]
YI19190422-V67-16-page6.txt: [('Shang', 'Ti')]
YI19190506-V67-18-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190513-V67-19-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190520-V67-20-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190527-V67-21-page10.txt: [('bell', 'igerent')]
YI19190527-V67-21-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page13.txt: [('glo', 'ry'), ('fee', 'ble'), ('treas', 'ures'), ('a', 'noint'), ('Pro', 'tect'), ('lit', 'tle'), ('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page16.txt: [('qu', 'estions')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page18.txt: [('to', 'kyo'), ('R', 'EPORTS')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page30.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page31.txt: [('A', 'fter')]
YI19190603-V67-22-page8.txt: [('W', 'aking')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page12.txt: [('unmis', 'takably')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page2.txt: [('to', 'kyo'), ('R', 'EPORTS')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page6.txt: [('I', 'Ra'), ('Ra', 'meses'), ('T', 'IP'), ('trans', 'ferred')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page10.txt: [('substant', 'ial')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page2.txt: [('W', 'HY')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page8.txt: [('S', 'IA')]
YI19190624-V67-25-page14.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190701-V67-26-page1.txt: [('The', 'ft')]
YI19190701-V67-26-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190708-V67-27-page10.txt: [('I', 'ndians')]
YI19190708-V67-27-page7.txt: [('D', "ON'T")]
YI19190715-V67-28-page12.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page1.txt: [('w', 'ow')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page12.txt: [('Shen', 'si')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page13.txt: [('Shen', 'si'), ('Chi', 'li')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page3.txt: [('p', 'UT')]
YI19190729-V67-30-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190805-V67-31-page11.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page12.txt: [('S', 'alom'), ('Commis', 'sioner'), ('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page3.txt: [('el', 'oi')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page6.txt: [('or', 'ganization')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page1.txt: [('I', 'rk')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page11.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page5.txt: [('a', 'bo')]
YI19190902-V67-35-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190902-V67-35-page2.txt: [('m', 'onths')]
YI19190909-V67-36-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19190909-V67-36-page7.txt: [('fu', 'ture')]
YI19190916-V67-37-page7.txt: [('IN', 'STRUCTOR')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page10.txt: [('TEST', 'es')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page11.txt: [('M', 'EM')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page3.txt: [('a', 'mp')]
YI19190923-V67-38-page4.txt: [('in', 'structed')]
YI19191007-V67-40-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19191014-V67-41-page12.txt: [('dema', 'nded')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page1.txt: [('N', 'aming')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page9.txt: [('Ben', 'oni')]
YI19191104-V67-44-page7.txt: [('mem', 'ber')]
YI19191111-V67-45-page10.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19191118-V67-46-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19191125-V67-47-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19191202-V67-48-page13.txt: [('MAC', 'GUIRE')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page7.txt: [('to', 'dd')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page13.txt: [('St', 'rong')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page16.txt: [('poet', 'ry')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page11.txt: [('f', 'amily')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page14.txt: [('S', 'hould'), ('C', 'alendar'), ('T', 'herefore'), ('E', 'verybody'), ('R', 'emember'), ('B', 'eautiful'), ('O', 'rder'), ('W', 'hy'), ('I', 'magine'), ('H', 'elp'), ('E', 're'), ('V', 'igorous'), ('R', 'equire')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page5.txt: [('A', 'va')]
In [53]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction7

Average verified rate: 0.9846857689483086

Average of error rates: 0.021269090494643265

Total token count: 21827410

In [54]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26242),
 ('e', 12040),
 ('m', 11121),
 ('d', 10079),
 ('t', 9118),
 ('w', 6865),
 ('r', 6722),
 ('n', 5689),
 ('f', 4817),
 ('g', 4437),
 ('co', 2300),
 ('x', 1690),
 ('ex', 1541),
 ('io', 1387),
 ('k', 1368),
 ('u', 1055),
 ('z', 896),
 ('id', 881),
 ('th', 861),
 ("an'", 829),
 ('mt', 746),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('pp', 569),
 ('pa', 512),
 ('ro', 509),
 ('oo', 503),
 ('em', 469),
 ('-', 444),
 ('li', 429),
 ('re', 425),
 ('ma', 423),
 ('q', 422),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('ti', 315),
 ('mo', 313),
 ('al', 308),
 ('il', 308),
 ('sel', 291),
 ('ver', 283),
 ('ft', 281),
 ('si', 252),
 ('pt', 249),
 ('ne', 244),
 ('zo', 226),
 ('ay', 216),
 ('mi', 215),
 ('op', 212)]

Review Remaining Errors

In [55]:
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 ('YI19130506-V61-18-page1.txt', 0.9),
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 ('YI19140428-V62-17-page1.txt', 0.671),
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 ('YI19110509-V59-19-page1.txt', 0.6),
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 ('YI19161114-V64-46-page1.txt', 0.6),
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 ('YI19121231-V60-53-page1.txt', 0.591),
 ('YI19130715-V61-28-page1.txt', 0.591),
 ('YI19140901-V62-35-page1.txt', 0.591),
 ('YI19130325-V61-12-page1.txt', 0.584),
 ('YI19100712-V58-28-page1.txt', 0.582),
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 ('YI19170828-V65-35-page1.txt', 0.567),
 ('YI19180514-V66-20-page1.txt', 0.562),
 ('YI19130916-V61-37-page1.txt', 0.559),
 ('YI19091019-V57-42-page1.txt', 0.556),
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 ('YI19130128-V61-04-page1.txt', 0.556),
 ('YI19120312-V60-11-page1.txt', 0.556),
 ('YI19140310-V62-10-page1.txt', 0.554),
 ('YI19140526-V62-21-page1.txt', 0.552),
 ('YI19120521-V60-21-page1.txt', 0.551),
 ('YI19120827-V60-35-page1.txt', 0.549),
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 ('YI19141027-V62-43-page1.txt', 0.533),
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 ('YI19140106-V62-01-page1.txt', 0.512),
 ('YI19131209-V61-49-page1.txt', 0.512),
 ('YI19150209-V63-06-page1.txt', 0.511),
 ('YI19141110-V62-45-page1.txt', 0.51),
 ('YI19101101-V58-44-page1.txt', 0.509),
 ('YI19030611-V51-22-page5.txt', 0.506),
 ('YI19090209-V57-06-page1.txt', 0.5),
 ('YI19150330-V63-13-page1.txt', 0.5),
 ('YI19140407-V62-14-page1.txt', 0.5),
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 ('YI19040119-V52-03-page5.txt', 0.495),
 ('YI19130211-V61-06-page1.txt', 0.49),
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 ('YI19130902-V61-35-page1.txt', 0.304),
 ('YI19111219-V59-51-page1.txt', 0.303),
 ('YI19130114-V61-02-page13.txt', 0.303),
 ('YI19140602-V62-22-page1.txt', 0.302),
 ('YI19110404-V59-14-page1.txt', 0.3),
 ('YI19150914-V63-37-page1.txt', 0.3),
 ('YI19190520-V67-20-page1.txt', 0.3),
 ('YI19190729-V67-30-page1.txt', 0.297),
 ('YI18980901-V46-35-page5.txt', 0.295),
 ('YI19150601-V63-22-page14.txt', 0.289),
 ('YI19150810-V63-32-page12.txt', 0.287),
 ('YI19161003-V64-40-page1.txt', 0.286),
 ('YI19190916-V67-37-page1.txt', 0.286),
 ('YI19140825-V62-34-page1.txt', 0.284),
 ('YI19180820-V66-34-page1.txt', 0.283),
 ('YI19141124-V62-47-page15.txt', 0.282),
 ('YI19180122-V66-04-page1.txt', 0.278),
 ('YI19110502-V59-18-page1.txt', 0.278),
 ('YI19110620-V59-25-page1.txt', 0.275),
 ('YI19180115-V66-03-page1.txt', 0.273),
 ('YI19111010-V59-41-page1.txt', 0.273),
 ('YI19110613-V59-24-page1.txt', 0.273),
 ('YI19180709-V66-28-page1.txt', 0.267),
 ('YI19111128-V59-48-page1.txt', 0.266),
 ('YI19140331-V62-13-page1.txt', 0.265),
 ('YI19191223-V67-51-page12.txt', 0.264),
 ('YI19140623-V62-25-page1.txt', 0.264),
 ('YI18830711-V31-28-page6.txt', 0.264),
 ('YI19110808-V59-32-page12.txt', 0.264),
 ('YI19180618-V66-25-page1.txt', 0.263),
 ('YI19190114-V67-02-page14.txt', 0.262),
 ('YI19130513-V61-19-page1.txt', 0.259),
 ('YI19140113-V62-02-page1.txt', 0.254),
 ('YI19110207-V59-06-page1.txt', 0.254),
 ('YI19181119-V66-47-page1.txt', 0.25),
 ('YI19180219-V66-08-page1.txt', 0.25),
 ('YI19100322-V58-12-page1.txt', 0.25),
 ('YI19120409-V60-15-page1.txt', 0.25),
 ('YI19141222-V62-51-page1.txt', 0.248),
 ('YI19170821-V65-34-page15.txt', 0.248),
 ('YI19180205-V66-06-page1.txt', 0.242),
 ('YI19150309-V63-10-page14.txt', 0.242),
 ('YI19190415-V67-15-page1.txt', 0.241),
 ('YI19181015-V66-42-page11.txt', 0.241),
 ('YI19120730-V60-31-page1.txt', 0.239),
 ('YI18810928-V29-39-page6.txt', 0.237),
 ('YI19181105-V66-45-page14.txt', 0.237),
 ('YI19171009-V65-41-page12.txt', 0.237),
 ('YI19190826-V67-34-page14.txt', 0.236),
 ('YI19180409-V66-15-page13.txt', 0.234),
 ('YI19121210-V60-50-page9.txt', 0.233),
 ('YI18990413-V47-15-page5.txt', 0.232),
 ('YI19151012-V63-41-page1.txt', 0.231),
 ('YI18831017-V31-42-page6.txt', 0.229),
 ('YI19120227-V60-09-page1.txt', 0.228),
 ('YI19190422-V67-16-page1.txt', 0.227),
 ('YI19121210-V60-50-page1.txt', 0.226),
 ('YI19120702-V60-27-page1.txt', 0.221),
 ('YI19160229-V64-09-page10.txt', 0.219),
 ('YI19160613-V64-24-page14.txt', 0.219),
 ('YI19190805-V67-31-page15.txt', 0.219),
 ('YI19130603-V61-22-page1.txt', 0.219),
 ('YI19140908-V62-36-page1.txt', 0.218),
 ('YI18790618-V27-24-page6.txt', 0.215),
 ('YI19140630-V62-26-page2.txt', 0.215),
 ('YI19131104-V61-44-page12.txt', 0.215),
 ('YI18800825-V28-35-page7.txt', 0.214),
 ('YI19110214-V59-07-page1.txt', 0.214),
 ('YI19140818-V62-33-page1.txt', 0.214),
 ('YI19110919-V59-38-page1.txt', 0.209),
 ('YI19160912-V64-37-page12.txt', 0.209),
 ('YI18791203-V27-48-page7.txt', 0.207),
 ('YI18800218-V28-08-page6.txt', 0.207),
 ('YI18831017-V31-42-page7.txt', 0.206),
 ('YI19151130-V63-48-page14.txt', 0.203),
 ('YI19170828-V65-35-page11.txt', 0.203),
 ('YI18801208-V28-50-page6.txt', 0.202),
 ('YI18870907-V35-36-page6.txt', 0.201)]
In [56]:
inspect = ['YI19130513-V61-19-page11.txt', 'YI19130325-V61-12-page12.txt','YI19190603-V67-22-page17.txt', 
           'YI19030611-V51-22-page5.txt', 'YI19180604-V66-23-page15.txt', 'YI19130211-V61-06-page12.txt',
In [58]:
# %load shared_elements/high_error_rates.py
# doc_keys = [x[0] for x in reports.docs_with_high_error_rate(summary) if x[1] > 0.2]

utilities.open_original_docs(inspect, directories['cycle'])
Opened files: 









Beyond the first page, the high error pages are charts of donations and images.

In [59]:
reports.long_errors(errors_summary, min_length=15)

Correction 8 -- Remove Long Error Strings

In [73]:
# %load shared_elements/remove-tokens-with-long-strings-of-characters.py
prev = "correction7"
cycle = "correction8"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    replacements = []
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "t|T"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "m|M"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "i|I"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "a|A"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "w|W"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "x|X"))
    replacements = [item for sublist in replacements for item in sublist]
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
YI18540301-V02-03-page4.txt: [('MIIMPLIIIPPPIIIIIMPIMill', ' ')]
YI18820301-V30-09-page1.txt: [('iiiPliiiiiiilliii', ' ')]
YI18860512-V34-19-page4.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIMIniffiq', ' ')]
YI18881010-V36-41-page4.txt: [('liniimiinimiiimeniiiiiiminiMilitill', ' ')]
YI18950711-V43-28-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIMIIMINI', ' ')]
YI18951017-V43-42-page1.txt: [('ANNIMMONAINUMMUMEMM', ' ')]
YI18951212-V43-50-page1.txt: [("X'sNUMMMUMMUMNUMUMM", ' ')]
YI18980901-V46-35-page28.txt: [('ttSSIOttttAkttttlr', ' ')]
YI18990810-V47-32-page5.txt: [('lollLIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI18991228-V47-51-page8.txt: [('tttiftlftttttSttttttttt', ' ')]
YI19000104-V48-01-page7.txt: [('ttttlftttlztt', ' '), ('tiltAkttlkttttivtivttlofvtttlfzttttivtlzt', ' ')]
YI19000614-V48-24-page7.txt: [('AAAAAA"AAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAA', ' ')]
YI19000628-V48-26-page8.txt: [('MAAINAIAAAAAAAIVAAAAA', ' ')]
YI19010214-V49-07-page3.txt: [('INIIIIIIIIIMINIIIIMIE.', ' ')]
YI19010214-V49-07-page7.txt: [('AAMAINAANNAAAAWA', ' ')]
YI19010228-V49-09-page7.txt: [('OPMXISIMMWesalatieliMIXIMOIMMIMMOIM.yi', ' ')]
YI19010411-V49-15-page5.txt: [('MIIIIMIIIIIIIIIPAIIIICAlli', ' ')]
YI19010425-V49-17-page5.txt: [('VINIIIMIIIIIIIPAMICAINCillinumlik', ' '), ('aimINIIIIIIIINIZIMIIINIMM', ' ')]
YI19010808-V49-32-page1.txt: [('MIllrillINIIIMMIILIIIMEillWaM', ' ')]
YI19010912-V49-36-page1.txt: [('MIIIIIIAIIIIIIMMILAIMMIWAIIIMIlt', ' ')]
YI19011017-V49-41-page1.txt: [('raMIMIIIIIIIIRVEIGIIII', ' ')]
YI19020213-V50-07-page1.txt: [('Chritty-chritty-chritty-chrit', ' ')]
YI19020320-V50-12-page1.txt: [('IIIMIRAIIIIIIMMILaibiCiliCiiimlik', ' ')]
YI19090713-V57-28-page16.txt: [('Otthsaipttatt', ' ')]
YI19110307-V59-10-page13.txt: [('MMIIMMUMWHIMMIIMRWORMMUMNIUM.M.M.', ' ')]
YI19110404-V59-14-page1.txt: [('XXXXXXXXXXXXX', ' '), ("CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'XXXX", ' ')]
YI19110829-V59-35-page1.txt: [('EMENEEENNammommENEMMIN', ' ')]
YI19111010-V59-41-page1.txt: [('MMEEMMEEEEMEEMEEEMMEMMMME', ' ')]
YI19111212-V59-50-page2.txt: [('rammirmarmarcammummirammararagrammatagrami', ' ')]
YI19120213-V60-07-page10.txt: [('ttlIttitittlk', ' '), ('titttittittlif', ' '), ('ttluttittlitt', ' '), ('ttitttititttt', ' ')]
YI19120213-V60-07-page2.txt: [('TwagimmErkammgrarapswammvag', ' ')]
YI19120227-V60-09-page2.txt: [('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', ' '), ('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ' ')]
YI19120625-V60-26-page2.txt: [('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ' '), ('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXX', ' ')]
YI19120820-V60-34-page2.txt: [("t...tttttttttttttI'V", ' '), ('tttttttttttttttt', ' ')]
YI19121210-V60-50-page1.txt: [('kammomm...wrxmommommmmommommue', ' ')]
YI19130121-V61-03-page1.txt: [('arkkommkommarkkrarkkokommak', ' ')]
YI19130128-V61-04-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130304-V61-09-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAllllllillllllllill', ' ')]
YI19130311-V61-10-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130311-V61-10-page2.txt: [('MMINIMI.MMOIVECIMDMMIVAIMMWMIMMINN', ' ')]
YI19130318-V61-11-page2.txt: [('mmommolmmommommrim', ' ')]
YI19130325-V61-12-page1.txt: [('lammosammarammum', ' ')]
YI19130401-V61-13-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130408-V61-14-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINI', ' ')]
YI19130415-V61-15-page1.txt: [('iuulllliiliiliiill', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIffbIIII', ' '), ("IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'", ' ')]
YI19130429-V61-17-page2.txt: [('MORMOMMOMMOMMOMMOMMOMMECOMMIX', ' ')]
YI19130513-V61-19-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130513-V61-19-page10.txt: [('manmartmmononenommonotmonommomagragwrammmitmommraomma', ' ')]
YI19130513-V61-19-page2.txt: [('rgEREIEEKTmEFERmmommrmmromiTiEfEERRREiRREFEin.', ' ')]
YI19130527-V61-21-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130603-V61-22-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130610-V61-23-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130617-V61-24-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIhINIPo', ' ')]
YI19130701-V61-26-page1.txt: [('mimmfiqurtPzammummanwureart', ' '), ('eumnionmicumagmumemnommenommumcnemmnrammincmumnounnmummuniumminnommousanumaumonomm.rommumomatmnotnneumammearainunmen', ' ')]
YI19130715-V61-28-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI', ' ')]
YI19130715-V61-28-page2.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIttIntitttrentrattm', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIttIntitttrentrattm', ' ')]
YI19130805-V61-31-page1.txt: [('limmumimmlimmu', ' ')]
YI19130819-V61-33-page1.txt: [('mwmIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130819-V61-33-page3.txt: [("XXXXXXMX'XXXXXXX", ' ')]
YI19130826-V61-34-page1.txt: [('imamIIiliiimoniik', ' ')]
YI19130902-V61-35-page1.txt: [('hIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19130930-V61-39-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19131104-V61-44-page2.txt: [('mommammmmmmuummucmftwormomm', ' ')]
YI19131125-V61-47-page2.txt: [('aommmusommummismormid', ' ')]
YI19131216-V61-50-page2.txt: [('KsEmmmmmmwmmnwAmmlAnoEsainrummElmoTim', ' ')]
YI19140106-V62-01-page1.txt: [('JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ("IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'", ' '), ('IIIIIIIINIINIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140106-V62-01-page2.txt: [('MMWMMMWMRiMMMMNMMMMMSNMM', ' ')]
YI19140113-V62-02-page1.txt: [('etlIIIHIIIIIIIIInN', ' ')]
YI19140127-V62-04-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140203-V62-05-page36.txt: [("MMMMMMMM'AMMMMMMMMMMEMMMMMMMMEMMF.", ' ')]
YI19140224-V62-08-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140310-V62-10-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140317-V62-11-page1.txt: [('IIflUlIIIlIIl', ' ')]
YI19140407-V62-14-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP', ' ')]
YI19140414-V62-15-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140428-V62-17-page1.txt: [('AJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140505-V62-18-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140512-V62-19-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('LhIIIIIIIIINIIII', ' ')]
YI19140519-V62-20-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN', ' ')]
YI19140526-V62-21-page1.txt: [('IIIIIINIIIIIIIii', ' '), ('..M.IrMIIIMIAMINIMIRIMiliiiimrliiidmiiiiinnintlIn', ' ')]
YI19140623-V62-25-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIINIIIillllll', ' ')]
YI19140630-V62-26-page1.txt: [('immimmAmommginsumerV', ' ')]
YI19140630-V62-26-page11.txt: [('ammmEnwmnsrmasimmwasswsilnammi', ' ')]
YI19140630-V62-26-page2.txt: [('ameny.TaamorcoaaaaoacamaaammEx', ' ')]
YI19140630-V62-26-page8.txt: [('RIIMIIIIIIIMOIIIIIMEN', ' ')]
YI19140707-V62-27-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA', ' ')]
YI19140714-V62-28-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIINIIIIINII', ' '), ('iiIIIIIIIIiIIINIIIN', ' '), ('iiiiiiiIiilliiiiiiil', ' ')]
YI19140721-V62-29-page9.txt: [('IMAMM.IBIENtaMMIMMaIMMO', ' ')]
YI19140804-V62-31-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIJIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140811-V62-32-page1.txt: [('IIIfflhIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19140929-V62-39-page1.txt: [('miiuuiiiiiimr', ' ')]
YI19141020-V62-42-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19141110-V62-45-page1.txt: [('...m.".immOt.mm.....mm.t...m.', ' '), ("ruiuiruiIiiiIiIII'", ' '), ('iiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiI', ' '), ('IIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19141208-V62-49-page1.txt: [('mmimmOmmomOmom.', ' ')]
YI19141215-V62-50-page1.txt: [('itIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19150209-V63-06-page1.txt: [('MMriMMKOMMMMM', ' '), ('IMMMKIMSOMKOMMKUMENMKSSIMM', ' ')]
YI19150302-V63-09-page1.txt: [('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ' '), ('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', ' '), ('CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ' '), ('XXXXXXXXXXXXXMC', ' '), ('CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ' ')]
YI19150330-V63-13-page7.txt: [('teakettle-ettle-ettle', ' ')]
YI19151012-V63-41-page1.txt: [('EIMMMEMMMMRHKSEMMMMMIMMKiMMMMS', ' ')]
YI19151109-V63-45-page1.txt: [('RAMMMIAMKSWETESEWEMMMEMWAMMTMEIME', ' ')]
YI19160307-V64-10-page16.txt: [('MOMMINDYNIMMININOWINIORMIIIMMEININ', ' ')]
YI19160404-V64-14-page1.txt: [('WITLAMMTTRMPIMSMTTMTTY', ' ')]
YI19161017-V64-42-page1.txt: [('mwsmrumgamsimgigmussmsgmmEgussmonmmusimmmmmq', ' '), ('ggnmEr-somimmommngigonromommigmwEgim', ' ')]
YI19161024-V64-43-page13.txt: [('iumAiiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiMiiii..', ' ')]
YI19161205-V64-49-page10.txt: [("'AMIIIIIIIIIIIOM'", ' '), ("INIIMMIINIIII'l'lN'", ' ')]
YI19170206-V65-06-page1.txt: [('MaiMMILMMEMMMIMMMRSMMMMM', ' ')]
YI19170327-V65-13-page1.txt: [('Immlimmollommovigimuirmammolormwolomm', ' ')]
YI19170828-V65-35-page20.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19171023-V65-43-page11.txt: [('Iiinimmummilioniniomionmommournmag', ' '), ('.moommummonmEnnomownwommis', ' ')]
YI19180205-V66-06-page1.txt: [('ummummumninimmumimmusumunumonnum', ' ')]
YI19180219-V66-08-page1.txt: [('ummumniminnimmumunumminiumminimmommimmuminummuninnumnum', ' ')]
YI19180305-V66-10-page1.txt: [('muumuunnumummuummumumuumumummuummumummumummummummummuumum', ' ')]
YI19180326-V66-13-page19.txt: [('iiiiiiiiiiiiii', ' ')]
YI19180416-V66-16-page8.txt: [('MMENTIONIMINEEMMINIMMIIIIIIIIIIIMEMEniniiiminiiiiiiiinlinIMMENNIME', ' '), ('Billliliniiiiiiiiiiiiinumnionimminim', ' '), ('MMENTIONIMINEEMMINIMMIIIIIIIIIIIMEMEniniiiminiiiiiiiinlinIMMENNIME', ' ')]
YI19180521-V66-21-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' '), ('iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiima', ' ')]
YI19180723-V66-30-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19180820-V66-34-page1.txt: [('iimmunnimmuumummumun', ' ')]
YI19190218-V67-07-page13.txt: [('aliillillilliniiiillIniiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin', ' ')]
YI19190225-V67-08-page1.txt: [('iiiiiiliniiiimilliiiiinnurmill', ' '), ('KIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
YI19190415-V67-15-page1.txt: [('numummimmumumummimmiumusimummu', ' ')]
YI19190610-V67-23-page1.txt: [('IIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiill', ' ')]
YI19190617-V67-24-page1.txt: [('uuImuammmmammmmuwmImmuumm', ' ')]
YI19190708-V67-27-page1.txt: [('boilimilionsimmitommoniminnimmillounitimilinnuniniiiimnimuminiinsimmumffinimunimmuniffimmitionionommonimmiliimili', ' '), ('boilimilionsimmitommoniminnimmillounitimilinnuniniiiimnimuminiinsimmumffinimunimmuniffimmitionionommonimmiliimili', ' ')]
YI19191111-V67-45-page11.txt: [('Imiiiiiiimimmitimiffirommmmiiimimmimmummminill', ' '), ('Imiiiiiiimimmitimiffirommmmiiimimmimmummminill', ' ')]
YI19191216-V67-50-page3.txt: [('ffilliffillIIIIMMIIIIMMIHMIIIIMM', ' '), ('ffilliffillIIIIMMIIIIMMIHMIIIIMM', ' '), ('MinlillIIIIIIIIIIIIII', ' ')]
In [74]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction8

Average verified rate: 0.9846951982210088

Average of error rates: 0.0211667426487349

Total token count: 21827202

In [75]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26242),
 ('e', 12040),
 ('m', 11116),
 ('d', 10079),
 ('t', 9116),
 ('w', 6865),
 ('r', 6722),
 ('n', 5689),
 ('f', 4817),
 ('g', 4437),
 ('co', 2300),
 ('x', 1690),
 ('ex', 1541),
 ('io', 1387),
 ('k', 1368),
 ('u', 1055),
 ('z', 896),
 ('id', 881),
 ('th', 861),
 ("an'", 829),
 ('mt', 746),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('pp', 569),
 ('pa', 512),
 ('ro', 509),
 ('oo', 503),
 ('em', 469),
 ('-', 444),
 ('li', 429),
 ('re', 425),
 ('ma', 423),
 ('q', 422),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('ti', 315),
 ('mo', 313),
 ('al', 308),
 ('il', 308),
 ('sel', 291),
 ('ver', 283),
 ('ft', 281),
 ('si', 252),
 ('pt', 249),
 ('ne', 244),
 ('zo', 226),
 ('ay', 216),
 ('mi', 215),
 ('op', 212)]

Correction 9 -- Separate Squashed Words

In [76]:
# %load shared_elements/separate_squashed_words.py
import pandas as pd
from math import log

prev = "correction8"
cycle = "correction9"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

verified_tokens = []

for filename in corpus:  
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    clean.get_approved_tokens(content, spelling_dictionary, verified_tokens)

tokens_with_freq = dict(collections.Counter(verified_tokens))
words = pd.DataFrame(list(tokens_with_freq.items()), columns=['token','freq'])
words_sorted = words.sort_values('freq', ascending=False)
words_sorted_short = words_sorted[words_sorted.freq > 2]

sorted_list_of_words = list(words_sorted_short['token'])

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    text = utilities.strip_punct(content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    wordcost = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(sorted_list_of_words)))) for i,k in enumerate(sorted_list_of_words))
    maxword = max(len(x) for x in sorted_list_of_words)
    replacements = []
    for token in tokens:
        if not token.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
            if len(token) > 17:
                if re.search(r"[\-\-\'\"]", token):
                    split_string = clean.infer_spaces(token, wordcost, maxword)
                    list_split_string = split_string.split()
                    if clean.verify_split_string(list_split_string, spelling_dictionary):
                        replacements.append((token, split_string))
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
YI18520801-V01-01-page3.txt: [('sawMountSinaiwherethela', 'saw Mount Sinai where the la')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page6.txt: [('PROPRIMPIRIPPIROrill', 'PRO P RIM P IR I P P IR Or ill')]
YI18530601-V01-09-page2.txt: [('hischariotsandhorses', 'his chariots and horses')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page10.txt: [('unchangeablepriestand', 'unchangeable priest and')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page6.txt: [('migipirmipaPPAmplIMIIIIIMPPRIPMNIMINPOPI', 'm i g i p i r m i p a P P A m p l I M I I I I I M P P R I P M N I M I N P O P I')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page9.txt: [('individualslthroughout', 'individuals l throughout')]
YI18540401-V02-04-page2.txt: [('mampurgypppipmuipmpointrawil', 'mam pur g y p p p i p m u i p m p o i n t r a w i l')]
YI18540501-V02-05-page6.txt: [('mopipFieipipoommintuiprilpIMF', 'mop i p Fie i pi poo m m i n t u i p r i l p I M F')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page8.txt: [('nORRRORIPIRPROSIRORSPIS', 'nO R R R O R I P I R P R O S I R O R S P I S')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page1.txt: [('disappointrequires', 'disappoint requires')]
YI18550401-V03-04-page8.txt: [('righteousnessexamined', 'righteousness examined')]
YI18551001-V03-10-page10.txt: [('AlphabeticekAcrostic', 'Alphabet ice k A c r o s t i c'), ('AnAffectionateParting', 'An Affection ate Parting')]
YI18551001-V03-10-page6.txt: [('IsarmilirMPEPIMMINIPE', 'Is arm i lir M P E P I M M I N I P E')]
YI18701115-V18-22-page1.txt: [('CREETMiiaVlliblilE', 'C R E E T M i i a V l l i b l i l E')]
YI18710215-V19-04-page2.txt: [('youwillbepleasedtowno', 'you will be pleased town o')]
YI18710501-V19-09-page4.txt: [('forthisgoodtlitepaper', 'for this good t l i t e p a p e r'), ('arebrightallthetime', 'are bright all the time')]
YI18710601-V19-11-page2.txt: [('ambitioustobethoughtsmart', 'ambitious to bethought smart')]
YI18710715-V19-14-page4.txt: [('Shecamehomeatnoonsadderthan', 'She came home at noon sadder than')]
YI18710915-V19-18-page2.txt: [('comparativethought', 'comparative thought')]
YI18720201-V20-02-page1.txt: [('pockethandkerchief', 'pocket handkerchief')]
YI18720201-V20-02-page5.txt: [('beresponsibilities', 'be responsibilities')]
YI18720901-V20-09-page5.txt: [('everyunderstanding', 'every understanding')]
YI18721001-V20-10-page3.txt: [('hierocompassionate', 'hi er o compassionate')]
YI18790108-V27-02-page4.txt: [('thispieceisfoundinthe', 'this piece is found in the')]
YI18790129-V27-05-page3.txt: [('illcontaintherecordofaclassfortwoyears', 'ill contain the record of a class for two years')]
YI18790430-V27-17-page1.txt: [('unconsciouslylearned', 'unconsciously learned')]
YI18790604-V27-22-page4.txt: [('alwAanyesiinadvance', 'a l w A a n y e s i i n a d v a n c e')]
YI18790618-V27-24-page4.txt: [('Dearchildrenandyouth', 'Dear children and youth')]
YI18790806-V27-31-page3.txt: [('dbolavsatiufplaotn', 'd b o l a v s a t i u f p l a o t n'), ('andworkingtowardtheheart', 'and working toward the heart')]
YI18790813-V27-32-page3.txt: [('regularlyappointed', 'regularly appointed')]
YI18790903-V27-35-page4.txt: [('readersanotherchoicepiece', 'readers another choice piece')]
YI18790910-V27-36-page4.txt: [('downasafoundationrule', 'down as a foundation rule'), ('Itwasaniceplaceforanest', 'It was a nice place for a nest')]
YI18791203-V27-48-page4.txt: [('Twootherbriefmeetings', 'Two other brief meetings')]
YI18800225-V28-09-page3.txt: [('peopletosathyisplan', 'people to s a thy is plan')]
YI18800317-V28-12-page3.txt: [('treacherouslymurderedhim', 'treacherously murdered him')]
YI18800602-V28-23-page1.txt: [('TheArabsgavethecamelthis', 'The Arabs gave the camel this')]
YI18800609-V28-24-page3.txt: [('continuedthroughout', 'continued throughout')]
YI18800818-V28-34-page2.txt: [('restlessnessinferior', 'restlessness inferior')]
YI18800825-V28-35-page5.txt: [('ScholarsChurchMembers', 'Scholars Church Members')]
YI18810119-V29-03-page1.txt: [('corresponddwellings', 'correspond dwellings')]
YI18810126-V29-04-page2.txt: [('pleasantestlooking', 'pleasantest looking')]
YI18810330-V29-13-page2.txt: [('iIshalawaysonanothere', 'i Is hal away son a not here'), ('nearlysobeautifulwithoutthelovely', 'nearly so beautiful without the lovely'), ('tobehavetowardthemwith', 'to be have toward them with'), ('sweetyounggrasswhichhadsprung', 'sweet young grass which had sprung')]
YI18810406-V29-14-page3.txt: [('didsahyetoJohndanJames', 'did s ah ye to John dan James')]
YI18810413-V29-15-page1.txt: [('housewidespreading', 'house wide spreading')]
YI18810601-V29-22-page3.txt: [('unreasonableitwastosupposethatdevils', 'unreasonable it was to suppose that devils')]
YI18810629-V29-26-page4.txt: [('eaohetookyllietahatitl', 'e a o h e t o o k y l l i e t a h a t i t l'), ('lifofifOotififittlititlIeN', 'l if of if O ot if if it t l i t i t l I e N'), ('igirlaflasostielhastinen', 'i girl a f l a s o s t i e l h a s t i n e n'), ('yvdaiaalyitilAychiefAr', 'y v d a i a a l y i t i l A y c h i e f A r')]
YI18810831-V29-35-page4.txt: [('everythingabouther', 'everything about her')]
YI18810928-V29-39-page3.txt: [('Thetablewasmadebythreeto', 'The table was made by three to')]
YI18820419-V30-16-page1.txt: [('Ofthyfeetamongtheflowers', 'Of thy feet among the flowers')]
YI18820621-V30-25-page1.txt: [('ajogionotdhejomkinei', 'a jog i o not d h e j o m k i n e i')]
YI18821206-V30-49-page2.txt: [('successfullaborhave', 'successful labor have')]
YI18830328-V31-13-page8.txt: [('Overoursoulsisrisen', 'Over our souls is risen')]
YI18830606-V31-23-page3.txt: [('suspicioussharacters', 'suspicious s h ar act er s')]
YI18840213-V32-07-page3.txt: [('GeneralAssociation', 'General Association')]
YI18840227-V32-09-page2.txt: [('theapscleantcedhim', 'the a ps cle ant c ed him')]
YI18840813-V32-33-page3.txt: [('referetnocmeseimnorbylack', 'refer et no c mes e i m n o r b y l a c k')]
YI18841022-V32-43-page4.txt: [('AntLETeaeveryonewitlitcrve', 'Ant LE Tea every one wit lit c r v e')]
YI18841112-V32-46-page1.txt: [('protectconsiderable', 'protect considerable')]
YI18841217-V32-51-page4.txt: [('Thinkslisiosigthlw', 'Thinks lis i o sig t h l w')]
YI18850218-V33-05-page1.txt: [('notuntilseveralhundredyearsaftertheTowerof', 'not until several hundred years after the Tower of')]
YI18850415-V33-13-page4.txt: [('ashecalledtheengine', 'as he called the engine'), ('dayhehadslippedawayun', 'day he had slipped away u n'), ('thebarkingofthedog', 'the barking of the dog')]
YI18850513-V33-17-page3.txt: [('againestbawrralils', 'again est b a w r r a l i l s')]
YI18850527-V33-19-page4.txt: [('similkiHoeinwenooilff', 'sim ilk i Hoe in we no oil f f')]
YI18850624-V33-23-page3.txt: [('ThisiscertainlynotinconsistentwithGen', 'This is certainly not inconsistent with Gen'), ('Anewmethodofdrivinghorsesbymeansofthefeet', 'Anew method of driving horses by means of the feet'), ('isacuriousandbaeutifulplant', 'is a curious and b a e u t i f u l p l a n t'), ('whichisnotverygener', 'which is not very gen er')]
YI18850930-V33-37-page1.txt: [('Rosehisstatuecaredairnstone', 'Rose his statue cared air n s t o n e')]
YI18851216-V33-48-page3.txt: [('shalcoorooceshairet', 's hal coo roo c e s h a i r e t'), ('Ichotsiakatatklumia', 'I c hot s i aka tat k l u m i a')]
YI18860217-V34-07-page7.txt: [('leurtyrutnhemseclvIemsins', 'le ur ty rut n h e m s e c l v I e m s i n s')]
YI18860224-V34-08-page3.txt: [('hattheotherlacksinthegreatcommercial', 'hat the other lacks in the great commercial')]
YI18860303-V34-09-page3.txt: [('landscapegardening', 'landscape gardening')]
YI18860317-V34-11-page3.txt: [('thegenealogicteaallreaczoroilastiAtahl', 'the gen e a l o g i c t e a a l l r e a c z o r o i l a s t i A t a h l'), ('asonewilldiscoverbefore', 'as one will discover before'), ('whichisdistinguishedbhyetighhethoef', 'which is distinguished b h yeti g h h e t h o e f'), ('itwasusualtousethefigure', 'it was usual to use the figure'), ('themselvesaccordtheg', 'themselves accord the g')]
YI18860324-V34-12-page1.txt: [('andinsistedthatthesoulcouldnotbesavedby', 'and insisted that the soul could not be saved by'), ('hshallneverhaveeitherhouseorhomeoranyinheritance', 'h shall never have either house or home or any inheritance')]
YI18860331-V34-13-page3.txt: [('makeexcellentfoundations', 'make excellent foundations'), ('Itveryoftenhappensthat', 'It very often happens that')]
YI18860526-V34-21-page1.txt: [('rousingfromitssleep', 'rousing from its sleep'), ('twelvethousandfeetaboveit', 'twelve thousand feet above it'), ('butifapoleisstuckintotheglacier', 'but if a pole is stuck into the glacier'), ('forsothisgreatmovvery', 'for so this gre atm o v very')]
YI18860526-V34-21-page3.txt: [('Jtaipmanetseminahandling', 'J tai p man et sem in a handling'), ('proshiftlessnessinpreparation', 'pro shiftlessness in preparation'), ('lifelessnessinteaching', 'lifeless ness in teaching'), ('WHATisthemostbeautifulplacethatyouhaveever', 'WHAT is the most beautiful place that you have ever'), ('aestinofitNaarsesmnisd', 'a est in of it N a a r s e s m n i s d'), ('aanoddufeasmeailisarasnparmmo', 'a a nod du fe as me ail is ar as n p a r m m o')]
YI18860630-V34-26-page2.txt: [('oftrepeatedpromise', 'oft repeated promise')]
YI18860714-V34-28-page1.txt: [('Lovewhichweariesnot', 'Love which wearies not')]
YI18860721-V34-29-page3.txt: [('asintaharlreedwargr', 'as int ah ar l reed war g r'), ('theisrigohytetarwtglaansh', 'the is rig oh y tet ar w t g l a a n s h')]
YI18860728-V34-30-page3.txt: [('THEREisoftenneedforvigilanceandforappreciation', 'THERE is often need for vigilance and for appreciation'), ('theiramusementsconsists', 'their amusements consists'), ('hlirlehotilheaelgeineenses', 'h lir le ho til he a el g e i n e e n s e s'), ('themysteriouswayinwhichiatrose', 'the mysterious way in which i at rose'), ('puttingtheneedleinanddrawingitoutwithhisbill', 'putting the needle in and drawing it out with his bill')]
YI18860804-V34-31-page3.txt: [('lifeworkthathaseverbeenproducedisthatgivenbythe', 'lifework that has ever been produced is that given by the')]
YI18860901-V34-34-page3.txt: [('hgeamciavnilyizeoci', 'h g e a m c i a v n i l y i z e o c i'), ('elleursNyetazsparcerdoastsevr', 'el le ur s Nye t a z s p a r c e r d o a s t s e v r'), ('sIosmidhginmImaognsugbestoanotiadl', 's I o s mid h gin m I m a o g n s u g b e s t o a n o t i a d l'), ('geregartissaiinveb', 'ger e g a r t i s s a i i n v e b')]
YI18860901-V34-34-page4.txt: [('queerruelxocolkainigm', 'queer rue lx o col k a i n i g m'), ('rotkstislstlevliikte', 'rot k s t i s l s t l e v l i i k t e')]
YI18861027-V34-42-page4.txt: [('haveknownbetterbelieved', 'have known better believed')]
YI18861110-V34-44-page1.txt: [('latesomewhatslighted', 'late somewhat slighted')]
YI18870105-V35-01-page2.txt: [('mightencountericebergs', 'might encounter icebergs')]
YI18870105-V35-01-page3.txt: [('subscriptionsdisposed', 'subscriptions disposed')]
YI18870119-V35-03-page1.txt: [('similarlwepresented', 'similar l we presented')]
YI18870119-V35-03-page3.txt: [('compartmentisprincipally', 'compartment is principally')]
YI18870202-V35-05-page6.txt: [('GeneralAssociation', 'General Association')]
YI18870209-V35-06-page2.txt: [('Invercargiralillbwyay', 'Inv er car g i r a l i l l b w y a y')]
YI18870223-V35-08-page4.txt: [('watchetheverywhere', 'watcheth everywhere'), ('imprisonmentrather', 'imprisonment rather')]
YI18870309-V35-10-page6.txt: [('questionthattouches', 'question that touches')]
YI18870427-V35-17-page4.txt: [('everythingcheerfully', 'everything cheerfully')]
YI18870504-V35-18-page6.txt: [('whatWeinadvertently', 'what We inadvertently')]
YI18870511-V35-19-page3.txt: [('Chinesephilosophers', 'Chinese philosophers')]
YI18870518-V35-20-page3.txt: [('painstakingresearch', 'painstaking research')]
YI18870601-V35-22-page5.txt: [('quarteronaccountofsickness', 'quarter on account of sickness')]
YI18870608-V35-23-page2.txt: [('indescribableforms', 'indescribable forms')]
YI18870615-V35-24-page4.txt: [('timeseveralarekeeping', 'time several are keeping')]
YI18870706-V35-27-page6.txt: [('Livelyclearandfreefromsediment', 'Lively clear and free from sediment'), ('quartertotheStateSecretary', 'quarter to the State Secretary'), ('Oviattspokeofthegoodeffectalive', 'Oviatt spoke of the good effect alive')]
YI18870727-V35-30-page1.txt: [('considerableheight', 'considerable height')]
YI18870803-V35-31-page8.txt: [('ourlittlepeopletraveling', 'our little people traveling')]
YI18870810-V35-32-page3.txt: [('whomtheysupposedwasproducing', 'whom they supposed was producing'), ('severallargecolumns', 'several large columns')]
YI18870914-V35-37-page2.txt: [('thefrontdoorstepwhenUncleHorace', 'the front doorstep when Uncle Horace')]
YI18870921-V35-38-page3.txt: [('manyplaceshastheappearanceofbeingcoveredwith', 'many places has the appearance of being covered with')]
YI18871012-V35-41-page1.txt: [('althoughJohnMarbeck', 'although John Mar beck')]
YI18871116-V35-46-page2.txt: [('circumstanceconnected', 'circumstance connected')]
YI18871123-V35-47-page3.txt: [('encouragementisgiven', 'encouragement is given')]
YI18871214-V35-50-page3.txt: [('denominationalists', 'denomination a lists')]
YI18880425-V36-17-page3.txt: [('ThethreeVedasarethemostancient', 'The three Vedas are the most ancient'), ('presentlessonfollowshimintoEgypt', 'present lesson follows him into Egypt'), ('andacquaintsuswithhismanaremateriallydifferent', 'and acquaints us with his man are materially different'), ('toleadsuchaconsistentandexembooks', 'to lead such a consistent an de x e m b o o k s')]
YI18880606-V36-23-page3.txt: [('importanteprinciple', 'import ante principle')]
YI18880606-V36-23-page6.txt: [('TheschoolsatDuquoin', 'The schools at Duquoin'), ('covereduntilitwastoolatetoprint', 'covered until it was too late to print')]
YI18880606-V36-23-page7.txt: [('ITissaidthatanorange', 'IT is said that an orange'), ('treewillbearfruittillitis', 'tree will bear fruit till it is'), ('restfromtheirburdens', 'rest from their burdens'), ('Fromthesefactswemayconone', 'From these facts we may con one')]
YI18880613-V36-24-page3.txt: [('satinmyofficesoovercomeastobescarcelyableto', 'satin my office so overcome as to be scarcely able to'), ('Relatethecircumstancesofhiscalltoreturnto', 'Relate the circumstances of his call to return to')]
YI18880808-V36-32-page2.txt: [('bepaidtothecompanytowhomthedebrisbelongs', 'be paid to the company to whom the debris belongs'), ('andthepassengersweremany', 'and the passengers were many')]
YI18880815-V36-33-page3.txt: [('thedevotionofthechurch', 'the devotion of the church'), ('troublewhenhehearstherumbleofthecomingtrain', 'trouble when he hears the rumble of the coming train')]
YI18880822-V36-34-page2.txt: [('meupandaskedmeforwork', 'me up and asked me for work')]
YI18880919-V36-38-page3.txt: [('essentialelementofallacids', 'essential element of all acids'), ('aornoruhnodristhoen', 'a or no ru h no dr is tho en')]
YI18881010-V36-41-page3.txt: [('iritsraocftihoenaltol', 'ir its r a o c f t i h o e n a l t o l')]
YI18881121-V36-47-page4.txt: [('Consciderprayerfully', 'Cons cider prayerfully'), ('Cloasosarencorfdrosutaeklaenss', 'C loa so s ar enc or f d r o s u t a e k l a e n s s')]
YI18890123-V37-04-page3.txt: [('advertisIngbusiness', 'ad v ert is In g b u s i n e s s')]
YI18890220-V37-08-page4.txt: [('droppedintotheseboxescanneverbetakenoutfor', 'dropped into these boxes can never be taken out for'), ('eapntdheloabbraoth', 'e a p n t d h e l o a b b r a o t h')]
YI18890508-V37-19-page4.txt: [('urilcseostIocriaensliinvelne', 'ur i l c s e o s t I o c r i a e n s l i i n v e l n e')]
YI18890626-V37-26-page4.txt: [('lovetheirownbabiesbest', 'love their own babies best'), ('minglewiththeminthisworldaslongasweareinit', 'mingle with them in this world as long as we are in it')]
YI18890710-V37-28-page2.txt: [('herfatherresponded', 'her father responded')]
YI18890724-V37-30-page4.txt: [('especiallyadaptecl', 'especially adapt e c l')]
YI18890731-V37-31-page2.txt: [('luxuriousvegetationrequiresconstantpruningto', 'luxurious vegetation requires constant pruning to')]
YI18890731-V37-31-page4.txt: [('siniLtealclaierdto', 'sin i L teal c la ier d t o')]
YI18890814-V37-33-page4.txt: [('havetwowatlhokryeaers', 'have two wat l ho k r y e a e r s')]
YI18890821-V37-34-page4.txt: [('tloioduaglyatsIcwh', 't l o i o d u a g l y a t s I c w h')]
YI18890904-V37-36-page4.txt: [('sihiratlllsbaencaduttuiliNetgobieneethiml', 's i hi rat l l ls b a enc a du t t u i l i N e t g o b i e n e e t h i m l')]
YI18890918-V37-38-page4.txt: [('tioltsacnhoilolilsis', 't i o l t s a c n h o i l o l i l s i s')]
YI18891002-V37-40-page2.txt: [('producingsomething', 'producing something')]
YI18891023-V37-43-page1.txt: [('followingafternoon', 'following afternoon')]
YI18891106-V37-45-page4.txt: [('ictoriouslyconquered', 'i c to rio us l y conquered')]
YI18891127-V37-48-page1.txt: [('thereforeostentatiously', 'therefore ostentatiously')]
YI18900212-V38-07-page1.txt: [('Athousandboatsarehailing', 'A thousand boats are hailing')]
YI18900212-V38-07-page4.txt: [('sprovidedwithafurbag', 's provided with a fur bag')]
YI18900219-V38-08-page4.txt: [('HisnameisCharlieEllis', 'His name is Charlie Ellis')]
YI18900226-V38-09-page4.txt: [('religiousiegislation', 'religious i e g i s l a t i o n')]
YI18900326-V38-13-page4.txt: [('wholivesinOnondagaCo', 'who lives in Onondaga C o'), ('Meanwhilethebantam', 'Meanwhile the bantam')]
YI18900402-V38-14-page4.txt: [('pieceofbrasscontainingsquareperforations', 'piece of brass containing square perforations'), ('littleHelendoestolearn', 'little Helen does to learn'), ('Whenyoufedeilsdciossometime', 'When you fe de i ls d c i o s s o m e t i m e'), ('theyallsatclosetogethertoputhimstillmore', 'they all sat close together to put him still more')]
YI18900507-V38-19-page4.txt: [('Isitnotwonderfulhowsuchanimalscanbe', 'Is it not wonderful how such animals can be')]
YI18900625-V38-26-page2.txt: [('compassionateSaviour', 'compassionate Saviour')]
YI18900625-V38-26-page4.txt: [('Sincethattimetheoldtwo', 'Since that time the old two')]
YI18900903-V38-36-page1.txt: [('impertinentexpression', 'impertinent expression')]
YI18900917-V38-38-page4.txt: [('theheavierparticles', 'the heavier particles')]
YI18901001-V38-40-page2.txt: [('jowasbuiltbyShahJohanasthetombofhis', 'jo was built by Shah Jo han as the tomb of his')]
YI18950221-V43-08-page2.txt: [('thattherearenomorethan', 'that there are no more than'), ('Withpeoplewhoenjoythelightoftrue', 'With people who enjoy the light of true')]
YI18950307-V43-10-page7.txt: [('Anatomicopathological', 'An atomic o pathological')]
YI18950404-V43-14-page6.txt: [('sheinthesameinstantoftimeheard', 'she in the same instant of time heard')]
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YI18990316-V47-11-page4.txt: [('dissertationsarethespecialneedsofthetime', 'dissertations are the special needs of the time'), ('dayAdventistBritishConference', 'day Adventist British Conference')]
YI18990316-V47-12-page3.txt: [('NOVVVVVVVVVVONVloW', 'NOV V V V V V V V V VON V lo W')]
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YI18990713-V47-28-page7.txt: [('whowillnothavetasteddeath', 'who will not have tasted death'), ('thesearetypifiedinthe', 'these are typified in the')]
YI18990810-V47-32-page8.txt: [('BuenaVistaCountyJail', 'Buena Vista County Jail')]
YI18990914-V47-36-page3.txt: [('Heisinthesecretchambers', 'He is in the secret chambers')]
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YI18991026-V47-42-page7.txt: [('CanadianPacificRailway', 'Canadian Pacific Railway')]
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YI19000118-V48-03-page7.txt: [('thegrandresultsofinflowinggracewill', 'the grand results of inflowing grace will')]
YI19000201-V48-05-page7.txt: [('whomdidJesusreceivehelp', 'whom did Jesus receive help')]
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YI19000301-V48-09-page7.txt: [('hewillseeonlywhatmighthave', 'he will see only what might have')]
YI19000531-V48-22-page7.txt: [('permittedtoknowoftheweaknessesabout', 'permitted to know of the weaknesses about')]
YI19000607-V48-23-page3.txt: [('repredistinbuished', 'rep red is tin b u i s h e d')]
YI19000726-V48-30-page8.txt: [('clicitylikiklkilolklitlic', 'c l i city l i k i k l k i l o l k l i t l i c')]
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YI19000913-V48-36-page7.txt: [('CanadianPacificRailway', 'Canadian Pacific Railway')]
YI19001025-V48-42-page7.txt: [('OurPremiumTestament', 'Our Premium Testament'), ('Christoieontetoned', 'Christ o i eon tet on ed')]
YI19001025-V48-42-page8.txt: [('Furtherinformation', 'Further information')]
YI19001101-V48-43-page3.txt: [('forthesimplereasonthattheyarenotequipped', 'for the simple reason that they are not equipped')]
YI19001122-V48-46-page7.txt: [('himtobethustreatedbythoseforwhomhehas', 'him to be thus treated by those for whom he has'), ('bocalortdhcboavcekrand', 'b o cal ort d h c b o a v c e k r a n d')]
YI19001122-V48-46-page8.txt: [('Furtherinformation', 'Further information')]
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YI19010425-V49-17-page3.txt: [('ismistakenwhenhethinksthatnoonecaresfor', 'is mistaken when he thinks that no one cares for'), ('colderanddarkerworldthantheoneonwhich', 'colder and darker world than the one on which')]
YI19010425-V49-17-page5.txt: [('vvalpielimiielsimilmultai', 'v val pie l im ii els i mil m u l t a i'), ('thirtysixslifferent', 'thirty six s l if fe rent')]
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YI19010530-V49-22-page1.txt: [('memierlsisiossimluniumunislii', 'mem ier ls is i o s sim lu n i u m u n i s l i i'), ('rawisaivisimvicalacituraimi', 'raw is a iv is im vic a lac it ur aim i')]
YI19010627-V49-26-page1.txt: [('IIIIPAMILAIMMIlliriinlilit', 'III I PAM I L AIM M I l l i r i i n l i l i t')]
YI19010718-V49-29-page6.txt: [('PerhapsIshouldqualifythis', 'Perhaps I should qualify this'), ('amusingandinterestingforthespectator', 'amusing and interesting for the spectator')]
YI19011024-V49-42-page7.txt: [('InternationalExpress', 'International Express')]
YI19020206-V50-06-page1.txt: [('timeshewasalwayshiddeninthetrees', 'time she was always hidden in the trees'), ('tillthesunsetafterglowfadedfromthesky', 'till the sunset afterglow faded from the sky')]
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YI19020306-V50-10-page3.txt: [('MINBRIMIIIIIINItmatuumi', 'MIN B RIM III II IN It mat u u m i'), ('Anotherbirdyoumaymeetwithinwinteris', 'Another bird you may meet within winter is')]
YI19020327-V50-13-page3.txt: [('NAMPIIIIIMIIIIIMINUMMeilm', 'NAM P III IIM III IIM I NUM Me i l m')]
YI19020424-V50-17-page6.txt: [('whostandsattheotherend', 'who stands at the other end'), ('canbebetterthanpaiddrudgery', 'can be better than paid drudgery')]
YI19020501-V50-18-page8.txt: [('Furtherinformation', 'Further information')]
YI19020529-V50-22-page1.txt: [('ElllIMIPNVIIILIIIINE', 'Ell l IM I P N V I I I L I I I I N E')]
YI19020703-V50-27-page7.txt: [('celebratedTeachers', 'celebrated Teachers')]
YI19020724-V50-30-page3.txt: [('Assoonasthesunwarms', 'As soon as the sun warms')]
YI19020724-V50-30-page4.txt: [('FORTHELOVEOFCHRIST', 'FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST')]
YI19020807-V50-32-page7.txt: [('makehimthefatherofaraceofgoodmen', 'make him the father of a race of good men')]
YI19021106-V50-44-page7.txt: [('incontrastwiththeseventh', 'in contrast with the seventh')]
YI19030129-V51-03-page7.txt: [('thattheyexpectedtobeledby', 'that they expected to be led by'), ('Whatwasthelastplague', 'What was the last plague')]
YI19030305-V51-08-page7.txt: [('Whatonethingsumsupthewholelaw', 'What one thing sums up the whole law')]
YI19030416-V51-14-page5.txt: [('Ilionsolooreurantatillel', 'Ilion solo ore ur ant a till el')]
YI19030430-V51-16-page7.txt: [('althoughtheyknewthatit', 'although they knew that it')]
YI19030514-V51-18-page7.txt: [('Thehopeofsalvation', 'The hope of salvation')]
YI19030611-V51-22-page7.txt: [('atenderregardandrespectfor', 'a tender regard and respect for')]
YI19030702-V51-25-page7.txt: [('hecouldnotbesopowerfulastheyhadbelieved', 'he could not be so powerful as they had believed')]
YI19030806-V51-30-page6.txt: [('writethlioguiotubs', 'writ eth l i o gu i o tubs')]
YI19030827-V51-33-page7.txt: [('NaomisentRuthtoBoaz', 'Naomi sent Ruth to Boaz')]
YI19031006-V51-39-page4.txt: [('biographicaldictionary', 'biographical dictionary')]
YI19031006-V51-39-page7.txt: [('thenturnbackandreadthehistoryindetail', 'then turn back and read the history in detail')]
YI19031117-V51-45-page2.txt: [('astronomicalknowledge', 'astronomical knowledge')]
YI19031215-V51-49-page7.txt: [('ButitwasalongtimeafterGodhadchosen', 'But it was along time after God had chosen')]
YI19031222-V51-50-page7.txt: [('daysoftroublewhenhewashunteduponthe', 'days of trouble when he was hunted upon the')]
YI19040315-V52-11-page7.txt: [('throneofGodandoftheLambshallbeupon', 'throne of God and of the Lamb shall be upon')]
YI19040524-V52-21-page7.txt: [('Hisnamegavetothisempye', 'His name gave tot hi sem p ye')]
YI19040614-V52-24-page1.txt: [('smanorammossiliewaimmtwillwrominfti', 's manor am mos sil i ew aim m t w i l l w r o m i n f t i')]
YI19040712-V52-28-page2.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')]
YI19040802-V52-31-page6.txt: [('musthestretchedverytight', 'must he stretched very tight')]
YI19041115-V52-46-page6.txt: [('latigAIMVANOIRMSlil', 'lat i g A I M V A N O I R M S l i l')]
YI19050103-V53-01-page8.txt: [('everiencesictrtainly', 'ever i enc e s i c t r t a i n l y')]
YI19050117-V53-03-page7.txt: [('scienceandcompellingmentohonorthefalse', 'science and compelling men to honor the false')]
YI19050307-V53-10-page7.txt: [('DavidreignedwiselyandwellinIsraelfor', 'David reigned wisely and well in Israel for')]
YI19050321-V53-12-page3.txt: [('withcontinuedsuccess', 'with continued success')]
YI19050404-V53-14-page8.txt: [('Illiserseseiseasosomelostriesemosessesoriouragi', 'Ill is erse s e i s e a s o s o m e l o s t r i e s e m o s e s s e s o r i o u r a g i')]
YI19050418-V53-16-page7.txt: [('Itwillburnuntilthatuponwhichitpreys', 'It will burn until that upon which it preys')]
YI19050502-V53-18-page7.txt: [('Boththroughthemailandbypersonalinterview', 'Both through the mail and by personal interview'), ('themotherofJesussaithuntohim', 'the mother of Jesus saith unto him')]
YI19050613-V53-24-page3.txt: [('handkerchiefswithout', 'handkerchiefs without')]
YI19050620-V53-25-page2.txt: [('chlorophylgranules', 'chlorophyl granules'), ('chlorophylgranules', 'chlorophyl granules'), ('chlorophylgranules', 'chlorophyl granules')]
YI19050808-V53-32-page7.txt: [('Theladyassuredherthatherpromptnesswas', 'The lady assured her that her promptness was'), ('whenJesushadmadean', 'when Jesus had made an')]
YI19051212-V53-50-page6.txt: [('recognizeitasthemostrational', 'recognize it as the most rational')]
YI19060109-V54-02-page5.txt: [('likefuntothekitten', 'like fun to the kitten')]
YI19060220-V54-08-page3.txt: [('hundredthmillionth', 'hundredth millionth')]
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YI19060807-V54-32-page7.txt: [('remindedthemhowcarefullyhehadbeentaught', 'reminded them how carefully he had been taught')]
YI19060911-V54-37-page3.txt: [('Itisnotuntillatein', 'It is not until late in'), ('chardsandtheyellowhar', 'c hard sand the yellow h ar')]
YI19061030-V54-44-page7.txt: [('Thefallenangelswillbe', 'The fallen angels will be')]
YI19070101-V55-01-page3.txt: [('shoemakermissionary', 'shoemaker missionary')]
YI19070108-V55-02-page6.txt: [('InheritanceMillennium', 'Inheritance Millennium')]
YI19070129-V55-05-page8.txt: [('shareinthelessontaught', 'share in the lesson taught')]
YI19070205-V55-06-page3.txt: [('throughdisobedience', 'through disobedience')]
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YI19070409-V55-15-page7.txt: [('ofthereaderswritetome', 'of the readers write to me')]
YI19070416-V55-16-page7.txt: [('whosewidebranchesmadea', 'whose wide branches made a')]
YI19070618-V55-25-page1.txt: [('intelligentlooking', 'intelligent looking')]
YI19070806-V55-32-page3.txt: [('disagreeablenesses', 'disagreeable nesses')]
YI19070806-V55-32-page4.txt: [('HELPINEVERYTRTIRAILA', 'HELP IN EVERY T R T I R A I L A')]
YI19070827-V55-35-page7.txt: [('sentnofriendlymessagetoJacob', 'sent no friendly message to Jacob')]
YI19070903-V55-36-page7.txt: [('JacobcameagaintoIsaacatHebron', 'Jacob came again to Isaac at Hebron')]
YI19070924-V55-39-page7.txt: [('andsohadthemcastintothesameprison', 'and so had them cast into the same prison')]
YI19071001-V55-40-page7.txt: [('irlErINTERMEDIATELESSON', 'ir l Er INTERMEDIATE LESSON')]
YI19071001-V55-40-page8.txt: [('SANitedtIBEIrSvabegivatOOPOOraralagIrlit', 'SAN it ed t I B E I r S v a b e g i v a t O O P O O r a r a l a g I r l i t')]
YI19071231-V55-53-page3.txt: [('commandmentkeepers', 'commandment keepers')]
YI19080114-V56-02-page2.txt: [('graciousnessandgracefulnesshavetheirrootsdeepin', 'graciousness and gracefulness have their roots deep in')]
YI19080331-V56-13-page10.txt: [('gladtheydidnotletmehaveoneattheotherplaces', 'glad they did not let me have one at the other places')]
YI19080414-V56-15-page2.txt: [('rateoftwopercentisallowed', 'rate of two percent is allowed')]
YI19080707-V56-27-page12.txt: [('Beresponsibilities', 'Be responsibilities')]
YI19090112-V57-02-page8.txt: [('teacherevangelists', 'teacher evangelists')]
YI19090323-V57-12-page8.txt: [('Dustgardenplantedaftersweepingarocmwitha', 'Dust garden planted after sweeping ar o cm with a')]
YI19090413-V57-15-page10.txt: [('eRITIATAJACIcAlAINDI', 'e R I T I A T A J A C I c A l A I N D I')]
YI19090525-V57-21-page6.txt: [('economicalsignification', 'economical signification')]
YI19090622-V57-25-page2.txt: [('confectioneryeating', 'confectionery eating')]
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YI19091005-V57-40-page12.txt: [('THEMISSIONBANDTREE', 'THE MISSION BAND TREE')]
YI19091109-V57-45-page2.txt: [('administrationwhich', 'administration which')]
YI19091221-V57-51-page14.txt: [('thingsontheSabbathday', 'things on the Sabbath day'), ('Buthenowsaidtothem', 'But he now said to them')]
YI19100215-V58-07-page12.txt: [('ThatdayhasbeenappointedbytheGeneralConference', 'That day has been appointed by the General Conference')]
YI19100412-V58-15-page5.txt: [('Rabodonandrianampoinimerina', 'Rab o don and ria nam p o in i mer in a'), ('Rabodonandrianampoinimerina', 'Rab o don and ria nam p o in i mer in a')]
YI19100830-V58-35-page2.txt: [('TurnedHimFromSailor', 'Turned Him From Sailor')]
YI19110110-V59-02-page12.txt: [('hisentireresidenceamonghispeople', 'his entire residence among his people')]
YI19110214-V59-07-page1.txt: [('kolluwepliaamoramp', 'k o l l u w e p l i a a m o r a m p')]
YI19110307-V59-10-page17.txt: [('muchinterestastosolemnlystatethat', 'much interest as to solemnly state that')]
YI19110307-V59-10-page5.txt: [('RReesspponsiibility', 'R R e e s s p p o n s i i b i l i t y')]
YI19110321-V59-12-page9.txt: [('vigilantlymaintained', 'vigilantly maintained')]
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YI19110725-V59-30-page5.txt: [('consciencestricken', 'conscience stricken')]
YI19110912-V59-37-page3.txt: [('intercommunications', 'intercommunication s')]
YI19110919-V59-38-page16.txt: [('tercentenarycelebration', 'ter centenary celebration')]
YI19111024-V59-43-page2.txt: [('practicallyverified', 'practically verified')]
YI19111212-V59-50-page1.txt: [('NaawayamarassammEagammassai', 'N a a w a y a m a r a s s a m m E a g a m m a s s a i')]
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YI19120109-V60-02-page2.txt: [('TagimagonoMosoloaaarlaaaa', 'Tag imago no Mos o loa a ar la a a a')]
YI19120123-V60-04-page15.txt: [('passengerelevators', 'passenger elevators')]
YI19120123-V60-04-page2.txt: [('JuniorCivicLeagues', 'Junior Civic Leagues')]
YI19120213-V60-07-page2.txt: [('totenseparateaddresses', 'to ten separate addresses'), ('hisownnameasoneoftheten', 'his own name as one of the ten'), ('Discounttoagentsonyearlysubscriptions', 'Discount to agents on yearly subscriptions')]
YI19120227-V60-09-page2.txt: [('thellibletitebooinfthaAmm', 'the l lib let it e b o o i n f t h a A m m')]
YI19120305-V60-10-page19.txt: [('profoundlyefficacious', 'profoundly efficacious')]
YI19120409-V60-15-page1.txt: [('LeilMOMINIumOmINISIOMMIN', 'Lei l MOM IN I u m O m I N I S I O M M I N')]
YI19120430-V60-18-page2.txt: [('rissanazoomaamistAAG', 'r i s s a n a z o o m a a m i s t A A G')]
YI19120528-V60-22-page2.txt: [('MotherlesstInfants', 'Mother les st Infants')]
YI19120618-V60-25-page7.txt: [('supersensitiveness', 'supersensitive ness')]
YI19120625-V60-26-page2.txt: [('mIlmilillailliorli', 'm I l m i l i l l a i l l i o r l i'), ('millilitmiliiitilt', 'mill i lit mil iii tilt')]
YI19120723-V60-30-page10.txt: [('improvemagnificent', 'improve magnificent')]
YI19120723-V60-30-page4.txt: [('selfaggrandizement', 'self aggrandizement')]
YI19120723-V60-30-page6.txt: [('theauperintendents', 'the au per in ten dents')]
YI19120730-V60-31-page13.txt: [('toellTheWorldlodes', 'to ell The World lode s')]
YI19120730-V60-31-page9.txt: [('musthavebeenanaccident', 'must have been an accident')]
YI19120827-V60-35-page1.txt: [('VAIMPOWARVAPPAliniNigeW', 'V AIM POW AR V A P P A lin iN i g e W')]
YI19121015-V60-42-page7.txt: [('olmomorominnumonommtunamin', 'o l mom o rom in num o nom m t u n a m i n')]
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YI19130211-V61-06-page3.txt: [('recruitingofficers', 'recruiting officers')]
YI19130318-V61-11-page2.txt: [('Onononmetnonmaimaimm', 'On on on met non maim aim m'), ('Yearlysubscription', 'Yearly subscription')]
YI19130422-V61-16-page15.txt: [('TheIllustrationson', 'The Illustrations on')]
YI19130513-V61-19-page2.txt: [('Illoussummumunomill', 'Ill o us sum mum u n o m i l l'), ('rrIlIrInllnlllInIInsIlII', 'r r I l I r I n l l n l l l I n I I n s I l I I')]
YI19130520-V61-20-page2.txt: [('lightningconductors', 'lightning conductors')]
YI19130610-V61-23-page1.txt: [('monwasozossemensesionsaan', 'mon was o z o s s e m e n s e s i o n s a a n')]
YI19130805-V61-31-page1.txt: [('Illlllllllllllflflplalllllflllllliflllll', 'Ill l l l l l l l l l l l f l f l p l a l l l l l f l l l l l l i f l l l l l')]
YI19130805-V61-31-page12.txt: [('TolookChristintheface', 'To look Christ in the face')]
YI19130902-V61-35-page7.txt: [('queswereneededtopro', 'ques were needed to pro')]
YI19130930-V61-39-page1.txt: [('lllllllllllllllllf', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l f')]
YI19140203-V62-05-page32.txt: [('arenowentirelyintheprohibition', 'are now entirely in the prohibition')]
YI19140203-V62-05-page34.txt: [('Totalabstainerslive', 'Total abstainers live')]
YI19140428-V62-17-page1.txt: [('Illlillllllllllllll', 'Ill l ill l l l l l l l l l l l l')]
YI19140519-V62-20-page1.txt: [('dlllllllllilllllllll', 'dl l l l l l l l l ill l l l l l l l')]
YI19140630-V62-26-page11.txt: [('minimaingmKsinosissimmnssialing', 'minim a ing m K s i n o s i s s i m m n s s i a l i n g')]
YI19140630-V62-26-page15.txt: [('spiritualmindedness', 'spiritual mindedness')]
YI19140707-V62-27-page2.txt: [('aismaismotwoowaome', 'a ism a is mot woo w a o m e')]
YI19140804-V62-31-page1.txt: [('hiNiAkftwilvalvawskslatt', 'h iN i A k f t w i l v a l v a w s k s l a t t'), ('MUMBIBMWEVAIYAMOLSMOMBLUPAriNriaaria', 'MUM BIB M W E V A I Y A M O L S M O M B L U P A r i N r i a a r i a')]
YI19140825-V62-34-page8.txt: [('SinceIcamehereIhaveallowedmyself', 'Since I came here I have allowed myself')]
YI19140901-V62-35-page12.txt: [('Attractiveasmaybeitsclear', 'Attractive as maybe its clear')]
YI19141006-V62-40-page2.txt: [('essentialprinciples', 'essential principles')]
YI19141013-V62-41-page1.txt: [('monomEiiiffriomtat', 'mono mE ii if fri o m t a t')]
YI19141124-V62-47-page8.txt: [('disreputablelooking', 'disreputable looking')]
YI19150105-V63-01-page1.txt: [('illllllllllllllllllll', 'ill l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')]
YI19150119-V63-03-page1.txt: [('iiimmiliarariEgioul', 'ii im mil i ar ar i E g i o u l')]
YI19150202-V63-05-page23.txt: [('Illeniottaisatearetteasst', 'Ill en i ot tai sat ear et teas st')]
YI19150202-V63-05-page26.txt: [('YCFHAVAZOOPAKEPAcieffh', 'Y C F H A V A Z O O P A K E P A c i e f f h')]
YI19150209-V63-06-page1.txt: [('IMIMVArIMAEMSISUMWAMMMMSDS', 'I MIM V Ar I MAE MS I SUM W A M M M M S D S')]
YI19150209-V63-06-page10.txt: [('respectablelooking', 'respectable looking')]
YI19150302-V63-09-page15.txt: [('obtainingforgiveness', 'obtaining forgiveness')]
YI19150406-V63-14-page3.txt: [('oftentimesdeclared', 'oftentimes declared')]
YI19150413-V63-15-page5.txt: [('prepossessinglooking', 'prepossessing looking')]
YI19150518-V63-20-page8.txt: [('collegeministerial', 'college ministerial')]
YI19150608-V63-23-page9.txt: [('compositionrhetoric', 'composition rhetoric')]
YI19151012-V63-41-page4.txt: [('thatbeliefisanimportant', 'that belief is an important')]
YI19151116-V63-46-page7.txt: [('mippiesprotorMioriPIRA', 'm i p p i e s p r o t o r M i o r i P I R A')]
YI19160125-V64-04-page6.txt: [('ingenuitysdisplayed', 'ingenuity s displayed')]
YI19160201-V64-05-page23.txt: [('mentohavenothingtodowithit', 'men to have nothing to do with it'), ('hasthreatenedtokillbaby', 'has threatened to kill baby')]
YI19160222-V64-08-page2.txt: [('WhereareOurYoungPeopleGoing', 'Where are Our Young People Going')]
YI19160222-V64-08-page3.txt: [('HowlonghaltyebetweentwoopindidmoretoprovoketheLordGodofIsraeltoanger', 'How long halt ye between two o pin did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger')]
YI19160509-V64-19-page12.txt: [('youandImustcareforournewlypurchasedfaith', 'you and I must care for our newly purchased faith')]
YI19161017-V64-42-page16.txt: [('ilelredandstoredaway', 'ile l red and stored away')]
YI19161219-V64-51-page12.txt: [('comfortablelooking', 'comfortable looking')]
YI19170116-V65-03-page13.txt: [('gulittiumnivainnilla', 'gu lit t i u m n i v a i n n i l l a')]
YI19170130-V65-05-page13.txt: [('WHENTHEBOSSMUSTREDUCE', 'WHEN THE B O S S MUST RED U C E')]
YI19170227-V65-09-page10.txt: [('greatgranddaughter', 'great granddaughter')]
YI19170313-V65-11-page15.txt: [('thatElimelechmovedtowithhisfamily', 'that Elimelech moved to with his family'), ('Whatauthoritydidtheyhaveforsuchadvice', 'What authority did they have for such advice')]
YI19170417-V65-16-page10.txt: [('Takanawhaskimadojo', 'Tak an a w h a s k i m a d o j o')]
YI19170417-V65-16-page7.txt: [('salvationuponthisearth', 'salvation upon this earth'), ('saysagainthateverySab', 'says again that every Sab')]
YI19170605-V65-23-page4.txt: [('intelligentlooking', 'intelligent looking')]
YI19170717-V65-29-page10.txt: [('NumiatitattuachammouAINA', 'Num i at it att u a c h a m m o u A I N A')]
YI19170717-V65-29-page5.txt: [('ABCDENIIIJKLMNOPalZaRIVWX', 'A B C DEN III J K L M N O P a l Z a R I V W X')]
YI19171023-V65-43-page14.txt: [('AssistantSecretary', 'Assistant Secretary')]
YI19180101-V66-01-page8.txt: [('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping'), ('commandmentkeeping', 'commandment keeping')]
YI19180319-V66-12-page12.txt: [('discouragedlooking', 'discouraged looking')]
YI19180326-V66-13-page14.txt: [('createvaluesexceptthe', 'create values except the')]
YI19180521-V66-21-page15.txt: [('Whatdidtheydowhenurgohtbefore', 'What did they do when ur go h t b e f o r e')]
YI19180604-V66-23-page8.txt: [('thattheheadisonalevel', 'that the head is on a level'), ('Therearethreekinds', 'There are three kinds')]
YI19180625-V66-26-page1.txt: [('Hrillimillitliiiiim', 'H rill i mill it liii i im')]
YI19180827-V66-35-page2.txt: [('approachingcompletion', 'approaching completion')]
YI19180827-V66-35-page7.txt: [('secretarytreasurer', 'secretary treasurer')]
YI19180924-V66-39-page5.txt: [('ARERIGHTLYCONCERNED', 'ARE RIGHT L Y CON C ER NED')]
YI19181008-V66-41-page6.txt: [('strengthunconquered', 'strength unconquered'), ('hishonestyofpurposeunbroken', 'his honesty of purpose unbroken')]
YI19181015-V66-42-page2.txt: [('Papatheodoropoumoundurgiotomichalakopoul', 'Papa the odor o p o u m o u n d u r g i o t o m i c h a l a k o p o u l')]
YI19181105-V66-45-page13.txt: [('reneweddetermination', 'renewed determination')]
YI19181210-V66-50-page13.txt: [('EvelynHenriettaGilstrapaIoEnmemRaobRearmtssotneads', 'Evelyn Henrietta Gil strap a I o En mem R a o b R e a r m t s s o t n e a d s'), ('Asonemeansofencouragingouryoungpeople', 'As one means of encouraging our young people')]
YI19181217-V66-51-page1.txt: [('lllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l ill l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ill l l l l l l l l l')]
YI19181224-V66-52-page13.txt: [('strandedinExodusorNumbers', 'stranded in Exodus or Numbers')]
YI19181231-V66-53-page9.txt: [('serenelakesborderedbycomfortablehomes', 'serene lakes bordered by comfortable homes'), ('sofarremovedfromtheworldand', 'sofar removed from the world and')]
YI19190121-V67-03-page5.txt: [('republicspatterned', 'republics patterned')]
YI19190128-V67-04-page1.txt: [('iliallEmllifillifilEff', 'ilia l l E m l l i f i l l i f i l E f f')]
YI19190204-V67-05-page12.txt: [('comfortablelooking', 'comfortable looking')]
YI19190708-V67-27-page11.txt: [('ACQUISITIONISTHATOF', 'A C Q U I S I T I O N I S T H A T O F')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page15.txt: [('AlisdeloontiillustratqlthfaVnprat', 'A lis del o ont ii l lust rat q l t h f a V n p r a t')]
YI19190826-V67-34-page1.txt: [('HIIITIIIFInffillwirtm', 'HI I IT II IF In f f i l l w i r t m')]
YI19190902-V67-35-page15.txt: [('companiontoldtheoldmant', 'companion told the old man t')]
YI19190902-V67-35-page2.txt: [('Thewindpickedhimupanddrew', 'The wind picked him up and drew')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page15.txt: [('consciencestricken', 'conscience stricken')]
YI19191125-V67-47-page16.txt: [('medicotherapeutics', 'me di c o therapeutics')]
YI19191223-V67-51-page16.txt: [('conferenceconvened', 'conference convened')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page1.txt: [('llllllllllllllllll', 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l')]
In [79]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction9

Average verified rate: 0.9846851797106194

Average of error rates: 0.021071860041030316

Total token count: 21831598

In [80]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26242),
 ('e', 12171),
 ('m', 11247),
 ('d', 10103),
 ('t', 9239),
 ('w', 6902),
 ('r', 6807),
 ('n', 5794),
 ('f', 4854),
 ('g', 4475),
 ('co', 2300),
 ('x', 1696),
 ('ex', 1541),
 ('k', 1404),
 ('io', 1387),
 ('u', 1100),
 ('z', 909),
 ('id', 881),
 ('th', 861),
 ("an'", 829),
 ('mt', 746),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('pp', 569),
 ('pa', 512),
 ('ro', 509),
 ('oo', 503),
 ('em', 469),
 ('-', 444),
 ('li', 429),
 ('q', 425),
 ('re', 425),
 ('ma', 423),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('ti', 315),
 ('mo', 313),
 ('al', 308),
 ('il', 308),
 ('sel', 291),
 ('ver', 283),
 ('ft', 281),
 ('si', 252),
 ('pt', 249),
 ('ne', 244),
 ('zo', 226),
 ('ay', 216),
 ('mi', 215),
 ('op', 212)]

Correction 10 -- Make Common Character Substitutions

In [84]:
# %load shared_elements/make_common_substitutions.py
prev = "correction9"
cycle = "correction10"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

subs = utilities.readfile('/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data', 'common_substitutions.txt')  
sub_list = subs.split('\n')
common_substitutions = [tuple(i.split('\t')) for i in sub_list]
corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    text = utilities.strip_punct(content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)
    errors_updated = []
    for error in errors:
        if not error.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
    replacements = []
    for error in errors_updated:
        if len(error) > 1:
            for sub in common_substitutions:
                pattern = sub[0]
                if re.search(pattern, error):
                    test_sub = re.sub(pattern, sub[1], error)
                    if test_sub.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
                        replacements.append((error, test_sub))

    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)  

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
YI18520801-V01-01-page2.txt: [('ork', 'orr')]
YI18521001-V01-02-page3.txt: [('tv', 'ty')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page1.txt: [('Mk', 'Mr')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page3.txt: [('ve', 'ye')]
YI18521201-V01-03-page8.txt: [('Platt', 'Flatt')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page1.txt: [('Pid', 'Fid')]
YI18530101-V01-04-page8.txt: [('ine', 'me')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page4.txt: [('coine', 'come')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page5.txt: [('tlie', 'the')]
YI18530201-V01-05-page7.txt: [('OP', 'OF')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page4.txt: [('plir', 'phr')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page5.txt: [('pakt', 'part')]
YI18530301-V01-06-page6.txt: [('je', 'ye')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page1.txt: [('ok', 'or')]
YI18530501-V01-08-page5.txt: [('WIIAT', 'WHAT')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page1.txt: [('OP', 'OF'), ('ine', 'me')]
YI18530701-V01-10-page4.txt: [('ver', 'yer'), ('ves', 'yes')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page10.txt: [('forin', 'form')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page11.txt: [('IIeb', 'Heb')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page12.txt: [('IP', 'IF')]
YI18530801-V01-11,12-page14.txt: [('Mk', 'Mr')]
YI18540101-V02-01-page6.txt: [('Prill', 'Frill')]
YI18540101-V02-01-page7.txt: [('weake', 'weare')]
YI18540201-V02-02-page5.txt: [('tains', 'tams')]
YI18540301-V02-03-page2.txt: [('mucli', 'much')]
YI18540401-V02-04-page2.txt: [('mv', 'my')]
YI18540501-V02-05-page2.txt: [('Marv', 'Mary')]
YI18540501-V02-05-page7.txt: [('ver', 'yer'), ('huinbly', 'humbly')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page1.txt: [('sav', 'say'), ('ake', 'are'), ('hek', 'her')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page3.txt: [('anek', 'aner'), ('ine', 'me')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page4.txt: [('FRIO', 'FRIG')]
YI18540601-V02-06-page5.txt: [('CIIILDREN', 'CHILDREN')]
YI18540701-V02-07-page2.txt: [('sucli', 'such')]
YI18540701-V02-07-page5.txt: [('tains', 'tams'), ('kee', 'ree')]
YI18540701-V02-07-page6.txt: [('citv', 'city')]
YI18540701-V02-07-page8.txt: [('kie', 'rie'), ('PRIS', 'FRIS')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page1.txt: [('eigliteen', 'eighteen'), ('pkov', 'prov')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page2.txt: [('je', 'ye')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page3.txt: [('Froin', 'From'), ('hiin', 'him'), ('Uzziali', 'Uzziah'), ('li', 'h')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page5.txt: [('lieb', 'heb')]
YI18540801-V02-08-page8.txt: [('thein', 'them'), ('tliy', 'thy')]
YI18540901-V02-09-page5.txt: [('POr', 'FOr'), ('taked', 'tared')]
YI18541001-V02-10-page2.txt: [('liim', 'him')]
YI18541001-V02-10-page4.txt: [('ket', 'ret')]
YI18541001-V02-10-page6.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18541201-V02-12-page1.txt: [('hav', 'hay'), ('OP', 'OF')]
YI18541201-V02-12-page2.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18541201-V02-12-page5.txt: [('tained', 'tamed')]
YI18541201-V02-12-page7.txt: [('Ake', 'Are'), ('makl', 'marl')]
YI18550301-V03-03-page8.txt: [('Pri', 'Fri')]
YI18550401-V03-04-page3.txt: [('rej', 'rey')]
YI18550401-V03-04-page6.txt: [('governinent', 'government')]
YI18550501-V03-05-page6.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18550601-V03-06-page5.txt: [('ve', 'ye')]
YI18550701-V03-07-page4.txt: [('IP', 'IF')]
YI18550701-V03-07-page8.txt: [('tlieir', 'their')]
YI18550801-V03-08-page4.txt: [('Huine', 'Hume')]
YI18550901-V03-09-page7.txt: [('bov', 'boy')]
YI18590101-V07-01-page5.txt: [('lieb', 'heb')]
YI18590101-V07-01-page6.txt: [('deine', 'deme'), ('dein', 'dem')]
YI18590201-V07-02-page4.txt: [('LOTH', 'LGTH')]
YI18590301-V07-03-page5.txt: [('iner', 'mer')]
YI18590301-V07-03-page8.txt: [('aint', 'amt')]
YI18590501-V07-05-page8.txt: [('vous', 'yous')]
YI18590601-V07-06-page6.txt: [('ine', 'me')]
YI18590601-V07-06-page7.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18590701-V07-07-page5.txt: [('thein', 'them'), ('ine', 'me')]
YI18590801-V07-08-page7.txt: [('ROCIIESTER', 'ROCHESTER')]
YI18591201-V07-12-page1.txt: [('ve', 'ye')]
YI18600201-V08-02-page5.txt: [('traek', 'traer')]
YI18600301-V08-03-page2.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18600401-V08-04-page1.txt: [('tillin', 'tiffin')]
YI18600401-V08-04-page8.txt: [('lovd', 'loyd')]
YI18600501-V08-05-page1.txt: [('jk', 'jr')]
YI18600501-V08-05-page4.txt: [('ine', 'me')]
YI18600501-V08-05-page5.txt: [('Oun', 'Gun')]
YI18600501-V08-05-page6.txt: [('Oulf', 'Gulf')]
YI18600901-V08-09-page3.txt: [('eak', 'ear'), ('OP', 'OF')]
YI18600901-V08-09-page5.txt: [('LIPE', 'LIFE')]
YI18600901-V08-09-page8.txt: [('Parmer', 'Farmer')]
YI18601001-V08-10-page2.txt: [('gulley', 'guffey')]
YI18601101-V08-11-page4.txt: [('arin', 'arm')]
YI18601201-V08-12-page1.txt: [('tains', 'tams')]
YI18601201-V08-12-page7.txt: [('liat', 'hat')]
YI18601201-V08-12-page8.txt: [('Pem', 'Fem')]
YI18620101-V10-01-page1.txt: [('Beek', 'Beer')]
YI18620201-V10-02-page7.txt: [('akc', 'arc')]
YI18620501-V10-05-page7.txt: [('tains', 'tams')]
YI18620601-V10-06-page1.txt: [('Oet', 'Get'), ('OU', 'GU')]
YI18620601-V10-06-page8.txt: [('ekt', 'ert')]
YI18620901-V10-09-page2.txt: [('Pinney', 'Finney')]
YI18620901-V10-09-page3.txt: [('OU', 'GU')]
YI18621001-V10-10-page8.txt: [('Parmer', 'Farmer'), ('liazar', 'hazar')]
YI18700815-V18-16-page3.txt: [('TIIE', 'THE')]
YI18700901-V18-17-page6.txt: [('Hov', 'Hoy')]
YI18700915-V18-18-page3.txt: [('aslied', 'ashed')]
YI18701001-V18-19-page1.txt: [('handj', 'handy')]
YI18701015-V18-20-page4.txt: [('ve', 'ye')]
YI18701015-V18-20-page8.txt: [('Epliesians', 'Ephesians')]
YI18701115-V18-22-page3.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18701115-V18-22-page4.txt: [("YOUTII'S", "YOUTH'S"), ('inan', 'man')]
YI18701115-V18-22-page6.txt: [('lio', 'ho')]
YI18701115-V18-22-page8.txt: [('Wakfield', 'Warfield')]
YI18710101-V19-01-page3.txt: [('lieb', 'heb')]
YI18710201-V19-03-page4.txt: [('Paff', 'Faff'), ('Sav', 'Say')]
YI18710215-V19-04-page1.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18710215-V19-04-page3.txt: [('illy', 'iffy')]
YI18710215-V19-04-page4.txt: [('Clirist', 'Christ')]
YI18710301-V19-05-page2.txt: [('ve', 'ye')]
YI18710301-V19-05-page3.txt: [('PIIILO', 'PHILO')]
YI18710501-V19-09-page4.txt: [('Buller', 'Buffer')]
YI18710701-V19-13-page4.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI18710801-V19-15-page1.txt: [('Oun', 'Gun')]
YI18711001-V19-19-page1.txt: [('tained', 'tamed')]
YI18711001-V19-19-page3.txt: [('IIow', 'How')]
YI18711001-V19-19-page4.txt: [('inom', 'mom')]
YI18711115-V19-22-page4.txt: [('hav', 'hay')]
YI18711201-V19-23-page4.txt: [('Perkin', 'Perrin')]
YI18711215-V19-24-page4.txt: [('Perkin', 'Perrin')]
YI18720101-V20-01-page1.txt: [('LOUGHBOROUGII', 'LOUGHBOROUGH')]
YI18720201-V20-02-page8.txt: [('Ake', 'Are'), ('Paro', 'Faro')]
YI18720301-V20-03-page1.txt: [('ve', 'ye')]
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YI19181119-V66-47-page2.txt: [('forin', 'form')]
YI19181119-V66-47-page7.txt: [('li', 'h')]
YI19181126-V66-48-page6.txt: [('Por', 'For')]
YI19181210-V66-50-page13.txt: [('ver', 'yer')]
YI19181217-V66-51-page15.txt: [('liorah', 'horah')]
YI19181224-V66-52-page11.txt: [('IIebrew', 'Hebrew')]
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YI19181231-V66-53-page16.txt: [('Ponts', 'Fonts')]
YI19190121-V67-03-page3.txt: [('fev', 'fey')]
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YI19190121-V67-03-page7.txt: [('li', 'h')]
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YI19190304-V67-09-page15.txt: [('OP', 'OF')]
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YI19190527-V67-21-page10.txt: [('shek', 'sher'), ('kon', 'ron')]
YI19190527-V67-21-page14.txt: [('IIowever', 'However')]
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YI19190722-V67-29-page14.txt: [('Czak', 'Czar')]
YI19190722-V67-29-page2.txt: [('Fein', 'Fem')]
YI19190729-V67-30-page5.txt: [('tains', 'tams')]
YI19190805-V67-31-page7.txt: [('nilly', 'niffy')]
YI19190812-V67-32-page13.txt: [('hoine', 'home')]
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YI19190826-V67-34-page8.txt: [('Piner', 'Finer')]
YI19190902-V67-35-page10.txt: [('Prancisco', 'Francisco')]
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YI19190923-V67-38-page13.txt: [('Platt', 'Flatt')]
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YI19191014-V67-41-page11.txt: [('Rainey', 'Ramey')]
YI19191014-V67-41-page12.txt: [('Rainey', 'Ramey')]
YI19191014-V67-41-page6.txt: [('inus', 'mus')]
YI19191021-V67-42-page2.txt: [('Bok', 'Bor')]
YI19191021-V67-42-page6.txt: [('inultitudes', 'multitudes')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page11.txt: [('tliings', 'things')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page4.txt: [('PUNO', 'PUNG')]
YI19191028-V67-43-page5.txt: [('UTIIAI', 'UTHAI')]
YI19191111-V67-45-page10.txt: [('sliagreen', 'shagreen')]
YI19191118-V67-46-page2.txt: [('forin', 'form')]
YI19191209-V67-49-page2.txt: [('uku', 'uru')]
YI19191230-V67-52-page12.txt: [('Deek', 'Deer')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page10.txt: [('brothek', 'brother')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page2.txt: [('Fein', 'Fem')]
YI19200106-V68-01-page7.txt: [('Pelton', 'Felton')]
YI19200113-V68-02-page3.txt: [('baek', 'baer')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page13.txt: [('grandinamma', 'grandmamma')]
YI19200120-V68-03-page6.txt: [('inaugukated', 'inaugurated')]
In [87]:
# %load shared_elements/summary.py
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/YI/correction10

Average verified rate: 0.9844072518176143

Average of error rates: 0.021207317073170737

Total token count: 21845668

In [88]:
# %load shared_elements/top_errors.py
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 26246),
 ('e', 13124),
 ('m', 11305),
 ('d', 10403),
 ('t', 9319),
 ('r', 7629),
 ('w', 6942),
 ('n', 6203),
 ('f', 4885),
 ('g', 4498),
 ('co', 2365),
 ('x', 1697),
 ('ex', 1541),
 ('k', 1408),
 ('io', 1387),
 ('u', 1100),
 ('z', 910),
 ('id', 881),
 ('th', 873),
 ("an'", 829),
 ('mt', 746),
 ('ry', 606),
 ('sabbathschool', 596),
 ('pp', 570),
 ('wm', 569),
 ('ne', 559),
 ('pa', 518),
 ('ro', 510),
 ('re', 500),
 ('oo', 489),
 ('em', 470),
 ('-', 444),
 ('ma', 430),
 ('q', 427),
 ('li', 421),
 ('gi', 415),
 ('ttle', 415),
 ('mo', 360),
 ('good-by', 358),
 ("the'", 331),
 ('il', 330),
 ('al', 323),
 ('ti', 321),
 ('eze', 318),
 ('sel', 301),
 ('ft', 288),
 ('ng', 286),
 ('se', 280),
 ('ver', 263),
 ('si', 253)]
In [ ]: