
Data from master document maintained as a Google spreadsheet.

In [11]:
# %load /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/dev/code/shared_elements/
# Load Labels

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import pandas as pd

# Load data from Google Doc
scope = ['']
secrets = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/dev/code/secrets/dissertation-881847769b13.json"
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(secrets, scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

doc_name = 'Periodicals Overview'
dts =

Table 2.1: All Recorded SDA Periodicals, 1849-1920

In [18]:
Digitized (y/n) Title type
0 y Present Truth
1 y Advent Review
2 y Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
3 y Youth’s Instructor
4 y Health Reformer
5 y Signs of the Times
6 y *Pacific Health Journal
7 y †American Sentinel
8 y Gospel Sickle
9 y ‡The Missionary Magazine
10 y ‡The Home Missionary
11 y Indiana Reporter
12 y Columbia Union Visitor
13 y The Christian Educator
14 y Gospel of Health
15 y Training School Advocate
16 y The Gospel Herald
17 y Life Boat
18 y †Sentinel of Liberty
19 y Pacific Union Recorder
20 y The West Michigan Herald
21 y *Life and Health
22 y North Michigan News Sheet
23 y Liberty
24 y South Union Worker
25 y Lake Union Herald
26 y Christian Education
27 y The Church Officer’s Gazette
28 y Sligonian college
29 n Sabbath School Worker
30 n Southern Watchman
31 n Sabbath School Quarterly
32 n Bible Students' Library
33 n Apples of Gold Library
34 n Our Little Friend
35 n The Medical Missionary
36 n East Michigan Banner
37 n The Haskell Home Appeal
38 n Illinois Recorder
39 n Southern Illinois Herald
40 n Wisconsin Reporter
41 n Signs of the Times Magazine
42 n Present Truth
43 n Medical Evangelist
44 n Field Tidings
45 n Emmannuel Missionary College Bulletin college
46 n Student Movement college
47 n Faith college
48 n Southern Union College Calendar college
49 n Student Echo college
50 n Mountain Echo college
51 n Hillside Radiogram college

Table 2.2: Periodicals in Study Corpus

In [19]:
Final Publication Location Final Year in Study First Year in Study Initial Publication Location Region Title URL
0 Oswego, NY 1850 1849 Middletown, CT n/a Present Truth
1 Auburn, NY 1850 1850 Auburn, NY n/a Advent Review
2 Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. 1920 1850 Paris, ME Lake Union; Columbia Union Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
3 Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. 1920 1852 Rochester, NY Lake Union; Columbia Union Youth’s Instructor
4 Battle Creek, MI 1907 1866 Battle Creek, MI Lake Union Health Reformer
5 Mountain View, CA 1920 1874 Oakland, CA Pacific Union Signs of the Times
6 Oakland, California 1904 1885 Oakland, CA Pacific Union *Pacific Health Journal
7 Chicago, IL 1900 1886 Oakland, CA Pacific Union; Lake Union †American Sentinel
8 Battle Creek, MI 1888 1886 Battle Creek, MI Lake Union Gospel Sickle
9 Battle Creek, MI 1902 1898 Philadelphia, PA Lake Union ‡The Missionary Magazine
10 Battle Creek, MI 1897 1889 Battle Creek, MI Lake Union ‡The Home Missionary
11 Indianapolis, IN 1910 1901 Indianapolis, IN Lake Union Indiana Reporter
12 Mount Vernon, OH 1920 1901 Academia, OH Lake Union; Columbia Union Columbia Union Visitor
13 Battle Creek, MI 1899 1897 Battle Creek, MI Lake Union The Christian Educator
14 Battle Creek, MI 1899 1897 Battle Creek, MI Lake Union Gospel of Health
15 Berrien Springs, MI 1905 1898 Battle Creek, MI Lake Union Training School Advocate
16 Huntsville, AL 1920 1898 Yazoo City, MS Southern Union The Gospel Herald
17 Hinsdale, IL 1920 1898 Chicago, IL Lake Union Life Boat
18 Washington, D.C. 1904 1900 Chicago, IL Lake Union; Columbia Union †Sentinel of Liberty
19 Glendale, CA 1920 1901 Oakland, CA Pacific Union Pacific Union Recorder
20 Otsego, MI 1908 1903 Grand Rapids, MI Lake Union The West Michigan Herald
21 Washington, D.C. 1920 1904 Washington, D.C. Columbia Union *Life and Health
22 Petoskey, MI 1910 1906 Petoskey, MI Lake Union North Michigan News Sheet
23 Washington, D.C. 1920 1906 Washington, D.C. Columbia Union Liberty
24 Ooltewah, TN 1920 1907 Nashville, TN Southern Union South Union Worker
25 Berrien Springs, MI 1920 1908 Berrien Springs, MI Lake Union Lake Union Herald
26 Washington, D.C. 1920 1909 Washington, D.C. Columbia Union Christian Education
27 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D.C. 1920 1914 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D.C. Columbia Union The Church Officer’s Gazette
28 Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. 1920 1916 Takoma Park, D.C. Columbia Union Sligonian
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