
In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [2]:
%autoreload 2
In [3]:
from text2topics import reports
from text2topics import utilities
from text2topics import clean
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import collections
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
wordlist_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/word-lists"
wordlists = ["2016-12-07-SDA-last-names.txt", 
In [6]:
spelling_dictionary = utilities.create_spelling_dictionary(wordlist_dir, wordlists)
In [7]:
title = "SOL"
In [8]:
base_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/{}/".format(title)


In [9]:
cycle = 'baseline'
In [10]:
stats = reports.overview_report(join(base_dir, cycle), spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/baseline

Average verified rate: 0.9364626634705829

Average of error rates: 0.06729305283757338

Total token count: 1285323

In [11]:
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( stats )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 100 )
[('¥', 2308),
 ('-', 1926),
 ('tion', 1340),
 ('re-', 1275),
 ('con-', 999),
 ("'", 914),
 ('in-', 876),
 ('ment', 743),
 ('de-', 697),
 ('t', 677),
 ('¥¥', 661),
 ('sun-', 596),
 ('com-', 547),
 ('be-', 542),
 ('*', 540),
 (')', 535),
 ('n', 469),
 ('en-', 451),
 ('ñ', 438),
 ('pro-', 406),
 ('d', 405),
 ('ex-', 403),
 ('w', 398),
 ('e', 398),
 ('th', 395),
 ('tions', 346),
 ('m', 326),
 ('dis-', 310),
 ('ob-', 285),
 ('govern-', 277),
 ('gov-', 271),
 ('per-', 263),
 ('un-', 254),
 ('sab-', 252),
 ('g', 247),
 ('co', 240),
 ('ac-', 239),
 ('im-', 225),
 ('pre-', 213),
 ('ernment', 210),
 ('ligious', 209),
 ('ap-', 198),
 ('ance', 193),
 ('x', 186),
 ('f', 180),
 ('chris-', 178),
 ('sunday-closing', 175),
 ('r', 172),
 ('at-', 170),
 ('ad-', 168),
 ('al-', 164),
 ('an-', 161),
 ('(', 161),
 ('u', 145),
 ('na-', 142),
 ('as-', 139),
 ('ence', 137),
 ('ments', 136),
 ('servance', 131),
 ('ity', 127),
 ('ar-', 126),
 ('mat-', 121),
 ('relig-', 121),
 ('em-', 120),
 ('ques-', 118),
 ('legis-', 118),
 ('sunday-law', 117),
 ('tian', 117),
 ('pub-', 116),
 ('ligion', 115),
 ('ers', 115),
 ('or-', 114),
 ('forcement', 110),
 ('observ-', 110),
 ('cor-', 109),
 ('pur-', 109),
 ('sub-', 108),
 ('lic', 107),
 ('ber', 106),
 ('busi-', 106),
 ('to-', 105),
 ('coun-', 104),
 ('prin-', 104),
 ('tional', 104),
 ('legisla-', 103),
 ('ple', 103),
 ('op-', 103),
 ('them-', 102),
 ('sunday-enforcement', 102),
 ('lation', 101)]

Review Special Character Use

In [12]:
[('¥', 2308),
 ('¥¥', 661),
 ('*', 540),
 (')', 535),
 ('ñ', 438),
 ('(', 161),
 ('/', 92),
 ('•', 91),
 (']', 78),
 ('ñthe', 62),
 ('[the', 62),
 ('(sunday)', 61),
 ('%', 60),
 ('ó', 52),
 ('_', 47),
 ('(the', 42),
 ('+', 37),
 ('ã', 36),
 ('[of', 31),
 ('¥¥¥', 29),
 ('ñeditor', 29),
 ('=', 28),
 ('**', 27),
 ('[', 27),
 ('è', 25),
 ('combinationñthe', 24),
 ('republicsñrome', 24),
 ('(and', 24),
 ('(which', 23),
 ('%c', 23),
 ('••', 23),
 ('ña', 21),
 ('ñthat', 21),
 ('ö', 21),
 ('-¥', 20),
 ('(see', 20),
 ('(minn', 20),
 ('(n', 20),
 ('\\', 20),
 ('sundayñno', 19),
 ('`', 19),
 ('ô', 19),
 ('¥-', 19),
 ('¥+¥', 19),
 ('ñnew', 18),
 ('ñat', 18),
 ('*the', 17),
 ('the¥', 16),
 ('*¥', 16),
 ('(mass', 15),
 ('>', 15),
 ('ñdr', 15),
 ('ñid', 15),
 ('ñit', 15),
 ('(continuing', 14),
 ('(as', 14),
 ('#', 14),
 ('to¥', 14),
 ('ñfrom', 14),
 ('\ufeff', 13),
 ('¥the', 13),
 ('ñsee', 12),
 ('¡', 11),
 ('page)', 11),
 ('¥*', 11),
 ('ñto', 11),
 ('¥-¥', 11),
 ('(a', 11),
 ('(iowa)', 11),
 ('(although', 11),
 ('-)', 11),
 ('sunday]', 10),
 ('ñ_', 10),
 ('day)', 10),
 ('(full', 10),
 ('sentinel)', 10),
 ('sideñsome', 9),
 ('[in', 9),
 ('ñin', 9),
 ('(not', 9),
 ('sunday=law', 9),
 ('(i)', 9),
 ('(of', 9),
 ('theñ', 9),
 ('<', 8),
 ('[to', 8),
 ('¥¥¥¥¥', 8),
 ('i¥', 8),
 ('ñrev', 8),
 ('(unitarian)', 8),
 ('(ohio)', 8),
 ("'¥", 8),
 ('(b)', 8),
 ('(a)', 8),
 ('(ind', 8),
 ('***', 8),
 ('(wis', 8),
 ('(in', 8),
 ('¥t¥', 8),
 ('ñmilman', 8)]

Correction 1 -- Normalize Special Characters

In [13]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "baseline"
cycle = "correction1"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    # Substitute for all other dashes
    content = re.sub(r"—-—–‑", r"-", content)

    # Substitute formatted apostrophe
    content = re.sub(r"\’\’\‘\'\‛\´", r"'", content)
    # Replace all special characters with a space (as these tend to occur at the end of lines)
    content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s,.!?$:;\-&\'\"]", r" ", content)
    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [14]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/correction1

Average verified rate: 0.9441270584562553

Average of error rates: 0.058811154598825834

Total token count: 1281300

In [15]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 2104),
 ('tion', 1347),
 ('re-', 1276),
 ('con-', 999),
 ("'", 967),
 ('in-', 877),
 ('ment', 746),
 ('t', 738),
 ('de-', 697),
 ('sun-', 601),
 ('com-', 548),
 ('be-', 542),
 ('n', 502),
 ('en-', 452),
 ('e', 437),
 ('d', 414),
 ('w', 410),
 ('pro-', 406),
 ('ex-', 403),
 ('th', 397),
 ('tions', 348),
 ('m', 330),
 ('dis-', 310),
 ('ob-', 285),
 ('govern-', 277),
 ('gov-', 272),
 ('per-', 264),
 ('g', 256),
 ('un-', 255),
 ('sab-', 254),
 ('co', 240),
 ('ac-', 239),
 ('im-', 226),
 ('x', 226),
 ('pre-', 213),
 ('ernment', 212),
 ('ligious', 210),
 ('ap-', 199),
 ('f', 197),
 ('r', 196),
 ('ance', 193),
 ('chris-', 178),
 ('sunday-closing', 176),
 ('at-', 171),
 ('ad-', 168),
 ('al-', 164),
 ('an-', 162),
 ('u', 145),
 ('na-', 144),
 ('as-', 140)]

Correction 2 -- Correct Line Endings

In [16]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction2"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    content = re.sub(r"(\w+)(\-\s{1,})([a-z]+)", r"\1\3", content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [17]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/correction2

Average verified rate: 0.9814883735076206

Average of error rates: 0.02238747553816047

Total token count: 1249431

In [18]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[('-', 2090),
 ("'", 967),
 ('t', 737),
 ('n', 502),
 ('e', 435),
 ('d', 414),
 ('w', 410),
 ('th', 397),
 ('m', 330),
 ('g', 255),
 ('co', 239),
 ('x', 226),
 ('sunday-closing', 201),
 ('f', 196),
 ('r', 196),
 ('u', 145),
 ('sunday-enforcement', 134),
 ('sunday-law', 123),
 ("clerks'", 96),
 ('pa', 96),
 ('mo', 77),
 ('k', 65),
 ('io', 56),
 ('z', 53),
 ("'the", 53),
 ('saloon-keepers', 51),
 ('oo', 50),
 ("barbers'", 49),
 ('--', 49),
 ("grocers'", 45),
 ('wm', 44),
 ('mutchler', 42),
 ('church-and-state', 41),
 ('tion', 40),
 ('loth', 38),
 ('law-abiding', 36),
 ('street-cars', 35),
 ('mass-meeting', 33),
 ('non-receipt', 31),
 ("jones'", 29),
 ('e-z', 28),
 ('q', 28),
 ('non-sectarian', 27),
 ('thread-thought', 27),
 ('farmakis', 27),
 ("o'gorman", 27),
 ('saloonmen', 27),
 ('fellow-citizens', 26),
 ('sundayclosing', 26),
 ('lc', 25)]

Correction 3 -- Remove extra dashes

In [19]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction3"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    replacements = []
    for token in tokens:
        if token[0] is "-":
            replacements.append((token, token[1:]))
        elif token[-1] is "-":
            replacements.append((token, token[:-1]))
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
SOL19000510-V15-17-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-christian.', 'christian.')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page11.txt: [('v-', 'v'), ('-', ''), ('polit-', 'polit'), ('-inch', 'inch')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page13.txt: [('any-', 'any')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page16.txt: [('-.Ie', '.Ie'), ('CO-', 'CO'), ('SEN-', 'SEN')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('gov-', 'gov')]
SOL19000510-V15-17-page9.txt: [('Sam-', 'Sam')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page11.txt: [('pur-', 'pur')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page14.txt: [('-to', 'to'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page16.txt: [('-of', 'of')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page3.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page4.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page5.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000517-V15-18-page9.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000531-V15-21-page12.txt: [('Fur-', 'Fur')]
SOL19000531-V15-21-page14.txt: [('edi-', 'edi'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000531-V15-21-page2.txt: [('-say', 'say'), ('ques-', 'ques')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page1.txt: [('de-', 'de')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page13.txt: [('add-', 'add')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page14.txt: [('ad-', 'ad'), ('-', ''), ('-k', 'k'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page16.txt: [('-any', 'any'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('by"-', 'by"')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page2.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page3.txt: [('Chris-', 'Chris')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page7.txt: [('Con-', 'Con')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page9.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page10.txt: [('Mc-', 'Mc')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page11.txt: [('-n-ipSENTINEL', 'n-ipSENTINEL')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page14.txt: [('ad-', 'ad'), ('-rogue', 'rogue'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page15.txt: [('A-', 'A'), ('H-', 'H'), ('si-', 'si'), ('A-', 'A'), ('-', ''), ('PUBLISHING-', 'PUBLISHING')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page16.txt: [('TINlEL-', 'TINlEL'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page5.txt: [('PRO-', 'PRO'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page6.txt: [('prin-', 'prin')]
SOL19000628-V15-25-page8.txt: [('pre-', 'pre')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page11.txt: [('par-', 'par')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('I-', 'I')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page16.txt: [('-Any', 'Any'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-you', 'you')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page4.txt: [('the-', 'the')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page9.txt: [('simi-', 'simi'), ('-', ''), ('occa-', 'occa')]
SOL19000802-V15-30-page1.txt: [('-of', 'of')]
SOL19000802-V15-30-page11.txt: [('Mc-', 'Mc')]
SOL19000802-V15-30-page13.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000802-V15-30-page14.txt: [('ad-', 'ad'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('cir-', 'cir'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000802-V15-30-page15.txt: [('-K', 'K')]
SOL19000802-V15-30-page16.txt: [('-ro', 'ro')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page1.txt: [('distin-', 'distin')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page10.txt: [('-NO', 'NO'), ('wis-', 'wis')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page12.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('ad-', 'ad'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page15.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page16.txt: [('non-', 'non')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page5.txt: [('horri-', 'horri')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page6.txt: [('Ro-', 'Ro')]
SOL19000809-V15-31-page8.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page1.txt: [('-inherent', 'inherent')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page11.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('-words', 'words'), ('re-', 're'), ('broad-', 'broad'), ('-sword', 'sword'), ('-on', 'on'), ('enrolled-', 'enrolled'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page13.txt: [('-tossing', 'tossing'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-forth', 'forth')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page16.txt: [('LIB-', 'LIB'), ('Constitu-', 'Constitu')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page3.txt: [('indi-', 'indi'), ('-Thursday', 'Thursday')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('train-', 'train')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page6.txt: [('-which', 'which'), ('utter-', 'utter'), ('pre-', 'pre'), ('na-', 'na'), ('-tions', 'tions')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page7.txt: [('can-', 'can'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-outpouring', 'outpouring')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page8.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page1.txt: [('.-', '.')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page10.txt: [('non-', 'non'), ('un-', 'un')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page12.txt: [('-by', 'by'), ('--Catholic', '-Catholic'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page13.txt: [('Tien-', 'Tien')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page15.txt: [('"-', '"')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page16.txt: [('.Q-', '.Q')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-we', 'we')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page6.txt: [('-The', 'The'), ('-of', 'of')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page8.txt: [('-impress', 'impress')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page9.txt: [('-and', 'and')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page12.txt: [('civil-', 'civil')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page13.txt: [('composed-', 'composed')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page2.txt: [('govern-', 'govern')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('en-', 'en')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page6.txt: [('in-', 'in')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page9.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page1.txt: [('-Jesus', 'Jesus')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-any', 'any'), ('en-', 'en')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page12.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page13.txt: [('AUS-', 'AUS'), ('govern-', 'govern'), ('-', '')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-.', '.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-LLLLLL.', 'LLLLLL.'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page16.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page4.txt: [('"Many-', '"Many')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Chris-', 'Chris'), ('-department', 'department'), ('do-', 'do'), ('govern-', 'govern'), ('de-', 'de'), ('in-', 'in'), ('wide-', 'wide')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page6.txt: [('-that', 'that'), ('-with', 'with'), ('more-', 'more'), ('-considered', 'considered'), ('t--', 't-')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page8.txt: [('-no', 'no'), ('Mc-', 'Mc')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page9.txt: [('de-', 'de')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page12.txt: [('Ameri-', 'Ameri')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page13.txt: [('commenda-', 'commenda')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page14.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page15.txt: [('-a-', 'a-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('\'\'\'\'"\'TTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTT.TTTTT-', '\'\'\'\'"\'TTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTT.TTTTT')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page3.txt: [('-shall', 'shall')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page7.txt: [('-and', 'and'), ('some-', 'some'), ('-', ''), ('work-', 'work')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page8.txt: [('Anglo-', 'Anglo')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page9.txt: [('mat-', 'mat'), ('ARBI-', 'ARBI'), ('Eng-', 'Eng'), ('notwith-', 'notwith')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('agree-', 'agree'), ('-keeping', 'keeping'), ('Cath-', 'Cath')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page12.txt: [('non-', 'non'), ('non-', 'non'), ('en-', 'en')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page13.txt: [('de-', 'de'), ('bar-', 'bar')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page14.txt: [('b-', 'b'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page15.txt: [("-'", "'")]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page16.txt: [('NI-El-', 'NI-El'), ('-', ''), ('IT-', 'IT'), ('-rang', 'rang')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page2.txt: [('self-', 'self')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page3.txt: [('-r.', 'r.')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page5.txt: [('char-', 'char'), ('dis-', 'dis'), ('Estab-', 'Estab'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
SOL19001101-V15-43-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('enforce-', 'enforce')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page1.txt: [('self-con-', 'self-con')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page10.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page13.txt: [('--Farm', '-Farm')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-R', 'R'), ('-It', 'It'), ('-', '')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('SEN-', 'SEN')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page16.txt: [('...--', '...-'), ('ENTIILE--', 'ENTIILE-'), ('-A', 'A'), ('cr.-', 'cr.'), ('-', '')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page2.txt: [('spreading-', 'spreading')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page6.txt: [('Cath-', 'Cath')]
SOL19001108-V15-44-page9.txt: [('coun-', 'coun'), ('dere-', 'dere')]
SOL19011201-V17-01-page10.txt: [('-upon', 'upon')]
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SOL19040114-V19-02-page3.txt: [('-of', 'of'), ('Sunday-', 'Sunday')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page5.txt: [('Chris-', 'Chris'), ('tak-', 'tak')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page6.txt: [('in-', 'in')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page8.txt: [('institu-', 'institu')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page1.txt: [('Pennsyl-', 'Pennsyl')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page13.txt: [('-"Sabbath"', '"Sabbath"'), ('-', '')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page3.txt: [('Op-', 'Op'), ('shout-', 'shout')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page4.txt: [('-that', 'that'), ('-that', 'that'), ('as-', 'as'), ('-serted', 'serted'), ('as-', 'as'), ('-serted', 'serted'), ('-State', 'State'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-deference', 'deference')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page5.txt: [('Green-', 'Green')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page6.txt: [('what-', 'what')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page7.txt: [('--', '-'), ('--"', '-"')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page8.txt: [('-in', 'in')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page9.txt: [('cru-', 'cru')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page10.txt: [('-Ruler', 'Ruler'), ('to-', 'to')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page11.txt: [('-who', 'who'), ('pub-', 'pub')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page12.txt: [('objet-', 'objet')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page13.txt: [('-In', 'In')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page14.txt: [('instru-', 'instru')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page2.txt: [('author-', 'author')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page5.txt: [('al-', 'al')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-the', 'the')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page8.txt: [('di-', 'di')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page11.txt: [('-on', 'on'), ('eor-', 'eor')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page13.txt: [('-necessity', 'necessity'), ('-were', 'were')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page14.txt: [('the-', 'the'), ('un-', 'un')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page16.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page2.txt: [('-', '')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page4.txt: [('-orders', 'orders'), ('-was', 'was'), ('-of', 'of'), ('ob-', 'ob'), ('-servance."', 'servance."')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page5.txt: [('graft-', 'graft'), ('g-', 'g')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page6.txt: [('Asso-', 'Asso'), ('dis-', 'dis')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page7.txt: [('-matter', 'matter'), ('-which', 'which')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page10.txt: [('un-', 'un')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page11.txt: [('-that', 'that'), ('Latin-', 'Latin'), ('co-', 'co')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page12.txt: [('Com-', 'Com')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page14.txt: [('to-', 'to'), ('Roman-', 'Roman'), ('The-', 'The')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page2.txt: [('the-', 'the'), ('PUBLISH-', 'PUBLISH')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page3.txt: [('-religious', 'religious'), ('Catholic-', 'Catholic')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page6.txt: [('assign-', 'assign'), ('Pub-', 'Pub'), ('ig-', 'ig')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page7.txt: [('-the', 'the')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page8.txt: [('non-', 'non')]
In [20]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/correction3

Average verified rate: 0.9841079849444068

Average of error rates: 0.018933463796477496

Total token count: 1248174

In [21]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 981),
 ('t', 750),
 ('n', 506),
 ('e', 479),
 ('d', 416),
 ('w', 410),
 ('th', 397),
 ('m', 334),
 ('g', 260),
 ('x', 250),
 ('co', 245),
 ('r', 203),
 ('f', 199),
 ('sunday-closing', 180),
 ('u', 147),
 ('sunday-enforcement', 125),
 ('sunday-law', 116),
 ("clerks'", 96),
 ('pa', 96),
 ('z', 84),
 ('mo', 79),
 ('k', 70),
 ('io', 56),
 ("'the", 53),
 ('oo', 50),
 ("barbers'", 49),
 ('saloon-keepers', 46),
 ("grocers'", 45),
 ('wm', 44),
 ('re', 42),
 ('mutchler', 42),
 ('church-and-state', 41),
 ('tion', 40),
 ('loth', 38),
 ('law-abiding', 35),
 ('ex', 33),
 ('mass-meeting', 31),
 ('q', 30),
 ("jones'", 29),
 ('street-cars', 29),
 ("o'gorman", 27),
 ('farmakis', 27),
 ('saloonmen', 27),
 ('sundayclosing', 26),
 ('rest-day', 25),
 ('ourduty', 25),
 ('ment', 25),
 ('lc', 25),
 ('al', 24),
 ('tinel', 24)]

Correction 4 -- Remove extra quotation marks

In [22]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction3"
cycle = "correction4"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    corrections = []
    for token in tokens:
        token_list = list(token)
        last_char = token_list[-1]

        if last_char is "'":
            if len(token) > 1:
                if token_list[-2] is 's' or 'S':
                    corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
        elif token[0] is "'":
            corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))   
    if len(corrections) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, corrections))

        for correction in corrections:
            content = clean.replace_pair(correction, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
SOL19000510-V15-17-page13.txt: [("'In", 'In')]
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SOL19031112-V18-45-page15.txt: [("'the", 'the'), ("'palpably", 'palpably')]
SOL19031112-V18-45-page6.txt: [("'American", 'American')]
SOL19031112-V18-45-page7.txt: [("'of", 'of')]
SOL19031119-V18-46-page1.txt: [("'who", 'who'), ("'working", 'working'), ("'warn", 'warn'), ("'while.", 'while.'), ("'e", 'e'), ("'way", 'way'), ("'will", 'will'), ("'we", 'we'), ("'while.", 'while.')]
SOL19031119-V18-46-page11.txt: [("'ar", 'ar')]
SOL19031119-V18-46-page12.txt: [("'in", 'in'), ("'That", 'That'), ("'be", 'be')]
SOL19031119-V18-46-page14.txt: [("'lusty", 'lusty')]
SOL19031119-V18-46-page3.txt: [("'military", 'military')]
SOL19031126-V18-47-page12.txt: [("'cloven", 'cloven')]
SOL19031126-V18-47-page15.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
SOL19031126-V18-47-page5.txt: [("'be", 'be')]
SOL19031126-V18-47-page6.txt: [("'by", 'by')]
SOL19031126-V18-47-page7.txt: [("'by", 'by')]
SOL19031126-V18-47-page9.txt: [("'to", 'to')]
SOL19031203-V18-48-page1.txt: [("'want", 'want'), ("'When", 'When')]
SOL19031203-V18-48-page12.txt: [("'why", 'why'), ("'pay", 'pay'), ("'are", 'are'), ("'on", 'on')]
SOL19031203-V18-48-page6.txt: [("'with", 'with')]
SOL19031210-V18-49-page1.txt: [("'with", 'with')]
SOL19031210-V18-49-page14.txt: [("'s", 's')]
SOL19031210-V18-49-page15.txt: [("'s", 's')]
SOL19031210-V18-49-page6.txt: [("'believed", 'believed')]
SOL19031217-V18-50-page10.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
SOL19031217-V18-50-page11.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
SOL19031217-V18-50-page2.txt: [("'Non-sectarian", 'Non-sectarian'), ("'principles.", 'principles.')]
SOL19031217-V18-50-page7.txt: [("'six", 'six')]
SOL19031217-V18-50-page8.txt: [("'shop", 'shop')]
SOL19031217-V18-50-page9.txt: [("'under", 'under')]
SOL19031224-V18-51-page1.txt: [("'ery", 'ery')]
SOL19031224-V18-51-page11.txt: [("'tice", 'tice')]
SOL19031224-V18-51-page2.txt: [("'round", 'round')]
SOL19031231-V18-52-page1.txt: [("'ania", 'ania'), ("'larch", 'larch')]
SOL19031231-V18-52-page15.txt: [("'Remember", 'Remember'), ("'Remember", 'Remember'), ("'course", 'course')]
SOL19031231-V18-52-page2.txt: [("'Sunday", 'Sunday'), ("'works", 'works')]
SOL19031231-V18-52-page3.txt: [("'provides", 'provides'), ("'man", 'man')]
SOL19031231-V18-52-page6.txt: [("'s", 's')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page1.txt: [("'page", 'page')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page10.txt: [("'to", 'to'), ("'New", 'New')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page11.txt: [("'close", 'close'), ("'Labor's", 'Labors')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page14.txt: [("'We", 'We'), ("'The", 'The')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page16.txt: [("'.", '.')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page4.txt: [("'Hidalgo", 'Hidalgo')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page5.txt: [("'separated", 'separated')]
SOL19040107-V19-01-page9.txt: [("'Sentinel", 'Sentinel')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page10.txt: [("'requires", 'requires')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page11.txt: [("'ago", 'ago')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page2.txt: [("'attending", 'attending')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page4.txt: [("'taw", 'taw')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page8.txt: [("'s", 's'), ("'scot", 'scot'), ("'his", 'his')]
SOL19040114-V19-02-page9.txt: [("'enforced", 'enforced'), ("'action", 'action')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page1.txt: [("'Notation", 'Notation'), ("'bania", 'bania')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page2.txt: [("'NTllAR", 'NTllAR')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page4.txt: [("'are", 'are')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page8.txt: [("'still", 'still')]
SOL19040121-V19-03-page9.txt: [("'in", 'in')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page1.txt: [("'Notation", 'Notation'), ("'Ivas", 'Ivas')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page10.txt: [("'see", 'see')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page13.txt: [("'Jewish", 'Jewish')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page2.txt: [("'round", 'round')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page4.txt: [("'The", 'The')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page5.txt: [("'vs.", 'vs.')]
SOL19040128-V19-04-page9.txt: [("'agents.", 'agents.')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page1.txt: [("'birtually", 'birtually'), ("'lvhich", 'lvhich')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page12.txt: [("'any", 'any')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page14.txt: [("'works", 'works'), ("'James", 'James'), ("'show", 'show')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page16.txt: [("'h", 'h'), ("'With", 'With')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page4.txt: [("'hearing", 'hearing'), ('\'"', '"')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page5.txt: [("'November", 'November')]
SOL19040204-V19-05-page6.txt: [("'Sabbath", 'Sabbath'), ("'cusses", 'cusses')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page13.txt: [("'of", 'of')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page15.txt: [("'Baptists", 'Baptists'), ("'a", 'a')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page2.txt: [("'instruction", 'instruction')]
SOL19040211-V19-06-page6.txt: [("'present", 'present')]
In [23]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/correction4

Average verified rate: 0.984747821460735

Average of error rates: 0.018210371819960866

Total token count: 1248084

In [24]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 890),
 ('t', 760),
 ('n', 508),
 ('e', 487),
 ('d', 417),
 ('w', 413),
 ('th', 397),
 ('m', 334),
 ('g', 261),
 ('x', 250),
 ('co', 245),
 ('r', 207),
 ('f', 199),
 ('sunday-closing', 180),
 ('u', 147),
 ('sunday-enforcement', 125),
 ('sunday-law', 116),
 ("clerks'", 96),
 ('pa', 96),
 ('z', 85),
 ('mo', 79),
 ('k', 70),
 ('io', 56),
 ('oo', 50),
 ("barbers'", 49),
 ('saloon-keepers', 46),
 ("grocers'", 45),
 ('wm', 44),
 ('mutchler', 43),
 ('re', 42),
 ('church-and-state', 41),
 ('tion', 40),
 ('loth', 38),
 ('law-abiding', 35),
 ('ex', 33),
 ('mass-meeting', 31),
 ('q', 30),
 ('street-cars', 29),
 ("o'gorman", 27),
 ('farmakis', 27),
 ('saloonmen', 27),
 ('sundayclosing', 26),
 ('rest-day', 25),
 ('ourduty', 25),
 ('ment', 25),
 ('lc', 25),
 ('al', 24),
 ('tinel', 24),
 ('se', 24),
 ("butchers'", 24)]

Correction 5 -- Remove Long Errors

In [25]:
reports.long_errors(errors_summary, min_length=15)
In [26]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "correction4"
cycle = "correction5"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    replacements = []
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "m|M"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "i|I"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "v|V"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "t|T"))
    replacements.append(clean.check_for_repeating_characters(tokens, "r|R"))
    replacements = [item for sublist in replacements for item in sublist]
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)
    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
SOL19000510-V15-17-page11.txt: [('IITTIMITYTTITYffITTIT', ' ')]
SOL19000614-V15-23-page10.txt: [('MYIMIVITYMMYYMITITIMITIMMYWITIMMI', ' ')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page10.txt: [('YTTTRYWYTTIMITFIVITITTM', ' ')]
SOL19000823-V15-33-page15.txt: [('TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTK', ' ')]
SOL19000913-V15-36-page15.txt: [("TTI'TTTTTT.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTIC", ' ')]
SOL19000927-V15-38-page15.txt: [('rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr', ' '), ('rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn', ' ')]
SOL19001005-V15-39-page15.txt: [("'TTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTT.TTTTT", ' ')]
In [27]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/correction5

Average verified rate: 0.9847549225807744

Average of error rates: 0.01820352250489237

Total token count: 1248075

In [28]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 890),
 ('t', 760),
 ('n', 508),
 ('e', 487),
 ('d', 417),
 ('w', 413),
 ('th', 397),
 ('m', 334),
 ('g', 261),
 ('x', 250),
 ('co', 245),
 ('r', 207),
 ('f', 199),
 ('sunday-closing', 180),
 ('u', 147),
 ('sunday-enforcement', 125),
 ('sunday-law', 116),
 ("clerks'", 96),
 ('pa', 96),
 ('z', 85),
 ('mo', 79),
 ('k', 70),
 ('io', 56),
 ('oo', 50),
 ("barbers'", 49),
 ('saloon-keepers', 46),
 ("grocers'", 45),
 ('wm', 44),
 ('mutchler', 43),
 ('re', 42),
 ('church-and-state', 41),
 ('tion', 40),
 ('loth', 38),
 ('law-abiding', 35),
 ('ex', 33),
 ('mass-meeting', 31),
 ('q', 30),
 ('street-cars', 29),
 ("o'gorman", 27),
 ('farmakis', 27),
 ('saloonmen', 27),
 ('sundayclosing', 26),
 ('rest-day', 25),
 ('ourduty', 25),
 ('ment', 25),
 ('lc', 25),
 ('al', 24),
 ('tinel', 24),
 ('se', 24),
 ('non-receipt', 24)]

Correction 6 -- Separate Squashed Words

In [29]:
# %load shared_elements/
import pandas as pd
from math import log

prev = cycle
cycle = "correction6"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

verified_tokens = []

for filename in corpus:  
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    clean.get_approved_tokens(content, spelling_dictionary, verified_tokens)

tokens_with_freq = dict(collections.Counter(verified_tokens))
words = pd.DataFrame(list(tokens_with_freq.items()), columns=['token','freq'])
words_sorted = words.sort_values('freq', ascending=False)
words_sorted_short = words_sorted[words_sorted.freq > 2]

sorted_list_of_words = list(words_sorted_short['token'])

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    text = utilities.strip_punct(content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    wordcost = dict((k, log((i+1)*log(len(sorted_list_of_words)))) for i,k in enumerate(sorted_list_of_words))
    maxword = max(len(x) for x in sorted_list_of_words)
    replacements = []
    for token in tokens:
        if not token.lower() in spelling_dictionary:
            if len(token) > 17:
                if"[\-\-\'\"]", token):
                    split_string = clean.infer_spaces(token, wordcost, maxword)
                    list_split_string = split_string.split()
                    if clean.verify_split_string(list_split_string, spelling_dictionary):
                        replacements.append((token, split_string))
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
SOL19000510-V15-17-page11.txt: [('IIVYMYYTWITYYTTIVITY', 'I IV Y M Y Y T W I T Y Y T T I V I T Y')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page1.txt: [('thestatehasnorighttoprohibitit', 'the state has no right to prohibit it')]
SOL19000726-V15-29-page16.txt: [('artedsandllissenotljelphiramr', 'art ed sand l l is sen ot l j el p h ir am r')]
SOL19000816-V15-32-page3.txt: [('considerablepolitical', 'considerable political')]
SOL19020401-V17-05-page50.txt: [('politicoecclesiastical', 'politic o ecclesiastical')]
SOL19020901-V17-10-page47.txt: [('completelyreversedbytjuicsehimself', 'completely reversed by t j u i c s e h i m s e l f')]
SOL19021001-V17-11-page60.txt: [('MentalandMoralValue', 'Mental and Moral Value')]
SOL19030409-V18-15-page14.txt: [('fellowreligionists', 'fellow religionists')]
SOL19030514-V18-20-page12.txt: [('respectableChristian', 'respectable Christian')]
SOL19030604-V18-23-page7.txt: [('fellowrevolutionists', 'fellow revolutionists')]
SOL19030820-V18-34-page3.txt: [('Chrisrepresentatives', 'Chris representatives')]
SOL19031001-V18-40-page5.txt: [('bothasindividualsandasa', 'both as individuals and as a')]
In [30]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/SOL/correction6

Average verified rate: 0.9847541874107677

Average of error rates: 0.01820352250489237

Total token count: 1248146

In [31]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 890),
 ('t', 766),
 ('n', 508),
 ('e', 489),
 ('d', 417),
 ('w', 414),
 ('th', 397),
 ('m', 336),
 ('g', 261),
 ('x', 250),
 ('co', 245),
 ('r', 208),
 ('f', 200),
 ('sunday-closing', 180),
 ('u', 148),
 ('sunday-enforcement', 125),
 ('sunday-law', 116),
 ("clerks'", 96),
 ('pa', 96),
 ('z', 85),
 ('mo', 79),
 ('k', 70),
 ('io', 56),
 ('oo', 50),
 ("barbers'", 49),
 ('saloon-keepers', 46),
 ("grocers'", 45),
 ('wm', 44),
 ('mutchler', 43),
 ('re', 42),
 ('church-and-state', 41),
 ('tion', 40),
 ('loth', 38),
 ('law-abiding', 35),
 ('ex', 33),
 ('mass-meeting', 31),
 ('q', 30),
 ('street-cars', 29),
 ("o'gorman", 27),
 ('farmakis', 27),
 ('saloonmen', 27),
 ('sundayclosing', 26),
 ('rest-day', 25),
 ('ourduty', 25),
 ('ment', 25),
 ('lc', 25),
 ('al', 24),
 ('tinel', 24),
 ('se', 24),
 ('non-receipt', 24)]

Review Remaining Errors

In [32]:
[('SOL19011201-V17-01-page61.txt', 0.857),
 ('SOL19020301-V17-04-page63.txt', 0.789),
 ('SOL19020201-V17-03-page63.txt', 0.5),
 ('SOL19020501-V17-06-page20.txt', 0.425)]
In [33]:
# %load shared_elements/
doc_keys = [x[0] for x in reports.docs_with_high_error_rate(summary) if x[1] > 0.2]

utilities.open_original_docs(doc_keys, directories['cycle'])
Opened files: 





SOL19011201-V17-01-page61.txt, SOL19020301-V17-04-page63.txt, SOL19020201-V17-03-page63.txt are blank. SOL19020501-V17-06-page20.txt has a large chunk that is on a diagonal.

In [ ]: