
In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [2]:
%autoreload 2
In [3]:
from text2topics import reports
from text2topics import utilities
from text2topics import clean
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import collections
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
wordlist_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/word-lists"
wordlists = ["2016-12-07-SDA-last-names.txt", 
In [6]:
spelling_dictionary = utilities.create_spelling_dictionary(wordlist_dir, wordlists)
In [7]:
title = "TCOG"
In [8]:
base_dir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/{}/".format(title)


In [9]:
cycle = 'baseline'
In [10]:
stats = reports.overview_report(join(base_dir, cycle), spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/baseline

Average verified rate: 0.959743479825711

Average of error rates: 0.040890625

Total token count: 1803211

In [11]:
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( stats )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 50 )
[('ñ', 3529),
 ("'", 3320),
 ('-', 3126),
 ("officers'", 1335),
 (')', 1176),
 ('¥', 794),
 ('e', 594),
 ('re-', 574),
 ('minutes)', 526),
 ('con-', 524),
 ('in-', 468),
 ('tion', 462),
 ('d', 449),
 ('g', 405),
 ('t', 372),
 ('be-', 352),
 ('r', 350),
 ('m', 346),
 ('mis-', 300),
 ('w', 293),
 ('(', 278),
 ('de-', 276),
 ('id', 263),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('com-', 235),
 ('ment', 230),
 ('ex-', 208),
 ('(ten', 207),
 ('f', 199),
 ('ñid', 198),
 ('(five', 188),
 ('mem-', 183),
 ('sionary', 182),
 ('en-', 181),
 ('n', 178),
 ('(see', 178),
 ('per-', 178),
 ("'the", 169),
 ('ex', 166),
 ('pro-', 164),
 ('dis-', 162),
 ('tions', 159),
 ('pre-', 147),
 ('soul-winning', 143),
 ('ñselected', 142),
 ('un-', 137),
 ('ful', 135),
 ('ence', 135),
 ('ñthe', 130),
 ('(to', 129),
 (']', 128),
 ('bers', 125),
 ('im-', 121),
 ('ers', 121),
 ('mission-', 117),
 ('ary', 114),
 ("'i", 111),
 ('ber', 106),
 ('meet-', 105),
 ('to-', 98),
 ('ac-', 96),
 ('-id', 94),
 ('some-', 90),
 ('--', 90),
 ('an-', 89),
 ('sab-', 88),
 ('ments', 87),
 ('min-', 86),
 ('/', 86),
 ('chris-', 86),
 ('inter-', 84),
 ('ple', 83),
 ('ap-', 82),
 ("'tis", 81),
 ('for-', 81),
 ('peo-', 79),
 ('ad-', 79),
 ('mes-', 75),
 ('serv-', 75),
 ('sub-', 69),
 ('(fifteen', 68),
 ('tian', 65),
 ('the-', 65),
 ('(the', 64),
 ("the'", 63),
 ('ture', 63),
 ('ques-', 60),
 ('ent', 60),
 ('ference', 60),
 ('eze', 59),
 ('can-', 58),
 ('dren', 58),
 ("an'", 57),
 ('chil-', 57),
 ('with-', 56),
 ('(twenty', 56),
 ('th', 55),
 ('mal', 54),
 ("'of", 54),
 ('every-', 54),
 ('under-', 53),
 ('sup-', 53),
 ('work-', 53),
 ('at-', 53),
 ('fol-', 52),
 ('pres-', 52),
 ('hun-', 52),
 ('read-', 51)]

Review Special Character Use

In [12]:
[('ñ', 3529),
 (')', 1176),
 ('¥', 794),
 ('minutes)', 526),
 ('(', 278),
 ('(ten', 207),
 ('ñid', 198),
 ('(five', 188),
 ('(see', 178),
 ('ñselected', 142),
 ('ñthe', 130),
 ('(to', 129),
 (']', 128),
 ('/', 86),
 ('(fifteen', 68),
 ('(the', 64),
 ('(twenty', 56),
 ('(concluded', 49),
 ('(for', 45),
 ('ñthis', 43),
 ('[the', 41),
 ('ña', 38),
 ('¥¥', 38),
 ('ñmrs', 37),
 ('(this', 32),
 ('ñadapted', 31),
 ('ñin', 29),
 ('ñthat', 28),
 ('_', 28),
 ('(a)', 27),
 ('ñhave', 27),
 ('`', 26),
 ('ñit', 24),
 ('ñand', 24),
 ('(b)', 24),
 ('(a', 23),
 ('(or', 22),
 ('\\', 22),
 ('[', 21),
 ('ñwhat', 19),
 ('(plans', 18),
 ('ã', 18),
 ('reports)', 18),
 ('(john', 17),
 ('ñfor', 17),
 ('ñnot', 17),
 ('ñthese', 17),
 ('*', 16),
 ('(c)', 16),
 ('talk)', 16),
 ('junior)', 16),
 ('`the', 15),
 ('ñjohn', 15),
 ('(let', 15),
 ('ñno', 14),
 ('cents)', 14),
 ('(acts', 14),
 ('ñlet', 14),
 ('(matt', 14),
 ('ñi', 14),
 ('ñto', 14),
 ('ñwe', 14),
 ('ñj', 14),
 ('ñamos', 13),
 ('(luke', 12),
 ('ñibid', 12),
 ('(by', 12),
 ('ô', 12),
 ('(these', 12),
 ('¡', 11),
 ('ñmargaret', 11),
 ('%', 11),
 ('{', 11),
 ('wantedñyoung', 11),
 ('(i', 11),
 ('(continued', 11),
 ('margin]', 11),
 ('studyñ', 11),
 ('(no', 11),
 ('(and', 11),
 ('sash]', 10),
 ('ñreview', 10),
 ('(rom', 10),
 ('utes)', 10),
 ('ñan', 10),
 ('—', 10),
 ('/department', 10),
 ('(in', 9),
 ('(barb', 9),
 ('=', 9),
 ('meetings)', 9),
 ('ñone', 9),
 ('president)', 9),
 ('(i)', 9),
 ('(mark', 9),
 ('ñthere', 9),
 ('program)', 9),
 ('(if', 9),
 ('(including', 9),
 ('(it', 9),
 ('(died', 9),
 ('(v', 9),
 ('[read', 9),
 ('[draw', 9),
 ('ñf', 9),
 ('ñour', 8),
 ("ñ'", 8),
 ('ñall', 8),
 ('ñmary', 8),
 ("'ñ", 8),
 ('(d)', 8),
 ('edition)', 8),
 ('(tune', 8),
 ('¥the', 8),
 ('ñas', 8),
 ('york)', 8),
 ('ñs', 8),
 ('`i', 8),
 ('(except', 8),
 ('ñpage', 7),
 ('(price', 7),
 ('(signs', 7),
 ('ñjesus', 7),
 ('(gen', 7),
 ('ñwhen', 7),
 ('ñjames', 7),
 ('ñbut', 7),
 ('ñyes', 7),
 ('(eph', 7),
 ('times)', 7),
 ('part)', 7),
 ('(first', 7),
 ('to¥', 7),
 ('[show', 6),
 ('¥a', 6),
 ('`if', 6),
 ('(review', 6),
 ('[write', 6),
 ('-¥', 6),
 ('ñsome', 6),
 ('(new', 6),
 ('`this', 6),
 ('(suggestions', 6),
 ('ñe', 6),
 ('ñib', 6),
 ('ñask', 6),
 ('ñbishop', 6),
 ('(old', 6),
 ('ñhe', 6),
 ('[quote]', 6),
 ('(rev', 6),
 ('(from', 6),
 ('ñif', 6),
 ('(isa', 6),
 ('(page', 6),
 ('[or', 6),
 ('ñ/d', 6),
 ('i)', 6),
 ('(not', 6),
 ('ñmarianne', 5),
 ('ñare', 5),
 ('[for', 5),
 ('(mal', 5),
 ('juniors)', 5),
 ('(quoted', 5),
 ('(as', 5),
 ('(twenty-five', 5),
 ('(heb', 5),
 ('(three', 5),
 ('(four', 5),
 ('ñannie', 5),
 ('[a', 5),
 ('doneñ', 5),
 ('ñhelen', 5),
 ('ñthose', 5),
 ('ñdr', 5),
 ('ñby', 5),
 ('(two', 5),
 ('(talk)', 5),
 ('ñrev', 5),
 ('[quote', 5),
 ('ñis', 5),
 ('(our', 5),
 ('ñat', 5),
 ('fitter(', 5),
 ('ñmany', 5),
 ("'¥", 5),
 ('(last', 5),
 ('ñjust', 5),
 ('ñmake', 5),
 ('(one', 5),
 ('(now', 5),
 ('`you', 5),
 ('[this', 5),
 ('ñwho', 5),
 ('\ufeff', 5),
 ('(second', 4),
 ('¥of', 4),
 ('ñthey', 4),
 ('(margin)', 4),
 ('(there', 4),
 ('note)', 4),
 ('(give', 4),
 ('(that', 4),
 ('[these', 4),
 ('ho*', 4),
 ('todayñ', 4),
 ('ñmissionary', 4),
 ('(concluded)', 4),
 ('+', 4),
 ('ñr', 4),
 ('(when', 4),
 ('ñuse', 4),
 ('[satan]', 4),
 ('ñhas', 4),
 ('ñgeorge', 4),
 ('ñhelps', 4),
 ('ñsunday', 4),
 ('`go', 4),
 ('dayñ', 4),
 ('ñnever', 4),
 ('ñdo', 4),
 ('card]', 4),
 ('[jesus]', 4),
 ('ñbennett', 4),
 ('(revised)', 4),
 ('worldñ', 4),
 ('ñhugh', 4),
 ('ñm', 4),
 ('(lev', 4),
 ('ñc', 4),
 ('`to', 4),
 ('himñ', 4),
 ('ñon', 4),
 ('ñservice', 4),
 ('ñhenry', 4),
 ('[christ]', 4),
 ('ñbecause', 4),
 ('(s', 4),
 ('(of', 4),
 ('ñgood', 4),
 ('ñlove', 4),
 ('£', 4),
 ('herald)', 4),
 ('`yes', 4),
 (")'", 4),
 ('(an', 4),
 ('soul-winningñno', 4),
 ('beñ', 4),
 ('ñpriscilla', 4),
 ('saidñ', 4),
 ('bible]', 4),
 ('(show', 4),
 ('(place', 4),
 ('ñfrom', 4),
 ('(point', 4),
 ('(lord', 4),
 ('(ps', 4),
 ('[signed]', 4),
 ('ñjoseph', 4),
 ('ñmatt', 3),
 ('(how', 3),
 ('*ere', 3),
 ('(have', 3),
 ('ñdavid', 3),
 ('`they', 3),
 ('(iowa)', 3),
 ('isñ', 3),
 ('ñread', 3),
 ('bñ', 3),
 ('`no', 3),
 ('(dent', 3),
 ('ñg', 3),
 ('know)', 3),
 ('ñlaura', 3),
 ('(you', 3),
 ('toñ', 3),
 ('ñwith', 3),
 ('ñella', 3),
 ('butñ', 3),
 ('liberty]', 3),
 ('[of', 3),
 ('(such', 3),
 ('bible)', 3),
 ('people]', 3),
 ('(with', 3),
 ('(after', 3),
 ('ñafter', 3),
 ('service)', 3),
 ('ñbe', 3),
 ('goñ', 3),
 ('it]', 3),
 ('ñtime', 3),
 ('(personal', 3),
 ('seven)', 3),
 ('[now', 3),
 ('ñevery', 3),
 ('it)', 3),
 ('(use', 3),
 ('`do', 3),
 ('lifeñthe', 3),
 ('>', 3),
 ('(missionary', 3),
 ('ourselvesñand', 3),
 ('to)', 3),
 ('(assign', 3),
 ('-/d', 3),
 ('blackboard)', 3),
 ('ñkate', 3),
 ('ñsir', 3),
 ('(adapted)', 3),
 ('meñ', 3),
 ('day)', 3),
 ('ñh', 3),
 ('(elder', 3),
 ('two)', 3),
 ('margin)', 3),
 ('he¥', 3),
 ('church)', 3),
 ('leader¥', 3),
 ('workñthe', 3),
 ('ñwilliam', 3),
 ('ñhere', 3),
 ('(e)', 3),
 ('man)', 3),
 ('(about', 3),
 ('ñplan', 3),
 ('(given', 3),
 ('[make', 3),
 ('ñchurch', 3),
 ('(seven', 3),
 ('(phil', 3),
 ('ñcount', 3),
 ('ñfollow', 3),
 ('conference)', 3),
 ('añ', 3),
 ('messageñthe', 3),
 ('a)', 3),
 ('ñarrange', 3),
 ('todayñthe', 3),
 ('(which', 3),
 ('(but', 3),
 ('an(', 3),
 ('church]', 3),
 ('(col', 3),
 ('(be', 3),
 ('(continued)', 3),
 ('(read', 3),
 ('ñreally', 3),
 ('(call', 3),
 ('¥are', 3),
 ('(who', 3),
 ('(we', 3),
 ('ñeven', 3),
 ('(senior', 3),
 ('usñ', 3),
 ('(eight', 3),
 ('namedñ', 3),
 ('no*', 3),
 ('`may', 3),
 ('(her', 3),
 ('who¥', 3),
 ('(compare', 3),
 ('(fleming', 3),
 ('ñ`', 3),
 ('*ill', 3),
 ('ñwould', 3),
 ('booksñ', 3),
 ('(draw', 3),
 ('`have', 3),
 ('(reading', 3),
 ('ñhome', 3),
 ('ñeach', 3),
 ('thatñ', 3),
 ('ñbible', 3),
 ('/d', 3),
 ('¥and', 3),
 ('timesñin', 2),
 ('ñnixon', 2),
 ('ñhis', 2),
 ('ñpass', 2),
 ('(genesis', 2),
 ('/i', 2),
 ('thereñevery', 2),
 ('churchñno', 2),
 ('ñwhile', 2),
 ('nobodyñonly', 2),
 ('the¥', 2),
 ('godñare', 2),
 ('loveñ', 2),
 ('iñ', 2),
 ('(instructor', 2),
 ('natureñwhich', 2),
 ('christñthe', 2),
 ('`two', 2),
 ('(esther', 2),
 ('(verses', 2),
 ('ñthen', 2),
 ('ñmy', 2),
 ('members]', 2),
 ('ñalexander', 2),
 ('ñsmith', 2),
 ('ñhelp', 2),
 ('[not', 2),
 ('ñanonymous', 2),
 ('noteñ', 2),
 ('studentsñfuture', 2),
 ('(at', 2),
 ('(make', 2),
 ('o(', 2),
 ("`armageddon'", 2),
 ('dozen)', 2),
 ('sufficed)', 2),
 ('jesusñ', 2),
 ('in¥', 2),
 ('(daniel', 2),
 ('(senior)', 2),
 ('ñcharles', 2),
 ('[missionary', 2),
 ('she¥', 2),
 ('/of', 2),
 ('#', 2),
 ('upñ', 2),
 ('judgmentñthe', 2),
 ('(east)', 2),
 ('(suggest', 2),
 ('whoñ', 2),
 ('[and', 2),
 ('(hodder', 2),
 ('`master', 2),
 ('///', 2),
 ('ñtwenty-five', 2),
 ('*as', 2),
 ('✓', 2),
 ('somethingñ', 2),
 ('*hen', 2),
 ('wa¥', 2),
 ('(then', 2),
 ('(h', 2),
 ('ñmore', 2),
 ('(five-', 2),
 ('me)', 2),
 ('(chap', 2),
 ('picture]', 2),
 ('ruleñ', 2),
 ('tiredñnot', 2),
 ('boy)', 2),
 ('__', 2),
 ('offeringñthe', 2),
 ('(morning', 2),
 ('i/', 2),
 ('will)', 2),
 ('[have', 2),
 ('ñmen', 2),
 ('(adapted', 2),
 ('or_', 2),
 ('cñ', 2),
 ('touchñ', 2),
 ('lady)', 2),
 ('(bath', 2),
 ('(they', 2),
 ('[church', 2),
 ('wayñ', 2),
 ('`lord', 2),
 ('ñprayer', 2),
 ('(usually', 2),
 ('ñepworth', 2),
 ("¥'", 2),
 ('live)', 2),
 ('al/', 2),
 ('ñpaul', 2),
 ('[handing', 2),
 ('signs)', 2),
 ('ñb', 2),
 ('company)', 2),
 ('ñunknown', 2),
 ('bengal)', 2),
 ('(num', 2),
 ('forñ', 2),
 ('hamptonñ', 2),
 ('(using', 2),
 ('warñwhat', 2),
 ('[in', 2),
 ('workers]', 2),
 ('(thoughts', 2),
 ('(joshua', 2),
 ('ñyour', 2),
 ('workñno', 2),
 ('timeñnot', 2),
 ('ñwatch', 2),
 ('(ask', 2),
 ('cases)', 2),
 ('(gal', 2),
 ('seventh¥day', 2),
 ('notñ', 2),
 ('(w', 2),
 ('--/d', 2),
 (')the', 2),
 ('(junior', 2),
 ('leafñwhat', 2),
 ('not¥', 2),
 ('(j', 2),
 ('(oct', 2),
 ('trueñ', 2),
 ('elseñ', 2),
 ('(special', 2),
 ('`why', 2),
 ('american)', 2),
 ('ñfour', 2),
 ('ñduring', 2),
 ('calledñ', 2),
 ('ñidã', 2),
 ('ñfrancis', 2),
 ('`tomorrow', 2),
 ('[when', 2),
 ('others)', 2),
 ('`whosoever', 2),
 ('(morena)', 2),
 ('themñthe', 2),
 ('`bible', 2),
 ('picturesñamong', 2),
 ('how¥', 2),
 ('kindñ', 2),
 ('thereñ', 2),
 ('themñis', 2),
 ('years)', 2),
 ('ñnotice', 2),
 ('[who', 2),
 ('oldñ', 2),
 ('(isaiah', 2),
 ('missionary]', 2),
 ('ñelder', 2),
 ('(published', 2),
 ('ñwebster', 2),
 ('(adapt', 2),
 ('(outline', 2),
 ('ñsomething', 2),
 ('(just', 2),
 ('(nab', 2),
 ('`is', 2),
 ('ñchristian', 2),
 ('(referred', 2),
 ('ñsing', 2),
 ("ñ's", 2),
 ('ñher', 2),
 ('`be', 2),
 ('(in-', 2),
 ('¥you', 2),
 ('cent)', 2),
 ('price)', 2),
 ('clause)', 2),
 ('world)', 2),
 ('ñbertha', 2),
 ('afternoon]', 2),
 ('(interrupting)', 2),
 ('wñ', 2),
 ('(e', 2),
 ('(west)', 2),
 ('ñonly', 2),
 ('foxñ', 2),
 ('ñshe', 2),
 ('song)', 2),
 ('usñand', 2),
 ('manchuriañland', 2),
 ('is)', 2),
 ('[it', 2),
 ('[brother', 2),
 ('¥to', 2),
 ('[nora', 2),
 ('ñvery', 2),
 ('ñah', 2),
 ('ñwhich', 2),
 ('(ex', 2),
 ('ñl', 2),
 ('ñmatilda', 2),
 ('ñbeing', 2),
 ('(librarian)', 2),
 ('[if', 2),
 ('`say', 2),
 ('<', 2),
 ('`though', 2),
 ('theñ', 2),
 ('the)', 2),
 ('plagueñ', 2),
 ('(l', 2),
 ('say)', 2),
 ('(put', 2),
 ('`in', 2),
 ('exercises¥', 2),
 ('}', 2),
 ('ñwhere', 2),
 ('day]', 2),
 ('(nub', 2),
 ('ñagainst', 2),
 ('ñremember', 2),
 ('(r)', 2),
 ('spirit)', 2),
 ('ñvol', 2),
 ('read)', 2),
 ('(sketch', 2),
 ('(write', 2),
 ('(words', 2),
 ('ñof', 2),
 ('ñillustrated', 2),
 ('(holding', 2),
 ('(also', 2),
 ('ñselect', 2),
 ('ñbe-', 2),
 ('`rejoice', 2),
 ('[he', 2),
 ('[let', 2),
 ('ofñ', 2),
 ('ñlayman', 2),
 ('tempera/nee', 2),
 ('doctrinal)', 2),
 ('ñfirst', 2),
 ('(help', 2),
 ('\\assigning', 2),
 ('a/', 2),
 ('studyñthe', 2),
 ('communityñ', 2),
 ('(each', 2),
 ('ñfrances', 2),
 ('ñbenedict', 2),
 ('[love]', 2),
 ('m)', 2),
 ('ñdaniel', 2),
 ('ñmiss', 2),
 ('todayñjoseph', 2),
 ('members)', 2),
 ('ñtoo', 2),
 ('saidñthat', 2),
 ('week)', 2),
 ('asñ', 2),
 ('one)', 2),
 ('oldñpast', 2),
 ('on¥', 2),
 ('and`', 2),
 ('ñcarpenter', 2),
 ('now]', 2),
 ('ñtell', 2),
 ('moneyñ', 2),
 ('(tell', 2),
 ('wrongñ', 2),
 ('¥be', 2),
 ('ñbegan', 2),
 ('ñfind', 2),
 ('`look', 2),
 ('(hold', 2),
 ('(had', 2),
 ('singñ', 2),
 ('ñanna', 2),
 ('ñmaterial', 2),
 ('andñ', 2),
 ('noteñin', 2),
 ('`we', 2),
 ('meeting)', 2),
 ('miles)', 2),
 ('(p', 2),
 ('give)', 2),
 ('ñenglish', 2),
 ('ñsimply', 2),
 ('(t)', 2),
 ('weeklyña', 2),
 ('[from', 2),
 ('(ga', 2),
 ('/s', 2),
 ('[showing', 2),
 ('(followed', 2),
 ('(general', 2),
 ('(notice', 2),
 ('genera/', 2),
 ('(note', 2),
 ('ñlb', 2),
 ('`a', 2),
 ('willñ', 2),
 ('(james', 2),
 ('(through', 2),
 ('fredñ', 2),
 ('[margin]', 2),
 ("ñ'tis", 2),
 ('`every', 2),
 ('too)', 2),
 ('`from', 2),
 ('idã', 2),
 ('ñright', 2),
 ('talks)', 2),
 ('`with', 2),
 ('(formerly', 2),
 ('religionñthe', 2),
 ('iñand', 2),
 ('quartet)', 2),
 ('(overseers)', 2),
 ('allñthe', 2),
 ('[by', 2),
 ('[four', 2),
 ('paper]', 2),
 ('¥for', 2),
 ('//', 2),
 ('youñ', 2),
 ('anañwe', 2),
 ('(pour', 2),
 ('th(', 2),
 ('ñpages', 2),
 ('(illustrate', 2),
 ('ñwhy', 2),
 ('(f)', 2),
 ('¥god', 2),
 ('answer)', 2),
 ('(effective', 2),
 ('ñgeneral', 2),
 ('thingñ', 2),
 ('(chorus', 2),
 ('ñsee', 2),
 ('(job', 2),
 ('age)', 2),
 ('awayñ', 2),
 ('(repeats)', 2),
 ('dialogue)', 2),
 ('ñyou', 2),
 ('ñwell', 2),
 ('(jan', 2),
 ('menñmen', 2),
 ('ñsaturday', 1),
 ('must)', 1),
 ('¥must', 1),
 ('servant]', 1),
 ('soñ', 1),
 ('(giving', 1),
 ('(rabbit-skin', 1),
 ('itñas', 1),
 ('_-____', 1),
 ('things¥iii', 1),
 ('conversion)', 1),
 ('the/priest', 1),
 ('singingñnicer', 1),
 ('officers`', 1),
 ('divisionñhas', 1),
 ('/husk', 1),
 ('movementñelder', 1),
 ('didñstop', 1),
 ('ñmoravian', 1),
 ("[angry'", 1),
 ('jonah)', 1),
 ('¥r', 1),
 ('dreamñand', 1),
 ('ti=e', 1),
 ('timesñindeed', 1),
 ("o'erñof", 1),
 ('signsñ', 1),
 ('(ore', 1),
 ('(so-reita)', 1),
 ('`take', 1),
 ('-)analytic', 1),
 ('serviceñwork', 1),
 ('[violet', 1),
 ('sabha(', 1),
 ('ñpicture', 1),
 ('(here', 1),
 ('soul-winnerñthe', 1),
 ('(chicago)', 1),
 ("yo'l`ltiht", 1),
 ('(sec', 1),
 ("junto')", 1),
 ('thoughtlessñengrossed', 1),
 ('ãbe', 1),
 ('(all', 1),
 ('thereñare', 1),
 ('how¥he', 1),
 (']-[and', 1),
 ('sharingñand', 1),
 ('ñprov', 1),
 ('used/', 1),
 ('seeñ', 1),
 ('ñthanks-giving', 1),
 ('sakeñat', 1),
 ('disobedience)', 1),
 ("fairmont'(w", 1),
 ('ñpreparation', 1),
 ('act=', 1),
 ('ñminna', 1),
 ('peace)', 1),
 ('ñverbal', 1),
 ('ñgenevieve', 1),
 ('¡laim', 1),
 ("feelin'ñ", 1),
 ('iiôolottarp', 1),
 ('¥people', 1),
 ('earthñgiving', 1),
 ('september]', 1),
 ('concert)', 1),
 ('butterworth)', 1),
 ('brava/', 1),
 ('danielñeyes', 1),
 ('for%week', 1),
 ('muchñamñi', 1),
 ('ñrufinus', 1),
 ("god's)holy", 1),
 ('`give', 1),
 ('¥d', 1),
 ('/yet', 1),
 ('ñlavatar', 1),
 ('¥spoken', 1),
 ('`gazett', 1),
 ('ñwas', 1),
 ('doñand', 1),
 ('/an', 1),
 ('jesusñwill', 1),
 ('javañthe', 1),
 ("large'ñ", 1),
 ('discipleñ', 1),
 ('ñrom', 1),
 ('galileeñwhich', 1),
 ("'ñamos", 1),
 ('cowñwas', 1),
 ("')", 1),
 ('christñdo', 1),
 ('youñstand', 1),
 ('ñstella', 1),
 ('\\we', 1),
 ('habitñto', 1),
 ('saysôthe', 1),
 ('(memorize)', 1),
 ('pathñstand', 1),
 ('open)', 1),
 ('(some', 1),
 ("bushed'ñ", 1),
 ('fowlsñmatt', 1),
 ('everybodyñyoung', 1),
 ("overheats's(", 1),
 ('degreeñborn', 1),
 ('through)', 1),
 ('thoughñif', 1),
 ('ñrelate', 1),
 ('jiiiitôzionarp', 1),
 ('somehowñthe', 1),
 ('openingñ', 1),
 ('`growing', 1),
 ('careñjust', 1),
 ('ñrd', 1),
 ('spotñ', 1),
 ('`watchman', 1),
 ('ñasking', 1),
 ('ñ¥', 1),
 ('+let', 1),
 ('[liberty', 1),
 ('earth-lif+', 1),
 ('stateñso', 1),
 ('ñme', 1),
 ('know%', 1),
 ('allñmen', 1),
 ('(told', 1),
 ('_there', 1),
 ('soulsñits', 1),
 ('his_request', 1),
 ('friendñtill', 1),
 ('ñjanet', 1),
 ('¡the', 1),
 ('(signed)', 1),
 ('[presenting', 1),
 ('theirñmoneyñin', 1),
 ('ñtestimoniesfor', 1),
 ('lossñof', 1),
 ('drink_', 1),
 ('surfaceñwill', 1),
 ('thisñthat', 1),
 ('creator)', 1),
 ('`enter', 1),
 ('[psalm', 1),
 ('volumes)', 1),
 ('the)a', 1),
 ('ñannounce', 1),
 ('(twenty-two', 1),
 ('worldñto', 1),
 ('friendsñluke', 1),
 ('warñto', 1),
 ('ñsevenñ', 1),
 ('(ohio)', 1),
 ('godñhis', 1),
 ('gloryñthen', 1),
 ('ñoctavius', 1),
 ('ñsaved', 1),
 ('outline)', 1),
 ('wit(', 1),
 ('becauseñhe', 1),
 ('ñgreat-heartedness', 1),
 ('ñre-', 1),
 ('furlough)', 1),
 ("çsperm'", 1),
 ("'`you", 1),
 ('ñrecogizing', 1),
 ('penuryñpassed', 1),
 ('catholic)', 1),
 ('mother]', 1),
 ('upñwith', 1),
 ('two(', 1),
 ('(writ', 1),
 ('denominationñthe', 1),
 ('ñlook', 1),
 ('(thanksgiving', 1),
 ('sailsñuntil', 1),
 ('goalñ', 1),
 ('touchñthat', 1),
 ('(g)', 1),
 ('paperñpaper', 1),
 ('nowñal-', 1),
 ('(truth)', 1),
 ('handñ', 1),
 ('meñespecially', 1),
 ('wean¥', 1),
 ('allñevangelical', 1),
 ('_____', 1),
 ('meta(', 1),
 ('nurse)', 1),
 ('readyñ', 1),
 ('ñuseful', 1),
 ('t♦_', 1),
 ('ism]', 1),
 ("withhimñefnor's", 1),
 ('visited¥after', 1),
 ('openedñthat', 1),
 ('cover/one', 1),
 ('boys_', 1),
 ('themñbrothers', 1),
 ('jesusñmoment', 1),
 ('lawñ', 1),
 ('pauperñalmost', 1),
 ('greatñwhat', 1),
 ('thei=e', 1),
 ('page)', 1),
 ('[seventy', 1),
 ('profitably)', 1),
 ('dollarsña', 1),
 ('storehouse]', 1),
 ('\\differed', 1),
 ('combing)', 1),
 ('butñthe', 1),
 ('_¥', 1),
 ('ôpart', 1),
 ('serviceñto', 1),
 ('¥`c', 1),
 ('consecrationñthe', 1),
 ('presentñincluding', 1),
 ('¡so', 1),
 ('¡poor-', 1),
 ('tôt', 1),
 ('(regular', 1),
 ('(man', 1),
 ('¥grace', 1),
 ('ahout`two', 1),
 ('[white', 1),
 ('fen¥', 1),
 ('upon/', 1),
 ('serviceñmidsummer', 1),
 ('(health', 1),
 ('[unrolls', 1),
 ('ñlittle', 1),
 ('[distribute', 1),
 ('`peace', 1),
 ('it/', 1),
 ('jesusñwhen', 1),
 ('(edition', 1),
 ('flitz#tonarp', 1),
 ('bin)', 1),
 ('ó', 1),
 ('linesñ', 1),
 ('pledgeñbeing', 1),
 ('meñmy', 1),
 ("neighbors'ñthat's", 1),
 ('doñit', 1),
 ('aniwa)', 1),
 ('conversionñin', 1),
 ('offerings]', 1),
 ('/elated', 1),
 ('l/to', 1),
 ('greatñand', 1),
 ('daughter]', 1),
 ('boysñ', 1),
 ('(meth', 1),
 ('/close', 1),
 ('loveñthe', 1),
 ('(button)', 1),
 ('homeñthough', 1),
 ('[pointing', 1),
 ('ñanything', 1),
 ('¥arly', 1),
 ('(intend', 1),
 ('possibleñthat', 1),
 ('(organized', 1),
 ('againñ', 1),
 ('missionsñthat', 1),
 ('`what', 1),
 ('(stories', 1),
 ('bookñthe', 1),
 ('ñmost', 1),
 ('quartersñ', 1),
 ('ñwhether', 1),
 ("(scribner'", 1),
 ('`gatup', 1),
 ('`jesus', 1),

Correction 1 -- Normalize Characters

In [14]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = "baseline"
cycle = "correction1"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    # Substitute for all other dashes
    content = re.sub(r"—-—–‑", r"-", content)

    # Substitute formatted apostrophe
    content = re.sub(r"\’\’\‘\'\‛\´", r"'", content)
    # Replace all special characters with a space (as these tend to occur at the end of lines)
    content = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s,.!?$:;\-&\'\"]", r" ", content)
    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [17]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/correction1

Average verified rate: 0.9670947548262806

Average of error rates: 0.03345089285714285

Total token count: 1798072

In [18]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3370),
 ('-', 3155),
 ("officers'", 1335),
 ('e', 613),
 ('re-', 576),
 ('con-', 524),
 ('d', 474),
 ('in-', 473),
 ('id', 467),
 ('tion', 462),
 ('g', 413),
 ('t', 384),
 ('r', 362),
 ('be-', 354),
 ('m', 352),
 ('w', 303),
 ('mis-', 301),
 ('de-', 276),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('com-', 235),
 ('ment', 231),
 ('f', 217),
 ('ex-', 208),
 ('mem-', 183),
 ('sionary', 182),
 ('en-', 181),
 ('n', 180),
 ('per-', 178),
 ("'the", 170),
 ('ex', 169),
 ('pro-', 164),
 ('dis-', 162),
 ('tions', 160),
 ('pre-', 147),
 ('soul-winning', 147),
 ('un-', 138),
 ('ful', 135),
 ('ence', 135),
 ('bers', 125),
 ('im-', 122),
 ('ers', 121),
 ('mission-', 117),
 ('ary', 115),
 ("'i", 111),
 ('ber', 106),
 ('meet-', 105),
 ('to-', 98),
 ('--', 96),
 ('ac-', 96),
 ('-id', 94)]

Correction 2 -- Correct Line Endings

In [20]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction2"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)

    content = re.sub(r"(\w+)(\-\s{1,})([a-z]+)", r"\1\3", content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
In [23]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/correction2

Average verified rate: 0.9816785590488941

Average of error rates: 0.018890625

Total token count: 1779991

In [24]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3370),
 ('-', 3144),
 ("officers'", 1335),
 ('e', 612),
 ('d', 474),
 ('id', 467),
 ('g', 411),
 ('t', 383),
 ('r', 361),
 ('m', 351),
 ('w', 303),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('f', 216),
 ('n', 179),
 ("'the", 170),
 ('ex', 169),
 ('soul-winning', 150),
 ("'i", 111),
 ('--', 96),
 ('-id', 94),
 ("'tis", 83),
 ("the'", 63),
 ('eze', 59),
 ("an'", 58),
 ('th', 57),
 ('mal', 54),
 ("'of", 54),
 ("'a", 49),
 ('good-by', 48),
 ("'and", 47),
 ('tbe', 45),
 ('mayta', 43),
 ('-the', 43),
 ("'to", 42),
 ('x', 42),
 ('scudder', 40),
 ("'he", 38),
 ('u', 37),
 ('agtte', 36),
 ("'in", 36),
 ('five-minute', 36),
 ('soul-winners', 36),
 ('z', 35),
 ('k', 35),
 ("to'", 34),
 ('follow-up', 33),
 ('soul-winner', 33),
 ('seventhday', 31),
 ('missi', 30),
 ('mt', 29)]

Correction 3 -- Remove Extra Dashes

In [26]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction3"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    replacements = []
    for token in tokens:
        if token[0] is "-":
            replacements.append((token, token[1:]))
        elif token[-1] is "-":
            replacements.append((token, token[:-1]))
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print("{}: {}".format(filename, replacements))
        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_pair(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page1.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page11.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page12.txt: [('-money', 'money'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page13.txt: [('-create', 'create'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-dying', 'dying')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page15.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page16.txt: [('-S', 'S'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('I-', 'I'), ('-', ''), ('sec-', 'sec')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page2.txt: [('-report', 'report')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('espe-', 'espe')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page4.txt: [('-planned', 'planned')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page5.txt: [('Follow-', 'Follow'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page6.txt: [('them-', 'them')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page7.txt: [('-is', 'is'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('un-', 'un')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('p-', 'p'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page11.txt: [('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('wait-', 'wait'), ('de-', 'de'), ('offi-', 'offi'), ('stair-', 'stair'), ('assem-', 'assem'), ('-', ''), ('man-', 'man'), ('corn-', 'corn'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('i-', 'i'), ('-committee', 'committee'), ('-In', 'In'), ('-for', 'for')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page14.txt: [('-get', 'get'), ('timber-', 'timber')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page15.txt: [('Ribbon-', 'Ribbon')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page16.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('In-', 'In'), ('-gathering-campaign', 'gathering-campaign'), ('-', ''), ('-to-his-church.---L', 'to-his-church.---L'), ('et-them-pr-each-the-great--', 'et-them-pr-each-the-great-')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page4.txt: [('-n.', 'n.')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page5.txt: [('-cases', 'cases'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-awaits', 'awaits'), ('conscience."-', 'conscience."'), ('-subscriptions', 'subscriptions')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page6.txt: [('--shelter-his', '-shelter-his'), ('talk-with--', 'talk-with-')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('OFFI-', 'OFFI')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page8.txt: [('pre-', 'pre'), ('-', ''), ('-solicitation.--The-attraction-comes-from-the-Unitod-States', 'solicitation.--The-attraction-comes-from-the-Unitod-States'), ('-"', '"')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page10.txt: [('Mayo-', 'Mayo'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page11.txt: [('dent.-', 'dent.'), ('operations."-', 'operations."'), ('majority."-', 'majority."'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Danish-', 'Danish'), ('nationali-', 'nationali')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page16.txt: [('death.--', 'death.-')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page2.txt: [('-join', 'join'), ('re-', 're'), ('im-', 'im'), ('num-', 'num')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Sister--', 'Sister-')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page5.txt: [('NOTE.-', 'NOTE.'), ('NOTE.-', 'NOTE.')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page6.txt: [("I'M-", "I'M"), ('-the', 'the')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('mes-', 'mes'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('sti-', 'sti'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page10.txt: [('-Give', 'Give'), ('-', ''), ('Ta-wis-sis-', 'Ta-wis-sis')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page11.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page12.txt: [('-Let', 'Let'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page15.txt: [('perspi-', 'perspi')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page16.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page2.txt: [('-that', 'that'), ('-', ''), ('-the', 'the')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-It', 'It'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page5.txt: [('-has', 'has'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page7.txt: [('promi-', 'promi'), ('-byer', 'byer')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page9.txt: [('-him', 'him'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('keno--', 'keno-'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page11.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page14.txt: [('Newcastle-on-', 'Newcastle-on')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page15.txt: [('houses.---', 'houses.--')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page2.txt: [('them.-', 'them.'), ('State."--', 'State."-')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page4.txt: [('prohibi-', 'prohibi'), ('NOTE.-', 'NOTE.')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page5.txt: [('-which', 'which'), ('win-', 'win')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page6.txt: [('time.".-', 'time.".'), ('proclaimed."-', 'proclaimed."'), ('worked."-', 'worked."'), ('converted."-', 'converted."'), ('dream."-', 'dream."'), ('success."-', 'success."'), ('darkness."-', 'darkness."'), ('on."-', 'on."'), ('-', ''), ('places."-', 'places."'), ('"-', '"'), ('plans."-', 'plans."'), ('officers."-', 'officers."'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-many', 'many'), ('them.-', 'them.'), ('end."-', 'end."'), ('magnitude."-', 'magnitude."'), ('-', ''), ('attention."-', 'attention."'), ('."-', '."'), ('".-', '".'), ('time."-', 'time."')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page7.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page8.txt: [('-t', 't'), ('-', ''), ('-name', 'name')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('imme-', 'imme')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page11.txt: [('-o', 'o'), ('Bryan-', 'Bryan'), ('-These', 'These'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ("-OFFICERS'", "OFFICERS'")]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page12.txt: [('Birds-', 'Birds'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page13.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-of', 'of')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page15.txt: [('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-kindly', 'kindly'), ('-own.', 'own.')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page16.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page2.txt: [('-can', 'can'), ('i-', 'i')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('--Mle', '-Mle')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-i', 'i'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('appears.--', 'appears.-'), ('-', ''), ('r-', 'r'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('-done', 'done'), ('-ct', 'ct'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page7.txt: [('-T', 'T'), ('instruc-', 'instruc'), ('wrong.--', 'wrong.-')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('mur-', 'mur')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-soap', 'soap')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page1.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page11.txt: [('-boys', 'boys'), ("-OFFICERS'", "OFFICERS'"), ('-', ''), ('-him', 'him')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('NOTE.-', 'NOTE.')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page3.txt: [('NOTE.-', 'NOTE.'), ('."--', '."-'), ('pam-', 'pam')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-any', 'any')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('us--', 'us-'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page1.txt: [('or-', 'or')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('heartily.-', 'heartily.'), ('eat-', 'eat'), ('-', ''), ('Patri-', 'Patri'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-been', 'been'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Ro-', 'Ro'), ('-mans', 'mans')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page2.txt: [('------', '-----'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('----', '---'), ('---', '--'), ('------', '-----')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Revelation."-', 'Revelation."'), ('-', ''), ('obedience.-', 'obedience.'), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page4.txt: [('prep-', 'prep'), ('obvious.--', 'obvious.-'), ('peo-', 'peo'), ('prepara-', 'prepara')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page6.txt: [('s-', 's'), ('-gal', 'gal'), ('-', ''), ('-at', 'at'), ('i-', 'i')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page7.txt: [('-jising', 'jising')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('--', '-')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page1.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page10.txt: [('-ri', 'ri'), ('blue-', 'blue')]
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TCOG19200401-V07-04-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-fault', 'fault'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page16.txt: [('corn-', 'corn'), ('literature-', 'literature'), ('-', '')]
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TCOG19200401-V07-04-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-I', 'I'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page5.txt: [('Song-', 'Song')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('after-', 'after'), ('-farm', 'farm'), ('-carried', 'carried'), ('and-', 'and'), ('-', ''), ('-every', 'every')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page7.txt: [('invite-', 'invite'), ('--ton', '-ton')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page8.txt: [('-in', 'in')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page9.txt: [('--hest', '-hest'), ('-le', 'le'), ('-stay', 'stay'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page10.txt: [('-', '')]
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TCOG19200501-V07-05-page12.txt: [('-Kings', 'Kings'), ('-', ''), ('inten-', 'inten')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-Base', 'Base'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page15.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('Chris-', 'Chris'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page16.txt: [('fellow-', 'fellow'), ('em-', 'em'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('Never-', 'Never'), ('-', ''), ('paying.-', 'paying.')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page4.txt: [('Camp-', 'Camp'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page5.txt: [('-then', 'then'), ('in-', 'in')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page6.txt: [('-first', 'first'), ('-', ''), ('-which', 'which'), ('-member', 'member'), ('-wore', 'wore')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page7.txt: [('-of', 'of'), ('-came', 'came'), ('-reason', 'reason'), ('cam-', 'cam')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page8.txt: [('-loving', 'loving'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page1.txt: [('--', '-'), ('in-', 'in'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page11.txt: [('world-', 'world'), ('con-', 'con'), ('-Saviour', 'Saviour'), ('-unwilling', 'unwilling'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-it', 'it'), ('-choir.', 'choir.'), ('dis-', 'dis'), ('-Wretched', 'Wretched')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page12.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('-was', 'was')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page13.txt: [('-I', 'I'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page14.txt: [('myste-', 'myste')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page16.txt: [('-we', 'we')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page2.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('outpouring--', 'outpouring-')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-t.Cheer-ful', 't.Cheer-ful'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-se', 'se'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-God', 'God'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('mis-', 'mis')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('"Pas-', '"Pas'), ('to-', 'to'), ('-his', 'his'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page7.txt: [('-a', 'a'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page10.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('If-', 'If'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page11.txt: [('-Hebrew', 'Hebrew'), ('-witness', 'witness'), ('pre-', 'pre'), ('-in', 'in')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page13.txt: [("-we've", "we've")]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page14.txt: [('-"', '"'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('Today.-', 'Today.'), ('-It', 'It'), ('-', ''), ('Prayers.-', 'Prayers.')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page15.txt: [('-Merrill', 'Merrill'), ('-think', 'think'), ('dates-', 'dates')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page16.txt: [('-War', 'War')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page2.txt: [('"-', '"')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page3.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page5.txt: [('-worth', 'worth'), ('-"', '"'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page6.txt: [('ac-', 'ac'), ('divi-', 'divi')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page7.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page8.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page10.txt: [('-The', 'The'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-recreation', 'recreation'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page11.txt: [('-her', 'her'), ('-', ''), ('-person', 'person'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page12.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('-we', 'we'), ('-to', 'to'), ('-give', 'give'), ('-mission', 'mission')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page14.txt: [('mine-', 'mine'), ('We-', 'We')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-no', 'no'), ('-was', 'was')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page16.txt: [('-very.', 'very.'), ('Rag-', 'Rag')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page2.txt: [('re-', 're'), ('-', ''), ('relat-', 'relat'), ('-elders', 'elders'), ('-a', 'a'), ('-in', 'in')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page3.txt: [('-an', 'an'), ('un-', 'un'), ('-', ''), ('effort-', 'effort'), ('-would', 'would')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-are', 'are'), ('middle-', 'middle'), ('-a', 'a'), ('ready-', 'ready')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page6.txt: [('-upon', 'upon'), ('espe-', 'espe'), ('-cially', 'cially'), ('-gatherings', 'gatherings'), ('-of', 'of'), ('-glorious', 'glorious'), ('-the', 'the'), ('-', ''), ('-at', 'at'), ('head-', 'head'), ('-dress.', 'dress.'), ('-strangely', 'strangely'), ('-against', 'against')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page7.txt: [('-work', 'work'), ('-Opening', 'Opening'), ('con-', 'con'), ('-sideration', 'sideration'), ('les--', 'les-')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('in-', 'in'), ('-lost', 'lost'), ('-', ''), ('-grade', 'grade'), ('Enrol-', 'Enrol'), ('-', ''), ('Enrol-', 'Enrol'), ('num-', 'num'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page1.txt: [('-won', 'won'), ('-Holy', 'Holy'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page10.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page11.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page12.txt: [('-a', 'a'), ('approach-', 'approach')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('"-', '"'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page14.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-and', 'and'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-for', 'for')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page15.txt: [('-', ''), ('-ameented', 'ameented'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-as', 'as'), ('-', ''), ('Ansieer.--', 'Ansieer.-'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-How', 'How'), ('-', ''), ('-some', 'some'), ('-', ''), ('.-', '.'), ('-the', 'the')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page16.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-active', 'active')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page2.txt: [('-one', 'one'), ('-', ''), ('-"', '"'), ('-N', 'N')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page3.txt: [('confusion.-', 'confusion.'), ('-servants', 'servants'), ('-Movement', 'Movement'), ('-Connection', 'Connection'), ('-instruments', 'instruments'), ('-Among', 'Among'), ('Nations.-', 'Nations.'), ('-of', 'of'), ('em---', 'em--')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page4.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page6.txt: [('-VI', 'VI'), ('-', ''), ('opportun-', 'opportun')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page9.txt: [('follow-', 'follow'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('mod-', 'mod'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page11.txt: [('drinks.-', 'drinks.')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page13.txt: [('-', ''), ('-our', 'our')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page14.txt: [('-was', 'was'), ('-years', 'years'), ('-', ''), ('-who', 'who'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page15.txt: [('labo-', 'labo'), ('con-', 'con')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page16.txt: [('meet-', 'meet'), ('-Sixteen', 'Sixteen')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page2.txt: [('-work', 'work')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page3.txt: [('-the', 'the'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page4.txt: [('con-', 'con'), ('-time', 'time')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page5.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('hesi-', 'hesi')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page6.txt: [('hun-', 'hun')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page7.txt: [('the-', 'the'), ('neighbor-', 'neighbor')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page8.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page9.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page10.txt: [('-"Please', '"Please')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page11.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('pro-', 'pro')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page12.txt: [('-together', 'together')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page13.txt: [('in-', 'in'), ('-the', 'the')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page14.txt: [('mur-', 'mur'), ('con-', 'con'), ('in-', 'in'), ('-today', 'today'), ('-to', 'to')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page16.txt: [('-', ''), ('--', '-')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page2.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page3.txt: [('MESSEN-', 'MESSEN'), ('-', ''), ('-man.', 'man.')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page4.txt: [('spe-', 'spe')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page6.txt: [('-', ''), ('continued-', 'continued'), ('hope."--', 'hope."-')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page7.txt: [('high-', 'high'), ('train-', 'train'), ('ad-', 'ad'), ('class-', 'class')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page8.txt: [('-Volunteer', 'Volunteer'), ('-Hills', 'Hills'), ('-warm', 'warm'), ('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page9.txt: [('-', ''), ('Himself"--', 'Himself"-'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page1.txt: [('-', ''), ('-prayers.', 'prayers.'), ('thor-', 'thor'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page10.txt: [('-we', 'we')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page12.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page13.txt: [('stim-', 'stim')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page15.txt: [('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page16.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', ''), ('-will', 'will'), ('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page2.txt: [('testi-', 'testi'), ('-A', 'A'), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page3.txt: [('-', ''), ('-', '')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page4.txt: [('-vain', 'vain'), ('-to', 'to')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page7.txt: [('-they', 'they'), ('-', ''), ('-only', 'only')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page9.txt: [('Decem-', 'Decem'), ('-', ''), ('--', '-')]
In [29]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/correction3

Average verified rate: 0.9852239299762794

Average of error rates: 0.015097470238095241

Total token count: 1780311

In [30]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3395),
 ("officers'", 1338),
 ('e', 628),
 ('id', 541),
 ('d', 477),
 ('g', 417),
 ('t', 402),
 ('r', 380),
 ('m', 355),
 ('w', 308),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('f', 218),
 ('n', 192),
 ('ex', 173),
 ("'the", 171),
 ("'i", 111),
 ("'tis", 83),
 ("the'", 64),
 ('th', 60),
 ('soul-winning', 60),
 ("an'", 59),
 ('co', 59),
 ('eze', 59),
 ('mal', 54),
 ("'of", 54),
 ("'a", 50),
 ('re', 49),
 ("'and", 47),
 ('tbe', 45),
 ('x', 44),
 ('mayta', 43),
 ("'to", 42),
 ('u', 42),
 ('scudder', 40),
 ("'he", 38),
 ('agtte', 36),
 ('k', 36),
 ("'in", 36),
 ('z', 35),
 ("to'", 34),
 ('seventhday', 31),
 ('missi', 30),
 ('lb', 30),
 ('mt', 29),
 ("'for", 29),
 ("'what", 29),
 ('ro', 28),
 ("'we", 26),
 ('-', 26),
 ("'it", 26)]

Correction 4 -- Remove extra quotation marks

In [32]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction4"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    corrections = []
    for token in tokens:
        token_list = list(token)
        last_char = token_list[-1]

        if last_char is "'":
            if len(token) > 1:
                if token_list[-2] is 's' or 'S':
                    corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))
        elif token[0] is "'":
            corrections.append((token, re.sub(r"'", r"", token)))   
    if len(corrections) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, corrections))

        for correction in corrections:
            content = clean.replace_pair(correction, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page14.txt: [("'Before", 'Before'), ("'Twas", 'Twas')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page15.txt: [("'for", 'for'), ("'There", 'There')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page3.txt: [("'and", 'and'), ("'giving", 'giving')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page4.txt: [("'points", 'points'), ("'close", 'close')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page5.txt: [("'to", 'to')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page6.txt: [("'to", 'to')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page7.txt: [("'Gospel", 'Gospel')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page8.txt: [("'lives", 'lives'), ("'He", 'He')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page9.txt: [("'had", 'had'), ("'cause", 'cause')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page10.txt: [("'The", 'The'), ('\'sense."', 'sense."')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page11.txt: [("'Had", 'Had')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page14.txt: [("'Neath", 'Neath'), ("'sister", 'sister')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page16.txt: [("'Bout", 'Bout'), ("'fore", 'fore')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page5.txt: [("'Christ.", 'Christ.')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page6.txt: [("'Search", 'Search'), ("'Bible", 'Bible')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page7.txt: [("'Great", 'Great'), ("'Introduced", 'Introduced')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page8.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page9.txt: [("'control", 'control'), ("'good", 'good')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page1.txt: [("'Now", 'Now')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page10.txt: [("'THE", 'THE'), ("'We", 'We'), ("'thus", 'thus'), ("'In", 'In'), ("'If", 'If'), ("'office", 'office'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'scum", 'scum'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page11.txt: [("'the", 'the'), ("'Ems", 'Ems')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page12.txt: [("'Our", 'Our'), ("'Tis", 'Tis'), ("'Twill", 'Twill')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page13.txt: [("'addition", 'addition'), ("'taken", 'taken'), ("'sustenance", 'sustenance'), ("'students", 'students')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page14.txt: [("'Way", 'Way'), ("'on", 'on')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page15.txt: [("'chief", 'chief'), ("'The", 'The')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page16.txt: [("'as", 'as')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page3.txt: [("'o", 'o')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page4.txt: [("'the", 'the'), ("'expressed", 'expressed'), ("'meet", 'meet')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page5.txt: [("'in", 'in'), ("'No", 'No'), ("'Don't", 'Dont'), ("'You", 'You'), ("'No", 'No'), ("'But", 'But'), ("'I", 'I')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page6.txt: [("'To", 'To')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page7.txt: [("'craves", 'craves')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page8.txt: [("'was", 'was'), ("'white", 'white')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page9.txt: [("'the", 'the'), ("'There", 'There'), ("'fling", 'fling')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page10.txt: [("'Go", 'Go'), ("'Come", 'Come'), ("'Never", 'Never'), ("'camp", 'camp')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page11.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
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TCOG19200601-V07-06-page5.txt: [('\'."', '."'), ("'go", 'go'), ("'hat", 'hat')]
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TCOG19200601-V07-06-page8.txt: [("'there", 'there'), ("'Society", 'Society'), ("'Phis", 'Phis'), ("'Consecration", 'Consecration')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page9.txt: [("'said", 'said'), ("'be", 'be'), ("'intellectual", 'intellectual'), ("'he", 'he'), ("'to", 'to'), ("'Twas", 'Twas')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page10.txt: [("'will", 'will'), ('\'"', '"')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page11.txt: [("'That", 'That'), ("'or", 'or'), ("'Many", 'Many')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page12.txt: [("'em", 'em'), ("'.", '.')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page13.txt: [("'bout", 'bout'), ("'im", 'im'), ("'im", 'im'), ("'ins", 'ins'), ("'ud", 'ud'), ("'bout", 'bout'), ("'z", 'z'), ("'round", 'round'), ("'im.", 'im.')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page14.txt: [("'fore", 'fore'), ("'vision", 'vision')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page16.txt: [("'Twould", 'Twould'), ("'Mid", 'Mid'), ("'word", 'word')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page2.txt: [("'We", 'We'), ("'should", 'should')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page3.txt: [("'in", 'in'), ("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page4.txt: [("'a", 'a'), ("'beginning", 'beginning'), ("'Well", 'Well'), ("'Well", 'Well')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page5.txt: [("'sit", 'sit'), ("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page6.txt: [("'complished", 'complished'), ("'lions", 'lions')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page7.txt: [("'I", 'I'), ("'he", 'he')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page8.txt: [("'I", 'I')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page9.txt: [("'I'm", 'Im')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page1.txt: [("'of", 'of')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page10.txt: [("'Junior", 'Junior')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page11.txt: [("'God", 'God'), ("'girl", 'girl'), ("'seem", 'seem'), ("'seventeen", 'seventeen'), ("'this", 'this'), ("'tarry", 'tarry')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page12.txt: [("'neath", 'neath')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page13.txt: [("'Salvation", 'Salvation'), ("'everything", 'everything'), ("'Have", 'Have'), ("'of", 'of')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page14.txt: [("'appreciative", 'appreciative'), ("'WITHIN", 'WITHIN'), ("'from", 'from')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page15.txt: [("'kind", 'kind'), ("'Form", 'Form'), ("'DONA", 'DONA'), ("'spirit", 'spirit'), ("'princes", 'princes')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page16.txt: [("'so", 'so'), ("'a", 'a')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page2.txt: [("'.", '.'), ("'believe", 'believe'), ("'charge", 'charge'), ("'was", 'was'), ("'secretary", 'secretary')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page3.txt: [("'its", 'its'), ("'work", 'work')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page4.txt: [("'who", 'who'), ("'that", 'that'), ("'medical", 'medical'), ("'of", 'of'), ("'of", 'of'), ("'denomination", 'denomination'), ("'accomplished", 'accomplished')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page5.txt: [("'Tis", 'Tis')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page6.txt: [("'and", 'and'), ("'voices", 'voices'), ("'Christ", 'Christ'), ("'Truly", 'Truly'), ("'The", 'The'), ("'to", 'to')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page7.txt: [("'ever", 'ever'), ("'In", 'In')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page8.txt: [("'he", 'he'), ("'rolled", 'rolled')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page9.txt: [("'contact", 'contact')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page10.txt: [("'feel", 'feel'), ("'invited", 'invited')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page12.txt: [("'tut", 'tut')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page13.txt: [("'not", 'not'), ("'entrance", 'entrance'), ("'s", 's'), ("'be", 'be')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page14.txt: [("'on", 'on'), ("'al", 'al'), ("'eternitY", 'eternitY'), ("'asked.", 'asked.'), ("'we", 'we')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page15.txt: [("'about", 'about'), ("'auntie", 'auntie'), ("'Just", 'Just'), ("'Way", 'Way'), ("'gift", 'gift'), ("'and", 'and'), ("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page2.txt: [("'cannot", 'cannot'), ("'timer", 'timer'), ("'of", 'of')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page3.txt: [("'attended", 'attended'), ('\'"', '"'), ("'Will", 'Will'), ("'till", 'till'), ("'good", 'good'), ("'all", 'all'), ("'thus", 'thus'), ('\'"', '"'), ("'Many", 'Many')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page4.txt: [("'without", 'without'), ("'Annual", 'Annual')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page5.txt: [("'your", 'your'), ("'Tis", 'Tis')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page6.txt: [("'Where", 'Where')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page7.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page8.txt: [("'friendship", 'friendship'), ("'Tis", 'Tis')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page9.txt: [("'Howard", 'Howard')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page10.txt: [("'murderers", 'murderers')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page13.txt: [('\'"', '"'), ("'My", 'My'), ("'Week", 'Week')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page15.txt: [("'most", 'most')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page3.txt: [("'make", 'make')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page4.txt: [("'test", 'test'), ("'She", 'She'), ("'aching", 'aching'), ("'Saviour.", 'Saviour.')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page5.txt: [("'shall", 'shall')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page6.txt: [("'to", 'to'), ("''shalt", 'shalt')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page7.txt: [("'have", 'have'), ("'Are", 'Are'), ("'Come", 'Come'), ("'No", 'No')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page8.txt: [("'Light", 'Light')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page9.txt: [("'tis", 'tis')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page1.txt: [("'the", 'the'), ("'the", 'the'), ("'Give", 'Give'), ("'Strength", 'Strength'), ("'perishable", 'perishable')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page10.txt: [("'Sin", 'Sin'), ("'imperiled.", 'imperiled.')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page11.txt: [("'any", 'any')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page13.txt: [("'Tin", 'Tin'), ("'to", 'to'), ("'I", 'I')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page14.txt: [("'m", 'm'), ("'but", 'but'), ("'Tis", 'Tis'), ("'I", 'I')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page15.txt: [("'thank", 'thank'), ("'Lady", 'Lady'), ("'Lost", 'Lost'), ("'Lady", 'Lady'), ("'Lady", 'Lady'), ("'fastened", 'fastened'), ("'Lady", 'Lady')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page16.txt: [("'to", 'to'), ('\'"But', '"But'), ("'be", 'be')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page2.txt: [("'to", 'to')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page3.txt: [("'second", 'second')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page4.txt: [("'seeking", 'seeking')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page5.txt: [("'The", 'The')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page6.txt: [("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page7.txt: [("'em", 'em'), ("'her", 'her')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page8.txt: [("'be", 'be'), ("'to", 'to'), ("'I", 'I')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page9.txt: [("'quiet", 'quiet')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page10.txt: [("'home.", 'home.')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page11.txt: [("'Big", 'Big')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page12.txt: [("'and", 'and')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page15.txt: [("'literature", 'literature')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page5.txt: [("'under", 'under')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page8.txt: [("'tis", 'tis'), ("'tis", 'tis'), ("'the", 'the')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page9.txt: [("'ter", 'ter'), ("'Webster.", 'Webster.')]
In [35]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/correction4

Average verified rate: 0.9867158041488256

Average of error rates: 0.013583333333333333

Total token count: 1780311

In [36]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3299),
 ("officers'", 1329),
 ('e', 632),
 ('id', 542),
 ('d', 478),
 ('g', 417),
 ('t', 407),
 ('r', 381),
 ('m', 360),
 ('w', 308),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('f', 222),
 ('n', 195),
 ('ex', 173),
 ("the'", 62),
 ('th', 60),
 ('co', 60),
 ('soul-winning', 60),
 ("an'", 59),
 ('eze', 59),
 ('mal', 54),
 ('re', 53),
 ('tbe', 45),
 ('x', 44),
 ('mayta', 43),
 ('u', 42),
 ('scudder', 40),
 ('agtte', 36),
 ('z', 36),
 ('k', 36),
 ("to'", 34),
 ('seventhday', 31),
 ('missi', 30),
 ('lb', 30),
 ('mt', 29),
 ('ro', 28),
 ('nd', 26),
 ('-', 26),
 ('epartment', 26),
 ('cburth', 25),
 ('ft', 24),
 ('cburtb', 24),
 ("and'", 24),
 ('hsi', 24),
 ('good-by', 24),
 ("leaders'", 23),
 ('hasan', 23),
 ('hunchy', 23),
 ('al', 22),
 ('tion', 22)]

Correction 5 -- Rejoin Split Words

In [38]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction5"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)

    replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=False)
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page14.txt: [('Foreig', 'n')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page16.txt: [('ti', 'l')]
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page8.txt: [('unsc', 'reened')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page11.txt: [('Throug', 'h')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page2.txt: [('pr', 'each')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page4.txt: [('formi', 'dable')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page8.txt: [('conditio', 'ns')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page9.txt: [('sti', 'fling')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page10.txt: [('Nez', 'Perce')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page15.txt: [('swif', 'tly')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page8.txt: [('Mis', 'sions')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page16.txt: [('Asso', 'ciation'), ('re', 'sults')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page2.txt: [('pa', 'ge'), ('ge', 'o')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page4.txt: [('prohibi', 'tion')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page14.txt: [('Ning', 'po')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page2.txt: [('disf', 'ellowshiped')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page12.txt: [('Patri', 'archs')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page13.txt: [('Ro', 'mans')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page15.txt: [('Sik', 'Kim')]
TCOG19141001-V01-10-page15.txt: [('Sik', 'KIM'), ('CH', 'UNG')]
TCOG19141001-V01-10-page16.txt: [('ASSOCIA', 'TION')]
TCOG19141101-V01-11-page9.txt: [('co', 'uncil')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page14.txt: [('Rememb', 'er')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page16.txt: [('re', 'minder')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page3.txt: [('TI', 'E')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page8.txt: [('subdi', 'visions')]
TCOG19150201-V02-02-page7.txt: [('M.', '')]
TCOG19150401-V02-04-page12.txt: [('yo', 'ur')]
TCOG19150401-V02-04-page3.txt: [('redemp', 'tion')]
TCOG19150401-V02-04-page8.txt: [('re', 'ceive')]
TCOG19150501-V02-05-page14.txt: [('un', 'Christlike')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page7.txt: [('re', 'ligious')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page9.txt: [('re', 'written')]
TCOG19150701-V02-07-page16.txt: [('Ne', 'v'), ("Go'", 's')]
TCOG19150701-V02-07-page8.txt: [('wel', 'fare'), ('al', 'lowed')]
TCOG19150801-V02-08-page1.txt: [("Christ'", 's')]
TCOG19150801-V02-08-page16.txt: [('da', 'is')]
TCOG19150901-V02-09-page13.txt: [('li', 'fe')]
TCOG19150901-V02-09-page16.txt: [('luxuri', 'ous')]
TCOG19151001-V02-10-page8.txt: [('Wres', 'tle')]
TCOG19151001-V02-10-page9.txt: [('re', 'create')]
TCOG19151101-V02-11-page1.txt: [('GA', 'ZETTE')]
TCOG19151101-V02-11-page3.txt: [('Testi', 'monies'), ('op', 'portune'), ('unweary', 'ing')]
TCOG19151101-V02-11-page7.txt: [('re', 'create')]
TCOG19151201-V02-12-page10.txt: [('ti', 'a')]
TCOG19151201-V02-12-page2.txt: [('tup', 'is')]
TCOG19160101-V03-01-page7.txt: [('re', 'alize')]
TCOG19160201-V03-02-page4.txt: [('exer', 'cised'), ('giv', 'ing'), ('representa', 'tives'), ('re', 'strict'), ('Ma', 'the'), ('wa', 'in'), ('effec', 'tive'), ('arrang', 'ing')]
TCOG19160201-V03-02-page5.txt: [('asser', 'tions')]
TCOG19160201-V03-02-page6.txt: [('pre', 'sent')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page10.txt: [('Fili', 'pinos')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page11.txt: [('re', 'sold')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page12.txt: [('AL', 'E'), ('su', 'perior')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page14.txt: [('ob', 'served')]
TCOG19160601-V03-06-page1.txt: [('re', 'created')]
TCOG19160601-V03-06-page4.txt: [('Hospi', 'tality')]
TCOG19160801-V03-08-page10.txt: [('Divi', 'sion')]
TCOG19160901-V03-09-page10.txt: [('re', 'creation')]
TCOG19160901-V03-09-page12.txt: [('organi', 'zation')]
TCOG19160901-V03-09-page5.txt: [('re', 'people')]
TCOG19161001-V03-10-page14.txt: [('wo', 'rking')]
TCOG19161001-V03-10-page8.txt: [('GA', 'ZETTE')]
TCOG19161115-V03-11-page16.txt: [('Criti', 'cism'), ("Scribner'", 's')]
TCOG19161115-V03-11-page2.txt: [('instruc', 'tion')]
TCOG19161115-V03-11-page7.txt: [('glor', 'ify')]
TCOG19161115-V03-11-page8.txt: [('fi', 'ends')]
TCOG19161201-V03-12-page4.txt: [('conven', 'tional'), ('ti', 'the')]
TCOG19170101-V04-01-page13.txt: [('dif', 'ferent')]
TCOG19170301-V04-03-page11.txt: [("didn'", 't')]
TCOG19170501-V04-05-page1.txt: [('Co', 'operation')]
TCOG19170701-V04-07-page14.txt: [('co', 'Operate')]
TCOG19170701-V04-07-page16.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19170801-V04-08-page3.txt: [('opportuni', 'ties')]
TCOG19170801-V04-08-page6.txt: [('kno', 'w')]
TCOG19170901-V04-09-page6.txt: [('pre', 'pared')]
TCOG19170901-V04-09-page8.txt: [('wi', 'thin')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page10.txt: [('impre', 'ss')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page13.txt: [('mor', 'ning')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page2.txt: [('grati', 'tude')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page3.txt: [('handker', 'chiefs')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page6.txt: [('vari', 'ous')]
TCOG19171201-V04-12-page1.txt: [('occa', 'sion'), ('oppor', 'tunity')]
TCOG19171201-V04-12-page2.txt: [('Ulti', 'mate')]
TCOG19171201-V04-12-page9.txt: [('ble', 'ak')]
TCOG19180101-V05-01-page16.txt: [('Indo', 'China')]
TCOG19180201-V05-02-page13.txt: [('heav', 'ens')]
TCOG19180201-V05-02-page7.txt: [('co', 'operative')]
TCOG19180301-V05-03-page1.txt: [('IL', 'e')]
TCOG19180301-V05-03-page3.txt: [('th', 'e')]
TCOG19180501-V05-05-page1.txt: [('Peo', 'ple')]
TCOG19180501-V05-05-page4.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19180501-V05-05-page6.txt: [('Wha', 't')]
TCOG19180601-V05-06-page11.txt: [('murdere', 'd')]
TCOG19180701-V05-07-page2.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19180701-V05-07-page3.txt: [('importan', 't'), ('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19180801-V05-08-page2.txt: [('appreci', 'ated')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page12.txt: [('id', 'a')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page16.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page2.txt: [('co', 'operate'), ("treasury'", 's'), ('augmenta', 'tion')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page3.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page4.txt: [('re', 'turns')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page5.txt: [('refor', 'm')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page9.txt: [('Co', 'on')]
TCOG19181001-V05-10-page5.txt: [('brin', 'g')]
TCOG19181101-V05-11-page8.txt: [('Naza', 'reth')]
TCOG19181201-V05-12-page10.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19181201-V05-12-page14.txt: [('knowl', 'edge')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page1.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page10.txt: [('Jes', 'us')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page12.txt: [('sor', 'row')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page4.txt: [('th', 'at')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page6.txt: [('ac', 'quaintance'), ('cer', 'tain'), ('sug', 'gestive')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page9.txt: [('accom', 'plished')]
TCOG19190201-V06-02-page1.txt: [('Su', 'it')]
TCOG19190201-V06-02-page10.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19190201-V06-02-page3.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19190301-V06-03-page2.txt: [('reli', 'gious')]
TCOG19190301-V06-03-page5.txt: [('ou', 'r')]
TCOG19190301-V06-03-page8.txt: [('po', 'ses'), ('mu', 't')]
TCOG19190401-V06-04-page14.txt: [('MA', 'R')]
TCOG19190501-V06-05-page14.txt: [('BA', 'BY')]
TCOG19190501-V06-05-page15.txt: [('presi', 'dent')]
TCOG19190601-V06-06-page7.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19190601-V06-06-page8.txt: [('dissolu', 'tion')]
TCOG19190701-V06-07-page7.txt: [('SUG', 'GESTIONS')]
TCOG19190801-V06-08-page16.txt: [('effi', 'cient')]
TCOG19190801-V06-08-page3.txt: [('re', 'ceived')]
TCOG19190801-V06-08-page8.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19190901-V06-09-page14.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19190901-V06-09-page2.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19190901-V06-09-page5.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19190901-V06-09-page6.txt: [('insti', 'tutes')]
TCOG19191001-V06-10-page10.txt: [('peo', 'Ple')]
TCOG19191001-V06-10-page5.txt: [('inex', 'perienced')]
TCOG19191001-V06-10-page9.txt: [('insignifi', 'cant')]
TCOG19191101-V06-11-page10.txt: [('da', 'rkness')]
TCOG19191201-V06-12-page14.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19191201-V06-12-page2.txt: [('co', 'operating'), ('em', 'phasized')]
TCOG19191201-V06-12-page8.txt: [('co', 'operating')]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page11.txt: [('conduc', "tor's")]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page3.txt: [('MIS', 'SIONARY')]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page4.txt: [('re', 'enforced')]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page5.txt: [('co', 'operate')]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page7.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page8.txt: [('Co', 'operate')]
TCOG19200201-V07-02-page1.txt: [('co', 'operated')]
TCOG19200201-V07-02-page10.txt: [('pri', 'ed')]
TCOG19200201-V07-02-page11.txt: [('Ole', 'in')]
TCOG19200201-V07-02-page2.txt: [('un', 'to'), ('Bab', 'y'), ('ren', 'der'), ('Ca', 'sar'), ('op', 'en'), ('Un', 'to')]
TCOG19200201-V07-02-page4.txt: [('pre', 'Serving')]
TCOG19200301-V07-03-page16.txt: [('un', 'to')]
TCOG19200301-V07-03-page2.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page2.txt: [('re', 'election')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page6.txt: [("time'", 's')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page8.txt: [('ma', 'I')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page13.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page5.txt: [('ful', 'ly'), ('wea', 'ry'), ('co', 'operation'), ('Ef', 'fort'), ('Mur', 'mur')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page7.txt: [('mov', 'e')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page11.txt: [('pre', 'Pared')]
TCOG19200701-V07-07-page6.txt: [('ac', 'complished')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page10.txt: [('un', 'Christian')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page2.txt: [('re', 'proof')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page3.txt: [('un', 'Promising')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page6.txt: [('espe', 'cially')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page2.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page6.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page3.txt: [('co', 'operation')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page12.txt: [('Sc', 'one')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page2.txt: [('pre', 'eminence')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page3.txt: [('co', 'operation'), ('MESSEN', 'GERS')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page8.txt: [('si', 'mon')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page15.txt: [('Czecho', 'Slovakia'), ('re', 'establishment'), ('pre', 'war')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page2.txt: [('co', 'operation'), ('testi', 'MOnY')]
In [41]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/correction5

Average verified rate: 0.986843103119939

Average of error rates: 0.013447172619047619

Total token count: 1780131

In [42]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3299),
 ("officers'", 1329),
 ('e', 630),
 ('id', 541),
 ('d', 478),
 ('g', 416),
 ('t', 403),
 ('r', 380),
 ('m', 360),
 ('w', 308),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('f', 222),
 ('n', 195),
 ('ex', 173),
 ("the'", 62),
 ('th', 60),
 ('soul-winning', 60),
 ("an'", 59),
 ('eze', 59),
 ('mal', 54),
 ('tbe', 45),
 ('x', 44),
 ('mayta', 43),
 ('u', 42),
 ('scudder', 40),
 ('agtte', 36),
 ('z', 36),
 ('re', 36),
 ('k', 36),
 ("to'", 34),
 ('seventhday', 31),
 ('missi', 30),
 ('lb', 30),
 ('mt', 29),
 ('ro', 27),
 ('nd', 26),
 ('-', 26),
 ('epartment', 26),
 ('cburth', 25),
 ('ft', 24),
 ('cburtb', 24),
 ('hsi', 24),
 ("and'", 24),
 ('good-by', 24),
 ("leaders'", 23),
 ('hasan', 23),
 ('hunchy', 23),
 ('co', 22),
 ('pa', 21),
 ('-id', 20)]

Correction 6 -- Rejoin Split Words II

In [44]:
# %load shared_elements/
prev = cycle
cycle = "correction6"

directories = utilities.define_directories(prev, cycle, base_dir)
if not os.path.exists(directories['cycle']):

corpus = (f for f in listdir(directories['prev']) if not f.startswith('.') and isfile(join(directories['prev'], f)))

for filename in corpus:
    content = utilities.readfile(directories['prev'], filename)
    text = re.sub(r"[0-9,!?$:;&]", " ", content)
    tokens = utilities.tokenize_text(text)
    errors = reports.identify_errors(tokens, spelling_dictionary)

    replacements = clean.check_if_stem(errors, spelling_dictionary, tokens, get_prior=True)
    if len(replacements) > 0:
        print('{}: {}'.format(filename, replacements))

        for replacement in replacements:
            content = clean.replace_split_words(replacement, content)

    with open(join(directories['cycle'], filename), mode="w") as o:
TCOG19140101-V01-01-page13.txt: [('m', 'om')]
TCOG19140201-V01-02-page1.txt: [('pro', 'tem')]
TCOG19140301-V01-03-page9.txt: [('f', 'ancy')]
TCOG19140401-V01-04-page1.txt: [('in', 'struction')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page16.txt: [('Move', 'ment')]
TCOG19140501-V01-05-page4.txt: [('prohibi', 'tion')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page1.txt: [('a', 'mi')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page15.txt: [('Yang', 'tze')]
TCOG19140601-V01-06-page4.txt: [('The', 'se')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page1.txt: [('sin', 'gle')]
TCOG19140701-V01-07-page12.txt: [('the', 'Se')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page12.txt: [('Patri', 'archs')]
TCOG19140801-V01-08-page2.txt: [('West', 'ern')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page13.txt: [('A', 'fter')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page15.txt: [('Jun', 'ior')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page16.txt: [('J', 'esus')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page7.txt: [('Span', 'ish')]
TCOG19140901-V01-09-page9.txt: [('are', 'ca')]
TCOG19141001-V01-10-page14.txt: [('M', 'ses')]
TCOG19141001-V01-10-page9.txt: [('are', 'ca')]
TCOG19141101-V01-11-page9.txt: [('co', 'uncil')]
TCOG19141201-V01-12-page5.txt: [('the', 're')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page13.txt: [('S', 'abbath')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page16.txt: [('won', 'derful'), ('en', 'deavor')]
TCOG19150101-V02-01-page3.txt: [('as', 'TI')]
TCOG19150401-V02-04-page8.txt: [('re', 'ceive')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page11.txt: [('or', 'phan')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page3.txt: [('a', 'cer')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page4.txt: [('sub', 'ject')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page6.txt: [('cam', 'paign')]
TCOG19150601-V02-06-page8.txt: [('pref', 'erence')]
TCOG19150701-V02-07-page11.txt: [('a', 'll')]
TCOG19150701-V02-07-page12.txt: [('lemon', 'ade')]
TCOG19150701-V02-07-page13.txt: [('as', 'ey')]
TCOG19150701-V02-07-page8.txt: [('phys', 'ically'), ('d', 'epartment')]
TCOG19150801-V02-08-page16.txt: [('Vol', 'unteer')]
TCOG19150801-V02-08-page8.txt: [('a', 're')]
TCOG19150901-V02-09-page8.txt: [('d', 'epartment')]
TCOG19151001-V02-10-page1.txt: [('bun', 'gling')]
TCOG19151001-V02-10-page8.txt: [('Wres', 'tle')]
TCOG19151101-V02-11-page12.txt: [('be', 'th')]
TCOG19151101-V02-11-page3.txt: [('op', 'portune')]
TCOG19151201-V02-12-page10.txt: [('the', 'Ta')]
TCOG19160101-V03-01-page7.txt: [('we', 're'), ('re', 'alize')]
TCOG19160201-V03-02-page4.txt: [('Sen', 'tinel'), ('in', 'terposing')]
TCOG19160201-V03-02-page5.txt: [('asser', 'tions')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page1.txt: [('the', 're')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page11.txt: [('as', 'ey'), ('in', 'ch')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page12.txt: [('to', 'ther'), ('ben', 'efit'), ('con', 'fession'), ('advance', 'ment')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page14.txt: [('is', 'th')]
TCOG19160301-V03-03-page16.txt: [('Chris', 'tian')]
TCOG19160401-V03-04-page11.txt: [('organ', 'izations')]
TCOG19160501-V03-05-page11.txt: [('r', 'ich')]
TCOG19160501-V03-05-page3.txt: [('inter', 'ested')]
TCOG19160601-V03-06-page5.txt: [('k', 'ep')]
TCOG19160801-V03-08-page10.txt: [('Confer', 'ence')]
TCOG19160801-V03-08-page12.txt: [('and', 're')]
TCOG19160801-V03-08-page14.txt: [('dis', 'tance')]
TCOG19160801-V03-08-page15.txt: [('the', 'reat')]
TCOG19160901-V03-09-page4.txt: [('prob', 'lems'), ('persist', 'ent')]
TCOG19161001-V03-10-page11.txt: [('W', 'estern')]
TCOG19161001-V03-10-page14.txt: [('wo', 'rking')]
TCOG19161115-V03-11-page16.txt: [('Criti', 'cism')]
TCOG19161201-V03-12-page16.txt: [('sub', 'jects'), ('mission', 'ary')]
TCOG19161201-V03-12-page3.txt: [('M', 'eetings'), ('M', 'issionary')]
TCOG19161201-V03-12-page7.txt: [('reg', 'ular'), ('OF', 'FICER')]
TCOG19170101-V04-01-page10.txt: [('Chris', 'tian')]
TCOG19170101-V04-01-page13.txt: [('dif', 'ferent')]
TCOG19170101-V04-01-page8.txt: [('Move', 'ment')]
TCOG19170201-V04-02-page1.txt: [('e', 'rnest')]
TCOG19170201-V04-02-page3.txt: [('No', 'Ma')]
TCOG19170201-V04-02-page8.txt: [('pro', 'vided'), ('com', 'munion')]
TCOG19170401-V04-04-page9.txt: [('cir', 'cumstances')]
TCOG19170601-V04-06-page7.txt: [('i', 'ndividual')]
TCOG19170701-V04-07-page11.txt: [('el', 'Kader')]
TCOG19170801-V04-08-page13.txt: [('Y', 'es')]
TCOG19170801-V04-08-page16.txt: [('con', 'verted')]
TCOG19170801-V04-08-page4.txt: [('right', 'eousness')]
TCOG19170901-V04-09-page15.txt: [('a', 'nd')]
TCOG19170901-V04-09-page2.txt: [('a', 'll')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page10.txt: [('impre', 'ss')]
TCOG19171101-V04-11-page3.txt: [('en', 'couraged')]
TCOG19171201-V04-12-page10.txt: [('R', 'egenerates'), ('S', 'anctifies'), ('I', 'nstructs'), ('P', 'urifies'), ('H', 'elps'), ('I', 'nspires'), ('Y', 'ield'), ('O', 'vercome'), ('L', 'ive')]
TCOG19171201-V04-12-page14.txt: [('E', 'ver'), ('pres', 'ent'), ('W', 'ork'), ('A', 'lways'), ('R', 'eady'), ('E', 'vade')]
TCOG19171201-V04-12-page9.txt: [('a', 'ble'), ('ble', 'ak')]
TCOG19180101-V05-01-page5.txt: [('the', 'se')]
TCOG19180201-V05-02-page15.txt: [('The', 're')]
TCOG19180401-V05-04-page4.txt: [('f', 'ormed')]
TCOG19180501-V05-05-page16.txt: [('A', 'nd')]
TCOG19180601-V05-06-page10.txt: [('Confer', 'ence')]
TCOG19180601-V05-06-page12.txt: [('I', 'sm')]
TCOG19180601-V05-06-page13.txt: [('Ad', 'ventists')]
TCOG19180601-V05-06-page7.txt: [('me', 'ow')]
TCOG19180801-V05-08-page6.txt: [('half', 'heartedness')]
TCOG19180901-V05-09-page3.txt: [('en', 'gaged')]
TCOG19181101-V05-11-page3.txt: [('sub', 'mit'), ('con', 'tradictions')]
TCOG19181201-V05-12-page16.txt: [('J', 'anuary')]
TCOG19181201-V05-12-page8.txt: [('appoint', 'Ment')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page1.txt: [('sec', 'Ondly')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page14.txt: [('the', 'mis'), ('a', 're'), ('the', 'se')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page15.txt: [('hard', 'heartedness')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page2.txt: [('OF', 'FICER')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page3.txt: [('I', 'sm'), ('system', 'atically')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page6.txt: [('sug', 'gestive'), ('correspond', 'ence')]
TCOG19190101-V06-01-page9.txt: [('Mem', 'ber'), ('accom', 'plished')]
TCOG19190201-V06-02-page11.txt: [('f', 'ood')]
TCOG19190201-V06-02-page4.txt: [('Mir', 'acles')]
TCOG19190201-V06-02-page8.txt: [('Ad', 'ventist'), ('con', 'verted')]
TCOG19190301-V06-03-page14.txt: [('In', 'structor')]
TCOG19190301-V06-03-page8.txt: [('I', 're'), ('pos', 'es')]
TCOG19190401-V06-04-page9.txt: [('T', 'yte')]
TCOG19190501-V06-05-page3.txt: [('Y', 'es')]
TCOG19190601-V06-06-page10.txt: [('y', 'ou')]
TCOG19190601-V06-06-page16.txt: [('p', 'iC')]
TCOG19190601-V06-06-page2.txt: [('arrange', 'ment')]
TCOG19190701-V06-07-page12.txt: [('W', 'oodrow')]
TCOG19190801-V06-08-page16.txt: [('organ', 'ized')]
TCOG19190901-V06-09-page14.txt: [('dis', 'couraged')]
TCOG19190901-V06-09-page6.txt: [('insti', 'tutes')]
TCOG19191001-V06-10-page12.txt: [('an', 'swer')]
TCOG19191001-V06-10-page15.txt: [('good', 'bys')]
TCOG19191001-V06-10-page5.txt: [('inex', 'perienced')]
TCOG19191101-V06-11-page10.txt: [('da', 'rkness')]
TCOG19200101-V07-01-page7.txt: [('con', 'verts'), ('con', 'stantly')]
TCOG19200201-V07-02-page2.txt: [('A', 'ts'), ('Han', 'iel'), ('hun', 'gry'), ('i', 'ng'), ('On', 'ly')]
TCOG19200301-V07-03-page13.txt: [('S', 'aved'), ('Vol', 'unteers')]
TCOG19200301-V07-03-page16.txt: [('U', 'nder'), ('C', 'hristian'), ('C', 'arefully'), ('U', 'ntiring'), ('S', 'ociety'), ('S', 'uccessful')]
TCOG19200301-V07-03-page2.txt: [('in', 'terest')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page13.txt: [('P', 'ower'), ('E', 'arnestness'), ('A', 'ssurance'), ('N', 'IAGARA')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page14.txt: [('V', 'olunteers'), ('S', 'eeking'), ('M', 'ission'), ('S', 'ome'), ('R', 'eady')]
TCOG19200401-V07-04-page15.txt: [('disc', 'ontent')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page2.txt: [('Never', 'theless')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page6.txt: [('Of', 'ttimes')]
TCOG19200501-V07-05-page7.txt: [('cam', 'Paign')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page11.txt: [('con', 'cerning')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page2.txt: [('de', 'scription')]
TCOG19200601-V07-06-page5.txt: [('will', 'ful'), ('lug', 'es')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page13.txt: [('ha', 've')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page15.txt: [('do', 'nn')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page6.txt: [('care', 'lessly')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page7.txt: [('con', 'sideration')]
TCOG19200801-V07-08-page8.txt: [('in', 'spiration')]
TCOG19200901-V07-09-page8.txt: [('V', 'olunteer')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page15.txt: [('won', 'derful')]
TCOG19201001-V07-10-page6.txt: [('I', 'ri')]
TCOG19201101-V07-11-page11.txt: [('be', 'tting'), ('e', 've')]
TCOG19201201-V07-12-page9.txt: [('B', 'eing'), ('E', 'xceptionally'), ('M', 'issionary'), ('D', 'ecember'), ('F', 'aithfully')]
In [47]:
# %load shared_elements/
summary = reports.overview_report(directories['cycle'], spelling_dictionary, title)
Directory: /Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-01-31-corpus-with-utf8-split-into-titles-cleaning/TCOG/correction6

Average verified rate: 0.9869422784886932

Average of error rates: 0.013345238095238096

Total token count: 1779943

In [48]:
# %load shared_elements/
errors_summary = reports.get_errors_summary( summary )
reports.top_errors( errors_summary, 10 )[:50]
[("'", 3299),
 ("officers'", 1329),
 ('e', 625),
 ('id', 541),
 ('d', 475),
 ('g', 416),
 ('t', 402),
 ('r', 377),
 ('m', 355),
 ('w', 305),
 ('pp', 253),
 ('f', 218),
 ('n', 194),
 ('ex', 173),
 ("the'", 62),
 ('soul-winning', 60),
 ("an'", 59),
 ('eze', 59),
 ('th', 57),
 ('mal', 54),
 ('tbe', 45),
 ('x', 44),
 ('mayta', 43),
 ('scudder', 40),
 ('u', 40),
 ('agtte', 36),
 ('z', 36),
 ('k', 36),
 ("to'", 34),
 ('seventhday', 31),
 ('missi', 30),
 ('lb', 30),
 ('mt', 29),
 ('re', 28),
 ('ro', 27),
 ('-', 26),
 ('nd', 25),
 ('cburth', 25),
 ('ft', 24),
 ('cburtb', 24),
 ('hsi', 24),
 ("and'", 24),
 ('good-by', 24),
 ('epartment', 24),
 ('hasan', 23),
 ("leaders'", 23),
 ('hunchy', 23),
 ('co', 22),
 ('pa', 21),
 ('-id', 20)]

Review Remaining Errors

In [49]:
In [ ]: