
The output of this notebook is eight zip files that represent four configurations of the corpus to test the stability of the mallet model as well as the value added by controlling the quality of the documents used to create the models (per [cite]).

Variations are:

  1. Control - Random sample of documents
  2. Target - Includes only documents with at least 300 tokens and an error rate under 10%
  3. Test1 - Includes documents with at least 300 tokens, but ignores error rate
  4. Test2 - Includes documents with at least 300 tokens and an error rate under 20%
In [31]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [32]:
from text2topics import utilities
import math
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import tarfile
In [2]:
fullCorpus = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2017-04-Final-Corpus.tar.gz"
statsDir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/drafts/data/module-3/2017-05-corpus-stats/"
corpusDir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2018-02-CorpusSubSets/"
In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(statsDir, '2017-05-Composite-OCR-statistics.csv'))
In [26]:
doc_id error_rate num_tokens num_errors year title
0 ADV18981201-V02-01-page1.txt 0.157 51 8 1898 ADV
1 ADV18981201-V02-01-page10.txt 0.021 240 5 1898 ADV
2 ADV18981201-V02-01-page11.txt 0.011 282 3 1898 ADV
3 ADV18981201-V02-01-page12.txt 0.016 315 5 1898 ADV
4 ADV18981201-V02-01-page13.txt 0.031 353 11 1898 ADV
5 ADV18981201-V02-01-page14.txt 0.011 275 3 1898 ADV
6 ADV18981201-V02-01-page15.txt 0.019 308 6 1898 ADV
7 ADV18981201-V02-01-page16.txt 0.025 316 8 1898 ADV
8 ADV18981201-V02-01-page17.txt 0.103 223 23 1898 ADV
9 ADV18981201-V02-01-page18.txt 0.015 264 4 1898 ADV
10 ADV18981201-V02-01-page19.txt 0.040 277 11 1898 ADV
11 ADV18981201-V02-01-page2.txt 0.008 240 2 1898 ADV
12 ADV18981201-V02-01-page20.txt 0.013 315 4 1898 ADV
13 ADV18981201-V02-01-page21.txt 0.019 261 5 1898 ADV
14 ADV18981201-V02-01-page22.txt 0.010 286 3 1898 ADV
15 ADV18981201-V02-01-page23.txt 0.011 261 3 1898 ADV
16 ADV18981201-V02-01-page24.txt 0.016 254 4 1898 ADV
17 ADV18981201-V02-01-page25.txt 0.035 254 9 1898 ADV
18 ADV18981201-V02-01-page26.txt 0.202 129 26 1898 ADV
19 ADV18981201-V02-01-page3.txt 0.017 242 4 1898 ADV
20 ADV18981201-V02-01-page4.txt 0.008 245 2 1898 ADV
21 ADV18981201-V02-01-page5.txt 0.027 261 7 1898 ADV
22 ADV18981201-V02-01-page6.txt 0.024 253 6 1898 ADV
23 ADV18981201-V02-01-page7.txt 0.008 252 2 1898 ADV
24 ADV18981201-V02-01-page8.txt 0.017 237 4 1898 ADV
25 ADV18981201-V02-01-page9.txt 0.077 195 15 1898 ADV
26 ADV18990101-V01-01-page1.txt 0.750 4 3 1899 ADV
27 ADV18990101-V01-01-page10.txt 0.022 224 5 1899 ADV
28 ADV18990101-V01-01-page11.txt 0.004 225 1 1899 ADV
29 ADV18990101-V01-01-page12.txt 0.013 232 3 1899 ADV
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
197913 YI19200106-V68-01-page9.txt 0.038 846 32 1920 YI
197914 YI19200113-V68-02-page1.txt 0.279 61 17 1920 YI
197915 YI19200113-V68-02-page10.txt 0.028 1193 34 1920 YI
197916 YI19200113-V68-02-page11.txt 0.013 927 12 1920 YI
197917 YI19200113-V68-02-page12.txt 0.016 1359 22 1920 YI
197918 YI19200113-V68-02-page13.txt 0.015 1572 23 1920 YI
197919 YI19200113-V68-02-page14.txt 0.011 1033 11 1920 YI
197920 YI19200113-V68-02-page2.txt 0.007 1121 8 1920 YI
197921 YI19200113-V68-02-page3.txt 0.006 1035 6 1920 YI
197922 YI19200113-V68-02-page4.txt 0.008 995 8 1920 YI
197923 YI19200113-V68-02-page5.txt 0.008 1197 10 1920 YI
197924 YI19200113-V68-02-page6.txt 0.003 1152 3 1920 YI
197925 YI19200113-V68-02-page7.txt 0.013 1151 15 1920 YI
197926 YI19200113-V68-02-page8.txt 0.011 1110 12 1920 YI
197927 YI19200113-V68-02-page9.txt 0.011 847 9 1920 YI
197928 YI19200120-V68-03-page1.txt 0.000 32 0 1920 YI
197929 YI19200120-V68-03-page10.txt 0.013 843 11 1920 YI
197930 YI19200120-V68-03-page11.txt 0.013 1190 16 1920 YI
197931 YI19200120-V68-03-page12.txt 0.011 995 11 1920 YI
197932 YI19200120-V68-03-page13.txt 0.031 1276 39 1920 YI
197933 YI19200120-V68-03-page14.txt 0.013 1310 17 1920 YI
197934 YI19200120-V68-03-page15.txt NaN 0 0 1920 YI
197935 YI19200120-V68-03-page2.txt 0.020 1155 23 1920 YI
197936 YI19200120-V68-03-page3.txt 0.008 951 8 1920 YI
197937 YI19200120-V68-03-page4.txt 0.008 1226 10 1920 YI
197938 YI19200120-V68-03-page5.txt 0.004 1158 5 1920 YI
197939 YI19200120-V68-03-page6.txt 0.020 1087 22 1920 YI
197940 YI19200120-V68-03-page7.txt 0.036 855 31 1920 YI
197941 YI19200120-V68-03-page8.txt 0.005 1132 6 1920 YI
197942 YI19200120-V68-03-page9.txt 0.019 728 14 1920 YI

197943 rows × 6 columns

In [5]:
fullCorpusObject = tarfile.open(fullCorpus)

Quick sanity check to makes sure the lists match.

In [6]:
tarPathNames = fullCorpusObject.getnames()[1:]

tarFileNames = []
for path in tarPathNames:
In [7]:
statsFileNames = df['doc_id'].tolist()
In [14]:
# print(statsFileNames[:10])
# print(tarFileNames[:10])
print (tarPathNames[:10])
['2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page1.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page10.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page11.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page12.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page13.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page14.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page15.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page16.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page17.txt', '2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page18.txt']
In [9]:

Create Random Sample

In [10]:
sampleSize = math.ceil(.4*len(statsFileNames))
# print(sampleSize)
In [11]:
randomSample = np.random.choice(statsFileNames, sampleSize, replace=False).tolist()
# print(randomSample[:10])
In [25]:

# randomSampleTar = tarfile.open(os.path.join(corpusDir, 'randomSample.tar.gz'), 'w:gz')
# randomHoldoutTar = tarfile.open(os.path.join(corpusDir, 'randomHoldout.tar.gz'), 'w:gz')

# for member in fullCorpusObject.getmembers()[1:]:
#     if os.path.basename(member.name) in randomSample:
#         randomSampleTar.addfile(member, fullCorpusObject.extractfile(member))
#     else:
#         randomHoldoutTar.addfile(member, fullCorpusObject.extractfile(member))

# randomSampleTar.close()
# randomHoldoutTar.close()
In [ ]:
# Abstracted function to library. Use this version if run second time.

# utilities.create_tar_files(corpusDir, 'random', fullCorpusObject, randomSample)

Create Target Subset

In [28]:
target_df = df[(df['num_tokens'] >= 300) & (df['error_rate'] < 0.1)]
In [29]:
In [34]:
# utilities.create_tar_files(corpusDir, 'target_300_10_', fullCorpusObject, target_df['doc_id'].tolist())

Create Test Set

For this test, I filtered only by min number of tokens

In [41]:
test_df = df[df['num_tokens'] >= 300]
In [42]:
targetList = test_df['doc_id'].tolist()
In [43]:
utilities.create_tar_files(corpusDir, 'test_300_noMax_', fullCorpusObject, targetList)

Create Second Test Set

For the second test, I filtered by a 25% error rate

In [44]:
test_df2 = df[(df['num_tokens'] >= 300) & (df['error_rate'] < 0.25)]
In [45]:
testList = test_df2['doc_id'].tolist()
In [47]:
utilities.create_tar_files(corpusDir, 'test_300_25_', fullCorpusObject, testList)
In [ ]: