Preprocess Corpora for Mallet

This notebook takes the corpus zip files (created in [2018-02-CreateZipsOfCorpusSubsets] ) and preprocesses the documents files into a text file that Mallet can import.

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
import gensim
import glob
from text2topics import preprocess
import logging
import os
import sys
In [3]:
# %load ../shared_elements/
logger = logging.getLogger()

# Create STDERR handler
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
# ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

# Create formatter and add it to the handler
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Set STDERR handler as the only handler 
logger.handlers = [handler]
In [4]:
corpusDir = "/Users/jeriwieringa/Dissertation/text/text/2018-02-CorpusSubSets/"
In [5]:
corpora = glob.glob(os.path.join(corpusDir, '*.tar.gz'))
In [6]:
In [7]:
for corpus in corpora:
    processed_corpus = preprocess.Lemma_Corpus(corpus)
    subset_id = os.path.basename(corpus).split('.')[0]

    with open(os.path.join(corpusDir, "{}.txt".format(subset_id)), "w") as o:
        for document in processed_corpus:
            filename = os.path.basename(document[0])
            o.write("{} \t en \t {}\n".format(filename, " ".join(document[2])))
root - INFO - extracting file #0: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV18981201-V02-01-page1.txt
root - INFO - ['heavenly', 'visitor', 'home', 'god', 'dwells', 'personal', 'experience', 'editorial', 'greeting', 'retrospective', 'interim', 'prospective', 'new', 'ask', 'aid', 'new', 'departure', 'college', 'report', 'church_school_teachers', 'tne', 'educational', 'fund', 'note', 'comment', 'winter', 'announcement', 'cover', 'yaiqin', 'hool']
root - INFO - extracting file #500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19000401-V02-04-page29.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #1000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19020301-V04-03-page15.txt
root - INFO - ['planted', 'ask', 'definite', 'clear', 'short', 'ques', 'tions', 'question', 'rapidly', 'pupil', 'thinking', 'vary', 'manner', 'question', 'ing', 'question', 'heart', 'mind', 'ask', 'test', 'question', 'let', 'said', 'pupil', 'said', 'said', 'thing', 'ofttimes', 'better', 'attempt', 'teaching', 'truth', 'sure', 'truth', 'mastered', 'body', 'christ', 'like', 'christ', 'self', 'school', 'called', 'come', 'learn', 'man', 'come', 'faith', 'condemn', 'instructed', 'helped', 'ignore', 'express', 'sion', 'mere', 'opinion', 'feed', 'word', 'know', 'certainty', 'tiling', 'believed', 'business', 'mere', 'opinion', 'man', 'leave', 'word', 'cast', 'imagination', 'high', 'thing', 'exalteth', 'master', 'art', 'device', 'teacher', 'resort', 'visit', 'pupil', 'read', 'direct', 'reading', 'play', 'work', 'study', 'standard', 'teacher', 'placed', 'high', 'hand', 'ere', 'stretched', 'ward', 'ready', 'higher', 'aspiration', 'life', 'let', 'sabbath', 'church', 'school', 'teacher', 'grasp', 'saviour', 'ideal', 'remember', 'tamed', 'man', 'opinion', 'deal', 'opinion', 'place', 'gospel', 'anybody', 'christian_experience', 'connection', 'faith', 'faith', 'cometh', 'hearing', 'hear', 'ing', 'word', 'god', 'rom', 'word', 'god', 'sure', 'fore', 'know', 'word', 'speaks', 'room', 'doubt', 'opinion', 'express', 'sion', 'opinion', 'case', 'evidence', 'lack', 'faith', 'selection', 'officer', 'study', 'testimony', 'sabbath', 'school_work', 'recall', 'variety', 'answer', 'given', 'sunday', 'school_convention', 'question', 'manner', 'person', 'chosen', 'superintendent', 'school', 'said', 'choose', 'popular', 'person', 'keen', 'bright', 'mind', 'natural', 'leader', 'good', 'organizer', 'ready', 'talker', 'thought', 'good_education', 'indispensable', 'idea', 'progressive', 'man', 'posted', 'date', 'topic', 'met', 'hearty', 'assent', 'greatly', 'impressed', 'manner', 'answer', 'disposed', 'instruction', 'spirit', 'god', 'given', 'selection', 'officer', 'note', 'following', 'extract', 'selecting', 'officer', 'time', 'time', 'sure', 'personal', 'preference', 'rule', 'place', 'position', 'trust', 'convinced', 'love', 'fear', 'god', 'god', 'counselor', 'advocate', 'fruitful', 'branch', 'bend', 'low', 'teacher', 'successful', 'bend', 'meet', 'lowliest', 'life', 'class', 'bend', 'willingly', 'constraint', 'knowledge', 'god', 'brings', 'meet', 'pupil', 'lift', 'higher', 'plane', 'living', 'school', 'attached', 'served', 'long', 'faithfully', 'good', 'person', 'church', 'christ', 'school', 'considered', 'condemn', 'like', 'society', 'formed', 'men', 'certain', 'test', 'applied', 'applicant', 'membership', 'wdio', 'meet', 'mind', 'member', 'rejected', 'superintendent', 'popular', 'neethought', 'captivity', 'obedience', 'christ', 'waggoner', 'london', 'personal', 'preference', 'teacher', 'pupil', 'idea']
root - INFO - extracting file #1500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ADV19040301-V06-03-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #2000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18891023-V04-39-page1.txt
root - INFO - ['equal', 'exact', 'justice', 'men', 'state', 'persuasion', 'religious', 'political', 'thomas', 'efferson', 'volume', 'oakland', 'california', 'october', 'number', 'tir', 'efical', 'gertir', 'published', 'weekly', 'pacific', 'press', 'publishing', 'company', 'bond', 'new', 'york', 'post', 'san', 'francisco', 'cal', 'castro', 'sts', 'oakland', 'cal', 'editor', 'rions', 'sword', 'spear', 'help', 'work', 'went', 'preaching', 'mightily', 'convert', 'sit', 'wait', 'men', 'come', 'convinced', 'went', 'depend', 'militant', 'coercion', 'men', 'good', 'refrain', 'indulgence', 'appetite', 'chicago', 'tribune', 'sept', 'petition', 'inquisition', 'supplement', 'march', 'monthly', 'document', 'american', 'sabbath', 'union', 'devoted', 'statement', 'friend', 'sunday', 'operate', 'union', 'following', 'extract', 'constitution', 'state', 'object', 'union', 'preserve', 'christian', 'sabbath', 'day', 'rest', 'worship', 'earnest', 'appeal', 'individual', 'push', 'petition', 'sunday', 'law', 'making', 'abatement', 'congress', 'adjourned', 'following', 'form', 'petition', 'suggested', 'undersigned', 'organization', 'adult', 'resident', 'united', 'state', 'year', 'age', 'earnestly', 'petition', 'pas', 'forbidding', 'government', 'mail', 'military_service', 'interstate', 'commerce', 'district', 'columbia', 'territory', 'sunday', 'traffic', 'work', 'work', 'necessity', 'mercy', 'private', 'work', 'religiously', 'regularly', 'observe', 'day', 'week', 'abstaining', 'labor', 'business', 'interfere', 'general', 'rest', 'public_worship', 'claim', 'petition', 'furnishes', 'ample', 'proof', 'american', 'sabbath', 'union', 'contemplates', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'fullest', 'sense', 'providing', 'unconsciously', 'surely', 'establishment', 'inquisition', 'strange', 'strongest', 'proof', 'proposed', 'exemption', 'thatobserve', 'day', 'worker', 'sunday', 'law', 'lay', 'great', 'deal', 'stress', 'fact', 'exception', 'speech', 'senate_committee', 'craft', 'spoke', 'exception', 'seventh', 'day', 'baptist', 'law', 'rhode', 'island', 'allowing', 'carry', 'public', 'industry', 'day', 'week', 'said', 'tendency', 'legislature', 'executive', 'officer', 'claim', 'saturday', 'sabbath', 'leniency', 'overstrictness', 'hearing', 'bateham', 'spoke', 'exemption', 'asked', 'petition', 'stating', 'like', 'exempt', 'seventhday', 'keeper', 'penalty', 'law', 'asked', 'providing', 'exemption', 'work', 'general', 'enforcement', 'law', 'wish', 'statement', 'simply', 'regard', 'making', 'great', 'concession', 'persecute', 'people', 'rest', 'saturday', 'bothwell', 'oakland', 'cal', 'stated', 'feeling', 'said', 'state', 'provision', 'exercise', 'peculiar', 'tenet', 'belief', 'entertained', 'adventist', 'worship', 'saturday', 'sabbath', 'choose', 'let', 'privilege', 'end', 'instead', 'thankfully', 'making', 'use', 'concession', 'granted', 'going', 'quietly', 'attending', 'own_business', 'ought', 'start', 'making', 'unholy', 'alliance', 'defeat', 'purpose', 'benefactor', 'statement', 'compare', 'following', 'chapter', 'schafi', 'work', 'progress', 'religious_freedom', 'shown', 'history', 'toleration', 'act', 'edict', 'act', 'toleration', 'grant', 'civil_government', 'authorizes', 'religious', 'society', 'dissenting', 'state_religion', 'worship', 'according', 'dictate', 'conscience', 'liability', 'persecution', 'edict', 'presupposes', 'religion', 'established', 'law', 'supported', 'state', 'right', 'state', 'control', 'public_worship', 'toleration', 'proceed', 'necessity', 'prudence', 'indifference', 'liberality', 'enlarged', 'view', 'truth', 'right', 'extended', 'withdrawn', 'government', 'usually', 'entering', 'wedge', 'religious_liberty', 'legal', 'equality', 'wide', 'difference', 'toleration', 'arid', 'liberty', 'concession', 'right', 'matter', 'expediency', 'principle', 'gift', 'man', 'gift', 'god', 'toleration', 'implies', 'censure', 'disapproval', 'tolerate', 'endure', 'dislike', 'prevent', 'despotic', 'government', 'tolerant', 'subject', 'numerous', 'useful', 'killed', 'exiled', 'russia', 'tolerates', 'romanists', 'protestant', 'jew', 'mohammedan', 'turkey', 'tolerates', 'christian', 'dog', 'like', 'prey', 'woe', 'country', 'apostatizes', 'state_religion', 'attempt', 'induce', 'member', 'apostasy', 'toleration', 'sought', 'granted', 'favor', 'demanded', 'conceded', 'right', 'spurned', 'insult', 'free', 'country', 'want', 'tolerated', 'religious', 'opinion', 'sacred', 'conviction', 'religious_liberty', 'natural', 'fundamental', 'inalienable', 'right', 'man', 'founded', 'sacredness', 'conscience', 'voice', 'god', 'man', 'reach', 'control', 'human_authority', 'law', 'human_laws', 'written', 'parchment', 'table', 'stone', 'heart', 'man', 'finger', 'god', 'law', 'command', 'categorical', 'imperative', 'filled', 'philosopher', 'kant', 'growing', 'reverence', 'awe', 'obey', 'god', 'man', 'author', 'lord', 'conscience', 'power', 'earth', 'right', 'interpose', 'man', 'stand', 'fall', 'lord', 'liberty', 'conscience', 'requires', 'liberty', 'worship', 'manifestation', 'grant', 'deny', 'imprison', 'conscience', 'promote', 'hypocrisy', 'infidelity', 'religion', 'nature', 'voluntary', 'cease', 'religion', 'proportion', 'forced', 'god', 'want', 'free', 'worshiper', 'toleration', 'intermediate', 'state', 'reli', 'iou', 'persecution', 'religious_liberty', 'persecut', 'waggoner', 'alonzo', 'jones', 'catholic', 'world', 'exact', 'situation', 'nutshell', 'purely', 'simply', 'catholic', 'profess', 'unreserved', 'allegiance', 'church', 'precedence', 'rule', 'allegiance', 'state', 'acquaintance', 'exceedingly', 'angry', 'argument', 'cornered', 'statement', 'true', 'catholic', 'good', 'american', 'citizen', 'eye', 'stated', 'servia', 'law', 'passed', 'requiring', 'shop', 'place', 'business', 'closed', 'sunday', 'holy', 'day', 'church', 'told', 'number', 'law', 'rigidly', 'enforced', 'shop', 'keeper', 'supplied', 'customer', 'little', 'rice', 'interdicted', 'day', 'recently', 'fined', 'frank', 'crime', 'sunday', 'legislation', 'carried', 'legitimate', 'conclusion', 'state', 'right', 'business', 'shall', 'suspended', 'sunday', 'right', 'shall', 'suspended', 'called', 'holy', 'day', 'sign', 'time', 'chicago', 'minister', 'grieved', 'men', 'drink', 'sunday', 'mayor', 'helped', 'elect', 'prevent', 'read', 'profit', 'remark', 'elder', 'waggoner', 'convention', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'bloomington', 'early', 'week', 'said', 'men', 'brought', 'observance', 'sunday', 'persuasion', 'preaching', 'writing', 'right', 'enforce', 'law', 'destroying', 'purpose', 'evangelical_work', 'making', 'hypocrisy', 'compulsory', 'law', 'sunday', 'rest', 'statute_book', 'enforced', 'result', 'bringing', 'people', 'church', 'send', 'recreation', 'amusement', 'word', 'shortsighted', 'preachprs', 'demand', 'cregier', 'shall', 'want', 'leave', 'pulpit', 'let', 'place', 'missionary_work', 'backed', 'cudgel', 'police', 'accomplish', 'elder', 'waggoner', 'follow', 'brother', 'murphy', 'example', 'try', 'little', 'moral', 'suasion', 'paul', 'ask', 'felix', 'roman', 'centu']
root - INFO - extracting file #2500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18911119-V06-45-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #3000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18931207-V08-48-page2.txt
root - INFO - ['aidei', 'sient', 'boose', 'locked', 'friend', 'immediately', 'went', 'work', 'appeal', 'case', 'higher', 'court', 'time', 'difficult', 'work', 'feeling', 'strong', 'mayor', 'concession', 'finally', 'lawyer', 'took', 'case', 'arrangement', 'let', 'bond', 'till', 'january', 'brought', 'superior', 'court', 'case', 'continued', 'till', 'mayor', 'gave', 'opinion', 'lawyer', 'claiming', 'represent', 'state', 'asked', 'bound', 'county', 'court', 'sabbath', 'breaking', 'separate', 'case', 'entirely', 'came', 'jail', 'yesterday', 'evening', 'bond', 'appearance', 'court', 'morning', 'answer', 'charge', 'went', 'asked', 'case', 'continued', 'till', 'term', 'court', 'judge', 'refused', 'demand', 'indictment', 'grand_jury', 'necessarily', 'cause', 'case', 'continued', 'till', 'term', 'february', 'result', 'course', 'know', 'lord', 'glorified', 'cause', 'advanced', 'good_courage', 'rejoicing', 'lord', 'glad', 'accounted', 'worthy', 'suffer', 'truly', 'keck', 'ordinance', 'arrested', 'convicted', 'follows', 'section', 'adopted', 'oct', 'person', 'person', 'shall', 'use', 'loud', 'boisterous', 'insulting', 'obscene', 'language', 'shall', 'curse', 'swear', 'attempt', 'raise', 'quarrel', 'shall', 'act', 'disorderly', 'violent', 'manner', 'shall', 'fight', 'quarrel', 'halloo', 'unnecessary', 'noise', 'corporate', 'limit', 'city', 'calculated', 'disturb', 'peace', 'quiet', 'good_order', 'city', 'citizen', 'shall', 'guilty', 'disorderly', 'conduct', 'conviction', 'shall', 'punished', 'prescribed', 'section', 'sec', 'provides', 'fine', 'cost', 'ninety', 'day', 'jail', 'street', 'doe', 'ordinance', 'conviction', 'disorderly', 'conduct', 'hold', 'higher', 'court', 'appears', 'real', 'offense', 'working', 'sunday', 'crime', 'statute', 'state', 'provide', 'adequate', 'penalty', 'georgia', 'code', 'decision', 'far', 'relate', 'sunday', 'observance', 'follows', 'sec', 'sunday', 'holiday', 'shall', 'case', 'included', 'computation', 'time', 'appeal', 'shall', 'entered', 'holiday', 'included', 'computation', 'case', 'appeal', 'justice', 'court', 'decision', 'sunday', 'counted', 'sunday', 'thirty', 'day', 'exception', 'certified', 'signed', 'judge', 'sunday', 'counted', 'day', 'sheriff', 'allowed', 'serving', 'writ', 'advertisement', 'tax', 'sale', 'sunday', 'paper', 'illegal', 'sale', 'thereunder', 'pass', 'title', 'sawyer', 'corgile', 'draft', 'accepted', 'delivered', 'sunday', 'dated', 'day', 'come', 'hand', 'doe', 'know', 'fact', 'enforce', 'harrison', 'power', 'sec', 'attachment', 'issue', 'levied', 'sunday', 'plaintiff', 'agent', 'attorney', 'law', 'shall', 'swear', 'addition', 'oath', 'prescribed', 'code', 'reason', 'apprehend', 'loss', 'debt', 'process', 'attachment', 'issue', 'sunday', 'shall', 'comply', 'provision', 'code', 'relation', 'issuing', 'attachment', 'sec', 'person', 'shall', 'guilty', 'open', 'lewdness', 'notorious', 'act', 'public', 'indecency', 'tending', 'debauch', 'moral', 'keeping', 'open', 'tippling', 'house', 'sabbath', 'day', 'sabbath', 'night', 'shall', 'conviction', 'punished', 'prescribed', 'section', 'code', 'decision', 'jury', 'decide', 'place', 'tippling', 'house', 'kept', 'open', 'sunday', 'plea', 'conviction', 'city', 'court', 'atlanta', 'charge', 'superior', 'court', 'tippling', 'house', 'bedroom', 'door', 'kept', 'closed', 'sunday', 'house', 'albany', 'glee', 'club', 'met', 'drank', 'sunday', 'held', 'tippling', 'house', 'chief', 'justice', 'jackson', 'deciding', 'constituted', 'opening', 'liquor', 'shop', 'sunday', 'said', 'door', 'street', 'bar', 'office', 'room', 'restaurant', 'kept', 'open', 'extent', 'visitor', 'push', 'tipple', 'restaurant', 'counter', 'day', 'tippling', 'covered', 'canvas', 'ceiling', 'floor', 'invisible', 'conceal', 'bottle', 'vol', 'sin', 'order', 'greatest', 'effectiveness', 'necessary', 'counterfeit', 'law', 'god', 'guilty', 'infraction', 'law', 'sufficient', 'bring', 'transgressor', 'penalty', 'disobedience', 'law', 'necessary', 'change', 'entire', 'law', 'portion', 'serve', 'distinctive', 'mark', 'allegiance', 'order', 'affix', 'mark', 'mankind', 'skill', 'subtlety', 'power', 'master', 'deceivableness', 'result', 'attending', 'progress', 'great', 'deception', 'far', 'subtlety', 'deceptive', 'persuasion', 'accomplished', 'time', 'satan', 'men', 'shortens', 'natural', 'prophetic', 'come', 'power', 'exercise', 'compulsion', 'strive', 'brand', 'men', 'hand', 'forehead', 'sign', 'allegiance', 'shall', 'evidence', 'obedience', 'transgression', 'law', 'god', 'making', 'fellow', 'earner', 'second', 'death', 'wage', 'unrepented', 'sin', 'secret', 'attempted', 'exercise', 'civil_power', 'enforcement', 'religion', 'impossible', 'nature', 'thing', 'purpose', 'use', 'force', 'furtherance', 'religion', 'yield', 'obedience', 'civil_power', 'authority', 'thing', 'god', 'transgress', 'god', 'law', 'sin', 'earn', 'wage', 'sin', 'having', 'written', 'heart', 'law', 'deceiver', 'instead', 'law', 'character', 'conform', 'character', 'satan', 'instead', 'character', 'god', 'come', 'unrighteousness', 'companionship', 'satan', 'second', 'death', 'instead', 'righteousness', 'companionship', 'christ', 'eternal_life', 'purpose', 'exercise', 'satanic', 'power', 'civil', 'enforcement', 'religion', 'yield', 'allegiance', 'said', 'shall', 'drink', 'otthe', 'wine', 'wrath', 'god', 'sunday', 'arrest', 'georgia', 'page', 'note', 'week', 'sentinel', 'gave', 'briefly', 'fact', 'concerning', 'arrest', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'gainesville', 'sunday', 'work', 'following', 'letter', 'fact', 'fully', 'gainesville', 'hall', 'nov', 'editor', 'american', 'sentinel', 'time', 'enemy', 'righteousness', 'stirred', 'case', 'religious_persecution', 'report', 'sunday', 'morning', 'nov', 'eld', 'mccutchen', 'having', 'work', 'making', 'school', 'seat', 'table', 'took', 'bench', 'rear', 'new_church', 'school_building', 'place', 'quietly', 'possible', 'went', 'work', 'worked', 'forenoon', 'begun', 'afternoon', 'policeman', 'man', 'came', 'watched', 'window', 'minute', 'kept', 'right', 'work', 'went', 'town', 'men', 'came', 'looked', 'working', 'brother', 'mccutchen', 'having', 'gone', 'house', 'little', 'policeman', 'bad', 'returned', 'arrested', 'took', 'mayor', 'office', 'gave', 'bond', 'appear', 'mayor', 'court', 'yesterday', 'appeared', 'time', 'tried', 'disorderly', 'conduct', 'ordinance', 'read', 'substance', 'forbids', 'loud', 'indecent', 'language', 'hallooing', 'fighting', 'quarrelling', 'attempting', 'quarrel', 'city', 'sunday', 'law', 'ordinance', 'convicted', 'fined', 'cost', 'day', 'street', 'money', 'paythe', 'fine', 'paid', 'webadit', 'accordingly', 'taken', 'calaon', 'shelf', 'brazen', 'letter', 'announcement', 'bar', 'closed', 'drinking', 'carried', 'rear', 'restaurant', 'room', 'fact', 'ostrich', 'hid', 'head', 'sand', 'imagined', 'body', 'covered', 'absolutely', 'assigned', 'legal', 'reason', 'visible', 'keen', 'eye', 'law', 'penetrates', 'despises', 'subterfuge', 'deceit', 'witness', 'canvas', 'tried', 'hide', 'bird', 'head', 'actually', 'poked', 'sort', 'aperture', 'window', 'beak', 'let', 'liquor', 'bar', 'servant', 'restaurant', 'foolish', 'bird', 'head', 'hid', 'time', 'difference', 'law', 'place', 'called', 'barroom', 'glee', 'club', 'resort', 'parlor', 'restaurant', 'place', 'liquor', 'retailed', 'tippled', 'sabbath', 'day', 'door', 'kept', 'anybody', 'push', 'open', 'drink', 'proprietor', 'guilty', 'keeping', 'open', 'tippling', 'house', 'sunday', 'ala', 'law', 'oct', 'sec', 'freight', 'train', 'excursion', 'train', 'train', 'regular', 'train', 'run', 'carrying', 'mail', 'passenger', 'shall', 'run', 'railroad', 'state', 'abbath', 'day', 'known', 'sunday', 'superintendent', 'transportation', 'railroad', 'company', 'officer', 'having', 'charge', 'business', 'department', 'railroad', 'shall', 'liable', 'indictment', 'misdemeanor', 'county', 'train', 'shall', 'pas', 'conviction', 'shall', 'offense', 'punished', 'prescribed', 'section', 'code', 'trial', 'shall', 'necessary', 'allege', 'prove', 'employes', 'engaged', 'train', 'simple', 'fact', 'train', 'run', 'defendant', 'justify', 'proof', 'employes', 'acted', 'direct', 'violation', 'order', 'rule', 'defendant', 'provided', 'train', 'railroad', 'state', 'having', 'train', 'car', 'loaded', 'live', 'stock', 'train', 'shall', 'delayed', 'schedule', 'time', 'shall', 'required', 'lay', 'line', 'road', 'route', 'sunday', 'run', 'point', 'course', 'shipment', 'consignment', 'stock', 'pen', 'route', 'said', 'animal', 'fed', 'watered', 'according', 'facility', 'usually', 'afforded', 'transportation', 'shall', 'lawful', 'freight', 'train', 'different', 'railroad', 'state', 'running', 'said', 'road', 'saturday', 'night', 'run', 'destination', 'provided', 'time', 'arrival', 'according', 'schedule', 'train', 'train', 'started', 'trip', 'shall', 'later', 'clock', 'sunday', 'morning', 'sec', 'tradesman', 'artificer', 'workman', 'laborer', 'person', 'shall', 'pursue', 'business', 'work', 'ordinary', 'calling', 'lord', 'day', 'work', 'necessity', 'charity', 'excepted', 'shall', 'guilty', 'misdemeanor', 'conviction', 'shall', 'punished', 'prescribed', 'section', 'code', 'sec', 'person', 'person', 'shall', 'hunt', 'kind', 'game', 'gun', 'dog', 'sabbath', 'day', 'shall', 'guilty', 'misdemeanor', 'conviction', 'shall', 'punished', 'prescribed', 'section', 'code', 'sec', 'person', 'shall', 'bathe', 'stream', 'pond', 'water', 'sabbath', 'day', 'view', 'road', 'passway', 'leading', 'house', 'religious_worship', 'shall', 'considered', 'guilty', 'misdemeanor', 'conviction', 'thereof', 'shall', 'fined', 'sum', 'exceeding', 'imprisoned', 'common', 'jail', 'county', 'discretion', 'court', 'exceeding', 'month', 'sec', 'money', 'arising', 'fine', 'imposed', 'offense', 'gist', 'consist', 'committed', 'sabbath', 'day', 'shall', 'paid', 'ordinary', 'county', 'distributed', 'purpose', 'establishing', 'promoting', 'sabbath', 'school', 'country', 'sec', 'accessory', 'fact', 'ordered', 'code', 'shall', 'punished', 'fine', 'exceed', 'imprisonment', 'exceed', 'month', 'work', 'chain', 'gang', 'public', 'work', 'work', 'county', 'authority', 'employ', 'chain', 'gang', 'exceed', 'month', 'punishment', 'ordered', 'discretion', 'judge', 'provided', 'contained', 'shall', 'authorize', 'giving', 'control', 'private', 'person', 'employment', 'county', 'authority', 'mechanical', 'pursuit', 'bring', 'product', 'labor', 'competition', 'product', 'free', 'labor', 'sec', 'case', 'person', 'convicted', 'misdemeanor', 'senik', 'nced', 'wprk', 'chain', 'gang', 'public', 'work', 'public', 'road', 'such_persons', 'confined', 'jail', 'non', 'payment', 'fine', 'imposed', 'misdemeanor', 'ordinary', 'county', 'board', 'commissioner', 'road', 'revenue', 'county', 'said', 'board', 'commissioner', 'county']
root - INFO - extracting file #3500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18960116-V11-03-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #4000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18970715-V12-28-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #10000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19130716-V18-29-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #11000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19171004-V22-39-page2.txt
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'money', 'come', 'faithftil', 'sending', 'check', 'harvest', 'ingathering', 'fund', 'talk', 'hard', 'tinies', 'hand', 'money', 'come', 'faithful', 'doe', 'mean', 'work', 'little', 'harder', 'good_courage', 'know', 'lord', 'work', 'stop', 'taken', 'letter', 'sister', 'butt', 'east', 'pennsylvania', 'check', 'sent', 'day', 'time', 'set', 'opening', 'harvest', 'ingathering_campaign', 'represents', 'number', 'small', 'offering', 'cent', 'sister', 'gathered', 'faithful_service', 'year', 'campaign', 'sister', 'butt', 'brought', 'nearly', 'life', 'rural', 'district', 'work', 'largely', 'farmer', 'small', 'country', 'town', 'ought', 'sufficient_evidence', 'rural_districts', 'fertile', 'field', 'soliciting', 'fund', 'fifty', 'sister', 'butt', 'brought', 'union', 'goal', 'reached', 'elder', 'ulrich', 'bring', 'union', 'goal', 'reached', 'member', 'union', 'balance', 'raised', 'easy', 'task', 'work', 'ought', 'accomplished', 'consecrated', 'people', 'day', 'time', 'remember', 'harvest', 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root - INFO - extracting file #13000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB18950208-V01-01ex02-page9.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #13500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB1897XXXX-V01-01-page69.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #14000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB1902XXXX-V04-06,07-page14.txt
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'councilman', 'curtis', 'santee', 'licentiate', 'association', 'act', 'fred', 'wheeler', 'stewardson', 'northern', 'southern', 'illinois', 'missionary', 'licentiate', 'population', 'office', 'stewardson', 'shelby', 'flora', 'mccollister', 'harrison', 'ave', 'columbus', 'huffaker', 'academia', 'eufffiker', 'academia', 'ferciot', 'west', 'ninth', 'canton', 'fred', 'fairmuld', 'academia', 'haughey', 'academia', 'officer', 'gart', 'rothrock', 'sec', 'conf', 'redfield', 'bristol', 'lou', 'curtis', 'tract', 'society', 'dept', 'sec', 'nettie', 'eaton', 'minister', 'lane', 'west', 'main', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'ida', 'walter', 'gnapel', 'col', 'umbus', 'cora', 'petithory', 'west', 'eighth', 'canton', 'bessie', 'russell', 'academia', 'thurber', 'ranter', 'almeda', 'haughey', 'academia', 'gaede', 'academia', 'miller', 'west', 'mulberry', 'springfield', 'house', 'coshocton', 'hortense', 'howell', 'franklin', 'furnace', 'john', 'gaede', 'south', 'brooklyn', 'ferences', 'year', 'time', 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'lawrence', 'academia', 'granger', 'warsaw', 'ave', 'cincinnati', 'webster', 'middlefield', 'miller', 'academia', 'francis', 'fairchild', 'delta', 'watkins', 'summit', 'colum', 'richard', 'hook', 'pittwood', 'ill', 'colporter', 'southern', 'illinois', 'conference', 'bus', 'illinois', 'confer', 'kirkendall', 'academia', 'ence', 'organized', 'divided', 'missionary', 'licentiate', 'reorganized', 'miller', 'academia', 'trustee', 'ohio', 'conference_association', 'burkholder', 'sabbath', 'school', 'department', 'office', 'lindsey', 'kirkendall', 'kennedy', 'thomas', 'thornton', 'ferciot', 'quillin', 'officer', 'pres', 'burkholder', 'sec', 'lindsey', 'treas', 'hamer', 'business', 'agt', 'kennedy', 'auditor', 'edward', 'bethel', 'territory', 'southern', 'portion', 'bidwell', 'academia', 'state', 'illinois', 'south', 'county', 'james', 'smith', 'academia', 'iroquois', 'livingston', 'woodford', 'ella', 'talmage', 'west', 'eighth', 'reed', 'main', 'oshkosh', 'oria', 'knox', 'warren', 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'paul', 'hope', 'faith', 'corinthian', 'brother', 'increased', 'helped', 'preach', 'gospel', 'region', 'corinthian', 'thessalonian', 'wrote', 'prayed', 'exceedingly', 'night', 'day', 'perfect', 'lacking', 'faith', 'believed', 'received', 'spy', 'peace', 'hebrew', 'case', 'cause', 'stumbling', 'given', 'cafeful', 'thought', 'known', 'rahab', 'lied']
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root - INFO - extracting file #18500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18670801-V02-02-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #19000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18710201-V05-08-page23.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #21000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18790901-V14-09-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #24500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18920901-V27-09-page25.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #25000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18940201-V29-02-page14.txt
root - INFO - ['amusing', 'paragraph', 'come', 'certain', 'town', 'kansa', 'woman', 'served', 'police', 'justice', 'office', 'dealt', 'nomad', 'fraternity', 'unique', 'fashion', 'tramp', 'sentenced', 'bath', 'day', 'day', 'hard_labor', 'stone', 'pile', 'order', 'fed', 'worked', 'starved', 'shirked', 'nearly', 'case', 'bath', 'sentence', 'town', 'blacklisted', 'entire', 'brotherhood', 'inexorable', 'fact', 'heredity', 'drunk', 'whisky', 'day', 'thirty', 'year', 'remarked', 'gentleman', 'proudly', 'good', 'constitution', 'average', 'man', 'age', 'drunk', 'life', 'telling', 'truth', 'learn', 'whole_truth', 'study', 'child', 'oldest', 'young_lady', 'perfect_health', 'second', 'young_man', 'remarkably', 'nervous', 'excitable', 'temperament', 'different', 'phlegmatic', 'father', 'possible', 'young_lady', 'seventeen', 'epileptic', 'poor_health', 'father', 'whisky', 'drinking', 'fact', 'instance', 'duplicated', 'community', 'think', 'family', 'acquaintance', 'father', 'long', 'moderate', 'drinker', 'observe', 'fact', 'health', 'child', 'superintendent', 'hospital', 'child', 'berne', 'switzerland', 'careful', 'observation', 'cent', 'parent', 'intoxicating', 'liquor', 'habitually', 'good', 'constitution', 'cent', 'child', 'temperate', 'parent', 'sound', 'body', 'child', 'inebriate', 'cent', 'healthy', 'man', 'drink', 'consequence', 'child', 'consequence', 'quarterly', 'journal', 'inebriety', 'centenarian', 'burney', 'yoe', 'king', 'college', 'london', 'author', 'food', 'health', 'disease', 'late', 'article', 'nineteenth', 'century', 'review', 'observes', 'brazil', 'condition', 'favorable', 'longevity', 'life', 'lived', 'brazilian', 'centenarian', 'yoe', 'difficult', 'conciliate', 'exigency', 'european', 'civilization', 'drawback', 'effectually', 'prevent', 'european', 'generally', 'following', 'precept', 'example', 'examined', 'number', 'centenarian', 'locality', 'given', 'presumably', 'british', 'failed', 'discover', 'trace', 'rheumatism', 'gout', 'centenarian', 'sound', 'sleeper', 'contrary', 'rule', 'aged', 'civilization', 'poor', 'sleeper', 'greater', 'centenarian', 'stomach', 'like', 'cast', 'iron', 'retort', 'case', 'examined', 'thirty', 'excellent', 'memory', 'medium', 'memory', 'poor', 'memory', 'diet', 'thirty', 'eaten', 'meat', 'fish', 'barely', 'touched', 'sparingly', 'moderately', 'thirty', 'eaten', 'like', 'yorkshire', 'butcher', 'antiquarian', 'examined', 'drinking', 'habit', 'number', 'beverage', 'water', 'twentytwo', 'occasionally', 'toyed', 'tempter', 'allowed', 'overcome', 'regular', 'drinker', 'drunkard', 'inebriate', 'jolly', 'centenarian', 'sorry', 'relate', 'got', 'gloriously', 'incorrigibly', 'drunk', 'occasion', 'opportunity', 'mean', 'permitted', 'brandy', 'beer', 'old', 'incorrigibles', 'loved', 'gin', 'inveterate', 'drinker', 'limerick', 'farmer', 'contrary', 'rule', 'remained', 'bachelor', 'hard', 'drinker', 'celebrated', 'fifth', 'birthday', 'vegetarianism', 'shaker', 'north', 'america', 'december', 'number', 'sphinxcontains', 'authenticated', 'report', 'peculiar', 'religious', 'social', 'economical', 'institution', 'shaker', 'heading', 'year', 'shaker', 'paul', 'breiterenz', 'author', 'express', 'opinion', 'social', 'situation', 'shaker', 'colony', 'follows', 'shaker', 'religion', 'requires', 'member', 'manual_labor', 'prevented', 'official', 'duty', 'actually', 'saw', 'member', 'central', 'ministry', 'age', 'year', 'occupied', 'time', 'basket', 'making', 'carpenter', 'work', 'farming', 'gardening', 'raising', 'fruit', 'flower', 'cattle', 'poultry', 'branch', 'industry', 'drying', 'maize', 'preparation', 'vegetable', 'patent', 'medicine', 'perserving', 'fruit', 'afford', 'sufficient', 'work', 'learned', 'special', 'profession', 'meal', 'daily', 'ringing', 'bell', 'eat', 'silence', 'silent', 'prayer', 'kneeling', 'begin', 'close', 'meal', 'selection', 'preparation', 'food', 'day', 'influenced', 'hygienic', 'consideration', 'general', 'hygiene']
root - INFO - extracting file #25500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18950801-V30-08-page24.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #26000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18961101-V31-12-page33.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #26500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18971201-V32-12-page57.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #27000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18981201-V33-12-page39.txt
root - INFO - ['nervous_system', 'damaged', 'overexcited', 'nervous_system', 'tired', 'fretful', 'baby', 'like', 'taking', 'arm', 'holding', 'firmly', 'gently', 'humming', 'quiet', 'nursery', 'lullaby', 'self', 'control', 'dealing', 'child', 'important_matter', 'week', 'old', 'infant', 'begin', 'notice', 'going', 'soon', 'begin', 'notice', 'begin', 'imitate', 'surrounded', 'pleasant', 'smiling', 'face', 'hears', 'quietly', 'spoken', 'pleasant', 'word', 'endeavor', 'copy', 'unfortunately', 'surely', 'try', 'copy', 'fretful', 'fault', 'finding', 'querulous', 'tone', 'manner', 'hears', 'remember', 'happiness', 'calmness', 'environment', 'tend', 'brain', 'nerve', 'repose', 'strength', 'mind', 'body', 'moral', 'fretfulness', 'disquietude', 'surroundings', 'tend', 'irritate', 'disturb', 'normal', 'growth', 'action', 'infant', 'nervous_system', 'fix', 'baby', 'life', 'long', 'habit', 'worry', 'unrest', 'sum', 'cause', 'damage', 'infant', 'nerve', 'brain', 'poison', 'irritates', 'nerve', 'brain', 'structure', 'provokes', 'nerve', 'storm', 'followed', 'stupor', 'complete', 'exhaustion', 'damaging', 'baby', 'stupor', 'convulsion', 'decaying', 'food', 'alimentary_canal', 'counterpart', 'man', 'stupor', 'caused', 'alcohol', 'intoxicated', 'overexcitation', 'brain', 'want', 'sleep', 'kind', 'severe', 'mental', 'physical', 'strain', 'adult', 'met', 'baby', 'overstimulation', 'passion', 'emotion', 'dangerous', 'infant', 'grown', 'man', 'anger', 'killed', 'people', 'stunning', 'effect', 'shocking', 'nerve', 'center', 'stop', 'action', 'important', 'organ', 'angry', 'man', 'insane', 'man', 'angry', 'infant', 'condition', 'developing', 'nervous_system', 'grow', 'right_direction', 'mean', 'protected', 'harm', 'physical', 'structure', 'educated', 'growth', 'completed', 'intellectual', 'moral', 'faculty', 'shall', 'ruler', 'emotion', 'passion', 'servant', 'higher', 'faculty', 'muscle', 'organ', 'like', 'trained', 'soldier', 'disciplined', 'respond', 'command', 'superior', 'officer', 'strain', 'friction', 'brain', 'nerve', 'action', 'nerve', 'storm', 'tempest', 'lay', 'waste', 'weaken', 'mind', 'body', 'destroy', 'moral_nature', 'fringed', 'gentian', 'god', 'little', 'gentian', 'tried', 'rose', 'failed', 'summer', 'laughed', 'snow', 'came', 'purple', 'creature', 'ravished', 'hill', 'summer', 'hid', 'forehead', 'mockery', 'frost', 'condition', 'tyrian', 'come', 'north', 'evoked', 'creator', 'shall', 'bloom', 'emily', 'dickinson']
root - INFO - extracting file #27500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19000101-V35-01-page19.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #28000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19001001-V35-10-page21.txt
root - INFO - ['fall', 'hygiene', 'fall', 'strengthen', 'nervous', 'urging', 'thereader', 'improve', 'circulation', 'health', 'trial', 'better', 'way', 'utilizing', 'generally', 'winter', 'pure_air', 'good', 'resafe', 'endurable', 'enjoyable', 'peat', 'admonition', 'slowly', 'foremost', 'answer', 'change', 'abrupt', 'principle', 'air', 'pure_air', 'plenty', 'change', 'change', 'degree', 'day', 'night', 'month', 'year', 'bear', 'harm', 'favorable', 'outdoor', 'sleeping', 'point', 'refrain', 'radical', 'ventilation', 'sleep', 'introducing', 'striking', 'testimony', 'indoors', 'taking', 'behalf', 'door', 'theory', 'window', 'bodily', 'leaving', 'door', 'wide', 'following', 'extract', 'editorial', 'open', 'night', 'especially', 'august', 'health', 'note', 'gleanings', 'bee', 'hot', 'ground', 'dry', 'culture', 'editor', 'root', 'freshing', 'rest', 'cool', 'outdoor', 'air', 'lifelong', 'student', 'hygiene', 'aid', 'restoring', 'vigor', 'elasticity', 'talk', 'subject', 'hottest', 'coldest', 'day', 'editorial', 'left', 'home', 'comfortable', 'hard_work', 'comparatively', 'july', 'hardly', 'fit', 'start', 'pleasure', 'remember', 'brokentrip', 'upper', 'lake', 'limp', 'pale', 'dyspeptic', 'bloodless', 'exceedingly', 'careful', 'ate', 'old', 'shadow', 'man', 'woman', 'remember', 'trouble', 'persistent', 'sleeping', 'pure_air', 'short', 'week', 'regained', 'degree', 'elastic', 'man', 'woman', 'overnight', 'health', 'hardly', 'felt', 'month', 'digestion', 'perfect', 'sum', 'hygienic', 'practice', 'thing', 'ache', 'pain', 'gone', 'catarrh', 'neuralmust', 'looked', 'congia', 'rheumatism', 'susceptibility', 'draft', 'sideration', 'come', 'later', 'faintness', 'mealtime', 'lassitude', 'object', 'night', 'ventilation', 'tired', 'feeling', 'vanished', 'september', 'ground', 'hot', 'boy', 'boyish', 'appetite', 'day', 'chilly', 'night', 'bring', 'sickness', 'spirit', 'strength', 'know', 'dallies', 'night', 'air', 'brought', 'try', 'cheerfully', 'admitted', 'night', 'air', 'benefit', 'alike', 'pure', 'wholesome', 'place', 'entirely', 'outall', 'day', 'air', 'equally', 'good', 'door', 'week', 'sufficient', 'protection', 'porous', 'woolen', 'inside', 'building', 'blanket', 'prevent', 'chilliness', 'year', 'old', 'tired', 'board', 'heavy', 'dew', 'lay', 'blanket', 'face', 'chance', 'night', 'air', 'breeze', 'water', 'slept', 'september', 'october', 'winter', 'wanted', 'diet', 'fish', 'roasted', 'malaria', 'disease', 'potato', 'berry', 'paddling', 'time', 'putrid', 'air', 'boat', 'gave', 'exercise', 'arm', 'chest', 'average', 'bedroom', 'vitiated', 'house', 'wheel', 'air', 'perfect', 'aeration', 'lung', 'day', 'long', 'filled', 'skin', 'assimilate', 'food', 'lung', 'clear', 'air', 'pure_air', 'throw', 'chance', 'germ', 'disease', 'far', 'air', 'scented', 'pine', 'resbetter', 'weakened', 'poiinous', 'tree', 'region', 'soned', 'air', 'imperfect', 'ventilation', 'reswilderness', 'wore', 'little', 'clothing', 'piration', 'went', 'bareheaded', 'took', 'sun', 'bath']
root - INFO - extracting file #28500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19020901-V37-09-page30.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #29000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19030801-V38-08-page39.txt
root - INFO - ['poison', 'poison', 'produce', 'characteristic', 'harmful', 'effect', 'volatile', 'oil', 'rise', 'nervous', 'excitability', 'time', 'provoke', 'nervous', 'disorder', 'caffein', 'narcotic', 'shown', 'diminish', 'activity', 'peptic', 'gland', 'interfere', 'digestion', 'wolfe', 'shown', 'grain', 'caffein', 'easily', 'furnished', 'ordinary', 'cup', 'tea', 'coffee', 'greatly', 'impairs', 'quality', 'gastric_juice', 'lessening', 'total', 'acidity', 'robert', 'showed', 'tea', 'coffee', 'interfere', 'action', 'saliva', 'starch', 'food', 'wholly', 'destroy', 'effect', 'wood', 'proved', 'daily', 'use', 'decoction', 'prepared', 'ounce', 'tea', 'leaf', 'produce', 'decidedly', 'poisonous', 'symptom', 'german', 'physiologist', 'digestion', 'reduced', 'use', 'tea', 'tannic', 'acid', 'tea', 'interferes', 'digestion', 'starch', 'prevents', 'proper', 'digestion', 'albumin', 'fact', 'coffee', 'similar', 'substance', 'widely', 'doe', 'lessen', 'force', 'argument', 'intelligent', 'observer', 'residing', 'brazil', 'declares', 'entire', 'country', 'perpetual', 'state', 'semi', 'intoxication', 'free_use', 'coffee', 'civilized', 'country', 'similar', 'state', 'thing', 'exists', 'tea', 'drunkard', 'common', 'england', 'australia', 'especially', 'poorer', 'class', 'habitual', 'use', 'tea', 'coffee', 'unquestionably', 'provokes', 'appetite', 'tobacco', 'alcohol', 'narcotic', 'unquestionably', 'child', 'trained', 'drunkard', 'life', 'tea', 'tippling', 'mother', 'table', 'rapid', 'increase', 'opium', 'cocaine', 'habit', 'assuming', 'alarming', 'proportion', 'united', 'state', 'civilized', 'country', 'unquestionably', 'natural_result', 'increasing', 'addiction', 'tea', 'coffee', 'habit', 'use', 'drug', 'confined', 'sipping', 'half', 'cupful', 'weak', 'tea', 'coffee', 'probably', 'suffer', 'slightly', 'disturbance', 'digestion', 'such_persons', 'drink', 'tea', 'coffee', 'nervous', 'effect', 'matter', 'habit', 'palate', 'suffer', 'use', 'drug', 'person', 'cup', 'cup', 'daily', 'suffer', 'inconvenience', 'usual', 'cup', 'tea', 'coffee', 'omitted', 'afford', 'suffer', 'injury', 'result', 'use', 'tea', 'coffee', 'congener', 'limited', 'extent', 'recognize', 'dependence', 'cup', 'cheer', 'inebriate', 'suffered', 'damage', 'permanent', 'impression', 'nervous', 'poison', 'reform', 'wish', 'save', 'complete', 'nervous', 'shipwreck', 'neurasthenia', 'worse', 'disorder', 'best', 'mean', 'ridding', 'self', 'tea', 'coffee', 'habit', 'adopt', 'dry', 'dietary', 'making', 'free_use', 'fruit', 'especially', 'fresh', 'fruit', 'stewed', 'fruit', 'fruit', 'juice', 'flesh_foods', 'animal', 'broth', 'extract', 'unquestionably', 'excite', 'nerve', 'create', 'demand', 'soothing', 'effect', 'narcotic', 'person', 'desire', 'free', 'alcohol', 'tobacco', 'tea', 'coffee', 'habit', 'dist', 'ense', 'flesh_foods', 'sort', 'condiment', 'discarded', 'irritate', 'excite', 'nerve', 'creating', 'desire', 'soothing', 'effect', 'narcotic', 'drug', 'tea', 'coffee', 'drinking']
root - INFO - extracting file #29500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19040501-V39-05-page62.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #30000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19050301-V40-03-page72.txt
root - INFO - ['publisher', 'department', 'aim', 'educator', 'entire', 'separation', 'church', 'liquor_traffic', 'incidentally', 'tobacco_habit', 'sister', 'vice', 'drink', 'curse', 'dealt', 'invaluable', 'temperance', 'worker', 'international', 'publishing', 'association', 'college_view', 'nebr', 'set', 'november', 'issue', 'german', 'danish', 'swedish', 'paper', 'circulated', 'subscriber', 'pronounce', 'best', 'religious', 'number', 'issued', 'order', 'set', 'german', 'danish', 'swedish', 'neighbor', 'set', 'mailed', 'address', 'cent', 'address', 'publisher', 'tract', 'society', 'dollar', 'prize', 'gentleman', 'interested', 'teaching', 'health_principles', 'public', 'attractive', 'form', 'wish', 'offer', 'column', 'dollar', 'prize', 'best', 'health', 'rhyme', 'simple', 'easy', 'child', 'enjoy', 'learning', 'remember', 'rhyme', 'line', 'length', 'embodying', 'rule', 'healthful', 'result', 'prize', 'consist', 'dollar', 'second', 'prize', 'dollar', 'prize', 'dollar', 'manuscript', 'returned', 'unsuccessful', 'competitor', 'contest', 'close', 'june', 'cash', 'offer', 'writer', 'written', 'story', 'poem', 'recitation', 'showing', 'danger', 'home', 'prescription', 'alcoholic_liquors', 'patent_medicine', 'evil', 'result', 'professional', 'prescription', 'alcoholic', 'receive', 'good', 'price', 'accepted', 'returned', 'author', 'stamp', 'cover', 'postage', 'enclosed', 'shorter', 'story', 'likely', 'accepted', 'exceed', 'word', 'manuscript', 'examined', 'valued', 'experienced', 'committee', 'address', 'article', 'martha', 'allen', 'broad', 'oneida', 'new', 'book', 'suudies', 'characger', 'building', 'kellogg', 'page', 'page', 'illustration', 'price', 'postpaid', 'healghful', 'cookery', 'kellogg', 'page', 'nearly', 'recipe', 'price', 'postpaid', 'ustocra', 'healgh', 'mary', 'foote', 'henderson', 'wife', 'senator', 'henderson', 'page', 'net', 'price', 'postpaid', 'blue', 'cause', 'cure', 'albert', 'abrams', 'page', 'illustrated', 'price', 'postpaid', 'perfect', 'healuh', 'weinburgh', 'page', 'illustrated', 'price', 'post', 'paid', 'add', 'order', 'named', 'book', 'wild', 'enter', 'year', 'subscription', 'goon', 'health', 'good', 'health', 'publishing', 'company', 'battle', 'creek', 'michigan']
root - INFO - extracting file #30500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19060101-V41-01-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #31000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19060901-V41-09-page51.txt
root - INFO - ['doubt', 'ornamental', 'value', 'band', 'gentleman', 'hat', 'bow', 'hat', 'band', 'bow', 'left', 'hand', 'present', 'reason', 'thing', 'cause', 'lie', 'past', 'reason', 'time', 'piece', 'cloth', 'thrown', 'head', 'tied', 'band', 'cloth', 'served', 'hat', 'hat', 'band', 'hold', 'hat', 'band', 'tied', 'left', 'reason', 'day', 'swordfighters', 'bow', 'rosette', 'right_side', 'way', 'naturally', 'placed', 'left', 'hand', 'way', 'course', 'people', 'accustomed', 'thing', 'certain', 'way', 'continue', 'thing', 'way', 'purpose', 'long', 'past', 'interesting', 'survival', 'reason', 'button', 'boy', 'short', 'trouser', 'knee', 'time', 'fashion', 'grown', 'men', 'wear', 'short', 'trouser', 'proud', 'shapely', 'leg', 'wore', 'trouser', 'tight', 'shape', 'limb', 'good_advantage', 'attempted', 'pull', 'tight', 'trouser', 'way', 'relieving', 'strain', 'danger', 'splitting', 'accordingly', 'button', 'placed', 'trouser', 'pulled', 'safely', 'trouser', 'buttoned', 'origin', 'button', 'sleeve', 'men', 'coat', 'time', 'fashion', 'men', 'wear', 'lace', 'cuff', 'undergarment', 'directly', 'exposed', 'weather', 'quickly', 'dirty', 'wore', 'jacket', 'sleeve', 'protect', 'wished', 'lace', 'cuff', 'friend', 'merely', 'unbutton', 'sleeve', 'beautiful', 'cuff', 'beneath', 'reason', 'difference', 'clothing', 'men', 'woman', 'true', 'sure', 'clothing', 'men', 'utilitarian', 'better', 'adapted', 'purpose', 'active', 'life', 'difference', 'arose', 'conflict', 'northern', 'southern', 'type', 'time', 'barbarian', 'north', 'conquered', 'rome', 'roman', 'time', 'like', 'greek', 'mediterranean', 'race', 'worn', 'loose', 'garment', 'southern', 'type', 'barbarian', 'hand', 'wore', 'utilitarian', 'garment', 'northern', 'type', 'men', 'rome', 'quick', 'advantage', 'new', 'dress', 'quick', 'adopt', 'woman', 'hand', 'like', 'woman', 'present_day', 'conservative', 'new', 'fangled', 'notion', 'especially', 'came', 'hated', 'rude', 'conqueror', 'rome', 'minor', 'change', 'day', 'woman', 'dress', 'present_time', 'especially', 'dress', 'south', 'ornamental', 'bright', 'attractive', 'barbaric', 'romish', 'priest', 'clung', 'southern', 'dress', 'conservatism', 'retained', 'old', 'garb', 'college', 'gown', 'survival', 'southern', 'type', 'contrary', 'ordinary', 'opinion', 'place', 'conservative', 'university', 'medieval', 'university', 'ancient', 'garb', 'preserved', 'particular', 'dress', 'custom', 'habit', 'closely', 'connected', 'interesting_facts', 'history', 'evolution', 'dress']
root - INFO - extracting file #31500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19070601-V42-06-page44.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #32000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/IR19030527-V09-11-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #44000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LibM19101001-V05-04-page43.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #45000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LibM19190701-V15-03-page32.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #46000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19120522-V04-21-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #46500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19140429-V06-17-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #47000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19160209-V08-06-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #48000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19190723-V11-30-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #49000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ18870201-V02-05-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #51000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ19020401-V17-04-page22.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #52000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19021023-V02-06-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #53000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19100210-V09-28-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #54000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19131120-V13-16-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #56000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18530331-V03-23-page4.txt
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'instructor', 'chaptenxxiii', 'testimony', 'right', 'rev', 'challoner', 'conclusively', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'new_testament', 'changed', 'corrupted', 'romish', 'church', 'testimony', 'authority', 'protestant', 'church', 'saying', 'commandment', 'changed', 'redemption', 'greater', 'creation', 'recognize', 'human', 'humbly', 'trust', 'reject', 'tradition', 'elder', 'return', 'commandment', 'god', 'seventh', 'day', 'rested', 'work', 'plain', 'fact', 'day', 'called', 'rest', 'day', 'sabbath', 'shall', 'lifted', 'inhabited', 'place', 'benjarre', 'gate', 'unto', 'place', 'gate', 'unto', 'corner', 'gate', 'tower', 'hananeel', 'unto', 'king', 'wine', 'press', 'men', 'shall', 'dwell', 'lord', 'creator', 'labored', 'shall', 'utter_destruction', 'jeseventh', 'day', 'rest', 'day', 'sabbath', 'day', 'rested', 'work', 'impossible', 'change', 'rest', 'day', 'lord', 'change', 'crucifixion', 'day', 'day', 'resurrection', 'humble', 'disciple', 'christ', 'submit', 'subject', 'divine', 'master', 'kept', 'father', 'commandment', 'disciple', 'lord', 'read', 'article', 'submit', 'question', 'bible', 'point', 'obliged', 'new_day', 'lord', 'host', 'mid', 'crv', 'seethe', 'day', 'change', 'sabbath', 'standard', 'holy', 'sabbath', 'enforce', 'observance', 'shall', 'house']
root - INFO - extracting file #56500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18560117-V07-16-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #57000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18580225-V11-16-page5.txt
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'heavenly', 'ministration', 'sin', 'god', 'people', 'transferred', 'sanctuary', 'remain', 'removed', 'type', 'heavenly', 'sanctuary', 'cleansed', 'earthly', 'continued', 'spiritual_gifts', 'gift', 'prophecy', 'manifested', 'church', 'long', 'limitation', 'promise', 'run', 'parallel', 'great_commission', 'preach', 'gospel', 'reach', 'believer', 'objected', 'promised', 'aid', 'apostle', 'believed', 'preaching', 'fulfilled', 'commission', 'established', 'gospel', 'gift', 'ceased', 'generation', 'let', 'great_commission', 'ended', 'generation', 'matt', 'xxviii', 'teach', 'nation', 'baptizing', 'father', 'son', 'holy', 'ghost', 'teaching', 'observe', 'things_whatsoever', 'commanded', 'alway', 'unto', 'end', 'world', 'preaching', 'gospel', 'commission', 'end', 'primitive_church', 'evident', 'promise', 'alway', 'end', 'world', 'doe', 'apostle', 'end', 'earth', 'end', 'world', 'earth', 'christ', 'people', 'minister', 'candlestick', 'table', 'shew', 'bread', 'writer', 'blind', 'fundamental', 'point', 'involved', 'question', 'christ', 'ministry', 'performed', 'earth', 'antitype', 'ancient', 'priestly', 'service', 'performed', 'christ', 'point', 'apostle', 'bear', 'direct', 'testimony', 'earth', 'priest', 'seeing', 'priest', 'offer', 'gift', 'according', 'law', 'hob', 'viii', 'service', 'performed', 'earth', 'connection', 'sanctuary', 'performed', 'offer', 'gift', 'according', 'law', 'typical', 'priesthood', 'ministry', 'christ', 'performed', 'entirely', 'completely', 'place', 'hardly', 'restrain', 'word', 'astonishment', 'person', 'fall', 'errror', 'point', 'apostle', 'taken', 'pain', 'guard', 'second', 'principle', 'kept', 'view', 'antitype', 'ancient', 'offering', 'ministry', 'ancient', 'priesthood', 'christ', 'performs', 'independent', 'separate', 'people', 'service', 'christian', 'answer', 'ancient', 'sanctuary', 'service', 'perform', 'antitypical', 'ministration', 'christ', 'priest', 'suppliant', 'sinner', 'seek', 'pardon', 'mediation', 'jewish', 'dispensation', 'disappeared', 'age', 'jewish', 'age', 'imperfection', 'earthly', 'priesthood', 'jerusalem', 'greater', 'prophet', 'john', 'chosen', 'god', 'introduce', 'israel', 'lamb', 'god', 'taketh', 'away', 'sin', 'world', 'christian_age', 'commenced', 'outpouring', 'spirit', 'great_variety', 'spiritual_gifts', 'manifested', 'believer', 'abundant', 'paul', 'corinthian', 'church', 'manifestation', 'spirit', 'given', 'man', 'profit', 'withal', 'man', 'church', 'man', 'world', 'applied', 'great_apostasy', 'gift', 'rarely', 'manifested', 'probably', 'reason', 'professed', 'christian', 'generally', 'believe', 'limited', 'period', 'primitive_church', 'account', 'error', 'unbelief', 'church', 'absence', 'scriptural', 'proof', 'removed', 'abolished', 'think', 'intended', 'remain', 'proof', 'abolished', 'chapter', 'jewish', 'sabbath', 'abolished', 'christian', 'sabbath', 'instituted', 'chapter', 'act', 'mystery', 'iniquity', 'man', 'sin', 'objector', 'claim', 'bible', 'proof', 'gift', 'cease', 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'said', 'unto', 'world', 'day', 'extend', 'cleansing', 'sanctua', 'sanctuary', 'john', 'saw', 'door', 'opened', 'heaven', 'preach', 'gospel', 'creature', 'tell', 'case', 'took', 'place', 'view', 'terminated', 'lord', 'ascension', 'seen', 'terminate', 'till', 'year', 'event', 'referred', 'view', 'heaven', 'door', 'heavenly', 'tabernacle', 'disclosed', 'john', 'view', 'throne', 'god', 'temple', 'rev', 'xvi', 'door', 'apartment', 'cast', 'devil', 'shall', 'speak', 'new', 'tongue', 'evident', 'object', 'beheld', 'rev', 'viii', 'second', 'apartment', 'contains', 'ark', 'testament', 'commandment', 'opened', 'till', 'sounding', 'seventh', 'angel', 'rev', 'read', 'isaiah', 'description', 'place', 'isa', 'john', 'viewing', 'place', 'appear', 'comthe', 'true', 'minister', 'true', 'house', 'god', 'parison', 'following', 'scripture', 'isa', 'believe', 'earth', 'sanctuary', 'attention', 'sake', 'noticing', 'erroneous', 'feature', 'howard', 'world', 'campbell', 'translation', 'miraculous', 'power', 'shall', 'attend', 'believer', 'gift', 'confined', 'apostle', 'extended', 'believer', 'century', 'account', 'corrupt', 'state', 'church', 'close', 'dispensation', 'reappeared', 'close', 'usher', 'messiah', 'zechariah', 'father', 'john', 'baptist', 'filled', 'holy', 'spirit', 'prophesied', 'simon', 'ajust', 'devout', 'man', 'waiting', 'consolation', 'israel', 'came', 'spirit', 'temple', 'prophecied', 'jesus', 'light', 'lighten', 'genmeant', 'ended', 'cross', 'conclude', 'preaching', 'belief', 'primitive', 'gospel', 'attended', 'spiritual', 'aid', 'apostle', 'commission', 'belonged', 'christian_age', 'embraced', 'consequently', 'gift', 'lost', 'apostasy', 'revived', 'revival', 'primitive', 'faith', 'practice', 'cor', 'xii', 'informed', 'god', 'bath', 'priesthood', 'christ', 'superior', 'priesthood', 'spake', 'looked', 'redemption', 'set', 'placed', 'fixed', 'certain', 'spiritual_gifts', 'tile', 'glory', 'israel', 'anna', 'prophetess', 'offered', 'chap', 'church', 'gift', 'ceased', 'childish', 'thing', 'glass', 'round', 'service', 'earthly', 'tabernacle', 'people', 'god', 'shall', 'attain', 'primitive', 'faith', 'practice', 'certainly', 'proclamation', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jedarkly', 'face', 'face', 'know', 'shall', 'know', 'known', 'abideth', 'faith', 'hope', 'charity', 'greatest', 'charity', 'xiii', 'time', 'repeated', 'ministry', 'christ', 'accomplished', 'heb', 'sus', 'rain', 'develop', 'gift', 'reasoning', 'analogy', 'expect', 'text', 'doe', 'foretell', 'cessation', 'spirit', 'blood', 'offered', 'withstanding', 'apostasy', 'jewish', 'age', 'opened', 'closed', 'special', 'manifestation', 'spirit', 'god', 'unreasonable', 'suppose', 'christian_age', 'light', 'compared', 'blood', 'christ', 'blood', 'minisin', 'glory', 'close', 'obscurity', 'special', 'tered', 'connection', 'heavenly', 'sanctuary', 'actual', 'presentation', 'virtue', 'merit', 'need', 'inquire', 'blood', 'ministered', 'apartment', 'long', 'christ', 'office', 'priest', 'long', 'mediator', 'petween', 'god', 'man', 'prophet', 'john', 'isaiah', 'view', 'lord', 'position', 'ministry', 'heavenly', 'work', 'spirit', 'necessary', 'prepare', 'people', 'advent', 'christ', 'second', 'especially', 'day', 'perilous', 'precedent', 'false_prophets', 'power', 'great_signs', 'wonder', 'insomuch', 'possible', 'deceive', 'elect', 'scripture', 'truth', 'believeth', 'baptized', 'shall', 'saved', 'believeth', 'shall', 'damned', 'sign', 'shall', 'follow', 'believe', 'shall', 'shall', 'serpent', 'drink', 'deadly', 'thing', 'shall', 'hurt', 'shall', 'lay', 'hand', 'sick', 'shall', 'recover', 'mark', 'xvi']
root - INFO - extracting file #57500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18600216-V15-13-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #58000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18620128-V19-09-page3.txt
root - INFO - ['john', 'high', 'mountain', 'apart', 'transfigured', 'matt', 'xvii', 'review', 'herald', 'mistake', 'recorded', 'occurred', 'doe', 'happen', 'mark', 'luke', 'fallen', 'dilemma', 'anctif', 'possible', 'writer', 'mistake', 'point', 'mistake', 'coincidence', 'stronger', 'peter', 'writing', 'babylon', 'brother', 'scattered', 'pontus', 'gallstic', 'cappadocia', 'asia', 'bithynia', 'refers', 'event', 'occurred', 'evidence', 'followed', 'cunningly', 'devised', 'fable', 'case', 'angelists', 'preffise', 'recording', 'supper', 'lord', 'ate', 'disciple', 'distinctly', 'record', 'partaking', 'bread', 'wine', 'language', 'master', 'conearning', 'master', 'betrayal', 'know', 'bea', 'fact', 'strange', 'incidence', 'strange', 'inery', 'eye', 'shall', 'prohets', 'apostle', 'credible', 'miracle', 'recorded', 'bible', 'fifth', 'fabricates', 'story', 'oftheir', 'overmgn', 'merely', 'gathering', 'vast', 'number', 'willing', 'favored', 'subject', 'publishes', 'world', 'infidel', 'claim', 'paul', 'said', 'received', 'lord', 'evangelist', 'subdum', 'allhis', 'corrig', 'foe', 'result', 'look', 'according', 'announcethat', 'delivered', 'unto', 'lord', 'jesus', 'night', 'betrayed', 'took', 'bread', 'given', 'thanks', 'brake', 'said', 'eat', 'body', 'broken', 'remembrance', 'thesame', 'manner', 'took', 'cup', 'supped', 'saying', 'cup', 'new', 'testa', 'merit', 'blood', 'better', 'qualify', 'people', 'god', 'drink', 'remembrance', 'oft', 'eat', 'bread', 'drink', 'cup', 'sliew', 'forththe', 'lord', 'death', 'till', 'come', 'cor', 'look', 'saviour', 'writer', 'knew', 'fact', 'competent', 'bear', 'witness', 'truth', 'know', 'ask', 'happened', 'record', 'agreement', 'evangelist', 'epistle', 'greater', 'act', 'apostle', 'record', 'evargelists', 'epistle', 'evangelist', 'holy', 'ghost', 'descended', 'christ', 'matt', 'iii', 'luke', 'iii', 'jno', 'went', 'good', 'healing', 'sick', 'matt', 'mark', 'hanged', 'cross', 'slain', 'matt', 'xxvii', 'raised', 'day', 'matt', 'xxii', 'xxviii', 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root - INFO - extracting file #59000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18660116-V27-07-page5.txt
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'source', 'cause', 'blessing', 'flow', 'let', 'praise', 'jesus', 'forever', 'literary', 'production', 'look', 'splendid', 'leave', 'nourishment', 'digested', 'bring', 'nearer', 'jesus', 'vain', 'bubble', 'shooting', 'star', 'look', 'better', 'fruit', 'coin', 'right', 'sound', 'present_truth', 'feed', 'sheep', 'look', 'gentle', 'dew', 'water', 'heavenly', 'plant', 'union', 'peace', 'love', 'prevail', 'little', 'flock', 'rough', 'goat', 'hard', 'horn', 'better', 'avoided', 'care', 'guidance', 'good', 'shepherd', 'little', 'lamb', 'secure', 'brother', 'let', 'seek', 'shelter', 'cheered', 'lately', 'hear', 'papar', 'place', 'soul', 'receive', 'message', 'hear', 'watchman', 'come', 'rank', 'opposer', 'help', 'swell', 'babylon', 'fallen', 'usurpation', 'senator', 'representative', 'boldly', 'declare', 'action', 'discourteof', 'temptation', 'trial', 'fallen', 'come', 'people', 'love', 'read', 'paper', 'good_effect']
root - INFO - extracting file #59500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18670827-V30-11-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #60000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18680929-V32-14-page3.txt
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'king', 'israel', 'hiram', 'king', 'tyre', 'hiram', 'abiff', 'fourth', 'good', 'masonry', 'generally', 'jewish_nation', 'particular', 'consult', 'ceremony', 'occur', 'recorded', 'richardson', 'extent', 'candidate', 'misinformed', 'deceived', 'degree', 'substance', 'learned', 'light', 'masonry', 'observe', 'masonry', 'teach', 'solemn', 'manner', 'solomon', 'time', 'ark', 'covenant', 'sacred', 'content', 'buried', 'vault', 'solomon', 'hirams', 'solomon', 'king', 'israel', 'ark', 'buried', 'stand', 'holy_place', 'reign', 'ark', 'covenant', 'sacred', 'content', 'holy_place', 'temple', 'solomon', 'day', 'reader', 'bible', 'doe', 'know', 'representation', 'masonry', 'false', 'candidate', 'falsely', 'taught', 'world', 'indebted', 'masonry', 'preserving', 'book', 'law', 'discovery', 'ark', 'content', 'vault', 'book', 'law', 'preserved', 'copy', 'existence', 'utterly', 'false', 'masonry', 'teach', 'discovery', 'volume', 'bible', 'lost', 'destruction', 'jerusalem', 'truth', 'copy', 'multiplied', 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'path', 'straight', 'robe', 'clean', 'spotless', 'shall', 'ashamed', 'day', 'word', 'offer', 'defense', 'prepare', 'gracious', 'god', 'stand', 'thy', 'face', 'ross', 'jew', 'uncommon', 'enemy', 'truth', 'law', 'god', 'old', 'jewish', 'law', 'jew', 'divine_grace', 'striving', 'fear', 'god', 'commandment', 'saint', 'view', 'bride', 'heavenly', 'city', 'wonder', 'old', 'jewish', 'city', 'turn', 'away', 'contempt', 'seen', 'foundation', 'apostle', 'lamb', 'jew', 'gate', 'seen', 'inscribed', 'tribe', 'israel', 'permitted', 'enter', 'city', 'prophet', 'apostle', 'lamb', 'jew', 'glorious', 'light', 'city', 'redeemer', 'saved', 'jew', 'enter', 'child', 'abraham', 'gal', 'iii', 'ashamed', 'lord', 'help', 'jew', 'inwardly', 'true', 'israel', 'foote', 'pendleton', 'law', 'grace', 'helped', 'brother', 'railroading', 'way', 'camp_meeting', 'carelessly', 'carried', 'mile', 'place', 'left', 'plod', 'way', 'foot', 'dusk', 'evening', 'passing', 'bridge', 'open', 'stepping', 'timber', 'timber', 'deep', 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root - INFO - extracting file #61000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18721008-V40-17-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #61500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18741124-V44-22-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #62000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18770125-V49-04-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #62500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18790116-V53-03-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #63000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18800701-V56-02-page7.txt
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'occurs', 'mistake', 'regard', 'social', 'church', 'question', 'discussed', 'degree', 'work', 'better', 'work', 'great_mass', 'disaffected', 'wait', 'warmed', 'instead', 'religious', 'confidence', 'believe', 'church', 'method', 'fully', 'said', 'religious', 'practice', 'individual', 'accused', 'unbelief', 'ripple', 'modern', 'infidelity', 'disturbs', 'calm', 'faith', 'hinders', 'effort', 'undermining', 'confidence', 'religion', 'question', 'truthfulness', 'work', 'propagating', 'business', 'like', 'confidence', 'god', 'given', 'authority', 'disarms', 'doubt', 'set', 'defiance', 'method', 'catholic', 'protestant', 'draw', 'following', 'conclusion', 'aim', 'toteach', 'merely', 'bible', 'geography', 'sacred', 'history', 'surroundings', 'sabbath', 'school_lesson', 'toteach', 'thing', 'order', 'draw', 'suggestion', 'inspiration', 'holier', 'life', 'perseverance', 'useful', 'teaching', 'thing', 'true', 'false', 'success', 'possible', 'bad', 'cause', 'doe', 'possible', 'good', 'accomplish', 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'commends', 'faith', 'religion', 'faithful', 'little', 'religion', 'faithful', 'national', 'baptist', 'answer', 'directed', 'father', 'understand', 'familiarity', 'earnestness', 'think', 'going', 'peculiar', 'form', 'religious_service', 'church', 'away', 'church', 'irrespective', 'sort', 'hindrance', 'conclude', 'downright', 'earnest', 'fact', 'method', 'lacking', 'working', 'thoroughly', 'reveal', 'lack', 'instance', 'suggest', 'remedy', 'method', 'pace', 'ability', 'use', 'furlike', 'wesley', 'unformed', 'rude', 'plan', 'matter', 'time', 'bring', 'skill', 'knowledge', 'training', 'soul', 'clumsy', 'method', 'kingdom', 'god', 'work', 'work', 'work', 'need', 'little', 'shoeblack', 'called', 'residence', 'clergyman', 'city', 'solicited', 'piece', 'bread', 'water', 'servant', 'directed', 'child', 'bread', 'crumb', 'basket', 'little', 'fellow', 'walking', 'slowly', 'away', 'shifting', 'gift', 'finger', 'piece', 'large', 'chew', 'minister', 'called', 'asked', 'father', 'father', 'father', 'certainly', 'boy', 'looked', 'awhile', 'commenced', 'time', 'holding', 'crust', 'bread', 'exclaiming', 'sob', 'father', 'father', 'ashamed', 'little', 'brother', 'stuff', 'eat', 'got', 'good_things', 'new', 'orleans', 'time', 'let', 'sure', 'delight', 'excludes', 'presence', 'god', 'long', 'displease', 'thentas', 'adam']
root - INFO - extracting file #63500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18810719-V58-04-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #64000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18820725-V59-30-page8.txt
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'league', 'new', 'prophet', 'senousi', 'sheereef', 'mecca', 'spiritual', 'head', 'mohammedan', 'faith', 'conclusion', 'said', 'thing', 'certain', 'contest', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'fall', 'turk', 'driven', 'europe', 'cross', 'planted', 'mosque', 'sophia', 'view', 'confirmed', 'report', 'source', 'stated', 'religious', 'war', 'proclaimed', 'quarter', 'indication', 'duplicity', 'discovered', 'khedive', 'sultan', 'greater', 'degree', 'uncertainty', 'thrown', 'real', 'position', 'party', 'concerned', 'situation', 'complicated', 'english', 'hold', 'alexandria', 'left', 'end', 'struggle', 'suppressed', 'remains', 'seen', 'foregone', 'conclusion', 'expressed', 'contest', 'doe', 'continue', 'result', 'expulsion', 'turk', 'europe', 'absorption', 'portion', 'turkish', 'territory', 'christian', 'power', 'present', 'agitation', 'result', 'turkey', 'king', 'north', 'watched', 'intense_interest', 'sister', 'ribton', 'pen', 'written', 'friend', 'alexandria', 'massacre', 'pathetic', 'letter', 'wife', 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root - INFO - extracting file #64500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18830807-V60-32-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #65000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18840805-V61-32-page6.txt
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'sent', 'adjourned', 'sinedie', 'clara', 'wood', 'gibbs', 'sec', 'coox', 'pres', 'louis', 'mission', 'pleasant', 'inviting', 'place', 'center', 'resident', 'portion', 'city', 'easily', 'accessible', 'known', 'oldest', 'best', 'neighborhood', 'occupy', 'floor', 'room', 'use', 'room', 'second', 'story', 'store', 'room', 'rent', 'rest', 'house', 'room', 'present', 'soon', 'help', 'shall', 'occupy', 'room', 'large', 'hall', 'way', 'open', 'large', 'light', 'cool', 'double', 'parlor', 'folding', 'door', 'parlor', 'use', 'reading', 'room', 'lecture', 'room', 'bible', 'reading', 'friday', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'sunday', 'sunday', 'school', 'church', 'sabbathkeepers', 'city', 'prevented', 'attending', 'meeting']
root - INFO - extracting file #65500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18850818-V62-33-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #66000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18860824-V63-34-page3.txt
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'anointed', 'passage', 'quoted', 'act', 'instead', 'anointed', 'christ', 'conclude', 'christ', 'mean', 'anointed', 'isaiah', 'said', 'spirit', 'lord', 'god', 'nie', 'lord_hath', 'anointed', 'preach', 'good_tidings', 'meek', 'prophet', 'spoke', 'sayfour', 'declared', 'beginning', 'public', 'ministry', 'saying', 'day', 'scripture', 'fulfilled', 'ear', 'lord', 'anointed', 'preach', 'gospel', 'proclaim', 'liberty', 'captive', 'prince', 'proclaim', 'liberty', 'captive', 'lord', 'time', 'anointed', 'prince', 'expected', 'saviour', 'israel', 'designated', 'anointed', 'anointed', 'revealed', 'simeon', 'holy', 'spirit', 'die', 'seen', 'lord', 'christ', 'mean', 'lord', 'anointed', 'herod', 'demanded', 'chief_priests', 'scribe', 'christ', 'born', 'andrew', 'said', 'brother', 'simon', 'messias', 'interpreted', 'christ', 'samaritan', 'woman', 'said', 'know', 'messias', 'cometh', 'called', 'christ', 'decided', 'change', 'life', 'order', 'lawyon', 'thinking', 'order', 'harmony']
root - INFO - extracting file #66500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18870913-V64-37-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #67000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18880925-V65-39-page15.txt
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'chicago', 'chicago', 'grand', 'trunk', 'titus', 'table', 'omit', 'june', 'going', 'waist', 'dod', 'erna', 'lnktut', 'airlsiantutidg', 'charlotte', 'rog', 'epee', 'vicksburg', 'aee', 'going', 'east', 'died']
root - INFO - extracting file #67500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18891008-V66-40-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #68000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18901028-V67-42-page2.txt
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'yes', 'blinded', 'pleasure', 'world', 'fail', 'read', 'numberless', 'sign', 'impending', 'dissolution', 'thing', 'peter', 'day', 'lord', 'come', 'thief', 'night', 'looking', 'tlic', 'heaven', 'shall', 'pas', 'away', 'great', 'noise', 'element', 'shall', 'melt', 'fervent_heat', 'earth', 'work', 'shall', 'burned', 'yes', 'scoffer', 'appeared', 'triumphing', 'short', 'duration', 'thing', 'tell', 'unmistakably', 'end', 'thing', 'hand', 'tare', 'ripening', 'harvest', 'proof', 'proximity', 'end', 'quote', 'daniel', 'statement', 'time', 'end', 'run', 'fro', 'knowledge', 'increased', 'reached', 'time', 'need', 'look', 'convinced', 'wonderful', 'facility', 'life', 'endurable', 'present_time', 'come', 'light', 'life', 'time', 'men', 'living', 'simply', 'astonishing', 'discovered', 'ask', 'god', 'evidently', 'held', 'reserve', 'instrument', 'proclaim', 'solemn_message', 'taught', 'text', 'chariot', 'shall', 'flaming', 'torch', 'day', 'preparation', 'said', 'man', 'god', 'nab', 'preparation', 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'carefully', 'woman', 'woman', 'greatest', 'reader', 'advertisement', 'column', 'appears', 'certain', 'resolution', 'sabbath', 'observance', 'passed', 'general_assembly', 'presbyterian', 'church', 'south', 'seventh', 'read', 'follows', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'general_assembly', 'occupy', 'uncertain', 'position', 'day', 'given', 'god', 'sacred', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'immense', 'influence', 'evil', 'evil', 'flood', 'land', 'pernicious', 'literature', 'send', 'forth', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'reading', 'assembly', 'protest', 'member', 'christ', 'church', 'way', 'extent', 'giving', 'countenance', 'support', 'paper', 'contrasting', 'statement', 'led', 'inquire', 'difference', 'page', 'advertisement', 'printed', 'sunday', 'handed', 'secular', 'world', 'read', 'printed', 'day', 'week', 'cloak', 'religious', 'sanctity', 'advertiser', 'afford', 'pay', 'extra', 'paper', 'enter', 'best', 'home', 'perused', 'religious', 'men', 'world', 'able', 'undivided', 'attention', 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root - INFO - extracting file #68500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18911124-V68-46-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #69000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18921213-V69-49-page13.txt
root - INFO - ['dec', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'rzigres', 'georgia', 'lasvil', 'sunday', 'nov', 'began', 'meeting', 'commodious', 'school', 'house', 'mile', 'place', 'excellent', 'community', 'attendance', 'good', 'hearer', 'good', 'solid', 'class', 'people', 'revery', 'kind', 'hospitable', 'invitation', 'visit', 'beimg', 'pressed', 'faster', 'presented', 'trite', 'fully', 'sign', 'time', 'nearness', 'end', 'spoken', 'sabbath', 'question', 'continue', 'increase', 'prospect', 'success', 'promising', 'pray', 'god', 'soul', 'blessed', 'truth', 'end', 'labor', 'desire', 'prayer', 'god', 'people', 'mccutchen', 'dec', 'plea', 'sentinel', 'review', 'brother', 'sister', 'generally', 'read', 'american', 'sentinel', 'ought', 'read', 'periodical', 'book', 'published', 'people', 'effectively', 'heralding', 'angel', 'message', 'present', 'stage', 'development', 'paper', 'plead', 'poor', 'subscribe', 'sentinel', 'emmy', 'course', 'adventist', 'family', 'thrive', 'spiritually', 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'cause', 'state', 'wisely', 'improved', 'people', 'week', 'self', 'examinatiop', 'meditation', 'prayer', 'sin', 'heartily', 'confessed', 'god', 'brother', 'hold', 'god', 'promise', 'faith', 'light', 'come', 'darkness', 'banished', 'sin', 'brings', 'darkness', 'doubt', 'repentance', 'brings', 'faith', 'light', 'peace', 'hope', 'remember', 'christmas', 'offering', 'dec', 'annual', 'contribution', 'foreign_mission', 'far', 'larger', 'year', 'membership', 'materially', 'increased', 'year', 'crop', 'good', 'nebraska', 'trust', 'god', 'prospered', 'work', 'foreign_lands', 'conference_committee', 'bus', 'arranged', 'laborer', 'spend', 'week', 'church', 'far', 'possible', 'receive', 'help', 'week', 'prayer', 'glad', 'hear', 'elder', 'leader', 'minister', 'reference', 'work', 'field', 'brother', 'sister', 'let', 'coming', 'week', 'prayer', 'best', 'enjoyed', 'gabindk', 'hoe', 'entrance', 'thy', 'word', 'giveth', 'light', 'duty', 'sabbath', 'school', 'teacher', 'necessity', 'promptness', 'injunction', 'scripture', 'whatsoever', 'thy', 'hand', 'findeth', 'thy', 'excellent', 'rule', 'work', 'sabbath', 'school', 'fact', 'safe', 'rule', 'work', 'act', 'according', 'precept', 'exercise', 'promptness', 'force', 'promptness', 'readiness', 'includes', 'cheerful', 'willingness', 'natural', 'gift', 'seek', 'god', 'earnestly', 'receive', 'ability', 'right', 'work', 'right_time', 'prosperity', 'sabbath', 'school', 'largely', 'depends', 'having', 'gift', 'head', 'superintendent', 'school', 'generally', 'dull', 'careless', 'discharge', 'deity', 'school', 'time', 'measure', 'tread', 'promptness', 'characterize', 'effort', 'superintendent', 'appointed', 'hour', 'opening', 'school', 'arrives', 'superintendent', 'hand', 'open', 'school', 'member', 'present', 'wait', 'delinquent', 'encourage', 'tardiness', 'likely', 'tardy', 'learn', 'school', 'wait', 'school', 'sure', 'wait', 'time', 'precious', 'linger', 'bestir', 'class', 'appointed', 'hour', 'school', 'delay', 'work', 'time', 'present', 'time', 'soon', 'form', 'habit', 'remaining', 'home', 'little', 'later', 'preferring', 'wait', 'place', 'meeting', 'order', 'ought', 'obtain', 'school', 'soon', 'departs', 'efficiency', 'position', 'superintendent', 'person', 'ought', 'time', 'thought', 'duty', 'enjoins', 'simply', 'superintendent', 'putting', 'energy', 'work', 'benefit', 'school', 'sooner', 'chosen', 'position', 'better', 'concerned', 'enthusiasm', 'contagious', 'school', 'discern', 'superintendent', 'school', 'presides', 'respond', 'readily', 'school', 'know', 'quickly', 'way', 'superintend', 'time']
root - INFO - extracting file #69500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18931212-V70-49-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #70000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18941211-V71-49-page14.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'ahd', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'vol', 'late', 'investigation', 'lexow', 'committee', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'concerning', 'terrible', 'rottenness', 'city', 'politics', 'protestant', 'minister', 'took', 'catholic_priest', 'father', 'ducey', 'present', 'severely', 'censured', 'archbishop', 'corrigan', 'priest', 'replied', 'bishop', 'considerable', 'spirit', 'corrigan', 'summoned', 'council', 'try', 'father', 'ducey', 'insubordination', 'bid', 'fair', 'important', 'council', 'catholic', 'diocese', 'new', 'york', 'held', 'year', 'question', 'opening', 'saloon', 'sunday', 'agitating', 'people', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'clergy', 'discussing', 'subject', 'pulpit', 'sunday', 'rylance', 'mark', 'church', 'hold', 'puritan', 'sunday', 'gone', 'forever', 'declares', 'people', 'recognize', 'changed', 'condition', 'society', 'think', 'poor_man', 'good', 'right', 'buy', 'beer', 'sunday', 'rich_man', 'draw', 'wine', 'cellar', 'day', 'friend', 'clergy', 'stop', 'selling', 'beer', 'drinking', 'intoxicating', 'sunday', 'long', 'party', 'british', 'engineer', 'surveyor', 'guard', 'soldier', 'marking', 'boundary', 'british', 'possession', 'india', 'land', 'waziri', 'warlike', 'tribe', 'near', 'afghan', 'border', 'attacked', 'defeated', 'sharp', 'battle', 'killed', 'wounded', 'reported', 'tribesman', 'satisfied', 'gathering', 'larger', 'number', 'lead', 'powerful', 'chief', 'named', 'powiadah', 'indian', 'government', 'slow', 'accept', 'guage', 'battle', 'detachment', 'regiment', 'british', 'east', 'indian', 'force', 'ordered', 'dara', 'ismail', 'body', 'troop', 'notified', 'prepared', 'short', 'notice', 'look', 'severe', 'fighting', 'quarter', 'long', 'ferdinand', 'lesseps', 'famous', 'french', 'civil', 'engineer', 'builder', 'suez', 'canal', 'died', 'paris', 'dec', 'aged', 'eighty', 'year', 'born', 'versailles', 'egypt', 'conceived', 'idea', 'uniting', 'mediterranean', 'red_sea', 'innumerable', 'difficulty', 'delay', 'work', 'commenced', 'completed', 'honor', 'awarded', 'destined', 'close', 'life', 'misfortune', 'undertook', 'construct', 'canal', 'isthmus', 'panama', 'work', 'proved', 'far', 'difficult', 'expected', 'terrible', 'corruption', 'practiced', 'official', 'company', 'brought', 'project', 'disastrous', 'end', 'great_loss', 'invested', 'money', 'enterprise', 'shame', 'officer', 'company', 'lesseps', 'tainted', 'respect', 'past', 'service', 'age', 'operated', 'protract', 'trial', 'formal', 'verdict', 'generally', 'thought', 'advanced', 'age', 'great', 'anxiety', 'success', 'undertaking', 'led', 'thing', 'certainly', 'greatest', 'engineer', 'modern_times', 'domestic', 'student', 'chicago', 'university', 'gang', 'counterfeiter', 'captured', 'fort', 'madison', 'dec', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'barber', 'anxious', 'law', 'compel', 'closing', 'barber', 'shop', 'sunday', 'afternoon', 'governor', 'utah', 'alarmed', 'threatened', 'indian', 'invasion', 'furnished', 'arm', 'citizen', 'marsh', 'field', 'damage', 'lately', 'northern', 'indiana', 'thousand', 'acre', 'burned', 'hay', 'destroyed', 'foot', 'ball', 'game', 'lately', 'played', 'student', 'yale', 'harvard', 'degenerated', 'regular', 'slugging', 'match', 'player', 'hurt', 'life', 'despaired', 'old', 'famous', 'united', 'state', 'frigate', 'war', 'constitution', 'year', 'lain', 'dock', 'portsmouth', 'taken', 'boston', 'refitted', 'training', 'ship', 'bold', 'train', 'robbery', 'occurred', 'fort', 'worth', 'tex', 'dec', 'express', 'train', 'onthe', 'texas', 'pacific', 'railroad', 'held', 'safe', 'containing', 'said', 'taken', 'wood', 'officer', 'hot', 'trail', 'president', 'cleveland', 'telegraphed', 'united', 'state', 'legation', 'constantinople', 'appoint', 'american', 'join', 'commissioner', 'porte', 'making', 'investigation', 'armenian', 'affair', 'solicitation', 'european', 'power', 'dec', 'congress', 'assembled', 'congress', 'known', 'history', 'fifty', 'congress', 'understood', 'question', 'finance', 'occupy', 'time', 'session', 'band', 'smuggler', 'operating', 'successfully', 'year', 'detroit', 'taken', 'custody', 'dec', 'woman', 'persian', 'syrian', 'silk', 'valued', 'concealed', 'person', 'john', 'burn', 'member', 'british', 'parliament', 'famous', 'representative', 'laboring', 'men', 'arrived', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'dec', 'welcomed', 'delegation', 'working', 'men', 'burn', 'way', 'convention', 'representative', 'labor', 'meet', 'denver', 'foreign', 'frontier', 'quarrel', 'trying', 'peace', 'costa', 'rica', 'colombia', 'francis', 'kossuth', 'taken', 'oath', 'allegiance', 'emperor', 'francis', 'joseph', 'armenian', 'appealing', 'pope', 'intercede', 'sultan', 'french', 'city', 'arranging', 'erect', 'statue', 'honor', 'late', 'president', 'carnot', 'king', 'corea', 'appealed', 'american', 'minister', 'protection', 'believing', 'life', 'danger', 'japanese', 'government', 'investigate', 'charge', 'soldier', 'killed', 'defenseless', 'men', 'taking', 'port', 'arthur', 'china', 'seeking', 'peace', 'tsungli', 'yamen', 'board', 'foreign', 'affair', 'dispatched', 'envoy', 'japan', 'purpose', 'montreal', 'health', 'committee', 'intend', 'asking', 'city_council', 'defray', 'expense', 'fitting', 'laboratory', 'production', 'anti', 'diphtheritic', 'serum', 'party', 'returning', 'wedding', 'hungary', 'passing', 'wood', 'attacked', 'pack', 'famished', 'wolf', 'thirteen', 'party', 'eaten', 'wolf', 'marquis', 'lorne', 'son', 'law', 'queen', 'victoria', 'governor', 'general', 'canada', 'gone', 'business', 'london', 'partner', 'large', 'firm', 'house', 'decorator', 'british', 'tory', 'enthusiastic', 'prospect', 'russian', 'alliance', 'return', 'prince', 'wale', 'london', 'given', 'royal', 'reception', 'tory', 'city', 'session', 'new', 'german', 'reichstag', 'opened', 'dec', 'refusal', 'socialist', 'member', 'cheer', 'emperor', 'caused', 'excitement', 'rebuked', 'president', 'adoption', 'france', 'protective', 'tariff', 'falling', 'export', 'franc', 'distress', 'resulted', 'people', 'loudly', 'change', 'russia', 'negotiate', 'new', 'loan', 'issued', 'rothschild', 'thought', 'indicative', 'change', 'feeling', 'jewish', 'banker', 'russia', 'brought', 'russian', 'english', 'entente', 'lord', 'elgin', 'governor', 'general', 'india', 'speech', 'lately', 'native', 'prince', 'country', 'declared', 'soon', 'boundary', 'fixed', 'trouble', 'neighbor', 'czar', 'sent', 'word', 'general', 'gourko', 'governor', 'warsaw', 'ordering', 'interfere', 'affair', 'catholic', 'clergy', 'general', 'tendered', 'resignation', 'appointed', 'succeed', 'catholic', 'journal', 'assert', 'possibility', 'union', 'anglican', 'roman', 'church', 'near_future', 'archbishop', 'corrigan', 'new', 'york', 'friend', 'complaining', 'bitterly', 'taken', 'late', 'election', 'archbishop_ireland', 'minnesota', 'general', 'booth', 'state', 'statistic', 'possession', 'person', 'attended', 'salvation_army', 'meeting', 'year', 'figure', 'idea', 'magnitude', 'power', 'work', 'army', 'jerry', 'auley', 'water', 'street', 'mission', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'celebrated', 'second', 'anniversary', 'nov', 'arthur', 'pierson', 'chief', 'speaker', 'occasion', 'mission', 'fairly', 'prosperous_condition', 'papal', 'decree', 'looking', 'union', 'catholic', 'greek', 'church', 'lately', 'issued', 'forbids', 'catholic', 'proselyting', 'greek', 'christian', 'declares', 'catholic', 'college', 'built', 'east', 'especial', 'permission', 'pope', 'abbaththou', 'entrance', 'thy', 'word', 'giveth', 'light', 'lesson', 'book', 'luke', 'lesson', 'way', 'emmaus', 'luke', 'note', 'general', 'review', 'sabbath', 'dec', 'luke', 'evangelist', 'trip', 'emmaus', 'mark', 'refers', 'mark', 'stated', 'disciple', 'named', 'cleopas', 'cleopas', 'clear', 'john', 'cleopas', 'clopas', 'husband', 'mary', 'thought', 'father', 'peter', 'peter', 'verse', 'cor', 'said', 'returned', 'gathered', 'verse', 'clarke', 'persian', 'positively', 'luke', 'cleopas', 'certain', 'knowledge', 'present', 'probable', 'ancient', 'site', 'emmaus', 'mile', 'jerusalem', 'road', 'jaffa', 'joppa', 'road', 'doe', 'pas', 'directly', 'village', 'valley', 'town', 'hillside', 'right', 'verse', 'revised_version', 'foolish', 'men', 'word', 'original', 'different', 'matt', 'jesus', 'pronounces', 'grievous', 'sin', 'brother', 'fool', 'case', 'word', 'defined', 'mean', 'insipid', 'stupid', 'despiser', 'god', 'case', 'mean', 'thoughtless', 'read', 'hear', 'reflection', 'treasured', 'appreciated', 'told', 'scripture', 'told', 'left', 'darkness', 'verse', 'case', 'realize', 'privilege', 'nature', 'blessing', 'pas', 'away', 'gone', 'frequently', 'busy', 'lamenting', 'loss', 'blessed', 'privilege', 'theirs', 'associate', 'risen', 'christ', 'eye', 'holden', 'doubt', 'grief', 'verse', 'notwithstanding', 'weariness', 'returned', 'jerusalem', 'joyous', 'news', 'resurrection', 'heard', 'report', 'woman', 'leaving', 'jerusalem', 'seen', 'faithless', 'emperor', 'germany', 'deeply', 'offended', 'increased', 'friendliness', 'england', 'russia', 'left', 'berlin', 'prince', 'wale', 'passed', 'city', 'route', 'russia', 'england', 'italian', 'parliament', 'opened', 'rome', 'dec', 'king', 'humbert', 'alluded', 'earthquake', 'lately', 'devastated', 'italy', 'spoke', 'hopefully', 'future', 'country', 'expressed', 'confidence', 'continued', 'peace', 'europe', 'religious', 'commander', 'ballington', 'booth', 'salvation_army', 'ill', 'nervous', 'prostration', 'typhoid_fever', 'ritualistic', 'ceremony', 'practiced', 'john', 'episcopal_church', 'kingston', 'rector', 'rev', 'lewis', 'watson', 'caused', 'drawing', 'member', 'look', 'romanist', 'disguise', 'charge', 'preferred', 'bishop', 'potter', 'week', 'prayer', 'dec', 'soon', 'feel', 'desirous', 'brother', 'nebraska', 'conference', 'receive', 'benefit', 'possible', 'occasion', 'state', 'privilege', 'meeting', 'sabbath', 'regular', 'sabbath', 'school', 'meeting', 'month', 'time', 'attend', 'meeting', 'people', 'religious', 'privilege', 'church', 'state', 'reached', 'day', 'drive', 'people', 'trust', 'church', 'company', 'conference', 'arrange', 'regular_meetings', 'day', 'week', 'prayer', 'reading', 'sent', 'ydu', 'seeking', 'god', 'earnestly', 'deeper', 'work', 'grace', 'heart', 'nebraska', 'notice']
root - INFO - extracting file #70500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18951126-V72-48-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #71000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18961201-V73-48-page8.txt
root - INFO - ['adyearr', 'review', 'aim', 'srabbaith', 'hgrald', 'von', 'sundry', 'sabbath', 'sophistry', 'bible', 'state', 'seventh', 'day', 'creation', 'set', 'apart', 'sacred', 'use', 'bible', 'rebuke', 'bold', 'barefaced', 'assumption', 'verse', 'second', 'chapter', 'genesis', 'clearly', 'record', 'seventh', 'day', 'god', 'ended', 'work', 'rested', 'seventh', 'day', 'work', 'place', 'seventh', 'day', 'immediately', 'followed', 'day', 'god', 'employed', 'creation', 'world', 'possible', 'ground', 'fact', 'denied', 'record', 'event', 'seven', 'day', 'time', 'consecutive', 'order', 'given', 'thirty', 'verse', 'book', 'genesis', 'chapter', 'occupied', 'event', 'day', 'verse', 'chapter', 'record', 'took', 'place', 'immediately', 'close', 'seventh', 'day', 'fact', 'established', 'let', 'reference', 'seventh', 'day', 'resting', 'day', 'god', 'rest_day', 'rest', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'day', 'sublime', 'scene', 'creative', 'energy', 'power', 'comprehended', 'universe', 'save', 'god', 'christ', 'operating', 'preceding', 'day', 'producing', 'result', 'majesty', 'beauty', 'heavenly', 'world', 'morning', 'star', 'son', 'god', 'burst', 'forth', 'shout', 'song', 'joy', 'seventh', 'day', 'creative', 'energy', 'rested', 'calm', 'repose', 'finished', 'work', 'forth', 'adoration', 'heavenly', 'host', 'doubtless', 'hour', 'world', 'sabbath', 'heard', 'sublime', 'song', 'job', 'angel', 'raising', 'anthem', 'praise', 'lord', 'jehovah', 'honor', 'celebration', 'mighty_power', 'matchless', 'love', 'god', 'christ', 'fit', 'accompaniment', 'passing', 'time', 'quiet', 'glorious', 'contemplation', 'work', 'hand', 'wrought', 'good', 'day', 'celebrated', 'earth', 'celebrated', 'day', 'length', 'ended', 'day', 'turn', 'ended', 'according', 'record', 'god', 'immediately', 'god', 'blessed', 'seventh', 'day', 'sanctified', 'rested', 'work', 'god', 'created', 'remember', 'recorded', 'took', 'place', 'seventh', 'day', 'ended', 'time', 'past', 'god', 'bless', 'day', 'passed', 'away', 'god', 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root - INFO - extracting file #71500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18971102-V74-44-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #72500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18990718-V76-29-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #73500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19010723-V78-30-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #74000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020610-V79-23-page12.txt
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'people', 'child', 'israel', 'cherish', 'habit', 'kof', 'child', 'sick', 'seashore', 'overdo', 'cleanliness', 'sanction', 'infancy', 'child', 'spend', 'hour', 'surf', 'purity', 'home', 'people', 'day', 'taught', 'lesson', 'purity', 'mother', 'come', 'completely', 'god', 'look', 'disfavor', 'uncleanness', 'early', 'begin', 'mind', 'hausted', 'unaccustomed', 'sea', 'kind', 'invite', 'child', 'pure', 'holy', 'bathing', 'bath', 'home', 'neat', 'thought', 'way', 'longer', 'thong', 'minute', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'june', 'settled', 'right', 'battle', 'ended', 'proudly', 'victor', 'come', 'holy', 'god', 'soul', 'pur', 'clean', 'azd', 'par', 'jextend', 'dress', 'everythin', 'vide', 'purpose', 'large', 'box', 'fitted', 'shelf', 'tastefully', 'covered', 'teach', 'child', 'habit', 'order', 'time', 'day', 'lost', 'future', 'mother', 'repaid', 'effort', 'direction', 'child', 'clad', 'followed', 'friction', 'till', 'body', 'aglow', 'tell', 'god', 'doe', 'like', 'child', 'unclean', 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root - INFO - extracting file #74500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19030224-V80-08-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #75000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19031119-V80-46-page12.txt
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'sitting', 'eating', 'sleeping', 'freely', 'accessible', 'sunlight', 'best', 'result', 'work', 'sit', 'dowti', 'room', 'daytime', 'light', 'day', 'dampness', 'darkness', 'healthful', 'condition', 'perfectly', 'healthful', 'room', 'light', 'tree', 'dark', 'room', 'favor', 'ill', 'health', 'room', 'sun', 'shine', 'house', 'plant', 'dwindle', 'weak', 'puny', 'human_being', 'best', 'glare', 'sunmay', 'excluded', 'heat', 'day', 'summer', 'light', 'opposite', 'sun', 'far', 'possible', 'american', 'making', 'great_mistake', 'blind', 'shade', 'curtain', 'exclude', 'light', 'day', 'light', 'particularly', 'sunshine', 'healthful', 'long', 'shaded', 'sun', 'middle', 'day', 'overhot', 'hot_weather', 'let', 'sun', 'shine', 'early', 'day', 'night', 'healthful', 'influence', 'better', 'carpet', 'fade', 'life', 'let', 'sun', 'shine', 'bedroom', 'particular', 'time', 'day', 'foot', 'light', 'large', 'tree', 'surely', 'air', 'pure', 'dear_friends', 'hope', 'word', 'simply', 'read', 'thought', 'believe', 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'afternoon', 'north', 'window', 'open', 'bathroom', 'storeroom', 'sitting', 'living', 'room', 'open', 'having', 'large', 'double', 'door', 'sun', 'shine', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'day', 'winter', 'large', 'window', 'seven', 'foot', 'long', 'outside', 'glass', 'door', 'practically', 'room', 'kitchen', 'dining', 'room', 'dow', 'house', 'large', 'thought', 'selected', 'come', 'study', 'planning', 'think', 'said', 'blind', 'good_thing', 'properly', 'outside', 'use', 'occupied', 'room', 'dark', 'example', 'east', 'blind', 'room', 'shut', 'pair', 'wide', 'open', 'sunrise', 'clock', 'east', 'open', 'let', 'morning', 'sunshine', 'afternoon', 'shut', 'west', 'clock', 'shade', 'taken', 'window', 'let', 'light', 'come', 'opening', 'half', 'taking', 'cold', 'old', 'adage', 'stuff', 'cold', 'starve', 'fever', 'simply', 'nonsense', 'cold', 'fever', 'necessary', 'starve', 'fever', 'necessary', 'starve', 'cold', 'people', 'taken', 'cold', 'right', 'eating', 'beefsteak', 'mutton', 'chop', 'roast', 'pork', 'like', 'adding', 'fuel', 'flame', 'orpour', 'ing', 'gasoline', 'kerosene', 'inflammable', 'stuff', 'food', 'stimulates', 'morbid', 'process', 'work', 'body', 'making', 'worse', 'condition', 'remedied', 'mind', 'refreshed', 'invigorated', 'distraction', 'amusement', 'abuse', 'lead', 'dissipation', 'dissipation', 'vice', 'cheerfulness', 'love', 'life', 'love', 'life', 'half', 'health', 'contrary', 'sadness', 'discouragement', 'hasten', 'old', 'age', 'gain', 'living', 'intellect', 'allow', 'arm', 'leg', 'grow', 'stiff', 'earn']
root - INFO - extracting file #75500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19040714-V81-28-page17.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #76000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050316-V82-11-page15.txt
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'honan', 'great_reason', 'thankful', 'god', 'opened', 'wide', 'door', 'shut', 'whole_country', 'lie', 'open', 'spirit', 'god', 'urge', 'believer', 'urge', 'poor', 'heathen', 'plunged', 'darkness', 'lie', 'bleeding', 'pitiful', 'condition', 'reaching', 'blood', 'stained', 'hand', 'asking', 'healing', 'balm', 'wound', 'happy', 'realizes', 'shortness', 'time', 'feel', 'high_time', 'bidding', 'king', 'earth', 'sinful', 'inhabitant', 'whirling', 'forward', 'destruction', 'hasten', 'save', 'sowed', 'wood', 'god', 'best', 'preaching', 'bible', 'reading', 'private', 'conversation', 'distributing', 'bible', 'field', 'world', 'lie', 'open', 'seed', 'word', 'god', 'sower', 'sow', 'seed', 'know', 'prosper', 'best', 'worry', 'concerning', 'anxious', 'shall', 'eager', 'hand', 'friend', 'america', 'remembered', 'practical_way', 'form', 'donation', 'money', 'support', 'school_work', 'buy', 'bible', 'distribution', 'interested', 'reading', 'word', 'god', 'thankful', 'donation', 'shall', 'use', 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'including', 'consumptive', 'climate', 'recommended', 'snow', 'sleet', 'winter', 'inch', 'northern_part', 'near', 'mountain', 'worst', 'storm', 'year', 'drought', 'unknown', 'christmas', 'day', 'door', 'window', 'open', 'child', 'playing', 'barefooted', 'yard', 'street', 'week', 'storm', 'seen', 'unmistakable', 'evidence', 'spring', 'barefoot', 'boy', 'singing', 'frog', 'soil', 'poor', 'having', 'partly', 'washed', 'away', 'neglect', 'worn', 'improper', 'cultivation', 'planting', 'cotton', 'corn', 'corn', 'cotton', 'year', 'year', 'generation', 'ground', 'drained', 'time', 'injured', 'burned', 'excessive_use', 'chemical', 'fertilizer', 'good', 'farm', 'reasonable', 'price', 'proper', 'cultivation', 'good', 'home', 'needed', 'little', 'northern', 'thrift', 'experience', 'people', 'recognize', 'welcome', 'gladly', 'furnish', 'information', 'consecrated', 'farmer', 'help', 'work', 'better', 'way', 'loeating', 'soulh', 'carolina', 'pray', 'work', 'address', 'gervais', 'columbia', 'webster', 'revival', 'kansa', 'city', 'church', 'elder', 'quinn', 'closed', 'week', 'meeting', 'kansa', 'city', 'church', 'church', 'number', 'nearly', 'member', 'like', 'large', 'church', 'settled', 'past', 'year', 'state', 'indifference', 'doubt', 'authenticity', 'testimony', 'cardinal', 'truth', 'bible', 'entered', 'mind', 'causing', 'great', 'discouragement', 'church', 'apparently', 'eve', 'wholesale', 'apostasy', 'number', 'given', 'declaring', 'walk', 'change', 'come', 'week', 'remarkable', 'experience', 'seen', 'power', 'god', 'wonderfully', 'displayed', 'desire', 'right', 'god']
root - INFO - extracting file #76500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19051026-V82-43-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #77000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19060628-V83-26-page2.txt
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'look', 'anchor', 'coming', 'home', 'drifting', 'yes', 'slowly', 'drifting', 'closely', 'hug', 'rocky', 'ocean', 'bed', 'strongly', 'contesting', 'inch', 'surrendered', 'driven', 'brother', 'defeated', 'battle', 'enemy', 'discouraged', 'let', 'consider', 'having', 'driven', 'wilfully', 'going', 'having', 'conquered', 'fierce', 'struggle', 'kind', 'considerate', 'feeling', 'readiness', 'help', 'instead', 'condemn', 'know', 'desperate', 'battle', 'fought', 'surrendering', 'soul', 'hanging', 'balance', 'wicked', 'downward', 'thrust', 'christlike', 'tenderly', 'place', 'arm', 'assurance', 'standing', 'ready', 'help', 'driven', 'battle', 'enemy', 'let', 'consider', 'defeated', 'hero', 'cowardly', 'renegade', 'turncoat', 'let', 'mind', 'driven', 'enemy', 'lord', 'told', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'guard', 'brother', 'character', 'carefully', 'day', 'satan', 'studied', 'purpose', 'drive', 'men', 'woman', 'final', 'race', 'kingdom', 'human', 'agent', 'ready', 'undue', 'censure', 'severe', 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'learned', 'lord', 'opportunity', 'pas', 'strength', 'received', 'time', 'trouble', 'precious', 'promise', 'valuable', 'gold', 'precious_stone', 'boulder', 'colo', 'doe', 'world', 'ames', 'epistle', 'read', 'men', 'manifestly', 'declared', 'epistle', 'christ', 'ministered', 'written', 'ink', 'spirit', 'living', 'god', 'table', 'stone', 'fleshly', 'table', 'heart', 'cor', 'known', 'enjoy', 'reading', 'epistle', 'paul', 'gospel', 'christ', 'set', 'forth', 'course', 'realize', 'world', 'read', 'epistle', 'paul', 'gospel', 'christ', 'set', 'forth', 'bible', 'know', 'gospel', 'know', 'read', 'epistle', 'known', 'read', 'men', 'yes', 'men', 'read', 'neath', 'everlasting', 'arm', 'love', 'epistle', 'written', 'ink', 'table', 'stone', 'fleshly', 'table', 'heart', 'manifestly', 'declared', 'epistle', 'christ', 'written', 'spirit', 'living', 'god', 'representation', 'character', 'condemn', 'thee', 'sin', 'fallen', 'profess', 'chrismore', 'tians', 'represent', 'christ', 'look', 'stately', 'ship', 'lift', 'sun', 'shining', 'woman', 'thine', 'accuser', 'hath', 'man', 'condemned', 'thee', 'asked', 'jesus', 'woman', 'taken', 'adultery', 'said', 'man', 'lord', 'jesus', 'said', 'unto']
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root - INFO - extracting file #79000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19081210-V85-50-page21.txt
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'visited', 'gave', 'large', 'audience', 'louis', 'meeting', 'held', 'church', 'meeting', 'accom', 'plished', 'design', 'writer', 'enter', 'louis', 'city', 'half', 'million', 'inhabitant', 'later', 'extensive', 'painstaking', 'public', 'work', 'work', 'church', 'exceedingly', 'anxious', 'know', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'people', 'term', 'christian', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'relative', 'term', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventism', 'charles', 'interested', 'listener', 'member', 'dominion', 'parliament', 'gentleman', 'culture', 'refinement', 'said', 'dream', 'movement', 'united', 'state', 'expected', 'return', 'canada', 'erelong', 'reenter', 'political', 'field', 'received', 'important', 'knowledge', 'subject', 'religious_liberty', 'ness', 'man', 'city', 'southern', 'section', 'state', 'writes', 'thing', 'urge', 'meeting', 'continued', 'seen', 'sense', 'political', 'work', 'appeal', 'class', 'shade', 'political', 'belief', 'equally', 'affected', 'equally', 'interested', 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'folk', 'unprecedented', 'canvas', 'strength', 'record', 'law', 'enforcement', 'kirkwood', 'political', 'speech', 'qualified', 'law', 'enforcement', 'meaning', 'sunday', 'closing', 'prosecution', 'violate', 'sunday', 'law', 'folk', 'stone', 'strong', 'member', 'heretofore', 'dominant', 'political', 'party', 'missouri', 'struggle', 'senatorship', 'engaged', 'divided', 'party', 'possible', 'republican', 'elect', 'attorney', 'general', 'hadley', 'governor', 'state', 'inaugurated', 'jefferson', 'city', 'january', 'defeat', 'judge', 'wallace', 'effort', 'secure', 'nomination', 'governor', 'defeat', 'governor', 'folk', 'reach', 'united', 'state', 'senate', 'formidable', 'civic', 'warrior', 'strict', 'compulsory', 'legal', 'sabbath', 'observance', 'ablest', 'champion', 'religious_legislation', 'civil', 'state', 'missouri', 'grand', 'old', 'commonwealth', 'temporarily', 'rid', 'bigotry', 'intolerance', 'god', 'principle', 'religious_liberty', 'advocate', 'triumphed', 'governor', 'folk', 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root - INFO - extracting file #80000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100331-V87-13-page14.txt
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'inasmuch', 'contains', 'population', 'representative', 'nationality', 'country', 'rapidly', 'filling', 'thrifty', 'industrious', 'class', 'people', 'railroad', 'built', 'open', 'territory', 'hitherto', 'unentered', 'inaccessible', 'great', 'distance', 'line', 'travel', 'farming', 'stockraising', 'principal', 'industry', 'mining', 'lumbering', 'fruit', 'raising', 'industry', 'carried', 'forward', 'brother', 'field', 'early', 'appreciated', 'advantage', 'education', 'territory', 'organized', 'union_conference', 'local_conferences', 'started', 'maintaining', 'intermediate_school', 'school', 'alberta', 'prosperous', 'present_time', 'school', 'moved', 'past_year', 'leduc', 'lacombe', 'goodsized', 'school_building', 'erected', 'land', 'owned', 'conjointly', 'school', 'sanitarium', 'school', 'enrolbranch', 'work', 'brother', 'ment', 'present', 'eighty', 'school', 'maori', 'mission_field', 'brother', 'read', 'smith', 'letter', 'written', 'tologa', 'bay', 'new', 'zealand', 'following', 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'work', 'field', 'rapidly', 'increase', 'near_future', 'place', 'strong', 'union_conferences', 'prayer', 'god', 'wisdom', 'chosen', 'officer', 'conference', 'bless', 'effort', 'forth', 'laborer', 'field', 'rapid', 'increase', 'conference', 'period', 'irwin', 'present', 'sanitarium_work', 'carried', 'forward', 'union', 'year', 'brother', 'frank', 'hommel', 'corp', 'worker', 'operated', 'treatment_rooms', 'rented', 'building', 'city', 'edmonton', 'capital', 'alberta', 'built', 'reputation', 'practise', 'building', 'finally', 'sold', 'young', 'men', 'christian_association', 'threw', 'place', 'anticipating', 'land', 'purchased', 'lacombe', 'sanitarium', 'connection', 'school', 'closing', 'health_work', 'edmonton', 'brother', 'hommel', 'devoting', 'time', 'sale', 'ministry', 'healing', 'raising', 'mean', 'erect', 'new_building', 'lacombe', 'work', 'building', 'begun', 'soon', 'spring', 'fairly', 'open', 'expected', 'winter', 'come', 'school', 'sanitarium_work', 'operation', 'beautiful', 'valley', 'growing', 'town', 'lacombe', 'located', 'gain', 'seven', 'membership', 'union_conference', 'reported', 'total', 'sale', 'book', 'literature', 'biennial_period', 'amounted', 'average', 'sale', 'caput', 'fourth', 'cent', 'caput', 'reported', 'cent', 'week', 'plan', 'year', 'average', 'fourth', 'cent', 'total', 'paid', 'conference', 'year', 'tithe', 'amounted', 'total', 'offering', 'amounted', 'making', 'grand_total', 'tithe', 'offering', 'tithe', 'caput', 'healthy', 'increase', 'payment', 'tithe', 'probability', 'coming', 'camp_meeting', 'held', 'saskatchewan', 'mission_field', 'organized', 'conference', 'reported', 'self', 'supporting', 'union', 'consist', 'simply', 'organized', 'local_conferences', 'religious', 'liberty', 'paper', 'dominion', 'sentinel', 'great_help', 'work', 'canadian', 'field', 'receiving', 'attention', 'hand', 'sunday', 'law', 'advocate', 'inasmuch', 'beginning', 'realize', 'potent', 'factor', 'opposing', 'plan', 'voted', 'start', 'union_conference', 'paper', 'medium', 'communication', 'union_conference', 'office', 'state', 'medium', 'president', 'touch', 'church', 'isolated', 'brother', 'respective', 'field', 'book', 'men', 'missionary', 'convention', 'carried', 'simultaneously', 'regular', 'conference', 'work', 'afternoon', 'devoted', 'entirely']
root - INFO - extracting file #80500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19101110-V87-45-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #81000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19110706-V88-27-page14.txt
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'proper', 'divided', 'great', 'union_conferences', 'european', 'turkey', 'greece', 'million', 'people', 'levant', 'mission_field', 'asia', 'levant', 'siberian', 'union', 'mission_fields', 'africa', 'latin', 'union', 'working', 'algeria', 'levant', 'union', 'egypt', 'european_division', 'general_conference', 'look', 'mission_fields', 'british', 'german', 'italian', 'east', 'africa', 'rule', 'progress', 'attended', 'work', 'field', 'specify', 'east', 'german', 'union_conference', 'union', 'population', 'conducting', 'work', 'eastern_part', 'german', 'empire', 'hungary', 'balkan', 'large_portion', 'austria', 'year', 'added', 'member', 'vote', 'baptism', 'increased', 'membership', 'close', 'year', 'boundary', 'conference', 'mission_fields', 'new', 'conference', 'mission_field', 'organized', 'near', 'close', 'year', 'tithe', 'year', 'amounted', 'membership', 'german', 'empire', 'contributed', 'tithe', 'cent', 'given', 'mission', 'purpose', 'conference', 'worked', 'territory', 'containing', 'people', 'contributed', 'mission_fields', 'population', 'gave', 'tithe', 'offering', 'general_conference', 'mission', 'territory', 'readily', 'local', 'german', 'conference', 'retained', 'fund', 'plea', 'large', 'population', 'territory', 'provide', 'allow', 'mean', 'flow', 'liberally', 'region', 'lord', 'prospered', 'east', 'german', 'union_conference', 'work', 'local', 'german', 'conference', 'steadily', 'giving', 'fruit', 'hungary', 'adriatic', 'galician', 'balkan', 'mission_fields', 'member', 'lack', 'large_cities', 'territory', 'union_conference', 'greater', 'berlin', 'population', 'budapest', 'nearly', 'dresden', 'leipzig', 'breslau', 'half', 'million', 'church', 'member', 'berlin', 'church', 'member', 'dresden', 'leipzig', 'member', 'chemnitz', 'stettin', 'bucharest', 'breslau', 'koenigsberg', 'ioo', 'large', 'church', 'growing', 'important', 'populous', 'city', 'rent', 'expensive', 'invested', 'meager', 'mean', 'chapel', 'preferred', 'save', 'possibly', 'furtherance', 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'people', 'worked', 'conference', 'contributed', 'mission_fields', 'population', 'gave', 'general_conference', 'addition', 'offering', 'making', 'total', 'turned', 'european_division', 'lord', 'prospered', 'union_conference', 'work', 'germany', 'german', 'switzerland', 'territory', 'member', 'austria', 'loo', 'belgium', 'holland', 'doe', 'lack', 'large_cities', 'territory', 'vienna', 'contains', 'population', 'hamburg', 'altona', 'amsterdam', 'cologne', 'munich', 'brussels', 'half', 'million', 'city', 'inhabitant', 'territory', 'west', 'german', 'union_conference', 'church', 'hamburg', 'member', 'member', 'munich', 'nuremberg', 'frankfort', 'hanover', 'stuttgart', 'hague', 'cologne', 'ioo', 'elberfeld', 'essen', 'basel', 'zurich', 'field', 'active', 'worker', 'thirty', 'ordained', 'minister', 'year', 'book', 'canvasser', 'work', 'total', 'sale', 'literature', 'retail', 'value', 'hamburg', 'publishing', 'house', 'sale', 'reported', 'amounted', 'scandinavian', 'union_conference', 'smallest', 'european', 'union_conferences', 'contains', 'population', 'present', 'conference', 'mission_fields', 'territory', 'year', 'added', 'member', 'bringing', 'membership', 'danish', 'swedish', 'norwegian', 'conference', 'retained', 'eighty', 'cent', 'tithe', 'pay', 'cent', 'sustentation', 'fund', 'general_conference', 'beginning', 'jan', 'year', 'union', 'tithe', 'amounted', 'came', 'conference', 'mentioned', 'work', 'field', 'year', 'union', 'contributed', 'regular', 'offering', 'special', 'offering', 'mission', 'scandinavian', 'brother', 'greatly', 'rejoice', 'god', 'enabled', 'support', 'own_work', 'mission', 'territory', 'union', 'eighty', 'canvasser', 'sale', 'year', 'highest', 'average', 'union_conference', 'european_division', 'russian', 'union_conference', 'january', 'great', 'russian', 'empire', 'save', 'little', 'finland', 'million', 'formed', 'scandinavian', 'union_conference', 'composed', 'union_conference', 'year', 'received', 'union', 'member', 'baptism', 'vote', 'making', 'total', 'total_membership', 'end', 'december', 'member', 'exact', 'russia', 'greatest', 'increase', 'finance', 'tithe', 'doubled', 'year', 'corning', 'heretofore', 'conference', 'mission_fields', 'russia', 'jan', 'riga', 'surrounding', 'country']
root - INFO - extracting file #81500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120229-V89-09-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #82000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19121017-V89-42-page21.txt
root - INFO - ['october', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'violent', 'speaker', 'going', 'far', 'threaten', 'political', 'peace', 'nation', 'appropriation', 'november', 'monsignor', 'teeling', 'lynn', 'mass', 'leading', 'prelate', 'ultramontane', 'wing', 'roman_church', 'public', 'address', 'stated', 'time', 'come', 'demand', 'work', 'state', 'support', 'parochial', 'school', 'determined', 'effort', 'secure', 'national', 'support', 'roman', 'school', 'indian', 'control', 'absolutely', 'government', 'school', 'commissioner', 'indian', 'affair', 'valentine', 'spring', 'issued', 'order', 'teacher', 'government', 'school', 'teach', 'religious', 'garb', 'powerful', 'ecclesiastical', 'influence', 'washington', 'president', 'united', 'state', 'immediately', 'revoked', 'order', 'cardinal', 'living', 'called', 'cardinal', 'curia', 'italian', 'exception', 'merry', 'del', 'val', 'vives', 'tuto', 'spanish', 'van', 'rossum', 'dutch', 'billot', 'french', 'cardinal', 'curia', 'remarked', 'profitable', 'work', 'church', 'larger', 'proportion', 'foreign', 'american', 'instance', 'represented', 'late', 'cardinal', 'satolli', 'original', 'apostolic', 'legate', 'washington', 'successor', 'cardinal', 'martinelli', 'falconio', 'need', 'felt', 'born', 'american', 'prominent', 'ecclesiastic', 'dear', 'present', 'pope', 'occupying', 'important', 'position', 'rome', 'mentioned', 'archbishop', 'important', 'united', 'state', 'regarded', 'likely', 'american', 'cardinal', 'curia', 'long', 'talked', 'peace', 'treaty', 'italy', 'turkey', 'signed', 'ouchy', 'switzerland', 'october', 'schooner', 'nearly', 'year', 'old', 'hiram', 'built', 'biddeford', 'maine', 'voyage', 'cape', 'horn', 'san_francisco', 'panama', 'pacific', 'exposition', 'exception', 'oldest', 'vessel', 'american', 'registry', 'afloat', 'active_service', 'launched', 'threat', 'sacrifice', 'european', 'life', 'foochow', 'china', 'uttered', 'general', 'pung', 'demand', 'tael', 'authority', 'acceded', 'mutinous', 'troop', 'general', 'pung', 'number', 'men', 'force', 'government', 'troop', 'marching', 'nanking', 'meet', 'rebel', 'silence', 'american', 'press', 'question', 'nigh', 'criminal', 'daily', 'paper', 'prominence', 'mildly', 'criticized', 'rebuked', 'church', 'demand', 'public', 'united', 'state', 'consistory', 'left', 'active_service', 'support', 'institution', 'paper', 'refused', 'print', 'printed', 'garbled', 'extremely', 'abbreviated', 'form', 'address', 'eminent', 'clergyman', 'criticized', 'opposed', 'demand', 'roman_church', 'anti', 'romanist', 'publication', 'true', 'spoken', 'uncertain', 'tone', 'matter', 'extreme', 'violence', 'intolerance', 'whole_matter', 'romanism', 'limit', 'influence', 'comparatively', 'small_number', 'subscriber', 'protestant', 'religious', 'press', 'country', 'hesitated', 'speak', 'fearlessly', 'openly', 'concerning', 'matter', 'deserves', 'thanks', 'patriotic', 'american', 'timely', 'utterance', 'religious', 'press', 'necessarily', 'limitation', 'come', 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'represent', 'viceroy', 'working', 'vast', 'complicated', 'machinery', 'church', 'rome', 'necessary', 'wished', 'raise', 'purple', 'head', 'archdiocese', 'boston', 'new', 'york', 'great', 'merit', 'overlooked', 'canada', 'monsignor', 'bruchesi', 'archbishop', 'montreal', 'practically', 'position', 'archbishop', 'connell', 'appointment', 'high', 'dignity', 'overlooking', 'monsignor', 'begin', 'archbishop', 'quebec', 'special', 'cable', 'rome', 'new', 'york', 'time', 'oct', 'year', 'summoned', 'rejoin', 'color', 'october', 'men', 'ordinarily', 'called', 'join', 'regiment', 'march', 'ordered', 'report', 'duty', 'decree', 'mobilizing', 'vast', 'army', 'regarded', 'showing', 'government', 'considers', 'railroad', 'strike', 'premier', 'canalejas', 'asserts', 'railroad', 'men', 'virtually', 'declared', 'social', 'war', 'demand', 'impossible', 'fulfilment', 'early', 'settlement', 'strike', 'regard', 'canada', 'repetition', 'occurred', 'spanish', 'reservist', 'news', 'miscellany', 'impossible', 'yielding', 'demand', 'conser', 'note', 'clipping', 'daily', 'weekly', 'press', 'person', 'killed', 'automobile', 'accident', 'occurring', 'various_parts', 'country', 'october', 'person', 'watching', 'interstate', 'fair', 'ground', 'near', 'trenton', 'charles', 'walsh', 'making', 'spiral', 'descent', 'curtis', 'biplane', 'fell', 'instant', 'death', 'october', 'practically', 'bone', 'body', 'broken', 'face', 'body', 'badly', 'cut', 'fell', 'foot', 'machine', 'complete', 'wreck', 'archery', 'showing', 'sign', 'revival', 'sport', 'national', 'archery', 'association', 'tournament', 'week', 'ago', 'boston', 'largest', 'attendance', 'year', 'american', 'archer', 'said', 'hold', 'record', 'fifty', 'year', 'equaled', 'england', 'original', 'home', 'sport', 'according', 'report', 'madero', 'administration', 'torn', 'internal', 'dissension', 'confronted', 'revolution', 'north', 'south', 'army', 'inefficient', 'sympathy', 'madero', 'real', 'leader', 'appear', 'feared', 'army', 'rebel', 'tomorrow', 'government', 'money', 'peso', 'hand', 'pledged', 'reserved', 'stated', 'purpose', 'danger', 'moment', 'breach', 'madero', 'congress', 'government', 'outvoted', 'administration', 'fall', 'public_sentiment', 'overwhelmingly', 'legislative', 'body', 'vationists', 'coal', 'land', 'leased', 'government', 'private', 'concern', 'instead', 'allotted', 'sold', 'interior', 'department', 'announced', 'plan', 'tried', 'result', 'van', 'manning', 'assistant', 'director', 'bureau', 'departed', 'wyoming', 'complete', 'leasing', 'acre', 'government', 'coal', 'land', 'state', 'local', 'corporation', 'leasing', 'experiment', 'carefully', 'watched', 'successful', 'probably', 'mark', 'revolution', 'policy', 'government', 'dealing', 'public', 'land', 'writing', 'organized', 'labor', 'history', 'attended', 'scene', 'violence', 'lawrence', 'mass', 'september', 'time', 'country', 'demonstration', 'strike', 'imprisonment', 'labor', 'leader', 'took', 'place', 'hand', 'hand', 'clash', 'rioter', 'police', 'lasting', 'day', 'demonstration', 'declared', 'industrial', 'worker', 'world', 'strike', 'called', 'hour', 'protest', 'imprisonment', 'joseph', 'ettor', 'arturo', 'giovannitti', 'joseph', 'caruso', 'trial', 'connection', 'death', 'anna', 'lopizzo', 'textile', 'strike', 'winter', 'opened', 'seven', 'thousand', 'operative', 'cottonand', 'woolenmills', 'obeyed', 'forcing', 'intimidation', 'lack', 'work', 'closing', 'department', 'mass', 'meeting', 'worker', 'told', 'work', 'ready', 'come', 'industrial', 'worker', 'leader', 'satisfied', 'progress', 'trial', 'missionary', 'recalled', 'hinghwa', 'district', 'north', 'amoy', 'disorder', 'existed', 'time']
root - INFO - extracting file #82500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130626-V90-26-page23.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #83000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140212-V91-07-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['february', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'year', 'later', 'seventh', 'year', 'hoshea', 'shalmaneser', 'king', 'assyria', 'came', 'samaria', 'besieged', 'end', 'year', 'took', 'sixth', 'year', 'hezekiah', 'ninth', 'year', 'hoshea', 'king', 'israel', 'samaria', 'taken', 'king', 'assyria', 'carry', 'away', 'israel', 'unto', 'assyria', 'halah', 'habor', 'river', 'gozan', 'city', 'medes', 'obeyed', 'voice', 'lord', 'god', 'transgressed', 'covenant', 'moses', 'servant', 'lord', 'commanded', 'king', 'destruction', 'came', 'northern', 'kingdom', 'directly', 'god', 'assyrian', 'merely', 'instrument', 'carry', 'purpose', 'isaiah', 'began', 'prophesy', 'fall', 'samaria', 'lord', 'referred', 'assyrian', 'host', 'rod', 'anger', 'staff', 'hand', 'said', 'indignation', 'isa', 'child', 'israel', 'sinned', 'lord', 'god', 'wrought', 'wicked', 'thing', 'provoke', 'lord', 'anger', 'served', 'idol', 'whereof', 'lord', 'said', 'unto', 'shall', 'thing', 'notwithstanding', 'hear', 'rejected', 'statute', 'covenant', 'father', 'testimony', 'testified', 'left', 'commandment', 'lord', 'god', 'molten', 'image', 'calf', 'grove', 'worshiped', 'host', 'heaven', 'served', 'baal', 'caused', 'son', 'daughter', 'pas', 'divination', 'enchantment', 'sold', 'evil', 'sight', 'lord', 'provoke', 'anger', 'lord', 'angry', 'israel', 'afflicted', 'delivered', 'unto', 'hand', 'spoiler', 'cast', 'sight', 'said', 'servant', 'prophet', 'israel', 'carried', 'away', 'own_land', 'assyria', 'king', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'holmes', 'pamphlet', 'recently', 'published', 'lord', 'day', 'alliance', 'united', 'state', 'stated', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'decalogue', 'refers', 'institution', 'particular_day', 'day', 'work', 'seventh', 'day', 'day', 'rest', 'idea', 'carried', 'observing', 'sabbath', 'argument', 'generally', 'day', 'observer', 'especially', 'desired', 'switch', 'sabbath', 'seventh', 'day', 'week', 'idea', 'literally', 'followed', 'day', 'week', 'somebody', 'resting', 'person', 'liberty', 'select', 'sabbath', 'rest_day', 'argument', 'entirely', 'overlook', 'fundamental', 'statement', 'author', 'decalogue', 'plainly', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'lord_thy', 'god', 'creator', 'personal', 'seen', 'fit', 'work', 'day', 'rest', 'seventh', 'selected', 'day', 'labor', 'seventh', 'rest', 'wished', 'liberty', 'writer', 'referred', 'claim', 'belongs', 'point', 'creator', 'specifying', 'exactly', 'day', 'rested', 'blessed', 'asks', 'creature', 'respect', 'sabbath', 'apparent', 'creature', 'man', 'authorized', 'select', 'day', 'observe', 'sabbath', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'man', 'duty', 'accept', 'period', 'set', 'apart', 'way', 'required', 'set', 'apart', 'takoma', 'park', 'annual', 'feast', 'annual', 'sabbath', 'day', 'date', 'christ', 'crucifixion', 'johnson', 'sabbath', 'following', 'crucifixion', 'christ', 'lay', 'tomb', 'luke', 'day', 'sixteenth', 'abib', 'priest', 'waved', 'sheaf', 'fruit', 'lord', 'forgotten', 'sixteenth', 'day', 'followed', 'passover', 'sabbath', 'fifteenth', 'month', 'lev', 'year', 'christ', 'crucifixion', 'wave', 'sheaf', 'presented', 'lord', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'wherefore', 'sabbath', 'day', 'high', 'day', 'john', 'clarke', 'comment', 'verse', 'edersheim', 'life', 'christ', 'vol', 'page', 'sunday', 'seventeenth', 'day', 'abib', 'christ', 'remain', 'sepulcher', 'day', 'buried', 'friday', 'afternoon', 'rose', 'early', 'following', 'sunday', 'morning', 'day', 'crucifixion', 'luke', 'mark', 'cor', 'difficult', 'harmonize', 'resurrection', 'day', 'statement', 'day', 'rise', 'mark', 'following', 'note', 'explain', 'apparent', 'contradiction', 'common', 'nation', 'jew', 'reckoned', 'period', 'time', 'attention', 'circumstance', 'explain', 'apparent', 'contradiction', 'sacred', 'writing', 'day', 'year', 'entire_year', 'abenezra', 'eminent', 'jewish', 'commentator', 'lev', 'infant', 'born', 'hour', 'day', 'hour', 'counted', 'whole_day', 'observation', 'critically', 'reconciles', 'account', 'lord', 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root - INFO - extracting file #88000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19200401-V97-14-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #88500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19201028-V97-44-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #89000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/Sligo19190201-V03-06-page27.txt
root - INFO - ['sligonian', 'lowell', 'fritz', 'year', 'student', 'returned', 'school', 'fritz', 'called', 'away', 'study', 'year', 'army', 'underwent', 'severe', 'trial', 'conscience_sake', 'stood', 'firmly', 'right', 'recently', 'received', 'discharge', 'glad', 'shake', 'flu', 'surely', 'knocking', 'student', 'sick', 'recently', 'kenneth', 'gant', 'julian', 'gant', 'king', 'russell', 'wagner', 'doctor', 'john', 'field', 'taught', 'college', 'english', 'class', 'year', 'called', 'army', 'discharged', 'happy', 'ask', 'student', 'presented', 'professor', 'machian', 'beautiful', 'flag', 'recent', 'chapel', 'exercise', 'token', 'appreciation', 'untiring', 'effort', 'student', 'school', 'kept', 'constantly', 'fear', 'drill', 'boy', 'organized', 'department', 'columbia', 'hall', 'door', 'opened', 'public', 'friday', 'night', 'jan', 'brother', 'gibson', 'china', 'spoke', 'field', 'day', 'sabbath', 'elder', 'daniells', 'preached', 'wejelt', 'joy', 'having', 'place', 'sit', 'hear', 'eidson', 'spending', 'time', 'daughter', 'glad', 'professor', 'kern', 'chapel', 'new', 'year', 'morning', 'burden', 'student', 'year', 'year', 'jesus', 'eet', 'glad', 'leffler', 'recovering', 'nicely', 'operation', 'messrs', 'dean', 'yelland', 'moved', 'lyndon', 'hall', 'room', 'private', 'home', 'near', 'college', 'number', 'student', 'member', 'college', 'chorus', 'conducted', 'stratton', 'recently', 'sang', 'ingram', 'memorial', 'church', 'washington', 'geibel', 'incarnation', 'sung']
root - INFO - extracting file #89500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SOL19020201-V17-03-page59.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #90000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SOL19030312-V18-11-page10.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #91000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18790612-V05-23-page4.txt
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'promise', 'new_covenant', 'written', 'table', 'stone', 'written', 'fleshly', 'table', 'church', 'organ', 'read', 'carlton', 'poetry', 'new_church', 'organ', 'read', 'laughed', 'quaint', 'happy', 'hit', 'happy', 'hit', 'necessarily', 'good', 'argument', 'said', 'question', 'james', 'white', 'andrew', 'iiriah', 'smith', 'important', 'fact', 'clearly', 'revealed', 'scripture', 'objection', 'disregard', 'insist', 'kingdom', 'israel', 'abolished', 'suspended', 'season', 'till', 'come', 'right', 'heart', 'eze', 'israel', 'scriptural', 'editor', 'resident', 'editor', 'apostle', 'chapter', 'introduced', 'service', 'covenant', 'admit', 'carry', 'comparison', 'examination', 'scripture', 'concerning', 'waggoner', 'exposition', 'cor', 'concluded', 'seed', 'heir', 'abraham', 'israel', 'cease', 'lord', 'long', 'promise', 'abraham', 'stand', 'sure', 'eph', 'speaking', 'gentile', 'convert', 'christianity', 'paul', 'said', 'conversion', 'alien', 'commonwealth', 'israel', 'stranger', 'covenant', 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'congregation', 'joined', 'fogy', 'family', 'delighted', 'time', 'singing', 'church', 'devotional', 'congregation', 'easily', 'sing', 'fogy', 'convinced', 'result', 'course', 'time', 'forward', 'showed', 'cared', 'little', 'harmony', 'church', 'respect', 'music', 'ala', 'poor_man', 'accustomed', 'disagreeable', 'work', 'self', 'examination', 'discover', 'long', 'known', 'persistence', 'zeal', 'exercised', 'welfare', 'church', 'furtherance', 'cause', 'sweet', 'satisfaction', 'having', 'own_way', 'fear', 'fail', 'joining', 'harmonious', 'songster', 'harping', 'harp', 'heavenly', 'zion', 'hope', 'converted', 'present', 'way', 'known', 'discord', 'contention', 'desire', 'perpetuated', 'world', 'come', 'blessed', 'peacemaker', 'baptist', 'banner', 'controversy', 'subject', 'styling', 'fogy', 'having', 'given', 'reason', 'objecting', 'use', 'organ', 'church', 'disciple', 'reply', 'reply', 'quote', 'following']
root - INFO - extracting file #91500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18810217-V07-07-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #92000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18820727-V08-28-page12.txt
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'boarding', 'house', 'acre', 'lot', 'north', 'college', 'building', 'com', 'menced', 'pushed', 'completion', 'possible', 'dispatch', 'step', 'taken', 'incorporate', 'college', 'legal', 'working', 'order', 'shall', 'able', 'report', 'progress', 'session', 'state', 'conference', 'altogether', 'sanguine', 'expectation', 'friend', 'enter', 'prise', 'fall', 'voted', 'start', 'seat', 'lately', 'college', 'build', 'ing', 'way', 'east', 'plenty', 'room', 'good', 'efficient', 'teacher', 'ready', 'greet', 'corner', 'cheerful', 'welcome', 'guide', 'correct', 'langrage', 'title', 'new_book', 'prof', 'bell', 'battle', 'creek', 'college', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'person', 'speak', 'write', 'public', 'painfully', 'aware', 'fact', 'language', 'deficiency', 'early', 'education', 'article', 'press', 'containing', 'good', 'idea', 'rejected', 'account', 'work', 'necessary', 'proper', 'shape', 'printer', 'such_persons', 'guide', 'need', 'object', 'book', 'set', 'forth', 'author', 'preface', 'book', 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'college', 'hazing', 'effort', 'successful', 'california', 'university', 'bid', 'fair', 'respect', 'honor', 'state', 'college', 'directory', 'table', 'interesting', 'valuable', 'work', 'american', 'college', 'directory', 'universal', 'catalogue', 'title', 'indicates', 'hand', 'book', 'education', 'containing', 'location', 'title', 'presiding', 'officer', 'college', 'seminary', 'academy', 'ormal', 'commercial', 'law', 'theological', 'medical', 'school', 'dustrial', 'school', 'asylum', 'list', 'superintendent', 'educational', 'journal', 'published', 'evans', 'louis', 'price', 'valuable', 'reference', 'book', 'educator', 'land', 'fail', 'prize', 'unprecedented', 'storm', 'comparative', 'lull', 'eastior', 'past_week', 'matter', 'storm', 'california', 'share', 'worthy', 'notice', 'usual', 'order', 'thing', 'california', 'account', 'actual', 'dam', 'age', 'july', 'ukiah', 'severe', 'thunder', 'storm', 'occurred', 'lasting', 'hour', 'accompanied', 'hail', 'telegraph', 'pole', 'shattered', 'lightning', 'thing', 'occurred', 'susanville', 'result', 'day', 'date', 'siskiyou', 'county', 'visited', 'terrific', 'storm', 'accompanied', 'thunder', 'hail', 'hail', 'severe', 'electric', 'display', 'reported', 'grand', 'quote', 'published', 'report', 'northwest', 'southwest', 'unbroken', 'sheet', 'flame', 'flash', 'zig', 'zag', 'lightning', 'darting', 'lower', 'scott', 'valley', 'inch', 'rain', 'fell', 'hour', 'field', 'grain', 'entirely', 'destroyed', 'force', 'rain', 'hail', 'shasta', 'valley', 'hay', 'cock', 'literally', 'floated', 'meadow', 'continued', 'storm', 'inflicting', 'great', 'damage', 'hay', 'grain', 'crop', 'country', 'californian', 'boasted', 'excellence', 'climate', 'good_reason', 'look', 'weather', 'longer', 'implicitly', 'depended', 'sure', 'storm', 'general', 'increase', 'end', 'train', 'telegraph', 'editor', 'santa', 'barbara', 'press', 'glashan', 'invented', 'train', 'telegraph', 'object', 'running', 'train', 'connection', 'office', 'train', 'despatcher', 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'cabinet', 'egyptian', 'expedition', 'body', 'troop', 'embarked', 'arabi', 'bey', 'levied', 'war', 'tax', 'land', 'nominal', 'cco', 'supplied', 'provision', 'ammunition', 'arab', 'leaving', 'alexandria', 'flocking', 'cairo', 'refugee', 'cairo', 'report', 'holy', 'war', 'proclaimed', 'european', 'massacred', 'tantah', 'mansura', 'zagozig', 'consul', 'killed', 'named', 'place', 'rev', 'united', 'state', 'consul', 'turkey', 'reported', 'holding', 'following', 'view', 'war', 'present', 'outlook', 'far', 'way', 'predicted', 'arabi', 'bey', 'utterly', 'fail', 'ambitious', 'project', 'thought', 'religious', 'war', 'break', 'spread', 'asia', 'africa', 'europe', 'arabi', 'league', 'new', 'prophet', 'senausi', 'chereaf', 'mecca', 'spiritual', 'head', 'mohammedan', 'religion', 'clusion', 'said', 'thing', 'certain', 'contest', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'fall', 'turk', 'driven', 'europe', 'cross', 'planted', 'mosque', 'sophia', 'later', 'news', 'greater', 'complication', 'khedive', 'signed', 'decree', 'dississing', 'arabi', 'army', 'proclaiming', 'rebel', 'forbidden', 'egyptian', 'army', 'obey', 'order', 'arabi', 'bidden', 'egyptian', 'pay', 'tax', 'reply', 'proclamation', 'khedive', 'arabi', 'appointed', 'ministry', 'cairo', 'considered', 'certain', 'destroy', 'cairo', 'feated', 'captured', 'sign', 'time', 'published', 'weekly', 'oakland', 'cal', 'missionary', 'society', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'page', 'religious', 'family', 'paper', 'devoted', 'discussion', 'prophecy', 'sign', 'time', 'second', 'coming', 'christ', 'harmony', 'law', 'gospel', 'department', 'devoted', 'temperance', 'home', 'uircle', 'missionary', 'work', 'sabbath', 'school', 'price', 'year', 'club', 'copy', 'address', 'missionary', 'work', 'address', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cal', 'eld', 'loijotiborougii', 'rat', 'wood', 'shirley', 'road', 'solaiiamp', 'ton', 'england', 'raymond', 'gaston', 'oregon', 'ravrew', 'herald', 'battle', 'creek', 'michigan', 'miss', 'eliza', 'mayer', 'sec', 'tract', 'society', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass']
root - INFO - extracting file #92500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18840117-V10-03-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #93000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18850514-V11-19-page15.txt
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'elder', 'assist', 'clerk', 'matter', 'appropriate', 'blank', 'sent', 'church', 'clerk', 'sabbath', 'school_association', 'annual_session', 'association', 'held', 'camp', 'ground', 'portland', 'june', 'july', 'special_instruction', 'given', 'sabbath', 'school_officers', 'appropriate', 'essay', 'expected', 'tract', 'missionary', 'society', 'sabbath', 'school', 'sabbath', 'school_association', 'conference', 'hold', 'annual_session', 'year', 'connection', 'camp', 'meeting', 'milton', 'june', 'tract', 'missionary', 'society', 'home', 'saved', 'elli', 'loughborough', 'gun', 'bible', 'evidence', 'tho', 'interesting', 'topic', 'earth', 'new', 'inheritance', 'saint', 'price', 'cent', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cal', 'ninth', 'annual_session', 'north', 'pacific', 'society', 'held', 'camp', 'ground', 'portland', 'june', 'july', 'matter', 'vital', 'grimsby', 'eng', 'come', 'society', 'glad', 'lover', 'present_truth', 'meeting', 'hope', 'business', 'connected', 'society', 'finished', 'early_date', 'meeting', 'devoted', 'wholly', 'religious_exercises', 'necessitate', 'presence', 'delegate', 'love', 'willing', 'assist', 'holy', 'work', 'committed', 'trust', 'particularly', 'urged', 'present', 'beginning', 'annual', 'convocation', 'camp', 'meeting', 'committee', 'norway', 'eld', 'matteson', 'akersveren', 'christiania', 'norway', 'switzerland', 'addie', 'bowen', 'belchenstrasse', 'bale', 'suisse', 'hawaiian', 'island', 'scott', 'honolulu', 'great', 'controversy', 'tract', 'printed', 'office', 'form', 'page', 'tract', 'selection', 'vol', 'wish', 'canvas', 'book', 'consists', 'page', 'entire', 'chapter', 'origin', 'evil', 'selection', 'complete', 'excellent', 'tract', 'general', 'following', 'brother', 'appointed', 'act', 'camp', 'meeting', 'committee', 'win', 'potter', 'john', 'cole', 'circulation', 'page', 'notice', 'book', 'baxter', 'chas', 'kline', 'andz', 'warren', 'chas', 'boyd', 'graham', 'hall', 'conference_committee', 'upper_columbia', 'camp', 'meeting', 'camp', 'meeting', 'held', 'milton', 'umatilla', 'county', 'oregon', 'commencing', 'evening', 'june', 'ending', 'morning', 'invited', 'attend', 'wishing', 'sire', 'read', 'book', 'furnished', 'office', 'post', 'paid', 'receipt', 'notice', 'change', 'figure', 'address', 'label', 'case', 'sufficient', 'receipt', 'money', 'sent', 'paper', 'change', 'appear', 'due_time', 'book', 'ordered', 'mail', 'received', 'notify', 'business', 'acknowledged', 'california', 'conference', 'fund', 'reno', 'san', 'francisco', 'examination', 'remedial', 'light', 'nature', 'revelation', 'eld', 'waggoner', 'edition', 'revised', 'greatly', 'enlarged', 'work', 'critical', 'exhaustive', 'treatise', 'plan', 'salvation', 'revealed', 'scripture', 'showing', 'harmony', 'principle', 'justice', 'mercy', 'consistency', 'reason', 'final', 'result', 'affecting', 'destiny', 'human', 'race', 'cloth', 'address', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cal', 'review_and_herald', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'country', 'future', 'foretold', 'united', 'state', 'prophecy', 'eld', 'smith', 'tin', 'exposition', 'portion', 'prophecy', 'applies', 'government', 'showing', 'position', 'united', 'state', 'hold', 'prophecy', 'act', 'closing', 'scene', 'time', 'sunday', 'movement', 'attracting', 'general', 'attention', 'thoroughly', 'canvassed', 'abundant', 'testimony', 'given', 'prove', 'fast', 'com', 'important', 'question', 'country', 'dealng', 'own_land', 'applying', 'own_time', 'surpassing', 'nterest', 'american', 'reader', 'new_edition', 'revised', 'steed', 'cloth', 'paper', 'cover', 'new_edition', 'condensed', 'actress', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cal', 'australian', 'mission', 'ole', 'anderson', 'georgie', 'yerby', 'rent', 'tent', 'rate', 'year', 'let', 'jas', 'allen', 'jas', 'dye', 'laytonville', 'write', 'goodwin', 'milton', 'oregon', 'tent', 'secured', 'pitched', 'good', 'season', 'restaurant', 'camp', 'adam', 'aldrich', 'foreign', 'mission', 'mcclure', 'cash', 'received', 'account', 'kansa', 'society', 'groun', 'dthis', 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'june', 'reduction', 'railroad', 'fare', 'tract', 'page', 'ally', 'answer', 'question', 'sunday', 'displaced', 'ble', 'sabbath', 'extract', 'given', 'catholic', 'writer', 'price', 'eta', 'party', 'coming', 'northern', 'pacific', 'railroad', 'camp', 'meeting', 'milton', 'oregon', 'june', 'pay', 'fare', 'wallula', 'junction', 'obtain', 'onthecamp', 'ground', 'certificate', 'sabbath', 'school', 'help', 'entitled', 'return', 'ticket', 'wallula', 'fifth', 'regular', 'fare', 'note', 'hope', 'reduced', 'return', 'rate', 'line', 'company', 'matter', 'consideration', 'promising', 'report', 'soon', 'loughborough', 'goodwin', 'ragsdale', 'conference_committee', 'vablishers', 'ppartinent', 'soy', 'send', 'paper', 'office', 'pay', 'advance', 'special_arrangement', 'person', 'receive', 'copy', 'ordering', 'sent', 'party', 'information', 'regard', 'person', 'receiving', 'copy', 'sign', 'indebted', 'office', 'called', 'pay', 'read', 'paper', 'hand', 'friend', 'read', 'bible_lessons', 'little', 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'admitted', 'nearly', 'advocated', 'book', 'author', 'creator', 'understood', 'anticipated', 'necessity', 'prof', 'different', 'process', 'reasoning', 'seventh', 'day', 'week', 'beginning', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'price', 'cent', 'liberal', 'discount', 'address', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cia', 'tract', 'read', 'created', 'strong', 'atonement', 'general', 'sttel', 'michigan', 'miss', 'hattie', 'house', 'care', 'review_and_herald', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'new', 'england', 'palmer', 'tract', 'repository', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'north', 'pacific', 'boyd', 'east', 'portland', 'oregon', 'england', 'present_truth', 'heneage', 'street', 'great', 'church', 'debt', 'fund', 'jones', 'california', 'society', 'district', 'alice', 'morrison', 'eld', 'israel', 'california', 'city', 'mission', 'geo', 'manuel', 'eld', 'israel', 'order', 'ardidd', 'book', 'sent', 'freight', 'boyd', 'palmer', 'book', 'sent', 'exrims', 'nebraska', 'society', 'clara', 'wood', 'gibbs', 'miss', 'carrie', 'dortch', 'miss', 'address', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cal', 'bible_lessons', 'bible_lessons', 'address', 'sign', 'time', 'oakland', 'cal', 'review_and_herald', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich']
root - INFO - extracting file #93500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18860722-V12-28-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #94000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18880406-V14-14-page6.txt
root - INFO - ['tiie', 'sigjvb', 'tixes', 'vol', 'alp', 'sipsofl', 'liesitup', 'discern', 'sign', 'time', 'ligious', 'tell', 'fast', 'saturday', 'honor', 'mary', 'day', 'harm', 'obtain', 'grace', 'lying', 'displeasure', 'god', 'obedient', 'robber', 'followed', 'advice', 'vow', 'continue', 'break', 'oath', 'lie', 'time', 'went', 'unarmed', 'saturday', 'happened', 'saturday', 'officer', 'justice', 'break', 'oath', 'allowed', 'taken', 'resistance', 'judge', 'saw', 'grayhaired', 'old_man', 'wished', 'pardon', 'grace', 'compunction', 'received', 'mary', 'lie', 'said', 'wished', 'die', 'punishment', 'sin', 'public', 'confession', 'sin', 'life', 'judgment', 'ball', 'weeping', 'bitterly', 'present', 'wept', 'beheaded', 'buried', 'little', 'ceremony', 'grave', 'dug', 'near', 'mother', 'god', 'appeared', 'holy', 'virgin', 'took', 'dead_body', 'place', 'wrapped', 'rich', 'cloth', 'embroidered', 'gold', 'bore', 'gate', 'city', 'blessed', 'virgin', 'said', 'guard', 'tell', 'bishop', 'honorable', 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root - INFO - extracting file #96500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18991129-V25-48,49-page31.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #97000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19031223-V29-51-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #97500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19050524-V31-21-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #98000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19060606-V32-22-page5.txt
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'brotherhood', 'misery', 'millionaire', 'writer', 'saw', 'woman', 'diamond', 'finger', 'pearl', 'throat', 'begging', 'big', 'sergeant', 'guard', 'allow', 'store', 'green', 'corn', 'saw', 'woman', 'wrapped', 'sealskin', 'eating', 'baked', 'bean', 'tin', 'eating', 'finger', 'woman', 'refinement', 'woman', 'meney', 'suffer', 'poorest', 'fateful', 'day', 'dressed', 'men', 'seen', 'scrambling', 'like', 'child', 'handful', 'walnut', 'thrown', 'wrecked', 'fruit', 'store', 'known', 'theatrical', 'critic', 'wife', 'fled', 'apartment', 'little', 'clothing', 'man', 'barefoot', 'man', 'know', 'piloted', 'japanese', 'shoe', 'store', 'discovered', 'forgotten', 'purse', 'forgot', 'money', 'said', 'kind', 'hearted', 'stranger', 'time', 'think', 'money', 'help', 'mint', 'gold', 'dollar', 'left', 'review', 'book', 'noted', 'unpretentious', 'looking', 'volume', 'publication', 'nathaniel', 'william', 'taylor', 'lecture', 'given', 'divinity', 'school', 'yale', 'university', 'friend', 'higher', 'criticism', 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'scripture', 'forbid', 'taking', 'life', 'food', 'know', 'prohibition', 'hand', 'know', 'lord', 'fed', 'people', 'food', 'living', 'creature', 'divided', 'multitude', 'bread', 'fish', 'earth', 'given', 'welfare', 'blessing', 'man', 'let', 'dead', 'bury', 'dead', 'matt', 'explain', 'matt', 'simply', 'mean', 'dead', 'great_things', 'god', 'common', 'thing', 'life', 'child', 'god', 'piece', 'palm', 'thumb', 'forcing', 'critic', 'took', 'dollar', 'piece', 'paid', 'jap', 'pair', 'bath', 'slipper', 'handed', 'change', 'new', 'friend', 'pocket', 'wish', 'know', 'said', 'critic', 'know', 'replied', 'ther', 'time', 'exchanging', 'card', 'minute', 'argument', 'critic', 'succeeded', 'getting', 'benefactor', 'address', 'portsmouth', 'square', 'chinaman', 'noticed', 'critic', 'stocking', 'inside', 'new', 'stood', 'bread', 'line', 'char', 'woman', 'coachman', 'received', 'ration', 'calamity', 'spring', 'kindlier', 'feeling', 'man', 'man', 'sacrifice', 'wholly', 'vain', 'cause', 'greater', 'man', 'serf', 'sin', 'follower', 'leader', 'way', 'detracts', 'righteousness', 'right', 'new', 'voice']
root - INFO - extracting file #98500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19070703-V33-27-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #99000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19080701-V34-27-page9.txt
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'wrath', 'fitted', 'unto', 'destruction', 'known', 'rich', 'gjory', 'vessel', 'mercy', 'afore', 'prepared', 'unto', 'glory', 'called', 'jew', 'gentile', 'lord', 'endure', 'character', 'pharaoh', 'suffer', 'long', 'stubbornness', 'wickedness', 'rebellious', 'king', 'egypt', 'lord', 'manifested', 'infinite', 'patience', 'making', 'display', 'power', 'order', 'induce', 'allow', 'people', 'peaceably', 'pharaoh', 'heeded', 'entreaty', 'warning', 'saved', 'suffering', 'affliction', 'nation', 'stubborn', 'refused', 'yield', 'entreated', 'divine', 'messenger', 'thing', 'placed', 'bible', 'lesson', 'living', 'day', 'god', 'entreating', 'turn', 'whole_heart', 'heed', 'entreaty', 'resist', 'pharaoh', 'religious', 'socialism', 'printed', 'article', 'come', 'officer', 'called', 'christian', 'socialist', 'fellowship', 'met', 'new', 'york', 'organization', 'year', 'old', 'declare', 'protestant', 'church', 'rapidly', 'honeycombed', 'socialist', 'movement', 'fully', 'clergy', 'country', 'openly', 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'power', 'published', 'abroad', 'earth', 'god', 'desired', 'published', 'abroad', 'earth', 'came', 'powerful', 'influential', 'king', 'pharaoh', 'offer', 'privilege', 'refused', 'acknowledge', 'jehovah', 'lord', 'mighty', 'thing', 'king', 'presence', 'intended', 'inspire', 'faith', 'true', 'god', 'resulted', 'complete', 'conversion', 'instead', 'allowing', 'thing', 'influence', 'lord', 'desired', 'pharaoh', 'hardened', 'heart', 'resisted', 'influence', 'sent', 'heaven', 'save', 'resisting', 'influence', 'cut', 'work', 'salvation', 'men', 'world', 'king', 'egypt', 'influence', 'realm', 'proclaimed', 'favor', 'true', 'god', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'similar', 'opportunity', 'telling', 'subject', 'turned', 'way', 'salvation', 'king', 'saved', 'god', 'knew', 'opportunity', 'character', 'pharaoh', 'afford', 'manifesting', 'divine_power', 'world', 'purpose', 'lord', 'raised', 'lff']
root - INFO - extracting file #99500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19101129-V37-47-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #100000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19111128-V38-47-page15.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #101000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19140922-V41-37-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #102000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19190422-V46-16-page2.txt
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'country', 'opened', 'way', 'opened', 'home', 'heart', 'america', 'foreign_fields', 'reception', 'truth', 'pertaining', 'plan', 'salvation', 'second', 'coming', 'christ', 'god', 'favoring', 'people', 'past', 'holding', 'check', 'element', 'strife', 'men', 'going', 'bad', 'worse', 'god', 'change', 'dealing', 'mankind', 'necessity', 'prophet', 'said', 'let', 'favor', 'showed', 'wicked', 'learn', 'righteousness', 'land', 'uprightness', 'deal', 'unjustly', 'behold', 'majesty', 'lord', 'said', 'thy', 'judgment', 'earth', 'inhabitant', 'world', 'learn', 'righteousness', 'isaiah', 'judgment', 'favor', 'failed', 'war', 'pestilence', 'famine', 'result', 'sin', 'god', 'making', 'final', 'appeal', 'people', 'world', 'cease', 'evil', 'learn', 'respond', 'appeal', 'mass', 'cast', 'aside', 'restraining', 'influence', 'spirit', 'god', 'time', 'noah', 'remedy', 'restraining', 'influence', 'god', 'spirit', 'removed', 'men', 'suffered', 'destroy', 'armageddon', 'peace', 'human_nature', 'selfish', 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'recital', 'scene', 'terrible', 'civilized', 'nerve', 'endurance', 'million', 'helpless', 'human', 'jesus_christ', 'came', 'stroy', 'work', 'devil', 'pray', 'daily', 'africa', 'shall', 'speedily', 'know', 'know', 'aright', 'life_eternal', 'testimony', 'vol', 'sheet', 'music', 'received', 'office', 'copy', 'new', 'sacred', 'song', 'entitled', 'cover', 'design', 'color', 'sen', 'timent', 'piece', 'excellent', 'written', 'piano', 'voice', 'profit', 'sale', 'music', 'devoted', 'southern', 'work', 'regular', 'music', 'special', 'price', 'copy', 'address', 'southern', 'publishing', 'association', 'nashville', 'tenn', 'contented', 'happy', 'want', 'god', 'green', 'pasture', 'satisfy', 'green', 'pasture', 'green', 'pasture', 'deepest', 'experience', 'thing', 'god', 'farthest', 'removed', 'pride', 'self_exaltation', 'men', 'exalted', 'conception', 'glory', 'excellence', 'christ', 'self', 'abased', 'feel', 'lowest', 'place', 'service', 'honorable', 'ission', 'board', 'man', 'undertakes', 'lie', 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root - INFO - extracting file #104000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19130925-V07-38-page2.txt
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'worker', 'field', 'crop', 'hopeful', 'word', 'come', 'brother', 'chris', 'secured', 'club', 'subscription', 'issue', 'liberty', 'circulation', 'ooo', 'menace', 'circulation', 'week', 'ago', 'menace', 'subscriber', 'working', 'boom', 'circulation', 'week', 'average', 'increase', 'subscription', 'week', 'surprised', 'visited', 'field', 'summer', 'score', 'brother', 'working', 'menace', 'sending', 'large', 'club', 'subscription', 'practically', 'liberty', 'protestant', 'magazine', 'believe', 'magazine', 'deserve', 'larger']
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'coast', 'divide', 'republic', 'equal', 'nearly', 'fall', 'council', 'recognized', 'national', 'hindrance', 'communication', 'portion', 'set', 'southern', 'honduras', 'apart', 'separate', 'mission', 'added', 'western', 'nicaragua', 'similar', 'reason', 'mission', 'include', 'million', 'people', 'republic', 'present', 'little', 'mission', 'territory', 'brother', 'karl', 'snow', 'coworkers', 'braved', 'famine', 'pestilence', 'remain', 'school', 'english', 'art', 'industrial_school', 'located', 'central', 'portion', 'republic', 'surely', 'high', 'time', 'reenforcement', 'sent', 'general_work', 'carried', 'million', 'people', 'day', 'rejoice', 'hope', 'soon', 'coming', 'havana', 'thousand', 'fifty', 'mile', 'new', 'york', 'porto_rico', 'smallest', 'island', 'group', 'area', 'thousand', 'fifty', 'square_mile', 'average', 'length', 'ninety', 'mile', 'average', 'breadth', 'thirty', 'mile', 'shape', 'resembles', 'state', 'connecticut', 'fourth', 'size', 'state', 'porto_rico', 'mean', 'english', 'rich', 'harbor', 'porto_rico', 'rich', 'harbor', 'boast', 'good', 'harbor', 'fifty', 'mile', 'coast', 'line', 'surface', 'porto_rico', 'mountainous', 'range', 'low', 'hill', 'traverse', 'island', 'east', 'west', 'hill', 'rocky', 'barren', 'covered', 'vegetation', 'cultivated', 'lower', 'valley', 'rich', 'pasture', 'land', 'cultivated', 'plantation', 'knoll', 'orchard', 'coconut', 'tree', 'coffee', 'protected', 'shade', 'tree', 'grows', 'summit', 'green', 'hill', 'ground', 'covered', 'carpeting', 'grass', 'brief', 'history', 'porto_rico', 'porto_rico', 'discovered', 'christopher', 'columbus', 'nov', 'landing', 'bay', 'spring', 'pure_water', 'needed', 'ship', 'place', 'named', 'aguadilla', 'gwa', 'mean', 'watering', 'place', 'ponce', 'leon', 'spanish', 'navigator', 'visited', 'island', 'pleased', 'beautiful', 'scenery', 'hospitality', 'native', 'year', 'later', 'returned', 'founded', 'town', 'caparra', 'known', 'porto', 'viejo', 'founded', 'city', 'san', 'juan', 'san', 'hoo', 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root - INFO - extracting file #109000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18801110-V28-46-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #110000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18890306-V37-10-page2.txt
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'soot', 'meddling', 'defilingthe', 'let', 'suppose', 'ounce', 'mud', 'left', 'perfect', 'rest', 'element', 'gather', 'like', 'like', 'atom', 'closest', 'relation', 'possible', 'work', 'sweeping', 'tell', 'doe', 'began', 'great', 'talent', 'music', 'rossini', 'told', 'succeed', 'strength', 'finger', 'asked', 'stronger', 'bed', 'said', 'sweep', 'room', 'knead', 'bread', 'began', 'told', 'perfect', 'marvel', 'hand', 'improved', 'mouth', 'prescription', 'worked', 'charm', 'kept', 'fact', 'splendid', 'player', 'day', 'yes', 'singer', 'owing', 'housework', 'iron', 'wash', 'splendid', 'exercise', 'hand', 'arm', 'bisimucroa', 'fred', 'mistake', 'fred', 'graham', 'sat', 'staring', 'evident', 'pucker', 'forehead', 'engaged', 'favorite', 'pastime', 'watching', 'picture', 'formed', 'glowing', 'coal', 'fully', 'minute', 'sat', 'motionless', 'rug', 'knew', 'told', 'long_time', 'fred', 'graham', 'sit', 'nearly', 'year', 'eagerly', 'looking', 'forward', 'visit', 'cousin', 'ralph', 'ray', 'ralph', 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'boy', 'knew', 'meant', 'come', 'time', 'word', 'remembered', 'little', 'boy', 'habit', 'kneeling', 'evening', 'prayer', 'come', 'bed', 'robert', 'said', 'fred', 'sitting', 'undress', 'yes', 'yes', 'undress', 'afraid', 'pray', 'afraid', 'pray', 'kneel', 'pray', 'fred', 'laugh', 'fear', 'fred', 'coward', 'lie', 'prayerless', 'bed', 'needed', 'protection', 'heavenly', 'father', 'home', 'abroad', 'wished', 'thousand', 'thing', 'slept', 'fred', 'sleep', 'struggle', 'like', 'place', 'bosom', 'leaf', 'home', 'begin', 'act', 'decision', 'depend', 'character', 'time', 'eternity', 'struggle', 'severe', 'fred', 'come', 'boy', 'come', 'bed', 'mustered', 'courage', 'kneel', 'pray', 'habit', 'pray', 'said', 'fred', 'turning', 'pillow', 'saying', 'propriety', 'conduct', 'ashamed', 'long', 'afraid', 'knew', 'wish', 'quiet', 'left', 'thankful', 'duty', 'conscience', 'triumphed', 'settled', 'future', 'course', 'believe', 'decision', 'christian', 'boy', 'god', 'blessing', 'christian_man', 'year', 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'knowledge', 'book', 'weget', 'knowledge', 'useful', 'household', 'art', 'woman', 'worth', 'housework', 'isn', 'genteel', 'sneered', 'belle', 'genteel', 'supposing', 'isn', 'going', 'sacrifice', 'real', 'good', 'gentility', 'isn', 'miss', 'montgomery', 'genteel', 'isn', 'intellectual', 'accomplished', 'know', 'magnificent', 'pianist', 'magnificent', 'housekeeper', 'housekteper', 'retorted', 'belle', 'life', 'father', 'mother', 'rich', 'crcesus', 'guess', 'mistaken', 'person', 'fast', 'dear', 'calmly', 'replied', 'nellie', 'acquainted', 'family', 'know', 'hereof', 'affirm', 'care', 'housekeeping', 'year', 'bread', 'eaten', 'house', 'cake', 'pie', 'knickknack', 'doe', 'nearly', 'chamber', 'pleasant', 'bustle', 'preparation', 'troubled', 'fred', 'thought', 'mother', 'stood', 'doorway', 'unobserved', 'fred', 'said', 'mother', 'replied', 'burst', 'boyish', 'confidence', 'tell', 'know', 'boy', 'laugh', 'mamma', 'girl', 'washing', 'dish', 'helping', 'way', 'housework', 'know', 'thought', 'mamma', 'couldn', 'bear', 'cousin', 'ralph', 'ridicule', 'think', 'help', 'threw', 'arm', 'coaxingly', 'neck', 'looked', 'gravely', 'moment', 'said', 'yes', 'fred', 'shall', 'wish', 'gave', 'good', 'night', 'kiss', 'fancied', 'face', 'wore', 'pained', 'expression', 'altogether', 'happy', 'went', 'bed', 'exception', 'baby', 'lucy', 'mother', 'child', 'extremely', 'fond', 'helped', 'housework', 'handily', 'girl', 'late', 'associate', 'foolishly', 'ridiculed', 'supposed', 'surely', 'city', 'bred', 'ralph', 'look', 'contempt', 'girl', 'work', 'ralph', 'came', 'day', 'appearance', 'fred', 'imagined', 'tall', 'manly', 'bright', 'dark', 'eye', 'easy', 'graceful', 'manner', 'jovial', 'fun', 'loving', 'boy', 'soon', 'fast', 'friend', 'day', 'spent', 'roaming', 'farm', 'ralph', 'world', 'wonder', 'morning', 'day', 'fred', 'burst', 'kitchen', 'mother', 'busy', 'work', 'saying', 'mother', 'taylor', 'pond', 'skate', 'morning', 'boy', 'splendid', 'skating', 'mother', 'gave', 'consent', 'went', 'wood', 'shed', 'skate', 'calling', 'toralph', 'hurry', 'come', 'sure', 'conscience', 'smote', 'little', 'passed', 'sitting', 'room', 'door', 'heard', 'doleful', 'baby', 'lucy', 'sat', 'crib', 'amuse', 'task', 'allow', 'think', 'skate', 'waited', 'long', 'cousin', 'come', 'went', 'houseto', 'matter', 'imagine', 'surprise', 'ralph', 'seated', 'rocking', 'chair', 'baby', 'knee', 'graham', 'saying', 'believe', 'exert', 'magic', 'influence', 'quiet', 'fred', 'stare', 'shame', 'faced', 'astonishment', 'cousin', 'ashamed', 'said', 'ralph', 'answer', 'fred', 'surprised', 'look', 'taking', 'care', 'baby', 'home', 'graham', 'soon', 'leisure', 'having', 'relieved', 'burden', 'boy', 'started', 'pond', 'ohly', 'time', 'ralph', 'showed', 'helpful', 'seen', 'dish', 'towel', 'hand', 'wiping', 'dish', 'aunt', 'particularly', 'busy', 'fred', 'felt', 'curious', 'position', 'day', 'later', 'letter', 'came', 'ralph', 'mother', 'graham', 'told', 'missed']
root - INFO - extracting file #110500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18990316-V47-11-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #111000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19010214-V49-07-page6.txt
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'floated', 'slowly', 'suddenly', 'diving', 'seized', 'leg', 'yellow', 'ught', 'surely', 'swallowed', 'desperate', 'kick', 'managed', 'loose', 'quickly', 'hid', 'mud', 'near', 'shore', 'time', 'gained', 'wisdom', 'age', 'know', 'better', 'avoid', 'enemy', 'cold_weather', 'cozily', 'doze', 'time', 'away', 'snug', 'home', 'bank', 'warm', 'summer', 'day', 'enjoy', 'shore', 'water', 'like', 'sing', 'especially', 'damp', 'weather', 'summer', 'evening', 'time', 'sit', 'window', 'listen', 'shrill', 'kerr', 'kerr', 'kerr', 'swamp', 'river', 'bank', 'longleap', 'singing', 'minnie', 'rosilla', 'stevens', 'black', 'bquirrel', 'black', 'squirrel', 'sat', 'tree', 'believe', 'habit', 'saving', 'said', 'cold', 'winter', 'weather', 'starve', 'young', 'know', 'teaching', 'child', 'quickly', 'lay', 'acorn', 'soon', 'drop', 'cup', 'corn', 'shock', 'field', 'nice', 'hollow', 'tree', 'concealed', 'laid', 'wheat', 'barley', 'rye', 'nice', 'pumpkin', 'seed', 'best', 'gathered', 'beechnut', 'butternut', 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'large_measure', 'accepted', 'teaching', 'missionary', 'went', 'foreign', 'board', 'member', 'tribe', 'year', 'refused', 'accept', 'free', 'ration', 'government', 'provide', 'commendable', 'self', 'respect', 'year', 'ago', 'wishers', 'heard', 'regret', 'drawing', 'ration', 'defiled', 'defiled', 'woman', 'woman', 'symbol', 'church', 'corrupt', 'woman', 'represents', 'corrupt', 'church', 'eighteenth', 'chapter', 'revelation', 'given', 'come', 'babylon', 'people', 'partaker', 'sin', 'thousand', 'heeded', 'defiled', 'woman', 'left', 'babylon', 'allurement', 'taken', 'stand', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'fourth', 'chapter', 'isaiah', 'vivid', 'word', 'picture', 'time', 'given', 'verse', 'mention', 'seven', 'woman', 'symbolizing', 'whole_church', 'seven', 'denoting', 'completeness', 'hold', 'man', 'ask', 'called', 'eat', 'bread', 'wear', 'apparel', 'condition', 'modern', 'babylon', 'hold', 'man', 'man', 'christ_jesus', 'called', 'christian', 'content', 'simply', 'eat', 'bread', 'wear', 'apparel', 'disre', 'asked', 'explanation', 'gard', 'entirely', 'god', 'direction', 'regulate', 'eating', 'quantity', 'quality', 'luke', 'plain', 'instruction', 'given', 'regard', 'apparel', 'worn', 'christ', 'tim', 'peter', 'treated', 'disdain', 'dress', 'eat', 'like', 'world', 'wear', 'christ', 'defiled', 'woman', 'forsake', 'thing', 'class', 'reply', 'owing', 'severe', 'drought', 'white', 'neighbor', 'lost', 'entire', 'harvest', 'suffering', 'great_need', 'fortunate', 'held', 'council', 'decided', 'drawing', 'government', 'ration', 'store', 'white', 'inured', 'hunger', 'cold', 'spake', 'red', 'man', 'white', 'critic', 'honor', 'santee', 'sioux', 'selected', 'unpromising', 'source', 'little', 'fellow', 'got', 'inspiration', 'gradually', 'lifted', 'degradation', 'noble', 'christian', 'manhood']
root - INFO - extracting file #111500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19030219-V51-06-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #112000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19050613-V53-24-page2.txt
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'severest', 'art', 'critic', 'promptly', 'called', 'attention', 'rare', 'talent', 'work', 'held', 'honorable', 'position', 'europe', 'america', 'appreciative', 'true', 'worth', 'slow', 'acknowledge', 'merit', 'work', 'picture', 'gained', 'high', 'prize', 'centennial', 'exhibition', 'brought', 'american', 'public', 'father', 'guided', 'directed', 'study', 'way', 'interfered', 'bent', 'inclination', 'left', 'free', 'exercise', 'own_way', 'unusual', 'quality', 'observation', 'imagination', 'painted', 'attracted', 'attention', 'animal', 'interior', 'house', 'landscape', 'little', 'child', 'animal', 'subject', 'liked', 'best', 'henriette', 'knip', 'mme', 'ronner', 'husband', 'went', 'brussels', 'live', 'married', 'income', 'small', 'young', 'artist', 'brought', 'new_home', 'sure', 'boy', 'girl', 'agree', 'better', 'mere', 'dollar', 'cent', 'end', 'usually', 'gain', 'thing', 'dollar', 'cent', 'included', 'dutch', 'pluck', 'perseverance', 'set', 'work', 'overcome', 'difficulty', 'time', 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'rom', 'question', 'fruit', 'spirit', 'gal', 'spiritual', 'experience', 'constitutes', 'kingdom', 'god', 'believer', 'rom', 'prayer', 'indicates', 'glorious', 'privilege', 'christian', 'rom', 'contrast', 'fruit', 'spirit', 'mentioned', 'work', 'flesh', 'gal', 'change', 'wrought', 'life', 'true', 'christian', 'verse', 'daily', 'experience', 'set', 'forth', 'gal', 'blessed', 'experience', 'described', 'john', 'note', 'mean', 'change', 'wrought', 'rom', 'john', 'man', 'wretched', 'state', 'nature', 'described', 'rom', 'delivered', 'rom', 'note', 'tree', 'known', 'matt', 'application', 'principle', 'christian_experience', 'luke', 'compare', 'james', 'disposition', 'finally', 'tree', 'yield', 'good_fruit', 'matt', 'saviour', 'fruitless', 'figtree', 'mark', 'note', 'beat', 'good_fruit', 'john', 'blessed', 'result', 'truly', 'abiding', 'christ', 'verse', 'appropriate', 'prayer', 'phil', 'pleasure', 'theater', 'opera', 'dance', 'fame', 'power', 'human', 'learning', 'loved', 'taken', 'hour', 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root - INFO - extracting file #3000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18981110-V13-44-page12.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #6000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19100302-V15-09-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #7000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19160309-V21-10-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #16500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18940201-V29-02-page39.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #17000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18960601-V31-06-page43.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #17500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18980201-V33-02-page49.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #18000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18990801-V34-08-page41.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #18500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19001201-V35-12-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #19000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19030601-V38-06-page15.txt
root - INFO - ['gymnastics', 'housework', 'sit', 'floor', 'leg', 'extended', 'foot', 'edge', 'sofa', 'placing', 'hand', 'bend', 'slowly', 'backward', 'page', 'returning', 'position', 'deep', 'breath', 'repeat', 'exercise', 'time', 'exercise', 'sitting', 'stool', 'arm', 'falling', 'relaxed', 'relax', 'muscle', 'neck', 'head', 'fall', 'forward', 'allow', 'slowly', 'roll', 'circle', 'slightly', 'directing', 'effort', 'follows', 'roll', 'direction', 'keeping', 'eye', 'closed', 'exercise', 'sitting', 'stool', 'place', 'hand', 'relax', 'muscle', 'trunk', 'allow', 'body', 'drop', 'forward', 'slowly', 'circle', 'trunk', 'allowing', 'head', 'drop', 'trunk', 'fall', 'backward', 'completing', 'circle', 'reverse', 'resistive', 'movement', 'exercise', 'lying', 'flat', 'eye', 'closed', 'alternately', 'contract', 'relax', 'succession', 'group', 'muscle', 'body', 'slowly', 'close', 'open', 'right_hand', 'contracting', 'extending', 'muscle', 'forcibly', 'possible', 'repeat', 'exercise', 'left_hand', 'slowly', 'bend', 'extend', 'right_arm', 'repeat', 'left', 'arm', 'raise', 'right_arm', 'sideways', 'extending', 'far', 'possible', 'left', 'raise', 'right_arm', 'head', 'reaching', 'far', 'possible', 'repeat', 'left', 'extend', 'flex', 'foot', 'continue', 'leg', 'muscle', 'flex', 'extend', 'leg', 'draw', 'leg', 'sideways', 'draw', 'knee', 'raise', 'leg', 'close', 'eye', 'contract', 'open', 'wide', 'possible', 'shut', 'jaw', 'closely', 'open', 'mouth', 'widely', 'twist', 'head', 'right', 'left', 'raise', 'head', 'forward', 'roll', 'head', 'backward', 'counteract', 'sided', 'development', 'breathing', 'exercise', 'best', 'breathing', 'movement', 'simple', 'exercise', 'create', 'thirst', 'air', 'rapid', 'walking', 'rapid', 'exercise', 'increase', 'rate', 'depth', 'respiration', 'following', 'exercise', 'useful', 'mean', 'stretching', 'exciting', 'respiratory', 'muscle', 'exercise', 'extend', 'arm', 'body', 'swing', 'sideways', 'vigorous', 'movement', 'breathing', 'time', 'slowly', 'return']
root - INFO - extracting file #19500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19040801-V39-08-page83.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #20000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19051101-V40-11-page59.txt
root - INFO - ['requisite', 'affusion', 'bath', 'tub', 'ordinary', 'washtub', 'patient', 'able', 'stand', 'preferable', 'sit', 'bathtub', 'patient', 'unable', 'sit', 'stand', 'lie', 'face', 'cot', 'large', 'piece', 'rubber', 'spread', 'head', 'cot', 'raised', 'water', 'run', 'lower', 'end', 'tub', 'properly', 'placed', 'purpose', 'pail', 'water', 'conveniently', 'placed', 'use', 'wet', 'towel', 'head', 'turkish', 'towel', 'large', 'linen', 'turkish', 'sheet', 'required', 'temperature', 'water', 'employed', 'vary', 'according', 'effect', 'desired', 'application', 'extend', 'whole_body', 'portion', 'employed', 'general', 'application', 'sitting', 'position', 'bathtub', 'usually', 'preferred', 'bath', 'patient', 'head', 'face', 'neck', 'thoroughly', 'cooled', 'water', 'degree', 'lower', 'employed', 'affusion', 'towel', 'wet', 'cold_water', 'wrapped', 'head', 'seat', 'leg', 'extended', 'bathtub', 'plug', 'left', 'requisite', 'num', 'affusion', 'bath', 'fig', 'local', 'affusion', 'ber', 'pail', 'water', 'quickly', 'poured', 'water', 'simply', 'poured', 'patient', 'dashed', 'great', 'height', 'distance', 'arrangement', 'permit', 'attendant', 'grasping', 'pail', 'emptied', 'patient', 'little', 'swing', 'backward', 'tilt', 'way', 'content', 'patient', 'pail', 'swing', 'forward', 'upward', 'fig', 'patient', 'sits', 'hand', 'folded', 'chest', 'protection', 'heart', 'lung', 'pailful', 'water', 'thrown', 'folded', 'hand', 'dashed', 'upper_part', 'body', 'treated', 'alternation', 'required', 'number', 'pail', 'water', 'employed', 'pail', 'emptied', 'attendant', 'vigorou', 'sly', 'rub', 'trunk', 'limb', 'patient', 'thirty', 'second', 'remove', 'bath', 'wrap', 'sheet', 'rub', 'dry', 'special_attention']
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root - INFO - extracting file #21000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/IR19030107-V09-01-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #21500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB18990401-V02-02-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #22000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19031101-V06-11-page15.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #23000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19091001-V12-10-page33.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #24000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19150801-V18-08-page22.txt
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'containing', 'simple', 'powerful', 'truth', 'message', 'standpoint', 'feel', 'great_reason', 'gratitude', 'hitherto', 'god', 'hath', 'led', 'opening', 'providence', 'like', 'cloudy', 'pillar', 'old', 'guiding', 'gathering', 'legion', 'israel', 'host', 'voice', 'captain', 'uncertain', 'tone', 'heard', 'living', 'messenger', 'ordering', 'battle', 'great_struggle', 'entering', 'promised', 'land', 'witness', 'enactment', 'scene', 'minutely', 'described', 'pen', 'inspiration', 'astonished', 'vision', 'behold', 'closing', 'scene', 'act', 'earth', 'drama', 'heart', 'living', 'god', 'behold', 'joy', 'departure', 'heaven', 'scroll', 'rolled', 'form', 'adorable', 'redeemer', 'transcendent', 'glory', 'come', 'waiting', 'people', 'past_year', 'witnessed', 'appalling', 'calamity', 'came', 'southern', 'italy', 'previous_year', 'constant', 'unfolding', 'event', 'truly', 'significant', 'eastern', 'question', 'month', 'pass', 'apparent', 'awakening', 'orient', 'preparing', 'meet', 'occident', 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'hasten', 'work', 'message', 'glorious', 'triumph', 'hopeful', 'outlook', 'considering', 'present_situation', 'post', 'washington', 'recent_issue', 'speaking', 'sitthe', 'head', 'constitution', 'nation', 'europe', 'asia', 'maybe', 'chief', 'japanese', 'aristocracy', 'pen', 'count', 'okuma', 'influential', 'people', 'india', 'enrolled', 'member', 'meredith', 'townsend', 'remarkable', 'book', 'entitled', 'asia', 'europe', 'deal', 'question', 'east', 'conquer', 'west', 'yellow', 'whirlwind', 'rushing', 'irresistible', 'force', 'world', 'engulf', 'europe', 'civilization', 'people', 'sink', 'beneath', 'matchless', 'strength', 'number', 'million', 'inhabitant', 'asia', 'london', 'daily', 'mail', 'commenting', 'day', 'come', 'europe', 'armageddon', 'ahead', 'literary', 'digest', 'july', 'heading', 'oscar', 'fear', 'yellow', 'peril', 'following', 'late', 'oscar', 'sweden', 'man', 'great', 'diplomacy', 'far', 'seeing', 'political', 'sagacity', 'prince', 'adam', 'wiszniewski', 'publishes', 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root - INFO - extracting file #36000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19160511-V15-40-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #37000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18530920-V04-11-page6.txt
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'honest', 'heart', 'dragon', 'wroth', 'remnant', 'seed', 'woman', 'commandment', 'god', 'testimon', 'jesus_christ', 'little', 'remnant', 'place', 'trying', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'testimony', 'jesus', 'necessary', 'perhim', 'forever', 'ilous', 'time', 'try', 'spirit', 'word', 'reject', 'agree', 'truly', 'believe', 'lord', 'set', 'hand', 'second', 'time', 'restore', 'remnant', 'people', 'brother', 'let', 'strong', 'lord', 'commandment', 'sealed', 'seal', 'living', 'god', 'seven', 'plague', 'shall', 'poured', 'plague', 'come', 'nigh', 'dwelling', 'let', 'strong', 'doctrine', 'dead', 'know', 'sound', 'faith', 'shall', 'drawn', 'away', 'spirit', 'devil', 'working', 'miracle', 'come', 'heat', 'day', 'deceive', 'nation', 'gather', 'battle', 'great_day', 'god_almighty', 'blessed', 'privilege', 'enter', 'chamber', 'god', 'indignation', 'overpast', 'fearful', 'thing', 'fall', 'hand', 'angry', 'god', 'sign', 'time', 'cpeallenge', 'following', 'toronto', 'mirror', 'catholic', 'paper', 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root - INFO - extracting file #37500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18570514-V10-02-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #38000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18600710-V16-08-page6.txt
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'blessed', 'saviour', 'gave', 'life', 'ransom', 'sermon', 'mount', 'enforces', 'father', 'law', 'penalty', 'kingdom', 'heaven', 'matt', 'command', 'perfect', 'verse', 'away', 'good', 'old', 'hymn', 'thing', 'example', 'intent', 'paul', 'rom', 'xii', 'beseech', 'lust', 'evil', 'thing', 'lusted', 'thing', 'happened', 'unto', 'ensamples', 'written', 'admonition', 'end', 'world', 'come', 'wherefore', 'let', 'thinketh', 'standeth', 'heed', 'lest', 'fall', 'dear_friends', 'advent', 'blessed', 'lord', 'stand', 'position', 'looking', 'lord', 'come', 'feel', 'requirement', 'commandment', 'left', 'unheeded', 'ask', 'question', 'dear_reader', 'answer', 'brother', 'mercy', 'god', 'present', 'body', 'living', 'sacrifice', 'holy', 'acceptable', 'god', 'reasonable', 'service', 'conformed', 'world', 'transformed', 'renewing', 'mind', 'prove', 'good', 'acceptable', 'apnedrferfctt', 'god', 'dear_brethren', 'sister', 'let', 'raise', 'standard', 'high', 'word', 'god', 'sifting', 'time', 'come', 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root - INFO - extracting file #38500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18631013-V22-20-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #39000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18660904-V28-14-page4.txt
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'lord', 'teaching', 'certain', 'sign', 'heaven', 'appear', 'coming', 'near', 'declaration', 'generation', 'referred', 'pas', 'away', 'evidently', 'intended', 'assure', 'heart', 'believer', 'conoerning', 'nearness', 'day', 'coming', 'sign', 'predicted', 'fulfilled', 'coming', 'near', 'near', 'door', 'near', 'generation', 'shall', 'pas', 'till', 'thing', 'fulfilled', 'race', 'jew', 'pas', 'away', 'till', 'thing', 'fulfilled', 'bearing', 'nearness', 'advent', 'probability', 'exist', 'thousand', 'year', 'come', 'time', 'continue', 'saviour', 'introduce', 'foreign', 'irrelevant', 'matter', 'discourse', 'break', 'thread', 'connected', 'discourse', 'putting', 'assertion', 'jew', 'exist', 'earth', 'till', 'second', 'advent', 'solemnly', 'affirming', 'use', 'amen', 'verily', 'lengthen', 'discourse', 'bible', 'larger', 'book', 'solemn', 'asseveration', 'bearing', 'subject', 'discourse', 'fact', 'certain', 'race', 'men', 'exist', 'shole', 'dispensation', 'eighteen', 'hundsod', 'year', 'idea', 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'followed', 'glorious', 'coming', 'said', 'learn', 'parable', 'fig', 'tree', 'nitting', 'forth', 'sure', 'precursor', 'summer', 'making', 'application', 'said', 'likewise', 'ter', 'pledge', 'pledging', 'pay', 'let', 'figure', 'ought', 'pay', 'prompt', 'paying', 'review', 'herald', 'evol', 'intended', 'heard', 'voice', 'saw', 'sign', 'live', 'time', 'occurrence', 'word', 'answer', 'question', 'monthly', 'possible', 'use', 'shall', 'thing', 'christian', 'family', 'addressed', 'live', 'time', 'fulfillment', 'sign', 'disciple', 'saw', 'till', 'come', 'great_signs', 'appeared', 'word', 'saviour', 'come', 'directly', 'witness', 'sign', 'appeared', 'likewise', 'shall', 'thing', 'know', 'near', 'door', 'near', 'verily', 'unto', 'generation', 'shall', 'pas', 'till', 'thing', 'fulfilled', 'perfectly', 'rationa', 'easy', 'rational', 'interpretation', 'language', 'like', 'ner', 'paul', 'term', 'represent', 'christian', 'living', 'time', 'coming', 'christ', 'theresurrection', 'said', 'alive', 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'death', 'bro', 'stacy', 'died', 'seven', 'month', 'previous', 'aug', 'came', 'bellville', 'ohio', 'tent', 'pitched', 'spent', 'day', 'pleasantly', 'brn', 'van', 'horn', 'lawrence', 'evening', 'spoke', 'interested', 'congregation', 'attention', 'given', 'good_success', 'attend', 'effort', 'tent', 'friday', 'parted', 'brn', 'came', 'norwalk', 'ohio', 'tarried', 'night', 'old_friend', 'bro', 'george', 'smith', 'sabbath', 'morning', 'went', 'east', 'townsend', 'gave', 'short', 'discourse', 'brn', 'sister', 'house', 'bro', 'horner', 'day', 'morning', 'meeting', 'permanently', 'organize', 'church', 'rearrange', 'eighteen', 'entered', 'church_fellowship', 'pledged', 'year', 'increase', 'upwards', 'afternoon', 'consent', 'trustee', 'spoke', 'methodist', 'chapel', 'attentive', 'congregation', 'came', 'day', 'wakeman', 'rested', 'visited', 'wrote', 'thursday', 'went', 'berea', 'station', 'met', 'bro', 'thomas', 'white', 'strongsville', 'conveyed', 'home', 'sabbath', 'spoke', 'dozen', 'house', 'bro', 'white', 'afternoon', 'partook', 'lord', 'supper', 'number', 'lord', 'spirit', 'day', 'meeting', 'forenoon', 'organize', 'church', 'rearrange', 'entered', 'ohureh', 'covenant', 'increased', 'afternoon', 'spoke', 'fifty', 'sabbath', 'question', 'house', 'bro', 'white', 'monday', 'aug', 'returned', 'battle', 'creek', 'spent', 'sabbath', 'mean', 'time', 'attended', 'duty', 'general', 'state', 'conference', 'demand', 'attention', 'start', 'west', 'attend', 'large', 'meeting', 'feel', 'good_courage', 'press', 'believe', 'lord', 'hand', 'set', 'cause', 'gather', 'fit', 'people', 'kingdom', 'coming', 'lotjohborough', 'aug', 'report', 'bro', 'waggoner', 'left', 'memphis', 'arrived', 'charles', 'road', 'north', 'bad', 'raining', 'daily', 'concluded', 'remain', 'sabbath', 'hardly', 'expect', 'tent', 'pitched', 'week', 'time', 'monthly', 'meeting', 'bad', 'pleasure', 'seeing', 'brother', 'sister', 'fremont', 'chesaning', 'commenced', 'meeting', 'thursday', 'evening', 'continuing', 'till', 'sunday', 'evening', 'sabbath', 'devoted', 'subject', 'health', 'followed', 'tolerably', 'good', 'social', 'meeting', 'sunday', 'morning', 'time', 'methodist', 'appointment', 'convened', 'clock', 'bro', 'griggs', 'resumed', 'examination', 'health', 'question', 'realized', 'importance', 'trust', 'augmented', 'subject']
root - INFO - extracting file #39500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18680623-V32-01-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #40000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18710404-V37-16-page2.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'herald', 'sabbath', 'time', 'restitution', 'thing', 'time', 'refreshing', 'presence', 'lord', 'time', 'restitution', 'thing', 'act', 'time', 'refreshing', 'translation', 'greek_word', 'avawig', 'mean', 'coolness', 'heat', 'rest', 'recreation', 'sin', 'heated', 'air', 'scorched', 'soil', 'weakened', 'spring', 'energy', 'health', 'happiness', 'mankind', 'change', 'predicted', 'come', 'dew', 'tender', 'grass', 'health', 'sick', 'life', 'dead', 'freedom', 'slave', 'source', 'earth', 'man', 'god', 'presence', 'lord', 'presence', 'fullness', 'joy', 'honor', 'glory', 'power', 'unto', 'sitteth', 'throne', 'unto', 'lamb', 'forever', 'blessed', 'hope', 'glorious', 'appearing', 'jesus_christ', 'great', 'god', 'saviour', 'inaugurate', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'end', 'earth', 'live', 'popular', 'notion', 'teach', 'annihilated', 'dissolved', 'vapor', 'dissipated', 'space', 'people', 'redeemed', 'people', 'transported', 'enduring', 'realm', 'admit', 'shown', 'great', 'change', 'passed', 'globe', 'impossible', 'believe', 'author', 'beautiful', 'holy', 'happy', 'world', 'groaning', 'travailing', 'pain', 'yearning', 'delivered', 'till', 'sigh', 'reach', 'heavcoverably', 'unclean', 'sinful', 'beautiful', 'flower', 'necessarily', 'corrupt', 'splendid', 'evening', 'star', 'glisten', 'like', 'glorious', 'diamond', 'brow', 'night', 'corrupt', 'brilliant', 'sparkling', 'diamond', 'precious', 'stone', 'ruby', 'amethyst', 'thing', 'perfectly', 'pure', 'material', 'thing', 'survive', 'memorial', 'paradise', 'precious', 'diamond', 'beautiful', 'rose', 'look', 'like', 'lingering', 'remains', 'tell', 'mankind', 'fragrance', 'beauty', 'everlasting', 'splendor', 'paradise', 'inextinguishably', 'corrupt', 'impure', 'unholy', 'matter', 'holy', 'matter', 'capable', 'holy', 'popular', 'notion', 'world', 'bad', 'think', 'millennium', 'coming', 'way', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'official', 'new', 'york', 'alderman', 'nursing', 'father', 'true', 'israel', 'god', 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'justice', 'clemency', 'god', 'lev', 'forgets', 'new_testament', 'declares', 'word', 'severity', 'hebrew', 'prophet', 'surpassed', 'god', 'consuming', 'fearful', 'thing', 'fall', 'hand', 'living', 'god', 'david', 'uttered', 'malediction', 'terrible', 'word', 'jesus', 'serpent', 'generation', 'viper', 'escape', 'damnation', 'hell', 'mean', 'forestall']
root - INFO - extracting file #40500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18740210-V43-09-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #41000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18761207-V48-23-page2.txt
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'uttereth', 'speech', 'night', 'lord_spake', 'unto', 'night', 'showeth', 'knowledge', 'declared', 'unto', 'coveworks', 'god', 'wisd', 'power', 'nant', 'commanded', 'perform', 'lead', 'render', 'unfeigned', 'commandment', 'wrote', 'worship', 'love', 'left', 'table', 'stone', 'thing', 'impressive', 'law', 'verse', 'mark', 'pathway', 'lead', 'tord', 'commanded', 'time', 'god', 'sure_word', 'encampment', 'sinai', 'prophecy', 'whereunto', 'thoughon', 'different', 'occasion', 'teach', 'statute', 'judgment', 'land', 'tion', 'promise', 'predicated', 'god', 'required', 'heart', 'sanctification', 'repentance', 'faith', 'obedience', 'tim', 'sanctification', 'heart', 'harmony', 'wit', 'outward', 'sign', 'thereof', 'called', 'encouragement', 'reader', 'beauty', 'star', 'light', 'night', 'heed', 'unto', 'light', 'shineth', 'dark_place', 'pet', 'posse', 'fundamental_law', 'spoken', 'god', 'engraven', 'time', 'time', 'special', 'temporary', 'provisional', 'law', 'dictated', 'moses', 'angel', 'paul', 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'obedience', 'unto', 'righteousness', 'righteousness', 'unto', 'holimortal', 'beauty', 'soon', 'ushered', 'ness', 'mediator', 'accounted', 'present', 'reign', 'corruption', 'sabbath', 'reflection', 'soul', 'glad', 'kingdom', 'hit', 'woe', 'misery', 'heart', 'breaking', 'sigh', 'trouble', 'fear', 'sorrow', 'soon', 'gin', 'place', 'blissful', 'reign', 'peace', 'love', 'ending', 'felicity', 'oming', 'hat', 'cat', 'jolley', 'areless', 'card', 'oilimp', 'ork', 'vpare', 'rat', 'liought', 'cord', 'armor']
root - INFO - extracting file #41500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18791211-V54-24-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #42000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18810719-V58-04-page12.txt
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'sueur', 'minn', 'treasurer', 'allen', 'moon', 'eagle', 'lake', 'blue', 'earth', 'minn', 'committee', 'credential', 'license', 'recommended', 'credential', 'eld', 'colcord', 'jones', 'renewed', 'license', 'granted', 'bro', 'russell', 'adopted', 'unanimously', 'adjourned', 'chair', 'meeting', 'june', 'president', 'chair', 'prayer', 'eld', 'waggoner', 'minute', 'meeting', 'read', 'accepted', 'action', 'committee', 'credential', 'license', 'called', 'voted', 'committee', 'discharged', 'matter', 'left', 'conference_committee', 'pres', 'com', 'grant', 'fulton', 'hutchinson', 'mcleod', 'minn', 'johnson', 'golden', 'gate', 'brown', 'minn', 'grad', 'iltittil', 'waggoner', 'van', 'aorn', 'jones', 'corn', 'voted', 'consider', 'report', 'item', 'grant', 'duly', 'elected', 'president', 'babcock', 'moved', 'vote', 'thanks', 'tendered', 'positively', 'declined', 'accept', 'office', 'secretary', 'motion', 'portion', 'report', 'relating', 'nomination', 'secretary', 'referred', 'committee', 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'canapgneeting', 'committee', 'allen', 'moor', 'david', 'emmeraon', 'john', 'olive', 'walter', 'lashear', 'armstrong', 'auditor', 'myron', 'winchell', 'second', 'meeting', 'june', 'chair', 'called', 'meeting', 'order', 'prayer', 'offered', 'eld', 'ell', 'calling', 'roll', 'delegate', 'responded', 'church', 'minute', 'meeting', 'read', 'request', 'membership', 'presented', 'new', 'hartford', 'church', 'winona', 'minna', 'seven', 'member', 'knapp', 'church', 'dunn', 'member', 'wilson', 'church', 'croix', 'seventeen', 'member', 'granted', 'delegate', 'took', 'seat', 'conference', 'company', 'swedish', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'grant', 'minn', 'presented', 'request', 'eld', 'johnson', 'taken', 'watchcare', 'conference', 'rho', 'geneva', 'joy', 'maple', 'plain', 'church', 'voted', 'dropped', 'record', 'having', 'extinct', 'condition', 'grand', 'meadow', 'church', 'presented', 'secretary', 'hurry', 'business', 'action', 'taken', 'report', 'treasurer', 'presented', 'showing', 'following', 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'resolution', 'adopted', 'resolved', 'extend', 'thanks', 'railroad', 'company', 'favored', 'reduction', 'fare', 'line', 'resolved', 'secretary', 'instructed', 'furnish', 'copy', 'foregoing', 'resolution', 'leading', 'paper', 'minneapolis', 'publication', 'received', 'god', 'blessing', 'exercise', 'commenced', 'singing', 'familiar', 'hymn', 'followed', 'season', 'prayer', 'letter', 'read', 'gentleman', 'kansa', 'writes', 'favorably', 'impressed', 'doctrine', 'advocated', 'sign', 'time', 'desire', 'information', 'subject', 'gladly', 'accept', 'reading_matter', 'sent', 'member', 'spoke', 'having', 'sent', 'number', 'sign', 'cousin', 'learned', 'accident', 'fell', 'hand', 'man', 'greatly', 'interested', 'member', 'related', 'interesting', 'conversation', 'recently', 'held', 'gentleman', 'place', 'member', 'baptist', 'church', 'supposed', 'interested', 'view', 'observing', 'event', 'transpiring', 'led', 'conclude', 'near', 'auditor', 'reported', 'examined', 'treasurer', 'report', 'voucher', 'report', 'correct', 'report', 'approved', 'secretary', 'presented', 'summary', 'annual_reports', 'church', 'reporting', 'ference', 'committee', 'fulton', 'enimerson', 'stanton', 'cora', 'report', 'considered', 'item', 'adopted', 'hour', 'preaching', 'having', 'arrived', 'conference', 'adjourned', 'meet', 'immediately', 'preaching', 'service', 'meeting', 'conference', 'convened', 'pursuant', 'adjournment', 'resumed', 'business', 'reading', 'minute', 'meeting', 'secretary', 'read', 'report', 'colporters', 'showing', 'encouraging', 'prospect', 'branch', 'work', 'nominating', 'committee', 'presented', 'wright', 'conference_secretary', 'motion', 'substitute', 'curtis', 'motion', 'elect', 'ballot', 'ruled', 'order', 'motion', 'prevailed', 'adopt', 'report', 'bro', 'wright', 'declared', 'elected', 'committee', 'resolution', 'reported', 'follows', 'committee', 'resolution', 'beg', 'leave', 'submit', 'teacher', 'missouri', 'speaks', 'having', 'received', 'following', 'great', 'degree', 'backslidden', 'god', 'allowed', 'pride', 'love', 'world', 'alarming', 'extent', 'possession', 'heart', 'separate', 'god', 'resolved', 'break', 'loose', 'world', 'humble', 'heart', 'god', 'earnestly', 'plead', 'heal', 'backsliding', 'help', 'consecrate', 'anew', 'service', 'god', 'spoken', 'plainly', 'subject', 'dress', 'departed', 'respect', 'simplicity', 'characterize', 'people', 'god', 'resolved', 'feel', 'called', 'repent', 'god', 'henceforth', 'endeavor', 'walk', 'accordance', 'light', 'given', 'great_benefit', 'instructor', 'desire', 'reading_matter', 'especially', 'assist', 'work', 'letter', 'read', 'gentleman', 'time', 'interested', 'reader', 'containing', 'subscriber', 'sign', 'member', 'present', 'spoke', 'having', 'learned', 'good', 'accomplished', 'paper', 'sent', 'year', 'ago', 'reported', 'having', 'visted', 'lady', 'place', 'fully', 'convinced', 'respecting', 'truth', 'anxiously', 'hoping', 'husband', 'light', 'obey', 'member', 'stated', 'lady', 'written', 'sent', 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root - INFO - extracting file #42500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18830206-V60-06-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #43000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18840826-V61-35-page7.txt
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'testament', 'apparent', 'reluctance', 'accepted', 'offer', 'learning', 'ear', 'corn', 'wanted', 'telling', 'field', 'near', 'wife', 'read', 'told', 'opened', 'bible', 'year', 'bought', 'bible', 'paying', 'cent', 'money', 'class', 'bought', 'bible', 'saying', 'owned', 'grown', 'daughter', 'child', 'read', 'owned', 'bible', 'married', 'sixteen_years', 'met', 'preacher', 'new_testament', 'told', 'think', 'bad', 'read', 'dozen', 'chapter', 'old_testament', 'use', 'holding', 'office', 'complete', 'copy', 'new_testament', 'gladly', 'availed', 'opportunity', 'purchase', 'bible', 'mean', 'rare', 'occurrence', 'hear', 'father', 'family', 'church', 'member', 'confess', 'destitute', 'bible', 'new_testament', 'golden', 'censer', 'abbatb', 'ign', 'thou_shalt', 'teach', 'diligently', 'dent', 'lesson', 'sabbath', 'september', 'instructor', 'aug', 'resurrection', 'continued', 'critical', 'note', 'jeremiah', 'prophecy', 'rachel', 'weeping', 'child', 'declared', 'fulfilled', 'cruel', 'order', 'inhuman', 'herod', 'child', 'bethlehem', 'year', 'age', 'slain', 'matt', 'probable', 'prophecy', 'meet', 'principal', 'fulfillment', 'barnes', 'word', 'fulfilled', 'taken', 'evidently', 'sense', 'word', 'jeremiah', 'aptly', 'express', 'event', 'matthew', 'recording', 'original', 'design', 'prophecy', 'sorrowful', 'departure', 'people', 'captivity', 'conquest', 'jerusalem', 'nobuchadnezzar', 'captive', 'assembled', 'rama', 'jeremiah', 'chain', 'fate', 'escaped', 'destruction', 'city', 'decided', 'conqueror', 'jer', 'noble', 'slain', 'eye', 'king', 'murder', 'son', 'sight', 'people', 'gathered', 'rama', 'chain', 'start', 'mournful', 'journey', 'slave', 'cruel', 'monarch', 'leaving', 'dear', 'life', 'sadness', 'scene', 'expressed', 'language', 'prophet', 'beautifully', 'fitly', 'applies', 'melancholy', 'event', 'evangelist', 'record', 'impropriety', 'quotation', 'calvin', 'certain', 'prophet', 'describes', 'destruction', 'tribe', 'benjamin', 'took', 'place', 'time', 'foretold', 'tery', 'secret', 'revealed', 'told', 'flesh', 'blood', 'inherit', 'kingdom', 'god', 'question', 'arise', 'shall', 'shall', 'alive', 'christ', 'shall', 'come', 'answer', 'instantaneous', 'change', 'place', 'living', 'dead', 'fitting', 'inherit', 'kingdom', 'god', 'shall', 'sleep', 'paul', 'argue', 'expected', 'live', 'coming', 'christ', 'merely', 'class', 'christian', 'saying', 'shall', 'die', 'alive', 'christ', 'come', 'shall', 'changed', 'fix', 'the_review_and_herald', 'beautiful', 'figure', 'speech', 'prophet', 'introduces', 'mother', 'weeping', 'tribe', 'child', 'weeping', 'fallen', 'destiny', 'israel', 'calamity', 'come', 'land', 'image', 'striking', 'introduce', 'mother', 'long', 'dead', 'sepulchre', 'near', 'weeping', 'bitterly', 'terrible', 'calamity', 'befell', 'descendant', 'language', 'image', 'aptly', 'beautifully', 'expressed', 'sorrow', 'mother', 'bethlehem', 'herod', 'slew', 'infant', 'child', 'cruelty', 'tyrant', 'family', 'family', 'tear', 'lamentation', 'weeping', 'great', 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'thess', 'end', 'world', 'near', 'important_events', 'occur', 'world', 'come', 'end', 'language', 'imply', 'expectation', 'world', 'soon', 'terminate', 'lord', 'jesus', 'soon', 'come', 'parallel', 'expression', 'occur', 'writer', 'new_testament', 'similar', 'signification', 'john', 'epi', 'time', 'comp', 'heb', 'meaning', 'world', 'soon', 'come', 'end', 'prophet', 'spoke', 'period', 'called', 'day', 'isa', 'micah', 'hebrew', 'day', 'period', 'messiah', 'live', 'reign', 'meant', 'dispensation', 'world', 'close', 'reign', 'messiah', 'economy', 'human', 'thing', 'follow', 'short_period', 'longer', 'john', 'spoke', 'time', 'bloomfield', 'passage', 'use', 'person', 'prove', 'apostle', 'thought', 'day', 'judgment', 'near', 'hand', 'contemporary', 'best', 'expositor', 'agreed', 'appears', 'participation', 'apostie', 'speaks', 'person', 'alive', 'day', 'mean', 'designate', 'alive', 'moment', 'literally', 'atom', 'time', 'point', 'time', 'absolutely', 'indivisible', 'quickly', 'change', 'good', 'trouble', 'cross', 'man', 'enter', 'consider', 'ought', 'trust', 'earthly', 'thing', 'thomas', 'kempis', 'ing', 'dead', 'remark', 'barnes', 'point', 'truthful', 'point', 'given', 'considerable', 'length', 'shall', 'sleep', 'christian', 'grouping', 'lived', 'live', 'discussion', 'relation', 'following', 'remark', 'remove', 'difficulty', 'attends', 'interpretation', 'passage', 'objection', 'paul']
root - INFO - extracting file #43500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18860323-V63-12-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #44000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18871011-V64-40-page2.txt
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'moment', 'worketh', 'afar', 'exceeding', 'eternal_weight', 'glory', 'look', 'thing', 'seen', 'thing', 'seen', 'thing', 'seen', 'temporal', 'thing', 'seen', 'eternal', 'holy', 'day', 'second', 'day', 'pentecost', 'work', 'factory', 'day', 'color', 'flying', 'building', 'people', 'crowd', 'making', 'way', 'church', 'great', 'account', 'europe', 'holy', 'day', 'spoke', 'assembled', 'john', 'bro', 'conradi', 'interpreted', 'german', 'truth', 'reality', 'felt', 'god', 'gave', 'special', 'strength', 'imparted', 'holy', 'spirit', 'speaking', 'saw', 'intelligent', 'company', 'privilege', 'little', 'labor', 'ministering', 'brother', 'hope', 'pray', 'meeting', 'prove', 'blessing', 'present', 'bro', 'conradi', 'mentioned', 'request', 'afflicted', 'brother', 'prayer', 'behalf', 'assembled', 'faith', 'sent', 'humble', 'petition', 'sick', 'afflicted', 'losing', 'hold', 'life', 'presented', 'case', 'lord', 'felt', 'assurance', 'love', 'god', 'affliction', 'felt', 'god', 'loved', 'best', 'good', 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'near', 'approach', 'day', 'lord', 'star', 'shall', 'fall', 'heaven', 'star', 'fall', 'predicted', 'think', 'bible', 'authority', 'drawing', 'line', 'distinction', 'heavenly', 'body', 'greatly', 'exceed', 'magnitude', 'earth', 'sun', 'diminutive', 'visible', 'eye', 'alike', 'obedient', 'law', 'govern', 'celestial', 'sphere', 'present', 'classification', 'sphere', 'convenience', 'pursuit', 'celestial', 'science', 'distinction', 'unknown', 'bible', 'regard', 'degree', 'glory', 'cor', 'mighty', 'jupiter', 'confessed', 'star', 'planet', 'deny', 'honor', 'sisterhood', 'asteroid', 'diminutive', 'visible', 'naked', 'eye', 'brought', 'nearer', 'earth', 'distinctly', 'seen', 'called', 'aerolite', 'life', 'teaching', 'man', 'yes', 'god', 'love', 'man', 'furnished', 'proof', 'corresponding', 'enormity', 'event', 'transpire', 'aside', 'prophecy', 'daniel', 'chap', 'lead', 'specification', 'kingdom', 'earth', 'time', 'kingdom', 'dominion', 'greatness', 'kingdom', 'whole_heaven', 'shall', 'given', 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root - INFO - extracting file #44500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18890402-V66-14-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #45000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18901007-V67-39-page8.txt
root - INFO - ['advent_review_and_sabbath_herald', 'sivol', 'aim', 'lad', 'nali', 'sanctify', 'thy', 'truth', 'thy', 'word', 'truth', 'battle', 'cheek', 'mich', 'oct', 'uriah', 'smith', 'editor', 'smith', 'assistant', 'editor', 'editorial', 'contributor', 'geo', 'butler', 'baskell', 'tenney', 'conradi', 'colcord', 'alarming', 'independent', 'sign', 'turkey', 'getting', 'alarming', 'turkish', 'power', 'indicating', 'disintegration', 'possibility', 'distant', 'overthrow', 'civilized', 'world', 'regret', 'issue', 'political', 'ground', 'wait', 'consolation', 'israel', 'matter', 'peculiar', 'account', 'connection', 'prophecy', 'play', 'sign', 'setting', 'kingdom', 'messiah', 'present', 'trend', 'event', 'turkey', 'independent', 'sign', 'turkey', 'getting', 'alarming', 'armenian', 'patriarch', 'resigned', 'pretense', 'ill', 'health', 'president', 'ecclesiastical', 'secular', 'council', 'resigned', 'week', 'report', 'conflict', 'great', 'armenian', 'center', 'van', 'score', 'turk', 'armenian', 'killed', 'look', 'conflict', 'near_future', 'curtailment', 'turkish', 'authority', 'editorial', 'paragraph', 'paper', 'read', 'connection', 'ludicrous', 'preposterousness', 'turkey', 'calling', 'civilized', 'power', 'dismally', 'illustrated', 'loss', 'turkish', 'man', 'war', 'ertogroul', 'according', 'report', 'japan', 'foundered', 'sea', 'loss', 'crew', 'including', 'turkish', 'general', 'osman', 'pasha', 'ali', 'pasha', 'vessel', 'sent', 'errand', 'courtesy', 'japan', 'government', 'forgot', 'send', 'money', 'pay', 'running', 'expense', 'powder', 'salute', 'charged', 'harbor', 'went', 'like', 'private', 'merchant', 'vessel', 'stay', 'indefinitely', 'port', 'money', 'sent', 'constantinople', 'long', 'delay', 'finally', 'arrived', 'japanese', 'water', 'sunk', 'world', 'tired', 'turkish', 'government', 'exeat', 'word', 'express', 'sentiment', 'exeat', 'let', 'retire', 'vanish', 'disappear', 'prophecy', 'dan', 'express', 'let', 'power', 'come', 'end', 'help', 'let', 'step', 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'weak', 'mortal', 'grasp', 'comprehend', 'divine', 'counsel', 'touch', 'heart', 'great', 'prophet', 'elijah', 'sitting', 'tree', 'desert', 'sheltering', 'best', 'heat', 'tropical', 'sun', 'heart', 'deep', 'sorrow', 'pleading', 'die', 'let', 'think', 'weak', 'spirit', 'faith', 'better', 'ordeal', 'passed', 'severest', 'kind', 'man', 'lived', 'borne', 'better', 'eye', 'lord', 'looked', 'pity', 'servant', 'tenderly', 'sympathized', 'great', 'sorrow', 'sent', 'relief', 'lay', 'slept', 'juniper', 'tree', 'behold', 'angel', 'touched', 'said', 'unto', 'arise', 'eat', 'looked', 'behold', 'cake', 'oaken', 'coal', 'cruse', 'water', 'head', 'eat', 'drink', 'laid', 'angel', 'lord', 'came', 'second', 'time', 'touched', 'said', 'arise', 'eat', 'journey', 'great', 'thee', 'lie', 'arose', 'eat', 'drink', 'went', 'strength', 'meat', 'day', 'night', 'unto', 'horeb', 'mount', 'god', 'came', 'thither', 'unto', 'cave', 'lodged', 'behold', 'word', 'lord', 'came', 'said', 'unto', 'doest', 'thou', 'elijah', 'said', 'jealous', 'lord', 'god', 'host', 'child', 'israel', 'forsaken', 'thy', 'covenant', 'thrown', 'thine', 'altar', 'slain', 'thy', 'prophet']
root - INFO - extracting file #45500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18920329-V69-13-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #46000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18931107-V70-44-page5.txt
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'time', 'god', 'sends', 'low', 'toned', 'messenger', 'whisper', 'peace', 'hush', 'spirit', 'blend', 'bid', 'strife', 'discord', 'cease', 'boundless', 'love', 'come', 'heart', 'day', 'know', 'potent', 'thy', 'power', 'come', 'lord', 'jesus', 'unbounded', 'sway', 'earthly', 'gift', 'like', 'thy', 'blessed', 'dower', 'sound', 'wakening', 'life', 'air', 'past', 'holy', 'season', 'dawn', 'door', 'stand', 'sharpened', 'visaged', 'care', 'sacred', 'quiet', 'time', 'gone', 'thank', 'thee', 'lord', 'care', 'ballast', 'hold', 'life', 'equipoise', 'astray', 'region', 'dark', 'cold', 'thought', 'life', 'job', 'laugh', 'world', 'laugh', 'weep', 'weep', 'truthfully', 'sings', 'modern', 'poet', 'truth', 'fully', 'shown', 'life', 'ancient', 'patient', 'servant', 'god', 'job', 'presented', 'man', 'wealth', 'great_influence', 'surrounded', 'numerous', 'friend', 'brother', 'sister', 'child', 'withal', 'living', 'life', 'exemplary', 'piety', 'god', 'like', 'earth', 'perfect', 'upright', 'man', 'surely', 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root - INFO - extracting file #46500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18950618-V72-25-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #47000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18961201-V73-48-page6.txt
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'great_day', 'true', 'happiness', 'home', 'light', 'god', 'presence', 'shut', 'tendency', 'ennobling', 'elevating', 'old', 'aphorism', 'like', 'produce', 'like', 'true', 'case', 'influence', 'good', 'bad', 'effect', 'seen', 'outside', 'home', 'circle', 'society', 'nation', 'suffer', 'character', 'country', 'home', 'determines', 'condition', 'society', 'finally', 'nation', 'individual', 'foundation', 'liken', 'individual', 'plant', 'home', 'nursery', 'society', 'flower', 'nation', 'fruit', 'little', 'plant', 'pruned', 'bound', 'straight', 'kept', 'worm', 'destructive', 'enemy', 'watered', 'tended', 'care', 'granting', 'condition', 'grows']
root - INFO - extracting file #47500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980426-V75-17-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #48000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18990912-V76-37-page10.txt
root - INFO - ['advent_review_and_sabbath_herald', 'willingly', 'hear', 'concern', 'men', 'sin', 'life', 'manner', 'touching', 'own_sins', 'men', 'willingly', 'abide', 'hear', 'men', 'death', 'abide', 'hear', 'manner', 'use', 'hear', 'heed', 'hear', 'word', 'heed', 'mean', 'look', 'care', 'wisely', 'use', 'sum', 'money', 'receive', 'lie', 'special', 'lesson', 'profit', 'text', 'rule', 'applies', 'measure', 'mete', 'shall', 'measured', 'giving', 'hearing', 'right', 'manner', 'right', 'purpose', 'gain', 'greater', 'desire', 'hear', 'understand', 'better', 'hear', 'acquire', 'assurance', 'truth', 'presented', 'gain', 'blessing', 'hear', 'impart', 'delight', 'hearing', 'gospel', 'shall', 'wisdom', 'wisdom', 'know', 'god', 'shall', 'gain', 'holiness', 'joy', 'beholding', 'changed', 'image', 'right', 'use', 'gain', 'failing', 'lose', 'learning', 'truth', 'end', 'beginning', 'truth', 'learned', 'applied', 'kept', 'obeyed', 'declaration', 'measure', 'mete', 'shall', 'measured', 'appear', 'truth', 'shared', 'learn', 'truth', 'god', 'merely', 'listen', 'need', 'impart', 'old', 'rabbi', 'expressed', 'meaning', 'passage', 'word', 'learned', 'tutor', 'companion', 'pupil', 'law', 'spiritual_things', 'light', 'impart', 'grows', 'marvelously', 'exercised', 'way', 'known', 'better', 'grip', 'truth', 'pondering', 'wish', 'intention', 'fellow', 'traveler', 'acquainted', 'love', 'lead', 'share', 'open', 'own_hearts', 'receive', 'higher', 'true', 'regard', 'money', 'matter', 'knowledge', 'power', 'acquirement', 'help', 'scattereth', 'solomon', 'increaseth', 'withholdeth', 'meet', 'tendeth', 'poverty', 'dull', 'teacher', 'doe', 'learn', 'teach', 'rejoice', 'work', 'richard', 'glover', 'worth', 'best', 'way', 'learning', 'unto', 'hear', 'shall', 'given', 'personal', 'devil', 'especially', 'noticed', 'press', 'unusual', 'man', 'religion', 'considered', 'orthodox', 'denied', 'existence', 'personal', 'devil', 'nowadays', 'unpopular', 'believe', 'teach', 'thing', 'reason', 'gratifying', 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'city', 'speaking', 'advanced', 'thought', 'man', 'stand', 'public', 'platform', 'recognizes', 'thereality', 'personality', 'devil', 'said', 'shrewdest', 'device', 'devil', 'persuade', 'world', 'regard', 'recent_years', 'success', 'extraordinary', 'scripture', 'lift', 'veil', 'hide', 'secret', 'spirit', 'world', 'light', 'scripture', 'devil', 'loom', 'colossal', 'fact', 'matter', 'simply', 'personality', 'god', 'clearly', 'taught', 'bible', 'thereality', 'personality', 'satan', 'reject', 'reject', 'sound', 'exegesis', 'banish', 'book', 'true', 'philosophy', 'history', 'ignore', 'presence', 'world', 'sure', 'lost', 'ancient', 'subtlety', 'whetted', 'edge', 'hard', 'experience', 'century', 'time', 'remark', 'coming', 'minister', 'gospel']
root - INFO - extracting file #48500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19010212-V78-07-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #49000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020603-V79-22-page18.txt
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'truth', 'inconvenience', 'sink', 'downer', 'jamaica', 'sav', 'mar', 'month', 'ment', 'mile', 'want', 'teacher', 'trying', 'push', 'oldest', 'boy', 'fast', 'possible', 'begin', 'work', 'hoping', 'help', 'continue', 'indian', 'kneeland', 'natal', 'expect', 'visit', 'soon', 'utilize', 'central', 'trainand', 'secure', 'good', 'location', 'station', 'ing', 'school', 'natal', 'elevated', 'neglect', 'good', 'opening', 'healthful', 'thousand', 'foot', 'people', 'maritzburg', 'good', 'cli', 'shuna', 'generous', 'mate', 'cold', 'spring', 'water', 'ferpeople', 'macalinga', 'people', 'tile', 'soil', 'raise', 'come', 'day', 'grown', 'natal', 'near', 'getting', 'little', 'station', 'main', 'line', 'railroad', 'work', 'tent', 'taken', 'durban', 'secured', 'school', 'site', 'thirty', 'acre', 'near', 'maritzburg', 'act', 'kindness', 'good', 'yard', 'rented', 'hall', 'come', 'advice', 'buying', 'native', 'location', 'locality', 'hold', 'sabbath', 'meeting', 'selling', 'hope', 'direction', 'village', 'kraal', 'magalso', 'preaching', 'service', 'week', 'spirit', 'god', 'great_work', 'nificent', 'view', 'good', 'supply', 'tim', 'meeting', 'smithfield', 'surely', 'god', 'gone', 'ber', 'school', 'site', 'donated', 'mile', 'evening', 'time', 'awaken', 'bestir', 'purchased', 'rest', 'land', 'week', 'people', 'slowly', 'fully', 'believe', 'lord', 'sehad', 'expected', 'baptize', 'number', 'ere', 'free', 'fever', 'cured', 'good', 'lot', 'given', 'ready', 'far', 'native', 'child', 'city', 'durban', 'believe', 'fever', 'day', 'sick', 'sell', 'secure', 'fund', 'erect', 'courage', 'break', 'away', 'young_man', 'building', 'school', 'portuguese', 'territory', 'hope', 'send', 'gospel', 'people', 'anxi', 'learn', 'reaser', 'old', 'chain', 'bind', 'praise', 'lord', 'let', 'business', 'family', 'church', 'relation', 'hinder', 'obeying', 'sabbath', 'market', 'want', 'ready', 'meet', 'jesus', 'speak', 'english', 'south', 'africa', 'cape_town', 'kimberley', 'day', 'week', 'miss', 'day', 'burden', 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'kind', 'canvassing', 'finished', 'studyoccurred', 'year', 'ing', 'christ', 'object_lesson', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'selling', 'day', 'said', 'publicly', 'recently', 'going', 'sold', 'dollar', 'worth', 'saturday', 'evening', 'cape_town', 'sell', 'tract', 'small_books', 'course', 'south', 'african', 'sentinel', 'jourtake', 'boy', 'girl', 'boardmeet', 'opposition', 'believe', 'nal', 'health', 'dispose', 'ing', 'school', 'train', 'wife', 'good_work', 'spite', 'paper', 'chief', 'industrial_school', 'difficulty', 'begin', 'single', 'evening', 'number', 'engineer', 'honduras', 'working', 'church_building', 'courage', 'good', 'student', 'day', 'report', 'break', 'prejudice', 'opening', 'larger', 'list', 'educated', 'influential', 'mind', 'people', 'stability', 'hand', 'especially', 'medical', 'citizen', 'taking', 'deep_interest', 'denomination', 'miswork', 'pray', 'earnestly', 'laborer', 'principle', 'education', 'advosionaries', 'gone', 'island', 'help', 'work', 'gathered', 'large', 'following', 'left', 'having', 'building', 'classed', 'missionary', 'good_results', 'seen', 'place', 'work', 'canvasser', 'amelia', 'webster', 'british', 'guiana', 'cate', 'assisting', 'securing', 'student', 'friend', 'gentleman', 'educated', 'good', 'standing', 'offer', 'assist', 'giving', 'free_use', 'steam', 'sawmill', 'connection', 'santa', 'queenstown', 'essequibo', 'thankful', 'lucia', 'offer', 'free', 'place', 'island', 'returned', 'field', 'labor', 'year', 'use', 'power', 'room', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'rei', 'opposing', 'stream', 'unbelief', 'ported', 'strong', 'help', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'visit', 'place', 'time', 'abated', 'people', 'reading', 'bible', 'brpther', 'enoch', 'busy', 'attention', 'prayer', 'village', 'work', 'brother', 'port', 'spain', 'nobly', 'raising', 'money', 'church', 'danielstown', 'portuguese', 'friend', 'trying', 'building', 'far', 'accepted', 'truth', 'close', 'use', 'shop', 'sabbath', 'attends', 'worry', 'ago', 'gathered', 'pay', 'convention', 'june', 'ship', 'schoolmaster', 'strengthen', 'work', 'new', 'place', 'village', 'convinced', 'raise', 'mean', 'necessary', 'cominterested', 'studying', 'plete', 'building', 'hope', 'hold', 'truth', 'great_difficulty', 'peart', 'spanish', 'honduras', 'tegucigalpa', 'best', 'family', 'capital', 'urging', 'corn', 'printing', 'press', 'recent', 'trip', 'coast', 'ancient', 'capital', 'group', 'interested', 'listener', 'old', 'cathedral', 'built', 'spaniard', 'centutribute', 'saint', 'young', 'old', 'collected', 'reasoned', 'faith', 'righteousness', 'christ']
root - INFO - extracting file #49500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19030526-V80-21-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #50000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19040602-V81-22-page23.txt
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'month', 'old', 'father', 'mother', 'brother', 'sister', 'mourn', 'loss', 'cora', 'alcorn', 'chandler', 'fell', 'asleep', 'jesus', 'sister', 'mary', 'lillian', 'chandler', 'aged', 'year', 'sister', 'chandler', 'health', 'poor', 'long_time', 'cheerful', 'sustained', 'blessed', 'hope', 'lincoln', 'church', 'lost', 'earnest', 'cheerful', 'worker', 'father', 'mother', 'brother', 'sister', 'husband', 'mourn', 'funeral', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'hill', 'ostrander', 'died', 'spencer', 'iowa', 'complication', 'disease', 'andrew', 'ostrander', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'brother', 'ostrander', 'accepted', 'doctrine', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'year', 'ago', 'respected', 'candor', 'intelligence', 'piety', 'knew', 'month', 'endured', 'intense', 'suffering', 'muscular', 'rheumatism', 'leaf', 'son', 'daughter', 'mourn', 'hope', 'funeral', 'conducted', 'writer', 'text', 'tim', 'alvaro', 'wescott', 'stevenson', 'died', 'durango', 'colo', 'home', 'daughter', 'frank', 'sortais', 'lacky', 'stevenson', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'member', 'church', 'good', 'standing', 'mother', 'child', 'filling', 'important', 'position', 'advent_message', 'rev', 'james', 'stevenson', 'sleeping', 'organized', 'church', 'state', 'texas', 'funeral', 'occasion', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'tim', 'kennedy', 'nelson', 'died', 'home', 'near', 'orchard', 'neb', 'ofinflammatory', 'rheumatism', 'terminating', 'heart', 'disease', 'verna', 'oldest', 'daughter', 'nelson', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'bore', 'suffering', 'patiently', 'young', 'knew', 'lean', 'saviour', 'trust', 'fully', 'word', 'short', 'funeral_services', 'held', 'home', 'text', 'job', 'afterward', 'remains', 'taken', 'plainview', 'neb', 'longer', 'service', 'held', 'home', 'brother', 'nelson', 'father', 'text', 'john', 'neral', 'conducted', 'writer', 'assisted', 'brother', 'bear', 'beam', 'sheldon', 'died', 'home', 'near', 'judd', 'corner', 'shiawassee', 'mich', 'april', 'brother', 'asa', 'sheldon', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'brother', 'sheldon', 'received', 'truth', 'labor', 'elder', 'van', 'horn', 'lane', 'faithful_member', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'time', 'ilium', 'death', 'wife', 'child', 'vive', 'service', 'conducted', 'writer', 'home', 'church', 'large_number', 'neighbor', 'friend', 'assembled', 'respect', 'deceased', 'died', 'praising', 'lord', 'salvatina', 'christ', 'saviour', 'evans', 'old', 'died', 'home', 'daughter', 'harris', 'jackson', 'mich', 'mai', 'clarissa', 'old', 'aged', 'year', 'member', 'freewill', 'band', 'church', 'year', 'tel', 'year', 'ago', 'acquainted', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'faith', 'remem', 'eastern', 'pennsylvania', 'maine', 'new', 'york', 'southern', 'new', 'england', 'vermont', 'hardwick', 'virginia', 'aug', 'aug', 'business_notices', 'published', 'department', 'subject', 'discretion', 'publisher', 'charge', 'dollar', 'insertion', 'line', 'cent', 'line', 'case', 'poor', 'wish', 'employment', 'charge', 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'harrison', 'nellah', 'harrison', 'died', 'home', 'cedartown', 'april', 'feeble', 'health', 'active', 'member', 'birmingham', 'ala', 'church', 'year', 'deep', 'christian', 'experience', 'fell', 'asleep', 'hope', 'resurrection', 'leaf', 'husband', 'daughter', 'mourn', 'loss', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'rev', 'henderson', 'dart', 'cooney', 'sister', 'lizzie', 'cooney', 'nee', 'white', 'born', 'harrison', 'ill', 'dec', 'died', 'colony', 'kan', 'sister', 'cooney', 'accepted', 'present_truth', 'continued', 'faithful', 'large', 'assembly', 'funeral', 'abundant', 'floral', 'tribute', 'west', 'virginia', 'western', 'pennsylvania', 'titusville', 'june', 'central', 'new', 'england', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'june', 'canadian', 'union', 'conference', 'maritime', 'ontario', 'london', 'quebec', 'june', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'alabama', 'mobile', 'north', 'carolina', 'statesville', 'cumberland', 'florida', 'plant', 'city', 'georgia', 'louisiana', 'mississippi', 'tennessee', 'river', 'south', 'carolina', 'july', 'aug', 'july', 'oct', 'lake', 'union', 'conference', 'east', 'michigan', 'indiana', 'northern', 'illinois', 'northern', 'michigan', 'ohio', 'southern', 'illinois', 'aug', 'west', 'michigan', 'wisconsin', 'northern', 'union', 'conference', 'alberta', 'ponoka', 'july', 'manitoba', 'portage', 'prairie', 'june', 'july', 'minnesota', 'stillwater', 'june', 'minnesota', 'local', 'thief', 'river', 'fall', 'june', 'north', 'dakota', 'harvey', 'juno', 'north', 'dakota', 'local', 'hankinson', 'june', 'july', 'north', 'dakota', 'local', 'devil', 'lake', 'july', 'south', 'dalsata', 'canton', 'june', 'central', 'union', 'conference', 'colorado', 'iowa', 'colfax', 'kansa', 'kansa', 'local', 'oakley', 'missouri', 'nebraska', 'local', 'crawford', 'nebraska', 'local', 'loup', 'city', 'nebraska', 'state', 'omaha', 'sept', 'southwestern', 'union', 'conference', 'aug', 'june', 'aug', 'sept', 'june', 'aug', 'june', 'june', 'brief', 'arkansas', 'russellville', 'pope', 'aug', 'oklahoma', 'guthrie', 'aug', 'sept', 'texas', 'keene', 'july', 'aug', 'showed', 'respect', 'held', 'bered', 'movement', 'spoke', 'favor', 'trans', 'ferred', 'baptist', 'record', 'firm_believer', 'angel', 'message', 'hope', 'died', 'lase', 'word', 'resigned', 'flaw', 'lord', 'seven', 'month', 'fore', 'death', 'experience', 'hope', 'grer', 'utah', 'provo', 'western', 'oregon', 'corvallis', 'june', 'downing', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'complication', 'caused', 'death', 'facific', 'union', 'conference', 'local', 'pastor', 'took', 'service', 'confident', 'reward', 'sure', 'funeral', 'sermon', 'preached', 'arizona', 'british', 'columbia', 'september', 'california', 'bushrod', 'park', 'oakland', 'june', 'writer', 'text', 'thess', 'montana', 'state', 'townsend', 'southern', 'california', 'upper', 'columbia', 'june', 'sept', 'parmele', 'president', 'various_conferences', 'requested', 'send', 'information', 'meeting', 'mentioned', 'preceding', 'table', 'able', 'day', 'sister', 'downing', 'accepted', 'angel', 'message', 'year', 'age', 'united', 'boise', 'church', 'earnest', 'christian', 'life', 'faith', 'trust', 'lviaster', 'leaf', 'leaf', 'husband', 'daughter', 'son', 'friend', 'mourn', 'moor', 'hope', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'elder', 'hari', 'downing', 'died', 'home', 'kooskia', 'aug', 'idaho', 'heart', 'disease', 'lizzie', 'brighter', 'severe', 'heart', 'trouble']
root - INFO - extracting file #50500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050525-V82-21-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #51000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19060517-V83-20-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #51500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070516-V84-20-page23.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #52000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19080402-V85-14-page30.txt
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'better', 'realization', 'attitude', 'religious', 'persecutor', 'honor', 'sabbath', 'jehovah', 'conway', 'religious_liberty', 'note', 'prof', 'sorenson', 'principal', 'keene', 'industrial', 'academy', 'recent_letter', 'said', 'company', 'young_lady', 'took', 'copy', 'current', 'issue', 'liberty', 'sold', 'latin', 'union', 'mission', 'school', 'person', 'unknown', 'manager', 'paper', 'send', 'advertisement', 'satisfactory', 'written', 'recommendation', 'recommendation', 'come', 'minister', 'elder', 'seventhday_adventist', 'church', 'refer', 'individual', 'secure', 'recommendation', 'writing', 'send', 'russam', 'colcord', 'chairman', 'secretary', 'open', 'account', 'advertising', 'cash', 'accompany', 'order', 'sunday', 'law', 'agitation', 'virginia', 'legislative', 'assembly', 'past', 'sunday', 'proposed', 'killed', 'died', 'natural', 'death', 'hearing', 'given', 'house', 'senate', 'committee', 'general', 'law', 'impartial', 'different', 'reason', 'given', 'measure', 'sought', 'conceal', 'religious_character', 'garb', 'civil', 'sunday', 'finally', 'passed', 'amended', 'law', 'increasing', 'fine', 'dollar', 'read', 'follows', 'violation', 'sabbath', 'punished', 'person', 'sabbath', 'day', 'laboring', 'trade', 'calling', 'employ', 'apprentice', 'servant', 'labor', 'business', 'household', 'work', 'necessity', 'charity', 'shall', 'deemed', 'guilty', 'misdemeanor', 'conviction', 'thereof', 'shall', 'fined', 'dollar', 'offense', 'day', 'person', 'servant', 'apprentice', 'employed', 'shall', 'constitute', 'distinct', 'offense', 'readily', 'seen', 'law', 'engine', 'tyranny', 'work', 'great', 'hardship', 'sabbath', 'jehovah', 'farman', 'religious_freedom', 'british', 'columbia', 'provincial', 'government', 'british', 'columbia', 'opposed', 'dominion', 'lord', 'day', 'act', 'discussed', 'dominion', 'parliment', 'strongest', 'opposition', 'measure', 'british', 'columbia', 'provision', 'incorporated', 'act', 'leaving', 'attorney', 'general', 'province', 'prosecute', 'violator', 'act', 'prosecute', 'sentiment', 'respective', 'province', 'demand', 'prevailing', 'sentiment', 'province', 'act', 'enforced', 'people', 'greatly', 'appreciated', 'religious_liberty', 'granted', 'stand', 'province', 'taken', 'matter', 'provincial', 'conference', 'resolution', 'appreciation', 'passed', 'presented', 'government', 'attorney', 'general', 'read', 'follows', 'noted', 'pleasure', 'fearless', 'broad', 'minded', 'position', 'taken', 'government', 'especially', 'attorney', 'general', 'reference', 'enforcing', 'lord', 'day', 'act', 'notwithstanding', 'great', 'pressure', 'earnest', 'plea', 'religious', 'organization', 'known', 'lord', 'day', 'alliance', 'inasmuch', 'denomination', 'known', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'lover', 'true', 'religious_liberty', 'equal_rights', 'recommend', 'conference', 'assembled', 'express', 'government', 'attorney', 'general', 'particular', 'appreciation', 'pro', 'charge', 'dollar', 'insertion', 'word', 'additional_word', 'initial', 'group', 'figure', 'excess', 'cost', 'cent', 'number', 'petition', 'work', 'soliciting', 'signature', 'petition', 'want', 'sunday', 'law', 'enforce', 'letter', 'angel', 'holding', 'wind', 'servant', 'god', 'sealed', 'brother', 'writes', 'sent', 'dollar', 'worth', 'issue', 'box', 'santa', 'cruz', 'cal', 'buy', 'watch', 'clock', 'right', 'price', 'experience', 'benefit', 'derived', 'patronizing', 'commandment', 'keeping', 'jeweler', 'year', 'experience', 'department', 'manager', 'watch', 'inspector', 'large', 'store', 'write', 'merrill', 'watchmaker', 'washington', 'sale', 'single', 'comb', 'red', 'pullet', 'half', 'dozen', 'egg', 'hatching', 'price', 'egg', 'liberty', 'published', 'selling', 'giving', 'away', 'address', 'miller', 'suclosing', 'think', 'know', 'worth', 'liberty', 'reader', 'know', 'worth', 'let', 'subscribe', 'year', 'indiana', 'reporter', 'pound', 'olive', 'oil', 'gallon', 'pound', 'appointment', 'new', 'jersey', 'canvasser', 'institute', 'new', 'jersey', 'canvasser', 'institute', 'held', 'trenton', 'april', 'expressed', 'intention', 'attend', 'indication', 'god', 'preparing', 'grand', 'revival', 'canvassing', 'work', 'state', 'ask', 'god', 'earnestly', 'work', 'impressed', 'attend', 'write', 'williams', 'trenton', 'pray', 'work', 'motto', 'kneeland', 'business_notices', 'tilt', 'department', 'conducted', 'especially', 'accommodation', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'reader', 'paper', 'brief', 'business_notices', 'published', 'subject', 'discretion', 'publisher', 'compliance', 'following', 'condition', 'display', 'advertising', 'advertisement', 'agent', 'accepted', 'publisher', 'solicit', 'advertising', 'kind', 'paper', 'discount', 'insertion', 'wanted', 'consecrated', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'lady', 'graduate', 'nurse', 'reference', 'required', 'address', 'fayette', 'sanitarium', 'connersville', 'ind', 'sale', 'new', 'date', 'box', 'cooking', 'oil', 'gal', 'apple', 'maple', 'sirup', 'honey', 'gluten', 'graham', 'flour', 'write', 'list', 'new', 'york', 'food', 'oxford', 'wanted', 'correspond', 'experienced', 'photographer', 'good', 'proposition', 'competent', 'man', 'need', 'answer', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'reference', 'address', 'earll', 'north', 'stone', 'ave', 'tucson', 'ariz', 'wanted', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'foreman', 'box', 'factory', 'understand', 'band', 'saw', 'thoroughly', 'capable', 'man', 'good', 'salary', 'permanent', 'place', 'right', 'man', 'address', 'washington', 'pine', 'box', 'long_beach', 'cal', 'sale', 'acre', 'mile', 'santa', 'cruz', 'cal', 'new', 'house', 'barn', 'chicken', 'coop', 'yard', 'acre', 'strawberry', 'gasoline', 'engine', 'abundance', 'soft', 'water', 'price', 'sister', 'ohio', 'sending', 'address', 'foland', 'perintendent', 'south', 'lancaster', 'academy', 'poultry', 'farm', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'cocoanut', 'oil', 'vegetable', 'cooking', 'oil', 'pound', 'pound', 'cash', 'order', 'absolutely', 'pure', 'address', 'vegetarian', 'meat', 'company', 'washington', 'sale', 'good', 'room', 'house', 'cement', 'cellar', 'substantial', 'barn', 'hen', 'house', 'convenient', 'outbuilding', 'fine', 'acre', 'rich', 'land', 'trolley', 'line', 'block', 'mount', 'vernon', 'college', 'address', 'moffett', 'ito', 'hobson', 'cambridge', 'ohio', 'royal', 'peanut', 'butter', 'claim', 'spanish', 'peanut', 'carefully', 'selected', 'objectionable', 'removed', 'southern', 'california', 'extracted', 'honey', 'convenient', 'package', 'write', 'price', 'address', 'cleveland', 'health', 'food', 'cleveland', 'ohio', 'sale', 'gladiolus', 'bulb', 'flowering', 'size', 'cent', 'doz', 'cent', 'largest', 'size', 'cent', 'doz', 'post', 'paid', 'special_rates', 'goo', 'special', 'deal', 'hardy', 'bulb', 'write', 'list', 'seed', 'bulb', 'root', 'vine', 'shrub', 'tree', 'write', 'oxford', 'floral', 'oxford', 'sale', 'kornoil', 'bread', 'kornoil', 'moist', 'fresh', 'longer', 'bread', 'shortening', 'pure', 'oil', 'pressed', 'grain', 'corn', 'chemical', 'letter', 'received', 'day', 'read', 'received', 'corn', 'oil', 'right', 'think', 'fine', 'thing', 'good', 'dairy', 'butter', 'pleased', 'enclose', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'sale', 'peanut', 'butter', 'cent']
root - INFO - extracting file #52500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19090318-V86-11-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #53000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100310-V87-10-page18.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'march', 'regular', 'standing', 'whole_year', 'annual', 'report', 'pay', 'absolutely', 'tithe', 'treasury', 'report', 'said', 'convinced', 'conference', 'isolated', 'case', 'similar', 'condition', 'revealed', 'conference', 'conference_treasurers', 'report', 'condition', 'honestly', 'conference_treasurer', 'possibly', 'hope', 'better', 'certainly', 'ought', 'clone', 'regard', 'condition', 'sort', 'god', 'bless', 'people', 'fourth', 'half', 'pay', 'attention', 'plain', 'requirement', 'bring', 'tithe', 'storehouse', 'matter', 'left', 'entirely', 'conference_president', 'conference_treasurer', 'minister', 'local', 'church', 'officer', 'responsibility', 'thing', 'elder', 'officer', 'church', 'deacon', 'deaconess', 'treasurer', 'sabbathschool', 'superintendent', 'librarian', 'earnest_prayer', 'god', 'direction', 'blessing', 'list', 'treasurer', 'record', 'showing', 'paid', 'tithe', 'arrangement', 'perfected', 'labor', 'different_ones', 'careful', 'judicious', 'love', 'fear', 'god', 'forth', 'remiss', 'obligation', 'lord', 'cause', 'god', 'help', 'devise', 'mean', 'reproach', 'rolled', 'away', 'door', 'church', 'tell', 'seventhday', 'adventist', 'enrolled', 'love', 'god', 'commandment', 'tithe', 'payer', 'child', 'honest', 'richest', 'man', 'rank', 'obligatory', 'requires', 'love', 'devotion', 'sacrifice', 'wish', 'privilege', 'better', 'word', 'pay', 'lord', 'doe', 'tithe', 'income', 'fifty', 'cent', 'little', 'boy', 'girl', 'precious', 'sacred', 'god', 'tithe', 'dollar', 'prosperous', 'farmer', 'income', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'god', 'bless', 'faithful', 'little', 'boy', 'girl', 'equally', 'rich_man', 'soul', 'blessing', 'come', 'result', 'conscious', 'loyalty', 'god', 'experienced', 'church', 'drying', 'spiritually', 'withholding', 'god', 'evil', 'thing', 'work', 'harm', 'individual', 'retard', 'cause', 'god', 'earth', 'recent', 'local', 'conference', 'suggestion', 'church', 'treasurer', 'matter', 'keeping', 'account', 'manner', 'send', 'entire', 'church', 'membership', 'quarterly', 'letter', 'stating', 'full_amount', 'tithe', 'received', 'quarter', 'blank', 'place', 'heading', 'gave', 'write', 'paid', 'individual', 'paying', 'tithe', 'given', 'member', 'paid', 'place', 'left', 'blank', 'sufficient', 'remind', 'unfaithful', 'god', 'bowen', 'thrbirat', 'filiosionttru', 'eirparintrut', 'conducted', 'medical_department', 'general_conference', 'patient', 'accommodated', 'comfortably', 'financially', 'institution', 'remarkably', 'considering', 'length', 'time', 'operating', 'change', 'staff', 'capacity', 'patient', 'increase', 'earnings', 'previous_year', 'thousand', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'sanitarium', 'past_year', 'sustained', 'heavy', 'loss', 'bursting', 'underground', 'pressure', 'tank', 'water', 'supply', 'water', 'important', 'consideration', 'matter', 'receive', 'proper', 'consideration', 'planning', 'institution', 'consequently', 'inconvenience', 'expense', 'result', 'history', 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'built', 'mile', 'east', 'city', 'open', 'country', 'ground', 'sanitarium', 'consist', 'acre', 'good', 'land', 'acre', 'leased', 'land', 'farming', 'raising', 'vegetable', 'institution', 'pasture', 'sufficient', 'land', 'reserved', 'planned', 'beautiful', 'ground', 'patient', 'abtmdant', 'opportunity', 'open_air', 'sunshine', 'attendance', 'southern_union_conference', 'held', 'nashville', 'privilege', 'visit', 'institution', 'acquainted', 'work', 'nashville', 'sanitarium', 'overflowing', 'patient', 'night', 'able', 'secure', 'room', 'institution', 'condition', 'house', 'continued', 'month', 'prospect', 'institution', 'bright', 'room', 'main_building', 'utilized', 'patient', 'dormitory', 'worker', 'dwelling', 'house', 'near', 'institution', 'rented', 'worker', 'doe', 'nearly', 'meet', 'demand', 'nurse', 'dormitory', 'greatest', 'need', 'room', 'available', 'patient', 'meet', 'running', 'expense', 'institution', 'consequently', 'little', 'hope', 'institution', 'earn', 'surplus', 'apply', 'indebtedness', 'provision', 'housing', 'nurse', 'outside', 'main_building', 'capacity', 'building', 'nearly']
root - INFO - extracting file #53500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19110302-V88-09-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #54000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120229-V89-09-page8.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'february', 'washington', 'february', 'present_time', 'sanitarium', 'enjoys', 'hearty_support', 'people', 'colorado', 'central', 'west', 'manifesting', 'active_interest', 'welfare', 'great', 'embarrassment', 'come', 'institution', 'year', 'change', 'medical', 'staff', 'sixteen_years', 'history', 'medical', 'superintendent', 'presiding', 'medical_work', 'institution', 'frequent', 'change', 'physician', 'bring', 'disastrous', 'age', 'run', 'low', 'rule', 'sanitarium', 'depend', 'local', 'patronage', 'support', 'draw', 'patient', 'large', 'territory', 'earnestly', 'hoped', 'better', 'knowledge', 'colorado', 'winter', 'condition', 'state', 'constantly', 'larger', 'influx', 'winter', 'visitor', 'sanitarium', 'reap', 'benefit', 'condition', 'charge', 'sanitarium', 'waiting', 'change', 'tide', 'travel', 'putting', 'francis', 'wilcox', 'spicer', 'snow', 'prescott', 'editor', 'associate', 'editor', 'communication', 'relating', 'editorial', 'departresults', 'institution', 'physiforth', 'earnest_efforts', 'way', 'judiment', 'manuscript', 'submitted', 'publication', 'addressed', 'editorial', 'department', 'review', 'herald', 'takoma', 'park', 'washington', 'individual', 'editorial', 'editorial', 'correspondence', 'boulder', 'colo', 'feb', 'pleasure', 'greet', 'family', 'worker', 'boulder', 'colorado', 'sanitarium', 'connection', 'institution', 'writer', 'spent', 'year', 'labor', 'endeared', 'pleasant', 'association', 'family', 'entirely', 'changed', 'early_days', 'history', 'remaining', 'connected', 'beginning', 'viz', 'brother', 'bernsen', 'chief', 'engineer', 'brother', 'pegg', 'charge', 'laboratory', 'sanitarium', 'dedicated', 'july', 'operation', 'nearly', 'sixteen_years', 'original', 'investment', 'represented', 'nearly', 'seventy', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'present', 'plant', 'consists', 'main_building', 'containing', 'room', 'large', 'cottage', 'fourteen', 'room', 'cottage', 'room', 'large', 'brick', 'building', 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'nurse', 'shall', 'graduated', 'institution', 'future', 'gave', 'pleasure', 'boulder', 'meet', 'church', 'place', 'numbering', 'fifty', 'member', 'elder', 'rouse', 'charge', 'church_work', 'acting', 'chaplain', 'sanitarium', 'assisted', 'sister', 'annie', 'sufficool', 'bible', 'worker', 'guest', 'gratified', 'improvement', 'church_building', 'learn', 'nearly', 'free']
root - INFO - extracting file #54500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130227-V90-09-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #55000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140205-V91-06-page6.txt
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'read', 'appendix', 'temple', 'edersheim', 'page', 'feast', 'passover', 'lasted', 'seven', 'day', 'day', 'feast', 'fell', 'fifteenth', 'day', 'month', 'day', 'holy', 'convocation', 'servile', 'work', 'lev', 'man', 'eat', 'permitted', 'prepare', 'necessary', 'article', 'food', 'fifteenth', 'nisan', 'temple', 'page', 'passover', 'sabbath', 'fell', 'friday', 'day', 'called', 'preparation', 'weekly', 'sabbath', 'luke', 'fact', 'sabbath', 'followed', 'crucifixion', 'christ', 'called', 'high', 'day', 'john', 'thought', 'called', 'passover', 'sabbath', 'weekly', 'sabbath', 'came', 'weekly', 'sabbath', 'called', 'high', 'day', 'reason', 'evidently', 'case', 'called', 'high', 'day', 'offering', 'special', 'wave', 'sheaf', 'day', 'following', 'passover', 'sabbath', 'wave', 'sheaf', 'offered', 'sixteenth', 'nisan', 'fell', 'year', 'weekly', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'open', 'high', 'day', 'sabbath', 'second', 'paschal', 'day', 'regarded', 'respect', 'equally', 'sacred', 'nay', 'called', 'wave', 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'mile', 'sister', 'white', 'sent', 'telegram', 'miss', 'sarah', 'peck', 'charge', 'manuscript', 'day', 'received', 'copy', 'written', 'month', 'question', 'issue', 'testimony', 'read', 'board', 'instructed', 'compel', 'authority', 'force', 'issue', 'prevent', 'work', 'commissioned', 'people', 'counseled', 'steal', 'march', 'enemy', 'seeking', 'hinder', 'destroy', 'work', 'yielding', 'demand', 'authority', 'let', 'office', 'employee', 'day', 'missionary_work', 'scattering', 'literature', 'people', 'counsel', 'followed', 'board', 'manager', 'result', 'brought', 'joy', 'gladness', 'heart', 'morning', 'family', 'worship', 'hour', 'reading', 'course', 'book', 'jeremiah', 'morning', 'following', 'meeting', 'sister', 'white', 'read', 'testimony', 'chapter', 'read', 'ninth', 'seventh', 'verse', 'read', 'sister', 'white', 'remarked', 'brother', 'robinson', 'verse', 'read', 'verse', 'said', 'yes', 'sister', 'white', 'clearly', 'verse', 'verse', 'read', 'follows', 'seek', 'peace', 'city', 'caused', 'carried', 'away', 'captive', 'pray', 'unto', 'lord', 'peace', 'thereof', 'shall', 'peace', 'great', 'achieved', 'enthusiasm', 'laboring', 'australia', 'came', 'time', 'manager', 'echo', 'publishing', 'company', 'notified', 'police', 'department', 'complaint', 'filed', 'people', 'running', 'factory', 'sunday', 'comply', 'city', 'ordinance', 'matter']
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root - INFO - extracting file #56000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160203-V93-06-page4.txt
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'plain', 'command', 'god', 'holy', 'seventh', 'day', 'famous', 'council', 'trent', 'appealed', 'gave', 'rome', 'answer', 'reformation', 'bible', 'bible', 'sunday', 'institution', 'held', 'forth', 'mark', 'power', 'church', 'command', 'religious_observances', 'keenan', 'doctrinal', 'catechism', 'question', 'way', 'proving', 'church', 'power', 'institute', 'festival', 'precept', 'answer', 'such_power', 'modern', 'religionist', 'agree', 'substituted', 'observance', 'sunday', 'day', 'week', 'observance', 'saturday', 'seventh', 'day', 'change', 'scriptural', 'authority', 'page', 'prophecy', 'daniel', 'declared', 'power', 'think', 'change', 'time', 'law', 'high', 'change', 'sabbath', 'commandment', 'set', 'forth', 'mark', 'church', 'authority', 'written', 'law', 'high', 'remarkable', 'protestant', 'organization', 'defending', 'unscriptural', 'observance', 'humanly', 'established', 'day', 'sabbath', 'contradiction', 'law', 'god', 'declares', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'lord_thy', 'god', 'organization', 'denial', 'protestant', 'principle', 'religious_liberty', 'seeking', 'power', 'enforce', 'sunday', 'observance', 'civil_law', 'health', 'temperance', 'movement', 'image', 'roman', 'papacy', 'church', 'necessarily', 'emphasizes', 'principle', 'power', 'state', 'enforce', 'religious_observances', 'foretold', 'prophetic_word', 'prophet', 'shown', 'rev', 'likeness', 'image', 'papacy', 'ecclesiastical', 'organization', 'papacy', 'following', 'papal', 'principle', 'matter', 'seeking', 'compel', 'men', 'receive', 'mark', 'papal', 'apostasy', 'truth', 'everlasting', 'gospel', 'pressing', 'solemn', 'issue', 'loyalty', 'christ', 'mean', 'turn', 'unscriptural', 'tradition', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'times_past', 'christian', 'believer', 'unwittingly', 'following', 'lead', 'papacy', 'matter', 'lord', 'hold', 'man', 'accountable', 'light', 'reformation', 'pro', 'working', 'papacy', 'image', 'papacy', 'gressive', 'work', 'past', 'message', 'everlasting', 'gospel', 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'coming', 'judgment', 'hour', 'rise', 'advent_movement', 'heralding', 'message', 'nation', 'john', 'saw', 'vision', 'nearly', 'thousand', 'year', 'ago', 'fulfilling', 'eye', 'today', 'sabbath', 'day', 'caption', 'michigan', 'christian', 'advocate', 'issue', 'dec', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'task', 'trying', 'foist', 'gullible', 'people', 'peculiar', 'interpretation', 'prophecy', 'assumption', 'saturday', 'sabbath', 'introduction', 'writer', 'proceeds', 'argue', 'sabbath', 'question', 'sunday', 'christian_sabbath', 'cite', 'extract', 'early', 'historian', 'eusebius', 'cyprian', 'tertullian', 'justin', 'martyr', 'fails', 'chapter', 'verse', 'command', 'bible', 'authorizing', 'sunday', 'historian', 'cited', 'contain', 'proof', 'point', 'speaking', 'concerning', 'seventh', 'day', 'editor', 'god', 'particular_day', 'holy', 'specified', 'holy', 'rest', 'specify', 'day', 'week', 'holy', 'rest', 'observed', 'god', 'particular_day', 'holy', 'doe', 'learned', 'editor', 'advocate', 'seek', 'day', 'week', 'holy', 'god', 'holy', 'men', 'remarkable', 'read', 'bible', 'pretension', 'stating', 'correctly']
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root - INFO - extracting file #57000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19171227-V94-52-page7.txt
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'diligently', 'reign', 'zedekiah', 'lord', 'everlasting', 'father', 'prince', 'peace', 'hearken', 'unto', 'saith', 'lord', 'bring', 'burden', 'gate', 'city', 'sabbath', 'day', 'hallow', 'sabbath', 'day', 'work', 'shall', 'enter', 'gate', 'city', 'king', 'prince', 'sitting', 'throne', 'david', 'riding', 'chariot', 'horse', 'prince', 'men', 'judah', 'inhabitant', 'jerusalem', 'city', 'shall', 'remain', 'forever', 'jer', 'manner', 'promise', 'fulfilled', 'david', 'descendant', 'remained', 'true', 'god', 'revealed', 'know', 'course', 'event', 'occur', 'brought', 'judah', 'army', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'remaining', 'kingdom', 'dispersed', 'nation', 'men', 'chron', 'overturn', 'overturn', 'overturn', 'zedekiah', 'david', 'literal', 'seed', 'sit', 'throne', 'israel', 'dispersion', 'tribe', 'nation', 'old_world', 'effort', 'gather', 'own_land', 'special_efforts', 'headed', 'ezra', 'nehemiah', 'reign', 'cyrus', 'darius', 'artaxerxes', 'increase', 'government', 'peace', 'shall', 'end', 'throne', 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root - INFO - extracting file #59000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/Sligo19181101-V03-04-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #61500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18840207-V10-06-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #62000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18860128-V12-04-page3.txt
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'inform', 'national', 'reform', 'party', 'entering', 'field', 'brings', 'responsibility', 'john', 'assist', 'work', 'public_sentiment', 'getting', 'strong', 'stood', 'firmly', 'cause', 'favor', 'sunday', 'law', 'men', 'temperance', 'lent', 'hand', 'profession', 'religion', 'uproot', 'evil', 'strong_drink', 'law', 'compel', 'men', 'sunday', 'gone', 'farther', 'taught', 'truly', 'consider', 'strong', 'ortemperate', 'man', 'abstain', 'use', 'ganization', 'woman', 'christian', 'tempertobacco', 'hurtful', 'indulgence', 'ance', 'union', 'composed', 'zealous', 'rejoiced', 'good_work', 'temperance', 'woman', 'land', 'prohithe', 'prohibitionist', 'woman', 'christian', 'bition', 'party', 'allied', 'national', 'temperance', 'union', 'sorry', 'working', 'strict', 'sunday', 'law', 'solid', 'alliance', 'forming', 'highly', 'probable', 'sentiabove', 'organization', 'national', 'reform', 'ment', 'soon', 'formed', 'strong', 'pas', 'association', 'according', 'christian', 'statesthe', 'law', 'inflict', 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'christian', 'union', 'ciation', 'assumed', 'working', 'tablished', 'divine_authority', 'differfor', 'change', 'national', 'constituent', 'usurper', 'pleasant', 'remember', 'tion', 'law', 'god', 'requires', 'observthe', 'authority', 'men', 'establishment', 'best', 'station', 'humble', 'ance', 'sunday', 'stringent', 'raise', 'voice', 'atwe', 'serve', 'jesus', 'acceptably', 'sunday', 'law', 'require', 'observe', 'tention', 'fact', 'god', 'asks', 'occupy', 'responsible', 'posino', 'matter', 'christian', 'infidel', 'sunday', 'work', 'proposed', 'sunda', 'tions', 'hope', 'reader', 'carefully', 'concious', 'restrain', 'fluent', 'tongue', 'justice', 'long', 'suffering', 'patient', 'public', 'ought', 'place', 'point', 'programme', 'work', 'harm', 'viz', 'end', 'tait']
root - INFO - extracting file #62500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18880330-V14-13-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #63000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18930306-V19-18-page11.txt
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'said', 'life', 'half', 'point', 'strict', 'truthfulness', 'strand', 'rock', 'falsehood', 'half', 'point', 'perfect', 'honesty', 'steering', 'right', 'rock', 'crime', 'kindred', 'vice', 'beginning', 'small', 'climb', 'summit', 'bound', 'little', 'step', 'time', 'people', 'think', 'lightly', 'small', 'sin', 'rock', 'look', 'fearful', 'selected', 'carnivorous', 'plant', 'naturalist', 'carefully', 'studied', 'flora', 'iliuna', 'central', 'merica', 'singular', 'growth', 'swamp', 'surround', 'great', 'lake', 'nicaragua', 'engaged', 'huntingbotaniqa', 'entomological', 'specimen', 'swamp', 'known', 'san', 'sebastian', 'heard', 'hisdog', 'agony', 'distance', 'running', 'spot', 'animal', 'came', 'enveloped', 'network', 'rope', 'wire', 'tissue', 'fiber', 'difficulty', 'setting', 'dog', 'free', 'released', 'carlo', 'hairless', 'skin', 'appeared', 'actually', 'sucked', 'puckered', 'spot', 'staggered', 'weakness', 'exhaustion', 'cutting', 'vine', 'twig', 'curled', 'like', 'living', 'sinuous', 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'hour', 'white_man', 'tried', 'experiment', 'drinking', 'described', 'effect', 'unlike', 'resulting', 'heavy', 'narcotic', 'indian', 'curious', 'spring', 'known', 'generation', 'beep', 'sleep', 'spring', 'said', 'poor', 'weary', 'red', 'man', 'entered', 'happy', 'hunting', 'ground', 'medium', 'water', 'stout', 'state', 'saw', 'spring', 'summer', 'carcass', 'deer', 'numerous', 'smaller', 'animal', 'immediate', 'neighborhood', 'drunk', 'water', 'overcome', 'died', 'effect', 'examination', 'geological', 'construction', 'immediate', 'section', 'failed', 'mineral', 'account', 'peculiar', 'power', 'water', 'far', 'known', 'analysis', 'groville', 'cal', 'mercury', 'date', 'washington', 'birthday', 'question', 'asked', 'young', 'reader', 'person', 'claim', 'washington', 'born', 'febrty', 'ary', 'celebrated', 'birthday', 'washington', 'born', 'february', 'old', 'style', 'september', 'year', 'washington', 'birth', 'parliament', 'great', 'britian', 'passed', 'act', 'adopting', 'gregorian', 'calendar', 'place', 'julian', 'following', 'example', 'catholic', 'continental', 'nation', 'action', 'changed', 'september', 'colonial', 'time', 'american', 'possession', 'great', 'britain', 'followed', 'rule', 'birthday', 'washington', 'carried', 'day', 'ahead', 'gregorian', 'calendar', 'february', 'february', 'julian', 'corresponding', 'gregorian', 'date', 'catholic', 'country', 'europe', 'adopted', 'gregorian', 'calendar', 'accordance', 'brief', 'pope', 'gregory', 'xiii', 'issued', 'household', 'march', 'sign', 'time', 'powerful', 'nauseating', 'inhale', 'inrei', 'oiry', 'elicited', 'information', 'native', 'great', 'horror', 'vine', 'called', 'devil', 'vine', 'story', 'told', 'death', 'dealing', 'power', 'englishman', 'residing', 'managua', 'hunting', 'swamp', 'year', 'ago', 'lay', 'beneath', 'tree', 'large', 'powerful', 'specimen', 'thiesingular', 'plant', 'growing', 'inadvertantly', 'falling', 'asleep', 'woke', 'enveloped', 'web', 'spite', 'effort', 'extricate', 'perished', 'deadly', 'embrace', 'escaped', 'convict', 'perished', 'similar', 'manlier', 'impossible', 'handle', 'small', 'specimen', 'plant', 'grasp', 'torn', 'away', 'loss', 'skin', 'flesh', 'power', 'suction', 'contained']
root - INFO - extracting file #63500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18941112-V20-53-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #64000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18990704-V25-27-page20.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #64500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19031223-V29-51-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #65000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19051122-V31-47-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #67000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19140324-V41-11-page13.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #74000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19010307-V49-10-page4.txt
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'feel', 'spiritual_food', 'simply', 'praying', 'spiritual', 'indigestion', 'way', 'immediate', 'effect', 'physical', 'food', 'stimulant', 'similar', 'manner', 'read', 'chapter', 'book', 'act', 'immediate', 'sense', 'stimulation', 'read', 'cheap', 'gospel', 'religious', 'novel', 'bud', 'blossom', 'fervent', 'enthusiasm', 'like', 'effect', 'produced', 'stimulant', 'short', 'lived', 'food', 'feel', 'digested', 'transformed', 'energy', 'emergency', 'arises', 'brought', 'face', 'face', 'soul', 'need', 'spiritual', 'energy', 'shall', 'surprised', 'stored', 'energy', 'readily', 'win', 'miller', 'living', 'century', 'preach', 'second', 'coming', 'lord', 'mistake', 'course', 'enoch', 'knew', 'flood', 'come', 'earth', 'noah', 'time', 'knew', 'coming', 'lord', 'suffer', 'die', 'mind', 'leap', 'away', 'important_events', 'dwell', 'second', 'coming', 'christ', 'speaks', 'lord', 'coming', 'execute', 'judgment', 'coming', 'time', 'jesus', 'said', 'man', 'hear', 'word', 'believe', 'judge', 'came', 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root - INFO - extracting file #75000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19070709-V55-28-page6.txt
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'disposal', 'use', 'present', 'time', 'determines', 'future', 'life', 'character', 'destiny', 'time', 'workshop', 'talent', 'tocls', 'experience', 'workman', 'mold', 'character', 'experience', 'environment', 'place', 'placed', 'given', 'privilege', 'choosing', 'making', 'environment', 'cht', 'racter', 'product', 'choosing', 'environment', 'excuse', 'careless', 'misdirected', 'life', 'view', 'stern', 'fact', 'face', 'opportunity', 'god', 'given', 'young', 'peop', 'proclamation', 'angel', 'message', 'taking', 'glorious', 'wok', 'given', 'men', 'solemn', 'question', 'confronts', 'immediate', 'demand', 'training', 'god', 'design', 'place', 'consecrated', 'young_person', 'surely', 'place', 'prepared', 'heavenly', 'sion', 'place', 'designated', 'earth', 'whe', 'work', 'god', 'know', 'place', 'god', 'know', 'direct', 'trust', 'follow', 'the_youth', 'mistake', 'preparation', 'service', 'contemplate', 'missionary_workers', 'think', 'far', 'advanced', 'need', 'particular', 'drill', 'feel', 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'hand', 'devoting', 'minute', 'leisure', 'tramping', 'hill', 'new', 'york', 'hammer', 'hand', 'chipping', 'away', 'rock', 'came', 'year', 'old', 'member', 'new', 'york', 'geological', 'survey', 'time', 'earning', 'living', 'work', 'devoted', 'leisure', 'time', 'thirteen', 'year', 'year', 'later', 'went', 'united', 'state', 'geological', 'survey', 'receiving', 'salary', 'fifty', 'dollar', 'month', 'start', 'rise', 'rapid', 'attainment', 'painfully', 'acquired', 'thorough']
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'like', 'eld', 'haskell', 'meet', 'wit', 'wood', 'director', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'dist', 'mich', 'charles', 'feb', 'connection', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'church', 'thaw', 'county', 'let', 'report', 'sent', 'charles', 'guilford', 'director', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'dist', 'iowa', 'neb', 'society', 'marion', 'sabbath', 'day', 'feb', 'like', 'report', 'member', 'meeting', 'laporte', 'city', 'tuesday', 'eveni', 'feb', 'shireman', 'recto', 'niineq', 'rpurinten', 'slothful', 'business', 'rom', 'receipt', 'review_and_herald', 'annexed', 'receipt', 'following', 'list', 'number', 'review', 'herald', 'mom', 'ceived', 'pay', 'correspond', 'number', 'pastor', 'money', 'paper', 'ackno', 'edged', 'immediate', 'notice', 'omission', 'given', 'james', 'mccord', 'wright', 'berry', 'fitch', 'henn', 'auten', 'pottenger', 'gustavus', 'bernard', 'skine', 'carl', 'larson', 'skinner', 'covey', 'lucas', 'john', 'trovillo', 'campbell', 'sarah', 'jack', 'boardman', 'lousdale', 'haynes', 'calvin', 'power', 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'chipman', 'daniel', 'scott', 'wild', 'samuel', 'hosf', 'mary', 'clark', 'curtis', 'mazy', 'parse', 'chandler', 'new', 'london', 'iowa', 'stedt', 'chicago', 'ill', 'eld', 'chas', 'reynolds', 'novia', 'madison', 'gillett', 'mom', 'green', 'bliss', 'oakland', 'cole', 'ill', 'haskell', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'society', 'dist', 'hold', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'connection', 'fletcher', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'church', 'west', 'union', 'waukon', 'waukon', 'iowa', 'feb', 'bro', 'farnsworth', 'hope', 'general', 'gathering', 'meeting', 'full_reports', 'sent', 'time', 'farnsworth', 'waukon', 'iowa', 'chapman', 'director', 'providence', 'permitting', 'speak', 'brother', 'sister', 'maiden', 'rock', 'friday', 'evening', 'feb', 'sabbath', 'morning', 'firstday', 'commence', 'protracted', 'meeting', 'rock', 'elm', 'brother', 'arrangement', 'meet', 'lake', 'city', 'thursday', 'feb', 'arrival', 'train', 'south', 'sanborn', 'rochester', 'feb', 'meeting', 'begin', 'friday', 'evening', 'urge', 'church', 'scattered', 'brother', 'day', 'drive', 'attend', 'desire', 'bro', 'lawrence', 'canright', 'monthly', 'meeting', 'blendon', 'ottawa', 'mich', 'feb', 'eld', 'burrill', 'expected', 'scattered', 'friend', 'earnestly', 'invited', 'attend', 'opportunity', 'baptism', 'meeting', 'adolphus', 'smith', 'book', 'sent', 'express', 'book', 'sent', 'freight', 'haskell', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'book', 'fund', 'eunice', 'whipple', 'mary', 'rone', 'mich', 'cony', 'fund', 'ransom', 'center', 'blendon', 'hastings', 'dowagiac', 'wrig', 'mich', 'society', 'dist', 'sawyer', 'dist', 'giles', 'dist', 'bramhall', 'owen', 'dist', 'frank', 'squire', 'dist', 'pacific', 'mission', 'calista', 'whitney', 'john', 'foy', 'whitney', 'whitney', 'louisa', 'fisk', 'swiss', 'mission', 'friend', 'loren', 'cram', 'sarah', 'cram', 'danish', 'mission', 'iver', 'aspaas', 'educational', 'aid', 'fund']
root - INFO - extracting file #12500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18930117-V70-03-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #13000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050810-V82-32-page20.txt
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'international', 'convention', 'held', 'baltimore', 'truly', 'suggestive', 'union', 'state', 'proposed', 'motto', 'christ', 'church', 'country', 'instead', 'christ', 'church', 'heretofore', 'sunday', 'closing', 'crusade', 'camden', 'clergyman', 'city', 'carried', 'extreme', 'large_proportion', 'community', 'demand', 'sunday', 'regarded', 'light', 'day', 'week', 'ordinance', 'liberal', 'sunday', 'law', 'proposed', 'compromise', 'brother', 'thomas', 'hege', 'winston', 'day', 'serve', 'prison', 'issue', 'review', 'received', 'reader', 'let', 'remember', 'brother', 'prayer', 'instrumental', 'causing', 'imprisonment', 'peace', 'work', 'noise', 'disorder', 'wise', 'decision', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'fund', 'burlington', 'mieh', 'sabbathschool', 'judge', 'porter', 'pennsylvania', 'state', 'supreme', 'court', 'recently', 'gave', 'important', 'decision', 'test', 'case', 'sunday', 'observance', 'following', 'quotation', 'taken', 'mere', 'worldly', 'employment', 'sunday', 'breach', 'schnebly', 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'mary', 'gronemiar', 'scott', 'dollar', 'water', 'guy', 'hastings', 'frank', 'paul', 'ooh', 'hayes', 'epps', 'mary', 'hornet', 'note', 'acknowledging', 'fast', 'possible', 'donation', 'ceived', 'surprise', 'party', 'cam', 'paign', 'printed', 'time', 'list', 'furnished', 'takoma', 'park_station', 'washington']
root - INFO - extracting file #13500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130515-V90-20-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #14000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19200205-V97-06-page1.txt
root - INFO - ['vol', 'takoma', 'park', 'washington', 'thursday', 'february', 'cost', 'true', 'teacher', 'people', 'administers', 'genuine', 'comfort', 'trial', 'pas', 'furnace', 'speaks', 'authority', 'own_life', 'utterance', 'writes', 'heart', 'dip', 'pen', 'heart', 'blood', 'preaches', 'effectively', 'gospel', 'unselfish', 'love', 'experience', 'consuming', 'power', 'self', 'sacrificing', 'love', 'mean', 'teaching', 'lift', 'people', 'higher', 'plane', 'thinking', 'living', 'vivified', 'life', 'power', 'teacher', 'wise', 'counselor', 'wrought', 'counsel', 'experience', 'principle', 'expression', 'life', 'work', 'jesus', 'world', 'greatest', 'teacher', 'man', 'spoke', 'like', 'man', 'man', 'lived', 'like', 'man', 'healed', 'sin', 'sick', 'soul', 'word', 'word', 'vehicle', 'conveying', 'virtue', 'sinless', 'character', 'word', 'life', 'mere', 'mouthing', 'phrase', 'common', 'pharisee', 'mere', 'sound', 'emptiness', 'deed', 'love', 'incarnated', 'verbal', 'expression', 'heart', 'heart', 'language', 'understood', 'common_people', 'brought', 'comfort', 'sorrowing', 'hope', 'hopeless', 'placed', 'foot', 'despairing', 'vantage_ground', 'such_teaching', 'needed', 'today', 'sirmemnr', 'mmprm', 'vmm', 'rts', 'effective', 'teaching', 'william', 'warren', 'prescott']
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root - INFO - extracting file #3000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18910806-V06-31-page5.txt
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'unfortunately', 'lacked', 'mean', 'proceed', 'sentence', 'confirmed', 'arrested', 'sent', 'prison', 'malmo', 'sound', 'undergo', 'punishment', 'government', 'authority', 'stockholm', 'berghell', 'born', 'finland', 'swedish', 'subject', 'bright', 'idea', 'occurred', 'carrying', 'troublesome', 'young', 'enthusiast', 'got', 'rid', 'exists', 'convention', 'sweden', 'russia', 'mutual', 'surrender', 'criminal', 'belonging', 'nation', 'berghell', 'criminal', 'eye', 'law', 'having', 'condemned', 'imprisonment', 'decided', 'send', 'russia', 'soon', 'prison', 'term', 'completed', 'poor', 'berghell', 'acquainted', 'decision', 'having', 'probably', 'siberia', 'mental', 'vision', 'pleaded', 'hard', 'allowed', 'england', 'america', 'ukase', 'gone', 'forth', 'stockholm', 'native_land', 'wednesday', 'morning', 'accordingly', 'conducted', 'swedish', 'police', 'copenhagen', 'board', 'steamer', 'nidaros', 'leaving', 'hango', 'finland', 'come', 'disgraceful', 'proceeding', 'arriving', 'danish', 'ground', 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'element', 'useless', 'talk', 'requiring', 'observance', 'having', 'element', 'let', 'believe', 'observe', 'sunday', 'like', 'compel', 'observe', 'religious_institution', 'thing', 'harm', 'growing', 'tait', 'thing', 'sunday', 'observance', 'association', 'king', 'county', 'new', 'york', 'holding', 'meeting', 'brooklyn', 'printed', 'slip', 'distributed', 'containing', 'statement', 'thing', 'appointment', 'state', 'committee', 'county', 'assist', 'enforcement', 'sunday', 'law', 'state', 'organize', 'influence', 'prevention', 'amendment', 'shall', 'tend', 'weaken', 'away', 'existing', 'sunday', 'law', 'list', 'thing', 'wish', 'special', 'education', 'pledge', 'work', 'sabbath', 'school_children', 'offering', 'prize', 'essay', 'various_phases', 'sabbath', 'question', 'address', 'friend', 'american', 'sunday', 'prefacing', 'abstract', 'eighth', 'annual_report', 'association', 'given', 'meeting', 'following', 'remarkable', 'language', 'loved', 'honored', 'respected', 'institution', 'danger', 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root - INFO - extracting file #3500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18921110-V07-44-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #4000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18940208-V09-06-page4.txt
root - INFO - ['mmie', 'eican', 'genfrinkmenr', 'vol', 'ness', 'god', 'christ', 'end', 'law', 'righteousness', 'believeth', 'rom', 'religion', 'power', 'god', 'unto_salvation', 'supreme', 'spirit', 'love', 'superior', 'written', 'instrument', 'let', 'remain', 'christ', 'gospel', 'proclamation', 'absolute', 'liberty', 'come', 'choose', 'perfect', 'freedom', 'accept', 'exists', 'freedom', 'reject', 'wisdom', 'framer', 'great', 'constitution', 'commended', 'declaring', 'congress', 'shall', 'law', 'respecting', 'establishment', 'religion', 'prohibiting', 'free', 'exercise', 'thereof', 'showing', 'conclusively', 'state', 'force', 'citizen', 'receive', 'prescribed', 'religion', 'penalty', 'imprisonment', 'shadow', 'justice', 'liberty', 'conscience', 'heathen', 'roman', 'rage', 'people', 'imagine', 'vain', 'thing', 'american', 'papal', 'slave', 'liberty', 'conscience', 'freedom', 'worship', 'proclaim', 'anew', 'law', 'liberty', 'land', 'welcome', 'tidings', 'cloven', 'hoof', 'sabbath', 'satan', 'following', 'article', 'truth', 'seeker', 'recommended', 'careful_consideration', 'boston', 'investigator', 'westbrook', 'late', 'president', 'american', 'secular', 'union', 'liberal', 'country', 'evidently', 'getting', 'eye', 'open', 'sophistry', 'civil', 'sabbath', 'plea', 'article', 'truth', 'seeker', 'errs', 'applying', 'christian', 'thing', 'essentially', 'antichristian', 'properly', 'speaking', 'christian', 'persecutor', 'sunday', 'instead', 'christian', 'essentially', 'pagan', 'papal', 'tuose', 'kept', 'informed', 'sunday', 'observance', 'question', 'know', 'nearly', 'leader', 'movement', 'restive', 'charged', 'wish', 'compel', 'people', 'observe', 'sunday', 'holy', 'day', 'business', 'declaim', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'sharp', 'lay', 'open', 'accusation', 'favoring', 'union', 'advocate', 'sunday', 'law', 'religion', 'invented', 'specious', 'catchword', 'deceive', 'people', 'dangerously', 'antagonize', 'frankly', 'avow', 'purpose', 'christianity', 'state_religion', 'talk', 'glibly', 'delusively', 'civil', 'sabbath', 'shall', 'enforced', 'order', 'allow', 'everybody', 'preacher', 'church', 'organist', 'sexton', 'usher', 'choir', 'rest', 'sunday', 'vary', 'siren', 'song', 'considerable', 'illogical', 'nauseating', 'talk', 'morality', 'sunday', 'reverence', 'pious', 'pretense', 'kept', 'time', 'sunday', 'worshiper', 'induced', 'talk', 'discreetly', 'persist', 'making', 'unguarded', 'statement', 'getting', 'sabbatarian', 'happy', 'family', 'hot_water', 'latest', 'boston', 'clergyman', 'assembled', 'adopted', 'resolution', 'congregational', 'baptist', 'methodist', 'minister', 'boston', 'vicinity', 'assembled', 'monday', 'meeting', 'october', 'cordially', 'unite', 'massachusetts', 'sunday', 'protective', 'league', 'following', 'expression', 'view', 'deplorable', 'increase', 'issue', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'boston', 'constrained', 'mew', 'earnest', 'protest', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'strong', 'condemnation', 'chief', 'agency', 'evil', 'hindering', 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'circuit_court', 'tried', 'court', 'convicted', 'fined', 'brought', 'case', 'court', 'appeal', 'petition', 'nature', 'writ', 'error', 'section', 'article', 'code', 'void', 'violation', 'paragraph', 'fourteenth', 'article', 'constitution', 'united', 'state', 'second', 'said', 'statute', 'void', 'violation', 'article', 'right', 'constitution', 'maryland', 'circuit_court', 'kent', 'county', 'jurisdiction', 'try', 'convict', 'traverser', 'justice', 'peace', 'jurisdiction', 'warrant', 'charged', 'offense', 'statute', 'failed', 'set', 'forth', 'husking', 'corn', 'sunday', 'work', 'necessity', 'charity', 'warrant', 'issued', 'served', 'sunday', 'bond', 'traverser', 'void', 'charge', 'sabbath', 'breaking', 'offense', 'known', 'law', 'state', 'attorney', 'general', 'moved', 'quash', 'writ', 'error', 'ground', 'writ', 'error', 'lie', 'court', 'decision', 'circuit_court', 'appeal', 'judgment', 'justice', 'peace', 'motion', 'court', 'prevail', 'petitioner', 'wanted', 'try', 'constitutionality', 'law', 'applied', 'writ', 'certiorari', 'specific', 'ground', 'court', 'reviewed', 'case', 'alleged', 'defect']
root - INFO - extracting file #4500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18950502-V10-18-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #5000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18960813-V11-32-page6.txt
root - INFO - ['mieletica', 'tiinv', 'vol', 'revival', 'stock', 'law', 'bible', 'echo', 'melbourne', 'australia', 'july', 'surprise', 'learn', 'old', 'sunday', 'law', 'charles', 'enacted', 'force', 'victoria', 'case', 'david', 'zalic', 'nettleberg', 'furrier', 'port', 'melbourne', 'prosecuted', 'provision', 'section', 'act', 'charles', 'following', 'usual', 'occupation', 'sunday', 'fined', 'melbourne', 'age', 'report', 'state', 'miss', 'nettleberg', 'owner', 'business', 'present', 'expressed', 'surprise', 'member', 'family', 'liked', 'premise', 'miss', 'nettleberg', 'great', 'victorian', 'doubt', 'surprised', 'learn', 'sunday', 'law', 'revived', 'enforced', 'colony', 'such_laws', 'regard', 'individual', 'right', 'home', 'abroad', 'section', 'sunday', 'law', 'charles', 'prohibits', 'worldly', 'labor', 'business', 'work', 'sunday', 'requires', 'person', 'person', 'whatsoever', 'shall', 'lord', 'day', 'apply', 'thereon', 'dutyes', 'piety', 'true_religion', 'publiquely', 'privately', 'law', 'enacted', 'force', 'concerning', 'observation', 'lord', 'day', 'repaireing', 'church', 'bee', 'carefully', 'execution', 'imposes', 'fine', 'offense', 'default', 'set', 'publicly', 'stock', 'hour', 'provision', 'repaireing', 'church', 'applying', 'dutyes', 'piety', 'true_religion', 'hour', 'stock', 'law', 'forbidding', 'worldly', 'labor', 'person', 'chooses', 'observe', 'bible_sabbath', 'seventh', 'day', 'instead', 'sunday', 'falsely', 'called', 'lord', 'day', 'difference', 'demonstrated', 'year', 'ago', 'sydney', 'law', 'day', 'commonly', 'called', 'sunday', 'day', 'rest', 'individual', 'responsibility', 'conscientious', 'conviction', 'personal', 'right', 'bow', 'submission', 'religious', 'man', 'law', 'sunday', 'law', 'direct', 'opposition', 'law', 'god', 'church', 'state', 'austria', 'hungary', 'new', 'york', 'tribune', 'monsignor', 'agliardi', 'revenge', 'meddling', 'hungarian', 'politics', 'compelled', 'retire', 'office', 'papal', 'nuncio', 'vienna', 'cardinal', 'king', 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'enjoy', 'freedom', 'attained', 'wisdom', 'ability', 'forget', 'air', 'breathe', 'supplied', 'wisdom', 'ability', 'caused', 'heart', 'beat', 'breast', 'forget', 'creed', 'provides', 'way', 'escape', 'worst', 'slavery', 'slavery', 'passion', 'compels', 'person', 'know', 'dragging', 'ruin', 'christianity', 'stand', 'perfect', 'liberty', 'speaking', 'sunday', 'nature', 'argument', 'exchange', 'forcibly', 'flower', 'closing', 'petal', 'fowl', 'seeking', 'roost', 'animal', 'habitation', 'sunday', 'emerging', 'monday', 'morning', 'support', 'seventh', 'day', 'idleness', 'drawn', 'nature', 'long', 'vegetation', 'continues', 'grow', 'sabbath', 'animal', 'know', 'difference', 'sunday', 'monday', 'argument', 'force']
root - INFO - extracting file #5500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18970610-V12-23-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #6000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18980203-V13-05-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #7000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18990518-V14-20-page15.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #8000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn19000830-V15-34-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #15000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19150527-V20-21-page8.txt
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'served', 'sewing', 'class', 'gave', 'exhibit', 'work', 'department', 'saturday', 'evening', 'short', 'program', 'rendered', 'note', 'book', 'garment', 'class', 'inspected', 'audience', 'department', 'certainly', 'good_work', 'year', 'obituary', 'croninger', 'hezikiah', 'croninger', 'died', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'funeral_services', 'held', 'luthern', 'church', 'mcclure', 'ohio', 'leaf', 'faithful', 'companion', 'daughter', 'mourn', 'death', 'hope', 'accepted', 'come', 'land', 'enemy', 'elder', 'lindsey', 'preached', 'word', 'fade', 'leaf', 'lindsey', 'lauder', 'alexander', 'lauder', 'born', 'glasgow', 'scotland', 'january', 'died', 'mount', 'vernon', 'ohio', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'thirty', 'year', 'brother', 'lauder', 'devoted', 'member', 'mount', 'vernon', 'church', 'served', 'treasurer', 'ohio', 'conference', 'year', 'conscientious', 'painstaking', 'faithful', 'man', 'work', 'circle', 'aged', 'pilgrim', 'miss', 'greatly', 'leaf', 'faithful', 'wife', 'follow', 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'personal', 'experience', 'subsequent', 'chapel', 'hour', 'elder', 'eastman', 'elder', 'richardson', 'spoke', 'student', 'morning', 'devoted', 'symposium', 'student', 'colporteurs', 'afternoon', 'clock', 'institute', 'instruction', 'given', 'large_number', 'student', 'definitely', 'decided', 'engage', 'work', 'summer', 'selected', 'territory', 'tuesday', 'evening', 'number', 'college', 'lecture', 'course', 'given', 'professor', 'hamer', 'head', 'music', 'department', 'college', 'charge', 'program', 'needle', 'good', 'musical', 'reading', 'given', 'mustain', 'corresponding', 'secretary', 'washington', 'reading', 'club', 'vocal', 'solo', 'hamer', 'piano', 'solo', 'miss', 'barbara', 'knox', 'cello', 'solo', 'professor', 'lehman', 'college', 'chapel', 'crowded', 'utmost_capacity', 'felt', 'best', 'saved', 'frank', 'elder', 'obliged', 'return', 'home', 'account', 'illness', 'student', 'extend', 'sympathy', 'industrial', 'exhibit', 'given', 'monday', 'evening', 'college', 'preceding', 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root - INFO - extracting file #15500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19161102-V21-43-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #16000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19180425-V23-17-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #19000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB18950301-V01-01ex17-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #20000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB19010419-V04-01ex15-page22.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #21000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB19130525-V07-08-page7.txt
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'expect', 'larger', 'result', 'future', 'enabled', 'accomplish', 'appar', 'ent', 'impossibility', 'difficulty', 'removal', 'liability', 'release', 'removed', 'courage', 'use', 'patient', 'faith', 'god', 'grown', 'cottage', 'occupied', 'medical', 'stuexperiences', 'past', 'year', 'dent', 'employed', 'clinical', 'hosthat', 'longer', 'question', 'possipital', 'believe', 'possible', 'bility', 'realizing', 'god', 'calling', 'sanitarium', 'largely', 'cured', 'autumn', 'important', 'department', 'wholly', 'carry', 'inevitable', 'financial', 'uary', 'petition', 'addressed', 'work', 'present', 'equipment', 'loss', 'operation', 'medical', 'legislature', 'california', 'opposithat', 'supplied', 'college', 'tion', 'form', 'religious', 'legislafeel', 'confident', 'college', 'institution', 'successtion', 'necessary', 'able', 'graduate', 'student', 'scienfully', 'conducting', 'large', 'nurse', 'training', 'present', 'petition', 'legislature', 'tific', 'preparation', 'equal', 'class', 'helena', 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'total', 'field', 'worker', 'ronage', 'carrying', 'heavy', 'liabilprovided', 'lighting', 'earth', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'said', 'ities', 'believe', 'possible', 'glory', 'thi', 'message', 'religious_liberty', 'work', 'jan', 'past', 'year', 'strenuous', 'line', 'work', 'especially', 'california', 'enlighten', 'people', 'true_principles', 'religious_liberty', 'chiefly', 'generous', 'distribution', 'literature', 'subject', 'thousand', 'voter', 'strong_desire', 'southern_field', 'diffi']
root - INFO - extracting file #21500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB19180415-V08-12-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #22000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GH19020521-V04-20-page5.txt
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'lystra', 'impotent', 'foot', 'cripple', 'mother', 'womb', 'walked', 'lhe', 'sante', 'heard', 'paul', 'speak', 'steadfastly', 'beholding', 'perceiving', 'faith', 'healed', 'said', 'loud_voice', 'stand', 'upright', 'thy', 'foot', 'leaped', 'walked', 'people', 'saw', 'paul', 'lifted', 'voice', 'saying', 'speech', 'lycaonia', 'god', 'come', 'likeness', 'men', 'called', 'barnabas', 'jupiter', 'paul', 'mectirius', 'chief', 'speaker', 'priest', 'jupiter', 'city', 'brought', 'garland', 'unto', 'gate', 'sacrifice', 'people', 'apostle', 'barnabas', 'paul', 'heard', 'rent', 'clothes', 'ran', 'people', 'saying', 'sir', 'thing', 'men', 'like', 'passion', 'preach', 'unto', 'turn', 'vanity', 'unto', 'living', 'god', 'heaven', 'earth', 'sea', 'thing', 'times_past', 'suffered', 'nation', 'walk', 'own_ways', 'left', 'witness', 'good', 'gave', 'rain', 'heaven', 'fruitful', 'season', 'filling', 'heart', 'food', 'gladness', 'saying', 'scarce', 'restrained', 'people', 'sacrifice', 'unto', 'came', 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'preparation', 'fact', 'prophecy', 'coining', 'messiah', 'incarnation', 'son', 'god', 'prophet', 'teach', 'fundamental', 'truth', 'act', 'brought', 'history', 'proportion', 'teaching', 'sanctuary', 'service', 'reality', 'life', 'power', 'truth', 'shown', 'national', 'prosperity', 'dent', 'refused', 'revelation', 'truth', 'obedience', 'faith', 'came', 'national', 'adversity', 'verse', 'men', 'god', 'raised', 'deliver', 'people', 'turned', 'testifying', 'world', 'salvation', 'great', 'deliverer', 'reveal', 'humanity', 'read', 'psalm', 'note', 'especially', 'ouestions', 'declared', 'purpose', 'tabernacle', 'revealed', 'prophecy', 'scripture', 'lesson', 'taught', 'concerning', 'work', 'coining', 'saviour', 'service', 'sanctuary', 'useful', 'purpose', 'tabernacle', 'serve', 'building', 'deposited', 'ark', 'service', 'tabernacle', 'direct', 'indirect', 'reference', 'result', 'sought', 'result', 'possible', 'experience', 'provided', 'providing', 'experience', 'change', 'lesson', 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root - INFO - extracting file #23000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GH19150401-V11-04-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #23500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GOH18970301-V01-02-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #24000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GOH18990901-V03-09-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #25000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18901101-V02-11e1-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #25500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18920501-V04-05-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #26000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18931201-V05-11-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #27000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18970401-V09-03e2-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #27500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18680201-V02-08-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #28000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18700301-V04-09-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #28500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18711101-V06-05-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #29000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18730201-V08-02-page28.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #30000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18751001-V10-10-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #31000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18780601-V13-06-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #32000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18810101-V16-01-page26.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #33000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18830901-V18-09-page20.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #33500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18841201-V19-12-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #34000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18861101-V21-11-page24.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #34500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18880101-V23-01-page55.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #35000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18881201-V23-12-page44.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #40500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18990401-V34-04-page42.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #41000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18991201-V34-12-page51.txt
root - INFO - ['corn', 'mush', 'roll', 'dough', 'cup', 'cooked', 'corn', 'meal', 'mush', 'half', 'cup', 'cocoanut', 'cream', 'half', 'cup', 'white_flour', 'knead', 'thoroughly', 'shape', 'roll', 'bake', 'caramel', 'cereal', 'malted', 'nut', 'person', 'wishing', 'avoid', 'use', 'cream', 'sugar', 'beverage', 'little', 'malted', 'nut', 'added', 'steeping', 'cereal', 'admirable', 'substitute', 'lentil', 'chestnut', 'soup', 'use', 'large', 'italian', 'chestnut', 'blanch', 'boiling', 'minute', 'shell', 'dropping', 'cold_water', 'peeling', 'cook', 'pint', 'blanched', 'nut', 'boiling', 'water', 'tender', 'mealy', 'press', 'fine', 'colander', 'sieve', 'cup', 'chestnut', 'prepared', 'add', 'cup', 'lentil', 'measured', 'having', 'cooked', 'pressed', 'sieve', 'tablespoonful', 'onion', 'juice', 'cupful', 'nuttolene', 'cream', 'nut', 'cream', 'dairy', 'cream', 'tablespoonful', 'chopped', 'parsley', 'salt', 'season', 'sufficient', 'water', 'desired', 'consistency', 'celerysalt', 'preferred', 'stuffed', 'apple', 'remove', 'core', 'shaped', 'sound', 'sour', 'apple', 'cavity', 'mixture', 'equal', 'moist', 'bread', 'crumb', 'nuttolene', 'seasoning', 'minced', 'celery', 'bake', 'apple', 'tender', 'sage', 'herb', 'seasoning', 'substituted', 'celery', 'preferred', 'canned', 'tomato', 'okra', 'soup', 'rub', 'canned', 'tomato', 'okra', 'colander', 'heat', 'boiling', 'season', 'salt', 'cream', 'nut', 'cream', 'serve', 'preferred', 'cooked', 'potato', 'rubbed', 'colander', 'added', 'vegetable', 'roast', 'cup', 'strained', 'stewed', 'tomato', 'cup', 'cooked', 'lentil', 'measured', 'rubbed', 'colander', 'cup', 'cooked', 'crystal', 'wheat', 'tablespoonful', 'nut', 'butter', 'half', 'teaspoonful', 'finely', 'powdered', 'sifter', 'sage', 'tablespoonful', 'finely', 'minced', 'celery', 'add', 'little', 'salt', 'seasoning', 'turn', 'baking', 'dish', 'bake', 'oven', 'dry', 'serve', 'slice', 'gravy', 'cooking', 'moment', 'cup', 'lentil', 'prepared', 'lentil', 'chestnut', 'soup', 'cup', 'strained', 'stewed', 'tomato', 'salt', 'season', 'tablespoonful', 'nut', 'butter', 'potato', 'beet', 'salad', 'fitch', 'chop', 'equal', 'quantity', 'protose', 'potato', 'half', 'quantity', 'hard', 'boiled', 'egg', 'yolk', 'cold', 'boiled', 'beet', 'add', 'lemon_juice', 'minced', 'parsley', 'taste', 'walnut', 'bun', 'prepare', 'bun', 'preferred', 'recipe', 'ready', 'shape', 'knead', 'lightly', 'dough', 'half', 'walnut', 'meat', 'wlacn', 'bun', 'baked', 'brush', 'lightly', 'syrup', 'pure', 'sugar', 'plae', 'walnut', 'meat', 'desired', 'manner', 'apricot', 'pudding', 'moisten', 'slice', 'zwieback', 'hot', 'malted', 'nut', 'cream', 'nut', 'cream', 'place', 'pudding', 'dish', 'cover', 'layer', 'apricot', 'marmalade', 'prepared', 'stewing', 'dried', 'apricot', 'tender', 'rubbing', 'colander', 'sweetening', 'taste', 'evaporating', 'firm', 'add', 'layer', 'moistened', 'zwieback', 'cover', 'fruit', 'dish', 'alternate', 'layer', 'finishing', 'zwieback', 'bake', 'hot', 'oven', 'serve', 'hot', 'cold', 'almond', 'sauce', 'almond', 'sauce', 'mingle', 'ode', 'fourth', 'cup', 'almond', 'butter', 'cup', 'water', 'adding', 'water', 'slowly', 'till', 'smoothness', 'cream', 'heat', 'boiling', 'add', 'tablespoonful', 'sugar', 'thicken', 'level', 'tablespoonful', 'corn', 'starch', 'rubbed', 'smooth', 'little', 'cold_water', 'recipe']
root - INFO - extracting file #41500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19000701-V35-07-page74.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #42000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19020401-V37-04-page47.txt
root - INFO - ['answer', 'correspondent', 'yes', 'digested', 'best', 'dietary', 'pint', 'paralyzing', 'nerve', 'gland', 'stomach', 'good', 'flour', 'good', 'graham', 'flour', 'light', 'bread', 'wholesome', 'hulled', 'wheat', 'flour', 'manufactured', 'battle', 'creek_sanitarium', 'health', 'food', 'company', 'best', 'rarely', 'symptom', 'ill', 'health', 'new', 'york', 'inquires', 'concerning', 'direction', 'impairment', 'health', 'apprehended', 'height', 'weight', 'age', 'chest', 'inflated', 'measure', 'inch', 'depleted', 'inch', 'waist', 'measure', 'inch', 'spirometer', 'test', 'lung', 'capacity', 'cubic', 'inch', 'digestion', 'fair', 'habit', 'cold', 'bathing', 'half', 'hour', 'daily', 'exercise', 'trunk', 'upper', 'limb', 'walk', 'mile', 'daily', 'moderate', 'diet', 'carbohydrate', 'little', 'flesh_food', 'muscular', 'nervous', 'mentally', 'physically', 'active', 'thirty', 'year', 'incapacitated', 'day', 'sickness', 'digestion', 'fair', 'cause', 'impaired', 'health', 'symptom', 'appear', 'later', 'painful', 'wart', 'new', 'york', 'wish', 'know', 'remove', 'kind', 'seedy', 'wart', 'form', 'skin', 'hand', 'ache', 'throb', 'finally', 'painful', 'feverish', 'acetic', 'acid', 'tried', 'avail', 'cut', 'milk', 'proteld', 'missouri', 'doe', 'sanitarium', 'health', 'food', 'manufacture', 'milkproteid', 'biscuit', 'substitute', 'better', 'manufacture', 'gluten', 'biscuit', 'way', 'superior', 'smallpox', 'vaccination', 'healthful', 'cookery', 'south', 'dakota', 'best', 'care', 'treatment', 'smallpox', 'vaccination', 'sure', 'preventive', 'disease', 'ill', 'effect', 'vaccination', 'persuade', 'housekeeper', 'cook', 'health', 'gratify', 'appetite', 'home', 'hand', 'book', 'writer', 'work', 'hydrotherapy', 'treatment', 'complicated', 'described', 'column', 'physician', 'employed', 'yes', 'reformed', 'education', 'precept', 'example', 'walla_walla', 'health', 'food', 'nut', 'butter', 'soda', 'raised', 'bread', 'peach', 'pit', 'yucco', 'food', 'digestion', 'washington', 'recommend', 'product', 'walla_walla', 'health', 'food', 'use', 'nut', 'peanut', 'making', 'nut', 'butter', 'necessary', 'cook', 'nut', 'baked', 'toasted', 'soda', 'raised', 'bread', 'injurious', 'use', 'peach', 'pit', 'place', 'hard', 'shelled', 'almond', 'recommend', 'yucco', 'easily', 'digested', 'food', 'eaten', 'meal', 'yes', 'yes', 'nut', 'way', 'starchy', 'nut', 'chestnut', 'chestnut', 'peanut', 'absolutely', 'require', 'cooking', 'nut', 'digestible', 'cooking', 'injurious', 'account', 'alkali', 'contained', 'poisonous', 'case', 'poisoning', 'frequently', 'occurred', 'wholesome', 'product', 'sort', 'meal', 'easily', 'digested', 'food', 'dandruff', 'north', 'dakota', 'wish', 'know', 'cause', 'cure', 'dandruff', 'dandruff', 'parasitic', 'disease', 'scalp', 'scalp', 'thoroughly', 'treated', 'antiseptic', 'lotion', 'bathing', 'cold_water', 'friction', 'twice', 'daily', 'following', 'lotion', 'useful', 'alcohol', 'ounce', 'resorcin', 'ounce', 'castor', 'oil', 'drop', 'food', 'sleep', 'pennsylvania', 'wish', 'goon_health', 'opinion', 'following', 'statement', 'food', 'promote', 'sleep', 'beneficial', 'nervous', 'person', 'eaten', 'hearty', 'late', 'meal', 'digestion', 'food', 'draw', 'brain', 'blood', 'state', 'activity', 'answer', 'true', 'far', 'better', 'draw', 'blood', 'brain', 'warming', 'foot', 'exciting', 'stomach', 'necessary', 'divert', 'blood', 'abdominal', 'vein', 'wet', 'girdle', 'saving', 'stomach', 'labor', 'digesting', 'food', 'divert', 'blood', 'head', 'foot', 'walking', 'exhaust', 'energy', 'tired', 'effort', 'digestion', 'likewise', 'exhausting', 'interferes', 'sleep', 'better', 'wearied', 'warm', 'foot', 'cold', 'application', 'hot', 'bottle', 'heat', 'form', 'rubbing', 'likewise', 'better', 'divert', 'blood', 'abdominal']
root - INFO - extracting file #42500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19030101-V38-01-page54.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #43000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19031001-V38-10-page18.txt
root - INFO - ['catarrh', 'regulation', 'diet', 'excluding', 'stimulant', 'condiment', 'narcotic', 'large_amount', 'exercise', 'preferably', 'open_air', 'sunshine', 'morning', 'cold_bath', 'spray', 'sponge', 'tub', 'bath', 'proper', 'regulation', 'clothing', 'relief', 'constipation', 'breathe', 'deep', 'forge', 'ahead', 'stilletta', 'peyton', 'burke', 'truth', 'man', 'health', 'joy', 'twin', 'spirit', 'thee', 'sped', 'cloud', 'ercast', 'thy', 'sky', 'foiled', 'thy', 'plan', 'breathe', 'deep', 'forge', 'ahead', 'line', 'bit', 'vagrant', 'verse', 'little', 'window', 'opening', 'touward', 'golden', 'hinge', 'great', 'matter', 'breathe', 'deep', 'emphasize', 'basic', 'principle', 'maintenance', 'physical', 'pith', 'point', 'nature', 'behest', 'forge', 'ahead', 'hopeful', 'strong', 'circumstance', 'sickening', 'clutch', 'dragging', 'grim', 'compelling', 'battle', 'life', 'entered', 'conscript', 'weapon', 'finer', 'temper', 'keener', 'edge', 'health', 'courage', 'great', 'central', 'boiler', 'body', 'lung', 'supplied', 'finest', 'fuel', 'healing', 'purifying', 'life', 'giving', 'air', 'hold', 'head', 'erect', 'chest', 'prominence', 'shoulder', 'correct', 'position', 'stomach', 'good', 'behavior', 'touching', 'particular', 'business', 'developing', 'bright', 'healthy', 'condition', 'mind', 'persistently', 'shutting', 'thought', 'discourages', 'depresses', 'eventually', 'recalcitrant', 'stomach', 'ashamed', 'slowly', 'surely', 'follow', 'lead', 'head', 'right', 'said', 'authority', 'tenth', 'american', 'contingent', 'planet', 'state', 'armed', 'truce', 'respect', 'digestive', 'apparatus', 'like', 'south', 'american', 'republic', 'live', 'chronic', 'apprehension', 'fresh', 'insurrection', 'irreverent', 'englis', 'tman', 'yankee', 'alway', 'stomach', 'tin', 'reason', 'nervous', 'ridiculously', 'look', 'lord', 'pronounced', 'good', 'pinched', 'passing', 'good_thing', 'know', 'deep', 'breathing', 'far', 'restoring', 'harmonious', 'relation', 'yankee', 'stomach', 'consequence', 'help', 'bear', 'bravely', 'jibe', 'frivolous', 'foreigner', 'deep', 'inspiration', 'pure_air', 'recreant', 'stomach', 'receives', 'distinct', 'impetus', 'better', 'thing', 'absorbent', 'lymph', 'vessel', 'vitally', 'concerned', 'body', 'alimentation', 'situated', 'close', 'chest', 'cavity', 'directly', 'influenced', 'rise', 'fall', 'diaphragm', 'suction', 'action', 'chest']
root - INFO - extracting file #43500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19040501-V39-05-page70.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #44000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19050201-V40-02-page38.txt
root - INFO - ['meeting', 'extreme', 'went', 'said', 'despondently', 'puff', 'time', 'effect', 'evidently', 'lasting', 'look', 'woman', 'suspicion', 'time', 'losing', 'weight', 'look', 'half', 'size', 'saw', 'thinking', 'coming', 'station', 'believe', 'feel', 'day', 'come', 'moment', 'said', 'want', 'introduce', 'magee', 'company', 'gone', 'walked', 'terrace', 'straight', 'lady', 'chief', 'object', 'came', 'presented', 'taking', 'advantage', 'mutual', 'astonishment', 'mystification', 'fled', 'room', 'hastily', 'finished', 'packing', 'departed', 'earlier', 'train', 'intended', 'week', 'later', 'letter', 'came', 'old', 'adage', 'laugh', 'grow', 'fat', 'magee', 'certainly', 'taken', 'adipose', 'tissue', 'disposed', 'coming', 'explained', 'blessing', 'certainly', 'needed', 'stay', 'longer', 'equal', 'benefit', 'similar', 'way', 'explanation', 'coming', 'salvation', 'following', 'identical', 'program', 'approximating', 'closely', 'week', 'soon', 'extreme', 'fully', 'met', 'shall', 'start', 'continental', 'tour', 'weighs', 'pound', 'losing', 'weigh', 'gaining', 'expedt', 'short_time', 'ceaseless', 'motion', 'sub', 'ists', 'constant', 'rotation', 'unwearied', 'wheel', 'nature', 'ride', 'maintains', 'health', 'beauty', 'fertility', 'dread', 'instant', 'pause', 'life', 'revolvency', 'upholds', 'world', 'wind', 'quarter', 'agitate', 'air', 'fit', 'limpid', 'element', 'use', 'noxious', 'ocean', 'river', 'lake', 'stream', 'feel', 'freshening', 'impulse', 'cleansed', 'restless', 'undulation', 'oak', 'thrives', 'rude', 'concussion', 'storm', 'law', 'creature', 'bound', 'bind', 'man', 'lord', 'derives', 'mean', 'advantage', 'kindred', 'cause', 'strenuous', 'toil', 'hour', 'sweetest', 'ease', 'sedentary', 'stretch', 'lazy', 'length', 'custom', 'bid', 'refreshment', 'need', 'languid', 'eye', 'cheek', 'deserted', 'blcom', 'flaccid', 'shrunk', 'withered', 'muscle', 'vapid', 'soul', 'reproach', 'owner', 'love', 'rest', 'forfeit', 'rest', 'love', 'cowper', 'health', 'exercise']
root - INFO - extracting file #44500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19051001-V40-10-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #45000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19060501-V41-05-page28.txt
root - INFO - ['white', 'race', 'learn', 'indiaa', 'extra', 'cooking', 'fussing', 'account', 'heart', 'warmed', 'friendliness', 'displayed', 'surely', 'far', 'better', 'merely', 'stomach', 'filled', 'furthermore', 'thoughtful', 'man', 'value', 'health', 'vigor', 'gratification', 'appetite', 'saved', 'mortification', 'annoyance', 'having', 'choose', 'risk', 'offending', 'hostess', 'refusing', 'eat', 'luxurious', 'obnoxities', 'provided', 'know', 'word', 'offending', 'eating', 'protest', 'possibly', 'suffering', 'afterward', 'visiting', 'mohave', 'reservation', 'parker', 'colorado', 'river', 'hot', 'day', 'thirsty', 'weary', 'hot', 'soon', 'arrived', 'home', 'old_lady', 'went', 'door', 'wooden', 'mortar', 'took', 'mesquite', 'bean', 'pounded', 'poured', 'water', 'flour', 'minute', 'presented', 'copyright', 'james', 'pierce', 'lie', 'brit', 'tic', 'firfcc', 'ectrit', 'csiriti', 'partake', 'frugal', 'meal', 'photo', 'george', 'wharton', 'james', 'fig', 'navaho', 'woman', 'welcoming', 'white', 'woman', 'hogan', 'copious', 'drink', 'pleasing', 'taste', 'refreshing', 'look', 'face', 'kneel', 'mortar', 'fig', 'kindly', 'generous', 'face', 'cared', 'fact', 'hot', 'hard_work', 'lift', 'pounder', 'meal', 'drink', 'simply', 'easily', 'naturally', 'accepted', 'drink', 'added', 'pleasure', 'product', 'real', 'artificial', 'hospitality', 'visitor', 'snake', 'dance', 'different', 'gious', 'thanksgiving', 'festival', 'indian', 'southwest', 'failed', 'observe', 'great_amount', 'preparation']
root - INFO - extracting file #45500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19061201-V41-12-page22.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #46000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19070801-V42-08-page100.txt
root - INFO - ['good_health', 'battle', 'creek', 'edition', 'marvelous', 'health', 'vibrator', 'man', 'woman', 'child', 'relief', 'suffering', 'cure', 'disease', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'vibrator', 'hurt', 'instinctively', 'rub', 'spot', 'head', 'ache', 'rub', 'temple', 'vibration', 'nature', 'remedy', 'rubbing', 'nature', 'crude', 'way', 'creating', 'vibration', 'starting', 'blood', 'going', 'disease', 'congestion', 'disease', 'pain', 'blood', 'congested', 'stagnant', 'pain', 'disease', 'red', 'blood', 'flow', 'rich', 'steady', 'stream', 'good', 'circulation', 'mean', 'good_health', 'congested', 'circulation', 'mean', 'disease', 'pain', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'vibrator', 'greatest', 'medical', 'discovery', 'twentieth', 'century', 'light', 'compact', 'instrument', 'weighs', 'ounce', 'operated', 'hand', 'moving', 'steel', 'head', 'rigid', 'steel', 'rod', 'placed', 'contact', 'body', 'capable', 'giving', 'vibration', 'minute', 'time', 'possible', 'expert', 'master', 'massage', 'nature', 'remedy', 'developed', 'concentrated', 'minute', 'use', 'sends', 'red', 'blood', 'rushing', 'congested', 'removing', 'disease', 'pain', 'endorsed', 'physician', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'vibrator', 'endorsed', 'noted', 'physician', 'itlis', 'based', 'scientific', 'principle', 'health', 'cure', 'removing', 'cause', 'forcing', 'red', 'blood', 'congested', 'pour', 'drug', 'stomach', 'pain', 'knee', 'trouble', 'doe', 'disease', 'pain', 'rheumatism', 'sciatica', 'lumbago', 'gout', 'caused', 'uric_acid', 'blood', 'form', 'urate', 'soda', 'acid', 'poor', 'circulation', 'particular', 'stopped', 'way', 'congregating', 'cause', 'pain', 'apply', 'vibrator', 'spot', 'relieve', 'congestion', 'relief', 'deafness', 'head', 'noise', 'ringing', 'ear', 'case', 'caused', 'thickening', 'inner', 'membrane', 'catarrh', 'cold', 'cure', 'vibration', 'thing', 'way', 'reach', 'inner', 'ear', 'drum', 'loosen', 'hard', 'wax', 'foreign', 'matter', 'sound', 'penetrate', 'drum', 'stomach', 'trouble', 'indigestion', 'constipation', 'caused', 'food', 'properly', 'digesting', 'lack', 'necessary', 'saliva', 'gastric', 'juice', 'creating', 'congestion', 'stomach', 'forming', 'gas', 'causing', 'pain', 'bad', 'breath', 'apply', 'vibrator', 'stomach', 'settle', 'food', 'release', 'thelases', 'regulates', 'action', 'brings', 'relief', 'instantly', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'vibrator', 'marvelous', 'result', 'following', 'case', 'locomotor', 'ataxia', 'paralysis', 'writer', 'cramp', 'nervous', 'debility', 'neuralgia', 'neurasthenia', 'goitre', 'weak', 'eye', 'asthma', 'earache', 'toothache', 'catarrh', 'headache', 'insomnia', 'weak', 'heart', 'bronchitis', 'hay', 'fever', 'pile', 'early', 'stage', 'bright', 'disease', 'large_number', 'numerous', 'mention', 'development', 'bust', 'undevelcred', 'bust', 'brought', 'yoor', 'nourishment', 'tight', 'lacing', 'run', 'health', 'apply', 'vibrator', 'minute', 'day', 'breast', 'neck', 'arm', 'soon', 'firm', 'round', 'healthy', 'force', 'blood', 'famished', 'testimonial', 'matter', 'town', 'city', 'united', 'state', 'live', 'send', 'satisfied', 'customer', 'vibrator', 'suffered', 'severe', 'rheumatism', 'hand', 'arm', 'swell', 'caused', 'pain', 'description', 'bought', 'vibrator', 'application', 'reduced', 'swelling', 'conquered', 'pain', 'able', 'good', 'night', 'sleep', 'stopped', 'medicine', 'use', 'vibrator', 'warren', 'virginia', 'avenue', 'jersey', 'city', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'october', 'gentleman', 'received', 'vibrator', 'hearing', 'bad', 'hear', 'watch', 'tick', 'hear', 'watch', 'tick', 'holding', 'distance', 'ear', 'hear', 'sound', 'heard', 'year', 'spent', 'good', 'deal', 'money', 'ear', 'drum', 'thing', 'vibrator', 'good', 'robert', 'irving', 'gooding', 'street', 'lockport', 'read', 'generous', 'offer', 'maker', 'owner', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'health', 'vibrator', 'assure', 'cured', 'thousand', 'people', 'united', 'state', 'foreign_country', 'tell', 'given', 'relief', 'eventual', 'cure', 'case', 'patient', 'suffered', 'year', 'unable', 'obtain', 'temporary', 'relief', 'mean', 'absolutely', 'certain', 'health', 'vibrator', 'help', 'heal', 'day', 'try', 'vibrator', 'seven', 'day', 'brings', 'relief', 'cure', 'doe', 'claim', 'send', 'refund', 'money', 'limited', 'time', 'sell', 'vibrator', 'delivered', 'store', 'mailed', 'receipt', 'post', 'paid', 'free', 'new_book', 'vibration', 'fully', 'illustrated', 'tell', 'anctis', 'vibration', 'book', 'plain', 'common', 'sense', 'argument', 'send', 'day', 'cost', 'electric', 'vibrator', 'kind', 'wait', 'suffer', 'lambert', 'snyder', 'dept', 'west', 'new', 'york', 'saw', 'good_health', 'sprain', 'lameness', 'pleurisy', 'varicose', 'vein', 'anemia', 'varicocele']
root - INFO - extracting file #46500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/IR19021001-V08-19-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #47000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/IR19070410-V13-08-page2.txt
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'people', 'earnest', 'forceful', 'manner', 'pleased', 'service', 'gospel', 'christ', 'power', 'save', 'woven', 'tuesday', 'professor', 'avery', 'parted', 'company', 'going', 'hartford', 'city', 'barber', 'took', 'train', 'newcastle', 'spending', 'afternoon', 'night', 'brother', 'midst', 'sabbath', 'question', 'having', 'presented', 'sabbath', 'day', 'week', 'new', 'testament', 'elder', 'miller', 'spoke', 'evening', 'change', 'sabbath', 'attendance', 'listened', 'closely', 'able', 'pre', 'news', 'note']
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root - INFO - extracting file #67000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19140121-V06-03-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #74000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ19021201-V17-12-page17.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #77500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19110907-V11-06-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #78000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19121121-V12-17-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #79000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19150603-V14-43-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #80000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19171115-V17-15-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #81000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19200708-V19-47-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #81500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18521014-V03-12-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #82000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18540718-V05-24-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #82500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18560501-V08-03-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #83000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18570813-V10-15-page2.txt
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'liartzaw', 'request', 'repeated', 'number', 'review', 'month', 'event', 'minute', 'said', 'jesus', 'unto', 'hint', 'thee', 'lord', 'sabbath', 'abolished', 'satan', 'written', 'thou', 'shalt', 'worship', 'prophet', 'foretold', 'event', 'sure', 'lord_thy', 'god', 'shalt_thou', 'serve', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'abolished', 'harbinger', 'advocate', 'rukandment', 'second', 'time', 'new_testament', 'trample', 'foot', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'come', 'thy', 'earth', 'heavfor', 'fear', 'caviler', 'chance', 'cavil', 'given', 'second', 'time', 'new', 'matt', 'testament', 'teach', 'abolition', 'god', 'commanded', 'saying', 'honor', 'thy', 'fabut', 'unwarrantable', 'inference', 'text', 'mother', 'curseth', 'father', 'mention', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'mother', 'let', 'die', 'death', 'matt', 'height', 'presumption', 'saith_unto', 'jethe', 'sabbath', 'present', 'plain', 'declaration', 'bible', 'christian', 'required', 'day', 'believe', 'mocking', 'priest', 'said', 'jesus', 'let', 'come', 'iii', 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'shalt', 'bear', 'false', 'witness', 'irigive', 'statement', 'reply', 'time', 'quire', 'commandment', 'moral', 'truth', 'nay', 'commandexpanded', 'ments', 'expressed', 'expanded', 'enforced', 'truth', 'intimation', 'magospel', 'save', 'fotuth', 'mark', 'xii', 'son', 'suppose', 'jesus', 'gave', 'theee', 'corn', 'matt', 'matt', 'matt', 'rnandments', 'anew', 'account', 'folly', 'teach', 'matt', 'xix', 'expanded', 'conk', 'luke', 'xii', 'non', 'shalt', 'kill', 'beware', 'mandtnents', 'lie', 'doe', 'commandment', 'tree']
root - INFO - extracting file #83500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18581111-V12-25-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #84000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18600209-V15-12-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #84500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18610514-V17-26-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #85000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18620902-V20-14-page3.txt
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'chides', 'outward', 'exorbitancies', 'religion', 'check', 'secret', 'inclination', 'religion', 'requires', 'flower', 'vir', 'itto', 'trnengatfhfeeatnindnssineiwts', 'issf', 'tnhoeesmoult', 'rime', 'land', 'gupishing', 'endeavor', 'stillborn', 'prapyyer', 'winsoil', 'raiololo', 'rtive', 'resolution', 'serve', 'turn', 'nathaniel', 'culverwel', 'distinotion', 'good', 'said', 'bank', 'officer', 'director', 'day', 'depends', 'mean', 'godward', 'manward', 'answer', 'godward', 'continued', 'doctor', 'good', 'man', 'church', 'souveirs', 'imn', 'ote', 'fbaeintehv', 'lreranyes', 'rfdtainner', 'meet', 'manward', 'sorry', 'thigtt', 'meanl', 'tricky']
root - INFO - extracting file #85500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18631201-V23-01-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #86000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18650411-V25-19-page3.txt
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'prepare', 'ready', 'accord', 'rain', 'share', 'let', 'warning_message', 'obey', 'final', 'dreadful', 'woe', 'tremendous', 'day', 'let', 'darkness', 'bound', 'oppressor', 'chain', 'enlightened', 'free', 'sin', 'true', 'liberty', 'obtain', 'lord', 'sanctify', 'cleanse', 'heart', 'accept', 'thine', 'vocal', 'prayer', 'thatwe', 'feel', 'force', 'lemn', 'declaration', 'thou', 'god', 'seest', 'time', 'commend', 'kind', 'care', 'keeping', 'especially', 'enjoined', 'seek', 'lord', 'closet', 'promised', 'hear', 'secretly', 'communing', 'reward', 'openly', 'precious', 'season', 'retire', 'pour', 'sorrow', 'grief', 'ear', 'weary', 'hearing', 'duty', 'secret_prayer', 'arduous', 'repugnant', 'feeling', 'know', 'secret', 'bower', 'tender', 'father', 'reveals', 'glory', 'shining', 'face', 'know', 'bid', 'meet', 'daily', 'receive', 'strength', 'need', 'successfully', 'cope', 'adversary', 'good', 'jesus', 'love', 'cheer', 'way', 'rough', 'soothe', 'support', 'comfort', 'earthly', 'hope', 'comfort', 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'consolation', 'regarded', 'sobbath', 'benediet', 'history', 'lord', 'refuge', 'oppressed', 'earth', 'separated', 'distance', 'refwugaetintirtaime', 'atrforauible', 'ill', 'meet', 'dear', 'saint', 'loved', 'othersahave', 'snatched', 'cruel', 'hand', 'death', 'thank', 'lord', 'come', 'land', 'enemy', 'blessed', 'thought', 'truly', 'cheer', 'shall', 'forgotten', 'lonely', 'thhhhei', 'death', 'old', 'man', 'face', 'secret_prayer', 'communion', 'self', 'god', 'silently', 'vocally', 'apostle', 'men', 'pray', 'joy', 'gathered', 'near', 'young', 'man', 'lifting', 'holy', 'hand', 'wrath', 'doubt', 'dear', 'brother', 'sister', 'thing', 'begin', 'rising', 'tim', 'understand', 'apostle', 'sum', 'reality', 'possessed', 'good', 'word', 'easy', 'obligation', 'mean', 'time', 'trial', 'shah', 'sight', 'speak', 'ill', 'requires', 'silence', 'cost', 'circumstance', 'lift', 'hand', 'raise', 'voice', 'home', 'sweet', 'home', 'spotless', 'character', 'moses', 'purity', 'dignity', 'excellence', 'daniel', 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root - INFO - extracting file #86500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18660717-V28-07-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #87000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18670716-V30-05-page6.txt
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'book', 'revelation', 'levelled', 'popery', 'called', 'chosen', 'faithful', 'wait', 'folded', 'arm', 'reward', 'ungodly', 'protestant', 'ignorant', 'god', 'truth', 'own_hearts', 'unfold', 'arm', 'throw', 'attitude', 'expectation', 'work', 'war', 'spoliation', 'butchery', 'sorcery', 'age', 'protestant', 'taken', 'lead', 'india', 'china', 'japan', 'jamaica', 'new', 'scheme', 'defeated', 'want', 'sitgacity', 'inevitable', 'event', 'half', 'scheme', 'completely', 'successful', 'austria', 'henceforth', 'vassal', 'france', 'person', 'absurdly', 'blamed', 'emperor', 'having', 'long', 'ago', 'intefered', 'time', 'news', 'paper', 'set', 'oracle', 'blunder', 'tell', 'emperor', 'moment', 'placed', 'army', 'rhine', 'forbidden', 'prussia', 'advance', 'wise', 'policy', 'truth', 'knew', 'half', 'strength', 'antagonist', 'wiser', 'far', 'waited', 'effect', 'prussian', 'gun', 'attacked', 'prussia', 'needleguns', 'ignominiously', 'defeated', 'destoyed', 'wisely', 'looked', 'bought', 'experience', 'expense', 'austria', 'saved', 'gained', 'austria', 'ally', 'austria', 'italy', 'france', 'chivalry', 'poland', 'interval', 'rank', 'flank', 'operathioins', 'end', 'triumph', 'therto', 'french', 'emperor', 'defeated', 'kept', 'rcumstanc', 'expect', 'vast', 'combination', 'work', 'brain', 'prove', 'finally', 'triumphant', 'south', 'beat', 'north', 'south', 'romanist', 'poland', 'new', 'ally', 'south', 'equally', 'roman', 'catholic', 'victory', 'south', 'wouldbe', 'triumph', 'romanism', 'demand', 'france', 'germany', 'public', 'far', 'greater', 'importance', 'said', 'positive', 'fact', 'demand', 'withdrawn', 'postponed', 'future', 'day', 'great', 'exmust', 'disturbed', 'new', 'gun', 'begot', 'ready', 'demand', 'renewed', 'time', 'league', 'france', 'austria', 'itsly', 'poland', 'completed', 'austria', 'time', 'reorganize', 'army', 'pole', 'thoroughly', 'aroused', 'great', 'exhibition', 'expect', 'new', 'development', 'french', 'aggression', 'napoleonis', 'mind', 'pacific', 'declaration', 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'bearing', 'arm', 'ingenuity', 'science', 'age', 'exhausted', 'invention', 'deadly', 'weapon', 'destructive', 'powder', 'iron', 'fortress', 'land', 'floating', 'deep', 'day', 'day', 'new', 'hideous', 'engine', 'appeare', 'frowning', 'land', 'gliding', 'sea', 'like', 'revived', 'antediluvian', 'soul', 'thing', 'redeemer', 'convenience', 'sight', 'god', 'glory', 'kingdom', 'own_son', 'value', 'soul', 'rose', 'fell', 'protestantism', 'harlot', 'daughter', 'harlot', 'mother', 'end', 'end', 'possible', 'present', 'vast', 'preparation', 'lead', 'resuit', 'immensity', 'preparation', 'expect', 'issue', 'universal', 'conflict', 'romanism', 'napoleon', 'head', 'arrayed', 'ligious', 'world', 'abandoned', 'love', 'god', 'set', 'man', 'favorite', 'deity', 'human_soul', 'year', 'object', 'rereduced', 'position', 'servant', 'mere', 'convenience', 'work', 'salvation', 'human_soul', 'selfishness', 'religious', 'world', 'approach', 'protestantism', 'head', 'policy', 'suspicion', 'believe', 'equaled', 'policy', 'confusion', 'policy', 'aim', 'age', 'napoleon', 'aimless', 'ambition', 'french', 'emperor', 'year', 'clear', 'deent', 'ill', 'success', 'controlling', 'desperation', 'terruined', 'policy', 'policy', 'calm', 'indomitable', 'resolution', 'france', 'throw', 'sardinia', 'assisting', 'italy', 'austria', 'ing', 'love', 'peace', 'putting', 'ancient', 'napoleon', 'driven', 'desperation', 'appar']
root - INFO - extracting file #87500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18680303-V31-12-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #88000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18681229-V33-01-page4.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'vol', 'talitur', 'wad', 'sanctify', 'thy', 'truth', 'thy_word', 'truth', 'battle', 'cheer', 'mich', 'day', 'dec', 'email', 'smith', 'editor', 'work', 'right_direction', 'wherefore', 'prophet', 'spend', 'money', 'bread', 'labor', 'satisfieth', 'implication', 'effort', 'forth', 'secure', 'bread', 'applied', 'right_direction', 'secure', 'bread', 'portion', 'satisfy', 'labor', 'spent', 'world', 'regenerate', 'world', 'people', 'world', 'work', 'hard', 'saved', 'fail', 'reach', 'result', 'labor', 'work', 'wrong', 'end', 'vast_amount', 'labor', 'misdirected', 'live', 'dishonesty', 'horde', 'thief', 'gambler', 'sharper', 'blackleg', 'mark', 'labor', 'energy', 'skill', 'bring', 'bear', 'unhallowed', 'calling', 'effort', 'talent', 'procure', 'splendid', 'living', 'applied', 'honorable', 'calling', 'life', 'work', 'hard', 'tax', 'energy', 'body', 'mind', 'sufficiently', 'honorable', 'fortune', 'instead', 'eke', 'miserable', 'dishonest', 'subsistence', 'effort', 'applied', 'wrong', 'direction', 'man', 'manifested', 'perseverance', 'energy', 'skill', 'breaking', 'jail', 'kept', 'going', 'bad', 'aroused', 'pitch', 'exertion', 'direction', 'honest', 'livelihood', 'coming', 'step', 'higher', 'contrasting', 'worldly', 'heavenly', 'thing', 'object', 'pursuit', 'principle', 'extensively', 'carried', 'multitude', 'engrossed', 'worldly', 'enterprise', 'bend', 'energy', 'body', 'soul', 'pursuit', 'phantom', 'world', 'rich', 'honor', 'fame', 'power', 'pursuing', 'toil', 'hard', 'expend', 'mean', 'acquire', 'gained', 'bubble', 'perish', 'day', 'toiling', 'multitude', 'laboring', 'grasp', 'shadow', 'prophet', 'exclaims', 'thirsteth', 'come', 'water', 'wherefore', 'spend', 'money', 'bread', 'labor', 'satisfieth', 'turn', 'labor', 'direction', 'bring', 'effort', 'bear', 'right', 'object', 'secure', 'durable', 'rich', 'volume', 'encouragement', 'christian', 'let', 'overcome', 'saying', 'equal', 'fellow_men', 'thousand', 'work', 'hard', 'work', 'manifest', 'zeal', 'manifest', 'endure', 'endure', 'direct', 'effort', 'heavenly', 'instead', 'worldly', 'object', 'prize', 'certainly', 'sign', 'time', 'noticeable', 'feature', 'secular', 'press', 'present_day', 'continual', 'testimony', 'borne', 'showing', 'fulfillment', 'predicted', 'sign', 'concerning', 'time', 'testimony', 'writer', 'fail', 'understand', 'age', 'world', 'living', 'event', 'acquaint', 'scripture', 'uttered', 'point', 'bear', 'unconscious', 'testimony', 'fulfillment', 'prophecy', 'popular', 'watchman', 'professed', 'spiritual', 'guide', 'people', 'silence', 'direct', 'mind', 'people', 'wrong', 'channel', 'causing', 'look', 'good_time', 'coming', 'peace', 'prosperity', 'world', 'rushing', 'asleep', 'fearful', 'reality', 'great_day', 'word', 'scripture', 'daily', 'read', 'account', 'men', 'seemingly', 'thought', 'prophecy', 'jewish', 'sunday', 'movement', 'showing', 'fulfillment', 'ancient', 'prediction', 'student', 'prophecy', 'doubt', 'view', 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'sabbath', 'view', 'naturally', 'create', 'excitement', 'probably', 'lead', 'immediate', 'result', 'indicate', 'dissemination', 'spirit', 'inquiry', 'eventually', 'break', 'wall', 'partition', 'israelite', 'religionist', 'evening', 'bulletin', 'step', 'prayer', 'step', 'stair', 'nearer', 'house', 'stepped', 'ground', 'delivered', 'foulness', 'dampness', 'step', 'prayer', 'god', 'merciful', 'sinner', 'man', 'established', 'heaven', 'stepped', 'world', 'miserable', 'comfort', 'thereof', 'donne']
root - INFO - extracting file #88500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18700329-V35-15-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #89000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18710711-V38-04-page6.txt
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'adventist', 'filled', 'attentive', 'congregation', 'endeavored', 'present', 'contrast', 'faith', 'practice', 'christian', 'tru', 'inent', 'point', 'bible', 'morality', 'teaching', 'spiritualist', 'point', 'evidence', 'relating', 'drawn', 'entirely', 'writing', 'misrepresentation', 'church', 'charles', 'erected', 'excellent', 'house', 'worship', 'moderate', 'size', 'large', 'accommodate', 'monthly', 'gathering', 'design', 'finish', 'credit', 'builder', 'dedicatory', 'service', 'held', 'sunday', 'afternoon', 'june', 'number', 'believer', 'abroad', 'large', 'house', 'filled', 'citizen', 'place', 'illinois', 'home', 'april', 'meeting', 'bro', 'andrew', 'attended', 'interesting', 'time', 'lord', 'willing', 'work', 'way', 'remained', 'home', 'exception', 'making', 'trip', 'week', 'northville', 'camp', 'meeting', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'good', 'representation', 'avon', 'johnstown', 'church', 'lord', 'gave', 'freedom', 'presenting', 'word', 'day', 'number', 'neighborhood', 'listened', 'forenoon', 'meeting', 'repaired', 'bank', 'rock', 'river', 'willing_souls', 'buried', 'christ', 'baptism', 'united', 'church', 'deep', 'conviction', 'place', 'rockton', 'hope', 'soon', 'stand', 'god', 'remnant_people', 'left', 'home', 'came', 'northville', 'arrangement', 'camp', 'meeting', 'bro', 'andrew', 'ready', 'work', 'good', 'deal', 'labor', 'fitted', 'ground', 'best', 'circumstance', 'good', 'northville', 'lord', 'hear', 'may_god', 'speed', 'work', 'help', 'form', 'character', 'conformity', 'come', 'conqueror', 'prayer', 'sister', 'lois', 'calkin', 'writes', 'martin', 'minn', 'review', 'beon', 'sent', 'free', 'number', 'month', 'thankful', 'welcome', 'friend', 'especially', 'iowa', 'saw', 'adventist', 'blessing', 'lord', 'rest', 'dear', 'paper', 'charge', 'prove', 'blessing', 'read', 'trying', 'live', 'wholly', 'jesus', 'precious', 'friend', 'believe', 'living', 'time', 'need', 'moment', 'watch', 'dear_brethren', 'sister', 'let', 'faithful', 'strive', 'prepared', 'work', 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'present_truths', 'love', 'read', 'review', 'report', 'bro', 'matteson', 'date', 'neenah', 'rejoiced', 'minister', 'angel', 'message', 'near', 'icould', 'permitted', 'bro', 'rosa', 'cal', 'companion', 'conof', 'conference', 'grove', 'meeting', 'held', 'brady', 'kalamazoo', 'july', 'forwarded', 'request', 'attend', 'returning', 'battle', 'creek', 'charles', 'learned', 'sending', 'message', 'mercy', 'strong', 'letter', 'accepting', 'invitation', 'brady', 'walker', 'writes', 'santa', 'bro', 'rumsey', 'writes', 'new', 'york', 'trust', 'faithful', 'short_time', 'longer', 'shall', 'saviour', 'lovely', 'face', 'meet', 'mount', 'zion', 'pray', 'lonely', 'communication', 'review', 'may_god', 'prosper', 'love', 'truth', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'sister', 'simonds', 'writes', 'afton', 'iowa', 'doubted', 'began', 'commandment', 'god', 'true', 'people', 'god', 'felt', 'forcibly', 'knoxville', 'camp', 'meeting', 'truly', 'bright', 'spot', 'pilgrimage', 'long', 'remembered', 'god', 'assisting', 'grace', 'meet', 'better', 'land', 'sister', 'honcomn', 'writes', 'year', 'commenced', 'sabbath', 'thank', 'god', 'called', 'poor', 'unworthy', 'let', 'compromise', 'world', 'flesh', 'devil', 'may_god', 'help', 'bible', 'counselor', 'pray', 'imay', 'overcome', 'sinful', 'sight', 'god', 'home', 'faithful', 'benham', 'writes', 'black', 'wolf', 'companion', 'taunt', 'weakness']
root - INFO - extracting file #89500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18721119-V40-23-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #90000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18740512-V43-22-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #90500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18751007-V46-14-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #91000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18770215-V49-07-page7.txt
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'sowing', 'precious_seeds', 'truth', 'going', 'begin', 'redeem', 'time', 'carefully', 'wisely', 'use', 'golden', 'moment', 'come', 'laden', 'responsibility', 'hour', 'time', 'labor', 'live', 'finding', 'employment', 'lose', 'present_situation', 'obey', 'god', 'trust', 'brother', 'mean', 'influence', 'resume', 'business', 'expects', 'shortly', 'afford', 'employment', 'number', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'held', 'meeting', 'night', 'week', 'attendance', 'continues', 'good', 'shall', 'adjourn', 'night', 'feb', 'people', 'chittenango', 'interested', 'business_men', 'especially', 'nonprofessors', 'desirous', 'opportunity', 'hear', 'paper', 'circulated', 'friday', 'morning', 'brief', 'time', 'sufficient', 'money', 'subscribed', 'hire', 'largest', 'best', 'hall', 'village', 'including', 'fuel', 'light', 'seven', 'night', 'shall', 'commence', 'meeting', 'monday', 'feb', 'talk', 'securing', 'able', 'orthodox', 'minister', 'present', 'question', 'lord', 'tin', 'opened', 'way', 'pray', 'wisdom', 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'book', 'tract', 'nice', 'convenient', 'effort', 'dear_brethren', 'said', 'taken', 'hold', 'sab', 'elk', 'point', 'church', 'bath', 'present', 'indication', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'organized', 'world', 'dewell', 'duty', 'shall', 'weal', 'pect', 'close', 'meeting', 'lamont', 'feb', 'canasaraga', 'chittenango', 'new', 'york', 'blessing', 'lord', 'continues', 'work', 'canasaraga', 'sabbath', 'brother', 'abroad', 'able', 'meet', 'excellent_meeting', 'despite', 'unfavorable', 'weather', 'road', 'bad', 'thaw', 'present', 'started', 'sabbath', 'young_man', 'wife', 'said', 'knew', 'listening', 'solemn', 'voice', 'stay', 'away', 'evening_services', 'bestirring', 'testimony', 'god', 'servant', 'systematic_benevolence', 'hope', 'unite', 'soon', 'pray', 'cause', 'dakota', 'farnsworth', 'elk', 'point', 'union', 'dak', 'feb', 'tennessee', 'sire', 'highly', 'prized', 'lowthe', 'quarter', 'end', 'spend', 'love', 'truth', 'apply', 'themleast', 'day', 'carrying', 'light', 'edgefield', 'junction', 'held', 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'constituted', 'member', 'society', 'faith', 'unchanged', 'fact', 'seen', 'time', 'year', 'firmly', 'established', 'leading', 'doctrine', 'taught', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'trne', 'little', 'cause', 'past', 'summer', 'fall', 'given', 'way', 'spirit', 'discouragement', 'ought', 'partly', 'account', 'poor_health', 'expect', 'grace', 'god', 'better', 'future', 'hope', 'cheerfully', 'labor', 'reaper', 'till', 'work', 'dope', 'share', 'glory', 'harvest', 'home', 'believe', 'winter', 'past', 'rain', 'gone', 'flower', 'appear', 'earth', 'time', 'ging', 'bird', 'come', 'feel', 'deter', 'fined', 'arise', 'work', 'glorious', 'angel', 'message', 'dawning', 'going', 'power', 'tract', 'missionary', 'society', 'accomplishing', 'wonder', 'shall', 'sayj', 'future', 'thousand', 'good', 'intelligent', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'consecrate', 'property', 'life', 'work', 'forth', 'armed', 'paper', 'aracts', 'pamphlet', 'having', 'sword', 'spirit', 'command', 'visit', 'people', 'home', 'pray', 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root - INFO - extracting file #91500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18780606-V51-23-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #92000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18790828-V54-10-page8.txt
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'remain', 'close', 'come', 'prepared', 'care', 'brother', 'sister', 'abroad', 'cared', 'expect', 'eld', 'canright', 'eld', 'andrew', 'eld', 'owen', 'wife', 'attend', 'meeting', 'let', 'member', 'consider', 'committee', 'people', 'attend', 'meeting', 'team', 'munfordsville', 'tuesday', 'sept', 'convey', 'come', 'railroad', 'place', 'meeting', 'intend', 'coming', 'way', 'correspond', 'williams', 'rio', 'hart', 'team', 'depot', 'day', 'tuesday', 'conference', 'committee', 'tennessee', 'camp_meeting', 'general_conference', 'favor', 'ministerial', 'help', 'camp', 'meeting', 'conference', 'think', 'best', 'hold', 'session', 'state_conference', 'place', 'meeting', 'tennessee', 'held', 'edgefield', 'junction', 'commencing', 'sabbath', 'oct', 'continuing', 'week', 'brother', 'sister', 'tennessee', 'reasonable', 'effort', 'attend', 'meeting', 'come', 'prepared', 'care', 'distance', 'provided', 'use', 'effort', 'people', 'come', 'meeting', 'brn', 'owen', 'clinton', 'owen', 'arrange', 'meeting', 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'advance', 'lord', 'work', 'miller', 'fowlersville', 'kennedy', 'locke', 'avery', 'wife', 'carson', 'city', 'evans', 'west', 'plain', 'john', 'bank', 'hickory', 'corner', 'geo', 'risley', 'gen', 'conf', 'fund', 'laura', 'atwood', 'gen', 'society', 'donation', 'woolsey', 'wilcox', 'wilcox', 'menitt', 'thank', 'offering', 'danish', 'ifftssion', 'john', 'lorntz', 'friend', 'jacobson', 'anderson', 'vassar', 'mich', 'camp_meeting', 'mich', 'society', 'dist', 'howe', 'mich', 'conf', 'sound', 'meeting', 'held', 'friday', 'sept', 'hope', 'member', 'elli', 'margerson', 'jefferson', 'iden', 'harrison', 'grant', 'battin', 'ella']
root - INFO - extracting file #92500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18800610-V55-24-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #93000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18810208-V57-06-page1.txt
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'dollar', 'year', 'advance', 'dollar', 'volume', 'number', 'siege', 'voluptuous', 'monarch', 'felt', 'secure', 'passed', 'time', 'mirth', 'revelry', 'night', 'great', 'feast', 'thousand', 'lord', 'attraction', 'wealth', 'royal', 'power', 'command', 'combined', 'splendor', 'scene', 'administer', 'lust', 'flesh', 'prince', 'statesman', 'drank', 'wine', 'like', 'water', 'reveled', 'maddening', 'influence', 'king', 'commanded', 'bring', 'sacrilegious', 'feast', 'golden', 'silver', 'vessel', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'taken', 'temple', 'jerusalem', 'consecrated', 'service', 'god', 'employed', 'holy', 'men', 'worship', 'wicked', 'reveler', 'night', 'midst', 'idolatrous', 'mirth', 'king', 'countenance', 'suddenly', 'pale', 'paralyzed', 'terror', 'bloodless', 'hand', 'tracing', 'mystic', 'character', 'wall', 'reveler', 'discern', 'curious', 'unintelligible', 'writing', 'exciting', 'merriment', 'away', 'painful', 'silence', 'fall', 'throng', 'king', 'thought', 'troubled', 'joint', 'loin', 'loosed', 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'hold', 'godless', 'heathen', 'wine', 'hour', 'hall', 'finger', 'hand', 'came', 'forth', 'wall', 'wrote', 'sand', 'finger', 'man', 'solitary', 'hand', 'letter', 'ran', 'traced', 'like', 'wand', 'monarch', 'saw', 'shook', 'bade', 'rejoice', 'bloodless', 'waxed', 'look', 'tremulous', 'voice', 'let', 'men', 'lore', 'appear', 'wisest', 'earth', 'expound', 'word', 'fear', 'hich', 'mar', 'royal', 'mirth', 'chaldea', 'seer', 'good', 'skill', 'unknown', 'letter', 'stood', 'untold', 'awful', 'babel', 'men', 'age', 'wise', 'deep', 'lore', 'sage', 'saw', 'knew', 'captive', 'land', 'man', 'god', 'unknown', 'heard', 'king', 'command', 'stood', 'throne', 'lamp', 'bright', 'prophecy', 'view', 'read', 'night', 'morrow', 'proved', 'true', 'belshazzar', 'grave', 'kingdom', 'passed', 'away', 'balance', 'weighed', 'light', 'worthless', 'clay', 'shroud', 'robe', 'state', 'canopy', 'stone', 'mede', 'gate', 'persian', 'throne', 'hebrew', 'melody', 'gip', 'ttputm', 'charge_thee', 'god', 'lord', 'jesus_christ', 'shall', 'judge', 'quick', 'andl', 'dead', 'appearing', 'kingdom', 'preach', 'word', 'tim', 'sanctification', 'life', 'daniel', 'illustration', 'true', 'sanctification', 'ant', 'white', 'tnxt', 'god', 'peace', 'sanctify', 'wholly', 'pray', 'god', 'spirit', 'soul', 'body', 'preserved', 'blameless', 'unto', 'coming', 'lord', 'jesus_christ', 'thess', 'belshazzar', 'acquainted', 'dealing', 'god', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'knowledge', 'effect', 'course', 'blindly']
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root - INFO - extracting file #94000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18820509-V59-19-page4.txt
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'thy', 'gracious', 'word', 'thy', 'spirit', 'bestow', 'father', 'search', 'know', 'heart', 'deep', 'thee', 'withheld', 'cherished', 'aught', 'sin', 'striving', 'blessed', 'jesus', 'king', 'thee', 'live', 'life', 'thee', 'bring', 'gladly', 'thee', 'weary', 'lord', 'heart', 'thee', 'thy', 'salvation', 'know', 'thy', 'servant', 'let', 'tender', 'gentle', 'kind', 'like', 'god', 'love', 'grant', 'heavenly', 'peace', 'mind', 'thought', 'thing', 'people', 'lately', 'pitched', 'tent', 'gathered', 'gone', 'away', 'starving', 'arab', 'looked', 'hope', 'finding', 'food', 'traveler', 'left', 'searching', 'came', 'little', 'bag', 'tied', 'mouth', 'felt', 'hard', 'round', 'opened', 'bag', 'great_joy', 'thinking', 'contained', 'date', 'nut', 'expecting', 'able', 'satisfy', 'hunger', 'soon', 'saw', 'contained', 'threw', 'ground', 'cried', 'despair', 'pearl', 'lay', 'desert', 'infallible', 'remedy', 'chronic', 'dissension', 'specific', 'known', 'effect', 'radical', 'pearl', 'precious', 'man', 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'man', 'humble', 'teachable', 'good', 'obedient', 'little', 'child', 'doe', 'away', 'individuality', 'manhood', 'body', 'far', 'satisfy', 'soul', 'conscience', 'rule', 'bread', 'precious', 'hungry', 'man', 'matter', 'expediency', 'rule', 'pearl', 'bread', 'life', 'precious', 'subject', 'christ', 'expressly', 'said', 'clothed', 'humility', 'lowliness', 'mind', 'bread', 'life', 'foolish', 'spend', 'ourlet', 'esteem', 'better', 'self', 'gathering', 'thing', 'feed', 'hungry', 'save', 'sin', 'seek', 'kingdom', 'god', 'righteousness', 'thing', 'lower', 'self', 'necessary', 'noted', 'place', 'chief', 'thing', 'physician', 'administer', 'divided', 'house', 'christ', 'life', 'lour', 'soul', 'forever', 'hold', 'agree', 'person', 'help', 'gladly', 'accept', 'good_things', 'settling', 'difficulty', 'blessing', 'lord', 'ask', 'thee', 'jesus', 'precious', 'power', 'glory', 'forever', 'thine', 'amen', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'conversion', 'cure', 'eld', 'cottrell', 'cure', 'recommended', 'church', 'difficulty', 'chronic', 'acute', 'safe', 'honor', 'preferring', 'special', 'recommendation', 'conversion', 'cure', 'apply', 'remedy']
root - INFO - extracting file #94500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18830116-V60-03-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #95000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18830814-V60-33-page8.txt
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'hour', 'decease', 'possible', 'friend', 'facility', 'command', 'alleviate', 'suffering', 'arrest', 'disease', 'physician', 'attendance', 'felt', 'assured', 'life', 'saved', 'conscious', 'far', 'know', 'friend', 'understand', 'completely', 'said', 'endeavoring', 'direction', 'treatment', 'fancied', 'institution', 'labored', 'seventeen', 'year', 'easy', 'access', 'laboratory', 'facility', 'mentioned', 'false', 'pope', 'paramour', 'thrust', 'chair', 'peter', 'numbered', 'pope', 'serve', 'purpose', 'catalogue', 'pope', 'term', 'monster', 'horrible', 'behold', 'tenth', 'century', 'constitutes', 'century', 'sixth', 'period', 'year', 'end', 'century', 'idea', 'prevalent', 'christ', 'come', 'year', 'men', 'taught', 'year', 'rev', 'commenced', 'christ', 'born', 'people', 'read', 'bible', 'seen', 'itisis', 'period', 'commences', 'resurrection', 'end', 'unjust', 'pope', 'eleventh', 'century', 'obtained', 'papal', 'crown', 'violence', 'corruption', 'life', 'profligate', 'wicked', 'sylvester', 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'near', 'end', 'ninth', 'century', 'christian_era', 'densest', 'moral_darkness', 'covered', 'earth', 'time', 'church', 'rome', 'triumphant', 'true', 'servant', 'christ', 'lived', 'greatest', 'obscurity', 'pope', 'tenth', 'century', 'monster', 'cruelty', 'licentiousness', 'instance', 'pope', 'sergius', 'iii', 'pope', 'john', 'pope', 'john', 'pope', 'john', 'xii', 'crime', 'men', 'mentioned', 'baronius', 'period', 'vilest', 'powerful', 'prostitute', 'ruled', 'court', 'rome', 'inexpressibly', 'horrible']
root - INFO - extracting file #95500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18840408-V61-15-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #96000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18841202-V61-48-page9.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #97000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18860406-V63-14-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #97500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18861130-V63-47-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #98000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18870726-V64-30-page10.txt
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'near', 'melted', 'tear', 'hope', 'hold', 'faithful', 'end', 'sabbath', 'school', 'roll', 'church', 'report', 'spent', 'time', 'erie', 'crawford', 'county', 'laboring', 'church', 'scattered', 'seven', 'baptized', 'organized', 'sabbathschool', 'member', 'bro', 'baker', 'labored', 'account', 'sickness', 'family', 'called', 'home', 'kept', 'field', 'week', 'camp_meeting', 'salamanca', 'held', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'bear', 'lake', 'waterford', 'edinborough', 'meeting', 'refreshing', 'season', 'trust', 'good', 'received', 'fresh', 'baptism', 'spirit', 'dark', 'cloud', 'driven', 'away', 'new_courage', 'taking', 'place', 'heart', 'july', 'tent', 'pitched', 'village', 'albion', 'meeting', 'held', 'evening', 'chicago', 'sheridan', 'returning', 'state', 'camp', 'meeting', 'attended', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'church', 'sabbath', 'july', 'spoke', 'scandinavian', 'brother', 'west', 'prof', 'prescott', 'spoke', 'afternoon', 'place', 'american', 'church', 'ordinance', 'celebrated', 'evening', 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'prophecy', 'tennessee', 'like', 'plan', 'courage', 'marvin', 'finch', 'texas', 'hapel', 'meeting', 'place', 'closed', 'evening', 'mosth', 'excellent_meeting', 'sabbath', 'time', 'stay', 'moistened', 'eye', 'flowing', 'tear', 'showed', 'presence', 'god', 'spirit', 'think', 'adult', 'present', 'came', 'forward', 'expressed', 'determination', 'lead', 'bette', 'life', 'past', 'seventeen', 'leave', 'signedthe', 'covenant', 'andwe', 'satisfied', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'kept', 'away', 'sickness', 'know', 'section', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'came', 'spring', 'regular', 'sabbath', 'meeting', 'attend', 'camp', 'meeting', 'book', 'sale', 'white', 'minnesota']
root - INFO - extracting file #98500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18880306-V65-10-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #99000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18881106-V65-44-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['nov', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'bona', 'plant', 'grown', 'youth', 'imighters', 'corneretoneal', 'uollnhed', 'etruilltude', 'pity', 'pallet', 'tan', 'santre', 'somamutts', 'grow', 'tenderly', 'sober', 'look', 'face', 'defied', 'sorrow', 'world', 'strew', 'path', 'prodigal', 'child', 'think', 'pain', 'trouble', 'attend', 'pathway', 'sin', 'sadness', 'year', 'redouble', 'entered', 'think', 'sorrow', 'unspoken', 'fallen', 'long', 'light', 'sad', 'eye', 'heart', 'broken', 'tear', 'kept', 'sight', 'pleasure', 'end', 'sorrow', 'sadness', 'fade', 'sway', 'hope', 'brighter', 'morrow', 'banish', 'care', 'today', 'bosom', 'grows', 'tender', 'pity', 'ponder', 'woe', 'world', 'think', 'jasper', 'walled', 'city', 'banner', 'peace', 'unfurled', 'think', 'saviour', 'seeing', 'ill', 'nature', 'loving', 'long', 'ago', 'street', 'judea', 'carried', 'sorrow', 'men', 'saviour', 'struggle', 'mid', 'sorrow', 'loss', 'tell', 'sinful', 'behavior', 'caused', 'die', 'cross', 'plead', 'heart', 'hardened', 'tell', 'saviour', 'said', 'come', 'accept', 'grace', 'pardoned', 'rest', 'gladness', 'home', 'friotion', 'oil', 'oan', 'quarrel', 'pour', 'oil', 'blessed', 'peace', 'maker', 'oil', 'rarer', 'emergency', 'everybody', 'gift', 'putting', 'oil', 'spot', 'grate', 'day', 'quarrel', 'occur', 'oil', 'blessed', 'taffy', 'wanted', 'day', 'everybody', 'universal', 'sweetness', 'social', 'domestic', 'life', 'husband', 'come', 'home', 'wife', 'tired', 'hot', 'day', 'work', 'chamber', 'kitchen', 'little', 'taffy', 'pleasant', 'thing', 'praise', 'sometiliing', 'tell', 'nice', 'bread', 'better', 'baker', 'ketchup', 'best', 'house', 'looked', 'sweet', 'restful', 'came', 'leisure', 'evening', 'tell', 'prize', 'pleasant', 'home', 'good', 'smile', 'come', 'pahoe', 'prtneevitte', 'benevolent', 'contribution', 'regarded', 'chore', 'taffy', 'independent', 'imagination', 'story', 'told', 'power', 'imagination', 'murderer', 'condemned', 'die', 'physician', 'obtained', 'permission', 'try', 'experiment', 'told', 'prisoner', 'execution', 'private', 'instead', 'public', 'death', 'painless', 'took', 'blindfolded', 'room', 'laid', 'table', 'little', 'faucet', 'water', 'corner', 'thought', 'bled', 'death', 'heard', 'doctor', 'talked', 'bleeding', 'turned', 'water', 'thought', 'blood', 'dropping', 'man', 'actually', 'died', 'having', 'lost', 'drop', 'blood', 'simply', 'imagined', 'dying', 'story', 'imagination', 'person', 'sick', 'told', 'certain', 'buckland', 'gave', 'dinner', 'day', 'dissecting', 'mississippi', 'alligator', 'invited', 'distinguished', 'people', 'dine', 'table', 'elegantly', 'set', 'meal', 'commenced', 'excellent', 'soup', 'like', 'soup', 'asked', 'doctor', 'guest', 'good', 'answered', 'gentleman', 'turtle', 'doctor', 'shook', 'head', 'think', 'somewhat', 'musky', 'taste', 'said', 'unpleasant', 'peculiar', 'alligator', 'replied', 'host', 'cayman', 'peculiarly', 'fellow', 'dissected', 'morning', 'diner', 'turned', 'pale', 'rushed', 'room', 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'souse', 'relief', 'free', 'truly', 'horrified', 'statement', 'case', 'plain', 'word', 'like', 'christian', 'eye', 'open', 'fact', 'turning', 'beautiful', 'sacred', 'rite', 'hollow', 'sham', 'mockery', 'true', 'regard', 'blessing', 'asked', 'ninny', 'christian', 'table', 'dined', 'good', 'christian', 'deacon', 'moment', 'seated', 'asked', 'second', 'blessing', 'unconscious', 'asked', 'occasion', 'horrified', 'tell', 'blessing', 'asked', 'suppose', 'disgraceful', 'experience', 'unique', 'sonic', 'people', 'religious', 'chore', 'habit', 'daily', 'reading', 'bible', 'minute', 'ago', 'asked', 'ono', 'girl', 'divested', 'party', 'dress', 'late', 'hour', 'ono', 'evening', 'reading', 'ton', 'verse', 'bible', 'feel', 'comfortable', 'went', 'night', 'wore', 'remember', 'hurry', 'bed', 'read', 'hastily', 'young', 'minister', 'said', 'long', 'ago', 'ono', 'good', 'thing', 'week', 'stopped', 'man', 'reading', 'chapter', 'bible', 'night', 'moan', 'exclaimed', 'astonishment', 'idea', 'read', 'day', 'kept', 'kind', 'fetish', 'habit', 'acquired', 'early', 'child', 'hood', 'certainly', 'good', 'habit', 'expostulated', 'assuredly', 'assented', 'young_man', 'needed', 'aroused', 'sense', 'idle', 'folly', 'reading', 'reflection', 'study', 'far', 'better', 'read', 'verse', 'day', 'week', 'thought', 'verse', 'mind', 'life', 'read', 'book', 'day', 'way', 'assent', 'religious', 'chore', 'sad', 'people', 'priftte', 'prayer', 'got', 'sleep', 'mockery', 'hurriedly', 'repeated', 'stereotyped', 'prayer', 'said', 'prayed', 'tired', 'longing', 'rest', 'long', 'daily', 'form', 'word', 'mumbledthrough', 'accompaniment', 'oft', 'ter', 'irrelevant', 'thought', 'infinitely', 'acceptable', 'loving', 'father', 'know', 'child', 'human', 'frailty', 'single', 'petition', 'heart', 'wife', 'doe', 'good_man', 'come', 'home', 'weary', 'burdened', 'exhausted', 'cross', 'glad', 'home', 'exundemonstrative', 'silent', 'meet', 'sweet', 'welcome', 'pleasant', 'men', 'love', 'appreciated', 'flattered', 'tell', 'kind', 'thing', 'somebody', 'said', 'tell', 'admire', 'sit', 'hand', 'tell', 'love', 'afraid', 'overdoing', 'like', 'told', 'loved', 'saying', 'truer', 'great', 'deal', 'better', 'cultivate', 'love', 'warm', 'expression', 'blight', 'frost', 'pretty', 'big', 'reality', 'stuff', 'happiness', 'feed', 'doe', 'religious', 'chore', 'going', 'church', 'claimed', 'lady', 'return', 'church', 'idea', 'minister', 'prayer', 'tedious', 'begin', 'enjoy', 'sunday', 'asked', 'visitor', 'consider', 'wicked', 'stay', 'away', 'church', 'positively', 'ill', 'think', 'staying', 'away', 'taffy']
root - INFO - extracting file #99500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18890618-V66-25-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #100000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18900204-V67-05-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['feb', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'look', 'error', 'long', 'declared', 'man', 'nature', 'immortal', 'unconditionally', 'notwithstanding', 'bible', 'insists', 'god', 'hath', 'immortality', 'tim', 'sought', 'worked', 'prayed', 'rom', 'gift', 'god', 'given', 'worthy', 'appearing', 'matt', 'tim', 'error', 'enthroned', 'day', 'week', 'sabbath', 'bible', 'shall', 'seventh', 'day', 'gen', 'error', 'opened', 'wide', 'gate', 'set', 'broad', 'way', 'entered', 'bible', 'tell', 'strait', 'gate', 'ana', 'rrou', 'way', 'shall', 'gate', 'entered', 'path', 'walking', 'mistaken', 'ought', 'obey', 'god', 'man', 'hearer', 'word', 'avail', 'judgment', 'let', 'try', 'doer', 'word', 'james', 'right_way', 'wrong', 'way', 'eternity', 'depends', 'decision', 'retrace', 'footstep', 'let', 'try', 'sure', 'work', 'remembering', 'better', 'safe', 'sorry', 'son', 'plant', 'grown', 'youth', 'daughter', 'corner_stones', 'polished', 'similitude', 'palace', 'good', 'life', 'long', 'life', 'liveth', 'long', 'liveth', 'life', 'flung', 'away', 'liveth', 'longest', 'tell', 'true', 'thing', 'truly', 'day', 'hour', 'buy', 'moment', 'life', 'past', 'ripe', 'fruit', 'life', 'sow', 'love', 'taste', 'fruitage', 'pure', 'sow', 'peace', 'reap', 'harvest', 'bright', 'sow', 'sunbeam', 'rock', 'moor', 'harvest', 'home', 'light', 'sel', 'better', 'safe', 'sorry', 'hour', 'noon', 'long', 'train', 'lowing', 'cattle', 'standing', 'street', 'obstructing', 'way', 'working', 'men', 'woman', 'hurrying', 'homeward', 'dinner', 'fearless', 'small', 'boy', 'duck', 'head', 'double', 'like', 'jackknife', 'scoots', 'track', 'beneath', 'train', 'sturdy', 'youth', 'agile', 'young_man', 'place', 'hand', 'buffer', 'amble', 'lightly', 'timid', 'miss', 'cautious', 'woman', 'aged', 'men', 'remain', 'impatient', 'train', 'man', 'score', 'year', 'vision', 'dinner', 'growing', 'cold', 'look', 'track', 'left', 'direction', 'panting', 'engine', 'right', 'signal', 'flag', 'mark', 'rear', 'long', 'way', 'round', 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root - INFO - extracting file #100500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18900923-V67-37-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #101000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18910512-V68-19-page6.txt
root - INFO - ['advist', 'review', 'sabba', 'herald', 'vol', 'ield', 'blessed', 'sow', 'water', 'isa', 'conducted', 'corliss', 'write', 'sage', 'intrusted', 'keeping', 'prior', 'entering', 'uncivilized', 'heathen', 'field', 'believe', 'policy', 'ordered', 'providence', 'god', 'benefit', 'seen', 'fact', 'ent', 'tering', 'civilized', 'educated', 'nation', 'europe', 'laboring', 'people', 'differ', 'little', 'habit', 'custom', 'manner', 'carry', 'message', 'human', 'standpoint', 'rate', 'easier', 'carry', 'purely', 'heathen', 'difference', 'habit', 'custom', 'manner', 'people', 'western', 'hemisphere', 'inhabitant', 'eastern', 'hemisphere', 'hand', 'common', 'people', 'western', 'nation', 'europe', 'dwell', 'far', 'east', 'people', 'united', 'state', 'mentioned', 'class', 'utilized', 'utilizing', 'natural', 'state', 'society', 'western', 'nation', 'europe', 'compared', 'inmost', 'circle', 'series', 'inmost', 'circle', 'nearest', 'closely', 'related', 'labored', 'turn', 'better', 'fitted', 'training', 'social', 'surroundings', 'labor', 'circle', 'series', 'nation', 'eastern', 'europe', 'armenian', 'hungarian', 'better', 'qualified', 'labor', 'own_people', 'connecting', 'instruction', 'office', 'basel', 'mission', 'hamburg', 'coming', 'country', 'south', 'america', 'styled', 'middle', 'field', 'protestant', 'said', 'elusively', 'roman', 'catholic', 'dominant', 'creed', 'goodly', 'sprinkling', 'heathen', 'consideration', 'naturally', 'come', 'order', 'entered', 'western', 'european', 'country', 'asiatic', 'continent', 'argentine', 'present', 'company', 'swiss', 'sabbatk', 'keeper', 'calling', 'organize', 'sent', 'money', 'office', 'basel', 'purpose', 'brazil', 'company', 'german', 'sabbathkeepers', 'stir', 'german', 'colony', 'pleading', 'help', 'circumstance', 'led', 'opening', 'mission', 'central', 'europe', 'africal', 'believe', 'god', 'want', 'gone', 'prepared', 'way', 'south', 'america', 'new', 'country', 'society', 'formative', 'state', 'people', 'settled', 'way', 'older', 'civilized', 'country', 'heathen', 'country', 'opportunity', 'brother', 'settle', 'engage', 'farming', 'trade', 'united', 'state', 'thing', 'cause', 'faith', 'believe', 'voice', 'god', 'return_home', 'native', 'land', 'heart', 'rank', 'evidence', 'strong', 'mentioned', 'stronger', 'young_man', 'woman', 'school', 'various_parts', 'country', 'consulting', 'impressed', 'importance', 'south', 'american', 'work', 'year', 'ago', 'believed', 'believe', 'god', 'called', 'thing', 'fit', 'work', 'learning', 'language', 'teacher', 'prayer', 'ascended', 'god', 'possible', 'familiar', 'rspanish', 'language', 'teacher', 'prayer', 'answered', 'lady', 'labored', 'year', 'missionary', 'mexican', 'embraced', 'view', 'present', 'engaged', 'giving', 'instruction', 'spanish', 'battle', 'creek', 'brother', 'different_parts', 'field', 'written', 'office', 'nit', 'foreign_mission', 'seeretary', 'stating', 'mind', 'exercised', 'regard', 'work', 'south', 'america', 'want', 'advice', 'settle', 'willing', 'pay', 'expense', 'support', 'trade', 'influenced', 'mind', 'doe', 'satan', 'want', 'people', 'god', 'scatter', 'harvest_field', 'master', 'bidding', 'question', 'answer', 'economic', 'crisis', 'mexico', 'patent', 'ono', 'conversant', 'tile', 'actual', 'condition', 'mexico', 'introduction', 'foreign', 'capital', 'employment', 'development', 'natural', 'resource', 'effect', 'economic', 'condition', 'parallel', 'nation', 'railroad', 'single', 'exception', 'vera', 'cruz', 'road', 'year', 'ago', 'count', 'thousand', 'mile', 'trunk', 'line', 'connecting', 'united', 'state', 'numerous', 'intersecting', 'line', 'active', 'operation', 'course', 'construction', 'parallel', 'vast', 'investment', 'capital', 'railroad', 'foreign', 'investment', 'enormous', 'sum', 'enterprise', 'manufacture', 'commerce', 'naturally', 'resulted', 'employment', 'vast_amount', 'native', 'labor', 'time', 'stimulated', 'marked', 'degree', 'price', 'supply', 'unhappily', 'country', 'stimulus', 'given', 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'america', 'tin', 'question', 'asked', 'past_year', 'questioned', 'prowiety', 'engaging', 'enterprise', 'presnt', 'doe', 'work', 'older', 'aission', 'need', 'strengthening', 'ietter', 'throw', 'energy', 'aleady', 'started', 'branching', 'arther', 'field', 'entered', 'question', 'member', 'board', 'foreign', 'minion', 'connected', 'foreign', 'ork', 'study', 'history', 'foreign', 'fission', 'exception', 'australasia', 'entered', 'foreign', 'eld', 'plea', 'nave', 'field', 'true', 'case', 'central', 'european', 'mission', 'obtained', 'angel', 'message', 'reading', 'matter', 'tat', 'heditentally', 'fell', 'hand', 'tined', 'mean', 'sent', 'james', 'erzenberger', 'atnulthe', 'general_conference', 'held', 'battle', 'creek', 'hand', 'god', 'providence', 'clearly', 'len', 'thanner', 'message', 'ached', 'switzerland', 'accepted', 'qichings', 'proved', 'zeal', 'devotion', 'sendg', 'smile', 'america', 'study', 'view', 'ethods', 'work', 'switz', 'land', 'hand', 'duty', 'pointed', 'instance', 'case', 'south', 'frican', 'mission', 'missionary', 'went', 'ere', 'person', 'lld', 'believed', 'doctrine', 'bible', 'ught', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'sent', 'battle', 'creek', 'request', 'borer', 'setit', 'assistance', 'doubt', 'hand', 'angel', 'outstretched', 'mth', 'africa', 'said', 'greater', 'exat', 'opening', 'work', 'ssiorig', 'exception', 'stated', 'australasia', 'phase', 'question', 'denomination', 'enter', 'civilized', 'country', 'world']
root - INFO - extracting file #101500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18920105-V69-01-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #102000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18920823-V69-34-page10.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'view', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'vol', 'image', 'beast', 'church', 'clothed', 'backed', 'civil', 'authority', 'existed', 'day', 'papal', 'rule', 'closing', 'work', 'horned', 'beast', 'wilt', 'time', 'closing', 'workof', 'gospel', 'principle', 'iniquity', 'characteristic', 'papacy', 'existed', 'establishment', 'seen', 'brought', 'bear', 'people', 'god', 'herald', 'note', 'warning', 'beast', 'image', 'worshiper', 'perfection', 'machinery', 'accomplish', 'purpose', 'satan', 'bringing', 'final', 'pressure', 'people', 'god', 'completed', 'desperate', 'effort', 'satan', 'manifested', 'bring', 'severest', 'pressure', 'life', 'god', 'commandment', 'place', 'seen', 'near', 'end', 'time', 'trouble', 'church', 'backed', 'civil_power', 'persecute', 'commandment', 'keeper', 'element', 'exists', 'finally', 'developed', 'united', 'state', 'government', 'virtually', 'necessary', 'constitute', 'image', 'beast', 'mean', 'year', 'readjusting', 'sunday', 'law', 'atlantic', 'ocean', 'east', 'pacific_ocean', 'west', 'british', 'possession', 'north', 'gulf', 'mexico', 'south', 'enforce', 'observance', 'day', 'week', 'civil_power', 'doe', 'principal', 'actor', 'bring', 'church', 'country', 'intoxicating', 'civil_power', 'fornication', 'unlawful', 'mean', 'courting', 'favor', 'government', 'rev', 'fulfilled', 'far', 'relates', 'country', 'nearly', 'fifty', 'year', 'message', 'fallen', 'street', 'equity', 'enter', 'justice', 'overstepped', 'case', 'referred', 'expect', 'provision', 'expected', 'hand', 'papist', 'fact', 'experience', 'brother', 'sad', 'record', 'protestant', 'day', 'america', 'following', 'path', 'papist', 'public_sentiment', 'little', 'better', 'educated', 'national', 'reform', 'party', 'prospect', 'better', 'christ', 'rsued', 'mob', 'inspired', 'priest', 'stood', 'pilate', 'hand', 'message', 'spreading', 'earth', 'remotest', 'bound', 'mighty', 'angel', 'descended', 'lighten', 'earth', 'true', 'great_work', 'nation', 'heard', 'sound', 'thereof', 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'containing', 'element', 'cruelty', 'enforced', 'image', 'beast', 'solemn', 'thought', 'true', 'proposition', 'admits', 'extenuation', 'year', 'fact', 'cessation', 'hostility', 'conflict', 'spring', 'source', 'bear', 'present', 'characteristic', 'principle', 'noted', 'prophecy', 'condition', 'thing', 'individual', 'compelled', 'penalty', 'confiscation', 'property', 'fine', 'imprisonment', 'worship', 'beast', 'image', 'true', 'perfected', 'saint', 'death', 'sense', 'iniage', 'civil_power', 'state', 'authority', 'persecute', 'people', 'crime', 'keeping', 'god', 'experience', 'commandment', 'brother', 'southern', 'state', 'answer', 'question', 'affirmative', 'law', 'statute_book', 'nearly', 'state', 'union', 'rigid', 'enforcement', 'true', 'provision', 'statute', 'hook', 'exempt', 'conscientiously', 'observe', 'seventh', 'day', 'week', 'sabbath', 'nature', 'void', 'standpoint', 'justice', 'proof', 'demonstrated', 'experience', 'brother', 'xeinption', 'clause', 'eye', 'prejudiced', 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root - INFO - extracting file #103000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18931205-V70-48-page13.txt
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'benevolent', 'association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'america', 'resolved', 'property', 'real', 'personal', 'secured', 'purpose', 'sanitarium', 'shall', 'held', 'managed', 'board', 'trustee', 'composed', 'person', 'shall', 'member', 'executive_committee', 'south', 'african', 'conference', 'shall', 'member', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'medical', 'missionary', 'benevolent', 'association', 'america', 'shall', 'elected', 'regular', 'session', 'south', 'african', 'conference', 'shall', 'governed', 'instruction', 'andregulations', 'shall', 'submitted', 'said', 'association', 'america', 'unity', 'work', 'preserved', 'best', 'result', 'attained', 'recognize', 'christian_duty', 'care', 'homeless', 'orphan', 'considerable', 'money', 'given', 'express', 'purpose', 'building', 'orphan', 'home', 'south', 'africa', 'resolved', 'board', 'trustee', 'sanitarium', 'instructed', 'conference', 'question', 'favorable', 'consideration', 'authorized', 'select', 'location', 'purchase', 'property', 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'africa', 'shown', 'general_conference', 'share', 'burden', 'labor', 'referred', 'present', 'tour', 'providence', 'god', 'meeting', 'lord', 'having', 'especially', 'directed', 'matter', 'important', 'future', 'presented', 'present', 'favorable', 'beginning', 'work', 'field', 'work', 'largely', 'devolve', 'operation', 'interior', 'establishing', 'mission_stations', 'doubtless', 'carried', 'point', 'west', 'africa', 'spoken', 'favorable', 'mission', 'field', 'owing', 'general', 'recognition', 'native', 'tribe', 'sabbath', 'seventh', 'day', 'true', 'rest', 'day', 'elder', 'olsen', 'presented', 'meeting', 'necessity', 'observing', 'order', 'work', 'god', 'deep_interest', 'felt', 'south', 'africa', 'general', 'conference', 'brother', 'coun', 'let', 'ries', 'assured', 'lack', 'inen', 'mean', 'past', 'assured', 'rocino', 'organized', 'conference', 'interthe', 'responsibility', 'rested', 'committee', 'rna', 'chosen', 'act', 'sacred', 'work', 'unity', 'action', 'characterize', 'plan', 'rpse', 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'adjourned', 'chair', 'meeting', 'session', 'held', 'cllaarreemontt', 'new_church', 'school_building', 'dedicated', 'previous', 'sabbath', 'proceeding', 'lengthy', 'publication', 'general_interest', 'spirit', 'unity', 'prevailed', 'reason', 'believe', 'lord', 'directed', 'counsel', 'plan', 'laid', 'future_work', 'following', 'resolution', 'passed', 'recognize', 'health', 'institution', 'special', 'agency', 'advancement', 'truth', 'spirit', 'god', 'said', 'institution', 'established', 'different_countries', 'world', 'resolved', 'step', 'taken', 'conference_session', 'establishment', 'sanitarium', 'south', 'africa', 'location', 'institution', 'condition', 'insure', 'success', 'enterprise']
root - INFO - extracting file #103500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18940717-V71-29-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #104000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18950305-V72-10-page5.txt
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'told', 'went', 'prayed', 'child', 'father', 'mentioned', 'subject', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'family', 'prayer', 'day', 'taught', 'child', 'years_afterward', 'given', 'hear', 'daughter', 'pray', 'blame', 'stranger', 'come', 'asked', 'father', 'question', 'regard', 'religion', 'shown', 'doubt', 'spent', 'good', 'deal', 'time', 'answering', 'question', 'encouraging', 'investigation', 'recognize', 'lord', 'leading', 'child', 'way', 'giving', 'opportunity', 'point', 'soul', 'jesus', 'satan', 'saw', 'opportunity', 'slow', 'use', 'building', 'wall', 'separation', 'try', 'raise', 'parent', 'child', 'occasion', 'noticed', 'teacher', 'sabbath', 'school', 'asked', 'question', 'class', 'regard', 'answer', 'prayer', 'passed', 'question', 'lightly', 'went', 'lesson', 'lost', 'opportunity', 'enlighten', 'soul', 'chance', 'allowed', 'slip', 'good', 'watching', 'teaching', 'theory', 'little', 'practical', 'religion', 'child', 'midst', 'christian', 'yes', 'thing', 'teach', 'teach', 'accepts', 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root - INFO - extracting file #104500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18951015-V72-42-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #105000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18960526-V73-21-page4.txt
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'adjournment', 'american', 'congress', 'ought', 'dec', 'dedly', 'forever', 'settled', 'appropriation', 'sectarian', 'school', 'courtship', 'church', 'state', 'country', 'forever', 'broken', 'regard', 'welfare', 'prosperity', 'institution', 'politics', 'religion', 'good', 'doctrine', 'safe', 'ground', 'stand', 'ion', 'church', 'state', 'effected', 'way', 'sectarian', 'appropriation', 'speaking', 'personal', 'interview', 'emperor', 'alexander', 'russia', 'emperor', 'wondered', 'possible', 'denomination', 'america', 'stand', 'platform', 'let', 'let', 'preference', 'partiality', 'attempt', 'help', 'sect', 'inch', 'higher', 'sea', 'world', 'plenty', 'illustration', 'church', 'state', 'united', 'let', 'hypocrisy', 'demoralization', 'born', 'relation', 'atlantic', 'yes', 'plenty', 'fully', 'demonstrated', 'men', 'christian', 'law', 'doctor', 'look', 'forward', 'golden', 'era', 'swamp', 'shall', 'reclaimed', 'jungle', 'cleared', 'american', 'desert', 'edenized', 'sea', 'sea', 'continent', 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'lord', 'shall', 'preserve', 'thy', 'going', 'thy', 'coming', 'time', 'forth', 'forever', 'keepeth', 'tit', 'slumber', 'time', 'mentioned', 'rev', 'promise', 'kept', 'applies', 'peculiar', 'fore', 'perilous', 'time', 'hour', 'temptati', 'come', 'whole_world', 'try', 'inhabitant', 'thee', 'promise', 'trembi', 'view', 'critical', 'time', 'ala', 'day', 'great', 'like', 'evc', 'time', 'jacob', 'trouble', 'shall', 'saved', 'jer', 'time', 'thy', 'people', 'shall', 'delivered', 'tba', 'shall', 'written', 'book', 'dan', 'people', 'keeping', 'commandment', 'god', 'hand', 'oppression', 'come', 'word', 'comfort', 'thou', 'kept', 'word', 'patience', 'thee', 'hour', 'tempts', 'tion', 'shall', 'come', 'world', 'tot', 'dwell', 'earth', 'revie', 'vol', 'location', 'blessed', 'assurance', 'hour', 'temptation', 'shall', 'come', 'world', 'try', 'dwell', 'earth', 'faith', 'firmly', 'established', 'word', 'god', 'deceived', 'overcome', 'earnestly', 'seeking', 'knowledge', 'truth', 'striving', 'purify', 'soul', 'obedience', 'prepare', 'conflict', 'god', 'truth', 'sure', 'defense', 'thou', 'hast', 'kept', 'word', 'patience', 'thee', 'saviour', 'promise', 'woul', 'sooner', 'send', 'angel', 'heaven', 'protect', 'people', 'leave', 'soul', 'trust', 'overcome', 'satan', 'great', 'controversy', 'vol', 'god', 'israel', 'kept', 'people', 'alive', 'famine', 'kept', 'rage', 'lion', 'violence', 'peril', 'deluge', 'anger', 'wicked', 'men', 'demon', 'manner', 'harm', 'able', 'day', 'foe', 'temporal', 'spiritual', 'moral', 'defilement', 'pray', 'daily', 'deliver', 'evil', 'daily', 'experiencing', 'fulfilment', 'shall', 'prepared', 'impending', 'test', 'stand', 'kept', 'power', 'god', 'faith', 'unto', 'salvation', 'ready', 'revealed', 'time', 'peter', 'precious', 'promise', 'oft', 'repeated', 'time', 'assurance', 'given', 'hot', 'old', 'new_testament', 'lan', 'pteserve', 'people', 'lord', 'shall', 'serve', 'thee', 'evil', 'shall', 'preserve']
root - INFO - extracting file #105500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18961229-V73-52-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #106000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18970727-V74-30-page6.txt
root - INFO - ['advent_review_and_sabbath_herald', 'vol', 'question', 'parent', 'instead', 'sort', 'outfit', 'shall', 'worn', 'climb', 'graceful', 'strong', 'dressed', 'climber', 'inspiration', 'let', 'send', 'mean', 'let', 'send', 'climber', 'bark', 'jerkin', 'barefooted', 'faintly', 'express', 'thought', 'motif', 'sketch', 'feel', 'pause', 'midst', 'discussion', 'great_principle', 'charactermaking', 'fundamental', 'homework', 'day', 'questioning', 'mother', 'wailing', 'question', 'ear', 'listen', 'question', 'shall', 'ascend', 'constitutes', 'child', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'produced', 'necessity', 'motherhood', 'relentless', 'escaped', 'awful', 'force', 'nature', 'man', 'god', 'woman', 'beholds', 'beauty', 'destined', 'task', 'making', 'life', 'fall', 'short', 'destiny', 'counting', 'delight', 'greater', 'sorrow', 'mourn', 'conscious', 'incompleteness', 'recompense', 'love', 'ideal', 'inexperienced', 'real', 'care', 'mingle', 'cup', 'greater', 'joy', 'pain', 'travail', 'cease', 'strike', 'like', 'poisoned', 'arrow', 'rankle', 'soul', 'spirit', 'long', 'physical', 'forgotten', 'share', 'travail', 'bitter', 'death', 'instead', 'life', 'anguish', 'seek', 'compel', 'child', 'born', 'labor', 'prevented', 'begin', 'soon', 'world', 'probably', 'stand', 'demonstrated', 'according', 'science', 'philosophy', 'involved', 'faith', 'bring', 'nigh', 'lord', 'called', 'laborer', 'begin', 'late', 'beginning', 'honest', 'receive', 'penny', 'especially', 'portion', 'vineyard', 'personal_interest', 'husbandman', 'little', 'vine', 'questioning', 'end', 'hope', 'instead', 'despair', 'shall', 'ascend', 'hill', 'lord', 'shall', 'stand', 'holy', 'place', 'hath', 'clean', 'hand', 'pure_heart', 'hath', 'lifted', 'soul', 'unto', 'vanity', 'sworn', 'deceitfully', 'shall', 'receive', 'blessing', 'lord', 'righteousness', 'god', 'salvation', 'generation', 'seek', 'seek', 'thy', 'face', 'god', 'jacob', 'margin', 'hand', 'axe', 'clean', 'heart', 'pure', 'vanity', 'deceit', 'righteousness', 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'greater', 'child', 'educate', 'young_person', 'educate', 'themsl', 'yes', 'past_quarter', 'century', 'school', 'kind', 'multiplied', 'day', 'child', 'live', 'easy', 'walking', 'distance', 'school', 'kind']
root - INFO - extracting file #106500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980201-V75-05-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #107000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980823-V75-34-page11.txt
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'decatur', 'missionary_work', 'carried', 'forward', 'thousand', 'page', 'reading', 'matter', 'circulated', 'thousand', 'copy', 'sign', 'time', 'galesb', 'iro', 'recently', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'litcfifield', 'result', 'tent_meetings', 'number', 'accepted', 'truth', 'rejoicing', 'sabbath', 'school', 'number', 'interested', 'acknowledge', 'truth', 'care', 'life', 'choke', 'good_seed', 'peoria', 'missionary_work', 'point', 'united', 'church', 'rooxforn', 'joined', 'church', 'letter', 'baptism', 'springfield', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'result', 'tent_meetings', 'closed', 'indian', 'territory', 'miami', 'place', 'excellent', 'good_influence', 'profess', 'truth', 'helped', 'materially', 'meeting', 'fruit', 'far', 'large', 'substantial', 'character', 'vinita', 'result', 'tent_meetings', 'closed', 'person', 'keeping', 'sab', 'bath', 'sabbath', 'school', 'organized', 'iowa', 'iowa', 'city', 'recently', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'making', 'accepted', 'truth', 'fall', 'minnesota', 'artichoke', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'central', 'decided', 'sabbath', 'publicly', 'announced', 'determination', 'duluth', 'accepted', 'truth', 'baptized', 'east', 'prairie', 'dear_brother', 'baptized', 'luverne', 'publicly', 'taken', 'stand', 'obey', 'commandment', 'medford', 'person', 'baptized', 'eighty_years', 'age', 'sabin', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'missouri', 'greentop', 'baptized', 'uniting', 'church', 'joseph', 'willing', 'heart', 'yielded', 'conviction', 'taken', 'stand', 'god', 'truth', 'nebraska', 'kea', 'rney', 'decided', 'god', 'commandment', 'halting', 'opinion', 'sabbath', 'school', 'increased', 'membership', 'new', 'york', 'bolivar', 'tent', 'service', 'closed', 'decided', 'obey', 'sabbath', 'came', 'forward', 'prayer', 'sabbath', 'profession', 'rochester', 'thirteen', 'signified', 'intention', 'commandment', 'god', 'good', 'ill', 'meeting', 'pronounced', 'twice', 'meeting', 'complained', 'nuisance', 'vienna', 'taken', 'stand', 'truth', 'interested', 'north', 'pacific', 'conference', 'dallas', 'ore', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'church', 'organized', 'officer', 'elected', 'number', 'lively_interest', 'work', 'newberg', 'ore', 'young_people', 'gave', 'heart', 'lord', 'baptized', 'seven', 'united', 'church', 'added', 'company', 'new', 'westminster', 'added', 'church', 'baptism', 'dalles', 'ore', 'result', 'bible', 'reading', 'accepted', 'truth', 'interested', 'pennsylvania', 'ilkunisnung', 'number', 'taken', 'stand', 'truth', 'result', 'public_service', 'held', 'port', 'allegany', 'union', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'baptized', 'requested', 'baptism', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'virginia', 'portsmouth', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'point', 'accepting', 'truth', 'god', 'result', 'meeting', 'held', 'place', 'contribution', 'amounted', 'tract', 'sale', 'fully', 'person', 'present', 'closing', 'meeting', 'accepted', 'truth', 'year', 'traveled', 'island', 'pacific', 'year', 'ago', 'small', 'book', 'written', 'white', 'book', 'led', 'search', 'truth', 'year', 'lord', 'wisconsin', 'clear', 'lake', 'new_members', 'received', 'church', 'baptized', 'present', 'church', 'membership', 'humbird', 'sister', 'took', 'decided', 'stand', 'truth', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'loyal', 'earnest', 'person', 'consecrated', 'lord', 'baptized', 'waldwick', 'celebration', 'ordinance', 'united', 'church', 'baptized', 'expressed', 'desire', 'seek', 'god', 'wausau', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'west', 'superior', 'lately', 'baptized', 'added', 'church', 'place', 'band', 'busy', 'worker', 'salvation', 'perishing', 'soul', 'indiana', 'evansville', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'august', 'eventful', 'day', 'history', 'work', 'place', 'sabbath', 'meeting', 'spirit', 'present', 'impress', 'heart', 'person', 'requested', 'baptism', 'baptist', 'minister', 'considerable', 'prominence', 'baptized', 'convert', 'baptist', 'faith', 'time', 'long', 'ago', 'secured', 'use', 'baptistery', 'baptist', 'church', 'clock', 'sunday', 'administered', 'baptism', 'sunday', 'night', 'meeting', 'attended', 'subject', 'baptism', 'holy', 'ghost', 'spirit', 'poured', 'large_measure', 'filled', 'utmost', 'capacity', 'receive', 'reached', 'time', 'message', 'receive', 'holy', 'ghost', 'actually', 'having', 'pentecostal', 'time', 'apostolic', 'experience', 'message', 'rising', 'grand', 'awful', 'time', 'message', 'close', 'power', 'great_glory', 'lord', 'want', 'live', 'sec', 'triumph', 'august', 'davis', 'mississippi', 'hatley', 'good', 'camp_meeting', 'held', 'place', 'near', 'amory', 'favorable', 'impression', 'community', 'gained', 'friend', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'leaving', 'brother', 'robert', 'nash', 'follow', 'work', 'came', 'burnsville', 'held', 'meeting', 'camp_meeting', 'object', 'visit', 'attend', 'meeting', 'baptist', 'association', 'appointed', 'investigation', 'sabbath', 'question', 'deacon', 'church', 'read', 'published', 'sermon', 'law', 'god', 'robert', 'howell', 'pastor', 'baptist', 'church', 'nashville', 'tenn', 'sermon', 'taught', 'perfection', 'perpetuity', 'law', 'god', 'following', 'forcible', 'language', 'law', 'god', 'holy', 'good', 'binding', 'intelligent', 'binding', 'forever', 'god', 'law', 'faithful', 'reflection', 'own_character', 'impossible', 'disregard', 'claim', 'denying', 'enforce', 'demand', 'cease', 'holy', 'cease', 'god', 'deny', 'tim', 'god', 'immutable', 'change', 'law', 'god', 'binding', 'christian', 'reading', 'sermon', 'followed', 'sermon', 'elder', 'burris', 'leading', 'baptist', 'minister', 'endorsing', 'howell', 'great', 'good_man', 'read', 'sermon', 'leading', 'object', 'law', 'god', 'abolished', 'vanished', 'taken', 'away', 'binding', 'christian', 'tried', 'new_testament', 'day', 'week', 'taken', 'place', 'sabbath', 'admit', 'review', 'ahd', 'sabbath', 'herald']
root - INFO - extracting file #107500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18990307-V76-10-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #108000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18990926-V76-39-page11.txt
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'pennsylvania', 'day', 'observed', 'saturday', 'september', 'instead', 'monday', 'california', 'monday', 'october', 'day', 'chosen', 'institution', 'recent', 'origin', 'parade', 'laboring', 'men', 'called', 'labor', 'day', 'celebration', 'taking', 'place', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'sept', 'year', 'observed', 'resolution', 'passed', 'knight', 'labor', 'calling', 'labor', 'day', 'new', 'york', 'state', 'bring', 'matter', 'legislature', 'oregon', 'passed', 'law', 'subject', 'original', 'idea', 'mind', 'proposer', 'day', 'special', 'time', 'consider', 'welfare', 'industrial', 'class', 'day', 'employer', 'employee', 'deliberation', 'day', 'observed', 'day', 'rest', 'recreation', 'education', 'advantageous', 'representative', 'labor', 'capital', 'object', 'day', 'like', 'national', 'holiday', 'fast', 'lost', 'sight', 'benefit', 'celebration', 'scarce', 'thanksgiving', 'day', 'generally', 'devoted', 'game', 'football', 'editorial', 'new', 'york', 'tribune', 'labor', 'day', 'share', 'common', 'lot', 'holiday', 'dozen', 'year', 'transformed', 'original', 'purpose', 'remembered', 'antiquarian', 'original', 'form', 'observance', 'long', 'ago', 'abandoned', 'day', 'given', 'exclusively', 'athletic', 'sport', 'allied', 'merrymaking', 'end', 'american', 'holiday', 'labor', 'day', 'decoration', 'day', 'thanksgiving', 'day', 'washington', 'birthday', 'fourth', 'july', 'christmas', 'distinction', 'regarded', 'alike', 'celebrated', 'alike', 'save', 'variation', 'imposed', 'change', 'weather', 'according', 'season', 'dislike', 'recognize', 'fact', 'holiday', 'universally', 'prostituted', 'deny', 'fact', 'stated', 'thing', 'evident', 'time', 'men', 'shall', 'lover', 'pleasure', 'lover', 'god', 'present_generation', 'love', 'god', 'gratitude', 'mercy', 'highest', 'thing', 'enjoined', 'observance', 'day', 'mentioned', 'forgotten', 'mad', 'scramble', 'fun', 'generation', 'surprising', 'day', 'set', 'apart', 'object', 'likewise', 'turned', 'different', 'purpose', 'let', 'notice', 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root - INFO - extracting file #108500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19000501-V77-18-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #109000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19001211-V77-50-page11.txt
root - INFO - ['advent_review_and_sabbath_herald', 'ings', 'hope', 'salvation', 'thess', 'blessed', 'hope', 'hope', 'appearing', 'son', 'god', 'titus', 'hope', 'resurrection', 'dead', 'act', 'hope', 'glory', 'col', 'hope', 'set', 'gospel', 'called', 'good', 'hope', 'lively', 'hope', 'enjoy', 'present', 'blessing', 'hope', 'rejoice', 'future', 'filled', 'hope', 'hope', 'glory', 'god', 'joy', 'come', 'hope', 'hope', 'god', 'love', 'hope', 'sure', 'steadfast', 'maketh', 'ashamed', 'everlasting', 'hope', 'glory', 'prospect', 'glory', 'new_heavens', 'new_earth', 'glory', 'resurrection', 'glory', 'kingdom', 'glory', 'christ', 'simply', 'known', 'believed', 'free', 'love', 'god', 'apostle', 'prayer', 'god', 'hope', 'joy', 'peace', 'believing', 'bonar', 'prerequisite', 'prevailing', 'prayer', 'thing', 'essential', 'prevailing', 'prayer', 'faith', 'written', 'cometh', 'god', 'believe', 'rewarder', 'diligently', 'seek', 'expect', 'faith', 'believe', 'personal', 'god', 'rule', 'kingdom', 'men', 'personal_interest', 'pertains', 'individual', 'temporal', 'spiritual', 'form', 'prayer', 'thing', 'prayer', 'breath', 'soul', 'lacking', 'childlike', 'simplicity', 'open', 'heart', 'god', 'dear_friend', 'believing', 'interested', 'minutest', 'everyday', 'life', 'realize', 'real_value', 'prayer', 'faith', 'exercised', 'medium', 'prayer', 'blessing', 'brought', 'human_family', 'victory', 'gained', 'chronicled', 'page', 'sacred', 'history', 'day', 'abel', 'death', 'seer', 'patmos', 'faith', 'victory', 'prayer', 'channel', 'come', 'book', 'james', 'read', 'lack', 'wisdom', 'wisdom', 'ability', 'apply', 'knowledge', 'let', 'ask', 'god', 'giveth', 'men', 'liberally', 'upbraideth', 'shall', 'given', 'let', 'ask', 'faith', 'wavering', 'wavereth', 'like', 'wave', 'sea', 'driven', 'wind', 'tossed', 'let', 'man', 'think', 'shall', 'receive', 'lord', 'faith', 'wavering', 'kind', 'time', 'believing', 'pretending', 'believe', 'doubting', 'driven', 'fro', 'wind', 'doctrine', 'opinion', 'need', 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'institution', 'thing', 'work', 'mind', 'self_denial', 'self_sacrifice', 'carry', 'forward', 'work', 'flinching', 'lord', 'word', 'suggest', 'earnest', 'christian', 'tested', 'point', 'selling', 'christ', 'object_lesson', 'willing', 'lay', 'aside', 'worldly', 'plan', 'receive', 'preparation', 'enable', 'work', 'vineyard', 'young_man', 'young_woman', 'temptation', 'work', 'live', 'self', 'present_time', 'desire', 'training', 'lord', 'work', 'learned', 'deny', 'self', 'economize', 'money', 'pay', 'needed', 'preparation', 'fully', 'given', 'abundant', 'supply', 'food', 'future', 'little', 'thought', 'recurring', 'demand', 'physical', 'man', 'let', 'circumstance', 'change', 'supply', 'exhausted', 'hunger', 'begin', 'gnaw', 'vitals', 'prospect', 'demand', 'met', 'feel', 'need', 'earnest', 'importunate', 'petition', 'aid', 'come', 'soul', 'geo', 'irwin', 'doe', 'mean']
root - INFO - extracting file #109500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19010723-V78-30-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #110000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020225-V79-08-page12.txt
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'succeeded', 'selling', 'seven', 'book', 'reader', 'saturday', 'evening', 'elder', 'spent', 'hour', 'half', 'half', 'past', 'sold', 'book', 'day', 'holding', 'meeting', 'people', 'faith', 'gave', 'short', 'description', 'book', 'sold', 'copy', 'church', 'german', 'sister', 'experience', 'canvassing', 'timid', 'hesitated', 'undertake', 'work', 'finally', 'mind', 'lord', 'told', 'afternoon', 'secured', 'order', 'experience', 'ieanyassing', 'book', 'believethat', 'angeli', 'lord', 'prepare', 'people', 'know', 'true', 'canvasser', 'spirit', 'christ', 'easy', 'sell', 'christ', 'object_lesson', 'red_sea', 'walk', 'wall', 'jeriom', 'thousand', 'wonderful', 'people', 'lived', 'greatness', 'consist', 'implicit', 'faith', 'god', 'promise', 'naturallythey', 'weakest', 'people', 'lived', 'trust', 'god', 'confiden', 'word', 'enable', 'company', 'pas', 'throtigh', 'experience', 'possible', 'sing', 'songof', 'moses', 'lamb', 'thousand', 'disheartened', 'afraid', 'sun', 'scorch', 'men', 'great', 'heat', 'stand', 'lord', 'promise', 'fearful', 'earthquake', 'shall', 'cause', 'island', 'flee', 'away', 'mountain', 'sinkfit', 'sight', 'sun', 'shine', 'midnight', 'nature', 'turned', 'course', 'greathliailstones', 'fall', 'add', 'thousand', 'stand', 'calmly', 'trusting', 'god', 'great', 'men', 'rich_man', 'chief', 'captain', 'mighty', 'men', 'bondman', 'freeman', 'hide', 'den', 'rock', 'mountain', 'thousand', 'marvelous', 'people', 'fear', 'god', 'asks', 'like', 'israel', 'old', 'willing', 'cross', 'red_sea', 'pas', 'jordan', 'walk', 'wall', 'jericho', 'god', 'command', 'david', 'successful', 'overthrowing', 'goliath', 'formed', 'habit', 'obeying', 'god', 'bear', 'destroying', 'sheep', 'father', 'flock', 'hope', 'thousand', 'accustom', 'obedience', 'successfully', 'thing', 'god', 'day', 'lord', 'calling', 'worker', 'chnrch', 'member', 'child', 'sell', 'hrist', 'object_lesson', 'order', 'sing', 'song', 'jubilee', 'necessary', 'member', 'sell', 'book', 'small', 'task', 'courage', 'caleb', 'joshua', 'hard', 'task', 'god', 'place', 'rapidly', 'nearing', 'end', 'require', 'courage', 'faith', 'previous', 'individual', 'weak', 'fearful', 'certainly', 'preparing', 'defeat', 'future', 'trust', 'god', 'forward', 'grand', 'success', 'lord', 'work', 'hard', 'easily', 'quickly', 'angel', 'god', 'god', 'offer', 'opportunity', 'work', 'time', 'child', 'israel', 'marched', 'wall', 'jericho', 'day', 'told', 'marched', 'time', 'taken', 'own_time', 'marched', 'long', 'cooperation', 'angel', 'god', 'spirit', 'selling', 'christ', 'object_lesson', 'abroad', 'theland', 'everybody', 'having', 'close', 'connection', 'god', 'catching', 'spirit', 'minister', 'teacher', 'lay_members', 'child', 'feel', 'presence', 'spirit', 'god', 'telling', 'arouse', 'sell', 'book', 'faith', 'interested', 'book', 'taken', 'copy', 'sell', 'time', 'work', 'easily', 'day', 'hard', 'task', 'later', 'hezekiah', 'rejoiced', 'people', 'god', 'prepared', 'people', 'thing', 'suddenly', 'work', 'began', 'service', 'house', 'god', 'law', 'commandment', 'seek', 'god', 'heart', 'prospered', 'sutherland', 'gathering', 'child', 'israel', 'reached', 'wilderness', 'journey', 'egypt', 'canaan', 'country', 'barren', 'want', 'bread', 'notwithstanding', 'murmuring', 'murmuring', 'wished', 'died', 'egypt', 'face', 'death', 'starvation', 'wilderness', 'moses', 'cried', 'mightily', 'lord', 'lord', 'said', 'rain', 'bread', 'heaven', 'people', 'shall', 'gather', 'certain', 'portion', 'day', 'mark', 'lord', 'people', 'rained', 'gathered', 'similar', 'condition', 'present_time', 'people', 'face', 'starvation', 'facing', 'financial', 'obligation', 'require', 'discharge', 'debt', 'school', 'intimately', 'connected', 'school', 'educational_work', 'leading', 'brother', 'felt', 'deeply', 'situation', 'school', 'debt', 'cried', 'unto', 'lord', 'heard', 'given', 'plan', 'sale', 'christ', 'object_lesson', 'book', 'produced', 'mean', 'idea', 'raising', 'fund', 'called', 'material', 'fund', 'suggested', 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'canvasser', 'start', 'week', 'field', 'nurse', 'sanitarium', 'taking', 'hold', 'nobly', 'state', 'named', 'selling', 'book', 'state', 'enthusiastic', 'work', 'new', 'york', 'conference', 'set', 'apart', 'month', 'march', 'aid', 'work', 'new', 'england', 'work', 'oklahoma', 'pressing', 'forward', 'membership', 'thirteen', 'week', 'sold', 'twentythree', 'book', 'iowa', 'nebraska', 'nobly', 'state', 'work', 'live', 'state', 'little', 'individually', 'hold', 'work', 'trust', 'conference_laborers', 'officer', 'seize', 'opportunity', 'working', 'matter', 'golden', 'moment', 'let', 'pas', 'unimproved', 'sad', 'calamity', 'befallen', 'sanitarium', 'good_courage', 'instead', 'faltering', 'adversity', 'come', 'inspire', 'declare', 'fear', 'god', 'work', 'shall', 'forth', 'principle', 'truth', 'live', 'reign', 'institution', 'vanish', 'fiery', 'flame', 'principle', 'eternal', 'throne', 'god', 'reader', 'sold', 'object_lesson', 'order', 'tract_society', 'immediately', 'begin', 'good_work', 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'vicinity', 'berrien', 'spring', 'territory', 'covered', 'returned', 'thursday', 'evening', 'glowing', 'report', 'sabbath', 'evening', 'student', 'met', 'relate', 'experience', 'doubt', 'value', 'such_experiences', 'heard', 'testimony', 'listened', 'thought', 'men', 'accompanied', 'saul', 'king', 'israel', 'aband', 'men', 'heart', 'god', 'touched', 'elder', 'brunson', 'charge', 'meeting', 'returned', 'canvassing', 'tour', 'spoke', 'authority', 'said', 'believe', 'speak', 'read', 'familiar', 'text', 'rom', 'know', 'things_work', 'good', 'love', 'god', 'added', 'believe', 'verse', 'goodby', 'discouragement', 'matter', 'occurs', 'father', 'measured', 'portion', 'good', 'look', 'canvassing', 'work', 'different', 'light', 'day', 'ago', 'consider', 'grandest', 'work', 'selling', 'book', 'small_part', 'work', 'real', 'thing', 'represent', 'christ', 'heard', 'cobbler', 'said', 'work', 'tell', 'people', 'jesus', 'cobbled', 'shoe', 'expense', 'canvasser', 'represent', 'christ', 'sell', 'hook', 'expense', 'canvasser', 'reach', 'home', 'touch', 'heart', 'minister', 'debarred', 'ask', 'book', 'sold', 'shall', 'shall', 'sell', 'self', 'god', 'best', 'needed', 'value', 'canvassing', 'work', 'experience', 'listened', 'heart', 'experience', 'god', 'chosen', 'ministry', 'said', 'want', 'meant', 'professor', 'sutherland', 'spoke', 'briefly', 'experience', 'meeting', 'people', 'felt', 'deeply', 'impressed', 'fact', 'twentyfive', 'people', 'united', 'work', 'natural', 'man', 'distasteful', 'hearty', 'good', 'stormy', 'day', 'season', 'harmony', 'akin', 'disciple', 'gathered', 'upper', 'chamber', 'spirit', 'god', 'school', 'school', 'rise', 'masse', 'work', 'sign', 'great_things', 'ahead', 'sign', 'time', 'wish', 'rich', 'experience', 'following', 'statement', 'repeated', 'substance', 'student', 'propose', 'work', 'shall', 'visit', 'territory', 'canvassed', 'people', 'took', 'order', 'needed', 'lesson', 'think', 'feel', 'reconciled', 'canvas', 'love', 'ready']
root - INFO - extracting file #110500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020805-V79-31-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #111000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19030120-V80-03-page13.txt
root - INFO - ['january', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'meeting', 'conclusion', 'close', 'sabbath', 'service', 'rejoiced', 'decision', 'thanked', 'lord', 'retire', 'night', 'bring', 'lord', 'accustomed', 'devotion', 'pray', 'burden', 'prayer', 'thought', 'prayer', 'gone', 'greatly', 'alarmed', 'decided', 'continue', 'people', 'relief', 'came', 'light', 'baptism', 'return', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'baptized', 'happy', 'woman', 'add', 'equally', 'interesting_experiences', 'truly', 'lord', 'work', 'watching', 'caring', 'westphal', 'australia', 'sydney', 'nearly', 'year', 'located', 'sydney', 'immediate', 'vicinity', 'situated', 'principal', 'portion', 'people', 'new', 'south', 'wale', 'landing', 'sydney', 'family', 'sister', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'come', 'new', 'zealand', 'regular', 'sabbath', 'meeting', 'held', 'place', 'short', 'radius', 'suppose', 'far', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'cause', 'experienced', 'share', 'adverse', 'influence', 'onward', 'stable', 'time', 'mentioned', 'labored', 'establish', 'unify', 'work', 'encourage', 'edify', 'reason', 'cast', 'encourage', 'people', 'christian_work', 'extend', 'principle', 'truth', 'public', 'house', 'house', 'labor', 'effort', 'lord', 'graciously', 'blessed', 'helped', 'halting', 'discouraged', 'led', 'clearer', 'light', 'better', 'condition', 'unity', 'confidence', 'prevails', 'church', 'numerous', 'person', 'fully', 'accepted', 'truth', 'missionary', 'work', 'measure', 'revived', 'successful', 'church', 'school', 'maintained', 'year', 'youth', 'attention', 'baptized', 'fifty', 'believer', 'waiting', 'opportunity', 'fruit', 'sowing', 'sydney', 'surrounding', 'country', 'present', 'fruitful', 'field', 'gospel_work', 'church', 'arises', 'beautiful', 'garment', 'god', 'glort', 'fled', 'work', 'best', 'unostentatious', 'patient', 'effort', 'individual', 'lord', 'search', 'jewel', 'populous', 'beautiful', 'center', 'weighing', 'thing', 'period', 'earnest', 'interesting', 'work', 'precious', 'lesson', 'faith', 'confidence', 'god', 'come', 'surely', 'lord', 'work', 'flesh', 'fail', 'faithful', 'leaving', 'new', 'south', 'wale', 'visited', 'engowra', 'farming', 'community', 'fifty', 'mile', 'inland', 'brother', 'received', 'truth', 'reading', 'great', 'controversy', 'sold', 'canvasser', 'year', 'ago', 'trip', 'syciney', 'baptized', 'prayed', 'family', 'son', 'daughter', 'son', 'law', 'daughter', 'law', 'rejoicing', 'truth', 'privilege', 'baptize', 'father', 'previously', 'seen', 'people', 'engowra', 'border', 'starvatio', 'land', 'whole_country', 'devastated', 'awful', 'drought', 'crushing', 'life', 'man', 'beast', 'unexpectedly', 'came', 'work', 'auckland', 'new', 'zealand', 'change', 'address', 'anglesea', 'street', 'ponsonby', 'auckland', 'tenney', 'superior', 'mission', 'field', 'menominee', 'mich', 'week', 'prayer', 'elder', 'johnson', 'writer', 'spent', 'time', 'north', 'branch', 'stephenson', 'church', 'near', 'wilson', 'located', 'forty_miles', 'stephenson', 'church', 'proper', 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'interpreter', 'benefit', 'instruction', 'reading', 'highly', 'appreciated', 'good_effect', 'nearly', 'catch', 'missionary_spirit', 'anxious', 'sabbath', 'week', 'prayer', 'ordinance', 'lord', 'house', 'celebrated', 'remarkable', 'day', 'good_spirit', 'lord', 'came', 'feast', 'good', 'thing', 'harmony', 'unity', 'prevailed', 'saw', 'greater', 'manifestation', 'brotherly', 'love', 'good_spirit', 'manifest', 'day', 'business_meeting', 'organization', 'effected', 'organization', 'opened', 'way', 'church', 'discipline', 'walking', 'unruly', 'investigation', 'matter', 'member', 'church', 'tobacco', 'confessed', 'wrong', 'said', 'time', 'declared', 'quit', 'asked', 'dropped', 'church', 'record', 'deeply', 'concerned', 'welfare', 'suggested', 'agreed', 'quarter', 'consider', 'matter', 'pray', 'church', 'behalf', 'organization', 'elder', 'ordained', 'second', 'elder', 'church', 'elder', 'johnson', 'present', 'rendered', 'valuable_help', 'meeting', 'saw', 'harmony', 'manifested', 'election', 'officer', 'experience', 'truly', 'spirit', 'god', 'present', 'unify', 'work', 'exception', 'happy', 'lord', 'heart', 'revived', 'presence', 'christ', 'catch', 'missionary_spirit', 'spirit', 'labor', 'church', 'helped', 'way', 'christmas', 'offering', 'making', 'reform', 'matter', 'paying', 'tithe', 'promising', 'church', 'taken', 'wilson', 'church', 'work', 'menominee', 'prospering', 'held', 'course', 'lecture', 'november', 'december', 'attendance', 'small', 'awakened', 'distribution', 'reading', 'matter', 'visiting', 'holding', 'bible', 'reading', 'parlor', 'lecture', 'attendance', 'limited', 'mind', 'excellent', 'plan', 'work', 'good_interest', 'way', 'public', 'effort', 'possible', 'sonic', 'business_men', 'took', 'helping', 'pay', 'hall', 'expense', 'man', 'paid', 'dollar', 'receipt', 'covered', 'expense', 'felt', 'thankful', 'elder', 'johnson', 'brother', 'harris', 'assisted', 'conducting']
root - INFO - extracting file #111500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19030630-V80-26-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #112000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19031217-V80-50-page15.txt
root - INFO - ['december', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'neglected', 'field', 'ogden', 'south', 'beginning', 'right', 'door', 'lie', 'great', 'spanishspeaking', 'field', 'embracing', 'mexico', 'central', 'american', 'state', 'nearly', 'south', 'american', 'republic', 'missionary', 'circle', 'south', 'america', 'truthfully', 'called', 'neglected', 'continent', 'subject', 'line', 'embrace', 'yes', 'great', 'neglected', 'spanish', 'speaking', 'field', 'begin', 'mexico', 'door', 'neighbor', 'sadly', 'neglected', 'greatest', 'solemn_message', 'committed', 'man', 'line', 'general', 'view', 'great_field', 'ivhat', 'remains', 'clone', 'lord', 'come', 'imaginary', 'trip', 'let', 'leave', 'central', 'state', 'pacific_coast', 'day', 'suffice', 'bring', 'kansa', 'city', 'omaha', 'san_francisco', 'embark', 'sailing', 'golden', 'gate', 'leaving', 'portal', 'vessel', 'pas', 'sailing', 'san_francisco', 'steer', 'directly', 'setting', 'sun', 'fairly', 'sea', 'far', 'shore', 'safe', 'treacherous', 'rock', 'coast', 'suddenly', 'change', 'direction', 'west', 'southeast', 'day', 'continuous', 'sailing', 'bring', 'end', 'water', 'washing', 'shore', 'united', 'state', 'beginning', 'remains', 'accomplished', 'decade', 'ago', 'different_countries', 'altogether', 'opposed', 'entrance', 'protestant', 'missionary', 'day', 'door', 'open', 'opportunity', 'present', 'carrying', 'truth', 'country', 'shall', 'opening', 'way', 'far', 'know', 'language', 'true', 'personally', 'necessary', 'learn', 'spanish', 'tongue', 'carrying', 'message', 'waiting', 'land', 'know', 'language', 'ready', 'lack', 'mean', 'sent', 'contribute', 'mean', 'aid', 'sending', 'prepared', 'anxious', 'truly', 'duty', 'year', 'closing', 'record', 'year', 'correspondence', 'week', 'visited', 'desire', 'baptism', 'gratified', 'conversation', 'said', 'uncle', 'ben', 'sabbath', 'year', 'ago', 'said', 'reading', 'matt', 'end', 'sabbath', 'began', 'dawn', 'day', 'week', 'noticed', 'time', 'day', 'sabbath', 'day', 'sabbath', 'uncle', 'ben', 'read', 'commandment', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'knew', 'sabbath', 'began', 'read', 'bible', 'regularly', 'isaiah', 'pronounced', 'blessing', 'man', 'foot', 'sabbath', 'jesus', 'said', 'till', 'heaven', 'earth_pass', 'jot', 'tittle', 'shall', 'wise_pass', 'law_till', 'fulfilled', 'paz', 'bolivia', 'messiah', 'asked', 'like', 'book', 'teach', 'coming', 'christ', 'near', 'said', 'uncle', 'ben', 'bible', 'living', 'sixth', 'seventh', 'seal', 'john', 'came', 'mind', 'knew', 'spirit', 'god', 'willing', 'mind', 'thousand', 'day', 'finding', 'bible', 'hard', 'understand', 'dark', 'mysterious', 'law', 'like', 'great', 'cloud', 'darkness', 'hang', 'pillar', 'cloud', 'egyptian', 'red_sea', 'like', 'faithful', 'profession', 'let', 'rally', 'duty', 'let', 'larger', 'gift', 'messenger', 'hastened', 'earth', 'surely', 'year', 'ought', 'witness', 'larger', 'annual_offering', 'year', 'past', 'past', 'given', 'cent', 'content', 'stopping', 'offering', 'dollar', 'lamp', 'law', 'light', 'prov', 'think', 'viewing', 'mountain', 'mexico', 'day', 'bring', 'central', 'american', 'republic', 'day', 'continuous', 'passage', 'san_francisco', 'bring', 'fairly', 'sight', 'volcanic', 'region', 'central', 'america', 'steamer', 'carrying', 'passenger', 'west', 'coast', 'properly', 'freight', 'steamer', 'wrong_side', 'solomon', 'commandment', 'probably', 'half', 'dozen', 'central', 'american', 'port', 'port', 'detained', 'hour', 'day', 'according', 'celerity', 'receiving', 'dispatching', 'boat', 'boat', 'bay', 'shall', 'beautiful', 'view', 'tropical', 'vegetation', 'abundance', 'sunlight', 'rainfall', 'unite', 'nature', 'manifest', 'glory', 'leaving', 'central', 'america', 'bid', 'adieu', 'north', 'america', 'hastily', 'pas', 'year', 'age', 'living', 'corozal', 'ninety', 'stopping', 'possibly', 'port', 'mile', 'north', 'belize', 'british', 'honduras', 'colombia', 'ecuador', 'peru', 'occupy', 'baptized', 'sea', 'place', 'ing', 'week', 'week', 'benjamin', 'meswe', 'passing', 'long', 'siah', 'education', 'limited', 'narrow', 'strip', 'land', 'west', 'coast', 'family', 'married', 'daughter', 'chile', 'named', 'republic', 'remains', 'income', 'bolivia', 'little', 'interior', 'cultivation', 'little', 'garden', 'population', 'million', 'year', 'keeping', 'little', 'carry', 'sabbath', 'understood', 'refusing', 'precious', 'message', 'angel', 'light', 'bring', 'pail', 'million', 'darkness', 'good', 'water', 'david', 'speaking', 'god', 'law', 'entrance', 'thy', 'word', 'giveth', 'light', 'giveth', 'understanding', 'unto', 'simple', 'paul', 'said', 'word', 'inspiration', 'intended', 'christian', 'perfect', 'word', 'doctrine', 'time', 'come', 'endure', 'sound_doctrine', 'tim', 'day', 'word', 'church', 'accepted', 'place', 'word', 'god', 'men', 'seeking', 'light', 'accept', 'fable', 'instead', 'bible', 'truth', 'let', 'reject', 'man', 'commandment', 'light', 'god', 'word', 'uncle', 'ben', 'lamp', 'unto', 'foot', 'light', 'unto', 'path', 'belize', 'british', 'honduras', 'central', 'america', 'moravian', 'church', 'present', 'time', 'missionary', 'assistant', 'field', 'care', 'person', 'pray', 'act', 'gospel', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'preached', 'world', 'witness', 'unto', 'nation', 'shall', 'end', 'come', 'matt', 'god', 'word', 'light', 'goodrich', 'uncle', 'ben', 'colored', 'man', 'seventyt', 'book', 'paper', 'read', 'inquired', 'book', 'paper', 'blessed', 'old', 'bible', 'said', 'dear', 'old', 'disciple', 'year', 'ago', 'brother', 'branster', 'colored', 'canvasser', 'colporteur', 'brother']
root - INFO - extracting file #112500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19040519-V81-20-page21.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #113000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19041027-V81-43-page7.txt
root - INFO - ['october', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'earnest_efforts', 'ought', 'world', 'coming', 'week', 'prayer', 'great', 'blessing', 'cause', 'god', 'claimed', 'order', 'season', 'set', 'apart', 'bible', 'study', 'prayer', 'service', 'god', 'united', 'earnest', 'prayerful', 'operation', 'conference', 'officer', 'minister', 'church_officer', 'denomination', 'brother', 'soon', 'begin', 'matter', 'earnest', 'attention', 'study', 'need', 'occasion', 'blessing', 'bring', 'cause', 'observed', 'loss', 'sustained', 'failure', 'begin', 'early', 'place', 'consideration', 'people', 'speak', 'earnestly', 'paper', 'command', 'pulpit', 'talk', 'family', 'visit', 'faithfully', 'consistently', 'look', 'great_blessings', 'god', 'disappoint', 'seen', 'recommendation', 'provides', 'year', 'annual_offering', 'eighty', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'year', 'called', 'fifty', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'received', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'large', 'contribution', 'great', 'boon', 'mission', 'great', 'destitute', 'field', 'entered', 'calling', 'laborer', 'mean', 'larger', 'gift', 'larger', 'giving', 'possible', 'continued', 'prosperity', 'god', 'granting', 'bestowing', 'gift', 'bountifully', 'eighty', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'given', 'mission', 'denomination', 'coming', 'week', 'prayer', 'behalf', 'missionary', 'struggling', 'meager', 'facility', 'difficult', 'mission', 'field', 'behalf', 'teeming', 'million', 'perishing', 'hope', 'appeal', 'people', 'begin', 'early', 'plan', 'annual_offering', 'eighty', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'believe', 'lord_calls', 'shall', 'fail', 'daniells', 'hypocrisy', 'exposed', 'baptist', 'minister', 'allegheny', 'county', 'late', 'agitation', 'question', 'enforcing', 'sunday', 'observance', 'provision', 'pennsylvania', 'state', 'law', 'sunday', 'recognized', 'christian_sabbath', 'allegheny', 'county', 'center', 'movement', 'country', 'seek', 'enforce', 'sunday', 'observance', 'religious', 'ground', 'allegheny', 'county', 'sabbath', 'association', 'organization', 'clergyman', 'fountainhead', 'allegheny', 'county', 'called', 'civil', 'sabbath', 'law', 'state', 'survived', 'relic', 'time', 'church', 'state', 'united', 'country', 'manifestly', 'religious', 'law', 'secular', 'authority', 'rarely', 'think', 'enforcing', 'importuned', 'religious', 'zealot', 'enforced', 'people', 'ecclesiastical', 'organization', 'acting', 'capacity', 'religious', 'body', 'purely', 'religious', 'reason', 'policeman', 'secular', 'official', 'enforce', 'civil', 'sunday', 'law', 'direction', 'arrangement', 'clearly', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'plainly', 'contrary', 'principle', 'republican', 'government', 'evidently', 'theocratic', 'character', 'opponent', 'clergyman', 'regard', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'desire', 'day', 'generally', 'observed', 'clergyman', 'rev', 'stanton', 'baptist', 'impressed', 'anti', 'christian', 'anti', 'american', 'nature', 'undertaking', 'meeting', 'allegheny', 'baptist', 'minister', 'association', 'arose', 'offered', 'resolution', 'calling', 'divorce', 'affiliation', 'allegheny', 'county', 'sabbath', 'association', 'sunday', 'observance', 'crusade', 'sermon', 'following', 'sunday', 'setting', 'forth', 'reason', 'such_action', 'stanton', 'said', 'church', 'differs', 'state', 'voluntary', 'organization', 'religious', 'purpose', 'having', 'distinct', 'history', 'creed', 'ecclesiastical', 'government', 'form', 'worship', 'natural', 'basis', 'man', 'spiritual', 'religious', 'nature', 'law', 'pain', 'penalty', 'voluntary', 'member', 'moral', 'right', 'assume', 'civil', 'function', 'state', 'state', 'right', 'assume', 'function', 'deal', 'man', 'different_phases', 'nature', 'infringement', 'church', 'right', 'function', 'state', 'tends', 'theocracy', 'government', 'ecclesiastic', 'minister', 'reality', 'chief', 'officer', 'state', 'claim', 'real', 'alleged', 'revelation', 'god', 'authority', 'civil_law', 'claim', 'right', 'punish', 'violation', 'civil', 'religious', 'statute', 'history', 'impossibility', 'making', 'men', 'religious', 'law', 'need', 'specific', 'citation', 'temptation', 'zealous', 'men', 'imagine', 'good', 'end', 'justifies', 'doubtful', 'mean', 'worth', 'ask', 'way', 'easily', 'seen', 'threatens', 'slower', 'progress', 'try', 'quickest', 'easiest', 'thinking', 'clear', 'possible', 'result', 'quick', 'repudiate', 'actually', 'brought', 'pas', 'criticize', 'appeal', 'allegheny', 'county', 'sabbath', 'association', 'church', 'ministerial', 'association', 'enforce', 'civil', 'sunday', 'law', 'circular', 'entitled', 'forcing', 'sabbath', 'law', 'learn', 'report', 'minister', 'association', 'auspex', 'movement', 'inaugurated', 'ask', 'ministerial', 'association', 'indorse', 'movement', 'enforcement', 'law', 'pledge', 'financial_support', 'total', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'ask', 'authority', 'proceed', 'organization', 'county', 'sabbath', 'association', 'affiliate', 'state', 'association', 'hardly', 'look', 'like', 'citizen', 'movement', 'doe', 'movement', 'minister', 'minister', 'organized', 'capacity', 'officer', 'church', 'furthermore', 'official', 'document', 'signed', 'officer', 'sabbath', 'association', 'minister', 'gave', 'notice', 'offender', 'pay', 'penalty', 'right', 'church_officer', 'place', 'circular', 'refers', 'minister', 'association', 'responsible', 'committee', 'conclusion', 'minister', 'association', 'enforcing', 'civil_law', 'minister', 'proof', 'needed', 'fourth', 'page', 'said', 'circular', 'association', 'minister', 'christian', 'denomination', 'believe', 'law', 'appoint', 'committee', 'minister', 'power', 'add', 'number', 'layman', 'citizen', 'layman', 'making', 'committee', 'act', 'committee', 'religious', 'body', 'operating', 'form', 'advisory', 'committee', 'act', 'executive_committee', 'work', 'alike', 'enforcement', 'education', 'legislation', 'exception', 'education', 'clear', 'case', 'officer', 'layman', 'church', 'official', 'capacity', 'citizen', 'selfassuming', 'function', 'state', 'testimony', 'unprejudiced', 'witness', 'ought', 'convincing', 'catholic', 'mirror', 'belief', 'event', 'connected', 'recent', 'birth', 'heir', 'throne', 'italy', 'indication', 'approaching', 'reconciliation', 'vatican', 'italian', 'government', 'italy', 'rejoicing', 'birth', 'heir', 'throne', 'italy', 'authority', 'vatican', 'especially', 'pleased', 'victor', 'emmanuel', 'naming', 'son', 'prince', 'piedmont', 'instead', 'prince', 'rome', 'indicated', 'desire', 'conform', 'wish', 'pope', 'stated', 'good_authority', 'pope', 'pius', 'sent', 'personal_letter', 'congratulation', 'royal_family', 'special', 'messenger', 'message', 'gave', 'pleasure', 'young', 'king', 'received', 'crowned', 'head', 'europe', 'instruction', 'sent', 'vatican', 'cardinal', 'richelmy', 'archbishop', 'turin', 'officially', 'invited', 'baptize', 'young', 'prince', 'defer', 'wish', 'royal_family', 'said', 'pope', 'proposed', 'send', 'gift', 'royal', 'infant', 'taken', 'assurance', 'early', 'reconciliation', 'vatican', 'quirinal']
root - INFO - extracting file #113500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050406-V82-14-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #114000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050824-V82-34-page9.txt
root - INFO - ['august', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'mummy', 'reproduced', 'young', 'king', 'fired', 'ambition', 'conquest', 'drove', 'enemy', 'asia', 'met', 'enemy', 'easily', 'subdued', 'powerful', 'hittite', 'existence', 'questioned', 'critic', 'bible', 'battle', 'brought', 'close', 'place', 'poet', 'pentaur', 'composed', 'poem', 'commemorating', 'deliverance', 'hittite', 'poem', 'inscribed', 'temple', 'rameses', 'concluded', 'treaty', 'hittite', 'treaty', 'known', 'history', 'remarkable', 'clause', 'known', 'extradition', 'clause', 'provides', 'return', 'absconding', 'robber', 'slave', 'rameses', 'far', 'sighted', 'israel', 'day', 'escape', 'learned', 'hope', 'promise', 'delivered', 'rameses', 'great', 'builder', 'end', 'egypt', 'built', 'great', 'hall', 'column', 'karnak', 'near', 'thebe', 'rock', 'hewn', 'temple', 'abu', 'sinbel', 'nubia', 'magnificent', 'temple', 'hewn', 'solid', 'cliff', 'guarded', 'colossal', 'figure', 'know', 'rameses', 'pharaoh', 'oppression', 'year', 'ago', 'organized', 'egyptian', 'exploration', 'fund', 'excavate', 'egypt', 'purpose', 'throwing', 'light', 'bible', 'especially', 'exodus', 'israel', 'ruin', 'pithom', 'store', 'city', 'bible', 'israel', 'built', 'pharaoh', 'according', 'inscription', 'rameses', 'built', 'city', 'treasure', 'chamber', 'built', 'strongly', 'sun', 'dried', 'brick', 'naville', 'tell', 'brick', 'straw', 'man', 'israel', 'serve', 'rigor', 'presence', 'moses', 'fled', 'midian', 'sayce', 'mummy', 'old', 'face', 'face', 'attained', 'hundredth', 'birthday', 'feel', 'ruler', 'men', 'high', 'forehead', 'lock', 'pale', 'yellow', 'hair', 'hawk', 'like', 'nose', 'compressed', 'lip', 'tell', 'kingly', 'breathed', 'college_view', 'neb', 'man', 'sure', 'god', 'afford', 'hold', 'lightly', 'thing', 'world', 'god', 'inalienable', 'heritage', 'having', 'god', 'meyer', 'earth', 'new', 'emerson', 'joy', 'heart', 'thought', 'shall', 'dwell', 'beautiful', 'earth', 'new', 'fondly', 'picture', 'fair', 'eden', 'restored', 'live', 'hope', 'view', 'vision', 'home', 'blest', 'beautiful', 'earth', 'new', 'drink', 'fount', 'holy', 'delight', 'stream', 'sweet', 'purity', 'trace', 'sin', 'parting', 'death', 'beautiful', 'earth', 'new', 'joy', 'everlasting', 'beauty', 'unfailing', 'flow', 'eden', 'grew', 'power', 'touched', 'heavenly', 'united', 'harmonic', 'chord', 'ocean', 'vast', 'deep', 'heaven', 'blue', 'vault', 'echo', 'praise', 'lord', 'jesus', 'saviour', 'glory', 'light', 'beautiful', 'earth', 'new', 'assist', 'faith', 'love', 'thy', 'holy', 'commandment', 'final', 'adjustment', 'human', 'award', 'nature', 'event', 'corliss', 'god', 'respecter', 'person', 'deal', 'impartially', 'day', 'favoritism', 'avoided', 'fact', 'shall', 'account', 'bar', 'universe', 'rom', 'notwithstanding', 'apparent', 'favor', 'shown', 'men', 'assured', 'test', 'day', 'searching', 'nature', 'speaking', 'event', 'saviour', 'said', 'unto', 'idle', 'word', 'men', 'shall', 'speak', 'shall', 'account', 'thereof', 'day', 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'saint', 'passed', 'solemn', 'test', 'changed', 'perfect', 'image', 'christ', 'church', 'corinth', 'great_apostle', 'wrote', 'know', 'saint', 'shall', 'judge', 'world', 'know', 'shall', 'judge', 'angel', 'coy', 'evident', 'work', 'entrusted', 'men', 'mortal', 'state', 'subject', 'frailty', 'human_flesh', 'apt', 'swayed', 'human', 'prejudice', 'proposition', 'entirely', 'settled', 'admonition', 'apostle', 'said', 'judge', 'time', 'lord', 'come', 'bring', 'light', 'hidden', 'thing', 'darkness', 'manifest', 'counsel', 'heart', 'lord', 'come', 'saint', 'immortal', 'judge', 'righteously', 'read', 'hidden', 'counsel', 'heart', 'christ', 'cony', 'difficulty', 'removed', 'saint', 'capable', 'christ', 'representative', 'world', 'hut', 'judgment', 'conclusion', 'reach', 'develop', 'thought', 'previously', 'introduced', 'profess', 'god', 'child', 'stand', 'test', 'sainthood', 'follows', 'permitted', 'sit', 'judgment', 'pronounced', 'saint', 'test', 'judgment', 'saint', 'separated', 'wicked', 'revealed', 'prophet', 'describes', 'saw', 'throne', 'sat', 'judgment', 'given', 'unto', 'saw', 'soul', 'beheaded', 'witness', 'jesus', 'word', 'god', 'lived', 'reigned', 'christ', 'thousand', 'year', 'rev', 'hardly', 'need', 'repeated', 'men', 'lived', 'earth', 'suffered', 'martyrdom', 'christ', 'seen', 'revelator', 'throne', 'judgment', 'live', 'rest', 'dead', 'lived', 'thousand', 'year', 'finished', 'resurrection', 'statement', 'added', 'blessed', 'holy', 'resurrection', 'second', 'death', 'bath', 'power', 'second', 'death', 'visit', 'come', 'second', 'resurrection', 'employed', 'fearful', 'unbelieving', 'abominable', 'murderer', 'whoremonger', 'sorcerer', 'idolater', 'liar', 'rev', 'mummy', 'ram', 'pharaoh', 'oppression']
root - INFO - extracting file #114500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19060125-V83-04-page18.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #115000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19060621-V83-25-page8.txt
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'delay', 'result', 'loma_linda', 'possession', 'later', 'visited', 'property', 'recognized', 'place', 'seen', 'nearly', 'year', 'vision', 'thankful', 'lord', 'god', 'place', 'prepared', 'use', 'honor', 'glory', 'loma_linda', 'sanitarium', 'educational', 'center', 'possession', 'place', 'come', 'weighty', 'responsibility', 'making', 'work', 'institution', 'educational', 'character', 'school', 'established', 'training', 'gospel', 'medical', 'missionary', 'evangelist', 'involved', 'work', 'essential', 'right', 'beginning', 'lord', 'special_work', 'field', 'instructed', 'elder', 'haskell', 'help', 'getting', 'properly', 'started', 'work', 'similar', 'carried', 'nashville', 'avohdale', 'came', 'laboring', 'power', 'solid', 'work', 'conduct', 'class', 'regularly', 'institution', 'established', 'bible', 'trainingschool', 'san', 'bernardino', 'center', 'extending', 'influence', 'district', 'prof', 'howell', 'wife', 'consented', 'unite', 'force', 'loma_linda', 'effort', 'develop', 'school', 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'like', 'reed', 'wind', 'cast', 'ragged', 'rock', 'sea', 'boiled', 'like', 'pot', 'cast', 'stone', 'land', 'god', 'spake', 'day', 'hour', 'jesus', 'coming', 'delivered', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'people', 'spake', 'sentence', 'paused', 'word', 'rolling', 'earth', 'israel', 'god', 'stood', 'face', 'fixed', 'upward', 'listening', 'word', 'came', 'mouth', 'jehovah', 'rolled', 'earth', 'like', 'peal', 'loudest', 'thunder', 'awfully', 'solemn', 'end', 'sentence', 'saint', 'shouted', 'glory', 'alleluia', 'countenance', 'lighted', 'glory', 'god', 'shone']
root - INFO - extracting file #115500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19061115-V83-46-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #116000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070404-V84-14-page6.txt
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'mission_schools', 'jesuit', 'year', 'ago', 'hand', 'short', 'save', 'true', 'word', 'sunday', 'school', 'time', 'concerning', 'support', 'mission', 'genuine', 'near', 'hand', 'insures', 'farther', 'away', 'truth', 'missed', 'try', 'dodge', 'responsibility', 'foreign_field', 'professing', 'absorbing', 'home', 'field', 'hope', 'said', 'pastor', 'announcing', 'offering', 'foreign_mission', 'morning', 'doe', 'belieire', 'foreign_mission', 'hope', 'great', 'big', 'round', 'sum', 'city', 'mission', 'won', 'excuse', 'home', 'mission', 'depended', 'support', 'foreign_mission', 'home', 'mission', 'board', 'wind', 'business', 'such_thing', 'limited', 'christ', 'cause', 'fellow', 'testimony', 'saviour', 'imbibed', 'spirit', 'master', 'acceptable', 'child', 'god', 'bear', 'directly', 'matter', 'read', 'gospel', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'preached', 'whole_world', 'testimony', 'unto', 'nation', 'shall', 'end', 'come', 'god', 'respecter', 'person', 'look', 'soul', 'foreigner', 'worth', 'soul', 'nearest', 'neighbor', 'own_soul', 'outspoken', 'fundamental', 'yale', 'diet', 'expert', 'known', 'inter', 'prof', 'irving', 'fisher', 'pope', 'expressed', 'determination', 'esting', 'fact', 'reference', 'recent', 'ento', 'united', 'state', 'durance', 'test', 'substantiate', 'theory', 'non', 'flesh', 'eating', 'athlete', 'outclass', 'subsist', 'meat', 'diet', 'endurance', 'test', 'consisted', 'holding', 'arm', 'horizontal', 'position', 'long', 'possible', 'deep', 'knee', 'bending', 'leg', 'raising', 'contest', 'vegetarian', 'exceeded', 'flesh', 'eater', 'able', 'hold', 'arm', 'horizontal', 'position', 'minute', 'thirty', 'vegetarian', 'exceeded', 'length', 'time', 'stood', 'hour', 'hour', 'hour', 'test', 'practically', 'result', 'attained', 'proving', 'question', 'superiority', 'non', 'flesh', 'diet', 'building', 'endurance', 'tissue', 'chas', 'bonaparte', 'roman', 'catholic', 'attorney', 'general', 'united', 'state', 'lecture', 'carnegie', 'hall', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'march', 'following', 'striking', 'declaration', 'reference', 'fundamental_principle', 'government', 'liberty', 'equality', 'men', 'said', 'occasion', 'root', 'socialism', 'doctrine', 'men', 'right', 'ought', 'kept', 'precisely', 'equal', 'doctrine', 'wholly', 'arbitrary', 'dogma', 'pure', 'assumption', 'justified', 'reason', 'history', 'fact', 'contradicted', 'daily', 'experience', 'mankind', 'earnestly', 'widely', 'preached', 'precursor', 'apostle', 'french', 'revolution', 'gravely', 'affected', 'legislation', 'custom', 'public_opinion', 'influence', 'revolution', 'extends', 'question', 'truth', 'certain_class', 'teacher', 'thinker', 'little', 'short', 'blasphemy', 'account', 'prevalence', 'country', 'doctrine', 'equality', 'men', 'stating', 'introduced', 'declaration', 'independence', 'demand', 'liberty', 'deprecates', 'prevalence', 'doctrine', 'denounces', 'declares', 'equality', 'men', 'inconsistent', 'idea', 'liberty', 'practically', 'doctrine', 'forward', 'national', 'reformer', 'present_time', 'combined', 'attack', 'fundamental_principle', 'government', 'power', 'stood', 'enslavement', 'conscience', 'power', 'practising', 'dogma', 'cloak', 'protestantism', 'year', 'ago', 'catholicism', 'nation', 'interfered', 'representative', 'mold', 'government', 'harmony', 'idea', 'government', 'struck', 'early', 'struck', 'straight', 'vital', 'principle', 'national_government', 'national', 'reformer', 'attacking', 'principle', 'seeking', 'turn', 'force', 'protestantism', 'attack', 'succeeded', 'accomplishing', 'grand', 'rally', 'banner', 'rome', 'shall', 'prophecy', 'fulfilled', 'declares', 'world', 'wondered', 'beast', 'probably', 'important', 'judicial', 'decision', 'handed', 'liquor', 'question', 'recently', 'rendered', 'judge', 'samuel', 'artman', 'boon', 'county', 'indiana', 'circuit_court', 'held', 'state', 'liquor', 'license', 'law', 'unconstitutional', 'measured', 'common_law', 'saloon', 'business', 'unlawful', 'legal', 'existence', 'judge', 'showed', 'decision', 'court', 'saloon', 'traffic', 'harmful', 'menace', 'public', 'morality', 'supreme_court', 'kansa', 'iowa', 'missouri', 'south', 'carolina', 'indiana', 'laid', 'door', 'liquor_traffic', 'responsibility', 'misery', 'pauperism', 'crime', 'conclusion', 'evidence', 'set', 'forth', 'judicial', 'decision', 'cited', 'summed', 'word', 'proposition', 'business', 'inherent', 'tendency', 'effect', 'destroy', 'public_health', 'public', 'moral', 'public', 'safety', 'immoral', 'unlawful', 'sound', 'follow', 'day', 'follows', 'night', 'business', 'source', 'greater', 'crime', 'misery', 'state', 'cause', 'immoral', 'unlawful', 'business', 'state', 'liquor', 'element', 'refused', 'appeal', 'case', 'supreme_court', 'indicate', 'feared', 'wide', 'spread', 'result', 'appeal', 'temperance', 'force', 'determined', 'force', 'issue', 'new', 'case', 'started', 'different', 'county', 'planned', 'begin', 'similar', 'case', 'different', 'state', 'view', 'taking', 'united', 'state', 'supreme_court', 'view', 'possibility', 'expect', 'grand', 'rally', 'force', 'liquor', 'power', 'disreputable', 'business', 'complete', 'overthrow', 'april', 'american', 'doctrine', 'protestantism', 'largely', 'rome', 'doe', 'fear', 'let', 'antagonism', 'basic', 'principle', 'free', 'government', 'shine', 'forth', 'declaration', 'attorney', 'general', 'harmony']
root - INFO - extracting file #116500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070829-V84-35-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #117000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19080116-V85-03-page23.txt
root - INFO - ['january', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'large', 'delegate', 'elected', 'church', 'basis', 'delegate', 'church', 'additional', 'delegate', 'member', 'meeting', 'session', 'opened', 'notice', 'fourth', 'biennial_session', 'southwestern_union_conference', 'held', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'keene', 'tex', 'feb', 'purpose', 'electing', 'officer', 'ensuing', 'year', 'hearing', 'report', 'officer', 'department', 'secretary', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'body', 'organized', 'conference', 'entitled', 'following', 'representation', 'president', 'delegate', 'church', 'member', 'conference', 'recognized', 'denominational', 'institution', 'territory', 'entitled', 'delegate', 'elected', 'managing', 'board', 'delebbl', 'bbl', 'lot', 'cent', 'gal', 'pay', 'freight', 'lot', 'point', 'east', 'mississippi', 'following', 'rate', 'gal', 'gal', 'gal', 'gal', 'crate', 'gal', 'gal', 'cent', 'extra', 'new', 'england', 'state', 'western', 'state', 'gulf', 'state', 'original', 'sanitarium', 'cooking', 'oil', 'write', 'price', 'freight', 'rate', 'bbl', 'bbl', 'lot', 'address', 'sanitarium', 'cooking', 'oil', 'box', 'louisville', 'obititarits', 'henderson', 'died', 'santa', 'ana', 'cal', 'dec', 'quick', 'consumption', 'anna', 'henderson', 'aged', 'year', 'sister', 'henderson', 'baptized', 'june', 'labored', 'year', 'review', 'office', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'died', 'lived', 'faith', 'confidence', 'god', 'life', 'devoted', 'parent', 'left', 'finish', 'journey', 'childless', 'hopeless', 'healey', 'ravey', 'died', 'newburg', 'nov', 'lockjaw', 'result', 'gunshot', 'wound', 'andrew', 'ravey', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'member', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'number', 'year', 'elder', 'church', 'near', 'royalton', 'time', 'death', 'leaf', 'wife', 'son', 'daughter', 'mourn', 'loss', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'home', 'deceased', 'theo', 'lewis', 'galvin', 'died', 'home', 'near', 'rummells', 'iowa', 'meningitis', 'bertha', 'galvin', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'brother', 'sister', 'galvin', 'baptized', 'united', 'des_moines', 'thursday', 'feb', 'covert', 'notice', 'president', 'annual_meeting', 'indiana', 'association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'lafayette', 'ind', 'church', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'north', 'ninth', 'jan', 'purpose', 'electing', 'officer', 'transacting', 'business', 'legally', 'come', 'association', 'stone', 'president', 'young', 'secretary', 'meeting', 'colorado', 'medical', 'missionary', 'association', 'notice', 'given', 'meeting', 'colorado', 'medical', 'missionary', 'association', 'held', 'boulder', 'colo', 'jan', 'purpose', 'filling', 'expiring', 'vacancy', 'board', 'trustee', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'meeting', 'article', 'article', 'incorporation', 'read', 'member', 'association', 'shall', 'consist', 'executive_committee', 'general_conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'executive_committee', 'central_union_conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'executive_committee', 'colorado', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'board', 'trustee', 'colorado', 'medical', 'missionary', 'association', 'order', 'board', 'trustee', 'wilcox', 'secretary', 'pacific', 'union_conference', 'biennial', 'meeting', 'fourth', 'biennial_session', 'pacific', 'union_conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'called', 'convene', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'sanitarium', 'cal', 'jan', 'continue', 'purpose', 'electing', 'officer', 'executive_committee', 'pacific', 'union_conference', 'ensuing', 'biennial', 'term', 'transacting', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'meeting', 'local_conference', 'entitled', 'delegate', 'session', 'conference', 'regard', 'number', 'additional', 'delegate', 'churchmembers', 'conference', 'organized', 'sunday', 'jan', 'cottrell', 'president', 'ireland', 'secretary', 'annual_meeting', 'illinois', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'gation', 'desired', 'woodward', 'secretary', 'clothing', 'needy', 'maria', 'keele', 'clerk', 'seventhday_adventist', 'church', 'leach', 'tenn', 'star', 'route', 'use', 'considerable', 'quantity', 'clothing', 'needy', 'sent', 'prepaid', 'clothing', 'child', 'grown', 'person', 'thankfully', 'received', 'business_notices', 'department', 'conducted', 'especially', 'accommodation', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'reader', 'paper', 'brief', 'business_notices', 'published', 'subject', 'discretion', 'publisher', 'compliance', 'following', 'condition', 'display', 'advertising', 'advertisement', 'agent', 'accepted', 'publisher', 'solicit', 'advertising', 'kind', 'paper', 'person', 'unknown', 'manager', 'paper', 'send', 'advertisement', 'satisfactory', 'written', 'recommendation', 'church', 'died', 'faith', 'recommendation', 'come', 'minister', 'elder', 'seventhday_adventist', 'church', 'refer', 'individual', 'secure', 'recommendation', 'writing', 'send', 'open', 'account', 'advertising', 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'james', 'tibbets', 'born', 'jan', 'member', 'christian_church', 'accepted', 'present_truth', 'labor', 'elder', 'shrock', 'faithful_member', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'father', 'child', 'survive', 'wife', 'mother', 'sister', 'left', 'mourn', 'death', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'large_congregation', 'anderson', 'davidson', 'died', 'home', 'near', 'wapakoneta', 'ohio', 'nov', 'tuberculosis', 'ada', 'maude', 'davidson', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'fourteen', 'day', 'thirteen', 'year', 'old', 'baptized', 'elder', 'van', 'horn', 'united', 'walnut', 'grove', 'church', 'member', 'time', 'death', 'patient', 'resigned', 'god', 'leaf', 'father', 'mother', 'sister', 'brother', 'friend', 'mourn', 'loss', 'laid', 'rest', 'elm', 'grove', 'wanted', 'experienced', 'girl', 'general', 'housework', 'understands', 'hygienic', 'cooking', 'german', 'girl', 'speaks', 'german', 'illinois', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'appointed', 'convene', 'annual_session', 'friwell', 'preferred', 'good_wages', 'home', 'cemetery', 'mary', 'await', 'day', 'feb', 'sixth', 'street', 'privilege', 'necessary', 'defray', 'traveling', 'life', 'giver', 'lillian', 'lutz', 'expense', 'address', 'katherine', 'schleef', 'cottage', 'grove', 'ore', 'church', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'city', 'chicago', 'ill', 'legal', 'voter', 'association', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'church', 'northern', 'illinois', 'conference', 'executive_committee', 'conference', 'person', 'delegate', 'attendance', 'annual_session', 'northern', 'illinois', 'conference', 'convened', 'time', 'purpose', 'electing', 'president', 'vice', 'president', 'secretary', 'treasurer', 'auditor', 'councilman', 'serve', 'period', 'year', 'transaction', 'business', 'healthful', 'odor', 'indefinitely', 'church', 'word', 'comfort', 'properly', 'come', 'delegate', 'annual', 'gal', 'gal', 'crate', 'spoken', 'writer', 'notice', 'nice', 'body', 'rich', 'farming', 'land', 'new', 'mexico', 'unoccupied', 'unsurveyed', 'small', 'cost', 'surveyed', 'free', 'government', 'land', 'excellent', 'home', 'desiring', 'information', 'write', 'enclosing', 'stamp', 'reply', 'prof', 'giddings', 'kenna', 'johnston', 'died', 'suddenly', 'home', 'boggstown', 'ind', 'nov', 'apoplexy', 'sarah', 'carson', 'johnston', 'born', 'charter', 'member', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'boggstown', 'known', 'kindliness', 'heart', 'bible', 'sense', 'given', 'hospitality', 'laid', 'rest', 'narrow', 'chamber', 'dead', 'blessed', 'hope', 'soon', 'meeting', 'resurrection', 'large_number', 'relative', 'friend', 'gathered', 'funeral', 'sale', 'sanitarium', 'cooking', 'oil', 'pure', 'session', 'covert', 'president', 'gal', 'cent', 'gal', 'arthur', 'bartlett']
root - INFO - extracting file #117500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19080604-V85-23-page30.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #118000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19081029-V85-44-page10.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'october', 'day', 'week', 'god', 'prospered', 'lay', 'second', 'tithe', 'tenth', 'left', 'paid', 'tithe', 'support', 'ministry', 'money', 'ready', 'like', 'fifty', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'fund', 'come', 'seventhday_adventist', 'pay', 'second', 'tithe', 'regularly', 'necessary', 'money', 'carry', 'work', 'constant', 'stream', 'flowing', 'treasury', 'sabbath', 'service', 'enjoyed', 'taking', 'collection', 'custom', 'seriously', 'questioned', 'urgent_calls', 'money', 'camp', 'meeting', 'necessary', 'time', 'spent', 'praise', 'learning', 'better', 'serve', 'god', 'bible', 'plainly', 'teach', 'pay', 'second', 'tithe', 'increase', 'god', 'ancient', 'people', 'practised', 'tithing', 'example', 'object', 'lesson', 'end', 'world', 'come', 'josephus', 'appointed', 'people', 'pay', 'tithe', 'annual', 'fruit', 'earth', 'levite', 'priest', 'let', 'taken', 'fruit', 'tenth', 'allotted', 'priest', 'levite', 'sell', 'country', 'feast', 'sacrifice', 'celebrated', 'holy', 'city', 'tosephus', 'antiquity', 'book', 'chap', 'sec', 'chap', 'sec', 'blessing', 'obey', 'god', 'requirement', 'fear', 'people', 'cheated', 'blessing', 'result', 'paying', 'second', 'tithe', 'wish', 'member', 'denomination', 'read', 'gospel', 'worker', 'page', 'patriarch', 'prophet', 'page', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'iii', 'page', 'benefit', 'access', 'mentioned', 'book', 'extract', 'concerning', 'god', 'tithing', 'including', 'second', 'tithe', 'divine', 'origin', 'great', 'object', 'accomplished', 'accept', 'vigilant', 'faithful', 'treasurer', 'god', 'want', 'mean', 'carry', 'forward', 'great_work', 'sounding', 'message', 'warning', 'world', 'treasury', 'adopt', 'contributor', 'left', 'poorer', 'investment', 'wedded', 'cause', 'present_truth', 'tithing', 'burden', 'depart', 'plan', 'enjoined', 'hebrew', 'repealed', 'relaxed', 'originated', 'instead', 'force', 'fully', 'carried', 'extended', 'salvation', 'christ', 'fully', 'brought', 'light', 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'held', 'fatal', 'revel', 'overthrow', 'empire', 'east', 'homiletic', 'review', 'promote', 'assembling', 'people', 'religious_service', 'provide', 'poor', 'second', 'tithe', 'increase', 'required', 'tithe', 'equivalent', 'money', 'year', 'bring', 'place', 'sanctuary', 'established', 'treasury', 'robbed', 'special', 'provision', 'thank', 'offering', 'feast', 'yearly', 'festival', 'people', 'drawn', 'society', 'priest', 'levite', 'receive', 'instruction', 'encouragement', 'service', 'god', 'paca', 'worthy', 'poor', 'triarchs', 'prophet', 'page', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'iii', 'page', 'following', 'statement', 'god', 'given', 'people', 'plan', 'raising', 'sum', 'sufficient', 'enterprise', 'carrying', 'truth', 'self', 'sustaining', 'god', 'plan', 'tithing', 'certainly', 'includes', 'second', 'tithe', 'beautiful', 'simplicity', 'equality', 'hold', 'faith', 'courage', 'clear', 'relieved', 'difficulty', 'soon', 'child', 'god', 'message', 'swallowed', 'world', 'faith', 'father', 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root - INFO - extracting file #118500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19090318-V86-11-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #119000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19090812-V86-32-page15.txt
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'result', 'sister', 'white', 'joined', 'spoke', 'sabbath', 'notwithstanding', 'combined', 'noise', 'elevated', 'surface', 'street', 'car', 'line', 'succeeded', 'making', 'heard', 'sunday', 'june', 'general_meeting', 'held', 'newark', 'people', 'attendance', 'including', 'conference', 'officer', 'minister', 'worker', 'new', 'jersey', 'conference', 'people', 'came', 'early', 'hall', 'filled', 'utmost_capacity', 'finding', 'people', 'waiting', 'nearly', 'quarter', 'hour', 'brother', 'sister', 'burgess', 'received', 'warm', 'welcome', 'garwhal', 'district', 'opening', 'school', 'people', 'mountain', 'debefore', 'appointed', 'time', 'mand', 'school_work', 'people', 'pledged', 'little', 'erection', 'building', 'going', 'forward', 'work', 'mean', 'mission', 'shall', 'able', 'help', 'april', 'recently', 'presbyterian', 'board', 'gave', 'medical', 'diploma', 'seven', 'young', 'chinese', 'woman', 'graduating', 'medical_college', 'canton', 'mayor', 'present', 'delivered', 'address', 'closing', 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'england', 'camp', 'meeting_the', 'largest', 'camp_meeting', 'held', 'year', 'central', 'new', 'england', 'held', 'nashua', 'june', 'july', 'tent', 'pitched', 'ground', 'number', 'obtained', 'room', 'house', 'near', 'people', 'attendance', 'meeting', 'time', 'continued', 'came', 'week', 'returned', 'home', 'let', 'family', 'church', 'attend', 'meeting', 'provided', 'laborer', 'sister', 'white', 'elder', 'white', 'elder', 'haskell', 'wife', 'elder', 'edmed', 'wife', 'south', 'africa', 'kress', 'rode', 'new', 'york', 'afternoon', 'kress', 'writer', 'spoke', 'people', 'blending', 'perfect_harmony', 'medical', 'evangelistic', 'truth', 'angel', 'message', 'good_day', 'enter', 'life', 'experience', 'attendance', 'departure', 'general', 'laborer', 'starr', 'left', 'small', 'sixtyeighth', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'noise', 'great', 'strain', 'voice', 'lord', 'helped', 'spite', 'fear', 'enabled', 'people', 'hear', 'succeeded', 'long', 'diligent', 'search', 'finding', 'quiet', 'located', 'allotment', 'eighty', 'seventh', 'nicholas', 'ave', 'tent', 'located', 'increased', 'attendance', 'intelligent_people', 'present', 'sunday', 'night', 'borer', 'union', 'local_conferences', 'present', 'kress', 'speaking', 'night', 'freedom', 'people', 'express', 'unqualified', 'appreciation', 'blending', 'machlan', 'elder', 'longthe', 'medical', 'evangelical', 'truth', 'meet', 'want', 'long', 'felt', 'usually', 'speak', 'thirty', 'minute', 'service', 'expecting', 'lauretta', 'kress', 'trained', 'nurse', 'week', 'unite', 'starr', 'school', 'health', 'cost', 'considerable', 'sacrifice', 'release', 'drs', 'kress', 'work', 'acre', 'labored', 'hard', 'education', 'young_people', 'good_spirit', 'master', 'present', 'meeting', 'laborer', 'good', 'liberty', 'preaching', 'word', 'baptized', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'raised', 'home', 'foreign', 'missionary', 'purpose', 'attendance', 'people', 'city', 'ork', 'year', 'ago', 'conference', 'voted', 'hold', 'annual_meeting', 'separate', 'camp_meeting', 'mean', 'nearly', 'business', 'conference', 'eliminated', 'camp_meeting', 'occasion', 'whole_time', 'given', 'study', 'word', 'consideration', 'message', 'time', 'advancement', 'sister', 'white', 'spoke', 'time', 'great', 'freedom', 'elder', 'haskell', 'conducted', 'bible', 'study', 'morning', 'held', 'meeting', 'time', 'elder', 'edmed', 'gave', 'interesting', 'missionary', 'talk', 'kress', 'address', 'helpful', 'health', 'line', 'physician', 'nurse', 'melrose', 'sanitarium', 'assisted', 'address', 'demonstration', 'brother', 'dana', 'helper', 'good', 'faithful_work', 'child', 'young_people', 'brother', 'bryant', 'wilcox', 'earnest', 'successful_work', 'behalf', 'publishing', 'department', 'prof']
root - INFO - extracting file #119500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100106-V87-01-page23.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #120000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100609-V87-23-page22.txt
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'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'family', 'know', 'clyro', 'antiseptic', 'salve', 'carbolated', 'highly', 'antiseptic', 'ointment', 'excellent', 'sore', 'bruise', 'burn', 'sunburn', 'scald', 'chap', 'scrofulous', 'rough', 'skin', 'skin', 'soft', 'velvety', 'send', 'cent', 'large', 'size', 'box', 'post', 'paid', 'ashley', 'chemical', 'takoma', 'park', 'bituarir', 'hackett', 'byron', 'eugene', 'hackett', 'liberty', 'center', 'ohio', 'passed', 'rest', 'march', 'having', 'attained', 'age', 'sixtyone', 'year', 'survived', 'wife', 'daughter', 'seek', 'comfort', 'sorrow', 'promise', 'john', 'sisa', 'rir', 'luau', 'navey', 'bole', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'sorrowing', 'husband', 'small_children', 'relative', 'friend', 'left', 'mourn', 'accepted', 'angel', 'message', 'young', 'continued', 'faithful', 'till', 'death', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'funeral', 'hosea', 'stephenson', 'prettyman', 'vivian', 'edward', 'prettyman', 'born', 'douglas', 'county', 'minnesota', 'march', 'died', 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'leaf', 'mother', 'brother', 'sister', 'host', 'friend', 'mourn', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'funeral', 'writer', 'morris', 'lukens', 'blackford', 'ind', 'march', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'jan', 'married', 'theodore', 'clapper', 'early', 'life', 'christian', 'uniting', 'age', 'seventeen', 'methodist', 'protestant', 'church', 'labor', 'elder', 'lane', 'henderson', 'seventhday_adventist', 'remained', 'faithful_member', 'hartford', 'city', 'church', 'death', 'sister', 'clapper', 'leaf', 'husband', 'son', 'daughter', 'sister', 'grandchild', 'host', 'friend', 'mourn', 'funeral_service', 'conducted', 'writer', 'morris', 'lukens', 'lee', 'died', 'mascot', 'harlan', 'neb', 'lee', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'born', 'ohio', 'boy', 'parent', 'moved', 'iowa', 'married', 'anna', 'buna', 'union', 'born', 'child', 'living', 'mother', 'child', 'died', 'married', 'mary', 'bradshaw', 'january', 'converted', 'united', 'seventhday_adventist', 'church', 'norwalk', 'cal', 'rejoiced', 'truth', 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'year', 'petersburg', 'known', 'chapman', 'gallez', 'sister', 'evangeline', 'gallez', 'born', 'france', 'oct', 'died', 'april', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'july', 'married', 'isaac', 'gallez', 'child', 'son', 'daughter', 'remains', 'mourn', 'loss', 'early', 'youth', 'sister', 'gallez', 'accepted', 'present_truth', 'united', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'year', 'faithful', 'earnest', 'child', 'lord', 'catlin', 'hotcheiss', 'ella', 'nora', 'hotchkiss', 'born', 'atlanta', 'died', 'tampa', 'fla', 'husband', 'child', 'left', 'mourn', 'accepted', 'truth', 'bartow', 'year', 'half', 'ago', 'remained', 'faithful', 'teaching', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'tampa', 'church', 'writer', 'large_number', 'friend', 'gathered', 'pay', 'tribute', 'life', 'fragrant', 'deed', 'kindness', 'christian', 'love', 'leroy', 'crisler', 'dean', 'robert', 'leander', 'son', 'leander', 'mary', 'dean', 'born', 'march', 'died', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'hughes', 'died', 'gainesville', 'sister', 'hughes', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'born', 'jackson', 'county', 'georgia', 'june', 'married', 'hughes', 'eighteen', 'year', 'ago', 'light', 'present_truth', 'came', 'gladly', 'accepted', 'rejoiced', 'blessed', 'hope', 'year', 'life', 'spent', 'gainesville', 'husband', 'son', 'brother', 'sister', 'host', 'friend', 'left', 'mourn', 'writer', 'spoke', 'word', 'comfort', 'bereaved', 'rom', 'shadel', 'stephen', 'died', 'oelrichs', 'march', 'dear', 'mother', 'caroline', 'stephen', 'aged', 'eighty_years', 'day', 'born', 'near', 'ithaca', 'march', 'married', 'john', 'jewell', 'age', 'seven', 'child', 'born', 'youngest', 'survive', 'father', 'died', 'year', 'ago', 'year', 'later', 'mother', 'married', 'jesse', 'stephen', 'died', 'year', 'ago', 'age', 'sixteen', 'converted', 'joined', 'methodist', 'episcopal_church', 'year', 'baptized', 'camp', 'meeting', 'held', 'crawford', 'neb', 'united', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'funeral_services', 'held', 'oelrichs', 'conducted', 'rook', 'baptist', 'afterward', 'ithaca', 'toby', 'congregationalist', 'burton', 'jewell', 'neucome', 'manilla', 'reeder', 'born', 'november', 'montcal', 'county', 'michigan', 'married', 'neucomb', 'day', 'brief', 'existence', 'carson', 'city', 'mich', 'november', 'world', 'source', 'great_joy', 'happidied', 'lansing', 'mich', 'ness', 'cause', 'sorrow', 'closed', 'eye', 'sleep', 'funeral_service', 'held', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'grange', 'ohio', 'friend', 'came', 'express', 'sympathy', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'john', 'john', 'francis', 'olmstead', 'young_girl', 'joined', 'united', 'brother', 'church', 'saw', 'light', 'present_truth', 'gladly', 'accepted', 'member', 'church', 'carson', 'city', 'later', 'transferring', 'membership', 'church', 'lansing', 'short', 'service', 'held', 'home', 'church', 'remains', 'taken', 'carson', 'city', 'funeral', 'held', 'service', 'conducted', 'writer', 'assisted', 'elder', 'hebner', 'deceased', 'laid', 'rest', 'village', 'hubbardston', 'moore', 'lake_union', 'herald', 'copy', 'baecus', 'died', 'sioux', 'city', 'iowa', 'obedience', 'ann', 'barcus', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'born', 'edgar', 'county', 'illinois', 'nov', 'age', 'married', 'james', 'barcus', 'accepted', 'present_truth', 'life', 'characterized', 'spirit', 'earnestness', 'devotion', 'crossed', 'missouri', 'river', 'wind', 'storm', 'attend', 'meeting', 'isolated', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'nebraska', 'survived', 'husband', 'child', 'funeral', 'held', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'blencoe', 'attended', 'community', 'spent', 'nearly', 'fortyfour', 'year', 'life', 'request', 'eceased', 'writer', 'preached', 'funeral', 'sermon', 'text', 'eze', 'interment', 'cemetery', 'blencoe', 'arthur', 'mcclintock', 'clark', 'runaway', 'accident', 'giles', 'deloss', 'clark', 'received', 'blow', 'head', 'resulted', 'death', 'following', 'morning', 'age', 'year', 'day', 'widowed', 'wife', 'small_children', 'aged', 'mother', 'brother', 'sister', 'live', 'mourn', 'loss', 'kind', 'husband', 'father', 'brother', 'clark', 'fully', 'accepted', 'truth', 'sympathy', 'willingly', 'contributed', 'support', 'sister', 'clark', 'message', 'youth', 'may_god', 'promise', 'widow', 'fatherless', 'comfort', 'funeral_services', 'held', 'milton', 'junction', 'deceased', 'lived', 'time', 'death', 'large_audience', 'testified', 'sympathy', 'extended', 'word', 'cor', 'formed', 'basis', 'remark', 'writer', 'stebbins', 'clapper', 'eunice', 'ann', 'hanley', 'born', 'bole', 'died', 'dixie', 'july', 'died', 'near', 'hartford', 'city']
root - INFO - extracting file #120500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19101103-V87-44-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #121000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19110330-V88-13-page7.txt
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'people', 'practise', 'mother', 'lot', 'visitor', 'pas', 'let', 'lady', 'kiss', 'talk', 'nonsense', 'shake', 'generally', 'thing', 'wanted', 'let', 'trouble', 'pretty', 'past', 'getting', 'tougher', 'mind', 'chief', 'grievance', 'present', 'mother', 'idea', 'baby', 'need', 'wear', 'shoe', 'stocking', 'understand', 'reasoning', 'anybody', 'needed', 'good', 'warm', 'clothing', 'cold_weather', 'poor', 'little', 'helpless', 'thing', 'know', 'foot', 'cold', 'awful', 'stomach', 'ache', 'nose', 'stuffed', 'breathe', 'suppose', 'right', 'dear', 'suppose', 'business', 'discussing', 'thing', 'aren', 'supposed', 'know', 'good', 'help', 'thinking', 'know', 'grown', 'folk', 'learned', 'baby', 'culture', 'hearsay', 'john', 'haven', 'given', 'chance', 'fared', 'suppose', 'trouble', 'yes', 'experience', 'trouble', 'jim', 'mother', 'know', 'lot', 'baby', 'start', 'reading', 'health', 'book', 'magazine', 'came', 'went', 'like', 'clockwork', 'tell', 'bath', 'meal', 'exer', 'singer', 'magic', 'sweet', 'swung', 'lilac', 'snow', 'round', 'foot', 'wind', 'blew', 'roughly', 'sky', 'steely', 'gray', 'perched', 'singing', 'chilling', 'gloom', 'away', 'brave', 'traveler', 'southland', 'came', 'soon', 'ice', 'bind', 'streamlet', 'sun', 'wan', 'noon', 'violet', 'sleeping', 'close', 'earthy', 'bed', 'greening', 'blade', 'grass', 'dared', 'head', 'glad', 'greet', 'sweet', 'harbinger', 'spring', 'sound', 'welcome', 'gay', 'caroling', 'courageous', 'little', 'songster', 'leafless', 'spray', 'singing', 'singing', 'weariness', 'intensely', 'interesting', 'felt', 'grateful', 'church', 'school', 'truth', 'word', 'god', 'kept', 'mind', 'child', 'character', 'knowledge', 'goal', 'true', 'churchschool', 'teacher', 'worship', 'evening', 'present', 'spend', 'half', 'hour', 'aubigne', 'history', 'reformation', 'questioning', 'paragraph', 'child', 'interested', 'mention', 'help', 'parent', 'difficulty', 'entertaining', 'child', 'evening', 'sister', 'white', 'companion', 'child', 'manifesting', 'spirit', 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'fell', 'asleep', 'exhaustion', 'beginning', 'away', 'evening', 'hour', 'child', 'john', 'quinn', 'evening', 'family_worship', 'settled', 'enjoyable', 'hour', 'retiring', 'year', 'old', 'girl', 'climbed', 'knee', 'throwing', 'arm', 'neck', 'face', 'aglow', 'happiness', 'said', 'papa', 'hardly', 'wait', 'day', 'come', 'dear', 'want', 'day', 'come', 'want', 'thing', 'white', 'tell', 'thing', 'saw', 'vision', 'doubt', 'day', 'papa', 'think', 'saved', 'moment', 'spent', 'making', 'clear', 'god', 'way', 'salvation', 'god', 'provided', 'faith', 'accepting', 'eternal_life', 'gift', 'god', 'understand', 'vision', 'doe', 'god', 'thing', 'sister', 'white', 'opening', 'bible', 'read', 'number', 'passage', 'book', 'zechariah', 'especially', 'verse', 'chapter', 'read', 'daniel', 'description', 'experience', 'vision', 'told', 'experience', 'god', 'gave', 'sister', 'white', 'difficult', 'understand', 'live', 'breathing', 'finally', 'grasped', 'truth', 'spirit', 'god', 'source', 'life', 'life', 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root - INFO - extracting file #121500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19110831-V88-35-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #122000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120201-V89-05-page23.txt
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'service', 'held', 'home', 'good_wages', 'month', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'good', 'standing', 'william', 'rowse', 'hanley', 'saskatchewan', 'canada', 'cooking', 'oil', 'finest', 'quality', 'guaranteed', 'extensively', 'best', 'cook', 'nutritious', 'delicious', 'odorless', 'sweet', 'indefinitely', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'barrel', 'gallon', 'purity', 'cooking', 'oil', 'chattanooga', 'tenn', 'sanitarium_cooking', 'oil', 'noted', 'quality', 'free', 'animal', 'fat', 'onegallon', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'gallon', 'barrel', 'cent', 'gallon', 'cash', 'order', 'sanitarium_cooking', 'oil', 'louisville', 'world', 'largest', 'motto', 'dealer', 'sale', 'father', 'mother', 'lead', 'delivered', 'quantity', 'write', 'harmon', 'died', 'typhoid_fever', 'altoona', 'aug', 'dear_son', 'harold', 'post', 'card', 'free', 'highest', 'grade', 'vegetable', 'cooking', 'oil', 'gallon', 'cent', 'truth', 'held', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'gallon', 'cent', 'hampton', 'art', 'company', 'nevada', 'iowa', 'sale', 'trade', 'acre', 'near', 'pecos', 'tex', 'sell', 'warm', 'dry', 'healthful', 'climate', 'foot', 'elevation', 'shallow', 'artesian', 'water', 'small', 'church', 'good', 'market', 'special', 'price', 'cash', 'enclose', 'stamp', 'particular', 'rice', 'corpus', 'christi', 'tex', 'brother', 'church', 'member', 'central', 'california', 'conference_committee', 'dearest', 'heart', 'cause', 'god', 'triumph', 'angel', 'message', 'behrens', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'rev', 'reed', 'loughhead', 'sister', 'esther', 'palmer', 'loughhead', 'born', 'april', 'died', 'alba', 'dec', 'began', 'sabbath', 'faithful', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'leaf', 'death', 'son', 'daughter', 'wife', 'father', 'mother', 'brother', 'mourn', 'trust', 'soon', 'loved', 'life', 'giver', 'come', 'claim', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'elder', 'wiest', 'eccl', 'large_company', 'sympathizing', 'friend', 'home', 'parent', 'philadelphia', 'sabbath', 'august', 'laid', 'rest', 'hillside', 'cemetery', 'winfield', 'ada', 'harmon', 'church', 'john', 'church', 'early', 'pioneer', 'fresno', 'county', 'california', 'died', 'jan', 'age', 'year', 'leaf', 'wife', 'son', 'daughter', 'mourn', 'loss', 'thirty', 'year', 'ago', 'led', 'reading', 'matter', 'accept', 'comforted', 'bright_hope', 'meeting', 'loved', 'mother', 'resurrection', 'morning', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'writer', 'del', 'horbe', 'brook', 'died', 'jan', 'chauncey', 'brook', 'aged', 'year', 'new', 'york', 'native', 'state', 'married', 'miss', 'janette', 'newcomb', 'died', 'child', 'survive', 'brother', 'brook', 'charter', 'member', 'seventhday_adventist', 'church', 'madison', 'remained', 'faithful', 'death', 'writer', 'spoke', 'word', 'comfort', 'rev', 'reed', 'putnam', 'putnam', 'born', 'new', 'york', 'state', 'nov', 'died', 'oct', 'early', 'childhood', 'brought', 'wisconsin', 'parent', 'settled', 'winnebago', 'county', 'entire_family', 'accepted', 'angel', 'message', 'brother', 'putnam', 'eighteen', 'year', 'age', 'head', 'elizabeth', 'head', 'died', 'sept', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'sister', 'time', 'consistent', 'member', 'head', 'accepted', 'angel', 'message', 'seven', 'year', 'ago', 'result', 'series', 'meeting', 'conducted', 'wade', 'church', 'sustained', 'great_loss', 'death', 'consecrated', 'christian', 'assistant', 'physician', 'chamberlain', 'sanidiligent', 'worker', 'cause', 'knew', 'local', 'elder', 'lindsay', 'having', 'arrangement', 'work', 'madison', 'sanitarium', 'leaf', 'position', 'vacant', 'tarium', 'application', 'young', 'married', 'physician', 'ability', 'receive', 'prompt', 'consideration', 'state', 'age', 'experience', 'salary', 'wanted', 'reference', 'address', 'sanitarium', 'chamberlain', 'dak', 'obituary', 'husband', 'child', 'survive', 'funeral_service', 'attended', 'friend', 'relative', 'conducted', 'writer', 'heckman', 'mcclellan', 'ann', 'mcclellan', 'born', 'washington', 'township', 'pennsylvania', 'jan', 'died', 'home', 'springfield', 'ill', 'dec', 'son', 'daughter', 'survive', 'sister', 'mcclellan', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'fourteen', 'year', 'ago', 'year', 'life', 'filled', 'suffering', 'cheerful', 'fell', 'asleep', 'trusting', 'saviour', 'hope', 'having', 'resurrection', 'sisted', 'writer', 'service', 'stone', 'harrow', 'katie', 'valentine', 'darrow', 'born', 'july', 'shelby', 'county', 'indiana', 'died', 'knox', 'iowa', 'dec', 'accepted', 'blessed', 'truth', 'uniting', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'indianapolis', 'ind', 'year', 'ago', 'family', 'moved', 'portland', 'oregon', 'recently', 'visited', 'brother', 'iowa', 'hoping', 'regain', 'health', 'grew', 'worse', 'fell', 'asleep', 'hope', 'soon', 'coming', 'saviour', 'husband', 'brother', 'sister', 'survive', 'funeral_service', 'conducted', 'bauerlein', 'rosa', 'bauerlein', 'born', 'march', 'died', 'oct', 'sister', 'bauerlein', 'heard', 'accepted', 'angel', 'message', 'joining', 'german_church', 'philadelphia', 'influ', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'writer', 'pastor', 'george', 'hick', 'ence', 'example', 'husband', 'daughter', 'later', 'led', 'obey', 'truth', 'year', 'ago', 'family', 'moved', 'telford', 'united', 'fairhill', 'church', 'word', 'comfort', 'spoken', 'writer', 'heckman', 'corey', 'eliza', 'corey', 'clarke', 'born', 'new', 'york', 'state', 'jan', 'died', 'bethel', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'earnest', 'active', 'christian', 'seventy_years', 'having', 'converted', 'age', 'seventeen', 'united', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'married', 'sidney', 'corey', 'child', 'born', 'sister', 'corey', 'hope', 'courage', 'anxious', 'service', 'funeral_services', 'conducted', 'writer', 'assisted', 'allen', 'local', 'elder', 'stone', 'bristol', 'louisa', 'valentine', 'brother', 'clarence', 'brother', 'born', 'greenville', 'mich', 'april', 'year', 'age', 'went', 'parent', 'houghton', 'dak', 'resided', 'year', 'removing', 'aberdeen', 'died', 'jan', 'aged', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'embraced', 'truth', 'angel', 'message', 'greatly', 'missed', 'church', 'member', 'having', 'acted', 'treasurer', 'leader', 'year', 'nov', 'death', 'dec', 'bore', 'term', 'advance', 'year', 'month', 'month', 'extra_postage', 'charged', 'country', 'universal_postal', 'union', 'post', 'office', 'money', 'order', 'payable', 'washington', 'post', 'office', 'ncr', 'takoma', 'park', 'sta', 'lion', 'address', 'communication', 'draft', 'express', 'money', 'order', 'payabl', 'review_and_herald_takoma', 'park_station', 'washington', 'entered', 'second', 'class_matter', 'august', 'post', 'office', 'washington', 'act', 'congress', 'march', 'united', 'marriage', 'anna', 'dykstra', 'suffered', 'illness', 'trust', 'god', 'faltered', 'suffering', 'christian', 'fortitude', 'life', 'self', 'sacrifice', 'devotion', 'master', 'funeral', 'conducted', 'wife', 'child', 'brother', 'survive', 'writer', 'job', 'patterson', 'edith', 'cilley', 'terrell', 'mary', 'jewell', 'accepted', 'view', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'labor', 'writer', 'uniting', 'church', 'grandville', 'mich', 'married', 'terrell', 'survived', 'nub', 'rrath', 'year', 'age', 'active', 'distributing', 'literature', 'missionary', 'enterprise', 'year', 'ago', 'account', 'sickness', 'mind', 'weak', 'mental', 'strength', 'clung', 'faith', 'loved', 'natural', 'life', 'generously', 'cared', 'relative', 'death', 'occurred', 'grand', 'rapid', 'mich', 'dec', 'oxi', 'year', 'age', 'smith', 'dudgeon', 'iva', 'dudgeon', 'born', 'chetopa', 'kans', 'jan', 'seventeen', 'year', 'age', 'converted', 'joined', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'hicksville', 'ohio', 'autumn', 'entered', 'prospect', 'sanitarium', 'cleveland', 'ohio', 'conducted', 'brother', 'stahl', 'began', 'prepare', 'missionary', 'nurse', 'institution', 'closed', 'continued', 'work', 'graysville', 'tenn', 'sanitarium', 'graduated', 'nov', 'month', 'ago', 'health', 'began', 'fail', 'possible', 'recovery', 'gradually', 'declined', 'general', 'church', 'paper', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'march', 'married', 'cynthia', 'eldridge', 'child', 'born', 'brother', 'sister', 'putnam', 'charter', 'member', 'bethel', 'church', 'beloved', 'eiguotrh', 'prortantatton', 'jam', 'totrirll', 'rout', 'briturro', 'unto', 'ttw', 'moto', 'issued', 'thursday', 'review', 'herald', 'publishing', 'associatioe', 'taunt', 'arnirni']
root - INFO - extracting file #122500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120704-V89-27-page19.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #123000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19121128-V89-48-page24.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'november', 'washington', 'november', 'letter', 'shively', 'medical', 'superintendent', 'nebraska', 'sanitarium', 'report', 'excellent', 'patronage', 'institution', 'blessing', 'god', 'attending', 'labor', 'wife', 'eva', 'shively', 'associated', 'work', 'article', 'brother', 'bourdean', 'page', 'entitled', 'invisible', 'spiritual', 'officer', 'government', 'contains', 'interesting', 'data', 'reference', 'latest', 'claim', 'catholic_church', 'article', 'afford', 'worker', 'valuable', 'fact', 'future', 'use', 'week', 'week', 'prayer', 'review', 'containing', 'reading', 'sent', 'subscriber', 'review', 'reading', 'addition', 'mission_board', 'mailed', 'copy', 'church', 'elder', 'leader', 'isolated', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'conference', 'worker', 'small', 'supply', 'sent', 'conference', 'office', 'supplying', 'church', 'isolated', 'member', 'fail', 'cause', 'receive', 'reading', 'work', 'good', 'field', 'love', 'help', 'far', 'away', 'recent_letter', 'elder', 'edmed', 'president', 'natal', 'transvaal', 'conference', 'south', 'africa', 'following', 'little', 'company', 'felt', 'impassioned', 'china', 'sabbath', 'took', 'collection', 'home', 'china', 'missionary', 'following', 'extract', 'letter', 'received', 'good_service', 'day', 'program', 'sent', 'union_conference', 'sabbath', 'school_secretary', 'reach', 'sabbath', 'school', 'arranged', 'mary', 'baumann', 'read', 'paper', 'china', 'collection', 'china', 'mission', 'home', 'fund', 'suggested', 'increased', 'believe', 'seeing', 'absent', 'member', 'ping', 'came', 'small', 'school', 'durban', 'natal', 'felt', 'showed', 'spirit', 'liberality', 'commendable', 'sending', 'greeting', 'santiago', 'capital', 'chile', 'elder', 'westphal', 'suggests', 'important', 'push', 'work', 'roman', 'catholic', 'south', 'america', 'thousand', 'believer', 'face', 'unwarned', 'continent', 'bishop', 'santiago', 'aroused', 'lately', 'published', 'article', 'mercevio', 'inviting', 'catholic', 'spy', 'place', 'protestant', 'holding', 'meeting', 'content', 'general', 'article', 'invisible', 'spiritual', 'officer', 'government', 'bonrdeau', 'peril', 'neglecting', 'salvation', 'concluded', 'white', 'prayer', 'underwood', 'power', 'prayer', 'stoner', 'editorial', 'closing', 'controversy', 'hand', 'god', 'history', 'god', 'promise', 'bridge', 'gulf', 'obligation', 'cause', 'god', 'world', 'wide', 'field', 'home', 'health', 'field', 'work', 'young', 'people', 'work', 'state', 'church', 'news', 'miscellany', 'miscellaneous', 'greeting', 'week', 'prayer', 'come', 'west', 'russia', 'close', 'scene', 'unrest', 'balkan', 'elder', 'loebsack', 'church', 'mission_field', 'send', 'word', 'message', 'dark', 'cloud', 'political', 'horizon', 'cause', 'bright', 'star', 'better', 'world', 'shine', 'increased', 'splendor', 'fulfilment', 'preach', 'live', 'book', 'introducing', 'read', 'page', 'announcement', 'special_course', 'washington', 'foreign_mission', 'seminary', 'october', 'elder', 'steiner', 'germany', 'sailed', 'europe', 'italian', 'east', 'africa', 'appointment', 'abyssinian', 'mission', 'word', 'calcutta', 'india', 'annual_meeting', 'progress', 'report', 'arrival', 'brother', 'wood', 'arid', 'peugh', 'family', 'australia', 'report', 'departure', 'october', 'myers', 'engage', 'work', 'east', 'indian', 'fiji', 'island', 'sister', 'myers', 'lived', 'india', 'acquainted', 'hindustani', 'language', 'november', 'san', 'francisco', 'brother', 'kenneth', 'wood', 'southern', 'california', 'conference', 'sailed', 'shanghai', 'join', 'staff', 'worker', 'china', 'great_need', 'laborer', 'china', 'thank', 'god', 'strong', 'yourig', 'worker', 'field', 'post', 'card', 'elder', 'guy', 'dail', 'report', 'good', 'general', 'meeting', 'beirut', 'syria', 'laborer', 'attendance', 'including', 'worker', 'egypt', 'syria', 'constantinople', 'brother', 'conradi', 'dail', 'doubtless', 'week', 'british', 'east', 'africa', 'visiting', 'mission_stations', 'victoria', 'nyanza', 'communication', 'pertaining', 'subscription', 'christian_education', 'order', 'journal', 'change', 'address', 'delay', 'irregularity', 'delivery', 'journal', 'sent', 'direct', 'review', 'herald', 'publishing', 'association', 'publisher', 'circulators', 'editor', 'educational', 'department', 'general', 'ference', 'hastening', 'home', 'master', 'coming', 'courage', 'work', 'soul', 'lord', 'harvest', 'praise', 'week', 'wednesday', 'brother', 'mountain', 'view', 'sent', 'harvest', 'ingathering_signs', 'stock', 'hand', 'fourth', 'small', 'edition', 'soon', 'ready', 'order', 'received', 'good_reports', 'continue', 'come', 'sister', 'went', 'paper', 'brought', 'dollar', 'young_lady', 'mailed', 'copy', 'friend', 'received', 'dollar', 'sample', 'golden', 'opportunity', 'help', 'haslen', 'message', 'home', 'field', 'afar', 'let', 'improve', 'chronicle', 'departure', 'young', 'missionary', 'far', 'field', 'month', 'month', 'think', 'parent', 'home', 'making', 'precious', 'gift', 'cause', 'christ', 'mission', 'field', 'day', 'miss', 'murphy', 'foreign_mission', 'seminary', 'sent', 'word', 'parent', 'asked', 'south', 'america', 'mother', 'answered', 'ohio', 'home', 'heart', 'new_field', 'meet', 'faithful', 'end', 'shall', 'meet', 'joy', 'world', 'discourage', 'work', 'time', 'trying', 'help', 'prepare', 'prayer', 'follow', 'truly', 'time', 'dedication', 'life', 'child', 'mean', 'spread', 'closing', 'gospel_message', 'nation', 'kindred', 'tongue', 'neople', 'country', 'order', 'effectual', 'opposition', 'know', 'mean', 'prediction', 'great', 'controversy', 'fulfilled', 'need', 'ready', 'crisis', 'little', 'later', 'article', 'appeared', 'paper', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'list', 'protestant', 'agency', 'mentioned', 'book', 'making', 'impression', 'country', 'need', 'work', 'time', 'favorable', 'lord_bless', 'raising', 'money', 'cause', 'master', 'developing', 'worker', 'field', 'particular', 'received', 'death', 'elder', 'owen', 'india', 'letter', 'elder', 'shaw', 'superintendent', 'field', 'brother', 'owen', 'failing', 'month', 'largely', 'lost', 'power', 'digestion', 'assimilation', 'acute', 'digestive', 'trouble', 'advanced', 'year', 'hastened', 'end', 'brother', 'owen', 'went', 'mission_field', 'year', 'ago', 'time', 'took', 'vacation', 'work', 'notwithstanding', 'fact', 'mission_board', 'offered', 'pay', 'way', 'america', 'nearly', 'year', 'spent', 'india', 'labored', 'self', 'supporting', 'missionary', 'humble', 'peaceful', 'quiet', 'life', 'exerted', 'influence', 'good', 'worked', 'came', 'end', 'prepared', 'meet', 'god', 'shock', 'grain', 'fully', 'ripened', 'harvest', 'surely', 'sympathy', 'brother', 'sister', 'shaw', 'affliction', 'mourning', 'relative', 'friend', 'diferent', 'world']
root - INFO - extracting file #123500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130508-V90-19-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #124000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19131009-V90-41-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #124500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140305-V91-10-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #125000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140813-V91-33-page14.txt
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'abundant', 'exercise', 'especially', 'important', 'aid', 'purity', 'value', 'wholesome', 'occupation', 'time', 'hardly', 'overestimated', 'mind', 'occupied', 'old', 'adage', 'satan', 'mischief', 'idle', 'hand', 'true', 'fresh', 'interesting', 'ready', 'satisfy', 'keen', 'appetite', 'unfolding', 'intellect', 'teach', 'stone', 'flower', 'insect', 'bird', 'read', 'great', 'useful', 'men', 'woman', 'strive', 'create', 'aspiration', 'good', 'pure', 'circumstance', 'surround', 'likelihood', 'led', 'evil', 'example', 'fortify', 'warning', 'inevitable', 'consequence', 'guard', 'association', 'little', 'carefully', 'child', 'older', 'growth', 'allow', 'play', 'wander', 'sight', 'hearing', 'company', 'neighbor', 'child', 'rid', 'noise', 'banish', 'room', 'corner', 'unbegan', 'tent_effort', 'sunday', 'july', 'good_attendance', 'night', 'goodly', 'number', 'meeting', 'home', 'lord', 'day', 'alliance', 'expect', 'work', 'somewhat', 'difficult', 'open', 'good_courage', 'trust', 'lord', 'lead', 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'substantial', 'monument', 'mean', 'advancement', 'angel', 'message', 'state', 'glad', 'able', 'foreigner', 'able', 'send', 'spread', 'message', 'place', 'message', 'came', 'ought', 'work', 'city', 'east', 'lord', 'immediately', 'began', 'prepare', 'way', 'waiting', 'message', 'literature', 'accomplishing', 'advancing', 'work', 'tent_companies', 'field', 'year', 'prospect', 'bright', 'good', 'return', 'sandborn', 'santa', 'maria', 'brazil', 'santa', 'maria', 'league', 'distant', 'caruaru', 'nearest', 'railroad', 'station', 'whole_country', 'place', 'region', 'like', 'state', 'pernambuco', 'bear', 'special_sense', 'mark', 'fifty', 'stand', 'curse', 'sin', 'dry', 'season', 'sunday', 'night', 'crowd', 'larger', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'preached', 'important_truth', 'person', 'attend', 'night', 'night', 'believe', 'success', 'praying', 'reality', 'conference', 'brother', 'good', 'furnishing', 'nice', 'tent', 'return', 'making', 'tent', 'entirely', 'self', 'supporting', 'month', 'wet', 'season', 'length', 'time', 'close', 'dry', 'season', 'green', 'leaf', 'seen', 'mile', 'withered', 'dead', 'fact', 'inhabitant', 'section', 'happy', 'period', 'month', 'rain', 'set', 'fails', 'mean', 'eighteen', 'month', 'rain', 'likely', 'starving', 'live', 'stock', 'way', 'caruaru', 'riding', 'hour', 'hot', 'sun', 'approached', 'clear', 'cool', 'refreshing', 'rivulet', 'glad', 'prospect', 'getting', 'good', 'drink', 'tasted', 'water', 'strongly', 'saline', 'fit', 'drink', 'inhabitant', 'tell', 'water', 'earth', 'stream', 'section', 'salty', 'provide', 'water', 'supply', 'people', 'dig', 'hole', 'size', 'shape', 'depth', 'earth', 'rainy_season', 'water', 'water', 'supply', 'man', 'beast', 'long', 'rainy_season', 'water', 'supply', 'best', 'enticing', 'thirsty', 'person', 'water', 'hole', 'covered', 'sort', 'plant', 'swarming', 'water', 'insect', 'animal', 'drink', 'week', 'seen', 'fruit', 'worth', 'mentioning', 'dry']
root - INFO - extracting file #125500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19150107-V92-01-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #126000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19150610-V92-29-page13.txt
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'employed', 'remove', 'dirt', 'provided', 'machine', 'process', 'longer', 'fatiguing', 'right', 'condition', 'work', 'complete', 'equipment', 'simplest', 'type', 'needed', 'supply', 'hand', 'work', 'proceed', 'delay', 'washing', 'process', 'interruption', 'early', 'day', 'clothes', 'benefit', 'air', 'sunshine', 'warm', 'hour', 'furthermore', 'clothes', 'best', 'condition', 'washed', 'mean', 'careful', 'looking', 'wash', 'day', 'removing', 'fruit', 'vegetable', 'stain', 'set', 'washed', 'hot', 'water', 'method', 'mending', 'rent', 'garment', 'badly', 'torn', 'wash', 'previous', 'attention', 'requires', 'careful', 'sorting', 'garment', 'cleanest', 'white', 'piece', 'washed', 'dirtiest', 'flannel', 'ordinary', 'colored', 'clothing', 'stocking', 'require', 'different', 'treatment', 'white', 'piece', 'kept', 'separate', 'pile', 'preparation', 'getting', 'ready', 'wash', 'day', 'sort', 'clothes', 'remove', 'stain', 'cut', 'soap', 'needed', 'day', 'washing', 'place', 'stewpan', 'cover', 'water', 'cake', 'needed', 'according', 'size', 'wash', 'hardness', 'water', 'work', 'kitchen', 'simple', 'appliance', 'procedure', 'follows', 'necessity', 'clothes', 'boiler', 'resting', 'stove', 'convenient', 'height', 'worker', 'high', 'temperature', 'water', 'easily', 'maintained', 'vacuum', 'hand', 'washer', 'portable', 'tub', 'clothes', 'wringer', 'attached', 'placed', 'low', 'table', 'moved', 'near', 'stove', 'clothes', 'basket', 'clothes', 'stick', 'facility', 'rinsing', 'clothes', 'kitchen', 'sink', 'portable', 'tub', 'placed', 'near', 'sink', 'waste', 'water', 'easily', 'emptied', 'clothes', 'soaked', 'special', 'stain', 'removed', 'mended', 'sorted', 'brought', 'kitchen', 'breakfast', 'dish', 'washed', 'kitchen', 'order', 'work', 'proceed', 'interruption', 'need', 'forgetful', 'hand', 'divine', 'yesterday', 'today', 'holy', 'care', 'abundantly', 'supplied', 'want', 'sufficient', 'day', 'day', 'pas', 'passing', 'number', 'year', 'unfold', 'wondrous', 'plan', 'faileth', 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'witness', 'law', 'breaking', 'ignorance', 'faith', 'hope', 'charity', 'relation', 'child', 'friend', 'neighbor', 'town', 'state', 'indubitable', 'evidence', 'corner_stone', 'home', 'set', 'rock', 'law', 'understand', 'home', 'simply', 'sleeping', 'eating', 'establishment', 'institution', 'designed', 'place', 'love', 'reign', 'heaven', 'hare', 'home', 'ideal', 'ideal', 'home', 'defined', 'place', 'little', 'thinking', 'self', 'child', 'unwilling', 'slave', 'older', 'mind', 'loving', 'growing', 'wisdom', 'companion', 'doorway', 'burn', 'forever', 'letter', 'greeting', 'enter', 'hope', 'violating', 'natural', 'sanctity', 'dwell', 'friend', 'neighbor', 'stranger', 'welcome', 'companion', 'toil', 'humanity', 'cause', 'patience', 'honor', 'handmaiden', 'table', 'love', 'bedews', 'rose', 'portal', 'serene', 'light', 'family', 'unity', 'discerned', 'higher', 'unity', 'loyalty', 'faith', 'toil', 'community', 'state', 'present', 'master', 'world', 'home', 'built', 'love', 'grace', 'exist', 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root - INFO - extracting file #126500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19151104-V92-54-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #127000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160403-V93-17-page17.txt
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'possibility', 'missionary', 'correspondence', 'let', 'compare', 'mail', 'facility', 'year', 'ago', 'cost', 'cent', 'send', 'letter', 'sheet', 'mile', 'cent', 'required', 'carry', 'letter', 'size', 'mile', 'cent', 'soo', 'mile', 'cost', 'sending', 'sheet', 'letter', 'twice', 'sheet', 'time', 'cent', 'stamp', 'oneounce', 'letter', 'nook', 'corner', 'united', 'state', 'canada', 'mexico', 'continent', 'atlantic', 'england', 'pacific', 'shanghai', 'year', 'ago', 'rural', 'mail', 'route', 'started', 'clarksville', 'ark', 'said', 'carrier', 'covering', 'million', 'mile', 'day', 'thing', 'mean', 'fulfilment', 'prophecy', 'day', 'knowledge', 'increased', 'run', 'fro', 'making', 'use', 'wonderful', 'facility', 'business', 'house', 'far', 'ahead', 'matter', 'firm', 'reported', 'good_authority', 'sold', 'worth', 'good', 'year', 'mail', 'order', 'missionary', 'correspondence', 'work', 'barely', 'touched', 'comparison', 'possibility', 'work', 'result', 'miss', 'enary', 'correspondence', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'russia', 'received', 'sabbath', 'truth', 'tract', 'sent', 'kansa', 'indicates', 'good_plan', 'inclose', 'tract', 'letter', 'tract', 'message', 'language', 'speak', 'write', 'time', 'learn', 'invalid', 'lady', 'said', 'raised', 'church', 'correspondence', 'work', 'valuable', 'minister', 'man', 'work', 'review', 'herald', 'office', 'able', 'count', 'fortable', 'walking', 'riding', 'outside', 'letter', 'written', 'odd', 'moment', 'planned', 'entirely', 'engaged', 'regular', 'work', 'letter', 'read', 'people', 'listen', 'letter', 'good_effect', 'receive', 'answer', 'letter', 'answered', 'question', 'asked', 'time', 'need', 'look', 'correct', 'answer', 'good_thing', 'line', 'self', 'supporting', 'missionary_work', 'engage', 'excuse', 'read', 'write', 'think', 'accomplished', 'year', 'member', 'church', 'write', 'letter', 'week', 'write', 'missionary', 'letter', 'tell', 'sionary', 'letter', 'foote', 'sionary', 'letter', 'written', 'recently', 'government', 'employee', 'lawyer', 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'cooperation', 'drive', 'bind', 'worker', 'true', 'cooperation', 'shuts', 'division', 'genuine', 'antifriction', 'applied', 'working', 'machinery', 'institution', 'supply', 'run', 'low', 'good', 'stock', 'leave', 'room', 'family', 'jar', 'medical', 'missionary', 'department', 'ruble', 'general_secretary', 'hansen', 'assistant_secretary', 'miller', 'div', 'secretary', 'observation', 'literature', 'record', 'doctor', 'showed', 'notebook', 'kept', 'people', 'lending', 'book', 'missionary', 'reading', 'date', 'kept', 'time', 'book', 'lent']
root - INFO - extracting file #127500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160831-V93-43-page21.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #128000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170125-V94-04-page9.txt
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'truth', 'faileth', 'departeth', 'evil', 'maketh', 'prey', 'lord', 'saw', 'displeased', 'judgment', 'saw', 'man', 'wondered', 'intercessor', 'arm', 'brought', 'salvation', 'unto', 'righteousness', 'sustained', 'isa', 'period', 'earth', 'history', 'lord', 'hand', 'shortened', 'save', 'ear', 'heavy', 'hear', 'iniquity', 'mankind', 'separated', 'god', 'brought', 'judgment', 'prevailing', 'iniquity', 'injustice', 'man', 'fellow', 'lord', 'declares', 'righteousness', 'breastplate', 'helmet', 'salvation', 'head', 'garment', 'vengeance', 'clothing', 'clad', 'zeal', 'cloke', 'according', 'deed', 'accordingly', 'repay', 'fury', 'adversary', 'recompense', 'enemy', 'island', 'repay', 'recompense', 'redeemer', 'shall', 'come', 'zion', 'unto', 'turn', 'transgression', 'jacob', 'saith', 'lord', 'isa', 'abuse', 'outgrowth', 'natural_heart', 'condition', 'class', 'reversed', 'warfare', 'forward', 'men', 'come', 'recognize', 'principle', 'everlasting', 'kingdom', 'rightly', 'justly', 'relate', 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'christ', 'alluded', 'new_testament', 'form', 'variation', 'figure', 'lowest', 'estimate', 'importance', 'attached', 'divine', 'autiior', 'scripture', 'countenance', 'statement', 'exception', 'redemption', 'death', 'christ', 'doctrine', 'christianity', 'receives', 'greater', 'emphasis', 'doe', 'mean', 'strange', 'question', 'language', 'simple', 'convincing', 'question', 'time', 'time', 'tried', 'spiritualize', 'allegorize', 'away', 'said', 'descent', 'holy', 'spirit', 'pentecost', 'act', 'sufficiently', 'fulfilled', 'promise', 'christ', 'second', 'coming', 'true', 'think', 'condition', 'holy', 'spirit', 'came', 'pentecost', 'departure', 'christ', 'return', 'expedient', 'away', 'away', 'comforter', 'come', 'unto', 'depart', 'send', 'unto', 'john', 'holy', 'spirit', 'person', 'christ', 'godhead', 'manifestation', 'godhead', 'men', 'christ', 'person', 'work', 'supplement', 'christ', 'prepares', 'coming', 'reign', 'regarded', 'reign', 'christ', 'especially', 'differentiates', 'coming', 'holy', 'spirit', 'coming', 'saying', 'pray', 'father', 'shall', 'comforter', 'said', 'fall', 'jerusalem', 'titus', 'event', 'certain', 'promise', 'second', 'advent', 'refer', 'luke', 'apostle', 'paul', 'subject', 'represents', 'corinthian', 'church', 'waiting', 'coming']
root - INFO - extracting file #128500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170705-V94-27-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #129000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19171206-V94-49-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #130000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19181003-V95-40-page13.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #130500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19190220-V96-08-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #131000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19190612-V96-24-page2.txt
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'conference', 'delegation', 'striving', 'solution', 'dismemberment', 'empire', 'provoke', 'religious', 'war', 'united', 'state', 'looked', 'power', 'nation', 'mandatory', 'constantinople', 'danger', 'precipitating', 'european_war', 'american', 'delegate', 'peace', 'conference', 'express', 'doubt', 'willingness', 'united', 'state', 'accept', 'mandate', 'especially', 'condition', 'power', 'outlined', 'score', 'person', 'killed', 'injured', 'explosion', 'douglas', 'starch', 'work', 'cedar', 'rapid', 'iowa', 'night', 'men', 'boy', 'gone', 'work', 'night', 'shift', 'escaped', 'injury', 'death', 'entire', 'plant', 'burned', 'resultant', 'loss', 'estimated', 'explosion', 'severe', 'window', 'central_part', 'city', 'broken', 'person', 'thrown', 'ground', 'mile', 'away', 'scene', 'disaster', 'cause', 'accident', 'thought', 'defective', 'boiler', 'spontaneous', 'combustion', 'recommendation', 'submitted', 'congress', 'president', 'wilson', 'cabled', 'message', 'reassembled', 'legislator', 'met', 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'war', 'ruble', 'worth', 'cent', 'food', 'ration', 'report', 'said', 'reduced', 'worker', 'health', 'report', 'petrograd', 'showed', 'average', 'death', 'day', 'population', 'airplane', 'cross', 'atlantic', 'probably', 'deposited', 'smithsonian', 'institution', 'permanent', 'exhibition', 'nation', 'valuable', 'historic', 'relic', 'placed', 'national', 'museum', 'place', 'heavier', 'air', 'flying', 'machine', 'flown', 'country', 'steam', 'locomotive', 'cotton', 'gin', 'typewriter', 'famous', 'near', 'faridpur', 'bengal', 'india', 'stand', 'date', 'palm', 'known', 'praying', 'palm', 'account', 'extraordinary', 'behavior', 'evening', 'temple', 'bell', 'prayer', 'tree', 'bow', 'prostrate', 'raise', 'head', 'morning', 'repeated', 'day', 'year', 'phenomenon', 'said', 'result', 'reaction', 'plant', 'tissue', 'stimulus', 'world', 'transatlantic', 'airplane', 'flight', 'finished', 'washington', 'time', 'afternoon', 'lieut', 'com', 'albert', 'read', 'successfully', 'brought', 'seaplane', 'lisbon', 'spain', 'landed', 'far', 'spot', 'christopher', 'columbus', 'completed', 'world', 'roundtrip', 'transatlantic', 'sea', 'voyage', 'entire', 'flight', 'newfoundland', 'hour', 'minute', 'air', 'washington', 'new', 'york', 'distance', 'mile', 'airplane', 'minute', 'speed', 'record', 'recently', 'col', 'gerald', 'brant', 'lieut', 'howard', 'birkett', 'aviator', 'flew', 'mile', 'gale', 'maintained', 'altitude', 'foot', 'trip', 'new', 'york', 'ended', 'flight', 'houston', 'tex', 'way', 'dayton', 'ohio', 'washington', 'distance', 'mile', 'covered', 'minute', 'actual', 'flying', 'time', 'plane', 'left', 'houston', 'held', 'day', 'bad', 'weather', 'lieut', 'omar', 'locklear', 'air', 'service', 'army', 'gave', 'demonstration', 'atlantic', 'city', 'said', 'annals', 'flying', 'tlie', 'aviator', 'caught', 'dangling', 'rope', 'ladder', 'second', 'airplane', 'climbed', 'craft', 'hung', 'feat', 'altitude', 'foot', 'leaped', 'plane', 'air', 'ascent', 'plane', 'vote', 'student', 'minnesota', 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'ohio', 'river', 'wheeling', 'saloon', 'employed', 'bartender', 'clerk', 'foot', 'bar', 'past_year', 'average', 'daily', 'bank', 'deposit', 'proprietor', 'millionaire', 'smoked', 'drank', 'intoxicating', 'liquor', 'estimate', 'approximately', 'drink', 'day', 'sold', 'bar', 'claim', 'fight', 'saloon', 'attribute', 'largely', 'fact', 'sell', 'drunken', 'man', 'minor', 'advent_review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'general', 'church', 'paper', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'devoted', 'proclamation', 'faith', 'delivered', 'unto', 'saint', 'vol', 'june', 'issued', 'thursday', 'review', 'herald', 'publishing', 'assn', 'swashington', 'term', 'advance', 'year', 'month', 'year', 'year', 'extra_postage', 'charged', 'country', 'universal_postal', 'union', 'post_office', 'money_order', 'payable', 'washington', 'post_office', 'takoma', 'park_station', 'address', 'communication', 'draft', 'express', 'money_order', 'payable', 'review_and_herald_takoma', 'park_station', 'washington', 'entered', 'second', 'class_matter', 'august', 'post_office', 'washington', 'duner', 'act', 'congress', 'march', 'acceptance', 'mailing', 'special_rate', 'postage', 'provided', 'sec', 'act', 'oct', 'authorized', 'tune']
root - INFO - extracting file #131500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19191002-V96-40-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #132000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19200129-V97-05-page12.txt
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'lack', 'prevailing', 'faith', 'people', 'god', 'weak', 'feeble', 'look', 'blessing', 'great', 'way', 'arid', 'according', 'faith', 'feeble', 'effort', 'tinctly', 'excepting', 'item', 'mentioned', 'law', 'consideration', 'observed', 'christian', 'law', 'old_testament', 'law', 'cover', 'precept', 'old_testament', 'great', 'commandment', 'love', 'god', 'heart', 'deut', 'second', 'love', 'neighbor', 'lev', 'abolished', 'blasphemous', 'conclusion', 'opponent', 'dilemma', 'speechless', 'arid', 'doggedly', 'cling', 'position', 'bring', 'absurdity', 'staring', 'face', 'plain', 'consistent', 'understand', 'reference', 'moral_law', 'innumerable', 'precept', 'explanation', 'old_testament', 'ceremonial', 'civil_law', 'given', 'moses', 'peculiar', 'jew', 'evident', 'fact', 'decree', 'apostle', 'related', 'gentile', 'james', 'sentence', 'trouble', 'gentile', 'turned', 'god', 'verse', 'law', 'bearing', 'need', 'deny', 'gentile', 'obligation', 'moral_law', 'jew', 'decalogue', 'law', 'consideration', 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'obstruct', 'march', 'possibility', 'heroic', 'action', 'sword', 'shall', 'wounded', 'bolt', 'key', 'bar', 'entrance', 'nobler', 'far', 'common', 'place', 'shall', 'run', 'fro', 'city', 'shall', 'run', 'wall', 'shall', 'climb', 'house', 'shall', 'enter', 'window', 'like', 'thief', 'earth', 'shall', 'quake', 'heaven', 'shall', 'tremble', 'sun', 'moon', 'shall', 'dark', 'star', 'shall', 'withdraw', 'shining', 'lord', 'shall', 'utter', 'voice', 'army', 'rank', 'broken', 'sword', 'hurt', 'secret', 'chamber', 'conceal', 'object', 'god', 'displeasure', 'shall', 'wicked', 'realize', 'hand', 'executioner', 'human', 'safeguard', 'arid', 'human', 'weapon', 'utterly', 'powerless', 'earth', 'quake', 'duty', 'household', 'counter', 'single', 'eye', 'duty', 'nobler', 'far', 'way', 'attempt', 'brilliant', 'deed', 'double', 'mind', 'saying', 'brilliant', 'deed', 'audit', 'pay', 'raise', 'set', 'bargain']
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root - INFO - extracting file #137000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18800226-V06-08-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #137500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18810113-V07-02-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #138000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18811124-V07-44-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #139500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18840703-V10-26-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #140000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18850409-V11-15-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #141000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18860826-V12-33-page9.txt
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'thing', 'spirit', 'christ', 'standing', 'precept', 'verse', 'form', 'christianity', 'religious', 'denomiin', 'testified', 'peter', 'apostle', 'nation', 'equal_rights', 'enjoys', 'privilege', 'proved', 'truthfulness', 'doctrine', 'auous', 'christ', 'testimony', 'spoken', 'aforetime', 'holy', 'men', 'old', 'spoke', 'moved', 'holy', 'ghost', 'law', 'verse', 'apostle', 'exhorted', 'highest', 'state', 'holiness', 'possible', 'mind', 'conceive', 'highest', 'authority', 'appeal', 'written', 'state', 'course', 'law', 'protect', 'citizen', 'right', 'citizen', 'right', 'worship', 'god', 'way', 'plea', 'read', 'psalm', 'shall', 'delight', 'verse', 'appreciate', 'fact', 'went', 'astray', 'lie', 'desired', 'lord', 'foolish', 'state', 'professes', 'particular', 'form', 'overwhelmed', 'grief', 'opinion', 'absurd', 'expect', 'state', 'wicked', 'kept', 'law', 'verse', 'enactment', 'enforcement', 'law', 'favoring', 'follow', 'mischief', 'far', 'particular', 'form', 'christian', 'worship', 'prayed', 'delivered', 'affliction', 'hot', 'forget', 'law', 'verse', 'salvation', 'far', 'wicked', 'seek', 'provided', 'way', 'opposed', 'natural_law', 'thy', 'statute', 'verse', 'good', 'suffior', 'order', 'state', 'protect', 'prac', 'brief', 'remark', 'purpose', 'enter', 'cient', 'reason', 'tice', 'religion', 'simply', 'absurd', 'analysis', 'lengthy', 'examination', 'lip', 'praise', 'god', 'inand', 'tyrannical', 'force', 'anybody', 'observe', 'law', 'think', 'necessary', 'salvation', 'soul', 'think', 'useless', 'psalm', 'prominent', 'point', 'noticed', 'structed', 'statute', 'verse', 'fervent', 'piety', 'writer', 'longed', 'salvation', 'god', 'law', 'spirit', 'meekness', 'submission', 'seek', 'forget', 'commandment', 'christian_religion', 'right', 'exact', 'constant', 'recognition', 'verse', 'dependence', 'need', 'help', 'mercy', 'impressive', 'contrast', 'right', 'said', 'psalm', 'ain', 'wrong', 'good', 'evil', 'based', 'regard', 'evidence', 'deep', 'religious', 'experience', 'law', 'hate', 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'sunday', 'saturday', 'religious', 'day', 'replaced', 'saturday', 'jew', 'sunday', 'christian', 'know', 'tradition', 'church', 'commemoration', 'resurrection', 'christ', 'descent', 'holy', 'ghost', 'event', 'took', 'place', 'sunday', 'distinguish', 'christian', 'jew', 'church', 'church', 'christ', 'given', 'power', 'law', 'transfer', 'sabbath', 'saturday', 'sunlearned', 'end', 'evil', 'doer', 'faithfulness', 'jehovah', 'delight', 'testimony', 'law', 'verse', 'view', 'expressed', 'expression', 'truth', 'love', 'law', 'god', 'ground', 'righteousness', 'breadth', 'perfection', 'source', 'comwork', 'piety', 'reverence', 'spring', 'fort', 'hope', 'teaching', 'wisdom', 'god', 'religious', 'joy', 'notice', 'exprayed', 'open', 'thou', 'eye', 'bepressions', 'psalm', 'hold', 'wondrous', 'thing', 'thy_law', 'verse', 'desire', 'enlargement', 'heart', 'wisdom', 'righteousness', 'salvation', 'walk', 'liberty', 'sought', 'preceived', 'add', 'david', 'said', 'day', 'lay', 'law', 'cepts', 'god', 'verse', 'compare', 'james', 'law', 'quoting', 'word', 'inspiration', 'law', 'liberty', 'new_testament', 'law', 'holy', 'comthe', 'observance', 'sunday', 'desire', 'know', 'sunday', 'observed', 'consult', 'church', 'legislate', 'matter', 'law', 'binding', 'received', 'power', 'christ', 'regulation', 'law', 'relating', 'religion', 'whatsoever', 'comforted', 'affliction', 'word', 'mandment', 'holy', 'good', 'god', 'quickened', 'verse', 'horror', 'wicked', 'forsook', 'law', 'verse', 'sunday', 'state', 'following', 'article', 'catholic', 'shall', 'bound', 'earth', 'shall', 'bound', 'turned', 'foot', 'lord', 'testimony', 'mirror', 'july', 'reprinted', 'louis', 'heaven', 'whatsoever', 'shall', 'loosed', 'thought', 'way', 'good_example', 'verse', 'sunday', 'republican', 'late', 'date', 'commend', 'earth', 'shall', 'loosed', 'heaven', 'arise', 'midnight', 'thanks', 'consideration', 'protestant', 'general', 'easily', 'regula', 'god', 'righteous', 'judgment', 'verse', 'national', 'reform', 'party', 'particular', 'tion', 'catholic_church', 'regard', 'sunday', 'observance', 'requires', 'faithful', 'reached', 'age', 'seven', 'able', 'present', 'sacrithat', 'learn', 'lord', 'statute', 'verse', 'law', 'observance', 'sunday', 'legislation', 'enfice', 'mass', 'abstain', 'case', 'seven', 'time', 'day', 'worshiped', 'giving', 'praise', 'judgment', 'verse', 'favor', 'sunday', 'law', 'argument', 'sound', 'acknowledged', 'affliction', 'good', 'plainly', 'set', 'forth', 'fact', 'tirely', 'matter', 'religious', 'nature', 'necessity', 'servile', 'hard', 'manualgold', 'silver', 'verse', 'sermon', 'instruction', 'spend', 'time', 'esteemed', 'law', 'better', 'thousand', 'church', 'state', 'article', 'written', 'labor', 'advises', 'faithful', 'present', 'kind', 'religion', 'desired', 'quickened', 'loving', 'kindwe', 'like', 'exceedingly', 'protestant', 'law', 'delight', 'verse', 'man', 'fulfilled', 'mass', 'spent', 'day', 'religious_exercises', 'church', 'liberty', 'spend', 'remainder', 'sunday', 'innocent', 'amusement', 'know', 'amusement', 'abused', 'occasion', 'sin', 'shall', 'opinion', 'worth', 'seen', 'end', 'perfection', 'thy', 'law', 'catholic_church', 'commandment', 'exceeding', 'broad', 'verse', 'binding', 'force', 'christian', 'worthy', 'note', 'claim', 'perfection', 'unreasonable', 'controversy', 'day', 'limited', 'view', 'break', 'sunday', 'observance', 'catholic_priest', 'rev', 'hart', 'louis', 'prayer', 'good_reading', 'church', 'doe', 'forbid', 'ness', 'god', 'testimony', 'observes', 'sunday', 'demand', 'sunday', 'law', 'attempt', 'power', 'forbid', 'innocent', 'amusement', 'verse', 'perished', 'affliction', 'refutation', 'argument', 'soever', 'description', 'church', 'set', 'apart', 'sunday', 'day', 'special', 'divine', 'regard', 'question', 'sabbath', 'observance', 'worship', 'day', 'rest', 'relaxation', 'law', 'god', 'occasion', 'late', 'sabbath', 'breaking', 'appeal', 'legisthen', 'amusement', 'abuse', 'point', 'antinomianism', 'holiness', 'lature', 'executive', 'enacting', 'enclaimants', 'forcing', 'sunday', 'law', 'psalmist', 'wiser', 'enemy', 'men', 'speak', 'making', 'law', 'condemned', 'abuse', 'separated', 'amusement', 'amusement', 'longer', 'innocent', 'forbidden', 'week', 'day', 'sunday']
root - INFO - extracting file #141500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18870818-V13-32-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #142000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18890218-V15-07-page6.txt
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'number', 'christian', 'small', 'comparison', 'entire_population', 'heathen', 'city', 'nero', 'synonym', 'wicked', 'cruel', 'licentious', 'emperor', 'paul', 'wrote', 'epistle', 'character', 'king', 'court', 'largely', 'determine', 'general', 'character', 'people', 'lower', 'order', 'ape', 'custom', 'moral', 'higher', 'love', 'place', 'power', 'desire', 'recognition', 'loyalty', 'powerful', 'factor', 'leading', 'men', 'conform', 'whim', 'sentiment', 'moral', 'emperor', 'history', 'tell', 'society', 'rome', 'time', 'rotten', 'word', 'condition', 'thing', 'vice', 'nero', 'luxurious', 'elegant', 'taste', 'spent', 'money', 'lavishly', 'adorning', 'city', 'effeminate', 'vice', 'accompanies', 'lavish', 'expenditure', 'wealth', 'rome', 'metropolis', 'world', 'simply', 'population', 'matter', 'business', 'fashion', 'london', 'paris', 'time', 'course', 'thought', 'practice', 'great_mass', 'people', 'rome', 'christian', 'midst', 'sink', 'iniquity', 'lived', 'handful', 'people', 'faith', 'spoken', 'whole_world', 'emphatically', 'peculiar_people', 'world', 'fact', 'lived', 'populous', 'fashionable', 'wicked', 'city', 'world', 'hinder', 'living', 'soberly', 'righteously', 'godly', 'right', 'faith', 'christian', 'spoken', 'necessary', 'speaking', 'faith', 'known', 'christ', 'light', 'world', 'city', 'set', 'hill', 'hid', 'men', 'light', 'candle', 'bushel', 'candlestick', 'giveth', 'light', 'house', 'let', 'light', 'shine', 'men', 'good_works', 'glorify', 'father', 'heaven', 'matt', 'let', 'allow', 'light', 'shine', 'light', 'world', 'necessarily', 'darker', 'night', 'plainly', 'lighted', 'candle', 'room', 'moral_darkness', 'world', 'distinctly', 'light', 'truth', 'seen', 'life', 'christian', 'blameless', 'harmless', 'son', 'god', 'midst', 'crooked', 'perverse', 'generation', 'shine', 'light', 'phil', 'christian', 'christ', 'representative', 'world', 'world', 'learn', 'christ', 'follower', 'light', 'world', 'receiving', 'light', 'transmit', 'undimmed', 'heavenly', 'light', 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'peace', 'fact', 'enter', 'rest', 'unbelief', 'doe', 'invalidate', 'promise', 'believe', 'shall', 'enter', 'rest', 'prepared', 'completed', 'foundation', 'world', 'god', 'allow', 'original', 'plan', 'frustrated', 'knowledge', 'earth', 'rest', 'promised', 'abraham', 'seed', 'remains', 'believe', 'easy', 'understand', 'heb', 'relation', 'fact', 'stated', 'bear', 'rest', 'apostle', 'god', 'rest', 'seventh', 'day', 'work', 'positive', 'proof', 'statement', 'work', 'finished', 'foundation', 'world', 'gen', 'god', 'rested', 'seventh', 'day', 'work', 'blessing', 'pronounced', 'seventh', 'day', 'restea', 'work', 'god', 'created', 'earth', 'inhabited', 'isa', 'gave', 'man', 'peaceful', 'abode', 'fact', 'rested', 'seventh', 'day', 'proof', 'waggoner', 'alonzo', 'jones', 'editor', 'haskell', 'wilcox']
root - INFO - extracting file #142500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18891014-V15-39-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #143000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18930123-V19-12-page15.txt
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'world', 'john', 'meeting', 'temptation', 'satan', 'word', 'god', 'read', 'matt', 'sword', 'spirit', 'eph', 'faith', 'tile', 'power', 'victory', 'john', 'lazarus', 'came', 'forth', 'grave', 'response', 'word', 'christ', 'john', 'bound', 'hand', 'foot', 'authority', 'said', 'loose', 'dead', 'alive', 'eph', 'set', 'free', 'power', 'sin', 'john', 'graf', 'brought', 'forth', 'power', 'word', 'john', 'christ', 'given', 'peace', 'follower', 'john', 'wicked', 'know', 'peace', 'isa', 'storm', 'life', 'arise', 'word', 'bring', 'calm', 'lake', 'christ', 'power', 'element', 'shown', 'walking', 'water', 'said', 'peter', 'come', 'matt', 'gave', 'word', 'walk', 'sustained', 'long', 'doubt', 'word', 'god', 'placed', 'earth', 'heb', 'upheld', 'word', 'heb', 'renewed', 'heb', 'word', 'come', 'upheld', 'peter', 'spoken', 'saint', 'matt', 'meet', 'lord', 'air', 'thess', 'miracle', 'recorded', 'purpose', 'john', 'lead', 'unshaken', 'confidence', 'power', 'god', 'word', 'manifested', 'salvation', 'suggestive', 'question', 'tile', 'miracle', 'satan', 'power', 'perform', 'distinguished', 'wrought', 'power', 'god', 'word', 'relation', 'faith', 'cure', 'christian', 'science', 'subject', 'present', 'treatment', 'god', 'word', 'eminent', 'men', 'prepare', 'people', 'false', 'revival', 'day', 'jew', 'otes', 'week', 'ending', 'january', 'religious', 'southern', 'california', 'sunday', 'school_association', 'hold', 'day', 'convention', 'santa', 'ana', 'beginning', 'march', 'monsignor', 'satolli', 'permanent', 'apostolicdelegate', 'theunitedstates', 'nearly', 'pope', 'possible', 'country', 'vicegerent', 'come', 'beth', 'eden', 'baptist', 'church', 'colored', 'city', 'trouble', 'pastor', 'time', 'ago', 'took', 'strong', 'ground', 'ball', 'party', 'cake', 'walk', 'member', 'ref', 'sed', 'counsel', 'regard', 'cake', 'walk', 'expelled', 'refused', 'recognize', 'expulsion', 'called', 'parte', 'council', 'matter', 'pastor', 'called', 'rev', 'frank', 'dixon', 'hie', 'aid', 'issued', 'address', 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'steamer', 'china', 'brought', 'san_francisco', 'ton', 'raw', 'silk', 'valued', 'brought', 'china', 'mail', 'containing', 'news', 'great', 'kam', 'fifty', 'mile', 'canton', 'nearly', 'people', 'burned', 'smothered', 'death', 'house', 'destroyed', 'set', 'robber', 'temple', 'caught', 'great', 'theater', 'packed', 'people', 'coldest', 'weather', 'experienced', 'year', 'atlantic', 'state', 'press', 'dispatch', 'said', 'weather', 'time', 'inst', 'steamer', 'new', 'york', 'bay', 'fast', 'ice', 'delaware', 'river', 'chesapeake', 'bay', 'frozen', 'said', 'suffering', 'mountain', 'pennsylvania', 'louisville', 'dispatch', 'report', 'ohio', 'river', 'frozen', 'said', 'ice', 'niagara', 'fall', 'known', 'year', 'introduced', 'california', 'legislature', 'providing', 'employe', 'shall', 'compelled', 'labor', 'consecutive', 'day', 'day', 'rest', 'reference', 'particular_day', 'rest', 'advocate', 'sunday', 'law', 'beenpleading', 'law', 'ground', 'solicitude', 'workingman', 'needed', 'rest', 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'duluth', 'minnesota', 'entirely', 'destroyed', 'time', 'inst', 'men', 'woman', 'burned', 'death', 'tinanc', 'loss', 'workman', 'forge', 'department', 'american', 'tool', 'company', 'beaver', 'fall', 'pennsylvania', 'received', 'notice', 'reduction', 'nearly', 'cent', 'wage', 'hamburg', 'dispatch', 'inst', 'steamship', 'sighted', 'cuxhaven', 'drifting', 'midst', 'enormous', 'ice', 'floe', 'steam', 'apparently', 'helpless', 'boston', 'mass', 'inst', 'destroyed', 'house', 'merchandise', 'value', 'principally', 'federal', 'sumner', 'street', 'fireman', 'seriously', 'injured', 'time', 'village', 'chateaugua', 'franklin', 'county', 'inst', 'destroyed', 'business', 'house', 'time', 'loss', 'estimated', 'thermometer', 'marked', 'zero', 'broke', 'charles', 'lesseps', 'turned', 'prominent_men', 'france', 'received', 'brib', 'panama', 'canal', 'company', 'influence', 'obtaining', 'credit', 'stock', 'subscription', 'pressure', 'great', 'ministry', 'deemed', 'expedient', 'resign', 'body', 'tirm', 'whole_country', 'shocked', 'extent', 'exposure', 'time', 'enemy', 'republic', 'disposed', 'imarrassment', 'time', 'government']
root - INFO - extracting file #143500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18931106-V20-01-page19.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #144000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18940618-V20-32-page5.txt
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'saint', 'primitive', 'persecution', 'elder', 'kimball', 'article', 'series', 'early', 'apostasy', 'studied', 'conversion', 'constantine', 'church', 'weakened', 'subdued', 'apostasy', 'beset', 'roman', 'sword', 'avowed', 'design', 'enemy', 'wholly', 'break', 'allegiance', 'god', 'sweep', 'existence', 'satan', 'dire', 'malignity', 'cast', 'ground', 'stamp', 'hated', 'follower', 'christ', 'onslaught', 'nero', 'described', 'tacitus', 'heathen', 'historian', 'vast', 'multitude', 'convicted', 'charge', 'making', 'conflagration', 'burning', 'rome', 'hating', 'human_race', 'persecution', 'followed', 'domitian', 'trajan', 'hadrian', 'marcus', 'aurelius', 'emperor', 'reign', 'war', 'earthquake', 'inundation', 'famine', 'pestilence', 'swept', 'empire', 'recovered', 'fulfilling', 'christ', 'word', 'matt', 'hated', 'christian', 'impiety', 'rendering', 'allegiance', 'god', 'held', 'cause', 'great', 'disaster', 'septimius', 'severus', 'persecution', 'tile', 'reign', 'caracalla', 'decjus', 'reign', 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'prohibited', 'clergy', 'laity', 'eating', 'jew', 'lastly', 'imperious', 'sovereign', 'opened', 'quiver', 'heretical', 'christian', 'begin', 'edict', 'hear', 'novatians', 'valentinians', 'marcionites', 'montanists', 'hear', 'embraced', 'heresy', 'enemy', 'truth', 'adversary', 'life', 'counselor', 'destruction', 'inasmuch', 'longer', 'possible', 'endure', 'pest', 'destructiveness', 'proclamation', 'edict', 'venture', 'wonted', 'assembly', 'end', 'command', 'edifice', 'hold', 'meeting', 'confiscated', 'determination', 'proceeds', 'length', 'forbid', 'public', 'assemblage', 'private', 'gathering', 'house', 'place', 'possession', 'seek', 'true', 'spiritual', 'worship', 'come', 'catholic_church', 'obtain', 'communion', 'holiness', 'catholic_church', 'directed', 'chapel', 'chapel', 'called', 'delivered', 'delay', 'place', 'belonging', 'commanded', 'appropriated', 'public', 'treasury', 'vit', 'const', 'iii', 'constantine', 'pontifex', 'maximus', 'heathen', 'lord', 'church', 'catholic', 'fitting', 'prototype', 'pontiff', 'time', 'burden', 'suffering', 'tombstone', 'hung', 'neck', 'reality', 'weight', 'necessary', 'diver', 'hunting', 'pearl', 'richter']
root - INFO - extracting file #144500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18961008-V22-40-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #145000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18971104-V23-43-page8.txt
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'harmony', 'righteousness', 'required', 'law', 'righteousness', 'required', 'god', 'universal', 'government', 'righteousness', 'required', 'law', 'righteousness', 'god', 'righteousness', 'god', 'harmony', 'government', 'state', 'california', 'government', 'government', 'man', 'obeys', 'law', 'california', 'harmony', 'united', 'state', 'government', 'law', 'california', 'conflict', 'law', 'general', 'pvernment', 'california', 'enacts', 'law', 'conflict', 'law', 'general_government', 'unconstitutional', 'constitution', 'federal_government', 'organic', 'law', 'california', 'law', 'moral', 'general_government', 'law', 'moral', 'theocracy', 'order', 'character', 'theocracy', 'harmony', 'god', 'iles', 'continued', 'bible', 'reading', 'seek', 'book', 'lord', 'read', 'saiah', 'whoso', 'readeth', 'let', 'understand', 'jesus', 'event', 'connected', 'mil', 'lennium', 'lord', 'come', 'raise', 'righteous', 'dead', 'change', 'righteous', 'living', 'class', 'caught', 'meet', 'lord', 'air', 'lord', 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root - INFO - extracting file #146000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19000328-V26-13-page15.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #147000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19040504-V30-18-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #147500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19050524-V31-21-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #148000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19060110-V32-02-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #150500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19100823-V37-33-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #151000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19110425-V38-17-page16.txt
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'manner', 'love', 'usward', 'shall', 'called', 'son', 'god', 'god', 'child', 'earth', 'generation', 'described', 'keeping', 'commandment', 'god', 'reasonable', 'expects', 'son', 'god', 'like', 'perfect', 'standard', 'perfection', 'given', 'information', 'high_standard', 'sure', 'high', 'jeys', 'rael', 'old_time', 'like', 'john', 'baptist', 'satisfied', 'answer', 'indicates', 'prophecy', 'fulfilled', 'tell', 'new', 'testament', 'prophecy', 'given', 'answer', 'disciple', 'question', 'tell', 'shall', 'thing', 'shall', 'sign', 'thy', 'coming', 'end', 'world', 'matthew', 'answer', 'question', 'place', 'prophecy', 'old_testament', 'let', 'statement', 'prophecy', 'basis', 'said', 'subject', 'bear', 'mind', 'question', 'sign', 'gospel', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'preached', 'world', 'witness', 'unto', 'nation', 'shall', 'end', 'come', 'matthew', 'shall', 'sign', 'sun', 'moon', 'star', 'earth', 'distress', 'nation', 'perplexity', 'sea', 'wave', 'roaring', 'men', 'heart', 'failing', 'fear', 'looking', 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'time', 'restitution', 'thing', 'expect', 'gem', 'concealed', 'application', 'time', 'advent', 'great', 'deal', 'prophecy', 'meeting', 'fulfillment', 'fulfilled', 'ancient_times', 'consider', 'inquire', 'come', 'fullness', 'time', 'god', 'great_plan', 'redemption', 'ruined', 'world', 'race', 'knew', 'message', 'john', 'baptist', 'called', 'god', 'proclaim', 'lord', 'coming', 'forerunner', 'messenger', 'advent', 'religious', 'leader', 'jerusalem', 'sent', 'inquire', 'work', 'creating', 'small', 'stir', 'people', 'declared', 'sent', 'fulfillment', 'prophecy', 'isaiah', 'john', 'john', 'base', 'introduction', 'messiah', 'wholly', 'prophecy', 'past', 'great_burden', 'prophecy', 'ministry', 'suffering', 'son', 'god', 'unfulfilled', 'john', 'gave', 'reason', 'identification', 'son', 'god', 'special', 'revelation', 'given', 'knew', 'sent', 'baptize', 'water', 'said', 'unto', 'thou_shalt', 'spirit', 'descending', 'remaining', 'john', 'john', 'prison', 'disciple', 'faith', 'sorely', 'tried', 'jesus', 'deliver', 'sent', 'disciple', 'christ', 'question', 'art_thou', 'come', 'look', 'matthew', 'jesus', 'sent', 'john', 'message', 'prophecy', 'isaiah', 'fulfilled', 'ministry', 'john', 'strengthened', 'supreme', 'sacrifice', 'faith', 'thirty', 'eighth', 'chapter', 'ezekiel', 'prophecy', 'invasion', 'palestine', 'north', 'day', 'mountain', 'land', 'waste', 'year', 'prophet', 'project', 'future', 'time', 'fulfillment', 'prophecy', 'looking', 'ancient', 'writing', 'israel', 'prophet', 'asks', 'question', 'like', 'john', 'baptist', 'art_thou', 'spoken', 'old_time', 'servant', 'prophet', 'israel', 'prophesied', 'day', 'year', 'bring', 'thee', 'verse', 'ask', 'question', 'time', 'spoken', 'propheti']
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'england', 'india', 'egypt', 'africa', 'france', 'morocco', 'deal', 'gently', 'mohammedan', 'question', 'territory', 'far', 'seeing', 'men', 'nation', 'realize', 'danger', 'lie', 'religion', 'great', 'english', 'writer', 'subject', 'africa', 'western', 'asia', 'great', 'morrow', 'renascent', 'islam', 'arab', 'auspex', 'constantinople', 'paralysis', 'islam', 'islam', 'turk', 'different', 'thing', 'islam', 'arab', 'british', 'set', 'establishment', 'islamic', 'university', 'teaching', 'egypt', 'mere', 'stroke', 'opening', 'disposition', 'underrate', 'temporarily', 'depressed', 'nation', 'race', 'culture', 'irrational', 'prevalent', 'mischievous', 'form', 'stupidity', 'distorts', 'entire', 'outlook', 'future', 'day', 'justifiable', 'tendency', 'ignore', 'quality', 'arab', 'religion', 'islam', 'vital', 'nigeria', 'china', 'sickened', 'closeness', 'constantinople', 'ally', 'prepare', 'peace', 'world', 'peace', 'trend', 'event', 'asia_minor', 'point', 'great', 'revival', 'mesopotamia', 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'east', 'indie', 'indubitable', 'arab', 'east', 'indie', 'rebellious', 'type', 'orthodoxy', 'smitten', 'ambitious', 'dream', 'pan', 'islamism', 'religious', 'disturbance', 'thirty', 'year', 'work', 'javanese', 'malay', 'returned', 'mecca', 'having', 'transformed', 'fanatic', 'retrograde', 'belief', 'impossible', 'hope', 'colony', 'djawas', 'nourish', 'mohammedan', 'believe', 'end', 'world', 'second', 'coming', 'christ', 'mandi', 'lead', 'forth', 'islam', 'victory', 'enemy', 'sign', 'time', 'weekly', 'published', 'weekly', 'pacific_press', 'publishing', 'association', 'mountain', 'view', 'california', 'corporation', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'denomination', 'entered', 'second', 'class_matter', 'september', 'mountain', 'view', 'california', 'post_office', 'act', 'congress', 'march', 'acceptance', 'mailing', 'special_rate', 'postage', 'provided', 'section', 'act', 'october', 'authorized', 'september', 'tait', 'editor', 'baker', 'assistant', 'editor', 'subscription', 'rate', 'month', 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root - INFO - extracting file #163000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/TMM19020401-V14-04-page20.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #165000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18790618-V27-24-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #166000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18840213-V32-07-page4.txt
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'said', 'little', 'susie', 'stood', 'window', 'watching', 'drop', 'rain', 'pattering', 'pane', 'wish', 'duck', 'big', 'puddle', 'dinner', 'ready', 'aunt', 'lucy', 'come', 'home', 'somebody', 'tell', 'story', 'annie', 'holding', 'skein', 'silk', 'mother', 'wind', 'robert', 'writing', 'composition', 'table', 'everybody', 'busy', 'aunt', 'lucy', 'come', 'home', 'rain', 'dinner', 'ready', 'hour', 'duck', 'susie', 'knew', 'mother', 'wouldn', 'let', 'play', 'turned', 'window', 'asked', 'mother', 'single', 'copy', 'copy', 'address', 'copy', 'address', 'eta', 'year', 'eta', 'address', 'youth', 'instructor', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'pacific_press', 'oakland', 'cal']
root - INFO - extracting file #166500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18860728-V34-30-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #167000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18890515-V37-20-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #168000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18990727-V47-30-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #169000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19020109-V50-02-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #170000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19041004-V52-40-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #170500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19060102-V54-01-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #171000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19070326-V55-13-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #172000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19081110-V56-45-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #173000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19100215-V58-07-page8.txt
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'properly', 'fitted', 'glass', 'youth', 'companion', 'long', 'skirt', 'condemned', 'crusader', 'great', 'white', 'plague', 'claim', 'custom', 'teacher', 'wearing', 'long', 'dress', 'sweep', 'floor', 'schoolroom', 'seriously', 'menace', 'health', 'child', 'stirring', 'germ', 'support', 'contention', 'antituberculosis', 'force', 'washington', 'point', 'action', 'board', 'education', 'public_health', 'large_cities', 'notably', 'new', 'york', 'pittsburg', 'requiring', 'teacher', 'shorten', 'skirt', 'anti', 'washington', 'determined', 'fellow', 'crusader', 'city', 'better', 'demand', 'bloomer', 'substituted', 'short', 'skirt', 'point', 'met', 'chorus', 'violent', 'protest', 'woman', 'instructor', 'bloomer', 'mentioned', 'concession', 'teacher', 'possibility', 'bebloomered', 'regime', 'awful', 'contemplate', 'equanimity', 'proposition', 'rejected', 'immediately', 'antituberculosis', 'force', 'agreed', 'abandon', 'bloomer', 'plan', 'drastic', 'refuse', 'budge', 'short', 'skirt', 'idea', 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'sound', 'alarm', 'minute', 'tripping', 'bed', 'occupant', 'responded', 'alarm', 'escaped', 'tumble', 'selected', 'tired', 'feeling', 'able', 'english', 'medical', 'writer', 'lately', 'written', 'interesting', 'paper', 'bearing', 'title', 'tired', 'offer', 'serve', 'excuse', 'dismissed', 'diagnosis', 'lazy', 'scientific', 'fact', 'proved', 'exhaustive', 'experiment', 'delicate', 'recording', 'instrument', 'fatigue', 'chemical', 'basis', 'body', 'manufacture', 'fatigue', 'toxin', 'rapidly', 'thrown', 'possible', 'person', 'inherit', 'special', 'tendency', 'unfortunate', 'form', 'manufacture', 'person', 'described', 'born', 'tired', 'born', 'tired', 'fall', 'condition', 'manufacture', 'toxin', 'fatigue', 'rapidly', 'fault', 'metabolism', 'fail', 'throw', 'fast', 'sufferer', 'helped', 'miracle', 'submitted', 'course', 'treatment', 'tending', 'thorough', 'purification', 'liver', 'intestinal', 'reason', 'treatment', 'advocated', 'metchnikoff', 'keeping', 'intestinal', 'tract', 'daily', 'influence', 'dos', 'lactic', 'acid', 'tablet', 'form', 'milk', 'treated', 'cure']
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root - INFO - extracting file #174000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19110516-V59-20-page16.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #174500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19120102-V60-01-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #175000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19120820-V60-34-page15.txt
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'law', 'nature', 'complex', 'realize', 'station', 'sends', 'report', 'hot_weather', 'moisture', 'air', 'station', 'mile', 'north', 'tell', 'cold', 'heavy', 'wind', 'blowing', 'south', 'rain', 'southern', 'station', 'soon', 'cold_air', 'reach', 'cold_air', 'condense', 'moisture', 'produce', 'rain', 'father', 'know', 'uncle_sam', 'doe', 'exclaimed', 'charlie', 'bureau', 'continued', 'save', 'life', 'sailor', 'warning', 'approach', 'big', 'storm', 'help', 'progressive', 'farmer', 'tell', 'cold', 'wave', 'bring', 'frost', 'mistake', 'father', 'usually', 'notice', 'time', 'government', 'mistake', 'change', 'wind', 'reported', 'central', 'office', 'accountable', 'mistake', 'hope', 'won', 'rain', 'tomorrow', 'look', 'like', 'charlie', 'thought', 'returned', 'picnic', 'bring', 'evening', 'paper', 'commanded', 'prospect', 'strong', 'westerly', 'wind', 'predicted', 'blowing', 'middle', 'state', 'reach', 'seaboard', 'state', 'tonight', 'cold', 'warm', 'wind', 'cause', 'cloud', 'disappear', 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'text', 'book', 'common', 'christianity', 'school', 'watch', 'word', 'discussion', 'quarter', 'century', 'idea', 'actually', 'pending', 'senate', 'united', 'state', 'form', 'joint', 'resolution', 'proposing', 'adoption', 'constitution', 'united', 'state', 'great', 'opportunity', 'shall', 'boldly', 'wisely', 'improve', 'afraid', 'iniquitous', 'scheme', 'ultimately', 'carry', 'christian_statesman', 'august', 'rev', 'wylie', 'praise', 'senator', 'blair', 'proposed', 'constitutional_amendment', 'adopted', 'national', 'reformer', 'advantage', 'vantage', 'ground', 'leading', 'objection', 'urged', 'lost', 'power', 'objection', 'tender', 'regard', 'infidel', 'conscience', 'spent', 'force', 'amendment', 'fit', 'use', 'charge', 'invading', 'right', 'conscience', 'far', 'lain', 'national', 'reformer', 'amendment', 'carried', 'charge', 'lie', 'amendment', 'spend', 'national', 'reformer', 'escape', 'charge', 'justly', 'national', 'reformer', 'distinctly', 'affirm', 'civil_power', 'right', 'compel', 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'travel', 'land', 'sea', 'stop', 'sunday', 'indicates', 'unhealthy', 'condition', 'church', 'church', 'lost', 'power', 'attract', 'mass', 'unable', 'endure', 'competition', 'fair', 'railroad', 'library', 'year', 'petition', 'sent', 'roman', 'emperor', 'praying', 'public', 'transferred', 'christian', 'sunday', 'feast', 'day', 'day', 'week', 'reason', 'given', 'competition', 'theatre', 'vastly', 'frequented', 'church', 'parallel', 'elgin', 'ill', 'sunday', 'law', 'convention', 'november', 'sunday', 'train', 'opposed', 'great', 'passenger', 'break', 'great', 'congregation', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'deprecated', 'laboring', 'class', 'arise', 'late', 'sunday', 'morning', 'read', 'sunday', 'paper', 'allow', 'hour', 'worship', 'unheeded', 'sunday', 'day', 'leisure', 'workingman', 'desire', 'church', 'free', 'place', 'harmless', 'recreation', 'amusement', 'opportunity', 'literary', 'culture', 'denied', 'harmful', 'excursion', 'beer', 'garden', 'good', 'deal', 'good_sense', 'word', 'washington', 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root - INFO - extracting file #4000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18931221-V08-50-page6.txt
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'summon', 'customer', 'witness', 'workman', 'proprietor', 'close', 'shop', 'customer', 'frightened', 'shop', 'sunday', 'want', 'avoid', 'drawn', 'court', 'customer', 'frightened', 'barber', 'wronged', 'sunday', 'closing', 'law', 'gratify', 'greed']
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root - INFO - extracting file #5000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18960618-V11-25-page6.txt
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'reason', 'needle', 'intrusion', 'domain', 'federal', 'jurisdiction', 'strictly', 'regulation', 'interstate', 'commerce', 'considered', 'nature', 'ordinary', 'police', 'regulation', 'designed', 'secure', 'promote', 'general', 'welfare', 'people', 'state', 'established', 'invalid', 'force', 'constitution', 'united', 'state', 'judgment', 'affirmed', 'recognition', 'individual', 'right', 'observed', 'careful', 'guarding', 'power', 'state', 'reserved', 'surrendered', 'suggestion', 'right', 'individual', 'state', 'supreme', 'time', 'health', 'moral', 'people', 'reserved', 'right', 'noticeable', 'feature', 'decision', 'matter', 'fact', 'tone', 'employed', 'referring', 'sunday', 'law', 'propriety', 'question', 'earliest', 'period', 'history', 'georgia', 'policy', 'state', 'policy', 'original', 'state', 'prohibit', 'person', 'penalty', 'sabbath', 'day', 'labor', 'pursuing', 'ordinary', 'calling', 'argument', 'long', 'right', 'policy', 'law', 'enacted', 'preservance', 'purely', 'civil', 'court', 'asserts', 'notwithstanding', 'admitted', 'fact', 'religious_views', 'feeling', 'controlling', 'influence', 'framing', 'law', 'requiring', 'sunday', 'observance', 'assumed', 'sunday', 'law', 'necessary', 'preservation', 'health', 'moral', 'time', 'discus', 'question', 'health', 'submit', 'sunday', 'labor', 'business', 'shown', 'immoral', 'claimed', 'immoral', 'ground', 'irreligious', 'inevitably', 'follows', 'supreme_court', 'upheld', 'law', 'prohibiting', 'sunday', 'work', 'irreligious', 'irreligious', 'immoral', 'immoral', 'prohibited', 'law', 'sunday', 'receives', 'seal', 'judicial', 'approval', 'opinion', 'decision', 'justice', 'justice', 'fuller', 'white', 'dissented', 'dash', 'ground', 'hope', 'decision', 'supreme_court', 'united', 'state', 'adverse', 'sunday', 'law', 'fiction', 'sunday', 'sacredness', 'received', 'seal', 'approval', 'supreme_court', 'supposition', 'sacred', 'day', 'sunday', 'labor', 'business', 'regarded', 'immoral', 'ground', 'supreme_court', 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'according', 'general', 'acceptation', 'term', 'president', 'washington', 'declared', 'government', 'united', 'state', 'sense', 'founded', 'christian_religion', 'supreme_court', 'arisen', 'know', 'washington', 'declared', 'christian', 'nation', 'evidence', 'colonial', 'charter', 'state', 'constitution', 'beginning', 'history', 'moment', 'assumed', 'labor', 'business', 'christian_sabbath', 'immoral', 'properly', 'prohibited', 'police', 'power', 'state', 'leaf', 'room', 'doubt', 'attitude', 'supreme_court', 'question', 'sunday', 'law', 'true', 'question', 'raised', 'court', 'right', 'individual', 'exercise', 'individual', 'conscience', 'answerable', 'god', 'abuse', 'privilege', 'long', 'individual', 'doe', 'intrench', 'equal_rights', 'opinion', 'delivered', 'justice', 'harlan', 'leaf', 'room', 'doubt', 'decision', 'question', 'right', 'state', 'forbid', 'private', 'sunday', 'labor', 'individual', 'court', 'held', 'guardianship', 'moral', 'legitimate', 'police', 'power', 'state', 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root - INFO - extracting file #6000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18980106-V13-01-page10.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #6500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18980818-V13-32-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #7000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18990413-V14-15-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #13000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19081028-V13-41-page8.txt
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'shingleton', 'annie', 'bennett', 'olive', 'krum', 'proceeds', 'lecture', 'buy', 'new', 'carpet', 'lady', 'parlor', 'elder', 'james', 'shultz', 'educational', 'secretary', 'columbia', 'union_conference', 'delivered', 'commencement', 'address', 'monday', 'evening', 'presentation', 'diploma', 'elder', 'butler', 'follows', 'literary', 'greenup', 'advanced', 'normal', 'mary', 'barrett', 'rebecca', 'secor', 'ministerial', 'sevelon', 'rockwell', 'academic', 'george', 'brassington', 'olive', 'krum', 'nina', 'john', 'harry', 'christman', 'greenup', 'edna', 'cook', 'elementary', 'normal', 'lelia', 'clough', 'nurse', 'edna', 'cook', 'myrtle', 'amick', 'martha', 'poole', 'daisy', 'weiek', 'music', 'fidelia', 'punch', 'lonn', 'metcalf', 'mabel', 'reed', 'miss', 'blanche', 'spelder', 'left', 'college', 'immediately', 'close', 'school', 'home', 'greenville', 'mich', 'professor', 'lawrence', 'anderson', 'columbus', 'visitor', 'week', 'ross', 'lindsay', 'left', 'town', 'week', 'join', 'husband', 'transferred', 'alabama', 'kentucky', 'conference', 'tab', 'columbia', 'union', 'visitor']
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root - INFO - extracting file #17000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19181128-V23-47-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #22000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB19130521-V07-04-page14.txt
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'preparelisten', 'report', 'thoroughly', 'intellectual', 'essential', 'report', 'secretary', 'general', 'true', 'principle', 'russian', 'worker', 'thousand', 'conference', 'educational', 'department', 'christian', 'education', 'russian', 'people', 'north', 'south', 'prof', 'salisbury', 'credit', 'way', 'steady', 'america', 'home', 'country', 'owing', 'lack', 'space', 'numgrowth', 'school', 'home', 'work', 'difber', 'professor', 'salisbury', 'report', 'foreign_fields', 'ought', 'source']
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root - INFO - extracting file #29000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18690501-V03-11-page24.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #30500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18731201-V08-12-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #31000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18750401-V10-04-page24.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #36500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18890601-V24-06-page27.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #37000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18900601-V25-06-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #38000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18920801-V27-08-page28.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #39000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18940901-V29-09-page26.txt
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'number', 'valuable', 'remedy', 'named', 'curative', 'virtue', 'case', 'shattered', 'nerve', 'simply', 'palliative', 'useful', 'mean', 'temporary', 'relief', 'nervous', 'irritability', 'valueless', 'use', 'long', 'continued', 'great', 'injury', 'digestive_organs', 'general', 'nervous_system', 'case', 'half', 'dozen', 'bowleg', 'use', 'lime', 'water', 'subscriber', 'asks', 'best', 'plan', 'treatment', 'bowleg', 'child', 'half', 'year', 'age', 'suggest', 'cheap', 'simple', 'apparatus', 'use', 'home', 'use', 'lime', 'water', 'milk', 'food', 'tend', 'harden', 'bone', 'bend', 'best', 'food', 'infant', 'weaned', 'graham', 'mush', 'milk', 'good', 'granola', 'good_food', 'infant', 'possible', 'child', 'relieved', 'wearing', 'proper', 'apparatus', 'probable', 'operation', 'required', 'case', 'extreme', 'apparatus', 'required', 'competent', 'instrument', 'maker', 'sharp', 'smith', 'randolph', 'chicago', 'ill', 'reliable', 'firm', 'gruel', 'barley', 'wheat', 'meal', 'thoroughly', 'boiled', 'strained', 'mixed', 'sterilized', 'cow', 'milk', 'yes', 'yes', 'recommend', 'sanitarium', 'infant', 'food', 'manufactured', 'sanitarium', 'food', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'white', 'gray', 'hair', 'turning', 'yellow', 'subscriber', 'asks', 'cause', 'white', 'gray', 'hair', 'turning', 'yellow', 'remedy', 'cause', 'distressed', 'feeling', 'stomach', 'lying', 'gas', 'stomach', 'bowel', 'eructation', 'sour', 'know', 'know', 'cause', 'probably', 'distension', 'stomach', 'gas', 'application', 'rubber', 'bag', 'filled', 'hot_water', 'heat', 'form', 'probably', 'relief', 'drinking', 'half', 'glass', 'hot_water', 'beneficial', 'probable', 'dietary', 'requires', 'correction', 'sterilization', 'milk', 'massage', 'asks', 'following', 'question', 'sterilizing', 'milk', 'proportion', 'salt', 'gallon', 'water', 'large', 'bottle', 'answer', 'air', 'space', 'allowed', 'prevent', 'steam', 'breaking', 'bottle', 'process', 'massage', 'development', 'portion', 'body', 'massage', 'relied', 'specific', 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'pimple', 'face', 'vegetarian', 'drink', 'tea', 'coffee', 'bathing', 'face', 'hot_water', 'time', 'daily', 'valuable', 'remedy', 'possible', 'disease', 'parasitic', 'requiring', 'application', 'germicide', 'relieved', 'use', 'hot_water', 'try', 'addition', 'application', 'zinc', 'ointment', 'catarrh', 'bowel', 'burning', 'stomach', 'writes', 'oatmeal', 'rolled', 'oat', 'good_food', 'catarrh', 'bowel', 'trouble', 'stomach', 'burn', 'eating', 'fruit', 'irritability', 'intestine', 'causing', 'watery', 'movement', 'daily', 'coarse', 'grain', 'preparation', 'avoided', 'such_cases', 'injurious', 'fermentation', 'oily', 'skin', 'red', 'nose', 'diet', 'nervous', 'person', 'constant', 'reader', 'desire', 'know', 'cause', 'oily', 'skin', 'donefor', 'cause', 'red', 'nose', 'intoxicant', 'help', 'diet', 'advise', 'nervous', 'person', 'sort', 'exercise', 'ought', 'nervous', 'person', 'dark', 'ring', 'eye', 'removed', 'excessive', 'activity', 'fat', 'gland', 'skin', 'condition', 'easily', 'cured', 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root - INFO - extracting file #40000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18960901-V31-09-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #41000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18980201-V33-02-page24.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #42000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18990601-V34-06-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #43000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19000801-V35-08-page51.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #43500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19020501-V37-05-page17.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #44000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19030101-V38-01-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #45000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19040501-V39-05-page56.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #46000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19050901-V40-09-page30.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #47000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19061001-V41-10-page87.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #49000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/IR19090414-V15-08-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['fourth', 'sabbath', 'missionary', 'program', 'sabbath', 'april', 'opening', 'hymn', 'prayer', 'scripture', 'lesson', 'matt', 'song', 'remark', 'lesson', 'parable', 'sower', 'secretary', 'report', 'preceding', 'meeting', 'reading', 'man', 'work', 'reporter', 'march', 'unfinished', 'business', 'plan', 'discussed', 'meeting', 'fully', 'decided', 'verbal', 'report', 'experience', 'farm', 'month', 'fort', 'wayne', 'branch', 'missionary_work', 'plan', 'future_work', 'include', 'team', 'farming', 'tool', 'frankton', 'glenwood', 'goshen', 'grass', 'creek', 'greenfield', 'hartford', 'city', 'honey', 'creek', 'huntington', 'ldaville', 'indianapolis', 'east', 'time', 'monthly', 'magazine', 'faithful', 'adventist', 'sister', 'acof', 'best', 'number', 'issued', 'illuminated', 'cover', 'design', 'work', 'care', 'boy', 'attractive', 'following', 'title', 'leading', 'article', 'desire', 'child', 'raised', 'great', 'controversy', 'white', 'evolution', 'creation', 'truth', 'good_wages', 'paid', 'proper', 'person', 'help', 'george', 'mccready', 'price', 'employed', 'assist', 'house', 'zion', 'muncie', 'chapman', 'alexander', 'movement', 'elder', 'underwood', 'sabbath', 'question', 'elder', 'farm_work', 'additional', 'information', 'new', 'hope', 'dealt', 'legislature', 'state', 'past', 'winter', 'home', 'temperance', 'defunerals', 'occasion', 'partments', 'usual', 'address', 'reach', 'indepent', 'telephone', 'number', 'house', 'robert', 'order', 'office', 'aaaaaa', 'haaai', 'aaitio', 'wanted', 'eitisiki', 'reiceieieeve', 'ettefotd', 'akron', 'box', 'denver', 'ind', 'wanted', 'experienced', 'farmer', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'furnish', 'good', 'zine', 'protestant', 'reference', 'single', 'man', 'preferred', 'circulation', 'new', 'magause', 'periodical', 'collect', 'written', 'report', 'closing', 'song', 'benediction', 'sign', 'monthly', 'john', 'turner', 'kemington', 'ind', 'wanted', 'good_home', 'open', 'middle', 'aged', 'adventist', 'sister', 'light', 'house', 'work', 'care', 'small', 'child', 'parent', 'work', 'truck', 'garden', 'moderate', 'individual', 'street', 'west', 'number', 'sign', 'wage', 'paid', 'good_home', 'ready', 'inwood', 'jefferson', 'jonesboro', 'kennard', 'kokomo', 'fayette', 'lebanon', 'ligonier', 'linton', 'logansport', 'marton', 'michael', 'michigan', 'city', 'middletown', 'vernon', 'wanted', 'good', 'single', 'man', 'anderson', 'barber', 'work', 'market', 'garden', 'boggstown', 'perience', 'required', 'pay', 'good', 'brookston', 'wage', 'good', 'hand', 'address', 'connersville', 'family', 'work', 'elwood', 'farmersburg', 'wage', 'rent', 'furnish', 'franklin', 'cept', 'responsibility', 'house', 'gentleman', 'adventist', 'new', 'london', 'new', 'marton', 'noblesville', 'northfield', 'north', 'liberty', 'north', 'vernon', 'oolitic', 'patrickshurg', 'peru', 'petersburg', 'pleasant', 'view', 'princeton', 'corliss', 'paper', 'received', 'religious', 'liberty', 'department', 'good', 'ought', 'use', 'attention', 'sunday', 'send', 'conference_office', 'colporters', 'report', 'march', 'address', 'rook', 'value', 'help', 'taylor', 'seventh', 'chapter', 'daniel', 'elder', 'hibbard', 'emmanuel', 'movement', 'elder', 'geo', 'rine', 'willing', 'elder', 'white', 'true', 'divine', 'ings', 'north', 'vernon', 'week', 'healing', 'kress', 'principle', 'practice', 'pagan', 'papal', 'week', 'review', 'list', 'protestant', 'elder', 'geo', 'state', 'having', 'ordered', 'largest', 'snyder', 'bible', 'reading', 'fate', 'number', 'temperance', 'youth', 'case', 'write', 'spohr', 'indianapolis', 'elder', 'anderson', 'held', 'meetof', 'wicked', 'elder', 'instructor', 'place', 'indiana', 'fifth', 'rocklane', 'meteker', 'rush', 'total', 'receipt', 'anderson', 'treas', 'waldron', 'walkerton', 'west', 'liberty', 'wolcottville', 'wolf', 'lake', 'year', 'expect', 'notice', 'home', 'jonesboro', 'interesting', 'article', 'appear', 'desiring', 'service', 'tithe', 'report', 'march', 'dana', 'denver', 'elkhart', 'elnora', 'richmond', 'rochester', 'wabash', 'valley', 'sanitarium', 'salem', 'seymour', 'south_bend', 'sunman', 'terre', 'haute', 'unionville']
root - INFO - extracting file #49500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19001001-V03-08-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #50000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19021001-V05-10-page27.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #51000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19050601-V08-06-page13.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #52000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19080301-V11-03-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #53000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19110201-V14-02-page23.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #54000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19131001-V16-10-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #55000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19160701-V19-07-page18.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #56000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LB19200101-V23-01-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #57000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LH19060301-V21-03-page26.txt
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'bible', 'study', 'week', 'good_attendance', 'glad', 'report', 'nearly', 'church', 'planning', 'attend', 'shelbyville', 'camp', 'meeting', 'elder', 'miller', 'left', 'decatur', 'champaign', 'bloomington', 'meeting', 'held', 'good_interest', 'bristol', 'camp', 'meeting', 'benefit', 'attend', 'camp', 'meeting', 'year', 'ground', 'shelbyville', 'beautiful', 'convenience', 'perfectly', 'sanitary', 'shaded', 'walk', 'running', 'different_parts', 'ground', 'large', 'pavilion', 'case', 'rain', 'damp', 'large_tent', 'ground', 'tiled', 'water', 'doe', 'stand', 'plan', 'followed', 'dining', 'tent', 'year', 'meal', 'served', 'european', 'plan', 'nominal', 'cost', 'tent', 'expense', 'year', 'tent', 'floor', 'camp', 'meeting', 'held', 'union', 'year', 'season', 'great', 'refreshing', 'reason', 'privilege', 'receive', 'lord', 'blessing', 'principal', 'thing', 'preparation', 'heart', 'come', 'meeting', 'expecting', 'lord', 'presence', 'bristol', 'southern', 'illinois', 'conference', 'meeting', 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'near_future', 'received', 'following', 'brother', 'applegate', 'promised', 'lord', 'tuesday', 'colored', 'work', 'provided', 'dollar', 'order', 'choose', 'day', 'subject', 'change', 'got', 'looked', 'like', 'lord', 'helped', 'place', 'library', 'binding', 'place', 'cloth', 'closed', 'day', 'way', 'glorious', 'indiana', 'church', 'tent', 'company', 'concluded', 'monday', 'went', 'eaton', 'visited', 'tent_company', 'composed', 'elder', 'elli', 'elder', 'anderson', 'daughter', 'helping', 'music', 'privilege', 'place', 'meeting', 'people', 'new', 'hope', 'church', 'far', 'distant', 'pleasant', 'surprise', 'elder', 'elli', 'anderson', 'meeting', 'fair', 'success', 'having', 'steady', 'attendance', 'meeting', 'notwithstanding', 'fact', 'minister', 'city', 'diligently', 'working', 'endeavoring', 'draw', 'away', 'people', 'meeting', 'thirty', 'interested', 'person', 'coming', 'regularly', 'monday', 'night', 'elder', 'elli', 'spoke', 'origin', 'history', 'destiny', 'satan', 'presented', 'people', 'earnest', 'forceful', 'manner', 'pleased', 'service', 'gospel', 'christ', 'power', 'save', 'woven', 'tuesday', 'professor', 'avery', 'parted', 'company', 'going', 'hartford', 'city', 'barber', 'took', 'train', 'newcastle', 'spending', 'afternoon', 'night', 'brother', 'midst', 'sabbath', 'question', 'having', 'presented', 'sabbath', 'day', 'week', 'new', 'testament', 'elder', 'miller', 'spoke', 'evening', 'change', 'sabbath', 'attendance', 'listened', 'closely', 'able', 'pre', 'news', 'note']
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root - INFO - extracting file #69000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19131112-V05-45-page6.txt
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'family', 'planning', 'holly', 'suitable', 'location', 'recently', 'entered', 'academy', 'following', 'miss', 'nellie', 'hinkly', 'fenton', 'miss', 'vere', 'spencer', 'edenville', 'miss', 'truda', 'valentine', 'highland', 'park', 'floyd', 'rowland', 'charles', 'late', 'potato', 'dug', 'acre', 'planted', 'yeild', 'bushel', 'having', 'plenty', 'use', 'school', 'seed', 'half', 'crop', 'sold', 'cooking', 'oil', 'adelphian', 'academy', 'handling', 'retail', 'store', 'cooking', 'oil', 'ripe', 'olive', 'health', 'food', 'business', 'handled', 'tract_society', 'shipping', 'wesson', 'snowdrift', 'oil', 'shipment', 'point', 'mile', 'chicago', 'freight', 'prepaid', 'shipment', 'price', 'gallon', 'holly', 'address', 'order', 'adelphian', 'mercantile', 'holly', 'michigan', 'north', 'michigan', 'conference_office', 'address', 'petoskey', 'petoskey', 'mich', 'president', 'irwin', 'secretary', 'treasurer', 'kellman', 'field', 'missionary', 'agent', 'williams', 'sabbath', 'school', 'young', 'people', 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root - INFO - extracting file #70000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19160209-V08-06-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #71000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19180320-V10-12-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #72000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19200114-V12-02s2-page16.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #74000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ18890901-V04-09-page17.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #76000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ19010601-V16-06-page27.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #80000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19110831-V11-05-page6.txt
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'obispo', 'church', 'endeavoring', 'reach', 'goal', 'october', 'san', 'luis', 'obispo', 'church', 'reach', 'goal', 'week', 'sister', 'church', 'collected', 'fifty', 'dollar', 'paper', 'starting', 'work', 'sister', 'sure', 'lord', 'surely', 'blessed', 'effort', 'sister', 'carr', 'street_church', 'los_angeles', 'received', 'offering', 'individual', 'book', 'wanted', 'following', 'book', 'needed', 'use', 'school', 'principle', 'true', 'science', 'stand', 'general', 'conference', 'council', 'held', 'washington', 'month', 'july', 'decided', 'provide', 'fund', 'organizing', 'school', 'intensive', 'training', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'young_man', 'draft', 'age', 'previous', 'nurse', 'training', 'prepare', 'nke', 'medical', 'corp', 'work', 'entering', 'actual', 'service', 'lesson', 'daniel', 'revelation', 'compliance', 'action', 'school', 'accommodation', 'student', 'organized', 'loma', 'linda', 'california', 'compilation', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'science', 'nature', 'edition', 'exhaust', 'conjunction', 'college', 'medied', 'number', 'teacher', 'anxious', 'purchase', 'borrow', 'arizona', 'camp', 'meeting', 'phoenix', 'oct', 'nov']
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root - INFO - extracting file #84000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18510421-V01-09-page3.txt
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'apartment', 'true_tabernacle', 'containing', 'ark', 'god', 'testimony', 'holiest', 'ark', 'testament', 'refer', 'ark', 'apartment', 'contains', 'testimont', 'jehovah', 'delivered', 'descended', 'mount', 'sinai', 'differ', 'point', 'harmonious', 'exposition', 'cheering', 'glorious', 'sublime', 'thought', 'love', 'holy', 'law', 'god', 'heaven', 'heaven', 'high', 'holy', 'placed', 'commandment', 'holiness', 'law', 'new_testament', 'subject', 'great_importance', 'understanding', 'honestly', 'supposed', 'mmemdments', 'god', 'hailed', 'cross', 'abrogated', 'object', 'word', 'law', 'new_testament', 'doe', 'apply', 'law', 'bat', 'applies', 'ceremonial_law', 'moses', 'commandment', 'word', 'law', 'epistle', 'paul', 'refers', 'law', 'apostle', 'contradicted', 'text', 'epistle', 'speak', 'law', 'reader', 'clearly', 'contradiction', 'law', 'meant', 'christ', 'effect', 'unto', 'whosoever', 'justi', 'eed', 'law', 'fallen', 'grace', 'gal', 'law', 'text', 'ready', 'admit', 'contradiction', 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'ceremony', 'dead', 'year', 'delight', 'law', 'god', 'inward', 'man', 'verse', 'delighted', 'yoke', 'bondage', 'thank', 'god', 'jesus_christ', 'lord', 'mind', 'serve', 'law', 'god', 'verse', 'paul', 'thanked', 'god', 'served', 'law', 'abolished', 'year', 'teaching', 'galatian', 'year', 'sought', 'justified', 'fall', 'grace', 'certainly', 'sane', 'man', 'charge', 'great', 'apostle', 'gentile', 'contradiction', 'folly', 'avoid', 'conclusion', 'epistle', 'speaks', 'distinct', 'law', 'called', 'yoke', 'bondage', 'gal', 'force', 'corner', 'thereunto', 'perfect', 'apostle', 'contradicted', 'wrote', 'galatian', 'dead', 'year', 'called', 'holy', 'relative', 'law', 'letter', 'written', 'roman', 'good', 'spiritual', 'apostle', 'detwo', 'year', 'certainly', 'refers', 'light', 'james', 'law', 'liberty', 'chap', 'hearer', 'law', 'god', 'doer', 'law', 'shall', 'justified', 'rom', 'enmity', 'law', 'corn', 'mandments', 'contained', 'ordinance', 'law', 'god', 'commandment', 'abolished', 'cross', 'remains', 'firm', 'heaven', 'add', 'testimony', 'jesus', 'sermon', 'mount', 'think', 'come', 'destroy', 'law', 'prophet', 'come', 'destroy', 'fulfill', 'verily', 'unto', 'till', 'heaven', 'earth_pass', 'jot', 'tittle', 'shall', 'wise_pass', 'law', 'till', 'fulfilled', 'matt', 'abolish', 'law', 'destroy', 'great', 'object']
root - INFO - extracting file #84500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18531108-V04-18-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #85000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18550501-V06-28-page7.txt
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'clamour', 'evil', 'speaking', 'lid', 'apostle', 'john', 'taught', 'church', 'believe', 'spirit', 'try', 'spirit', 'god', 'gave', 'great', 'test', 'seeking', 'immortality', 'worcester', 'mass', 'apr', 'wheeler', 'bro', 'titus', 'dear', 'bro', 'white', 'brother', 'lord', 'god', 'thank', 'god', 'light', 'received', 'blessed', 'word', 'bro', 'curry', 'preached', 'angel', 'message', 'subject', 'connected', 'therewith', 'good_interest', 'manifested', 'embraced', 'present_truth', 'searching', 'truth', 'think', 'bro', 'curry', 'return', 'messenger', 'truth', 'come', 'jesus', 'dear_brethren', 'let', 'exhort', 'steadfast', 'unmoveable', 'abounding', 'work', 'lord', 'forasmuch', 'know', 'labor', 'vain', 'lord', 'able', 'god', 'commandment', 'sabbath', 'intender', 'mind', 'child', 'follow', 'example', 'braideth', 'given', 'child', 'reform', 'grow', 'worse', 'instead', 'better', 'right', 'worthy', 'imitation', 'birch', 'dear', 'bro', 'white', 'trying', 'roosevelt', 'apr', 'bro', 'brigham']
root - INFO - extracting file #85500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18561218-V09-07-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #86000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18580311-V11-17-page7.txt
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'god', 'speed', 'glorious_work', 'destitute', 'person', 'qualified', 'administer', 'ordinance', 'baptism', 'ordinance', 'preaching', 'brother', 'detained', 'northern_part', 'england', 'state', 'feel', 'little', 'psalmist', 'time', 'lxxi', 'god', 'haste', 'thou', 'help', 'believe', 'heart', 'people', 'prepared', 'refreshing', 'solemn_message', 'prophecy', 'fulfilled', 'joel', 'pour', 'spirit', 'fiesh', 'fhen', 'opportunity', 'converted', 'sin', 'blotted', 'time', 'refreshing', 'shall', 'come', 'presence', 'lord', 'act', 'iii', 'shall', 'send', 'jesus_christ', 'preachsee', 'destruction', 'kindred', 'may_god', 'mercy', 'brother', 'christ', 'almond', 'feb', 'welcome', 'condition', 'late', 'glad', 'cheering', 'letter', 'brother', 'sister', 'hope', 'write', 'hope', 'brother', 'sister', 'privilege', 'meeting', 'sabbath', 'prayer_meeting', 'like', 'precious_faith', 'remember', 'lonely', 'pray', 'god', 'wisdom', 'time', 'walk', 'worthy', 'high', 'holy', 'calling', 'sister', 'hoping', 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'reject', 'angel', 'message', 'preach', 'wolf', 'sheep', 'clothing', 'division', 'think', 'read', 'christ', 'came', 'send', 'peace', 'earth', 'division', 'think', 'god', 'truth', 'calculated', 'division', 'convenient', 'minister', 'acknowledged', 'sanctified', 'time', 'seventh', 'day', 'happy', 'bro', 'joseph', 'bates', 'brother', 'come', 'labor', 'spiritualism', 'spreading', 'rapidly', 'brother', 'important', 'know', 'truth', 'free', 'brought', 'bondage', 'deceptive', 'spirit', 'world', 'thanks', 'god', 'blessed', 'lamp', 'shine', 'pathway', 'perfect_day', 'london', 'quarterly', 'review', 'christian_church', 'lying', 'like', 'long', 'buried', 'corpse', 'air', 'reached', 'lineament', 'perfect', 'body', 'sound', 'shall', 'god', 'anger', 'shock', 'lay', 'bare', 'crumble', 'dust', 'let', 'state', 'withhold', 'support', 'church', 'exception', 'large_portion', 'beginning', 'impregnated', 'held', 'true', 'revivifying', 'spirit', 'body', 'church', 'fall', 'piece', 'sel', 'obituary', 'fell', 'asleep', 'jesus', 'feb', 'bro', 'elon', 'evert', 'round', 'grove', 'ill', 'aged', 'year', 'taken', 'sick', 'day', 'conference', 'died', 'eleventh', 'day', 'disease', 'lung', 'fever', 'bro', 'sperry', 'preached', 'appropriate', 'discourse', 'born', 'viii', 'large', 'attentive', 'audience', 'church', 'deeply', 'feel', 'loss', 'sorrow', 'hope', 'written', 'blessed', 'dead', 'die', 'lord', 'henceforth', 'yea', 'saith', 'spirit', 'rest', 'labor', 'work', 'follow', 'reason', 'given', 'job', 'thou', 'wouldst', 'hide', 'grave', 'thou', 'wouldst', 'secret', 'thy', 'wrath', 'past', 'job', 'xiv', 'truth', 'mind', 'serve', 'lord', 'baptized', 'summer', 'bro', 'byington', 'brother', 'eldest', 'sister', 'searcher', 'truth', 'obedient', 'stand', 'ready', 'forward', 'ordinance', 'baptism', 'opportunity', 'like', 'lord', 'servant', 'way', 'hope', 'eternal_life', 'edward', 'feb', 'castle', 'round', 'grove', 'march', 'john', 'lindsey', 'mcintyre']
root - INFO - extracting file #86500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18590602-V14-02-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #87000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18600807-V16-12-page7.txt
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'live', 'grace', 'god', 'ind', 'def', 'frt', 'irk', 'nnd', 'etanl', 'thousand', 'mount', 'lion', 'hear', 'profess', 'looking', 'keeping', 'commandment', 'reply', 'word', 'lord', 'saviour', 'urged', 'keeping', 'said', 'unto', 'young_man', 'matt', 'xix', 'callest', 'thou', 'good', 'good', 'god', 'thou_wilt', 'enter', 'life', 'commandment', 'john', 'know', 'love', 'child', 'god', 'love', 'god', 'commandment', 'feel', 'psalmist', 'express', 'psalm', 'cxix', 'time', 'thee', 'lord', 'work', 'reproachful', 'doe', 'love', 'rejoice', 'late', 'attending', 'course', 'lecture', 'marquette', 'delivered', 'brn', 'loughborough', 'steward', 'seeing', 'commade', 'void', 'thy', 'law', 'lord', 'heart', 'profess', 'child', 'high', 'god', 'humbly', 'submit', 'holy', 'law', 'patience', 'saint', 'faith', 'jesus', 'behold', 'white_cloud', 'sitting', 'thereon', 'like', 'unto', 'son', 'man', 'having', 'head', 'golden', 'crown', 'confidence', 'behold', 'claim', 'god', 'come', 'save', 'waited', 'soon', 'expect', 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'spare', 'lift', 'voice', 'like', 'trumpet', 'people', 'transgression', 'house', 'jacob', 'sin', 'truly', 'living', 'solemn', 'time', 'answer', 'getto', 'question', 'ourbroth', 'proposes', 'authority', 'claiming', 'time', 'lost', 'echo', 'unction', 'soon', 'vepry', 'apparent', 'witnh', 'clearly', 'manifest', 'carnal_mind', 'subject', 'law', 'god', 'rom', 'viii', 'person', 'decided', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'god', 'preference', 'keeping', 'commandment', 'men', 'fifth', 'day', 'morning', 'leave', 'return_home', 'people', 'met', 'bank', 'beautiful', 'stream', 'wind', 'way', 'gently', 'valloeibtaop', 'tlisempintehcr', 'reek', 'owyaetderths', 'amt', 'hteaannddto', 'soursdinance', 'jesus', 'respect', 'appeared', 'deeply', 'affected', 'expressed', 'desire', 'hear', 'doctrine', 'hearing', 'eharnestly', 'desire', 'request', 'prayer', 'church', 'enter', 'kingdom', 'jesus', 'gone', 'prepare', 'people', 'ask', 'information', 'authority', 'modern', 'divine', 'andothiesrs', 'foorrsaying', 'thatthere', 'hfat', 'obseeen', 'aldossof', 'fable', 'reader', 'answerythse', 'question', 'frequently', 'meet', 'observation', 'late', 'day', 'dealing', 'fable', 'people', 'answer', 'power', 'supplying', 'word', 'felicitous', 'style', 'fillio', 'answer']
root - INFO - extracting file #87500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18611105-V18-23-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #88000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18630113-V21-07-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['the_review_and_herald', 'endorsed', 'sister', 'white', 'vision', 'gift', 'difference', 'review', 'condilators', 'started', 'stand', 'day', 'firmer', 'confidence', 'gift', 'prophecy', 'manifested', 'mighty', 'bulwark', 'truth', 'reared', 'statelier', 'proportion', 'polished', 'brighter', 'luster', 'diligent', 'hand', 'mind', 'god', 'stirred', 'work', 'steady', 'course', 'pursued', 'body', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'year', 'preacher', 'went', 'marion', 'iowa', 'set', 'light', 'truth', 'people', 'place', 'try', 'persuade', 'embrace', 'embrace', 'took', 'stand', 'apparently', 'body', 'refuse', 'endorse', 'mean', 'body', 'think', 'best', 'carry', 'great_work', 'engaged', 'secure', 'object', 'kept', 'steadily', 'view', 'anti', 'having', 'disconnected', 'body', 'communion', 'people', 'turn', 'round', 'coolly', 'impudently', 'offer', 'sympathy', 'pity', 'led', 'battle', 'creek', 'authority', 'position', 'mistaken', 'true', 'people', 'god', 'fitting', 'connection', 'work', 'present_truth', 'charge', 'beginning', 'instrumentality', 'person', 'probably', 'heard', 'sabbath', 'kindred', 'truth', 'erratic', 'fractious', 'leading', 'honest', 'word', 'necessary', 'set', 'forth', 'ridiculous', 'presume', 'tion', 'manifested', 'thing', 'ugly', 'exerescenee', 'protrudes', 'trunk', 'fair', 'oak', 'turn', 'offer', 'pity', 'commiseration', 'tree', 'tree', 'unsightly', 'distortion', 'disclaim', 'idea', 'rebel', 'fact', 'serve', 'basis', 'opinion', 'point', 'professed', 'identify', 'body', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'refuse', 'associate', 'body', 'professed', 'hypocrite', 'rebel', 'alternalives', 'left', 'presume', 'disposed', 'dictate', 'shall', 'choose', 'aware', 'taking', 'responsible', 'trying', 'position', 'incur', 'displeasure', 'brother', 'subject', 'devosion', 'formalchurchs', 'laughing', 'stock', 'world', 'given', 'letter', 'letter', 'capitalizing', 'punctuation', 'spelling', 'circular', 'irrepressible', 'curiosity', 'seized', 'know', 'meant', 'subject', 'devesion', 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'twain', 'flesh', 'according', 'design', 'intent', 'marriage', 'ordinance', 'infidel', 'infidelity', 'child', 'faith', 'present', 'new', 'argument', 'sunday', 'keepmg', 'proved', 'effectual', 'case', 'seen', 'following', 'circumstan', 'occurred', 'short_distance', 'year', 'ago', 'methodist', 'class', 'leader', 'town', 'commenced', 'seventhday', 'sabbath', 'methodist', 'friend', 'called', 'companion', 'neighbor', 'incessantly', 'trying', 'lay', 'obstacle', 'way', 'hinder', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'finally', 'visited', 'preacher', 'addressed', 'follows', 'dear', 'brother', 'let', 'saturday', 'come', 'conclusion', 'regard', 'subject', 'let', 'pray', 'yonder', 'hill', 'accordingly', 'went', 'hill', 'praying', 'preacher', 'suggested', 'decide', 'regard', 'day', 'sabbath', 'feeling', 'praying', 'class', 'leader', 'consented', 'preacher', 'naturally', 'boisterous', 'class', 'leader', 'timid', 'word', 'reason', 'believe', 'jargon', 'prayed', 'favor', 'sunday', 'favor', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'preacher', 'noisy', 'praying', 'intimidated', 'class', 'leader', 'prevailed', 'sunday', 'reader', 'readily', 'sum_total', 'argument', 'based', 'feeling', 'feeling', 'safe', 'guide', 'varies', 'circumstance', 'follow', 'feeling', 'danger', 'carried', 'wind', 'doctrine', 'law', 'testimony', 'speak', 'according', 'word', 'light', 'isa', 'viii', 'bourdeau', 'cause', 'juneau', 'boo', 'white', 'laboring', 'monweir', 'seven', 'mile', 'place', 'week', 'rejoiced', 'embraced', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'community', 'largest', 'gathering', 'saw', 'place', 'service', 'whole_congregation', 'repaired', 'river', 'willing_souls', 'buried', 'christ', 'baptism', 'case', 'immersion', 'little', 'village', 'settled', 'year', 'waiting', 'circumstance', 'turn', 'forward']
root - INFO - extracting file #88500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18640223-V23-13-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #89000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18650613-V26-02-page5.txt
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'course', 'spectator', 'begin', 'think', 'cooked', 'lamb', 'heavy', 'bread', 'instead', 'requested', 'eat', 'light', 'bread', 'cheese', 'bread', 'wine', 'passed', 'usual', 'communion', 'party', 'light', 'ordinance', 'saviour', 'instituted', 'plain', 'term', 'precede', 'supper', 'john', 'xiii', 'intimation', 'scripture', 'supper', 'bread', 'cheese', 'stead', 'hearing', 'account', 'eating', 'bread', 'cheese', 'poor', 'substitute', 'obedience', 'cornmand', 'christ', 'sabbath', 'apr', 'held', 'meeting', 'brother', 'east', 'otis', 'mass', 'enrolled', 'church', 'renewing', 'mind', 'prove', 'organized', 'amounting', 'year', 'sabbath', 'apr', 'met', 'seventy', 'brother', 'western', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'house', 'bro', 'andrew', 'rochester', 'good_time', 'trust', 'assembled', 'returned', 'home', 'absent', 'family', 'month', 'heart', 'cheered', 'friendly', 'greeting', 'tried', 'church', 'battle', 'creek', 'late', 'conference', 'look', 'respect', 'feast', 'tabernacle', 'feeling', 'refreshed', 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'earth', 'despised', 'rejected', 'jew', 'crucified', 'suffered', 'death', 'yes', 'ignominious', 'death', 'cross', 'laid', 'tomb', 'man', 'hope', 'redemption', 'discipies', 'sad', 'reason', 'sorrow', 'heart', 'jesus', 'draw', 'near', 'beginning', 'moses', 'prophet', 'expounds', 'scripture', 'concerning', 'known', 'unto', 'joy', 'heart', 'disciple', 'saying', 'truly', 'lord', 'risen', 'jesus', 'stand', 'midst', 'peace', 'unto', 'afraid', 'supposed', 'seen', 'spirit', 'jesus', 'request', 'handle', 'said', 'spirit', 'hath', 'flesh', 'bone', 'ate', 'proved', 'jesus', 'day', 'laid', 'tomb', 'yes', 'mighty', 'conqueror', 'come', 'forth', 'bringing', 'key', 'death', 'grave', 'let', 'bear', 'persecution', 'trial', 'life', 'cheerfully', 'jesus', 'soon', 'coming', 'earth', 'second', 'time', 'sin_unto_salvation', 'unlock', 'prison', 'house', 'faithful', 'follower', 'abun', 'true', 'happiness', 'attained', 'righteousness', 'right', 'worldling', 'pursuing', 'happiness', 'world', 'indulges', 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'touch', 'unclean', 'thing', 'receive', 'father', 'unto', 'shall', 'tempted', 'saviour', 'earth', 'charmed', 'yes', 'humble', 'fare', 'ate', 'coarsest', 'food', 'son', 'daughter', 'saith', 'lord', 'almighty', 'charmed', 'beautiful', 'tree', 'place', 'lay', 'head', 'sufferonce', 'borne', 'excellent', 'fruit', 'having', 'undergone', 'someed', 'vilest', 'treatment', 'enemy', 'cor', 'vii', 'having', 'promise', 'dearly', 'beloved', 'let', 'cleanse', 'filthiness', 'flesh', 'spirit', 'perfecting', 'holiness', 'fear', 'god', 'llev', 'xxii', 'blessed', 'commandment', 'right', 'tree', 'life', 'enter', 'gate', 'city', 'rev', 'xiv', 'patience', 'saint', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'yes', 'patient', 'affliction', 'approach', 'father', 'humble', 'confiding', 'prayer', 'grace', 'bear', 'affliction', 'patience', 'enable', 'thy', 'commandment', 'matter', 'scoff', 'scorn', 'faith', 'teaching', 'blessed', 'redeemer', 'manifest', 'faith', 'rdered', 'life', 'godly', 'conversation', 'like', 'paul', 'fight', 'good_fight', 'faith', 'lay', 'hold', 'eternal_life', 'number', 'called', 'sit', 'right_hand', 'god', 'let', 'bear', 'life', 'trial', 'affliction', 'patience', 'knowing', 'suoh', 'precious', 'promise', 'given', 'poor', 'thing', 'world', 'rich', 'faith', 'heir', 'kingdom', 'god', 'change', 'ceased', 'bear', 'good_fruit', 'shape', 'foliage', 'beautiful', 'seen', 'religious', 'periodical', 'evil', 'fruit', 'seen', 'article', 'bearing', 'directly', 'opposed', 'great_work', 'religious', 'reform', 'advocated', 'church', 'article', 'directly', 'opposed', 'god', 'holy', 'law', 'testimony', 'old', 'new', 'testament', 'relative', 'fulfillment', 'prophecy', 'article', 'warned', 'avoid', 'spreading', 'truth', 'calling', 'heresy', 'fanaticism', 'worm', 'root', 'ruining', 'protestant', 'church', 'greater', 'light', 'rejected', 'church', 'rejected', 'chief_priests', 'elder', 'trial', 'jesus', 'midst', 'led', 'lamb', 'slaughter', 'heopened', 'mouth', 'agony', 'garden', 'lonely', 'forsaken', 'condition', 'cross', 'friend', 'forsook', 'sympathizing', 'friend', 'console', 'hour', 'great', 'trial', 'voice', 'heard', 'infuriated', 'mob', 'said', 'crucify', 'crucify', 'drank', 'bitter', 'cup', 'shall', 'repine', 'lot', 'saviour', 'suffered', 'murmur', 'escaped', 'lip', 'feel', 'uprising', 'spirit', 'let', 'consider', 'suffering', 'account', 'man', 'lost', 'right', 'tree', 'life', 'disobedience', 'jesus', 'left', 'realm', 'glory', 'came', 'world', 'die', 'rescue', 'man', 'fallen', 'condition', 'matchless', 'love', 'let', 'return', 'love', 'cheerful', 'obedience', 'god', 'righteous', 'requirement', 'shall', 'enjoy', 'peace', 'like', 'river', 'church', 'mean', 'agenties', 'enlighten', 'mankind', 'circulation', 'vast', 'number', 'religious', 'book', 'pertrighteousness', 'thereof', 'like', 'wave', 'sea', 'odicals', 'mean', 'missionary', 'mini', 'let', 'learn', 'contented', 'mind', 'contry', 'ala', 'grand', 'subtinual', 'feast', 'conformed', 'imlime', 'truth', 'applicable', 'perilous', 'day', 'church', 'god', 'earth', 'word', 'god', 'expressly', 'inakes', 'known', 'especial', 'benefit', 'age', 'jesus', 'shall', 'feel', 'like', 'old', 'said', 'day', 'thy', 'court', 'better', 'thousand', 'door', 'eeper']
root - INFO - extracting file #89500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18660828-V28-13-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #90000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18670716-V30-05-page7.txt
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'pray', 'loan', 'cent', 'think', 'borrower', 'pressed', 'pay', 'food', 'rent', 'hook', 'heed', 'lender', 'shall', 'blest', 'sure', 'eye', 'read', 'doe', 'sought', 'lord', 'help', 'forgetting', 'want', 'plead', 'plead', 'article', 'specially', 'needed', 'specifying', 'reiterated', 'earnestness', 'arose', 'knee', 'full_assurance', 'faith', 'heavenly', 'tranquility', 'went', 'forth', 'expecting', 'deliverance', 'looking', 'way', 'earnings', 'fruitless', 'day', 'seeking', 'employment', 'gloomily', 'returned', 'home', 'entered', 'gate', 'startled', 'generous', 'pile', 'wood', 'little', 'johnny', 'opened', 'door', 'clapping', 'hand', 'exclaiming', 'father', 'got', 'wood', 'candle', 'astonished', 'tried', 'banish', 'thought', 'went', 'work', 'earnestly', 'believe', 'needed', 'send', 'voice', 'said', 'painful', 'distinctness', 'send', 'wood', 'dea', 'want', 'scouted', 'idea', 'weak', 'silly', 'mere', 'phantasy', 'brain', 'use', 'succumb', 'ridiculed', 'fought', 'vivid', 'irresistable', 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'warm', 'friend', 'bitterly', 'alienated', 'vain', 'grieved', 'deacon', 'strive', 'conciliate', 'explanation', 'personal', 'kindness', 'trifling', 'civility', 'bow', 'rudely', 'unnoticed', 'graff', 'dea', 'entered', 'distillery', 'old_friend', 'time', 'year', 'proprietor', 'looked', 'nod', 'recognition', 'evident', 'unusual', 'softened', 'heart', 'called', 'said', 'deacon', 'ask', 'tell', 'sent', 'wood', 'candle', 'house', 'day', 'yes', 'sir', 'sent', 'kind', 'pray', 'tell', 'came', 'let', 'inquire', 'needed', 'question', 'went', 'father', 'heart', 'daggerlike', 'poignancy', 'vision', 'suffering', 'wife', 'gasplug', 'life', 'away', 'fearful', 'stage', 'consumpand', 'thick_darkness', 'knew', 'enshroud', 'mind', 'aware', 'extent', 'destitution', 'driven', 'distraction', 'hope', 'mighty', 'save', 'graff', 'singular', 'splendor', 'blood', 'dark', 'red', 'cloud', 'glittering', 'pageantry', 'contrast', 'afford', 'scene', 'horrible', 'splendor', 'ghastly', 'festivity', 'babylon', 'fled', 'closet', 'agony', 'prayer', 'send', 'wood', 'dee', 'want', 'protestant', 'roman', 'protestant', 'left', 'mistake', 'sure', 'father', 'interrupted', 'hatty', 'left', 'mistake', 'man', 'like', 'hear', 'pray', 'knocked', 'door', 'whip', 'andwheniopened', 'indebted', 'relief', 'mystery', 'particularly', 'interested', 'dea', 'character', 'anonymous', 'present', 'thing', 'needed', 'sent', 'sure', 'lied', 'mentioned', 'want', 'human', 'ear', 'questiond', 'child', 'anew', 'described', 'man', 'knocked', 'door', 'horse', 'truck', 'drove', 'new', 'thought', 'struck', 'said', 'team', 'belongs', 'old', 'enemy', 'graff', 'possible', 'donor', 'surely', 'finger', 'god', 'touched', 'heart', 'dee', 'convinced', 'benefactor', 'solved', 'immediate', 'gentleman', 'graff', 'rebut', 'year', 'sacredness', 'sabbath', 'openly', 'violated', 'brisk', 'trade', 'fish', 'boatman', 'sailor', 'friend', 'engaged', 'desecration', 'potent', 'influence', 'thought', 'risking', 'interference', 'dea', 'man', 'place', 'man', 'moral_courage', 'determined', 'stop', 'iniquity', 'friend', 'warned', 'life', 'endangered', 'afterward', 'brother', 'deacon', 'walk', 'wharf', 'sabbath', 'morning', 'ascertain', 'broke', 'law', 'traffic', 'day', 'men', 'swore', 'like', 'fiend', 'fired', 'dwelling', 'different_times', 'bound', 'oath', 'kill', 'feared', 'presence', 'approach', 'store', 'sorted', 'customer', 'closed', 'celerity', 'specie', 'sabbath', 'breaking', 'length', 'broken', 'hair', 'breadth', 'escape', 'dea', 'compatriot', 'authority', 'shamed', 'turn', 'fail', 'sucinto', 'action', 'fearless', 'zeal', 'brutal', 'drunkenness', 'sailor', 'degradation', 'suffering', 'family', 'dea', 'enterprise', 'brought', 'contact', 'opened', 'eye', 'evil', 'liquor_traffic', 'turning', 'sabbath', 'reform', 'legcl', 'authority', 'known', 'temperance', 'advocate', 'need', 'called', 'man', 'luck', 'favorite', 'fortune', 'luck', 'like', 'pluck', 'fortune', 'favor', 'indiflerent', 'fortune', 'foolish', 'morning', 'clock', 'busy', 'work', 'suddenly', 'voice', 'men', 'watch', 'chance', 'man', 'chacnes', 'wait', 'turn', 'cross', 'christ', 'centre', 'tends', 'summary', 'history', 'universe']
root - INFO - extracting file #90500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18680225-V31-11-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #91000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18681124-V32-22-page8.txt
root - INFO - ['providence', 'permitting', 'meet', 'church', 'bunker', 'hill', 'mich', 'sabbath', 'day', 'nov', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'vora', 'moe', 'attvity', 'uala', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'day', 'nov', 'air', 'having', 'moved', 'greenville', 'friend', 'address', 'battle', 'creek', 'known', 'review', 'home', 'wish', 'correspond', 'direct', 'address', 'place', 'appointment', 'season', 'letter', 'reach', 'leave', 'james', 'white', 'ellen', 'white', 'appointment', 'consequence', 'appointment', 'reaching', 'office', 'season', 'meeting', 'south', 'norridgewock', 'nearly', 'failure', 'far', 'scattered', 'brother', 'concerned', 'decide', 'remain', 'week', 'necessary', 'change', 'portland', 'meeting', 'week', 'later', 'rhode', 'island', 'meeting', 'week', 'later', 'arrange', 'meet', 'brother', 'follows', 'portland', 'nov', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'dec', 'curtis', 'corner', 'dec', 'james', 'white', 'ellen', 'white', 'norridgewock', 'nov', 'proposed', 'meeting', 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root - INFO - extracting file #91500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18700208-V35-07-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #92000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18710411-V37-17-page6.txt
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'district', 'cal', 'march', 'pennsylvania', 'report', 'closed', 'nov', 'nov', 'commenced', 'meeting', 'hornby', 'held', 'meeting', 'young_person', 'embraced', 'christ', 'truth', 'mean', 'effort', 'promise', 'valuable', 'member', 'church', 'wish', 'baptized', 'wait', 'anxiety', 'messenger', 'christ', 'come', 'administer', 'sacred', 'ordinance', 'sabbath', 'dec', 'attended', 'monthly', 'meeting', 'allegany', 'church', 'dec', 'held', 'meeting', 'voorhees', 'hill', 'enjoyed', 'excellent', 'liberty', 'spoke', 'cor', 'preach', 'christ_jesus', 'lord', 'servant', 'jesus', 'sake', 'spirit', 'lord', 'rest', 'congregation', 'strong', 'prejudice', 'melted', 'away', 'like', 'snow', 'warm', 'ray', 'sun', 'dec', 'attended', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'ulysses', 'church', 'season', 'long', 'remembered', 'favored', 'privilege', 'attending', 'blessing', 'god', 'rested', 'adventist', 'preacher', 'advocate', 'sabbath', 'doctrine', 'deeply', 'affected', 'celebrated', 'ordinance', 'lord', 'house', 'cherish', 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'march', 'ended', 'question', 'shaped', 'proposition', 'resolved', 'scripture', 'teach', 'sabbath', 'creation', 'binding', 'men', 'time', 'eld', 'canright', 'affirmed', 'eld', 'evans', 'denied', 'resolved', 'scripture', 'teach', 'day', 'week', 'sabbath', 'resurrection', 'christ', 'eld', 'evans', 'affirmed', 'eld', 'canright', 'denied', 'day', 'consumed', 'question', 'attendance', 'discussion', 'usual', 'reason', 'hild', 'month', 'anticipation', 'second', 'eld', 'evans', 'acknowledged', 'champion', 'question', 'iowa', 'position', 'question', 'mainly', 'follows', 'creation_week', 'seven', 'thousand', 'year', 'long', 'mean', 'common', 'day', 'argued', 'position', 'pet', 'showing', 'chapter', 'peter', 'speaking', 'creation', 'secondly', 'sabbath', 'creation', 'fact', 'blessing', 'sanctifying', 'place', 'year', 'year', 'sabbath', 'place', 'took', 'position', 'commandment', 'ceremonial_law', 'passed', 'away', 'cross', 'expansion', 'law', 'source', 'idolatry', 'jew', 'necessity', 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'chil', 'adam', 'bequeath', 'posterity', 'possessed', 'forfeited', 'dominion', 'inheritance', 'possessed', 'little', 'accordingly', 'scripture', 'point', 'given', 'adam', 'ground', 'hope', 'inheritance', 'adam', 'faith', 'covenant', 'death', 'life', 'brief', 'possession', 'little', 'world', 'sorrow', 'ending', 'darkness', 'grne', 'gift', 'earth', 'referred', 'text', 'granted', 'adam', 'matter', 'deep', 'abiding', 'historically', 'hope', 'god', 'gave', 'unto', 'father', 'word', 'abram', 'chap', 'lot', 'separated', 'choosing', 'fertile', 'watered', 'plain', 'sodom', 'lord', 'said', 'unto', 'abram', 'lot', 'separated', 'lift', 'thine_eyes', 'look', 'place', 'thou_art', 'northward', 'southward', 'passage', 'quoted', 'proverb', 'righteous', 'shall', 'recompensed', 'dren', 'explicit', 'decisive', 'obedient', 'came', 'land', 'canaan', 'sichem', 'lord', 'appeared', 'unto', 'abram', 'said', 'unto', 'thy_seed', 'land', 'builded', 'altar', 'unto', 'lord', 'appeared', 'unto', 'verse', 'noticed', 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'nigh', 'breaking', 'clung', 'unto', 'promise', 'given', 'balm', 'aching', 'tittle', 'night', 'cease', 'weeping', 'faith', 'glad', 'smile', 'tht', 'good_fight', 'valiant', 'jesus', 'cometh', 'little', 'advent', 'christian', 'time', 'arse', 'thee', 'god', 'lord', 'jostle', 'christ', 'bell', 'thelatek', 'dead', 'hie', 'appearing', 'hie', 'aon', 'tlie', 'worm', 'tiin', 'ematio', 'benevolenoz', 'bible', 'plan', 'supportino', 'ministry', 'eli', 'canrdait', 'concluded', 'man', 'rob', 'god', 'robbed', 'robbed', 'thee', 'offering', 'cursed', 'curse', 'robbed', 'whole_nation', 'bring', 'tithe', 'storehouse', 'house', 'prove', 'herewith', 'lord', 'host', 'open', 'heaven', 'pour', 'blessing', 'shall', 'room', 'receive', 'nal', 'lord', 'thou', 'ltnot', 'delay', 'offer', 'thy', 'ripe', 'thy', 'liquor', 'born', 'shalt_thou', 'unto', 'likee', 'shalt_thou', 'thine', 'thy', 'sheep', 'thou_shalt', 'delay', 'offer', 'fruit', 'shall', 'putting', 'waiting', 'self', 'nit', 'sheep', 'required', 'honor', 'lord', 'fruit', 'increase', 'paul', 'recognizes', 'principle', 'instruction', 'christian_church', 'day', 'week', 'let', 'lay', 'store', 'god', 'hath', 'prospered', 'gathering', 'come', 'cor', 'god', 'great', 'god', 'jealous', 'god', 'jealous', 'honor', 'freely', 'bestows', 'blessing', 'creature', 'honored', 'requires', 'shall', 'recognize', 'authority', 'goodness', 'bringing', 'offering', 'use', 'certainly', 'reasonable', 'honor', 'god', 'bring', 'blessing', 'bretheren', 'liable', 'let', 'selfishness', 'covetousness', 'come', 'rob', 'god', 'pledge', 'intend', 'year', 'instead', 'making', 'fruit', 'delay', 'matter', 'till', 'year', 'serve', 'lord', 'debt', 'come', 'food', 'clothing', 'want', 'wish', 'met', 'hour', 'manage', 'grudgingly', 'squeeze', 'lord', 'save', 'guilty', 'conscience', 'entirely', 'wrong', 'free', 'spirit', 'confidence', 'god', 'blessing', 'year', 'let', 'honor', 'god', 'ible', 'let', 'commence', 'day', 'january', 'day', 'week', 'day', 'month', 'apart', 'lord', 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'bountiful', 'eye', 'shall', 'order', 'attain', 'great', 'blessed', 'giveth', 'iris', 'bread', 'object', 'giving', 'cheerfully', 'poor', 'prov', 'giveth', 'unand', 'liberally', 'according', 'mean', 'flee', 'giving', 'stingily', 'grudgingly', 'marked', 'lord', 'paul', 'distinctly']
root - INFO - extracting file #94500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18770510-V49-19-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #95000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18780801-V52-06-page2.txt
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'confident', 'think', 'small', 'business', 'masdescend', 'notice', 'such_things', 'conare', 'great', 'somebody', 'pas', 'little', 'use', 'lord', 'use', 'men', 'apt', 'proud', 'little', 'success', 'christian', 'like', 'christ', 'bracelet', 'dangerous', 'christian', 'existence', 'admonished', 'limit', 'text', 'condemn', 'poor', 'brain', 'begin', 'swim', 'think', 'lord', 'hardly', 'meet', 'little', 'encouragement', 'swell', 'duty', 'follow', 'lay', 'line', 'distinction', 'wonderful', 'people', 'expect', 'humble', 'trying', 'imitate', 'everybody', 'fall', 'worship', 'thems', 'instead', 'dishonoring', 'profession', 'god', 'use', 'set', 'sake', 'securing', 'influence', 'table', 'vessel', 'way', 'called', 'men', 'high', 'circle', 'redefiled', 'member', 'highly', 'esteemed', 'purity', 'man', 'men', 'abo', 'mina', 'instructing', 'people', 'know', 'excess', 'jewel', 'let', 'conscience', 'guide', 'matter', 'bible', 'conscience', 'tremble', 'lord', 'word', 'seek', 'vessel', 'unto', 'honor', 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root - INFO - extracting file #95500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18791002-V54-15-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #96000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18800624-V56-01-page16.txt
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'examiner', 'chronicle', 'sternly', 'rebuke', 'class', 'preacher', 'substitute', 'eccentricity', 'earnestness', 'truly', 'saying', 'glance', 'special', 'sunday', 'notice', 'daily', 'newspaper', 'sicken', 'heart', 'average', 'christian', 'recent', 'saturday', 'morning', 'new', 'york', 'minister', 'advertised', 'sermon', 'subject', 'divine', 'photograph', 'heaven', 'special', 'police', 'moody', 'appears', 'preaching', 'lot', 'vulgar', 'common', 'language', 'understood', 'christian', 'yorker', 'recently', 'instanced', 'sensationalist', 'preacher', 'theme', 'heavenly', 'suitor', 'founded', 'text', 'lydia', 'heart', 'lord', 'opened', 'come', 'announcement', 'sermon', 'subject', 'model', 'walker', 'asyou', 'pedestrian', 'enoch', 'walked', 'god', 'clearly', 'reverend', 'harlequin', 'pantaloon', 'perished', 'earth', 'ifitiatinfuttuf', 'preach', 'saying', 'kingdom', 'heaven', 'hand', 'matt', 'connection', 'district', 'quarterly', 'meetingat', 'lancaster', 'july', 'designed', 'hold', 'health', 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root - INFO - extracting file #97000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18810920-V58-13-page9.txt
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'represent', 'annual_meeting', 'state', 'collected', 'different', 'treasurer', 'properly', 'transferred', 'brought', 'meeting', 'delegate', 'convenient', 'send', 'state', 'treasurer', 'brother', 'sister', 'particular', 'prompt', 'paying', 'tithe', 'officer', 'careful', 'transferring', 'money', 'hope', 'year', 'able', 'people', 'place', 'interested', 'looking', 'forward', 'anticipation', 'return', 'dren', 'bro', 'barrow', 'irasburg', 'settle', 'account', 'free', 'debt', 'year', 'hope', 'help', 'year', 'meeting', 'equally', 'good', 'saying', 'great', 'deal', 'need', 'benefit', 'meeting', 'little', 'preaching', 'time', 'fully', 'occupied', 'labor', 'glad', 'want', 'meet', 'camp', 'warrensburg', 'labor', 'prosperity', 'cause', 'hope', 'friend', 'cause', 'strong_effort', 'come', 'meeting', 'glad', 'report', 'tract', 'missionary', 'companion', 'baptized', 'bro', 'white', 'year', 'sabbath', 'following', 'death', 'memorial', 'service', 'held', 'church', 'preacher', 'stand', 'camp_ground', 'becomingly', 'draped', 'mourning', 'meeting', 'mourning', 'heart', 'referred', 'great', 'bereavement', 'afflicted', 'sister', 'white', 'child', 'cause', 'heart', 'sad', 'think', 'shall', 'congregation', 'read', 'pen', 'hear', 'lip', 'stirring', 'sanctifying', 'saving', 'truth', 'loved', 'defended', 'long', 'ably', 'lifegiver', 'coming', 'saint', 'meet', 'meet', 'sever', 'hutchins', 'director', 'district', 'secretary', 'librarian', 'prompt', 'attending', 'duty', 'local', 'society', 'reported', 'district', 'secretary', 'immediately', 'meeting', 'sunday', 'oct', 'district', 'secretary', 'report', 'state_secretary', 'immediately', 'district', 'meeting', 'district', 'quarterly', 'meeting', 'district', 'secretary', 'summarize', 'report', 'forward', 'money', 'received', 'state_secretary', 'hope', 'officer', 'campiground', 'ready', 'business', 'clock', 'wednesday', 'oct', 'ready', 'season', 'kilgore', 'pres']
root - INFO - extracting file #97500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18820516-V59-20-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #98000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18830102-V60-01-page16.txt
root - INFO - ['review_and_herald', 'vol', 'gulf', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'january', 'special_attention', 'called', 'new', 'premium', 'offer', 'subscriber', 'youth', 'instructor', 'new', 'advertisement', 'page', 'set', 'young_people', 'work', 'canvassing', 'happy', 'present', 'week', 'excellent', 'sermon', 'tyng', 'kingdom', 'god', 'kindgom', 'soon', 'succeed', 'earthly', 'government', 'perusal', 'reader', 'anxious', 'remainder', 'given', 'week', 'copy', 'sent', 'mission', 'time', 'work', 'begin', 'best', 'record', 'direction', 'read', 'following', 'liberal', 'offer', 'liberal', 'premium', 'offer', 'review_and_herald', 'publisher', 'desire', 'add', 'thousand', 'new_subscribers', 'list', 'month', 'end', 'following', 'liberal', 'offer', 'new', 'subscriber', 'furnish', 'church', 'nearer', 'residence', 'object', 'church', 'roll', 'represent', 'nearly', 'possible', 'actual', 'working', 'force', 'conference', 'opposed', 'practice', 'prevalent', 'place', 'granting', 'license', 'little', 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root - INFO - extracting file #101000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18860907-V63-36-page13.txt
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'forward', 'prayer', 'fifty', 'seeking', 'conversion', 'time', 'spirit', 'lord', 'present', 'manifested', 'deep', 'heart', 'felt', 'confession', 'tear', 'penitence', 'flowed', 'freely', 'monday', 'labor', 'resumed', 'twentyseven', 'willing_souls', 'baptized', 'eld', 'john', 'wilson', 'suitable_place', 'baptism', 'reasonable', 'distance', 'camp', 'font', 'occasion', 'water', 'supplied', 'spring', 'ground', 'town', 'midlothian', 'furnished', 'water', 'drawn', 'spring', 'labor', 'bestowed', 'scandinavian', 'present', 'eld', 'john', 'wilson', 'assisted', 'english', 'preaching', 'service', 'bro', 'bahler', 'present', 'took', 'charge', 'health', 'temperance', 'sodety', 'business_meetings', 'harmonious', 'finance', 'good_condition', 'tract', 'missionary_work', 'canvassing', 'work', 'prospering', 'worker', 'expect', 'deliver', 'book', 'fall', 'bro', 'hayen', 'elected', 'president', 'tract_society', 'act', 'state_agent', 'coming', 'year', 'bro', 'greer', 'reelected', 'president', 'conference', 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root - INFO - extracting file #101500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18870426-V64-17-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #102000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18871206-V64-48-page2.txt
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'russia', 'english', 'policy', 'east', 'pivot', 'defense', 'constantinople', 'british', 'exclusion', 'russia', 'outlet', 'mediterranean', 'policy', 'vigorously', 'attacked', 'promoter', 'pro', 'russian', 'movement', 'boldly', 'assail', 'turkish', 'government', 'europe', 'asia', 'fatal', 'human', 'progress', 'injurious', 'british', 'england', 'shown', 'power', 'think', 'worth', 'bolster', 'vicious', 'rule', 'pasha', 'great', 'power', 'exception', 'willing', 'question', 'future', 'ownership', 'constantinople', 'partition', 'turkish_empire', 'settled', 'paper', 'editorial', 'subject', 'following', 'begin', 'appreciate', 'change', 'come', 'british', 'public', 'opinion', 'decade', 'newspaper', 'thoroughly', 'imbued', 'tory', 'doctrine', 'conversant', 'purpose', 'tory', 'government', 'london', 'standard', 'declaring', 'england', 'afford', 'let', 'russia', 'austria', 'fight', 'turkish', 'problem', 'disraeli', 'given', 'coronet', 'year', 'ago', 'preferred', 'country', 'undergo', 'horror', 'terrible', 'war', 'allow', 'russia', 'foot', 'hold', 'south', 'danube', 'england', 'resounded', 'praise', 'disraeli', 'forgotten', 'voice', 'zealous', 'follower', 'raised', 'advocacy', 'dearest', 'theory', 'traditional', 'policy', 'party', 'marquis', 'salisbury', 'willing', 'forget', 'shard', 'took', 'carrying', 'disraeli', 'project', 'englishman', 'beginning', 'length', 'real_interest', 'quarrel', 'appreciate', 'hand', 'tied', 'result', 'mistaken', 'statesmanship', 'left', 'europe', 'virtually', 'friendless', 'constantinople', 'importance', 'jerusalem', 'egypt', 'turkey', 'key', 'asiatic', 'possession', 'view', 'impending', 'crisis', 'east', 'declaration', 'solomon', 'thou', 'knowest', 'day', 'bring', 'forth', 'pertinent', 'aphorism', 'prophecy', 'declare', 'time', 'michael', 'shall', 'stand', 'god', 'people', 'written', 'book', 'life', 'replied', 'coming', 'knocked', 'went', 'fot', 'grew', 'angry', 'opened', 'door', 'coming', 'twei', 'sleepy', 'voice', 'rubb', 'want', 'sir', 'theft', 'yer', 'pardon', 'hearing', 'knock', 'sleep', 'toi', 'hear', 'habit', 'length', 'die', 'sleeper', 'god', 'judge', 'man', 'idle', 'answer']
root - INFO - extracting file #102500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18880710-V65-28-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #103000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18890226-V66-09-page10.txt
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'course', 'blameable', 'great_sin', 'misrepresent', 'let', 'venture', 'course', 'recognize', 'wrong', 'withholding', 'fact', 'trading', 'deceive', 'mislead', 'loss', 'principle', 'leading', 'indulge', 'hope', 'prosperity', 'founded', 'fact', 'lead', 'procuring', 'loss', 'loss', 'confidence', 'god', 'real', 'work', 'founded', 'deception', 'kind', 'hate', 'believe', 'confidence', 'founded', 'misrepresentation', 'truth', 'doe', 'anybody', 'good', 'end', 'badly', 'reacts', 'reputation', 'practice', 'years_past', 'known', 'minister', 'report', 'accepted', 'large', 'discount', 'excess', 'untruth', 'acquainted', 'fact', 'saw', 'report', 'conclusion', 'drawn', 'concerning', 'reliability', 'making', 'truthful', 'report', 'let', 'let', 'avoid', 'guile', 'good', 'cause', 'plead', 'honesty', 'strict', 'integrity', 'word', 'deed', 'people', 'let', 'known', 'probity', 'candor', 'frankness', 'openness', 'heart', 'world', 'deception', 'refreshing', 'people', 'famous', 'truthfulness', 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'island', 'christianized', 'idea', 'prevails', 'religionist', 'christianity', 'established', 'law', 'madagascar', 'afterpthirty', 'year', 'missionary_effort', 'time', 'black', 'flag', 'persecution', 'showed', 'quarter', 'queen', 'england', 'issued', 'proclamation', 'declaring', 'christianity', 'law', 'land', 'heathen', 'nation', 'ripe', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'japan', 'writer', 'japan', 'ripe', 'christian_religion', 'heathen', 'nation', 'globe', 'possible', 'christian', 'royal', 'decree', 'day', 'peaceful', 'reign', 'christ', 'looked', 'world', 'gospel', 'established', 'heathen', 'country', 'christian', 'united', 'state', 'america', 'favor', 'legalizing', 'christianity', 'marvel', 'missionary', 'partake', 'spirit', 'marvelous', 'nation', 'like', 'earth', 'law', 'left', 'religion', 'christ', 'placed', 'nation', 'unparalleled', 'prosperity', 'think', 'safety', 'lie', 'following', 'foot', 'print', 'papacy', 'bloody', 'trail', 'drenched', 'blood', 'christian', 'martyr', 'easily', 'traced', 'march', 'age', 'far', 'strange', 'god', 'fearing', 'men', 'woman', 'entered', 'heathen', 'country', 'sealed', 'testimony', 'blood', 'gain', 'victory', 'cross', 'strange', 'way', 'retain', 'victory', 'gained', 'price', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'depriving', 'people', 'descendant', 'pioneer', 'liberty', 'conscience', 'compelling', 'law', 'worship', 'god', 'christian', 'christ', 'design', 'heart', 'softened', 'civil_law', 'order', 'spirit', 'enter', 'dwell_therein', 'experience', 'taught', 'instance', 'men', 'work', 'hand', 'necessary', 'employ', 'thumb', 'screw', 'rack', 'boot', 'instrument', 'torture', 'order', 'extort', 'confession', 'crime', 'differing', 'conscientious', 'belief', 'practice', 'stake', 'death', 'thousand', 'way', 'punishment', 'thereof', 'national', 'reform', 'party', 'taken', 'step', 'christianize', 'law', 'country', 'queen', 'madagascar', 'took', 'queen', 'england', 'taken', 'spain', 'advocate', 'japan', 'ready', 'plea', 'satan', 'entirely', 'power', 'gospel', 'attain', 'victory', 'idolatry', 'superstition', 'men', 'throw', 'power', 'enabled', 'achieve', 'victory', 'rely', 'future', 'success', 'strength', 'finite', 'civil', 'arm', 'suffered', 'died', 'promulgation', 'christianity', 'passed', 'stage', 'action', 'child', 'place', 'think', 'need', 'civil', 'arm', 'throw', 'garb', 'piety', 'adveh', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'qvol']
root - INFO - extracting file #103500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18891008-V66-40-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #104000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18900520-V67-20-page10.txt
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'dear', 'bro', 'lindqvist', 'fear', 'thing', 'thou', 'shalt', 'suffer', 'behold', 'devil', 'shall', 'cast', 'prison', 'tried', 'writing', 'prepared', 'present', 'king', 'concerning', 'bro', 'lindqvist', 'conduct', 'treatment', 'mother', 'presented', 'tuesday', 'april', 'conversed', 'personally', 'asked', 'lessen', 'sentence', 'suffering', 'son', 'king', 'said', 'foolish', 'refuse', 'work', 'saturday', 'astonished', 'sentence', 'great', 'promised', 'stated', 'hope', 'time', 'imprisonment', 'shortened', 'america', 'present_time', 'state', 'legislate', 'point', 'religion', 'country', 'fair', 'example', 'result', 'present_time', 'lenstrand', 'infidel', 'imprisoned', 'stockholm', 'blaspheming', 'god', 'karlskrona', 'bro', 'lindqvist', 'imprisoned', 'obeying', 'god', 'lenstrand', 'blaspheming', 'denmark', 'week', 'time', 'visited', 'church', 'hvalso', 'salland', 'went', 'aalborg', 'place', 'camp_meeting', 'rest', 'time', 'spent', 'copenhagen', 'large', 'copenhagen', 'bro', 'hansen', 'time', 'spoken', 'immortality', 'question', 'respect', 'hold', 'unscriptural', 'position', 'speak', 'point', 'present_truth', 'copenhagen', 'pleasure', 'meeting', 'brn', 'otteson', 'olsen', 'younger', 'brother', 'come', 'america', 'study', 'copenhagen', 'encouraging', 'meet', 'brother', 'like', 'precious_faith', 'gave', 'taste', 'good', 'meet', 'strife', 'went', 'christiana', 'place', 'reached', 'april', 'absence', 'month', 'pleasant', 'meet', 'own_family', 'brother', 'felt', 'praise', 'lord', 'preserved', 'daily', 'token', 'love', 'care', 'stockholm', 'colporters', 'school', 'lord', 'blessing', 'encouraging', 'young_person', 'giving', 'life', 'work', 'god', 'sold', 'book', 'sweden', 'quarter', 'ended', 'like', 'period', 'past', 'lord', 'come', 'near', 'spirit', 'blessed', 'word', 'spoken', 'sabbath', 'precious_souls', 'kept', 'lord', 'sabbath', 'time', 'head', 'family', 'including', 'doctor', 'wife', 'course', 'meet', 'opposition', 'trust', 'lord', 'preparing', 'sabbath', 'deeply', 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'brought', 'court', 'martial', 'judged', 'according', 'law', 'declared', 'work', 'saturday', 'decided', 'serve', 'lord', 'commanded', 'sabbath', 'according', 'bible', 'almanac', 'saturday', 'authority', 'said', 'wrong', 'tried', 'convince', 'answered', 'privilege', 'obey', 'lord', 'want', 'willing', 'submit', 'punishment', 'therefor', 'sentenced', 'month', 'day', 'common', 'prison', 'thistookeffect', 'came', 'sabbath', 'rested', 'sentenced', 'year', 'penitentiary', 'sentence', 'changed', 'month', 'day', 'sentence', 'stated', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'penitentiary', 'discharge', 'navy', 'arrest', 'lord', 'praise', 'april', 'indiana', 'pleasant', 'sent', 'place', 'conference', 'began', 'labor', 'christian_church', 'mile', 'good', 'commenced', 'look', 'location', 'baptist', 'brother', 'sent', 'word', 'come', 'place', 'occupy', 'house', 'ofcourseacceptedthreioffer', 'andbeganmeetings', 'march', 'small', 'attentive', 'audience', 'broken', 'time', 'heavy', 'rain', 'continued', 'increase', 'growing', 'truth', 'presented', 'evening', 'large', 'brick', 'church', 'filled', 'good_order', 'prevailed', 'good', 'attention', 'johnson']
root - INFO - extracting file #104500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18910106-V68-01-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #105000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18910811-V68-32-page2.txt
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'rich', 'poor', 'educated', 'uneducated', 'personal', 'responsibility', 'arouse', 'lethargy', 'carnal', 'security', 'work', 'use', 'talent', 'power', 'given', 'god', 'reason', 'talent', 'small', 'matter', 'use', 'matter', 'man', 'parable', 'life', 'bound', 'life', 'feel', 'care', 'blessing', 'laboring', 'god', 'right', 'life', 'place', 'mansion', 'know', 'suceetsfiffly', 'god', 'ilse', 'whole_heart', 'mind', 'soul', 'service', 'eternal_life', 'elder', 'braf', 'covert', 'indianapolis', 'ind', 'man', 'given', 'life', 'trust', 'bartered', 'away', 'naught', 'sealing', 'bargain', 'tear', 'blood', 'nearly', 'century', 'purchase', 'fraudulent', 'purchaser', 'cheat', 'transaction', 'proved', 'man', 'incapacity', 'deal', 'wily', 'deceiver', 'commodity', 'valuable', 'life', 'man', 'bankrupt', 'obtain', 'need', 'own_name', 'necessary', 'jesus', 'security', 'pay', 'want', 'guardian', 'sold', 'sin', 'adam', 'long', 'hold', 'claim', 'adamic', 'life', 'butthe', 'slavesof', 'satan', 'life', 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'hatli', 'shall', 'die', 'eze', 'death', 'spoken', 'text', 'iniquity', 'possibly', 'refer', 'giving', 'life', 'held', 'man', 'class', 'bad', 'good', 'innocent', 'wicked', 'alike', 'subject', 'physical', 'pain', 'death', 'refer', 'penalty', 'inflicted', 'finally', 'impenitent', 'individual', 'sin', 'wondered', 'christian', 'die', 'passed', 'death', 'unto', 'life', 'doe', 'come', 'condemnation', 'answer', 'christianity', 'doe', 'bring', 'death', 'sinner', 'life', 'righteous', 'reference', 'present', 'physical', 'state', 'wicked', 'suffer', 'future', 'penalty', 'transgression', 'reference', 'adamic', 'death', 'righteous', 'suffer', 'adamic', 'penaltywithout', 'reference', 'life', 'christ', 'death', 'witnessing', 'midst', 'doe', 'prove', 'present', 'individual', 'standing', 'god', 'ask', 'eternal_life', 'pas', 'grave', 'answer', 'life', 'christ', 'christ', 'doe', 'perish', 'righteousness', 'redemption', 'life', 'christ', 'thing', 'able', 'fall', 'asleep', 'apostle', 'dead', 'life', 'hid', 'christ', 'god', 'christ', 'life', 'shall', 'appear', 'shall', 'appear', 'glory', 'col', 'writes', 'know', 'believed', 'persuaded', 'able', 'committed', 'unto', 'day', 'tim', 'death', 'child', 'faith', 'conquered', 'foe', 'christ', 'saint', 'till', 'death', 'sustains', 'death', 'child', 'god', 'thank', 'praise', 'lord', 'testimony', 'servant', 'david', 'yea', 'walk', 'valley', 'shadow', 'death', 'fear', 'evil', 'thou_art', 'thy', 'rod', 'thy', 'staff', 'comfort', 'precious', 'thought', 'jesus', 'child']
root - INFO - extracting file #105500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18920329-V69-13-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #106000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18921108-V69-44-page7.txt
root - INFO - ['nov', 'advent', 'review', 'ahd', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'read', 'fallen', 'asleep', 'day', 'read', 'dear_reader', 'fallen', 'asleep', 'whilst', 'opportunity', 'let', 'horror', 'inquisition', 'remarkable', 'baptist', 'nobly', 'stood', 'defense', 'religious_liberty', 'past_history', 'country', 'branch', 'church', 'intends', 'celebrate', 'centennial', 'separation', 'church', 'state', 'land', 'trample', 'underfoot', 'mass', 'meeting', 'principle', 'advocated', 'drift', 'thing', 'reason', 'thank', 'lord', 'christian', 'people', 'approve', 'action', 'congress', 'writer', 'article', 'truthful', 'stating', 'congress', 'compelled', 'public_opinion', 'appropriation', 'conditioned', 'observance', 'christian', 'sabbath', 'agitator', 'socalled', 'reformer', 'believe', 'compulsion', 'content', 'compelling', 'congress', 'shut', 'gate', 'fair', 'sunday', 'compel', 'people', 'imprison', 'state', 'writer', 'proposition', 'spoken', 'opening', 'fair', 'sunday', 'desecration', 'american', 'sabbath', 'came', 'father', 'command', 'god', 'like', 'inform', 'editor', 'examiner', 'think', 'author', 'article', 'american', 'sabbath', 'man', 'desecrated', 'mohammedan', 'sabbath', 'genuine', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'certainly', 'new', 'departure', 'theology', 'american', 'sabbath', 'command', 'god', 'object', 'meeting', 'arouse', 'people', 'greater', 'vigilance', 'lest', 'congress', 'dis', 'nnul', 'learn', 'following', 'congress', 'change', 'mind', 'present', 'time', 'jubilation', 'beg', 'pardon', 'phrase', 'time', 'wire', 'pulling', 'said', 'hard', 'fighting', 'hope', 'congress', 'change', 'mind', 'writer', 'credit', 'begging', 'pardon', 'wire', 'pulling', 'implies', 'getting', 'thing', 'hook', 'crook', 'quotation', 'law', 'maker', 'washington', 'vote', 'sundayclosing', 'personal', 'preference', 'beck', 'indignant', 'public', 'law', 'maker', 'credit', 'indignant', 'public', 'use', 'lash', 'congress', 'power', 'use', 'desecrate', 'american', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'penniman', 'modern', 'selfishness', 'following', 'article', 'heading', 'september', 'number', 'spectator', 'london', 'use', 'word', 'modern', 'imply', 'editor', 'regard', 'recently', 'taken', 'place', 'outburst', 'strange', 'phase', 'selfishness', 'peculiar', 'day', 'true', 'striking', 'verification', 'prediction', 'paul', 'days_perilous_times', 'shall', 'come', 'men', 'shall', 'lover', 'self', 'frequently', 'alleged', 'meaning', 'men', 'world', 'governed', 'pity', 'feeling', 'consideration', 'weak', 'maintenance', 'fleet', 'armament', 'indicates', 'unwarrantable', 'distrust', 'neighboring', 'nation', 'maintenance', 'strong', 'police', 'great', 'unnecessary', 'expenditure', 'wish', 'believe', 'smooth', 'thing', 'carefully', 'study', 'case', 'normannia', 'passenger', 'reported', 'recent', 'telegram', 'normannia', 'arrived', 'new', 'york', 'cholera', 'board', 'placed', 'quarantine', 'compelled', 'remain', 'harbor', 'communication', 'land', 'complete', 'isolation', 'healthy', 'passenger', 'endured', 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'evening', 'expression', 'approval', 'christian', 'people', 'received', 'action', 'congress', 'regard', 'sunday', 'closing', 'world', 'fair', 'meeting', 'presided', 'colonel', 'elliot', 'shepard', 'president', 'american', 'sabbath', 'union', 'organization', 'played', 'leading', 'bringing', 'public_opinion', 'bear', 'congress', 'persuading', 'accurate', 'compelling', 'body', 'appropriation', 'conditional', 'observance', 'christian', 'sabbath', 'speaker', 'included', 'prominent_men', 'denomination', 'new', 'york', 'mac', 'arthur', 'major', 'general', 'howard', 'tell', 'gath', 'publish', 'street', 'askelon', 'mass', 'meeting', 'held', 'baptist', 'church', 'jubilate', 'prospect', 'binding', 'fetter', 'religious', 'tyranny', 'people', 'nation', 'driving', 'entering', 'wedge', 'sunday', 'closing', 'world', 'fair', 'culminate', 'complete', 'union', 'church', 'state', 'unmolested', 'power', 'god', 'widen', 'life', 'trust']
root - INFO - extracting file #106500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18930627-V70-26-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #107000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18940206-V71-06-page7.txt
root - INFO - ['february', 'advent', 'review', 'aim', 'sai', 'herald', 'good', 'act', 'congratulate', 'religion', 'class', 'world', 'evil', 'civil', 'sabbath', 'plunge', 'soul', 'deeper', 'place', 'voice', 'church', 'heard', 'civil', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'meaning', 'meaning', 'idleness', 'uncivil', 'action', 'drunkenness', 'dissipation', 'periodical', 'debauchery', 'depravity', 'general', 'lawlessness', 'church', 'think', 'maintained', 'help', 'work', 'constantly', 'reminds', 'lawmaker', 'pas', 'stringent', 'law', 'forbidding', 'church', 'going', 'civil', 'sabbath', 'mistaken', 'church', 'mistaken', 'lawmaker', 'learn', 'thing', 'suffer', 'note', 'way', 'citizen', 'wellington', 'lord', 'gave', 'freedom', 'power', 'speaking', 'people', 'wellington', 'city', 'inhabitant', 'capital', 'new', 'zealand', 'located', 'near', 'southern', 'point', 'north', 'island', 'city', 'built', 'shape', 'horseshoe', 'bay', 'country', 'uneven', 'residence', 'portion', 'city', 'built', 'elevation', 'work', 'gained', 'foothold', 'tract_society', 'depository', 'located', 'place', 'locating', 'conference', 'camp_meeting', 'time', 'new_impetus', 'work', 'camp_meeting', 'compared', 'holding', 'large', 'conference', 'state', 'small', 'affair', 'mind', 'people', 'thought', 'large', 'attracted', 'attention', 'camp', 'composed', 'tent', 'large', 'tent', 'pavilion', 'meeting', 'somewhat', 'smaller', 'dining', 'purpose', 'family_tents', 'new', 'good', 'quality', 'camp', 'presentable', 'appearance', 'eighty', 'people', 'encamped', 'ground', 'existed', 'degree', 'prejudice', 'work', 'time', 'gave', 'way', 'large_extent', 'meeting', 'attention', 'continued', 'increase', 'deep', 'conviction', 'baptism', 'held', 'person', 'receiving', 'rite', 'presence', 'mission', 'ship', 'harbor', 'gave', 'character', 'meeting', 'speaking', 'sister', 'white', 'white', 'wilson', 'kellogg', 'writer', 'kellogg', 'demand', 'labor', 'pulpit', 'sick', 'added', 'meeting', 'somewhat', 'disappointed', 'brother', 'expected', 'america', 'corliss', 'colcord', 'belated', 'join', 'meeting', 'planned', 'close', 'camp_meeting', 'arranged', 'elder', 'wilson', 'kellogg', 'stay', 'develop', 'work', 'begun', 'heard', 'continues', 'good', 'lord', 'gave', 'freedom', 'speaking', 'truth', 'brother', 'sister', 'attended', 'greatly', 'benefited', 'believe', 'result', 'meeting', 'impart', 'strength', 'work', 'new', 'zealand', 'people', 'present', 'felt', 'enjoyed', 'rich', 'feast', 'business', 'conference', 'passed', 'best', 'harmony', 'elder', 'wilson', 'elected', 'president', 'conference', 'tract_society', 'close', 'meeting', 'brother', 'israel', 'returned', 'australia', 'best', 'labor', 'missed', 'new', 'zealand', 'conference', 'learned', 'love', 'look', 'father', 'elder', 'cullagh', 'account', 'throat', 'difficulty', 'able', 'public', 'speaking', 'australia', 'awhile', 'rest', 'improve', 'health', 'personally', 'enjoyed', 'meeting', 'great_pleasure', 'acquainted', 'borer', 'late', 'number', 'article', 'sabbath', 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root - INFO - extracting file #107500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18940918-V71-38-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #108000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18950430-V72-18-page10.txt
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'speaking', 'tongue', 'magnifying', 'god', 'prematurely', 'let', 'explain', 'ground', 'sheen', 'course', 'holy', 'spirit', 'occasion', 'instead', 'instructing', 'peter', 'fell', 'company', 'manner', 'break', 'order', 'claim', 'lord', 'established', 'apostle', 'carrying', 'church', 'reasoning', 'answer', 'circumstance', 'case', 'order', 'laying', 'hand', 'secondly', 'reception', 'holy', 'ghost', 'established', 'church', 'come', 'text', 'sixteen', 'instance', 'laying', 'hand', 'spoken', 'new_testament', 'act', 'performed', 'connection', 'different', 'class', 'transaction', 'setting', 'apart', 'men', 'special_work', 'connection', 'church', 'gospel_ministry', 'secondly', 'recovery', 'sick', 'thirdly', 'imparting', 'special', 'gift', 'holy', 'spirit', 'endowed', 'gift', 'simply', 'historical', 'prophetical', 'statement', 'narrating', 'certain', 'certain', 'occasion', 'containing', 'command', 'precept', 'recommendation', 'instruction', 'follow', 'laying', 'obligation', 'directly', 'respect', 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'impart', 'especial', 'gift', 'holy', 'spirit', 'case', 'samaritan', 'act', 'case', 'point', 'simon', 'saw', 'laying', 'apostle', 'hand', 'holy', 'ghost', 'given', 'offered', 'money', 'saying', 'power', 'whomsoever', 'lay', 'hand', 'receive', 'holy', 'ghost', 'peter', 'said', 'unto', 'thy', 'money', 'perish', 'thee', 'thou_hast', 'thought', 'gift', 'god', 'purchased', 'money', 'called', 'gift', 'god', 'gift', 'operated', 'told', 'scripture', 'company', 'cesarea', 'act', 'receiving', 'gift', 'spoke', 'tongue', 'disciple', 'ephesus', 'received', 'gift', 'laying', 'paul', 'hand', 'act', 'began', 'immediately', 'speak', 'tongue', 'prophesy', 'gift', 'spirit', 'common', 'church', 'mean', 'expressly', 'told', 'corinthian', 'diversity', 'gift', 'spirit', 'enumerated', 'gift', 'tongue', 'gift', 'prophecy', 'possessed', 'indiscriminately', 'divided', 'man', 'severally', 'spirit', 'verse', 'gift', 'possessed', 'timothy', 'question', 'special', 'gift', 'tim', 'neglect', 'gift', 'thee', 'given', 'thee', 'prophecy', 'laying', 'hand', 'presbytery', 'called', 'presbytery', 'body', 'elder', 'paul', 'doubtless', 'member', 'timothy', 'tim', 'wherefore', 'thee', 'remembrance', 'thou', 'stir', 'gift', 'god', 'thee', 'putting', 'hand', 'accompanied', 'gift', 'prophecy', 'special', 'gift', 'connection', 'word', 'quoted', 'paul', 'exhorts', 'timothy', 'attendance', 'reading', 'exhortation', 'doctrine', 'ashamed', 'testimony', 'lord', 'gift', 'doubtless', 'special', 'gift', 'ministry', 'mentioned', 'paul', 'rom', 'having', 'gift', 'differing', 'according', 'grace', 'given', 'prophecy', 'let', 'prophesy', 'according', 'proportion', 'faith', 'ministry', 'let', 'wait', 'ministering', 'bestowment', 'special', 'gift', 'circumstance', 'uniform', 'accompanied', 'laying', 'hand', 'day', 'pentecost', 'disciple', 'baptized', 'holy', 'ghost', 'according', 'promise', 'christ', 'laying', 'hand', 'afterward', 'place', 'shaken', 'impulse', 'holy', 'ghost', 'coming', 'laying', 'hand', 'act', 'cmsarea', 'holy', 'ghost', 'given', 'laying', 'hand', 'act', 'look', 'like', 'fearful', 'thing', 'inflated', 'spiritual', 'pride', 'boldly', 'invade', 'realm', 'special', 'gift', 'holy', 'spirit', 'claim', 'endowed', 'gift', 'posse', 'solemn', 'mockery', 'sacred', 'thing', 'covet', 'earnestly', 'best', 'gift', 'ready', 'acknowledge', 'appreciate', 'appear', 'god', 'forbid', 'act', 'presumption', 'stated']
root - INFO - extracting file #108500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18951203-V72-49-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #109000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18960714-V73-28-page13.txt
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'difficult', 'certainly', 'expect', 'past_experience', 'able', 'better', 'work', 'school', 'filled', 'past_year', 'room', 'good', 'certainly', 'great', 'young_people', 'ought', 'privilege', 'attending', 'school', 'importance', 'thiii', 'work', 'realized', 'certain', 'battle', 'creek', 'college', 'school', 'crowded', 'coming', 'year', 'pleased', 'correspond', 'aey', 'interested', 'question', 'calendar', 'coming', 'year', 'obtained', 'application', 'george', 'caviness', 'agitating', 'faom', 'time', 'time', 'little', 'said', 'column', 'review', 'home', 'missionary', 'regard', 'fact', 'people', 'little', 'cause', 'plan', 'suggested', 'engage', 'kind', 'colportage', 'feel', 'satisfied', 'thousand', 'brother', 'sister', 'try', 'successful', 'colportours', 'able', 'spend', 'time', 'field', 'spend', 'large_share', 'large', 'line', 'written', 'tract', 'pamphlet', 'good', 'periodical', 'placed', 'home', 'people', 'result', 'bringing', 'great', 'individual', 'truth', 'brethen', 'sister', 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'june', 'express', 'agent', 'havre', 'grace', 'release', 'bird', 'fear', 'break', 'sabbath', 'tait', 'letter', 'modest', 'title', 'sister', 'kansa', 'sends', 'following', 'expressive', 'appreciation', 'church_paper', 'review_and_herald', 'dear', 'editor', 'tiler', 'like', 'precious_faith', 'writing', 'welcome', 'visit', 'review_and_herald', 'amiss', 'kind_word', 'subscriber', 'thirty', 'year', 'prize', 'week', 'prize', 'bible', 'doe', 'county', 'year', 'time', 'adventist', 'saw', 'thank', 'god', 'husband', 'neighbor', 'faith', 'small', 'sabbathschool', 'prayer', 'campmeeting', 'score', 'added', 'number', 'good', 'old', 'review_and_herald', 'deprived', 'food', 'hungry', 'soul', 'read', 'paper', 'loan', 'away', 'know', 'good', 'soul', 'hungering', 'truth', 'hope', 'place', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'family', 'friend', 'review_and_herald', 'noted', 'foregoing', 'review', 'regular', 'visitor', 'home', 'thirty', 'year', 'began', 'visit', 'use', 'own_language', 'adventist', 'saw', 'god', 'graciously', 'given', 'husband', 'neighbor', 'connected', 'like', 'precious_faith', 'evident', 'faithful', 'reader', 'church_paper', 'kept', 'courage', 'accomplished', 'good_work', 'trust', 'lonely', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'struggling', 'difficulty', 'opposition', 'own_homes', 'courage', 'sister', 'experience', 'continue', 'steadfastly', 'work', 'knowing', 'god', 'surely', 'fruit', 'result', 'faithful', 'effort', 'advancement', 'cause', 'tait', 'etvv', 'lip', 'oeth', 'week', 'ending', 'july', 'news', 'note', 'democratic', 'convention', 'chicago', 'nominated', 'william', 'jennings', 'bryan', 'nebraska', 'president', 'arthur', 'sewall', 'maine', 'vice', 'president', 'free', 'silver', 'wing', 'party', 'controlled', 'convention', 'start', 'finish', 'contest', 'came', 'temporary', 'chairmanship', 'men', 'presented', 'office', 'hill', 'new', 'york', 'daniel', 'virginia', 'daniel', 'elected', 'opening', 'speech', 'set', 'pace', 'convention', 'entreaty', 'gold', 'men', 'straddle', 'heeded', 'majority', 'convention', 'holding', 'currency', 'chief', 'issue', 'campaign', 'skilful', 'management', 'unseating', 'seating', 'delegate', 'silver', 'party', 'gained', 'majority', 'nominate', 'candidate', 'establish', 'platform', 'entirely', 'independent', 'gold', 'men', 'candidate', 'favorite', 'son', 'presented', 'convention', 'prominent', 'bland', 'missouri', 'boy', 'iowa', 'blackburn', 'kentucky', 'matthew', 'indiana', 'bryan', 'nebraska', 'bland', 'year', 'determined', 'fight', 'coinage', 'silver', 'restoration', 'standard', 'money', 'gained', 'cognomen', 'sil']
root - INFO - extracting file #109500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18970209-V74-06-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #110000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18970831-V74-35s-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #110500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980308-V75-10-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #111000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980920-V75-38-page13.txt
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'conference', 'enemy', 'present', 'bring', 'discouragement', 'soul', 'thwart', 'purpose', 'god', 'light', 'darkness', 'strove', 'victory', 'discouragement', 'gave', 'place', 'hope', 'defeat', 'triumph', 'hearty', 'confession', 'failure', 'believe', 'future', 'witness', 'unending', 'victory', 'grace', 'god', 'enthusiast', 'term', 'wonderful', 'manifestation', 'god', 'wrought', 'mightily', 'people', 'colorado', 'committed', 'firmly', 'principle', 'enduring', 'truth', 'past_history', 'believe', 'cause', 'triumph', 'gloriously', 'conference', 'wilcox', 'state', 'compiled', 'state', 'paper', 'illinois', 'lrrounismo', 'lately', 'united', 'church', 'indiana', 'elwoob', 'sixteen', 'person', 'accepted', 'truth', 'taken', 'stand', 'people', 'god', 'result', 'tent', 'meeting', 'held', 'evansville', 'people', 'baptized', 'number', 'including', 'baptist', 'minister', 'wife', 'short_time', 'minister', 'baptized', 'convert', 'baptist', 'faith', 'indian', 'territory', 'coalgate', 'seven', 'united', 'church', 'fruit', 'labor', 'lately', 'forth', 'sabbath', 'school', 'tract', 'missionary_society', 'organized', 'miamt', 'seven', 'lately', 'baptized', 'uniting', 'church', 'result', 'meeting', 'held', 'talala', 'church', 'member', 'organized', 'nebraska', 'custer', 'fourteen', 'adult', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'sabbath', 'school', 'member', 'organized', 'result', 'tent_effort', 'new', 'york', 'north', 'dakota', 'larimore', 'tent', 'meeting', 'poorly', 'attended', 'estimable', 'people', 'stepped', 'obey', 'truth', 'ohio', 'canton', 'result', 'tent', 'meeting', 'place', 'intelligent', 'souled', 'people', 'begun', 'commandment', 'cincinnati', 'baptized', 'united', 'church', 'oral', 'took', 'stand', 'truth', 'deciding', 'point', 'wheelersburg', 'baptized', 'received', 'church', 'recent', 'union', 'service', 'oklahoma', 'kingfisher', 'family', 'accepted', 'truth', 'deeply', 'interested', 'south', 'dakota', 'chandler', 'taken', 'hold', 'work', 'millbank', 'good', 'january', 'membership', 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'decided', 'sow', 'blessed', 'seed', 'way', 'wayside', 'hear', 'stop', 'durand', 'received', 'warm', 'welcome', 'home', 'brother', 'sister', 'holser', 'evening', 'large', 'crowd', 'gathered', 'center', 'city', 'listen', 'preaching', 'word', 'lord', 'gave', 'perfect', 'freedom', 'speaking', 'life', 'jesus', 'came', 'john', 'close', 'theservice', 'men', 'came', 'foot', 'wagon', 'confessed', 'sin', 'went', 'home', 'brother', 'holser', 'spending', 'time', 'studying', 'word', 'life', 'pledged', 'bad_habits', 'stand', 'truth', 'kept', 'power', 'god', 'faith', 'tuesday', 'august', 'drove', 'bancroft', 'warmly', 'received', 'brother', 'gerould', 'evening', 'large', 'crowd', 'gathered', 'center', 'town', 'best', 'attention', 'given', 'presentation', 'word', 'marked', 'result', 'close', 'service', 'avoid', 'extreme', 'heat', 'daytime', 'drove', 'lansing', 'distance', 'forty_miles', 'night', 'arriving', 'seven', 'morning', 'evening', 'conducted', 'service', 'east', 'capitol', 'building', 'surpassed', 'expected', 'decided', 'remain', 'night', 'continue', 'work', 'close', 'meeting', 'thursday', 'evening', 'expression', 'audience', 'taken', 'uplifted', 'hand', 'people', 'invited', 'return', 'city', 'open', 'regular', 'course', 'street', 'service', 'departed', 'arrived', 'charlotte', 'friday', 'saturday', 'evening', 'spent', 'holding', 'service', 'place', 'marked', 'expressing', 'desire', 'attend', 'course', 'meeting', 'leaving', 'clock', 'saturday', 'evening', 'thought', 'stop', 'reached', 'battle', 'creek', 'soon', 'overtaken', 'severe', 'thunder', 'storm', 'glad', 'stop', 'near', 'ainger', 'church', 'warm', 'welcome', 'home', 'brother', 'hayes', 'sunday', 'morning', 'started', 'journey', 'reaching', 'battle', 'creek', 'noon', 'nearly', 'reader', 'review', 'observe', 'fourteenth', 'chapter', 'luke', 'contains', 'record', 'divine', 'instruction', 'span', 'entire', 'gospel', 'period', 'cross', 'especially', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'called', 'attention', 'verse', 'speak', 'street', 'lane', 'city', 'highway', 'hedge', 'applying', 'time', 'dweller', 'place', 'taught', 'harmony', 'angel', 'message', 'answer', 'divine_command', 'gospel', 'wagon', 'started', 'effort', 'forth', 'direction', 'brother', 'butler', 'soon', 'kellogg', 'interested', 'past', 'month', 'wagon', 'use', 'nearly', 'evening', 'work', 'fast', 'nearing', 'completion', 'completed', 'pair', 'horsbs', 'weighing', 'fourteen', 'pound', 'needed', 'draw', 'lawson', 'ewe', 'theti', 'telt', 'week', 'ending', 'september', 'atlantic', 'ocean', 'crossed', 'ship', 'month', 'red', 'bluff', 'cat', 'suffered', 'loss', 'september', 'norway', 'corn', 'substitute', 'coin', 'estimated', 'male', 'population', 'world', 'use', 'tobacco', 'glass', 'window', 'house', 'manila', 'glazed', 'translucent', 'oyster', 'shell', 'crane', 'immune', 'regiment', 'santiago', 'hospital', 'suffering', 'fever', 'various_kinds', 'explosion', 'gallon', 'gasoline', 'cellar', 'grocery', 'philadelphia', 'nearly', 'dozen', 'life', 'lost', 'milwaukee', 'destroy', 'garbage', 'cremation', 'crematory', 'having', 'ordered', 'built', 'purpose', 'judge', 'cooley', 'famous', 'jurist', 'constitutional', 'lawyer', 'died', 'home', 'ann', 'arbor', 'mich', 'siiptember', 'fame', 'world', 'wide', 'decided', 'obey', 'commandment', 'god', 'sabbath', 'school', 'vienna', 'thirty', 'member', 'organized', 'pine']
root - INFO - extracting file #111500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18990404-V76-14s-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #112000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18991024-V76-43-page13.txt
root - INFO - ['advenf', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'sacrifice', 'thing', 'commanded', 'saying', 'obey', 'voice', 'god', 'shall', 'people', 'walk', 'way', 'commanded', 'unto', 'jer', 'language', 'plainer', 'lord', 'word', 'fact', 'apparent', 'clear', 'cut', 'distinction', 'offering', 'sacrifice', 'obeying', 'voice', 'lord', 'notice', 'carefully', 'turn', 'bible', 'read', 'verse', 'noticing', 'context', 'tell', 'burnt_offerings', 'unto', 'sacrifice', 'eat', 'flesh', 'verse', 'throw', 'light', 'steal', 'murder', 'commit', 'adultery', 'swear', 'falsely', 'burn', 'incense', 'unto', 'baal', 'walk', 'god', 'know', 'come', 'stand', 'house', 'called', 'delivered', 'abomination', 'jer', 'hear', 'earth', 'behold', 'bring', 'evil', 'people', 'fruit', 'thought', 'harkened', 'unto', 'word', 'law', 'rejected', 'purpose', 'cometh', 'incense', 'sheba', 'sweet', 'cane', 'far', 'country', 'buwnt', 'offering', 'acceptable', 'sacrifice', 'sweet', 'unto', 'entire', 'temple', 'service', 'conducted', 'offering', 'sacrifice', 'yes', 'sacrifice', 'acceptable', 'hear', 'david', 'thou', 'desirest', 'sacrifice', 'thou', 'delightest', 'burnt_offering', 'sacrifice', 'god', 'broken', 'spirit', 'broken', 'contrite', 'heart', 'god', 'thou_wilt', 'despise', 'shalt_thou', 'pleased', 'sacrifice', 'righteousness', 'burnt_offering', 'burnt_offering', 'shall', 'offer', 'bullock', 'thine', 'altar', 'evident', 'people', 'referred', 'jeremiah', 'continuing', 'sin', 'godly', 'sorrow', 'sin', 'broken', 'contrite', 'heart', 'sin', 'repentance', 'turning', 'sin', 'thought', 'day', 'required', 'offering', 'sacrifice', 'wag', 'compulsory', 'view', 'matter', 'destroy', 'truth', 'lord', 'intended', 'teach', 'offering', 'intended', 'typical', 'christ', 'true', 'sin', 'offering', 'gunderstood', 'bible', 'student', 'proof', 'appear', 'later', 'study', 'subject', 'true', 'enforced', 'offering', 'enforced', 'acceptance', 'christ', 'atonement', 'sin', 'papacy', 'christianity', 'force', 'contrary', 'gospel', 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'territory', 'suburb', 'borough', 'thousand', 'inhabitant', 'stay', 'thirty', 'visit', 'walking', 'lodging', 'meeting', 'hall', 'required', 'mile', 'walking', 'exercise', 'kept', 'blood', 'circulating', 'mind', 'body', 'vigorous', 'condition', 'weather', 'exceptionally', 'fine', 'day', 'sojourn', 'held', 'public_service', 'funeral_service', 'sister', 'sabbath', 'visit', 'baptized', 'sister', 'united', 'church', 'ordinance', 'lord', 'house', 'celebrated', 'precious', 'day', 'church', 'attendance', 'public_service', 'increased', 'hall', 'filled', 'closing', 'service', 'expressed', 'encouraged', 'strengthened', 'labor', 'forth', 'behalf', 'lord', 'grace', 'southampton', 'light', 'truth', 'arise', 'shine', 'neighborhood', 'living', 'unconsciously', 'flash', 'light', 'pathway', 'loughborough', 'liverpool', 'march', 'having', 'recommended', 'general_conference', 'labor', 'england', 'family', 'left', 'san', 'francisco', 'cal', 'year', 'short_visit', 'home', 'oregon', 'went', 'new', 'york', 'company', 'missionary', 'took', 'steamship', 'louis', 'american']
root - INFO - extracting file #112500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19000529-V77-22-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #113000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19010101-V78-01-page14.txt
root - INFO - ['advent_review_and_sabbath_herald', 'young', 'member', 'school', 'extent', 'extend', 'time', 'proficient', 'laborer', 'sent', 'field', 'addition', 'nurse', 'teaching', 'force', 'filling', 'important', 'demand', 'school', 'class', 'receiving', 'instruction', 'industrial_work', 'far', 'introduced', 'performing', 'putting', 'student', 'possession', 'training', 'serve', 'better', 'race', 'study', 'economy', 'benefit', 'privilege', 'student', 'absolute_necessity', 'figure', 'year', 'schooling', 'single', 'dollar', 'case', 'scarcely', 'cent', 'problem', 'mind', 'credited', 'mathematical', 'ability', 'usually', 'attributed', 'people', 'think', 'need', 'student', 'loan', 'fund', 'worthy', 'person', 'evidence', 'earn', 'repay', 'furnished', 'sufficient', 'money', 'supply', 'necessity', 'year', 'school', 'miss', 'nellie', 'patchett', 'juniata', 'school', 'large', 'school', 'year', 'church_school', 'better', 'work', 'attend', 'spirit', 'lord', 'school', 'opening', 'october', 'heart', 'softened', 'prepared', 'receive', 'message', 'brother', 'woodford', 'came', 'presented', 'truth', 'fully', 'girl', 'dormitory', 'accepted', 'baptized', 'church', 'member', 'organized', 'case', 'parent', 'brought', 'truth', 'child', 'child', 'family', 'school', 'accepted', 'health_reform', 'began', 'sabbath', 'result', 'whole_family', 'member', 'exception', 'small_children', 'united', 'church', 'time', 'little', 'girl', 'school', 'long_time', 'began', 'sabbath', 'brought', 'sister', 'father', 'truth', 'older', 'girl', 'baptized', 'hope', 'good_workers', 'taught', 'church_school', 'montgomery', 'ala', 'year', 'sister', 'teaching', 'school', 'good_work', 'canvassing', 'student', 'new', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'good_success', 'selling', 'outlook', 'number', 'sign', 'sent', 'brother', 'christiansen', 'proceeds', 'bought', 'number', 'money', 'left', 'buy', 'tract', 'tract', 'missionary_society', 'people', 'enjoy', 'club', 'southern', 'review', 'taken', 'catnp', 'meeting', 'summer', 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root - INFO - extracting file #113500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19010730-V78-31-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #114000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020225-V79-08-page2.txt
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'action', 'lifting', 'standard', 'enemy', 'rich', 'blessing', 'rest', 'bright', 'ray', 'reflect', 'light', 'heaven', 'multitude', 'faith', 'seeing', 'god', 'people', 'unite', 'serving', 'redeemer', 'chris', 'rians', 'mean', 'business', 'christian', 'hear', 'instance', 'wonderful', 'enerosity', 'person', 'giving', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'work', 'god', 'earnest', 'extortations', 'passionate', 'appeal', 'measured', 'divine', 'rule', 'poor_widow', 'cast', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'men', 'year', 'given', 'life', 'work', 'god', 'devotion', 'diligence', 'millionaire', 'lived', 'self', 'world', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'world', 'given', 'long', 'ago', 'exciting', 'appeal', 'hour', 'lonely', 'consecration', 'god', 'item', 'newspaper', 'great', 'generosity', 'lord', 'recorded', 'book', 'hear', 'christian', 'given', 'jewel', 'diamond', 'pin', 'gold', 'ring', 'wave', 'mighty', 'enthusiasm', 'cause', 'god', 'remembers', 'equal', 'opportunity', 'adornment', 'ring', 'pearl', 'diamond', 'given', 'time', 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'ferred', 'heavenly', 'country', 'zenship', 'heaven', 'saviour', 'lord', 'jesus_christ', 'phi', 'time', 'ogden', 'outt', 'time', 'belongs', 'god', 'moment', 'solemn', 'obli', 'tion', 'improve', 'glory', 'tal', 'given', 'require', 'strict', 'count', 'time', 'christ', 'object', 'son', 'page', 'foregoing', 'low', 'chapter', 'head', 'time', 'help', 'little', 'imp', 'tance', 'improving', 'time', 'mercy', 'value', 'tin', 'computation', 'satan', 'purpose', 'morrow', 'day', 'morrow', 'perform', 'morrow', 'duty', 'failed', 'form', 'day', 'duty', 'day', 'unp', 'formed', 'faithfi', 'morrow', 'day', 'lost', 'day', 'lost', 'lost', 'lost', 'eternally', 'person', 'heard', 'life', 'live', 'differently', 'simply', 'possible', 'earthly', 'life', 'live', 'continually', 'confronted', 'pre', 'present', 'way', 'spend', 'present', 'evidence', 'way', 'spend', 'eternity']
root - INFO - extracting file #114500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020729-V79-30-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #115000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19021230-V79-52-page3.txt
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'salvation', 'sanctification', 'spirit', 'belief', 'truth', 'approved', 'worldly', 'wisdom', 'wonderful', 'truth', 'mere', 'human', 'speculation', 'product', 'research', 'reasoning', 'leave', 'god', 'word', 'account', 'altogether', 'truth', 'falsely', 'called', 'utterly', 'lacking', 'power', 'necessary', 'change', 'character', 'truth', 'save', 'truth', 'personality', 'revealed', 'jesus', 'said', 'truth', 'taught', 'holy', 'spirit', 'promised', 'guide', 'truth', 'truth', 'come', 'way', 'lead', 'utter', 'renunciation', 'world', 'self', 'new', 'walk', 'gentile', 'nation', 'heathen', 'walk', 'vanity', 'mind', 'darkened', 'understanding', 'alienated', 'life', 'god', 'ignorance', 'hardening', 'heart', 'past', 'feeling', 'gave', 'lasciviousness', 'work', 'uncleanness', 'greediness', 'learn', 'christ', 'heard', 'taught', 'truth', 'jesus', 'away', 'concerning', 'manner', 'life', 'old_man', 'waxeth', 'corrupt', 'lust', 'deceit', 'renewed', 'spirit', 'mind', 'new_man', 'god', 'hath', 'created', 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root - INFO - extracting file #116000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19031126-V80-47-page4.txt
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'power', 'truth', 'shall', 'utter', 'helplessness', 'message', 'life', 'power', 'god', 'hope', 'concerning', 'work', 'teaching', 'message', 'generation', 'order', 'shall', 'triumph', 'prepare', 'people', 'coming', 'lord', 'personal_experience', 'messenger', 'fundamental', 'gospel', 'truth', 'message', 'let', 'practical', 'application', 'experience', 'message', 'professing', 'power', 'save', 'exhibition', 'evil', 'trait', 'character', 'experience', 'practical_experience', 'enlighten', 'quicken', 'mind', 'clear', 'view', 'present_situation', 'set', 'forth', 'prophetic_word', 'spiritual', 'perception', 'discern', 'true', 'false', 'personal', 'power', 'preserve', 'amid', 'experience', 'temptation', 'difficulty', 'wind', 'doctrine', 'blowing', 'ground', 'shall', 'present', 'believe', 'foremost', 'minister', 'people', 'need', 'new_experience', 'truth', 'message', 'consider', 'situation', 'experience', 'year', 'culminated', 'experience', 'year', 'let', 'ask', 'know', 'matter', 'doe', 'speak', 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'like', 'follow', 'thought', 'sanctuary', 'question', 'relation', 'message', 'course', 'know', 'word', 'fourteenth', 'chapter', 'revelation', 'word', 'presenting', 'message', 'people', 'know', 'phase', 'truth', 'specifically', 'mentioned', 'word', 'threefold_message', 'word', 'setting', 'message', 'word', 'spoken', 'involves', 'truth', 'gospel', 'setting', 'given', 'sanctuary', 'question', 'doubtless', 'asked', 'question', 'body', 'christian', 'teacher', 'teach', 'gospel', 'standpoint', 'sanctuary', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'teach', 'use', 'text', 'talk', 'sanctuary', 'body', 'present', 'world', 'message', 'salvation', 'based', 'gospel', 'sanctuary', 'service', 'know', 'beginning', 'time', 'disappointment', 'people', 'brought', 'question', 'sanctuary', 'question', 'presented', 'law', 'god', 'seen', 'connection', 'sabbath', 'question', 'came', 'forward', 'fact', 'experience', 'people', 'fit', 'relation', 'fact', 'sanctuary', 'teaching', 'experience', 'gospel_work', 'heaven', 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'know', 'ignores', 'ministry', 'prepared', 'nature', 'case', 'teach', 'people', 'generation', 'gospel', 'heaven', 'sent', 'message', 'god', 'throne', 'sanctuary', 'save', 'sinner', 'generation', 'note', 'connection', 'thing', 'heaven', 'thing', 'earth', 'previously', 'sent', 'forth', 'message', 'spoken', 'angel', 'message', 'fear_god', 'glory', 'hour', 'judgment', 'come', 'immediate', 'personal', 'coming', 'christ', 'taught', 'day', 'set', 'definitely', 'appear', 'movement', 'god', 'cast', 'aside', 'movement', 'teaching', 'angel', 'message', 'time', 'mean', 'second', 'message', 'followed', 'saying', 'babylon', 'fallen', 'midnight_cry', 'joined', 'summer', 'disappointment', 'followed', 'tenth_day', 'seventh', 'month', 'cast', 'aside', 'step', 'integral', 'work', 'come']
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root - INFO - extracting file #117000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19040929-V81-39-page14.txt
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'work', 'left', 'anieri', 'worker', 'followed', 'ithe', 'terest', 'hall', 'nieeti', 'held', 'reputation', 'desired', 'chalge', 'day', 'leave', 'place', 'gentleman', 'engaged', 'sort', 'work', 'asked', 'accept', 'position', 'contracted', 'year', 'service', 'sabbath', 'free', 'better', 'salary', 'received', 'thing', 'people', 'relate', 'brother', 'large_family', 'sentenced', 'thirty', 'day', 'imprisonment', 'send', 'child', 'state', 'school', 'sabbath', 'jail', 'opportunity', 'testify', 'truth', 'sabbath', 'day', 'came', 'asked', 'work', 'day', 'course', 'gave', 'plainly', 'understand', 'reason', 'prison', 'jail', 'keeper', 'let', 'morning', 'slipper', 'asked', 'working', 'shoe', 'jailor', 'tried', 'shoe', 'foot', 'shoe', 'small', 'attempt', 'failure', 'said', 'force', 'orphan', 'asylum', 'larger', 'pair', 'shoe', 'brought', 'forcibly', 'foot', 'kicked', 'stairway', 'beaten', 'fist', 'went', 'course', 'work', 'consideration', 'dark', 'room', 'bedding', 'save', 'little', 'straw', 'cold', 'stone', 'floor', 'obliged', 'remain', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'self', 'book', 'received', 'bread', 'water', 'know', 'laid', 'matter', 'hand', 'thb', 'directed', 'tempera', 'restaurant', 'looking', 'paper', 'thinking', 'place', 'ovided', 'asked', 'family', 'charge', 'restaurant', 'noti', 'suitable', 'nieeti', 'ghall', 'making', 'request', 'thy', 'offered', 'own_house', 'tab', 'set', 'chait', 'seat', 'people', 'came', 'tio', 'rent', 'seventy', 'centi', 'night', 'lady', 'paid', 'cwent', 'centime', 'time', 'lection', 'plate', 'passed', 'easily', 'covered', 'expense', 'tie', 'whole_family', 'attended', 'shortly', 'mother', 'daughter', 'accepted', 'sage', 'father', 'baptied', 'week', 'machinist', 'largest', 'silk', 'factory', 'switierla', 'question', 'right', 'wrong', 'day', 'offering', 'taken', 'making', 'mind', 'stand', 'wrote', 'letter', 'dire', 'ctor', 'factory', 'stating', 'conviction', 'locality', 'alsit', 'lord', 'opened', 'fir', 'people', 'obey', 'fourth', 'commandme', 'instance', 'young', 'lady', 'working', 'envelope', 'factory', 'turic', 'site', 'began', 'obey', 'lord', 'coalman', 'ments', 'employer', 'discharged', 'taken', 'stand', 'fol', 'believed', 'lord', 'tiler', 'way', 'manner', 'lord', 'plainly', 'command', 'sabbath', 'day', 'obey', 'god', 'suffer', 'consequence', 'visit', 'good_impression', 'mind', 'jailer', 'following', 'sabbath', 'brother', 'permitted', 'stay', 'room', 'given', 'good_food', 'remaining', 'time', 'served', 'given', 'easiest', 'place', 'work', 'farm', 'herd', 'cattle', 'arrived', 'home', 'having', 'served', 'time', 'new', 'sentence', 'pending', 'amounting', 'thirty', 'franc', 'day', 'imprisonment', 'town', 'clerk', 'president', 'wrote', 'send', 'child', 'school', 'sabbath', 'away', 'comment', 'faithful', 'gift', 'support', 'east', 'african', 'mission', 'collection', 'day', 'amounted', 'ninety', 'franc', 'collection', 'franc', 'tent', 'fund', 'received', 'ground', 'begin', 'new_year', 'hope', 'courage', 'ask', 'friend', 'remember', 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'treasurer', 'hamburg', 'branch', 'international', 'tract', 'society', 'basel', 'sabbath', 'school', 'department', 'sebald', 'conference_committee', 'boettcher', 'erzenberger', 'kury', 'aufranc', 'weidmann', 'lay', 'member', 'form', 'auditing', 'committee', 'poorhouse', 'inflict', 'severest', 'penalty', 'law', 'disobeying', 'government', 'officer', 'know', 'outcome', 'pray', 'way', 'lord', 'help', 'brother', 'advance', 'work', 'earth', 'school', 'military', 'law', 'great', 'question', 'contend', 'country', 'friend', 'areacquainted', 'god', 'faithful', 'servant', 'elder', 'erzenberger', 'interested', 'learn', 'long_years', 'service', 'seen', 'angel', 'message', 'having', 'testimony', 'behalf', 'faith', 'great_value', 'brother', 'called', 'labor', 'entirely', 'direction', 'german', 'union', 'german', 'swiss', 'conference', 'heartily', 'expressed', 'thanks', 'faithful', 'labor', 'elder', 'erzenberger', 'past', 'asked', 'union', 'consideration', 'called', 'general_work', 'provide', 'measure', 'loss', 'sending', 'young', 'bible', 'worker', 'licentiate', 'experienced', 'canvasser', 'labor', 'german', 'switzerland', 'brother', 'free', 'express', 'thanks', 'volume', 'testimony', 'recently', 'received', 'hamburg', 'press', 'recommended', 'german', 'swiss', 'brother', 'encouraged', 'provide', 'wrote', 'coming', 'year', 'credential', 'granted', 'minister', 'license', 'licentiate', 'missionary', 'credential', 'bible', 'worker', 'seven', 'colporteurs', 'collection', 'sabbath', 'school', 'sabbath', 'amounted', 'thirty', 'franc', 'sunday']
root - INFO - extracting file #117500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050223-V82-08-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #118000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050713-V82-28-page22.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'july', 'titrantt', 'ifirutiott', 'sweden', 'reported', 'mobilizing', 'portion', 'army', 'military', 'strength', 'norway', 'benefit', 'people', 'reported', 'killed', 'tornado', 'swept', 'portion', 'montague', 'county', 'northern', 'texas', 'july', 'path', 'storm', 'mile', 'wide', 'mile', 'length', 'fifty', 'people', 'injured', 'supreme_court', 'kansa', 'rendered', 'decision', 'debarring', 'state', 'kansa', 'competing', 'standard', 'oil', 'trust', 'furnishing', 'oil', 'people', 'state', 'mean', 'establishment', 'state', 'oil', 'refinery', 'establishment', 'plant', 'earnestly', 'favored', 'governor', 'hoch', 'tribute', 'human_life', 'paid', 'year', 'fourth', 'july', 'patriotism', 'according', 'figure', 'given', 'chicago', 'record', 'herald', 'july', 'total', 'thirty', 'people', 'leaf', 'room', 'case', 'tetanus', 'doe', 'develop', 'week', 'injury', 'cracker', 'toy', 'pistol', 'received', 'killed', 'person', 'received', 'injury', 'resident', 'town', 'guantajuato', 'mexico', 'lost', 'life', 'flood', 'resulted', 'violent', 'storm', 'july', 'town', 'situated', 'gorge', 'river', 'flow', 'subject', 'flood', 'present', 'disaster', 'unprecedented', 'force', 'flood', 'augmented', 'giving', 'way', 'dam', 'masonry', 'confined', 'river', 'flow', 'house', 'swept', 'away', 'property', 'loss', 'estimated', 'japanese', 'landed', 'force', 'sakhalin', 'island', 'backed', 'fleet', 'war', 'vessel', 'taken', 'possession', 'island', 'russian', 'garrison', 'weak', 'offer', 'effective', 'resistance', 'manchuria', 'comparative', 'quiet', 'opposing', 'army', 'commander', 'seemingly', 'desirous', 'bringing', 'general', 'engagement', 'arrangement', 'peace', 'negotiation', 'washington', 'russia', 'japan', 'making', 'favorable', 'progress', 'japanese', 'peace', 'envoy', 'havinc', 'sailed', 'yokohama', 'july', 'steamship', 'minnesota', 'rumor', 'unfortunate', 'czar', 'nicholas', 'beset', 'plot', 'russian', 'reactionary', 'aim', 'dethrone', 'set', 'czar', 'stronger', 'character', 'final', 'vote', 'french', 'chamber', 'deputy', 'abolishing', 'concordat', 'separating', 'church', 'state', 'france', 'taken', 'july', 'measure', 'passed', 'majority', 'total', 'vote', 'cast', 'general', 'principle', 'measure', 'set', 'forth', 'follows', 'republic', 'assures', 'liberty', 'conscience', 'guarantee', 'free', 'exercise', 'religion', 'subject', 'restriction', 'public', 'order', 'republic', 'recognizes', 'pay', 'stipend', 'subsidizes', 'sect', 'provides', 'fund', 'college', 'hospital', 'asylum', 'chaplain', 'public', 'worship', 'budget', 'abolished', 'public', 'establishment', 'connected', 'religion', 'suppressed', 'russian', 'battle', 'ship', 'kniaz', 'potemkin', 'black', 'sea', 'fleet', 'crew', 'rebelled', 'raised', 'red', 'flag', 'keeping', 'black', 'sea', 'port', 'shipping', 'state', 'uncertainty', 'terror', 'nearly', 'week', 'finally', 'surrendered', 'rumanian', 'authority', 'kustenji', 'promise', 'men', 'liberated', 'rumanian', 'frontier', 'expected', 'objection', 'treatment', 'mutineer', 'russian_government', 'incident', 'cause', 'friction', 'russia', 'rumania', 'fme', 'appointment', 'change', 'time', 'humboldt', 'county', 'cal', 'camp', 'meeting_the', 'time', 'holding', 'humboldt', 'campmeeting', 'changed', 'july', 'place', 'decided', 'local', 'brother', 'counsel', 'elder', 'behrens', 'gone', 'field', 'hoped', 'general_attendance', 'people', 'section', 'conference', 'stand', 'august', 'let', 'interested', 'note', 'change', 'date', 'conference_laborers', 'invited', 'meet', 'liberty', 'park', 'wednesday', 'august', 'worker', 'meeting', 'general', 'conference_laborers', 'attend', 'meeting', 'invited', 'worker', 'meeting', 'consistent', 'arrangement', 'porter', 'president', 'camp', 'meeting', 'atlantic_union_conference', 'southern', 'new', 'england', 'aug', 'sept', 'western', 'pennsylvania', 'erie', 'aug', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'north', 'carolina', 'newton', 'july', 'georgia', 'smyrna', 'aug', 'tennessee', 'river', 'probably', 'nashville', 'aug', 'oct', 'july', 'aug', 'sept', 'lake', 'union', 'conference', 'pres', 'cal', 'conf', 'annual_meeting', 'kansa', 'conference', 'vote', 'taken', 'meeting', 'conference', 'year', 'effect', 'conference', 'convene', 'monday', 'preceding', 'opening', 'camp', 'meeting', 'thursday', 'week', 'desire', 'announce', 'early', 'meeting', 'kansa', 'conference', 'convene', 'camp', 'ground', 'hutchinson', 'kan', 'monday', 'evening', 'august', 'meeting', 'hope', 'people', 'delegate', 'meeting', 'espec', 'ially', 'present', 'northern_union_conference', 'north', 'dakota', 'english', 'scandinavian', 'local', 'towner', 'july', 'manitoba', 'canada', 'near', 'winnipeg', 'july', 'central', 'union', 'conference', 'aug', 'sept', 'july', 'july', 'aug', 'aug', 'knox', 'important', 'delegate', 'mcreynolds', 'president', 'california', 'humboldt', 'district', 'california', 'hanford', 'district', 'california', 'santa', 'rosa', 'district', 'southern', 'california', 'san', 'diego', 'montana', 'sun', 'river', 'upper', 'columbia', 'utah', 'ogden', 'western', 'washington', 'seattle', 'july', 'oct', 'aug', 'sept', 'july', 'july', 'aug', 'legal', 'meeting', 'kansa', 'conference_association', 'annual_meeting', 'kansa', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'conference_association', 'held', 'camp', 'ground', 'hutchinson', 'kan', 'friday', 'august', 'foi', 'transaction', 'legal', 'business', 'come', 'render', 'report', 'standing', 'association', 'question', 'relating', 'title', 'church', 'property', 'possession', 'association', 'fully', 'understood', 'presented', 'time', 'receive', 'aug', 'sept', 'british', 'columbia', 'sept', 'general', 'european', 'conference', 'latin', 'union', 'union', 'conf', 'gland', 'switzerland', 'july', 'german', 'union', 'union', 'conf', 'friedproper', 'attention', 'mcreynolds', 'miscellaneous', 'east', 'caribbean', 'conference', 'georgetown', 'demerara', 'british', 'guiana', 'july', 'president', 'various_conferences', 'requested', 'send', 'information', 'tneetings', 'mentioned', 'preceding', 'table', 'able', 'complete', 'list', 'inform', 'correction', 'addition', 'report', 'publication', 'wanted', 'special', 'note', 'receive', 'periodical', 'answer', 'advised', 'examine', 'carefully', 'distributing', 'following', 'persons_desire', 'late', 'clean', 'copy', 'publication', 'post', 'paid', 'clay', 'griffin', 'bentonville', 'ark', 'periodical', 'tract', 'missionary', 'work', 'bassett', 'hobart', 'ave', 'east', 'atlantic', 'city', 'periodical', 'tract', 'missionary', 'work', 'president', 'wisconsin', 'state', 'camp', 'meeting', 'conference', 'meeting', 'wisconsin', 'decided', 'hold', 'annual', 'camp', 'meeting', 'conference', 'august', 'september', 'place', 'janesville', 'suitable', 'ground', 'secured', 'know', 'short_time', 'ground', 'place', 'covert', 'missouri', 'camp', 'meeting_the', 'date', 'opening', 'missouri', 'state_conference', 'camp', 'meeting', 'changed', 'august', 'instead', 'august', 'necessary', 'account', 'conflict', 'date', 'occupancy', 'liberty', 'park', 'sedalia', 'meeting', 'held', 'conflict', 'occurred', 'oversight', 'park', 'board', 'wholly', 'unintentional', 'appointment', 'florida', 'plant', 'city', 'cumberland', 'richmond', 'cumberland', 'spring', 'city', 'tenn', 'southern', 'illinois', 'mattoon', 'ohio', 'mansfield', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug', 'west', 'michigan', 'allegan', 'wisconsin', 'indiana', 'connersville', 'aug', 'sept', 'sept', 'missouri', 'sedalia', 'nebraska', 'omaha', 'colorado', 'denver', 'kansa', 'conference', 'hutchinson', 'kansa', 'valley', 'fall', 'kansa', 'broughton', 'kansa', 'southwestern', 'union', 'conference', 'texas', 'hillsboro', 'aug', 'arkansas', 'bentonville', 'aug', 'oklahoma', 'oklahoma', 'city', 'aug', 'sept', 'oklahoma', 'elk', 'city', 'july', 'pacific', 'union', 'conference', 'ensau', 'germany', 'british', 'union', 'joint', 'meeting', 'scotland', 'ireland', 'july', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug']
root - INFO - extracting file #118500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19051207-V82-49-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #119000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19060510-V83-19-page16.txt
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'affected', 'religious_liberty', 'admitted', 'presentable', 'case', 'material', 'standpoint', 'enlightened', 'presentation', 'view', 'member', 'committee', 'stated', 'passed', 'day', 'earn', 'livelihood', 'said', 'let', 'live', 'country', 'anticipate', 'future', 'proposed', 'probability', 'reported', 'house', 'week', 'early', 'house', 'deal', 'think', 'laid', 'session', 'parliament', 'time', 'tell', 'feel', 'lord', 'directed', 'presentation', 'truth', 'good', 'result', 'effort', 'time', 'report', 'movement', 'matter', 'develop', 'thurston', 'pound', 'missionary', 'campaign', 'motto', 'continues', 'liberal', 'circulation', 'messagefilled', 'tract', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'pound', 'sign', 'time', 'leaflet', 'entering', 'wedge', 'concerning', 'leaflet', 'sister', 'sign', 'leaflet', 'grand', 'dear_sister', 'sent', 'sample', 'interested', 'enclosed', 'thousand', 'copy', 'following', 'law', 'god', 'sabbath', 'bible', 'day', 'changed', 'sabbath', 'seal', 'god', 'want', 'person', 'work', 'pound', 'leaflet', 'dear', 'reader', 'lying', 'shelf', 'number', 'contains', 'home', 'neighbor', 'friend', 'hall', 'angel', 'message', 'palestine', 'trip', 'syria', 'spent', 'day', 'worker', 'jaffa', 'jerusalem', 'landing', 'jaffa', 'met', 'heartily', 'welcomed', 'brother', 'gregorius', 'charge', 'medical_missionary_work', 'city', 'closing', 'treatment_rooms', 'nearly', 'year', 'ago', 'nurse', 'employed', 'bella', 'vista', 'hydro', 'new', 'institution', 'combining', 'hotel', 'accommodation', 'hydrotherapeutic', 'treatment', 'institution', 'owned', 'wealthy', 'english', 'woman', 'management', 'feingold', 'converted', 'jew', 'wife', 'scotland', 'nominal', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'nurse', 'entirely', 'free', 'duty', 'sabbath', 'sabbathkeeping', 'jewish', 'christian', 'thoroughly', 'imbibed', 'modern', 'anglo', 'israel', 'idea', 'room', 'mind', 'light', 'concerning', 'angel', 'message', 'nurse', 'think', 'unwise', 'remain', 'employ', 'present', 'contract', 'expires', 'planning', 'city', 'lord', 'opening', 'way', 'locate', 'haifa', 'growing', 'city', 'prosperous', 'german', 'colony', 'situated', 'foot', 'carmel', 'bay', 'acre', 'place', 'worker', 'soon', 'suitable', 'location', 'secured', 'treatment_rooms', 'haifa', 'favorable', 'place', 'way', 'healthier', 'city', 'jaffa', 'jerusalem', 'recently', 'completed', 'railroad', 'connects', 'damascus', 'doubt', 'soon', 'similar', 'connection', 'jerusalem', 'harbor', 'better', 'jaffa', 'fact', 'harbor', 'landing', 'simply', 'impossible', 'heavy', 'sea', 'haifa', 'enterprising', 'oriental', 'city', 'progress', 'work', 'jaffa', 'characterized', 'eastern', 'slowness', 'onward', 'nurse', 'worked', 'meager', 'facility', 'difficulty', 'encountered', 'year', 'ago', 'small', 'organization', 'effected', 'known', 'jaffa', 'jerusalem', 'church', 'shortly', 'elder', 'deacon', 'conference_workers', 'went', 'field', 'account', 'health', 'moved', 'away', 'remained', 'continued', 'firm', 'worker', 'came', 'work', 'went', 'accepted', 'truth', 'time', 'visit', 'deemed', 'advisable', 'reorganize', 'church', 'elect', 'officer', 'permanent', 'resident', 'new_converts', 'baptized', 'partook', 'ordinance', 'celebrated', 'nearly', 'year', 'half', 'love', 'unity', 'prevailing', 'member', 'little_company', 'refreshing', 'feel', 'message', 'firmly', 'planted', 'continue', 'lord', 'come', 'good_courage', 'feel', 'sure', 'lord', 'add', 'worker', 'jerusalem', 'comparatively', 'new', 'work', 'increasing', 'receipt', 'treatment_rooms', 'year', 'preceding', 'year', 'person', 'favorably', 'impressed', 'truth', 'likely', 'accept', 'erelong', 'jerusalem', 'visited', 'protestant', 'cemetery', 'zion', 'lie', 'body', 'faithful', 'worker', 'brother', 'leschuer', 'long', 'ago', 'cut', 'prime', 'life', 'beginning', 'career', 'usefulness', 'worker', 'palestine', 'planning', 'place', 'small', 'modest', 'stone', 'mark', 'resting', 'place', 'learned', 'love', 'work', 'palestine', 'encouraging', 'lord', 'courage', 'grace', 'worker', 'battle', 'ground', 'primitive', 'christianity', 'wakeham', 'visit', 'boston', 'reached', 'boston', 'friday', 'afternoon', 'april', 'remained', 'thursday', 'april', 'year', 'half', 'left', 'boston', 'field', 'connect', 'religious_liberty', 'department', 'work', 'primary', 'object', 'visiting', 'new', 'england', 'time', 'purpose', 'attending', 'important', 'business', 'meeting', 'new', 'england', 'sanitarium', 'benevolent', 'association', 'member', 'meeting', 'held', 'monday', 'april', 'sanitarium', 'melrose', 'gratified', 'report', 'result', 'meeting', 'satisfactory', 'step', 'taken', 'place', 'institution', 'denominational', 'control', 'sabbath', 'april', 'spoke', 'church', 'everett', 'mass', 'spoke', 'boston', 'church', 'source', 'great_pleasure', 'meet', 'labored', 'encouraged', 'goodly', 'number', 'new_members', 'departure', 'added', 'church', 'earnest', 'labor', 'elder', 'wheeler', 'present', 'pastor', 'boston', 'church', 'faithful', 'colaborers', 'sunday', 'evening', 'privilege', 'speaking', 'good', 'audience', 'subject', 'religious_liberty', 'universalist', 'church', 'everett', 'arrival', 'boston', 'pleased', 'learn', 'dedicatory', 'service', 'mission', 'jewish_people', 'boston', 'occur', 'stay', 'reader', 'review', 'aware', 'year', 'elder', 'gilbert', 'converted', 'jew', 'laboring', 'earnestly', 'establishment', 'work', 'boston', 'dedicatory', 'service', 'took', 'place', 'tuesday', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'april', 'seventeenth', 'anniversary', 'elder', 'gilbert', 'conversion', 'christianity', 'acceptance', 'angel', 'message', 'elaborate', 'interesting', 'program', 'prepared', 'occasion', 'consisting', 'selection', 'vocal', 'instrumental', 'music', 'appropriate', 'address', 'minister', 'afternoon', 'evening_services', 'good_attendance', 'present', 'elder', 'farnsworth', 'elder', 'fitzgerald', 'sample', 'letter', 'received', 'tract_societies', 'publishing', 'house', 'earnestly', 'methodically', 'people', 'working', 'number']
root - INFO - extracting file #119500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19061004-V83-40-page23.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #120000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070221-V84-08-page22.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'february', 'thrimian', 'tcihvrtg', 'report', 'note', 'comment', 'pertaining', 'current', 'history', 'right', 'conscience', 'conducted', 'religious', 'liberty', 'bureau', 'russati', 'chairmas', 'colcord', 'secretary', 'sabbath', 'changed', 'enforce', 'law', 'exist', 'word', 'significant', 'plainly', 'define', 'object', 'church', 'federation', 'religious', 'liberty', 'secretary', 'new', 'york', 'western', 'new', 'york', 'conference', 'written', 'letter', 'local_church', 'religious', 'liberty', 'secretary', 'write', 'short', 'terse', 'remonstrance', 'new', 'york', 'senator', 'congress', 'member', 'conference', 'likewise', 'sunday', 'introduced', 'present', 'session', 'connecticut', 'legislature', 'effort', 'incorporated', 'sunday', 'closing', 'question', 'local', 'recently', 'wrote', 'letter', 'president', 'southern', 'conference', 'suggested', 'making', 'appeal', 'wish', 'help', 'supplying', 'religious', 'liberty', 'literature', 'needy_field', 'reply', 'letter', 'new', 'york', 'tribune', 'bearing', 'congress', 'close', 'fourth', 'concerning', 'help', 'redate', 'feb', 'following', 'question', 'answer', 'concerning', 'change', 'sabbath', 'appeared', 'change', 'sabbath', 'seventh', 'day', 'week', 'day', 'observance', 'sunday', 'history', 'record', 'fourth', 'century', 'constantine', 'issued', 'edict', 'requiring', 'observance', 'simply', 'abstinence', 'work', 'reading', 'let', 'judge', 'people', 'town', 'rest', 'trade', 'suspended', 'venerable_day', 'sun', 'time', 'issue', 'edict', 'constantine', 'sun', 'worshiper', 'refused', 'unite', 'church', 'death', 'bed', 'church', 'council', 'religious_observance', 'sunday', 'recommended', 'little', 'attention', 'paid', 'alcuin', 'english', 'prelate', 'spiritual', 'adviser', 'charlemagne', 'time', 'formally', 'declared', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'covered', 'day', 'week', 'declaration', 'observed', 'comparatively', 'century', 'sunday', 'observed', 'far', 'day', 'sport', 'festivity', 'religious', 'english', 'parliament', 'sat', 'sunday', 'english', 'court', 'held', 'day', 'reign', 'elizabeth', 'nicholas', 'bound', 'suffolk', 'county', 'england', 'published', 'work', 'called', 'true', 'doctrine', 'sabbath', 'maintained', 'sunday', 'divinely', 'appointed', 'sabbath', 'obligation', 'observe', 'sabbath', 'divine', 'late', 'opening', 'seventeenth', 'century', 'puritan', 'england', 'began', 'practise', 'calling', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'satisfactory', 'reason', 'given', 'calling', 'observing', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'day', 'bishop', 'porter', 'puritan', 'warrant', 'reference', 'observance', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'look', 'page', 'new_testament', 'tradition', 'catholic', 'christendom', 'substantial', 'sufficient', 'religious', 'liberty', 'note', 'religious', 'liberty', 'secretary', 'eastern', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'planning', 'aggressive', 'campaign', 'march', 'look', 'roman', 'catholic', 'nation', 'world', 'priest', 'nun', 'control', 'education', 'compare', 'protestant', 'nation', 'compare', 'scandinavia', 'spain', 'portugal', 'compare', 'germany', 'austria', 'compare', 'great', 'britain', 'italy', 'compare', 'protestant', 'ireland', 'romanist', 'ireland', 'compare', 'province', 'quebec', 'province', 'ontario', 'compare', 'north', 'america', 'south', 'america', 'comparison', 'awaken', 'keen', 'sense', 'blighting', 'effect', 'roman', 'catholicism', 'senator', 'albert', 'beveridge', 'indiana', 'recent', 'speech', 'delivered', 'united', 'state', 'senate', 'situation', 'france', 'said', 'thing', 'freedom', 'faith', 'tolerance', 'opinion', 'inviolable', 'right', 'believe', 'serve', 'god', 'conscience', 'command', 'absolute', 'liberty', 'brother', 'thing', 'free', 'institution', 'mean', 'men', 'rebelled', 'intolerance', 'politics', 'men', 'resisted', 'intolerance', 'church', 'protestant', 'catholic', 'men', 'resist', 'intolerance', 'state', 'republican', 'monarchical', 'ligious', 'liberty', 'line', 'help', 'supply', 'liberty', 'worker', 'energetic', 'magazine', 'free', 'desire', 'help', 'religious_liberty_work', 'paying', 'club', 'liberty', 'way', 'write', 'department', 'reference', 'matter', 'notice', 'appointment', 'notice', 'wabash', 'valley', 'sanitarium', 'recently', 'established', 'near', 'lafayette', 'ind', 'bank', 'wabash', 'river', 'beautiful', 'country', 'location', 'east', 'rocky', 'mountain', 'wish', 'announce', 'start', 'new', 'nurse', 'class', 'april', 'interested', 'department', 'work', 'desiring', 'information', 'obtain', 'addressing', 'worster', 'superintendent', 'lafayette', 'ind', 'notice', 'great_need', 'gentleman', 'lady', 'nurse', 'knowlton', 'quebec', 'sanitarium', 'promising', 'opening', 'tribune', 'kokomo', 'ind', 'bear', 'institution', 'accommodates', 'ing', 'date', 'january', 'sunday', 'lid', 'closed', 'tightly', 'city', 'montpelier', 'ind', 'womdn', 'living', 'keeping', 'cow', 'selling', 'milk', 'stopped', 'delivering', 'good', 'customer', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'citizen', 'spend', 'pleasant', 'day', 'home', 'thing', 'left', 'church', 'leave', 'city', 'chose', 'minister', 'believe', 'matter', 'carried', 'far', 'mayor', 'law', 'look', 'alike', 'declares', 'montpelier', 'lid', 'fit', 'perfectly', 'vigorous', 'campaign', 'carried', 'religious', 'liberty', 'department', 'california', 'conference', 'protest', 'sunday', 'rest', 'amendment', 'california', 'constitution', 'report', 'work', 'performed', 'january', 'page', 'literature', 'circulated', 'includes', 'distribution', 'special', 'religious', 'liberty', 'patient', 'excellent', 'class', 'young_people', 'training', 'earnestly', 'invite', 'correspondence', 'reference', 'secretary', 'medical_department', 'general_conference', 'business_manager', 'elder', 'lindsey', 'sanitarium', 'knowlton', 'quebec', 'spring', 'term', 'union_college', 'spring', 'term', 'union_college', 'begin', 'february', 'close', 'best', 'time', 'year', 'study', 'condition', 'especially', 'favorable', 'teaching', 'winter', 'term', 'school', 'new', 'class', 'formed', 'following', 'subject', 'botany', 'bible', 'nature', 'algebra', 'commercial', 'law', 'moral', 'science', 'school', 'management', 'school', 'gardening', 'bookkeeping', 'typewriting', 'individual', 'study', 'taken', 'good_advantage', 'canvasser', 'institute', 'held', 'close', 'term', 'full_particulars', 'scholarship', 'plan', 'write', 'president', 'union', 'college', 'college', 'view', 'neb', 'special_course', 'south', 'lancaster', 'academy', 'religious', 'liberty', 'literature', 'harrisburg', 'capital', 'pennsylvania', 'sign', 'liberty', 'publication', 'trustee', 'south', 'lancaster', 'academy', 'daily', 'press', 'portland', 'maine', 'bearing', 'date', 'jan', 'report', 'enthusiastic', 'meeting', 'clergyman', 'city', 'church', 'federation', 'speaker', 'church', 'political', 'angel', 'light', 'state', 'federated', 'able', 'dictate', 'men', 'office', 'total', 'expense', 'campaign', 'arranged', 'special_course', 'beginning', 'date', 'march', 'ending', 'cludes', 'stationery', 'postage', 'printing', 'paid', 'labor', 'encouraging_report', 'let', 'pray', 'lord', 'bless', 'seed', 'sown', 'yield', 'bountiful', 'harvest', 'vindicating', 'right', 'winning', 'soul', 'truth', 'week', 'devoted', 'canvasser', 'institute', 'time', 'felt', 'intending', 'enter', 'ministry', 'bible', 'work', 'recently', 'begun', 'work', 'needed', 'special_instruction', 'aside', 'provided', 'regular', 'course', 'school', 'reason', 'important', 'pro', 'announced', 'board']
root - INFO - extracting file #120500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070711-V84-28-page21.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #121000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19071205-V84-49-page11.txt
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'turned', 'folly', 'needy', 'cause', 'assisted', 'god', 'desired', 'liberality', 'soul', 'instrumental', 'saving', 'right', 'wrong', 'bureau', 'information', 'instruction', 'receive', 'god', 'different_ways', 'bible', 'training', 'parent', 'teacher', 'settle', 'easy', 'assurance', 'safe', 'guide', 'conscience', 'tremendous', 'responsibility', 'learn', 'source', 'outside', 'duty', 'source', 'available', 'seek', 'time', 'prayer', 'thompson', 'pray', 'earnestly', 'clean', 'pure', 'heart', 'treasure', 'earth', 'equal', 'david', 'realizing', 'sinfulness', 'cried', 'create', 'clean', 'heart', 'god', 'renew', 'right_spirit', 'cast', 'away', 'thy', 'presence', 'thy', 'holy', 'spirit', 'restore', 'unto', 'joy', 'thy', 'salvation', 'uphold', 'thy', 'free', 'spirit', 'prayer', 'prayer', 'christian', 'need', 'clean', 'heart', 'need', 'world', 'sin', 'terrible', 'thing', 'wrecked', 'world', 'filling', 'sorrow', 'woe', 'finally', 'nailed', 'cross', 'wood', 'son', 'infinite', 'god', 'prayer', 'quoted', 'psalmist', 'implied', 'possible', 'holy', 'spirit', 'withdrawn', 'startle', 'terrible', 'thing', 'cling', 'sin', 'holy', 'spirit', 'condemning', 'pleading', 'earnestly', 'pray', 'victory', 'besetment', 'time', 'pray', 'victory', 'carnality', 'heart', 'thirst', 'righteousness', 'shall', 'filled', 'power', 'quicken', 'dead', 'soul', 'raised', 'crucified', 'lord', 'joseph', 'sepulcher', 'quickening', 'power', 'holy', 'spirit', 'rom', 'ought', 'study', 'jacob', 'experience', 'wrestled', 'god', 'prayer', 'till', 'won', 'victory', 'fast', 'hastening', 'time', 'known', 'scripture', 'time', 'jacob', 'trouble', 'ala', 'day', 'great', 'like', 'time', 'jacob', 'trouble', 'shall', 'saved', 'jer', 'weak', 'erring', 'mortal_man', 'won', 'victory', 'power', 'angel', 'prevailed', 'hosea', 'circumstance', 'placed', 'jacob', 'close', 'place', 'facing', 'crisis', 'help', 'perish', 'greatly', 'afraid', 'distressed', 'lonely', 'patriach', 'facing', 'result', 'own_sins', 'esau', 'coming', 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'god', 'saw', 'paul', 'cried', 'live', 'christ', 'liveth', 'gal', 'life', 'life', 'worth_living', 'life', 'louisiana', 'conscience', 'information', 'bureau', 'conscience', 'safe', 'guide', 'right', 'wrong', 'bible', 'needed', 'half', 'way', 'ground', 'guide', 'need', 'guidance', 'guide', 'matter', 'fact', 'conscience', 'guide', 'soul', 'mistakenly', 'think', 'confused', 'wandering', 'error', 'pathway', 'life', 'constantly', 'conscience', 'monitor', 'prompt', 'prod', 'urge', 'know', 'right', 'know', 'wrong', 'doe', 'instruct', 'god', 'praying', 'christian', 'holy', 'spirit', 'man', 'spirit', 'christ', 'rom', 'daily', 'prayer', 'lord', 'holy', 'spirit', 'emptying', 'filled', 'pray', 'emptied', 'church', 'need', 'reviving', 'plenty', 'carnally', 'minded', 'critic', 'clothed', 'life', 'power', 'holy', 'spirit', 'moody', 'describes', 'condition', 'seen', 'wooden', 'pump', 'pour', 'water', 'pump', 'water', 'good', 'people', 'people', 'wonder', 'spiritual_power', 'stand', 'talk', 'meeting', 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root - INFO - extracting file #122000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19080910-V85-37-page12.txt
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'week', 'said', 'bow', 'image', 'day', 'said', 'willing', 'robe', 'came', 'studying', 'helping', 'hear', 'early', 'morning', 'late', 'night', 'reading', 'bible', 'pleasant', 'sight', 'sitting', 'sabbath', 'school', 'class', 'little', 'lull', 'review', 'answered', 'loud', 'clear', 'accustomed', 'day', 'yellow', 'robe', 'begging', 'breakfast', 'priest', 'past', 'year', 'eaten', 'clock', 'day', 'began', 'eat', 'afternoon', 'partake', 'different', 'diet', 'considerable', 'trouble', 'digestion', 'taken', 'ill', 'night', 'brought', 'early', 'morning', 'help', 'felt', 'god', 'stake', 'realized', 'satan', 'triumph', 'cause', 'man', 'laid', 'away', 'heathen', 'acquaintance', 'wrath', 'devil', 'knew', 'devil', 'wroth', 'knew', 'stronger', 'pleaded', 'god', 'sake', 'spare', 'heal', 'man', 'took', 'priest', 'robe', 'gave', 'shall', 'prize', 'time', 'remember', 'power', 'message', 'robe', 'buddhist', 'priest', 'clothe', 'right', 'mind', 'word', 'god', 'hand', 'teaching', 'message', 'fast', 'yesterday', 'prayer', 'social_meeting', 'sabbath', 'school', 'lord', 'came', 'bless', 'man', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'testified', 'thankful', 'transferred', 'moulmein', 'heard', 'angel', 'message', 'cleared', 'thing', 'thought', 'clear', 'family', 'life', 'child', 'miraculously', 'spared', 'week', 'said', 'praised', 'god', 'brought', 'moulmein', 'learn', 'sabbath', 'truth', 'deep_interest', 'long', 'time', 'help', 'especially', 'sabbath', 'school', 'meeting', 'plague', 'bad', 'trust', 'rage', 'home', 'land', 'doe', 'surprise', 'felt', 'case', 'called', 'attend', 'large', 'strong', 'woman', 'went', 'afternoon', 'sitting', 'charcoal', 'tried', 'impress', 'friend', 'lie', 'left', 'room', 'halted', 'door', 'talk', 'came', 'told', 'dead', 'hardly', 'believe', 'minute', 'told', 'lie', 'patient', 'disease', 'contend', 'native', 'treatment', 'physician', 'case', 'friend', 'patient', 'burmese', 'chinese', 'native', 'doctor', 'called', 'healing', 'balm', 'patient', 'went', 'open', 'eye', 'told', 'cast', 'devil', 'eye', 'native', 'medicine', 'fever', 'continued', 'called', 'burmese', 'doctor', 'medicine', 'result', 'lived', 'fear', 'eye', 'ruined', 'hold', 'bible', 'reading', 'held', 'week', 'subject', 'day', 'man', 'interested', 'know', 'sanctuary', 'told', 'large', 'subject', 'week', 'hardly', 'satisfied', 'reading', 'soon', 'saw', 'said', 'believe', 'know', 'sanctuary', 'gave', 'good', 'outline', 'studying', 'eighty', 'year', 'ago', 'judson', 'opened', 'work', 'time', 'pas', 'mission', 'ground', 'feel', 'thank', 'lord', 'endure', 'endured', 'lord', 'sent', 'messenger', 'prepare', 'way', 'truth', 'soon', 'close', 'triumphantly', 'think', 'welcome', 'day', 'corner', 'earth', 'medical_work', 'india', 'shaw', 'mention', 'god', 'goodness', 'overruling', 'providence', 'seen', 'manifested', 'work', 'joy', 'speak', 'medical_department', 'work', 'field', 'manifest', 'god', 'dealing', 'late', 'year', 'ago', 'difficulty', 'began', 'arise', 'knew', 'surmount', 'calcutta', 'sanitarium', 'number', 'year', 'struggling', 'difficulty', 'fast', 'reaching', 'place', 'needed', 'avert', 'calamity', 'perplexing', 'problem', 'time', 'running', 'larger', 'debt', 'incurred', 'effort', 'bring', 'work', 'sound', 'financial', 'basis', 'proved', 'unavailing', 'earnest_prayer', 'decided', 'close', 'sanitarium_work', 'calcutta', 'favorable', 'place', 'lord', 'said', 'sanitarium', 'placed', 'city', 'healthful', 'location', 'calcutta', 'fulfilled', 'condition', 'large', 'congested', 'city', 'trying', 'unhealthful', 'climate', 'began', 'look', 'location', 'calcutta', 'sanitarium', 'harmony', 'instruction', 'laid', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'eye', 'turned', 'himalaya', 'natural', 'sanitarium', 'india', 'having', 'cool', 'bracing', 'climate', 'patient', 'helper', 'thrive', 'mussoorie', 'present', 'best', 'opening', 'moving', 'sanitarium', 'calcutta', 'necessary', 'relet', 'premise', 'required', 'treatment_rooms', 'lord', 'sudden', 'unexpected', 'manner', 'major', 'premise', 'sublet', 'balance', 'time', 'lease', 'amounting', 'nearly', 'year', 'landlord', 'responsible', 'collecting', 'rent', 'addition', 'gave', 'splendid', 'gift', 'helped', 'liquidating', 'indebtedness', 'lifted', 'burden', 'set', 'free', 'council', 'november', 'definitely', 'decided', 'carry', 'bathand', 'treatment', 'room', 'work', 'calcutta', 'sanitarium', 'mussoorie', 'time', 'friend', 'encourage', 'moving', 'sanitarium', 'mountain', 'gift', 'thousand']
root - INFO - extracting file #122500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19090128-V86-04-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #123000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19090617-V86-24-page23.txt
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'gal', 'cent', 'gal', 'half', 'barrel', 'barrel', 'lot', 'gal', 'gal', 'address', 'sanitarium', 'cooking', 'oil', 'louisville', 'rent', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'room_house', 'acre', 'land', 'mile', 'washington', 'ideal', 'chicken', 'vegetable', 'rent', 'year', 'equivalent', 'work', 'address', 'sander', 'washington', 'wanted', 'woman', 'thirty', 'sixty_years', 'age', 'able', 'general', 'housework', 'cooking', 'plain', 'sewing', 'fruit', 'canning', 'season', 'good_home', 'right', 'person', 'man', 'boy', 'work', 'farm', 'hygienic', 'living', 'comins', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'sale', 'acre', 'nice', 'land', 'cornering', 'city', 'limit', 'artesian', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'city', 'acre', 'wheat', 'grass', 'price', 'acre', 'beautiful_home', 'address', 'roderick', 'box', 'artesian', 'fox', 'sale', 'small', 'sanitarium', 'treatment', 'room', 'lady', 'gent', 'bath', 'room', 'accommodation', 'patient', 'opened', 'year', 'ago', 'good', 'trade', 'established', 'location', 'central', 'particular', 'write', 'louis', 'kaun', 'jackson', 'mich', 'wanted', 'young_man', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'willing', 'work', 'bicycle', 'general', 'repair', 'shop', 'mechanically', 'inclined', 'experience', 'necessity', 'state', 'wage', 'required', 'reference', 'church', 'june', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug', 'sept', 'sept', 'west', 'michigan', 'july', 'aug', 'northern', 'mina', 'dwight', 'july', 'northern', 'illinois', 'kalb', 'july', 'aug', 'wyoming', 'crawford', 'neb', 'north', 'missouri', 'chillicothe', 'smith', 'missouri', 'springfield', 'kansa', 'council', 'grove', 'nebraska', 'hastings', 'annual_conference', 'camp', 'meeting', 'north', 'missouri', 'conference', 'held', 'chillicothe', 'aug', 'good', 'ground', 'secured', 'suitable', 'ministerial', 'help', 'present', 'especially', 'solicit', 'attendance', 'isolated', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'session', 'conference', 'convene', 'friday', 'august', 'west', 'colorado', 'grand', 'junction', 'lake_union_conference', 'indiana', 'newcastle', 'southern', 'illinois', 'centralia', 'east', 'michigan', 'north', 'michigan', 'petoskey', 'aug', 'sept', 'wisconsin', 'sept', 'aug', 'northern', 'union', 'conference', 'following', 'named', 'persons_desire', 'late', 'clean', 'copy', 'publication', 'post', 'paid', 'george', 'sand', 'circleville', 'sign', 'minnesota', 'paul', 'june', 'north', 'dakota', 'jamestown', 'june', 'time', 'south', 'dakota', 'sioux', 'fall', 'june', 'july', 'iowa', 'nevada', 'aug', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'louisiana', 'alexandria', 'july', 'aug', 'western', 'canadian', 'union', 'conference', 'manitoba', 'portage', 'prairie', 'june', 'july', 'saskatchewan', 'south', 'appelle', 'july', 'anderson', 'amor', 'denominational_literature', 'free_distribution', 'lizzie', 'symons', 'sterling', 'mich', 'sign', 'watchman', 'liberty', 'instructor', 'tract', 'foster', 'marlow', 'ala', 'sign', 'review', 'watchman', 'life', 'health', 'liberty', 'tract', 'burlingame', 'box', 'bridgeport', 'neb', 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'michigan', 'camp', 'meeting', 'camp', 'meeting', 'upper', 'peninsula', 'michigan', 'held', 'gladstone', 'mich', 'june', 'elder', 'allen_moon', 'president', 'lake_union_conference', 'elder', 'westphal', 'south', 'america', 'present', 'elder', 'mortensen', 'consented', 'meeting', 'conducted', 'swedish', 'rockey', 'kalamath', 'denver', 'colo', 'denominational', 'paper', 'number', 'acceptable', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'aug', 'ogden', 'publication', 'wanted', 'aug', 'essex', 'brooklyn', 'north', 'missouri', 'camp', 'meeting', 'july', 'aug', 'inational', 'literature', 'french', 'language', 'earnestly', 'hoped', 'satisfactory', 'written', 'recommendation', 'brother', 'avail', 'recommendation', 'come', 'privilege', 'attend', 'meeting', 'iaw', 'nora', 'missouri', 'conference_association', 'annual_meeting', 'north', 'missouri', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'called', 'meet', 'chillicothe', 'monday', 'aug', 'meeting', 'called', 'election', 'officer', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'ogden', 'president', 'minister', 'elder', 'seventhday_adventist', 'church', 'refer', 'individual', 'secure', 'recommendation', 'writing', 'send', 'open', 'account', 'advertising', 'cash', 'accompany', 'order', 'charge', 'dollar', 'insertion', 'word', 'additional_word', 'initial', 'group', 'figure', 'excess', 'cost', 'cent', 'discount', 'insertion', 'sale', 'thousand', 'new', 'bible', 'motto', 'large', 'assortment', 'including', 'shafer', 'empire', 'ala', 'little', 'required', 'address', 'kitto', 'calgary', 'friend', 'youth', 'instructor', 'denominational', 'paper', 'tract', 'herbert', 'crippen', 'box', 'alamogordo', 'denominational', 'publication', 'english', 'spanish', 'chinese', 'harvey', 'box', 'winnipeg', 'manitoba', 'sign', 'life', 'health', 'watchman', 'liberty', 'instructor', 'little', 'friend', 'tract', 'john', 'schick', 'barberton', 'ohio', 'denominational', 'paper', 'tract', 'free_distribution', 'missionary', 'band', 'akron', 'church', 'bartholomew', 'east', 'silver', 'bluffton', 'ind', 'review', 'sign', 'instructor', 'watchman', 'liberty', 'life', 'health', 'hubbell', 'west', 'santa', 'ana', 'cal', 'sign', 'instructor', 'bible', 'training', 'school', 'life', 'health', 'little', 'friend', 'watchman', 'tract', 'business_notices', 'department', 'conducted', 'especially', 'accommodation', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'reader', 'paper', 'brief', 'business_notices', 'published', 'subject', 'discretion', 'publisher', 'compliance', 'following', 'condition', 'person', 'unknown', 'manager', 'paper', 'send', 'advertisement', 'berta', 'sale', 'peanut', 'butter', 'cent', 'pound', 'pound', 'cocoanut', 'oil', 'olive', 'oil', 'gallon', 'pound', 'vegetable', 'cooking', 'oil', 'freight', 'paid', 'cereal', 'coffee', 'wheatee', 'wheat', 'flour', 'cheap', 'vegetarian_meat', 'company', 'washington', 'desire', 'correspond', 'good', 'strong', 'man', 'work', 'charge', 'place', 'oversee', 'boy', 'farm', 'taking', 'care', 'homeless', 'child', 'permanent', 'place', 'right', 'man', 'reference', 'address', 'shireman', 'toluca', 'write', 'price', 'list', 'health', 'food', 'vegetable', 'cooking', 'oil', 'guarantee', 'highest', 'quality', 'factory', 'operated', 'iowa', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'earnings', 'contributed', 'work', 'address', 'iowa', 'sanitarium', 'food', 'moines', 'iowa', 'hygienic', 'vegetable', 'cooking', 'oil', 'institution', 'government', 'inspected', 'guaranteed', 'send', 'stamp', 'circular', 'gal', 'gal', 'crated', 'bbl', 'gal', 'cent', 'gal', 'freight', 'louisville', 'address', 'godsmark', 'chattanooga', 'tenn', 'midget', 'massage', 'vibrator', 'patented', 'special', 'offer', 'adventist', 'enable', 'practical', 'hand', 'massage', 'machine', 'help', 'haven', 'money', 'spare', 'extra', 'discount', 'foreign_missionaries', 'radiodescent', 'lamp', 'south', 'kalamazoo', 'mich', 'sale', 'million', 'bible', 'motto', 'new', 'father', 'mother', 'motto', 'lead', 'issue', 'sold', 'zoo', 'design', 'stock', 'address', 'assorted', 'goo', 'prepay', 'express', 'bible', 'post', 'card', 'bible', 'card', 'stock', 'write', 'mean', 'business', 'address', 'hampton', 'art', 'hampton', 'iowa']
root - INFO - extracting file #123500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19091118-V86-46-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #124000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100414-V87-15-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['april', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'rheumatism', 'powerful', 'argument', 'true', 'sabbath', 'keeping', 'men', 'different', 'nation', 'hold', 'skirt', 'jew', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'saying', 'heard', 'god', 'zech', 'experience', 'attained', 'merely', 'keeping', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'matter', 'kind', 'wilderness', 'wander', 'week', 'hour', 'sabbath', 'come', 'right', 'expect', 'god', 'special_manner', 'prepare', 'table', 'wilderness', 'look', 'shall', 'disappointed', 'god', 'word', 'special', 'flavor', 'day', 'telling', 'truth', 'burn', 'soul', 'day', 'glow', 'altar', 'heart', 'entire', 'week', 'week', 'day', 'christianity', 'prepares', 'holy', 'sabbath', 'keeping', 'experience', 'blessing', 'true', 'sabbath', 'keeping', 'pointed', 'isa', 'live', 'week', 'verse', 'step', 'lead', 'mean', 'deal', 'thy_bread', 'hungry', 'poor', 'cast', 'thy_house', 'institution', 'thou', 'seest', 'naked', 'thou', 'translation', 'god', 'peace', 'cover', 'refer', 'charsanctify', 'wholly', 'pray', 'god', 'ity', 'draw', 'thy_soul', 'hungry', 'spirit', 'soul', 'body', 'satisfy', 'afflicted', 'soul', 'eye', 'preserved', 'blameless', 'arrival', 'half', 'way', 'midnight', 'hour', 'ticked', 'anointed', 'opportunity', 'heart', 'willing', 'step', 'week', 'day', 'word', 'translating', 'day_life', 'verse', 'isaiah', 'shall', 'sabbath', 'experience', 'thirteenth', 'verse', 'certainly', 'spring', 'follows', 'winter', 'people', 'special', 'light', 'significance', 'matthew', 'special', 'antitoxin', 'commercial', 'spirit', 'sweeping', 'world', 'day', 'like', 'pestilence', 'crushing', 'blighting', 'noble', 'ideal', 'clear', 'cut', 'vision', 'time', 'living', 'want', 'attention', 'fact', 'overlook', 'special', 'significance', 'fifth', 'chapter', 'matthew', 'following', 'fourth', 'chapter', 'fourth', 'chapter', 'point', 'sign', 'christ', 'coming', 'twentyfifth', 'chapter', 'brings', 'view', 'everyday', 'christianity', 'understand', 'sign', 'feed', 'hungry', 'drink', 'thirsty', 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'representing', 'master', 'genuine', 'helpfulness', 'fellow_men', 'closing', 'movement', 'reform', 'sabbath', 'keeping', 'sign', 'christ', 'second', 'coming', 'world', 'sign', 'sun', 'moon', 'star', 'sign', 'appear', 'earth', 'company', 'men', 'woman', 'walking', 'sin', 'cursed', 'associate', 'reflecting', 'image', 'christ', 'fully', 'day', 'christ', 'stand', 'heavenly', 'sanctuary', 'saying', 'father', 'look', 'erring', 'child', 'look', 'look', 'filthy', 'garment', 'look', 'spotless', 'righteousness', 'father', 'accepts', 'christ', 'perfection', 'imperfect', 'life', 'complete', 'col', 'day', 'thank', 'god', 'spite', 'failure', 'christ', 'willing', 'mind', 'accepted', 'according', 'man_hath', 'according', 'bath', 'cor', 'accepting', 'righteousness', 'die', 'come', 'resurrection', 'righteous', 'complete', 'imputed', 'righteousness', 'baptist', 'preach', 'heavenly', 'message', 'jordan', 'water', 'yea', 'like', 'lived', 'courageous', 'luther', 'planted', 'earth', 'god', 'divine', 'truth', 'shook', 'vatican', 'changed', 'speak', 'entire', 'map', 'europe', 'live', 'year', 'lord', 'fulfilling', 'eye', 'event', 'sage', 'seer', 'prophet', 'age', 'looked', 'forward', 'great_truths', 'god', 'accepted', 'human_life', 'create', 'transformation', 'cause', 'angel', 'light', 'look', 'wonder', 'astonishment', 'day', 'opportunity', 'faithful', 'charge', 'entrusted', 'hinsdale', 'ill', 'darkest', 'hour', 'delwin', 'rees', 'buckner', 'god', 'people', 'journey', 'night', 'cloud', 'moon', 'tinted', 'ofttimes', 'come', 'dim', 'star', 'come', 'luster', 'hide', 'light', 'thy', 'saving', 'health', 'nation', 'paul', 'looked', 'age', 'prayed', 'candidate', 'gigantic', 'shadow', 'cause', 'sudden', 'fear', 'dodge', 'wild', 'imaginary', 'blow', 'night', 'fear', 'long', 'truth', 'alive', 'earth', 'jordan', 'badly', 'devastated', 'deep', 'humility', 'soul', 'ask', 'keeping', 'alive', 'living', 'thrilling', 'time', 'chaldean', 'home', 'earlier', 'grudge', 'bearing', 'inhabitant', 'west', 'ancient', 'dagonwonderfully', 'interesting', 'work', 'worshiping', 'philistine', 'enemy', 'israel', 'committed', 'like', 'lived', 'elijah', 'word', 'god', 'dropped', 'heaven', 'consumed', 'sacrifice', 'wish', 'lived', 'judah', 'jerusalem', 'flocked', 'hear', 'simple', 'eloquent', 'john', 'chief', 'city', 'ashdod', 'largely', 'regulating', 'speech', 'semi', 'independent', 'nation', 'neh', 'south', 'swarmed', 'illiberal', 'vindictive', 'edomites', 'claimed', 'entire', 'country', 'rewe', 'know', 'expected', 'dawn', 'drawing', 'near']
root - INFO - extracting file #124500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100908-V87-36-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #125000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19110202-V88-05-page8.txt
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'heat', 'producer', 'winter', 'summer', 'liberally', 'winter', 'summer_months', 'greater', 'heat', 'needed', 'body', 'warm', 'burned', 'body', 'carbonic', 'acid', 'gas', 'water', 'readily', 'eliminated', 'little', 'excess', 'person', 'adipose', 'tissue', 'injury', 'result', 'recognize', 'meat', 'suitable', 'food', 'summer', 'reason', 'feeling', 'prevails', 'meat', 'eating', 'indicated', 'summer_months', 'necessity', 'cold_weather', 'result', 'meat', 'partaken', 'large_quantities', 'average', 'american', 'winter', 'meat', 'utilized', 'production', 'heat', 'good', 'body', 'fuel', 'place', 'concealed', 'fiber', 'organic', 'impurity', 'favor', 'growth', 'bacteria', 'secondly', 'burned', 'body', 'form', 'carbonic', 'acid', 'gas', 'water', 'fat', 'sugar', 'starch', 'addition', 'left', 'solid', 'residuum', 'ash', 'popularly', 'known', 'uric_acid', 'lead', 'active', 'outdoor', 'life', 'dispose', 'good', 'share', 'product', 'active', 'muscle', 'improved', 'circulation', 'blood', 'liver', 'assist', 'converting', 'harmful', 'uric_acid', 'organic', 'waste', 'harmless', 'prod', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'february', 'honeandhealth', 'admission', 'air', 'regulated', 'according', 'tile', 'outdoor', 'temperature', 'admitted', 'way', 'strike', 'floor', 'aim', 'ventilating', 'air', 'surrounding', 'foot', 'warmer', 'air', 'surrounding', 'head', 'directing', 'air', 'upward', 'enters', 'room', 'simplest', 'contrivance', 'slat', 'inch', 'width', 'placed', 'lower', 'window', 'allow', 'air', 'enter', 'union', 'upper', 'lower', 'sash', 'time', 'direct', 'upward', 'takonia', 'park', 'mother', 'way', 'teaching', 'mother', 'care', 'child', 'health', 'went', 'home', 'boy', 'ruining', 'eyesight', 'reading', 'fine', 'print', 'waning', 'afternoon', 'light', 'going', 'begin', 'sharply', 'remembered', 'boy', 'impatient', 'temper', 'said', 'son', 'hear', 'story', 'carpenter', 'carlsbad', 'hadn', 'come', 'sit', 'tell', 'ucts', 'eliminated', 'kidney', 'marked', 'injury', 'tissue', 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'wanted', 'life', 'reputation', 'fortune', 'ala', 'began', 'work', 'fit', 'use', 'tool', 'lost', 'dull', 'rusty', 'worthless', 'accomplish', 'moral', 'donald', 'mean', 'eye', 'course', 'thing', 'faculty', 'working', 'tool', 'listen', 'said', 'family', 'come', 'school', 'child', 'began', 'good', 'box', 'tool', 'sharp', 'eye', 'sound', 'teeth', 'perfect', 'hearing', 'good', 'stomach', 'normal', 'nerv', 'carpenter', 'lived', 'carlsbad']
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root - INFO - extracting file #126000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19111207-V88-49-page20.txt
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'form', 'sabbath', 'desecration', 'sabbath', 'sentiment', 'land', 'shall', 'strong', 'secure', 'effectually', 'moral', 'sentiment', 'civic', 'enactment', 'christian_sabbath', 'speaker', 'grand', 'rapid', 'mich', 'minister', 'conference', 'november', 'referring', 'sunday', 'desecration', 'deplored', 'fact', 'amusement', 'making', 'great', 'inroad', 'sacredness', 'day', 'thing', 'said', 'let', 'preach', 'fourth', 'commandment', 'fearlessly', 'pulpit', 'discipline', 'church', 'withdrawing', 'sacrament', 'offender', 'church', 'member', 'converted', 'manifestly', 'logic', 'thought', 'demand', 'civil_government', 'shall', 'assist', 'church', 'straightening', 'member', 'subject', 'sunday', 'observance', 'agitation', 'baltimore', 'behalf', 'keeping', 'catholic', 'boy', 'faith', 'rev', 'francis', 'sullivan', 'new', 'york', 'chaplain', 'new', 'york', 'police', 'department', 'following', 'comment', 'meeting', 'catholic', 'society', 'baltimore', 'catholic', 'boy', 'attend', 'protestant', 'club', 'deplored', 'spirit', 'old', 'oppose', 'tendency', 'good', 'protestant', 'bad', 'catholic', 'weakening', 'faith', 'leading', 'mixed', 'marriage', 'curse', 'church', 'washington', 'post', 'october', 'vote', 'taken', 'organize', 'boy', 'society', 'provided', 'attraction', 'similar', 'boy', 'brigade', 'boy', 'scout', 'protestant', 'organization', 'suppose', 'bird', 'bravest', 'creature', 'life', 'spite', 'natural', 'timidity', 'true', 'courage', 'incompatible', 'nervousness', 'heroism', 'doe', 'mean', 'absence', 'fear', 'conquest', 'henry', 'van', 'dyke', 'message', 'week', 'prayer', 'zululand', 'south', 'africa', 'brother', 'assembled', 'week', 'prayer', 'meeting', 'greeting', 'courage', 'good', 'rejoice', 'hope', 'seeing', 'work', 'finished', 'generation', 'indian', 'zulu', 'field', 'pleading', 'help', 'helper', 'pray', 'brother', 'plead', 'lord', 'send', 'laborer', 'armitage', 'siberia', 'omsk', 'river', 'irtysh', 'headquarters', 'west', 'siberian', 'mission', 'brother', 'loebsack', 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'heavenly_father', 'journey', 'winter', 'severe', 'long', 'worker', 'great', 'west', 'siberian', 'field', 'hand', 'siberia', 'brother', 'sister', 'send', 'hearty', 'greeting', 'dear_brethren', 'america', 'annual', 'prayer', 'season', 'poor', 'soul', 'lingers', 'may_god', 'raise', 'stout', 'heart', 'come', 'willing', 'mind', 'abundance', 'sacrifice', 'japan', 'great_need', 'christ', 'sake', 'devinney', 'news', 'miscellany', 'note', 'clipping', 'daily', 'weekly', 'press', 'production', 'petroleum', 'said', 'increasing', 'nearly', 'great', 'oil', 'region', 'world', 'jan', 'fixed', 'date', 'new', 'election', 'member', 'german', 'imperial', 'reichstag', 'sultan', 'abdul', 'hamid', 'jewel', 'sold', 'month', 'paris', 'time', 'announced', 'magnificent', 'collection', 'come', 'hammer', 'dutch', 'reformed', 'church', 'country', 'mission_station', 'bahrein', 'arabia', 'year', 'point', 'ioo', 'bible', 'sold', 'nearly', 'arabic', 'language', 'cent', 'moslem', 'nicaraguan', 'government', 'negotiated', 'temporary', 'loan', 'syndicate', 'american', 'banker', 'pending', 'final', 'ratification', 'nicaraguan', 'loan', 'agreement', 'convention', 'senate', 'hostile', 'action', 'present', 'turkish', 'government', 'contemplated', 'military', 'party', 'turkey', 'speak', 'openly', 'violently', 'expelling', 'men', 'exiled', 'abdul', 'hamid', 'trying', 'collect', 'real', 'element', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'instead', 'pleading', 'foreign', 'intervention', 'prevent', 'empire', 'falling', 'piece', 'parade', 'relative', 'friend', 'victim', 'triangle', 'waist', 'factory', 'disaster', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'took', 'place', 'week', 'intended', 'protest', 'condition', 'tragedy', 'possible', 'exist', 'place', 'city', 'aftermath', 'notorious', 'astor', 'force', 'marriage', 'retirement', 'ministry', 'clergyman', 'performed', 'ceremony', 'announced', 'action', 'emphatic', 'indorsement', 'upholder', 'social', 'purity', 'result', 'protest', 'appeal', 'japan', 'know', 'minister', 'participation', 'ing', 'righteousness', 'exalteth', 'nation', 'knowledge', 'rich', 'grace', 'japan', 'seek', 'perishable', 'treasure', 'earth', 'content', 'day', 'bauble', 'gained', 'morrow', 'eager', 'greater', 'feverish', 'haste', 'pass', 'unseeing', 'unhearing', 'eternal', 'wealth', 'god', 'truth', 'little', 'band', 'worker', 'japan', 'million', 'plead', 'men', 'mean', 'help', 'beat', 'power', 'evil', 'poor', 'captive', 'chain', 'darkness', 'free', 'light', 'liberty', 'christ', 'come', 'help', 'great', 'opportunity', 'work', 'marriage', 'associate', 'congregational', 'church', 'providence', 'public', 'generally', 'year', 'ago', 'united', 'state', 'government', 'sent', 'china', 'money', 'set', 'aside', 'council', 'nation', 'indemnity', 'country', 'account', 'boxer', 'uprising', 'chinese', 'fund', 'extraordinary', 'use', 'income', 'devoted', 'expense', 'educating', 'young', 'chinese', 'men', 'university', 'united', 'state', 'china', 'sending', 'student', 'year', 'year', 'year', 'student', 'present', 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root - INFO - extracting file #126500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120509-V89-19-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #127000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19121003-V89-40-page22.txt
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'monetary', 'reward', 'motif', 'prompting', 'choice', 'sounded', 'ear', 'world', 'distress', 'heard', 'suffering', 'fellow', 'year', 'service', 'institution', 'seeking', 'preparation', 'heart', 'training', 'mind', 'hand', 'enable', 'forth', 'efficiently', 'meet', 'demand', 'efficiency', 'medical_missionaries', 'gaged', 'knowledge', 'scientific', 'procedure', 'treatment', 'disease', 'knowledge', 'science', 'missionary', 'service', 'obtained', 'exploit', 'knowledge', 'personal', 'end', 'work', 'missionary', 'nurse', 'bring', 'application', 'scientific', 'principle', 'sympathetic', 'touch', 'divine', 'love', 'instrument', 'hand', 'great', 'physician', 'administer', 'healing', 'soul', 'body', 'temporal', 'physical', 'benefit', 'ministry', 'afford', 'lead', 'suffering', 'source', 'physical', 'spiritual_blessings', 'help', 'drunk', 'fountain', 'blessing', 'point', 'sinner', 'calvary', 'seen', 'calvary', 'cross', 'price', 'redemption', 'knowing', 'sweetness', 'forgiveness', 'power', 'saving', 'grace', 'own_life', 'able', 'tell', 'power', 'save', 'uttermost', 'let', 'life', 'exemplify', 'profess', 'seek', 'enjoin', 'principle', 'reform', 'physical', 'spiritual_life', 'place', 'example', 'remissness', 'general', 'deportment', 'truly', 'noble', 'set', 'high', 'ideal', 'relationship', 'life', 'away', 'life', 'simplicity', 'permit', 'cold', 'formalism', 'rob', 'naturalness', 'assume', 'professional', 'tone', 'arrogate', 'professional', 'air', 'remember', 'men', 'woman', 'impress', 'ignorant', 'superior', 'knowledge', 'sympathetic', 'touch', 'awakens', 'heart', 'christ', 'divinity', 'inspires', 'awe', 'christ', 'manifest', 'flesh', 'man', 'men', 'magnet', 'attracts', 'humanity', 'higher', 'life', 'afford', 'life', 'inspiration', 'associate', 'aim', 'life', 'touching', 'stronger', 'purer', 'nobler', 'cordial', 'kindly', 'attitude', 'withal', 'modest', 'reserved', 'dignified', 'unwise', 'word', 'act', 'lower', 'manhood', 'womanhood', 'permit', 'good', 'evil', 'spoken', 'retain', 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root - INFO - extracting file #127500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130227-V90-09-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #128000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130731-V90-31-page8.txt
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'declares', 'warning', 'national', 'reform', 'association', 'method', 'given', 'city', 'proposed', 'hold', 'world', 'christian', 'citizenship', 'conference', 'oregonian', 'july', 'railroad', 'official', 'portland', 'country', 'started', 'trail', 'clement', 'congdon', 'promoter', 'recent', 'world', 'christian', 'citizenship', 'conference', 'held', 'portland', 'intend', 'prevent', 'barrier', 'encountered', 'good', 'samaritan', 'great_service', 'prince', 'social', 'servant', 'clean', 'robber', 'jerusalem', 'jericho', 'road', 'wiser', 'social', 'servant', 'statement', 'characteristic', 'way', 'epitomize', 'address', 'conference', 'national', 'reformer', 'contain', 'strange', 'commingling', 'thing', 'essential', 'soul', 'experience', 'christian', 'thing', 'dechristianize', 'christianity', 'attempt', 'enforce', 'compulsion', 'human_law', 'men', 'babylon', 'confusion', 'spirit', 'papacy', 'true', 'christian', 'god', 'process', 'human_law', 'men', 'god', 'supreme_law', 'christian', 'attempt', 'supreme_law', 'everybody', 'laid', 'groundwork', 'persecution', 'necessary', 'inquisition', 'christian', 'belief', 'force', 'compel', 'christ', 'supreme', 'lord', 'king', 'king', 'lord', 'lord', 'belief', 'enforced', 'law', 'apply', 'men', 'actuating', 'principle', 'government', 'world', 'attempt', 'world', 'shamble', 'torquemada', 'isabella', 'gloated', 'true', 'allegiance', 'scepter', 'jesus_christ', 'spirit', 'individual', 'christian', 'conquer', 'attempt', 'compel', 'world', 'accept', 'allegiance', 'scepter', 'unchristianize', 'imbrue', 'hand', 'brother', 'blood', 'spirit', 'world', 'christian', 'citizenship', 'conference', 'far', 'national', 'reformer', 'heard', 'essential', 'triumph', 'individual', 'christian', 'enact', 'law', 'enforce', 'christian', 'second', 'paragraph', 'quoted', 'evident', 'national', 'reformer', 'satisfied', 'achievement', 'good', 'samaritan', 'saviour', 'commends', 'work', 'good', 'samaritan', 'left', 'deed', 'record', 'incentive', 'example', 'national', 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'wonder', 'press', 'portland', 'condemning', 'affair', 'strong', 'language', 'telegram', 'july', 'perfect', 'frankness', 'manager', 'world', 'christian', 'citizenship', 'conference', 'begin', 'carry', 'contract', 'promise', 'fulfilled', 'got', 'large_sum', 'money', 'accounting', 'bring', 'twice', 'notable', 'foreign', 'speaker', 'brought', 'bring', 'visitor', 'brought', 'unit', 'best', 'add', 'receipt', 'mean', 'succeeded', 'degree', 'portland', 'bitterly', 'disappointed', 'men', 'permit', 'comin', 'san_francisco', 'city', 'advice', 'sent', 'official', 'road', 'san_francisco', 'official', 'panama', 'pacific', 'exposition', 'recent', 'conference', 'disappointment', 'gross', 'misrepresentation', 'number', 'speaker', 'brought', 'foreign_country', 'national', 'reform', 'association', 'long', 'remembered', 'portland', 'associated', 'unpleasant', 'experience', 'newspaper', 'speak', 'unsparing', 'term', 'management', 'conference', 'willing', 'conference', 'spite', 'disappointment', 'commended', 'address', 'given', 'platform', 'conference', 'distinctly', 'noticeable', 'address', 'commended', 'address', 'national', 'reformer', 'speaking', 'theme', 'social', 'religious', 'nature', 'opening', 'address', 'pres', 'henry', 'colin', 'minton', 'gave', 'expression', 'purpose', 'organization', 'word', 'spirit', 'movement', 'known', 'spirit', 'association', 'association', 'belief', 'almighty_god', 'source', 'earthly', 'authority', 'fountain', 'human', 'liberty', 'belief', 'universal', 'application', 'law', 'alike', 'life', 'individual', 'men', 'nation', 'earth', 'belief', 'supreme', 'lordship', 'man', 'nazareth', 'lived', 'earth', 'nineteen', 'year', 'ago', 'strong', 'son', 'god', 'worthy', 'today', 'king', 'king', 'lord', 'lord', 'belief', 'chance', 'change', 'human_history', 'stride', 'stage', 'world', 'development', 'allegiance', 'scepter', 'spirit', 'conquer', 'obedience', 'law', 'condition', 'solved', 'problem', 'earth', 'overcome']
root - INFO - extracting file #128500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19131225-V90-52-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #129000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140528-V91-22-page19.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'nebraska', 'conference_association', 'regular', 'meeting', 'nebraska', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'legal', 'corporation', 'held', 'camp_ground', 'seward', 'nebr', 'monday', 'june', 'election', 'officer', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'meeting', 'christian', 'president', 'anna', 'peterson', 'secretary', 'east', 'michigan', 'conference_association', 'annual_meeting', 'east', 'michigan', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'orion', 'camp_ground', 'orion', 'mich', 'connection', 'annual_conference', 'june', 'purpose', 'meeting', 'elect', 'board', 'trustee', 'transact', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'meeting', 'held', 'monday', 'june', 'guthrie', 'president', 'daniel', 'wood', 'secretary', 'california', 'conference_association', 'eighteenth', 'annual_meeting', 'california', 'conference_association', 'seventhday_adventists', 'held', 'connection', 'session', 'california', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'oakland', 'cal', 'june', 'july', 'election', 'board', 'seven', 'trustee', 'ensuing', 'year', 'transaction', 'business', 'come', 'meeting', 'meeting', 'called', 'wednesday', 'june', 'farnsworth', 'president', 'claude', 'conard', 'secretary', 'wisconsin', 'conference_association', 'annual_session', 'wisconsin', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'incorporated', 'held', 'wausau', 'connection', 'camp_meeting', 'wisconsin', 'conference', 'june', 'meeting', 'held', 'monday', 'june', 'officer', 'board', 'trustee', 'north', 'dakota', 'conference_association', 'notice', 'given', 'meeting', 'north', 'dakota', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'jamestown', 'dak', 'connection', 'camp_meeting', 'purpose', 'electing', 'trustee', 'amending', 'constitution', 'provide', 'changing', 'headquarters', 'iowa', 'sanitarium', 'benevolent', 'association', 'notice', 'given', 'constituency', 'iowa', 'sanitarium', 'benevolent', 'association', 'annual_meeting', 'held', 'connection', 'iowa', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'conference', 'camp_meeting', 'state', 'fairground', 'moines', 'iowa', 'fargo', 'jamestown', 'dak', 'june', 'meeting', 'transacting', 'business', 'necessary', 'meeting', 'held', 'friday', 'june', 'jackson', 'president', 'andrew', 'roedel', 'secretary', 'sanitarium', 'constituency', 'called', 'order', 'main', 'pavilion', 'aforesaid', 'camp_ground', 'wednesday', 'june', 'ogden', 'chairman', 'heald', 'secretary', 'wyoming', 'conference_association', 'wyoming', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'incorporated', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'south', 'stukely', 'called', 'convene', 'camp_ground', 'edge', 'quebec', 'june', 'election', 'officer', 'mont', 'dak', 'june', 'purpose', 'electing', 'officer', 'transacting', 'necessary', 'business', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'conference', 'delegate', 'quebec', 'conference', 'notice', 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'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'society', 'time', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'conference', 'dele', 'edgemont', 'dak', 'june', 'election', 'officer', 'ensuing', 'year', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'meeting', 'meeting', 'held', 'friday', 'june', 'delegate', 'answer', 'meeting', 'elected', 'ensuing', 'year', 'gate', 'body', 'meeting', 'held', 'monday', 'june', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'wisconsin', 'conference', 'delegate', 'association', 'thurston', 'president', 'walter', 'secretary', 'wisconsin', 'medical', 'missionary', 'benevolent', 'association', 'annual_session', 'medical', 'missionary', 'benevolent', 'association', 'state', 'wisconsin', 'incorporated', 'held', 'wausau', 'connection', 'camp_meeting', 'wisconsin', 'conference', 'june', 'meeting', 'session', 'held', 'monday', 'june', 'session', 'officer', 'trustee', 'elected', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'body', 'accredited', 'delegate', 'wisconsin', 'conference', 'delegate', 'association', 'ttruaston', 'president', 'larson', 'secretary', 'ontario', 'conference', 'notice', 'given', 'meeting', 'ontario', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'buena', 'vista', 'academy', 'ground', 'oshawa', 'ontario', 'connection', 'annual', 'camp_meeting', 'june', 'july', 'officer', 'elected', 'ensuing', 'year', 'business', 'transacted', 'properly', 'come', 'conference', 'annual_session', 'meeting', 'convene', 'friday', 'june', 'member', 'good', 'regular', 'standing', 'belonging', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'church', 'ontario', 'held', 'june', 'hanson', 'president', 'dart', 'secretary', 'alberta', 'conference_association', 'notice', 'given', 'meeting', 'alberta', 'conference_association', 'seventhday_adventists', 'held', 'wednesday', 'june', 'camp_grounds', 'red', 'deer', 'alberta', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'association', 'desired', 'church', 'represented', 'meeting', 'election', 'constituent', 'member', 'ensuing', 'year', 'transaction', 'business', 'come', 'meeting', 'richards', 'president', 'lucy', 'page', 'emerson', 'secretary', 'eastern', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'eleventh', 'annual_session', 'eastern', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'convene', 'camp_ground', 'emmanuel', 'grove', 'near', 'allentown', 'friday', 'june', 'elect', 'officer', 'ensuing', 'year', 'transact', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'conference', 'church', 'entitled', 'delegate', 'organization', 'additional', 'delegate', 'member', 'thereof', 'richards', 'president', 'lucy', 'page', 'emerson', 'secretary', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'association', 'session', 'constituency', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'homestead', 'park', 'homestead', 'june', 'purpose', 'electing', 'officer', 'transacting', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'meeting', 'constituency', 'meet', 'connection', 'camp_meeting', 'held', 'homestead', 'park', 'june', 'meeting', 'burman', 'president', 'hommel', 'secretary', 'new', 'jersey', 'conference', 'eleventh', 'annual_session', 'new', 'jersey', 'conference', 'held', 'camden', 'june', 'july', 'meeting', 'organization', 'appointment', 'committee', 'held', 'june', 'church', 'clerk', 'requested', 'place', 'file', 'secretary', 'conference', 'previous', 'date', 'complete', 'list', 'delegate', 'church', 'entitled', 'delegate', 'organization', 'additional', 'delegate', 'member', 'church', 'sandborn', 'president', 'secretary', 'new', 'jersey', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'annual_session', 'new', 'jersey', 'conference_association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'connection', 'conference', 'camp_meeting', 'camden', 'june', 'july', 'meeting', 'attendance', 'meeting', 'delegate', 'june', 'delegate', 'ventists', 'convene', 'connection', 'entitled', 'privilege', 'belonging', 'occasion', 'kirkendall', 'president', 'terwillegar', 'secretary', 'conference', 'delegate', 'association', 'sandborn', 'president', 'secretary', 'camp_meeting', 'homestead', 'park', 'homestead', 'june', 'meeting', 'conference', 'held', 'thursday', 'garde', 'president', 'hackman', 'secretary', 'hale', 'president', 'asa', 'smith', 'secretary', 'pennsylvania', 'tract', 'missionary', 'society', 'annual_meeting', 'pennsylvania', 'tract', 'missionary', 'society', 'held', 'connection', 'eastern', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'emmanuel', 'grove', 'camp_grounds', 'allentown', 'june', 'meeting', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'thirteenth', 'annual_session', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day']
root - INFO - extracting file #129500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19141022-V91-44-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #130000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19150318-V92-14-page9.txt
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'sunday', 'romanists', 'decree', 'forth', 'people', 'god', 'similar', 'issued', 'ahasuerus', 'jew', 'time', 'esther', 'persian', 'edict', 'sprang', 'malice', 'haman', 'mordecai', 'protestant', 'world', 'today', 'little', 'company', 'keeping', 'sabbath', 'mordecai', 'gate', 'secure', 'popularity', 'patronage', 'legislator', 'yield', 'demand', 'sunday', 'law', 'fear', 'god', 'accept', 'institution', 'violates', 'principle', 'decalogue', 'battle_field', 'come', 'great_conflict', 'controversy', 'truth', 'error', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'page', 'cause', 'calamity', 'maintained', 'year', 'time', 'come', 'working', 'compulsory', 'sunday', 'observance', 'attribute', 'calamity', 'earth', 'failure', 'people', 'observe', 'sunday', 'plague', 'falling', 'world', 'stood', 'true', 'sabbath', 'jehovah', 'charged', 'responsibility', 'manifestation', 'divine', 'wrath', 'seen', 'indication', 'trend', 'opinion', 'meeting', 'lord', 'day', 'alliance', 'held', 'washington', 'jan', 'declaration', 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'demand', 'legislation', 'protection', 'lord', 'day', 'kingdom', 'jesus_christ', 'advanced', 'davis', 'secretary', 'maryland', 'lord', 'day', 'alliance', 'following', 'statement', 'meeting', 'session', 'congress', 'expect', 'introduce', 'sunday', 'law', 'district', 'columbia', 'clean', 'white', 'sabbath', 'going', 'organize', 'force', 'key', 'man', 'state', 'leading', 'representative', 'leading', 'denomination', 'congressional', 'district', 'men', 'organize', 'church', 'cooperative', 'basis', 'sunday', 'introduced', 'instead', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'sending', 'barrel', 'petition', 'united', 'state', 'able', 'send', 'barrel', 'state', 'union', 'foe', 'country', 'difficult', 'people', 'look', 'mordecai', 'gate', 'troubler', 'israel', 'activity', 'endanger', 'success', 'work', 'fastening', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'people', 'force', 'law', 'idea', 'mind', 'general', 'manager', 'national', 'reform', 'association', 'following', 'declaration', 'aug', 'winona', 'lake', 'ind', 'foe', 'country', 'fear', 'half', 'religious_liberty', 'individual', 'right', 'conscience', 'infringing', 'right', 'christian', 'peopl', 'state', 'force', 'uniting', 'reader', 'familiar', 'program', 'great', 'organization', 'known', 'federal_council', 'church', 'christ', 'america', 'set', 'task', 'establishing', 'sunday', 'institution', 'force', 'law', 'working', 'line', 'creating', 'force', 'lawbreaker', 'lawmaker', 'respect', 'heed', 'question', 'interested', 'involved', 'world', 'christian', 'citizen', 'conference', 'chief', 'purpose', 'existence', 'compulsory', 'observance', 'sunday', 'sabbath', 'national', 'reform', 'association', 'developed', 'organization', 'look', 'way', 'aim']
root - INFO - extracting file #130500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19150812-V92-40-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #131000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160110-V93-02-page2.txt
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'believer', 'heart', 'christ', 'dwells', 'faith', 'new', 'psalmist', 'describes', 'blessed', 'blessed', 'man', 'walketh', 'counsel', 'ungodly', 'standeth', 'way', 'sinner', 'aitteth', 'seat', 'scornful', 'delight', 'law', 'lord', 'law', 'cloth', 'meditate', 'day', 'night', 'rom', 'perpetuity', 'law', 'said', 'stability', 'god', 'character', 'lord', 'change', 'mal', 'science', 'believer', 'figure', 'time', 'present', 'offered', 'gift', 'sacrifice', 'service', 'perfect', 'pertaining', 'conscience', 'heb', 'ceremonial_law', 'abolished', 'christ', 'christ', 'death', 'affect', 'ceremonial_law', 'enduring', 'commandment', 'work', 'hand', 'verity', 'judgment', 'commandment', 'sure', 'stand', 'fast', 'forever', 'truth', 'uprightness', 'christ', 'come', 'abolish', 'destroy', 'law', 'think', 'come', 'destroy', 'law', 'prophet', 'come', 'destroy', 'fulfill', 'math', 'nora', 'moral_law', 'contained', 'commandment', 'enforced', 'prophet', 'away', 'design', 'coming', 'revoke', 'law', 'remain', 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'hem', 'patience', 'saint', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'rev', 'witness', 'law', 'prophet', 'tee', 'jewish', 'scripture', 'christ', 'appealed', 'consisted', 'law', 'prophet', 'bore', 'witness', 'messiah', 'prepared', 'way', 'fulfilled', 'moral_law', 'revealed', 'disease', 'lit', 'brought', 'remedy', 'precept', 'designed', 'convince', 'sin', 'hand', 'ceremonial_law', 'suited', 'typify', 'remedy', 'sin', 'contained', 'shadow', 'good_things', 'gospel', 'pictured', 'way', 'salvation', 'ceremonial_law', 'obscurely', 'typified', 'prophet', 'plainly', 'predicted', 'pointed', 'coming', 'messiah', 'daily', 'sacrifice', 'successive', 'utterance', 'pointed', 'lamb', 'god', 'taketh', 'away', 'sin', 'world', 'fulfillment', 'moral_law', 'ceremonial_law', 'prophet', 'character', 'work', 'christ', 'threefold', 'cord', 'evidence', 'broken', 'perfectly', 'fulfilled', 'precept', 'moral_law', 'fulfilled', 'type', 'ceremonial_law', 'fulsaying', 'speak', 'unto', 'child', 'israel', 'unto', 'man', 'bring', 'offering', 'lev', 'law', 'offering', 'meat', 'offering', 'ein', 'offering', 'trespass', 'offering', 'consecration', 'sacrifice', 'peace', 'offering', 'lord', 'commanded', 'moses', 'mount', 'sinai', 'day', 'commanded', 'child', 'israel', 'offer', 'oblation', 'unto', 'lord', 'wildernees', 'sinai', 'lev', 'burnt', 'commandment', 'distinct', 'shall', 'bring', 'forth', 'son', 'thou', 'filled', 'prediction', 'prophet', 'offering', 'commanded', 'law', 'contrasted']
root - INFO - extracting file #131500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19160605-V93-28-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #132000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19161102-V93-54-page15.txt
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'genuine', 'virtue', 'grace', 'appear', 'family_circle', 'indicating', 'preparation', 'heart', 'meet', 'coming', 'issue', 'showing', 'world', 'preparing', 'coming', 'lord', 'world', 'impressed', 'church', 'life', 'ministry', 'preaches', 'church', 'judged', 'influence', 'flow', 'central', 'fountain', 'home', 'home', 'important', 'institution', 'world', 'formation', 'character', 'influence', 'real', 'university', 'men', 'woman', 'trained', 'life', 'lack', 'right', 'continue', 'early', 'attention', 'way', 'encourage', 'fighting', 'battle', 'life', 'study', 'advance', 'happiness', 'let', 'mutual', 'love', 'mutual', 'forbearance', 'marriage', 'instead', 'end', 'love', 'beginning', 'love', 'husband', 'wife', 'attempt', 'exercise', 'arbitrary', 'control', 'try', 'compel', 'yield', 'wish', 'retain', 'love', 'kind', 'patient', 'forbearing', 'considerate', 'courteous', 'grace', 'god', 'succeed', 'making', 'happy', 'marriage', 'vow', 'promised', 'sunny', 'day', 'courtship', 'imagine', 'mar', 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root - INFO - extracting file #132500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170329-V94-13-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #133000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170830-V94-35-page3.txt
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'plainly', 'given', 'scripture', 'relating', 'question', 'settled', 'individual', 'conscience', 'prescribe', 'rule', 'behooves', 'careful', 'thought', 'attention', 'subject', 'effect', 'practice', 'own_life', 'experience', 'influence', 'exerts', 'brother', 'aged', 'consecrated', 'worker', 'writes', 'deep', 'concern', 'feel', 'practice', 'creeping', 'church', 'transacting', 'business', 'sabbath', 'copy', 'review', 'reached', 'ment', 'ministry', 'connection', 'month', 'journey', 'earth', 'god', 'hand', 'guiding', 'wheel', 'wheel', 'ezekiel', 'vision', 'brings', 'blessed', 'message', 'rest', 'assurance', 'review', 'good', 'friend', 'far', 'land', 'copy', 'received', 'bore', 'message', 'came', 'time', 'work', 'god', 'special', 'comfort', 'assurance', 'circumstance', 'perusal', 'copy', 'january', 'giving', 'study', 'pen', 'sister', 'white', 'vision', 'prophet', 'ezekiel', 'river', 'chebar', 'prophet', 'exile', 'home', 'saw', 'world', 'desolation', 'overturnings', 'mighty', 'force', 'leave', 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'practice', 'living', 'god', 'sabbath', 'travel', 'refer', 'called', 'attention', 'god', 'employ', 'messenour', 'brother', 'sister', 'attending', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'gers', 'feel', 'work', 'dechurch', 'sabbath', 'reform', 'matter', 'selling', 'literature', 'house', 'god', 'sabbath', 'day', 'recently', 'sister', 'came', 'great', 'distress', 'mind', 'incident', 'witnessed', 'denominational_literature', 'sold', 'benefit', 'school', 'own_church', 'business', 'transacted', 'sabbath', 'pendent', 'finite', 'men', 'left', 'carry', 'burden', 'responsibility', 'ezekiel', 'vision', 'god', 'hand', 'beneath', 'wing', 'cherub', 'teach', 'servant', 'divine_power', 'success', 'work', 'away', 'iniquity', 'essary', 'minister', 'travel', 'pure', 'heart', 'life', 'heavbright', 'light', 'going', 'living', 'creature', 'swiftness', 'lightning', 'represent', 'speed', 'work', 'finally', 'forward', 'completion', 'slumber', 'continually', 'work', 'accomplishment', 'design', 'carry', 'forward', 'great_work', 'harmoniously', 'appears', 'finite', 'mind', 'entangled', 'complicated', 'lord', 'hand', 'perfect', 'order', 'devise', 'way', 'mean', 'thwart', 'purpose', 'wicked', 'counselor', 'plot', 'mischief', 'called', 'responsible_positions', 'work', 'god', 'feel', 'carrying', 'heavy_burdens', 'appointment', 'observe', 'late', 'growing', 'tendency', 'use', 'sabbath', 'appear', 'onlooker', 'entirely', 'invite', 'patient', 'attend', 'service', 'proper', 'city', 'sell', 'book', 'magazine', 'sabbath', 'day', 'sell', 'church', 'difference', 'principle', 'denomination', 'falling', 'way', 'necessary', 'team', 'trolley', 'distance', 'mile', 'believe', 'entirely', 'justified', 'necenly', 'messenger', 'seen', 'ezekiel', 'like', 'sabbath', 'order', 'reach', 'worker', 'sanitarium', 'hesitate', 'unnecessary', 'travel', 'long_journeys', 'business', 'church', 'sabbath', 'begun', 'day', 'sabbath', 'day', 'taking', 'long_journey', 'taken', 'earlier', 'week', 'apart', 'use', 'sabbath', 'time', 'right', 'let', 'know', 'reply', 'answer', 'right', 'suppose', 'brother', 'advantage', 'sabbath', 'congregation', 'bring', 'question', 'relating', 'work', 'expressing', 'sentiment']
root - INFO - extracting file #133500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19180131-V95-05-page17.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #134000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19180627-V95-26-page9.txt
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'healthful', 'thing', 'god', 'desire', 'health', 'health', 'body', 'soul', 'worker', 'health', 'soul', 'body', 'promoted', 'healthful', 'dress', 'ministry', 'healing', 'sanctioned', 'word', 'god', 'making', 'change', 'apparel', 'sake', 'fashion', 'merely', 'sanctioned', 'word', 'god', 'changing', 'style', 'elaborate', 'costly', 'ornamentation', 'squander', 'time', 'mean', 'rich', 'lay', 'waste', 'energy', 'mind', 'soul', 'impose', 'heavy_burden', 'middle', 'poorer', 'class', 'hardly', 'earn', 'livelihood', 'simple', 'mode', 'clothing', 'compelled', 'resort', 'dressmaker', 'order', 'fashion', 'poor', 'girl', 'sake', 'stylish', 'gown', 'deprived', 'warm', 'underwear', 'paid', 'penalty', 'life', 'coveting', 'display', 'elegance', 'rich', 'enticed', 'path', 'dishonesty', 'shame', 'home', 'deprived', 'comfort', 'man', 'driven', 'embezzlement', 'bankruptcy', 'satisfy', 'extravagant', 'demand', 'wife', 'thildren', 'ministry', 'healing', 'evil', 'evil', 'wearing', 'skirt', 'weight', 'sustained', 'hip', 'heavy', 'weight', 'pressing', 'internal', 'organ', 'drag', 'downward', 'cause', 'weakness', 'stomach', 'feeling', 'lassitude', 'inclining', 'wearer', 'stoop', 'cramp', 'lung', 'making', 'correct', 'breathing', 'difficult', 'ministry', 'healing', 'symmetry', 'form', 'preserved', 'testimony', 'tight', 'lacing', 'doe', 'improve', 'form', 'chief', 'element', 'physical', 'beauty', 'symmetry', 'harmonious', 'proportion', 'correct', 'model', 'physical_development', 'figure', 'displayed', 'french', 'modiste', 'human', 'form', 'developed', 'according', 'law', 'god', 'nature', 'god', 'author', 'beauty', 'conform', 'ideal', 'shall', 'approach', 'standard', 'true', 'beauty', 'ministry', 'healing', 'evenly', 'body', 'clothed', 'evil', 'custom', 'foster', 'unequal', 'distribution', 'clothing', 'body', 'required', 'insufficiently', 'clad', 'foot', 'limb', 'remote', 'vital_organ', 'especially', 'guarded', 'cold', 'abundant', 'clothing', 'impossible', 'health', 'extremity', 'habitually', 'cold', 'little', 'blood', 'portion', 'body', 'perfect', 'health', 'requires', 'perfect', 'circulation', 'time', 'clothing', 'worn', 'body', 'vital_organ', 'situated', 'foot', 'limb', 'ministry', 'healing', 'order', 'influence', 'dress', 'like', 'world', 'influence', 'sad', 'fatal', 'mistake', 'true', 'saving', 'influence', 'let', 'live', 'profession', 'faith', 'righteous', 'work', 'distinction', 'great', 'christian', 'world', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'woman', 'dress', 'house', 'wife', 'mother', 'think', 'matter', 'look', 'work', 'seen', 'husband', 'child', 'particular', 'dress', 'taste', 'eye', 'special', 'claim', 'esteem', 'love', 'husband', 'child', 'prized', 'stranger', 'common', 'friend', 'happiness', 'husband', 'child', 'sacred', 'wife', 'mother', 'christian', 'sister', 'time', 'dress', 'extravagantly', 'time', 'dress', 'neatly', 'modestly', 'healthfully', 'work', 'allow', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'instruction', 'given', 'concerning', 'wearing', 'jewelry', 'ornament', 'dress', 'plainly', 'abstain', 'display', 'jewelry', 'ornament', 'kind', 'keeping', 'faith', 'unfortunate', 'come', 'possession', 'gold', 'chain', 'pin', 'shown', 'bad', 'taste', 'exhibiting', 'making', 'conspicuous', 'attract', 'attention', 'associate', 'character', 'vain', 'peacock', 'display', 'gorgeous', 'feather', 'admiration', 'poor', 'bird', 'attract', 'attention', 'voice', 'form', 'tractive', 'testimowies', 'churbh', 'vol', 'iii', 'persist', 'wearing', 'such_things', 'profess', 'child', 'god', 'feel', 'scruple', 'conforming', 'custom', 'world', 'wearing', 'gold', 'pearl', 'costly', 'array', 'conscientious', 'wear', 'thing', 'regarded', 'narrow', 'minded', 'superstitious', 'fanatical', 'god', 'condescends', 'instruction', 'declaration', 'infinite_wisdom', 'disregard', 'peril', 'loss', 'cling', 'ornament', 'forbidden', 'god', 'word', 'cherish', 'pride', 'vanity', 'heart', 'desire', 'attract', 'attention', 'dress', 'look', 'admire', 'vanity', 'inherent', 'human_nature', 'steadily', 'increasing', 'indulgence', 'mind', 'fixed', 'pleasing', 'god', 'needle', 'embellishment', 'person', 'disappear', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'minister', 'wife', 'example', 'minister', 'wife', 'example', 'plainness', 'dress', 'dress', 'neatly', 'comfortably', 'wearing', 'good', 'material', 'avoidinganything', 'like', 'extravagance', 'trimming', 'expensive', 'thing', 'tell', 'disadvantage', 'special', 'testimony', 'minister', 'worker', 'preparedness', 'hannah', 'bak', 'fulness', 'preparation', 'needed', 'christian', 'warrior', 'ready', 'meet', 'god', 'peace', 'come', 'admonition', 'old', 'prophet', 'prepare', 'meet', 'thy', 'god', 'amos', 'prepare', 'diligently', 'peter', 'diligence', 'calling', 'election', 'sure', 'peter', 'careless', 'work', 'suffice', 'paul', 'behold', 'selfsame', 'thing', 'sorrowed', 'godly', 'sort', 'carefulness', 'wrought', 'yea', 'vehement', 'desire', 'yea', 'zeal', 'cor', 'sorrow', 'sin', 'godly', 'way', 'creates', 'carefulness', 'zeal', 'putting', 'away', 'sin', 'prepared', 'paul', 'approve', 'patience', 'affliction', 'necessity', 'distress', 'stripe', 'imprisonment', 'required', 'said', 'heaven', 'unready', 'god', 'help', 'way', 'prepare', 'work', 'fit', 'heaven', 'given', 'word', 'bible', 'studying', 'word', 'man', 'god', 'perfect', 'thoroughly', 'furnished', 'unto', 'good_works', 'testimony', 'people', 'destroyed', 'lack', 'knowledge', 'thou_hast', 'rejected', 'knowledge', 'reject', 'thee', 'hosea', 'servant', 'knew', 'lord', 'prepared']
root - INFO - extracting file #134500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19181205-V95-49-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #135000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19190403-V96-14-page13.txt
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'rev', 'amid', 'turmoil', 'day', 'surrounded', 'men', 'headstrong', 'hasty', 'unadvised', 'uncontrollable', 'borne', 'passion', 'driven', 'circumstance', 'civilization', 'appearance', 'gigantic', 'piece', 'dislocated', 'machinery', 'begin', 'crash', 'ruin', 'let', 'humble', 'follower', 'god', 'forget', 'god', 'laid', 'sure', 'foundation', 'people', 'god', 'said', 'believeth', 'shall', 'haste', 'satan', 'craze', 'men', 'mind', 'passion', 'hurry', 'headlong', 'ruin', 'god', 'wait', 'know', 'moderate', 'prudent', 'grave', 'men', 'strong_faith', 'unshaken', 'confidence', 'god', 'rest', 'secure', 'need', 'hurry', 'taking', 'hold', 'eternal', 'time', 'meditation', 'consideration', 'prayer', 'let', 'servant', 'christ', 'heed', 'sure_word', 'prophecy', 'wave', 'coming', 'trouble', 'surge', 'foot', 'fixed', 'god', 'truth', 'shall', 'stand', 'rock', 'unmoved', 'wild', 'tumult', 'popular', 'passion', 'unsurprised', 'undisturbed', 'child', 'god', 'need', 'wisdom', 'prudence', 'deliberation', 'day', 'upheaval', 'unrest', 'hand', 'strong', 'steady', 'eye', 'clear', 'heart', 'fixed', 'god', 'soul', 'humanity', 'tossed', 'tempest', 'wicked', 'like', 'troubled', 'sea', 'casteth', 'mire', 'dirt', 'foaming', 'shame', 'christian', 'pilgrim', 'shall', 'foot', 'standing', 'highest', 'surge', 'secure', 'everlasting', 'strength', 'living', 'day', 'earth', 'history', 'response', 'prophetic', 'forecast', 'headlong', 'haste', 'speed', 'reckless', 'rashness', 'lawlessness', 'anarchy', 'hurrying', 'men', 'woman', 'madness', 'heart', 'certainly', 'know', 'god', 'watchful', 'hoping', 'god', 'awaiting', 'unfolding', 'great', 'purpose', 'consider', 'god', 'surprised', 'dismayed', 'event', 'taking', 'place', 'world', 'abide', 'thein', 'know', 'provision', 'ample', 'plan', 'perfect', 'purpose', 'unalterable', 'shall', 'earth', 'heaven', 'world', 'wide', 'league', 'church', 'hilliard', 'plan', 'laid', 'world', 'wide', 'union', 'church', 'paving', 'way', 'threefold', 'union', 'spoken', 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'fulfilment', 'according', 'following', 'news', 'item', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'appeared', 'paul', 'dispatch', 'march', 'caption', 'league', 'church', 'planned', 'rome', 'read', 'plan', 'roman', 'catholic', 'greek', 'russian', 'protestant_church', 'organize', 'league', 'similar', 'proposed', 'society', 'nation', 'cooperate', 'christian_work', 'brother', 'laid', 'pope', 'protestant', 'bishop', 'rev', 'weller', 'protestant', 'episcopal', 'bishop', 'fond', 'lae', 'announced', 'today', 'bishop', 'weller', 'said', 'accompanied', 'bishop', 'charles', 'anderson', 'chicago', 'bishop', 'named', 'journey', 'rome', 'behalf', 'church', 'league', 'bishop', 'anderson', 'said', 'today', 'plan', 'involved', 'calling', 'world', 'wide', 'conference', 'christian_church', 'general', 'church', 'conference', 'met', 'cincinnati', 'said', 'bishop', 'anderson', 'undertook', 'promote', 'conference', 'christian_church', 'believed', 'conference', 'step', 'unity', 'moral', 'efficiency', 'christian_church', 'congress', 'secured', 'operation', 'english', 'church', 'leading', 'protestant_church', 'united', 'state', 'nonconformist', 'church', 'british', 'empire', 'old', 'catholic', 'church', 'europe', 'deputation', 'visit', 'europe', 'near', 'east', 'war', 'broke', 'deputation', 'proceed', 'europe', 'near', 'east', 'matter', 'left', 'time', 'nation', 'discussing', 'league', 'nation', 'christian_church', 'consider', 'way', 'mean', 'closer', 'ordination', 'giving', 'utterance', 'international', 'christian', 'conscience', 'thing', 'rapidly', 'nowadays', 'short_time', 'plan', 'working', 'force', 'church', 'shall', 'federated', 'readily', 'grasp', 'hand', 'spiritualism', 'clothed', 'religious', 'garb', 'patiently', 'stand', 'law', 'god', 'contend', 'faith', 'jesus', 'mass', 'drift', 'tide', 'cherish', 'sin', 'indulge', 'self', 'easy', 'popular']
root - INFO - extracting file #135500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19190724-V96-30-page21.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #136000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19191113-V96-46-page32.txt
root - INFO - ['the_advent_review_and_sabbath_herald_vol', 'washington', 'november', 'editor', 'francis', 'mclellan', 'wilcox', 'associate', 'editor', 'death', 'haskell', 'letter', 'received', 'elder', 'haskell', 'went', 'press', 'issue', 'october', 'apprised', 'death', 'sister', 'haskell', 'review', 'november', 'containing', 'week', 'prayer', 'reading', 'printed', 'week', 'previously', 'opportunity', 'pas', 'sad', 'word', 'reader', 'know', 'known', 'sister', 'haskell', 'year', 'word', 'come', 'sad', 'surprise', 'death', 'occurred', 'melrose', 'mass', 'october', 'sister', 'haskell', 'true', 'noble', 'woman', 'loyal', 'devoted', 'wife', 'consecrated', 'efficient', 'laborer', 'gospel_work', 'loss', 'keenly', 'felt', 'ministered', 'spoken', 'written', 'message', 'particularly', 'loss', 'deeply', 'sensed', 'husband', 'elder', 'haskell', 'stood', 'year', 'faithful', 'helper', 'elder', 'haskell', 'writes', 'elder', 'loughborough', 'prepare', 'review', 'sketch', 'sister', 'haskell', 'life', 'shall', 'glad', 'receive', 'brother', 'haskell', 'desire', 'express', 'friend', 'appreciation', 'sympathetic', 'letter', 'prayer', 'ascended', 'behalf', 'wife', 'appreciated', 'greatly', 'sympathy', 'brother', 'doe', 'present_time', 'let', 'continue', 'remember', 'prayer', 'god', 'blessed', 'presence', 'loss', 'companion', 'world', 'unrest', 'fond', 'hope', 'settled', 'condition', 'obtain', 'world', 'soon', 'signing', 'armistice', 'sadly', 'disappointed', 'international', 'question', 'remain', 'unsettled', 'treaty', 'peace', 'drawn', 'paris', 'formally', 'accepted', 'great', 'power', 'added', 'international', 'situation', 'question', 'domestic', 'concern', 'affording', 'real', 'perplexity', 'practically', 'nation', 'earth', 'great', 'britain', 'throe', 'great', 'industrial', 'upheaval', 'present_time', 'spirit', 'revolt', 'existing', 'order', 'attended', 'strike', 'labor', 'union', 'spread', 'united', 'state', 'steel', 'strike', 'holding', 'production', 'steel', 'consequently', 'limiting', 'constructive', 'work', 'coal', 'strike', 'cutting', 'fuel', 'supply', 'nation', 'sympathetic', 'strike', 'threatened', 'future', 'difficult', 'know', 'end', 'attempt', 'discussion', 'merit', 'controversy', 'undoubtedly', 'wrong', 'exist', 'human_nature', 'practically', 'represented', 'capital', 'labor', 'men', 'environment', 'education', 'experience', 'position', 'class', 'suddenly', 'reversed', 'end', 'strife', 'selfish', 'tendency', 'human_nature', 'continue', 'expression', 'sympathy', 'spirit', 'grind', 'laboring', 'man', 'believe', 'labor', 'entitled', 'fruit', 'repeatedly', 'warned', 'scripture', 'oppressing', 'poor', 'apostle', 'james', 'utters', 'warning', 'manifestation', 'spirit', 'day', 'danger', 'organized', 'labor', 'grow', 'autocratic', 'intrenched', 'capital', 'blessing', 'man', 'appreciate', 'fully', 'position', 'taken', 'seemingly', 'oppose', 'difficult', 'grace', 'christ', 'heart', 'transforms', 'life', 'man', 'able', 'view', 'question', 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'conference', 'brother', 'degering', 'span', 'time', 'jamaica', 'proceedin', 'trinidad', 'cable', 'cape_town', 'mission_board', 'receives', 'sad', 'word', 'loss', 'devoted', 'worker', 'africar', 'mission_field', 'sister', 'elizabeth', 'walde', 'wheeler', 'wife', 'brother', 'clarence', 'wheeler', 'bethel', 'mission', 'kafirland', 'died', 'october', 'undergoing', 'minor', 'surgical', 'operation', 'sympathy', 'prayer', 'brother', 'africa', 'member', 'family', 'country', 'new', 'grave', 'africa', 'speak', 'heart', 'people', 'love', 'sent', 'sister', 'wheeler', 'inspire', 'young_people', 'offer', 'service', 'recently', 'brother', 'hall', 'wood', 'itinerated', 'province', 'chekiang', 'china', 'general', 'meet', 'ing', 'worker', 'held', 'wen', 'chow', 'time', 'work', 'organizr', 'ing', 'south', 'chekiang', 'mission', 'comr', 'plated', 'working', 'district', 'year', 'good_beginning', 'churche', 'organized', 'work', 'conducted', 'place', 'corp', 'native_workers', 'prospect', 'mission', 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'counsel', 'elder', 'crager', 'recommended', 'president', 'chile', 'conference', 'place', 'brother', 'baer', 'recommendation', 'passed', 'convention', 'conference', 'trust', 'far', 'reaching', 'influence', 'work', 'different_departments', 'closing', 'sabbath', 'fitting', 'sermon', 'elder', 'charles', 'thompson', 'brother', 'stevens', 'crager', 'ordained', 'gospel_ministry', 'testimony', 'worker', 'indicated', 'meeting', 'widened', 'vision', 'unfinished', 'work', 'nearly', 'month', 'continuous', 'meeting', 'delegate', 'returned', 'post', 'service', 'renewed', 'faith', 'courage', 'shaw']
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'richest', 'experience', 'apprehend', 'cur', 'saviour', 'watch', 'tender', 'solicitude', 'sorely', 'tried', 'set', 'solitary', 'irreligious', 'household', 'receiving', 'answer', 'come', 'crown', 'said', 'little', 'edwin', 'booth', 'foremost', 'representative', 'mcdern', 'drama', 'respond', 'brave', 'intelligent', 'terrier', 'belonging', 'lady', 'friend', 'day', 'discovered', 'monkey', 'belonging', 'itinerant', 'organ', 'grinder', 'given', 'great', 'comfort', 'christian_union', 'expressed', 'view', 'dash', 'monsupport', 'way', 'theatre', 'questicn', 'letter', 'frcm', 'key', 'attired', 'jacket', 'hat', 'piece', 'work', 'went', 'failed', 'moral', 'unsa', 'fedestructive', 'lyanvirtue', 'careful', 'begin', 'right', 'otherin', 'vital', 'point', 'ministry', 'failed', 'plain', 'people', 'spiritual_life', 'separate', 'thing', 'natural', 'life', 'incorporated', 'till', 'diviner', 'element', 'working', 'like', 'leaven', 'shall', 'ccnstantly', 'making', 'like', 'female', 'purity', 'safe', 'foul', 'atmosphere', 'unreforniable', 'satanic', 'trap', 'catch', 'soul', 'illuminated', 'decorated', 'gate', 'way', 'ruin', 'safe', 'theatre', 'outside', 'wise_man', 'woman', 'occupies', 'evangelical', 'messenger', 'envy', 'thou', 'oppressor', 'wise', 'piece', 'going', 'journey', 'careful', 'right', 'road', 'way', 'begin', 'life', 'aright', 'child', 'seek', 'god', 'fear', 'lord', 'beginning', 'wisdom', 'praise', 'hunt']
root - INFO - extracting file #141500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18800520-V06-19-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #142000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18810331-V07-13-page10.txt
root - INFO - ['zile', 'borne', 'irth', 'rowing', 'tide', 'itis', 'easy', 'glide', 'ripple', 'adown', 'stream', 'time', 'flow', 'course', 'river', 'like', 'music', 'old', 'rhyme', 'courage', 'patience', 'current', 'ride', 'strength', 'heaven', 'rowing', 'tide', 'float', 'river', 'surface', 'oar', 'scarce', 'touch', 'stream', 'vision', 'early', 'glory', 'dazzling', 'sight', 'gleam', 'forget', 'dashing', 'torrent', 'roar', 'idly', 'dreaming', 'water', 'carry', 'row', 'stream', 'life', 'struggle', 'surge', 'mind', 'toil', 'strife', 'weary', 'faint', 'labor', 'singing', 'triumphant', 'ride', 'christ', 'hero', 'captain', 'rowing', 'tide', 'far', 'hazy', 'distance', 'like', 'mist', 'distant', 'shore', 'wall', 'city', 'banner', 'floating', 'seen', 'glass', 'darkly', 'mistake', 'way', 'faith', 'throw', 'light', 'harbor', 'darkness', 'shuts', 'day', 'shall', 'number', 'mind', 'toil', 'pain', 'shall', 'mourn', 'loss', 'earthly', 'joy', 'crown', 'gain', 'shall', 'glide', 'river', 'death', 'end', 'ride', 'brother', 'heaven', 'rowing', 'tide', 'raynor', 'sign', 'time', 'vol', 'swept', 'cleaned', 'garret', 'cellar', 'stand', 'sit', 'friday', 'mending', 'little', 'job', 'scrupuhands', 'lap', 'dirt', 'rot', 'floor', 'lously', 'attended', 'saturday', 'devoted', 'baking', 'cleaning', 'generally', 'delicious', 'bread', 'cake', 'pie', 'came', 'forth', 'capacious', 'oven', 'stored', 'away', 'pantry', 'shelf', 'kitchen', 'ball', 'floor', 'marvelously', 'white', 'clean', 'vigorous', 'use', 'soap', 'sand', 'stove', 'piece', 'rust', 'said', 'aaron', 'rest', 'tired', 'polish', 'stove', 'wednesday', 'saturday', 'matter', 'attend', 'mop', 'kitchen', 'hall', 'floor', 'regular', 'interval', 'suffering', 'severe', 'cold', 'matter', 'happened', 'went', 'liable', 'increased', 'impruas', 'usual', 'allowed', 'interrupt', 'dence', 'aaron', 'thought', 'thing', 'coming', 'severe', 'illness', 'aaron', 'house', 'removing', 'boot', 'surety', 'little', 'entry', 'kitchen', 'door', 'putting', 'said', 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'wall', 'remark', 'husshe', 'life', 'husband', 'brother', 'searched', 'garret', 'cellar', 'marry', 'said', 'emma', 'paying', 'aaron', 'coming', 'big', 'kitchen', 'wet', 'attention', 'brother', 'sarcastic', 'tone', 'hope', 'tired', 'longing', 'seat', 'stove', 'surrounded', 'chair', 'filled', 'damp', 'clothes', 'steam', 'rose', 'slowly', 'room', 'stretched', 'rope', 'seven', 'hung', 'small', 'piece', 'wasn', 'cheer', 'look', 'like', 'pig', 'sty', 'ful', 'certainly', 'aaron', 'complained', 'fan', 'wife', 'overwork', 'wasn', 'way', 'complain', 'keeping', 'clean', 'neat', 'aaron', 'emma', 'took', 'notice', 'jack', 'ought', 'stop', 'emma', 'perpetual', 'fault', 'trifling', 'health', 'strength', 'jack', 'smiled', 'grimly', 'reply', 'thing', 'emma', 'door', 'closed', 'praise', 'pursued', 'emma', 'gather', 'teaspoonful', 'set', 'jack', 'chair', 'particular', 'place', 'band', 'hoped', 'providence', 'interpose', 'save', 'jack', 'certai', 'misery', 'result', 'marriage', 'girl', 'work', 'monday', 'morning', 'aaron', 'rose', 'usual', 'day', 'break', 'went', 'attend', 'chore', 'left', 'wife', 'asleep', 'supposed', 'glad', 'rest', 'complained', 'severe', 'headache', 'night', 'expected', 'work', 'kitchen', 'came', 'milk', 'preparation', 'breakfast', 'surprised', 'alarmed', 'went', 'upstairs', 'bedroom', 'tuesday', 'ironing', 'jack', 'expected', 'smile', 'sigh', 'towel', 'matter', 'old', 'brother', 'law', 'answer', 'surprise', 'worn', 'faithfully', 'smoothed', 'folded', 'evenly', 'aaron', 'spoke', 'shirt', 'ironed', 'talked', 'said', 'expression', 'face', 'neighbor', 'remarked', 'linen', 'worn', 'necessary', 'severe', 'lesson', 'throw', 'away', 'soap', 'suds', 'said', 'jack', 'aaron', 'credit', 'learn', 'common_sense', 'want', 'mop', 'floor', 'chinese', 'laundry', 'mind', 'year', 'ago', 'clothes', 'wednesday', 'baking', 'churning', 'subject', 'delirium', 'knew', 'day', 'thursday', 'house', 'thoroughly', 'common_sense', 'said', 'emma', 'underweek', 'washed', 'usual', 'unhappy', 'strict', 'adherence', 'monday', 'morning', 'washing', 'rain', 'shine', 'frequently', 'rainy', 'day', 'jack', 'true', 'said', 'jack', 'waste', 'time', 'try', 'wife', 'orderly', 'neat', 'better', 'pity', 'house', 'live', 'felt', 'weather', 'course', 'difference', 'man', 'wife', 'glum', 'cross', 'interrupted', 'emma', 'jack', 'great', 'deal', 'lately', 'wife', 'raynor', 'servant', 'serv', 'hope', 'won', 'bring', 'home', 'hopson', 'asked', 'jack', 'sudden', 'house', 'family', 'large', 'said', 'jack', 'course', 'girl', 'thing', 'applepie', 'order', 'amiable', 'certain', 'duty', 'certain', 'day', 'short', 'patent', 'machine', 'regular', 'winding', 'interrupted', 'jack', 'parting', 'shot', 'jack', 'walked', 'room', 'sick', 'emma', 'asked', 'going', 'bed', 'turned', 'restlessly', 'pillow', 'anxious']
root - INFO - extracting file #142500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18820209-V08-06-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #143000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18821214-V08-47-page5.txt
root - INFO - ['december', 'sign', 'time', 'abbathhaol', 'woman', 'tomb', 'spice', 'body', 'jesus', 'anointed', 'prepared', 'day', 'preceding', 'sabbath', 'early', 'morning', 'day', 'week', 'mary', 'certain', 'woman', 'went', 'sepulcher', 'proceed', 'work', 'embalming', 'body', 'saviour', 'neared', 'garden', 'surprised', 'heaven', 'beautifully', 'lighted', 'earth', 'trembling', 'beneath', 'foot', 'hastened', 'sepulcher', 'aston', 'ished', 'stone', 'rolled', 'away', 'door', 'roman', 'guard', 'noticed', 'light', 'shining', 'tomb', 'looking', 'saw', 'mary', 'hastened', 'speed', 'dis', 'ciples', 'informed', 'jesus', 'sepulcher', 'laid', 'errand', 'woman', 'waited', 'sepulcher', 'thorough', 'examination', 'interior', 'satisfy', 'lord', 'gone', 'suddenly', 'beheld', 'beautiful', 'young', 'man', 'clothed', 'shining', 'garment', 'sitting', 'sepul', 'cher', 'angel', 'rolled', 'away', 'stone', 'assumed', 'character', 'terrify', 'woman', 'friend', 'christ', 'assisted', 'public', 'ministry', 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'acknowledged', 'real', 'reason', 'poor', 'meet', 'ings', 'want', 'work', 'teacher', 'imperatively', 'kept', 'away', 'ome', 'providence', 'wish', 'wish', 'depend', 'state', 'heart', 'way', 'secure', 'success', 'begin', 'root', 'stimulate', 'nourish', 'improved', 'life', 'felt', 'branch', 'united', 'presby', 'terian', 'humility', 'rarest', 'virtue', 'moment', 'conscious', 'longer', 'humility', 'pride']
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root - INFO - extracting file #145000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18860304-V12-09-page16.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #146000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18871215-V13-48-page16.txt
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'favor', 'sunday', 'leaving', 'aside', 'question', 'sunday', 'observed', 'sabbath', 'evident', 'somebody', 'right', 'going', 'infringed', 'protestant', 'catholic', 'unite', 'influence', 'legislation', 'rome', 'combine', 'power', 'advantage', 'time', 'somebody', 'aroused', 'following', 'news', 'item', 'clip', 'tian', 'union', 'rev', 'fulton', 'delivering', 'series', 'lecture', 'romanism', 'recently', 'attacked', 'mob', 'biddeford', 'maine', 'stoned', 'hall', 'drove', 'lecturer', 'away', 'fulton', 'returned', 'biddeford', 'invitation', 'protestant', 'clergyman', 'city', 'saco', 'begun', 'series', 'lecture', 'subject', 'story', 'told', 'poor', 'shoemaker', 'attend', 'theological', 'controversy', 'conducted', 'latin', 'asked', 'benefit', 'derived', 'discussion', 'knew', 'language', 'replied', 'tell', 'party', 'wrong', 'party', 'got', 'angry', 'knowledge', 'romanism', 'know', 'gross', 'error', 'reply', 'violence', 'helena', 'cal', 'fulton', 'chris', 'time', 'published', 'weekly', 'oakland', 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root - INFO - extracting file #147000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18891202-V15-46-page3.txt
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'test', 'turn', 'dark', 'temptation', 'power', 'know', 'god', 'know', 'best', 'louisa', 'penn', 'matthew', 'late', 'elder', 'waggoner', 'striking', 'point', 'similarity', 'mat', 'thew', 'book', 'revelation', 'refer', 'closing', 'scene', 'dispensation', 'refers', 'working', 'miracle', 'deceive', 'word', 'saviour', 'man', 'shall', 'unto', 'christ', 'believe', 'shall', 'arise', 'false', 'christ', 'false_prophets', 'shall', 'great', 'sign', 'afid', 'wonder', 'insomuch', 'possible', 'shall', 'deceive', 'elect', 'matt', 'rev', 'prophecy', 'wonder', 'wrought', 'certain', 'power', 'called', 'beast', 'horn', 'like', 'lamb', 'mean', 'deceives', 'world', 'fastens', 'people', 'false', 'worship', 'work', 'deception', 'falsehood', 'god', 'cause', 'warning', 'pro', 'claimed', 'chapter', 'warning', 'given', 'son', 'man', 'appears', 'reap', 'harvest', 'earth', 'place', 'end', 'dispensation', 'matt', 'joel', 'miracle', 'shown', 'conclusion', 'work', 'rev', 'shown', 'object', 'tio']
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root - INFO - extracting file #148000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18931225-V20-08-page7.txt
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'declare', 'unto', 'counsel', 'god', 'earnest_work', 'order', 'search', 'scripture', 'able', 'declare', 'unto', 'meet', 'counsel', 'god', 'history', 'george', 'price', 'act', 'drama', 'mighty', 'work', 'performed', 'son', 'man', 'appeared', 'thousand', 'thousand', 'tired', 'own_ways', 'eagerly', 'accepted', 'free_gift', 'god', 'everlasting', 'love', 'salvation', 'sin', 'gift', 'eternal_life', 'deliverance', 'pervad', 'ing', 'tyranny', 'rome', 'given', 'simply', 'willing', 'accept', 'nearly', 'century', 'went', 'power', 'compelled', 'attention', 'scoffing', 'atheist', 'deluded', 'pagan', 'bigoted', 'prejudiced', 'jew', 'fall', 'man', 'world', 'thoroughly', 'renovated', 'gospel', 'salvation', 'taken', 'nation', 'people', 'work', 'carried', 'different', 'way', 'satan', 'new', 'plan', 'counteract', 'influence', 'new', 'principle', 'outward_appearance', 'rev', 'evil', 'spoken', 'doctrine', 'balaam', 'doctrine', 'nicolaitanes', 'balaam', 'according', 'best', 'etymology', 'signifies', 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'haven', 'rest', 'let', 'listen', 'distant', 'muttering', 'storm', 'come', 'water', 'world', 'experieneed', 'rage', 'yes', 'burst', 'head', 'disciple', 'nero', 'raised', 'drown', 'infuriated', 'populace', 'satan', 'employed', 'age', 'blot', 'earth', 'serve', 'faithfully', 'lord', 'god', 'persecution', 'space', 'doe', 'thy', 'occupy', 'bloody', 'record', 'past', 'countless', 'thy', 'victim', 'dreadful', 'thy', 'work', 'contrary', 'pure', 'spirit', 'gospel', 'love', 'great_struggle', 'age', 'record', 'soon', 'placed', 'previous', 'great', 'book', 'need', 'heavenly', 'wisdom', 'discern', 'aright', 'sign', 'time', 'come', 'victor', 'conflict', 'best', 'preparation', 'corning', 'day', 'prayerful', 'dependence', 'god', 'intimate', 'increasing']
root - INFO - extracting file #148500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18940813-V20-40-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #149000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18961203-V22-48-page10.txt
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'degree', 'weakening', 'debilitating', 'body', 'deep', 'breathing', 'pure_air', 'free', 'circutlaion', 'proper', 'temperature', 'essential', 'health', 'vigor', 'having', 'right', 'quality', 'quantity', 'air', 'somewhat', 'stimulated', 'food', 'air', 'carried', 'body', 'depend', 'largely', 'strength', 'circulation', 'considered', 'week', 'answer', 'prayer', 'imvaus', 'arctic', 'mail', 'carrier', 'dog', 'died', 'night', 'poison', 'frozen', 'fish', 'supply', 'mile', 'trading', 'post', 'cold', 'degree', 'zero', 'broken', 'hearted', 'dog', 'poor', 'fellow', 'given', 'died', 'wife', 'little', 'babe', 'awaiting', 'end', 'route', 'thought', 'dear', 'failed', 'mind', 'wandering', 'variation', 'talking', 'dog', 'human', 'sound', 'crackling', 'ice', 'sight', 'snow', 'snow', 'snow', 'great', 'stretch', 'dazzling', 'whiteness', 'crisp', 'crust', 'foot', 'solid', 'glacier', 'poor', 'fellow', 'felt', 'lie', 'bear', 'longer', 'lightened', 'load', 'sledge', 'drew', 'day', 'slept', 'fur', 'bag', 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root - INFO - extracting file #150000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18990802-V25-31-page11.txt
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'devotion', 'angel', 'rejoice', 'speak', 'voice', 'fiji', 'considerable', 'passed', 'colurns', 'size', 'position', 'population', 'island', 'need', 'recapitulate', 'better', 'acquainted', 'inhabitant', 'idea', 'broaden', 'lord', 'wesleyanism', 'past', 'great', 'deal', 'people', 'ala', 'day', 'stand', 'barrier', 'advance', 'light', 'thanks', 'god', 'fight', 'carnal', 'weapon', 'word', 'god', 'ismighty', 'intearing', 'stronghold', 'bringing', 'light', 'hidden', 'thing', 'error', 'language', 'white', 'missionary', 'people', 'nigger', 'posse', 'intellect', 'kind', 'caste', 'relation', 'exists', 'ordained', 'minister', 'native', 'allowed', 'title', 'preacher', 'helping', 'preacher', 'glad', 'truth', 'brother', 'exception', 'color', 'race', 'intellect', 'faith', 'vilest', 'son', 'god', 'glory', 'people', 'mean', 'low', 'intellect', 'time', 'childish', 'education', 'higher', 'school', 'learning', 'child', 'nature', 'clearer', 'purer', 'conception', 'truth', 'evidenced', 'regard', 'word', 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root - INFO - extracting file #150500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19000613-V26-24-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #151000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19020625-V28-26-page7.txt
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'drink', 'lord', 'showed', 'moses', 'certain', 'tree', 'cut', 'cast', 'water', 'water', 'healed', 'lord', 'conditional', 'promise', 'people', 'said', 'thou_wilt', 'diligently', 'hearken', 'voice', 'lord_thy', 'god', 'wilt', 'right', 'sight', 'wilt', 'ear', 'commandment', 'statute', 'disease', 'thee', 'brought', 'egyptian', 'lord', 'healeth', 'thee', 'descendant', 'abraham', 'partaker', 'promise', 'meet', 'follow', 'footstep', 'kept', 'commandment', 'statute', 'law', 'lord', 'gen', 'week', 'departure', 'home', 'egypt', 'people', 'came', 'wilderness', 'sin', 'bitterly', 'murmured', 'time', 'lack', 'food', 'longed', 'fleshpots', 'egypt', 'lord', 'said', 'unto', 'moses', 'behold', 'rain', 'bread', 'heaven', 'people', 'shall', 'gather', 'certain', 'rate', 'day', 'prove', 'walk', 'law', 'law', 'god', 'existence', 'time', 'proving', 'people', 'matter', 'obedience', 'thing', 'revealed', 'particular', 'law', 'tested', 'sabbath', 'memorial', 'god', 'rest', 'creation', 'special', 'mark', 'sign', 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'red_sea', 'heb', 'direct', 'care', 'direct', 'guidance', 'god', 'israel', 'naturally', 'expected', 'obey', 'commandment', 'coming', 'red_sea', 'celebrated', 'deliverance', 'overthrow', 'master', 'led', 'day', 'journey', 'wilderness', 'place', 'called', 'marah', 'water', 'sign', 'time']
root - INFO - extracting file #151500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19040831-V30-35-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #152000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19050628-V31-26-page7.txt
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'effort', 'completely', 'discredit', 'miraculous', 'deliverance', 'peter', 'prison', 'time', 'given', 'sword', 'writer', 'idea', 'word', 'roman', 'soldier', 'guarding', 'peter', 'heard', 'teaching', 'converted', 'friendly', 'released', 'spite', 'fact', 'knew', 'own_lives', 'pay', 'penalty', 'act', 'deliberately', 'gave', 'life', 'peter', 'live', 'word', 'italic', 'deliberate', 'emphasized', 'assertion', 'spite', 'plain', 'declaration', 'word', 'angel', 'lord', 'stood', 'light', 'shined', 'cell', 'smote', 'peter', 'awoke', 'saying', 'rise', 'quickly', 'chain', 'fell', 'hand', 'act', 'note', 'sentence', 'verse', 'quoted', 'alongside', 'place', 'statement', 'higher', 'critic', 'peter', 'slept', 'soldier', 'unfastened', 'fetter', 'unlocked', 'prison', 'door', 'confederate', 'waiting', 'iron', 'gate', 'open', 'statement', 'word', 'past', 'second', 'guard', 'came', 'unto', 'iron', 'gate', 'leadeth', 'city', 'opened', 'accord', 'verse', 'higher', 'critic', 'confederate', 'opened', 'shall', 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'expenditure', 'chinese', 'exclusion', 'law', 'severe', 'judgment', 'secretary', 'war', 'probability', 'china', 'carrying', 'retaliatory', 'exclusion', 'policy', 'oriental', 'old', 'expert', 'business', 'undertake', 'work', 'effectually', 'china', 'given', 'notice', 'american', 'railroad', 'company', 'sell', 'concession', 'chinese', 'government', 'reasonable', 'price', 'submit', 'confiscation', 'concession', 'company', 'agreed', 'sell', 'agreed', 'representative', 'russia', 'japan', 'meet', 'washington', 'arrange', 'term', 'peace', 'japan', 'doe', 'agree', 'stop', 'fighting', 'russia', 'unreservedly', 'declares', 'peace']
root - INFO - extracting file #152500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19060214-V32-07-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #153000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19061031-V32-42-page14.txt
root - INFO - ['vol', 'bankrupt', 'world', 'financially', 'world', 'practically', 'bankrupt', 'government', 'set', 'example', 'debt', 'expect', 'pay', 'debt', 'incurring', 'continually', 'increasing', 'liability', 'business', 'men', 'enormously', 'debt', 'bear', 'general', 'push', 'owe', 'business', 'credit', 'apalling', 'men', 'strain', 'credit', 'notch', 'hoping', 'streak', 'luck', 'help', 'great', 'leader', 'finance', 'business', 'principle', 'fact', 'business', 'day', 'largely', 'series', 'game', 'chance', 'instance', 'article', 'henry', 'dexter', 'new', 'york', 'paragraph', 'looking', 'year', 'report', 'railroad', 'stock', 'issued', 'extent', 'bond', 'showing', 'bondholder', 'practically', 'railroad', 'control', 'fifty', 'cent', 'money', 'invested', 'having', 'earnings', 'point', 'company', 'provision', 'paying', 'debt', 'principle', 'aim', 'large', 'dividend', 'let', 'liability', 'subject', 'speculative', 'manipulation', 'world', 'owes', 'heavier', 'debt', 'financial', 'liability', 'allowed', 'unheeded', 'debt', 'love', 'allegiance', 'god', 'indebted', 'life', 'breath', 'thing', 'espek', 'ially', 'owe', 'obey', 'law', 'notwithstanding', 'men', 'liable', 'eternal_death', 'sin', 'lord', 'jesus_christ', 'payed', 'debt', 'condition', 'acknowledgement', 'fact', 'faith', 'tendering', 'obedience', 'faith', 'furthermore', 'accepted', 'mediation', 'faith', 'debtor', 'unbelieving', 'spiritually', 'bankrupt', 'world', 'witness', 'christ', 'gospel', 'end', 'benefit', 'liberality', 'time', 'fast', 'approaching', 'debt', 'overdue', 'opportunity', 'pay', 'forever', 'past', 'time', 'near', 'plead', 'merit', 'christ', 'substitute', 'failure', 'high_time', 'laying', 'treasure', 'love', 'faithful_service', 'great_day', 'reckoning', 'plea', 'wherewith', 'pay', 'meet', 'condemtors', 'controlled', 'bos', 'arrange', 'party', 'want', 'special', 'measure', 'passed', 'defeated', 'according', 'journal', 'work', 'preparing', 'cinch', 'begun', 'introduced', 'sole', 'purpose', 'bought', 'cinched', 'party', 'pay', 'men', 'control', 'necessary', 'vote', 'turn', 'tide', 'right_direction', 'introduced', 'way', 'session', 'compel', 'sunday', 'observance', 'said', 'knowing', 'subject', 'sweeping', 'presented', 'legislature', 'referred', 'committee', 'public', 'moral', 'sabbath', 'law', 'called', 'measure', 'ostensibly', 'designed', 'prevent', 'going', 'wrong', 'sunday', 'reality', 'scatter', 'gun', 'expected', 'bring', 'earth', 'theatrical', 'man', 'concert', 'dance', 'hall', 'proprietor', 'coursing', 'promoter', 'amusement', 'director', 'state', 'law', 'benign', 'measure', 'close', 'sunday', 'place', 'amusement', 'french', 'government', 'action', 'archbishop', 'farley', 'country', 'tell', 'look', 'condition', 'thing', 'sorrow', 'despair', 'state', 'doe', 'conciliatory', 'policy', 'church', 'drive', 'church', 'drastic', 'measure', 'ttlits', 'scene', 'france', 'witnessed', 'world', 'seenio', 'outsider', 'church', 'france', 'decide', 'question', 'board', 'cardinal', 'italy', 'french', 'substance', 'appeal', 'pope', 'bishop', 'priest', 'feel', 'trial', 'ought', 'law', 'measure', 'taken', 'pointed', 'european', 'correspondent', 'roman', 'catholic', 'education', 'let', 'deceived', 'claim', 'roman', 'catholic', 'church', 'favor', 'public_school', 'simple', 'fact', 'opposed', 'opposed', 'reason', 'influence', 'public', 'school', 'weans', 'child', 'away', 'chu', 'plea', 'logical', 'education', 'ougheto', 'round', 'child', 'instruction', 'physical', 'mental', 'moral', 'spiritual', 'religious', 'element', 'state', 'true_education', 'child', 'ought', 'include', 'religion', 'roman', 'catholicism', 'nation', 'instead', 'mercy', 'cinch', 'state', 'far', 'coursing', 'concerned', 'expected', 'supervisor', 'san', 'mateo', 'county', 'look', 'intruder', 'reservation', 'special', 'privilege', 'golden', 'opportunity', 'probably', 'law', 'lively', 'deliberation', 'house', 'usually', 'preacher', 'woman', 'certain', 'circle', 'procured', 'introduction', 'possibly', 'look', 'matter', 'pretty', 'certain', 'introduced', 'purpose', 'popularly', 'called', 'graft', 'matter', 'little', 'introduces', 'manipulation', 'unavoidably', 'law', 'grafters', 'claim', 'true', 'protestantism', 'antipode', 'true', 'protestant', 'hold', 'child', 'taught', 'religion', 'know', 'province', 'purview', 'state', 'instruction', 'roman', 'catholic', 'believe', 'proviso', 'course', 'state', 'shall', 'catholic', 'demand', 'parochial', 'school', 'demand', 'power', 'enforce', 'demand', 'parochial', 'school', 'shall', 'supported', 'state', 'lecture', 'recently', 'given', 'youngstown', 'ohio', 'reverend', 'hehir', 'published', 'catholic', 'mirror', 'september', 'speaker', 'said', 'middle', 'age', 'primary', 'secondary', 'school', 'flourished', 'ecclesiastical', 'supervision', 'true_education', 'home', 'school', 'church', 'foster', 'religion', 'child', 'enabled', 'secure', 'eternal_salvation', 'comparison', 'worldly', 'aim', 'secondary', 'importance', 'enemy', 'christianity', 'banish', 'religious', 'training', 'school', 'late', 'cardinal', 'manning', 'writing', 'let', 'deceived', 'thinking', 'secular', 'religious', 'education', 'reconciled', 'mutually', 'exclusive', 'choose', 'english', 'bishop', 'joint', 'pastoral', 'wrote', 'declared', 'education', 'christianity', 'impossible', 'political', 'chicanery', 'seemingly', 'increase', 'world', 'surely', 'california', 'afflicted', 'victim', 'politician', 'political', 'organ', 'bearing', 'testimony', 'alleged', 'ought', 'know', 'doubt', 'know', 'lobby', 'attending', 'legislature', 'fruitful', 'source', 'revenue', 'legislature', 'purpose', 'certain', 'manipulator', 'convention', 'election', 'planned', 'lobby', 'essential', 'defend', 'certain', 'purposely', 'attacked', 'reformatory', 'order', 'force', 'antagonized', 'defend', 'cash', 'equivalent', 'said', 'settled', 'fact', 'certain', 'boss', 'expect', 'control', 'goodly', 'number', 'member', 'virtue', 'having', 'secured', 'nomination', 'possibly', 'election', 'planning', 'scheme', 'cat', 'paw', 'pecuniary', 'gain', 'game', 'bribing', 'member', 'directly', 'ecome', 'somewhat', 'dangerous', 'certain', 'legislagreat', 'credit', 'moral', 'reform', 'condition', 'catholic_church', 'france', 'looked', 'various_ways', 'prelate', 'church', 'tho', 'division', 'church', 'roman', 'catholic', 'bishop', 'clergy', 'disposed', 'favor', 'french', 'law', 'tbis', 'country', 'defending', 'feel', 'france', 'church', 'justly', 'contend', 'church', 'freer', 'notwithstanding', 'pope', 'condemned', 'vatican', 'garden', 'rome']
root - INFO - extracting file #153500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19070626-V33-26-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #154000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19080212-V34-07-page4.txt
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'trying', 'self', 'believe', 'differently', 'better', 'habit', 'thought', 'naturally', 'permit', 'right', 'far', 'recognizes', 'truth', 'god', 'worketh', 'good_pleasure', 'christ', 'conformity', 'truth', 'lead', 'paul', 'statement', 'thing', 'christ', 'strengtheneth', 'weapon', 'christian', 'warfare', 'carnal', 'mighty', 'thrti', 'god', 'pulling', 'stronghold', 'casting', 'imagination', 'high', 'thing', 'exalteth', 'knowledge', 'god', 'bringing', 'captivity', 'thought', 'obedience', 'christ', 'human', 'enabled', 'control', 'weak', 'spot', 'mind', 'bring', 'subjection', 'creator', 'suggestion', 'mainspring', 'help', 'ignored', 'poor', 'broken', 'staff', 'step', 'suggestion', 'lead', 'accept', 'readily', 'cheerful', 'advice', 'submit', 'fully', 'counsel', 'time', 'giving', 'suggestion', 'physician', 'friend', 'weight', 'weak', 'fearful', 'thought', 'control', 'weakened', 'condition', 'mind', 'effort', 'operator', 'inspire', 'better', 'line', 'thought', 'hopeful', 'cheerful', 'happy', 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'god', 'resting', 'mind', 'heathen', 'joss', 'kind', 'relief', 'eddy', 'formula', 'work', 'hypnotism', 'conclusion', 'world', 'ripe', 'quackery', 'humbug', 'substitute', 'shrouded', 'mystery', 'demand', 'easy', 'sensible', 'rest', 'mind', 'soul', 'creative', 'power', 'world', 'position', 'guide', 'star', 'sustains', 'operation', 'life', 'accept', 'modern', 'substitute', 'glamour', 'mystery', 'fraud', 'clothe', 'gauze', 'cobweb', 'great', 'solid', 'reality', 'hiding', 'eye', 'people', 'let', 'sensible', 'men', 'woman', 'turn', 'hazy', 'darkness', 'newly', 'vamped', 'ancient', 'philosophy', 'kind', 'clear_light', 'god', 'doe', 'shine', 'soul', 'draw', 'shutter', 'unbelief', 'jesus', 'come', 'unto', 'labor', 'heavy_laden', 'rest', 'yoke', 'learn', 'meek', 'lowly', 'heart', 'shall', 'rest_unto', 'soul', 'yoke', 'easy', 'burden', 'light', 'yoke', 'right', 'gall', 'spot', 'half', 'submission', 'patience', 'faith', 'christian_science', 'demand', 'half', 'self', 'renunciation', 'hypnotism', 'demand', 'christ', 'burden', 'easy', 'light', 'year', 'writer', 'straitened', 'circumstance', 'following', 'hereditary', 'bent', 'own_mind', 'took', 'worrying', 'fretting', 'night', 'midnight', 'hour', 'hand', 'suddenly', 'laid', 'shoulder', 'instantly', 'wide', 'awake', 'attention', 'heard', 'word', 'audibly', 'spoken', 'worrying', 'answer', 'demanded', 'moment', 'heroic', 'mental', 'effort', 'impossible', 'formulate', 'like', 'coherent', 'answer', 'mental', 'answer', 'came', 'dis']
root - INFO - extracting file #154500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19090210-V36-06-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #155000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19101004-V37-39-page10.txt
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'race', 'ship', 'larger', 'ton', 'recommended', 'secretary', 'navy', 'united', 'state', 'editor', 'hour', 'come', 'engine', 'mighty', 'terrible', 'ship', 'crash', 'ocean', 'new', 'chapter', 'horror', 'opened', 'history', 'mankind', 'fierce', 'competition', 'supremacy', 'sea', 'simply', 'england', 'germany', 'brazil', 'contending', 'nearly', 'leading', 'nation', 'engaged']
root - INFO - extracting file #155500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19110606-V38-22-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #156000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19120206-V39-06-page2.txt
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'step', 'took', 'subsequently', 'carrying', 'great', 'holy', 'purpose', 'existing', 'form', 'god', 'counted', 'equality', 'god', 'thing', 'grasped', 'emptied', 'great_purpose', 'taking', 'form', 'servant', 'angel', 'likeness', 'men', 'step', 'fashion', 'man', 'humbled', 'obedient', 'unto', 'death', 'yea', 'death', 'cross', 'final', 'step', 'god', 'angel', 'truly', 'servant', 'rev', 'question', 'answer', 'page', 'ark', 'temple', 'ark', 'temple', 'jesus', 'earth', 'missing', 'herod', 'temple', 'ark', 'thing', 'candlestick', 'table', 'showbread', 'shown', 'arch', 'titus', 'rome', 'trophy', 'triumph', 'jerusalem', 'told', 'maccabees', 'book', 'apocrypha', 'verse', 'temple', 'destroyed', 'jeremiah', 'commanded', 'god', 'took', 'tabernacle', 'ark', 'went', 'forth', 'mountain', 'moses', 'went', 'beheld', 'heritage', 'god', 'chamber', 'rock', 'deposited', 'ark', 'altar', 'incense', 'went', 'sought', 'jeremiah', 'reproved', 'told', 'known', 'god', 'gather', 'people', 'mercy', 'come', 'sabbath', 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'timothy', 'circumcision', 'binding', 'essential', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'sabbath', 'simply', 'relieve', 'prejudice', 'jew', 'jewish', 'christian', 'thought', 'old', 'ceremony', 'essential', 'act', 'tell', 'reason', 'took', 'circumcised', 'jew', 'knew', 'father', 'greek', 'time', 'course', 'paul', 'preached', 'jew', 'synagogs', 'taught', 'temple', 'want', 'timothy', 'hindered', 'work', 'teaching', 'circumcised', 'person', 'meeting', 'rite', 'performed', 'timothy', 'hindered', 'ministry', 'rite', 'apostle', 'teach', 'gal', 'psalm', 'severe', 'time', 'trouble', 'previous', 'second', 'coming', 'christ', 'schedule', 'week', 'ending', 'february', 'sunday', 'february', 'exodus', 'monday', 'week', 'journey', 'interesting', 'begin', 'child', 'israel', 'wilderness', 'sin', 'miraculous', 'feeding', 'bread', 'heaven', 'clear', 'pointing', 'weekly', 'threefold', 'miracle', 'sacredness', 'god', 'sabbath', 'pas', 'mount', 'sinai', 'god', 'holy', 'law', 'spoken', 'heaven', 'past', 'reception', 'law', 'written', 'table', 'stone', 'moses', 'building', 'sanctuary', 'form', 'center', 'worship', 'week', 'reading', 'close', 'wonderful', 'psalm', 'expressive', 'glorious', 'victory', 'subscriber']
root - INFO - extracting file #156500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19121008-V39-39-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #157000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19140217-V41-06-page4.txt
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'path', 'sunday', 'legislation', 'present', 'post', 'office', 'closing', 'law', 'repudiated', 'great', 'american', 'principle', 'absolute', 'separation', 'church', 'state', 'involved', 'post', 'office', 'service', 'question', 'economics', 'necessary', 'pertinent', 'stricture', 'suggested', 'report', 'assistant', 'postmastergeneral', 'thing', 'congress', 'repeal', 'statute', 'compelling', 'postoffice', 'shut', 'sunday', 'hand', 'kind', 'unconstitutional', 'american', 'legislation', 'man', 'law', 'prohibiting', 'opening', 'post', 'office', 'delivery', 'mail', 'sunday', 'added', 'largely', 'cost', 'postal', 'service', 'materially', 'lessens', 'efficiency', 'according', 'annual_report', 'daniel', 'roper', 'assistant', 'postmastergeneral', 'recently', 'presented', 'postmaster', 'general', 'burleson', 'year', 'trial', 'law', 'compelled', 'post', 'office', 'department', 'coincide', 'view', 'earlier', 'congress', 'subject', 'sunday', 'closing', 'office', 'consideration', 'regulation', 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'day', 'necessitates', 'handling', 'distributing', 'entire', 'mail', 'consequently', 'employment', 'considerable_number', 'clerk', 'defeating', 'purpose', 'accomplished', 'word', 'legislation', 'economy', 'service', 'rest', 'employee', 'according', 'report', 'assistant', 'postmaster', 'general', 'legislation', 'point', 'enforcement', 'law', 'particularly', 'clause', 'add', 'largely', 'cost', 'service', 'materially', 'lessens', 'efficiency', 'mail', 'received', 'despatched', 'practically', 'firstand', 'second', 'class', 'office', 'sunday', 'certain', 'hour', 'necessitates', 'employment', 'force', 'law', 'employee', 'granted', 'compensatory', 'time', 'succeeding', 'day', 'granting', 'compensatory', 'time', 'employee', 'succeeding', 'week', 'condition', 'work', 'urgently', 'demand', 'presence', 'employ', 'inexperienced', 'substitute', 'place', 'result', 'impairment', 'force', 'department', 'belief', 'service', 'employee', 'amend', 'law', 'provide', 'granting', 'compensatory', 'time', 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root - INFO - extracting file #157500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19141013-V41-40-page10.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #158000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19160912-V43-36-page5.txt
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'report', 'published', 'london', 'time', 'observer', 'course', 'report', 'coming', 'doe', 'freely', 'frankly', 'partisan', 'ally', 'need', 'taken', 'degree', 'allowance', 'event', 'indicate', 'truth', 'assertion', 'example', 'following', 'unable', 'repeat', 'starving', 'policy', 'german', 'people', 'feel', 'crushing', 'servia', 'opening', 'route', 'bulgaria', 'constantinople', 'essential', 'portion', 'nation', 'isto', 'rule', 'world', 'coming', 'universal', 'kingdom', 'great', 'scheme', 'realized', 'moment', 'believe', 'mastery', 'highway', 'east', 'seriously', 'challenged', 'consequently', 'confident', 'soon', 'enemy', 'shall', 'recognized', 'defeat', 'left', 'germany', 'head', 'immense', 'zollverein', 'stretching', 'antwerp', 'persian', 'gulf', 'power', 'earth', 'british', 'blockade', 'able', 'repeat', 'policy', 'starving', 'germany', 'symbol', 'great', 'achievement', 'balkanzug', 'balkan', 'express', 'run', 'twice', 'week', 'antwerp', 'constantinople', 'german', 'train', 'replaced', 'german', 'believe', 'forever', 'international', 'orient', 'express', 'german', 'given', 'idea', 'challenging', 'british', 'naval', 'supremacy', 'obtaining', 'freedom', 'sea', 'german', 'sea', 'borne', 'trade', 'dispute', 'partisan', 'central', 'europe', 'world', 'trade', 'reality', 'little', 'importance', 'aim', 'complementary', 'german', 'mean', 'secure', 'moment', 'central', 'european', 'eastward', 'tendency', 'predominates', 'field', 'moment', 'lie', 'open', 'german', 'enterprise', 'east', 'wonder', 'having', 'secured', 'believe', 'highway', 'east', 'power', 'throttle', 'russia', 'bosporus', 'pleasure', 'german', 'confident', 'best', 'proof', 'confidence', 'lie', 'effort', 'making', 'organize', 'develop', 'extend', 'inland', 'waterway', 'possible', 'vessel', 'thousand', 'ton', 'pas', 'antwerp', 'hamburg', 'bremen', 'port', 'large', 'german', 'river', 'canal', 'black', 'sea', 'way', 'danube', 'danube', 'question', 'day', 'foremost', 'question', 'germany', 'preparation', 'link', 'canal', 'rhine', 'danube', 'elbe', 'important', 'german', 'waterway', 'past', 'canal', 'scheme', 'chiefly', 'bavarian', 'national', 'imperial', 'object', 'danube', 'scheme', 'secure', 'germany', 'control', 'bank', 'danube', 'source', 'mouth', 'austria', 'hungary', 'servo', 'bulgarian', 'shore', 'control', 'assured', 'hoped', 'bring', 'roumania', 'scheme', 'persuasion', 'force', 'compensate', 'securing', 'possession', 'russian', 'shore', 'lower', 'danube', 'german', 'control', 'waterway', 'complete', 'control', 'railway', 'route', 'link', 'germany', 'indissolubly', 'east', 'ambition', 'germany', 'russia', 'diametrically', 'oppose', 'russia', 'wish', 'press', 'south', 'east', 'conquering', 'turkey', 'bringing', 'subserviency', 'command', 'germany', 'similar', 'ambition', 'east', 'plan', 'turk', 'ally', 'causing', 'people', 'orient', 'cooperate', 'ina', 'great', 'alliance', 'trade', 'prosperity', 'plain', 'nation', 'intends', 'stop', 'unhindered', 'ambitious', 'project', 'conflict', 'purpose', 'present_war', 'ambition', 'nation', 'dominating', 'influence', 'world', 'affair', 'recent', 'success', 'russian', 'eastern', 'appear', 'mighty', 'menace', 'cherished', 'plan', 'germany', 'coming', 'kingdom', 'europe', 'territory', 'old', 'roman_empire', 'remain', 'divided', 'end', 'scripture', 'declares', 'shall', 'cleave', 'iron', 'mixed', 'clay', 'dan', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'partly', 'strong', 'partly', 'broken', 'day', 'king', 'shall', 'god', 'heaven', 'set', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'destroyed', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'left', 'people', 'shall', 'break', 'piece', 'consume', 'kingdom', 'shall', 'stand', 'forever', 'dan', 'grand', 'universal', 'empire', 'kingdom', 'christ', 'set', 'ruin', 'world', 'kingdom', 'kingdom', 'righteousneis', 'shall', 'pas', 'away', 'world', 'ambition', 'run', 'counter', 'plain', 'truth', 'bible', 'illusion', 'dream', 'god', 'word', 'fail', 'scripture', 'broken', 'moses', 'man', 'strong_faith', 'fleeing', 'egypt', 'selfpreservation', 'said', 'faith', 'forsook', 'egypt', 'fearing', 'wrath', 'king', 'endured', 'seeing', 'invisible', 'heb', 'faith', 'implanted', 'child', 'mother', 'knee', 'dear', 'parent', 'lesson', 'faith', 'taught', 'tender', 'childhood', 'forgotten', 'seemingly', 'buried', 'worldly', 'ambition', 'parting', 'way', 'reached', 'come', 'surface', 'precious', 'stand', 'endure', 'desert', 'journey', 'rest', 'end', 'way', 'canaan', 'clarence', 'santee', 'form', 'harsh', 'judgment', 'form', 'general', 'begin', 'attending', 'deficiency', 'sweep', 'walk', 'clean', 'street', 'sign', 'timefi', 'september', 'page']
root - INFO - extracting file #158500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19180521-V45-20-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #159000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19190211-V46-06-page11.txt
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'peter', 'saith_unto', 'thou_shalt', 'wash', 'foot', 'jesus', 'answered', 'wash', 'thee', 'thou_hast', 'simon', 'peter', 'saith_unto', 'lord', 'foot', 'hand', 'head', 'jesus', 'saith', 'washed', 'needeth', 'save', 'wash', 'foot', 'clean', 'whit', 'clean', 'knew', 'betray', 'said', 'clean', 'thou', 'knowest', 'thou_shalt', 'know', 'word', 'evident', 'hidden', 'significance', 'ordinance', 'mean', 'far', 'mere', 'physical', 'cleansing', 'physical', 'cleansing', 'type', 'far', 'higher', 'cleansing', 'soul', 'thou_shalt', 'know', 'disciple', 'able', 'appreciate', 'service', 'significance', 'act', 'humility', 'appear', 'later', 'new', 'application', 'christ', 'life', 'washed', 'needeth', 'save', 'wash', 'foot', 'clean', 'whit', 'clean', 'apparent', 'physical', 'cleanliness', 'end', 'service', 'men', 'clean', 'traveling', 'dusty', 'road', 'foot', 'travel', 'stained', 'heart', 'cleansed', 'blood', 'christ', 'contact', 'world', 'brought', 'defilement', 'needed', 'constantly', 'washed', 'blood', 'purified', 'ordinance', 'bring', 'lesson', 'home', 'plunge', 'fountain', 'opened', 'sin', 'uncleanness', 'constant', 'work', 'life', 'believer', 'christ', 'lesson', 'taught', 'kept', 'mind', 'celebration', 'great', 'ordinance', 'humility', 'conversion', 'place', 'heart', 'cleansed', 'sin', 'old', 'nature', 'crucified', 'buried', 'come', 'forth', 'walk', 'newness', 'life', 'experience', 'world', 'baptized', 'jesus_christ', 'buried', 'baptism', 'unto', 'death', 'raised', 'man', 'come', 'direct', 'bath', 'journey', 'road', 'foot', 'soiled', 'dust', 'road', 'need', 'washed', 'travel', 'stain', 'christian', 'baptism', 'mistake', 'heart', 'stained', 'contact', 'world', 'need', 'new', 'application', 'blood', 'christ', 'heart', 'shall', 'baptized', 'second', 'baptism', 'fourth', 'necessary', 'sin', 'come', 'life', 'baptized', 'recognition', 'sinner', 'constant', 'need', 'purifying', 'blood', 'christ', 'necessary', 'need', 'recognized', 'celebration', 'hosocver', 'writilifbc', 'etyrtortg', 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'search', 'sign', 'time', 'february', 'srin', 'ofmart', 'alga', 'buthi', 'ordinance', 'humility', 'feetwashing', 'christ', 'washed', 'disciple', 'foot', 'upper', 'room', 'jerusalem', 'instituted', 'christian', 'ordinance', 'christian', 'celebrate', 'actual', 'participation', 'end', 'world', 'plain', 'following', 'word', 'washed', 'foot', 'taken', 'garment', 'set', 'said', 'unto', 'know', 'master', 'lord', 'lord', 'master', 'washed', 'foot', 'ought', 'wash', 'foot', 'given', 'example', 'unequivocal', 'command', 'language', 'meaning', 'mean', 'instituting', 'christian', 'ordinance', 'ought', 'wash', 'foot', 'given', 'example', 'stronger', 'language', 'bible', 'celebration', 'ceremony', 'christian_faith', 'notice', 'forcefully', 'modern', 'speech', 'new_testament', 'passage', 'read']
root - INFO - extracting file #159500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19190930-V46-38-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #160000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19200511-V47-19-page8.txt
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'darkness', 'regard', 'day', 'heed', 'thing', 'god', 'spoken', 'discern', 'sign', 'time', 'final', 'event', 'eome', 'unawares', 'thief', 'night', 'overtakes', 'thief', 'fault', 'stone', 'left', 'matthew', 'occasion', 'christ', 'disciple', 'came', 'information', 'regard', 'time', 'advent', 'coming', 'temple', 'triumphant', 'entry', 'jerusalem', 'disciple', 'impressed', 'glory', 'edifice', 'directed', 'christ', 'attention', 'great', 'stone', 'entered', 'structure', 'disciple', 'said', 'master', 'manner', 'stone', 'building', 'massive', 'block', 'white', 'marble', 'brought', 'great', 'distance', 'form', 'temple', 'according', 'josephus', 'historian', 'time', 'stone', 'thirty', 'foot', 'long', 'eighteen', 'foot', 'wide', 'foot', 'high', 'jesus', 'turned', 'disciple', 'said', 'thing', 'verily', 'unto', 'shall', 'left', 'stone', 'shall', 'thrown', 'disciple', 'filled', 'wonder', 'mean', 'massive', 'apparently', 'imperishable', 'structure', 'overthrown', 'desired', 'understand', 'fully', 'meaning', 'word', 'silently', 'walked', 'mount', 'olive', 'seated', 'came', 'question', 'answer', 'forever', 'settle', 'matter', 'tell', 'shall', 'thing', 'shall', 'sign', 'thy', 'coming', 'end', 'world', 'question', 'power', 'jesus', 'william', 'pearce', 'marvelous', 'characteristic', 'tlife', 'jesus', 'power', 'hercules', 'greek', 'jesus', 'christ', 'christian', 'synonym', 'power', 'hercules', 'power', 'fabled', 'jesus', 'real', 'unfolding', 'mighty', 'conquering', 'personality', 'power', 'manifested', 'temptation', 'tempter', 'nature', 'disease', 'death', 'spoke', 'roaring', 'wind', 'tempestuous', 'sea', 'stilled', 'sickness', 'disease', 'fled', 'death', 'released', 'prey', 'touched', 'blind', 'eye', 'saw', 'fever', 'departed', 'devil', 'vacated', 'looked', 'peter', 'heart', 'smitten', 'penitent', 'pain', 'breathed', 'holy', 'ghost', 'bestowed', 'apostolic', 'band', 'power', 'forgive', 'sin', 'matthew', 'power', 'lay', 'life', 'john', 'powerful', 'peerless', 'come', 'great', 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'second', 'reverse', 'accomplished', 'making', 'rudder', 'propeller', 'running', 'ahead', 'stream', 'water', 'projected', 'forward', 'boat', 'prince', 'monaco', 'oceanagraphical', 'cruise', 'discovered', 'new', 'fish', 'life', 'depth', 'thousand', 'foot', 'sea_level', 'pressure', 'equal', 'atmosphere', 'elaborate', 'largest', 'map', 'world', 'valuation', 'map', 'city', 'london', 'year', 'making', 'thirty', 'foot', 'wide', 'foot', 'wealthiest', 'estate', 'shown', 'duke', 'westminster', 'acre', 'rent', 'roll', 'million', 'dollar', 'year', 'san', 'jose', 'mercury', 'herald', 'delamare', 'maze', 'frenchman', 'said', 'invented', 'sold', 'french', 'government', 'gun', 'testing', 'showed', 'range', 'mile', 'muzzle', 'velocity', 'shell', 'approximately', 'foot', 'second', 'known', 'turbon', 'cannon', 'specie', 'beetle', 'called', 'mordella', 'provided', 'eye', 'dragon', 'fly', 'said', 'eye', 'observe', 'direction', 'moving', 'head']
root - INFO - extracting file #160500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19071217-V01-13-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #161000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19100203-V04-05-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #174000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19011128-V49-47-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #175000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19040823-V52-34-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #176000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19070212-V55-07-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #182000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19150202-V63-05-page22.txt
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'measure', 'turning', 'remedy', 'commission', 'prevention', 'precedence', 'cure', 'point', 'rational', 'social', 'policy', 'control', 'drunkenness', 'theory', 'direct', 'way', 'prevent', 'drunkenness', 'enactment', 'state', 'wide', 'prohibition', 'manufacture', 'sale', 'intoxicating', 'liquor', 'notwithstanding', 'statement', 'commissioner', 'state', 'use', 'intoxicant', 'prohibitory', 'law', 'workable', 'advise', 'immediate', 'educational', 'campaign', 'presumably', 'people', 'better', 'prepared', 'direct', 'method', 'ridding', 'state', 'greatest', 'foe', 'citizenship', 'urge', 'public', 'use', 'municipal', 'government', 'poster', 'prepared', 'expert', 'giving', 'publicity', 'scientific', 'information', 'concerning', 'effect', 'alcohol', 'body', 'mind', 'bringing', 'public', 'attention', 'statistic', 'annual', 'cost', 'alcoholism', 'poverty', 'crime', 'insanity', 'urge', 'development', 'substitute', 'saloon', 'especially', 'ammlok', 'illl', 'ill', 'ili', 'manal', 'horse', 'laugh', 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'municipality', 'state', 'daily', 'use', 'social', 'civic', 'recreational', 'center', 'person', 'teacher', 'prepared', 'teach', 'child', 'effect', 'alcohol', 'body', 'mind', 'saloon', 'handwriting', 'wall', 'state', 'national', 'legislative', 'hall', 'traffic', 'read', 'doom', 'voluntarily', 'retire', 'field', 'refuse', 'forcibly', 'driven', 'fastness', 'completely', 'destroyed', 'shall', 'vote', 'help', 'hasten', 'day', 'final', 'undoing', 'safe', 'way', 'public', 'statement', 'fred', 'coursey', 'philadelphia', 'awaiting', 'sentence', 'murder', 'following', 'pathetic', 'warning', 'youth', 'town', 'influence', 'liquor', 'happened', 'young_man', 'poor', 'unfortunate', 'advice', 'pledge', 'year', 'touch', 'taste', 'handle', 'succeed', 'length', 'time', 'assuredly', 'time', 'momefit', 'hardly', 'believe', 'killed', 'young_man', 'led', 'good', 'life', 'time', 'life', 'locked', 'hung', 'street', 'corner', 'committed', 'disorderly', 'conduct', 'kind', 'terrible', 'drinking', 'young_man', 'lot', 'alley', 'lead', 'time', 'indulged', 'party', 'drink', 'cigarette', 'thing', 'cause', 'crime', 'young_man', 'warning', 'place', 'drink', 'smoke', 'chew', 'hoster', 'columbus', 'half', 'way', 'howe', 'wine', 'coors', 'beer', 'ralph', 'waldo', 'emerson', 'visit', 'nauset', 'cape', 'cod', 'lighthouse', 'keeper', 'told', 'opposed', 'building', 'lighthouse', 'ground', 'destroy', 'wrecking', 'business', 'men', 'marvel', 'duplicity', 'better', 'preserve', 'wrecking', 'business', 'dispense', 'lighthouse', 'preserve', 'liquor_traffic', 'expense', 'dry', 'policy', 'best', 'let', 'lighthouse', 'prohibition', 'erie', 'company', 'corporation', 'owning', 'brewery', 'state', 'gone', 'hand', 'receiver', 'order', 'united', 'state', 'dist', 'court', 'decreased', 'demand', 'beer', 'voting', 'dry', 'state', 'county', 'given', 'cause', 'nse', 'kill', 'kill']
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root - INFO - extracting file #184000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19170814-V65-33-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #3000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18910611-V06-24-page4.txt
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'religious', 'liberty', 'end', 'worst', 'tyranny', 'ecclesiastical', 'hierarchy', 'danger', 'greater', 'marvel', 'seventh', 'day', 'baptist', 'people', 'friend', 'legal', 'sunday', 'utmost', 'secure', 'official', 'recognition', 'sunday', 'sacred', 'day', 'determined', 'government', 'shall', 'way', 'committed', 'defense', 'sunday', 'religious_institution', 'shall', 'party', 'religious', 'controversy', 'question', 'shall', 'fair', 'closed', 'sunday', 'shall', 'matter', 'manipulated', 'advocate', 'legal', 'sunday', 'practically', 'government', 'tool', 'religious', 'cult', 'catechism', 'religious_liberty', 'religious_liberty', 'civil', 'right', 'privilege', 'right', 'worship', 'privately', 'publicly', 'according', 'dictate', 'own_conscience', 'right', 'worship', 'conscience', 'right', 'worship', 'worship', 'right', 'heathen', 'conscience', 'right', 'conscience', 'subject', 'whim', 'popular', 'majority', 'civil_government', 'rightful', 'control', 'conscience', 'belief', 'government', 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'purpose', 'day', 'certain', 'act', 'form', 'labor', 'disturb', 'worship', 'church', 'wednesday', 'sunday', 'condition', 'disturb', 'sunday', 'day', 'responsible', 'changed', 'condition', 'sunday', 'religious_people', 'liable', 'disturbed', 'sunday', 'day', 'government', 'right', 'pas', 'law', 'person', 'prosecute', 'offending', 'distinctive', 'religious', 'sentiment', 'government', 'cognizance', 'personal', 'religious', 'opinion', 'rightful', 'basis', 'prosecution', 'christ', 'teach', 'follower', 'persecute', 'prosecute', 'unbeliever', 'doctrine', 'immoral', 'thought', 'act', 'immoral', 'occurs', 'particular_day', 'week', 'crime', 'criminal', 'act', 'doe', 'disturb', 'church', 'worship', 'crime', 'day', 'week', 'day', 'act', 'disturbance', 'crime', 'disturbed', 'public', 'meeting', 'occurred', 'sunday', 'doe', 'criminality', 'act', 'depend', 'day', 'week', 'committed', 'principle', 'sunday', 'saloon', 'worse', 'wednesday', 'saloon', 'sunday', 'barber', 'shop', 'sunday', 'milk', 'morally', 'civilly', 'wrong', 'daily', 'newspaper', 'publish', 'saturday', 'monday', 'matter', 'ought', 'published', 'read', 'sunday', 'wrong', 'matter', 'appear', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'newsboy', 'responsible', 'circulation', 'sunday', 'paper', 'pressman', 'compositor', 'editor', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'published', 'christian', 'read', 'christian', 'read', 'responsible', 'choose', 'read', 'thursday', 'sunday', 'government', 'punish', 'man', 'mental', 'state', 'covetousness', 'government', 'properly', 'legislate', 'subject_matter', 'commandment', 'decalogue', 'government', 'punish', 'word', 'act', 'disrespect', 'parent', 'misrepresentation', 'neighbor', 'rightfully', 'attempt', 'legislation', 'reach', 'offense', 'covered', 'fifth', 'ninth', 'commandment', 'decalogue', 'unquestionably', 'legislate']
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root - INFO - extracting file #4000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18931214-V08-49-page5.txt
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'principle', 'doctrine', 'rite', 'precisely', 'day', 'columbus', 'landed', 'form', 'government', 'altered', 'new', 'nationality', 'new', 'custom', 'new', 'idea', 'come', 'new', 'religion', 'established', 'constantly', 'springing', 'daily', 'hut', 'teaching', 'procedure', 'form', 'structure', 'catholic_church', 'identically', 'catholic', 'priestraised', 'cross', 'american', 'soil', 'lapsus', 'linguce', 'lapsus', 'memorise', 'cardinal', 'speaks', 'volume', 'interview', 'catholic_church', 'past', 'persecuting', 'power', 'denouncing', 'outside', 'realm', 'heretic', 'reference', 'point', 'catholic', 'authority', 'opportune', 'pope', 'marcellus', 'decreed', 'permitted', 'think', 'teach', 'court', 'rome', 'directs', 'corpus', 'juris', 'canoici', 'chap', 'pope', 'innocent', 'iii', 'decreed', 'secular', 'power', 'shall', 'swear', 'exterminate', 'heretic', 'condemned', 'church', 'shall', 'anathema', 'decretals', 'gregory', 'book', 'title', 'quotation', 'alleged', 'ancient', 'moment', 'enlightened', 'age', 'civilization', 'urged', 'let', 'quote', 'catholic', 'literature', 'recent', 'date', 'shepherd', 'valley', 'published', 'louis', 'supervision', 'archbishop', 'kendrick', 'confess', 'roman', 'catholic_church', 'quoting', 'reference', 'cardinal', 'interview', 'reference', 'chosen', 'open', 'parliament', 'religion', 'prayer', 'closing', 'address', 'significant', 'eminence', 'invited', 'lead', 'opening', 'prayer', 'closing', 'address', 'view', 'assembled', 'representative', 'religion', 'leading', 'sect', 'world', 'representative', 'catholic_church', 'invited', 'opening', 'invocation', 'high', 'compliment', 'circumstance', 'deepest', 'significance', 'virtual', 'acknowledgment', 'catholic_church', 'rightful', 'ipreme', 'exponent', 'teacher', 'chris', 'ian', 'truth', 'led', 'prayer', 'followed', 'catholic', 'form', 'stipulated', 'advance', 'principb', 'involved', 'interview', 'place', 'utterance', 'roman_church', 'authority', 'reader', 'difficulty', 'determining', 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'courtesy', 'minute', 'hearty', 'accord', 'touching', 'question', 'temperance', 'social', 'purity', 'divorce', 'chinese', 'exclusion', 'labor', 'problem', 'negro', 'problem', 'seventh', 'day', 'baptist', 'recognize', 'bible', 'religion', 'christ', 'source', 'help', 'solution', 'adjustment', 'problem', 'larger', 'question', 'desire', 'speak', 'merely', 'seventh', 'day', 'baptist', 'christian_man', 'christian_men', 'fundamental', 'error', 'effort', 'sabbath', 'reform', 'bible', 'standard', 'question', 'settled', 'according', 'book', 'primary', 'trouble', 'paramount', 'error', 'lie', 'christian', 'christian', 'support', 'sunday', 'paper']
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root - INFO - extracting file #5000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18960611-V11-24-page3.txt
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'church', 'spirit', 'christian', 'reform', 'strong', 'committee', 'official', 'action', 'general_conference', 'represents', 'entire', 'church', 'unit', 'record', 'nation', 'acknowledgment', 'fundamental_law', 'public', 'confession', 'national', 'character', 'world', 'kingly', 'character', 'claim', 'lord', 'jesus_christ', 'statesman', 'add', 'record', 'stand', 'fear', 'prohibition', 'party', 'iowa', 'pennsylvania', 'signified', 'allegiance', 'cause', 'expected', 'church', 'fall', 'political', 'body', 'giving', 'amendment', 'support', 'persuaded', 'large_number', 'leading', 'church', 'refuse', 'sanction', 'scheme', 'contrary', 'spirit', 'christianity', 'demand', 'justice', 'sanctioned', 'representative', 'engaging', 'friend', 'harder', 'task', 'maintain', 'entire', 'prohibition', 'resolution', 'printed', 'pittsburg', 'press', 'added', 'pertinent', 'comment', 'compulsory', 'holiday', 'operates', 'favor', 'saloon', 'behooves', 'prohibitionist', 'modify', 'action', 'respecting', 'sunday', 'law', 'california', 'sunday', 'law', 'following', 'letter', 'clerk', 'standing', 'committee', 'session', 'california', 'legislature', 'helena', 'cal', 'editor', 'american', 'sentinel', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'dear', 'sir', 'issue', 'page', 'speaking', 'decision', 'california', 'supreme_court', 'declaring', 'barber', 'law', 'unconstitutional', 'real', 'protection', 'aimed', 'protection', 'religious_institution', 'result', 'allow', 'conclusion', 'fact', 'erroneous', 'barber', 'law', 'devised', 'advocated', 'barber', 'union', 'expressed', 'intention', 'expressed', 'intention', 'advocate', 'sponsor', 'protect', 'business', 'barber', 'desired', 'close', 'shop', 'day', 'week', 'lose', 'trade', 'shop', 'men', 'close', 'actual', 'contact', 'proponent', 'barber', 'law', 'thought', 'religion', 'scheme', 'use', 'religious', 'argument', 'thought', 'service', 'general', 'belief', 'time', 'law', 'passed', 'governor', 'signed', 'political', 'favor', 'barber', 'union', 'knowing', 'unconstitutional', 'california', 'irreligious', 'state', 'union', 'religious_laws', 'looked', 'favor', 'respectfully', 'frank', 'onsen', 'glad', 'owen', 'written', 'fully', 'freely', 'doubtless', 'object', 'barber', 'view', 'asked', 'passage', 'act', 'question', 'right', 'ground', 'certainly', 'better', 'opportunity', 'know', 'fact', 'distance', 'motive', 'barber', 'doe', 'greatly', 'alter', 'case', 'fact', 'sunday', 'law', 'motive', 'tend', 'exaltation', 'sunday', 'religious_institution', 'fact', 'sunday', 'religious_institution', 'regarded', 'large_number', 'people', 'such_legislation', 'sought', 'sought', 'secured', 'law', 'forbidding', 'labor', 'national', 'state', 'holiday', 'legislation', 'subject', 'seek', 'possible', 'desire', 'holiday', 'compelled', 'observe', 'holiday', 'circumstance', 'render', 'question', 'business', 'business', 'penalty', 'provided', 'man', 'work', 'new', 'year', 'day', 'washington', 'birthday', 'decoration', 'day', 'fourth', 'july', 'christmas', 'true', 'country', 'abstinence', 'labor', 'compulsory', 'day', 'sunday', 'religious_character', 'day', 'such_laws', 'civil', 'basis', 'confessedly', 'religious', 'purpose', 'people', 'great_mistake', 'ask', 'such_legislation', 'order', 'freed', 'competition', 'sphere', 'state', 'invades', 'dominates', 'jurisdiction', 'state', 'forbid', 'labor', 'certain_class', 'forbid', 'forbid', 'sunday', 'labor', 'certainly', 'religion', 'ground', 'forbid', 'pleasure', 'day', 'barber', 'doubtless', 'object', 'number', 'desire', 'sunday', 'simply', 'holiday', 'asked', 'legislature', 'prohibit', 'labor', 'day', 'consistency', 'protest', 'act', 'prohibiting', 'pleasure', 'seeking', 'granting', 'barber', 'benefited', 'act', 'forbidding', 'carry', 'business', 'sunday', 'admitted', 'lose', 'end', 'gain', 'consenting', 'violation', 'principle', 'non', 'interference', 'reserved', 'right', 'people', 'government', 'best', 'governs', 'preserve', 'natural', 'inalienable', 'right', 'people', 'men', 'self', 'reliant', 'self', 'governing', 'permitted', 'use', 'time', 'fit', 'provided', 'trench', 'equal_rights', 'california', 'devoutly', 'thankful', 'supreme_court', 'declared', 'mischievous', 'barber', 'law', 'unconstitutional', 'barber', 'rejoice', 'mischievous', 'legislation', 'fastened', 'permanently', 'state', 'day', 'religious', 'petition', 'following', 'second', 'fourth', 'page', 'congressional', 'record', 'february', 'reader', 'showing', 'trend', 'time', 'sherman', 'presented', 'memorial', 'woman', 'christian', 'temperance', 'union', 'xenia', 'remonstrating', 'passage', 'senate', 'providing', 'military', 'education', 'public_school', 'referred', 'committee', 'military', 'affair', 'presented', 'sundry', 'petition', 'woman', 'christian', 'temperance', 'union', 'cincinnati', 'dayton', 'troy', 'state', 'ohio', 'petition', 'woman', 'christian', 'temperance', 'union', 'deposit', 'praying', 'passage', 'sunday', 'rest', 'law', 'district', 'columbia', 'referred', 'committee', 'district', 'columbia', 'presented', 'petition', 'christian', 'endeavor', 'society', 'dayton', 'praying', 'repeal', 'ninety', 'day', 'divorce', 'law', 'oklahoma', 'arizona', 'territory', 'substituting', 'stead', 'stricter', 'divorce', 'law', 'district', 'columbia', 'referred', 'committee', 'judiciary', 'presented', 'petition', 'christian', 'endeavor', 'society', 'dayton', 'ohio', 'praying', 'enactment', 'legislation', 'establishing', 'impartial', 'commission', 'investigation', 'labor', 'problem', 'referred', 'committee', 'education', 'labor', 'presented', 'petition', 'christian', 'endeavor', 'society', 'dayton', 'ohio', 'praying', 'enforcement', 'compulsory', 'education', 'law', 'district', 'columbia', 'referred', 'committee', 'education', 'labor', 'presented', 'petition', 'christian', 'endeavor', 'society', 'dayton', 'ohio', 'praying', 'passage', 'called', 'erdman', 'substituting', 'voluntary', 'arbitration', 'railway', 'strike', 'referred', 'committee', 'education', 'labor', 'presented', 'petition', 'ministerial', 'association', 'eastern', 'portion', 'heidelberg', 'class', 'reformed', 'church', 'bucyrus', 'ohio', 'praying', 'enactment', 'legislation', 'morality', 'education', 'labor', 'referred', 'committee', 'education', 'labor', 'presented', 'petition', 'ministerial', 'association', 'galion', 'ohio', 'praying', 'enactment', 'legislation', 'morality', 'sundayrest', 'law', 'repeal', 'oklahoma', 'divorce', 'law', 'compulsory', 'education', 'arbitration', 'labor', 'strike', 'investigation', 'labor', 'problem', 'church', 'body', 'compromise', 'saloon', 'convention', 'seventh', 'day', 'baptist', 'church', 'west', 'virginia', 'held', 'greenbriar', 'state', 'following', 'resolution', 'relating', 'sunday', 'law', 'passed', 'condemning', 'rum', 'traffic', 'advocating', 'prohibition', 'resolved', 'believe', 'sabbath', 'divine_institution', 'appointment', 'seventh', 'day', 'week', 'kept', 'holy', 'unto', 'lord', 'province', 'civil_law', 'determine', 'enforce', 'observance', 'resolved', 'ask', 'legislature', 'state', 'repeal', 'existing', 'sunday', 'law', 'encroachment', 'state', 'matter', 'men', 'owe', 'god', 'simulation', 'sabbath', 'imposes', 'hindrance', 'discernment', 'observance', 'day', 'commanded', 'god', 'holy', 'rfsolved', 'esteem', 'blessing', 'sabbath', 'great', 'good', 'compulsory', 'idleness', 'attempted', 'supervision', 'civil_law', 'presumes', 'interpose', 'subversive', 'good', 'holiday', 'instead', 'holy', 'day', 'enforced', 'idleness', 'intended', 'aid', 'church', 'instead', 'coralling', 'world', 'saloon', 'resolved', 'law', 'prohibition', 'liquor_traffic', 'day', 'seven', 'compromise', 'implies', 'tacit', 'admission', 'continue', 'day', 'diverts', 'effort', 'entire', 'prohibition', 'absorbs', 'largely', 'effort', 'behalf', 'prohibition']
root - INFO - extracting file #5500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18970506-V12-18-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #6000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18971230-V12-50-page13.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #6500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18980811-V13-31-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #7000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn18990406-V14-14-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #8000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/AmSn19000705-V15-26-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #9000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CE19110801-V02-06-page46.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #9500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CE19130501-V04-08-page30.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #10000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CE19150101-V06-05-page12.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #12000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19040302-V08-09-page1.txt
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'office', 'department', 'allowed', 'entire', 'issue', 'thanksgiving', 'ingathering', 'review', 'mailed', 'regular', 'pound', 'rate', 'surely', 'lord', 'work', 'read', 'isa', 'daughter', 'zion', 'behold', 'thy', 'salvation', 'cometh', 'behold', 'reward', 'work', 'salvation', 'lord', 'coming', 'ingathering', 'lord', 'going', 'spirit', 'soften', 'heart', 'people', 'ready', 'receive', 'child', 'open', 'arm', 'share', 'mean', 'carry', 'closing', 'message', 'corner', 'earth', 'minister', 'worker', 'church', 'elder', 'sabbath', 'school_officers', 'want', 'noble_work', 'come', 'hardly', 'wait', 'time', 'come', 'enter', 'special', 'line', 'work', 'day', 'expect', 'lay', 'line', 'work', 'good', 'missionary', 'number', 'review', 'visit', 'home', 'people', 'mean', 'carry', 'truth', 'world', 'expect', 'success', 'work', 'brother', 'west', 'virginia', 'conference', 'join', 'good_work', 'helping', 'people', 'entered', 'country', 'hope', 'reach', 'world', 'generation', 'enter', 'work', 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'know', 'feel', 'great', 'love', 'god', 'love', 'human', 'comprehension', 'passeth', 'understanding', 'healing', 'leper', 'giving', 'sight', 'blind', 'restoring', 'withered', 'hand', 'casting', 'demon', 'feeding', 'hungry', 'bread', 'raising', 'dead', 'bereaved', 'simply', 'infallible', 'indication', 'love', 'god', 'lost', 'son', 'adam', 'proof', 'man', 'convinced', 'jehovah']
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root - INFO - extracting file #14000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19110503-V16-18-page3.txt
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'pressed', 'question', 'courteously', 'bowed', 'motioned', 'proceed', 'discovered', 'addressing', 'wax', 'automaton', 'word', 'god', 'work', 'causing', 'africa', 'missionary', 'writing', 'pen', 'reading', 'wrote', 'poor', 'native', 'leaning', 'shoulder', 'profoundly', 'convinced', 'pen', 'talking', 'requested', 'missionary', 'attempted', 'talk', 'result', 'scratch', 'paper', 'refuse', 'permit', 'god', 'speak', 'psalm', 'told', 'god', 'word', 'sweeter', 'honey', 'dropping', 'honey', 'comb', 'word', 'cell', 'highly', 'appreciated', 'power', 'god', 'attend', 'preaching', 'use', 'preach', 'cemetery', 'jesus', 'spiritually', 'dead', 'hear', 'stockholm', 'carefully', 'preserved', 'sword', 'gustavus', 'adolphus', 'wielded', 'man', 'renown', 'given', 'sword', 'spirit', 'sword', 'ancient', 'worthy', 'jesus_christ', 'given', 'knight', 'old', 'god', 'shall', 'wield', 'strength', 'acquit', 'like', 'men', 'spicer', 'holy', 'spirit', 'worker', 'tremendous', 'task', 'laid', 'giving', 'definite', 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root - INFO - extracting file #14500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19120717-V17-29-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #15000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19131015-V18-41-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #16000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19160413-V21-15-page2.txt
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'spent', 'day', 'visiting', 'friend', 'neighbor', 'worth', 'bible_readings', 'home_circle', 'sold', 'urgent_calls', 'meeting', 'held', 'place', 'believe', 'company', 'believer', 'raised', 'ask', 'pray', 'god', 'richly', 'bless', 'effort', 'elder', 'sandborn', 'visited', 'plainfield', 'company', 'sabbath', 'report', 'soul', 'waiting', 'baptism', 'trenton', 'report', 'soul', 'waiting', 'baptism', 'worker', 'greatly', 'blessed', 'union', 'meeting', 'pittsburgh', 'instruction', 'given', 'timely', 'carried', 'conference', 'benefit', 'member', 'conference', 'avail', 'watchman', 'night', 'letter', 'recently', 'received', 'mcconaughey', 'watchman', 'message', 'sent', 'yesterday', 'large', 'section', 'augusta', 'georgia', 'nashville', 'tenn', 'paris', 'texas', 'destroyed', 'town', 'kansa', 'reported', 'wiped', 'prairie', 'town', 'north', 'carolina', 'reported', 'burning', 'rumor', 'trouble', 'mexico', 'thing', 'mean', 'watchman', 'contain', 'account', 'destruction', 'thirty', 'block', 'residence', 'nashville', 'illustration', 'order', 'copy', 'friend', 'church', 'librarian', 'send', 'tract_society', 'chesapeake', 'temperance', 'rally', 'baltimore', 'subject', 'temperance', 'live', 'maryland', 'present_time', 'maryland', 'legislature', 'convening', 'considering', 'advisibility', 'passing', 'prohibition', 'course', 'fight', 'lively', 'tilt', 'right', 'wrong', 'energetic', 'believing', 'question', 'arise', 'let', 'public', 'know', 'stand', 'young', 'people', 'society', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'baltimore', 'church', 'leadership', 'tetz', 'planned', 'big', 'temperance', 'rally', 'held', 'march', 'program', 'printed', 'extensively', 'distributed', 'special_effort', 'member', 'woman', 'christian', 'temperance', 'union', 'seat', 'reserved', 'society', 'appeared', 'platform', 'render', 'opening', 'chorus', 'face', 'greeted', 'whond', 'half', 'visitor', 'number', 'program', 'performed', 'splendidly', 'miss', 'margaret', 'bilz', 'national', 'organizer', 'lecturer', 'present', 'delivered', 'inspiring', 'address', 'audience', 'unanimous_vote', 'expressed', 'appreciation', 'enjoyment', 'program', 'stranger', 'member', 'said', 'best', 'program', 'witnessed', 'subject', 'stranger', 'said', 'paid', 'performance', 'enjoyed', 'half', 'prove', 'enjoyed', 'appreciated', 'evening', 'offering', 'amounting', 'nearly', 'received', 'society', 'asked', 'repeat', 'program', 'church', 'city', 'request', 'came', 'minister', 'present', 'program', 'follows', 'song', 'prayer', 'fence', 'ambulance', 'drinking', 'home', 'bidal', 'wine', 'cup', 'drink', 'personal', 'experience', 'solo', 'quartet', 'sinner', 'song', 'tommy', 'brown', 'prisoner', 'bar', 'business', 'funeral', 'sermon', 'remark', 'miss', 'bliz', 'song', 'wagner', 'news', 'note', 'colporteur', 'institute', 'held', 'march', 'success', 'served', 'inspiration', 'veteran', 'new', 'men', 'recruited', 'expect', 'greater', 'work', 'colporteur_work', 'field', 'young', 'people', 'society', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 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'privilege', 'attended', 'conference', 'elder', 'shade', 'wierts', 'witmarsh', 'rodgers', 'brother', 'hankins', 'brother', 'james', 'richardson', 'emma', 'newcomer', 'desirous', 'good', 'spirit', 'ofthis', 'meeting', 'premeate', 'conference', 'regret', 'state', 'elder', 'kirkendall', 'unable', 'ill', 'health', 'spend', 'tine', 'washington_sanitarium', 'treatment', 'needed', 'rest']
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root - INFO - extracting file #17000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19181003-V23-39-page2.txt
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'labored', 'elder', 'andross', 'salisbury', 'gone', 'washington', 'missionary', 'college', 'winter', 'miller', 'son', 'miller', 'clarence', 'miller', 'short', 'conference_office', 'week', 'way', 'massachusetts', 'brother', 'pettibone', 'home', 'missionary', 'secretary', 'moved', 'dover', 'del', 'queenstown', 'let', 'church', 'officer', 'note', 'change', 'address', 'brother', 'pettibone', 'brother', 'slier', 'locate', 'hagerstown', 'soon', 'place', 'elder', 'booth', 'continuing', 'tent_meetings', 'arlington', 'week', 'tent_efforts', 'summer', 'closed', 'stirred', 'result', 'meeting', 'valuable', 'addition', 'church', 'place', 'doubt', 'andross', 'suffered', 'severe', 'attack', 'malaria', 'ground', 'recovered', 'sufficiently', 'return', 'elder', 'andross', 'salisbury', 'work', 'office', 'hindered', 'good', 'deal', 'heavy', 'work', 'resulting', 'camp_meeting', 'dae', 'atapao', 'llu', 'qsaq', 'trio', 'alop', 'work', 'date', 'brother', 'lincoln', 'jones', 'young_man', 'baltimore', 'church', 'gone', 'college', 'new', 'jersey', 'francis', 'columbus', 'ayes', 'trenton', 'heckman', 'pres', 'lawry', 'sec', 'news', 'note', 'sabbath', 'school', 'young', 'people', 'convention', 'held', 'dover', 'sabbath', 'september', 'number', 'member', 'franklin', 'present', 'morris', 'plain', 'convention', 'short', 'interesting', 'instructive', 'enjoy', 'report', 'come', 'week', 'harvest', 'ingathering', 'campaign', 'encouraging', 'believe', 'church', 'work', 'hard', 'reach', 'goal', 'campaign', 'doe', 'necessarily', 'end', 'month', 'continued', 'balance', 'year', 'far', 'learned', 'trenton', 'church', 'lead', 'fund', 'received', 'harvest', 'ingathering', 'campaign', 'reached', 'goal', 'sabbath', 'month', 'tent_meetings', 'closed', 'jersey', 'city', 'new_members', 'reported', 'meeting', 'closed', 'paterson', 'bridgeton', 'tent', 'followed', 'personal', 'way', 'west', 'virginia', 'juliana', 'sta', 'parkersburg', 'westbrook', 'pres', 'taylor', 'sec', 'news', 'note', 'word', 'come', 'sister', 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'finishing', 'work', 'bertsch', 'new', 'correspondence', 'school', 'study', 'bible', 'reading', 'prepare', 'conduct', 'lay_members', 'layman', 'bible', 'class', 'recommended', 'home', 'missionary', 'young', 'people', 'department', 'general_conference', 'lesson']
root - INFO - extracting file #17500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/CUV19200101-V25-01-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #18000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/EDU18971201-V01-06-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #18500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB188010XX-VXX-XX-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #19000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB18910316-V04-09-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #19500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB18930224-V05-16-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #20000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GCB18950226-V01-01ex14-page9.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #23500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GH19050301-V02-03-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #24000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/GH19121101-V08-11-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #26000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18900101-V02-01-page10.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #27000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18930101-V05-01-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #28000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HM18960301-V08-03-page28.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #28500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18660801-V01-01-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #29000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18681201-V03-06-page14.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #29500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18701201-V05-06-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #30000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18720401-V07-04-page21.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #33000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18800301-V15-03-page18.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #34000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18821001-V17-10-page30.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #34500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18840201-V19-02-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #35000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18850501-V20-05-page16.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #36000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18880401-V23-04-page29.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #36500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18890201-V24-02-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #37000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18900301-V25-03-page35.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #38000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18920401-V27-04-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #38500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18930501-V28-05-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #39000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18940501-V29-05-page30.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #39500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18950601-V30-06-page29.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #40000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18960601-V31-06-page34.txt
root - INFO - ['new', 'leaflet', 'philanthropist', 'series', 'ministerial', 'declaration', 'state', 'regulation', 'vice', 'christ', 'teaching', 'social', 'evil', 'rev', 'lyman', 'abbott', 'published', 'ministerial', 'declaration', 'strong', 'timely', 'protest', 'state', 'regulation', 'vice', 'signed', 'bishop', 'potter', 'andrew', 'rev', 'john', 'hall', 'rev', 'sabine', 'rev', 'virgin', 'rev', 'heber', 'newton', 'known', 'minister', 'new', 'york', 'valuable', 'document', 'social', 'purity', 'white', 'cross', 'worker', 'distribute', 'abbott', 'christ', 'teaching', 'social', 'evil', 'powerful', 'plea', 'christian', 'point', 'view', 'sinful', 'woman', 'equal', 'standard', 'moral', 'men', 'woman', 'regulation', 'licensing', 'vice', 'best', 'leaflet', 'popular', 'distribution', 'issued', 'merit', 'widest', 'possible', 'circulation', 'leaflet', 'contains', 'page', 'price', 'mail', 'cent', 'dozen', 'address', 'american', 'purity', 'alliance', 'united', 'charity', 'building', 'fourth', 'avenue', 'second', 'street', 'new', 'york', 'issue', 'table', 'talk', 'seasonable', 'culinary', 'line', 'hint', 'valuable', 'home', 'maker', 'inquiry', 'department', 'filled', 'question', 'direct', 'housekeeper', 'contains', 'tested', 'recipe', 'reply', 'plain', 'simple', 'choice', 'dish', 'lunch', 'longfellow', 'described', 'howard', 'paul', 'feature', 'jewish', 'cookery', 'miss', 'cornelia', 'bedford', 'book', 'housekeeper', 'hastings', 'west', 'publisher', 'magazine', 'offer', 'reader', 'sample_copy', 'send', 'address', 'table', 'talk', 'publishing', 'philadelphia', 'henry', 'norman', 'correspondent', 'london', 'chronicle', 'despatch', 'washington', 'important', 'influence', 'venezuela', 'question', 'long', 'student', 'international', 'politics', 'book', 'far', 'east', 'authority', 'autumn', 'visited', 'country', 'acquaintance', 'important', 'men', 'combine', 'form', 'called', 'eastern', 'question', 'published', 'article', 'interesting', 'trip', 'appear', 'scribner', 'june', 'title', 'balkan', 'chessboard', 'europe', 'vivid', 'presentation', 'curious', 'principality', 'interesting', 'corner', 'world', 'roumania', 'montenegro', 'servia', 'bosnia', 'funk', 'wagnalls', 'standard', 'diction', 'ary', 'extensive', 'table', 'coloring', 'substance', 'appear', 'word', 'representing', 'primary', 'color', 'constituting', 'novel', 'valuable', 'feature', 'table', 'coin', 'measure', 'weight', 'table', 'measure', 'giving', 'english', 'equivalent', 'measure', 'giving', 'country', 'measure', 'belongs', 'class', 'dry', 'liquid', 'linear', 'metrical', 'equivalent', 'table', 'undoubtedly', 'prove', 'immense', 'value', 'merchant', 'scholar', 'teacher', 'place', 'quotation', 'verify', 'illustrate', 'meaning', 'word', 'indicated', 'easily', 'author', 'title', 'work', 'volume', 'chapter', 'page', 'publisher', 'date', 'publication', 'given', 'decided', 'gain', 'dictionary', 'helpful', 'student', 'nearly', 'thousand', 'volume', 'read', 'person', 'course', 'selection', 'quotation', 'representing', 'search', 'practically', 'english', 'literature', 'chaucer', 'present_time', 'housekeeper', 'minneapolis', 'minn', 'original', 'practical', 'mission', 'helpful', 'housewife', 'recognizes', 'fact', 'million', 'woman', 'accomplish', 'little', 'success', 'demonstrated', 'immense', 'circulation', 'page', 'housekeeper', 'present', 'abundance', 'good_reading', 'classified', 'appropriate', 'heading', 'department', 'literature', 'fashion', 'fancy', 'work', 'home', 'talk', 'mother', 'council', 'home', 'remedy', 'floriculture', 'money', 'making', 'woman', 'young', 'folk', 'household', 'help', 'miscellany', 'paper', 'issued', 'twice', 'month', 'consists', 'large', 'page', 'published', 'year', 'domestic', 'semimonthly', 'published', 'america', 'subscription_price', 'dollar', 'year', 'little', 'knight', 'lady', 'verse', 'young_people', 'margaret', 'sangster', 'author', 'road', 'home', 'illustrated', 'rno', 'cloth', 'ornamental', 'harper', 'brother', 'new', 'literary', 'notice', 'york']
root - INFO - extracting file #40500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18970401-V32-04-page26.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #41000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18971101-V32-11-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #42000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR18990301-V34-03-page41.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #43000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19000601-V35-06-page46.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #44000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19021101-V37-11-page18.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #45000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19040301-V39-03-page41.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #46000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19050601-V40-06-page70.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #47000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19060801-V41-08-page58.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #48000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/HR19071101-V42-11-page100.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #49000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/IR19080415-V14-08-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #66000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LibM19140401-V09-02-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #67000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19081104-V01-01-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #68000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19110208-V03-06-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #68500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19120327-V04-13-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #69000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19130521-V05-20-page5.txt
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'increase', 'burden', 'supporting', 'conference', 'individual', 'form', 'partnership', 'carry', 'business', 'member', 'firm', 'feel', 'obligation', 'help', 'pay', 'expense', 'association', 'member', 'conference', 'ought', 'feel', 'responsibility', 'helping', 'carry', 'forward', 'work', 'denomination', 'suppose', 'paid', 'cent', 'time', 'sufficent', 'true', 'expences', 'conference', 'accumulating', 'expense', 'accumulates', 'month', 'met', 'way', 'necessary', 'steady', 'income', 'meet', 'different', 'expense', 'doe', 'god', 'place', 'blessing', 'brother', 'struggling', 'load', 'refuse', 'help', 'judge', 'read', 'curse', 'meroz', 'said', 'angel', 'lord', 'curse', 'bitterly', 'inhabitants_thereof', 'came', 'help', 'lord', 'help', 'lord', 'mighty', 'reading', 'chapter', 'ephraim', 'benjamin', 'zebulun', 'issachar', 'struggling', 'enemy', 'obtained', 'great_victory', 'reuben', 'gilead', 'dan', 'asher', 'remained', 'home', 'possibly', 'thought', 'entitled', 'praise', 'victory', 'instead', 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'forenoon', 'expressed', 'glad', 'thought', 'best', 'kind', 'literature', 'read', 'voyage', 'book', 'sold', 'north', 'michigan', 'taken', 'world', 'shed', 'light', 'truth', 'sister', 'florence', 'orth', 'writes', 'received', 'order', 'thursday', 'girl', 'working', 'beautiful_home', 'wanted', 'deliver', 'book', 'immediately', 'took', 'friday', 'met', 'sabbath', 'morning', 'told', 'read', 'chapter', 'thought', 'best', 'book', 'read', 'encouraging', 'sister', 'orth', 'vicinity', 'working', 'given', 'house', 'cleaning', 'secure', 'order', 'lord', 'gave', 'experience', 'encouragement', 'expect', 'brother', 'smalley', 'return', 'frankfort', 'soon', 'miss', 'report', 'keliavian', 'eager', 'great', 'noble', 'man', 'future', 'present', 'great', 'noble', 'thought', 'deed', 'time', 'ago', 'left', 'soo', 'tour', 'church', 'company', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'upper', 'peninsula', 'stop', 'cook', 'elder', 'bellow', 'laboring', 'past_winter', 'earnest', 'little', 'company', 'believer', 'number', 'interested', 'neighbor', 'friend', 'listened', 'attentively', 'preaching', 'message', 'believer', 'encouraged', 'lake', 'union', 'herald', 'irwm']
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root - INFO - extracting file #70000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19150804-V07-31-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #71000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/LUH19170829-V09-35-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #76500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ19020201-V17-02-page36.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #77000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PHJ19030901-V18-09-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #78000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19021120-V02-08-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #78500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19040421-V03-19-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #79000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19080319-V07-33-page3.txt
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'secured', 'acre', 'home', 'brother', 'rauleder', 'cost', 'conference', 'inst', 'enabled', 'apply', 'fernando', 'academy', 'debtedness', 'redueing', 'present', 'obligation', 'student', 'fernando', 'academy', 'leave', 'conference', 'inst', 'south', 'africa', 'engage', 'missionary', 'work', 'aineng', 'nativo', 'liceple', 'dark_continent', 'southern', 'fhliforida', 'conference', 'recently', 'purchased', 'seventy', 'ounce', 'duck', 'floor', 'cloth', 'size', 'tent', 'stock', 'paidfor', 'warehouse', 'order', 'placed', 'inst', 'field', 'tent', 'foot', 'size', 'council', 'meeting', 'held', 'inst', 'decided', 'cooperate', 'conference', 'union', 'holding', 'onion', 'teacher', 'institute', 'matter', 'band', 'pacific_union', 'educational', 'committee', 'decide', 'time', 'place', 'holding', 'said', 'institute', 'expected', 'place', 'probably', 'oakland', 'cal', 'mass', 'meeting', 'held', 'leader', 'sunday', 'closing', 'movement', 'southern', 'california', 'los_angeles', 'fifteenth', 'march', 'conference_committee', 'requested', 'elder', 'healey', 'corliss', 'present', 'occasion', 'situation', 'seenis', 'demand', 'hold', 'mass', 'meeting', 'setting', 'people', 'true_principles', 'religious_liberty', 'academy', 'board', 'inviting', 'allen', 'john', 'spent', 'year', 'missionary', 'service', 'europe', 'yearsin', 'mexico', 'connect', 'fernando', 'academy', 'year', 'invite', 'foreign_field', 'home', 'field', 'desire', 'daughter', 'certain', 'educational', 'advantage', 'secure', 'mexico', 'council', 'meeting', 'held', 'los_angeles', 'inst', 'decided', 'organize', 'restaurant', 'los_angeles', 'cafeteria', 'basis', 'kind', 'restaurant', 'popular', 'southern', 'california', 'enables', 'restaurant', 'economize', 'probably', 'fifty', 'cent', 'employment', 'help', 'compelled', 'adopt', 'plan', 'account', 'popular', 'demand', 'elder', 'hare', 'brother', 'marvin', 'hay', 'ing', 'finished', 'series', 'meeting', 'watt', 'brahana', 'suburb', 'los', 'geles', 'closely', 'adjacent', 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'joined', 'sister', 'stevens', 'san', 'bernardino', 'remarkable', 'created', 'house', 'house_work', 'sister', 'stevens', 'handle', 'work', 'strength', 'permit', 'understand', 'congrega', 'tion', 'city', 'numbered', 'short_time', 'ago', 'regular_attendance', 'sabbath', 'meeting', 'praise', 'lord', 'work', 'san', 'bernardino', 'completing', 'tent', 'meeting', 'effort', 'watt', 'graham', 'har', 'loony', 'advice', 'conference', 'committee', 'brother', 'marvin', 'secured', 'small', 'piece', 'land', 'centrally', 'located', 'garden', 'grove', 'santa', 'lige', 'pahelin', 'central', 'near', 'future', 'loeate', 'family', 'comfortable', 'house', 'land', 'whilkt', 'spending', 'time', 'outdoor', 'work', 'single', 'copy', 'copy', 'copy', 'copy', 'mailed', 'direct', 'cent', 'tre', 'tri', 'olt', 'tent', 'fly', 'brother', 'horsman', 'having', 'successful', 'experience', 'field_work', 'santa', 'maria', 'valley', 'returned', 'southern', 'california', 'oversight', 'campaign', 'soon', 'undertaken', 'student', 'fernando', 'aced', 'sale', 'christ', 'object', 'lesson', 'assist', 'worker', 'loma_linda', 'effort', 'dispose', 'large_number', 'copy', 'ministry', 'healing']
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root - INFO - extracting file #80000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19110112-V10-24-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #81000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19130501-V12-40-page6.txt
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'island', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'united', 'state', 'raising', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'year', 'definite', 'enterprise', 'atlantic', 'union', 'young_people', 'raising', 'canary', 'island', 'mission', 'west', 'african', 'rest', 'home', 'columbia', 'union', 'work', 'inca', 'indian', 'south', 'america', 'lake_union', 'elder', 'wood', 'india', 'northern', 'union', 'training', 'school', 'china', 'central', 'union', 'opening', 'new', 'mission', 'india', 'aside', 'conference', 'raising', 'smaller', 'supply', 'equally', 'urgent_calls', 'early_part', 'session', 'utah', 'legislature', 'introduced', 'request', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'making', 'sale', 'liquor', 'legal', 'holiday', 'unlawful', 'state', 'existing', 'law', 'provided', 'severe', 'penalty', 'selling', 'liquor', 'sunday', 'sought', 'remove', 'discrimination', 'respect', 'day', 'making', 'prohibition', 'apply', 'holiday', 'alike', 'removed', 'claim', 'adventist', 'favorable', 'liquor_traffic', 'opponent', 'measure', 'sought', 'defeat', 'assembly', 'declaring', 'emanated', 'seventhday_adventists', 'passed', 'vote', 'whisky', 'influence', 'senate', 'strong', 'overcome', 'killed', 'committee', 'campaign', 'demonstrated', 'fact', 'adventist', 'people', 'uncompromisingly', 'opposed', 'sale', 'intoxicant', 'beverage', 'time', 'returned', 'missionary', 'tuesday', 'week', 'april', 'elder', 'evans', 'arrived', 'san_francisco', 'steamer', 'mongolia', 'shanghai', 'china', 'accompanied', 'miss', 'mimi', 'scharffenberg', 'editor', 'korean', 'paper', 'elder', 'evans', 'met', 'boat', 'elder', 'andross', 'jones', 'desirous', 'reaching', 'east', 'soon', 'possible', 'elder', 'evans', 'miss', 'scharffenberg', 'left', 'san_francisco', 'train', 'night', 'fourteen', 'year', 'missionary', 'service', 'dutch', 'east', 'tndies', 'australian', 'field', 'elder', 'munson', 'family', 'returned', 'america', 'steamer', 'ventura', 'arrived', 'san_francisco', 'friday', 'april', 'member', 'family', 'state', 'left', 'island', 'sumatra', 'elder', 'munson', 'sent', 'east', 'indie', 'missionary', 'methodist', 'episcopal_church', 'returning', 'furlough', 'year', 'service', 'tropic', 'medium', 'health', 'work', 'hien', 'established', 'battle', 'creek', 'michigan', 'family', 'interested', 'truth', 'accepted', 'fully', 'returned', 'island', 'mission', 'board', 'elder', 'sister', 'munson', 'general_conference', 'child', 'girl', 'boy', 'remain', 'present', 'coast', 'likely', 'engage', 'field_work', 'coast', 'conference', 'past', 'week', 'following', 'magazine', 'sold', 'utah', 'watchman', 'sign', 'magazine', 'life', 'health', 'temperance_instructor', 'receive', 'honestly', 'best', 'thanks', 'good_thing', 'general_conference', 'company', 'brother', 'sister', 'coast', 'arranging', 'attend', 'general_conference', 'washington', 'open', 'following', 'list', 'scheduled', 'leave', 'san_francisco', 'los_angeles', 'andross', 'irwin', 'wife', 'loughborough', 'ireland', 'burg', 'frank', 'lane', 'ruble', 'adam', 'behrens', 'white', 'lewis', 'irwin', 'wife', 'hall', 'wife', 'jones', 'child', 'wilcox', 'hibbard', 'taggart', 'wife', 'daughter', 'derby', 'verah', 'macpherson', 'wife', 'corliss', 'ferren', 'beddoe', 'claude', 'conard', 'wolfson', 'wife', 'daughter', 'lodi', 'hansen', 'wife', 'armona', 'mina', 'mann', 'son', 'josephine', 'gotzian', 'san_diego', 'burnett', 'san_jose', 'tong', 'wife', 'modesto', 'comstock', 'wife', 'abbie', 'winegar', 'simpson', 'whitelock', 'wife', 'son', 'scott', 'wife', 'wood', 'miss', 'santee', 'miss', 'graham', 'miss', 'gregg', 'miss', 'sundburg', 'johnson', 'miss', 'bertha', 'neff', 'miss', 'maxfield', 'fry', 'burr', 'nichols', 'mann', 'kristal', 'holser', 'bond', 'lela', 'brown', 'potts', 'son', 'daughter', 'mcnaughton', 'rachel', 'ekbout', 'expecting', 'reservation', 'assured', 'ear', 'santa', 'going', 'way', 'chicago', 'ear', 'southern', 'pacific', 'routing', 'new', 'orleans', 'car', 'line', 'leave', 'san_francisco', 'los_angeles', 'home', 'sale', 'having', 'called', 'fernando', 'offering', 'sale', 'little', 'home', 'property', 'consisting', 'acre', 'land', 'room', 'bungalow', 'addition', 'large', 'living', 'room', 'fireplace', 'kitchen', 'bedroom', 'pantry', 'bathroom', 'toilet', 'clothes', 'closet', 'large', 'sleeping', 'porch', 'sewing', 'room', 'good', 'wood', 'shed', 'excellent', 'gas', 'engine', 'tank', 'furnish', 'plenty', 'water', 'heater', 'connected', 'stove', 'supply', 'bath', 'sink', 'wood', 'year', 'place', 'minute', 'walk', 'pacific_union', 'college', 'address', 'helena', 'california', 'taylor']
root - INFO - extracting file #81500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19140730-V13-52-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #82000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/PUR19150930-V15-08-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #86000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18570625-V10-08-page6.txt
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'word', 'spirit', 'begotten_son', 'suffer', 'unjust', 'link', 'probationary', 'time', 'sand', 'falling', 'hear', 'counsel', 'faithful', 'true', 'witness', 'buy', 'gold', 'tried', 'white_raiment', 'eye_salve', 'feel', 'keen', 'rebuke', 'chastening', 'ought', 'exercise', 'zeal', 'reforming', 'duty', 'privilege', 'stand', 'knocking', 'lock', 'wet', 'dew', 'night', 'fear', 'arouse', 'open', 'unto', 'immediately', 'withdraw', 'gone', 'shall', 'seek', 'answer', 'brought', 'straight', 'place', 'lord', 'long', 'suffering', 'tender', 'mercy', 'exercised', 'long', 'patience', 'willing', 'perish', 'spirit', 'strive', 'awful', 'left', 'perish', 'guilty', 'nation', 'realize', 'god', 'earnest', 'people', 'ought', 'heed', 'voice', 'speaking', 'unto', 'prophet', 'joel', 'saying', 'turn', 'heart', 'fasting', 'weeping', 'mourning', 'rend', 'heart', 'garment', 'turn', 'unto', 'lord', 'god', 'searching', 'eye', 'know', 'work', 'review', 'herald', 'salisbury', 'center', 'tune', 'elvira', 'seely']
root - INFO - extracting file #86500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18580930-V12-19-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #87000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18591208-V15-03-page6.txt
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'week', 'time', 'time', 'vent', 'feeling', 'expression', 'desire', 'victory', 'trouble', 'conflict', 'trial', 'query', 'doubt', 'producing', 'weekly', 'paper', 'wholly', 'devoted', 'truth', 'godliness', 'taking', 'place', 'weekly', 'conference', 'remnant', 'earthly', 'distinction', 'pertain', 'wealth', 'rank', 'lost', 'sight', 'ample', 'scope', 'given', 'enter', 'list', 'bear', 'tesa', 'great', 'calling', 'god', 'kingdom', 'glory', 'let', 'strife', 'vain', 'glory', 'lowliness', 'mind', 'esteem', 'better', 'lord', 'bath', 'respect', 'lowly', 'resists', 'proud', 'whosoever', 'exalteth', 'shall', 'abased', 'lowly', 'wisdom', 'wisdom', 'pure', 'peaceable', 'gentle', 'easy', 'entreated', 'mercy', 'good', 'fruit', 'partiality', 'hypocrisy', 'fruit', 'spirit', 'love', 'joy', 'peace', 'longsuffering', 'gentleness', 'goodness', 'faith', 'meekness', 'temperance', 'walk', 'worthy', 'lord', 'pleasing', 'fruitful', 'good_work', 'increasing', 'knowledge', 'god', 'strengthened', 'according', 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root - INFO - extracting file #88000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18620513-V19-24-page6.txt
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'light', 'present_truth', 'jesus', 'soon', 'coming', 'time', 'message', 'mercy', 'dawned', 'mind', 'enlightened', 'understanding', 'goodness', 'lord', 'enjoy', 'thing', 'realize', 'blessing', 'reflect', 'god', 'day', 'past', 'reasonable', 'expect', 'favored', 'blessing', 'timony', 'church', 'believe', 'gift', 'certain', 'testimony', 'poor', 'subterfuge', 'truly', 'doubt', 'testimony', 'matter', 'thing', 'contrary', 'god', 'word', 'answer', 'brother', 'allow', 'point', 'difheaven', 'soon', 'late', 'soon', 'cattle', 'horse', 'farm', 'money', 'good', 'brother', 'burden', 'soul', 'rest', 'cause', 'lend', 'liberally', 'lord', 'reject', 'systematic_benevolence', 'thing', 'want', 'weprosper', 'church', 'living', 'united', 'testi']
root - INFO - extracting file #88500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18630721-V22-08-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #89000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18640524-V24-26-page4.txt
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'people', 'accused', 'coming', 'affirms', 'hospitable', 'reception', 'think', 'assertion', 'point', 'work', 'crusade', 'bin', 'operation', 'fact', 'case', 'summer', 'season', 'cause', 'advocated', 'mainly', 'mean', 'tent', 'supported', 'church', 'dependent', 'class', 'people', 'adventist', 'season', 'preacher', 'pushing', 'way', 'new_fields', 'rarely', 'meet', 'adventist', 'taken', 'stand', 'eld', 'present', 'work', 'uriah', 'smith', 'editor', 'closing', 'thanks', 'close', 'volume', 'extending', 'brother', 'sister', 'grateful', 'thanks', 'noble', 'acted', 'review', 'past', 'month', 'good_work', 'pen', 'thank', 'large_amount', 'interesting', 'profitable', 'reading', 'furnished', 'column', 'paper', 'preceding', 'volume', 'contains', 'page', 'large', 'original', 'matter', 'selection', 'second', 'thank', 'aid', 'rendered', 'department', 'line', 'dollar', 'cent', 'volume', 'presented', 'financial', 'record', 'showing', 'promptness', 'liberality', 'church', 'thank', 'god', 'blessing', 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'false', 'light', 'people', 'message', 'warn', 'people', 'receiving', 'mark', 'beast', 'exposed', 'fearful', 'threatening', 'angel', 'till', 'receive', 'mark', 'engage', 'worship', 'beast', 'consistency', 'warning', 'men', 'receive', 'mark', 'beast', 'reply', 'tell', 'reader', 'gone', 'class', 'adventist', 'represented', 'eld', 'filmes', 'passing', 'year', 'adventist', 'held', 'experience', 'work', 'god', 'gave', 'adhere', 'fundamental', 'vious', 'surrendering', 'enemy', 'ground', 'distinctly', 'said', 'giving', 'work', 'year', 'presaved', 'seventh', 'day', 'sabbath', 'myswere', 'developed', 'bid', 'terious', 'conglomeration', 'sabbath', 'vision', 'angel', 'message', 'thing', 'introduced', 'vision', 'dependent', 'look', 'vision', 'proof', 'refer', 'connection', 'sabbath', 'message', 'vision', 'depend', 'proof', 'controversy', 'voice', 'plead', 'particle', 'publication', 'come', 'fact', 'matter', 'bid', 'posted', 'adventist', 'affair', 'reversed', 'truth', 'having', 'stated', 'zealous', 'making', 'proselyte', 'faith', 'voice', 'continues', 'guilty', 'opened', 'ball', 'giving', 'shallow', 'argument', 'prof', 'whiting', 'col', 'reference', 'sabbath', 'voice', 'think', 'people', 'bedrizzled', 'fog', 'remain', 'quiet', 'mistaken', 'spirit', 'neighbor', 'utterance', 'public', 'journal', 'open', 'welcome', 'god', 'speed', 'thing', 'knowing', 'caring', 'commend', 'person', 'thing', 'wish', 'know', 'entitled', 'commendation', 'speak', 'said', 'connection', 'difference', 'faith', 'ask', 'commenc']
root - INFO - extracting file #89500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18651219-V27-03-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #90000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18670205-V29-09-page9.txt
root - INFO - ['advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'boundless', 'plain', 'red', 'hot', 'iron', 'atmosphere', 'river', 'seething', 'filth', 'sulphur', 'book', 'specially', 'intended', 'child', 'young_people', 'lost', 'want', 'smitten', 'terror', 'ute', 'consulting', 'atlas', 'placed', 'position', 'phenomenon', 'constellation', 'eridanus', 'star', 'fourth', 'magnitude', 'near', 'theeraint', 'connected', 'magnitude', 'degree', 'southwest', 'bright', 'light', 'resembling', 'comet', 'upper', 'bright', 'light', 'turned', 'little', 'north', 'year', 'abroad', 'mission', 'brother', 'soul', 'ought', 'rejoice', 'result', 'mission', 'late', 'terribly', 'little', 'great', 'searchings', 'heart', 'facht', 'missionary', 'year', 'standing', 'blood', 'brow', 'young_man', 'lately', 'entered', 'work', 'blood', 'fear', 'lest', 'addressing', 'multitude', 'constantly', 'blood', 'skirt', 'responsibility', 'god', 'wonder', 'ileaven', 'messrs', 'editor', 'night', 'january', 'noticed', 'strange', 'appearance', 'heaven', 'remarkable', 'phenomenon', 'consisted', 'bright', 'bar', 'light', 'connecting', 'star', 'lasted', 'minmonths', 'ago', 'nation', 'born', 'east', 'color', 'light', 'star', 'aldebaran', 'wish', 'inform', 'gained', 'victory', 'instead', 'morning', 'coming', 'column', 'cause', 'phenomenon', 'justus', 'cliambeits', 'sci', 'gain', 'number', 'parisian', 'seamstress', 'suffering', 'violent', 'colic', 'putting', 'silk', 'use', 'sewing', 'mouth', 'attributed', 'sulphate', 'lead', 'prosence', 'deleterious', 'substance', 'explained', 'fact', 'silk', 'sold', 'weight', 'manufacturer', 'mix', 'sulphate', 'heavier', 'paris', 'jan', 'information', 'received', 'workingman', 'riotously', 'assembling', 'street', 'madrid', 'clamor', 'bread', 'outbreak', 'anticipated', 'government', 'taking', 'measure', 'meet', 'geologist', 'differ', 'controversy', 'arisen', 'professor', 'hall', 'new', 'york', 'state', 'geological', 'museum', 'edward', 'maguire', 'saratoga', 'spring', 'touching', 'bone', 'recently', 'exhumed', 'game', 'holding', 'bone', 'mastodon', 'bone', 'large', 'elephant', 'died', 'nearly', 'forty_years', 'professor', 'hall', 'think', 'bone', 'laid', 'earth', 'year', 'slight', 'difference', 'voice', 'distress', 'popular', 'pulpit', 'buo', 'smitth', 'send', 'following', 'extract', 'sermon', 'recently', 'delivered', 'london', 'spurgeon', 'thinking', 'interesting', 'reader', 'review', 'ross', 'true', 'month', 'church', 'living', 'god', 'scarcely', 'slightest', 'approach', 'advance', 'true', 'respect', 'far', 'longer', 'period', 'let', 'sad', 'fact', 'rise', 'proof', 'month', 'apparent', 'increase', 'number', 'professed', 'disciple', 'lord', 'jesus', 'ask', 'proof', 'prove', 'ala', 'surely', 'own_body', 'baptist', 'denomination', 'thing', 'considered', 'sound', 'healthy', 'state', 'christian', 'community', 'existing', 'persuaded', 'respect', 'sound', 'healthy', 'know', 'increase', 'month', 'entire', 'denomination', 'england', 'scotland', 'ireland', 'far', 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'sixth', 'people', 'rice', 'long', 'month', 'lower', 'seer', 'rupee', 'friend', 'india', 'district', 'bengal', 'sanger', 'island', 'patna', 'border', 'napaul', 'record', 'loss', 'life', 'exceeds', 'horror', 'extent', 'great', 'drought', 'india', 'century', 'destroying', 'angel', 'final', 'flight', 'tale', 'mounted', 'million', 'known', 'death', 'worse', 'great', 'famine', 'carried', 'people', 'north', 'western', 'doab', 'reason', 'believe', 'terrible', 'recorded', 'affliction', 'kind', 'ruthless', 'itsmurderous', 'work', 'demand', 'daily', 'holocaust', 'greater', 'million', 'death', 'occurred', 'wide', 'extent', 'terri', 'tory', 'million', 'people', 'area', 'larger', 'england', 'wale', 'people', 'exceed', 'million', 'number', 'plague', 'black', 'death', 'yellow_fever', 'great', 'physical', 'convulsion', 'like', 'tremendous', 'earthquake', 'record', 'engulfed', 'victim', 'famine', 'baird', 'smith', 'alleviator']
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root - INFO - extracting file #91000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18680609-V31-25-page14.txt
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'politicshan', 'escape', 'seeing', 'qnestion', 'heeoming', 'yearly', 'imminent', 'way', 'prestige', 'crown', 'disappears', 'queen', 'die', 'morrow', 'delay', 'decided', 'want', 'enthusiasm', 'vive', 'roil', 'truth', 'queen', 'mild', 'maternal', 'arniable', 'character', 'shield', 'crown', 'incisive', 'criticiam', 'son', 'prince', 'wale', 'invite', 'dompels', 'youth', 'promise', 'devoted', 'theatre', 'club', 'questionable', 'ert', 'offer', 'moment', 'divert', 'searching', 'question', 'use', 'general', 'intelligence', 'british', 'people', 'mind', 'impossible', 'anwer', 'question', 'prince', 'lounging', 'white', 'roaring', 'cider', 'cellar', 'lyric', 'dancing', 'ardin', 'thine', 'princess', 'alexandra', 'sits', 'silent', 'anti', 'eact', 'home', 'pay', 'enormous', 'entns', 'taiimintain', 'young', 'gentleman', 'need', 'pageant', 'royalty', 'longer', 'currently', 'reported', 'generally', 'believed', 'prince', 'wale', 'younger', 'brother', 'duke', 'edinburgh', 'true', 'regard', 'english', 'people', 'regal', 'relaxed', 'conspicuous', 'representative', 'young_man', 'like', 'late', 'archduke', 'maximilian', 'affair', 'state', 'intelligence', 'sufficient', 'guide', 'conduct', 'shoulitendeardilin', 'personally', 'people', 'protect', 'monarchy', 'different', 'use', 'opportunity', 'offered', 'english', 'crown', 'prince', 'suckeman', 'impossible', 'ereate', 'ati', 'immense', 'resistless', 'loyalty', 'ireland', 'identifying', 'fundamental', 'irieh', 'refornis', 'residing', 'long', 'familiarly', 'country', 'late', 'visit', 'prince', 'princess', 'wale', 'brightest', 'gem', 'sea', 'readily', 'touched', 'heart', 'race', 'flexible', 'skillful', 'treatment', 'british', 'heir', 'apparent', 'reproduce', 'taste', 'general', 'oonditet', 'late', 'lamented', 'prince', 'regent', 'opportunity', 'companion', 'prince', 'alberti', 'edward', 'life', 'forty_years', 'later', 'grand', 'rmele', 'prince', 'george', 'century', 'progressive', 'intelligence', 'epoch', 'george', 'advantage', 'immense', 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'sleep', 'rest', 'recreation', 'health', 'recovery', 'preservation', 'subject', 'world', 'wide', 'person', 'tenet', 'respect', 'reformer', 'exclusively', 'devoted', 'edited', 'lay', 'managing', 'physician', 'health', 'reform', 'institute', 'term', 'advance', 'volume', 'number', 'address', 'lay', 'battle', 'creek', 'mich', 'sabbath', 'question', 'theme', 'wide_spread', 'absorbing', 'wish', 'subject', 'thorough', 'investigation', 'recommend', 'history', 'sabbath', 'work', 'setting', 'forth', 'connected', 'bible', 'view', 'sabbath', 'question', 'history']
root - INFO - extracting file #91500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18690608-V33-24-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #92000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18700809-V36-08-page4.txt
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'expression', 'iclemi', 'fies', 'destruction', 'power', 'smiting', 'image', 'chapter', 'vision', 'evening', 'morning', 'day', 'view', 'long_period', 'oppression', 'calamity', 'come', 'people', 'daniel', 'fainted', 'sick', 'certain', 'day', 'astonished', 'vision', 'understand', 'gabriel', 'time', 'carry', 'fully', 'instruction', 'cause', 'daniel', 'understand', 'ion', 'daniel', 'received', 'bear', 'instruction', 'deferred', 'future_time', 'hebrew', 'paul', 'wrote', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'fact', 'deny', 'ecolesiastical', 'history', 'written', 'single', 'eye', 'maintaining', 'sunday', 'institution', 'denial', 'fact', 'hebrew', 'church', 'observed', 'sabbath', 'apostolic', 'time', 'continued', 'century', 'long', 'trace', 'existence', 'church', 'nationality', 'paul', 'wrote', 'epistle', 'hebrew', 'jerusalem', 'standing', 'church', 'praying', 'obedience', 'lord', 'direction', 'flight', 'judea', 'sabbath', 'day', 'matt', 'hebrew', 'churoh', 'anderstand', 'teaching', 'apostle', 'church', 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'referred', 'tongue', 'thou', 'shalt', 'understand', 'said', 'babylonian', 'persian', 'greek', 'reference', 'jew', 'chaldean', 'greek', 'language', 'greater', 'extent', 'palestine', 'case', 'latin', 'transgressor', 'come', 'connection', 'god', 'people', 'oppressor', 'kept', 'view', 'account', 'transgression', 'people', 'sold', 'captivity', 'continuance', 'sin', 'brought', 'severe', 'punishment', 'time', 'jew', 'corrupt', 'morally', 'nation', 'time', 'came', 'jurisdiction', 'roman', 'mighty', 'own_power', 'success', 'roman', 'owing', 'largely', 'aid', 'ally', 'division', 'enemy', 'ready', 'advantage', 'ile', 'shall', 'destroy', 'wonderfully', 'lord', 'told', 'jew', 'prophet', 'ezekiel', 'deliver', 'men', 'disciple', 'said', 'lord', 'angel', 'spoke', 'daniel', 'speakest', 'thou', 'plainly', 'speakest', 'parable', 'explanation', 'vision', 'language', 'plain', 'need', 'given', 'verse', 'distinguishing', 'feature', 'persian', 'empire', 'union', 'nationality', 'composed', 'represented', 'horn', 'goat', 'grecia', 'attained', 'greatest', 'glory', 'unit', 'leadership', 'vile', 'man', 'great', 'king', 'world', 'seen', 'history', 'represented', 'phase', 'goat', 'notable', 'horn', 'symbolizing', 'alexander', 'great', 'death', 'kingdom', 'fell', 'fragment', 'immediately', 'consolidated', 'grand', 'division', 'represented', 'secand', 'phase', 'goat', 'horn', 'came', 'place', 'broken', 'division', 'stand', 'power']
root - INFO - extracting file #92500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18711017-V38-18-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #93000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18721231-V41-03-page3.txt
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'ancient', 'jewish_church', 'highly', 'favored', 'people', 'god', 'brought', 'egypt', 'acknowledged', 'peculiar', 'treasure', 'exceedmg', 'great', 'precious', 'promise', 'people', 'hope', 'confidence', 'jewish_church', 'trm', 'ted', 'believed', 'vation', 'sure', 'people', 'profeaserl', 'governed', 'commandment', 'god', 'saviour', 'came', 'let', 'come', 'high', 'holy', 'ground', 'presence', 'wor', 'cnrist', 'tly', 'hfe', 'respect', 'child', 'difficult', 'sacred', 'mission', 'daily', 'blessing', 'having', 'comto', 'charge', 'parental', 'care', 'awhile', 'son', 'god', 'divinity', 'vailed', 'humanity', 'tarry', 'jerusalem', 'design', 'gentle', 'reminder', 'duty', 'lest', 'indifferent', 'greater', 'degree', 'sense', 'high', 'favor', 'uwn', 'people', 'received', 'like', 'waiting', 'shepherdi', 'listen', 'angel', 'melody', 'till', 'anthem', 'loud', 'shall', 'ringing', 'age', 'come', 'breathing', 'inspiration', 'deep', 'help', 'swell', 'lofty', 'strain', 'ill', 'heaven', 'shall', 'echo', 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root - INFO - extracting file #93500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18740310-V43-13-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #94000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18750603-V45-23-page3.txt
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'necessary', 'germany', 'guard', 'internal', 'enemy', 'bismarck', 'fully', 'equal', 'henry', 'viii', 'determination', 'courage', 'course', 'run', 'great_danger', 'assassination', 'spirit', 'rome', 'like', 'spirit', 'slavery', 'spirit', 'liquorselling', 'stick', 'altogether', 'vast', 'power', 'papal', 'getting', 'pretty', 'pared', 'europe', 'circumstance', 'altogether', 'astonishing', 'pope', 'advise', 'devoted', 'adherent', 'italy', 'germany', 'emigrate', 'united', 'state', 'pope', 'temporal_power', 'grasp', 'europe', 'year', 'waning', 'crumbling', 'away', 'minion', 'taking', 'umbrage', 'home', 'free', 'people', 'censer', 'reader', 'feel', 'disposed', 'let', 'powerful', 'hater', 'liberty', 'plant', 'force', 'midst', 'apprehending', 'danger', 'price', 'liberty', 'eternal', 'vigilance', 'blood', 'noble', 'founder', 'nation', 'marched', 'possession', 'freedom', 'pope', 'rome', 'cardinal', 'america', 'vigorously', 'assailing', 'let', 'thb', 'great', 'invitation', 'untold', 'cruelty', 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root - INFO - extracting file #94500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18760824-V48-09-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #95000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18771115-V50-20-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #95500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18790116-V53-03-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #96000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18800219-V55-08-page6.txt
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'country', 'selected', 'tree', 'scripture', 'righteous', 'shall', 'flourish', 'like', 'palm', 'tree', 'let', 'comparison', 'mean', 'palm', 'grows', 'depth', 'forest', 'fertile', 'loam', 'desert', 'verdure', 'spring', 'apparently', 'scorching', 'dust', 'friendly', 'lighthouse', 'guiding', 'traveler', 'spot', 'water', 'tree', 'remarkable', 'beauty', 'erect', 'aspiring', 'growth', 'leafy', 'canopy', 'waving', 'plume', 'emblem', 'praise', 'age', 'foliage', 'symbol', 'joy', 'exultation', 'fade', 'dust', 'settle', 'twisted', 'booth', 'feast', 'tabernacle', 'borne', 'aloft', 'multitude', 'accompanied', 'messiah', 'jerusalem', 'reprosent', 'hand', 'redeemed', 'heaven', 'usefulness', 'tree', 'unrivaled', 'gibbon', 'native', 'syria', 'speak', 'palm', 'applied', 'shade', 'refreshes', 'traveler', 'fruit', 'restores', 'strength', 'soul', 'fails', 'thirst', 'announces', 'water', 'stone', 'ground', 'camel', 'leaf', 'couch', 'bough', 'fence', 'wall', 'fiber', 'rope', 'rigging', 'best', 'fruit', 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root - INFO - extracting file #96500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18800923-V56-14-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #97000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18810517-V57-20-page13.txt
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'swim', 'jordan', 'overflow', 'bank', 'men', 'yes', 'right', 'mean', 'wrong', 'stand', 'men', 'brave', 'poor', 'self', 'denying', 'honest', 'selected', 'kentucky', 'tract', 'society', 'report', 'quarter', 'ending', 'march', 'organize', 'woman', 'missionary', 'society', 'church', 'pastor', 'repeated', 'lady', 'question', 'yes', 'suppose', 'believe', 'woman', 'society', 'offering', 'come', 'husband', 'purse', 'quietly', 'answered', 'lady', 'argument', 'proved', 'unanswerable', 'speaker', 'happened', 'maiden', 'somewhat', 'uncertain', 'age', 'far', 'meridian', 'life', 'dependent', 'exertion', 'support', 'known', 'cheerful', 'giver', 'woman', 'church', 'christ', 'let', 'brother', 'hold', 'peace', 'lli', 'mention', 'source', 'civilization', 'short', 'stand', 'rule', 'good', 'citizen', 'object', 'school', 'ground', 'simple', 'elementary', 'use', 'scripture', 'inculcation', 'scriptural', 'morality', 'feature', 'public', 'school', 'instruction', 'state', 'citizen', 'object', 'furnish', 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'foreign', 'scholar', 'led', 'speak', 'reading', 'pamphlet', 'hand', 'rev', 'happer', 'presbyterian', 'mission', 'canton', 'china', 'question', 'concern', 'correct', 'pacific', 'railroad', 'sight', 'presented', 'eye', 'simply', 'wonderful', 'awful', 'grand', 'vast', 'expanse', 'water', 'seen', 'direction', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'roar', 'tumbling', 'water', 'sound', 'appearance', 'mighty', 'river', 'deep', 'wide', 'water', 'filled', 'knowledge', 'antediluvian', 'transfloating', 'debris', 'consisting', 'huge', 'log', 'section', 'member', 'added', 'member', 'added', 'member', 'added', 'letter', 'written', 'letter', 'written', 'sign', 'taken', 'club', 'subscriber', 'obtained', 'periodical', 'subscriber', 'obtained', 'periodical', 'subscriber', 'obtained', 'periodical', 'page', 'tract', 'pamphlet', 'distribut', 'page', 'tract', 'pamphlet', 'distribut', 'page', 'tract', 'pamphlet', 'distribut', 'cash', 'rec', 'tract', 'fund', 'periodical', 'cash', 'rec', 'tract', 'fund', 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root - INFO - extracting file #97500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18820103-V59-01-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #98000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18820808-V59-32-page6.txt
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'monthly', 'beginning', 'career', 'microscopic', 'apeck', 'living', 'matter', 'close', 'figure', 'highly', 'end', 'need', 'transcendent', 'man', 'biologically', 'considered', 'protoplasm', 'protoplasm', 'protoplasm', 'said', 'perfection', 'regarded', 'member', 'ief', 'animal', 'series', 'high', 'privilege', 'knowing', 'feeling', 'hinsself', 'brother', 'living', 'thing', 'unto', 'worm', 'thou', 'art', 'oiit', 'morning', 'arose', 'earlier', 'usual', 'went', 'crib', 'trap', 'caught', 'man', 'tom', 'slocum', 'pected', 'notice', 'thief', 'turned', 'aside', 'barn', 'began', 'hetip', 'manger', 'hay', 'sweet', 'scented', 'froin', 'summer', 'harvest', 'field', 'opened', 'door', 'took', 'golden', 'ear', 'fruit', 'honest', 'toil', 'time', 'thinking', 'whatstoii', 'try', 'law', 'coal', 'man', 'deserved', 'wife', 'asiti', 'kept', 'ringing', 'mind', 'emptied', 'corn', 'feeding', 'trough', 'went', 'soil', 'man', 'stood', 'hand', 'hello', 'neighbor', 'hero', 'asked', 'poor', 'tom', 'answered', 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root - INFO - extracting file #98500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18830403-V60-14-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #99000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18831030-V60-43-page6.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #100000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18850203-V62-05-page12.txt
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'house', 'west', 'erie', 'makia', 'inviting', 'seating', 'modate', 'commenced', 'ing', 'jan', 'ill', 'hard', 'larger', 'audience', 'accommodate', 'house', 'filled', 'capacity', 'night', 'apparently', 'interested', 'hearer', 'week', 'evening', 'cold', 'people', 'come', 'pray', 'jan', 'hansom', 'kansa', 'chard', 'scott', 'ward', 'vie', 'place', 'mentioned', 'dec', 'bad', 'weather', 'continuo', 'disagreeable', 'impossibh', 'hold', 'meeting', 'tried', 'fully', 'time', 'visiting', 'house', 'house', 'trying', 'encourage', 'strengthen', 'brother', 'company', 'chard', 'new', 'isll', 'holding', 'encouraging', 'willing', 'walk', 'light', 'reform', 'essential', 'day', 'hope', 'soon', 'good', 'church', 'organized', 'church', 'scott', 'city', 'better', 'opportunity', 'meeting', 'thdug', 'rained', 'nearly', 'day', 'meeting', 'precious', 'season', 'lord', 'came', 'near', 'blessed', 'felt', 'cheered', 'strengthened', 'coming', 'conflict', 'dismissed', 'lett', 'added', 'manner', 'bagby', 'plan', 'concerning', 'tract', 'work', 'discussed', 'acted', 'prove', 'great', 'blessing', 'church', 'ward', 'sick', 'connection', 'bad', 'weather', 'dered', 'meeting', 'failure', 'nance', 'celebrated', 'lord', 'gave', 'spirit', 'disfellowshiped', 'bro', 'kimball', 'chard', 'assisting', 'visiting', 'hope', 'ere', 'long', 'continuously', 'work', 'courage', 'hope', 'send', 'better', 'report', 'soon', 'olsen', 'worker', 'mission', 'durlan', 'jan', 'goa', 'farmersburg', 'coal', 'city', 'week', 'eld', 'rees', 'writer', 'holding', 'meeting', 'named', 'place', 'commenced', 'farmersburg', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'weather', 'stormy', 'muddy', 'large', 'house', 'worship']
root - INFO - extracting file #100500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18850908-V62-36-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #101000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18860427-V63-17-page3.txt
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'thing', 'hand', 'reader', 'true', 'present_generation', 'actually', 'living', 'right', 'closing', 'hour', 'time', 'peter', 'let', 'end', 'thing', 'lord', 'come', 'prepare', 'place', 'come', 'receive', 'unto', 'peter', 'mean', 'coming', 'lord', 'right', 'hand', 'possible', 'grand', 'culminating', 'event', 'age', 'transpire', 'true', 'fact', 'fully', 'set', 'forth', 'scripture', 'paul', 'given', 'man', 'god', 'thoroughly', 'furnished', 'tim', 'teach', 'respecting', 'time', 'natural', 'look', 'prophet', 'god', 'revealed', 'secret', 'amos', 'daniel', 'mention', 'great', 'metallic', 'image', 'interpretation', 'daniel', 'told', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'image', 'symbolized', 'kingdom', 'rule', 'successively', 'earth', 'fourth', 'divided', 'symbolized', 'toe', 'image', 'told', 'day', 'king', 'god', 'heaven', 'set', 'kingdom', 'verse', 'image', 'developed', 'respectively', 'babylon', 'medo', 'persia', 'grecia', 'rome', 'living', 'divided', 'state', 'roman_empire', 'time', 'come', 'setting', 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'abiding', 'beneath', 'cloud', 'talk', 'discouragement', 'encourage', 'doubt', 'feed', 'fear', 'drink', 'dispair', 'usually', 'verge', 'dreadful', 'evil', 'scarcely', 'inspiration', 'present', 'enjoyment', 'evil', 'storm', 'devouring', 'destructive', 'flood', 'beneficent', 'providence', 'intended', 'dispensation', 'love', 'god', 'bow', 'promise', 'unseen', 'meaning', 'unknown', 'meet', 'people', 'compelled', 'listen', 'recitation', 'doubt', 'discouragement', 'perplexity', 'far', 'jesus', 'delight', 'hear', 'cultivate', 'faith', 'mirage', 'communication', 'write', 'courage', 'success', 'dwell', 'love', 'god', 'gave', 'son', 'die', 'think', 'blessed', 'privilege', 'working', 'jesus', 'cause', 'redemption', 'praise_god', 'blessing', 'came', 'tell', 'people', 'doubt', 'increase', 'remember', 'want', 'hear', 'come', 'satan', 'afflict', 'god', 'people']
root - INFO - extracting file #101500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18861207-V63-48-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #102000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18870719-V64-29-page7.txt
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'penitentiary', 'sabbatarian', 'preacher', 'shall', 'abjure', 'doctrine', 'hitherto', 'publicly', 'preached', 'shall', 'receive', 'salary', 'greater', 'previously', 'enjoyed', 'half', 'thereof', 'shall', 'reversion', 'widow', 'sabbatarian', 'foreigner', 'settled', 'united', 'state', 'ordered', 'national', 'reformer', 'quit', 'country', 'day', 'special', 'act', 'great', 'paternal', 'clemency', 'national', 'reformer', 'permit', 'person', 'sell', 'interval', 'property', 'acquired', 'country', 'provided', 'sale', 'national', 'reform', 'purchaser', 'doubt', 'considerate', 'special', 'act', 'probably', 'spirit', 'word', 'national', 'reform', 'edict', 'banishing', 'atheist', 'national', 'reform', 'hight', 'glory', 'blakely', 'diverted', 'duty', 'reflection', 'silly', 'world']
root - INFO - extracting file #102500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18880228-V65-09-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #103000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18881009-V65-40-page7.txt
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'soldier', 'battle', 'wounded', 'refuse', 'leave', 'field', 'victory', 'turn', 'shout', 'loud', 'enthusiastically', 'escaped', 'scratch', 'fitzroy', 'river', 'forty_miles', 'mouth', 'mile', 'northwest', 'brisbane', 'situated', 'city', 'rockhampton', 'spread', 'level', 'plain', 'mountain', 'background', 'distance', 'look', 'inviting', 'city', 'nicely', 'laid', 'busy', 'activity', 'founded', 'city', 'queensland', 'unlimited', 'distance', 'soil', 'unsurpassed', 'richness', 'contributed', 'largely', 'growth', 'commercial', 'prosperity', 'place', 'gold', 'finest', 'world', 'located', 'mount', 'morgan', 'immediate', 'vicinity', 'given', 'town', 'upward', 'spring', 'neighborhood', 'inhabitant', 'canvassed', 'year', 'thought', 'daniel', 'revelation', 'bro', 'wainman', 'writes', 'canvas', 'city', 'successful', 'having', 'secured', 'nearly', 'subscription', 'book', 'place', 'brisbane', 'placed', 'book', 'present_truth', 'sermon', 'faith', 'delivered', 'great', 'colony', 'living', 'preacher', 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'commission', 'men', 'devote', 'literary', 'discussion', 'doctrinal', 'dielilacs', 'human', 'notion', 'theory', 'measure', 'wonder', 'harvest', 'day', 'come', 'handed', 'fertile', 'field', 'soul', 'perishing', 'thousand', 'million', 'child', 'adam', 'hoard', 'christ', 'died', 'time', 'short', 'lot', 'christian', 'awake', 'duty', 'let', 'forth', 'effort', 'lost', 'men', 'let', 'soul', 'feel', 'burden', 'dying', 'multitude', 'let', 'forth', 'bearing', 'precious_seed', 'tear', 'prayer', 'hearing', 'god', 'bless', 'seed_sown', 'increase', 'faithful', 'steward', 'lord', 'worker', 'help', 'forward', 'work', 'consummation', 'christian', 'hero', 'man', 'goethe', 'rest', 'christ', 'torpor', 'harmony', 'refusing', 'struggle', 'conquering', 'resting', 'duty', 'finding', 'reste', 'duty', 'men', 'rejoice', 'increase', 'worldly', 'substance', 'far', 'greater', 'christian', 'joy', 'god', 'gladness', 'heart', 'comfort', 'peace', 'believing']
root - INFO - extracting file #103500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18890521-V66-21-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #104000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18900107-V67-01-page14.txt
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'invitation', 'sister', 'church', 'state', 'come', 'study', 'work', 'god', 'earnestly', 'seek', 'face', 'living', 'connection', 'jesus', 'understand', 'lord', 'efficient_workers', 'master', 'bring', 'bedding', 'eld', 'covert', 'laborer', 'present', 'conf', 'coie', 'iowa', 'state_meeting', 'known', 'appointment', 'state_meeting', 'withdrawn', 'location', 'western', 'college', 'thought', 'jan', 'soon', 'dare', 'appoint', 'business', 'way', 'want', 'largest', 'gathering', 'seen', 'state_meetings', 'trust', 'brother', 'good', 'state', 'preparing', 'anxiously', 'waiting', 'appointment', 'meeting', 'enterprise', 'importance', 'west', 'school', 'question', 'hope', 'settled', 'time', 'locating', 'committee', 'meet', 'jan', 'des_moines', 'begin', 'work', 'confidently', 'expect', 'committee', 'composed', 'president', 'western', 'state', 'remain', 'state_meeting', 'brn', 'prescott', 'farnsworth', 'want', 'lay', 'plan', 'winter', 'work', 'divide', 'field', 'organize', 'force', 'shall', 'expect', 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'covenant', 'commandment', 'shall', 'peculiar', 'treasure', 'unto', 'people', 'shall', 'unto', 'kingdom', 'priest', 'holy', 'nation', 'god', 'people', 'obeyed', 'commandment', 'keeping', 'god', 'holy', 'law', 'constitute', 'holy', 'people', 'peculiar', 'treasure', 'zealous', 'good_works', 'set', 'simply', 'result', 'obedience', 'law', 'covenant', 'contained', 'promise', 'help', 'covenant', 'promise', 'people', 'holy', 'promise', 'good', 'fault', 'fault', 'lay', 'people', 'promise', 'faulty', 'weakness', 'people', 'read', 'rom', 'law', 'weak', 'flesh', 'thought', 'mind', 'learning', 'covenant', 'people', 'promise', 'possibly', 'fulfill', 'god', 'unjust', 'require', 'promise', 'know', 'god', 'unjust', 'conclude', 'covenant', 'contained', 'pardon', 'promise', 'divine', 'assistance', 'contained', 'hint', 'student', 'wait', 'subject', 'covenant', 'concluded', 'justice', 'mercy', 'god', 'plan', 'right', 'let', 'fasten', 'thought', 'covenant', 'contained', 'pardon', 'promise', 'divine', 'assistance', 'necessity', 'covenant', 'pardon', 'divine', 'aid', 'soul', 'covenant', 'faulty', 'second', 'let', 'forgotten', 'fact', 'pardon', 'holy', 'spirit', 'aid', 'israel', 'lesson', 'hebrew', 'sabbath', 'jan', 'old_covenant', 'doe', 'second', 'covenant', 'compare', 'heb', 'necessity', 'second', 'covenant', 'verse', 'second', 'covenant', 'better', 'founded', 'better', 'promise', 'faulty', 'promise', 'promise', 'covenant', 'god', 'covenant', 'people', 'promised', 'perform', 'said', 'nature', 'commandment', 'ecel', 'child', 'israel', 'promised', 'better', 'god', 'commandment', 'fault', 'heb', 'people', 'promise', 'note']
root - INFO - extracting file #104500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18900819-V67-32-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #105000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18910331-V68-13-page5.txt
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'seventeen', 'dollar', 'month', 'house', 'room', 'bring', 'monthly', 'rent', 'seventy', 'dollar', 'request', 'member', 'sabbathkeeping', 'family', 'boarded', 'organized', 'sabbath', 'school', 'transvaal', 'membership', 'seven', 'commenced', 'hold', 'ing', 'prayer', 'meeting', 'wednesday', 'evening', 'bible', 'reading', 'held', 'home', 'missionary', 'read', 'sabbath', 'afternoon', 'spirit', 'giving', 'missionary_work', 'realized', 'member', 'family', 'sabbath', 'school', 'quarter', 'contribution', 'foreign', 'missionary_work', 'amounted', 'dollar', 'bro', 'webb', 'fellow', 'laborer', 'greatly', 'blessed', 'effort', 'different_places', 'worked', 'transvaal', 'sold', 'stay', 'seven', 'month', 'republic', 'copy', 'thought', 'daniel', 'revelation', 'english', 'holland', 'german', 'language', 'canvassed', 'different_places', 'potchefstroom', 'second', 'place', 'visited', 'faith', 'severely', 'tried', 'dependent', 'daily', 'sale', 'small', 'publication', 'support', 'expense', 'amounted', 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'brother', 'conference_committee', 'rented', 'hall', 'seat', 'people', 'use', 'twice', 'sunday', 'twice', 'week', 'invited', 'holding', 'reading', 'time', 'carried', 'work', 'home', 'lord', 'blessed', 'work', 'tried', 'draw', 'near', 'convinced', 'truth', 'keeping', 'lord', 'sabbath', 'bro', 'olsen', 'visited', 'held', 'meeting', 'large', 'hall', 'attended', 'people', 'lutheran', 'bishop', 'visit', 'expressed', 'great_desire', 'heathen', 'began', 'lecturing', 'faith', 'man', 'great_influence', 'watched', 'result', 'frightened', 'learning', 'peculiar', 'lost', 'stopping', 'described', 'people', 'gave', 'lecture', 'different', 'denomination', 'city', 'misrepresented', 'bible', 'work', 'produce', 'good', 'carried', 'extensively', 'workdone', 'laborer', 'country', 'prof', 'blessed', 'god', 'good_courage', 'work', 'great_interest', 'meeting', 'general_conference']
root - INFO - extracting file #105500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18911117-V68-45-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #106000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18920628-V69-26-page10.txt
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'understood', 'literally', 'kind', 'darkening', 'reasonably', 'expect', 'constitute', 'sign', 'token', 'evidence', 'lord', 'soon', 'return', 'sun', 'disappear', 'forever', 'shall', 'sign', 'plural', 'sun', 'darkening', 'sun', 'truly', 'sign', 'constitute', 'sign', 'reasonably', 'expect', 'number', 'occurrence', 'strange', 'mysterious', 'alarming', 'great', 'luminary', 'heaven', 'calculated', 'rouse', 'attention', 'cause', 'strange', 'foreboding', 'approaching', 'trouble', 'darkening', 'sun', 'ansevent', 'destroy', 'remains', 'seen', 'darkened', 'sign', 'manifested', 'darkening', 'destroyed', 'sign', 'end', 'end', 'people', 'live', 'earth', 'sun', 'destroyed', 'conclude', 'darkening', 'sun', 'strange', 'mysterious', 'wonderful', 'darkness', 'comparatively', 'brief', 'season', 'astonish', 'world', 'unexplainable', 'science', 'constitute', 'strange', 'portent', 'fithriething', 'hunran', 'agency', 'explanation', 'nature', 'darkness', 'land', 'egypt', 'christ', 'crucifixion', 'instance', 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'neighborhood', 'hear', 'believer', 'lord', 'mighty', 'raise', 'new_believers', 'willing', 'spread', 'truth', 'neighborhood', 'feel', 'grateful', 'wife', 'child', 'united', 'remember', 'prayer', 'faithful', 'soul', 'suffer', 'truth', 'sake', 'cease', 'sending', 'forth', 'truth', 'different_parts', 'empire', 'letter', 'receive', 'learn', 'safe', 'arrival', 'soul', 'convinced', 'obey', 'far', 'german_work', 'concerned', 'learn', 'brother', 'passport', 'present', 'gone', 'governor', 'writes', 'new_believers', 'baptized', 'famine', 'district', 'far', 'sent', 'dollar', 'suffering', 'brother', 'month', 'supplied', 'distress', 'great', 'feel', 'grateful', 'assistance', 'portion']
root - INFO - extracting file #106500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18930214-V70-07-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #107000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18930919-V70-38-page17.txt
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'bearing', 'precious_seed', 'shall', 'doubtless', 'come', 'rejoicing', 'bringing', 'sheaf', 'florida', 'church', 'report', 'visited', 'church', 'company', 'state', 'glad', 'able', 'report', 'advance', 'line', 'july', 'eustis', 'enjoyed', 'precious', 'season', 'church', 'sabbath', 'lord', 'especially', 'blessed', 'willing_souls', 'followed', 'lord', 'master', 'baptism', 'ordinance', 'celebrated', 'left', 'chumh', 'trust', 'courage', 'july', 'spent', 'bowling', 'green', 'privilege', 'meeting', 'elder', 'butler', 'courage', 'trust', 'strong', 'lord', 'visited', 'isolated', 'bartow', 'lakeland', 'valrico', 'seffner', 'privilege', 'speaking', 'baptist', 'church', 'appreciative', 'audience', 'july', 'aug', 'met', 'company', 'tampa', 'meeting', 'held', 'brother', 'jethro', 'kloss', 'added', 'company', 'need', 'church_building', 'trust', 'near_future', 'company', 'organized', 'comfortable', 'house', 'erected', 'spent', 'number', 'day', 'terra', 'ceia', 'house', 'filled', 'nearly', 'meeting', 'lord', 'came', 'meeting', 'spirit', 'soul', 'led', 'necessity', 'closer', 'walk', 'god', 'necessity', 'appropriating', 'righteousness', 'precious', 'saviour', 'faith', 'dear', 'lord', 'bless', 'church', 'add', 'number', 'osteen', 'leon', 'spring', 'held', 'excellent_meetings', 'soul', 'hungering', 'thirsting', 'righteousness', 'god', 'promise', 'matt', 'fulfilled', 'severe', 'storm', 'raged', 'atlantic', 'coast', 'seriously', 'interfered', 'meeting', 'moultrie', 'near', 'augustine', 'felt', 'believe', 'things_work', 'good', 'love', 'god', 'thank', 'lord', 'meeting', 'hold', 'spent', 'sabbath', 'sunday', 'sept', 'waldo', 'baptized', 'received', 'church', 'good_meetings', 'held', 'left', 'little', 'church', 'rejoicing', 'lord', 'jacksonville', 'fernandina', 'visited', 'meeting', 'held', 'brother', 'place', 'feel', 'praise', 'lord', 'manifestation', 'prospering', 'hand', 'lord', 'ask', 'remembered', 'prayer', 'people', 'god', 'bless', 'work', 'servant', 'field', 'sept', 'pennsylvania', 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'white', 'mountain', 'portland', 'enjoyable', 'pleasant', 'staying', 'portland', 'night', 'morning', 'went', 'bath', 'soon', 'arriving', 'permitted', 'enter', 'prettiest', 'neatest', 'camp_ground', 'liver', 'saw', 'state', 'maine', 'simplicity', 'decoration', 'taste', 'shown', 'pitching', 'seventy', 'tent', 'attractive', 'good', 'brother', 'sister', 'attendance', 'meeting', 'agreeably', 'surprised', 'attendance', 'people', 'city', 'member', 'baptist', 'church', 'attended', 'interested', 'hearing', 'discourse', 'writer', 'holiness', 'evening', 'pastor', 'church', 'present', 'gave', 'cordial', 'invitation', 'deliver', 'pulpit', 'following', 'sunday', 'afternoon', 'cheerfully', 'accepted', 'enjoyed', 'privilege', 'granted', 'minister', 'opened', 'baptistry', 'church', 'baptism', 'thirteen', 'candidate', 'camp_ground', 'number', 'city', 'convinced', 'truth', 'obey', 'people', 'ready', 'accept', 'advanced', 'light', 'power', 'angel', 'message', 'glad', 'meet', 'elder', 'durland', 'meeting', 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'colcord', 'gave', 'acceptable', 'instruction', 'crisler', 'collie', 'weather', 'rough', 'stormy', 'preparation', 'far', 'meeting', 'delayed', 'arrived', 'place', 'meeting', 'monday', 'afternoon', 'heat', 'summer', 'delaware', 'changed', 'near', 'frost', 'fall', 'vermont', 'cold', 'somewhat', 'stormy', 'meeting', 'notwithstanding', 'good_meeting']
root - INFO - extracting file #107500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18940508-V71-19-page14.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #108000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18941218-V71-50-page3.txt
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'eternal', 'morning', 'shine', 'child', 'god', 'loveliest', 'glory', 'heaven', 'like', 'crystal', 'dewdrop', 'come', 'forth', 'morning', 'shining', 'flower', 'like', 'bright', 'pearl', 'child', 'god', 'come', 'forth', 'tomb', 'almighty', 'power', 'god', 'air', 'filled', 'shout', 'victory', 'death', 'thy', 'sting', 'grave', 'thy', 'victory', 'cor', 'wise', 'shall', 'shine', 'brightness', 'firmament', 'turn', 'righteousness', 'star', 'forever', 'dan', 'fruit', 'sacrifice', 'jesus', 'service', 'heavenly', 'sanctuary', 'psalmist', 'speaks', 'fourth', 'verse', 'divine', 'foundation', 'priesthood', 'christ', 'lord', 'bath', 'sworn', 'repent', 'thou', 'art', 'priest', 'forever', 'order', 'melchisedec', 'subject', 'apostle', 'treat', 'fully', 'hebrew', 'melchisedec', 'presented', 'type', 'christ', 'high', 'priest', 'king', 'priest', 'meaning', 'word', 'heb', 'clear', 'following', 'translation', 'wakefield', 'clearly', 'father', 'mother', 'pedigree', 'birth', 'death', 'account', 'emphatic', 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root - INFO - extracting file #108500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18950723-V72-30-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #109000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18960303-V73-09-page3.txt
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'moses', 'shalt_thou', 'unto', 'child', 'israel', 'chapter', 'hen', 'followed', 'minor', 'law', 'given', 'god', 'ore', 'communicated', 'gel', 'christ', 'divine', 'ediator', 'father', 'mankind', 'spoken', 'great', 'universal', 'law', 'moses', 'human', 'mediator', 'christ', 'rael', 'returned', 'position', 'altogether', 'remarkable', 'sigficance', 'giving', 'law', 'let', 'riefly', 'review', 'lord', 'speaks', 'moses', 'hearing', 'people', 'speak', 'private', 'receive', 'moses', 'command', 'god', 'moses', 'stand', 'people', 'hile', 'god', 'speaks', 'moses', 'ords', 'law', 'moses', 'return', 'mount', 'lord', 'privately', 'imparts', 'secondary', 'law', 'designed', 'remain', 'rce', 'seed', 'come', 'foe', 'writes', 'roll', 'parchment', 'known', 'book', 'ltw', 'transaction', 'great', 'fact', 'stand', 'like', 'mountain', 'open', 'plain', 'moses', 'mediator', 'commandment', 'making', 'necessary', 'preparation', 'people', 'prepared', 'hear', 'vice', 'god', 'conclude', 'law', 'lie', 'law', 'god', 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'feeling', 'unworthiness', 'unfitness', 'planted', 'satan', 'spirit', 'self', 'uprooted', 'greater', 'ianpossible', 'man', 'extricate', 'pit', 'sin', 'fallen', 'heart', 'evil', 'change', 'battle', 'fought', 'held', 'fast', 'satan', 'snare', 'taken', 'captive', 'god', 'desire', 'heal', 'set', 'free', 'yield', 'wholly', 'warfare', 'self', 'greatest', 'battle', 'fought', 'yielding', 'self', 'surrendering', 'god', 'requires', 'struggle', 'soul', 'submit', 'god', 'renewed', 'holiness', 'step', 'christ', 'suggestive', 'reflection', 'edgar', 'iielsey', 'south', 'lancaster', 'mass', 'faith', 'work', 'dead', 'vital', 'faith', 'ungrateful', 'remembers', 'blessing', 'privilege', 'posse', 'god', 'utilizes', 'far', 'answering', 'prayer', 'believing', 'god', 'acknowledge', 'use', 'posse', 'growth', 'habit', 'sure', 'imperceptible', 'progress', 'common', 'natural', 'familiar', 'thing', 'forcibly', 'illustrates', 'growth', 'habit', 'perceive', 'growth', 'comparing', 'strength', 'different_times', 'reason', 'downward', 'course', 'continues', 'unchecked', 'unnoticed', 'power', 'irresistible', 'habit', 'directed', 'way', 'eternal_life', 'fruitful', 'like', 'good_seed', 'constancy', 'right_direction', 'strong', 'defense', 'prepare', 'enemy', 'righteousness', 'habit', 'directed', 'right', 'course']
root - INFO - extracting file #109500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18961006-V73-40-page15.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #110000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18970504-V74-18-page14.txt
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'trying', 'inspire', 'faith', 'worship', 'moon', 'creator', 'thing', 'school', 'incurs', 'heavy', 'monthly', 'expense', 'heavenly_father', 'child', 'consider', 'privilege', 'share', 'expense', 'appreciated', 'cross', 'ocean', 'heathen', 'land', 'explore', 'heathen', 'nearer', 'help', 'door', 'bitzzell', 'superintendent', 'chinese', 'school', 'polk', 'chicago', 'ill', 'utah', 'provo', 'springville', 'past_winter', 'held', 'protracted', 'meeting', 'provo', 'conclusion', 'began', 'meeting', 'springville', 'continuing', 'short_time', 'fair', 'place', 'enjoyed', 'blessing', 'god', 'holding', 'forth', 'word', 'life', 'earnest', 'kindhearted', 'people', 'utah', 'willingness', 'hear', 'word', 'god', 'far', 'promised', 'obey', 'god', 'walk', 'light', 'present_truth', 'provo', 'sabbath', 'school', 'number', 'springville', 'member', 'company', 'united', 'service', 'sabbath', 'april', 'provo', 'church', 'nineteen', 'member', 'organized', 'power', 'god', 'spirit', 'present', 'marked', 'degree', 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'pingree', 'court', 'granted', 'new', 'trial', 'cause', 'sale', 'deadly', 'detestable', 'cigarette', 'hedged', 'state', 'iowa', 'passed', 'stringent', 'law', 'year', 'point', 'decided', 'contrary', 'interstate', 'commerce', 'unconstitutional', 'law', 'reiterated', 'house', 'legislature', 'addition', 'fine', 'retail', 'sale', 'house', 'passed', 'resolution', 'asking', 'congress', 'place', 'traffic', 'cigarette', 'state', 'police', 'law', 'michigan', 'assembly', 'passed', 'stringent', 'prohibiting', 'sale', 'cigarette', 'person', 'twentyone', 'favorably', 'recommended', 'senate_committee', 'provision', 'age', 'limit', 'seventeen', 'numerous', 'case', 'death', 'insanity', 'caused', 'noxious', 'poisonous', 'article', 'cause', 'prompt', 'action', 'suppression', 'secretary', 'war', 'alger', 'reached', 'decision', 'chance', 'building', 'chapel', 'government', 'ground', 'west', 'point', 'fact', 'roman', 'catholic', 'permitted', 'build', 'called', 'good', 'manycomments', 'head', 'war_department', 'following', 'statement', 'said', 'building', 'roman', 'catholic', 'chapel', 'ground', 'united', 'state', 'military', 'academy', 'west', 'point', 'privilege', 'accorded', 'people', 'predecessor', 'said', 'similar', 'privilege', 'accorded', 'state', 'denomination', 'wishing', 'build', 'chapel', 'ground', 'condition', 'given', 'equally', 'advantageous', 'site', 'building', 'favoritism', 'shown', 'denomination', 'accorded', 'site', 'equalry', 'good', 'roman', 'catholic', 'chapel', 'celebration', 'dedication', 'grant', 'monument', 'new', 'york', 'april', 'event', 'met', 'expectation', 'promoter', 'reasonably', 'weather', 'day', 'cold', 'bleak', 'men', 'great', 'procession', 'occasion', 'graced', 'presence', 'president', 'vice_president', 'dozen', 'governor', 'baker', 'city', 'began', 'work', 'city', 'middle', 'january', 'outlook', 'discouraging', 'methodist', 'promised', 'use', 'meeting', 'house', 'trustee', 'april', 'decker', 'eeh']
root - INFO - extracting file #110500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18971116-V74-46s-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #111000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18980531-V75-22-page6.txt
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'dwell', 'temporary', 'pain', 'claimed', 'attention', 'pretty', 'object', 'charming', 'story', 'happy', 'reminiscence', 'said', 'largely', 'indebted', 'sunshine', 'long_life', 'lesson', 'easily', 'mastered', 'childhood', 'seldom', 'learned', 'middle', 'life', 'old_age', 'selected', 'wishing', 'wardrobe', 'proper_care', 'forget', 'look', 'day', 'binding', 'skirt', 'button', 'boot', 'veil', 'glove', 'glance', 'unceasing', 'wear', 'fresh', 'binding', 'alter', 'entire', 'appearance', 'girl', 'making', 'look', 'neat', 'dainty', 'ragged', 'edge', 'skirt', 'suggested', 'untidy', 'ignorant', 'shabby', 'finery', 'inexcusable', 'chiffon', 'worn', 'ragged', 'replaced', 'removed', 'simpler', 'substituted', 'tear', 'worn', 'place', 'rip', 'seen', 'wellbred', 'girl', 'early', 'youth', 'learned', 'wield', 'needle', 'mend', 'belonging', 'daintiness', 'embroiders', 'ruth', 'ash', 'boy', 'saw', 'college', 'campus', 'know', 'difference', 'rule', 'geometry', 'theory', 'science', 'know', 'way', 'industry', 'usefulness', 'boy', 'support', 'instance', 'fatherless', 'family', 'actual', 'poverty', 'boy', 'work', 'day', 'public_school', 'night', 'school', 'business', 'college', 'supported', 'endowment', 'aided', 'philanthropy', 'knowledge', 'paid', 'come', 'hard', 'earned', 'money', 'struggling', 'parent', 'parent', 'eager', 'day', 'boy', 'merchant', 'honored', 'employee', 'community', 'live', 'young_man', 'saving', 'salt', 'commerce', 'nation', 'success']
root - INFO - extracting file #111500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18981206-V75-49-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #112000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH18990627-V76-26-page12.txt
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'rainy_season', 'mission_workers', 'retire', 'ready', 'cool', 'season', 'work', 'facility', 'reaching', 'healthy', 'seaboard', 'locality', 'quickly', 'boat', 'rail', 'english', 'territory', 'appointed', 'known', 'district', 'surgeon', 'required', 'record', 'far', 'possible', 'death', 'cause', 'note', 'cause', 'death', 'month', 'year', 'report', 'blue', 'book', 'report', 'small', 'expense', 'sending', 'proper', 'officer', 'fair', 'idea', 'death', 'rate', 'prevailing', 'disorder', 'season', 'year', 'speaking', 'course', 'interior', 'southern', 'africa', 'country', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'season', 'pertains', 'different', 'principle', 'investigation', 'remains', 'wet', 'season', 'near', 'seaboard', 'cold', 'winter', 'season', 'instead', 'interior', 'summer', 'mission', 'located', 'cape_town', 'vicinity', 'matter', 'time', 'opened', 'far', 'health', 'concerned', 'time', 'sickly', 'season', 'world', 'touch', 'mean', 'steam', 'electricity', 'planning', 'mission', 'enterprise', 'easily', 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'spaulding', 'spoke', 'southern', 'work', 'fact', 'especially', 'noticeable', 'department', 'work', 'striven', 'instruction', 'practical_value', 'laborer', 'field', 'friday', 'morning', 'industrial_work', 'considered', 'considerable_interest', 'manifested', 'manual_training', 'pleasing', 'head', 'department', 'rostrum', 'brother', 'christiansen', 'told', 'rise', 'growth', 'various_departments', 'farm', 'represented', 'brother', 'fletcher', 'belief', 'following', 'bible', 'injunction', 'thorough', 'cultivation', 'relying', 'implicitly', 'lord', 'promise', 'abundant', 'crop', 'power', 'rebuke', 'devourer', 'spoke', 'work', 'carpentry', 'tailoring', 'dressmaking', 'engineering', 'broom', 'making', 'printing', 'received', 'enthusiasm', 'listener', 'sabbath', 'afternoon', 'professor', 'sutherland', 'outlined', 'large_audience', 'future', 'plan', 'school', 'stand', 'taken', 'college', 'subject', 'christian_education', 'educational_work', 'onward', 'opposition', 'necessity', 'met', 'cause', 'truth', 'triumph', 'object', 'faculty', 'adhere', 'strictly', 'principle', 'given', 'god', 'word', 'follow', 'closely', 'light', 'come', 'subject', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'intended', 'writer', 'kate', 'lindsay']
root - INFO - extracting file #112500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19000116-V77-03-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #113000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19000821-V77-34-page2.txt
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'labor', 'carrying', 'colorsi', 'finally', 'brother', 'strong', 'lord', 'power', 'whole_armor', 'god', 'able', 'stand', 'wile', 'devil', 'wrestle', 'flesh', 'blood', 'principality', 'power', 'ruler', 'darkness', 'world', 'spiritual', 'wickedness', 'high_places', 'wherefore', 'unto', 'whole_armor', 'god', 'able', 'withstand', 'evil', 'day', 'having', 'stand', 'stand', 'having', 'loin', 'girt', 'truth', 'having', 'breastplate', 'righteousness', 'foot', 'shod', 'preparation', 'gospel', 'peace', 'taking', 'shield', 'faith', 'wherewith', 'shall', 'able', 'quench', 'fiery', 'dart', 'wicked', 'helmet', 'salvation', 'sword', 'spirit', 'word', 'god', 'messenger', 'shall', 'silver', 'gold', 'time', 'talent', 'sacrifice', 'service', 'required', 'shall', 'render', 'space', 'want', 'requires', 'space', 'receive', 'room', 'comfortable', 'indwelling', 'turn', 'remove', 'place', 'want', 'occupy', 'temple', 'preoccupied', 'church', 'world', 'family', 'self', 'preempted', 'claim', 'room', 'come', 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'speaking', 'truth', 'love', 'grow', 'thing', 'head', 'christ', 'grie', 'holy', 'spirit', 'god', 'eris', 'sealed', 'unto', 'day', 'redemption', 'act', 'christ', 'poetble', 'attain', 'unto', 'perfection', 'fin', 'answer', 'heb', 'offering', 'hath', 'perfected', 'forever', 'sanctified', 'whereof', 'holy', 'ghost', 'witness', 'covenant', 'day', 'saith', 'lord', 'law', 'heart', 'mind', 'write', 'sin', 'iniquity', 'remember', 'perfected', 'sane', 'truth', 'tim', 'object', 'god', 'giving', 'scripture', 'inspiratio', 'perfection', 'let']
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root - INFO - extracting file #114000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19011022-V78-43-page3.txt
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'seven', 'time', 'shall', 'pas', 'thee', 'thou', 'know', 'high', 'ruleth', 'kingdom', 'men', 'giveth', 'whomsoever', 'hour', 'thing', 'fulfilled', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'limit', 'god', 'mercy', 'mercy', 'everlasting', 'flight', 'soul', 'sad', 'experience', 'humbled', 'proud', 'heart', 'destiny', 'forever', 'sealed', 'driven', 'men', 'compelled', 'eat', 'grass', 'year', 'insanity', 'knowledge', 'god', 'known', 'wrestling', 'spirit', 'god', 'lifted', 'eye', 'god', 'heaven', 'understanding', 'returned', 'blessed', 'high', 'praised', 'honored', 'relates', 'belief', 'inhabitant', 'earth', 'reputed', 'doeth', 'according', 'army', 'heaven', 'inhabitant', 'earth', 'stay', 'hand', 'unto', 'doest', 'thou', 'walk', 'road', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'self', 'exalted', 'feel', 'success', 'work', 'god', 'depends', 'wholly', 'wrought', 'wonder', 'built', 'conference', 'wonder', 'wonderful', 'manner', 'great', 'babylon', 'built', 'mean', 'building', 'cause', 'god', 'necessary', 'estimation', 'accomplish', 'method', 'accomplish', 'different', 'method', 'short', 'capable', 'spirit', 'evidence', 'unregenerate', 'heart', 'unsubdued', 'soul', 'heart', 'renewed', 'god', 'use', 'work', 'god', 'prospered', 'monarch', 'doe', 'babylon', 'stand', 'forth', 'day', 'monument', 'kingdom', 'glory', 'far', 'world', 'concerned', 'history', 'past', 'thousand', 'year', 'wisdom', 'strength', 'power', 'god', 'god', 'acknowledged', 'author', 'bright', 'idea', 'source', 'intelligent', 'thought', 'expressed', 'suceess', 'god', 'self', 'large', 'god', 'dwell', 'soul', 'christ', 'life', 'brought', 'salvation', 'world', 'cessation', 'life', 'surrendering', 'own_self', 'lay', 'secret', 'salvation', 'great_apostle', 'gentile', 'said', 'die', 'daily', 'room', 'selfishness', 'self', 'righteousness', 'christ', 'possession', 'heart', 'inferior', 'place', 'soul', 'self', 'swell', 'importance', 'soul', 'temple', 'pride', 'heart', 'nebuchadnezzar', 'dot', 'true_spirit', 'led', 'spirit', 'lord', 'true', 'conversion', 'god', 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'water', 'mean', 'escape', 'provided', 'accept', 'plan', 'saviour', 'shall', 'end', 'world', 'lord', 'leave', 'people', 'generation', 'perish', 'warning', 'danger', 'pointing', 'way', 'escape', 'quote', 'warning', 'recorded', 'rev', 'man_worship', 'beast', 'image', 'man', 'shall', 'drink', 'wine', 'wrath', 'god', 'poured', 'mixture', 'cup', 'indignation', 'patience', 'saint', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'solemn_message', 'warning', 'severe', 'denunciation', 'wrath', 'bible', 'notice', 'wine', 'wrath', 'god', 'poured', 'worship', 'beast', 'rev', 'speaking', 'seven', 'plague', 'filled', 'wrath', 'god', 'wrath', 'wrath', 'mixture', 'rev', 'sixteenth', 'chapter', 'description', 'wrath', 'terrible', 'contemplate', 'teeming', 'million', 'earth', 'inhabitant', 'worship', 'beast', 'image', 'consequence', 'drink', 'unmingled', 'wrath', 'god', 'day', 'flood', 'eating', 'drinking', 'excess', 'going', 'wild', 'careless', 'career', 'business', 'pleasure', 'knew', 'flood', 'came', 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root - INFO - extracting file #114500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020506-V79-18-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #115000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19020930-V79-39-page20.txt
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'colaborers', 'service', 'law', 'life', 'universe', 'sinful', 'heart', 'man', 'life', 'unto', 'atom', 'god', 'great', 'kingdom', 'serf', 'support', 'neighbor', 'atom', 'kingdom', 'periodical', 'help', 'new', 'york', 'greater', 'new', 'york', 'vermont', 'new', 'jersey', 'year', 'ago', 'energetic', 'young_woman', 'engaged', 'assistant', 'tract_society', 'office', 'office', 'near', 'largest', 'church', 'conference', 'soon', 'asked', 'journal', 'favorable', 'impresto', 'act', 'librarian', 'church', 'willing', 'work', 'felt', 'perplexed', 'way', 'accomplish', 'large_church', 'member', 'sion', 'people', 'help', 'canvasser', 'agent', 'carry', 'simply', 'sample_copy', 'subscription', 'journal', 'help', 'relieved', 'necessity', 'dear', 'brother', 'let', 'labor', 'hour', 'medical', 'missionary_work', 'chiservice', 'holy', 'spirit', 'given', 'maine', 'following', 'card', 'come', 'hand', 'paulson', 'superintendent', 'cago', 'cflicaco', 'ill', 'sept', 'dear', 'broti', 'october', 'life', 'boat', 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'agent', 'good', 'periodical', 'people', 'wish', 'mention', 'particular', 'good_health', 'journal', 'life', 'boat', 'life', 'boat', 'sell', 'cent', 'copy', 'brazil', 'good_health', 'cent', 'liberal', 'commission', 'offered', 'periodical', 'bath', 'single', 'copy', 'subscription', 'year', 'month', 'canadian', 'australasian', 'africa', 'south', 'america', 'grand', 'total', 'colorado', 'iowa', 'kansa', 'missouri', 'nebraska', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'georgia', 'tennessee', 'river', 'alabama', 'florida', 'mississippi', 'cumberland', 'carolina', 'louisiana', 'michigan', 'ohio', 'indiana', 'illinois', 'lake', 'union', 'conference', 'oklahoma', 'southwestern', 'union', 'conference', 'arkansas', 'texas', 'south', 'africa', 'australasia', 'south', 'america', 'pacific', 'union', 'conference', 'montana', 'upper', 'columbia', 'western', 'oregon', 'western', 'washington', 'summary']
root - INFO - extracting file #115500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19030317-V80-11-page18.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #116000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19030811-V80-32-page22.txt
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'lord', 'jesus', 'come', 'come', 'lord', 'jesus', 'quickly', 'come', 'helpless', 'million', 'bread', 'robbed', 'ruling', 'greed', 'heeding', 'loud', 'plead', 'lord', 'jesus', 'come', 'come', 'lord', 'jesus', 'quickly', 'come', 'men', 'blaspheme', 'thy', 'holy', 'daughter', 'samong', 'people', 'god', 'tio', 'lasting', 'shall', 'cut', 'colonizing', 'word', 'lord', 'son', 'stranger', 'thou', 'shalt', 'break', 'forth', 'join', 'lord', 'serve', 'right_hand', 'left', 'love', 'lord', 'plant', 'place', 'servant', 'keepeth', 'truth', 'time', 'pto', 'sabbath', 'polluting', 'taketh', 'claimed', 'heart', 'hold', 'covenant', 'light', 'shone', 'remember', 'bring', 'holy', 'mountain', 'god', 'workman', 'witness', 'joyful', 'house', 'prayer', 'serve', 'honor', 'burnt_offerings', 'sacrifice', 'shall', 'science', 'accepted', 'altar', 'commandment', 'live', 'house', 'shall', 'called', 'house', 'prayer', 'people', 'nation', 'kindred', 'taketh', 'hold', 'covenant', 'tongue', 'truth', 'proclaimed', 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root - INFO - extracting file #118000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19050427-V82-17-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #120000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19061129-V83-48-page13.txt
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'schooner', 'brother', 'robinson', 'deacon', 'andrew', 'island', 'church', 'owner', 'captain', 'seventeen', 'aboard', 'boat', 'sabbath', 'keeper', 'brother', 'haughton', 'old', 'providence', 'thoughtfully', 'brought', 'folding', 'estey', 'organ', 'great_help', 'song', 'service', 'acceptable', 'addition', 'morning', 'evening', 'worship', 'held', 'board', 'captain', 'robinson', 'looked', 'comfort', 'tender', 'solicitude', 'father', 'enabled', 'spite', 'hour', 'calm', 'experienced', 'hour', 'terrific', 'tropical', 'sun', 'pronounce', 'passage', 'vessel', 'rare', 'pleasant', 'treat', 'wait', 'minute', 'brought', 'doctor', 'custom', 'official', 'examination', 'baggage', 'brief', 'polite', 'work', 'worker', 'won', 'respect', 'confidence', 'official', 'bocas', 'del', 'toro', 'halfpast', 'ashore', 'service', 'held', 'tent', 'pitched', 'attractive', 'spot', 'center', 'town', 'start', 'power', 'presence', 'god', 'felt', 'perfect', 'harmony', 'prevailed', 'deliberation', 'act', 'assembly', 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'viewing', 'sight', 'carthagena', 'fellow', 'passenger', 'steamer', 'said', 'people', 'preach', 'sabbath', 'superstitious', 'old', 'city', 'yes', 'answered', 'stone', 'wall', 'exclude', 'sound', 'angel', 'message', 'darkened', 'mind', 'sad', 'heart', 'people', 'soon', 'light', 'glad', 'gospel', 'proclaims', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'receive', 'word', 'power', 'god', 'unto_salvation', 'early', 'friday', 'morning', 'anchored', 'calm', 'water', 'bocas', 'del', 'toro', 'soon', 'passenger', 'crew', 'gathered', 'morning_service', 'sang', 'grand', 'old', 'hymn', 'lord', 'morning', 'thou', 'shalt', 'hear', 'voice', 'ascending', 'high', 'thee', 'direct', 'prayer', 'thee', 'lift', 'eye', 'crowd', 'gathered', 'wharf', 'near', 'news', 'went', 'like', 'wildfire', 'town', 'schooner', 'load', 'adventist', 'arrived', 'messenger', 'hurried', 'mission_house', 'informed', 'elder', 'knight', 'minute', 'heard', 'puff', 'gasoline', 'launch', 'saw', 'rounding', 'projection', 'lagoon', 'prow', 'pointed', 'splendid', 'shapely', 'lit', 'railway', 'pier', 'ort', 'limon', 'costa', 'rica', 'sabbath', 'september', 'dropped', 'anchor', 'harbor', 'port', 'limon', 'tle', 'mission', 'vessel', 'harbinger', 'costa', 'rica', 'organized', 'church', 'membership', 'thirty', 'frame', 'church', 'building', 'erected', 'outskirt', 'town', 'time', 'sabbath', 'school', 'heartily', 'thankful', 'remained', 'brother', 'port', 'limon', 'day', 'holding', 'meeting', 'night', 'large', 'crowd', 'attended', 'service', 'encouraging', 'manifested', 'wednesday', 'fifth', 'company', 'brother', 'rogers', 'local', 'elder', 'port', 'limon', 'church', 'wright', 'deacon', 'mignott', 'wish', 'money', 'invested', 'harbinger', 'spent', 'success', 'panama', 'mission', 'largely', 'fact', 'elder', 'knight', 'boat', 'territory', 'composed', 'score', 'lagoon', 'island', 'reached', 'boat', 'glad', 'greeting', 'boat', 'bearing', 'elder', 'knight', 'sister', 'carrie', 'knight', 'little', 'boy', 'came', 'alongside', 'come', 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root - INFO - extracting file #120500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070418-V84-16-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #121000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19070905-V84-36-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #121500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19080123-V85-04-page22.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #122000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19080611-V85-24-page22.txt
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'notice', 'fifth', 'annual_session', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'conference', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'convene', 'camp', 'ground', 'oil', 'city', 'june', 'election', 'officer', 'transaction', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'conference', 'delegate', 'church', 'conference', 'represented', 'duly', 'appointed', 'delegate', 'advent', 'review', 'sabbath', 'herald', 'june', 'tilristiatt', 'kihrrth', 'report', 'note', 'comment', 'pertaining', 'current', 'history', 'right', 'conscience', 'conducted', 'religious', 'liberty', 'bureau', 'russell', 'chairman', 'colcorn', 'secretary', 'suggestive', 'article', 'tte', 'catholic', 'tribune', 'dubuque', 'constantine', 'difficult', 'forecast', 'denomination', 'reserve', 'right', 'merely', 'tolerate', 'denomination', 'according', 'best', 'knowledge', 'precisely', 'roman_catholic_church', 'past', 'aim', 'future', 'evident', 'student', 'past', 'present', 'history', 'whole_question', 'transparent', 'superficial', 'reader', 'discern', 'real_meaning', 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'united', 'state', 'asks', 'european', 'constitution', 'framed', 'wisely', 'granting', 'equality', 'religion', 'reserving', 'right', 'merely', 'tolerate', 'religion', 'according', 'best', 'knowledge', 'question', 'reveals', 'antichristian', 'idea', 'characterized', 'roman_catholic_church', 'past_history', 'read', 'history', 'fourth', 'century', 'thp', 'emperor', 'constantine', 'required', 'decide', 'sect', 'religion', 'existing', 'time', 'christian_religion', 'catholic', 'religion', 'approved', 'emperor', 'method', 'outlined', 'editorial', 'necessitate', 'government', 'decide', 'religion', 'right', 'christian', 'religion', 'day', 'indicated', 'asks', 'question', 'european', 'constitution', 'framed', 'wisely', 'added', 'connection', 'roman', 'catholic', 'denomination', 'clearly', 'justified', 'effort', 'amendment', 'tothe', 'constitution', 'revised', 'establish', 'national_religion', 'national', 'reform', 'association', 'seeking', 'amendment', 'order', 'cherished', 'idea', 'religion', 'established', 'state', 'time', 'history', 'country', 'principle', 'underlie', 'government', 'jeopardy', 'hand', 'seeking', 'bring', 'columbia_union_conference', 'east', 'pennsylvania', 'scranton', 'june', 'west', 'pennsylvania', 'oil', 'city', 'june', 'chesapeake', 'wilmington', 'del', 'june', 'july', 'ohio', 'mansfield', 'aug', 'lake', 'union', 'conference', 'north', 'michigan', 'northern', 'peninsula', 'called', 'reform', 'aug', 'sept', 'wisconsin', 'madison', 'aug', 'sept', 'north', 'pacific', 'union', 'conference', 'montana', 'great', 'fall', 'june', 'northern', 'union', 'conference', 'south', 'dakota', 'woonsocket', 'june', 'north', 'dakota', 'velva', 'june', 'north', 'dakota', 'local', 'dickinson', 'july', 'iowa', 'nevada', 'aug', 'sept', 'pacific', 'union', 'conference', 'southern', 'california', 'los', 'angeles', 'aug', 'california', 'local', 'eureka', 'aug', 'southern', 'union', 'conference', 'congratulating', 'united', 'state', 'senate', 'convention', 'district', 'columbia', 'held', 'june', 'temple', 'baptist', 'church', 'washington', 'catlin', 'prominent', 'worker', 'vice', 'president', 'board', 'trustee', 'organization', 'said', 'louisiana', 'lake', 'charles', 'tennessee', 'river', 'dixon', 'alabama', 'cullman', 'aug', 'sept', 'sept', 'friday', 'senate', 'passed', 'sunday', 'rest', 'come', 'house', 'sunday', 'rest', 'law', 'soon', 'heard', 'senate', 'passed', 'sent', 'congratulation', 'wish', 'district', 'committee', 'house', 'act', 'shall', 'manitoba', 'carman', 'wait', 'longer', 'sunday', 'rest', 'law', 'word', 'attitude', 'organization', 'district', 'columbia', 'question', 'sunday', 'legislation', 'joy', 'great', 'learning', 'passage', 'johnston', 'sunday', 'senate', 'sent', 'congratulation', 'senator', 'wish', 'house', 'committee', 'act', 'anxiety', 'shown', 'secure', 'sunday', 'law', 'district', 'columbia', 'arouse', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'earnestness', 'improving', 'little', 'time', 'speaker', 'regretfully', 'said', 'wait', 'secure', 'sunday', 'rest', 'law', 'month', 'intervene', 'congress', 'meet', 'justice', 'tnompson', 'alexandria', 'police', 'court', 'decision', 'june', 'declared', 'fruit', 'store', 'pool', 'room', 'place', 'business', 'closed', 'sunday', 'justice', 'imposed', 'fine', 'dollar', 'violator', 'law', 'keeping', 'place', 'business', 'open', 'day', 'alberta', 'lacombe', 'saskatchewan', 'lumsden', 'gladstone', 'southern', 'illinois', 'west', 'michigan', 'east', 'michigan', 'lapeer', 'north', 'michigan', 'conference', 'petoskey', 'sept', 'florida', 'palatka', 'oct', 'wilmams', 'vice', 'president', 'june', 'july', 'aug', 'aug', 'aug']
root - INFO - extracting file #122500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19081029-V85-44-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #123000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19090318-V86-11-page5.txt
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'bag', 'therapeutical', 'result', 'true', 'majority', 'case', 'faith', 'placed', 'power', 'person', 'object', 'power', 'live', 'spider', 'worn', 'round', 'neck', 'nutshell', 'scarcely', 'said', 'power', 'apart', 'condition', 'mind', 'induces', 'cure', 'ague', 'wicked', 'old', 'king', 'queen', 'england', 'france', 'said', 'special', 'power', 'heal', 'scrofulous', 'disease', 'point', 'granted', 'existence', 'power', 'organism', 'instinctively', 'capable', 'repairing', 'injury', 'preserving', 'ideality', 'type', 'small', 'consequence', 'faith', 'patient', 'placed', 'long', 'faith', 'strong', 'act', 'eliminator', 'counter', 'suggestion', 'conscious', 'mind', 'disease', 'likely', 'continue', 'miracle', 'cure', 'truly', 'natural', 'thing', 'world', 'page', 'exercise', 'faith', 'christ', 'lay', 'hand', 'mean', 'applying', 'natural', 'magnetic', 'healing', 'power', 'person', 'case', 'lazarus', 'cited', 'illustration', 'application', 'modern', 'theory', 'psychotherapy', 'evidently', 'theory', 'need', 'invented', 'ference', 'bulletin', 'april', 'page', 'cover', 'case', 'think', 'sufficient_evidence', 'submitted', 'concerning', 'theology', 'psychology', 'method', 'treatment', 'emmanuel', 'movement', 'furnish', 'basis', 'verdict', 'concerning', 'view', 'testimony', 'advocate', 'concerning', 'principle', 'underlying', 'movement', 'application', 'cure', 'certain', 'class', 'ailment', 'hesitancy', 'declaring', 'emmanuel', 'movement', 'revival', 'oriental', 'philosophy', 'exploitation', 'spiritualistic', 'psychology', 'application', 'wrong', 'principle', 'concerning', 'relation', 'human_mind', 'called', 'god', 'nature', 'place', 'true', 'god', 'human', 'philosophy', 'substituted', 'revealed', 'truth', 'men', 'taught', 'submit', 'control', 'human', 'utterly', 'pervert', 'divine', 'principle', 'freedom', 'active', 'use', 'control', 'human', 'conduct', 'speaking', 'frankly', 'regard', 'theology', 'heathenish', 'psychology', 'visionary', 'method', 'little', 'better', 'magical', 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root - INFO - extracting file #124500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19100616-V87-24-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #125000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19101103-V87-44-page2.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #126000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19110831-V88-35-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #126500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120201-V89-05-page23.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #127000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19120704-V89-27-page16.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #127500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19121128-V89-48-page16.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #128000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19130501-V90-18-page10.txt
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'statement', 'zeal', 'alva', 'merciless', 'emmissary', 'catholic', 'spain', 'destroyed', 'life', 'protestant', 'netherlands', 'fed', 'bonfire', 'burn', 'heretic', 'writer', 'expects', 'similar', 'result', 'protestant', 'catholic', 'making', 'common', 'cause', 'consider', 'enemy', 'faith', 'attention', 'energy', 'christian', 'concentrated', 'crusade', 'movement', 'threaten', 'religious_belief', 'principle', 'force', 'heat', 'religious', 'zeal', 'gradually', 'transferred', 'common', 'crusade', 'pilate', 'herod', 'friend', 'disposition', 'jesus', 'federated', 'force', 'lose', 'mutual', 'enmity', 'intolerance', 'believe', 'believe', 'worship', 'worship', 'lord', 'return', 'cast', 'away', 'confidence', 'hath', 'great', 'recompense', 'reward', 'need', 'patience', 'god', 'receive', 'promise', 'little', 'shall', 'come', 'come', 'tarry', 'shall', 'live', 'faith', 'man', 'draw', 'soul', 'shall', 'pleasure', 'draw', 'unto', 'perdition', 'believe', 'saving', 'soul', 'heb', 'reason', 'doe', 'christ', 'return', 'earth', 'second', 'time', 'answer', 'obvious', 'indicated', 'previous', 'article', 'come', 'child', 'home', 'lord', 'air', 'shall', 'lord', 'came', 'time', 'nineteen', 'year', 'ago', 'great', 'sacrificial', 'offering', 'sin', 'human_family', 'bath', 'sin', 'knew', 'sin', 'partaker', 'flesh', 'blood', 'lived', 'earth', 'man', 'suffered', 'death', 'cross', 'came', 'forth', 'grave', 'glorious', 'resurrection', 'ascended', 'right_hand', 'majesty', 'high', 'reign', 'priest', 'father', 'throne', 'order', 'redeem', 'man', 'fallen', 'lost', 'condition', 'short', 'infinite', 'love', 'prompted', 'humiliation', 'majtestimony', 'blood', 'reap', 'esty', 'heaven', 'sacrifice', 'life', 'son', 'god', 'christ', 'seated', 'throne', 'grace', 'throne', 'invited', 'come', 'boldly', 'obtain', 'mercy', 'grace', 'help', 'time', 'need', 'christ', 'engaged', 'work', 'gathering', 'nation', 'earth', 'love', 'righteousness', 'men', 'woman', 'constitute', 'subject', 'everlasting', 'kingdom', 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'earth', 'inhabitant', 'come', 'forth', 'honored', 'glorified', 'martyr', 'earth', 'sealed']
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root - INFO - extracting file #129000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140219-V91-08-page21.txt
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'purchase', 'interested', 'way', 'open', 'inquire', 'way', 'lord', 'perfectly', 'conclusion', 'correct', 'matter', 'receive', 'consideration', 'line', 'work', 'practice', 'community', 'follow', 'example', 'saviour', 'hear', 'blessed', 'invitation', 'come', 'blessed', 'father', 'inherit', 'kingdom', 'prepared', 'foundation', 'inapontments', 'southwestern_union_conference', 'association', 'seventh', 'biennial', 'meeting', 'southwestern_union_conference', 'association', 'seventh', 'day', 'adventist', 'held', 'keene', 'tex', 'connection', 'southwestern_union_conference', 'april', 'association', 'meeting', 'called', 'thursday', 'april', 'meeting', 'held', 'election', 'officer', 'trans', 'action', 'business', 'properly', 'come', 'watson', 'president', 'smith', 'secretary', 'splendid', 'number', 'sign', 'magazine', 'march', 'deal', 'great_world', 'wide', 'problem', 'relation', 'fulfillment', 'prophecy', 'seen', 'excellent', 'number', 'matter', 'wide_circulation', 'title', 'article', 'know', 'shelter', 'tait', 'power', 'restrains', 'war', 'editor', 'false', 'teacher', 'today', 'frank', 'weston', 'army', 'unemployed', 'tait', 'sign', 'zine', 'scripture', 'considered', 'set', 'forth', 'line', 'missionary_work', 'great_degree', 'past', 'negligent', 'suppose', 'enter', 'work', 'neighbor', 'right', 'immediate', 'vicinity', 'effect', 'think', 'people', 'think', 'christian', 'think', 'create', 'respect', 'doctrine', 'hold', 'amounting', 'leading', 'lead', 'neighbor', 'power', 'religion', 'jesus_christ', 'seen', 'manifested', 'life', 'suppose', 'course', 'neighbor', 'visit', 'afflicted', 'comfort', 'mourn', 'look', 'want', 'needy', 'finding', 'clothing', 'naked', 'food', 'hungry', 'according', 'ability', 'god', 'given', 'time', 'making', 'prominent', 'peculiar', 'view', 'bible', 'subject', 'entering', 'controversy', 'showing', 'bank', 'berlin', 'discharged', 'employee', 'engaged', 'agitating', 'formation', 'bank', 'clerk', 'union', 'bank', 'brought', 'term', 'short', 'order', 'labor_union', 'refused', 'desired', 'guaranty', 'step', 'virtually', 'decided', 'house', 'committee', 'naval', 'affair', 'deference', 'wish', 'administration', 'regard', 'naval', 'program', 'step', 'authorization', 'class', 'battleship', 'probably', 'destroyer', 'great', 'accumulation', 'wealth', 'editor', 'great', 'modern', 'movement', 'white', 'god', 'eternal_purpose', 'bowen', 'standard', 'morality', 'wilcox', 'home', 'saved', 'bible', 'reading', 'immortal', 'life', 'obtained', 'william', 'covert', 'corridor', 'throne', 'glory', 'current', 'event', 'publisher', 'arranged', 'series', 'article', 'astronomy', 'prof', 'edgar', 'lucien', 'larkin', 'director', 'lowe', 'observatory', 'southern', 'california', 'interested', 'mystery', 'bound', 'heaven', 'article', 'special_interest', 'believe', 'jehovah', 'created', 'heaven', 'earth', 'march', 'number', 'magazine', 'beautiful', 'cover', 'color', 'making', 'attractive', 'rate', 'copy', 'cent', 'fifty', 'copy', 'cent', 'rate', 'canada', 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'institution', 'way', 'wish', 'belittle', 'importance', 'circulating', 'literature', 'said', 'behalf', 'bestowal', 'effort', 'believe', 'direction', 'indicated', 'article', 'way', 'chute', 'attachment', 'shoulder', 'unfolded', 'descended', 'gradually', 'apparent', 'effort', 'balance', 'publishing', 'house', 'sanitarium', 'college', 'established', 'condition', 'necessarily', 'greatly', 'augmented']
root - INFO - extracting file #129500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19140723-V91-30-page20.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #130000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19141217-V91-53-page5.txt
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'favor', 'god', 'receive', 'grace', 'grace', 'saving', 'factor', 'class', 'class', 'receives', 'favor', 'god', 'gift', 'possible', 'blood', 'christ', 'class', 'receives', 'good_things', 'god', 'theirs', 'right', 'acknowledgment', 'love', 'acknowledge', 'love', 'god', 'believe', 'power', 'jesus', 'blood', 'definition', 'faith', 'saving', 'faith', 'transaction', 'receive', 'christ', 'join', 'covenant', 'relation', 'god', 'ministry', 'healing', 'page', 'significant', 'definition', 'faith', 'given', 'recorded', 'heb', 'faith', 'substance', 'thing', 'hoped', 'evidence', 'thing', 'seen', 'substratum', 'subsoil', 'synonym', 'substance', 'certain', 'portion', 'florida', 'quickup', 'result', 'present_war', 'continues', 'human', 'probability', 'result', 'expulsion', 'turk', 'europe', 'destruction', 'government', 'event', 'sign', 'people', 'work', 'michael', 'stand', 'door', 'mercy', 'closed', 'forever', 'rest', 'nation', 'drawn', 'struggle', 'fight', 'great_battle', 'thing', 'mean', 'year', 'lord', 'servant', 'appealing', 'people', 'sell', 'property', 'possibly', 'money', 'work', 'god', 'cling', 'fear', 'wait', 'week', 'month', 'long', 'ter', 'late', 'impossible', 'sell', 'brother', 'europe', 'sell', 'property', 'today', 'wait', 'till', 'country', 'drawn', 'struggle', 'shall', 'sell', 'sale', 'property', 'time', 'war', 'nation', 'drawn', 'struggle', 'need', 'look', 'peace', 'favorable_time', 'shall', 'sell', 'alms', 'lay', 'treasure', 'heaven', 'notice', 'stir', 'dare', 'christian', 'parent', 'run', 'risk', 'lessening', 'child', 'tendency', 'believe', 'simple', 'bible', 'truth', 'doubt', 'pomp', 'pleasantry', 'heathen', 'festival', 'proved', 'satan', 'powerful', 'agent', 'seducing', 'israel', 'sin', 'true', 'modern', 'israel', 'sunday', 'sand', 'underneath', 'subsoil', 'ring', 'statement', 'recently', 'christmas', 'day', 'visiting', 'cessation', 'ordinary', 'labor', 'expose', 'family', 'continued', 'temptation', 'god', 'gladly', 'shield', 'christmas', 'reality', 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'successful', 'action', 'wilderness', 'rebelled', 'organization', 'maintained', 'unity', 'order', 'apostolic', 'day', 'worked', 'order', 'harmony', 'church', 'appeared', 'opposed', 'order', 'organization', 'established', 'church', 'harmony', 'word', 'god', 'counsel', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'wilderness', 'apostolic', 'day', 'day', 'god', 'order', 'god', 'leadership', 'church', 'set', 'aside', 'studied', 'effort', 'lead', 'professed', 'christian', 'far', 'heaven', 'arrangement', 'deceives', 'professed', 'people', 'god', 'believe', 'order', 'discipline', 'enemy', 'spirituality', 'effort', 'establish', 'order', 'considered', 'dangerous', 'restriction', 'rightful', 'liberty', 'feared', 'popery', 'testimony', 'church', 'vol', 'bible', 'history', 'thorough', 'organization', 'heavenly', 'appointed', 'safeguard', 'popery', 'risen', 'rebellion', 'truth', 'lead', 'away', 'disciple', 'god', 'author', 'confusion', 'author', 'order', 'way', 'struck', 'organization', 'essarily', 'religion', 'thought', 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'christian', 'fellowship', 'service', 'fend', 'sensitive', 'suspicious', 'sign', 'weakness', 'anemic', 'personality', 'away', 'lock', 'gloom', 'afflict', 'depressing', 'mood', 'cheerful', 'meet', 'member', 'family', 'mean', 'personal', 'strength', 'blessing', 'individual', 'sign', 'cheerful', 'unity', 'spirit', 'member', 'making', 'body', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'angel', 'work', 'harmoniously', 'perfect', 'order', 'characterizes', 'movement', 'closely', 'imitate', 'harmony', 'order', 'angelic', 'host', 'successful', 'effort', 'heavenly', 'agent', 'behalf', 'unction', 'high', 'effort', 'encourage', 'order', 'discipline', 'union', 'action', 'cheerfulness', 'act', 'polite', 'arid', 'charming', 'child', 'parent', 'brother', 'sister', 'stranger', 'practice', 'good', 'fellow', 'profligacy', 'funny', 'coarseness', 'strong', 'cruelty', 'successful', 'boasting', 'entertaining', 'bore', 'moral', 'trying', 'people', 'good', 'think', 'jtould', 'like', 'thought', 'looking', 'time']
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root - INFO - extracting file #133000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19170524-V94-21-page21.txt
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'recommend', 'student', 'comlarge', 'city', 'east', 'volume', 'plete', 'college_course', 'immediately', 'work', 'year', 'taking', 'special', 'advanced', 'study', 'formal', 'way', 'purpose', 'measure', 'help', 'meet', 'urgent', 'demand', 'laborer', 'avoid', 'student', 'drifting', 'intellectualism', 'assist', 'young_man', 'woman', 'reaching', 'actual_experience', 'wearing', 'yoke', 'responsible', 'service', 'high', 'spiritual', 'standard', 'set', 'forth', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'rooted', 'grounded', 'truth', 'acquiring', 'love', 'soul', 'winning', 'effort', 'agreed', 'formal', 'action', 'young_man', 'woman', 'maturity', 'think', 'taking', 'special', 'graduate', 'study', 'advised', 'meet', 'condition', 'recommended', 'spirit', 'prophecy', 'testimony', 'viz', 'counseled', 'leading', 'brother', 'great', 'spiritual', 'work', 'like', 'safety', 'young_people', 'efficiency', 'soul', 'winning', 'guiding', 'principle', 'howell', 'river', 'plate', 'academy', 'till', 'academy', 'began', 'eighteenth', 'year', 'school_work', 'fifth', 'march', 'end', 'week', 'fifty', 'child', 'youth', 'enrolled', 'school', 'nineteen', 'nurse', 'sanitarium', 'class', 'somewhat', 'short', 'enrolment', 'week', 'year', 'new', 'price', 'gone', 'effect', 'year', 'thirty', 'cent', 'higher', 'year', 'view', 'drouth', 'afflicted', 'greater', 'argentina', 'past_year', 'hard_time', 'people', 'generally', 'attendance', 'encouraging', 'parent', 'making', 'heroic', 'sacrifice', 'child', 'education', 'dedicating', 'service', 'lord', 'making', 'effort', 'power', 'help', 'prepare', 'service', 'father', 'brought', 'son', 'summer', 'puno', 'peru', 'trip', 'clay', 'mountain', 'place', 'school', 'boy', 'thirteen', 'year', 'page', 'read', 'portland', 'maine', 'boston', 'town', 'round', 'new', 'york', 'populous', 'city', 'close', 'philadelphia', 'baltimore', 'washington', 'lord_desires', 'proclaim', 'angel', 'message', 'power', 'vicinit', 'boston', 'certainly', 'concern', 'fact', 'city', 'mentioned', 'list', 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'knew', 'parent', 'consecrated', 'service', 'god', 'wanted', 'pray', 'colporteurs', 'home', 'missionary_workmight', 'consecrate', 'meet', 'expectation', 'dear', 'parent', 'school', 'year', 'return', 'year', 'good', 'student', 'case', 'come', 'oba', 'faithful', 'girl', 'year', 'age', 'promise', 'developing', 'efficient', 'worker', 'addition', 'spiritual', 'awakening', 'able', 'direct', 'considerable', 'mean', 'treasury', 'way', 'telling', 'mention', 'servation', 'accomplished', 'mean', 'house', 'house', 'worker', 'brought', 'woman', 'meeting', 'little', 'later', 'woman', 'turned', 'cash', 'work', 'boston', 'time', 'reconciliation', 'unmerited', 'suffering', 'love', 'justice', 'god', 'happy', 'spirit', 'unity', 'cooperation', 'manifested', 'teacher', 'pupil', 'prospect', 'bright', 'prosperous', 'year', 'work', 'worker', 'persuaded', 'sister', 'reward', 'number', 'attendance', 'fall', 'somewhat', 'short', 'year', 'striving', 'quality', 'lack', 'quantity', 'stevens', 'largely', 'work', 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root - INFO - extracting file #134000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19180321-V95-12-page8.txt
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'consideration', 'acceptance', 'portland', 'sanitarium', 'tendered', 'north', 'pacific_union_conference', 'transact', 'business', 'elect', 'constituency', 'body', 'composed', 'delegate', 'western', 'oregon', 'conference', 'cottrell', 'cady', 'emmerson', 'beatty', 'john', 'hartog', 'board', 'trustee', 'ffg', 'nurse', 'training', 'school', 'madison', 'madison', 'sanitarium', 'start', 'nurse', 'training', 'class', 'aug', 'thirty', 'young_people', 'class', 'earnest', 'christian', 'young', 'men', 'woman', 'desiring', 'course', 'qualified', 'efficient', 'medical_missionary_work', 'send', 'application', 'address', 'olive', 'ingersoll', 'madison', 'sanitarium', 'madison', 'nurse', 'training', 'school', 'kansa', 'sanitarium', 'nurse', 'training', 'school', 'receive', 'application', 'course', 'beginning', 'july', 'opportunity', 'thirty', 'earnest', 'consecrated', 'young_people', 'prepare', 'master', 'service', 'world', 'greatest', 'need', 'today', 'training', 'school', 'meet', 'requirement', 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'health', 'failed', 'obliged', 'resign', 'work', 'washington', 'return', 'west', 'surgical', 'operation', 'failed', 'prolong', 'life', 'fell', 'asleep', 'oct', 'identified', 'church_membership', 'deceased', 'reared', 'knowledge', 'present_truth', 'believed', 'teaching', 'week', 'death', 'expressed', 'desire', 'live', 'christ', 'foote']
root - INFO - extracting file #137500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19200805-V97-32-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #138000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/RH19201230-V97-53-page5.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #138500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/Sligo19201101-V05-02-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #139000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SOL19020301-V17-04-page57.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #139500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SOL19021101-V17-12-page48.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #140000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SOL19030709-V18-28-page4.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #140500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18740813-V01-06-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #141000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18780530-V04-21-page7.txt
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'wrong', 'station', 'stay', 'night', 'whipple', 'village', 'tell', 'taitli', 'good', 'deal', 'worriment', 'thing', 'getting', 'bright', 'added', 'radiant', 'ice', 'shall', 'house', 'good', 'health', 'proper', 'diet', 'man', 'continued', 'begin', 'comparative', 'examination', 'organ', 'mastication', 'teeth', 'teeth', 'man', 'thirty', 'number', 'sixteen', 'jaw', 'set', 'consisting', 'incisor', 'teeth', 'cuspid', 'erroneously', 'called', 'canine', 'teeth', 'jaw', 'presenting', 'appearance', 'teeth', 'predaceous', 'animal', 'judging', 'canine', 'teeth', 'obliged', 'consider', 'camel', 'carnivorous', 'animal', 'dog', 'brought', 'inevitable', 'conclusion', 'called', 'canine', 'teeth', 'man', 'prove', 'flesh', 'eating', 'animal', 'prove', 'horse', 'camel', 'stag', 'evidence', 'case', 'animal', 'ample', 'conclusive', 'brought', 'fair', 'logical', 'reasoning', 'conclusion', 'absurd', 'fallacious', 'wise', 'decide', 'cuspid', 'man', 'herbivi', 'rous', 'animal', 'provided', 'purpose', 'tearing', 'meat', 'consequently', 'way', 'indicative', 'rxe', 'sta', 'soon', 'dismissed', 'boy', 'said', 'conway', 'earnestly', 'turning', 'teeth', 'bicuspid', 'small', 'cheek', 'teeth', 'albert', 'lyman', 'anxiously', 'waited', 'spoke', 'errand', 'suppose', 'came', 'saw', 'ray', 'dvertisinent', 'molar', 'large', 'cheek', 'teeth', 'teeth', 'unlike', 'known', 'animal', 'arranged', 'jaw', 'close', 'juxtaposition', 'fact', 'worthy', 'notice', 'teeth', 'man', 'night', 'yes', 'sir', 'replied', 'simultaneously', 'vei', 'believe', 'came', 'firstg', 'nearly', 'thatan', 'argument', 'based', 'carnivorous', 'character', 'hat', 'yomsnarnel', 'inn', 'albert', 'gregory', 'sir', 'think', 'suit', 'brought', 'testimonial', 'ability', 'character', 'men', 'tquire', 'jenks', 'rev', 'joseph', 'lee', 'nshatr', 'letter', 'recpmmeadation', 'holding', 'conway', 'want', 'returned', 'aercehlaant', 'seen', 'understancpyour', 'character', 'present', 'addressed', 'word', 'lyman', 'cam', 'elrouldbe', 'vegryla', 'work', 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'appearance', 'canine', 'teeth', 'carnivorous', 'animal', 'stag', 'canine', 'teeth', 'camel', 'furnished', 'difference', 'little', 'weight', 'surface', 'incisor', 'adapted', 'purpose', 'cutting', 'food', 'molar', 'appear', 'specially', 'dapted', 'purpose', 'triturating', 'grinding', 'substance', 'placed', 'consequently', 'cultivator', 'helpless', 'suppose', 'grant', 'argument', 'sake', 'admit', 'mean', 'similarity', 'termed', 'canine', 'teeth', 'man', 'teeth', 'carnivorous', 'animal', 'sufficient', 'establish', 'man', 'carnivorous', 'character', 'predicament', 'little', 'investigation', 'observe', 'animal', 'universally', 'acknowledged', 'herbivorous', 'observation', 'habit', 'century', 'having', 'fully', 'established', 'fact', 'having', 'teeth', 'kind', 'developed', 'extent', 'infitted', 'comparably', 'greater', 'edifice', 'completed']
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root - INFO - extracting file #142000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18800902-V06-33-page8.txt
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'belonged', 'said', 'law', 'commanded', 'observance', 'matter', 'settled', 'controversy', 'wicked', 'clergy', 'obtained', 'exorbitant', 'dominicum', 'baronius', 'defines', 'statement', 'live', 'eternally', 'flame', 'notwithstanding', 'degree', 'opulence', 'power', 'life', 'evidently', 'christian', 'law', 'concerning', 'domin', 'scripture', 'plainly', 'declare', 'lake', 'caused', 'corrupted', 'wealth', 'idleness', 'doubt', 'celebrating', 'sacrifice', 'igniting', 'melting', 'earth', 'shall', 'cause', 'scandal', 'religion', 'outrage', 'decency', 'iltronius', 'romish', 'word', 'sacrifice', 'mass', 'perdition', 'destruction', 'webster', 'sec', 'ignorance', 'great', 'dissoluterefers', 'celebration', 'lord', 'supper', 'ond', 'death', 'ungodly', 'rev', 'pet', 'ness', 'moral', 'bishop', 'martyr', 'conclusion', 'examination', 'prov', 'shall', 'ashamed', 'confess', 'read', 'main', 'defines', 'celebration', 'dominicum', 'destroyed', 'isa', 'burned', 'portion', 'sacred', 'scripture', 'ignorance', 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'meeting', 'great_benefit', 'cause', 'conference', 'let', 'brother', 'sister', 'mind', 'attend', 'meeting', 'church', 'belong', 'attend', 'report', 'church', 'writing', 'letter', 'belong', 'church', 'report', 'letter', 'beaverton', 'oregon', 'shall', 'pleased', 'hear', 'learn', 'truth', 'neighborhood', 'similar', 'testimony', 'schrevelius', 'liddell', 'scott', 'parkhurst', 'robinson', 'wahl', 'cruden', 'standard', 'authority', 'unanimous', 'giving', 'definition', 'word', 'tion', 'ordinance', 'organized', 'church', 'presented', 'shown', 'bible', 'let', 'difficulty', 'wrong', 'exist', 'fact', 'need', 'difficulty', 'settled', 'perfect', 'union', 'existing', 'harmonizing', 'statement', 'shall', 'tor', 'preparation', 'celebraamong', 'know', 'communion', 'express', 'fellowship', 'jesus', 'great', 'head', 'church', 'perfect', 'fellowship', 'exist', 'brother', 'sister', 'hypocrisy', 'manifested', 'believe', 'people', 'generally', 'conference', 'donot', 'place', 'importance', 'celebrating', 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root - INFO - extracting file #143000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18820525-V08-20-page8.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #143500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18830322-V09-12-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #144000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18840214-V10-07-page1.txt
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'philippian', 'paul', 'asashes', 'spring', 'abundant', 'harvest', 'garignorant', 'degraded', 'cribes', 'imprisonment', 'success', 'ner', 'god', 'gladly', 'listened', 'ward', 'paul', 'bringing', 'convert', 'faith', 'nero', 'let', 'feel', 'longer', 'faith', 'chrisft', 'hope', 'peace', 'household', 'express', 'fearful', 'able', 'labor', 'openly', 'actively', 'god', 'cheered', 'hardship', 'lot', 'lest', 'philippian', 'thought', 'truth', 'service', 'render', 'reward', 'epos', 'work', 'began', 'affliction', 'impeded', 'progress', 'secure', 'true', 'christian', 'laid', 'aside', 'humble', 'lowly', 'influence', 'extended', 'gospel', 'assures', 'contrary', 'god', 'use', 'effectually', 'health', 'reached', 'palace', 'emperor', 'effect', 'produced', 'sickness', 'life', 'death', 'dark', 'rome', 'time', 'metropolis', 'understand', 'brother', 'thing', 'ness', 'affliction', 'bereavement', 'trial', 'pekseworld', 'haughty', 'caesar', 'giving', 'law', 'happened', 'unto', 'fallen', 'unto', 'cution', 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root - INFO - extracting file #144500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18841127-V10-45-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #145000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18850903-V11-34-page8.txt
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'obedience', 'law', 'righteousness', 'circumcision', 'given', 'sign', 'righteousness', 'course', 'sign', 'obedience', 'obedience', 'ceremonial_law', 'righteousness', 'abraham', 'receive', 'promise', 'obedience', 'ceremonial_law', 'circumcision', 'given', 'sign', 'commit', 'adultery', 'thou', 'abhorrent', 'idol', 'sec', 'reject', 'christ', 'refuse', 'receive', 'faith', 'insist', 'retaining', 'circumcision', 'sign', 'acceptance', 'god', 'obedience', 'ceremonial_law', 'doe', 'great_amount', 'logical', 'acumen', 'discover', 'connection', 'old', 'new', 'testament', 'circumcision', 'law', 'righteousness', 'god', 'rom', 'paul', 'directly', 'address', 'jewish', 'reader', 'address', 'law', 'speaking', 'clearly', 'identified', 'notice', 'said', 'reference', 'verse', 'text', 'present', 'apparent', 'difficulty', 'expression', 'sinned', 'law', 'stumbling', 'block', 'need', 'context', 'considered', 'tact', 'acknowledged', 'nation', 'earth', 'forgotten', 'god', 'chose', 'abraham', 'fulfill', 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'doctrine', 'till', 'wellnigh', 'destroyed', 'god', 'mercy', 'shortened', 'persecution', 'day', 'triumph', 'matt', 'opened', 'asylum', 'oppressed', 'savage', 'wild', 'america', 'human', 'standpoint', 'archbishop', 'wonderful', 'year', 'church', 'perish', 'enemy', 'tell', 'flourish', 'life', 'yes', 'wonderful', 'world', 'risen', 'blotted', 'great', 'iniquity', 'earth']
root - INFO - extracting file #148500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18940312-V20-19-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #149000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18941022-V20-50-page6.txt
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'deified', 'estimation', 'ancient', 'idolater', 'great_men', 'deified', 'time', 'god', 'regarded', 'natural', 'deity', 'represented', 'sun', 'moon', 'star', 'bel', 'baal', 'chief', 'god', 'sun', 'royalty', 'ruled', 'planet', 'order', 'worship', 'deity', 'man', 'image', 'consecrated', 'called', 'departed', 'soul', 'thought', 'inhabit', 'senseless', 'object', 'creation', 'sum', 'image', 'body', 'demon', 'soul', 'lived', 'idolater', 'said', 'explanation', 'worship', 'think', 'brass', 'gold', 'silver', 'material', 'image', 'god', 'holy', 'power', 'worship', 'reverence', 'god', 'brought', 'image', 'sacred', 'dedication', 'keeping', 'residence', 'kind', 'worship', 'support', 'manasseh', 'king', 'judah', 'stated', 'reared', 'altar', 'baalim', 'grove', 'worshiped', 'host', 'heaven', 'served', 'built', 'altar', 'time', 'host', 'heaven', 'court', 'house', 'lord', 'amid', 'enchantment', 'witchcraft', 'dealt', 'familiar', 'spirit', 'wizard', 'set', 'carved', 'image', 'idol', 'house', 'god', 'chron', 'kind', 'idolatry', 'especially', 'forbidden', 'early', 'time', 'moses', 'deut', 'instruction', 'given', 'deal', 'served', 'god', 'worshiped', 'sun', 'moon', 'host', 'heaven', 'lord', 'commanded', 'notwithstanding', 'positive', 'commandment', 'explicit', 'instruction', 'given', 'prevent', 'israel', 'falling', 'gross', 'habit', 'frequently', 'necessary', 'correct', 'iniquitous', 'practice', 'idolatry', 'lord', 'forbade', 'israel', 'making', 'marriage', 'idolatrous', 'people', 'said', 'result', 'led', 'serve', 'god', 'deut', 'josh', 'king', 'ezra', 'important', 'instruction', 'frequently', 'disregarded', 'greatly', 'detriment', 'noted', 'case', 'departure', 'followed', 'introduction', 'grossest', 'idolatry', 'marriage', 'ahab', 'king', 'israel', 'jezebel', 'daughter', 'ethbaal', 'king', 'zidonians', 'king', 'jezebel', 'according', 'philo', 'brought', 'israel', 'worship', 'baal', 'bible', 'history', 'abundantly', 'attests', 'narrative', 'marriage', 'proceedsto', 'tell', 'ahab', 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'king', 'righting', 'matter', 'image', 'priest', 'accommodate', 'time', 'worship', 'time', 'sun', 'moon', 'constellation', 'represented', 'host', 'heaven', 'host', 'heaven', 'understood', 'heathen', 'mystery', 'departed', 'soul', 'men', 'deified', 'sublime', 'caste', 'demon', 'linked', 'mortal', 'body', 'mentioned', 'wise', 'god', 'dwelling', 'flesh', 'dan', 'judah', 'israel', 'inclined', 'imitate', 'time', 'iniquitous', 'worship', 'babylonian', 'lord', 'permitted', 'israel', 'entirely', 'absorbed', 'heathenism', 'judah', 'taken', 'captive', 'time', 'babylonian', 'kept', 'separate', 'nearly', 'alike', 'truth', 'left', 'chastisement', 'revers', 'light', 'affliction', 'forgiveness', 'little', 'word', 'great', 'force', 'prayer', 'forgive', 'debt', 'forgive', 'debtor', 'stumbled', 'word', 'mouthful', 'offered', 'time', 'petition', 'mental', 'reservation', 'mean', 'vastly', 'forgiveness', 'enemy', 'easy', 'fact', 'conscious', 'enemy', 'friend', 'hurt', 'touch', 'time', 'sorest', 'place', 'unjust', 'friend', 'pas', 'overcome', 'life', 'conflict', 'hardest', 'forgive', 'word', 'prophetic', 'psalm', 'enemy', 'reproached', 'borne', 'thou', 'man', 'equal', 'guide', 'acquaintance', 'saviour', 'entering', 'depth', 'human', 'need', 'own_experience', 'knew', 'power', 'petition']
root - INFO - extracting file #149500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18970603-V23-22-page6.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #150000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18990301-V25-09-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #150500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST18991018-V25-42-page9.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #151000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19000905-V26-36-page5.txt
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'glory', 'lingers', 'west', 'poor', 'heart', 'aweary', 'aweary', 'longs', 'like', 'child', 'rest', 'tell', 'master', 'hill', 'loneliness', 'trod', 'tear', 'blood', 'anguish', 'dropped', 'judea', 'sod', 'life', 'seventy', 'mile', 'stone', 'sorrowful', 'journey', 'mark', 'rough', 'lie', 'hill', 'country', 'mountain', 'dark', 'tell', 'master', 'wrong', 'freely', 'forgave', 'love', 'tender', 'compassion', 'love', 'mighty', 'save', 'heart', 'aweary', 'aweary', 'woe', 'temptation', 'life', 'error', 'stalk', 'noonday', 'falsehood', 'malice', 'strife', 'know', 'sorrow', 'pain', 'temptation', 'befall', 'infinite', 'master', 'suffered', 'knoweth', 'pitieth', 'tell', 'old', 'old', 'story', 'fall', 'wound', 'like', 'balm', 'heart', 'bruised', 'broken', 'shall', 'grow', 'patient', 'strong', 'calm', 'selected', 'physical', 'restoration', 'miracle', 'remedy', 'posse', 'healing', 'power', 'power', 'god', 'heals', 'power', 'child', 'develops', 'grown', 'man', 'child', 'operate', 'step', 'order', 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'worrying', 'god', 'doe', 'heal', 'instantly', 'spends', 'finding', 'cease', 'evil', 'learn', 'god', 'healer', 'god', 'doe', 'healing', 'called', 'healing', 'agent', 'posse', 'virtue', 'extent', 'operates', 'clear', 'away', 'obstruction', 'way', 'healing', 'power', 'god', 'placed', 'man', 'breathed', 'breath', 'life', 'extent', 'man', 'succeeds', 'cooperating', 'power', 'process', 'restoration', 'shortened', 'god', 'doe', 'delight', 'suffering', 'creature', 'sure', 'doe', 'permit', 'moment', 'suffering', 'tending', 'correct', 'bring', 'dross', 'surface', 'teach', 'valuable', 'lesson', 'help', 'difficulty', 'prayer', 'beneficial', 'treatment', 'bring', 'invalid', 'harmony', 'infinite', 'clear', 'mind', 'rebellious', 'thought', 'feeling', 'lurking', 'case', 'answer', 'god', 'consistently', 'prayer', 'correct', 'physical', 'rebellion', 'patient', 'habit', 'life', 'willing', 'step', 'place', 'harmony', 'healing', 'power', 'earnest', 'prayer', 'mingled', 'patient', 'recovery', 'absolutely', 'leave', 'result', 'god', 'hand', 'physical', 'matter', 'human_agent', 'sow', 'god', 'bring', 'harvest', 'david_paulson', 'chicago', 'medical_mission']
root - INFO - extracting file #151500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19040120-V30-03-page12.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #152000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19050124-V31-04-page10.txt
root - INFO - ['covenant', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'subject', 'sabbath', 'interlinked', 'interwoven', 'covenant', 'integral', 'importance', 'attaching', 'understanding', 'covenant', 'relation', 'sabbath', 'covenant', 'agreement', 'party', 'involving', 'certain', 'mutual', 'promise', 'certain_conditions', 'contract', 'covenant', 'covenant', 'promise', 'party', 'cause', 'certain_things', 'certain_conditions', 'met', 'involve', 'second', 'party', 'altho', 'second', 'party', 'formally', 'enter', 'agreement', 'time', 'party', 'promise', 'class', 'covenant', 'testament', 'illustration', 'scripture', 'word', 'covenant', 'testament', 'somewhat', 'synonomously', 'involving', 'idea', 'contract', 'mutual', 'promise', 'testament', 'covenant', 'contract', 'testament', 'essential', 'object', 'clearly', 'stated', 'consideration', 'value', 'pas', 'party', 'bind', 'covenant', 'tho', 'mutual', 'benefit', 'derived', 'covenanters', 'regarded', 'consideration', 'agreed', 'case', 'consideration', 'understood', 'relationship', 'friendship', 'benefaction', 'testament', 'confirmed', 'death', 'testator', 'provision', 'sure', 'unalterable', 'forever', 'covenant', 'idea', 'prominently', 'set', 'forth', 'scripture', 'requires', 'ordinary', 'careful', 'study', 'scheme', 'bible', 'discern', 'thought', 'lie', 'foundation', 'plan', 'redemption', 'covenant', 'adam', 'read', 'reference', 'sixth', 'chapter', 'hosea', 'backsliding', 'ephraim', 'judah', 'like', 'adam', 'transgressed', 'covenant', 'covenant', 'noah', 'son', 'covenant', 'abraham', 'renewed', 'repeated', 'isaac', 'jacob', 'covenant', 'israelite', 'lord', 'led', 'forth', 'egyptian', 'bondage', 'covenant', 'david', 'house', 'covenant', 'referred', 'isaiah', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'prophecy', 'new_covenant', 'jeremiah', 'referred', 'writer', 'book', 'hebrew', 'new_testament', 'answer', 'question', 'covenant', 'matter', 'term', 'condition', 'promise', 'object', 'noah', 'earth', 'lord', 'promised', 'preservation', 'earth', 'forever', 'destruction', 'flood', 'water', 'abraham', 'isaac', 'jacob', 'promise', 'laud', 'canaan', 'everlasting', 'possession', 'seed', 'star', 'heaven', 'sand', 'seashore', 'number', 'fulfilment', 'promise', 'far', 'local', 'feature', 'concerned', 'israelite', 'led', 'egypt', 'promised', 'land', 'promise', 'canaan', 'innumerable', 'multitude', 'constitute', 'posterity', 'wasa', 'promise', 'embracing', 'literal', 'land', 'palestine', 'capacity', 'clearly', 'understood', 'worthy', 'old', 'faith', 'abraham', 'called', 'place', 'receive', 'inheritance', 'obeyed', 'went', 'knowing', 'went', 'faith', 'sojourned', 'land', 'promise', 'strange', 'country', 'dwelling', 'tabernacle', 'isaac', 'jacob', 'heir', 'promise', 'looked', 'city', 'bath', 'foundation', 'builder', 'maker', 'god', 'died', 'faith', 'having', 'received', 'promise', 'having', 'seen', 'afar', 'persuaded', 'themi', 'embraced', 'confessed', 'stranger', 'pilgrim', 'earth', 'thing', 'declare', 'plainly', 'seek', 'country', 'desire', 'better', 'country', 'heavenly', 'hebrew', 'promise', 'god', 'covenant', 'abraham', 'family', 'earth', 'blessed', 'scripture', 'foreseeing', 'god', 'justify', 'heathen', 'faith', 'preached', 'gospel', 'unto', 'abraham', 'saying', 'thee', 'shall', 'nation', 'blessed', 'faith', 'blessed', 'faithful', 'abraham', 'abraham', 'seed', 'promise', 'saith', 'seed', 'thy_seed', 'christ', 'christ', 'abraham', 'seed', 'heir', 'according', 'promise', 'christ', 'jew', 'greek', 'bond', 'free', 'male', 'female', 'christ', 'galatian', 'restoration', 'kingdom', 'blessing', 'blessing', 'gospel', 'working', 'otit', 'plan', 'redemption', 'christ', 'inclusive', 'object', 'anti', 'typical', 'canaan', 'earth', 'restored', 'everlasting', 'possession', 'object', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'mentioned', 'isaiah', 'sure', 'mercy', 'david', 'mercy', 'mentioned', 'david', 'lord', 'promise', 'throne', 'established', 'forever', 'divine', 'mercy', 'depart', 'house', 'christ', 'seed', 'reign', 'throne', 'father', 'david', 'forever', 'regeneration', 'throne', 'called', 'throne', 'david', 'establishment', 'rested', 'successful', 'accomplishment', 'redeemer', 'mission', 'clear', 'promise', 'immediately', 'adam', 'eve', 'sinned', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'enmity', 'thee', 'woman', 'thy_seed', 'seed', 'shall', 'sabbath', 'bruise', 'thy', 'head', 'thou', 'shalt', 'bruise', 'heel', 'promise', 'redeemer', 'destroy', 'sin', 'promise', 'salvation', 'forgiveness', 'restoration', 'beginning', 'proclamation', 'gospel', 'hope', 'adam', 'eve', 'soul', 'desired', 'salvation', 'precious', 'promise', 'unfolding', 'plan', 'passed', 'father', 'son', 'family', 'family', 'age', 'redeemer', 'came', 'adam', 'given', 'dominion', 'earth', 'edenic', 'state', 'lost', 'sin', 'christ', 'second', 'adam', 'regained', 'righteousness', 'prophecy', 'declares', 'thou', 'tower', 'flock', 'stronghold', 'daughter', 'zion', 'unto', 'thee', 'shall', 'come', 'dominion', 'micah', 'gate', 'eden', 'restoration', 'lost', 'dominion', 'work', 'redemption', 'work', 'promise', 'adam', 'noah', 'abraham', 'isaac', 'jacob', 'israel', 'david', 'object', 'everlasting', 'possession', 'condition', 'possession', 'demand', 'holy', 'people', 'everlasting', 'possession', 'people', 'righteous', 'holy', 'lord', 'mean', 'making', 'righteous', 'people', 'character', 'character', 'heart', 'law', 'god', 'people', 'dwell', 'condition', 'condition', 'new_covenant', 'new_covenant', 'clear', 'statement', 'accomplished', 'work', 'redemption', 'article', 'covenant', 'testament', 'starr', 'new_heart', 'new', 'spirit', 'away', 'stony', 'heart', 'flesh', 'heart', 'flesh', 'spirit', 'cause', 'walk', 'statute', 'shall', 'judgment', 'eze', 'gospel', 'doctrine', 'new_birth', 'change', 'heart', 'clearly', 'taught', 'quotation', 'evangelical', 'nature', 'dearly', 'shown', 'question', 'exist', 'benefit', 'derived', 'perusal', 'book', 'picture', 'beautiful', 'rainbow', 'encircling', 'throne', 'god', 'described', 'chapter', 'closing', 'word', 'chapter', 'city', 'day', 'shall', 'lord', 'entire', 'book', 'celestial', 'suggestion', 'lofty', 'idea', 'transport', 'mind', 'reader', 'earth', 'heaven', 'sublime', 'vision', 'given', 'important', 'topic', 'important', 'topic', 'book', 'subject', 'sabbath', 'combined', 'testimony', 'major', 'prophet', 'isaiah', 'jeremiah', 'ezekiel', 'constitutes', 'strong', 'evidence', 'importance', 'enduring', 'nature', 'institution', 'profitable', 'consider', 'lord', 'said', 'concerning', 'subject', 'mouth', 'seer', 'old', 'isaiah', 'read', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'reference', 'isaiah', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'reference', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'god', 'covenant', 'noah', 'called', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'earth', 'covenant', 'abraham', 'called', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'renewed', 'isaac', 'jacob', 'israel', 'nation', 'everlasting', 'covenant', 'therefor', 'requires', 'glance', 'term', 'new_covenant', 'established', 'blessing', 'everlasting', 'effect', 'covenant', 'lord', 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root - INFO - extracting file #152500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19050920-V31-38-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #153000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19060509-V32-19-page11.txt
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'baby', 'bell', 'wide_awake', 'help', 'way', 'yight', 'plump', 'little', 'arm', 'clasped', 'lovingly', 'martha', 'neck', 'walking', 'martha', 'suddenly', 'stopped', 'listen', 'tow', 'bell', 'cried', 'baby', 'horsie', 'neighing', 'cried', 'boy', 'man', 'voice', 'cried', 'martha', 'goody', 'goody', 'said', 'boy', 'home', 'doody', 'doody', 'home', 'gurgled', 'drowsy', 'baby', 'cow', 'horse', 'man', 'asked', 'martha', 'cried', 'child', 'pointing', 'direction', 'think', 'hurry', 'said', 'martha', 'gladly', 'deposited', 'precious', 'burden', 'ground', 'let', 'hold', 'hand', 'soon', 'reach', 'laughing', 'merrily', 'trio', 'ran', 'direction', 'sound', 'soon', 'came', 'ranch', 'edge', 'forest', 'ain', 'fairy', 'coming', 'wood', 'exclaimed', 'genial', 'voice', 'rockwell', 'fairy', 'hungry', 'tired', 'child', 'lost', 'way', 'afternoon', 'isn', 'little', 'mother', 'martha', 'baby', 'come', 'right', 'house', 'let', 'mother', 'bread', 'milk', 'hitch', 'team', 'home', 'poor', 'little', 'lost', 'lamb', 'marfie', 'whispered', 'billy', 'boy', 'rode', 'home', 'deepening', 'twilight', 'pose', 'god', 'cow', 'ring', 'bell', 'loud', 'horsie', 'neigh', 'time', 'way', 'wood', 'sure', 'billy', 'boy', 'warm', 'bath', 'good', 'supper', 'little', 'soon', 'asleep', 'worse', 'wandering', 'motherly', 'little', 'martha', 'forgot', 'anxious', 'afternoon', 'forest', 'immediate', 'answer', 'khildish', 'prayer', 'pacific', 'churchman', 'xot', 'isn', 'home', 'fink', 'ayer', 'lie', 'yight', 'tree', 'renovating', 'straw', 'hat', 'way', 'renovate', 'straw', 'hat', 'properly', 'treated', 'cleaned', 'look', 'good', 'new', 'straw', 'good', 'whiten', 'leghorn', 'hat', 'soiled', 'yellow', 'scrub', 'let', 'dry', 'barrel', 'good', 'smoking', 'sulphur', 'barrel', 'tightly', 'closed', 'hour', 'end', 'time', 'hat', 'white', 'rinse', 'cold_water', 'smoke', 'proper', 'whiteness', 'easiest', 'way', 'renew', 'white', 'straw', 'hat', 'slightly', 'soiled', 'scour', 'corn', 'meal', 'moistened', 'warm_water', 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'showing', 'harmony', 'principle', 'justice', 'mercy', 'consistency', 'reason', 'final', 'result', 'affecting', 'destiny', 'human_race', 'edition', 'revised', 'enlarged', 'cloth', 'sent', 'post', 'paid', 'cent', 'address', 'publisher', 'paper', 'famous', 'composer', 'doane', 'kirkpatrick', 'main']
root - INFO - extracting file #153500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19070116-V33-03-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #154000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19070911-V33-37-page9.txt
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'sin', 'receive', 'punishment', 'judgment', 'day', 'receive', 'reward', 'eternal_life', 'sow', 'good_seed', 'max', 'hill', 'hath', 'glorified', 'lived', 'deliciously', 'concerning', 'spoken', 'course', 'spoken', 'applicable', 'thing', 'mentioned', 'originally', 'pronounced', 'rev', 'applies', 'babylon', 'great', 'babylon', 'great_city', 'rule', 'king', 'earth', 'babylon', 'composed', 'million', 'individual', 'way', 'babylon', 'thing', 'individual_members', 'composed', 'performing', 'act', 'individual', 'god', 'people', 'warned', 'come', 'babylon', 'partake', 'sin', 'sin', 'sin', 'prototype', 'sodom', 'behold', 'iniquity', 'thy', 'sister', 'sodom', 'pride', 'fulness', 'bread', 'abundance', 'idleness', 'daughter', 'strengthen', 'hand', 'poor', 'needy', 'eze', 'sin', 'babylon', 'similar', 'hath', 'glorified', 'lived', 'deliciously', 'point', 'destiny', 'turn', 'hath', 'glorified', 'lived', 'deliciously', 'torment', 'sorrow', 'cup', 'hath', 'filled', 'double', 'natural', 'individual', 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'truth', 'sends', 'rain', 'promise', 'increase', 'asks', 'servant', 'sow', 'seed', 'guard', 'tare', 'mixed', 'grieve', 'unfaithful', 'labor', 'mix', 'pure', 'gospel', 'seed', 'seed', 'error', 'scatter', 'sparingly', 'soil', 'rich', 'throw', 'away', 'pure', 'seed', 'altogether', 'scatter', 'tare', 'master', 'merciful', 'compassion', 'ready', 'forgive', 'pardon', 'backsliding', 'servant', 'hand', 'good_seed', 'sow', 'wicked', 'servant', 'parable', 'justice', 'speak', 'length', 'mercy', 'time', 'withdrawn', 'unprofitable', 'servant', 'cast', 'outer', 'darkness', 'lost', 'whosoever', 'come', 'enter', 'service', 'king', 'receive', 'reward', 'soon', 'day', 'human', 'probation', 'close']
root - INFO - extracting file #154500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19080429-V34-18-page8.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #155000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19100322-V37-12-page10.txt
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'literary', 'digest', 'february', 'come', 'hand', 'quote', 'elisha', 'talbot', 'series', 'article', 'moody', 'magazine', 'declares', 'article', 'referred', 'libel', 'maligned', 'sadly', 'misrepresented', 'country', 'mentioned', 'series', 'article', 'pronounced', 'wicked', 'fabrication', 'general', 'torres', 'decadence', 'france', 'received', 'advance', 'sheet', 'north', 'american', 'review', 'february', 'containing', 'striking', 'article', 'decadence', 'france', 'bellamy', 'storer', 'storer', 'france', 'rapidly', 'degenerating', 'absolute', 'infidelity', 'secular', 'school', 'instead', 'purely', 'secular', 'non', 'religious', 'anti', 'religious', 'making', 'religion', 'infidelity', 'sample', 'book', 'expression', 'refer', 'wise', 'god', 'providence', 'cut', 'nature', 'state', 'substituted', 'instance', 'tell', 'event', 'robinson', 'crusoe', 'came', 'time', 'great', 'reformation', 'period', 'protestant', 'driven', 'france', 'held', 'roman', 'catholicism', 'revolution', 'followed', 'revolution', 'repeated', 'reaction', 'swept', 'aggressively', 'eighteenth_century', 'truly', 'infidelity', 'reaction', 'extreme', 'traditionalism', 'man', 'history', 'place', 'god', 'living', 'carnal', 'human', 'place', 'tend', 'degeneracy', 'star', 'bethlehem', 'question', 'asked', 'prof', 'garrett', 'serviss', 'san_francisco', 'examiner', 'halley', 'comet', 'guidhog', 'star', 'bethlehem', 'bible', 'reader', 'answer', 'definitely', 'men', 'profess', 'believe', 'bible', 'endeavor', 'fix', 'combination', 'star', 'suggest', 'believe', 'particular', 'comet', 'appeared', 'time', 'comprehension', 'biblical', 'account', 'contrary', 'supposition', 'contention', 'meteor', 'ground', 'idea', 'comet', 'star', 'acting', 'light', 'guided', 'wise_men', 'preposterous', 'star', 'guided', 'day', 'journey', 'east', 'jerusalem', 'seen', 'counseling', 'chi', 'priest', 'herod', 'came', 'consultation', 'king', 'star', 'went', 'mile', 'little', 'city', 'bethlehem', 'came', 'stood', 'house', 'young', 'child', 'lay', 'utterly', 'pre', 'peaceable', 'yaqui', 'deported', 'yucatan', 'deported', 'guilty', 'criminal', 'act', 'mexican', 'family', 'deported', 'yaquis', 'appeal', 'obey', 'law', 'land', 'repeated', 'warning', 'cease', 'pillaging', 'murdering', 'david', 'thompson', 'united', 'state', 'minister', 'mexico', 'quoted', 'saying', 'mexican', 'government', 'dealt', 'kindly', 'bloodthirsty', 'indian', 'justice', 'demanded', 'american', 'lawyer', 'robert', 'kerr', 'period', 'year', 'covered', 'personal_experience', 'district', 'instance', 'improper', 'treatment', 'laborer', 'employer', 'investigated', 'soon', 'reported', 'offender', 'severely', 'punished', 'talbot', 'charge', 'president', 'diaz', 'despot', 'doubt', 'country', 'earth', 'point', 'cleaner', 'retort', 'regard', 'matter', 'amassing', 'great', 'wealth', 'expense', 'country', 'mexico', 'soul', 'affinity', 'better', 'marriage', 'thing', 'god', 'given', 'uncnan', 'oral', 'cartoon', 'meant', 'include', 'college', 'honorable', 'exception', 'especially', 'posterous', 'supposition', 'reamong', 'smaller', 'school', 'expression', 'banner', 'actual', 'quotation', 'garding', 'star', 'comet', 'teaching', 'educator', 'great', 'university', 'college', 'teaching', 'trample', 'foot', 'essential', 'christianity', 'religious', 'anarchy', 'breed', 'political', 'social', 'anarchy', 'foster', 'crime', 'believe', 'god', 'word', 'belidve', 'anneed', 'prayed', 'lord', 'help', 'need', 'great', 'remembered', 'tobacco', 'trunk', 'searching', 'tobacco', 'bible', 'bible', 'promise', 'pleads', 'promise', 'fever', 'leaf', 'revised', 'edition', 'book', 'school', 'france', 'omits', 'mention', 'bible', 'connected', 'idea', 'left', 'tobacco', 'cured', 'course', 'storer', 'devout', 'roman', 'catholic', 'feel', 'condition', 'france', 'awful', 'description', 'sad', 'sad', 'thing', 'infidelity', 'openly', 'aggressively', 'taught', 'thing', 'storer', 'good', 'catholic', 'ought', 'think', 'study', 'question', 'drove', 'france', 'infidelity', 'recoil', 'condition', 'brought', 'church', 'rome', 'ruled', 'year', 'protestantism', 'stood', 'ought', 'stand', 'save', 'french', 'infidelity', 'time', 'god', 'desired', 'save', 'france', 'infidelity', 'gelic', 'ministration', 'believe', 'miraculous', 'interposition', 'easily', 'believed', 'bright', 'shining', 'company', 'heavenly', 'messenger', 'guided', 'wise_men', 'trackless', 'waste', 'led', 'house', 'child', 'appeared', 'mission', 'angel', 'glory', 'invisible', 'mortal', 'eye', 'experiment', 'arizona', 'febniary', 'charles', 'hamilton', 'curtis', 'biplane', 'rose', 'height', 'foot', 'flew', 'international', 'line', 'mexico', 'air', 'minute', 'covered', 'distance', 'nearly', 'mile', 'march', 'information', 'fuego', 'great', 'volcano', 'guatemala', 'eruption', 'people', 'surrounding', 'great', 'fear', 'volcano', 'situated', 'forty_miles', 'northwest', 'guatemala', 'city']
root - INFO - extracting file #155500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19101220-V37-50-page2.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #156000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19110822-V38-33-page6.txt
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'henceforth', 'yea', 'saith', 'spirit', 'rest', 'labor', 'work', 'follow', 'rev', 'vision', 'shown', 'prophet', 'saw', 'behold', 'white_cloud', 'cloud', 'saw', 'sitting', 'like', 'unto', 'son', 'man', 'having', 'head', 'golden', 'crown', 'hand', 'sharp', 'sickle', 'verse', 'said', 'cloud', 'angel', 'came', 'temple', 'great_voice', 'sat', 'cloud', 'send', 'forth', 'thy', 'sickle', 'reap', 'hour', 'reap', 'come', 'harvest', 'earth', 'ripe', 'verse', 'followed', 'sat', 'cloud', 'cast', 'sickle', 'earth', 'earth', 'reaped', 'verse', 'prophet', 'angel', 'came', 'temple', 'heaven', 'having', 'sharp', 'sickle', 'verse', 'said', 'angel', 'angel', 'came', 'altar', 'hath', 'power', 'called', 'great_voice', 'sharp', 'sickle', 'saying', 'send', 'forth', 'thy', 'sharp', 'sickle', 'gather', 'cluster', 'vine', 'earth', 'grape', 'fully', 'ripe', 'verse', 'harvest', 'angel', 'cast', 'sickle', 'earth', 'gathered', 'vintage', 'earth', 'cast', 'wine', 'press', 'great', 'wine', 'press', 'wrath', 'god', 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'thy', 'sharp', 'sickle', 'gather', 'cluster', 'vine', 'earth', 'grape', 'fully', 'ripe', 'indicative', 'judgment', 'judgment', 'case', 'rendered', 'come', 'altar', 'carry', 'rev', 'god', 'child', 'seen', 'slain', 'underneath']
root - INFO - extracting file #156500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19120423-V39-17-page7.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #157000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19121224-V39-50-page6.txt
root - INFO - ['eastern_question', 'involves', 'fate', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'balkan', 'near', 'eastern_question', 'complicated', 'political', 'problem', 'world', 'history', 'half', 'century', 'century', 'half', 'conquering', 'turk', 'crossed', 'bosporus', 'took', 'constantinople', 'grim', 'contest', 'dislodge', 'war', 'diplomacy', 'american', 'review', 'perk', 'november', 'sick_man', 'century', 'turkey', 'state', 'decadence', 'night', 'january', 'expressive', 'phrase', 'coined', 'czar', 'russia', 'conversing', 'british', 'ambassador', 'turkey', 'said', 'hand', 'sick_man', 'sick_man', 'great', 'misfortune', 'day', 'slip', 'away', 'necessary', 'arrangement', 'night', 'phrase', 'sick_man', 'clung', 'turkish', 'power', 'power', 'known', 'day', 'sick_man', 'east', 'strategic', 'position', 'character', 'constantinople', 'capital', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'strategic', 'point', 'europe', 'asia', 'prize', 'greatly', 'coveted', 'addition', 'hold', 'possession', 'jerusalem', 'holy', 'pity', 'palestine', 'largely', 'land', 'gospel_message', 'proclaimed', 'abraham', 'later', 'greater', 'fulness', 'apostle', 'carried', 'world', 'like', 'smoke', 'great', 'furnace', 'mohammedanism', 'overspread', 'land', 'till', 'resisted', 'attempt', 'christianization', 'civilization', 'gladstone', 'grand', 'old', 'man', 'england', 'said', 'question', 'mohammedanism', 'simply', 'mohammedanism', 'compounded', 'peculiar', 'character', 'race', 'mild', 'mohammedan', 'india', 'chivalrous', 'saladin', 'syria', 'cultured', 'moor', 'spain', 'black', 'day', 'entered', 'europe', 'great', 'antihuman', 'specimen', 'humanity', 'went', 'broad', 'line', 'blood', 'marked', 'trace', 'far', 'dominion', 'reached', 'civilization', 'disappeared', 'view', 'represented', 'government', 'force', 'opposed', 'government', 'law', 'tremendous', 'incarnation', 'military', 'power', 'advancing', 'curse', 'menaced', 'europe', 'driven', 'apparent', 'foregoing', 'europe', 'regarded', 'turkish_empire', 'oriental', 'power', 'properly', 'belonging', 'asia', 'europe', 'turk', 'long', 'ago', 'driven', 'bosporus', 'asia', 'came', 'fear', 'complication', 'great', 'power', 'europe', 'result', 'division', 'spoil', 'clearly', 'stated', 'marquis', 'salisbury', 'prime_minister', 'great', 'britain', 'mansion', 'house', 'speech', 'november', 'said', 'turkey', 'remarkable', 'condition', 'stood', 'half', 'century', 'mainly', 'great', 'power', 'world', 'resolved', 'peace', 'christendom', 'necessary', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'stand', 'came', 'conclusion', 'nearly', 'half', 'century', 'ago', 'think', 'havealtered', 'recent_years', 'demand', 'expulsion', 'turkish', 'power', 'europe', 'growing', 'louder', 'louder', 'consequence', 'constant', 'trouble', 'portion', 'dominion', 'armenia', 'macedonia', 'albania', 'christian', 'mohamniedan', 'subject', 'thousand', 'christian', 'ruthlessly', 'slaughtered', 'cruel', 'turk', 'massacre', 'wholly', 'provocation', 'resulted', 'mighty', 'chorus', 'voice', 'christian_world', 'demanding', 'end', 'turkish', 'rule', 'europe', 'writing', 'bloodiest', 'war', 'history', 'fought', 'allied', 'power', 'balkan', 'state', 'embracing', 'bulgaria', 'servia', 'montenegro', 'greece', 'turkey', 'series', 'uninterrupted', 'victory', 'crowning', 'effort', 'ally', 'gate', 'constantinople', 'daily', 'press', 'report', 'end', 'turkey', 'europe', 'irreducible', 'minimum', 'balkan', 'ally', 'implied', 'struggle', 'fear', 'daily', 'expressed', 'europe', 'involved', 'gigantic', 'war', 'late', 'marquis', 'salisbury', 'said', 'danger', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'fall', 'merely', 'danger', 'threaten', 'territory', 'empire', 'consists', 'danger', 'lit', 'spread', 'nation', 'involve', 'powerful', 'civilized', 'europe', 'dangerous', 'calamitous', 'contest', 'danger', 'present', 'mind', 'father', 'resolved', 'integrity', 'independence', 'ottoman', 'empire', 'matter', 'european', 'treaty', 'danger', 'passed', 'away', 'expulsion', 'certain', 'article', 'alexander', 'powell', 'entitled', 'balkan', 'union', 'turkey', 'american', 'review', 'review', 'november', 'following', 'statement', 'appears', 'turk', 'win', 'struggle', 'obtained', 'free', 'hand', 'concluding', 'peace', 'italy', 'probable', 'win', 'lose', 'compelled', 'macedonia', 'decent', 'government', 'certain', 'sooner', 'later', 'driven', 'bosporus', 'good', 'inevitable', 'view', 'apparent', 'certainty', 'turkish', 'power', 'eventually', 'forced', 'europe', 'involving', 'complication', 'foreseen', 'european', 'statesman', 'eastern_question', 'grave', 'import', 'beginning', 'half', 'told', 'follow', 'expulsion', 'turk', 'europe', 'final', 'destruction', 'holy', 'land', 'whole_question', 'clearly', 'outlined', 'prophetic_word', 'departure', 'turk', 'europe', 'constitutes', 'sign', 'marking', 'approach', 'great_day', 'lord', 'beginning', 'reign', 'prince', 'peace', 'turkey', 'end', 'andross', 'vol', 'stern', 'question', 'supreme', 'importance', 'god', 'rule', 'affair', 'men', 'god', 'world', 'thing', 'nation', 'men', 'dwell', 'face', 'earth', 'having', 'determined', 'appointed', 'season', 'bound', 'habitation', 'act', 'god', 'wisdom', 'produced', 'human', 'race', 'man', 'providence', 'scattered', 'face', 'earth', 'wisdom', 'goodness', 'appointed', 'family', 'nation', 'particular', 'place', 'having', 'determined', 'marked', 'boundary', 'dwelling', 'place', 'set', 'proper_time', 'residence', 'god', 'known', 'prophet', 'rise', 'fall', 'nation', 'instance', 'having', 'revealed', 'exact', 'time', 'rise', 'period', 'continuance', 'given', 'power', 'succeed', 'remember', 'thing', 'old', 'god', 'god', 'like', 'declaring', 'end', 'beginning', 'ancient_times', 'thing', 'saying', 'counsel', 'shall', 'stand', 'pleasure', 'calling', 'ravenous', 'bird', 'east', 'man', 'executeth', 'counsel', 'far', 'country', 'yea', 'spoken', 'bring', 'pas', 'purposed', 'isa', 'lord', 'particularly', 'revealed', 'event', 'importance', 'place', 'nation', 'earth', 'near', 'end', 'time', 'said', 'behold', 'thee', 'know', 'shall', 'end', 'indignation', 'time', 'appointed', 'hebrew', 'cooed', 'fixed', 'time', 'season', 'end', 'shall', 'dan', 'introductory', 'prophecy', 'eleventh', 'chapter', 'verse', 'twelfth', 'chapter', 'book', 'daniel', 'angel', 'revealed', 'prophet', 'thing', 'befall', 'nation', 'earth', 'people', 'god', 'day', 'beginning', 'day', 'prophet', 'history', 'nation', 'traced', 'time', 'kingdom', 'world', 'kingdom', 'lord', 'christ', 'concluding', 'reflection', 'bishop', 'newton', 'prophecy', 'point', 'proper', 'stand', 'little', 'reflect', 'particular', 'circumstantial', 'prophecy', 'concise', 'comprehensive', 'regular', 'account', 'king', 'affair', 'author', 'time', 'prophecy', 'perfect', 'history', 'declare', 'time', 'season', 'hath', 'own_power', 'kingdom', 'medium', 'persia', 'year', 'darius', 'mede', 'stood', 'confirm', 'strengthen', 'thee', 'truth', 'behold', 'shall', 'stand', 'king', 'persia', 'fourth', 'shall', 'far', 'richer', 'strength', 'rich', 'shall', 'stir', 'realm', 'grecia', 'following', 'darius', 'king', 'referred', 'cambyses', 'smerdis', 'darius', 'hystaspes', 'came', 'fourth', 'xerxes', 'led', 'army', 'half', 'million', 'greece', 'alexander', 'mighty', 'king', 'mighty', 'king', 'shall', 'stand', 'shall', 'rule', 'great', 'dominion', 'according', 'continued', 'page', 'gigno', 'mea']
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root - INFO - extracting file #158000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19141222-V41-50-page4.txt
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'fined', 'defendant', 'remitted', 'cost', 'caused', 'burgess', 'remark', 'magistrate', 'help', 'people', 'evade', 'law', 'quick', 'flash', 'came', 'magistrate', 'clarke', 'remark', 'far', 'like', 'burgess', 'case', 'keeper', 'store', 'sold', 'ice_cream', 'chief', 'witness', 'testified', 'entered', 'store', 'asked', 'clerk', 'store', 'open', 'business', 'receiving', 'reply', 'affirmative', 'witness', 'testified', 'preached', 'little', 'sermon', 'man', 'witness', 'testified', 'man', 'clergyman', 'naming', 'accompanied', 'store', 'said', 'visit', 'church_service', 'earned', 'money', 'refused', 'right', 'attorney', 'dannehower', 'turned', 'witness', 'asked', 'sing', 'church', 'choir', 'sunday', 'paid', 'witness', 'replied', 'court', 'decided', 'violation', 'law', 'considered', 'necessity', 'attorney', 'said', 'true', 'admit', 'earned', 'money', 'sunday', 'spying', 'people', 'trying', 'earn', 'living', 'purpose', 'getting', 'difficulty', 'witness', 'said', 'case', 'attorney', 'replied', 'absolutely', 'want', 'court', 'know', 'kind', 'man', 'witness', 'angry', 'retorted', 'loudly', 'wife', 'sings', 'church', 'choir', 'sunday', 'smilingly', 'attorney', 'said', 'yes', 'proud', 'sings', 'choir', 'doe', 'spying', 'people', 'selfish', 'attends', 'own_business', 'great', 'deal', 'feeling', 'engendered', 'fact', 'burgess', 'discriminated', 'prosecution', 'sunday', 'law', 'violation', 'having', 'said', 'occasion', 'burgess', 'use', 'own_judgment', 'shall', 'prosecuted', 'shall', 'business_men', 'association', 'interesting', 'development', 'expected', 'near_future', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'issue', 'following', 'meeting', 'altoona', 'ministerial', 'association', 'crusade', 'socalled', 'sunday', 'law', 'violator', 'begun', 'minister', 'association', 'seeking', 'altoona', 'newspaperless', 'center', 'newsagent', 'preparing', 'defeat', 'work', 'ministerial', 'association', 'official', 'philadelphia', 'new', 'york', 'newspaper', 'pittsburgh', 'paper', 'previously', 'informed', 'local', 'news', 'agent', 'assist', 'fighting', 'preacher', 'business', 'molested', 'fight', 'taken', 'men', 'declare', 'remain', 'minister', 'ridiculous', 'country', 'court', 'decision', 'handed', 'setting', 'forth', 'sunday', 'newspaper', 'continued', 'page', 'sign', 'time', 'december', 'enforcing', 'religious', 'lai', 'work', 'belongs', 'middle', 'age', 'protestant', 'minister', 'pushing', 'catholic', 'priest', 'denounces', 'horton', 'interesting', 'situation', 'developing', 'state', 'pennsylvania', 'present_time', 'connection', 'enforcement', 'sunday', 'blue', 'law', 'city', 'keystone', 'state', 'norristown', 'altoona', 'treated', 'espionage', 'keeping', 'medievalism', 'celebrated', 'holy', 'inquisition', 'dark', 'age', 'norristown', 'noted', 'largest', 'burg', 'united', 'state', 'having', 'population', 'thirty', 'thousand', 'unincorporated', 'municipal', 'commonwealth', 'fined', 'working', 'sunday', 'behest', 'welfare', 'league', 'burgess', 'norristown', 'committing', 'magistrate', 'community', 'called', 'arraign', 'business_men', 'public', 'criminal', 'charge', 'violation', 'sunday', 'law', 'celebrated', 'blue', 'law', 'obliged', 'pay', 'fine', 'cost', 'prosecution', 'discharged', 'held', 'await', 'hearing', 'vice_president', 'league', 'prominent', 'church', 'worker', 'appeared', 'prosecutor', 'case', 'william', 'dannehower', 'local', 'attorney', 'represented', 'defendant', 'case', 'peter', 'nemphos', 'employee', 'conduct', 'candy', 'store', 'star', 'witness', 'testified', 'lcoking', 'store', 'owned', 'defendant', 'sunday', 'night', 'preceding', 'saw', 'man', 'purchase', 'candy', 'crossexamination', 'witness', 'admitted', 'taking', 'walk', 'purpose', 'seeing', 'violating', 'sunday', 'law', 'witness', 'testified', 'gone', 'defendant', 'store', 'purpose', 'buying', 'chocolate', 'saw', 'young_woman', 'purchase', 'drink', 'later', 'purchased', 'cent', 'worth', 'candy', 'witness', 'broken', 'law', 'witness', 'response', 'question', 'attorney', 'defense', 'said', 'expect', 'paid', 'work', 'securing', 'evidence', 'asked', 'attorney', 'think', 'violating', 'law', 'making', 'purchase', 'sunday', 'witness', 'said', 'violating', 'law', 'expect', 'fined', 'saying', 'violating', 'law', 'mean', 'violating', 'law', 'god', 'burgess', 'adjudged', 'storekeeper', 'guilty', 'imposed', 'fine', 'cost', 'attorney', 'defense', 'charged', 'burgess', 'acting', 'illegally', 'saying', 'burgess', 'jurisdiction', 'prosecution', 'decided', 'court', 'common', 'plea', 'judge', 'newman', 'directed', 'burgess', 'jurisdiction', 'such_cases', 'decision', 'questioned', 'burgess', 'replied', 'notice', 'store', 'kept', 'open', 'sunday', 'charge', 'offender', 'violating', 'sunday', 'law', 'conspiracy', 'evade', 'law', 'case', 'adjudged', 'guilty', 'druggist', 'star', 'witness', 'aforesaid', 'vice_president', 'welfare', 'league', 'testified', 'standing', 'defendant', 'store', 'going', 'church', 'sunday', 'evening', 'seen', 'men', 'purchase', 'cigar', 'seen', 'clerk', 'cash', 'attorney', 'dannehower', 'called', 'magistrate', 'fourth', 'ward', 'stand', 'showed', 'docket', 'defendant', 'arraigned', 'previous', 'fore', 'pape']
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root - INFO - extracting file #159000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19180806-V45-31-page16.txt
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'travel', 'southern', 'california', 'earnest', 'devout', 'person', 'believe', 'immediate', 'second', 'coming', 'lord', 'doctrine', 'color', 'thinking', 'control', 'action', 'minister', 'layman', 'denomination', 'bible', 'institute', 'cardinal', 'teaching', 'theologizing', 'eschatology', 'bulk', 'larger', 'social', 'ethic', 'practical', 'religion', 'prophecy', 'daniel', 'revelation', 'john', 'engage', 'attention', 'student', 'exclusion', 'social', 'gospel', 'watch', 'tower', 'reporter', 'middle', 'west', 'evidently', 'writing', 'neighborhood', 'chicago', 'question', 'coming', 'christ', 'live', 'hereabouts', 'asked', 'practically', 'general', 'gathering', 'congregational', 'interdenominational', 'raised', 'church', 'minister', 'union', 'discussed', 'question', 'pro', 'reporter', 'middle', 'west', 'tell', 'sermon', 'preached', 'leading', 'doctor', 'divinity', 'influential', 'church', 'denomination', 'chicago', 'suburb', 'report', 'indicates', 'profound', 'stirred', 'question', 'church_member', 'large_number', 'insisting', 'knowing', 'bible', 'teach', 'important', 'theme', 'minister', 'known', 'nation', 'world', 'recently', 'convened', 'prophetic', 'conference', 'philadelphia', 'convention', 'reported', 'column', 'paper', 'devout', 'ministry', 'laity', 'denomination', 'stirred', 'question', 'studying', 'eagerly', 'clearer', 'bible', 'promise', 'christ', 'come', 'second', 'time', 'cloud', 'heaven', 'power', 'great_glory', 'god', 'spirit', 'accompanies', 'promise', 'word', 'spirit', 'impressing', 'great_truth', 'mind', 'men', 'day', 'event', 'near', 'hand', 'know', 'divine', 'book', 'god', 'impressing', 'men', 'order', 'shall', 'turn', 'salvation', 'freely', 'offer', 'seen', 'second', 'coming', 'christ', 'theme', 'cluster', 'engage', 'attention', 'men', 'shown', 'verse', 'twent', 'fourth', 'chapter', 'matthew', 'christ', 'asked', 'concerning', 'coming', 'opening', 'word', 'answering', 'question', 'heed', 'man', 'deceive', 'shall', 'come', 'saying', 'christ', 'shall', 'deceive', 'matthew', 'deceived', 'master', 'warns', 'course', 'pursued', 'avoid', 'deception', 'study', 'god', 'word', 'teaching', 'seek', 'personally', 'guidance', 'god', 'spirit', 'know', 'truth', 'concerning', 'great', 'theme', 'follow', 'god', 'plan', 'individually', 'anchor', 'god', 'word', 'anchor', 'wisest', 'teacher', 'matter', 'profound', 'scholarship', 'appear', 'living', 'word', 'guide', 'western', 'newspaper', 'union', 'god', 'spirit', 'supreme', 'teacher', 'minister', 'help', 'fellow_men', 'convey', 'god', 'light', 'truth', 'divine', 'book', 'inaccurate', 'quotation', 'issue', 'june', 'page', 'quoted', 'john', 'thompson', 'secretary', 'city', 'missionary', 'church', 'extension', 'society', 'having', 'said', 'men', 'die', 'battle_field', 'professing', 'christian', 'saved', 'men', 'opinion', 'truly', 'dying', 'mankind', 'jesus_christ', 'brother', 'fleming', 'methodist', 'minister', 'writing', 'chicago', 'present', 'meeting', 'heard', 'said', 'thompson', 'thompson', 'use', 'language', 'mouth', 'theis', 'fact', 'speaker', 'minister', 'preceding', 'thompson', 'use', 'language', 'somewhat', 'like', 'statement', 'credit', 'thompson', 'thompson', 'spoke', 'called', 'attention', 'word', 'man', 'declared', 'men', 'die', 'battle_field', 'opinion', 'truly', 'dying', 'mankind', 'jesus_christ', 'gladly', 'print', 'statement', 'attendant', 'meeting', 'question', 'eminent', 'corroborator', 'liquor', 'country', 'frequently', 'quoting', 'called', 'doctor', 'scientist', 'favorable', 'use', 'alcoholic_liquors', 'claim', 'drink', 'good', 'long', 'moderate', 'quantity', 'word', 'question', 'spoken', 'arthur', 'dean', 'bevan', 'president', 'american_medical_association', 'stirring', 'address', 'chicago', 'week', 'seven', 'thousand', 'doctor', 'declared', 'liquor', 'business', 'outlawed', 'political', 'measure', 'important', 'health', 'measure', 'secured', 'idle', 'hope', 'leading', 'address', 'given', 'bible', 'conference', 'return', 'lord', 'rev', 'sutchliffe', 'moody', 'bible', 'institute', 'chicago', 'theme', 'god', 'program', 'nation', 'affirmed', 'idle', 'hope', 'league', 'nation', 'bring', 'universal_peace', 'futhermore', 'expressed', 'conviction', 'international', 'court', 'arbitration', 'fail', 'thes', 'ethings', 'come', 'pas', 'book', 'god', 'true', 'robert', 'dollar', 'prominent', 'pacific_coast', 'shipbuilder', 'experience', 'dealing', 'chinese', 'people', 'word', 'chinese', 'merchant', 'banker', 'given', 'reliance', 'placed', 'forfeited', 'worthy', 'reputation', 'nation', 'posse', 'representative', 'professing', 'christian_nations', 'careful', 'maintain', 'high_standard']
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root - INFO - extracting file #160000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/ST19191216-V46-49-page11.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #161000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19080818-V02-30-page2.txt
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'calmly', 'disturb', 'hermit', 'cave', 'heart', 'busy', 'life', 'test', 'character', 'live', 'patiently', 'lovingly', 'cheerfully', 'amid', 'fret', 'irritation', 'day', 'day', 'year', 'year', 'grander', 'heroism', 'farthest', 'famed', 'military', 'exploit', 'ruleth', 'spirit', 'better', 'taketh', 'city', 'accomplished', 'continual', 'help', 'christ', 'battle', 'personal', 'decline', 'struggle', 'declining', 'joy', 'victory', 'reach', 'summit', 'climbing', 'steep', 'mountain', 'path', 'borne', 'strong', 'shout', 'der', 'god', 'carry', 'heaven', 'doe', 'feature', 'beauty', 'life', 'jeweler', 'set', 'gem', 'cluster', 'coronet', 'unlovely', 'element', 'removed', 'replaced', 'lovely', 'like', 'slide', 'stereopticon', 'win', 'way', 'struggle', 'effort', 'noble', 'attainment', 'help', 'god', 'given', 'operation', 'human', 'aspiration', 'energy', 'god', 'work', 'work', 'own_salvation', 'overcometh', 'shall', 'pillar', 'temple', 'god', 'accept', 'task', 'quiet', 'joy', 'shall', 'fail', 'time', 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root - INFO - extracting file #162000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19111026-V05-43-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #163500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19150722-V09-29-page1.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #164000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/SUW19161019-V10-41-page1.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #170000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18620201-V10-02-page7.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #171000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18820111-V30-02-page3.txt
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'commandment', 'god', 'tradition', 'god', 'commanded', 'saying', 'honor', 'thy', 'father', 'mother', 'curseth', 'father', 'mother', 'let', 'die', 'death', 'whosoever', 'shall', 'father', 'mother', 'gift', 'whatsoever', 'thou', 'mightest', 'profited', 'honor', 'father', 'mother', 'shall', 'free', 'commandment', 'god', 'effect', 'tradition', 'hypocrite', 'esaias', 'prophesy', 'saying', 'people', 'draweth', 'nigh', 'unto', 'mouth', 'honoreth', 'lip', 'heart', 'far', 'vain', 'worship', 'teaching', 'doctrine', 'commandment', 'men', 'lord', 'went', 'eat', 'bad', 'evil', 'thought', 'word', 'deed', 'corrupt', 'jesus', 'went', 'departed', 'coast', 'tyre', 'sidon', 'behold', 'woman', 'canaan', 'came', 'coast', 'cried', 'unto', 'saying', 'mercy', 'lord', 'thou', 'son', 'david', 'daughter', 'grievously', 'vexed', 'devil', 'answered', 'word', 'disciple', 'came', 'besought', 'saying', 'send', 'away', 'crieth', 'answered', 'said', 'sent', 'unto', 'lost', 'sheep', 'house', 'israel', 'came', 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'foreign', 'nation', 'religion', 'sect', 'convert', 'twofold', 'child', 'hell', 'twice', 'bad', 'child', 'hell', 'hebrew', 'phrase', 'signifying', 'deserving', 'hell', 'awfully', 'wicked', 'barnes', 'lawyer', 'doe', 'mean', 'practiced', 'law', 'men', 'skilled', 'learned', 'law', 'moses', 'known', 'way', 'lawyer', 'differed', 'scribe', 'pharisee', 'sadducee', 'note']
root - INFO - extracting file #171500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18840514-V32-20-page3.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #172000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI18861020-V34-41-page3.txt
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'murmuring', 'parable', 'lost', 'sheep', 'lost', 'piece', 'money', 'doe', 'shepherd', 'sheep', 'strayed', 'flock', 'verse', 'meant', 'illustrate', 'jesus', 'time', 'mission', 'earth', 'luke', 'called', 'forth', 'remark', 'verse', 'doe', 'shepherd', 'the_youth', 'instructor', 'heart', 'fear', 'repetetion', 'idle', 'repetition', 'teach', 'truth', 'teach', 'selected', 'covered', 'white', 'spot', 'similar', 'character', 'araucarian', 'shell', 'cast', 'shell', 'chilian', 'crab', 'remains', 'white', 'dry', 'weather', 'approach', 'moist', 'weather', 'small', 'red', 'spot', 'grow', 'moisture', 'increase', 'time', 'ram', 'fall', 'shell', 'entirely', 'red', 'simply', 'case', 'change', 'color', 'change', 'moisture', 'absorbed', 'infrequent', 'known', 'chemist', 'barometric', 'artificial', 'flower', 'rage', 'especially', 'paris', 'year', 'ago', 'principle', 'substance', 'saturated', 'change', 'color', 'change', 'moisture', 'contain', 'curious', 'natural', 'barometer', 'geometrical', 'net', 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'consul', 'wounded', 'russian', 'consul', 'seriously', 'hurt', 'grievance', 'power', 'french', 'cruiser', 'gone', 'jiddah', 'support', 'british', 'ship', 'england', 'france', 'supported', 'turkey', 'russia', 'join', 'russia', 'threatening', 'attitude', 'turkey', 'startling', 'development', 'expected', 'time', 'death', 'secretary', 'gresham', 'walter', 'gresham', 'secretary', 'state', 'united', 'state', 'died', 'home', 'washington', 'clock', 'secretary', 'ill', 'time', 'known', 'danger', 'death', 'generally', 'unexpected', 'probably', 'men', 'better', 'known', 'country', 'judge', 'gresham', 'prominently', 'people', 'year', 'holding', 'important', 'office', 'military', 'civil_affairs', 'rising', 'high', 'responsible', 'position', 'secretary', 'state', 'peace', 'war', 'discharging', 'duty', 'conscientious', 'fearlessness', 'won', 'respect', 'party', 'admiration', 'world', 'born', 'harrison', 'county', 'indiana', 'march', 'year', 'old', 'time', 'death', 'farmer', 'boy', 'gained', 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'general', 'spain', 'greatly', 'stirred', 'success', 'rebel', 'failure', 'campos', 'end', 'war', 'spanish', 'chamber', 'deputy', 'republican', 'member', 'asked', 'free', 'discussion', 'spanish', 'cuban', 'affair', 'resolution', 'offered', 'effect', 'rejected', 'vote', 'thirty', 'nineteen', 'hope', 'free', 'discussion', 'spain', 'hope', 'spain', 'change', 'sentiment', 'spain', 'good', 'deal', 'bourbon', 'forgets', 'learns', 'historian', 'buckley', 'proud', 'ought', 'ashamed', 'people', 'bound', 'body', 'soul', 'catholic_church', 'nation', 'advance', 'people', 'weaned', 'superstition', 'ready', 'forward']
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'led', 'pray', 'heard', 'missionary', 'called', 'smith', 'writer', 'hasty', 'farewell', 'wharf', 'singapore', 'thought', 'shall', 'adopted', 'father', 'mother', 'cried', 'god', 'distress', 'proved', 'man', 'extremity', 'god', 'opportunity', 'day', 'crouching', 'friendly', 'corner', 'street', 'thinking', 'trouble', 'postman', 'approached', 'handed', 'song', 'liang', 'post', 'card', 'dated', 'padang', 'sumatra', 'hastily', 'read', 'learned', 'reached', 'place', 'like', 'joyful', 'heart', 'rushed', 'home', 'inform', 'wife', 'good_news', 'best', 'friend', 'earth', 'despaired', 'seeing', 'padang', 'nearly', 'month', 'called', 'come', 'clown', 'help', 'work', 'resigned', 'situation', 'hospital', 'pawning', 'article', 'clothing', 'managed', 'raise', 'money', 'pay', 'way', 'padang', 'distance', 'mile', 'rail', 'day', 'start', 'bicycle', 'vehicle', 'drove', 'jumped', 'chinese', 'boy', 'changed', 'year', 'seen', 'countenance', 'sunny', 'smile', 'greeted', 'yore', 'family', 'acquaintance', 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root - INFO - extracting file #175000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19030507-V51-17-page4.txt
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'good', 'mary', 'albright', 'thought', 'help', 'kind', 'missionary', 'writes', 'sweet', 'read', 'kingdom', 'ruleth', 'lead', 'easy', 'life', 'hardly', 'know', 'appropriate', 'promise', 'risk', 'life', 'test', 'come', 'begin', 'believe', 'act', 'promise', 'hour', 'need', 'know', 'flora', 'plummer', 'bozeman', 'montana', 'shortly', 'opening', 'conference', 'intermediate', 'school', 'bozeman', 'montana', 'september', 'number', 'young_people', 'place', 'met', 'form', 'missionary_society', 'purpose', 'finally', 'organize', 'regular', 'young_people', 'society', 'order', 'mistake', 'occurs', 'letting', 'form', 'machinery', 'organization', 'place', 'actual', 'work', 'thought', 'best', 'form', 'missionary', 'band', 'started', 'actual', 'work', 'let', 'minutia', 'organization', 'follow', 'needed', 'thing', 'look', 'work', 'lay_plans', 'active_part', 'decided', 'tract', 'work', 'good', 'line', 'begin', 'way', 'come', 'contact', 'people', 'acquainted', 'leader', 'chosen', 'supervision', 'work', 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'writes', 'terrible', 'condition', 'failure', 'rice', 'crop', 'place', 'people', 'desperate', 'perilous', 'travel', 'province', 'midst', 'danger', 'clearly', 'question', 'hint', 'given', 'different', 'member', 'answered', 'meeting', 'memory', 'angel', 'message', 'extent', 'proclamation', 'message', 'world', 'prove', 'professed', 'christian_world', 'departed', 'angel', 'message', 'directed', 'meant', 'worship', 'beast', 'image', 'mark', 'great', 'controversy', 'chapter', 'xxv', 'receives', 'mark', 'recorded', 'commandment', 'god', 'faith', 'jesus', 'mark', 'seal', 'receive', 'indiana', 'addition', 'report', 'indiana', 'society', 'recently', 'published', 'received', 'society', 'winamac', 'eighteen', 'member', 'dollar', 'collected', 'member', 'work', 'society', 'instrucron', 'lesson', 'meeting', 'member', 'engaged', 'christian', 'help', 'work', 'secretary', 'writes', 'good_courage', 'meeting', 'lesson', 'indianapolis', 'society', 'eighteen', 'member', 'having', 'added', 'quarter', 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'home', 'maker', 'case', 'step', 'rusty', 'nail', 'tack', 'pin', 'set', 'foot', 'basin', 'kerosene', 'save', 'doctor', 'suffering', 'toughness', 'pineapple', 'entirely', 'eliminated', 'slicing', 'fruit', 'stem', 'blossom', 'end', 'instead', 'core', 'prevent', 'bug', 'eating', 'cucumber', 'vine', 'plant', 'stalk', 'garlic', 'cucumber', 'hill', 'bother', 'plant', 'prevent', 'smoking', 'lamp', 'soak', 'wick', 'strong', 'vinegar', 'dry', 'burn', 'sweet', 'pleasant', 'cooky', 'burning', 'turn', 'baking', 'pan', 'upside', 'bake', 'pan', 'way', 'mutton', 'tallow', 'white', 'chalk', 'blended', 'bound', 'finger', 'sure', 'cure', 'runaround', 'excellent', 'remedy', 'felon', 'applied', 'started', 'place', 'pin', 'button', 'sew', 'holding', 'thread', 'pin', 'removed', 'button', 'close', 'cloth', 'wrap', 'thread', 'time', 'stem', 'formed', 'button', 'stay', 'long', 'garment']
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root - INFO - extracting file #179000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19101011-V58-41-page4.txt
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'man', 'talent', 'education', 'majority', 'room', 'member', 'day', 'association', 'million', 'strong', 'man', 'winner', 'men', 'original', 'member', 'association', 'won', 'hour', 'prayer', 'faithful', 'witnessing', 'old_man', 'eighty', 'said', 'friend', 'mott', 'thrown', 'man', 'speak', 'jesus', 'christ', 'sir', 'george', 'true', 'winner', 'men', 'question', 'victory', 'sin', 'leading', 'victorious', 'life', 'normal', 'christian_life', 'blessed', 'life', 'blessed', 'poor', 'spirit', 'blessed', 'pure', 'heart', 'blessed', 'hunger', 'thirst', 'righteousness', 'poor', 'spirit', 'condition', 'advance', 'blessing', 'christian_life', 'humility', 'spirit', 'heaven', 'spirit', 'jesus', 'blessed', 'pure', 'heart', 'shall', 'god', 'word', 'daily_life', 'life', 'men', 'shall', 'ascend', 'hill', 'lord', 'shall', 'stand', 'holy', 'place', 'bath', 'clean', 'hand', 'pure_heart', 'bring', 'captivity', 'thought', 'obedience', 'christ', 'man', 'cleanse', 'shall', 'vessel', 'unto', 'honor', 'ready', 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'meant', 'kind', 'solace', 'requiem', 'soul', 'journey', 'land', 'jas', 'gale', 'korean', 'sketch', 'horror', 'foreigner', 'yangin', 'men', 'sea', 'time', 'immemorial', 'weather', 'worn', 'tablet', 'stand', 'roadside', 'essence', 'marked', 'meet', 'foreigner', 'kill', 'let', 'traitor', 'country', 'speaks', 'korea', 'lay', 'murderous', 'tradition', 'day', 'bear', 'foreigner', 'signing', 'treaty', 'year', 'progress', 'tin', 'young_people', 'work', 'going', 'world', 'carrying', 'blessing', 'train', 'prophetic', 'word', 'uttered', 'year', 'ago', 'worker', 'wide', 'experience', 'rapidly', 'history', 'year', 'passed', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'day', 'young_people', 'movement', 'grown', 'stronger', 'home', 'land', 'region', 'entered', 'new', 'mission', 'field', 'day', 'missionary', 'volunteer', 'society', 'membership', 'nearly', 'thousand', 'aside', 'large_number', 'junior', 'society', 'general', 'awakening', 'fact', 'lord', 'appointed', 'the_youth', 'helping', 'hand', 'giving', 'advent_message', 'world', 'generation', 'young_people', 'organized', 'service', 'powerful', 'factor', 'prosecution', 'work', 'morning_watch', 'superhuman', 'task', 'helping', 'gospel', 'world', 'generation', 'youth', 'superhuman', 'power', 'literature', 'needed', 'tell', 'world', 'gospel', 'far', 'greater', 'need', 'life', 'demonstrate', 'saving', 'power', 'realization', 'fact', 'led', 'morning_watch', 'plan', 'past', 'clearly', 'men', 'woman', 'life', 'demonstrated', 'clearly', 'world', 'saving', 'power', 'gospel', 'men', 'woman', 'prayer', 'men', 'woman', 'turned', 'aside', 'world', 'busy', 'mart', 'god', 'morning_watch', 'plan', 'begin', 'day', 'prayer', 'doubtless', 'faithful', 'observance', 'morning_watch', 'thing', 'establish', 'individual', 'heaven', 'unbroken', 'communion', 'secret', 'right_living', 'successful', 'soul', 'winning', 'thousand', 'young_people', 'testify', 'morning_watch', 'plan', 'helping', 'form', 'habit', 'daily', 'secret', 'prayer', 'personal', 'bible', 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root - INFO - extracting file #182000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19140721-V62-29-page10.txt
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'answer', 'day', 'started', 'pony', 'food', 'box', 'containing', 'missionary', 'food', 'kind', 'canned', 'good', 'america', 'strapped', 'saddle', 'cot', 'bedding', 'went', 'pony', 'came', 'korean', 'chair', 'framework', 'structure', 'carried', 'korean', 'men', 'floor', 'missionary', 'sat', 'rode', 'bible', 'woman', 'ride', 'traveled', 'mile', 'different', 'village', 'containing', 'christian', 'community', 'stopping', 'place', 'night', 'preached', 'word', 'late', 'hour', 'night', 'crowd', 'waiting', 'woman', 'eager', 'hear', 'merely', 'curious', 'attentive', 'day', 'come', 'morning', 'greeting', 'hostess', 'altogether', 'difficult', 'work', 'chair', 'chairman', 'today', 'village', 'altogether', 'lacking', 'ala', 'true', 'missionary', 'refusing', 'invitation', 'tarry', 'day', 'chair', 'chairman', 'return', 'decided', 'walk', 'mile', 'meeting', 'place', 'bible', 'woman', 'quiet', 'led', 'way', 'mile', 'mile', 'mile', 'long', 'way', 'thought', 'missionary', 'mile', 'seven', 'mile', 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'sent', 'missionary', 'world', 'let', 'note', 'definite', 'point', 'museum', 'world', 'enriched', 'missionary', 'contribution', 'plant', 'animal_life', 'product', 'distant_lands', 'useful', 'drug', 'medicine', 'quinin', 'world', 'owes', 'discovery', 'missionary', 'south', 'america', 'african', 'rubber', 'discovered', 'missionary', 'khaki', 'dye', 'soldier', 'uniform', 'missionary', 'west', 'coast', 'africa', 'missionary', 'information', 'far', 'interior', 'africa', 'given', 'world', 'accurate', 'geographical', 'knowledge', 'land', 'person', 'combined', 'missionary', 'expanded', 'world', 'commerce', 'trade', 'fiji', 'island', 'year', 'entire', 'spent', 'fifty', 'year', 'christianizing', 'english', 'statesman', 'estimated', 'missionary', 'year', 'field', 'worth', 'indirect', 'expansion', 'trade', 'commerce', 'thousand', 'pound', 'year', 'british', 'commerce', 'nineteenth', 'century', 'missionary', 'reduced', 'writing', 'time', 'nineteen', 'spoken', 'language', 'purpose', 'bible', 'translation', 'bishop', 'patterson', 'gave', 'written', 'form', 'melanesian', 'language', 'grammar', 'thirteen']
root - INFO - extracting file #182500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19150302-V63-09-page13.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #183000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19151019-V63-42-page8.txt
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'servant', 'pharaoh', 'released', 'finally', 'brought', 'joseph', 'attention', 'pharaoh', 'time', 'pharaoh', 'needed', 'help', 'joseph', 'interpreting', 'dream', 'result', 'interpreting', 'dream', 'joseph', 'prime_minister', 'egypt', 'famine', 'predicted', 'enabled', 'save', 'life', 'father', 'brother', 'god', 'people', 'defeat', 'devil', 'attempt', 'destroy', 'righteous', 'line', 'protect', 'people', 'famine', 'god', 'brought', 'egypt', 'placed', 'land', 'goshen', 'satan', 'attempted', 'destroy', 'joseph', 'death', 'king', 'came', 'throne', 'knew', 'joseph', 'satan', 'decree', 'male', 'child', 'israelite', 'killed', 'time', 'moses', 'born', 'miraculously', 'protected', 'death', 'discovered', 'floating', 'water', 'pharaoh', 'daughter', 'adopted', 'educated', 'heir', 'kingdom', 'egypt', 'seeing', 'god', 'deliver', 'israel', 'raising', 'moses', 'accomplish', 'work', 'satan', 'attempted', 'moses', 'life', 'failed', 'moses', 'fled', 'away', 'face', 'pharaoh', 'land', 'midian', 'remained', 'forty_years', 'gaining', 'preparation', 'mighty', 'work', 'jehovah', 'deliverance', 'people', 'great_battle', 'pharaoh', 'court', 'god', 'ready', 'deliver', 'people', 'hand', 'moses', 'force', 'satan', 'force', 'god', 'met', 'great_struggle', 'court', 'pharaoh', 'satan', 'pharaoh', 'resisted', 'utmost', 'purpose', 'god', 'deliver', 'people', 'victory', 'rested', 'lord', 'hand', 'moses', 'led', 'people', 'egypt', 'outstretched', 'arm', 'satan', 'angry', 'victory', 'moved', 'pharaoh', 'final', 'attempt', 'destroy', 'god', 'people', 'face', 'earth', 'great_army', 'egypt', 'pursued', 'israelite', 'completely', 'annihilated', 'water', 'red_sea', 'trial', 'brought', 'satan', 'wilderness', 'moved', 'rebel', 'god', 'set', 'golden', 'calf', 'worship', 'intermarry', 'heathen', 'people', 'brought', 'warfare', 'number', 'nation', 'oppose', 'progress', 'promised_land', 'finally', 'brought', 'land', 'canaan', 'established', 'inheritance', 'established', 'overcome', 'strong', 'opposition', 'idolatrous', 'nation', 'satan', 'established', 'land', 'settled', 'land', 'satan', 'led', 'away', 'god', 'captivity', 'nation', 'time', 'finally', 'rejected', 'god', 'asking', 'king', 'rule', 'setting', 'lead', 'god', 'consented', 'request', 'gave', 'king', 'satan', 'corrupted', 'king', 'allegiance', 'god', 'saul', 'rejected', 'king', 'lord', 'chose', 'david', 'king', 'david', 'anointed', 'satan', 'tried', 'hard', 'destroy', 'god', 'established', 'kingdom', 'gave', 'signal', 'success', 'war', 'god', 'promised', 'establish', 'kingdom', 'forever', 'want', 'man', 'sit', 'throne', 'god', 'kingdom', 'grows', 'reign', 'king', 'david', 'principle', 'kingdom', 'god', 'widely', 'extended', 'kingdom', 'earth', 'flourished', 'david', 'died', 'solomon', 'son', 'succeeded', 'throne', 'reign', 'kingdom', 'crowned', 'glory', 'built', 'great', 'temple', 'jerusalem', 'established', 'worship', 'true', 'god', 'city', 'draw', 'jerusalem', 'wrath', 'satan', 'planned', 'corrupt', 'worship', 'god', 'possible', 'destroy', 'temple', 'city', 'satan', 'succeeded', 'winning', 'solomon', 'service', 'king', 'idolater', 'departed', 'god', 'died', 'rehoboam', 'son', 'succeeded', 'throne', 'kingdom', 'divided', 'kingdom', 'jeroboam', 'son', 'nebat', 'king', 'israel', 'consisted', 'tribe', 'rehoboam', 'king', 'judah', 'composed', 'tribe', 'judah', 'remnant', 'tribe', 'benjamin', 'kingdom', 'israel', 'won', 'standard', 'satan', 'outset', 'establishment', 'idolatry', 'king', 'jeroboam', 'king', 'israel', 'evil_men', 'condition', 'constantly', 'grew', 'worse', 'tribe', 'finally', 'kingdom', 'entirely', 'overthrown', 'assyrian', 'land', 'shinar', 'removed', 'israelite', 'own_land', 'scattered', 'nation', 'god', 'kingdom', 'wane', 'kingdom', 'judah', 'learned', 'lesson', 'fate', 'kingdom', 'israel', 'king', 'judah', 'idolater', 'people', 'departed', 'greatly', 'law', 'god', 'condition', 'finally', 'bad', 'kingdom', 'judah', 'taken', 'captive', 'satan', 'kingdom', 'babylon', 'city', 'jerusalem', 'burned', 'temple', 'destroyed', 'vessel', 'taken', 'babylon', 'placed', 'temple', 'god', 'babylon', 'great_number', 'people', 'exiled', 'babylon', 'period', 'seventy_years', 'kingdom', 'god', 'earth', 'completely', 'destroyed', 'kingdom', 'satan', 'satan', 'triumphant', 'particular', 'god', 'people', 'captive', 'heart', 'kingdom', 'god', 'worship', 'service']
root - INFO - extracting file #183500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19160606-V64-23-page11.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #184000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19170123-V65-04-page3.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #184500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19170911-V65-37-page5.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #185000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19180507-V66-19-page14.txt
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root - INFO - extracting file #185500: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19181224-V66-52-page4.txt
root - INFO - extracting file #186000: 2017-04-Final-Corpus/YI19190805-V67-31-page9.txt
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In [ ]: